Wages: a Working Conditions and Industrial Relations Perspective
Wages: A working conditions and industrial relations perspective Background paper Click for contents Wyattville Road, Loughlinstown, Dublin 18, Ireland. - Tel: (+353 1) 204 31 00 - Fax: 282 42 09 / 282 64 56 email: information@eurofound.europa.eu - website: www.eurofound.europa.eu Contents Outline 1 Introduction 2 Policy developments at EU level 3 Wage bargaining in the EU Member States 5 Wages and working conditions 11 Minimum wages across Europe 15 Working poor 23 Upcoming Eurofound research 2013 and 2014 24 Summary and conclusions 25 Annex 26 Bibliography 29 Outline This paper looks at wages from two different angles: from the perspective of individual employees, discussed in conjunction with their working conditions, and from the perspective of the industrial relations system. Wage bargaining in EU Member States After a brief overview of EU-level policy developments with a potential impact on national level pay determination, this report gives a comparative overview of the levels of collective wage setting and how they are set throughout Europe and goes on to report on reforms, changes or debates linked to these processes between the different actors at both the Member State and the European level in 2011 and 2012. This includes, for instance, debates on potential changes of indexation mechanisms in Belgium, Luxembourg and Cyprus, as a result of the Commission’s recommendations within the Euro Plus Pact. While in some countries (Estonia, Bulgaria) social partners resumed collective bargaining (either on wages or on minimum wages) and came to agreements, in other countries (Lithuania, Romania), no agreements could be reached. Some changes in the way collective bargaining is organised were recently introduced in Spain, Romania, Greece, Ireland and Portugal.
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