5872 OONGRES~IONAL RECORD-SENATE. JULY 8, ion and state in the pa-ssage of any bill or resolution to close the By Mr. WILLIAM A. STONE: Petition of citizens of illinois, World's Exposition on Sunday-to the Select Committee on the for the passage of House bill401, restricting immigration-to the Columbian Exposition. Select Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. BRANCH: Petition of M. M. Alexander and others, Also, petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, for the pa sage of of Washington County, N. C., asking Congress for an appropri­ House bill 401, re3tricting immigration-to the Select Commit­ ation to make Deep Creek, a tributary to Albemarle Sound, nav­ tee on Immigration and Naturalization. igable-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Also, petition of citizens of New J ersey, for the pas~ ageof House By Mr. BRYAN: Fourteen petitions of citizens of Nebraska, bill 401, restricting immigration-to the Select Committee on as follows: Of Plainview, Pierce County; of Fullerton, Vance Immigration and Naturalization. County; of Tecumseh, Johnson County; of Stockville, Frontier Also, petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, for the passage of County; of Grant, P erkins County; of Tecumseh,. Johnson an amendment prohibiting an establishment of religion-to the County, and of eight petitions of Lincoln, Lancaster County, all Committee on the Judiciary. asking the enactment of a law forbidding the sale, manufacture, By"Mr. TOWNSEND: R esolution of Sil vcr Club of Pueblo, and importation of cigarettes-to the Committe e on Ways and Colo., in favor of the passage of bill for free and unlimited coinage Means. of silver-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights,andMeasures. Also, petition of members of Young People~s Society of the Also, petition of citizens of Clear Creek Co!lnty, Colo., in favor First United Presbyterian Church of Pawnee City, Nebr., ask­ of the passage of bill for.free and unlimited coinage of silver-to ing for the closing of the World's Fair on Sunday-to the Select the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. Committee on the Columbian Exposition. By Mr. WHITE: Pi>pers and documents to accompany Hous~ Also, petition of H. Henningar and others of Syracuse, Otoe bill 5664-to the Committee on Military Affairs. County, Nebr., against any bill or resolution to close the World's Fair on Sundays-to the Select Committee on the Columbia Ex- • position. · Also, p 3tition of 25 citizens of Omaha, Nebr., asking for the SENATE. pasmge of House bill 8369 giving women the right to vote for members of the House of Representatives-to the Select Com­ FRIDAY, July 8, 18.92. mittee on Election of President and Vice-President and Repre­ sentatives in Congress. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Aim, petition of the National Woman's Christian Temperance The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Union, asking that no exposition for which appropriations are EX..IWU'l'l VE COMMUNICATIONS. made by Congress shall be opened on Sundays-to the Select The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair lays bafore the Senate Committee on the Columbian Exposition. a communication from the Attorney-General of the United States, By Mr. BUNN: Papers in the claim of DanielGooch,of Wake transmitting, in pursuance of a resoLution of the Senate and a County, N. C.-to the Committ9e on War Claims. request by the Senator from Idaho [Mr. SHOUP], a list of all the Als ~ , papers in the claim of Kendrick M. C. Beasley, of Johns­ judgments which have not been reversed or set aside rendered ton County, N. C.-to the Committee on War Claims. in the Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases in favor of By Mr. CHIPMAN: Two petitions of citizens of Detroit, Mich., claimants up to July 1, 1892, under the act of March 3, 1891, to one of Walter B. McEnally and others, and the other of A. C. provide for the adjudication and payment of claims arising from Lahan and others, both against Congressional interference with Indian depredations, with the date of each judgment. The com­ opening or closing the World's Fair on Sunday-to the Select munication, with the accompanying papers, will be referred to Committee on the Columbian Exposition. · the Select Committee on Indian Dapredations, and printed. Bv Mr. CLOVER: Protest of John Wood and 22 members of Mr. COCKRELL. The communication ought to go to the the ~S e venth-Day Adventist Church and 87 others, against any Committee on Claims. action being taken by Congress in reg-ard to the opening or clos­ Mr. CHANDLER.. The subject is before the Select Commit. ing of the World's Fair on Sunday-to the Select Committee on tee on Indian Depredations. the Columbian Exposition. Mr. MITCHELL. I ask that the communication be printed, By Mr. FUNSTON: PetitionoftheNational Woman's Christian The VICE-PRESIDENT. That order has been made. Temperance Union, a-sking that no exposition for which appro­ Mr. MITCHELL. VerJ well. priations are made by Congress shall be opened on Sunday-to the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica· Select Committee on the Columbian Exposition. tion from the Secratary of the Interior~ transmitting a letter Also, petition of the citizens of Spring Hill, Kans., for the en­ from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with the a.ccompanying actment of a law to prohibit the sale of liquors at the National draft of a bill for the relief of the Eastern band of Cherokee In­ Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth, Kans.-to the Select Commit- dians in North Carolina; which, on motion of Mr. DAWES, wa-s, tee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. · with the accompanyiug papers, referred to the Committee on Also, petition of citizens of Wyandotte, Kans., against closing Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. the World~s Fair on Sunday-to the Select Committee .on the Columbian Exposition. OBITUARY ADDRESS ON THE LATE SENATOR BARBOUR. By Mr . HARMER: Petitionof300citizensofthe United States, Mr. DANIEL. Mr. President, I bag leave to give notice that repnsentino- the Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, on Friday, the 22d of July, at 2 o'clock, I shall offer resolutions P a.~ also 650 members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church; in honor of the memory of my late colleague, Hon. JohnS. Bar­ also the Christian Church, of Bucks County, Pa., adverse to an bour, and ask the Senate to take appropriate action thereon. appropriation by Congress to the Columbian Exposition unless it be closed to visitors on Sundays-to the Select Committee on the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Columbian Exposition. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented petitions of Division No. B.v Mr. HENDERSON of Iowa: Petition of 33 citizens of 7, Ancient Order of Hicernians, of Broolykn, N. Y.; of Division Steamboat Rock, Iowa, protesting against Congressional action No.1, Ancient Order of Hibernians, of Centralia, Pa.; of the in reference to closing the World's Col urn bian Exposition on Sun­ Montgomery Club, of B :·ooklyn, N.Y.; of the Thurman Club, of day-to the Select Committee on the Columbian Exposition. 'Brooklyn. N.Y.; of the Knights of St. Patrick, of Brooklyn, N. By Mr. HOOKER of New York: Two petitions of citizens of Y., and of Long Island Lodge 0. P. Plasters No.2, of Brooklyn, New York, one by FrankW. Stevens and31 others, and 'the other N.Y., praying that st-eps be taken looking to the release of Dr. by citizens of Jamestown and 20 members of the Seventh-Day Thomas Gallagher, of Brooklyn, N.Y. from imprisonment in Adventist Church, against the passage of any bill or resolution England; which were referred ta the Committee on Foreign Re­ to close the World's Fair on Sunday~t.o the Select Committee lations. on the Columbian Exposition. · Mr. PALMER. I present over GCO memorials, signed by By Mr. LAWSON of Georgia (by request): Petition of citi­ many hundreds of citiz ~ n 3 of the country, r esiding in various zens of Georgia, against the closing of the World's Columbian States, remonstrating against the clo :in 5 of the World's Co· E xposition on Sunday-to the Select Committee on the Colum­ lumbia::.1 Exposit:on 0::1 Sund.:1y. I move that the memorials be bian Exposition. refcrrad t::> the Select Committe ) on the Quadro-Centennial. ' . ; By Mr. OTIS: Petition of the quarterly meeting of the Soci­ The motion was agreed to. ety of Friends, held at Buffalo, Kans., asking for prohibition of Mr. QUAYpresentedmemorialsof EncampmentNo. 72, Union the liquor traffic and the closing of the Exposition grounds on Veteran Legion; of Encampment No. 43, Union Veteran Legion; Sunday at the World's Exposition in Chicago-:-to the SelectCom- of Encampment No. 11, Union Veteran Legion of Pennsylvania, mitfue on the Columbian Exposition. · remonstrating against the remov. al of charges of desertion ex­ By Mr. POST: Petition of citizens of· Ontario, ill., and vicin­ cept upon evidence that the cage ~s a just a~d. meritori?us one; ·. ity, against Sunday opening of the World's Fair-to the Select which were referred to the.Committee on Military Affairs. _ Committee on the Columbian Exposition. He also presented a petition of Capt. George J. Lawrence Post, . .. \, ........ 1892. CONGRESSIONAL RECOR.D-SENATE. 5873 ~o.17, Grand A:my of the Republic, of Minersville, Pa., pray­ R. 95) concerning the use of alphabetic law in public printinO'· lng for the erectwn of a monument commemorating the glorious which was read twice by it3 title, and referred to the Commit~~ ··I deeds of the enlisted men in the late war; which was referred to on Printing.
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