San Gabriel Valley Jr. All-American Football Conference Inc. A Non-Profit Organization 501 (c)(3) BYLAWS And CONSTITUTION MANUAL Revised 2017 Brian Duffield Conference President 536 S. Second Ave #G Covina, CA 91723 Phone # (626)327-8909 Email:
[email protected] Conference Website: VIOLATION OF RULES CAN RESULT IN FINES, PROBATION AND SUSPENSION PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE RULEBOOK PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America And to the republic for which it stands, One nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Let Us Not Forget 9-11-01 The following is the Junior All-American Huddle Prayer To be said with players on one knee, Helmet in hand, prior to the start of any game. HUDDLE PRAYER God our Father hear us pray, As we prepare to play this day; Give us strength and courage, too, To do our best in all we do, Protect us as we play this game, This much we ask and in Thy name. Conference Office (College Scholarships & Records) S.G.V.J.A.A Football Conference, Inc. P.O. Box 2969 Covina, CA 91722 Email:
[email protected] Insurance Coordinator Kathy D’Amato (909)599-2525 Email:
[email protected] Conference Minutes S.G.V.J.A.A Football Conference, Inc. Alisha Silva – Conference Secretary Email:
[email protected] San Gabriel Valley Junior All-American Football conference, Inc. 2017 ELECTED OFFICERS *Members of the Conference Executive Board Conference President Brian Duffield* 626-327-8909 Conference Vice Pres. Kathy D’Amato* 909-599-2525 Conference Secretary Alisha Silva* 626-506-6327 Conference Treasurer Kathy D’Amato* 909-599-2525 Jr.