CIS 228 – UNIX System Administration

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CIS 228 – UNIX System Administration CIS 228 – UNIX System Administration Lab Exercise #7: Setting up an alternate filesystem (/home). Scenario: /home is full you need to allocate a new filesystem to accommodate more user space Review TAR command (Chapter 5) 1) Run grub2-install /dev/sda to reinstall Fedora MBR (See recovery notes). 2) Remove Ubuntu partitions via fdisk 3 3) Review DMESG messages to see devices 4) Display filesystems with du, df –v, mount 5) Add diskquotas for remaining users. How? 6) Add quotaon to system startup . How? 7) Place system into single user or maintenance mode 8) Run fdisk –l to display the hardrive layout 9) Allocate a partition twice the size of current /home allocation (? To view menu). fdisk /dev/sda m n accept default starting cylinder +xxxxM …. Where xxxx is twice the size of the current /home directory p ….. to show results w to write to disk 10) Reboot? 11) Make a new filesystem: mkfs –t ext3 /dev/sdax … x is new partition # Pay attention to messages 12) make a temporary home directory /mnt/hometmp 13) mount the new filesystem under /mnt/hometmp 14) Copy the contents of /home to /mnt/hometmp using commands: cd /home cp –rp * /mnt/hometmp What do the copy command flags do? 15) Change /etc/fstab to mount /home on the new filesystem and /mnt/hometmp on the old file system 16) Reboot 17) Mount old /home partition to /mnt/hometmp 18) Backup /mnt/hometmp directory to /var/tmp using TAR 19) Restore it to /home 20) Backup current /home directory using TAR and GZIP and restore it to /mnt/hometmp Related commands: cp, du, df, fdisk, mkfs, mount, umount, CIS 228 – UNIX System Administration Lab Exercise 8: Using TAR and ZIP, other file systems Make sure you complete LAB 7 1) umount /mnt/hometmp 2) use fdisk /dev/sda to change the old /home partition type from Lab 7 to Fat32 fdisk /dev/sda m t x …. x is old /home partition l …. list partition types b …. set partition type to WIN 95 FAT32 p …. to show results w …. to write to disk 3) Reformat the old /home partition as MSDOS filesystem and call it /share mkfs –t vfat /dev/sdax … x is old /home partition Pay attention to messages 4) Backup /home using TAR and GZIP and restore it to /share. Compare results to /home using ls –al. Related commands: mkdev, mkfs, df, fdisk, du, mount, parted .
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