Friends School of Minnesota sharing the 1365 Englewood Avenue Fairgrounds with Saint Paul, MN 55104 TIME VALUE DATA sharing the Fairgrounds with Mother’s Day Weekend See pages 3 and 43 May 6, 7, 8, 2011 FINDING THE SALE LARPENTEUR AVE. See page 2 for a detailed Plant Sale map Minnesota KEY State Fair Open gate (area map, left) HOYT AVE. Grandstand Open gate (State Fair map, below) 36 35W Shuttle bus stop Sat. & Sun. Free Admission Metro Transit bus stop SNELLING AVE. UNDERWOOD ST. UNDERWOOD SNELLING AVE. LARPENTEUR AVE. COOPER ST. RANDALL AVE. FOX LOT CLEVELAND AVE. ROBIN LOT Blanket Flower COMMONWEALTHTH Minnesota State Fair P Gaillardia ‘Tizzy’ Page 11 (P073) COMO AVE. 280 GIRAFFE LOT COSGROVE AVE COSGROVE DAN PATCH AVE. Main COMMONWEALTH DAN PATCH Gate UNIVERSITY AVE. MIDWAY closed P CARNES AVE. to cars 94 JUDSON AVE. LIGGETT ST. UNDERWOOD ST. UNDERWOOD CANFIELD ST. COMO AVE. NEW WEBSITE: SNELLING AVE. 22nd Annual Friends School Plant Sale May 6, 7, and 8, 2011 Friday 9:00 A.M.–8:00 P.M.• Saturday 10:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M. Sunday 12:00 NOON–4:00 P.M. Sunday is discount day—one-third off at the Minnesota State Fair Grandstand • Free admission • Free parking
[email protected] • 651-621-8930 Please ReadThis C. PHOTO BY PLANT SALE SHOPPER ROBERTA RELIANCE PEACH. YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID Timing: It matters! Last year on Friday morning there were several • Along with your clipboard and a tally sheet, you thousand people at opening.