. Identified financial and investment needs for implementing the measures;

. Prepared detailed SWOT analysis for the Sava FRMP;

. The SWOT analysis takes into account alignment with the implementation of the Floods Directive in the countries, and the requirements of the Protocol on the Flood Protection to the Framework Agreement of the Sava River Basin;

. Results of this analysis are basis for improvements and preparation of the work program on national and international level for the 2019-2027 period. FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT NEEDS

The following indicative sources for financing the measures were identified:

. The European Union funds (instruments/funds for the EU member states, and instrument for pre-accession assistance - IPA for candidate countries and potential candidates, including mechanisms for financial support in emergencies and following serious natural disasters); . National public funds of the countries (state and local budgets, own revenues of institutions, including earmarked funds); . International financial institutions (The World Bank, EIB, EBRD…); . Bilateral donations and loans ; . Joint financial mechanisms and global funds (WBIF, UN, GCF...); . Loans from commercial banks ; . Public-private partnerships (PPP). EU MULTIANNUAL FINANCIAL FRAMEWORK 2021 - 2027 FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT NEEDS Europe as a strong global actor (source: ) FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT NEEDS Europe as a strong global actor (source: European Commission) . Civil Protection Mechanism (rescEU ) and increase of Emergency Aid Reserve to secure financial resources higher than the upper limit foreseen by the financial framework, in case of emergencies within and outside of the Union; . Proposal of the Commission is to combine existing instruments into a single Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument , to be used on a global level; . Financial structure will be further simplified by integration of the European Development Fund ; . The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance supports candidate and potential candidate countries to fulfil membership requirements, therefore contributing to general European goals of achieving stability, security, and prosperity in the Union’s closest neighborhood. It is formed within the context of Strategy for the Western Balkans; . Strengthening the Humanitarian Aid Instrument to provide EU support to those needing it for saving and protection of human lives, prevention or reduction of human suffering, as well as securing integrity and dignity of population affected by natural disasters or those caused by human activity. FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT NEEDS

. The EEA and Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation – crossborder and transnational projects • Donor countries of the EEA and Norway Grants - , and Norway support European crossborder and transnational initiatives; • Since crossborder and transnational cooperation is a key driver to find shared solutions to Europe’s common challenges, the donor countries promote such collaboration. . (EIB) Types of projects fulfilling EIB investment requirements: • water areas management programs; • management of coast areas upravljanje, inc. protection measures; • protection of water resources (inc. underground water); • accumulations for water supply, irrigation and hydro-energy; • irrigation and foresting, inc. erosion protection; • floods and draughts management programs; • including water storage, supply and treatment capacities; • measures related to drinking water needs, improvements of system effectiveness, inc. water losses management; • programs for water pollution prevention; • wastewater treatment and re-use. FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT NEEDS

. Green Climate Funds – GCF was set up by the 194 countries who are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2010, as part of the Convention’s financial mechanism. It aims to deliver equal amounts of funding to mitigation and adaptation. • GCF is a global fund created to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the challenge of climate change; • GCF supports reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change adaption, taking into account the needs of nations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. . INTERREG – instrument for implementing EU cohesion policy to achieve balanced EU development by strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion. • Supports development in EU regions and member states; • Aims to reduce existing inequalities between EU regions in socio-economic development and environmental protection, considering their specific territorial characteristics and capacities; • For 2014-2020 financing period, the cohesion policy was focused on supporting objectives of Europe 2020 strategy. CONCLUSIONS

Preliminary flood risk assessment in the Sava River basin . In Sava FRMP analysed were the results of the previous national flood risk assessments – the assessment done for the Sava River basin in 2014, as well as other data processed during the preparation of this Plan; . Based on analysis of 1,927 flood areas, 251 potential flood areas of importance for Sava FRMP preparation were identified; . These areas were further grouped into 20 AMIs, as the base elements for basin level analyses and a framework for identification of non-structural and national structural measures that may contribute to achieving flood risk management objectives of the common interest in the basin; . Total surface of AMIs is 5,659 km2, which is 5.8% of the total Sava River basin surface, and a home to 1.4 million people. CONCLUSIONS

Conclusions drawn from the national flood hazard and risk maps . Flood hazard and risk maps haven’t been considered previously on the basin level; . They are based on national elements of flood risk management planning; . Proposal was prepared of elements for the joint methodology for preparing flood hazard and risk maps for AMI areas in the Sava River basin, which can be used as a starting point for further adjustments and improvements, if there is a need for use of such a methodology in joint projects; . For AMIs, identified were the areas with or without flood hazard, with an indicative assessment of number of affected population and economic activity. CONCLUSIONS

Objective of flood risk management of mutual interest in the Sava River basin - allow mutual cooperation of the countries in implementing the Protocol provisions and joint measures and activities. . Aligned with the Danube River Basin FRMP objectives; . Tailored to the needs originating from natural and anthropogenic characteristics of the Sava River Basin; . Based on: • previous experiences in flood risk management and disaster events which have been happening in the last two centuries; o examples of good practices:  green infrastructure,  natural management of waters which simultaneously provides flood protection and protects the natural environment, o new technologies, better information to the public, and other. CONCLUSIONS

Nonstructural and structural measures . Main causes for not reaching the national objectives of sufficient flood risk management are: • lack of financial means and capacities for maintaining protection structures; • inability to implement measures due to environmental conditions.

. Within the Sava FRMP identified are: • 42 nonstructural measures divided into 11 groups; • 37 national structural measures in areas of mutual interest with a total value of over 250 million €.

. The Plan also considers how these measures relate to the Sava RBMP, and provides preliminary analyses of measures according to various parameters. CONCLUSIONS

Nonstructural and structural measures . Implementation of measures should take into account the objectives of natural protection, provide more space to the rivers, and support those activities that do not cause significant increase of flood risks. . Proposed measures include: • more space for natural retention of water and recovery of previously flooded areas, • better spatial planning; • information exchange; • improvements to data collection systems; • improvements to forecasting, modelling and warning systems. . The need for regular maintenance of flood protection structures is emphasized, as well as the reconstruction and construction where necessary, and where no other measures are possible to prevent catastrophic consequences. . Special importance during identification of nonstructural measures was given to: • data collection; • preparation of studies; • other activities aimed at improving the planning basis for the next planning cycle. FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE SAVA RIVER BASIN