1360 THE-NEW ZEALAND,GAZETTE [No. 55 Reg,No. I·. Operator. Postal Address. Location of Mill. CANTERBURY CONSERVANCY-Continued 84 Rose, ,de Lor~, and Egerton 95 Matipo Street, Riccarton Burnham. 16 Roud, G. J., and Sons, Ltd. 242 Ferry Road, Christchurch Christchurch. 22 Scott, 'A. W. •• Tancred Street, Rakaia Rakaia. 60 Scott, E. E ..• Post-office, Geraldine Mayfield. 56 Selwyn Casewoods, Ltd. P.o. Box 1079, Christchurch Papanui. 14 Selwyn Sawmills, Ltd. 86 Manchester Street, Christchurch Hororata. 61 Smith. V.,L... Torquay Street, Kaikoura Kaikoura. 77 Valetta Timber Co. Valetta R.D., Ashburton .. Valetta. 92 Wade and Anderson 91 Raven Street, Kaiapoi .. Stonyhurst. 63 Waimate Sawmilling Co. Waimate Waimate. 55 Wakelin, T., and Sons .. 78 Allen's Road, Ashburton Ashburton. 68 Webster, S, T., Tinwald, Ashburton Hinds. 89 West and Evers .. Leeston .. Leeston. 34 Woodbury'Sawmilling Co. P.O. Box 53, Geraldine Woodbury. SOUTHLAND CONSERVANCY 68 Barrow Box Co. ' P.O. Box 27, Invercargill Tapanui. 106 Barrow Box Co. P.O. Box 27, Invercargill Castle Rock. 109 Beck, N. W~ p: P.O. Box 366, Invercargill Otapiri Gorge. ' 3 Birch, W .. H.~ and Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 1, Gore Waikoau. 126 Brunton and Guise Riverton R.D. Waipango. 22 Buchanan'~ Sawmilling Co., Ltd. Riverton Waipango. 135 Burgess Bros ... Tokanui .. Tokanui. 110 Carroll and Co. 26 Irving Street, Gore Gore. 140 Clutha Timber Co., Ltd. Balclutha Balclutha. 119 Denniston" C.·A. Glenpark, Palmerston R.D... Glenpark. 88 Dawson, .M., and Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 11, Tuatapere Merrivale. 130 Diack, W ..E., Riverton Riverton. 108 Evans and Co. P.O.
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