No 56, 12 July 1928, 2215
Jumb. 56. 2215 SUPPLEMENT •ro THR NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, JlJLY 12, 1928. .. ' '· ~.ubli~1tb; by '.aut~orit» . :.Ji: WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1928. Tenders for lnl,and Mail-service Contracts-South Isla.nd, 11. Blumine Island, Onauku, Otanerau, Greensill, Whare 1929-31. hunga, and Kilmarnock, weekly. (Contractor to take 1 delivery of mails off Blumine Island from mail launch General Post Office, proceeding from Picton to Resolution Bay.) Wellington, 9th July, 1928. 12. Canvastown and Deep Creek, twice weekly. EALED tenders will be received at the several Chief 13. Havelock, .Brightlands, Elaine Bay, Waitata Bay, Bulwer, S Post-offices in the South Island until noon on Thursday, Port L1gar, Forsyth Island, Wakatahuri, Te Puru, the 23rd August, 1928, for the conveyance of mails between Okoba, Anakoha, Titirangi, Pohuenui, Waimaru, Clova the undermentioned places, for a period of THREE YEARS, Bay, Manaroa, Hopai, Eli Bay, Crail Bay, Taranui, from the 1st January, 1929 :- Homewood, and Havelock, twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 14 and 25.) POSTAL DlsTRIOT OF BLENHEIM. 14. Havelock, Brightlands, Elaine Bay, Te Towaka, Waitata 1. Blenheim Chief Post-office, delivery of parcels and post Bay, Bulwer, Port Ligar, Forsyth Island, Wakatahuri, men's bags, as required. Te Puru, Okoha, Anakoha, Titirangi, Pohuenui 2. Blenheim, Jordan, and Molesworth, weekly. B~trix Bay,. Waimaru, Clova Bay, Manaroa, Hopai: 3. Blenheim and Netherwood (private-bag delivery), twice Eh Bay, Crail Bay, Taranui, Homewood, and Have weekly. lock, twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 13 and 25.) 4. Blenheim and Omaka, along Maxwell Road, over Taylor 15. Havelock, Broughton Bay, Portage, Kenepuru Head, River-bed, New Renwick Road to Fairhall Valley, Waitaria Bay, and St.
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