Integrating the Sector Development Plan of Rio Conventions in Hakaluki Haor, Bangladesh; under the National Capacity Development for Implementing Rio Conventions through Environmental Governance (Rio Project) FINAL REPORT (Ref. No. UNDP-BD-CPS-2018-14) Submitted to: United Nations Development Programmee 19th Floor, IDB Building, E/8, Begum Rokeya Sharani, Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh Submitted by: NATURE CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT (NACOM) Flat No. D2, House No. 20-21, Block F, Road No. 12, Niketon, Gulshan -1, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh Phone: 88-02-8832073, 01713-129947 Fax: 88-02-8832103, E-mail:
[email protected] Web: May 2, 2019 Acronyms and Abbreviation AIG = Alternate Income Generation AIGA = Alternate Income Generation Activity CBAECA = Community Based Adaptation in the Ecological Critical Areas through Biodiversity Conservation and Social Protection CREL = Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods CV = Curriculum Vitae CWBMP = Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project DC = Dry Cell DoE = Department of Environment DG = Director General ECA = Ecologically Critical Areas FGD = Focus Group Discussions HH = Hakaluki Haor MACH = Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry MCG = Micro Capital Grants MoEFCC = Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change NACOM = Nature Conservation Management PA = Protected Area PMU = Project Management Unit SEMP = Sustainable Environment Management Programme ToR = Terms of Reference UNCBD = United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity