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Evsjv‡`K †M‡RU †iwR÷vW© bs wW G-1 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU AwZwi³ msL¨v KZ…©c¶ KZ…©K cÖKvwkZ eyaevi, b‡f¤^i 1, 2017 MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi cwiKíbv Kwgkb ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv wefvM moK cwienb DBs cÖÁvcb ZvwiLt 19 A‡±vei 2017 moK cwienb I gnvmoK wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb moK I Rbc_ (mIR) Awa`ßi Ges ¯’vbxq miKvi wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb ¯’vbxq miKvi cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi (GjwRBwW)-Gi Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ ˆØZZv cwinvic~e©K †`‡k myôz moK †bUIqvK© M‡o †Zvjvi j‡ÿ¨ miKvi KZ©„K Aby‡gvw`Z †kÖYxweb¨vm I bxwZgvjv Abyhvqx mIR Awa`ßi Ges GjwRBwWÕi moKmg~‡ni mgwšZ^ ZvwjKv 11-02-2004 Zvwi‡L evsjv‡`k †M‡R‡U cÖKvwkZ nq| cieZ©x‡Z 12 Rby 2006 Zvwi‡L GjwRBwWÕi AvIZvaxb Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb moK Ges ¯’vbxq miKvi cÖwZôvb (GjwRAvB) Gi AvIZvaxb MÖvg moKmg~‡ni Avjv`v ZvwjKv evsjv‡`k †M‡R‡U cÖKvwkZ nq| GjwRBwW Ges mIR Awa`߇ii Aaxb moKmg~‡ni gvwjKvbvi ˆØZZv cwinv‡ii j‡ÿ¨ MwVZ ÕmoKmg~‡ni cybt‡kYÖ xweb¨vm msµvšÍ ÷vwÛs KwgwUÕi 02 b‡f¤^i 2014 Zvwi‡Li mfvq mIR Gi gvwjKvbvaxb moK ZvwjKv nvjbvMv` Kiv nq Ges †gvU 876wU mo‡Ki ZvwjKv P‚ovšÍ Kiv nq| MZ 18 †deªæqvix 2015 Zvwi‡L Zv †M‡R‡U cybtcÖKvk Kiv nq| (16407) g~j¨ : UvKv 92.00 16408 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, b‡f¤^i 1, 2017 ÕmoKmg~‡ni cybt‡kªYxweb¨vm msµvš Í ÷vwÛs KwgwUÕi 02 b‡f¤^i 2014 Zvwi‡Li mfvq wm×vš Í M„nxZ nq †h ÕmIR Gi gvwjKvbvaxb mo‡Ki †M‡RU cÖKvwkZ nIqvi ci GjwRBwWÕi moKmg~‡ni ZvwjKv nvjbvMv` K‡i Zv †M‡RU AvKv‡i cÖKvk Ki‡Z n‡eÕ| G †cÖwÿ‡Z 11 †m‡Þ¤^i 2017 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ AvšÍtgš¿Yvjq KwgwUi mfvq GjwRBwW I GjwRAvB Gi nvjbvMv`K…Z ZvwjKv cybtch©v‡jvPbvc~e©K P‚ovš Í Kiv nq (cwiwkó-K) hv, gvbbxq cwiKíbv gš¿x KZ©„K Aby‡gvw`Z| G ZvwjKvq 4,781 wU Dc‡Rjv moK (ˆ`N©¨ 37,519.49 wK:wg:), 8,023 wU BDwbqb moK (ˆ`N©©¨ 41,680.22wK:wg:), 47,869 wU UvBc-ÕGÕ MÖvg moK (127,427.43 wK:wg:) I 28,397 wU UvBc- ÕweÕ (ˆ`N©¨ 2.0 wK:wg: Ges Z`yaŸ©) (83,072.08 wK:wg:) MÖvg moKmgn~ GjwRBwWÕi AvIZvaxb _vK‡e Ges 61608 wU MÖvg moK UvBc-ÕweÕ* (ˆ`N©¨ 2.0 wK:wg: Gi wb‡¤œ) (63,244.07 wK:wg:) MÖvg moKmgn~ GjwRAvBÕi AvIZvaxb _vK‡e| G ZvwjKvwU c~‡e© RvixK…Z GjwRBwW I GjwRAvB Gi mo‡Ki ZvwjKvmg~‡ni ¯’jvwfwl³ n‡e| GZØviv Aby‡gvw`Z mo‡Ki ZvwjKv mswkóø mK‡ji Abymi‡Yi Rb¨ Rb¯^v‡_© Rvix Kiv n‡jv| 02| Bnv †M‡R‡U cÖKv‡ki ZvwiL n‡Z Kvh©Ki e‡j MY¨ n‡e| mshyw³ t eY©bvg‡Z ivóªcwZi Av‡`kµ‡g (W: mvB` nvmvb wkK`vi) hyM¥ cÖavb * MÖvg moK UvBc-ÕweÕ (ˆ`N©¨ 2.0 wK.wg. Gi wb‡¤œ) moKmg~n GjwRAvBÕi AvIZvaxb g‡g© †M‡R‡U AšfÍ ©y³ n‡jI we‡kl cÖ‡qvR‡b ¸iæZ¡ we‡ePbvq miKv‡ii wm×všµÍ ‡g GjwRBwW KZ©„K D³ moKmg~‡ni Dbœqb Kvh©µg MÖnY Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, b‡f¤^i 1, 2017 16409 GjwRBwW/GjwRAvB Gi AvIZvaxb moKmg~‡ni mvi-ms‡¶c mo‡Ki †kÖYx mo‡Ki mo‡Ki ‰`N©¨ gšeÍ ¨ msL¨v (wKtwgt) (1) Dc‡Rjv moK 4,781 37,519.49 GjwRBwWÕi AvIZvaxb moK (2) BDwbqb moK 8,023 41,680.22 (3) MÖvg moK UvBc ÔGÕ 47,869 1,27,427.43 (4) MÖvg moK UvBc ÔweÕ 28,397 83,072.08 (‰`N©¨ 2.00 wK.wg. Ges Z`yaŸ©) Dc-‡gvU= 89,070 2,89,699.22 (5) MÖvg moK UvBc ÔweÕ* 61,608 63,244.07 GjwRAvB Gi (‰`N©¨ 2.00 wK.wg. Gi wb‡¤œ) AvIZvaxb moK Dc-‡gvU= 61,608 63,244.07 me©‡gvU = 1,50,678 3,52,943.29 * MÖvg moK UvBc-ÕweÕ (ˆ`N©¨ 2.0 wK.wg. Gi wb‡¤œ) moKmg~n GjwRAvBÕi AvIZvaxb g‡g© †M‡R‡U AšfÍ ©y³ n‡jI we‡kl cÖ‡qvR‡b ¸iæZ¡ we‡ePbvq miKv‡ii wm×všÍµ‡g GjwRBwW KZ©„K D³ moKmg~‡ni Dbœqb Kvh©µg MÖnY Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| (W: mvB` nvmvb wkK`vi) hyM¥ cÖavb 16410 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, b‡f¤^i 1, 2017 সড়কসেহর অেমািদত ণীিবাস অযায়ী ানীয় সরকার িতান (এলিজআই) এর আওতাধীন াম সড়ক টাইপ-‘িব’ এর হালনাগাদ তািলকা িসেলট িবভাগ Village Road-B under LGI SL Road Road Name Length No. Code (km) DISTRICT : SYLHET UPAZILA : BALAGANJ 1 691085006 Sylhet Sultanpur-Anowarpur Road. 0.83 2 691085007 Sylhet Sultanpur-Haydarpur Road 1.00 3 691085010 Sultanpur-Khapur Road 0.70 4 691085011 Sultanpur-Ibrahimpur Road. 1.90 5 691085017 Tajpur-Balaganj rd. (Kazipur)-Nurpur Road 1.75 6 691085040 Murarbazar-dewanbazar Raod 0.95 7 691085041 Sultanpur(RHD)-Shahpur Shiorkhal Road. 1.50 8 691085042 Naljur-Azizpur Road 0.98 9 691085049 Elashpur-Panchagram Road 0.45 10 691085051 Sonapur-Mohammadpur Road. 0.80 11 691085053Kalampur-Atason Road 0.90 12 691085054 Baldar khal-Banglabazar Road 0.82 13 691085055Pailanpur-Kastokhal Road 0.65 14 691085056 Ishapur-Hour Road. 0.55 15 691085060 Dewanbazar-Ghospur-Mohammedpur Road 0.90 16 691085061 C&B Rd.-Bonogaon Road 0.95 17 691085062 Madrashabazar-Ratanpur Road. 1.10 18 691085064 Kalibari bazar-Kamargoan Road 1.90 19 691085065 Charbotpathon-Monoharpur Road 0.40 20 691085071 Janakailan-Md.pur Road 1.20 21 691085073 Murarbazar-Dattagram Road. 1.55 22 691085079 Boaljur Bazar-Karmapara Road 1.00 23 691085080 Kusiara Dike-Pailanpur Village Road. 1.00 24 691085081 Kusiara Dike-Oieagram-Hawar Road. 0.30 25 691085085 Boaljur UP rd. toKalibaribazar Road. 1.50 26 691085086 Ilsapur Goalabazar rd. to Hoshirpur Road. 1.80 27 691085088 Kastokhal rd. to Purba Pailanpur Up Office Road. 0.10 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, b‡f¤^i 1, 2017 16411 Village Road-B under LGI SL Road Road Name Length No. Code (km) 28 691085103 Goalabazar-Ilashpur Rd.-Sonapur village Road. 1.50 29 691085104 Charapara-Bonogram Road. 0.90 30 691085105 Kushira Dike-Rahidpur villasge Road. 0.95 31 691085110 Tajpur-Balagonj Rd.-Banigaon village Road. 0.75 32 691085120 C & B Road-Purbo Nashirpur Road. 1.50 33 691085122 Paschim kuluma old Jame Mosque road. 0.95 34 691085123 Niz gohorpur-Digikara road. 0.90 35 691085124 Murarabazar-kuberali Road-kalarchand Gash Road. 1.60 36 691085125 Saraspur Alia Madrasha Road. 0.60 37 691085126 Osmanigonj-Banglabazar Road-Harisham Jame Mosque road. 0.75 38 691085128 Osmanpur UP-Paschim Gouripur UP Rd.-Azizpur village road. 1.28 39 691085129 Osmanpur-Banglabazar rd.-Gouripur village road. 0.90 40 691085130 Mohishashi-Atason rd.-Monglabari road. 0.70 41 691085135 Sultanpur Jame Mosque to Hazrat shah Sultan Mohila Madrasha 1.25 road. 42 691085138 Usa Bari Tila-Jarjari khal road. 1.00 43 691085139 Uttar Azizpur Jame Mosque-Sajed miah house road. 1.25 44 691085140 Paschim Gouripur- khararkhal road. 1.50 45 691085143 Kusiara Daik -Yousuf Ali house via Haoratala Jame Mosque Road. 1.50 46 691085145 Union road-Mohishashi Jame Mosque road. 1.50 47 691085152 Kalibaribazar-Rupapur -Moktab-Muuchi Bari Bridge road. 1.00 48 691085165 Kalarai bazar-Holimpur road. 1.30 49 691085177 Tajpur-Balagonj rd.-Barobhaga near of khashipur village Masjed 1.00 road. 50 691085200 GoalaBazar GC-Ilasspur-Balagonj GC Rd.to Banigoan Model High 0.35 School Road. 51 691085206 Mozlispur-Rifatpur road 1.00 52 691085209 Sultanpur-Arfan Ali Shop-Anowerpur road 0.50 53 691085210 Ahmedpur GP Tower-Dewanbazar road 1.00 54 691085215 Tajpur-Chainderpara-Burunga Rd. - B / Chainder Complex Road. 1.00 55 691085217 Sylhet -Sultanpur RHD (Tera Miah house) - Bongoan Mohila 1.50 Madersha road. 56 691085220 Balagonj GC - LATIFA Community Centre - Bazer Road. 0.30 57 691085221 Chainderpara BC Rd. - Chainderpara Village Road. 0.25 58 691085226 Taltolabazer ( Boshirpur) - Jame Mosque - Boro Kandi Road. 1.50 59 691085227 Murarbazer - Kuberail Rd. - Shankerpur - Duali Purbo 1.00 Mohammudpur Road. 16412 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, b‡f¤^i 1, 2017 Village Road-B under LGI SL Road Road Name Length No. Code (km) 60 691085229 Boaljur - Rifatpur Road. 1.50 61 691085231 Pachpara - Routhkhi Rd. - Chainderpara High School Link Road. 0.25 62 691085253 Sultanpur Shah Sultan Mohela madersha(Char Alapur) - Alapur 1.50 Road. 63 691085256 Sunu Miah's house - Tegoria Govt. Prymary School Road. 1.00 64 691085257 Bagonj Fenchugonj Road(Modurai Eidgha) - Ashik Miah's house 1.00 Road. 65 691085258 Muslimabad Adrash High School Road. 0.30 66 691085260 Osmanigonj Bazar Paschim Gouripur Road(Mosque) - Horesam 1.50 Jame mosque road. 67 691085261 Paschim Moishase (Mostafa Miah house) - Hourtola Kacha Miaha 1.00 house road. 68 691085264 Balagonj Tajpur Road - Ana Miah house Road. 1.20 69 691085269 Hamshapur - Tokles miah house Road via Kushira Dyke. 1.15 70 691085270 Donaram Bazar Moytree satu - Goripur U.P Road. 0.38 71 691085272 Sylhet Jalalpur Balagonj RHD(Rupia) - Bittanea village Road. 1.15 72 691085276 Balagonj U.P upazila H/Q Road - Shaid miah house Road. 1.25 73 691085281 Purbo Atason jame mosque - Gouripur U.P Road via Atason GPS 1.39 Road. 74 691085293 Kalibari Bazar - burburia village road. 1.16 75 691085296 Amjup UP Pucca Road -Border kara road 1.20 76 691085347 Hariargaon GPS - Kazibari Road 0.50 77 691085352 Radhakona Pucca road - Mohammad nagar Rd.viaHasampur 1.50 78 691085354 Hasampur Pucca Rd to Hasampur Graveyeard Rd 0.50 79 691085360 Tajpur-Balagonj Rd - Rifatpur Rd 1.00 80 691085363 Kosrupur GC- Balagonj GC Rd - Hamsapur GPS Road 1.00 81 691085368 Kayastoghat UP Pucca road -Haor Tola Road.
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