Climate change consulting services Winter 2019 Urban Design Group Journal 149Urban Issn 1750 712x urban design Design & climate change

Arup is a market leader in the provision of climate change and resilience services. We undertake research, and provide practical advice to buildings, infrastructure and masterplanning project teams. URBAN Wetland Center DESIGN © Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust GROUP URBAN DESIGN GROUP NewsUDG NEWS

Policy Framework (NPPF) event in April. or social inclusion, all too often don’t men- Not only was the event a sell-out and the tion urban design; it is up to us and the UDG authors from central government attended to ensure that our voice is heard. and contributed, but no less than Griff Rhys Robert Huxford, UDG Director, and I are Jones, the comedian, television presenter in the process of putting together the UDG and President of Civic Voice gave the key- Executive Committee for the next two years. note speech. The UDG, in partnership with With a mixture of experienced older hands several other organisations, responded to and new faces, we are starting to shape the design chapter of the consultation draft themes and events. Key themes in develop- NPPF, which was substantially improved on ment are: town building not house build- its final publication in August. ing; understanding great street design; the UDG’s new Chair, Other outstanding moments were the revival of council housing; local distinctive- National Urban Design Awards evening in ness in urban design; and, social inclusion Leo Hammond, the old Westminster County Court in Covent in public spaces. outlines his Garden, with Colin Pullan and Amanda We plan to have more site visits, study Reynolds wearing wigs and waving gavels. trips, drinking and eating in interesting vision Worthy award winners included: the Aldgate neighbourhoods, towns and cities, and public realm scheme by the City of London more quick-fire debate sessions at Cow- Corporation; the new mixed use district cross Street. Please let us know if you have Altstadtquartier Buchel in Aachen, Germany ideas on where you think we should be As Chair of the Urban Design Group, it is a by Chapman Taylor; and the book The Art concentrating our efforts. Other items in the privilege and honour to serving the urban of Building a Garden City: Designing New UDG’s inbox over the next two years will be design profession and you, the readers, Communities for the 21st Century by Kate the development of a new website and our over the next two years. Even more so as it Henderson, Katy Lock and Hugh Ellis. social media. is the group’s 40th anniversary year and 25 The sell-out National Urban Design As the UDG turns 40, the need for urban years since the publication of Francis Tib- Conference in beautiful early autumn sun- designers has never been so urgent; we are balds’ seminal book, Making People Friendly shine and colours in Winchester, focussed living in an era of unprecedented change, in Towns. on expanding towns and smaller cities. The technology, climate, work patterns, retail, This seems like a good opportunity to talks were about the most diverse I can housing and, dare I say it, Brexit. Urban remind ourselves of how the group, and for remember, and the debate spilled out of the design is in a very different place to where it that matter the profession in the UK started. conference, into the pub, and then into the was 10 years ago; post credit-crunch urban The old adage of ‘you don’t know where you splendour of Winchester Cathedral Gardens design has become more creative, as densi- are going unless you know where you came and the UDG annual dinner, where we had ties get higher, and budgets get smaller. We, from’ comes to mind. the honour of an after dinner speech from at the UDG would like to explore cutting- In 1978 Francis Tibbalds, Keith Ingham, Terence O’Rourke. edge urban design in the UK and around the Percy Johnson-Marshall, Kevin Eastham And of course there was the UDG’s trip world in the journal and through events. and others convened a meeting at the RIBA to China, forging new connections and Speaking of which I had the pleasure under the title Architects in Planning. The making a valuable contribution to numerous of spending my summer holiday in Nantes, name Urban Design Group was soon coined, schemes across Guangzhou. Building on its northern France, and was hugely impressed with the subtitle: 'a forum for architects, success, a follow-up event with another Chi- by the transformation of this former landscape architects and designers in plan- nese delegation took place in November. We industrial city through a huge investment ning'. As Arnold Linden, one of our Patrons, hope there will be future opportunities to in transport, culture, sustainability and the noted: 'The group held from its inception share and swap urban design expertise with public realm. that everyone acting in the environment China and other countries during 2019. Going forward we hope that the Urban was an urban designer, whether they were So, what are the plans for the UDG over Design Group can fulfil three objectives for performing positively, negatively or just the next two years? First of all, carry on its members: to be relevant; to be cutting passively, because the decisions they make doing what we do best: this journal, the edge; and to be fun. If you would like to get (or disregard) affect the quality of urban National Urban Design Awards and Confer- more involved with the UDG please do get in spaces’. ence, talks and campaigns. Added to these, touch. Fast forward to this year, and there have I have set the group and myself the chal- • been many memorable UDG moments, sev- lenge of raising the profile of urban design Leo Hammond, Chair of the Urban Design eral of which you will find more eloquently and urban designers in the wider industry Group and Associate at Pollard Thomas Edwards described elsewhere in this issue. One of and amongst the general public. Important the best of 2018 was the National Planning debates about house building, street design

31 JANUARY 2019 13 MARCH 2019 Diary of events 6.15pm Low Traffic Neighbourhoods 6.15pm Climate Change Creating people friendly neighbourhoods On the theme of Urban Design 149

Throughout 2019 the UDG will be mark- 19 FEBRUARY 2019 28 MARCH 2019 ing the 25th Anniversary of the publication 6.15pm UDG Goes Global National Urban Design Awards of Francis Tibbalds book Making People Guangzhou Knowledge Exchange trip The Tab Centre, London E2 7NT Friendly Towns with a series of events on – see Awards supplement for details the theme of Making People Friendly Places. 12 MARCH 2019 If you would like to run your own Making 2.00pm Crossing the Street 3 APRIL 2019 People Friendly event – please contact How better design and management can 6.15pm Mixing Uses + Activities [email protected]. help create people friendly streets Alternatives to single-use mono-culture See for further details. development

Urban Design ― winter 2019 ― Issue 149 1

Climate change consulting services Winter 2019 Urban Design Group Journal 149Urban ISSN 1750 712X Urban DesiGn DesiGn & CLimate ChanGe Contents

This issue has been kindly sponsored TOPIC: Climate Change and by ARUP Urban Design 16 — Introduction, Amy Kirbyshire and Ben COVER Smith Arup is a market leader in the provision of climate change and resilience services. : Bosco verticale, or ‘Vertical Forest’. 18 — Masterplanning in a Changing Climate: We undertake research, and provide practical advice to buildings, infrastructure and Source: Salvatore Lo Faro, Flickr Creative A UK perspective, Michael Henderson masterplanning project teams. URBAN Commons and Kieran Power London Wetland Center DESIGN © Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust GROUP 22 — From Climate Science to Design URBAN DESIGN UPDATE Practice, Jeffrey Raven GROUP 3 — Walking and Cycling Strategies and 25 — Designing for the Renewable Energy Urban Design Group Design Guidance: What’s The Point? Revolution, David Driskell Chair Leo Hammond 3 — Electric vehicles – Infrastructure and 28 — Fostering Collaboration, Hélène Patrons Irena Bauman, Alan Baxter, Impact Chartier Dickon Robinson, Lindsey Whitelaw and 4 — UDG visits to Stockholm and the 31 — Climate Action and the Resilience John Worthington Abruzzi Dividend, Tom Lindsay and Braulio 4 — City Image and City Life, Tim Pharoah Eduardo Morera Office 5 — Urban Design Group’s Annual General 34 — Responding to Rising Seas, Amy Urban Design Group Meeting Kirbyshire 70 Cowcross Street 6 — National Urban Design Conference 37 — Cooling Off: Designing Cities to Deal London EC1M 6EJ 2018 with Heat, Jasmin Fox-Skelly Tel 020 7250 0892 8 — The Urban Design Group goes global in Email [email protected] Guangzhou BOOK REVIEWS Website 10 — U dg Study Tour: The Abruzzi, 9—17 40 — Outskirts – Living life on the edge of June 2018 the green belt, John Grindrod Editorial Board 11 — My Favourite Plan: Andy Williams 40 — Resilience for All, Striving for Equity Matthew Carmona, Richard Cole, 12 — Urban Design Library #28, Defensible through Community-Driven Design, Tim Hagyard, Joe Holyoak, Space, Oscar Newman Barbara Brown Wilson Sebastian Loew, Daniela Lucchese, 13 — Behind the Image: Place Pompidou, 41 — Making Massive Small Change, Jane Manning, Chris Martin, A Compendium of Ideas, Tools Malcolm Moor, Geoff Noble, + Tactics to build viable Urban Judith Ryser, Louise Thomas DISSERTATION & PROJECT Neighbourhoods, Kelvin Campbell RESEARCH 41 — Study tour to Nantes and St. Nazaire Editors 14 — Co-working Space as New Urban Sebastian Loew (this issue) Chance, Irene Manzini Ceinar 42 — PRACTICE INDEX [email protected] 48 — EDUCATION INDEX Louise Thomas [email protected] ENDPIECE 49 — Joined-up Insularity, Joe Holyoak Book Review Editor Jane Manning

Design Claudia Schenk trockenbrot

Printing Henry Ling Ltd © Urban Design Group ISSN 1750 712X FUTURE ISSUES

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Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 2 leader Action Now

Editing the Winter issue of Urban Design is always will be disastrous when dealing with climate an occasion for reflection on the past year and for change; several of the articles in this issue refer looking forward to the next. Twelve months ago, to the need for synergies between the various the world situation was about as chaotic as it is approaches. Urban designers are in a good today and I mentioned the need for urban design position to achieve these by bringing the various to adapt to changing circumstances. This issue is specialists around the table early on in the design trying to do exactly that as climate change is one process and making clear to all stakeholders that of the greatest threats to our collective future. measure have to be taken from the start. However, to be successful, and convincing, they need to We won’t be able to convince the refuseniks and have some understanding of the science, of the we probably won’t have great influence on the alternatives available, of the costs of various politicians and business leaders who, even if they approaches (including the cost of no action), and know the danger created by climate change, of the implications on the designs. This will not won’t risk their careers by doing anything about be easy but the urban design principles that we it. But we can act first as citizens and secondly have been advocating for many years are a good as professionals, to limit the damage to the starting point. environment, mitigate the effects of climate change and make sure that cities can adapt to the There are still many unknowns in this field, changes. We can also support those politicians although fewer than the critics say. The one thing and entrepreneurs that are taking bold action. that is certain is that we cannot wait. A number of national governments aren’t doing much to save The articles collected here by Amy Kirbyshire and the planet but encouragingly, city governments Ben Smith describe a range of issues that we are being more proactive. That is where we can need to deal with and the choice of approaches and should help.• that are available, within the context of the urban

design profession. For rising temperatures for Sebastian Loew, architect and planner, writer and consultant instance, the solutions may be in the building design and materials, the street layout and landscaping. To respond to an increased danger of flooding, buildings may have to be adapted, How to join new development may have to be further away To join the Urban Design Group, visit from risk areas and in some cases urban areas and see the benefits of may have to be relocated. Access to cleaner taking out an annual membership. energy and the elimination of the internal Individual (UK and international) £55 combustion engine will require a new approach to UK student / concession £35 Recognised Practitioner in Urban Design £85 the design of streets and to the management of Small practice (<5 professional staff) £275 energy distribution. Large practice (>5 professional staff) £495 Education £275 Local Authority £100 Most of all, the potential solutions require UK Library £90 new forms of collaboration as they will only International Library £120 be successful if applied holistically. Existing professional silos, already damaging at present,

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 update 3

during the evening was by Phil Jones when Walking and Cycling he noted that the proportion of people who Strategies and choose to walk when taking trips of a mile or less, hasn’t changed greatly since the Design Guidance: 1970s, a time when walking had a far higher What’s The Point? mode share. It is nice to know that, given the numerous travel options people now have, 11 September 2018, The Gallery, and often including the use of a conveniently parked car, almost as many still choose to London walk for these short trips as they did over 40 years ago. However, this suggests that the limited gains for those people who already steady decline in the total number of walking have things to walk to. There are many other At this event Phil Jones of PJA provided an trips being made is not due to a growing lazi- worthwhile and significant benefits to im- interesting insight into current advice from ness on our part, but rather a desire or need proving conditions for walking, but they the Department for Transport on their Local to travel further as part of our daily lives. would not appear to be quite as wide-rang- Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans This raises a couple of important ques- ing as many people hope it will be. (LCWIP) programme. This was followed by tions. Firstly, and perhaps unsurprisingly, the This was a thought-provoking evening, fascinating data analysis from Naomi Baster, primary answer to achieving greater walking but for reasons that I didn’t predict. We ap- looking at Transport for London’s research mode share comes down to land use. Get pear to be more than happy to walk short into the behaviours of pedestrians and the mix of uses right and people can very distances (even if the conditions are less cyclists in the capital, and the potential for happily live a great deal of their lives rela- than favourable). The problem is that many growing the share of these modes. Finally, tively close to home, at which point walking of us have very little that we can convenient- Brenda Puech of Living Streets adeptly becomes the obvious choice. However, live ly walk to. stepped in at the last moment to give Coun- in a large residential estate where you must • cillor Feryal Demerci’s presentation. This work, shop and socialise many miles from Oli Davey, Transportation Design Engineer, provided a more practical look at the types your home and, understandably, walking no Urban Movement of walking and cycling interventions that the longer seems such an attractive option. London Borough of Hackney Council are cur- If our goal is simply to increase walk- rently implementing. ing’s mode share, then it would appear that One of the most interesting points made improving infrastructure will only provide

zero-emission at the tailpipe, but brakes accommodating a range of vehicles, bikes and tyres are responsible for pollution, and and phone charging without compromising particulates increase with heavier battery the footway. The City of London Corporation weights. Bringing forward electric forms of has expressed concerns about the over- public transport is a positive change and the provision of charging sites; their priority is TX5 electric taxis are a favourite for health off-street charging for freight vehicles and and cleanliness. 300 electric taxis. Transport for London has Alan Hayes provided an engineer’s com- a target of 80 per cent active travel use and ment to dampen enthusiasm for electric wishes to see charging happen off-street too. vehicles, highlighting their inconvenience London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and relative inefficiency relative to petrol and makes use of street lighting columns to pro- diesel. We are kidding ourselves about their vide charging points to avoid street clutter, Electric vehicles – serious limitations of range and charging but cars must have a meter. The British Park- times. Is it only the wealthy who are benefit- ing Authority would prefer more charging Infrastructure and ing from EV subsidies? There are displaced off-street, but there are few incentives for lo- impacts on countries supplying materials cal authorities and 70 per cent of them have Impact such as cobalt from Congo. Hydrogen fuel no budget for EV charging points. cell trams or cars would not need the same In discussion, a question was asked 11 October 2018, The Gallery, London level of infrastructure. about whether technology could develop Councillor Caroline Russell, London better rubber compounds and whether Assembly member and Green Party spokes- trams were better than electric buses. It There was almost a full house for this joint person on transport, emphasised how much was pointed out that solutions will vary by event organised by the UDG with Living was to be done urgently to decarbonise area. There was agreement that installing Streets, as campaigners, academics, profes- our transport systems. The fact that cash- charging points within the footway is taking sionals and businesses debated the shift strapped councils are earning money by place inappropriately and damaging walk- towards electric vehicles (EVs). It brought installing EV charging points is influencing ability, contrary to the objectives of the a sharp and not uncritical focus on the is- bad decisions; in principle she opposes the London Plan. It was also agreed that the fo- sues associated with electric vehicles and loss of public realm to sell fuel in this way. cus must still be a shift to active travel with everyone will have gone away with a better The second half of the discussion looked fewer vehicles. Cars are wasteful of space, understanding as well as more questions. at more technical aspects: parking and the being parked for 94-96 per cent of their Professor Frank Kelly of King’s College car-sharing potential of EVs. Car-sharing lifespan! London warned of the links between air advocates aim to offer an affordable version • pollution with increased hospital admis- of car use while removing up to 10 private- Tim Hagyard, planning and urban design sions, reduced birth weights and increased ly-owned vehicles for every one in shared consultant risk of dementia. He pointed out that no use. Susan Claris of Arup promoted her idea zero-emission vehicles exist. Some cars are for on street ‘parklets’ as a flexible way of

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 4 update

management, the legacy of Asplund, all so in central Italy (see his report on p.10). This much to be expected. Less predictable were wild and mountainous area is notorious for its Stockholm’s social and economic disparities, seismic instability. This was all too apparent evident even to the casual visitor. in the regional capital Aquila, undergoing the For a low-lying city, mitigating the ef- slow and painstaking reconstruction after fects of climate change has taken on a new the earthquake of 2009 which caused 308 urgency. Rising sea levels have prompted a deaths and the destruction of around 11,000 massive civil engineering project to raise the buildings. Quite apart from the physical and level of the causeway at Slussen, to prevent human cost, the economic life of the old town the city’s drinking water being contami- seemed to have been sapped, with much of UDG visits to nated by the brackish waters of the lagoon. the population being decanted to the suburbs The southern suburb of Hammerby Sjöstad where more modern construction had with- Stockholm and the has been celebrated as one of the first stood the effects of the earthquake. Ascoli large-scale developments with ecology to Piceno in the Marche region has a vibrant town Abruzzi the fore, and the group found it was wear- centre, well preserved buildings and riverside ing well after 20 years. Other outings were setting which provided a poignant contrast 17 October 2018, The Gallery, London made to the brownfield site of Royal Seaport, with Aquila. The group also found time to visit the prototype new town of Vallingsby, and some of smaller hill towns including Somona, Hagestaden. Scanno, Angara del Abruzzi, Patrecho and Learning first-hand from Europe has long Brian Quinn added an interesting Castel del Monte. been part of the Urban Design Group’s pro- postscript to the Stockholm’s trip, Having led some thirty European tours gramme and in these uncertain times, study having stayed on to visit Vallastraden, a for the UDG, Alan had announced that Abru- tours take on a new relevance. Most of the development begun in 2012 on the outskirts zzi would be his last in charge. It was now group’s visits have been led by Alan Stones of the city of Linköping. The township time for younger members to take over. UDG or Sebastian Loew, who joined up to report had been built quickly and well with a Director Robert Huxford closed the even- on this year’s trips. commendable emphasis on renewable ing by thanking Alan and Thelma Stones for Sebastian’s talk on Stockholm drew on energy, but as a place it was harder to enjoy, arranging so many outstanding and adven- contrasting aspects of the Swedish capital: being exceptionally dense with narrow turous visits. the beauty of the city in its archipelago streets, and uncomfortably windy. • setting, the emphasis on high quality public alan Stones reported on a longer, eight-day Geoffrey Noble, urban design and heritage housing, transport and environmental tour of the small towns of the Abruzzi region consultant

summarised as ‘an empirical study of how were the next major influences on Tim. On people perceive the city’ has had a tremen- the other hand, Buchanan’s report Traffic in dous influence on urban designers’ thinking. Towns was published, giving an impulse to Tim was one of those inspired by this book the construction of urban motorways and in- (and some others as well) and his lecture creasing the menace to historic areas. Whilst described the different stages of his career in working at the London School of Economics to which Lynch had had an influence. and later at Westminster City Council, Tim Interested and excited by urban environ- (using a pseudonym) campaigned against ments as a young man, he discovered the the destruction of some of the capital’s works of Gordon Cullen (Townscape) and neighbourhoods in the name of new motor- Lynch more or less simultaneously and they ways construction. helped him understand and codify what up On a more optimistic note, Tim saw this to then had just been a gut feeling. Soon he century as being at last concerned with was involved in a successful campaign to people and places, and showed some good save the stone paving of Edinburgh’s Royal examples of recent urban developments Mile. His next campaign was against a widen- (King’s Cross, Brighton’s New Road). The ing of the A1 in Berwick on Tweed, followed problem now resides in the suburbs where by a period of work in New Haven, Connecti- so many new homes are being built without a cut, applying Lynch’s methodology to the sense of place or connections. Tim wondered perception of the urban environment from whether the new NPPF would be able to re- City Image and City the road. spond to this situation. To place the period in which Lynch’s Finally Tim attempted to evaluate Lynch’s Life, Tim Pharoah ideas evolved, Tim listed four important work in today’s context: positive were the trends of the post-war period: the uto- awareness of city structure and the possibil- The Kevin Lynch Memorial Lecture, pian new towns of Corbusier and Wright, ity of influencing it and promoting quality. 14 November 2018, The Gallery, garden cities, the British New Towns and Negative were the difficulty of interpreting London the urban motorways. At the same time, the methodology on the ground, the con- in the real world, inner cities were in de- strained definition of some of its elements cline and modernist design was replacing and the fact that the methodology was not historic neighbourhoods with unattractive well known. An animated discussion fol- Tim Pharoah, winner of the UDG Lifetime substitutes. lowed about the current situation, the role of Achievement Award 2018 appropriately The 1960s were fertile ground for trans- planners and highway engineers, and the ac- organised his Kevin Lynch memorial lecture formational publications; Jane Jacobs Death celerated rhythm of change. around the work of the author being com- and Life of Great American Cities together • memorated. Lynch’s The Image of the City, with Michael Thompson’s Motorway London Sebastian Loew

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 update 5

Financial Review 2017-18 2018 2017 Urban Design Group’s Totals £ Totals £ Incoming Resources Annual General Subscriptions 96,075 113,410 Publications and Awards 8,842 10,291 Meeting Conference Fees and Sponsorship 18,975 17,163 London Events 2,456 1,040 The following is a summary of the Study Tours & Job Ads 41,170 45,599 Donation from Urban Design Services Ltd 0 0 Trustees’ Report presented to the Activities to Generate Funds AGM. Interest Received 32 315 Inland Revenue: Gift Aid 0 0 Miscellaneous Income 703 0 Total Incoming Resources 168,253 187,818 Membership Resources Expended The total number of members across Charitable Expenditure the various categories has remained Publications & Awards 36,584 38,193 approximately constant at 1,179 (from 1,153 Conference Expenditure 12,774 18,273 the previous year) with minor fluctuations General 90,280 78,886 Study Tours Expenditure 22,284 25,296 within each category: an increase in Governance Costs (Accountancy) 2,753 2100 individual and Recognised Practitioners, Total Resources Expended 164,675 162,748 balanced by a decrease in practice, local Net Income/(Expenditure) For The Year 3,578 25,070 authority and university memberships, Fund Balances Brought Forward 202,420 177,350 Fund Balances Carried Forward 205,998 202,420 although in all cases the numbers are very Current Assets 218,879 220,890 small. The take-up of the Urban Update Current Liabilities 12,881 18,471 e-bulletin by non-members remains high at 1,131. Total Net Assets 205,998 202,420

Urban Design Journal Over the past year a number of high quality Design’. Over 70 speakers contributed to Vienna and Alan Stones led an extension of contributions were received on a variety of the conference which included an open- this tour to other Austrian cities. In April subjects, occasionally fairly controversial. ing address by Sir Richard Leese, Leader of 2018, Sebastian Loew took a group to Stock- The main topics covered were Estate Regen- Manchester City Council, and Deputy Mayor holm and Alan Stones led another group to eration, Conservation and Urban Design, of Greater Manchester Combined Authority. the Abruzzi towns in Italy. North America, and Post-Conflict Urban The conference was generously sponsored by Design. Members are always encouraged to GreenBlue Urban, Boyer, Broadway Malyan, Research Project – Design contact the editors to offer contributions or IBI, McCauls and Tibbalds. Skills in Local Authorities suggest subjects that they would like to see Alan Stones negotiated a skills survey covered in future issues. Events – London undertaken by Professor Matthew Carmona The UDG has continued to develop its pro- and Valentina Giordano at University College National Urban Design Awards gramme of events at Cowcross Street. Led London. The survey demonstrated extensive Led by Nidhi Bhargava, Louise Thomas and by Paul Reynolds, the 2017-2018 programme skills shortages across local authorities. The the UDG Awards Group, this year’s National included presentations, a film night, and results can be seen on the UDG website. Urban Design Awards event took place at walks. Browns, Covent Garden in March 2018 and Urban Update was very successful. The Francis Tibbalds Urbannous – Video on Demand The UDG’s email newsletter Urban Update Trust continued its generous support through Thanks are due to Fergus Carnegie who continues to be a valuable resource for ur- the provision of financial prizes in the continues his largely voluntary work to re- ban designers and is received by over 2,000 Practice Project and Student categories. The cord the UDG’s monthly events at Cowcross individuals. It provides a concise monitoring winners in 2018 were as follows: Street, making them available to a global service of the government websites, as well Practice Project Award: Chapman Taylor audience through the Urbannous website. as news of research in a wide range of areas. •for Altstadtquartier Buchel, Aachen, This is a great resource and a tremendously Germany valuable archive of the presentations given Executive Committee Members Public Sector Award: City of London at the UDG over recent years. The operation of the Urban Design Group is •Corporation for Aldgate the responsibility of the Executive Commit- Student Award: Chris Wiseman and Marc UDG Regions tee. Its member for the year 2017-2018 were: •Miller, University of Strathclyde for Milton: Colin Munsie as UDG Vice-Chair for the re- Colin Pullan (Chair) Stefan Kruczkowski* Back from the Edge gions, worked to strengthen the group’s links Daniela Lucchese* (corresponding) Book Award: The Art of Building a Garden throughout the UK and beyond. The following Leo Hammond Colin Munsie •City: Designing New Communities for the are leading activities in their areas (Hon Treasurer) Mat Procter* 21st Century, Kate Henderson, Katy Lock and Solent: Peter Frankum Katy Neaves (Past Chair) Monica Qing* Hugh Ellis, RIBA Publishing • East Midlands: Laura Alvarez Paul Reynolds Brian Quinn* Lifetime Achievement Award: John Thorp, • North East: Georgia Giannopoulou (Hon Secretary) Amanda Reynolds •formerly Civic Architect at Leeds City Council • North West: Mark Foster and Rebecca Laura Alvarez* Raj Rooprai* Outstanding Contribution to Urban •Newiss Philip Cave Barry Sellers •Design: Rowan Moore, author and journalist Scotland: Francis Newton and Jo White Michael Cowdy* Katja Stille* • Yorkshire: Rob Thompson Andrew Dakin* Graham Smith* National Conference on Urban • Wales: Noel Isherwood (corresponding) Alan Stones Design 2017 • West Midlands: Michael Vout Mattias Wunderlich The 2017 conference was held at the Univer- • sity of Manchester, under the title of ‘Health, Urban Design Study Tours * Denotes that this member was co-opted to Happiness, Harmony: The Role of Urban In April 2017 Sebastian Loew led a tour to the Executive Committee for 2017-18 • Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 6 update

Cup winner in Woolwich Central, a scheme openly regretted by the chairman of the planning board that had approved it, but which had previously been design reviewed. Unfortunately, all the points of qualification from the design review were overlooked in its implementation. Amanda Reynolds drew upon her work in King’s Lynn and Ipswich to highlight the waste of ‘heritage car parks’. Surface parking takes valuable space that could instead con- tribute to towns in creating places.

Leadership and Governance Laura Alvarez of Nottingham City Council spoke about her wide experience of con- sultation to emphasise the negativity of key parties. Developers see consultation as a tick-box exercise; planning authorities lack the resources and skills to engage properly; and, the public’s attitude can be very cyni- cal. She encouraged communities to take the 1 initiative and join forces with others in the a body of understanding about people’s own knowledge that they can have an influence; National Urban experiences and ideas. As we already have authorities to employ staff with the correct Design Conference plenty of data, its quality and how to analyse skills; and, developers to embed collabora- it are more important. tive working in their sustainability strategies. 2018 Ivan Tennant of AECOM referred to sev- Main Conference eral cases where his practice worked with Winchester, 20-22 September The day was divided into themes of groups to produce Neighbourhood Plans, Movement and Public Realm, Leadership and now well established and gathering pace. It Governance, Development within Towns and was important to understand the real issues Expanding Towns and Smaller Development outside Towns. underlying objections to development. Older Cities Howard Gray for GreenBlue people’s housing is one example of a niche This year Urban Design Group’s conference Infrastructure, co-sponsors of the area that can be promoted successfully. shifted the focus to towns and smaller set- conference, pointed out that climate change On the basis of his long association with tlements. Winchester, with its magnificent is happening now and that the loss of a planning in the market town of Hertford, Victorian Guildhall to host us and a town single mature tree requires 68 young trees Tim Hagyard noted that decisions were centre still reflecting both Roman and Saxon to replace it, in terms of its canopy cover. too focused on-site allocations or on the grid plans, was a good choice to consider His company’s message continues to be priorities of councillors. With investment in urban design matters at a different scale. that green infrastructure provides the best officer training, design review and design sustainable development. frameworks, there had been progress Urban Design Fest Marcus Adams of JTP set out the on urban design quality and inputs. The On the first evening, Councillor Horrill, background to a new SPD for the Central Mead Lane Framework facilitated greater leader of Winchester City Council welcomed Winchester Regeneration Area, following sustainable travel and a higher density attendees to the heritage of Winchester, public protests against 2014 plans. 1,400 approach around a local station; more before a wide-ranging series of punchy four people were involved in a busy weekend recently, public involvement helped to minute urban design talks. Later, Terence of interactive workshops to develop poli- shape a town centre urban design strategy O’Rourke, author of the 2015 Cathedral Cities cies for the area, providing a framework for to inform the redevelopment of the town’s in Crisis report, reflected that the strategic new development, greater permeability, the main shopping centre, including the dimension needed to be right first, but that retention of key buildings, public realm im- transformation of a neglected riverside area. central government was chaotic at present provements, opening up culverted rivers and Catherine Hammant’s PhD on Public and the dust of Brexit needed to settle. An- a landscaped setting for the statue of King Realm Transformations in Market Towns drew Cameron restated his belief in the Joy Alfred. The City Council’s land ownership will referred to schemes within Stamford, the of Streets, but lamented that the government be a big factor in delivering the plans. country’s first Conservation Area. The lack of hadn’t taken its suggestions on Manual for Peter Frankum of Savills gave an national guidance on the process for public Streets. He reported ongoing success at the overview of the South Hampshire strategic realm schemes is evident, particularly on sometimes maligned architectural odyssey of context: the legacy of the 1965 modernist highways statutory provisions. She regretted Poundbury, where 2,300 jobs are now within Buchanan proposals for Solent City, that Manual for Streets hadn’t been made this lively urban extension of 1,500 homes, albeit abandoned, is evident along the compulsory and the demise of both the offering less travel and a better quality of M27 corridor, but implemented in a more Action for Market Towns and CABE as life. Building beautiful places, he concluded, sensitive manner with adaptable grids, and vehicles to develop thinking. is the key to sustainability as they will en- some stylish schemes. dure. Chris Sharpe of Holistic City Software Rob Cowan of Urban Design Skills de- Movement and Public Realm challenged the audience to define the term clared that he really wanted to address all Luan Deda of Boyer Planning opened this Smartcities, and then exposed a range of the planners and urban designers who hadn’t session focusing on key elements of good definitions to the point where the term be- come along to the conference. Never short of public realm. Chris Martin of Urban Move- comes meaningless. Technology is not to be a good slide, Rob’s back catalogue of laugh- ment highlighted the importance of design used for its own sake but in applications, like ably absurd highway and planning outcomes to make people healthier and happier, and Placecheck, where we can quickly build up seems to grow. He highlighted a Carbuncle unlock all the advantages of urban living. He

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 update 7 detailed an innovative set of principles that winning entry of the National Infrastructure set out how we can shape towns and cities Competition, offers radical and inspiring to flourish. ideas for 21st century sustainable living, Stephen O’Malley of Civic Engineers as one way to build distinctive new explained that towns were the physical man- communities and deliver sustainable growth, ifestation of public policy, developed and led designed around a car-free environment and by elected representatives, and delivered by high-density housing typologies. the statutory executive. He suggested that Kim Swallowe of Cherwell District Coun- we needed to get much better at achieving cil gave a talk about Graven Hill, ’s the optimum outcomes when considering largest custom build development cur- public health, inclusive growth, social value, rently under way. She explained how simple inward investment and environmental im- plot-passports provide self-builders with 2 pact. Engineers have a critical role to play instructions and provide essential, yet mini- in interpreting these objectives and unlock- mal, design control. ing meaningful additional value in the built and natural environment. Shaping the Town To come Andy Ward of NEW Masterplanning re- The final session involved looking ahead. ferred to case studies in towns in the south Ananya Bannerjee of Boyer Planning showed of England, explaining their macro-planning how an old hospital site at Alton would be approach which aims to create better places, developed with a landscape-defined design increase commercial value, reduce infra- strategy to create a distinctive place. structure costs and secure earlier planning Mark Hines of Mark Hines Architects, permissions. wishing to see greater local distinctiveness in new developments, pointed to the 3 Development within the town meaning and the sense of belonging brought and the distracted state of national politics Jane Manning of Allies and Morrison detailed by a clear identity, derived historically cannot be ignored at present. Following best their work on density for the London Plan, from the landscape. Working closely with practice and bringing it into the mainstream showing it to be about far more than num- customers and using the process of custom of planning and development remains a bers than numbers but defining character building may be a good vehicle for local key task as always. The challenges of retail areas which can reinforce future design distinctiveness; a 21st century Poundbury decline and lifestyle changes are especially strategy. Previous density guidelines for Lon- can evolve, including the necessary acute for smaller settlements. Citizens’ don were too blunt a tool. Street morphol- irregularity. engagement such as in Winchester, and evi- ogy and grain can be used to inform growth, Finally, Roger Evans of Studio REAL asked dence of direct local government investment and floor area ratios could be doubled and why so much of what we do is not as good as in commercial property, may offer new op- character still retained. The streets of Lon- what is shown at a conference. The planning portunities. Good urban design needs to be don and the city’s green infrastructure are regime of land allocation is a key strategic a priority for smaller towns and cities, where safeguarded by this approach. level decision, failing at present with sites the public demand for involvement and Retailing was the subject of two succes- chosen for the wrong reasons, and often not quality is great, but the lack of local authori- sive presentations. Paul Clements of Savills the best connected. Every town needs a stra- ties resources frustrate it. Grappling with a had stark words about the challenges for tegic framework; Roger was promoting the historic legacy of limited public transport retailers in town centres, people are using idea of whole town visions and aiming to set and damaging car-based solutions makes the town centres and their attachment to spaces up a few volunteer panels of urban designers challenge greater. In such a context, lifting and places remains, although this position is to work with local authorities on their strate- the standards and distinctiveness of new precarious. Innovation is needed and merely gic allocations for towns and cities. development requires new leadership skills waiting for a retail cycle to improve matters Following questions, the new chair of the and priorities, and while much good work is not enough. An example of innovation and Urban Design Group, Leo Hammond thanked continues, it happens too often in isolation. mutual benefit was the relocation of a medi- the hosts, organisers and presenters, and There is a palpable lack of priority or cal centre into a declining shopping mall encouraged everyone to continue working to leadership, given the distractions of govern- in Nashville. Paul McTernan of SLR contin- make urban design our priority. ment and the absence of key bodies such as ued the theme of concern about towns and CABE that championed design. An announce- particularly dysfunctional large floor plate Walking Tours ment that local government budgets are retail spaces. Referencing his work in Pais- On Saturday, for those fortunate enough to be further cut by a third does not augur ley, he showed how creating a learning and to be there, an excellent guided tour of well. manufacturing space using the history of the Winchester Cathedral was provided by its • Paisley shawl, was bringing investment and archaeologist, Dr John Crook, who not only Tim Hagyard jobs. set out the evolution of the building and the wider site, as if he had witnessed it himself, Development and Change but was versed in all the differing materi- outside the town als, fashions and structural challenges of Richard Eastham of Feria Urbanism highlight- building the cathedral. A damp walk around ed how the study of an existing town centre the town, led by Rachel William of UBU, and the organic growth of a town can inform completed the morning, viewing some of the the design of an urban extension. His talk, town’s infill and public realm schemes as illustrated by historic records and quotes, well as evident traffic conflicts. 1 A well attended conference explained how their work aims to ensure that 2 The Broadway, the town retains ingrained characteristics Conclusions Winchester, soon to be following future growth. Once again, the conference encouraged all redesigned as part of Annalie Riches of Mihail Riches with fine examples and demonstrated the the Central Winchester Regeneration Area presented Velocity, a growth strategy for the value of urban design skills and collaborative 3 Roger Evans giving the Oxford-Cambridge corridor. Velocity, the working. The question of political leadership final address of the day

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 8 update

countries and regions along the Belt and Road made up around 60 percent of the total participants at the event.

The UDG Visit After arriving in Guangzhou by train from Hong Kong, the UDG team comprising Colin Pullan, Paul Reynolds, Mike Cowdy and Barry Sellers headed to the hotel where they met Monica Qing. The hotel was located in the Zhujiang New Town, an area planned as Guangzhou’s new CBD for the 21st century, which was started in the mid 2000s, ahead of the city’s hosting of the 2010 Asian Games. Today it is home to a number of the city’s most iconic buildings, including the Canton Tower, the second tallest tower in the world. Our first stop was the GZPUDS riverfront office to meet our hosts, get an overview of the schedule for the rest of the week and a brief introduction to the city, its history and development. This was followed by dinner at the Party Pier, a fantastic piece of stakehold- er-initiated and community-led riverside regeneration of a former grain silo pier be- longing to Pearl River Brewery. It is described 1 as a ‘beer, culture and art zone’. Guangzhou City The Urban Design Situated in the southern province of Guang- The Spa Town Group goes global in dong, the city of Guangzhou sits at the head Our first full day began with a trip to a spa of the Pearl River and is one of the key cities town in the hills north of the city. On the Guangzhou of the Pearl River Delta – a region recognised long drive we were given some background by the World Bank as the largest urban area information to the project: a comprehensive The UDG’s Executive Committee in the world, with a combined population of masterplan had been drawn up for the town reports on a recent delegation to more than 60 million inhabitants. The city several years earlier, but only an initial phase China itself has a population of around 13 million, of public realm improvements had been making it the third largest city in China, completed, and our task was to look at the and one of the top 20 globally. It is a city of town with fresh eyes and hopefully come For a number of years, the UDG Execu- diverse architecture, including a number of up with some new ideas. What we found tive Committee has talked about trying to significant historical buildings such as the was a small, quiet town which had clearly strengthen its links beyond the UK. As an Chigang Pagoda (which dates from 1619) benefitted from its natural assets, such as organisation with members all around the alongside modern contemporary ones like the hot springs and river, but had passed world, and with many international students Zaha Hadid’s Opera House which opened in its heyday. Despite extensive public realm choosing to study urban design at UK univer- 2010. improvements in a bid to rejuvenate its tour- sities, we have often felt that there was more Formerly known as Canton, the city has a ism potential, it was still suffering from a that we could do. A number of ideas, such as history of over 2,200 years and was a major dominance of highways, and often with quite translating the journal into other languages terminus of the famous Silk Road maritime poor buildings behind a new veneer of devel- (i.e. Chinese), have been explored in the past trading route. For many years, it was the only opment. The town was also incredibly quiet but have never been taken forward. Chinese port accessible to foreign traders out of season when we visited. In many ways However, after a long incubation period, and as such a major focus during the first it reminded the team of an English seaside the start of September saw a delegation Opium war, a 2-year battle between the Qing town in winter, although in this case summer from the UDG Executive Committee head to Dynasty and British forces which saw many is the quiet season, due to the extreme heat. China to take part in a week-long knowl- of its native population leave, and ended Walking around we discovered some real edge exchange visit to the city of Guangzhou. with Hong Kong, another of the Pearl River gems, in terms of spaces and buildings, but The trip came about after a chance meeting Delta cities, being ceded to the British. The often they were hidden away from the main at King’s Cross between Executive mem- impact of this history is visible in the design streets and spaces. We felt that their value ber Monica Qing and a former college friend of the city today, as many of those who fled was not necessarily seen or understood. Mr Xu Lige, who is now the Director of the during the war returned with money made The town was also cut off from the river in Guangzhou Planning and Design Studio overseas and started to build properties and many places. While a new promenade built (GZUPDS). After Monica introduced the UDG, districts stylistically resembling what they as part of the public realm project improved he asked if we would be willing to send a had seen while in exile. To this day there are access in parts, new developments blocked small delegation to share experience and neighbourhoods which have clear influences key views and desire lines, and a major road knowledge on key urban design challenges from American, Dutch, French and even Brit- separated the promenade from the rest of facing his team of around 200 staff. What ish Colonial architectural styles. the town. followed was more than a year of dialogue Guangzhou continues to play an and hard work between Monica and our important role in China’s Belt and Road The High Speed Station hosts to set up the visit and ensure that two initiative reaching out to many countries. On the second day we headed out of the city organisations located in different parts of the In October 2018 Guangzhou staged China’s centre again, but only as far as the Guang- world could best benefit from this knowledge largest Trade Fair underlining its economic zhou South High Speed Rail Station. This is exchange. importance. The number of firms from the major high-speed terminus for the city

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 update 9 and a wide catchment area beyond and was heritage of the Julong Village or the potential designed by Terry Farrell & Partners. When of the emerging arts quarter. it opened in 2010, it was the largest station in Asia, designed to accommodate up to ‘Can Talk’ Conference 300,000 passengers a day. We visited on a Our final day in Guangzhou was taken up by relatively quiet day, and it is hard to imagine the ‘Can-Talk’ conference, a one-day event what it is like during the peak season such as with around 75 participants. Colin started China’s Spring festival when millions of mi- the day by giving an overview of the UDG and grant workers heading home converge here. the value of urban design. Other members The station is without doubt an of the group took turns to speak on a variety impressive building, six storeys high and of topics, including How to make a city with a vertical organisation structure walkable, International best practice case which separates departing, arriving and studies, Achieving high quality urban design interchanging passengers. It is also elevated through the planning system, and Regenera- and visible from a considerable distance tion best practice, focussing on King’s Cross, around, even though it sits 17km outside where this whole visit was conceived. We of the city centre. We could see how the also heard from local speakers about urban city was approaching it at pace, and the design practice and policy in Guangzhou. 2 station itself is the centrepiece of a major Following the presentations, there was an their collective knowledge beyond the UK. new masterplanned district, designed to open Q&A session where many of the ques- Once we have further details of future trips deliver a mix of uses that take advantage tions focussed on how to retain heritage or events, we will share details on the UDG of their proximity to the regional transport assets in regeneration, and how to work in website and in Urban Update. hub. GZPUDS has already been working with partnership with local communities. We also look forward to sharing more the rail authority to increase its capacity After the conference we were given information about the trip, what we learned, for the projected growth. Its scale does a tour of the venue, the spectacular new and how we hope to grow our influence and however bring some challenges, and we Guangzhou Urban Planning Exhibition Cen- membership in China, with a special journal found that there was a significant amount tre. This type of facility is very popular in supplement next year, and an evening event of retrofitted signage and wayfinding which China, combining an element of city history to talk a little more about our experiences in had been installed to help people find their with information on the future of the city. Guangzhou at the Gallery on 19th February. way around, dealing with what we were told They describe it as an ‘urban culture living Please make a note in your diary, and we was a major problem of legibility. Also, there room’ for the city, where ordinary citizens look forward to seeing you there. was a lack of integration with taxis and buses and visitors can experience the city’s plan- • resulting in serious congestion in certain ning and growth. The scale of the building Barry Sellers, Colin Pullan, Mike Cowdy, parts of the station precinct. After the site and exhibits was incomparable to anything Monica Qing & Paul Reynolds visit, we had a productive workshop with the in the UK, with a vast model of the city and a project team in GZPUDS’s office where the 4D theatre that shows the story of the devel- station design and infrastructure-led urban opment of the city while the audience sits in expansion were discussed as two separate moving seats, and is confronted with noises topics. and smells from the past. It was quite an ending to our stay in this amazing city. The Old Town The third of our visits was described to us as Next Steps being all about the old town, but in reality, it We see this as the first of what we hope was a story of regeneration that could have will become a series of visits to Guangzhou just as easily have come from the streets and other Chinese cities, and already early of east London. We were taken to Julong discussions have been held about a return Village, probably one of Guangzhou’s best trip in 2019, along with the possibility of 1 View from GZPUDS examples of a traditional southern Chi- hosting a delegation from China in London. riverfront office nese neighbourhood. Despite the massive We also hope to investigate the possibility of 2 The traditional Julong VIllage changes brought by economic development making similar visits to other cities around 3 The UDG team and hosts in the surrounding areas, only around 100 the world, allowing our members to share in the Old Town workshop people still reside in Julong Village (the same as it has been for the past 120 years), which contains some of the best-preserved late Qing Dynasty architecture in the region, making it Guangzhou’s premier historical and cultural preservation district. However, it is also close to a new metro station which brings with it pressures of high-density rede- velopment in the vicinity. Interestingly, it sits on a canal corridor which flanks a number of now derelict industrial sites, including what was once one of the largest diesel engine factories in China, but is fast becoming a burgeoning arts district, like so many similar industrial areas around the world. Following the visit, we again had a workshop session, discussing how such an area can maximise the potential brought by the new metro without compromising the 3 Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 10 update

65,000 people rendered homeless through- out the province. The effect was greater than it should have been due to the substandard construction of some modern buildings. The initial response was effective in terms of rehousing the displaced in suburban prefabricated buildings, but the reconstruc- tion of the historic centre was off to a chaotic start, with suspected Camorra involvement in building contracts. In response, the gov- ernment set up a monitoring organisation, the Ufficio Speciale per la Ricostruzione 2 dell’Aquila. Dr Ing Sergio Sulpizii spoke to our group and explained the monitoring process, which controls all contracts, public and pri- vate, down to the composition and quantity of materials used and waste removed. So far work on 8,000 building sites has been completed with 600 still underway. To-date €5.5bn has been spent by the private sector and €1.4bn by the public. Walking around the centre, it was appar- ent that many buildings were still strapped together with external steelwork, whilst 1 3 others were shrouded nearing completion. Udg Study Tour: The was built by the powerful Cantelmo family in Dr.Sulpizii explained that heritage protection the 14th century, and it and the town were precludes the insertion of earthquake-proof Abruzzi, enlarged in the 15th century. Pettorano sul steel frames, but it is possible to thicken the Gizio’s castle was also built by the Cantelmos masonry of historic buildings. It was also ap- 9—17 June 2018 and the town has wonderful and lengthy pe- parent that the re-colonisation of the historic destrian routes punctuated by small squares centre is a very slow process, as commer- with arched entrances. cial and residential activity has relocated to The Aterno valley, which runs be- the suburbs. Encouraging people to live and Forty one Urban Design Group members set tween Sulmona and L’Aquila, seems to form work in the reconstructed centre and re- off from London to visit the Abruzzi, a wild, a boundary between the areas affected orienting the transport system to underpin mountainous region of central Italy, home to and unaffected by damage from the mas- this process will be the task of the coming a number of spectacular hill towns, but also sive 2009 earthquake. Both Pietracamela decades. The process has been helped by a region affected by a number of disastrous and Castel del Monte on the heights of the many restored buildings being taken over by earthquakes. Gran Sasso are attractive hill towns ranking the local university. For the first part of our tour we were amongst the borghi i più belli d’Italia. How- Our tour ended in Ascoli Piceno, a busy based in the small city of Sulmona, which ever their medieval core areas are propped historic city with a population of 49,000, sits on a plain surrounded by bleak moun- up by braces and shores and dominated by which gave us a glimpse of what L’Aquila tains. Its prosperity is due to its role as a tower cranes. Very few of the houses in these had been and what it might become again. railway junction, to the manufacturing of centres have been restored to habitable use Ascoli is just over the border in the Marche jewellery and sugared almonds. It is also fa- nine years after the earthquake. The fact region, which suffered its own earthquake mous as the home of the Roman poet Ovid. that many were holiday homes fortunately in 2016, but the city itself escaped relative- It suffered a damaging earthquake in 1706, meant that there were few casualties at the ly unscathed. The contrast with L’Aquila is but was rebuilt on the medieval street grid. time, but the state of the economy has de- striking. A chain of superb squares is the fo- A number of key monuments were also re- layed reconstruction, in spite of the fact that cus of the city’s life. The Piazza del Popolo is built, notably a medieval aqueduct and local loyalty has committed the authorities fronted by 16th century loggias and the fine the splendid Annunziata, a late medieval to undertake it. A boost was given to Castel medieval Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, hospital and grain store with an amazing del Monte by its use as a location for George whilst the elongated Piazza Arringo is the sculptured façade. Clooney’s 2010 film The American. focus for the baroque cathedral and Palazzo We visited a number of well-preserved The city of L’Aquila was founded in 1242 del Comune. The city retains its medieval small towns relatively unaffected by earth- by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, walls and overhangs the gorge of the River quakes. Scanno owed its prosperity to the who forced the population of 99 Abruzzese Tronto. wool trade, and retains some fine and sub- villages to relocate there. Each village built Altogether the tour brought home to us stantial merchants’ houses. It is perched its own church, piazza and quarter, and the the fragility of urban life, and how, once it above a gorge, and its narrow streets are number 99 is commemorated in the num- has been disrupted or destroyed, its revival populated thanks to tourism and the avail- ber of spouts on a fountain and the number can be a painstakingly slow and dispiriting ability of local employment. It is also famous of midnight chimes on the town hall clock. process. for the 1953 photos of locals in distinctive Frederick chose a site that has since under- • heavy woollen peasant costumes by Henri gone nine major earthquakes in its history. In Alan Stones architect-planner, urban design consultant and former Head of Design at Cartier-Bresson. Barrea, a much smaller 1703 that resulted in wholesale destruction, Essex County Council place centred on a castle, would have re- but rebuilding produced a lively, bustling mained unremarkable had its setting not city that had reached a population of 64,000 1 Scanno wool town been enhanced by the creation of a huge lake by the time of the 2009 disastrous quake. 2 Barrea enhanced by an by the damming of the River Sangro. That fateful event saw much of the historic artificial lake 3 L’Aquila main square with Many of the small towns in the region centre reduced to rubble, with 308 deaths, tower cranes and many cluster around a castle. Pacentro’s castle 11,000 buildings damaged or destroyed, and buildings still under wraps

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 update 11

CURRENT POSITION Director and Co-founder of Define

Experience Previously Design Director at Lovejoy and Managing Director Capita Lovejoy Birmingham

Education BA Hons and Diploma in Landscape Architecture, Birmingham City University Diploma in Urban Design, Oxford Brookes University

Specialisms Leading the vision, design and delivery of large scale new communities and urban regeneration, tall building projects, preparing urban design and townscape audits and acting as expert witness

Ambitions To see ‘Copenhagenisation’ principles applied undiluted in a UK new community project

was communicated almost as a seamless laid out on a rigid grid that created steps up My Favourite Plan: extension of the concept whilst being fresh, and down from different planes) and sur- Andy Williams enticing and delivered with the simplicity faces (reflecting different spaces, activities that we were all trying and failing to achieve and buildings). Parc de la Villette, Paris, ©Bernard at that time. The way in which Bernard Tschumi’s Tschumi Architects Parc de la Villette was one of French design approach was communicated through President Francois Mitterrand’s Grands Pro- its ‘line, point and surface’ layers was a jets, and involved the regeneration of a 55 strong influence on me, and has remained ha former abattoir site to the north east of a useful reference ever since. Looking WHY I LIKE IT… Paris city centre, to create an urban park as back I can’t help but notice over much of I first became aware of Bernard Tschumi’s a cultural centre, including a science mu- my professional work that exploring and Parc de la Villette in 1994 in the second year seum and exhibition hall. Bernard Tschumi communicating the layers of a design has of my BA in Landscape Architecture. The won the international design competition in been a common graphic technique, although course gave great weight to place-specific 1983, with the park being substantially com- perhaps not as integral to the design design and the importance of a strong design plete by 1987, although since its completion concept as Bernard Tschumi’s. concept, an emphasis that remains today. the range of cultural facilities has signifi- I recall that the whole year group spent cantly grown. The design concept for the WHAT TO LEARN FROM IT… a great deal of time exploring individual park explored the deconstruction of space This plan acts as a useful reminder that ideas, but often struggled to prepare final and object to allow accidental relationships, graphic communication should almost masterplans that reflected our individual intentionally being the antithesis of the more always be simple, visually enticing, and place-specific concepts, and were notably composed, picturesque approach to land- use as few words as possible (if any) to different from each other. Around this time scape design. It achieved this through the describe it. It also highlights that a plan can I became aware of Tschumi’s design for non-composed overlaying of three layers, benefit from not being two dimensional, and Parc de la Villette. I was immediately struck referred to as the lines (that represented key provides proof that fully aligning a design by the combination of the strength and movement routes, both direct and ‘cinemat- concept with the plan is possible after all. clarity in the concept, and how the design ic’), points (relating to the striking red follies •

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 12 update

design can play a role in making this hap- of electronic devices, a technological innova- pen. ‘A defensible space is a living residential tion in its infancy at the time. environment which can be employed by in- The last chapter, Summary and Rec- habitants for the enhancement of their lives, ommendations, acknowledges that more while providing security for their families research is needed and intended, and neighbors and friends’. He then describes includes the following proviso: ‘We are con- where defensible space can be applied, from cerned that some might read into our work the layout of a whole estate, the relation- the implication that architectural design can ship between buildings and between these have a direct causal effect on social interac- and the surrounding area, to entrances of tions. Architecture operates more in the area the buildings and inner circulation both of “influence” than control’. vertical and horizontal. He argues that the The schemes analysed are typical of problems have been created to a large extent the US public housing in mid-century. The by misplaced economies and by the loss of recommendations are not to be translated traditional approaches to urban design. Re- blindly to a country with similar but different turning to first principles will go a long way problems, traditions and culture. Times have to solving the problems although Newman changed and crime isn’t the same problem acknowledges that crime will not be elimi- it was in the 1970s; inner cities are no longer nated by design alone and may even migrate being abandoned and the middle classes are Urban Design Library to other areas. moving back into them whilst suburbs show #28 Chapter two analyses the problem in signs of decline. Moreover, technology has more detail and concentrates on the build- fundamentally changed both surveillance Defensible Space, Crime Prevention ings themselves. The tall slab buildings with (CCTV is now ubiquitous and has replaced through Urban Design, Oscar one main entrance, long interior corridors other forms of surveillance) and criminality and two or more escape stairwells, are found as social media helps both the perpetrators Newman, published by The Macmillan to be the most difficult to survey; buildings and the surveyors. At the same time commu- Company, New York, 1972 with several entries serving a small number nities are no more coherent than they were of flats facilitate natural surveillance. then; they may be even less so. Next, the book considers four relevant What can be retained from Defensible When first published, Newman’s book made aspects of defensible space. The first is ter- Space is the sensitive approach to inhabit- a big splash. It was received positively as a ritoriality or the creation of areas over which ants (something Anne Minton seems to have fresh approach to combat urban crime, as the inhabitants have ‘the ability to assume overlooked), the careful research both in well as negatively as a new form of architec- territorial attitudes and prerogatives’. The terms of design and in the analysis of police tural determinism. Although read much less second, natural surveillance, requires the records, the consultation with a variety of today, it still causes controversy. A few design to allow inhabitants to survey the stakeholders and the modesty of the solu- months ago I read in Anne Minton’s Big Capi- public areas (in- and outdoors) around their tions offered. They are mostly an extension tal, Who is London for? that Newman’s book homes. The third relates to the image of the of Jacobs’ ‘eyes on the street’. What we con- was a sort of neo-conservative conspiracy development, in particular the stigma as- sider good urban design today incorporates and at the origins of demolition of social sociated with social housing estates which many of Newman’s ideas: legibility, perme- housing in both the US and the UK. Minton Newman suggests is emphasised by their ability, public-private differentiation; these also blamed it for ‘high-security housing es- design that separates them from their sur- may not have been his words, but they follow tates where gates, grilles and forbidding high roundings. The final one follows from it and on from his suggestions. fences have become the norm’. Re-reading is about the juxtaposition of safe and unsafe On the down side, it is true that New- it now, I wonder whether Minton has in fact areas: a well used and overlooked public man’s ideas have been misappropriated to read the whole book. open space, as opposed to a large one that justify gated communities, fences and barri- Defensible Space has to be placed in its cannot be overlooked. Most of the above ers, the elimination of some landscaping that context: American cities, and New York in would have been approved by Jane Jacobs could hide those with bad intentions and particular, had an unprecedented crime rate and it seems peculiar that while she is con- even the demolition of buildings that could and the middle classes were fleeing to the sidered a saint, Newman is viewed as a have been retained. He himself complained suburbs, leaving behind those sectors of the demon by many. that people such as Alice Coleman had used population that couldn’t move, mostly social Chapter six covers a number of examples his ideas inconsistently. housing tenants, or the affluent who could of (then) recent housing developments that On a more pedestrian level, the pres- afford well-guarded apartments. Newman conform with Newman’s ideas of defensible entation of the book also reflects its age: acknowledged that the problems were socio- space. He analyses in detail their internal the black and white photographs are pretty economic and that communities in large and external layouts and points out the ele- dull and in some cases unhelpful, the draw- urban areas were breaking down. His sug- ments that improve safety or detract from it. ings not always clear, and the tables and gestions, based on years of research at New Many of his comments would not be out of graphs heavy-going. That shouldn’t detract York University, may seem naïve and some- place in a design review report for a British from a fundamentally well-intentioned text what out-dated, but they do not include project, for instance the praise for dwellings which was far-sighted for its time. There isn’t demolition and they are aimed principally having doors directly on the street, or for very much in it but what there is, is worth at helping those trapped in inner-city social play areas overlooked by surrounding flats. digesting. housing estates. The next chapter offers ways of making ex- • Newman’s first chapter defines the isting schemes safer through modifications Sebastian Loew problem as one of a loss of shared values in to their design. Residents were consulted communities living in anonymous places, to find out what they feared and how they Read On Jane Jacobs, 1961, Death and Life of Great resulting in their inability to ‘come to- would like to increase security in their home American Cities, Random House gether in joint action’. A rise in crime led to environment. Solutions were partly cosmetic Alice Coleman1985, Utopia on Trial, Hilary increased police action, but this was not a and partly included a more fundamental re- Shipman Ltd solution. Instead, Newman suggests that we design of the projects’ grounds and interiors. Anne Minton, 2017, Big Capital, Who is London for?, Penguin have to help people to act together and that Interestingly, the suggestions include the use

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 behind the image 13

Place Pompidou, Paris A once divisive (and now much loved) cultural institution and public space in the heart of Paris

In each issue of Behind the Image, one of our contributors visits a modern public space from around the world. The photography tries to reveal an alternative perspective on a familiar precedent, famous space or place. These images illustrate how the public space works in practice: exploring its features (designed and unintended), and the way it relates to the surrounding context.• Lionel Eid, George Garofalakis, Rosie Garvey and Alice Raggett

In use: The design maintains a classical relationship between the civic building Details: Traditional materials have been used for the square with cobble stones and the piazza that it frames. The generosity of the public space is remarkable set in fan patterns. This is in contrast to the modern building and imposing as a proportion of the overall plot. sculptural vents arranged along the perimeter of the square.

Flexibility: Looking down onto the square from inside the building illustrates the Use of topography: The slope of the square creates an amphitheatre effect lack of street furniture or planned elements within the space. This approach between building and space. The gentle angle makes it more comfortable to enables flexibility, allowing the square to be adapted for play, socialising, sit and encourages groups to congregate. demonstration or events.

Thresholds: The square has a clear yet porous edge with Rue Saint-Martin Reflection: Escalators and entrance doors are no longer free to enter without using bollards and tree planting. Blank walls and level changes separate the security checks, making the façade of the building less permeable. This central space from the its lateral edges. diminishes the interactive relationship between the Pompidou and the life of the city outside; a connection that was an important aspect of the project’s original design intent.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 14 DISSERTATION & PROJECT RESEARCH

Co-working Space as New Urban Chance Irene Manzini Ceinar explores the tactics and processes to unlock the potential of a co-working space at the urban level

focusing on co-working spatial configura- tion, little evidence has been provided up Shoreditch High Street to now about mechanisms producing a sig- nificant sense of place and the consequent effects on the urban context, where proxim- ity dynamics can have spill-over effects on the city.

Spatial attachment This research argues that alongside the increasing new forms of work, aspects of Old Truman attachment to place have emerged around Brewery co-working spaces, generating the question: Hanbury street do co-working spaces in London help to gen- Second Home erate meaningful attachment to place? Street Station Princelet street The research has been conducted in a Market single, embedded co-working space Second Home Spitalfields, with the aim of under- standing the dynamics and habits that generate within members meaningful at- tachment to the specific neighbourhood. Brick Lane Second Home is located between Hanbury and Princelet Streets, near Spitalfields Mar- 1 ket, in the core of the vibrant art culture The transition from industrial Fordism of other factors, such as the consequent lack that has transformed the area into a creative mass production to the post-Fordism eco- of affordable spaces in the city, which leads place. Based on a membership scheme, it nomic model has deeply marked a change to the need for collaborative and shared offers a combination of workspace facilities, in terms of economic production, and in spaces. public events and classes on skills develop- particular a shift in the working structure Special attention should be focussed on ment. The events, social networks and the system. the term precarity and its meaning in urban descriptive language and images are car- One of the consequences of globalisation design. The concept can be linked to the ried out by hosts pursuing the slogan ‘Make is the weakening of traditional class-based socio-spatial context under investigation, yourself at home!’, treating the co-working social spaces that historically facilitated as- deeply transformed by historical processes area as a ‘third space’ where spontaneous sociational ties and fostered collective forms in many post-industrial societies associated socialisation between home and the office of identity, such as the collaborative struc- with the changing economy, neoliberalism, happens, intertwining work and community. ture of the office. In particular, in Europe, globalisation and increased mobility. The the collapse of the employment paradigm, geographer Ella Harris offers an interest- Potential unlocked often exacerbated by current forms of no- ing perspective on this term, talking about The history of a place determines its nar- madic work and combined with high social how ‘precarious geographies are transform- rative character, which affects the percep- expectations and job uncertainty, has led to ing the urban fabric and, in particular, its tion of people passing through it. For these the recasting of labour organisation and the spatial-temporality, producing a city typified reasons, the historical context, as well as configuration of a new way of working. by flux, flexibility and uncertainty’ (Harris, the built environment, plays a key role in the 2015). Therefore, precarity could become an process of attachment to the place. Freelancing in the creative opportunity for flexibility, being translated After the Second World War, Brick Lane labour market from a precarity of labour to a precarity of was transformed considerably and, for the A central feature of the creative labour place. first time, documents began to refer to Bri- market is the rise of freelance workers, In fact, the trend of shared working tannia House, the case study building, which referring to knowledge workers who can spaces has been particularly intense during was then used as a carpet warehouse. The live and work anywhere, primarily because and after the global financial crisis in 2008. area has been developed over many years; of advances in telecomputing technologies; The fast speed at which co-working spaces an important step was made in 2007, with they are often defined as ‘urban bums’ or are spreading in London suggests that at- the publication of the London Borough of a ‘precarious class’ due to the precarious tention should be given to the underlying Tower Hamlets’ City Fringe Opportunity financial situation that many of them find dynamics and meaningful processes that Area Action Plan. The plan recognised the themselves in. The contemporary shift in govern this practice, and the spaces where importance of co-working spaces and their working and its patterns has produced the those take place in order to better support role in the London economy, in particular growth of open workspaces as a reaction to the context in which users base their every- through the re-use of vacant land and der- the diffused state of job insecurity, better day lives. elict buildings in the area for employment known as precarity (Gandini, 2015), and Although there are various studies uses as ‘flexible workspaces’. From 2010, the

UUrbanrban DDesignesign ― WWinterinter 2019 ― Issuessue 149 DISSERTATION & PROJECT RESEARCH 15

1 Second Home in its wider Spitalfields 4 ‘Choose Love’ murals neighbourhood context in Hanbury Street for 2 Second Home: the the celebration of the ground floor cafeteria 20th anniversary of open to members and Refugee Week, with the local community the engagement of 3 Second Home’s new members and local development beside communities. the historical residential All images: Irene terraced housing Manzini Ceinar site has been part of the Spitalfields area, as defined by Delivering Placemaking (An- nex 9 of Tower Hamlets Local Development Framework) which, as part of its core strat- egy for development to 2025 has the aim ‘to support, maximising and competitiveness, vibrancy, and creativity of the Tower Ham- lets economy with a particular focus on the small and medium enterprise sector’ and flexible workspaces. 2 Through a succession of important steps to unlock the potential of the area, Britannia House was renovated in 2014 by the Spanish firm Selgascano Architects with input from Tibbalds Planning, on behalf of the private company Second Home. In addition to open workspaces for members only, the proposal included a curved bubble structure on the ground floor as an extension to accommo- date an ancillary cafeteria open to the local community. Another ancillary space to Sec- ond Home, the bookshop Libreria opened its 3 4 doors to the public in 2016. Located on the In particular, Second Home offers its in the co-working area) are more strongly opposite side of Hanbury Street, Libreria of- members a range of activities and events, tied to the surrounding area, as it is part of fers to members and the local community a from the Friday rooftop terrace yoga ses- their routine. Since a consistent number of ‘digital-free-zone’ (Silva, 2016) and a hotspot sions, to the How to Make Documentaries Roamers were previously based at home and for social interaction events organized by workshop, involving the co-participation hypothetically may still work from home, Second Home. of the local community, such as the Adidas their need to recreate a meaningful connec- Bootcamp along Brick Lane and the Choose tion with the place is strong. Furthermore, Community construction Love mural project on Hanbury Street. the discounts that people get as a member The findings that emerged during this provide a strong impetus to move around research through participatory observa- Urban chance Hanbury Street and Brick Lane, to discover tion and diary-interview method, demon- From the data gathered, it emerged that new places and make a connection with the strate that Second Home plays a role in the attachment processes are mainly developed neighbourhood. creation of attachment to the place, where by members at the macro-scale (neighbour- As co-working spaces are living spaces the key elements that make a community hood) through patterns of routine. In fact, where time matters greatly, only a small mi- are ‘hosts’ and ‘events’. In contrast to a nearly 50 per cent of the participants spend nority of members stay for long enough to traditional office, members and hosts are time around the neighbourhood and all become rooted in their particular co-work- brought into a diverse environment where the interviewees agreed that Second Home ing and local context. However, the strategic domestic feelings are promoted by the co- represented a catalyst to get to know the ways in which members seek to develop a working policy. The host staff play a crucial neighbourhood better. To some extent Sec- sense of place around the case study show role in the sense of attachment to place as ond Home contributes to creating concrete that there is a will for settling, where time they promote, support, and accelerate the spatial opportunities for making connections reinforces the spatial but also the symbolic dynamics that produced a shared sense of with the neighbourhood and developing role of the neighbourhood. community. Specifically, hosts promote an specific feelings associated with it. The study reveals that the complex- informal atmosphere, support members to Two emerging factors in promoting the ity of the dynamics occurring in co-working make sense of where they are, and acceler- process at the urban level are the ‘routine’ spaces often acts as a generator of informal ate the wayfinding where the opportunity is paths and the discounts provided by Second place-making processes. Therefore, it is im- coming from. Home to promote the local shops and café in portant to identify the degree of success or The engagement of members and the Hanbury street. The temporal dimension is a adversity of co-working spaces in empathis- construction of a community is a long pro- key element to understanding how the mem- ing attachment to place. cess, not always perceived as a whole but as bers’ sense of attachment or relationship • a micro-community which enhances profes- with the place develops over time. Gener- Irene Manzini Ceinar, urban designer/architect sional and personal identities. In this view, ally, Roaming members (freelancers) put The research that underpins this article was conducted from April to September 2018 for what makes a community is not the quality more effort into discovering the area, as they a dissertation as part of a Master’s degree of relationships among members, but rather look for adaptation and feelings of belong- (MRes) in Interdisciplinary Urban Design at a set of shared practices for accomplishing ing in a relatively shorter time, while Studio The Bartlett School of Planning. some intended purpose. members (working for a company based

UUrbanrban DDesignesign ― WWinterinter 2019 ― Issuessue 149 16 Topic Green planning in Stuttgart’s Media University. Source: Max Bottinger, Unsplash

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 17 Climate Change and Urban Design

ever before has climate change been such a pressing design; instead, it underscores the importance of current trends issue in the minds of the world’s political and business and concerns around compactness, transit access, walkability, Nleaders. Whilst there has been broad consensus on the equity, and working with rather than against natural landscape threat of climate change in the scientific community for a few systems. Urban planners, designers and architects are armed decades, the historic Paris Agreement in 2015 marked a major with the tools and strategies to promote walking and cycling, shift in level of seriousness afforded to this issue by some of the reduce car dependence, integrate clean energy generation world’s most important decision-makers. This shift has been and optimise energy use in buildings. They can design to store catalysed by the increasing frequency and severity of extreme rainwater, minimise floodwaters and their impacts, limit urban weather events, which is plain to see and reported around the heat, provide shade, mitigate damage from windstorms, and world, resulting in greater efforts to communicate the risks of allow safe evacuation from places after disaster events. These climate change and to convene actors to stimulate appropriate climate-related actions also have vast joint benefits for health, action. well-being, energy security and other issues that citizens care Since 2015 the city of Houston, for example, has been hit by about. three 1-in-500-year flood events, and total losses from storm Professionals can use their voices as part of a design team damage in the US in 2017 are estimated at $265 billion. In the to ensure that adaptation and mitigation routinely sit alongside same period there have been prolonged heatwaves in the UK, other core considerations such as demographics, commercial drought leading to water shortage in Cape Town, a string of mix, community participation and existing environmental con- hurricanes in the US, typhoons hitting Japan, flash flooding in straints. They can promote the need for and benefits of climate Jordan and wildfires in California and Australia. The climate action in the local policy context, and raise the ambition of a change impact felt in any location varies depending on the type client brief. They can engage with initiatives like Planners for of extreme weather events experienced and on broader infra- Climate Action, Rebuild By Design and countless other global, structure and social vulnerabilities, but according to Munich national and local processes seeking to accelerate and raise the Re data the frequency of weather-related catastrophes has ambition of our response to climate change. Crucially universi- increased six-fold since the 1950s. ties need to integrate adaptation and mitigation considerations October 2018 saw the launch of a critical, sobering report into curricula for urban planning, urban design, architecture, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) landscape architecture and related disciplines, learning from the which highlights the differences between a world warmed by handful of leading institutions already doing so. 1.5°C compared to 2°C warming. It outlines how changed weather We hope you find this collection of articles helpful. They will seriously threaten health, livelihoods, food security, water provide perspectives on masterplanning and urban design prin- supply, human security, and economic growth if we do not act ciples for climate change, and on responding to specific issues quickly and decisively to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target. around heat and sea level rise. By making the connection across Emissions must peak by 2020, be halved 2030, and halved again to city networks, other articles consider how urban designers by 2040 and 2050. It is an extremely powerful call to action. can influence policy and decision-making, and help to facilitate At this year’s Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, global knowledge sharing. There is now an urgent need for cities around the world committed to bold and ambitious effective climate action, and collaboration and partnership are climate action plans to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions paramount. and adapt to the impacts of climate change. This is on top of • the commitments made by thousands of cities in the Global Amy Kirbyshire, editorial lead for the C40 Cities Knowledge Hub, and Covenant of Mayors on Energy and Climate, and through other Ben Smith, Director of Energy, Cities and Climate Change, Arup. initiatives. It was announced during the summit that greenhouse Both are acting in a personal capacity gas emissions had already peaked and were beginning to fall Reference in 27 major cities. In addition, over 400 companies committed Global Climate Action Summit: Exponential Climate Action Roadmap to meet 100 per cent renewable energy targets, and nearly U$1bn was announced in funding to improve land use and forest Exponential-Climate-Action-Roadmap-September-2018.pdf conservation. The actions we need to take are generally known, often technically straightforward, and economically attractive. It comes down to promoting measures that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation), and to integrating strategies to cope with predicted extreme weather in existing and new development (adaptation). The Exponential Climate Action Roadmap launched at the Global Climate Summit sets out 30 actions to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Few of the actions outlined will be new to urban designers, architects and planners. These professionals have critical roles in driving forward new development and regeneration that responds to the threat of climate change. This does not mean sacrificing good urban

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 18 Topic Masterplanning in a Changing Climate: A UK perspective Michael Henderson and Kieran Power suggest ways of producing masterplans that will be resilient to climate change

1 ollowing one of the most prolonged heatwave periods climate change acts as a multiplier for in the summer of 2018, it is becoming increasingly clear many of these risks, thereby increasing F that the UK is poorly prepared for a significantly warmer the urgency with which we need to act. future. Despite risks to health, well-being and productivity being This is particularly the case for large-scale afforded equal priority to flooding and coastal change in the UK strategic masterplans which can set the Climate Change Risk Assessment, the focus of climate adaptation course of urban transformation many efforts in the UK has been heavily weighted towards flood alle- years into the future; some large master- viation schemes. In recent evidence to Parliament, MPs heard plans are built over the course of a decade. that there were almost 400 heat-related deaths on the hottest Many climate impacts are spatial and as day of 2016, and by 2040 there could be 7,000 heat-related such considering climate risks early in a deaths a year. If a flood killed this many people it would make spatial masterplan provides the greatest international headlines, yet we do not have building regulations opportunity to integrate cost-effective to manage overheating. adaptation measures. If we are to take climate adaptation seriously, we must ensure This article looks at what to consider that our building stock and associated infrastructure is suitable when evaluating climate risks and sets out for expected future conditions. In the UK this is likely to include some simple and straightforward design warmer wetter winters and hotter drier summers, with an approaches. increased likelihood of deluges of rain and erratic storms. On the coast, we also need to consider a sea level rise. Consider your needs Although the most serious impacts of climate change may Before embarking on any attempt to inte- 1 View of the North be in the future, the most opportune time to be thinking about West Cambridge grate climate risk into masterplanning, adaptation is early in any design process. A range of risks exist development. planners should always ask: ‘what level for masterplanned developments under current conditions, and Source: Aecom of detail do I need, to make an informed

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 19 First consider the current exposure, e.g. which parts of the site are likely to be affected by a 1-in-100-year flood event according to the Environment Agency’s Flood Maps for Planning? And how severe will the exposure be? Then think about future exposure considering climate change. For flooding this can be done relatively easily by treating the current data on a 1-in-1,000-year event as a proxy for a 1-in-100-year event later this cen- tury, given the effects of climate change. This is a coarse but defensible approxima- tion that can quickly provide a good sense of how flooding could affect the site in future. Spatially considering future flood exposure in more detail will likely require specialised modelling. 2 For other climate hazards like extreme decision?’ Highly detailed and quantitative approaches are 2 A resilience planning heat, cold, and high winds, public data- available with the help of specialised consultants, but in some workshop in the sets such as the UK Climate Projections Hague. Source: Ben circumstances a light touch approach can meaningfully sup- Smith, Arup 2009 or the forthcoming 2018 update can port more climate-resilient decision-making. The appropriate 3 The San Francisco provide good indicators, but do not have approach will vary based on factors such as: Bay Area skyline. sufficient spatial resolution to distinguish Acute and chronic climate hazards: focus on the physical Source: Derwiki, differences in exposure across a site. •impacts of projected climate change that are relevant to your Pixabay Assessing exposure for the site as a whole site. In recent years the focus of most climate risk assessments will typically be sufficient for these varia- has been increasingly on acute, more visible hazards such as bles; much more important is considering severe rainfall events causing flooding. However, it is important the variation in vulnerability of different not to lose sight of the link between acute hazards like floods asset types, land uses and users. and more chronic climate hazards; gradually rising sea levels, for example, increase the potential severity of future storm surge What are the vulnerabilities? events. A masterplan must consider both acute and chronic, Different receptors on a site (e.g. land longer-term hazards. uses, infrastructure, buildings, user Scope of masterplan: for a concept masterplan, the headline groups and natural assets) will have vary- •level climate projections and risks provided by the UK Climate ing sensitivity and adaptive capacity to Impacts Programme (UKCIP) for different administrative climate hazards. Again, despite the poten- regions ( tial to make significant cost effective cli- may be sufficient, whereas more detailed data may be needed at mate adaptations at the masterplanning the detailed masterplan stage. stage, most toolkits that assess vulner- Vision and objectives: the UK Climate Change Risk Assess- ability, such as the Chartered Institution •ment (UK CCRA) definition of risk is ‘the potential for conse- of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)’s quences where something of value is at stake and where the Testing the limits of thermal comfort, are outcome is uncertain’. Setting clear objectives for the masterplan focused at the building scale or for much before assessing climate risks will link the uncertainty of climate broader geographies. During the early change to the plan’s definition of success. stages of masterplan development it can Timing and staging: climate data for the UK can be sourced be valuable for decision-makers to ask a •over a range of time horizons (e.g. 2020s, 2050s, 2080s). Choos- few simple questions for each combina- ing the right time horizons will depend on the period over which tion of hazards (where there is a chance of the masterplan will be rolled out, and the intended longevity of exposure) and receptors: the project. Are we designing for everybody (e.g. •older people that will be disproportional- Identify and assess the risks ity impacted by climate risks)? In its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines risk as a function of: Exposure: the presence of people, livelihoods, species or •ecosystems, environmental functions, resources, infrastructure, or assets in places that could be adversely affected by hazards. Vulnerability: the propensity or predisposition to be •adversely affected. Assuming a site is exposed to a hazard, vulnerability considers susceptibility of land uses and assets to harm, as well as their capacity to adapt or respond to the consequences.

Are you exposed? For each hazard, the logical first step is to consider the site’s expected exposure over different time horizons. Looking at this spatially enables climate hazards to be factored into the master- plan and analysed alongside other environmental conditions and the design and layout aspirations. 3 Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 20 Topic infrastructure in the Bay Area, in light of predicted sea level rise. By examining the potential impact of sea level rise scenarios on the transport assets and routes, the project showed that there had been considerable investment in areas that are likely to become inundated. A cost- benefit analysis was undertaken to inform the decisions as to whether to move these assets to somewhere safer or to engineer more robust defences. The study took a broad view of the potential costs associated with disruption, including the direct costs of impacts to the assets but also the consequential costs of indirect impacts such as reduced productivity. For transport routes, improving the coping capacity focused on identifying alterna- tive ways to deliver the transportation service, using alternative streets during 4 flooding.

Principles of climate-sensitive masterplanning Consider climate change early – Con- •sidering climate change in the masterplan provides the greatest potential for reducing risks in a way that is both cost- effective and acceptable to the design aspirations. As the design develops, the window of opportunity will reduce for making some interventions. Move sensitive receptors – It may •sound obvious, but the most effective way to reduce climate risks is to move the sensitive receptor away from exposure. Spatial analysis of climate hazards when masterplanning will help feed into the land use strategy. Utilise natural systems – Perhaps •the greatest opportunity for considering climate risks early is the potential to use natural systems and processes. These are often free or lower cost than many 5 other interventions. These passive design From which direction and how strong are prevailing winds? approaches are most often considered • How is the development orientated in relation to the sun’s in relation to building orientation to •path? make the most of solar gains and natural Are there areas of flood risk, and where are these? ventilation. These approaches can also be • Where are the densest areas of the site in relation to water- applied on a larger masterplan scale. •ways, water bodies and critical infrastructure? Do it sustainably – Just because adap- What existing utility infrastructure exists on the site and •tation measures increase the resilience to •where is new infrastructure likely to be positioned? climate risks, this doesn’t automatically How will people be evacuated in an emergency? mean that they make the development • more sustainable. For example, protect- Designing for adaptation ing properties from floodwaters by pro- Adapting to climate change reduces the climate risk by changing viding concrete defences may make them the components of the equation above: safer, but they will increase the embodied through retreat (by changing the severity/frequency of a carbon associated with the development. •climate change impact on a sensitive receptor) These trade-offs need to be considered in • by defence (reducing the sensitivity of a receptor to an impact appraising adaptation options. i.e. engineered flood defences) 4 Danshuei River Develop the business case – The full by increasing adaptive capacity (through better education or Mangrove Nature •cost of protecting a site from climate •supplying alternative resources) or Reserve – Mangroves risks may increase costs to such an extent are an effective flood a combination of all three. management tool. that they undermine the development’s • Source: Amherst overall viability. As such, it is important Deciding whether to retreat, defend or change practices to Wu, Flickr Creative to establish a rounded business case that Commons improve coping capacity was central to the San Francisco Metro- 5 Visions of the Heart takes account of all of the benefits. The politan Transportation Commission’s Adapting to Rising Tides of Doha. cost of protection may be too much for partnerships programme to develop a masterplan for transport Source: AECOM the development to bear; however, once

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 21

6 the cascading consequences of climate impacts are taken into consideration, it is likely that other parties will benefit from taking action. As such, understanding all of the benefits and how they impact on other stakeholders can be useful in developing partnerships to fund climate adaptation initiatives. Build adaptability into designs and staging – While there is •now no uncertainty that human-induced climate change is real, we cannot predict exactly how and when its impacts will play out. Modern climate science and risk assessment techniques can help, but masterplanners will still need to embrace a degree of uncertainty. Major new developments can take decades to come fully to fruition, and over this time more information about the effects of climate change will come to hand. Therefore, the lay- out, staging and infrastructure of a climate-sensitive masterplan must avoid path dependencies, leaving scope to adapt and evolve to meet changing environmental conditions and user needs. 7 examples of Masterplans that embrace natural considered early in the masterplan, these systems swales convey the water along natural The Heart of Doha drainage channels, which in turn have The Heart of Doha project to regenerate the historical core of become the primary movement corridors. the city deliberately manipulates natural processes to keep the The swales offer primary treatment public realm cool and usable in the hot Qatari weather. The mas- to the storm water before it flows into terplan is based on a network of open spaces and streets with a attenuation ponds. These ponds prevent strong bias along the north-south axis. This establishes a pattern downstream flooding and act as storage for the development blocks and buildings to optimise the cool- for water reuse across the site for all toilet ing benefits from the prevailing north-north-westerly winds. To flushing, irrigation and even some wash- complement the orientation, the massing gradually increases ing machines. from north to south, creating shaded north-facing streets and • helping air flow along east-west streets. Michael Henderson, Regional Director and Kieran Power, Associate Director, City Resilience and Sustainable Development, North West Cambridge AECOM The new 3,000 residential units and 100,000m2 research space development by the University of Cambridge at North West Cam- 6–7 The new University bridge embraces natural processes to reduce flood risks, while of Cambridge development providing alternative sources of water in a very water-scarce Sustainable housing. region of England. All rain falling on the rooftops and streets All images source: is captured and channelled into vegetated swales. As water was AECOM

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 22 Topic

1 From Climate Science to Design Practice Jeffrey Raven offers principles and ideas on phasing and participation to deal with climate change

he timing of this issue on urban design and climate is Form and layout critical. The science is clear: action is needed urgently. Compact urban form produces lower per TConfronting the challenges of a rapidly urbanising world capita emissions, as compact cities tend threatened by climate change demands an expansion of the to offer better access to public transport, traditional influence and capabilities of urban planning and have greater energy efficiency, and lower urban design, and requires us to collaborate with policymak- environmental costs for infrastructure. ers, scientists, technical specialists and key stakeholders. The Conversely, suburban sprawl extends climate-responsive urban design factors outlined here were the urban footprint across the region, developed with global cross-sectoral experts to make climate increases intra-urban distances and costs science ‘actionable’ through a suite of urban form and function more to service. It also replaces more strategies which integrate climate mitigation and climate cooling and permeable habitat, forests adaptation together, highlighting the need to reduce waste and and open space that mitigate heat risk greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency, transit and flooding. access and walkability; modify the form and layout of buildings However, poorly-designed dense and urban districts; use heat-resistant construction materials urban environments can produce poor and reflective surface coatings; and increase vegetative cover. local climates. The urban heat island More efficient urban systems are vital for reducing anthro- effect, created by heat-absorbing impervi- pogenic (human-caused) emissions from polluting vehicles, ous materials like concrete and asphalt, industry and construction, and waste heat from buildings. will worsen as cities get hotter, leaving Two-thirds of the world’s population is expected to live in cities city residents with little choice but to rely by 2050 and most of the urban spaces that these individuals on air conditioning, and increase emis- will inhabit have yet to be designed. The decisions we make sions in the process. These impervious today will have extraordinary consequences on our climate for 1 Urban Climate surfaces also cannot absorb storm water, Factors generations, and we must maximise the efficiency of the urban – Efficiency of urban causing greater risk of flooding. Twenty- systems that we are building. This means investing in transit- systems first century urban design must configure oriented development, urban design that minimises the need – Form and Layout densely occupied urban settlements that – Heat-resistant for heating and cooling, efficient storage and management of construction materials offset undesirable local outcomes. rainwater, and high energy efficiency standards for buildings, – Vegetative Cover Urban districts should be designed for example. Source: J. Raven to provide cooling and ventilation that

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 23 reduces the need for energy use and allows citizens to cope with higher temperatures, while enabling cities to better manage Urban design that integrates rainfall extremes. Design that integrates climate considera- climate considerations, natural tions, natural systems and compact urban form can result in attractive and healthy microclimates. Forward-thinking design systems and compact urban exploits natural systems to future-proof the built environment in form can result in attractive and response to a changing climate. This includes: enhancing natural ventilation by harnessing prevailing sum- healthy urban microclimates •mer breezes configuring ‘win-win’ green infrastructure to maximise the •cooling effect of summer wind over evapo-transpiring surfaces Short-term strategic shading by orienting neighbourhoods according to Urban policy should favour public-private •the sun path, and investment that prioritises climate miti- shaping varied building forms and surface roughness to gation strategies and yields concurrent •enhance summer breezes and reduce winter wind. climate adaptive benefits, over those that do not. Current policy and funding Investments in pedestrian and cycling corridors, particularly often sees climate mitigation (sustainable when integrated with parks and other green-space planning in neighbourhoods) and climate adaptation cities, can reduce carbon emissions, enhance carbon sequestra- (resilient neighbourhoods) as mutually tion, and cool cities through extra ventilation and shade. These exclusive. This needs to change. Districts approaches result in people-centred urban spaces comprising that integrate climate mitigation and interconnected micro-climates within the city to achieve climate adaptation together, alongside reduced energy loads, cleaner air and enhanced civic life. Woven urban health and well-being, are better through these climate considerations are social cohesion and positioned to remain liveable in the years well-being outcomes that are key to long-term resilience. ahead. Assessment of the micro- and The use of heat-resistant construction macro-climatic characteristics of a site materials at the start of a project needs to become Selecting low heat capacity construction materials and reflective standard urban design practice. The coatings can improve building performance by managing heat urban design community should improve exchange at the surface. From enhancing surface reflectivity standard (yet flexible) climate-responsive with white roofs to installing high-performance building methods for practitioners to embed insulation, this urban climate factor provides inexpensive and climate-responsive design in the develop- quick-win options for reducing urban heat island effects. High ment process. This would include the thermal mass in buildings enhances the heat sink characteristics improvement of inexpensive streamlined of the built environment and can reduce daytime temperature assessment tools that would fit within fluctuations. While the contemporary prevalence of lightweight the capacity of local policymakers and building construction reduces thermal mass, a positive trend be comprehensible to stakeholders. is the emergence of lightweight, high-thermal mass insulation This capacity-building on the part of the technologies such as Phase Change Materials (PCMs}. design and planning community could Alongside upgrading buildings to enhance energy efficiency, be encouraged by the adoption of urban we need to cool neighbourhoods. As cities get hotter, air con- climate-impact analysis as a legal consid- ditioning use increases. This produces climate change-causing eration in the environmental review pro- emissions and, at the local level, releases waste heat into the cess. Components would include urban city’s microclimate. Through the use of air conditioning, many climate mapping and microclimate future buildings are isolated from their neighbourhood microclimate. scenario modelling of the development One approach would be to define a wider range of acceptable impact on residents and energy loads indoor temperatures, by allowing buildings to be better con- within a warming city. nected to healthier, outdoor microclimates. Mentioned earlier is the inexpensive, short-term strategy of enhancing surface Vegetative cover reflectivity across urban districts and Increasing vegetative cover can simultaneously lower outdoor installing high-performance building temperatures, building cooling demand, rain and floodwater insulation to help mitigate the urban heat runoff, and pollution, while sequestering carbon. Small green island effect. spaces, planted courtyards, shaded areas and urban forests cre- ate a network of favourable local microclimates and moderate Medium-term temperatures. The evaporative cooling process from this vegeta- Expanding green infrastructure corridors tion allows for the sustainable management of the water cycle to protected pedestrian/cycling corridors, and a reduction of the urban heat island effect. Investments in can reduce carbon emissions, enhance pedestrian and cycling corridors, particularly when integrated carbon sequestration and drainage. with parks and other green space planning in cities, can reduce Perhaps most effectively, it can cool cities carbon emissions, enhance carbon sequestration, and, perhaps through evapo-transpiration, ventilation most effectively, cool cities through evapo-transpiration and and shading. shading. Longer-term A phased approach Transit-oriented development (TOD) These evidence-based urban form and function strategies for – compact, people-centred, car-free climate change mitigation and adaptation could be implemented development zones around mass transit in phases. The diagrams overleaf illustrate examples of short, hubs – promotes greater efficiency in medium and long-term phases. reducing sprawl impact on surrounding

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 24 Topic landscapes, and should be powered by decentralised building- scale and shared district energy. A TOD’s density has the poten- tial for expanded synergies in the reuse and recycling of district energy and waste. Retrofitting already built urban districts is a challenge. In Hong Kong for example, a series of tall, wall-like buildings block the free flow of air throughout the city. By cutting off a natural source of cool air, these buildings increase local temperatures and the demand for air-conditioning, even in the city’s newest, most energy-efficient buildings. In response to situations like these, public-private carrot and stick approaches should be con- sidered. These could include increased Sky-View Factor through the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) on strategic sites in 2 exchange for bonus development incentives in adjacent sites. In a dense Central Business District, ‘banking’ privately-owned public space (POPS) plazas should be considered. Rather than a series of random open spaces scattered without considering local climate, these banked POPS could be combined and config- ured holistically as linear parks to align with prevailing summer breezes and bike routes. For older industrial districts, former brownfield sites could be held and reconfigured to enhance local climate impacts.

Urban Design Climate Workshops To bridge the gap between climate science and action, policy- makers, urban designers and stakeholders need tools and meth- ods to identify, configure and evaluate urban climate factors at a local scale. The confluence of research and operational application through Urban Design Climate Labs and Workshops (UDCW) is providing a blueprint for how to convincingly configure sustain- able and climate-resilient urban districts. Led by the Urban Cli- mate Change Research Network (UCCRN) and the Urban Design programme at the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), these UDCWs are underway worldwide, with graduate students, urban designers, climatologists, and stakeholders working 3 side-by-side. So far, UDCWs have been held in Paris, Naples, and several locations in New York City. In August 2018, the New York City UDCW drew from a cross- disciplinary team of global urban climate experts from the Inter- national Association for Urban Climate, and a NYC-based team comprising UCCRN-NYIT and NYC-based urban design experts, to configure a prototype intervention to map baseline (business- as-usual) and best practice (climate-driven urban design) options. This provides compelling evidence to policymakers (and a wider audience) on the value of the evidence-based strate- gies outlined above in terms of financial, health and public realm co-benefits. Subsequent urban design climate workshops are introducing participants to this process, and addressing critical knowledge gaps around ‘downscaling’ urban climate tools to the local scale and how to reduce uncertainties as we consider strategies and outcomes. Participants explore methodologies for identifying, monitoring, and prioritising cross-sectorial strategies to achieve best possible quality of life outcomes. The experts and design- ers leading these workshops provide methods and tools for all participants to better engage with each other and with forces rapidly shaping cities on a collaborative platform: policymakers, private sector, urban designers and stakeholders.• Jeffrey Raven, Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate 4 Programme in Urban + Regional Design, New York Institute of Technology, New York, and Principal of RAVEN Architecture + Urban Design LLC This article stems from Jeffrey’s work as coordinating lead author of Climate Change and Cities: Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network (2018).

2 Phasing Short-Term 3 Medium-Term 4 Longer-Term. Source: Urban Climate Lab, NYIT 2017

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 25


carbon emissions, but including increased prosperity, equity, resilience and Designing for the improved health.

Energy System Transformation Renewable Energy We are headed toward a world where eve- ryone, everywhere, will have the potential to generate, store, manage and share Revolution electricity, drawing on abundant, free and clean fuel provided by the sun and wind. David Driskell discusses the implications of the While energy utility companies have renewable energy revolution for city form started to grapple with what this revolu- tion means for their future, the implica- tions for local planning and design are just beginning to emerge. Electrical power he general trajectory of best practice in urban planning grids and distribution infrastructure are a and design over the past several decades has, somewhat fundamental community system embed- Tunintentionally, helped to prepare us for the challenges ded in land use, property ownership, and of climate change. Smart growth, transit-oriented develop- a tangle of easements and regulations, ment, environmental planning and other responses to traffic not to mention the ubiquitous power lines congestion, air pollution, ecological degradation and ageing crisscrossing the urban landscape. How infrastructure have helped to limit sprawl in hazardous areas, will the shift from a centralised, highly improve energy productivity and reduce carbon emissions regulated monopoly (or near-monopoly) from what they might otherwise have been. While too many bad of utility companies to a much more dis- practices continue, we have a general outline of what needs to be persed, interactive, community-centred done: what we need is the political will to do it, high ambitions energy networks have an impact on the from urban planners and designers, and a much greater sense of built environment? What does it mean for urgency. planning and design practitioners? At the same time, as cities strive for faster and deeper From a climate perspective, the shift reductions in climate-changing emissions, new challenges and to renewable energy cannot happen opportunities are emerging, resulting from both aspirational fast enough. Fossil fuel combustion for government policy (like the adoption of 100 per cent renewable energy generation and heating continues energy goals) and increasingly irrepressible market forces. to increase carbon emissions and drive This article explores several challenges and opportunities for global warming. But the shift also prom- city planners and designers related to the shift from fossil fuels ises other potential community benefits, to renewable energy, which will fundamentally change the including increased energy resilience relationship between energy and the built environment. As this (especially as battery storage improves), shift accelerates, it is imperative that planners and designers greater customer choice (including 1 Green roofs understand the new energy paradigm, and engage creatively equipped with solar the opportunity to become an energy to do their part in facilitating changes that promise significant power. Source: Julian generator), and the ability for cities and benefits for local communities, beyond the necessity of reduced Wildner (Unsplash) even individual districts to invest in local,

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 26 Topic evening-intensive residential uses or large consistent energy users such as data farms); to capitalise on the generation differential across multiple properties (e.g. where some buildings have excellent solar access and others do not); and, to support energy resilience goals, where multiple small networks of energy gen- eration and storage are able to withstand disruptive events and come back online more quickly than is often the case when large centralised grids fail. Most micro- grids are currently being implemented on institutional campuses controlled by a single customer (i.e. ‘behind the meter’ and under a single property ownership). Early adopter cities seeking to grow this model to advance energy resilience goals are finding that more widespread applica- tion will require changes to how energy 2 systems are regulated, as well as how land use and public rights of way are managed, and how site and building design stand- ards are structured. Increasing expectations for energy •performance in buildings will change the design process and its outcomes. Cities that have adopted leading-edge energy codes for new development are already seeing a change in design practice. While pre-application meetings were previ- ously attended by the property owner, developer and/or lead architect, it is increasingly common that their sustain- ability consultant or energy modeller will also be present. As codes push beyond energy efficiency to embrace a fuller view of building energy performance – with expectations for net-zero or net-positive outcomes that require some level of 3 on-site generation – it is changing both durable energy assets rather than an endless outflow of capital to site and building design considerations. purchase and burn fuel from elsewhere. Because energy performance is deter- What this shift will mean in terms of city form and function mined not only by building construction is not yet entirely clear, but even in these early years of energy practices (e.g. insulation, and heating, system transformation, new challenges and opportunities are ventilation and air conditioning systems) emerging that will require urban designers’ attention: but also by local climatic conditions and Energy generation will become a necessary land use priority the relationship of the building to its •in most places, including in residential neighbourhoods. While context (e.g. solar gain, seasonal shading, energy generation in the past was mostly located far from etc.), traditional approaches that rely on population centres, renewable energy systems will be integrated zoning and standard design guidelines to within the urban landscape, on individual properties and in define the building envelope are proving district-serving pods and solar gardens that combine high inadequate. Customised and creative site efficiency solar with on-site battery storage to service campuses, and building designs will be needed if we neighbourhoods and mixed use developments. This will require are to balance expectations for climate- changes in land use codes, but also consideration of design, friendly building performance with visual impact, access and safety issues. Many urban planners design-driven standards focused on the already have war stories about impassioned debates pitting public realm. Issues such as building ori- unimpeded solar access against the shade-inducing impacts of entation, window glazing, materiality and tree canopies as more properties seek to install solar photovolta- landscaping will need to be considered ics. Those debates foreshadow the challenges and trade-offs 2 Electrical vehicle not only in terms of design performance ahead. charging in Berkeley but also in terms of their contribution to, Microgrids and district energy systems will become increas- Square, London. or impact on energy performance. •ingly common. While district energy has been around for over Source: Lars Energy-generating development will be Ploughman, Flickr • a hundred years, renewable energy systems and storage are Creative Commons looking for customers. In the traditional already fuelling an increase in micro-grids and other forms 3 Refueling a fuel cell monopoly utility model, customers are of energy sharing across multiple buildings and properties. electric vehicle at passive recipients, consuming electricity a hydrogen fueling This will be needed, and desired, to help shape the energy station in California, that is centrally generated and managed. load profile in order to make renewable energy investments 2017. Source: NREL, But in a world where every property is a economical (e.g. day-intensive office uses being coupled with Flickr potential energy exporter, a much more

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 27 complex world of interactions is created, with implications for the built environment. In response, electrical grids will need to become more interactive and able to accommodate highly decentralised energy exchanges, supporting both energy buyers and energy sellers. In the meantime, buildings that currently achieve net-positive energy performance are looking for ways to sell their excess electricity, with many looking to a sector with rapidly growing electrical demand: transportation. The electri- fication of transportation will further change energy demand and could (or should) inform the desired mix of land uses and building types in urban neighbourhoods. It will also require con- sideration of how best to integrate electrical charging infrastruc- ture locally, including plug-in and inductive charging stations within a site or in the right of way adjacent to energy-generating properties.

Clean Energy Enablers 4 While urban planners and designers may find these energy trends a bit inscrutable, they will need to become conversant with them and grapple with the implications for urban form, land use, and development regulations and processes. The cen- tralised utility model is enshrined in the design and construction standards of most cities as well as state or national law, with limited or no opportunity for energy sharing by others across property lines, limited or no ability to cross public rights of way with energy services in absence of a franchise agreement, and no consideration of the energy characteristics of different land uses. For communities who want to embrace the new energy future, there will be a long list of code changes needed to facili- tate distributed renewable energy systems, possibly even as far as considering ‘energy load shaping’ in land use planning, and including renewable energy generation as a permitted primary 5 use in most parts of the city. It will also require a more flexible and collaborative approach to co-create design solutions with For communities that want to embrace developers who are being asked to achieve multiple community- the new energy future, there will be a desired outcomes that can sometimes be at odds. Development teams are understandably frustrated with conflicting layers of long list of code changes needed to local regulation that create obstacles to achieving net-zero and facilitate distributed renewable energy net-positive energy performance. There are significant vested interests seeking to maintain systems the status quo, prolong the use of fossil fuels, and even replicate centralised monopoly control over renewable energy systems. If cities are to realise the multiple community benefits which can flow from a more distributed, decentralised and democratic renewable energy system (e.g. increased energy resilience, local investment and equity), they will need to proactively shape a new, localised energy landscape. This will require careful and comprehensive consideration of how policies and practices related to the built environment either enable or inhibit com- munity energy goals. Decades-old regulations, design standards and processes will invariably fall short. Whether through hiring in-house energy expertise or engaging qualified experts, urban designers in local government will need to engage constructively and creatively in finding the right path forward.• David Driskell, Deputy Director, City of Seattle’s Office of Planning and Community Development, previously the City of Boulder’s Executive Director for Planning, Housing and Sustainability. 6

4 Zero-emission vehicles and electric trams on a tree-lined street. Source: Arushee Agrawal (Unsplash) 5 The Plantage Middlenlaan, the Netherlands: tram tracks on grass, bike lanes and sidewalks in an expanded linear park. Source: Peter Eijkman, Flickr Creative Commons 6 Solar panels on the Highmar senior housing carports in Boulder, Colorado, 2017. Source: NREL, Flickr Creative Commons

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 28 Topic Fostering Collaboration Hélène Chartier describes how city governments and urban designers can work together to create climate-ready urban development

1 esponding to climate change requires effective collabora- Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the tion between urban designers and city governments, World Resources Institute (WRI) and oth- R who together have a central role and key responsibility ers also offer support or access to data or in accelerating the transformation of cities. They need to work knowledge products. together to shape a shared vision of local, climate-sensitive A city’s climate strategy should follow urban development, and to convert this vision into adequate key principles for sustainable and resil- rules and tools. They also need to work with private developers ient development, most importantly: and real estate actors to turn this vision into concrete action. Put climate and environment at the This article explores the ways in which this collaboration needs •core of the city’s policies. These consid- to enable climate responses at a range of scales, through rules erations can no longer take a back seat, and legislative frameworks, and through processes that enable and must be incorporated as guiding innovation and experimentation. principles across all areas of policy, from transport to housing and economic A common vision development. Urban planners, designers and city officials, alongside a wide Curtail urban sprawl and promote range of city stakeholders, should jointly develop a concrete •compactness and regeneration in existing strategy for the city to reduce urban emissions and adapt to urban areas. Densify development close current and future climate risks. The strategy should also seek to city centres and public transport hubs, to promote urban health, well-being and quality of life. This and prioritise the renovation and regen- process is led by the municipal government, which should seek eration of existing districts rather than active collaboration from urban planners, designers, businesses expansion. and other stakeholders in its design and delivery. Ensure that urban development is There is a range of models to support cities in developing •accompanied by the deployment of climate strategies, such as the Climate Action Plan process that public transport, networks for cleaner the network C40 Cities is currently rolling out to develop plans heating and energy, and green spaces. in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement. Guidance and resources Ensure residents of new developments are available for cities outside the C40 network to develop 1 Central Paris. are connected to these urban services and 1 Source: David Bulir their own ambitious climate action plan . Local Governments Flickr Creative enable them to enjoy quicker and greener for Sustainability (ICLEI), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Commons movement around their city, the joint

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 29 benefits of cleaner heating and energy such as less air pollution, and benefits associated with urban parks and green space. Encourage mixed used districts and the adaptability of •buildings and spaces. This is key to reducing commuting and strengthening the quality of urban metabolism and city life. For example, the City of Paris is developing large-scale initiatives to transform office buildings into housing in districts that are too specialised. Promote local production, short supply chains and low- •carbon logistics. Cities should allocate areas for local production (especially for food) in the metropolitan area and encourage the development of shorter local supply chains.

From vision to policies To further institutionalise the climate strategy, and to compel all stakeholders to follow new ways of building, working and living, standards should be established to guide the design, 2 construction, renovation and maintenance of buildings and public space by developers, architects, landlords and property managers, public utilities and all other partners in city building. This is vital for efficiently implementing the political objectives set by city governments and to deliver them quickly, and at scale. The setting of policies and standards must bear in mind relevant national standards and regulations, linking to voluntary stand- ards such as BREEAM, where relevant. Paris is a leading city example. In 2017, the city’s local zoning and urban planning rules were updated to include an article on energy and environmental performance for the first time. This set ambitious energy performance standards – higher than the European and national standards – for new and redeveloped buildings, based on recognised methodologies and certifica- tions. Developers cannot obtain building permits without 3 meeting these standards. The Plan ParisPluie (Paris Rain Plan) released in March 2018 similarly sets clear obligations to fight soil sealing (covering the ground with impermeable artificial surfaces) which worsens the effects of heat and increases biodi- versity loss, and defines standards to promote the greening of buildings through vegetation and rainwater recovery. Coupled with ambitious standards, cities should also imple- ment measures to mitigate the rise of property prices due to increased construction costs. High property prices are already a major problem in many cities, and have significant equity implications.

Opportunities for innovation and experimentation Urban planners and designers should lobby for dedicated oppor- tunities to innovate in support of an ambitious, shared vision of the future of the city. They have a vital role to play in developing 4 innovative solutions to implement this vision, given their central C40 Cities’ own Reinventing Cities position in the urban development process. They are also in a design competition provides a blueprint strong position to orchestrate inter-disciplinary approaches, for city-led processes enabling urban bringing together private and public actors, developers and designers to bring together creative innovative start-ups, engineers, communities and creative minds teams to propose and implement game- in the urban design process. changing, innovative urban projects. The Many city and local governments are already launching 15 cities participating aim to stimulate programmes to accelerate the development of innovative solu- zero-carbon and resilient urban devel- tions. In the United States, Rebuild by Design was launched to opment, and to celebrate innovative elicit innovative ideas in response to the devastating impact of 2 Seattle: a solutions to environmental and urban Hurricane Sandy, while the City of Paris is supporting innovation construction worker challenges. The cities have collectively installs a clean heating through initiatives such as the Paris&Co Urban Lab. Numerous system inside a home. identified 39 plots of land (empty plots in other funds and competitions also seek to foster innovation and Source: EE Image new development areas, sites to densify in experimentation at global, national and city level. The WRI Ross Database, Flickr city centres, abandoned buildings, former Prize for Cities received a huge number of applicants earlier this 3 Vancouver:The industrial sites, underused car parks and Seawall Olympic year and funds are being established to support the preparation VIllage cycle lane. others) and invited architects, urban and implementation of projects identified by organisations such Source: Flickr Creative planners and designers, developers, as CDP, C40 Cities, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Commons investors, environmentalists, start-ups 4 London: Child’s Hill Development (EBRD) and 100 Resilient Cities (100RC). There Allotments. Source: and neighbourhood collectives to col- is space for innovation in how these projects are matched with Janie Easterman, Flickr laborate and compete for the opportunity funding, procured and implemented. Creative Commons to transform these sites into new beacons

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 30 Topic

5 of sustainability and resiliency. The competition attracted the Urban planners and designers should participation of 1,200 urban planning and architecture firms lobby for dedicated opportunities to including OMA, MVRDV, BIG, White Architekture, Carlo Ratti Associates, Rudy Riciotti, Tatiana Bilbao, Perkins+Will, Gensler, innovate in support of an ambitious, COWI and Arup. Applicants have proposed creative energy shared vision of the future of the city. solutions, new construction materials, solutions to promote a circular economy and zero-waste, urban farming and local food They have a vital role to play in production, among many other ideas. The cities hope to inspire developing innovative solutions to similar ambitious action elsewhere in their city and beyond. Implementation will commence in early 2019. implement this vision Developing more sustainable and resilient towns and cit- ies requires a wide variety of measures to be planned for and implemented by local governments in collaboration with key stakeholders in urban development. Taken together, these three approaches – developing a comprehensive strategy, turning it into clear policies and standards, and creating opportunities for innovation and experimentation – provide a blueprint for this collaboration, enabling cities to devise locally appropriate solutions.• Hélène Chartier, Senior Advisor, Reinventing Cities programme at C40 Cities. More information about the process can be found at www.

Reference 1 home

5 Portland, USA: bikes 6 and tram. Source:Steven Vance, Flickr Creative Commons 6 Paris: Ternes Villiers. Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate, Jacques Ferrier Architectures, Chartier Dalix Architectes, SLA Paysagistes, Splann

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 31 Climate Action and the Resilience Dividend Tom Lindsay and Braulio Eduardo Morera show how cities can combine climate change actions with other beneficial measures

1 ncreasingly frequent extreme weather conditions are not the collaborate with multiple stakeholders, only issue shaping cities; from urbanisation to migration, including environmental scientists, social Icity authorities all over the world are facing unprecedented specialists and economists to present evi- situations with finite resources, and having to make hard dence in support of these benefits. 100RC choices. So how should they prioritise them? refer to this as the Resilience Dividend; While climate change is a pressing concern for many cities, the net social, economic, and physical actions related to it are more likely to be prioritised and embed- benefits achieved when designing actions ded in a new development masterplan or strategic plan, if they in a forward-thinking, risk-aware, inclu- have multiple benefits and address more than one acute shock sive and integrated way. or chronic stress, such as multiple hazards, or joint benefits for This article, based on learning from human health. 47 resilience strategies produced by cities Recognising this, organisations such as 100 Resilient Cities with support from 100RC, gives a flavour (100RC), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction of the range of city-led responses to (UNISDR) and United Nations Habitat are considering climate climate risk. It first provides an overview risks in cities within broader frameworks of urban resilience. of the climate-related shocks and stresses The urban resilience approach enables cities, at the city plan- that these cities are tackling. It goes ning level, to take into account the disruption to their physical on to describe the initiatives they have systems alongside cascading impacts on their social, economic 1 Pittsburgh: the Strip identified in their resilience strategies to and governance systems. The urban resilience framework, which District Waterfront respond to the challenges emerging from proposal along underpins 100RC’s work, is based on research from Arup and the Allegheny Riverfront climate change, and the joint benefits Rockefeller Foundation. It enables urban practitioners to embed Green Boulevard. they bring. and communicate the joint benefits of a proposed design, and Source:

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 32 Topic

Citizens don’t necessarily talk about climate change and its impact on their lives, but they are likely to recognise its effects in the form of shocks and daily stresses

2 Climate impact on four continents Rio de Janeiro is developing multi- Climate change is an issue of global importance with a multitude •hazard assessment mapping with the use of of impacts. By extension, the actions needed to combat these computational models, real-time sensoring impacts are also many. Climate Central, an independent organi- and Big Data, for better integration of sation reporting on climate change and its impacts on the public, the main risks that affect its urban space. identified this summer as the ‘Summer of Extremes’ for the These maps will support analyses about US; for some cities it proved to be their hottest on record, and the possible interactions of climate and for others their wettest. A similar story played out around the non-climate-related risks in urban areas. world, and we will continue to see records broken as the climate They include, but are not limited to, risks changes. related to intense rains and winds, heat With the increasing number of extreme events, we are islands and waves, air quality, flooding experiencing the effects of climate change much more tangibly. and landslides, high tides and storm Citizens don’t necessarily talk about climate change and its surges, epidemics and urban infrastructure impact on their lives, but they are likely to recognise its effects accidents. The aim is to identify the inter- in the form of shocks and daily stresses. As a result, actions to actions between climate-related challenges tackle these are often where cities can gain most traction and are and other types of risks in the city, in order able to muster greater citizen engagement. to help identify priorities for intervention. Below are four examples of climate-related events from cities Semarang in Indonesia has set up a across four continents that have thrown light on wider issues •campaign to encourage energy and water that the cities are facing: saving behaviour in the city’s population, In 2017, Houston experienced Hurricane Harvey which was government and business communities. •one of the costliest natural disasters experienced in the US on The initiative is trying not only to reduce record. The severe storm caused damage to buildings and infra- greenhouse gas emissions, but also the cost structure, and loss of life primarily from flooding. The aftermath of building construction and maintenance. also exposed issues around planning. Certain neighbourhoods, Furthermore, the initiative aims to deliver for example, had been built in the local reservoirs’ maximum social value, promoting a cohesive and flood pool – areas designed to flood in an extreme storm. engaged community to reach a shared goal Severe heatwaves in Melbourne resulted in a spike in heat of a better environment. •exposure cases and cardiac arrests. Their 2014 heatwave also The Municipality of Panama City in spurred the city to consider how the homeless in the city were •collaboration with local NGOs have found particularly vulnerable to its effects. scientific evidence which shows that In 2016 Paris experienced some of its worst flooding in 30 new coastal developments in the city are •years. Flooding along the Seine also resulted in an evacuation damaging the mangrove forests – a key of one town and caused a loss of life and costs to the economy. resource which can naturally control the Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of this impact of storms and tidal surge. A new flooding. integral plan for coastal public spaces in Mexico City faces a water scarcity crisis in part due to a com- the city aims to introduce green infrastruc- •bination of harsher climatic conditions and a rapidly growing ture to regenerate the protective coastal population placing more demand on available water. ecosystem. The project includes strength- ening the coastal wetlands and watersheds Cities taking action to improve the provision of local ecosystem For cities in the Global South, climate action is incorporated services, as well as public access to the into many of the other major challenges that they are facing. coast. An emphasis on joint benefits is vital, as climate change related risks jostle for priority with other major risks, and resources are 2 Green roofs absorb For cities in the Global North, the focus is water and help to typically limited. Development also tends to be happening more keep the city cool. on actions related to infrastructure and in rapidly in many of these cities, increasing the number of people Source: Chuttersnap response to climate-related shocks such as exposed to risk: Unsplash heatwaves and flooding from rainfall:

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 33


4 5 The City of Seattle is balancing climate mitigation and from multiple geographies, are now •adaptation through its initiative to cut carbon emissions by pro- taking a more participatory approach moting clean energy as well as a green economy. The first part of to climate action. For example, Greater its strategy is a move away from burning harmful fossil fuels; the Christchurch in New Zealand is exploring second part is even more forward-looking by aiming at benefits a participatory approach to building beyond climate action to create more employment opportunities resilience in eastern parts of the city. for citizens. By including local communities in the In Rotterdam, schemes to re-use roof spaces are not just an process, the city council hopes to ensure •innovative way to add more green surfaces in order to reduce that any new actions to tackle climate CO2 emissions; different bandings of roof are providing multiple change – in this case rising sea levels – benefits. Green roofs provide greening and biodiversity; blue also include objectives to increase local roofs retain rainwater and provide delayed drainage; yellow ones prosperity and connects new and existing generate sustainable energy; and, red roofs provide space for communities. Porto Alegre in Brazil has social functions to enhance social cohesion. attracted positive attention for its work Vejle in Denmark is a city at serious risk of flooding now on participatory budgeting. In Boston, •and in the future, as sea levels in the fjord are expected to rise the city’s work on extreme heat is taking by 25cm by 2050. By using an urban renewal project known as into account social vulnerability and Fjordbyen as a laboratory, Vejle is testing innovations in climate prioritising populations with the greatest change adaptation and flood control. Flood defences are being need, including low-income communi- designed not only to protect against flooding but to encourage ties, older adults, people with illnesses, investment by increasing development and real estate value. and children. The city is also developing Storm management and flood adaptation is also being integrated targeted neighbourhood adaptation, into, as opposed to being separate from, public spaces to maxim- preparation and response plans. ise the opportunity to enhance liveability in the area. For many cities, the resilience In Paris, Project Oasis is one example of interventions approach offers a useful entry point to •that are more minimal adaptations and make pertinent use of develop an holistic understanding of city existing resources. The initiative retrofits paved schoolyards challenges, situating climate change as by replacing asphalt with porous material and enhancing vegeta- one consideration among others. Partici- tion to reduce the effects of extreme heat in densely packed patory approaches such as appropriate neighbourhoods. These not only address environmental chal- consultation, community mapping and lenges, but also offer areas of respite to improve social cohesion multi-stakeholder planning informed by and create a better environment for local communities. By 2050, robust evidence are needed to ensure its Paris aims to have 800 of these cool spots. success. The Resilience Dividend can only 3 Seattle: a city in be achieved if people see a better, safer Action for whom? the middle of a green and more prosperous future. Evidence has demonstrated that some groups in the popula- transition. Source: • Jeremy Duguid Flickr tion are disproportionately affected by climate risks and that Tom Lindsay, Strategy Delivery Unit Manager Creative Commons and Braulio E Morera, Director of Strategy climate actions must account for this. Many studies have also 4 Paris: flooding on the Delivery, 100RC demonstrated that participatory approaches, particularly those Seine in 2016. Source: that include the poor and vulnerable groups, whether develop- Adrien Marc, Flickr Creative Commons ing strategies or designing masterplans are delivering positive 5 San Francisco results around the world. In our work in the 100RC network, greening. we have observed that many cities, inspired by success stories Source: Ben Smith

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 34 Topic

1 Responding to Rising Seas Amy Kirbyshire outlines the reality, options, and role of planners and designers

or more than 2,000 years, as coastal towns and cities Sea level rises are not just a distant were established and grew, sea levels have barely changed. threat. In the Netherlands, Rotterdam F However, we can no longer rely on static coastlines. As cli- has long dealt with the challenges of liv- mate changes push sea levels up and shorelines inland, our usual ing at or below sea level, and preparing ways of managing coastal flooding and erosion will increasingly for rising seas is high on the country’s be overwhelmed. Sea level rises have potentially devastating agenda. Rotterdam has made strides consequences for coastal towns and cities, and we need to think in showing the world how to defend about our approaches to adapting to coastal climate risks today. against, and live with water, although even here there are fears that the city is How much sea level rise should we expect? just biding time. On the streets of Miami, We are going to see sea levels rise by around 60cm because of Atlantic City and Norfolk in the US, the greenhouse gases already emitted into the atmosphere. flooding at high tide – a phenomenon So far we have only seen around 20cm of this since industrial known as ‘sunny day flooding’ – is times, because complex climate-ocean interactions create a already the new normal. This flooding delayed response, but the rate is accelerating. If we fail to meet comes up through the ground and drain the 2015 Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to systems, affecting areas inland as well 1.5°C, sea levels could rise by 2 metres this century, while the as the shoreline. Miami Beach, which total urban population affected by 2050 could number over 800 faces an existential threat, has spent million people in 570 cities. Local factors like soft or permeable around U$200m raising the height of underlying ground rock and land subsidence mean that some streets and building a network of pumps cities like Jakarta and those on the US’s East coast are witnessing to force water off the streets after sunny an effective local sea level increase two to three times faster than day floods, but Miami’s less wealthy the global average. Higher sea levels also make coastal storms neighbourhoods have so far been left to especially dangerous, as flood waters can add over 6 metres to fend for themselves. local water levels. To help visualise what these numbers actually mean at What are the options? ground level, the Surging Seas tool from Climate Central allows The main interrelated options for cities you to explore what different amounts of sea level rise mean to respond to rising seas are to: for every coastal place in the world: compare levels for historic restrict construction in at-risk areas (locked-in) pollution, 1.5°C (the Paris Agreement’s aspirational 1 New Jersey: raised • accommodate rising waters by retro- homes along the • goal) and 4°C (what we are currently heading for); look up Bang- shoreline. Source: fitting existing sites and property kok, New York or your nearest coastal city. Ira Wagner • protect people, property and Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 35 infrastructure through improved flood defences, and prepare for planned relocations – a process known as man- •aged coastal retreat.

Typically, decisions about the balance of these approaches will take place in a strategic planning process, rather than at the site level, with multiple local authorities and other stakeholders working together. Urban planners, urban designers, landscape architects and related professions have a vital role to play in planning and implementing all these measures. Using hard flood defences (grey infrastructure) and retrofit- ting or upgrading property to manage coastal flooding is an expensive approach requiring long-term, repeated investment, and can encourage more construction in at-risk areas. Erecting sea walls and other expensive engineering fixes can make sense for city centres and critical infrastructure, but it is not economi- cal everywhere. In the UK for instance, building defences to 2 keep the current coastline in place is not an affordable option for a third of the country’s coastline. Instead, experts advocate blending natural ecosystems and human-made infrastructure along the shoreline to better enable us to live with water. This approach, sometimes referred to as the creation of ‘hybrid edges’, means allowing certain areas to flood and using park- lands, wetlands and dunes as natural sponges and barriers. This both restricts construction in at-risk areas and creates new space for recreation, while improving flood defences. Boston is one city taking this approach. Construction codes, flood insurance requirements and major flooding events can prompt residents and developers to upgrade existing sites and property. This usually means raising roads and property; for example, some residents in New Jersey are rais- ing their homes on stilts in an effort to cope with increasingly 3 regular storm waters. Singapore is another of the cities raising land and property in anticipation of rising seas. However, this can have negative implications for urban design and the commu- nity. In the Miami Beach example, businesses and residents are unhappy that the raising of roads has put their properties below street level. Restricting construction in at-risk areas, retrofitting existing property and improving flood defences are the current priori- ties. However, given the number of people likely to be displaced by sea level rises and coastal flooding in the coming decades and beyond, we increasingly need to blend managed coastal retreat into the mix of approaches to make the encroachment of rising seas as painless for coastal populations as possible.

When is managed retreat an 4 appropriate option? feel the risk is intolerable, the societal Managed coastal retreat involves the strategic relocation of cost-benefit ratio justifies relocation, and assets and people away from areas at risk, and enables the land there is strong political will to enable and to be restored to its natural state, or used for recreational and support retreat. lower asset value uses like cycle paths, parks and sports pitches. When there is mutual agreement, Once the intervention is complete, the additional financial retreat can proceed relatively smoothly. investment required is minimal relative to the long-term main- For instance, in the US, the Federal Emer- tenance costs of grey infrastructure. It is not an entirely new gency Management Agency purchased phenomenon, but so far managed retreat is rarely seriously con- over 30,000 houses that have been sidered as an option by residents, planners or decision-makers. repeatedly damaged by floods and tropi- Relocation of any form is controversial and challenging. It 2 New York: the sea cal storms after residents chose to move. has social, psychological, cultural, political, economic and liveli- rise levels the city can The properties were then restored to open hood implications, and some residents and businesses located expect from historic space, benefiting the broader society ‘locked in’ emissions in areas at risk of coastal flooding and rising seas prefer not to vs. unchecked because less public money was spent on move further from the ocean. Many coastal zones are high value pollution. Source: disaster risk reduction and recovery. areas and sites of significant development – investment that will Climate Central Where a government thinks that often increase if defences are put in place, making it harder to 3 Miami: sunny day retreat makes sense but local people flooding. Source: walk away. For these reasons and more, managed retreat is not Shanna Vincent, Flickr at risk are unwilling to move, or vice always feasible or preferable. Creative Commons versa, the disagreement can sometimes The viability of managed retreat as an option for managing 4 Boston responds to be resolved through negotiation. The climate change with the risk from sea level rises and coastal flooding depends on who elevated parks and government of the Netherlands, for initiates the retreat, and who benefits from it. Managed retreat natural flood barriers. instance, negotiated with 75 households is most likely to occur successfully if residents are on board and Source: Dezeen in one town to buy or elevate their homes,

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 36 Topic

5 restoring the town to its natural state as a floodplain to protect and over 60 per cent of the city’s 10.6 mil- several other communities downstream. However, if regulations lion residents – especially people living in for retreat are imposed without the residents’ agreement and poor, informal, high density settlements without sufficient compensation or alternatives, it will lead to known as kampungs, are already vulner- real hardship for displaced residents, while a lack of support for able to the regular flooding that the city residents-led relocation can cripple retreat efforts. experiences. There are long-term plans to relocate residents, but in the meantime How can urban planners and designers neighbourhoods are encouraged to trans- respond? form 30 per cent of the city’s land area When developing coastal areas, planners and designers into green space. must integrate sea level rise considerations into stakeholder Risk mapping tools can help cities and engagement and decision-making processes. Managed retreat planners to understand what combination should be considered alongside the restriction of construction, of coastal flood risk responses, including upgrades to property and fflood defences in a city’s toolkit for managed coastal retreat, is best suited managing coastal flood risk. These options are not mutually to different areas along a coastline. For exclusive, they can be used as a suite of tools to gradually move cities in the US, the urban planning tool people and assets away from encroaching seas, where full UrbanFootprint has a risk and resilience protection is not viable. Planners’ long-term thinking and stake- module to support urban planners and holder engagement processes mean that planners can be instru- designers to understand and respond to mental in leading and initiating discussions around retreat, and sea level rises, in addition to flood and fire if and how it could be used to meet communities’ shared goals. risk. It allows planners to both map the The Vision 2100 process in Norfolk, Virginia is a good areas that would be affected by different example. This is facilitating the proactive consideration of and degrees of sea level rises, and also the planning for the long-term risks from sea level rises, where new impact this would have in terms of lost infrastructure investments will be most effective, and how parts property, jobs and other factors. While of the city could evolve through other strategies. In Jakarta, less tailored to planners and designers, another city facing an existential threat, planning incentives are Climate Central’s Surging Seas: Mapping in place to gradually upgrade and expand the land left as green Choices has similar functionality for space, and move people out of at-risk areas. Almost 90 per cent coastal places across the globe. of the Jakarta metropolitan region already lies below sea level With sea levels already rising, the rate of increase accelerating, and a known locked-in sea level rise coming which is at least 60cm high, we must start planning proactively today.• Amy Kirbyshire, editorial lead for the C40 Cities Knowledge Hub, and writing in a 5 Urban Footprint personal capacity. map of Tampa with With thanks to Miyuki Hino, Stanford 180cm of sea level University for her helpful review. rise. Source: Urban Footprint 6 The Seawall park at Vancouver's Olympic Village, a popular recreation spot. Source: Flickr Creative 6 Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 37 Cooling Off: Designing Cities to Deal with Heat Jasmin Fox-Skelly, puts a spotlight on the innovations that can keep us and the planet cool

1 018 was the joint hottest summer on record for the UK as most at risk are the elderly, young chil- a whole, and the hottest ever for England, according to dren, people with underlying health prob- 2 the Met Office. The heatwave saw soaring temperatures lems, and the marginalised and urban throughout June and July. Although many of us enjoyed the poor who often have little or no access weather, extreme heat can be life-threatening to vulnerable to cooling. In the US, immigrant workers groups such as the elderly. During the height of the heatwave are three times more likely to die from from 25 June to 9 July, there were 663 more deaths than the heat than American citizens, while black average recorded for those weeks over the previous five years. people are 52 per cent more likely to live This is not the first time that heat has killed in the UK; in August in areas lacking cooling tree cover than 2003, a month which saw temperatures of 38.5°C hit Kent, 2,091 white people. In India as in Egypt, people deaths were linked to the heat. living in city slums are most vulnerable. People living in cities face higher risks due to the urban heat The rapid construction of skyscrapers island effect. Building materials such as concrete and asphalt and shrinking green spaces in Cairo have absorb more heat during the day than areas covered with vegeta- made one of the fastest-growing cities in tion and then release this heat slowly at night, circulating hot the world increasingly hot, and danger- air in urban environments. Today’s cities have been designed ous for residents who cannot afford air without taking into account their impact on heat, and this needs conditioning. to change. Business as usual greenhouse gas emissions would result in all 571 cities Heat – a worldwide problem in Europe experiencing more and higher Globally, 2018 was also one of the hottest since records began, 1 London's intensity heatwaves, with cities in central with unprecedented peak temperatures across the planet – from Southbank: keeping Europe seeing the biggest spikes in cool during the summer 43°C in Baku, Azerbaijan, to 38°C in Kyoto, Japan – and the heatwave. Source: temperatures, including Athens, Rome, problem will only get worse. As the earth continues to warm, Joel Goldstein, Flickr and Vienna. Globally, it would heatwaves will become more common and extreme. The people Creative Commons mean 215 million highly vulnerable urban

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 38 Topic

Buildings can be cooled by painting their roofs white to reflect heat, or covering them with plants, which cool the surrounding environment by absorbing water 2

3 poor exposed to dangerous temperatures, an eightfold increase New heat-friendly homes should on today. We are all aware that reducing fossil fuel consumption be designed to maximise the amount is a priority; but we also need to design better cities that can of sunshine entering in the winter, and respond to increasing temperatures. minimised in the summer. Glass build- ings should be avoided; they are terribly Building design energy inefficient as they leak heat in Many buildings in cool countries like Britain are simply not the winter and absorb it in the summer. designed to cope with heat. Glass buildings, for instance, Instead good insulation is needed and become unbearably hot without air conditioning. However, most thick walls made of a dense material to houses can be modified to cope with heatwaves, while new build- keep the heat out. This means building ings can be designed with future warming in mind. relatively low-rise, cube-shaped build- For existing homes, buildings can be kept cool by air ings, and not skyscrapers. conditioning, but these units pump heat out into the street. In Examples of successful initiatives Paris, air conditioning warms the city by as much as an extra 2°C. include Passivhauses, ultra-low energy Preventing buildings from getting too hot in the first place is a buildings designed to be comfortable all better solution. Buildings can be cooled by painting their roofs year round, which require little energy white to reflect heat, or covering them with plants, which cool to heat or cool them. They are built to a the surrounding environment by absorbing water. Painting the rigorous voluntary standard, with super- roofs of slums white in the Indian city of Ahmedabad has helped 2 : people insulation, heat-recovery ventilation to drastically reduce heat-related deaths and enabled residents trying to cool off systems and tightly controlled rates of to stay in their homes even during the hottest parts of the day. in a park during a air infiltration to make sure that their Buildings can be insulated, and ventilation can be improved by heatwave. Source: carbon footprint is as small as possible. A Flickr Creative using breathable materials. External shutters can block out the Commons Passivhaus needs just 15 kWh of energy to sun, and building surfaces can be coated with smart materials 3 Well insulated, heat up one square metre of floor surface that reflect heat. New technology could also result in heat-sensor sustainable housing in per year, whilst a Victorian house of the Upton with building- windows that can automatically open or close depending on scale renewables same size would require 300 kWh. a homeowner's ideal temperature preferences. These ‘smart installed on the roof. These measures can lead to fewer windows’ are on the horizon. Source: Arup winter deaths and heat-related illnesses.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Topic 39 Rethinking Transport In the long term, if we want to keep cities cool, we have to rethink how we navigate them. Diesel and petrol cars are inefficient and emit vast amounts of heat, directly contributing to urban heat islands. Car pollutants, such as water vapour and carbon dioxide, also stop heat being lost into the atmosphere, as they absorb the radiation and then reflect it back, keeping it at surface level. Of course, these emissions are also a major contributor to climate change. A shift to electric vehicles or to mass transit, walk- ing and cycling can cool cities. In Beijing, for instance, the mass adoption of electric vehicles would lower the city’s average temperature by 1°C. Car-free zones and high vehicle efficiency standards are a politically chal- lenging but effective solution to reducing heat from cars. Designing neighbour- hoods where services and goods are available locally, lessening the need to drive and reducing the dependence on imported goods, also has a role to play. Ultimately it is about helping people to 4 make healthy sustainable choices, for A recent review by researchers at the University of the West example by providing more integrated of England (UWE) to assess the impact of the built and natural footpaths and cycle paths that connect environment on health found that energy efficient houses have a commuters, students and children with positive impact on people’s physical and mental health, particu- their places of work, and making driving larly low income groups. Meanwhile, poor housing insulation is less attractive for those who don’t need associated with increased mortality. cars for mobility. Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city, has made strides in City form and layout this area by banning cars on a number of Cooling cities requires us to rethink how buildings, pavements roads, and developing a green network and streets interact and intersect with one another. Road layout for pedestrians and bikes. In Freiburg, is a key factor in urban heat; the urban heat island is much another German city, walking and cycling stronger in cities with an orderly grid system, such as New York are more common than driving because and Chicago than in those with a more disorderly or chaotic there are plenty of bike paths and bike layout of roads, such as London and Boston. This is because parking spaces, attractive public trans- buildings in cities with grid systems reabsorb the heat that is port incentives, and because the city has lost from the houses and apartments directly opposite them. been designed so that most amenities are High-rise buildings reduce air-flow and raise outdoor air a short distance away. temperatures. In London, large numbers of tall skyscrapers have been constructed with exceptional energy credentials at the A joined-up approach building scale, but with little consideration of the impact they It is clear that heat will become a per- have on the overall urban landscape, and other low-rise build- vasive problem in cities unless they are ings. Climate-sensitive standards are needed for urban planning designed with health and climate change and design in line with those for individual buildings. in mind. We need to approach this prob- This includes layout and urban form, and also attributing a lem holistically, designing buildings that greater role to green infrastructure – trees, plants and shrubs better regulate temperature, rethinking – in urban design. As noted elsewhere in this issue, planting the layout and transport infrastructure of trees in urban areas has a cooling effect due to transpiration and cities, and putting in place effective action shade, with studies showing that parks are about 1°C cooler than plans to respond when temperatures do surrounding streets. Areas with fewer trees and more concrete rise. We know the solutions; the challenge receive up to five times as many emergency call-outs during now lies in working together, across disci- heatwaves than other places, and living in less vegetated areas plines, to create systemic change. results in a 5 per cent higher risk of death from heat-related • causes. Jasmin Fox-Skelly, freelance science writer Water is another vital nature-based solution to heat in cities. commissioned by Our City Our Health, a Wellcome Trust funded public engagement Cities are unnaturally dry because storm water drainage systems project rapidly carry rainwater away. However some cities have devised ways of retaining, treating, reusing, and diverting storm water, 4 Green roofs capture for example by creating wetlands and artificial lakes, which cre- rainwater, clean the air, ate a downwind cooling effect. Areas close to water bodies can regulate the building's temperature and be up to 5°C cooler than the surrounding areas. Simply replacing provide recreation dark pavements and roofs with lighter coloured materials, or space. Source: painting them white, also significantly cools cities. Chuttersnap Unsplash

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 40 Book reviews

Outskirts – Living life on (president-elect of the RTPI), who was able tactical urbanism to rehabilitate a people’s to furnish the research with his experiences, waterfront in New York’s multicultural Lower the edge of the green belt initially as a young Hertsmere planner se- East Side; the transformation of a danger- cretly identifying potential Green Belt sites ous place into a public park driven by a By John Grindrod, 2017, Spectre, for housing, and later as a Barton Willmore local school in Detroit; and installing green £9.99, ISBN 978-1-473-62504-4 consultant, advising volume house-builders infrastructure as an anti-poverty strategy in of the huge risks when negotiating options a poor Portland neighbourhood. Not usually Never the one for serious educational tomes, for Green Belt land. done, the study areas are situated in their I wasn’t convinced that a book about the The most relatable point raised was that wider geographic context, their long-range Green Belt could really be an entertaining the Green Belt was never a policy to protect historic trajectory and their overall planning read. Nevertheless, John Grindrod’s study the quality of the landscape. Grindrod as- strategies. This place-based background is has received a plethora of excellent reviews serts that one of the things he likes about the set against against more general processes and was shortlisted for the 2018 Wainwright Green Belt is that it protects the ugly ‘and at work elsewhere: natural catastrophes Prize for UK travel and nature writing. I sticks two fingers up to the narrative that all as triggers of change, pressures from real personally devoured it hungrily, such was its landscape should be pretty’. One of his most estate developers with or without state depth, candour, and frequently laugh out- humorous segments finishes ‘there is no support as well as from individual gentrifiers loud humour. point telling the green belt to “cheer up love, and, conversely, the impact of abandoned The author has form: his first book, it might never happen”, because it already properties in shrinking cities and neighbour- Concretopia: A Journey around the Re- has. Towns have been built, pylons erected, hoods, the lack of public funds and compe- building of Postwar Britain (2013) was a residents have trampled it and dumped mat- tences to redress such situations. study of modernist architecture written for tresses and burned out cars. If you want a The common aim of these interventions non-architects. Similarly, Outskirts is well pretty bit of skirt, go and wolf whistle at an is to improve the public realm for and by researched, but the text is interwoven with AONB or practise your Sid James act in front the local population, hoping to attenuate Grindrod’s own back-story of growing up in of a SSSI’. A very enjoyable read! adverse gentrification effects on local resi- New Addington, near Croydon (facing the • dents, especially from ethnic minorities with Surrey Green Belt) and how the urban-rural Stephen Bate, Senior Planning Officer, Derby low incomes. What interests the author are fringe affected his family life, including giving City Council the very diverse participation networks. They a green outlet to his disabled mother, and in- are captured in four diagrams, one of the hibiting his claustrophobic brother. There are most telling parts of the book. They identify many social references to the 1960s and 70s, the active participant agencies and the char- which perhaps defines the age and sets the Resilience for All, Striving acteristics of the four cases by distinguishing context for how long we have been trying to for Equity through between community-based organisations circumnavigate the Green Belt. Community-Driven Design and groups, designer and artist contributors, The book is subtly divided into two. The local and federal government agencies and, first half, The sowing, draws evidence going Barbara Brown Wilson, 2018, Island importantly, community design facilities. back to the Elizabethan age, and features Omitted are the developers and land own- Press, £26.00, ISBN 978-1-610-91892-3 Octavia Hill’s social reforms, Patrick Aber- ers, albeit in recognition of their ultimate crombie’s Campaign to Protect Rural England decision-making powers. edicts and the manifestation of the present This is a collection of case studies with a Many of these stakeholders are benefit- day Green Belt policy. The second half, The difference. It constitutes a coherent whole ing from grants and the indirect influence of reaping, questions the actions of successive making the case for community-driven de- these temporary sponsorships is discussed big-name Government ministers, the rise of sign to achieve greater social justice through in the analysis of the participation process. NIMBYs, Robert Fidler’s hidden castle, and the physical improvement of deprived areas. An important point of contention is that the the influence of the Green Belt on the current All American, the four in-depth presenta- consultants, and that includes urban design- housing crisis. tions accompanied by four short ‘vignette’ ers, often from the outside are paid while the Outskirts picks up the pertinent points examples are chosen to complement each local community is expected to, and does in the history of urban containment and the other. They focus on ‘resilience or resistance’ give its local knowledge, time and hands-on creation of the series of Green Belts across elaborated in the introductory chapter. The work for free. This can make them resent- the country. Intertwined with Grindrod’s own cases are Bayou restorations as environ- ful and suspicious of the ultimate goal of reflections are compelling interviews with mental justice in East Biloxi on the Missis- what are often temporary bridging inter- current stakeholders; these include Ian Tant sippi Gulf coast after Hurricane Katrina; ventions awaiting wholesale regeneration.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Book reviews 41

Information is provided on the sources, re- and building systems are doomed to fail – basics (principles and purpose), levers cipients and sums involved, usually omitted due to their reliance on top-down controls, (ideas, tools and tactics) and agency (trans- in descriptions of urban design case stud- large-scale inputs and an inability to deliver forming and enabling). Campbell, draws on ies claiming to be participatory. Efforts are the kind of places that people need – Camp- Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline to made here to bring at least some benefits to bell sets out a manifesto which encourages stress that ‘cities are living organisms, not residents living in precarious conditions. Ani- and celebrates radical incrementalism. machines’ hence cultivating change is es- mated by artists or urban designers, they are From active citizens, urban profession- sential, and he provides both a manifesto being involved in a learning process aimed als testing out new ideas, community groups and a declaration for Massive Small Change to increase confidence in their local exper- coming together or local politicians ‘stepping to promote the ideas further. tise and to provide them with access to skill outside the mainstream’, the actors in this Throughout the book, the graphic style and leadership training, hopefully leading to new approach are everyone, and the actions is persuasive and makes its messages easy more permanent jobs in such alternative ur- whatever it takes to make a difference. The to read; it therefore is likely to be readily ban development processes. book reads as a motivational self-help guide adopted by many different readers. The book concludes with seven lessons to those seeking to build viable urban neigh- • as a step towards greater design justice. bourhoods. Set out in three main sections, Louise Thomas, independent urban designer They are: to recognise the intractable rela- The System reviews how we got ourselves tion between social and ecological systems; into a state where a call for action is needed the need to pay local participants as experts (e.g. the subsection on Why Big Plans Fail, of local knowledge; to defer to their lo- which encapsulates so many political and cal wisdom on community issues; be overt development industry fallacies.). The Way about who handles questions and data; shows how a new attitude can be cultivated the importance of building coalitions; to to value simpler protocols, ‘starter’ condi- acknowledge the worth of micro-projects tions and enabling behaviours, rather than (which is most relevant for urban designers); their megalomaniac counterparts (complex and, to explore their potential role in chang- policies, fixed outcomes and control mecha- ing macro-systems. nisms). This particular section is structured • in small subchapters which examine Streets, Judith Ryser, researcher, journalist, writer Blocks, Platforms, Defaults and Activators, Study tour to Nantes and urban affairs consultant to Fundacion and the role that each can play in making Metropoli, massive small change. These subchapters and St. Nazaire include imaginary stories or hypothetical scenarios to make the various points: the 25th-29th April 2019 Making Massive Small value of the grid, making spaces at intersec- tions, drawing up easily subdivided blocks, Change, A Compendium how dwellers can adapt their own places The Métropole of Nantes has undertaken a of Ideas, Tools + Tactics using codes and building systems, systems number of interesting regeneration schemes, that nudge people into making positive the Ile de Nantes being the most celebrated. to build viable Urban choices and hence small changes, and how Its investment in culture and the arts has had Neighbourhoods to trigger greater waves of change through an impact on the city and its economy is one assets and visions. of the most successful in France. St. Nazaire, Kelvin Campbell, 2018, Chelsea It is these last two subchapters, Defaults formerly an important naval base is reinvent- Green Publishing, Vermont, £25.00, and Activators, that will be most exciting ing itself in close collaboration with its larger ISBN 978-1-603-58775-6 for urban designers to consider, as the ear- neighbour. lier subchapters are a compendium of ideas Sebastian Loew is organising a visit to that will already be familiar to those who these two cities. The cost is £320 (subject to This dynamically illustrated book is a call for have followed best practice projects in the airline price not changing) for a UDG mem- action: to make many small-scale changes UK for several decades, read Jane Jacobs, ber in a double room. It includes flight and and bring about massive positive ones in how and understood the key messages of New accommodation on B&B basis. If you are in- we plan, build and look after cities, towns Urbanism. terested in joining the tour, please contact and neighbourhoods. Starting from the The final section, Change, shows how him asap at [email protected]. premise that our current planning, design to start this whole process, including the Places are limited.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 42 Index

A2 / URBANISM + ARCHITECTURE ANDREW MARTIN PLANNING BARTON WILLMORE PARTNERSHIP Unit 6, The Courtyard Town Mill, Mill Lane, Stebbing, READING Practice 707 Warwick Road Dunmow, Essex CM6 35N The Blade, Abbey Square Solihull B9 3DA T 01971 855855 Reading RG1 3BE T 0121 775 0180 C Andrew Martin T 0118 943 0000 Index C James Hughes E [email protected] C James de Havilland, Nick Sweet and E [email protected] W Dominic Scott W Independent planning, urban design MANCHEStER The following practices and urban A2 are a young, modern, forward and development consultancy. Advises Tower 12, 18/22 Bridge Street design courses are members thinking architectural practice public and private sector clients on Spinningfields of the Urban Design Group. recognised for its imagination, creativity strategic site promotion, development Manchester M3 3BZ Please see the UDG’s website and often unconventional approach. planning and management, planning T 0161 817 4900 for appeals, masterplanning and community C Dan Mitchell more details. ADAM URBANISM engagement. E masterplanning@bartonwillmore. Old Hyde House Those wishing to be included in 75 Hyde Street AREA W future issues should contact the Winchester SO23 7DW Grange, Linlithgow Concept through to implementation on UDG T 01962 843843 West Lothian EH49 7RH complex sites, comprehensive design 70 Cowcross Street C Hugh Petter, Robert Adam T 01506 843247 guides, urban regeneration, brownfield London EC1M 6EJ [email protected] C Karen Cadell/ Julia Neil sites, and major urban expansions. T 020 7250 0892 [email protected] E [email protected] C Robert Huxford W W BE1 ARCHITECTS E [email protected] World-renowned for progressive, Making places imaginatively to deliver 5 Abbey Court, Fraser Road W classical design covering town and the successful, sustainable and humane Priory Business Park country houses, housing development, environments of the future. Bedford MK44 3WH urban masterplans, commercial LONDON development and public buildings. ARNOLD LINDEN The Green House Chartered Architect 41-42 Clerkenwell Road AECOM 31 Waterlow Court, Heath Close London EC1R 0DU Aldgate Tower, 2 Leman Street Hampstead Way T 01234 261266 London E1 8FA London NW11 7DT C Selma Hooley T 020 7798 5137 T 020 8455 9286 E [email protected] C Ben Castell C Arnold Linden W E [email protected] Integrated regeneration through the be1 is a practice of creative and W participation in the creative process of experienced architects, designers, One of the largest built environment the community and the public at large, of masterplanners, visualisers and practices in the UK offering an streets, buildings and places. technicians. We are skilled in the integrated life-cycle approach to design and delivery of masterplanning, projects from architects, engineers, ASSAEL ARCHITECTURE architectural and urban design projects designers, scientists, management, and 123 Upper Richmond Road and are committed to designing the construction consultants. Urban design London SW15 2TL appropriate solution for all of our is a core component in both the private T 020 7736 7744 projects. and public sectors in the UK and across C Russell Pedley the world. E [email protected] BIDWELLS W Bidwell House, Trumpington Road ALAN BAXTER Architects and urban designers covering Cambridge CB2 9LD 75 Cowcross Street mixed use, hotel, leisure and residential, T 01223 559800 London EC1M 6EL including urban frameworks and M 07500 782001 T 020 7250 1555 masterplanning projects. C Johnny Clayton C Alan Baxter E [email protected] E [email protected] ATKINS PLC W W Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road, Planning, landscape and urban An engineering and urban design London NW1 3AT design consultancy, specialising practice. Particularly concerned with T 020 7121 2000 in masterplanning, townscape the thoughtful integration of buildings, C Richard Alvey assessment, landscape and visual infrastructure and movement, and the E [email protected] impact assessment. creation of places. W Interdisciplinary practice that offers a BOYER ALLEN PYKE ASSOCIATES range of built environment specialists 24 Southwark Bridge Road The Factory 2 Acre Road working together to deliver quality London SE1 9HF Kingston-upon-Thames KT2 6EF places for everybody to enjoy. T 020 3268 2018 T 020 8549 3434 C Ananya Banerjee C David Allen BACA ARCHITECTS [email protected] E [email protected] Unit 1, 199 Long Lane W W London SE1 4PN Offices in , Cardiff, Colchester, Innovative, responsive, committed, T 020 7397 5620 London and Wokingham. competitive, process. Priorities: people, C Richard Coutts Planning and urban design consultants spaces, movement, culture. Places: E [email protected] offering a wide range of services regenerate, infill, extend create. W to support sites throughout the Award-winning architects with 100 per development process. We believe in ALLIES & MORRISON: cent planning success. Baca Architects shaping places through responsive URBAN PRACTITIONERS have established a core specialism in design. 85 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HX waterfront and water architecture. T 020 7921 0100 BOYLE + SUMMERS C Anthony Rifkin Canute Chambers E [email protected] Canute Road W Southampton S014 3AB Specialist competition winning urban T 02380 63 1432/ 07824 698033 regeneration practice combining C Richard Summers economic and urban design skills. E [email protected] Projects include West Ealing and W Plymouth East End. Space-shapers, place-makers, street designers and development promoters. Value generators, team workers and site finders. Strategists, pragmatists, specialists and generalists. Visioneers, urbanists, architects and masterplanners.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Index 43

BROADWAY MALYAN CITY ID DESIGN BY POD FERIA URBANISM 3 Weybridge Business Park 23 Trenchard Street 99 Galgate, Barnard Castle Second Floor Studio, 11 Fernside Road Addlestone Road, Weybridge, Bristol BS1 5AN Co Durham DL12 8ES Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 2LA Surrey KT15 2BW T 0117 917 7000 T 01833 696600 T 01202 548676 T 01932 845599 C mike Rawlinson C Andy Dolby C Richard Eastham C Jeff Nottage E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] W Masterplanning, site appraisal, layout W W Place branding and marketing vision and architectural design. Development Expertise in urban planning, We are an international interdisciplinary masterplanning, urban design, public frameworks, urban regeneration, design masterplanning and public participation. practice which believes in the value of realm strategies, way finding and codes, briefs and design and access Specialisms include design for the placemaking-led masterplans that are legibility strategies, information design statements. night time economy, urban design rooted in local context. and graphics. skills training and local community DHA PLANNING & URBAN DESIGN engagement. BROCK CARMICHAEL ARCHITECTS CSA ENVIRONMENTAL Eclipse House, Eclipse Park, 19 Old Hall Street, Liverpool L3 9JQ Dixies Barns, High Street Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, FLETCHER PRIEST ARCHITECTS T 0151 242 6222 Ashwell SG7 5NT Kent ME14 3EN Middlesex House C michael Cosser T 01462 743647 T 01622 776226 34/42 Cleveland Street E [email protected] C Clive Self C matthew Woodhead London W1T 4JE Masterplans and development briefs. E [email protected] E [email protected] T 020 7034 2200 Mixed use and brownfield regeneration W W F 020 7637 5347 projects. Design in historic and sensitive Delivering masterplanning, design Planning and Urban Design Consultancy C Jonathan Kendall settings. Integrated landscape design. coding and implementations. offering a full range of Urban Design E [email protected] Specialist knowledge across landscape, services including masterplanning, W BUILDING DESIGN PARTNERSHIP ecology, archaeology and urbanism development briefs and design Work ranges from city-scale masterplans 16 Brewhouse Yard, Clerkenwell, leading to well-presented, high quality, statements. (Stratford City, Riga) to architectural London EC1V 4LJ commercially aware schemes. commissions for high-profile T 020 7812 8000 ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION professional clients. C Andrew Tindsley DAR PARTNERSHIP E [email protected] 74 Wigmore Street, Tithe Barn, Barnsley Park Estate FOWLER ARCHITECTURE W London, W1U 2SQ Barnsley, Cirencester GL7 5EG & PLANNING LTD BDP offers town planning, T 020 7962 1333 T 01285 740427 19 High Street, Pewsey, Marlborough masterplanning, urban design, C Simon Gray C Tom Joyce Wiltshire SWN9 5AF landscape, regeneration and E [email protected] E [email protected] T 01672 569 444 sustainability studies, and has teams W W E [email protected] based in London, Manchester and Dar is a leading international The Environmental Dimension W Belfast. multidisciplinary consultant in Partnership Ltd provides independent We are a family-run practice of urban design, planning, landscape, environmental planning and design architects, town planners and urban BURNS + NICE engineering, architecture, project advice to landowners, and property designers with over 30 years of 70 Cowcross Street management, transportation and and energy sector clients throughout experience. We create homes rooted in London EC1M 6EJ economics. The founding member of the UK from offices in the Cotswolds, tradition and designed for contemporary T 020 7253 0808 Dar Group, we are 10,000 strong in 40 Shrewsbury and Cardiff. living. C marie Burns/ Stephen Nice offices worldwide. E [email protected] FABRIK LTD FPCR ENVIRONMENT W DAVID HUSKISSON ASSOCIATES 1st Floor Studio & DESIGN LTD Urban design, landscape architecture, 17 Upper Grosvenor Road, 4-8 Emerson Street Lockington Hall, Lockington environmental and transport planning. Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2DU London SE1 9DU Derby DE74 2RH Masterplanning, design and public T 01892 527828 T 0207 620 1453 T 01509 672772 consultation for community-led work. C Nicola Brown C Johnny Rath C Tim Jackson E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] CARTER JONAS W W W One Chapel Place Landscape consultancy offering we are a firm of landscape architects, Integrated design and environmental London W1G 0BG masterplanning, streetscape and landscape planners, urban designers practice. Specialists in masterplanning, T 020 7518 3226 urban park design, estate restoration, and arboriculturists based in Alton and urban and mixed use regeneration, C Johnny Clayton environmental impact assessments. London. development frameworks, EIAs and E [email protected] public inquiries. W DAVID LOCK ASSOCIATES LTD FARRELLS masterplanning-and-urban-design 50 North Thirteenth Street, 7 Hatton Street, London NW8 8PL FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE AND Multidisciplinary practice working Central Milton Keynes, T 020 7258 3433 URBAN DESIGN throughout the UK with dedicated Milton Keynes MK9 3BP C max Farrell 3 Marine Studios, Burton Lane, masterplanning studio: specializes T 01908 666276 E [email protected] Burton Waters, Lincoln LN1 2WN in urban design and masterplanning, C Will Cousins W T 01522 535383 placemaking, new settlements and E [email protected] Architectural, urban design, planning C Gregg Wilson urban extensions, urban regeneration, W and masterplanning services. New E [email protected] sustainability and community Strategic planning studies, buildings, refurbishment, conference/ W consultation. area development frameworks, exhibition centres and visitor attractions. Architecture and urban design. A development briefs, design guidelines, commitment to the broader built CHAPMAN TAYLOR LLP masterplanning, implementation FAULKNERBROWNS environment and the particular dynamic 10 Eastbourne Terrace, strategies, environmental statements. Dobson House, Northumbrian Way, of a place and the design opportunities London W2 6LG NE12 6QW presented. T 020 7371 3000 DEFINE T 0191 268 1060 E [email protected] Unit 6, 133-137 Newhall Street C Ben Sykes GARSDALE DESIGN LIMITED W Birmingham B3 1SF E [email protected] High Branthwaites, Frostrow, MANCHEStER T 0121 237 1901 W Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5JR Bass Warehouse, 4 Castle Street C Andy Williams FaulknerBrowns is a regionally-based T 015396 20875 Castlefield, Manchester M3 4LZ E [email protected] architectural design practice with a C Derrick Hartley T 0161 828 6500 W national and international reputation. E [email protected] E [email protected] Define specialises in the promotion, From a workload based initially on W Chapman Taylor is an international shaping and assessment of education, library, sports and leisure GDL provides masterplanning and firm of architects and urban designers development. Our work focuses on buildings, the practice’s current urban design, architecture and heritage specialising in mixed use city centre strategic planning, masterplanning, workload includes masterplanning, services developed through 25 years regeneration and transport projects urban design codes, EIA, TVIA, estate offices, healthcare, commercial mixed wide ranging experience in the UK and throughout the world. Offices in strategies, public realm design, use, industrial and residential, for both Middle East. , , Bucharest, consultation strategies, urban design private and public sector clients. Düsseldorf, Kiev, Madrid, Milan, audits and expert witness. , , Paris, Prague, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and .

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 44 Index

GILLESPIES HTA DESIGN LLP JTP LEVITT BERNSTEIN LONDON 78 Chambers Street, London E1 8BL 23-25 Great Sutton Street ASSOCIATES LTD 1 St John’s Square T 020 7485 8555 London ECIV 0DN Thane Studios, 2-4 Thane Villas, London EC1M 4DH C Simon Bayliss T 020 7017 1780 London N7 7PA T 0207 251 2929 E [email protected] C marcus Adams T 020 7275 7676 C Steve Wardell W E [email protected] C Glyn Tully E [email protected] HTA Design LLP is a multi-disciplinary EDINBURGH E [email protected] W practice of architecture, landscape 2nd Floor Venue studios, 15-21 W MANCHESTER design, planning, urban design, Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL Urban design, masterplanning, full Westgate House sustainability, graphic design and T 0131 272 2762 architectural service, lottery grant bid 44 Hale Road, Hale communications based in London and C Alan Stewart advice, interior design, urban renewal Cheshire WA14 2EX Edinburgh, specialising in regeneration. E [email protected] consultancy and landscape design. T 0161 928 7715 Offices in London & Edinburgh. W C Jim Fox JTP is an international placemaking LHC URBAN DESIGN E [email protected] HYLAND EDGAR DRIVER practice of architects and Design Studio, Emperor Way, Exeter Offices also based in Oxford, Leeds and One Wessex Way, Colden Common, masterplanners, specialising in Business Park, Exeter, Devon EX1 3QS Moscow. Winchester, Hants SO21 1WG harnessing human energy to create new T 01392 444334 Gillespies is a leading international T 01962 711 600 places and breathe life into existing C John Baulch multidisciplinary design practice C John Hyland ones. E [email protected] specialising in urban design, E [email protected] W masterplanning, strategic planning, W KAY ELLIOTT Urban designers, architects and design guidelines, public realm design, Innovative problem solving, driven 5-7 Meadfoot Road, Torquay landscape architects, providing an landscape design and environmental by cost efficiency and sustainability, Devon TQ1 2JP integrated approach to strategic assessments. combined with imagination and coherent T 01803 213553 visioning, regeneration, urban renewal, aesthetic of the highest quality. C mark Jones masterplanning and public realm GLEN HOWELLS ARCHITECTS E [email protected] projects. Creative, knowledgeable, Middlesex House, 34–42 Cleveland IBI GROUP W practical, passionate. Street, London W1T 4JE Chadsworth House International studio with 30 year history T 020 7407 9915 Wilmslow Road, Handforth of imaginative architects and urban LICHFIELDS C Jack Pritchard Cheshire, SK9 3HP designers, creating buildings and places 14 Regent’s Wharf, All Saints Street, E [email protected] T 01625 542200 that enhance their surroundings and add London N1 9RL W C Neil Lewin financial value. T 020 7837 4477 Clear thinking designers, exploring ideas E [email protected] C Nick Thompson of making buildings and places that W LANDSCAPE PROJECTS E [email protected] improve people's lives. We are a globally integrated urban 31 Blackfriars Road, Salford W design, planning, architecture, town Manchester M3 7AQ Also at Newcastle upon Tyne and GLOBE CONSULTANTS LTD planning, master planning, landscape T 0161 839 8336 Cardiff The Tithe Barn, Greestone Place, architecture, engineering and C Neil Swanson Urban design, masterplanning, Lincoln LN2 1PP technology practice. E [email protected] heritage/conservation, visual appraisal, T 01522 563 515 W regeneration, daylight/sunlight C lynette Swinburne ICENI PROJECTS We work at the boundary between assessments, public realm strategies. E [email protected] Flitcroft House architecture, urban and landscape W 114-116 Charing Cross Road design, seeking innovative, sensitive LIZ LAKE ASSOCIATES Provides urban design, planning, London WC2H 0JR design and creative thinking. Offices in Unit 1, The Exchange 9 Station Road, economic and cultural development T 020 3640 8508 Manchester & London. Stansted, Essex CM24 8BE services across the UK and C Nivedita D’Lima Essex CM24 8AG internationally, specialising in E [email protected] LAVIGNE LONSDALE LTD T 01279 647044 sustainable development solutions, W 22 Lemon Street, Truro, C matt Lee masterplanning and regeneration. Iceni Projects is a planning and Cornwall TR1 2LS E [email protected] development consultancy with an T 01872 273118 W GM DESIGN ASSOCIATES LTD innovative and commercially-minded C martyn Lonsdale Urban fringe/brownfield sites where 22 Lodge Road, Coleraine approach aimed at delivering success. E [email protected] an holistic approach to urban design, Co. Londonderry BT52 1NB BATH landscape, and ecological issues can Northern Ireland IDP GROUP First Floor Stable Block provide robust design solutions. T 028 703 56138 27 Spon Street Newton St Loe C Bill Gamble Coventry CV1 3BA Bath BA2 9BR LUC E [email protected] T 024 7652 7600 T 01225 421539 43 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD W C luke Hillson T 020 7383 5784 Architecture, town and country planning, E [email protected] We are an integrated practice of C Adrian Wikeley urban design, landscape architecture, W masterplanners, urban designers, E [email protected] development frameworks and briefs, We are IDP. We enhance daily life landscape architects and product GLASGOW feasibility studies, sustainability through architecture. We use design designers. Experienced in large 37 Otago Street, Glasgow G12 8JJ appraisals, public participation and creativity, logic, collaboration and scale, mixed use and residential T 0141 334 9595 community engagement. pragmatism to realise places and space. masterplanning, health, education, C martin Tabor Ideas, delivered. regeneration, housing, parks, public E [email protected] HOK INTERNATIONAL LTD realm and streetscape design. W Qube, 90 Whitfield Street JB PLANNING Urban regeneration, landscape London W1T 4EZ Chells Manor, Chells Lane LDA DESIGN design, masterplanning, sustainable T 020 7636 2006 Stevenage, Herts SG2 7AA New Fetter Place, 8-10 New Fetter development, environmental planning, C Tim Gale T 01438 312130 Lane, London EC4A 1AZ environmental assessment, landscape E [email protected] C Kim Boyd T 020 7467 1470 planning and management. Offices also W E [email protected] C mark Williams in Bristol and Edinburgh. HOK delivers design of the highest W [email protected] quality. It is one of Europe’s leading JB Planning Associates is an W MALCOLM MOOR URBAN DESIGN architectural practices, offering independent firm of chartered town GLASGOW 27 Ock Mill Close, Abingdon experienced people in a diverse range of planning consultants, providing expert Sovereign House, Oxon OX14 1SP building types, skills and markets. advice to individuals and businesses 158 West Regent Street T 01235 550122 on matters connected with planning, Glasgow G2 4RL C malcolm Moor HOSTA CONSULTING property, land and development. T 0141 2229780 E [email protected] 2b Cobden Chambers C Kirstin Taylor W Nottingham NG1 2ED E [email protected] Master planning of new communities, T 07791043779 Offices also in Bristol, Cambridge, urban design, residential, urban C Helen Taylor Exeter, Manchester, Oxford & capacity and ecofitting studies, design E [email protected] Peterborough. involvement with major international W LDA Design is an independent projects. An urban landscape design studio that consultancy helping clients to create use an innovative approach to create great places where people belong. We green spaces for people, biodiversity provide landscape-led masterplanning, and the environment. design and planning services to developers, landowners, communities, universities and government.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Index 45

METROPOLIS PLANNING AND NODE URBAN DESIGN PARC DESIGN SOLUTIONS LTD PLACE-MAKE DESIGN 33 Holmfield Road 68 Derngate Alexander House, 40a Wilbury Way 4 Underwood Row, London N1 7LQ Leicester LE2 1SE Northampton NN1 1UH Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 0AP T 020 7324 2662 T 0116 2708742 T 01604 434353 T 01462 510099 C Greg Cooper C Nigel Wakefield C Simon Charter C David Edwards E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] W W W W Metropolitan urban design solutions An innovative team of urban design, Parc specialises in residential Chartered architects, urban planners drawn from a multi-disciplinary studio landscape and heritage consultants who development and housing layout design, and designers with a particular focus of urban designers, architects, planners believe that good design adds value. as well as undertaking projects in the on ‘place-making’. An independent and heritage architects. Providing sustainable urban design commercial, leisure and healthcare team, we support public and private and masterplan solutions at all scales sectors. sector clients across the UK and METROPOLITAN WORKSHOP of development with a focus on the overseas. Underpinning every project is 14-16 Cowcross Street creation of a sense of place. PEGASUS GROUP a commitment to viable and sustainable London EC1M 6DG Pegasus House, design and a passion for places. T 020 7566 0450 NOVELL TULLETT Querns Business Centre C David Prichard/Neil Deeley The Old Mess Room, Home Farm Whitworth Road, Cirencester GL7 1RT PLANIT-IE LLP E [email protected] Barrow Gurney BS48 3RW T 01285 641717 2 Back Grafton Street W T 01275 462476 C michael Carr Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1DY Metropolitan Workshop has experience C Simon Lindsley E [email protected] T 0161 928 9281 in urban design, land use planning, E [email protected] W C Peter Swift regeneration and architecture in the W Masterplanning, detailed layout and E [email protected] UK, Eire and Norway. Recent projects: Urban design, landscape architecture architectural design, design and W Ballymun Dublin, Durham Millennium and environmental planning. access statements, design codes, Design practice specialising in the Quarter, Adamstown District Centre sustainable design, development briefs, creation of places and shaping of Dublin, Bjorvika Waterfront. OPTIMISED ENVIRONMENTS development frameworks, expert communities. Our Urban Designers work OPEN witness, community involvement and at all scales from regeneration strategies MOSAIC LTD Quartermile Two sustainability appraisal. Part of the and conceptual masterplans through to The Workary, Pembridge Square 2nd Floor, 2 Lister Square multidisciplinary Pegasus Group. Design Codes – making environments, London W2 4EW Edinburgh EH3 9GL neighbourhoods and spaces for people M 07734 867 866 T 0131 221 5920 PHILIP CAVE ASSOCIATES to enjoy. C Steve Robins C Pol MacDonald 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ E [email protected] E [email protected] T 020 7250 0077 PLANNING DESIGN PRACTICE W W C Philip Cave 4 Woburn House, Vernon Gate A masterplanning practice focussing on A multidisciplinary design company E [email protected] Derby DE1 1UL strategic greenfield land in the UK, we encompassing master planning, urban W T 01332 347 371 work on a range of projects from smaller design, landscape architecture, and Design-led practice with innovative yet C Scott O’Dell schemes of 50 homes for bespoke architecture, with depth of experience practical solutions to environmental E [email protected] house builders through to 6,000-home at all scales, from tight urban situations opportunities in urban regeneration. W mixed use settlements. to regional landscapes. We work in the Specialist expertise in landscape We are a multi-disciplinary practice UK and overseas. architecture. offering services in planning, MOTT MACDONALD architecture and urban design who seek 10 Fleet Place ORIGIN3 PHIL JONES ASSOCIATES to create better places. London EC4M 7RB Tyndall House Seven House, High Street T 020 87743927 17 Whiteladies Road Longbridge, Birmingham B31 2UQ POLLARD THOMAS EDWARDS C Stuart Croucher Clifton, Bristol BS8 1PB T 0121 475 0234 ARCHITECTS E [email protected] T 0117 927 3281 C Nigel Millington Diespeker Wharf, 38 Graham Street, W C Emily Esfahani E [email protected] London N1 8JX London, Cambridge, Birmingham and E [email protected] W T 020 7336 7777 Manchester W One of the UK’s leading independent C Robin Saha-Choudhury Mott MacDonald’s Urbanism team Planning and urban design consultancy transport specialists offering the Andrew Beharrell specialises in placemaking, streetscape expertise to deliver high quality, viable E [email protected] design, landscape architecture, security OUTERSPACE developments which are design-led W design, policy and research. The Boathouse, 27 Ferry Road and compliant with urban design best Masterplanners, urban designers, Teddington TW11 9NN practice. developers, architects, listed building NASH PARTNERSHIP T 020 8973 0070 and conservation area designers; 23a Sydney Buildings C Richard Broome PILBROW AND PARTNERS specialising in inner city mixed use high Bath, Somerset BA2 6BZ E [email protected] 2-5 St John’s Square density regeneration. T 01225 442424 W London EC1M 4DE C Donna Fooks-Bale Outerspace was founded in 2008 by T 020 3696 7000 PRO VISION PLANNINg E [email protected] Managing and Creative Director Richard C Gorana Shepherd, Grosvenor Ct, Winchester Rd W Broome. Our designers strive to create Neng-Nio van Santvoord Ampfield, Winchester SO51 9BD Nash Partnership is an architecture, places for the ‘everyday’, balancing [email protected] T 01794 368698 planning, urban design, conservation creativity with practicality, working [email protected] C James Cleary and economic regeneration consultancy closely with our clients and communities W E [email protected] based in Bath and Bristol. to create better places for people and W nature. PLACE BY DESIGN A practice of integrated development NEW MASTERPLANNING LIMITED Unit C, Baptist Mills Court consultants covering town planning, 2nd Floor, 107 Bournemouth Road, OVE ARUP & PARTNERS Bristol BS5 0FJ architecture, urban design and heritage, Poole, Dorset BH14 9HR Consulting West Team T 01179 517 053 we provide carefully designed, context T 01202 742228 63 St Thomas Street C Charley Burrough driven and client focused plans and C Andy Ward Bristol BS1 6JZ E [email protected] buildings. E [email protected] T 0117 9765432 W W C J Shore Urban Design and architectural PRP ARCHITECTS Our skills combine strategic planning E [email protected] practice working with some of the 10 Lindsey Street, with detailed implementation, design W biggest developers in the country, London EC1A 9HP flair with economic rigour, independent With 14,000 specialists, working we are involved in projects from T 020 7653 1200 thinking with a partnership approach. across 90+ disciplines, in more than conception to technical drawing and C Vicky Naysmith 34 countries, we offer total design to construction, producing masterplans E [email protected] NICHOLAS PEARSON ASSOCIATES help clients tackle the big issues and and visualisations to support successful W The Farm House, Church Farm Business shape a better world. Our approach to planning applications. Architects, planners, urban designers Park, Corston, Bath BA2 9AP integrated urbanism acknowledges the and landscape architects, specialising T 01225 876990 interdependence of urban systems and in housing, urban regeneration, health, C Simon Kale communities. education and leisure projects. E [email protected] W Masterplanning, public realm design, streetscape analysis, concept and detail designs. Also full landscape architecture service, EIA, green infrastructure, ecology and biodiversity, environmental planning and management.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 46 Index

RANDALL THORP SAVILLS (L&P) LIMITED SHEPPARD ROBSON STUDIO PARTINGTON Canada House, 3 Chepstow Street, 33 Margaret Street 77 Parkway, Camden Town Unit G, Reliance Wharf Manchester M1 5FW London W1G 0JD London NW1 7PU Hertford Road, London N1 5EW T 0161 228 7721 T 020 3320 8242 T 020 7504 1700 T 020 7241 7770 C Pauline Randall W C Charles Scott C Richard Partington E [email protected] SOUTHAMPTON [email protected] E [email protected] W 2 Charlotte Place, W W Masterplanning for new developments Southampton SO14 0TB MANCHESTER Urban design, housing, retail, education, and settlements, infrastructure design T 02380 713900 27th Floor, City Tower, Piccadilly Plaza sustainability and commercial projects and urban renewal, design guides and C Peter Frankum Manchester M1 4BD that take a responsible approach to the design briefing, public participation. E [email protected] T 0161 233 8900 environment and resources. Offices throughout the World Planners, urban designers and RE-FORM LANDSCAPE Savills Urban Design creates value architects. Strategic planning, urban STUDIO | REAL ARCHITECTURE from places and places of value. regeneration, development planning, Oxford Centre for Innovation Tower Works, Globe Road masterplanning, urban design, design town centre renewal, new settlement New Road, Oxford OX1 1BY Leeds LS11 5QG coding, urban design advice, planning, planning. T 01865 261461 T 0113 245 4695 commercial guidance. C Roger Evans C Guy Denton SIGNET URBAN DESIGN E [email protected] E [email protected] SCOTT BROWNRIGG Rowe House, 10 East Parade W W St Catherine's Court, 46-48 Harrogate HG1 5LT Urban regeneration, quarter re-form specialises in creating enduring, Portsmouth Road T 01423 857510 frameworks and design briefs, town sustainable designs which create a Guildford GU2 4DU C Andrew Clarke centre strategies, movement in towns, sense of identity, supports the local T 01483 568686 [email protected] masterplanning and development economy and inspire communities. C Jeremy Wills W economics. E [email protected] A team of talented urban design RG+P W professionals providing masterplanning, TEP – THE ENVIRONMENT 130 New Walk Award winning international practice detailed layout and architectural design, PARTNERSHIP Leicester LE1 7JA with the purpose of creating timeless, design and access statements, design Genesis Centre T 0116 204 5800 sustainable and beautiful environments codes and development frameworks Birchwood Science Park C Shweta Desai that are aspirational to our client and throughout the UK. Warrington WA3 7BH E [email protected] communities. T 01925 844004 W SLR CONSULTING C Steve McCoy Multidisciplinary architectural design, SCOTT TALLON WALKER 7 Wornal Park, Menmarsh Rd E [email protected] project management and quantity ARCHITECTS Worminghall HP18 9PH GATESHEAD surveying practice offering offer 19 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 T 0117 906 4280 Office 26, Gateshead International an unrivalled range of supporting T 00 353 1 669 3000 C Jonathan Reynolds Business Centre professional services including planning C Philip Jackson E [email protected] Mulgrave Terrace consultation, landscape architecture, E [email protected] W Gateshead NE8 1AN and more. W SLR is a global environmental T 0191 605 3340 Award winning international practice consultancy, providing robust advice E [email protected] RICHARD COLEMAN CITYDESIGNER covering all aspects of architecture, to investors, developers, regulators, CORNWALL 14 Lower Grosvenor Place urban design and planning. policy makers, landowners and other 4 Park Noweth London SW1W 0EX stakeholders. Churchtown, Cury T 020 7630 4880 SCOTT WORSFOLD ASSOCIATES Helston TR12 7BW C lakshmi Varma The Studio, 22 Ringwood Road SMEEDEN FOREMAN LTD T 01326 240081 E [email protected] Longham, Dorset BH22 9AN Somerset House, Low Moor Lane E [email protected] Advice on architectural quality, urban T 01202 580902 Scotton, Knaresborough HG5 9JB W design, and conservation, historic C Gary Worsfold / Alister Scott T 01423 863369 Tep provides independent planning and buildings and townscape. Environmental E [email protected] C mark Smeeden design advice with a strong emphasis statements, listed buildings/area [email protected] E [email protected] on personal service. Our award-winning consent applications. W multi-disciplinary team has a track An award winning practice of chartered Ecology, landscape architecture record of delivering complex projects RICHARD REID & ASSOCIATES architects, urban designers and experts and urban design. Environmental for private, public and voluntary sector Whitely Farm, Ide Hill in conservation, all with exceptional assessment, detailed design, contract clients. Sevenoaks TN14 6BS graphic skills and an enviable record in packages and site supervision. T 01732 741417 planning consents. TERENCE O'ROURKE C Richard Reid SPAWFORTHS 7 Heddon Street E [email protected] SHEILS FLYNN LTD Junction 41 Business Court, East London W1B 4BD W Bank House High Street, Docking Ardsley, Leeds WF3 2AB T 020 3664 6755 Award winning practice specialising Kings Lynn PE31 8NH T 01924 873873 C Kim Hamilton in urban design, mixed use high T 01485 518304 C Adrian Spawforth E [email protected] density projects, townscape design C Eoghan Sheils E [email protected] W and regeneration, sustainable E [email protected] W Award-winning planning, design and masterplanning and environmental W Urbanism with planners and architects environmental practice. education. Award winning town centre regeneration specialising in masterplanning, schemes, urban strategies and design community engagement, visioning and THE TERRA FIRMA CONSULTANCY RYDER ARCHITECTURE guidance. Specialists in community development frameworks. Suite B, Ideal House, Bedford Road, Cooper’s Studios consultation and team facilitation. Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 3QA 14-18 Westgate Road STRIDE TREGLOWN T 01730 262040 Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3NN SHEPHEARD EPSTEIN HUNTER Promenade House, The Promenade C lionel Fanshawe T 0191 269 5454 Phoenix Yard, 65 King’s Cross Road , Bristol BS8 3NE [email protected] C Cathy Russell London WC1X 9LW T 0117 974 3271 W E [email protected] T 020 7841 7500 C Graham Stephens Independent landscape architectural W C Steven Pidwill [email protected] practice with considerable urban design Newcastle London Glasgow Liverpool E [email protected] W experience at all scales from EIA to Hong Kong Vancouver W Established in 1953, now with nine project delivery throughout UK and Melbourne Sydney Perth Barcelona SEH is a user-friendly, award-winning regional offices offering town planning, overseas. Budapest architects firm, known for its work in masterplanning, urban design, Our core specialisms include regeneration, education, housing, landscape architecture, historic building THE PAUL HOGARTH COMPANY architecture, urban design, placemaking, masterplanning, mixed use and conservation, interior & graphic design, Bankhead Steading stakeholder and community healthcare projects. & project management, across a wide Bankhead Road engagement, planning, interiors range of sectors. South Queensferry EH30 9TF and heritage. We follow a holistic T 0131 331 4811 approach to placemaking focused on C Claire Japp understanding the nature of places, E [email protected] seeking out opportunities which exist W beyond the limits of a red line site The Paul Hogarth Company is a long boundary. established and passionate team of landscape architects, urban designers and planners that puts people at the heart of placemaking.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Index 47

THRIVE TYRENS URBED (URBANISM WHITE CONSULTANTS Building 300, The Grange White Collar Factory ENVIRONMENT & DESIGN) Enterprise House Romsey Road, Michelmersh 1 Old street Yard MANCHESTER 127-129 Bute Street Romsey SO51 0AE London EC1Y 8AF 10 Little Lever Street Cardiff CF10 5LE T 01794 367703 T 020 7250 7666 Manchester M1 1HR T 029 2043 7841 C Gary Rider C Anna Reiter T 0161 200 5500 C Simon White E [email protected] E [email protected] C John Sampson E [email protected] W W E [email protected] W Award winning multi-disciplinary practice Tyrens is one of Europe’s leading W A holistic approach to urban encompassing architecture, urban integrated urban planning, environment, LONDON regeneration, design guidance, public design, masterplanning, design coding, mobility and infrastructure design The Building Centre realm and open space strategies and regeneration, development frameworks, consultancies. 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT town centre studies for the public, sustainable design/planning and C Nicholas Falk private and community sectors. construction. Residential and retirement UBU DESIGN LTD T 07811 266538 care specialists. 7a Wintex House Sustainable urbanism, masterplanning, WOOD Easton Lane Business Park urban design, retrofitting, consultation, Wood Environment and Infrastructure TIBBALDS PLANNING & URBAN Easton Lane capacity building, research, town Solutions, Floor 12, 25 Canada Square, DESIGN Winchester SO23 7RQ centres and regeneration. London, E14 5LQ 19 Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge T 01962 856008 T 020 3 215 1700 Road, London SE1 3JB C Rachel Williams URBEN C Jeremy Wills T 020 7089 2121 E [email protected] Studio D, Main Yard Studios E [email protected] C Katja Stille 90 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN W E [email protected] Ubu Design is an innovative urban T 020 3882 1495 MIDLANDS OFFICE: W design and landscape architecture C Paul Reynolds Gables House, Kenilworth Road, Multi-disciplinary practice of urban practice. We combine creativity with E [email protected] Leamington Spa, CV32 6JX designers, architects and planners. understanding to shape development W T 01926 439000 Provides expertise from concept and produce designs that are Urban planning and design consultancy C David Thompson to implementation in regeneration, considered, viable and inspiring, from with a focus on using placemaking and E [email protected] masterplanning, urban design and strategies and frameworks, through infrastructure to make our towns and W design management to public and masterplanning to detailed design. cities more efficient and better places to Wood, (formerly Amec Foster private sector clients. live + work. Wheeler) is an award winning multi- URBAN DESIGN BOX disciplinary environment, engineering TOP HAT TECHNOLOGIES LTD The Tobacco Factory VINCENT AND GORBING LTD and development consultancy with 14 Great James Street Raleigh Road Sterling Court, Norton Road offices around the globe. Our core London WC1N 3DP Bristol BS3 1TF Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2JY UK urban design teams in London and C Katarzyna Ciechanowska T 01179395524 T 01438 316331 Leamington consist of a diverse group E [email protected] C Jonathan Vernon-Smith C Richard Lewis of professionals with exceptional W E [email protected] E urban.designers@vincent-gorbing. knowledge and skills in place-making. TopHat Technology is part of the W TopHat Group that designs, builds, We are an integrated masterplanning, W WYG delivers and sells housing within the architecture and urban design service. Masterplanning, design statements, 11th Floor, 1 Angel Court UK. It is responsible for the overall Working nationally, we have designed, character assessments, development London EC2R 7HJ masterplanning design of the TopHat delivered and completed residential, briefs, residential layouts and urban T 020 7250 7500 housing neighbourhoods, where the mixed use and commercial projects, capacity exercises. C Colin James technology component forms a critical from sensitive urban infills to strategic E [email protected] part. sites. WEI YANG & PARTNERS W Wei Yang & Partners Offices throughout the UK TOWNSCAPE SOLUTIONS URBAN GRAPHICS 33 Cavendish Square Creative urban design and 208 Lightwoods Hill, Smethwick 31 Castle Lane London W1G 0PW masterplanning with a contextual West Midlands B67 5EH Bedford MK40 3NT T 020 7182 4936 approach to placemaking and a concern T 0121 429 6111 T 01234 353870 C Jun Huang for environmental, social and economic C Kenny Brown C Bally Meeda E [email protected] sustainability. [email protected] E [email protected] W W W Award-winning multi-disciplinary Specialist urban design practice offering With over 25 years experience, Urban company driven by a commitment to a wide range of services including Graphics deliver the tools to secure shape more sustainable and liveable masterplans, site layouts, design briefs, investment, attain planning permissions, cities. Specialising in low-carbon city design and access statements, expert turn visions into reality and influence the development strategies, garden cities witness and 3D illustrations. regeneration of major projects. & communities, urban regenerations, urban design, mixed use urban complex TURLEY URBAN IMPRINT design and community building 10th Floor, 1 New York Street 16-18 Park Green, Macclesfield strategies. Manchester M1 4HD Cheshire Sk11 7NA C Stephen Taylor (North) T 01625 265232 WEST WADDY ADP LLP T 0161 233 7676 C Bob Phillips The Malthouse E [email protected] E [email protected] 60 East St. Helen Street C Craig Becconsall (South) W Abingdon, Oxon OX14 5EB T 0118 902 2830 A multi-disciplinary town planning and T 01235 523139 W urban design consultancy dedicated to C Philip Waddy Offices also in Belfast, Birmingham, the delivery of high quality development E [email protected] Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, solutions working with public, private W Leeds, London and Southampton. and community organisations. Experienced and multi-disciplinary team Integrated urban design, of urban designers, architects and town masterplanning, sustainability and URBAN INITIATIVES STUDIO planners offering a full range of urban heritage services provided at all project Exmouth House, 3-11 Pine Street design services. stages and scales of development. London EC1R 0JH Services include visioning, townscape T 0203 567 0716 WESTON WILLIAMSON + analysis, design guides and public realm C Hugo Nowell PARTNERS resolution. E [email protected] 12 Valentine Place W London SE1 8QH TWEED NUTTALL WARBURTON Urban design, transportation, T 020 7401 8877 Chapel House, City Road regeneration, development planning. C Chris Williamson Chester CH1 3AE E [email protected] T 01244 310388 W C John Tweed Weston Williamson is an award winning E [email protected] architectural, urban design and W masterplanning practice with a wide Architecture and urban design, variety of projects in the UK and abroad. masterplanning. Urban waterside environments. Community teamwork enablers. Visual impact assessments.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 48 Index

London South Bank University University College London University of Manchester Faculty of Law and Social Science Bartlett School of Planning School of Environment, Education and Education 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0QB Development T 0207 815 5877 T 020 7679 4797 Humanities Bridgeford Street, C m anuela Madeddu C Filipa Wunderlich Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL Index E [email protected] E [email protected] T 0161 275 2815 W W C Dr. Philip Black finder/urban-design-planning-ma programmes E [email protected] The MA Urban Design and Planning The MSc/Dipl Urban Design & City W Universities with courses in Urban (FT or PT) provides an inter-disciplinary Planning has a unique focus on the taught-masters/courses/list/urban- Design are welcome to join the Urban approach to urban design and equips interface between urban design & city design-and-international-planning- Design Group and be listed in this index. students with a comprehensive planning. Students learn to think in msc/ The Journal has a circulation of understanding of urban design, planning critical, creative and analytical ways MSc Urban Design and International circa 2000 to individuals, practices, the and development issues. Through across the different scales of the city Planning (F/T or P/T) bookshops of the AA, RIBA and working at different scales of the city – from strategic to local -and across The fully accredited RTPI MSc Urban Building Centre in London, and UK & and engaging with theoretical debates, urban design, planning, real estate and Design and International Planning international libraries. students will learn to think about the sustainability. explores the relationship between urban See characteristics of good places and design and planning by focusing on will be equipped to make a critical University College London internationally significant issues. With a contribution to shaping those places in Bartlett School of Planning strong project-based applied approach Cardiff University the decades ahead. The programme is 14 Upper Woburn Place students are equipped with the core School of Geography and Planning fully accredited by RTPI and includes a London WC1H 0NN knowledge and technical competencies and Welsh School of Architecture, field trip to a European country. T 020 7679 4797 to design across various scales in the Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII C matthew Carmona city. Avenue Newcastle University E [email protected] Cardiff CF10 3WA School of Architecture, Planning W University of Nottingham T 029 2087 5607/029 2087 6131 and Landscape, Claremont Tower programmes/postgraduate/ Department of Architecture and Built C Aseem Inam University of Newcastle, Newcastle mresInter-disciplinary-urban- Environment, University Park E [email protected] upon Tyne NE1 7RU design Nottingham NG7 2RD W T 0191 222 6006 The MRes Inter-disciplinary Urban T 0115 9513110 courses/postgraduate-taught/ C Georgia Giannopoulou Design cuts across urban design C Dr Amy Tang ma-urban-design E [email protected] programmes at The Bartlett, allowing E [email protected] One year full-time MA in Urban Design. W students to construct their study in W postgraduate/taught/urbandesign/ a flexible manner and explore urban courses/architecture-and-built- CARDIFF UNIVERSITY index.htm design as a critical arena for advanced environment/sustainable-urban- School of Geography and Planning, The MA in Urban Design brings together research and practice. The course design-march.aspx Glamorgan Buildin.King Edward VII cross-disciplinary expertise striking a operates as a stand-alone high level Master of Architecture (MArch) in Avenue balance between methods and masters or as preparation for a PhD. Sustainable Urban Design is a research Cardiff CF10 3WA approaches in environmental design and and project-based programme which T 029 2087 5607/029 2087 6131 the social sciences in University of Dundee aims to assist the enhancement of C Richard Bower the creation of the built environment. Town and Regional Planning the quality of our cities by bringing E [email protected] To view the course blog: Tower Building, Perth Road innovative design with research in W Dundee DD1 4HN sustainability. postgraduate/taught/courses/ T 01382 385246 / 01382 385048 course/international-planning-and- Oxford Brookes University C Dr Mohammad Radfar / Dr Deepak University of Sheffield urban-design-msc Faculty of Technology, Design and Gopinath School of Architecture, The Arts Tower, One year full-time MSc in International Environment, E [email protected] / Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN Planning and Urban Design. Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP [email protected] T 0114 222 0341 T 01865 483 438 W C Florian Kossak Edinburgh School of C Georgia Butina-Watson courses/advanced_sustainable_ E [email protected] Architecture and E [email protected] urban_design_msc.htm W Landscape Architecture W The MSc Advanced Sustainable Urban study/pgschool/taught_masters/ ECA University of Edinburgh Diploma in Urban Design, six months Design (RTPI accredited) is a unique maud Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF full time or 18 months part time. MA one multidisciplinary practice-led programme One year full time MA in Urban Design T 0131 651 5786 year full-time or two years part-time. set in an international context (EU study for postgraduate architects, landscape C Dr Ola Uduku visit) and engaging with such themes architects and town planners. The E [email protected] University College London as landscape urbanism, placemaking programme has a strong design focus, W Development Planning Unit across cultures and sustainability integrates participation and related postgraduate/degrees 34 Tavistock Square evaluation as integrated knowledge design processes, and includes Jointly run with Heriot Watt University, London WC1H 9EZ spheres in the creation of sustainable international and regional applications. this M.Sc in Urban Strategies and T 020 7679 1111 places. Design focuses on urban design practice C Camillo Boano and Catalina Ortiz University of Strathclyde and theory from a cultural, and socio- E [email protected] University of Huddersfield Department of Architecture economic, case-study perspective. [email protected] School of Architecture and 3D Design Urban Design Studies Unit Engaging students in ’live’ urban W Queen Street Studios Level 3, James Weir Building projects, as part of the programme’s development/programmes/ Huddersfield HD1 3DH 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ ’action research’ pedagogy, it also offers postgraduate/msc-building-urban- T 01484 472208 T 0141 548 4219 research expertise in African and Latin design-development C Dr Ioanni Delsante C Ombretta Romice American urban design and planning The DPU programme has a unique focus E [email protected] E [email protected] processes. on Urban Design as a transdisciplinary W W and critical practice. Students are postgraduate/urban-design-ma/ The Postgraduate Course in Urban Leeds Beckett University encouraged to rethink the role of urban MA; PgDip; PgCert in Urban Design (Full Design is offered in CPD,Diploma School of Art, Architecture and Design, design through processes of collective Time or Part Time). and MSc modes. The course is design Broadcasting Place, Woodhouse Lane, and radical endeavours to design and The MA in Urban Design aims to provide centred and includes input from a variety Leeds LS2 9EN build resilient strategic responses to students with the essential knowledge of related disciplines. T 0113 812 3216 conflicting urban agendas, emphasising and skills required to effectively C Chris Royffe outcomes of environmental and social- intervene in the urban design process; University of Westminster E [email protected] spatial justice. develop academic research skills, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS W including critical problem-solving and T 020 7911 5000 ext 66553 urbandesign_ma/ reflective practice; facilitate design C Bill Erickson Master of Arts in Urban Design consists responses to the range of cultural, E [email protected] of 1 year full time or 2 years part time or political, socio-economic, historical, W individual programme of study. Shorter environmental and spatial factors. It architecture-and-interiors-planning- programmes lead to Post Graduate also aims to promote responsibility housing-and-urban-design- Diploma/Certificate. Project based within urban design to consider the courses/2019-20/september/full-time/ course focusing on the creation of wider impact of urban development and urban-design-ma sustainable environments through regeneration. or ending in interdisciplinary design. /urban-design-postgraduate-diploma MA or Diploma Course in Urban Design for postgraduate architects, town planners, landscape architects and related disciplines. One year full time.

Urban Design ― Winter 2019 ― Issue 149 EndpiecNewse

Orkney does all of this and more without towards the quays, separates the street Joined-up Insularity being a big and populous metropolis. It has from the water. Heading for the campsite only two small towns. It does all of this in at the far end of town at Point of Ness, I fact precisely because it is small, isolated drove around a right angle onto the street and dispersed, and therefore needs to gen- and immediately thought ‘this isn’t right, I I referred in the last Endpiece to Jane erate its own diversity in order to sustain a shouldn’t be here’. It is a narrow two-way Jacobs’ ideas about urban diversity, and I good standard of living for its small popula- street, in places only one vehicle’s width am drawn back to the subject again. Ever tion. Its historic isolation has also helped to between the buildings, and it proceeds since reading Death and Life for the first create a distinctive independent Orcadian through several sharp angles as it passes time, in the final year of my architecture culture, which has shaped its autonomous through the town. It is uniformly paved course, I have accepted as an axiom of diversity. wall-to-wall with big stone flags, with an urban design Jacobs’ argument that cities I don’t know details of Orkney’s econ- irregular band of granite setts running down manufacture diversity, and that a big urban omy, and you may object that its residents the middle. I don’t remember there being concentration of people is necessary in could not enjoy what they do without subsi- a single traffic sign or a column of any de- order to create a diverse and rich range dies from Holyrood and a disproportionate scription along its entire length. of activities and facilities. I experienced amount of local democracy. In Birmingham Nervously I continued to drive slowly a small doubt about this when I passed a I enjoy free bus transport, but if I were an in second gear, cautiously passing rocking horse manufacturer located in a Orkney resident, I would enjoy free ferry pedestrians. If the design intention is to tiny village in Shropshire. On the internet I trips and plane journeys as well (not an make drivers uncomfortably aware of the see that, while rare, it is not unique; there unlimited number, but considerable). None- danger they pose to other occupants of the are other rocking horse manufacturers, but theless I think there is a lesson here that space, it works. In the four days we spent none of them seems to be in a city. makes me question my orthodox reading in Stromness, I chose not to drive along it But a recent visit to Orkney has caused of both Jane Jacobs’ chapter on diversity again, but bypassed it higher up the hill. me more serious doubts. Orkney has 20 in- and her later book The Economy of Cities. I But my partner Polly and I walked along it habited islands, located remotely even from wish she were here to explain how it works. several times, feeling, as pedestrians, in the far north of the Scottish mainland, and Clearly not every settlement of 22,000 peo- charge of the space. It’s a most enjoyable a population of 22,000. That is the same ple can do what Orkney does. For one thing, street. population as Godalming or Kenilworth. many of them are dependent on a nearby • Yet Orkney has three gin distilleries, two city for a lot of their facilities. They do not Joe Holyoak, architect and urban designer breweries, two whisky distilleries, annual have the needs which isolation presents. international science and arts festivals and But I find Orkney an inspiring place, and a an annual blues festival, seven airports, challenge to my long-held assumptions. several museums, a weekly newspaper, Incidentally, Stromness, the smaller of and generates more than 100 per cent of Orkney’s two towns, has one of the most its energy consumption from renewables. It astonishing examples of a shared-space also makes very good cheese and oatcakes, redesign of a main street that I have en- among other things. As I write this, I have countered. The quayside town is strung out just eaten an excellent shortbread from the along the A965, the main street, which has Two views of the A965 in Westray Bakehouse (established 1892) on six different names along its 1.5km length. Stromness, paved with stone the island of Westray (population 588). A dense row of buildings, their gable ends flags and granite setts.

Urban Design ― winter 2019 ― Issue 149 Climate change consulting services

Arup is a market leader in the provision of climate change and resilience services. We undertake research, and provide practical advice to buildings, infrastructure and masterplanning project teams.

London Wetland Center © Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust