
Did you know - Winter Week 3

The Golden Age of - During this time from 1880-1920, the distinction between the ​ commercial and fine artist was blurred or non-existent. Books and magazines provided lucrative markets for illustration that attracted and rewarded the most talented, skilled artists.

Prior to 1880, most graphic art in periodicals was reproduced from wood engravings. By 1900 mass color printing had advanced to the point where artwork could be reproduced on magazine covers at a reasonable cost.

Some famous artists include; , , , NC Wyeth, , Aubrey Beardsley, and . 2​018, Illustration Art Solutions

Glaze - ​i​s a painting technique where a transparent layer of paint that has been thinned by some sort of ​ oil and is spread over the top of a painting that is dry.

Scumble - i​s a p​ainting ​technique in which a color is added over another color so that bits of the lower ​ layers of color show through the scumbling. The paint is usually opaque or semi transparent and scrubbed onto the surface using a dry brush.

Oil Paint - ​is paint that has been made by mixing pigment with a binder, usually linseed oil. The method ​ has been around for hundreds of years and was fully developed during the Renaissance. The workability of the paint and the depth that can be achieved using oils makes it popular.

Acrylic Paint - ​is a paint made of pigment mixed with an acrylic ​polymer emulsion that acts as a binder. ​ ​ Other additives include plasticizers, silicon oils and stabilizers. Acrylic paints are water-soluble but water-resistant when dry. It was first developed in the 1940’s.

Medium - As it pertains to oil painting, a medium is an oil based fluid used to thin oil paint. There are ​ many different types. Some of the most popular commercial types are made by Gamblin and Winsor Newton. Mediums can also be made by mixing linseed oil, turpentine and damar varnish.

Transparent Colors in Oil - paints that when thinned with a medium are transparent. Paints can also be ​ semi-transparent, semi-opaque or opaque. Some colors are Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine blue, Viridian Green, Manganese Blue, Hansa Yellow Deep, Prussian Blue and most of the earth tones including burnt/raw umber, burnt/raw sienna, yellow ochre, and venetian red. There are more and individual manufacturers have their own colors. Check their websites for detailed information.