SOCIETY" That Is "Cold Steel." Atura Flllna Boyer
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r 2 THE STTXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, -- XO VEFBER 13. 1921 had been for two years In light opera donna's credit, sang the Vloletta In with the Shuberts, for which I Aad Traviata" eight times In six days. trained him. SINGING AND MANAGING OPERA I drilled both principals and chorns Next season I again ge ent with n In their music and their action. my own company, together with the COMPANY MASTERED BY STAR Mainly the operas were sung- In Eng- Little Symphony Orchestra of New lish; occasionally In French. I stage-manage- d, York, conducted by Georgres Barrere, directed the lighting, col- the noed flutist. The first part of our Lucy Gates, Returning Rome Germany Outbreak of War lected the scenery, did bookings, programme will be given by our solo- From at the Symphony; the Almost Penniless, Makes Success of Own Venture, the advertising, and engaged the ists and the Little special trains on which travelled. second part will be Pergolesi's opera My "staff" consisted of one publicity "Serva Padrona. which received en- man. welcome when the Ameri- thusiastic en- Some of the orchestra scores we se- can singers gave It during my cured from the Metropolitan Opera gagement with them. Our tour will house and others elsewhere. Our cos- extend from New York, throughout tumes, gotten from various sources, the east, and as far as the Pacific came in major part from New York, coast and will last three months. director-gener- be where as al and gen- But for the war, I might still eral staff, I selected them, carefully dividing my time between continental following measurements that had opera houses and the Covent Garden B been made of principals and chorus Opera in London. For me, then, de- It spite experiences, the war y . .'i.; 4 The 'operas in our reportory were difficult "Travlata," "Faust," "Romeo and Ju- has meant the blessed privilege of liet," and "Rlgoletto." This meant living and singing among- my own the training of Individual singers and people. For the training that foreign W opera houses have given me I am de- collective rehearsals from o'clock me In the- - morning 11 voutly grateful. They equipped I until o'clock at f " .. night. But my brother and I carried artistically for my return home. I It through ourselves and on our own look back, too. on those days with financial resources. Everywhere genuine appreciation of the happiness crowded houses greeted us In the they brought me. But once I tasted our pre- again the Joy of living in my own section where tempt me ' ' 1 sentations were given. country, nothing could I ; With so many details of rehearsals, away from it. performances, and, train schedules on When, by the kaiser's orders, the my manager of Royal Opera at Cassel mind, I was often pretty tired the war, I k ' ; when I went out every night as a cabled me in the early days of i .' ' prima donna. But once before an demanding that I return there to ful- audience, their enthusiasm and my fil my contract, I flatly refused. Nor love of my art carried me straight have I ever regretted my defiance of through to the last curtain. And the war lord. I am young, and- it is a this may be added, I am proud to say Joy to me to feel that maybe I have 7 . that I succeeded In a feat which 1 Ion year ahead of me In which te have not yet heard placed to a prima stay am smg at noma. f 1 j RUTH GETTING $3000 WEEKLY ' FOR20JWEEKS IN VAUDEVILLE N Baseball Swat King Will Open His Theatrical Engagements at Keith's f 1 Theater in Boston Tomorrow. (Babe) Ruth, the called the "straight" man, for the signed laugh lies In the answers from the GEORGE baseball, has comedian. calling his appearance other partner, who Is the for Ruth wants as many home-ru-n for 20 weeks In the B. F. Keith the- laughs as poslsble. but In view of aters as a vaudeville headliner at a Cross' headline standing he will ask alary of $300o a week. Ruth was rep-sent- a few himself and let the actor score RUDOLPH VALENTINO by Harry Weber, who will some runs with the audience. It will manage him in his theatrical career, be Babe Ruth's party, but he isn't Star of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"- - ' and the Keith Interests were handled going to be selfish about It. He agrees by E. F. Albee and J. J. Murdock. with Tommy Grey that "the big idea The home-ru-n king will open at Is to give them a good show with v Keith's theater ,ln Boston on No- lots of laughs," ana he relies on the " vember 7. and after a week there will author for "nifties." Ruth and Cross IN REX INGRAM'S go to the Palace theater. New York. will "work In one," which means they Ruth will be teamed in vaudeville will perform Just back of the foot- with Wellington Cross, neadliner at lights in front of the "olio drop." present doing song, dance, chatter and Ruth will hide away for a few days, story-telli- ng as a "single." He is trying out before opening in Boston. known to the theater world as "Duke" He wants to get In the atmosphere Cross. The Babe and the Duke will and gauge the size of the stage lot. BY LUCY GATES. 111 rush to opera and that I must the work together In rapid-fir-e comedy Standing on the- Palace stage trying CONQUERING (ATI by to place. THE POWER! rlrhts rwrved United Features take her repartee, now being written by his voice, he remarked, "The back syndicate. Reproduction Prohibited.) Throwing a big cloak over me Thomas J. Grey. fence seems an awful long way off." CAME: back to my native land there was no time to do more I Baseball will figure largely In the Ruth has turned over his treas- when the world war started, after Jumped into a taxi. As we whizzed pstter. Babe will sing a baseball ured home-ru-n bats and balls to the opera-hous- e and is the conquering power of life? Is it ambition, I having sung years toward the I sat down on song two. do his own Keith people for advertising pur- What for five at the floor andi did, up my to have or Cross will Toyal opera in Berlin and tho royal the hair "stuff," with Interpolations by Ruth, poses, and they will be featured In tne hate, love or lust for wealth? You'll find the answer at least that much ready. Arriving altogether a merry party la being lobbies of the Keith theaters before opera In Cassel, Germany. and - At that at the stage entrance I found several framed up. In vaudeville team work and during- the baseball star's engage-- when you see this splendid picture. Why not today? time I had J15 In my pocket, 45 opera theater dressers waiting for me. Each the partner who asks questions is ment. roles In my head and the clothes I held In her hands some articles of the stood In. It took a hard struggle to genii costume. I could hear the music pealing out that announced my en- MOTION-PICTUR- get concert engagements at a small trance, while they were choking me CALIFORNIA E sum; now I receive the fee of a prima in haste to get on my things. The donna of the first class. For the last final touches were put on In the RESUME ACTIVITIES SCREENLAND NEWS four seasons I have gotten together, wings, and I was pushed out to sing, STUDIOS Including a Special Armistice Section trained and managed my own opera e e oompany 100 people, traveling on Again at Cassel It meant same of the Summer-lon- e; Slump Seen Production Centers and tour by special trains and made a preparedness and hard work with Revival From at earnest, toiling colleagues, retiears-In- g Gives Promise of Unprecedented Record. success of It, without financial back- Winter BUDDY"- -- ing from anyone except what help from four to eight hours dally. "OH, - Clean and Clever Comedy my brother, who acted as orchestra The training was exacting to the ut- conductor, could give me. most, and it proved to me invaluable ANGELES, Cal. Nov. 12 the star role made famous on the Prior to this and In the early period for all thet years to come. As the LOS motion picture speaking stage by Willie Collier. all-st- ar of my home-comin- g I sang in opera company was not a large one. It was are recovering 'Jim" is enacted by an cast fast from Includes In KNOWLES' PICTURE PLAYERS with the American singers In New no unusual thing to have to sing two slump and the com- which John Bowers the In opera. their title role. Marguerite de la Motte, An Especially Well - Selected Musical Interpretation York and In concerts with orchestra roles a single And practi ing winter will be one of unprece- or alone In practically every large cally everything was given, from op heroine of Douglas Fairbank's cur city In the United States and in Cana- eretta to "faratfaL" We took our dented film activity. This is indicated rent success, "The Three Musketeers." lunches to opera-hous- e, be- by an announcement of present and Milton Bills, Aggie Herring, Harry dian cities.