U.S. Facing Battle Over Castro Issue
Weather Distribution Temperature at 7 a.m., » Today degrees. Fair today, tonight FED BANK mad tomorrow. Temperature io »'«today;, low tonight 21. High 18,900 tomorrow In »'«. Thursday continued fair not M wld. See m>HDArTniiovcnrnDAY-trr. an / weather, page 7. _ ; y Dial SH I-0010 Issued dlllr, Uond«r tCf 7rU»r. i»ogna CI111 Po»t««i RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 146 Paid It Red But aol tt Addition!! Maillni OKIcei. Compromise Agreement Decision Due U.S. Facing Battle On H&M Plan TRENTON (AP) - The year- location would be on the site ol long battle between New York the present H&M terminal. and New Jersey over purchase ol Hughes said (he world trade Over Castro Issue the Hudson & Manhattan- Rail- center would now cost much less road and construction of a world than originally planned, reducing rade center appeared near set- the imbalance in benefits to the lement today. two states. The projects, to be carried out Fund Increase Accord by the Port of New York Author- The amount of money the Port ity, could run close to half a bil- Authority would put into the H&M ion dollars. would be substantially increased Gov. Richard J. Hughes said over the original $85 million. Formula he would present a compromise Hughes said the compromise agreement to New Jersey legis- plan does not include a rail line lators Thursday. The plan, he to Newark Airport, as proposed said, has "substantial agree- (See DECISION, Page 2) Sought ment" among New York officials, The New Jersey governor PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uru- would not spell out details of the guay (AP) — The United ITALIAN POLICEMEN guard wreckage of Communist new plan during a news confer- Building States fought an uphill bat- Bulgarian jat fighter carrying an aerial reconnaistanco ence yesterday.
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