U.S. Facing Battle Over Castro Issue
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Weather Distribution Temperature at 7 a.m., » Today degrees. Fair today, tonight FED BANK mad tomorrow. Temperature io »'«today;, low tonight 21. High 18,900 tomorrow In »'«. Thursday continued fair not M wld. See m>HDArTniiovcnrnDAY-trr. an / weather, page 7. _ ; y Dial SH I-0010 Issued dlllr, Uond«r tCf 7rU»r. i»ogna CI111 Po»t««i RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 146 Paid It Red But aol tt Addition!! Maillni OKIcei. Compromise Agreement Decision Due U.S. Facing Battle On H&M Plan TRENTON (AP) - The year- location would be on the site ol long battle between New York the present H&M terminal. and New Jersey over purchase ol Hughes said (he world trade Over Castro Issue the Hudson & Manhattan- Rail- center would now cost much less road and construction of a world than originally planned, reducing rade center appeared near set- the imbalance in benefits to the lement today. two states. The projects, to be carried out Fund Increase Accord by the Port of New York Author- The amount of money the Port ity, could run close to half a bil- Authority would put into the H&M ion dollars. would be substantially increased Gov. Richard J. Hughes said over the original $85 million. Formula he would present a compromise Hughes said the compromise agreement to New Jersey legis- plan does not include a rail line lators Thursday. The plan, he to Newark Airport, as proposed said, has "substantial agree- (See DECISION, Page 2) Sought ment" among New York officials, The New Jersey governor PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uru- would not spell out details of the guay (AP) — The United ITALIAN POLICEMEN guard wreckage of Communist new plan during a news confer- Building States fought an uphill bat- Bulgarian jat fighter carrying an aerial reconnaistanco ence yesterday. But he said it :le today in an effort to includes proposals to link North camera after it crashed about 20 miles south of Ban', Jersey's commuter services to convince its big Latin Italy. The Russian-built MIGI9 crashed after flying the H&M, expand the Journal Report American allies to close ranks against tlie threat of Castro com- ever a secret NATO missile base located about six miles Square Terminal in Jersey City, and build a world trade center munism and give the Alliance for from Acquaviva, Haly. See story, page 2. at a new site on the west side Issued Progress program a chance to (AP Wirephoto by radio from Rome) of Manhattan. :ure the- hemisphere's dangerous Single Bill FAIR HAVEN - The building iconomic ills. Hughes said the plan would be committee of Borough Council last night recommended that a President Kennedy's team State Institutions carried out in a single bill. He raced an array of conflicting said he hoped it would be taken combined borough hall and public library be located on the muni- fears and aspirations that pro- up by the New Jersey Legis- duced at least a temporary dead- lature Monday, after members cipal parking lot on River Rd., near Fair Haven Rd. lock on what lo do about Cuban have had a chance to talk with Prime Minister Fidel Castro's Councilman Robert A. Mat- Port Authority officials Thurs- egime. The United States ap- Priority List day. thews, chairman of the building parently abandoned any hope of The governor said the plan committee, said a building plan has been discussed, but he de- manimity of the 20 nations on would be "boosted along as fast itrong collective anti-Castro pun- dined to give particulars until as possible" because the New ishment and sought to salvage cost estimates and other data York Legislature meets for only it least a forthright majority con- are compiled. Worked Out three months. demnation of the Cuban Com- ASTRONAUT JOHN GLENN looks up from signing his name in the Bible of an un- TRENTON (AP) — The New leges. The present limit is 1 The New York Legislature ap- Proposal Defealed munist regime. Jersey Legislature, in its first per cent. proved the two Port Authority Voters once before turned down identified girl after services at Riverside Presbyterian Church in Caps Canaveral, Sharp Differences tea! business session of the new South Jersey legislators had projects in one bill last year. But a referendum proposal to build Fla. Glenn signed his name for youngsters after they attended Sunday school and The deadlock involved sharp year, has approved expenditures argued for the new bill, main New Jersey Ijwmakers, with a $90,000 combined building on differences of approach between Of $33 million for new facilities tabling the 15 per cent limitation reservations about the world the same parcel. met him outside the church. (AP Wirephoto) >ig Latin American nations ad- at state institutions. was too low for their areas where (rade center proposal, refused The council's committee re- 'ocating a soft policy toward Cu- colleges are scarce. That meas the package treatment. This re- jected a proposal by a Citizen Gov. Richard J. Hughes ex- ba and smaller ones feeling Cas- ure went to the Assembly for fusal blocked approval of bothjAdvisory Committee that.the bor- Work to Correct Oxygen System pects to sign the measure Thurs- tro pressure acutely and anxious action. projects. lough offices and library be lo- day. 'or quick, positive action. Hughes, legislative leaders and It was the Legislature's third A break in the stalemate took cated adjacent to the Fisk St Youth Center. The impasse plunged the for- itate officials hammered out a session of 1962, but the previous place last month when the Port eign ministers of the Organiza- priority list of six projects yes- two meetings were basically cere- Authority, a bistate agency, pro- The council committee was au New Rocket Ride Date ion of American States (OAS) terday before the Senate and As- monial events. posed to shift the trade cente thorized to discuss cost estimates CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. paced his own preparations for ygen system in the 4,000-pound nto complex quarrels that clear- icmbly met. Both houses then The original list of priority site from the east side to the with an architect for a borough hall-public library on the River AP) — Space technicians, rac- his rocket ride about the earth spacecraft. ly threatened hemispheric unity. approved the list. (See LEGISLATURE, Page 2) west side of Manhattan. The new However, hopes were expressed Rd. site. ing a new deadline, worked to- now planned, hopefully, for Painstaking Checks The $33 million is a hefty chunk day to assure astronaut John Saturday. that the broad differences of opin- of tl}e $40 million bond, issue ap- Attached to Mr, Matthews' re- The technicians, working on H. Glenn, Jr., a fool-proof oxy- The National Aeronautics and' ion would be glossed over by jftoVtinfy ttiB voUrs last Novem- port was a letter from James A the capsule atop a mighty sil- gen supply when he vaults into Space Administration said late some compromise formula. ber (or construction of state in1 Robottom, secretary of the Li ver Atlas rocket, were install- Satirical Syntax orbit. yesterday the fourth postpone At Brazil's urging, today's for- ititutional buildings. The state brary Board, which stated thai ing a new nose and a new de- As they replaced two key ment of this first orbital flight ma! sessions were pushed hack plans to begin selling the bonds the board 'strongly approves thi vice which regulates the oxygen pans in the oxygen system, an by an American was caused by until 8 p.m. (6 p.m., EST) to Feb. 6. Parents Oppose English Exercise basic plan and site" proposed by flow into the astrounaut's hel- apparently unruffled Glenn trouble in the all-important ox- permit another round of hotel The Assembly also passed the building committee of the met. WAPPINGERS FALLS, N. Y. And so on, for 31 sentences, council. room bargaining. The Brazilian bill to maintain the ferry service NASA officials declined to and Argentine delegations ar- between Chester, Pa. and Bridse- (AP) — The teacher passed adapted from a satire oh first- Mr. Robottom also said the out a syntax exercise to a high grade readers originally pub- board unanimously opposes Ioca Matawan District say how long it would take to ranged a number of sessions In port, N. J., until a bridge can be repair the oxygen system. After he hope a steady exchange of built across the Delaware River school English class: lished in a spoof-type humor tion of the library at the Youth "My name is Irving. I have magazine. Center. that job is done, the technicians ideas would bring a meeting of to replace the ferry. The meas- must make painstaking checks minds, particularly with the a dog. His name Is Schlep. I Writes Letter In rejecting the Citizen Advis- ure went to Hughes who indicated to be certain the trouble has smaller nations urging strong ac- he would sign it Thursday. keep Schlep to bite the pojt- ory Committee's Fisk St. recom- School Tax Rates man. Underline the subjects once, been licked. tion against Cuba. the predicates twice, the teach- mendations, the council's group BUI Approved "Sometimes I go to grand- Space agency spokesmen re- er instructed the class. Give said municipal offices there-'-wU Seek Postponement The Senate' approved a bill pa's farm. He runs a hot car fused to speculate how much the syntax of the encircled positively interfere with the fu- Set at $2.53, $1.68 The Brazilians hinted they which would permit 50 per cent ring.