WINS Cable Route Corridor Marine Archaeological Assessment Client: McMahon Design and Management Author: Mark Kelly Checked By: Finn Delaney Job No. G18006 Date: 20/04/2018 Geo-Mara Ltd. CoisCuain, Ballynamanagh, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway, Ireland Tel: + 353 91 485790, Email:
[email protected], Web: Marine Archaeological Assessment Non-Technical Summary: DeepSea Fibre Networks Ltd. have commissioned Geomara Ltd. to undertake a maritime archaeological assessment in connection with a proposed new sub-sea telecoms cable system linking Galway, on the west coast of Ireland to Bilbao on the north coast of Spain. This report addresses the section within the Irish jurisdiction. The assessment comprises an introduction to the study area and the identification of cultural heritage sites, features and deposits located along the proposed cable route corridor. In order to provide a comprehensive assessment, an extensive desk-based study of the route corridor was undertaken. The potential impact of the proposed scheme on the receiving environment is addressed and mitigation measures to ameliorate these impacts are presented. Seven sites were identified during the Galway City Council Storm damage mitigation report at or around Ballyloughane beach including a possible old quay and some ships timbers. All the sites are on the shore side of the planned Horizontal Directional Drilling. One potential known wreck site (W09510) including some additional ones nearby are located in close proximity to the cable corridor (Figures 9 – 12). Three archaeological monuments located in the vicinity of the cable landfall in Ballyloughane Strand; a Ringfort (GA-094-059), located in the townland of Rinmore c.