For more information contact: Carla Minsky, Media Contact 920.924.0297 office, 920.979.3420 cell,
[email protected] HOTEL MARSHFIELD DESIGN STORY: DON’T JUDGE THIS BOOK BY ITS COVER The UnconventionAl Wisdom Behind One Independent Hotel’s Surprising Redesign MARSHFIELD, Wis. (JAnuAry 2014) - There’s a reason creAtive types Are AttrActed to the rAnks of independent hotels – it’s becAuse they get to be creAtive and strategic, breAk the rules, and execute design and operations ideas that many of the brAnds And frAnchises just can’t pull off. On top of thAt, they get to see firsthAnd whAt good hotel design emanating from rock-solid mArket reseArch can do to improve the psyche of A community. Case in point: Hotel MArshfield, a surprisingly distinctive independent hotel in a quaint community smAck dAb in the middle of Wisconsin. The Before Story: The hotel, built in the mid-1960s with several additions cobbled on over the yeArs, was first An independent then A franchise then back to an independent when it succumbed to foreclosure, shuttering its doors in eArly 2012. The property went on the selling block at a sheriff’s auction in MAy of thAt sAme yeAr And wAs purchAsed by locAl businessmAn Rick Roehl, president of Roehl TrAnsport, who did not wAnt to see the building stAnd vAcAnt or worse. The owner brought on hotel development And manAgement firm IDM Group, LLC, heAdquArtered in MAdison, Wis., to help trAnsform the long-tired hotel into something everyone could be proud of – residents, employees And visitors. The During Story: Two words – gut everything.