The Official Organ of the B.Bc

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The Official Organ of the B.Bc Radio Times, August 21st, 1925. GREAT BROADCAST SEASON APPROACHES. oJ Ri se oea i = — T . aa oh, att THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE B.BC — SS ——er ngistered cat the _Vol. §i_No, 100. GEO. a oo See per, _EVERY FRIDAY. Two Pence. OFFICIAL. Broadcasting Smiles! — PROGRAMMES By GEORGE GROSSMITH. for the week commencing EOPLEare pining for wireless humour. the correct mo- SUNDAY, August 23rd. Unfortunately, there is a regrettable ments ! If might = —— se dearth of radio comedians, not only if} be thought that MAIN STATIONS. this country, but also in America. Several a small audience LONDON, CARDIFF, ABERDEEN, GLAS- famous comedians have tried their hand in the ‘broad- casting studio GOW, BIRMINGHAM, MANCHESTER, at making listeners Laugh, but have acted as if they WET on the stare, lorpetting would help a BOURNEMOUTH, NEWCASTLE, BELFAST. that the ear ‘of listeners is not comple- comedian. But mented by the eye, a5 it is in a theatre. this has been HIGH-POWER STATION. Many mirth-makers on the stage rely tried and not (Daventry.) upon facial expression for fully half of their found of great success, Theyare likely to fail when they assistance, RELAY STATIONS, broaceast. ‘* = SHEFFIELD, PLYMOUTH, EDINBURGH, a i w i (an humour LIVERPOOL, LEEDS—BRADFORD, Few people appreciate the importance becommunicated Mr. GEORGE GROSSMITH. HULL, NOTTINGHAM, STOKE-ON- of the audience to a comedian. Correct by the ear alone ? TRENT, DUNDEE, SWANSEA. timing of the remarks. in a joke is often Many comedians reply with an emphatic an essential feature, and the speaker takes ‘No.” That cold-blooded microphone, SPECIAL CONTENTS. his cue from his: hearers. Their gigeles, they say, kills all their enthusiasm. But their silence, and their spontaneous this is- too hasty an answer. It. should _ USE MORE VALVES! chuckles mean a great deal to him, The be remembered that broadcasting 1 still By P, P. Eckersley. audience, in fact, inspires him. One in its infancy, and many examples might person in the audience laughing is often be quoted of wit conveyed by one sense “GETTING ACROSS" THE ETHER, sufficient to create that humorous atmo- alone. A Talk with Mr. Branshy Williams, sphere which leads other people to antici- When cmematograph films were first pate fresh humour. But when a comedian shown, many folk said it would be impos- MY HAUNTING RADIO MEMORIES, stamds before the microphone, this valu- sible to depict humour. And difficulty By Sydney A. Moseley, able effect 15 absent, was experienced for a long time. At * ¥ x i length a special technique of film humour OFFICIAL NEWS AND VIEWS. This was illustrated strikingly some was developed, and it is nowa specialized SE time ago when excerpts from a London study, quite distinct from stage humor, #*# i PEOPLE YOU WILL HEAR THIS WEEE. theatre were broadcast. Leslie Henson found, to his surprise, that his success have a gramophone record of a man = = _ a —= was due pot to the iunny things be said, singing a humorous song. The song alone IMPORTANT TO READERS, but to what he did! The laughs of the might not cause very much murth. Yet address of “ The Radio Times " in 8-11, Southampton audience were broadcast as veel): I sup- if you heard it, you would laugh. Why? earn Strand, London, W.C.2. pose I am giving away a secret when I The reason is that the smper mtroduces The addvew of the British Broadcasting Company, Led. ‘a 2, Savoy Hil, , London, W.C-2 explain that the programme-sellers and himself with a succession of chuckles and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION fo "The Radio Times ™ stage hands had been carefully instructed a few remarks about packing up for a palaces,pats i Twelve Maoths (Foreign), 158. 8d. 3 to laugh aloud and to maintain silenceat (Continued overleaf in column 3.) 1 ee _—RADIO _TIMES nw fairoiar Bist, Toe5 Broadcasting* Smiles= ! My Haunting Radio Memories. (Continued from the previous page.) a honeymoon! You immediately visualize a By Sydney A. Mossley. humorons situation and expect the man’s sone tote funny, Humerons writers achieve thet AS an Ob mee pul alranatie eritie, ad as waves, The ehect would. never have been po cHerta im the aime. way. A sehoa) teacher an impenitent. highboow, | confess to ba. pawetica] and soul-stirring hal Poheard i) ii i waked her ¢'nas, What is a higamisat 7 The ing follen under the apell of several items from erection hall with eloring liechta only anewer came from a small boy with o the ball of fare which radio sorves ong to every: ‘Sots My Mother Taught Me™ (Dvorak) pointed nose. “Please, teacher,” he faltered, body. Surprisingly sa’ My iufant’s food waa Aindathy caipiined ime. Tt requires a particularly “2 man whownakes the sind mistake toi.” Wiener and Maciolaycatic early rearing on suck aympathetio voice, and in the tranqnihiy ofa [i wok smiled git this- ole shoib Was probably fou is bardhy the right training for @ tacks mnday afternoon —-through the -carphoncs: on becavee the precliniiary idea of a small hoy enthused whe dees Loea peck miso anil cham this occdsion—the song and the singer Paved with « pointed tose being asked awkward which dnt ete on taste to the (esclasion of on the chords of my omineical emotions sot hat questions treated 2 humerous sthuation in everybotly clke's, they reverberate to this cay, your mind, The: ndvent of owirelee- piet: lav hrnaiht (in oa different ecole, ~ Eyensong,”* by East- é "k oa = wondrous feelings to the crowds of entliusiaats hope Martin, that J should never have had the Ty thie creeson TD ascribe much of the soceess whi, Lele ny elf aed to adtencd the ‘abd ayn lean of hearing -at@ all, had at nat. héen of loli Henry and other broadcast favourites. phoconcerts with the nioney we should: awe for the wireless: Landon Ronald's. 0 Lovely Generally epoca le ingr, the first naive of «a wireless ajpenton teh. (1 often woorder what they. all Nicht.” which Deine to mrself-when nobler ya eamietiati ehartle! he to orenta 7 hiner ay th the sechision of their rudio roowis when lookin, #ent noe bo bet) pele persciality. When vou hear those preliminary Lhe dienes thal weet to hring down the les D plead tecliavring had the wstal inexplicable langhs on my gramophone record, vou imagine eonHosting miystorinely throoch the ether, prejucher agains! modern Mnglish compositions, a certain personality. In the sine way, when ' Raucous Applause. hot the wireless ik educating me be a. nore AVENEL hie ar bovbin Henry, Vega pichine a Yorkelre- For the benefit of history, the Britich Mroaddl- remaiihle ane fupyperec aad Vvedeape ad poevel, Tek Prin one, “bao. The pevchology af easting Company should ascertaitt and write this appears to. be that when an artist hos The Inevitable Grouser. down, while there is time, the emotions tliat tranemittedd tlie impression Of a haoronsd per. 1 can hardly suppose that Anivhbody on thie shirred! within the breasts of passionate nustic- sonilitv. the listeners probably visunlize hit wrane Silt ol the thirties foiked to live again lovers. when the Great Change -took: place, a2 a pereon they actually know. They expect When the cema ofthe Vietorian misical oonwdjes For myself, saa much as [loved the works. of something funny, al uneoachoushy invest what wern fiver. The sone [had Jong forgotten and masters oe they were perforine? at the Royal fhe artist save with aie it world got otherwise now Will noet-forget ores ° The English Boose.” Althert. Hall, the Queen's Hell. at Manchester, possess, To am net maintaining that chewer “Onoe Again” (Sullivan), and Star of My Birmingham ind abroad, one thing was always stories and songs ant not essential, They are. Bool” from the Geiste, For these hells, of lncking (0 make my happiness complete. | And nothing unfreeses a radio or any other comme, the atmosphere which 7 have stressed longedfor seclusion; to he able to elas a aH to muidience mare rapidly than. «a gon) etary, Fit relative to elasstcal work fs:net ko vital ©The give full play to the imaginative pictures that tk the mancder of telling the story that tells 1 point ix that unless they hac been recalled! to the mise conpured my. nz. some of wea would have forgotten all: about * * bs ? Amd—here T may be arousing eqniroversy— f loathed the rancous applaise which broke the them. Now they live again, My personal view is that lomerous stores apell at the ond (scmetimes before the end) of Te come to a totally different type of radio told by radio should be delivered much after item that vividly impressed itself on nyymind, 1 each item, Burely thousands of rmurte-lovers the fathion set lw Helen Mar and several other would refer to the excellence of the War net now he able to satisfy their sound honger American tracontenrs, There i hardhy time to reniniecences by a poplar radio concert party, for the greatest of all. arts,.under eonditions think about what they say. Story fellows story Dido eoowith all the more pleasure bathe OT which have been denied to them im the past. in machine-gin succession, “A peppery ob” inevitable gronser——I de hope the BBC, lees Few were ablo to lose themeelyes entirely ta the colonel ona golf course, after almost fifty frantic Hot exercipeli rielily with hia eintieting epell of mimic, failures, turned angrily upen his caddie, * Look plaints—" wrote to the papers" deploring the Catchy Melodies. here,” said he, ‘if F eatch you laughing again, 1H For fifteen years | had harlly misseal a eon. taete of this brainemipeion, knock your head off!" The caddie, who was Since | have had some of the varied ex- ecrt.
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