volume 2 issue 12 2009 BROWN BURNOIWTEND UNITED www.B r o w n U n i t e d .com B 1-800-442-7696
[email protected] BB 1-800-44-BROWN Int’l 1-626-357-1161 BLEACHERS . STAGING . SEATING . SCAFFOLDING mobilePRODUCTION monthly con volume 2 issue 11 2009tents FEATURES 6 Video Video Scenic Convergence: Tait Technologies Takes the Mantra to Reality 8 Transportation Spirit of America Tours /Corporate Transport The New Transportation Specialists 10 Sound Meyer Sound JM-1P Makes Africa’s Gospel “Experience” Uplifting Everywhere 12 Trans-Siberian Orchestra Bigger, Better, Brighter 14 TSO Tour Personnel 18 TSO Tour/Business Credits 24 U2 360° Tour The Largest Tour to Ever Go Out 32 Jan Paulsen - An Amazing Story of Loyalty, Friendship and Perseverance 24 33 U2 Tour Personnel/Offices 34 Clair U2 360° Redefines Live Production 36 Upstaging Upstaging U2 200 Trucks. No, Really. 38 Sound Moves Moving U2 From There to Here and Back! 40 Stageco The Bigger the Better 6 12 34 48 Advertiser's Index MobileProductionPro.com Mobile Production Pro features the world's most comprehensive searchable database of music and entertainment touring contacts includ- ing equipment rental and sales (sound, lighting, staging, video, etc.), hotels, production, talent, transportation, ven- ues, services and more. Create a FREE Account Today 36 38 40 mobile production monthly 3 FROM THE Publisher With this issue we wrap up our coverage of the industry in 2009, and we felt that U2 would be the appropriate tour to feature. After such a difficult year for many of us, we wanted to feature the outstanding show of the year – U2.