Exercise 1: Bodyweight Squat

Stand as t all as y ou c an with y our f eet spr ead sligh tly wider than shoulder -width apart. Hold y our arms s traight out in fr ont of y our body a t shoulder le vel, so tha t y our arms par allel t o the floor . K eep y our t orso as uprigh t as you c an f or the en tire mo vement, with y our lo wer back slightly ar ched. Br ace y our ab s, and lo wer y our body as f ar as y ou c an b y pushing y our s back and bending y our . P ause, then push y ourself back t o the s tarting position. Tha t's one r epetition. Do 15 t o 20 r epetitions.

Exercise 2: Incline Push-up

Assume a push-up position, but place y our hands placed on a r aised surf ace—such as a bo x, bench, ot toman or one of the s teps of y our s tairs—instead of the floor . Y our body should f orm a s traight line fr om y our t o y our head. Keeping y our body rigid, lo wer y our body un til y our upper arms belo w y our elbo ws. P ause, and then push y ourself back t o the s tarting position as quickly as possible. (The higher the surf ace on which y ou place your hands, the easier the e xercise bec omes—you c an e ven lean ag ainst a w all if y ou need t o.) If the incline push-up is t oo eas y, do it the old- fashioned w ay, with y our hands on the floor . Do 12 t o 15 r epetitions.

Exercise 3: Hip Raise

Lie on y our back on the floor with y our knees ben t and y our feet fla t on the floor . Place y our arms out t o y our sides a t a 45-degree angle, y our palms f acing up. No w tr y t o mak e y our tummy as skinn y as possible and hold it tha t w ay—this giv es you a tigh t c ore—while br eathing normally . Tha t's the s tarting position [A]. K eeping y our c ore tigh t, squee ze y our glut es and raise y our hip s so y our body f orms a s traight line fr om y our shoulders t o y our knees. P ause f or fiv e sec onds—squeezing y our glut es tigh tly the en tire time—then lo wer body back t o the s tarting position. Do 10 r epetitions.

Exercise 4: Side Plank

Lie on y our righ t side with y our knees s traight. Pr op y our upper body on y our righ t elbo w and f orearm, which should be dir ectly belo w y our righ t shoulder . Place y our le ft hand on y our le ft hip. T ry t o mak e y our tumm y as skinn y as possible and hold it tha t w ay—this giv es y ou a tigh t core—while br eathing normally . Then r aise y our hip s un til your body f orms a s traight line fr om y our ankles t o y our shoulders. With y our c ore tigh t, hold this position f or 30 seconds. R oll on to y our other side and r epeat.

Modified Side Plank

If the side plank is t oo dif ficult, hold f or fiv e sec onds, r est for fiv e sec onds, and r epeat as man y times as needed t o total 30 sec onds. E ach time y ou perf orm the e xercise, tr y to hold each r epetition a lit tle long er, so tha t y ou r each your 30-sec ond g oal with f ewer r epetitions. If tha t's s till t oo har d, bend y our knees 90 degr ees and allow y our lo wer legs t o r est on the floor as y ou do the exercise. (Y our body will no w f orm a s traight line fr om your knees t o y our shoulder s.)

Exercise 5: Floor Y-T-I Raises

This is a thr ee-exercise c ombination mo ve. Y ou'll simply perf orm 8 t o 12 r epetitions of each exercise, one a fter the other without r esting. So do 8 t o 12 r eps of the Floor Y r aise, f ollowed immediately b y 8 t o 12 r eps of the Floor T r aise, f ollowed immedia tely b y 8 t o 12 r eps of the Floor I r aise.

Floor Y Raise Lie f ace do wn on the floor with y our arms r esting on the floor, c ompletely s traight and a t a 30-degr ee angle t o y our body, so the y f orm a "Y ." Y our palms should be f acing each other, so tha t the thumb side of y our hand poin ts up.

Floor T Raise

Perform this like the Y raise, only move your arms so that they're out to your sides—perpendicular to your body with the thumb side of your hand pointing up—and raise them as high as you comfortably can].

Floor I Raise

This time, mo ve y our arms so tha t y our body f orms a s traight line fr om y our f eet t o y our fing ertips. Y our palms should be facing each other , with the thumb side of y our hand poin ting up. Raise y our arms as high as y ou c omfortably c an.

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