INDEX of PEOPLE Bonham-Christie, Capt. R.(Owner: Westerly) 39. Brann, Christian (Little Ships of ) AN APOLOGY: 159. To limit most entries to one line, many Brauchitsch, Gen.W. von (C-in-C Army) names are 'improper' in form or content, 170. because their titles, ranks, honours, initials, Brooke, Lt-Gen.Alan (II Corps) etc. have had to be omitted, radically 63, 75, 80, 94, 149-50, 154. abbreviated and rearranged . J.R. Buchanan, Lt.Commander (Skipper: Elvin) 169. * 'Buster, Gun' (Cat. 92 F'ld, Royal Artillery) ______136-7. Abrial, Admiral. ('Amiral Nord': French. Cadogan, Sir A. (Under-Sec of State Naval Commander, Dunkirk) for Foreign Affairs) 33, 42, 43, 44, 45, 52, 82. 94, 97, 110, 173, 181. Aitkin, Max, Fl/Lt. (601 Squadron) Caesar, Julius (invaded Britain 55BC) 18, 36, 54-5, 83. 143. Alexander, Maj-Gen. H.R.L.G (1st. Corps) Cain, Julius (Nationale Bibliothèque, Paris) 1, 1a, 7, 42-3, 63. 174-5. Alexander, Mr. C. (Alexander Towing Co.) Campbell, Malcolm (Owner M.Y.Bluebird) 82. 134. Allison, Cmdr J. (Captain of Worcester) Canaris, Admiral (Head of Ger. Intelligence) 111, 125-6, 127, 130. 170-1. Anderson, Lt.John (Capt. Duchess of Fife) Candy.Cpl. (Soldier) 156-7. 41. Ashcroft, Gerald (Scout, crew ) Cannell, T.K. (Engineer, merchant navy) 113, 132. 119. Attlee, Clement (Deputy Prime Minister) Case, Driver Percy (R.A.S.C.) 34, 35, 52, 53, 83, 97. 19. Bader, Fl/Lieut. Douglas (222 Squadron) Chabrun, Count de (BEF/Fr. Liaison Officer) 58, 60, 77-8, 79, 168. 112, 164-5. Barwell, Pilot Officer E, (246 Squadron) Chamberlain, Neville (former P.M.) 60. 7, 48, 79, 97, 110, 167. Baxter, Capt. C.R.. (Master: Prague) Channon, 'Chips' (Under Sec. Foreign Off.) 99. 161. Baxter, E.G. (Owner: Nanette II) Chapelet, Roger (French, Dunkirk artist) 124. 109. Baxter, Capt. N (Whitstable) Chell, Cyril Gunner (rescued by Naiad…) 31, 32. 119, 142. Beaverbrook, Lord (Min. Aircraft Product'n) Chiefs of Staff - 18, 36, 83, 173. 25. Bennett, Sgt. G.C.(Wounded, 609 Squadron) Churchill, Clementine (Wife of P.M.) 60. 7, 111, 160, 161. Bernhardt, Prince (Dutch Royal family) Churchill Capt. Johnny (nephew of P.M.) 79. 1-2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 32, 42. Berthon, Capt . E.L. (Captain: Keith) Churchill, Winston (Prime Minister) 87, 121. 1, 6, 7, 16, 18, 25, 27, 32, 34, 38, 39, Birkenhead, Lord (WW1 Attorney General) 46, 48, 51-2, 53, 54, 58, 71, 72, 79, 177. 83-4, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93-4, 96, 97, Bishop, Mrs. R. (Soldier's wife, ) 110, 129, 141, 147, 149, 150, 151, 20. 160, 161, 165, 167, 172, 173, 174, Blanchard, Gen.George (French 1st. Army) 175, 176, 177-9, 181. 164. Clarke, Pilot Officer D.H (prob.85 Squad'n) Bock, Field Marshall F.von (Army Group B) 145. 90.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of People © John Richards, 2008 Clarke, Horace, (Clarke's Boatyard, Thames) Dowding, Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh 13. (Head of Fighter Command) Clarke, Kenneth (Director, National Gallery) 36c, 57, 58, 102, 176. 161. Dreyer, Lt. C.W.S. (Captain: MTB 102) Clements, Lt.Cmdr. (Ramsgate's Prudential) 102. 24. Eden, Sir Anthony (Sec. of State for War) Clouston, Cmdr. J.C. (Piermaster, Dunkirk) 8, 8b, 93, 110, 150, 173, 176-7. 158, 180. Eliot, T.S. (Poet) Collier, Richard (Dunkirk historian) 119. 79, 107, 181. Elkin, Serg. (Montgomery's batman) Colville, John (Churchill's Private Secretary) 44, 67, 79. 48, 161. Emslie, W.T. (crewmember Dundalk) Coom, W. (Leading Telegraphist) 86. 81. Fagalde, Gen. (French XVI, Abriel HQ.) Cooper, Lady Diana (wife of Duff, below) 43. 7. Falkust, Pilot Officer H.E.L. (222 Squadron) Cooper, Duff (Head, Min. of Information) 78. 6, 173, 174-5. Faulks, Sebastian (Novelist) Cox, Driver Stan (Rescued by Naiad Errant) 172. 132, 159. Fields, Gracie (Popular entertainer) Crewe, Marchioness & Marquis 88. 161. Fontaine, Capt. de Corvette, P (Foudroyant) Crompton, Fl/Offic.R.Ken (611 Squadron) 44, 105-9. 145. Franco, General F. (Dictator of Spain) Crosby, Sub-Lieut J. Rutherford (Oriole) 88, 89. 70. French Ambassador (London) Crump, A. (Tough Bros's crewmember) 179. 13. French Prime Minister (see Reynaud) Cullen, Stan (rescued by Naiad Errant) 42. 132, 159. Galland, Adolph Maj.( Ace, JG 27) Dalton, Hugh (Min. for Economic Warfare) 115-6, 145. 18, 171, 173. Gamelin,Gen.M.G. (former French C-in-C) Darlan, Admiral J.F. (C-in-C French Navy) 46, 48. 52. George V (King of Great Britain. d.1936) Davies, Pilot Officer G.G.A.(222 Squadron) 166. 33, 114. George, VI, (King of Great Britain) Davies, Lt. Edwin.L. (Captain:Oriole) 6, 8, 9, 17, 25, 26, 34, 38, 67a, 93, 94, 70. 95, 96, 139, 140a, 160, 165-6, 181. Dawkins, - (Torpedoman – MTB 102) George, Lloyd (British PM 1916-22) 85. 160. Deere, Al. Pilot Officer (54 Squadron) Gielgud, John (Actor) 123. 5. de Gaulle, Lt.Col. C. (Fr.4 Armoured Div.) Gloucester, Duke of (Gort's Liaison Officer) 97-9. 93, 94. Dehehaute, M. (wounded, on Worcester) 125, 131. Goethals, Mr & Mrs. (Hitler's WWI billet) Deighton, Len. (Historian) 128. 35, 54, 95, 174. Goode, Wing Commander (24 Squadron) Dill, Sir John (Chief of Imperial Gen Staff) 34, 88. 8, 8b, 34, 35, 83, 97, 110, 149, 154-5. Göring, Field Marshall H. (Ger.Air Minister) Divine, A.D. (Foremost Dunkirk Historian) 53, 67, 75-6, 67, 170. 4, 48, 67, 92, 112, 130, 133, 134, Gort, Lord J. (Commander-in-Chief, B.E.F.) 148. 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 27, 35, 42, 53, 56, 57, Dover, Mayor of 60, 63, 64, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 93, 94, 151. 95, 97, 110, 111, 154, 175 , 178.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of People © John Richards, 2008 Graham, Vicki (Schoolgirl, Ramsgate) Ismay, Gen. H. (Churchill's Chief of Staff) 20. 34-5, 83, 87, 88, 97, 110. Guinness, Alec (Actor) Italy, King of 5. 88, 171. Haarkon, King (of Norway) James, Major (Army doctor) 95. 43. Halder, Gen. F. (Germ.Army Chief of Staff) Jameson, J. (Tough Bros's crewmember) 169, 170. 13, 41. Halifax, Lord Edward (Foreign Secretary) Jerram, Lt. C.J. (Skylark VI) 95. 126, 127. Hammond, Douglas (Soldier) Jodl, Gen. A. (Chief of Operations Staff) 19. 167, 170. Havercroft, Sergeant Pilot (92 Squadron) Jones, Bob (Author: Error for Bob Hilton) 60. 124. 'Haw Haw, Lord' (William Joyce, Ger. radio) Jones, John (Corporal) 55, 146. 159. Heath, Ted (later British P.M.) Juliana, Princess (Netherland's royal family) 55. 79. Heitz, Gen. (German VIII Armeekorps) Kaiser (Wilhelm II, German Emperor WWI) 162. 128a, 167. Hill, Kathleen (Sec. to Churchill) Kelburn, Ld, (W-Walker's Flag Lieutenant) 7. 63. Hitchcock, Alfred (Film-maker) Keyes, Rosemary. (Clerk, Dynamo H.Q.) 25. 144, 149. Hitler, Adolf. ('s Führer/Chancellor) Kirkaldie, D. (Coxswain: Prudential) 26, 63, 72, 75, 76, 77, 87, 88, 90, 93, 24. 98, 112, 128-9, 143b, 147a 160, 161, Kleist, General von (Kleist Panzer Group) 162-4, 167, 169, 170, 171-2, 175. 164. Hoare, Sir Sam (Brit.Ambassador, Madrid) Kluge, Gen G. von (German 4th Army) 88, 89, 90. 162. Hollis, Gen. Leslie. (Snr.Assistant to Ismay) Korda, Alexander (Film producer) 38, 151. 6. Holmes, Prof Richard (Military Historian) Kucher, Gen.von (XVIII Army Corps) 118. 90. Hope, F/L Sir Archibald (601 Squadron) Lambert, Capt. Hon.L.J.O. (Capt: Grive) 39, 54, 59. 137. Horner, Ken (aged 17,crew cockle bawley) Langley, James, Lt. (2nd Coldstream Grds.) 92. 56. Hornschǿj-Mǿller, Stig (Hitler Historian) Lannoy, François (French historian) 129. 89-90. Horrocks, Lieut. Gen. Brian (2nd Middlesex) Laurencie, Gen. F. de la (French III Corps) 20, 63, 80. 110. Hoth, Gen. Herman (German V Armeekorps) Leeb,Gen.W.R.von (Germ. Army Group C) 162. 170. Howard, Alex (refugee 'loyal enemy alien') Leese, Gen. Oliver (A.D.C. to Lord Gort) 154. 56, 63. Howell, Ft/Lt. F. (609 Squadron) Leigh, Vivien (Actress, fut.wife of Olivier) 142. 6. Humphrey, Sub-Lieut (crew Worcester) Leopold III, King (of Belgium) 130. 95, 172. Ibel, Lt.Col. Max. (Kommodore JG 27) Liddell Hart, B.H. (Military historian) 116. 169. Ironside, Gen. Sir Edmund (Former C.I.G.S) Lightoller, Cmdr. C.H. (Owner: Sundowner) 35, 93. 26-7, 72, 113-4, 126-7, 131-2, 169.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of People © John Richards, 2008 Lightoller, Roger (Son of above) Morford, Capt. R.W. (Master, Hythe) 27, 126-7, 131-2. 30-1. Lightoller, Lieut. R.T. (Son of Cmdr.CH) Morrison, Herbert (Minister of Supply) 113. 165. Lightoller, H.B. P/O (Son of Cmdr CH) Morton, Sir Desmond (Indust.Intell.Centre) 131. 160. Little, Flying Officer D (611 Squadron) Munster, Major, Vth.Earl of (Gort's ADC) 145. 2, 4, 6, 7-8, 10, 14, 32, 81. Lord, Walter (Dunkirk Historian) Murrow, Ed. (U.S. broadcaster) 33. 17, 167-8, 177. Long, Private E. T. (Aboard Medway Queen) Mussolini, Benito. (Italian Dictator/P.M) 16. 88, 171. Lörzer, Gen. Bruno (Ger.Air Corps II) Nethercott, Iain (Anti-aircraft gunner, Keith) 76. 84-7. Lumsden, 2nd Off. Daphne (Ramsay HQ) Nicholson, Harold (Min.of Information) 148-9 175. Lumsden, Lt. G (Communic.Officer, Keith) Nightingale, Ralph (Owner: Naiad Errant) 148-9. 12, 13, 39, 40, 124. Lucy, Sub-Lieut (Nelson motor boat) Nimmo, Lt. (Small ship convoy leader) 155. 13, 27, 68-9. Mandel, George (French Min. of Interior) Niven, David, (Actor /Highland Lt.Infantry) 174. 6. Margate, Mayor of Oddone, Patrick (Dunkirk historian) 16. 115. Martin, Mr. (Pathé film cameraman) Olivier, Laurence (Actor) 69, 69a, 70. 6. Martin, Eric (Electrician, Ramsgate) Osborne, William (Boatbuilder: Naiad... etc.) 154. 39, 40. Masefield, John. (Poet Laureate & 1940-1 Palmer, Sgt. Norman (Guardsman/Naiad…) Dunkirk Historian) 119, 125, 130, 132, 134, 142, 146, 24, 45, 80, 140-1. 153, 159. Palmer, Able Seaman Sam, (Naiad Errant) Massey-Sharpe, Pilot/Off. G. (222 Squadron) 4-5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 14a, 20, 22, 23-4, 78. 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 55, 66, 67, Matthews, Albert (Rescued by Naiad Errant) 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 81, 82, 90, 91-2, 132, 159. 93, 96, 102, 103, 105, 107-9, 111, McDongall, O/S M. (Crew Worcester) 113, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123-5, 126. 129-130, 132-5, 139-40, 141, 143-4, McGregor, Sq.Leader H.D. (609 Squadron) 150, 151-4, 159, 168, 169. 60. Park, Air Vice-Marshal Keith. (11 Group) Melsom, L. (Tough Bros's crewmember) 57, 58, 59, 60. 13. Pétain, Marshall P. (Marshall of France) Milligan, Spike, Private (Royal Artillery) 52, 97. 144. Pile, General F. (C-in-C Anti-Aircraft forces) Mitchell, Reginald J. (Spitfire designer) 176. 78. Pitman, Captain R.R. ( Master St. Helier) Molinié, Gen. J-B.E (IV & V Corps, Lille) 151. 89. Pollard, Lt. A.A.W. (crew Codrington) Montgomery, Maj-Gen B. (II Army Corps) 60, 79, 91. 19, 63-4, 65, 66-7, 79, 80, 83, 91, 97, Pomaska, Oberfeldwebel A, (German Pilot) 146, 148, 149, 154-5. 102, 103, 105, 111. Moorhouse, F/O W.Rhodes- (601 Squadron) Portes Comtesse H. de. (Reynaud's mistress) 83. 48. Morant, Pilot Officer R (222 Squadron) Potter, Sgt. J.A. (19 Squadron) 78-9, 122, 168. 86.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of People © John Richards, 2008 Powell, Driver Albert (R.A.S.C.) Sholto Douglas, AVM (Dep.Chief Air Staff) 156. 174b. Pownall, Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry (BEF. H.Q.) 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 32, 81, 110. (Simpson) Wallis (Duchess of Windsor) Priére, General. (Fr. 7th. Army re-formed(?)) 93, 94. 48. Sinclair, Sir Archibald (Sec. of State for Air) Priestly, J.B. (Writer and Broadcaster) 79. 143b. Singleton, Lt. Cmdr.C.H.Corbett- (Albury) Ramsay, Vice-Admiral B. (i/c Op.Dynamo) 1. 81, 91, 111, 112, 147-8, 149, 156, Small, Joan (Ramsgate Schoolgirl) 179, 181, 182. 20. Rausching (German author Hitler Speaks) Smith, B.A. (Owner: Constant Nymph) 112. 50, 55. Reading, Lady (Women's Voluntary Service) Smith, S.W. (Stationmaster, Ramsgate) 21. 19. Reed, Austin (Owner: Reda) Spears, Gen. E. (Churchill's Liaison Officer) 50, 68. 35, 39, 42, 46, 48, 52, 53, 83, 181. Reed, Lt. Eric (Whippingham) Stapleton, Pilot Officer E.M. (19 Squadron) 32, 69. 83. Reichenau, Gen. von (German 6th Army) Stephenson. Cmdre. G.(Wake-Walker staff) 128. 56. Reynaud, Paul (French Prime Minister) Strauss, Gen. (Commander II Armeekorps) 46, 48, 51, 52, 172, 181. 162. Richards, John (author/ Lady Isabelle) Stringer, Capt H.(MI5, Military Intelligence) 118 (illustration),182. 25, 26. Richthofen, Baron von (WWI fighter ace) Taylor, Rear-Admiral (Small Vessels Pool) 76. 13. Ritchie, Brig. N (Monty's Chief of Staff) Tennant, Capt. W.G. (Senior Naval Officer, 67b, 79. ashore, at Dunkirk) Roberts, Andrew (Historian) 24, 27. 169. Thomson, Walter Churchill's bodyguard) Rommel, Gen. Erwin (7th. Panzer Division) 34, 38, 48, 79, 87, 111, 160. 162, 170, 180. Tough, Bob. (Tough Bros of Teddington) Roosevelt, F.D. (U.S. President 1933-45) 13. 46, 112, 164, 165. Tough, Douglas.(Tough Bros of Teddington) Royal Family (see also George VI) 12. 6, 160. Toulouse-Lautrec, Lt. Cmdr. (Sirocco) Rundstedt, Gen. G. von (C-in-C Army 'A') 45. 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172. Towers, Bill, Lt. (HMS Fervent, Ramsgate) Ryland, Dick (Son of 1940 Cmdre. TMCC) 35. 13. Trenchard, Lord Hugh (Founder R.A.F.) Sackville-West, Vita (Wife of H.Nicholson) 17, 167. 175. Trevor Roper, Hugh (Historian) Schedler, Gen.von (Germ.IV Army Corps) 167. 128. Tuck, Fl/Lt.R.Stanford (C/O 92 Squadron) Seal, Eric. (Churchill's Prin.Private Sec.) 144. 160. Turnbull, Patrick (Dunkirk Historian) Seal, Lt. J.S.(Convoy leader, White Heather) 33, 114. 13, 73, 75. Turnour, C.A. (Owner: Little Ann) Seton-Watson, C (2.Royal Horse Artillery.) 67. 118-9. Udet,Gen. Ernst (Luftwaffe development) Shearburn, Mary (A secretary to Churchill) 76. 7, 160, 161, 177-9. Vansittart, Sir R. (Diplomatic Advisor F.O.) Shirer, William (U.S. war correspondent) 94. 161.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of People © John Richards, 2008 Vice-Admiral Dover (see Ramsay) 27. Wadoux, André (Crewmember Foudroyant) 108-9. Wäger, Gen. A.(C-in-C XXVII Army Corps) 89-90, 161. Wake-Walker, Rear-Admiral W.F. (Senior Naval Officer afloat. Dunkirk) 27, 53, 54, 56, 57, 63, 72, 84, 85, 150, 180. Warton, Capt. E.F. (Small Vessels Pool) 35-6. Weygand, Gen. Maxime (French C-in-C.) 42, 43, 48, 51, 52, 97, 98, 99m 164. Wharfedale, Henry (Royal Horse Artillery) 118. Wheatley, D, (Joint Planning Committee) 25-26. Wheatley, Joan (M15 driver, w. of Dennis) 25. White, Sgt. L.J. (Killed 222 Squadron) 78. Whitts, Lt.-Col.(M'gate, Local.Defence Vol.) 16-17. Wicks, Flying Officer B.J. (56 Squadron) 175. Wilhelmina, Queen (of the ) 95-6. Williams, Pilot Off. J.E.M. (264 Squadron) 60. Windsor, Duke of (Formerly Edward VIII Military Mission, Paris) 93-4, 162. Winkworth, D.W. (Railway historian) 10. Winser, John (Dunkirk historian) 109. Wood, V.N. (Engineer: Duchess of Fife) 157. Young, O/S C. (Crew: Worcester) 126. ======

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of People © John Richards, 2008 'Breakwater, H.M.S' (unofficial name for INDEX of SHIPS and BOATS outer breakwater, Dover Harbour) 145, 146, 147, 150. ______*Brighton Belle (minesweeper)  - sunk in Operation Dynamo 153. * - paddleboat *Brighton Queen (minesweeper) 21b - page 21, footnote b 104, 106, 111, 113, 153. bold type - British survivors C9 (Portsmouth tug) ______104. Calcutta, (anti-aircraft cruiser) Aegar (schuit) 53, 93. 80. Canterbury (personnel vessel) Ahola (P'mouth Auxiliary Patrol Yacht) 32. 81. Cap d'Antifer (French trawler) Albury (minesweeper) 155. 1-2, 11. Carin II (Göring's luxury yacht) Alcmaria (trawler) 67. 82. Cervia (steam tug) Amazone (schuit) 73. 68. Chasseur No. 9 (French anti-submarine) Andre Louis (French fishing boat) 46, 120. 82. Christabelle II (Harbour defence patrol) Anee (wherry) 82. 14. Ciel de France (fishing boat) Antionette Michel (French fishing boat) 96. 96. Clan MacAlister (personnel vessel) Argyllshire (trawler) 87, 121. 74. Clara Belle (wherry) Arras (French minesweeper) 14. 45. Codrington (destroyer) Atlantic (schuit) 79, 80, 83, 91, 119, 127, 146, 180. 31. Constant Nymph (motor boat) Ave Maria Gratia Plena (French fishing bt.) 50. 96. Côte d'Argent (personnel vessel) Basilisk (destroyer) 153. 86, 96, 111. *Crested Eagle (Thames Special Service. Ben-My-Chree (personnel vessel) Ship) 135. 1, 2, 120, 153. Bernadette (French trawler) Cyclone (French destroyer) 109, 110. 44-5, 45a, 46, 106. Bideford (sloop) Defender (cockle bawley) 106, 153. 92. Bluebird (motor yacht) Denis Papin (French minesweeping trawler) 13, 134. 82, 127-8. Blyskawica (Polish warship) *Devonia (minesweeper) 45. 153. Bouclier (French destroyer) Dolphin (ex-pinnace) 45. 13. Bounty (Portsmouth Patrol yacht) Dorienta (drifter) 63. 82. Bourrasque (French destroyer) Doris Edina (wherry) 44, 45a, 46, 106, 108, 109. 14. Branlebas (French destroyer) *Duchess of Fife (minesweeper) 44. 156-7.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of Ships and Boats © John Richards, 2008 Dundalk (minesweeper) Haig (army launch) 86. 91. Elvin (motor boat) Halcyon (minesweeper) 169. 100. Emil Deschamps (French minesweeper) Harvester (destroyer) 182. 79-80, 91, 96. *Emperor of India (minesweeper) Havant (destroyer) 153. 80, 91, 111, 137. Encore (motor boat) Hebe (minesweeper) 157. 56, 57, 60, 63, 82, 96. Endeavour (cockle bawley) Hilda (schuit) 92. 104, 146. Esk (destroyer) Hondsrug (schuit) 104, 180. 155. Express (destroyer) Hythe (merchant vessel) 180. 30, 31, 32, 130. Fenella (personnel vessel) Icarus (destroyer) 120. 14, 81, 84, 91, 104, 105, 139, 146, Fervent (motor yacht). 180. 24, 155. Impulsive (destroyer) Fitzroy (minesweeper) 91. 71-2. Intrepid (destroyer) Foremost 87 (tug) 91, 104. 99. Iolanthe (motor yacht) Forty-Two (motor yacht) 68. 13, 27, 68. Iote (motor boat) Foudroyant (French destroyer) 124. 42, 44, 45, 45a, 46, 105-6, 107 Ivanhoe (destroyer) (illustration) 108-10, 111, 113, 120, 80, 90-91, 137. 136, 158. Jackeve (minesweeping craft) Gallant (destroyer) 68. 91. Jaguar (British destroyer) Gaston Rivera (French drifter) 91, 120. 82. Jaguar (French destroyer) Genius (drifter) 120. 68. Jolie Mascotte (French trawler) Glengarriff (coaster) 86, 96. 31. Jong (motor cruiser) *Golden Eagle (Thames Special Service 124. Ship) Jutland (schiuit) 73. 169. Golden Girl Keith (destroyer) 68. 53, 54, 57, 63, 84-6, 104, 106, 111, *Gracie Fields (minesweeper) 121, 148, 149. 153. Killarney (personnel vessel) Grafton (destroyer) 122. 27, 91. King Orry (armed boarding vessel) Grenade (destroyer) 119-120. 27, 91. 'Knight Errant' – Naiad Errant misnamed Greyhound (destroyer) 141, 158. 91, 104. La Colombe (French fishing boat) Grive (Fleet Air Arm training yacht) 96. 137. L'Adroit (French destroyer) ( pre-Dynamo) Gula (minesweeping drifter) 45, 46, 106, 120. 81, 137.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of Ships and Boats © John Richards, 2008 Lady Brassey (steam tug) M.A.S.B 6 (motor anti-submarine boat) 99, 145, 151-2. 63, 81. Lady Duncanon (tug) (London fire float) 145. 50, 154, 158, 182. Lady Isabelle (Thames open launch) Matoya (motor cruiser) 118 (illustration). 13. Lady Southborough (steam hopper barge) Medora (wherry) 82. 14. La Flore (French destroyer) *Medway Queen (paddle minesweeper) 96. 16, 156. Lahloo (Portsmouth Patrol yacht) Mermaiden (motor yacht) 56. 157. Lena (schuit) Mistral (French destroyer) 155. 45a. Letitia (cockle bawley) Monarda (drifter) 92. 60. L'Incomprise (French destroyer) Mona's Isle (Armed boarding vessel) 96. 146. Little Ann (auxiliary yacht) Mona's Queen (personnel vessel) 67. 121. Lochgarry (personnel vessel) Monique Camille (French drifter) 73. 82. Locust (Chinese gun boat) Montrose (destroyer) 153. 91. Lord Barham (minesweeping drifter) Mosquito (gunboat) 82, 155-6, 158. 68, 109, 153. Lord Southbrough (Margate lifeboat) Moussallion (French trawler) 14. 127, 128. Lorinia (personnel vessel) M.T.B.102 () 30, 31, 121. 53, 85 (illustration). Louise Stevens (Yarmouth lifeboat) 'Naaid Errant' (Naiad Errant mis-named) 158. 141. Mackay (destroyer) Naiad Errant (motor yacht) 91. 12, 13-14, 36, 39, 40 (illustration) 41, Madame Pompadour (motor boat) 44, 45, 55, 67, 69, 72, 82, 90, 96, 169. 105, 113, 119, 121, 124, 125, 129- 'Maid Errant' (1940 misnaming of Naiad…) 130, 132-4, 139-40, 142-3, 153, 157, 141. 158, 159 (illustration) 168. Maid of Orleans (personnel vessel) Nanette II (motor boat) 32, 131, 139. 124. Malcolm (destroyer) Nelson (battleship) 60, 82, 91, 180. 155. Mallard (corvette) Nelson (motor boat of above) 93. 155. Manxman (personnel vessel) Nephrite (used as coal store ship) 99. 82. Marchioness (passenger motor vessel) 'Niada Errant' (Naiad Errant misnamed) 135. 141. Marsayru (P'mouth Auxiliary Patrol Yacht) Niger (French tanker) 50, 157. 46. Mary Scott (lifeboat) Niger (minesweeper) 158. 112. Mary Spearing II (Thames launch) Nora (Dutch coaster) 68. 151.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of Ships and Boats © John Richards, 2008 Normania (personnel vessel) Rose Effeuillee (French fishing boat) 30. 96. Ocean Breeze (drifter) *Royal Eagle (Thames special service ship) 68. 2, 81. Oranje (schuit) Royal Sovereign (personnel vessel) 15, 111. 81. *Oriole (minesweeper) Ryegate II (motor yacht) 69-70. 13, 124. Pacific (schuit) S21 (German high-speed motor boat) 68. 120. Paris (hospital ship) S23 (German high-speed motor boat) 99, 141-2. 120. Patrie (French drifter) Sabre (destroyer) 82. 91, 146, 180. Pavon (French cargo vessel) St. Abbs (Admiralty tug) 46. 85, 86, 121, 148. Perseverance (small motor boat) St. Andrew (hospital ship) 55. 82, 135-6. Persia (tug) St. David (hospital ship) 91. 72. Playboy (minesweeper) St. Fagan (Admiralty steam tug) 60. 121. *Portsdown (minesweeper) St. Helier (personnel vessel) 158. 82, 151. Prague (personnel vessel) St. Olaves (steam rescue tug) 99-100, 151-2, 154. 131. President Briand (minesweeping trawler) St. Pierre IV (French fishing boat) 127-8. 96. Providence (motor boat) Saladin (destroyer) 157. 91. Prudential (Ramsgate lifeboat) Salamander (minesweeper) 14, 24. 66. Queen Elizabeth (ocean liner) Salome (French tanker) 71. 46. Queen of England (Thames pleasure boat) Saltash (fleet minesweeper) 82. 73, 104. Queen of Thanet (paddle minesweeper) Sandhurst (depot ship, Dover) 100. 145. Quisisana (motor cruiser) Sandown (minesweeper) 153-4. 68. Racia (Watkins tug) Sceneshifter (motor yacht) 158. 13. Reda (luxury yacht) Scimiter (destroyer) 50, 68. 81, 91-2, 96, 100. Reliance (cockle Bawley) Scotia (personnel vessel) 92. 104. 106, 109, 111, 113. Renascent (minesweeping drifter) Sequacity (cargo ship) 137. 74. Renown (cockle bawley) Shearwater (corvette) 92. 93. Resolute (cockle bawley) Shikari (destroyer) 91. 91, 146, 180. Rewga (minesweeping drifter) Sirocco (French destroyer) 81. 45, 45a, 46, 141

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of Ships and Boats © John Richards, 2008 Skipjack (minesweeper) Whitshed (destroyer) 86, 104, 108, 121. 150, 153, 180. Skylark VI (open passenger boat) Whitstable (personnel vessel) 1. 125. 30, 31, 32. Speedwell (minesweeper) Wigeon (corvette) 91, 109a. 45. Stella Dorado (anti-submarine trawler) Winchelsea (destroyer) 45, 74d 31, 91, 150, 180. Strathelliot (trawler) Windsor (destroyer) 82. 91, 139, 146, 180. Sun IV (steam tug) Wolsey (destroyer) 82, 157. 68. Sundowner (motor yacht) Wolves (anti-submarine trawler) 26, 27, 113, 126 (illustration) 127, 45. 131-2, 169. Worcester (destroyer) Sunny-Isle (Belgian trawler) 75, 82, 91, 111, 113, 125-6, 127, 139. 130-1, 149. Tamzine (open fishing boat) Worthing (hospital ship) 39a. 141-2. Three Kings (minesweeping drifter) Yorkshire Lass (Dover flare-burning drifter) 68. 44. Tilly (schuit) Young Mun (Dover flare-burning drifter) 81, 112. 153. Triton (motor yacht) 56. ______Usanco (motor boat) 169. CORRECTION – Ut Prosim (Dover flare-burning drifter) p. 159, For Bob Jones, read Bob Hilton. 44. Vanquisher (destroyer) ______84, 91, 118, 121. 139, 180. Vega (destroyer) 71. Venomous (destroyer) 146, 180. Venus (fishing vessel) 127, 128. Vincia (steam tug) 85. Vivacious (destroyer) 91, 180. Wakeful (destroyer) 27, 91. *Waverley (minesweeper) 153. Westerly (motor yacht) 36, 39, 40, 67, 68, 111, 112, 123, 127, 142. *Westward Ho (personnel vessel) 81. Whippingham (minesweeper) 32, 69, 96. White Heather (motor yacht) 13, 14, 27, 40, 67, 68, 72, 75, 113 (illustration),124.

Dunkirk Revisited, Index of Ships and Boats © John Richards, 2008