Bromeliad Society July 2017 South Africa Established: 25 July 2009

Our aim is to promote and encourage awareness and interest in Bromeliads in East London and all of South Africa!Africa !!!

ELBS is an Affiliated Society of Bromeliad Society International

June Meeting And now for something completely different! We met at the home of Wyndham Whitfield who very kindly opened his home, garden and orchid houses to us to explore and enjoy. Due to his recent experience with the poisoning of the water hyacinth on the Nahoon River from where he gets his water, I was surprised to see that some beauties have survived, but not without a lot of hard work being involved plus repotting and the pain of having to let go all the orchids that did not survive. It truly was a devastating experience for Wyndham. Wyndham gave a very interesting talk on orchids, an overview of where they originally come from and the main types plus some crosses, which I would not even try to name here, so enjoy the photos of just a few samples of Wyndham’s orchids and Our host, Wyndham Whitfield with those of you who know about them, some of his gorgeous orchids. will no doubt recognise the beauties pictured here. He a l s o covered what is basically required a n d which are the most suitable to grow in our East London climate. Everyone has always told me that cymbidiums were so easy to bring into flower here, but sometimes our night time temperatures don’t go down low enough. I have moved them, so hopefully will give One of four of Wyndham’s shade houses. them a fright this year and they will respond! So I am going to give a cattleya a try. Next Meeting: : You are invited to our 9th Birthday Bash, AGM and Fun Quiz !! Sunday 30th July at 2.00 pm. Hosted by Trevor and Lyn Wegner at 18 Wentworth Road, Sunnyridge. Don’t forget your chair!!

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When you are a person, you just can’t help being drawn towards other interesting in the plant world. It is so tempting…. We do have to draw the line somewhere though, especially if you are obsessed with bromeliads already. But a few won’t do An orchid without its flowers but still any harm! Surely? Many of our members started out as orchid collectors! amazing with its stunning foliage. The thing is to have the time and dedication to be able to look after them well and get them to reach their full potential, just like we do with bromeliads.

So it was something different this month, Wyndham has lots of very interesting in his shade houses and bromeliads in his garden to enjoy, evidence of many, many years of hard work between him and Sally who built their house on the banks of the Nahoon River in the later 80’s when they arrived in East London from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).

Show and Tell

Lyn Wegner showed how rats had destroyed an aechmea and a neoregelia. This is a new problem and she wondered if it is due to the dry rainless spell we are experiencing.

Barbara Black showed how the dassies have chewed her gardneri and T. tectorum, plus new Chewed off tilly’s ! growth on certain shrubs, like Murraya exotica, their large hibiscus tree and Acalypha , to name a few of their shrubs that have been denuded as delicious treats! All due to drought conditions and not much Damage to Lyn Wegner’s broms due to rat grass and food being available in their natural habitat. infestation.

Dudley Reynolds showed us his beautiful Neoregelia 'Rainbow Nation' a hybrid created by Adrian van Rensen of Pretoria and registered by Christo van Wijk.

Dudley also bragged with an Aechmea 'Bert' and Aechmea ‘Bert’ Aechmea ‘Bert’ and Aechmea “Bert’ variegata. One of Adrian van Rensen’s beautiful variegata . hybrids that Dudley now has in his collection: Neoregelia ‘Rainbow Nation’. Library Book Review - Brenda Wegner International Checklist of Bromeliad Hybrids. This book was published by THE BROMELIAD SOCIETY, INC. in 1979. A list of all known hybrids was needed to ensure an orderly system for naming and recording hybrids being developed. It contains, so far as could be determined, all hybrids from 1866 to December 31, 1978.

Member News • We welcome new country members, Irene Miles from Pretoria, and Japie Esterhuysen from Cape Town, we hope you both have a long and rewarding association with our society. Japie is also a member of Bromeliad Society International, which brings our BSI membership total to 11.

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Thanks • Wyndham Whitfield for hosting the June meeting and a super interesting talk on orchids. • Brenda Wegner, Sue Pema and Lynn Friend for bringing delicious eats for tea time. • Lyn Wegner for Lucky Draw plants.

Congratulations to the Raffle Winners for June! • Xenia Winther chose Neoregelia 'King of Hearts' • Barbara and Eddie Black chose Neoregelia 'Mauve Star' Eddie Black Xenia Winther • Barbara Miles chose Vriesea 'Hazel Quilot' • Nancy Brindley chose Neoregelia 'Bailey's Choice' • Ann Carter from Cape Town still to choose. • Nico Fouche from Pretoria chose Neoregelia 'Dark Pearl'. • Richard King from Darling chose Neoregelia ' Tarnished ' . • Danie Taljaard from Cape Town chose Neoregelia 'Big Pink' .

June Lucky Draw Winners: • Irene Manthe - Neoregelia sarmentosa x 'Fosperior' • Dudley Reynolds - Neoregelia cyanea x 'Quintessence' • Nancy Brindley - Neoregelia 'Roy' F2 x cruenta 'Rubra' Nancy Brindley Barbara Miles From the Chairman Dudley Reynolds It was good to have Wyndham Whitfield, the President of the Border Orchid Society talk about and briefly describe his passion for orchids to a very receptive and interested group of bromeliad lovers. Orchids being one of the primary companion plants of epiphytic bromeliads has been an interest of mine for many years. I am sure that all members enjoyed the walk through Wyndham’s shade houses of orchids and appreciated his beautifully set garden on the banks of the Nahoon River.

We are looking forward to celebrating our 9th birthday bash at the end of July Betty Heunis and Lyn Odendaal with which promises to be loads of fun. I promise to keep the formalities of the AGM Wyndham in another of his four shade to the minimum so that we have more time for fun and celebrations at this houses. special event. The dry winter in East London is almost over and I am sure that most of us are eagerly awaiting Spring and hopefully some rain. I have started the endless task of splitting and repotting bromeliads. I always start with my favourites moving on to the more 'normal' ones. Well, enjoy whatever you are doing in the garden, until next time. HAPPY BROMMING.

From the Committee • From all the members of ELBS SA, we extend our heartfelt good wishes to Grace Goode in Australia, on the occasion of her 100th Birthday on 23 July. Two (2) greats of the Bromeliad World • Another reminder, any members interested in standing on the committee? at Sunny Broms conference – 2017, The committee of the last 8 years, welcome new nominations for all the Grace Goode, OAM and Chester positions. If you wish to nominate someone please ensure you discuss it with Skotak. Below, a lovely photo of Grace in years gone by. them beforehand. Betty Heunis has volunteered to join our merry band! Our AGM will take place at the next meeting, which will also be our 9th Birthday Celebration! Yes, can you believe it? 9 years old already. Lots of fizz ananas (champagne and pineapple juice) guaranteed this year! • The society will be participating in the Pioneer Nursery Spring Fair again this year. To be held from Friday 11 - Sunday 13 August. It will not be on the large scale that it was last year, but we still would like members to contribute an especially good looking bromeliad from your collection if you would like to. It will be well looked after for the duration of the show. You will need to bring it to the nursery on the Thursday and collect it on Sunday

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afternoon or Monday morning. Although it will be a smaller display, it will still be a knock out one! We will also need volunteers to do shifts to man the stall, sell raffle tickets and provide bromeliad related information to the interested public. There will also be a talk, not sure which day yet. More about this from Brenda Wegner, our Events Convener at the next meeting and via e-mail. • A note to the country members: there are a few raffle wins that have not been chosen to date. The committee have decided that if there is no response from the winner or a choice made after 3 months, you will forfeit your win. Who doesn’t want a surprise in the post!

Upcoming Society Events July: Lyn and Trevor Wegner, Sunnyridge, AGM, Fun Quiz and Birthday Bash! August: Tamara Hartwanger in Baysville. September: Dr Boots and Alison Horsfall in Vincent Heights. October: Val Nel and Caryn Dunlop in Vincent Heights. November: Brenda and Bryan Wegner in Nahoon Valley. January 2018: Elna Smit in Gonubie February: Esther, Elna’s twin sister who lives on a farm.

Upcoming International Events 2018: World Bromeliad Conference to be held in San Diego, California from 29 May to 3 June 2018. Check out the Conference Corner at for more information. This will be the third WBC that will be held in San Diego, California. Registration for the 2018 conference has already begun. If you are interested in going, contact Lyn Wegner for more information.

From our Members

Sue Pema visited New Zealand recently and was blown away by a visit to Peter and Jocelyn Coyle's spectacular gardens! These pictures that Sue took show some of the shade houses and a small corner of the garden. Above is a photo of Sue with Peter Coyle.

Lyn Wegner : The Coyle’s garden, Totara Waters, is truly super spectacular! I have been very lucky to have visited it too a few years ago. In 2006 it was made a Garden of National Significance by the NZ Garden Trust.

Barbara Black: I bought this aechmea from the member plant sales at a meeting a few months ago and Brenda Wegner also has one in her garden. We do not have a name for it, any one have a clue? A few names have been suggested to me, but on checking, I have not hit on the correct name yet.

Are you looking for a special brom that is on your wish list? You are welcome to advertise it here and who knows, you might hit the jackpot!

Country members, please consider sharing your bromeliad journey/garden experiences or special bromeliad with us. Local members, if your bromeliad is too big to bring to the meeting, e-mail me with pictures and words at [email protected], we would love to hear from you!

Barbara Black’s unnamed Aechmea .

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From the Editor With the longest night of the winter solstice behind us now, we can look forward to slightly noticeable lengthening of the days soon, but beware, winter is not over by a long shot! So take care to protect your plants for another month maybe more in those colder parts of South Africa. We have just had a week of 30*c temperatures, rather weird for the middle of winter, even for East London. We are incredibly dry; bush near us is fast thinning as it dies back. There are punitive water tariffs in place to discourage over-use of this precious resource. We must water between certain hours on alternate days and use water for essential things only, (well broms, although water-wise, are essential aren't they?) Our tank is empty, bath and shower water being used to water the lower parts of the back garden, so not much going to waste. Our water pressure has been cut quite drastically during the day time, which is the most irritating thing of all. You still going to use the same amount of water, it just takes longer to do a load of washing etc…. !

We have had some spectacular billbergia blooming in our garden this winter, with more popping out all the time, but notably the best so far, is this unnamed billbergia that I have allowed to clump over the years in a hanging basket. Just so sad they don’t last a bit longer, but a cheering sight indeed. I invite you to send me a photo and a little information for publication of one of your best performing bromeliads of the Winter! Spread the love!

I would like to take this opportunity, with another new year in the life of the society about to begin, to remind you of the efforts of our small committee, whose main endeavour is to create an atmosphere of informal learning and enjoyment of bromeliads at My spectacular billbergia! Thanks to the monthly meetings. Never be afraid to ask for the members of the ELBS SA Facebook help or information, I have learnt so much this way. I page who helped with identifying it for for one, thank each one of them and the members me! It is a very old hybrid established who so freely share their knowledge and expertise, in 1898 by Kittel. Billbergia ‘Hoelscheriana’, a primary hybrid so that we can do the best we can to grow beautiful between: seed parent: B. nutans and bromeliads! Plus you get to make some super new Pollen parent: B. saundersii . Theodore friends you can network with locally and all over the L Mead's notebook of 1925 shows he country or should I say world!!!! had hybridised B. nutans with B. saundersii , the plants survived and I read this in the latest Pup Talk: Words of wisdom some were sent to the Brooklyn from Derek Butcher: Botanical Garden. They could well be the source of a re-make of B. ‘Remember you get more enjoyment out of being 'Hoelscheriana' in the USA. involved than just being entertained’

While writing the newsletter this month and reflecting on our 9th Birthday Bash, on a note of pure nostalgia and in preparation for our birthday I had to include this photo of the very first ELBS SA meeting with founder members, July 2008, at the home of Lyn and Trevor Wegner. Did we ever in our wildest of dreams imagine how it would all turn out, with to date, 59 local members, 72 country members and even 3 international members and don’t forget Lyn herself, who never ever dreamt she would become the BSI President! I think we have done pretty well! How we have grown, in terms of being a happy bunch of people learning and sharing together, our love for these amazing plants . Don’t forget your committee is always open for new ideas and new blood!

See you at the Birthday Bash! Happy bromming to you all !

[email protected] 072 1787 421

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This is a publication for the East London Bromeliad Society, South Africa for the interest of its members. Articles may be used by non profit societies with acknowledgement to: East London Bromeliad Society South Africa.

Any opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily those of the Society. When submitting items for inclusion in this newsletter, please ensure that all information is checked and accurate. ELBS is an affiliate of the Bromeliad Society International.

ELBS Address: c/o 18 Wentworth Road, Sunnyridge, East London 5201 South Africa, [email protected]

We meet on the last Sunday of every month, January to November, at various venues around East London. We have a topic for each meeting and Show and Tell where members are encouraged to bring along their brag or problem plants. There are member raffles, lucky draws for those present, tea time, library and member plant sales, plus a monthly newsletter sent out via e-mail only. Visitors are always welcome and can attend three meetings before they will need to join the society in order to continue attending. Annual subs are R120.00 for individuals/families and R60 for students.

Committee Members Chairman: Dudley Reynolds 079 488 2360 [email protected]

Vice- Chairman: Dr Peter Pfister 082 625 5533 [email protected] PRO & Secretary: Lyn Wegner 043 736 1737 082 970 2293 [email protected] Treasurer: Lynn Friend 043 748 2271 083 318 1179 [email protected] Editor & Publisher: Barbara Black 043 7212775 O72 1787 421 [email protected] Proof Reader: Lyn Wegner 043 736 1737 082 970 2293 [email protected]

Raffles: Lyn Odendaal 043 726 1075 083 441 6813 [email protected] Librarian: Brenda Wegner 082 743 2141 [email protected] Catering Co-ordinators: Eddie Black and 043 7212775 082 5505 347 [email protected] Larraine Parathyras 043 726 3167 082 594 4559 [email protected] Events Co-ordinator: Brenda Wegner 082 743 2141 [email protected]

Peter Cook from Sunnybroms (Australia) has very kindly created a link to ELBS newsletters on their web page. You can access: • All the back copies of the 2016 and 2017 ELBS Newsletters • The first of the BSI BCR changes and cultivar changes generated via DNA studies complied by Derek Butcher the BSI Cultivar Registrar.

You will find ELBS on Facebook: [email protected] or type ‘East London Bromeliad Society’ into the fb search bar. You can request to join the group and will then be able to upload your photos and comments on the wall. The ELBS SA page and other bromeliad related sites are becoming a useful and informative forum to share and ‘meet up’ with other like-minded bromeliad folks. There are also many other bromeliad related sites that you can join and become part of a world wide online sharing environment.

You can view most of all the bromeliads mentioned in meetings or in the newsletter at the following websites:

The BSI’s official Bromeliad Cultivar Registry which is maintained by Geoff Lawn, the BSI Cultivar Registrar. Plus other information regarding the Bromeliad Society International is found at

Photo Credits: Barbara Black, Brenda Wegner, Lyn Wegner, Sue Pema

East London Bromeliad Society South Africa July 2017 Page 6 (Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies). This is a very useful site to reference many bromeliads where you can clarify identification or just trawl through the site and add to your wish list! Encyclopedia of Bromeliads - (Bromeliad Taxonomists and Growers Society) has photographs. It also now has keys for the genera and sub-genera. If you like to be informed what is happening, just follow on Facebook: Just type in ‘Encyclopeadia of Bromeliads’ into the Facebook search bar.

For internet resources you can also go to TAXON (The New Bromeliad List) for the most authoritative and right up to date list of genera and species, accepted and new names and taxonomic keys - http:// or just type in ‘ New Bromeliad Taxon List’ , it's much easier!

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