CYCLOTRONS'2010) in Lanzhou
CYCLOTRONS’2010 The 19-th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications Lanzhou, China 6 to 10, September, 2010 Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Overview of IMP Layout of HIRFL CYCLOTRONS’2010 The 19-th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications Lanzhou, China 6 to 10, September, 2010 Organized by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Modern Physics, CAS Sponsored by Advanced Applied Physics Solutions Beijing Changfeng Broadcasting and Communications Equipment Corporation Limited Kyocera Corporation Lanzhou Kejin Taiji Corporation, LTD. Shenyang Huiyu Vacuum Tech.Co, LTD Siemens Healthcare Sigmaphi Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. Thamway Co. Ltd ZAG Zyklotron AG Committees Conference Committees International Organizing Committee P. Bertrand, GANIL R. Bhandari, VECC S. Brandenburg, KVI L.Calabretta, INFN-LNS J. Conradie, iThemba LABS M. Craddock, TRIUMF G. Dutto, TRIUMF S.Gales, GANIL K. Hatanaka, RCNP P. Heikkinen, JYFL Y. Hirao,NIRS Y.Jongen,IBA M. Loiselet,UCL C.Lyneis, LBNL R. Maier, FZ-JüLICH F.Marti, NSCL/MSU D.May, TEXAS A&M UNIV Y.Mori, Kyoto Univ L.Onischenko,JINR H.Schweickert,FZK M. Seidel, PSI Y.Yano, RIKEN W. L. Zhan, IMP (Chairman) Program Committee P. Bertrand,GANIL S.Brandenburg, KVI L.Calabretta, INFN-LNS M. Craddock, TRIUMF A.Goto,RIKEN Y.Jongen,IBA C.Lyneis, LBNL F.Marti, NSCL/MSU Y.Mori, Kyoto Univ M.Seidel, PSI W. L. Zhan, IMP T.J. Zhang, CIAE H.W. Zhao, IMP (Chairman) Local Organizing Committee X.H. Cai H.L Chen H.F. Hao Y. He Z.G. Hu Q. Liang (Secretary) Y.
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