Directorate of Census Operation,s, Uttaranchal

, Con11:ents


Foreword Xl Preface xiii Acknowledgement xv Volume - I District Highlights - 2001 Census xix Important Statistics in the District xx Ranking of Tahsils in the District XXlI Statement-l Name of the Headquarters of District/Tahsil, their Rural-Urban Status xxiii and Distance from District Headquarters, 2001 Statement-2 Name of the Headquarters of District/C.D. block their Rural-Urban Status xxiii and Distance from District Headquarters, 2001 Statement-3 Population of the District at each Census from 1901 to 2001 xxiv Statement-4 Area, Number of Villages/Towns and Population in District and Tahsil, 2001 xxv Statement-5 C.D. Blockwise Number of Villages and Rural Population, 2001 xxvi Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomerations/Towns, 200] . XXVI Statement-7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C.D. Block level as per XXVI 2001 Census and Amenities available Statement-8 Statutory Towns with population less than 5000 as per 2001 Census and xxvii Amenities available Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional population ofTahsils, Rural and Urban, 2001 xxvii Analytical Note (i) History and ,Scope of the District Census Handbook 3 (ii) Brief History of the District 3 (iii) Administrative Set-up 4 (iv) Physical Features 5 Location and Size 5 Physiography 5 Drainage 6 Climate 6 Natural Economic Resources 6 (v) Census Concepts 10 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 15 (vii) 2001 Census Findings-Population, its distribution etc. ]8 (viii) Brief Analysis of PCA Data 20 (ix) Brief Analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory Data 38 I (x) Brief Analysis of the Data on Houses and Household Amenities, Houselisting 44 Operations, Census of India 2001 (xi) Major Soci~1 and Cult~ral events, Natural and Administrative Developments and 49 Significant Activities during the Decade . . (xii) Brief Description of Places of Religious, Historical or Archaeological importance 49 in Villages andl Places of Tourist interest in the Towns of the District (xiii) Major Characteristics and Contribution of the District 50 (xiv) Scope of Village Dir,ectory and Town Directory 50

(vii) Part A - Village and Town Directory (Section I and'lI) Section I - Village Directory Note Explaining the Abbreviations used in the Village Directory 57 Statement-List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 60 C.D. Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data Map of C.p· Block (Facing Page) 63 Al\lhabetical list of villa~es of C.D. Block Munsiari 65 Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Munsiari 71 Map of C.I). Block (Facing Page) 121 Alphabetictll list of villages of C.D. Block Dharchula 123 Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Dharchula 125 Map of C.O. Block (Facing Page) 143 Alphabeticttl list of villages of C.D. Block Berinag 145 Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Berinag 151 Map of C.1). Block (Facing Page) 215 Alphabeticttl list of villages of C.D. Block Didihat 217 Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Didihat 221 Map of C.O. Block Kanali Chhina (Facing Page) 257 Alphabeticttl list of villages of C.D. Block Kanali Chhina 259 Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Kanali Chhina 265 Map of C.I) .. Block (Facing Page) 315 Alphabeticttllist of villages of C.D. Block Gangolihat 317 Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Gangolihat 325 Map of C.O. Block (Facing Page) 399 Alphabetictll list of villages of C.D. Block Pithoragarh 401 Village Di(ectory Data of C.D. Block Pithoragarh 405 Map of C.O. Block Munakot (Facing Page) 443 Alphabetictll list of villages of C.D. Block Munakot ' 445 Village Di(ectory Data of C.D. Block Munakot 449

Forest Villages A1pnabettca) )h't oY rores't 'Vmages ~'I Village Di(ectory Data of Forest Villages 493 Appendices to Village Directory APPENDIX I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages 503 C.D. Block level APPENDIX IA Villages by number of Primary School 508 APPENDIX IB Villages. by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 508 APPENDIX lC Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 508 APPENDIX II Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one 509 or more amenities available APPENDIx: IIA Census towns which do not have one or more amenities 509 APPENDIX III Land utilization data in respect of Census Towns/non-municipal towns 509 APPENDIX IV C.D. Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than 510 drinking water facility is available APPENDIX V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled 515 Castes population APPENDIX VI Summary showing number of vi lIages not having Scheduled 515 Tribes population

(viii) APPENDIX VIlA List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 516 Castes to the total population by ranges APPENDIX VIIB List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 528 Tribes to the total population by ranges APPENDIX VIII Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. Block wise) 531 APPENDIX IX Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 531 Section II - Town Directory Note Explaining the Abbreviations used in the Town Directory 535 Town Directory Statements (I to VII) STATEMENT I Status and Growth History 540 STATEMENT II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 542 STATEMENT III Municipal Finance 544 STATEMENT IV Civic and Other Amenities 546 STATEMENT V Medical, Educatiomil, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 548 STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 550 STATEMENT VII Civic and Other Amenities in Slums 552 Appendix to Town Directory 552 Volume - II Part B - Primary Census Abstract Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract 555 District Primary Census Abstract (General) 559 Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. Urban block wise figures of 569 Total, SC and ST Population Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 573 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 581 CD Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract C.D. Block Munsiari 591 C.D. Block Dharchula 623 C.D. Block Berinag 637 C.D. Block Didihat 675 C.D. Block Kanali Chhina 701 C.D. Block Gangolihat 721 C.D. Block Pithoragrh 771 C.D. Block Munakot 797 Forest Villages 823 Urban Primary Census Abstract 831 Annexures - J To VIII Annexure I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 841 Annexure II Fertility and Mortality, 1991 Census 841 Annexure III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 842 Annexure IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/place of 843 last residence, 1991 and 2001 Census Annexure V Brief account of main religions in the district/tahsil as per 845 1991 and 2001 Census Annexure VI Marital status of Different Age-groups of Population as per 1991 and 847 2001 Census Annexure VII Age, Sex and Education in the district, 1991 and 2001 Census 851 Annexure VIII Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 1991 and2001 Census 853



he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one T of the important publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastnictural facilities, etc. 2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 19&1 census DCBB was in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on approach to the, village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details on number of ~~naccessible villages in each district. In the Town Directory, a statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns. 3. The 1991 census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 census, except the format of PCA was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1-981 census. In addition, sex-wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all ch~ldren below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD' block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsii/taluklPS level presentation. It was expected that the presehtation of village directory and PCA data at CD block level will help the planners in formulation of micro level development plans, CD block being lowest administrative unit. 4. The present series of 2001 census DCHBs have been made more informative and exhaustive in terms of coverage and content. The Village Directory has been enlarged in scope by including a number of other facilities like banking, recreatiomll and cultural facilities, newspapers and magazines and 'most important commodity' manufactured in village. Income and expenditure of gram panchayat, wherever possible, has been provided. Apart from these,' more details on distance(s) at which basic amenities are available (if not "'f-vailable in the village), are given. This includes e9ucational facilities (namely primary and middle schools aild college), medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, Maternity & Child Welfare Centre and Primary Health Centre), drinking w!lter, post & telegraph (post office and phone), communication, bank, credit societies and recreational facilities. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums has been modified and its coverage enlarged by including details on all slums instead of 'notified slums'. The informationIS given in case of

. (xi) all statutory towns irrespective of their class, against only Class I and Class II towns in the 1981 and 1991 censuses. The basic amenities available in the villages and towns are analysed in depth with the help of a number of cross-classified inset tables 'and statements. Two other significant additions in the publication are inclusion of 'motif' highlighting significant characteristic of.the district and analytical notes as annexures. The analytical notes on (i) fertility and mortality and (ii) various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage are prepared based on 1991 Census. Whereas, in the notes relating to (i) percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/place of last residence, (ii) main religions, (iii) marital status of population, (i~: . age, sex and education, and (v) distribution of spectrum of mother tongue, nature and extent of change! occurred in the district in its basic socio-demographic features during the decade 1991-2001 are analysed The eight digits permanent location code (PLCN) to all the villages and towns have been assigned keep in! in view the future needs. 5. The village and town level amenity data have been collected, compiled and computerised in prescribed record structure under the supervision of Dr. Ranvir Singh, Director of Census Operations,'Uttar Pradesh. Thereafter, efforts have been made to ensure comparability of the information with that of 1991 census data and the information brought out by the respective state governments in their annual reports and statistical handbooks for various years after 1991. The task of planning, designing and coordination of this publication was carried out by Shri R.G. Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Senior Research Officer of Social Studies Division. Dr. R.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the te.chnical guidance in the preparation of maps. Whereas, Shri Anil Kumar Arora, Deputy Director of Data Processing Division who worked under the overall supervision of Shri Himakar, Addl. Director (EDP) helped in preparation of record structure for computerisation of village and town directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory statements including analytical inset tables. The draft DCHB manuscripts received from the Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director and Shri R.K. Mehta, Assistant Director. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to make this publication possible.

D.K. Sikri New Registrar General & Dated: 17.10.2006. Census Commissioner, India

(xii) Preface . The District Census Handbooks (DCHBs) are brought-out in two parts giving village and town wise data for each district. The first part contains non-census data for each village and town and is called Village and Town Directories Part A. The Part B provides Census data for rural area up to the village level and for urban areas up to ward level for each town or city in the shape of Primary Census Abstract (PCAs). The information contained in Primary Census Abstract and Village and Town Directory (VDs(fDs) has already been released for data users in soft copy. Data available in District Census Handbooks are very useful for policy planners, Administrators, Researchers and other socia-economic research centers. Till 1991 Census, all the inset tables included in District Census Handbooks were produced manually. But this time the software designed by the Data Processing Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India helped in the fast generations of tables. I am deeply grateful to Shri J .K, Banthia, Ex-Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his guidance and support. I would like to thank Shri D.k. Sikri, Secretary, Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his sustained support and spontaneous, unfailing guidance through our endeavours. At the outset I thank to Shri R.C. Sethi. Additio'nal Registrar General, India, who drove us to complete the District Census Handbooks within a specific timeframe and make it ready for printing. I thank to Shri R.G. Mitra, Ex. Deputy Registrar General (C&T), Shri R.P. Singh, Ex. Deputy Registrar General (Ma'p), Dr. I.C. Aggarwal, Ex. Assistant R~gistrar General (SS) of the office of Register General, India for their guidance at each steps in the preparation of District Census Handbook. Special thanks are due to Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director (Social Studies) and Shri Anil Kumar Arora, Deputy Director (EDP), without their untiring efforts and support we could not have completed the District Census Handbook within this time. The Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Ranbir Singh, under whose guidance, the entire operations were carried out deserves all credit for its success, but he was repatriated to the State Government for taking up some other important assignments before the volume could be made available for the printing. I am also thankful to Shri R. K. Singh, Ex-Joint Director and Shri S.S.A. Jafri, Deputy Director for their valuable guidance and support to complete this project within specific time frame. The task of data collection in respect of both Census and non-census items was a gigantic on which officials in the State Government had to perform along with their normal duties. For their deep sense of devotion to duty and hard work in this regard, I am thankful to all of them. The preparation of District Census Handbook was done under the supervision of Shri Mohd. Ahmad, Assistant Director. I am also thankful to Shri Shailendra Singh Negi, S.I. Grade-I, Shri S.K. Banerjee, S.L Gr. II and Shri U.G. Jhingran, S.1. Gr. III who assisted in the work for timely completion of the project. S.I.Gr.II, S.I.Gr.III, Sr.Compilers, Compilers, Data Entry Operators and Assistant Compilers who assisted in the work also did a tremendous job. Shri A.M. A~sari, Deputy Director (EDP) and his team of devo~ed workers deserve all praise for timely processing of Household Schedule through Image Based Data Capturing Technology i.e. Scanning. The members of the staff in the Map Section did a commendable job under the guidance of Shri Dashrath Singh, Research Officer (Map)and Shri J.P. Purohit, Research Officer (Map) in bringing out various maps.

R.R. Meena Lucknow Deputy Director ?f Census Operations" October, 2008 Uttaram;;hal, Lucknow



Guidance 1 Dr. Ranbir Singh lAS Director 2 Shri R.K. Singh Joint Director 3 Shri S.S.A. Jafri Deputy Director Supe rvis ion 1 Shri S.C. Tripathi Deputy Director 2 Shri K.C. Upadhayaya Deputy Director 3 Shri G.N. Pathak Deputy Director 4 Shri Mohan Pandey Deputy Director 5 Shri B .K. Srivastava Deputy Director 6 Shri Mohd. Ahmad Assistant Director 7 Shri T.A. Usmani Assistant Director 8 Shri M.N. Singh Assistant Director 9 Shri V.K. Nigam Assistant Director DCHB Section (Collection/Compilation of Statistics and Writeup of Analytical Note) 1 Dr. Ravi Shankar Assistant Director 2 Shri Mritunjay Kumar Assistant Director 3 Shri Shailendra Singh Negi Statistical Investigator Grade-I 4 Shri Lakshman Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-I 4 Shri Banarsi Lal Statistical Investigator Grade-I 5 Shri M.M. Pandey Statistical Investigator Grade-I ( 6 Dr. S.S. Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-I 7 Shri G.C. Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-II 8 Shri S.K. Banerjee Statistical Investigator Grade-II 9 Shri V .. K. Tiwari Statistical Investigator Grade-II 10 Shri T.R. Deorari Statistical Investigator Grade-III 11 Shri D.N. Saxena Statistical Investigator Grade-III 12 Shri Riyaz Akhtar Statistical Investigator Grade-III 13 Shri Ajay A wasthi Statistical Investigator Grade-III 14 Shri R.K. Verma Statistical Il1vestigator Grade-III IS Shri Vishwanath Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-III 16 Shri Pradeep Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 17 Shri M.C. Maheshwari Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 18 Shri Satya Narain Compiler 19 Shfi Vijay Krishna Compiler 20 Shri Khus Ram Compiler 21 Shri Devi Dutt Pandey Assistant Compiler 22 S~ri K.K. Awasthi Assistant Compiler 23 Smt. Kalpana Kukreti Assistant Compiler 24 Shri Alha Prased Loader Census and Tabulation Section (peA Unit) 1 Shri P .C. Tewari Deputy Director 2 Shri R.S. Meena Deputy DirectQT

(xv) 3 Shri D.D. Sharma Assistant Director 4 Shri Rakesh Kumar Sharma Assistant Director 5 Shri Suresh Chandra Kaushal Assistant Director 6 Shri Anadi Asthana Statistical Investigator Grade-II 7 Shri Nanku Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-III 8 Shri Balbir Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 9 Shri P .K. Pathak Statistical Investigator Grade-III 10 Shri D.1. Lyall Statistical Investigator Grade-III 11 Shri U .G. Jhingran Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 12 Shri R.L. Yadav Statistical Investigator Grade-III 13 Shri Vinod Solomon Statistical Investigator Grade-III 14 Shri Ajay Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-III 15 Shri Ramesh Chandra Senior Compiler 16 Shri U.B. Singh Senior Compiler 17 Shri L.P. Yadav Senior Compiler 1& Shri Ajay Singh Bhatti Compiler 19 Km. Sonia Jethwani Compiler 20 Km. Saubhagya Srivastava Assistant Compiler 21 Shri D.K.Rawat Assistant Compiler Map Unit 1 Shri Dashrath Singh Research Officer (Map) 2 Shri J .P. Purohit Research Officer (Map) 3 Shri M.C. Virnal Senior Geographer 4 Shri R.K. Gupta Senior Geographer 5 Shri B inod Kumar Singh Geographer 6 Shri H.C. Tewari Senior Drawing Assistant 7 Shri Ajay Pratap Singh Senior Draughtsman Data Centre 1 Shri S.R. Sahay Deputy Director 2 Shri A.M. Ansari Deputy Director (EDP) 3 Shri Pooran Chandra Senior Supervisor 4 Shri S.D. Sharma Junior Supervisor 5 Shri S.C. Mishra Junior Supervisor 6 Shri Gaffar Ali Junior Supervisor 7 Shri Pancham Ram Junior Supervisor 8 Shri Parshu Ram Junior Supervisor 9 Shri Ram Prakash Saxena Data Entry Operator 10 Shri Satya Narayan Data Entry Operator 11 Shri Subhash Singh Data Entry Operator 12 Shri Santosh Kumar Srivastava Data Entry Operator 13 Shri Harish Chandra Prasad Data Entry Operator 14 Shri Ram Dass P .A. to Director 15 Shri M.S. Thapa joint Director (EDP,) 16 Shri P .S. Chhikara Deputy Director, DP Division, Delhi Printing Unit 1 Shri Om Prakash Deputy Director 2 Shri Rashid Ahmad Khan S.T.A.

(xvi) 3 Shri Asharfi Lal Investigator - III 4 Shri Satish Chandra Srivastava Printing Inspector 5 Shri Ram Sumer Assistant Compiler DCHB Section (Village & Town Directory Unit) 1 Shri Ram Kishore Shashtri Statistical Investigator Grade-II 2 Shri N irmal Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-III 3 Shri Lalit Kumar Statistical Investigator Gr~de-Ill 4 Shri Rajendra Singh Senior Compiler 5 Shri R.S. Mishra Compiler 6 Shri Ram Chandra Compiler 7 Shri Hari Lal Compiler 8 Shri Ashok Kumar Compiler 9 Shri S.N. Singh Compiler 10 Shri Sita Ram Compiler 11 Shri Ganga RaJ;11 Compiler 12 Shri R.D. Prasad Compiler 13 Shri S.K. Sharma Upper Division Clerk 14 Shri Umar Daraz Upper Division Clerk 15 Smt. Sushma Nigam Lower Division Clerk Manuscript and CRC Preparation 1 Shri R.K. Nigam Senior Supervisor 2 Shri H.M. Suyat Junior Supervisor 3. Shri P .K. Bajpai Junior Supervisor 4 Shri G.C. Kandpal Data Entry Operator IS Shri S.N .Yadav Data Entry Operator 6 Shri lnder Shekher Data Entry Operator 7 Shri Ishwar Singh Data Entry Operator 8 Shri Amar Nain Data Entry Operator 9 Shri Mohammad Irfan Khan Assistant Compiler 10 Km. Preeti Nag Assistant Compiler



Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract

"l'"1te first census of the third millennium and twenty Census 2001, about 202 million schedules consisting 1. first century the Census of India, 2001 of about 1,028 million records were scanned and was the 14th continuous and uninterrupted processed within a span of only 10 months starting Indian census since 1872. Thus, 2001 Census will October, 2002. provide data on population and its characteristics Task Force on Quality Assurance marking transition from one century and millennium to another. After the data is processed, it is expedient on the part of the data producing agency to satisfy itself The gigantic operation of Population Enumeration about its quality before putting the same in public (considered by many to be the single largest and domain. This has to be done mainly through the complex peace time administrative exercise in the process of internal consistency, comparison with world) was made possible due to the door to door similar data in the past and also through validation universal canvassing of the Household Schedule by with likewise data if available, from external sources. about 2 million enumerators and supervisors covering Quite o'ften the local knowledge and perception has 593 districts, 5,463 sub-districts, 5,161 towns and to be brought into play to understand both the existing 638,588 villages. The comprehensive Household and the new emerging trends of population distribution Schedule which replaced the individual slip had three and characteristics. The other very important aspect parts and two sides A and B. Part I contained the of the data quality is to ensure complete coverage Location Particulars; Part II related to the Individual of all geographical areas especially for the population Particulars and Part III contained questions for· enumeration phase where the data is disseminated Household engaged in Cultivation/Plantation. The part right up to the village level in the rural areas and the II of the Household Schedule had 39 columns and ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the 23 questions all of which were universally canvassed complete coverage and correct geographical linkage and no sampling was resorted to during enumeration. of each enumeration block was one of the major Data Processing planks of the quality control, specially for small area A quantum leap was made in the technology front population statistics. while processing the Census 2001 data both for A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism Houselisting and Population Enumeration. The was put in place to qbjectively examine the preli­ Census schedules for both the phases were scanned minary Census 2001 Population Enumeration results through high speed scanners in fifteen data centers and finally clear them for use. The responsibility of across the country and hand-written data from the the final clearance of data was with the Task Force schedules were converted into digitized form through on Quality Assurance (TFQA), headed by the Intelligent Character Reading (lCR) software for Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. creation of ASCII records for further processing. The The other members of the TFQA were the Heads designing and formatting of the Household Schedule and senior officers of the Census Division, Data had to be done very carefully using specialized Processing Division, Map Division, Demography software ~o as to ensure uniformity, which was an Division and Social Studies Division. The Directors essential pre-requisite for scanning. The selection of . of Census Operations were co-opted as members appropriate state-of-art technology in data processing whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their has made it possible to produce all the Houselisting States/Union territories. The Directors and their as wen as Population Enumeration tables on full count senior officers were required to make detailed basis for the first time in the history of Census. For presentations of data for Jhei~ own state both in

555 DISTRICT CENSUS HAN BOOK : PITHORAGARH r~spect to the quality and the coverage and only after being finalized by aggregating the population data for the full possible cleared. individual Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes There has been a major departure in Census at appropriate geographical levels. 2001 from the past in respect of the procedure The entire work relating to the data validation followed for finalization of the Scheduled Castes and and scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union the Scheduled Tribes population. In the earlier Territories under the overall supervision and censuses, the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled monitoring of the Census Division of the Office of Tribes populations were finalized at the time of the the Registrar General, India WIth active cooperation manual compilation of the Primary Census Abstracts and support of the Social Studies Division, Data (PCA) at the Regional Tabulation Offices which Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and were specially set up for this purpose. The individual Map Division. Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population for each state was finalized much later Primary Census Abstract based on manual coding done by the coders. In 2001 The Primary Census Abstract which is yet another Census, each individual Scheduled Caste and the. important population of 2001 Census gives basic Scheduled Tribe have been coded directly on the information on Area, Total Households, Total population, computers by the Data Entry Operators through a Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes population, process known as Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main workers and taken up along with the processing of PCA data. and Marginal workers classified by the four broad The CAC process involves pulling down, from the industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) relevant dictionary of the Scheduled Castes and the AgricuIturallaborers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, Scheduled Tribes, on the computer screen and coding and (iv) Other workers and also Non-workers. The from the dictionary by referring to the image of the characteristics of the Total Population includes specific individual entry in the Household Schedule Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and appearing on the screen. The CAC of the response on Religion wherever required, was also undertaken . Houseless population and are presented by sex and along with the processing of PCA. This is because rural-urban residence. This data is presented at the Scheduled Castes status had to be determined in different levels, namely, India, StateslUnion territories, relation to the religion of the individual. Two Special Districts and Cities, Urbim Agglomerations Task Forces, one on Religion and the other on (Population 1,00,000 and above) in three different Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes were constituted tables. In addition, the Appendix of said publication for scrutiny and appropriate classification of these provides Houseless and Institutional Households and responses. their popUlation by residence and sex for 2001 for The main task of the Special Task Force on India, State and Union territory. Religion was to appropriately merge or group the new Apart from the India and State/Union Territory responses encountered and code it into the appropriate volumes for Primary Census Abstract, the Distric1 religious community based on available literature and Census Handbook contains District Primary Census local knowledge. The Special Task Force on Scheduled Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census Castes and Scheduled Tribes examined the different Abstract, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entries Castes, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled encoun-tered and classified these into appropriate Tribes, Village Primary Census Abstract and Urbal1 category of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Primary Census Abstract of the concerned distric1 Tribes principally based on the Presidential Notification in the state. and the available literature. Thus a very systematic It was for the first time at the 1981 Census tha1 and scientific mechanism was operationalised to firm the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) was broughl up the individual religion and the individual Scheduled out for the Scheduled Castes and the ScheduIec CasteslTribes returns. The Scheduled Castes and the Tribes separately on the pattern of General Primal) Census Abstract. This practice was continued in 1991 Scheduled Tribes population in 200 I Census, is thus

556 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT also. In the 1961 and 1971 Censuses, such data were Scheduled Castes and Primary Census Abstract for made available in Table C-VIlI-Social and Cultural Scheduled Tribes are presented in 52 columns. The table and to some extent in the series 'Special Tables Vi II age Primary Census Abstract and Urban Primary for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes'. Census Abstract are presented in 58 coJumns. The format of Primary Census Abstract has been The concepts and definitions used in the column restructured slightly in the 2001 Census as compared heading are explained under the sub heading 'Census to that of 1991 Census. The nine-fold industrial Concepts' in the Analytical Note. The term 'Total classification of main workers given in the Primary Population' includes the Scheduled Castes, the Census Abstract of 1991 Census has been discontinued Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional andthe Houseless and its place, four-fold industrial classification of both populations. The explanation regarding area figures 'main workers' and 'marginal workers' are included. presented at various level in the Primary Census In 1981 census only main workers were presented in. to four categories. One of the novel features of the Abstracts are as follows: primary census abstract of 1991 census was the Area Figures presentation of data of the population of age group 0- 6 is continued in 2001 Census also. This will help the The area figures supplied by local revenue data users in better analysis and understanding of this authorities of the district in respect oftehsils, Police Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns literacy data. are given in square kilometers. The area figures of the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have Level of presentation in District Census been converted and shown in hectares. The area Handbooks: figures 9f the CD Block is the total of the village The Primary Census Abstract data in different areas coming under each CD Block. The area figures PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of for the district are the same as adopted by the presentation of Primary Census Abstracts are as Surveyor General of India to maintain uniformity at under: the national level. The total area figures of all the tahsils/CD Blocks within the district may not tally The PCA Data for villages was presented CD with area figures of the· district because former Block wise for the (irst time in 1991 Census. This represents land use area only. Similarly, the total of practice is continued in 2001 Census also. The data all the villages may not tally with the entire rural of for each CD Block is presented both for rural and Police Station/Tahsil. The difference may be due to urban areas separately. All the villages within the the fact that while the area covered by hills, forests CD Block constitute the rural portion and the Census and rivers etc, have been accounted in the Tahsils Towns and Outgrowths are shown under the urban and P.S. level the same may not be covered under portion of the CD Block. In case a CD Block is the area of the villages. Apart from this it may also spread over two or more districts, than portion which differ due to varying methods of computation adopted falls within the district is presented, the data pertainIng at different levels. to remaining portion of the CD Block is presented in the concerned District Census Handbook. The data An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract in the Urban Primary Census Abstract for each town has also been furnished showing urban enumeration as well as for town with outgrowths in the district block-wise particulars on Total Population, the are presented. The data for all the wards and the Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled outgrowths of the town(s) are ~ilso presented Tribes Population for each town. separately below the concern~d town(s). The abbreviations !used in Primary Census The District Primary Census Abstract is presented Abstract are same as used in Town Directory. in 59 columns. The Primary, Census Abstract for




Location District! CD Block! Total! Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code UA! City! Town Rural! Town! households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number Urban Ward in population) square kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

07 Pithoragarh Total 7090.00 98,514 462,289 227,615 234,674 72,080 37,892 34,188 Rural 7056.17 84,761 402,456 194,810 207,646 64,685 33,839 30,846 Urban 33.83 13,753 59,833 32,805 27,028 7,395 4,053 3,342 0049 Munsiari Total 716.95 9,905 46,545 22,719 23,826 7,875 3,955 3,920 Rural 716.95 9,905 46,545 22,719 23,826 7,875 3,955 3,920 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 222.48 10,636 54,765 27,635 27,130 9,746 5,064 4,682 Rural 216.84 9,877 51,026 25,734 25,292 9,094 4,717 4,377 Urban 5.64 759 3,739 1,901 1,838 652 347 305 40701000 Dharchula Dehat Urban 5.64 759 3,739 1,901 1,838 652 347 305 (CT) 0051 Berinag Total 198.97 10,729 50,413 24,338 26,075 7,774 4,062 3,7J:2 Rural 198.97 10,729 50,413 24,338 26,075 7,774 4,062 3,712 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 217.19 7,422 35,632 17,250 18,382 5,487 2,932 2,555 Rural 217.19 7,422 35,632 17,250 18,382 5,487 2,932 2,555 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 232.29 9,863 45,162 21,416 23,746 6,478 3,407 3,071 Rural 232.29 9,863 45,162 21,416 23,746 6,478 3,407 3,071 Urban \ 0054 Gangolihat Total 339.94 14,636 70,364 33,502 36,862 12,067 6,243 5,824 Rural 339.94 14,636 70,364 33,502 36,862 12,067 6,243 5,824 Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 195.58 12,361 57,216 28,020 29,196 8,802 4,782 4,020 Rural 195.58 12,361 57,216 28,020 29,196 8,802 4,782 4,020 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 304.58 9,936 46,030 21,781 24,249 7,101 3,735 3,366 Rural 304.58 9,936 46,030 21,781 24,249 7,101 3,735 3,366 Urban 8888 Forest Villages Total 279.97 32 68 50 18 7 6 Rural 279.97 32 68 50 18 7 6 Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat Urban 5.64 759 3,739 1,901 1,838 652 347 305 (CT) 40702000 Dharchu1a (NP) Urban 15.19 1,544 6,324 3,399 2,925 833 460 373 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 4.00 1,256 4,806 2,637 2,169 618 336 282 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP} Urban 9.00 10,194 44,964 24,868 20,096 5,292 2,910 2,382



Total! District! CD Block! Rural! U.A.! City! Town Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2

106,449 53,501 52,948 19,279 9,422 9,857 296,362 170,872 125,490 Total Pithoragarh 98,067 49,118 48,949 14,934 7,341 7,593 249,067 143,457 105,610 Rural 8,382 4,383 3,999 4,345 2,081 2,264 47,295 27,415 19,880 Urban 9,236 4,669 ' 4,567 7,268 3,502 3,766 26,165 15,892 10,273 Total Munsiari 9,236 4,669 4,567 7,268 3,502 3,766 26,165 15,892 10,273 Rural Urban 9,796 4,844 4,952 6,991 3,477 3,514 30,245 19,000 11,245 Total Dharchula 8,673 4,282 4,391 6,572 3,271 3,301 27,875 17,612 10,263 Rural 1,123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982, Urban 1,123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 14,587 7,368 7,219 376 182 194 32,301 18,200 14,101 Total Berinag 14,587 7,368 7,219 376 182 194 32,301 18,200 14,101 Rural Urban 8,520 4,272 4,248 396 214 182 22,574 12,816 9,758 Total Didihat 8,520 4,272 4,248 396 214 182 22,574 12,816 9,758 Rural Urban 11,426 5,661. 5,765 98 51 47 30,395 16,674 13,721 Total Kanali Chhina 11,426 5,661 5,765 98 51 47 30,395 16,674 13,721 Rural Urban 20,431 10,277 10,154 13 6 7 40,237 23,613 16,624 Total Gangolihat 20,431 10,277 10,154 13 6 7 40,237 23,613 16,624 Rural Urban 14,495 7,282 7,213 200 106 94 38,719 21,609 17,110 Total Pithoragarh 14,495 7,282 7,213 200 106 94 38,719 21,609 17,110 Rural Urban 10,676 5,297 5,379 II 9 2 30,749 16,999 13,750 Total Munakot 10,676 5,297 5,379 Il 9 2 30,749 16,999 13,750 Rural Urban 23 10 13 52 42 10 Total Forest Villages 23 10 13 52 42 10 Rural Urban URBAN 1,123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982 Urban Dharchula Dehat (en 873 459 414 2,204 1,052 1,152 4,657 2,719 1,938 Urban Dharchula (NP) 939 507 432 655 308 347 3,805 2,206 1,599 Urban Didihat (NP) 5,447 2,855 2,592 1,067 515 552 36,463 21,102 .15,361 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP}



Location District! CD Block! Total! code U.A.! City! Town Rural! number Urban Illiterates Total workers Main workers

Persons Males Females Persons' Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

07 Pithoragarh Total 165,927 56,743 109,184 198,709 98,796 99,913 124,062 70,689 53,373 Rural 153,389 51,353 102,036 180,813 84,291 96,522 108,601 57,434 51,167 Urban 12,538 5,390 7,148 17,896 14,505 3,391 15,461 13,255 2,206 0049 Munsiari Total 20,380 6,827 13,553 23,083 10,901 12,182 14,138 7,628 6,510 Rural 20,380 6,827 13,553 23,083 10,901 12,182 14,138 7,628 6,510 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 24,520 8,635 15,885 25,157 13,426 11,731 15,190 9,554 5,636 Rural 23,151 8,122 15,029 23,675 12,508 11,167 14,394 8,910 5,484 Urban 1,369. 513 856 1,482 918 564 796 644 152 4070 I 000 Dharchula Dehat Urban 1,369 . 513 856 1,482 918 564 796 644 152 (Cn 0051 Berinag Total 18,112 6,138 11,974 24,016 11,134 12,882 13,534 7,538 5,996 Rural 18,112 6,138 11,974 24,016 11,134 12,882 13,534 7,538 5,996 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 13,058 4,434 8,624 18,300 8,488 9,812 9,422 5,072 4,350 Rural 13,058 4,434 8,624 18,300 8,488 9,812 9,422 5,072 4,350 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 14,767 4,742 10,025 18,089 8,323 9,766 8,592 4,909 3,683 Rural 14,767 4,742 10,025 18,089 8,323 9,766 8,592 4,909 3,683 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total 30,127 9,889 20,238 31,738 13,779 17,959 19,978 9,811 10,167 Rural 30,127 9,889 20,238 31,738 13,779 17,959 19,978 9,811 10,167 Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 18,497 6,411 12,086 22,637 11,014 11,623 13,544 7,277 6,267 Rural 18,497 6,411 12,086 22,637 11,014 11,623 13,544 7,277 6,267 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 15,281 4,782 10,499 19,241 8,116 11,125 14,973 6,263 8,710 Rural 15,281 4,782 10,499 19,241 8,116 11,125 14,973 6,263 8,710 Urban 8888 Forest Villages Total 16 8 8 34 28 6 26 26 Rural 16 8 8 34 28 6 26 26 Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat Urban 1,369 513 856 1,482 918 564 796 644 152 (en 40702000 Dharchula {NPl Urban 1,667 680 987 2,118 1,537 581 1,630 1,318 312 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 1,001 431 570 1,401 1,109 292 1,177 1,004 173 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Urban 8,501 3,766 4,735 12,895 10,941 1,954 11,858 10,289 1,569



______:I:,:;n.:;;du::;:s:.;:.tr.:.:ia:;..1 c:,:a:,:;te;,s;zgo;::_:ry.-...:::.o;_:fm=ai::_n .:.:w..:;;or:.::k~ers~ ______Totall District! CD Block! RuraV UAI Cityl Town Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers Urban workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3 2

74,361 28,281 46,080 615 397 218 4,415 2,503 1,912 44,671 39,508 5,163 Total Pithoragarh 73,998 28,100 45,898 596 384 212 4,047 2,333 1,714 29,960 26,617 3,343 Rural 363 181 182 19 13 6 368 170 198 14,711 12,891 1,820 Urban 9,132 3,916 5,216 154 98 56 1,283 482 80 I 3,569 3,132 437 Total Munsiari 9,132 3,916 5,216 154 98 56 1,283 482 801 3,569 3,132 437 Rural Urban 8,141 4,060 4,081 169 119 50 1,090 384 706 5,790 4,991 799 Total Dharchula 7,995 3,953 4,042 169 119 50 1,030 359 671 5,200 4,479 721 Rural 146 107 39 60 25 35 590 512 78 Urban 146 107 39 60 25 35 590 512 78 Urban Dharchula Dehat (eT) 8,671 3,226 5,445 59 41 18 423 341 82 4,381 3,930 451 Total Berinag 8,671 3,226 5,445 59 41 18 423 341 82 ' 4,381 3,930 451 Rural Urban 6,339 2,336 4,003 48 30 18 250 216 34 2,785 2,490 295 Total Didihat 6,339 2,336 4,003 48 30 18 259 216 34 2,785 2,490 295 Rural Urban 5,292 1,926 3,366 11 7 4 174 156 18 3,115 2,820 295 Total Kanali Chhina 5,292 1,926 3,366 II 7 4 174 156 18 3,1l5 2,820 295 Rural Urban 16,146 6,373 9,773 40 34 6 294 268 26 3,498 3,136 362 Total Gangolihat 16,146 6,373 9,773 40 34 6 294 268 26 3,498 3,136 362 Rural Urban 8,384 2,718 5,666 61 :32 29 290 252 38 4,809 4,275 534 Total Pithoragarh 8,384 2,718 5,666 61 32 29 290 252 38 4,809 4,275 534 Rural Urban 12,038 3,651 8,387 54 23 31 303 259 44 2,578 2,330 248 Total Munakot 12,038 3,651 8,387 54 23 31 393 259 44 2,578 2,330 248 Rural Urban 25 25 Total Forest Villages 25 25\ Rural Urban URBAN 146 107 39 60 25 35 '590 512 78 Urban Dharchula Deha! (en 18 11 7 2 2 129 26 103 1,481 1,279 202 Urban Dharchula (NP)

2 2 2 I I 55 21 34 1,118 980 j 138 Urban Didihat (NP) 197 61 136 15 10 5 124 98 26 11,522 ##### 1,402 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP)



Location District! CD Block! TotaV Industrial cateso!I code U.A.! City! Town RuraV number Urban Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

07 Pithoragarh Total 74,647 28,107 46,540 59,975 18,888 41,087 1,917 826 1,091 Rural 72,212 26,857 45,355 59,465 18,787 40,678 1,889 816 1,073 Urban 2,435 1,250 1,185 510 101 409 28 10 18 0049 Munsiari Total 8,945 3,273 5,672 6,588 2,127 4,461 198 75 123 Rural 8,945 3,273 5,672 6,588 2,127 4,461 198 75 123 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 9,967 3,872 6,095 6,689 2,181 4,508 231 116 115 Rural 9,281 3,598 5,683 6,474 2,144 4,330 227 115 112 Urban 686 274 412 215 37 178 4 3 40701000 Dharchula Dehat Urban 686 274 412 215 37 178 4 3 (Cn 0051 Berinag Total 10,482 3,596 6,886 9,388 2,861 6,527 272 130 142 Rural \0,4&2 3,596 6,&&6 9,3&8 2,86\ 6,527 272 \30 \42 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 8,878 3,416 5,462 7,767 2,756 5,011 296 112 184 Rural 8,878 3,416 5,462 7,767 2,756 5,011 296 112 184 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 9,497 3,414 6,083 8,641 2,762 5,879 80 34 46 Rural 9,497 3,414 6,083 8,641 2,762 5,879 80 34 46 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total 11,760 3,968 7,792 10,262 2,825 7,437 122 68 54 Rural 11,760 3,968 7,792 10,262 2,825 7,437 122 68 54 Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 9,093 3,737 5,356 7,122 2,160 4,962 411 180 231 Rural 9,093 3,737 5,356 7,122 2,160 4,962 411 180 231 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 4,268 1,853 2,415 3,215 1,150 2,065 283 102 181 Rural 4,268 1,853 2,415 3,215 1,150 2,065 283 102 181 Urban 8888 Forest Villages Total 8 2 6 8 2 6 Rural 8 2 6 8 2 6 Urban URBAN 4070 I 000 Dharchula Dehat Urban 686 274 412 215 37 178 4 3 (CT) 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Urban 488 219 269 23 6 17 4 3 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 224 105 119 40704000 Pithorasarh (NPP~ Urban 1,037 652 385 271 58 213 20 8 12


CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Total! District! CD Block! Location Rural! U.A.I City! Town code Household industry Other workers Non-workers Urban number workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 2

3,504 1,037 2,467 9,251 7,356 1,895 263.580 128,819 134.761 Total Pithoragarh 07 2,851 933 1,918 8,007 6,321 1.686 221,643 110.519 111.124 Rural 653 104 549 1,244 1,035 209 41.937 18,300 23,637 Urban 1,037 224 813 1,122 847 275 23,462 11,818 11,644 Total Munsiari 0049 1,037 224 813 1,122 847 275 23,462 11,818 11,644 Rural Urban 1,063 248 815 1,984 1,327 657 29,608 14,209 15,399 Total Dharchula 0050 849 232 617 1,731 1,107 624 27,351 13,226 14,125 Rural 214 16 198 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Urban 214 16 198 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Urban Dharchula Dehat 40701000 (Cn 201 84 117 621 521 100 26,397 13,204 13,193 Total BeTioag 0051 201 84 117 621 521 100 26.397 13,204 13,193 Rural Urban 301 90 211 514 458 56 17,332 8,762 8,570 Total Didihat 0052 301 90 211 514 458 56 17,332 8,762 8,570 Rural Urban 150 95 55 626 523 103 27,073 13,093 13,980 Total Kanali Chhina 0053 ISO 95 55 626 523 103 27,073 13,093 13,980 Rural Urban 73 54 19 1,303 1,021 282 38,626 19,723 18,903 Total Gangolihat 0054 73 54 19 1,303 1,021 282 '38,626 19,723 18,903 Rural Urban 122 80 42 1,438 1,317 121 34.579 17,006 17,573 Total Pithoragarh 0055 122 80 42 1,438 1,317 121 34,579 17,006 17,573 Rural Urban 118 74 44 652 527 125 26,789 13,665 13,124 Total Munakot 0056 118 74 44 .652 527 125. 26,789 13,665 13,124 Rural Urban 34 22 12 Total Forest Villages 8888 \ 34 22 12 Rural Urban URBAN 214 16 198 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Urban Dharchula Dehat 40701000 (eT) 238 32 206 223 180 43 4,206 1,862 2,344 Urban Dharchula (NP) 40702000 105 II 94 118 94 24 3,405 1,528 1,877 Urban Didihat (NP) 40703000 96 45 51 650 541 109 32,069 13,927 18,142 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP) 40704000


Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract (URBAN Block wise Figure of Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population)


APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Nameoftown Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled Code urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number 12oQulation QOQulation 2 3 4 5 6 1

40701000 Dharchula Deha! (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.1 502 211 168 40701000 Dharchula Deha! (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.2 751 196 72 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Ward No. I EBNo.3 551 45 77 40701000 Dharchula Deha! (CT) WardNo. I EBNo.4 566 In 18 40701000 Dh.archu[a Dehat (CT) Ward No. I BBNo.5 414 321 7 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.6 537 156 77 40701000 Dharchu[a Dehat (CT) Ward No. I EB No.7 418 71 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Ward No. 1 EBNo.1 849 178 106 40702000 Dharchu\a (NP) Ward No. 2 EBNo.2 ,607 \46 152 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Ward No. 3 EB No.3 761 92 [99 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Ward No. 4 EBNo.4 749 56 349 40702000 Dharchu[a (NP) Ward No. 5 EB No.5 665 124 \78 40702000 Dharchu\a (NP) Ward No. 6 EB No.6 510 43 22~ 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Ward No. 7 EB No.7 582 152 136 40702000 Dharchu\a (NP) Ward No. 8 EBNo.8 S50 38 283 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Ward No.9 EB No.9 451 10 165 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 10 600 34 413 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 1 EBNo.l 337 45 53 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.2 281 40 12 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 3 EB No.3 327 42 29 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No.3 EB No.4 381' 94 100 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 4 EBNo.5 517 96 134 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No.5 EBNo.6 721 221 139 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 6 EB No. 7' 660 70 63 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 7 EB No.8 219 43 12 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 7 EBNo.9 145 20 10 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 10 732 170 75 40703000 Didihat (NP) Ward No. 9 EB No. t t 324 63 28 40703000 Didihat (NP) WarqNo.IO EBNo.12 )62 35 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. I EBNo.1 682 282 14 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward~o. I EBNo.2 263 55 14 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. I EBNo.3 639 90 9 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. I EB No. 101 \ 804 I I 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No.4 692 380 38 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 2 EBNo.5 197 6S 31 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 2 EBNo.6 348 311 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 2 EB No. 102 244 3 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 3 EBNo.7 376 80 12 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No.8 541 217 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 3 EBNo.9 358 22 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 3 EB No. 103 220 4 1 40704000 Pithoragarh (N~P) Ward No. 4 EB No. 10 564 107 31 40704000 Pithoragarh (N!?P) WardNo.4 EB No. II 503 t6 6 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 4 EB No. 12 651 25 8 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward NO.4 EB No. 13 568 11 20 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 4 EB No. 14 561 30 7 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 5 EB No. 15 455 14 38 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 5 EB No. 16 727 25 [9 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 5 EB No. 17 614 192


APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Nameoftown Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled Code urban block / EB population Castes Tribes number -I!oI!u\at\on I!oI!u\ation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 5 EB No. 18 576 162 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 6 EB No. 19 510 64 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No.6 EBNo.20 434 70 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 6 EB No. 21 731 88 57 40704()()() Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 7 EBNo.22 786 177 83 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 7 EBNo.23 609 15 37 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 8 EBNo.24 505 84 5 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 25 375 17 14 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 8 EBNo.26 532 108 12 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 27 577 71 8 40704()00 Pithoragarh (NPP) WardNo.9 EBNo.28 625 47 14 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 9 EBNo.29 267 69 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 30 406 51 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 31 707 117 46 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 10 EBNo.32 782 50 9 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 104 518 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. \ \ EBNo.:n 590 \ll 90 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 11 EBNo.34 598 32 13 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. II EBNo.35 569 4 22 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 12 EBNo.36 234 48 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 12 E8 No. 37 384 59 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 12 E8 No. 38 736 141 31 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. \3 EBNo.-39 446 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 40 .632 11 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 13 E8 No. 41 601 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 42 618 72 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 13 EBNo.43 295 20 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 44 483 47 5 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 14 EBNo.45 821 212 39 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 46 584 274 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 47 528 III 5 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 48 355 53 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 49 240 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 50 144 17 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 16 EBNo.51 665 42 11 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 52 650 21 46 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 53 200 11 7 40704000 Pithoragarh (NflP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 54 397 29 41 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 55 572 43 2 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 56 483 22 3 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 18 EBNo.57 510 5 4070400Q Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 58 458 II 4 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 59 646 45 11 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 60 714 23 13 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 61 708 44 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 62 592 84 18 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 20 EBNo.63 511 100 40 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 20 E8 No. 64 772 94 25 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 65 443 16 5 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 66 347


APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled Code urban block / EB population Castes Tribes number QOQulation QOQulation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 67 242 10 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 21 EBNo.68 372 3 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 105 482 59 13 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 69 369 9 5 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 70 627 32 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 71 882 12 13 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 106 934 8 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 72 740 91 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 73 448 49 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 74 473 100 14 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 107 318 22 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 75 279 II 5 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 76 145 13 4 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 24 EBNo.77 344 83 10 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 78. 422 5 17 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 79 643 8 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 80 505 7 19 40704000 Pithora~arh (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 108 266 3




Location District} CD Block! Town Total! Number of Total population (including code Rural/ Population in the households institutional and houseless number Urban age-group 0-6 with at least population) one Scheduled Caste member Persons Milles Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

07 Pithoragarh Total 21,393 106,449 53,501 52,948 19,375 9,921 9,454 Rural 19,570 98,067 49,118 48,949 18,131 9,252 8,879 Urban 1,823 8,382 4,383 3,999 1,244 669 575 0049 Munsiari Total 1,957 9,236 4,669 4,567 1,650 801 849 Rural 1,957 9,236 4,669 4,567 1,650 801 849 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 1,976 9,796 4,844 4,952 2,019 1,002 1,017 Rural 1,749 8,673 4,282 4,391 1,799 880 919 Urban 227 1,123 562 561 220 122 98 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 227 1,123 562 561 220 122 , 98 0051 Berinag Total 2,833 14,587 7,368 7,2[9 2,684 1,367 1,317 Rural 2,833 14,587 7,368 7,219 2,684 1,367 1,317 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 1,718 8,520 4,272 4,248 1,485 757 728 Rural 1,718 8,520 4,272 4,248 1,485 757 728 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 2,327 11,426 5,661 5,765 1,970 1,003 967 Rural 2,327 11,426 5,661 5,765 1,970 1,003 967 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total 3,904 20,431 10,277 , 10,154 3,922 2,063 1,859 Rural 3,904 20,431 10,277 10.154 '3.922 2,063 1,859 Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 2,951 14,495 7,282 7,213 2,644 1,362 1,282 Rural 2,951 14,495 7,282 7,213 2,644 1,362 1,282 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 2,125 10,676 5,297 5,379 1,971 1,014 957 Rural 2,125 10,676 5,297 5,379 1,971 1,014 957 Urban 8888 Forest Villages Total 6 23 10 13 6 5 Rural 6 23 10 13 6 5 Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 227 1,123 562 561 220 122 98 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Urban 207 873 459 414 130 63 67 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 232 939 507 432 141 75 66 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPPl Urban 1,157 5,447 2,855 2,592 753 409 344



Total! District! CD Block! Town Rural! Literates Illiterates Total workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

59,706 36,599 23,107 46,743 16,902 29,841 44,753 22,961 21,792 Total Pithoragarh 53,907 33,248 /20,659 44,160 15,870 28,290 42,400 21,193 21,207 Rural 5,799 3,351 2,448 2,583 1,032 1,551 2,353 1,768 585 Urban 4,833 3,096 1,737 4,403 1,573 2,830 4,438 2,300 2,138 Total Munsiari 4,833 3,096 1,737 4,403 1,573 2,830 4,438 2,300 2,138 Rural Urban 5,102 3,152 1,950 4,694 1,692 3,002 4,090 2,184 1,906 Total Dharchula 4,403 2,752 1,651 4,270 1,530 2,740 3,648 1,925 1,723 Rural 699 400 299 424 162 262 442 259 183 Urban 699 400 299 424 162 262 442 259 183 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 8,025 4,937 3,088 6,562 2,431 4,131 6,607 3,323 3,284 Total Berinag 8,025 4,937 3,088 6,562 2,431 4,131 6,607 3,323 3,284 Rural Urban 4,764 2,880 1,884 3,756 1,392 2,364 4,337 2,183 2,154 Total Didihat 4,764 2,880 1,884 3,756 1,392 2,364 4,337 2,183 2,154 Rural Urban 6,801 4,065 2,736 4,625 1,596 3,029 4,270 2,199 2,071 Total Kanali Chhina 6,801 4,065 2,736 4,625 1,596 3,029 4,270 2,199 2,071 . Rural Urban 10,316 6,523 3,793 10,115 3,754 6,361 8,821 4,150 4,671 Total Gangolihat 10,316 6,523 3,793 10,115 3,754 6,361 8,821 4,150 4,671 Rural Urban 8,550 5,193 3,357 5,945 2,089 3,856 5,973 3,032 2,941 Total Pithoragarh 8,550 5,193 3,357 5,945 2,089 3,856 5,973 3,032 2,941 Rural Urban 3,797 2,408 4,471 1,500 2,971 4,295 2,076 2,219 Total Munakot 3,797 2,408 4,471 1,500 2,971 4,295 2,076 2,219 Rural Urban 10 5 5 13 5 8 11 5 " 6 Total Forest Villages 10 5 5 13 5 8 II 5 \ 6 Rural Urban URBAN 699 400 299 424 162 262 442 259 183 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 561 337 224 312 122 190 272 202 70 Urban Dharchula (NP) 658 398 260 281 109 172 292 216 76 Urban Didihat (NP) 3,881 2,216 1,665 1,566 639 927 1,347 1,091 256 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP)



Location District! CD Block/Town TotaV Industrial category code RuraV Main workers number Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

07 Pithoragarh Total 25,523 14,694 10,829 15,987 6,475 9,512 332 199 133 Rural 23,874 13,304 10,570 15,959 6,463 9,496 329 197 132 Urban 1,649 1,390 259 28 12 16 3 2 1 0049 Munsiari Total 2,631 1,493 1,138 1,366 568 798 108 68 40 Rural 2,631 1,493 1,138 1,366 568 798 108 68 40 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 2,211 1,426 785 1,026 495 531 69 38 31 Rural 2,048 1,286 762 1,019 489 530 69 38 31 Urban 163 140 23 7 6 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (eT) Urban 163 140 23 7 6 005 I Berinag Total 3,485 2,221 1,264 2,016 879 1,137 38 25 13 Rural 3,485 2,221 1,264 2,016 879 1,137 38 25 13 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 1,882 1,075 807 1,236 485 751 26 17 9 Rural 1,882 1,075 807 1,236 485 751 26 17 9 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 1,758 1,093 665 1,020 415 605 4 2 2 Rural 1,758 1,093 665 1,020 415 605 4 2 2 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total 5,608 2,876 2,732 4,569 1,924 2,645 19 17 2 Rural 5,608 2,876 2,732 4,569 1,924 2,645 19 17 2 Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 3,307 1,765 1,542 2,277 846 1,431 35 19 16 Rural 3,307 1,765 1,542 2,277 846 1,431 35 19 16 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 3,152 1,492 1,660 2,456 857 1,599 30 II 19 Rural 3,152 1,492 1,660 2,456 857 1,599 30 11 19 Urban 8888 Forest Villages Total 3 3 Rural 3 3 Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 163 140 23· 7 6 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Urban 196 161 35 1 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 206 177 29 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Urban 1,084 912 172 19 4 15 3 2


FOR SCHEDULED CASTES of main workers Totall District! CD Block! Town Rur!!11 Marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

1,701 1,161 440 7,503 6,759 744 19,230 8,267 10,963 Total Pithoragarh 1,639 1,128 411 5,947 5,416 531 18,516 7,889 10,637 Rural 62 33 , 29 1,556 J,343 213 704 378 326 Urban 474 256 218 683 601 82 1,807 807 1,000 Total Munsiari 474 256 218 683 601 82 1,807 807 1,000 Rural Urban 267 150 117 849 743 106 1,879 758 1,121 Total Dharchula 251 147 104 709 612 97 1,600 639 961 Rural 16 3 13 140 131 9 279 119 160 Urban 16 3 13 140 131 9 279 119 160 Urban Dharchula Dehst (CT) 205 182 23 1,226 1,135 91 3,122 1,102 2,020 Total Berinag 205 182 23 1,226 1,135 91 3,122 1,102 2,020 Rural Urban 120 113 7 500 460 40 2,455 1,108 1,347 Total Didihat 120 113 7 500 460 40 2,455 1,108 1,347 Rural Urban 101 94 7 633 582 51 2,512 1,106 1,406 Total Kanali Cbbina 101 94 7 633 582 51 2,512 1,106 1,406 Rural Urban 188 1170 18 832 765 67 3,213 1,274 1,939 Total Gangolihat 188 170 18 832 765 67 3,213 1,274 1,939 Rural Urban 156 136 20 839 764 75 2,666 1,267 1,399 Total Pithoragarh 156 136 20 839 764 75 2,666 1,267 1,399 Rural Urban 144 130 14 522 494 28 1,143 584 559 Total Munakot 144 130 14 522 494 28 1,143 584 559 Rural Urban 3 3 8 2 6 Total Forest Villages 3 3 8 2 6 Rural Urban URBAN 16 3 I3 140 131 9 279 119 160 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 10 5 5 185 155 30 76 41 35 Urban Dharchula (NP) 18 9 9 187 167 20 86 39 47 Urban Didihat (NP) 18 16 2 1,044 890 154 263 179 84 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP)



Location District! CD Block! Town TotaV Industrial category of marginal workers code RuraV ------_::__..:_-~=------

number Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

07 Pithoragarh Total 13,227 4,172 9,055 1,150 504 646 ],299 531 768 Rural 13,160 4,162 8,998 1,137 500 637 1,086 504 582 Urban 67 10 57 13 4 9 213 27 186 0049 Munsiari Total 948 307 641 110 45 65 381 128 253 Rural 948 307 641 110 45 65 381 128 253 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 876 245 631 72 28 44 374 78 296 Rural 855 245 610 69 28 41 245 73 172 Urban 21 21 3 3 129 5 124 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 21 21 3 3 129 5 124 0051 Berinag Total 2,532 700 1,832 206 101 105 91 47 44 Rural 2,532 700 1,832 206 101 105 91 47 44 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 1,921 747 1,174 193 90 103 113 58 55 Rural 1,921 747 1,174 193 90 103 113 58 55 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 2,080 729 1,351 36 20 16 104 81 23 Rural 2,080 729 1,351 36 20 16 104 81 23 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total 2,489 670 1,819 72 48 24 47 34 13 Rural 2,489 670 1,819· 72 48 24 47 34 13 Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 1,725 551 1,174 259 89 170 65 49 16 Rural 1,725 551 1,174 259 89 170 65 49 16 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 602 211 391 192 79 113 40 34 6 Rural 602 211 391 192 79 113 40 34 6 Urban 8888 Forest Villages Total 8 2 6 Rural 8 2 6 Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 21 21 3 3 129 5 124 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Urban 8 3 5 16 1 15 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 45 6 39 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Urban 37 7 30 10 4 6 23 15 8



Totall District! CD Block! Town Location Rurall code Non-workers Other workers Urban number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

3,554 3,060 494 61,696 30,540 31,156 Total Pithoragarh 07 3,143 2,723 420 55,667 27,925 27,742 Rural 411 337 74 6,029 2,615 3,414 Urban 368 327 41 4,798 2,369 2,429 Total Munsiari 0049 368 327 41 4,798 2,369 2,429 Rural Urban 431 407 150 5,706 2,660 3,046 Total Dharchula 0050 431 293 138 5,025 2,357 2,668 Rural 126 114 12 681 303 378 Urban 126 114 12 681 303 378 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 40701000 293 254 39 7,980 4,045 3,935 Total Berinag 0051 293 254 39 7,980 4,045 3,9~5 Rural Urban 228 213 15 4,183 2,089 2,094 Total Didihat 0052 228 213 15 4,183 2,089 2,094 Rural Urban 292 216 16 1,156 3,462 3,694 Total KanaH Chhina 0053 292 276 16 7,156 3,462 3,694 Rural Urban 605 522 83 11,610 6,127 5,483 Total Gangolihat 0054 605 522 83 11,610 6,127 5,483 Rural Urban 617 578 39 8,522 4,250 4,272 Total Pithoragarh 0055 617 578 39 8,522 4,250 4,272 Rural Urban 309 260 49 6,381 3,221 3,160 Total Munakot 0056 309 260 49 6,381 3;221 3,160 Rural Urban 12 5 7 Total Forest Villages 8888 12 5 7 Rural Urban URBAN 126 114 12 681 303 378 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 40701000 52 37 15 601 257 344 Urban Dharchula (NP) 40702000 40 33 7 647 291 356 Urban Didihat (NP) 40703000 193 153 40 4,100 1,764 2,336 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP~ 40704000




Location District! CD BlockJ Town Total! Number of Total population (including code Rural! households Population in the institutional and houseless number Urban with at least age-group 0-6 population) one Scheduled Tribe member Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

07 Pithoragarh Total 4,871 19,279 9,422 9,857 2,738 1,400 1,338 Rural 3,808 14,934 7,341 7,593 2,169 1,079 1,090 Urban 1,Q63 4,345 2,081 2,264 569 321 248 0049 Munsiari Total 1,859 7,268 3,502 3,766 1,064 506 558 Rural 1,859 7,268 3,502 3,766 1,064 506 558 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 1,757 6,991 3,477 3,514 1,006 525 481 Rural 1,664 6,572 3,271 3,301 940 486 454 Urban 93 419 206 213 66 39 27 \ 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 93 419 206 213 66 39 27 0051 Berinag Total 96 376 182 194 43 20 23 Rural 96 376 182 194 43 20 23 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 102 396 214 182 53 26 27 Rural 102 396 214 182 53 26 27 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 25 98 51 47 24 14 10 Rural 25 98 51 47 24 14 10 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total 5 13 6 7 6 4 2 Rural 5 13 6 7 6 4 2 Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 51 200 106 94 38 22 16 Rural 51 200 106 94 38 22 16 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 6 II 9 2 Rural 6 II 9 2 Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (Cn Urban 93 419 206 213 66 39 27 40702000 Dharchu1a (NP) Urban 519 2,204 1,052 1,152 284 166 118 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 175 655 308 • 347 85 43 42 40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) Urban 276 1,067 515 552 134 73 61



Totall District! CD Block! Town Rural! Literates Illiterates Total workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

12,801 7,147 5,654 6,478 2,275 4,203 8,481 4,265 4,216 Total Pithorag~rh 9,482 5,469 4,013 5,452 1,872 3,580 7,112 3,505 3,607 Rural 3,319 1,678 1,641 1,026 403 623 1,369 760 609 Urban 4,710 2,685 2,025 2,558 817 1,741 3,443 1,614 1,829 Total Munsiari 4,710 2,685 2,025 2,558 817 1,741 3,443 1,614 1,829 Rural Urban 4,347 2,534 l,S}] 2,644 943 1,7DJ 3,296 1,674 1,622 Tota! Dharchula 4,053 2,378 1,675 2,519 893 1,626 3,135 1,590 1,545 Rural 294 156 138 125 50 7S 161 84 77 Urban 294 156 138 125 50 7S 161 84 77 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 294 155 139 82 27 55 188 88 100 Total -Berinag 294 155 139 82 27 55 188 88 100 Rural Urban 226 141 85 170 73 97 233 131 102 Total Didihat 226 141 85 170 73 97 233 131 102 Rural Urban 48 28 20 50 23 27 39 23 16 Total Kanali Chhina 48 28 20 SO 23 27 39 23 16 Rural Urban 6 2 4 7 4 .3 3 2 Total Gangolihat 6 2 4 7 4 .3 3 2 Rural Urban 135 72 63 65 34 31 65 51 14 Total Pithoragarh 135 72 63 65 34 31 65 51 14 Rural Urban 10 8 2 6 6 -Total Munakot 10 8 2 6 6 Rural Urban \ URBAN 294 156 138 125 50 75 161 84 77 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 1,637 837 800 567 215 352 732 377 355 Urban Dharchula (NP) 514 256 258 141 52 89 210 109 101 Urban Didihat (NP) 874 429 445 193 86 107 266 190 76 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP)



Location District! CD Block! Town Totall Industrial category code Rurall Main workers number Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

07 Pithoragarh Total 5,519 3,210 2,309 1,862 1,157 705 57 34 23 Rural 4,608 2,612 1,996 1,838 1,138 700 56 33 23 Urban 911 598 313 24 19 5 1 1 0049 Munsiari Total 2,231 1,259 972 757 407 350 23 16 7 Rural 2,231 1,259 972 757 407 350 23 16 7 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 2,052 1,164 888 935 666 269 25 16 9 Rural 1,960 1,097 863 921 653 268 25 16 .9 Urban 92 67 25 14 13 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 92 67 25 14 13 0051 Berinag Total 168 80 88 71 29 42 Rural 168 80 88 71 29 42 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 181 119 62 87 48 39 8 7 Rural 181 119 62 87 48 39 8 7 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 9 5 4 Rural 9 5 4 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total 3 2 1. Rural 3 2 I Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 50 44 6 Rural 50 44 6 Urban 0056 Munakot Total 6 6 Rural 6 6 Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (Cn Urban 92 67 25 14 13 40702000 Dharchula (NP) . Urban 442 262 180 9 5 4 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 148 95 53 40704000 Pithora6arh (NPP~ Urban 229 174 55



of main workers Total! Districtl CD Block! Town Rural! Marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Urban

Persons Mates Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

1,552 328 1,224 2,048 1,691 357 2,962 1,055 1,907 Total Pithoragarh 1,385 300 1,085 1,329 1,141 188 2,504 893 1,611 Rural I 167 28 139 719 550 169 458 162 296 Urban 670 160 510 781 676 105 1.212 355 857 Total Munsiari 670 160 510 781 676 105 1.212 355 857 Rural Urban 667 123 544 425 359 66 1.244 510 734 Total Dharchula 640 117 523 374 311 63 1.175 493 682 Rural 27 6 21 51 48 3 69 17 52 Urban 27 6 21 51 48 3 69 17 52 Urban Dharchula Debat (CT) 50 12 38 47 39 & 20 & 12 Total Beri!1ag 50 12 38 47 39 8 20 ' 8 12 Rural Urban 21 9 12 65 61 4 52 12 40 Total Didihat 21 9 12 65 61 4 52 12 40 Rural Urban 8 4 4 30 18 12 Total Kanali Chhina 8 4 4 30 18 12 Rural . ) Urban 3 2 Total Gangolihat 3 2 Rural Urban 4 2 2 45 42 3 15 7 S Total Pithoragarh 4 2 2 45 42 3 IS 7 8 Rural Urban 6 6 Total Munakot 6 6 Rural Urban URBAN 27 6 21 51 48 3 69 17 5,2 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 103 14 89 329 242 87 290 115 175 Urban Dbarcbula (NP) 29 6 23 118 88 30 62 14 48 Urban Didihat (NP) 8 2 6 221 172 49 37 16 21 Urban Pithorasarh ~Pi



Location District! CD BlockJ Town TotaV Industrial category of marginal workers code RuraV number Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

07 Pithoragarh Total 1,023 380 643 48 20 28 1,317 221 1,096 Rural 1,021 379 642 45 19 26 1,009 181 828 Urban 2 1 3 1 2 308 40 268 0049 Munsiari Total 481" 147 334 16 5 11 577 84 493 Rural 481 147 334 16 5 II 577 84 493 Urban 0050 Dharchula Total 513 221 292 20 14 6 445 lOS 340 Rural 513 221 292 20 14 6 389 94 295 Urban 56 II 45 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 56 11 45 0051 Berinag Total 4 3 12 11 Rural 4 3 12 11 Urban 0052 Didihat Total 17 8 9 3 3 24 23 Rural 17 8 9 3 3 24 23 Urban 0053 Kanali Chhina Total 6 6 6 6 Rural 6 6 6 6 Urban 0054 Gangolihat Total Rural Urban 0055 Pithoragarh Total 7 6 Rural 7 6 Urban 0056 Munakot Total Rural Urban URBAN 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) Urban 56 11 45 40702000 Dharchula (NP) Urban 2 185 22 163 40703000 Didihat (NP) Urban 48 3 45 40704000 Pithorasarh (NPP~ Urban 2 19 4 15



TotaV District! CD Block/Town' Location Ruml/ code Non-workers Other workers Urban number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

574 434 140 10,798 5,157 5,641 Total Pithoragarh 07 429 314 115 7,822 3,836 3,986 Rural 145 120 25 2,976 1,321 1,655 Urban 138 119 19 3,825 1,888 1,937 Total Munsiari 0049 138 119 19 3,825 1,888 1,937 Rural Urban 266 170 96 3,695 1,803 1,892 Total Dharchula 0050 253 164 89 3,437 1,681 1,756 Rural 13 6 7 258 122 136 Urban 13 6 7 258 122 136 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 40701000 4 4 188 94 94 Total Berinag 0051 4 4 188 94 94 Rum1 Urban 8 3 5 163 83 80 Total Didihat 0052 8 '3 5 163 83 80 Rural Urban 18 18 59 28 31 Total Kanali Chhina 0053 18 18 59 28 31 Rural

- I Urban 10 4 6 Total Gangolihat 0054 10 4 6 Rural Urban 8 6 2 135 55 80 Tolal Pithoragarh 0055 8 6 2 135 55 80 Rural Urban 5 3 2 Total Munakot 0056 5 3 2 Rural Urban URBAN, 13 6 7 258 122 136 Urban Dharchula Dehat (CT) 40701000 102 92 10 1,472 675 797 Urban Dharchula (NP) 40702000 14 11 3 445 199 246 Urban Didihat (NP) 40703000 16 II 5 801 325 476 Urban Pithoragarh (NPP) 40704000




VILLAGE PRIMARY CD BIock- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseIess Population in the code Village in Number of ~o~ulation ) age-groUE 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0049 Munsiari (Total) 71,694.59 9,905 46,545 22,719 23,826 7,875 3,955 3,920 0049 Munsiari (Rural) 71,694.59 9,905' 46,545 22,719 23,826 7,875 3,955 3,920 0049 Munsiari (Urban) Munsiari (Rural) 00874400 Meelam 139.00 22 37 28 9 2 00874500 Bilju 275.00 5 II 9 2 00874600 Pachhu 197.00 17 30 21 9 00874700 Ganghar 142.00 6 9 S 4 00874800 Mapa 184.00 7 10 7 3 1 1 00874900 Burphu 227.00 24 55 37 18 4 3 I 00875000 Tola 113.00 9 20 9 11 4 2 2 00875100 Martoli 221.18 II 25 21 4 00875200 Lwa 15.00 7 7 7 00875300 Sumatu 44.00 ------Un-inhabited------00875400 Laspa 214.00 9 19 14 5 00875500 Khilach 139.96 5 19 9 10 3 2 00875600 Ralam 318.00 27 102 50 52 18 7 11 00875700 Rilkot 91.00 4 10 10 00875800 Pato 165.00 61 245 117 128 58 28 30 00875900 Bunie 182.00 56 279 151 128 51 28 23 00876000 Leelum 82.00 16 45 25 20 8 5 3 00876100 Sain Polu 128.00 77 366 182 184 67 29 38 00876200 Poting 9.00 ------Un -inhabi ted ------00876300 Saimat 371.00 61 312 155 157 52 27 25 00876400 Zimiya 126.00 34 149 66 83 24 12 12 00876500 Quiri 111.00 36 154 68 86 22 10 12 00876600 Tomic 581.10 99 484 241 243 106 54 52 00876700 Bauna 381.30 85 348 164 184 59 27 32 00876900 Golpha 192.22 83 387 189 198 77 39 38 00877000 Bindi 76.08 29 123 67 56 20 11 9 00877100 Tanga 178.70 73 309 154 155 61 30 31 00877200 Pharwakot 330.20 4 14 9 5 00877300 Lodi 121.20 26 129 65 64 20 II 9 00877400 AIam 322.20 30 149 63 86 29 13 16 00877600 Sirtola 361.60 74 395 186 209 73 '36 37 00877700 Khartoli 181.73 29 147 73 74 34 21 13 00877800 Sera 73D.42 26 135 68 67 10 4 6 00877900 Danna 621.14 59 306 138 168 47 22 25 00878000 Seeling 298.20 57 314 159 155 61 36 25 00878100 Mawani Dawani 880.12 146 814 399 415 138 74 64 00878200 Mani Dhami 403.20 58 313 148 165 54 30 24 00878300 Uchhaiti 67.00 35 149 79 70 19 11 8 00878400 Dhauliua Dunga 637.00 12 62 30 32 10 5 5 00878500 DhuratoIi 85.00 43 233 119 114 38 23 15 00878600 Phapha 64.00 65 259 130 129 46 22 24 00878700 Wadni 198.00 47 228 118 110 45 21 24 00878800 Basantkot 107.00 41 220 lOS 115 41 23 18 00878900 Chhijatala 162.00 3 II 6 5 2 2 00879000 Bothi 109.00 34 172 92 80 39 21 18 00879100 Chulkot 131.00 52 246 120 126 56 25 31 00879200 Ringu 645.00 127 641 306 335 123 50 73



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 9,236 4,669 4,567 7,268 3,502 3,766 26,165 15,892 10,273 Munsiari (Total) 9,236 4,669 4,567 7,268 3,502 3,766 26,165 15,892 10,273 Munsiari (Rural) Munsiari (Urban) Munsiari (Rural) 5 5 29 20 9 27 23 4 Meelam 3 3 7 5 2 10 8 2 Bilju 29 20 9 21 21 Pachhu 8 4 4 6 5 Ganghar 10 7 3 7 6 I Mapa 23 16 7 29 18 II 42 34 8 Burphu 6 3 3 14 6 8 5 3 2 Tola 7 4 3 18 17 18 18 Martoli 5 5 6 6 Lwa ------Un-inhabited------Sumatu 3 3 16 II 5 13 II 2 Laspa 15 6 9 4 3 I 7 5 2 Khilach 2 100 49 51 64, 38 26 Ralam 10 10 9 9 Rilkot 46 20 26 144 64 80 101 63 38 Pato 57 28 29 138 78 60 158 104 54 Bunie 21 12 9 25 19 6 Lee1um 235 119 116 73 34 39 187 126 61 Sain Polu ------Un-inhabited------Poting I 1 162 105 57 Saimat 146 64 82 91 51 40 Zimiya 154 68 86 94 49 45 Quiri 123 65 58 361 176 185 225 153 72 Tomic 52 25 27 213 99 114 169 106 63 Bauna 37 15 22 86 45 41 205 120 85 Golpha 36 21 15 4 2 2 90 52 38 Bindi 78 41 37 90 42 48 188 102 86 Tanga 7 7 Pharwakot 18 10 8 80 49 31 Lodi 68 40 28 Alam 22 11 11 232 129 103 Sirtola 57 42\ 15 Khartoli 8 6 2 84 52 32 Sera I 161 100 61 Darma 57 27 30 156 101 55 Seeling 182 91 91 43 21 22 454 271 183 Mawani Dawani 12 5 7 155 100 55 Mani Dhami 86 58 28 Uchhaiti 33 23 10 Dhauliua Dunga 148 87 61 Dhuratoli 5 5 4 3 139 92 47 Phapha 118 83 35 Wadni 4 2 2 118 74 44 Basantkot 4 4 Chhijata1a 35 18 17 109 59 50 101 68 33 Bothi 116 57 59 130 63 67 138 85 S3 Chulkot 136 69 67 163 77 86 246 171 75 Ringu



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0049 Munsiari (Total) 20,380 6,827 13,553 23,083 10,901 12,182 14,138 7,628 6,510 0049 Munsiari (Rural) 20,380 6,827 . 13,553 23,083 10,901 12,182 14,138 7,628 6,510 0049 Munsiari (Urban) Munsiari (Rural) 00874400 Meelam 10 5 5 34 26 8 33 26 7 00874500 Bilju I I II 9 2 II 9 2 00874600 Pachhu 9 9 30 21 9 30 21 9 00874700 Ganghar 3 3 9 5 4 9 5 4 00874800 Mapa 3 2 9 7 2 9 7 2 00874900 Burphu 13 3 10 46 31 15 46 31 15 00875000 Tola 15 6 9 14 7 7 13 6 7 00875100 Martoli 7 3 4 20 20 20 20 00875200 Lwa 7 7 7 7 00875300 Sumatu ------Un-inhabited------00875400 Laspa 6 3 3 12 12 12 12 00875500 Khilach 12 4 8 13 7 6 13 7 6 00875600 Ralam 38 12 26 62 30 32 21 19 2 00875700 Rilkot 10 10 10 10 00875800 Pato 144 54 90 131 62 69 44 28 16 00875900 Bunie 121 47 74 133 64 69 88 57 31 00876000 Leelum 20 6 14 25 14 II 22 14 8 00876100 Sain Polu 179 56 123 165 76 89 63 39 24 00876200 Poting ------Un-inhabited------00876300 Saimat 150 50 100 169 79 90 169 79 90 00876400 Zimiya 58 15 43 102 46 56 63 41 22 00876500 Quiri 60 19 41 96 43 53 66 37 29 00876600 Tomic 259 88 171 286 139 147 147 118 29 00876700 Bauna 179 58 121 215 102 113 104 84 20 00876900 Golpha 182 69 113 238 116 122 104 87 17 00877000 Bindi 33 15 18 68 33 35 19 16 3 00877100 Tanga 121 52 69 151 74 77 60 51 9 00877200 Pharwakot 7 2 5 10 5 5 00877300 Lodi 49 16 33 62 32 30 12 12 00877400 Alam 81 23 58 80 34 46 79 34 45 00877600 Sirtola 163 57 106 219 99 120 183 . 92 91 00877700 Khartoli 90 31 59 74 26 48 60 21 39 00877800 Sera 51 16 35 73 33 40 55 25 30 00877900 Darma 145 38 107 159 64 95 159 64 95 00878000 Seeling 158 58 100 167 71 96 129 47 82 00878100 Mawani Dawani 360 128 232 388 168 220 248 128 120 00878200 Mani Dhami 158 48 110 191 79 112 136 63 73 00878300 Uchhaiti 63 21 42 77 35 42 25 22 3 00878400 Dhauliua Dunga 29 7 22 26 12 14 9 9 00878500 Dhuratoli 85 32 53 23 22 1 22 21 00878600 Phapha 120 38 82 128 62 66 72 48 24 00878700 Wadni 110 35 75 II 8 3 7 5 2 00878800 Basantkot 102 31 71 47 46 20 19 I 00878900 Chhijatala 7 2 5 4 4 2 2 00879000 Bothi 71 24 47 28 28 4 4 00879 JOO Chulkot 108 35 73 108 54 54 27 23 4 00879200 Ringu 395 135 260 334 146 188 305 145 160


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari Industrial cateso!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 9,132 3,916 5,216 154 98 56 1,283 482 801 3,569 3,132 437 Munsiari (Total) 9,132 3,916 5,216 154 98 56 1,283 482 801 3,569 3,132 437 Munsiari (Rural) Munsiari (Urban) Munsiari (Rural) 5 4 16 10 6 I 11 11 Meelam 2 2 5· 3 2 4 4 Bilju 28 19 9 2 2 Pachhu 6 2 4 3 3 Ganghar 6, 4 2 3 3 Mapa 34 19 15 12 12 Burphu 11 4 7 1 Tola 10 10 10 10 Martoli 4 4 3 3 Lwa ------Un-inhabited------Sumatu 4 4 8 8 Laspa 8 2 6 5 5 Khilach 5 4 2 14 14 Ralam 2 2 8 8 Rilkot 21 9 12 4 2 2 19 17 2 Pato 57 27 30 2 2 28 27 Bunie 12 4 8 10 10 Leelum 31 10 21 II II 21 18 3 Sain Polu ------Un-inhabited------Poting 148 64 ' 84 7 2 5 14 13 Saimat 52 33 19 2 2 9 8 Zimiya 53 25 28 13 12 Quiri 80 51 29 1 66 66 Tomic 74 55 19 5 5 25 24 Bauna 83 66 17 20 20 Golpha 13 10 3 6 6 Bindi 30 22 8 30 29 Tanga Pharwakot 1 II II Lodi 70 25 45 9 9 Alam 160 71 89 2 2 21 1,9 2 Sirtola 56 18 38 4 3\ I Khartoli 44 17 27 II 8 3 Sera 143 49 94 15 15 Darma 126 44 82 3 3 Seeling 200 104 96 24 2 22 24 22 2 Mawani Dawani 119 46 73 17 17 Mani Dhami 15 12 3 10 10 Uchhaiti

8 8 I 1 I - Dhauliua Dunga I 21 20 I Dhuratoli 35 17 18 '2 35 30 5 Phapha ..I 7 5 2 Wadni 16 16 3 2 Basantkot 2 2 Chhijatala I I 3 3 Bothi 5 3 2 3 3 19 17 2 Chulkot 268 109 159 2 2 34 34 Ringu


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial caleB0!:! Location code MarBinal workers Cultivators A8riculturallabourers number Name ofVilIa!!e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0049 Munsiari (Total) 8,945 3,273 5,672 6,588 2,127 4,46) 198 75 ]23 0049 Munsiari (Rural) 8,945 3,273 5,672 6,588 2,127 4,461 198 75 123 0049 Munsiari (Urban) Munsiari (Rural) 00874400 Meelam 00874500 Bilju 00874600 Pachhu 00874700 Ganghar 00874800 Mapa 00874900 Burphu 00875000 Tola 00875100 Martoli 00875200 Lwa 00875300 Sumalu ------Un-inhabiled------00875400 Laspa 00875500 Khilach 00875600 Ralam 41 II 30 10 6 4 00875700 Rilkot 00875800 Pato 87 34 53 8 3 5 00875900 Bunie 45 7 38 3 2 00876000 Leelum 3 3 00876100 Sain Polu 102 37 65 00876200 Poting ------Un-inhabited------00876300 Saimat 00876400 Zimiya 39 5 34 4 3 00876500 Quiri 30 6 24 II 6 5 00876600 Tomie 139 21 118 137 20 117 I 00876700 Bauna 111 18 93 107 17 90 2 2 00876900 Golpha 134 29 105 129 26 103 00877000 Bindi 49 17 32 34 7 27 00877100 Tanga 91 23 68 81 16 65 00877200 Pharwakot 10 5 5 10 5 5 00877300 Lodi 50 20 30 40 12 28 00877400 Alam I I 1 00877600 Sirtola 36 7 29 36 7 29 00877700 Khartoli 14 5 9 12 4 8 00877800 Sera 18 8 10 18 8 10 00877900 Darma 00878000 Seeling 38 24 14 38 24 14 00878100 Mawani Dawani 140 40 100 135 38 97 00878200 Mani Dhami 55 16 39 5S 16 39 0087830.0 Uchhaiti 52 13 39 52 13 39 00878400 Dhauliua Dunga 17 3 14 17 3 14 00878500 Dhuratoli I I 00878600 Phapha 56 14 42 55 13 42 00878700 Wadni 4 3 00878800 Basantkot 27 27 5 S 00878900 Chhijatala 2 2 00879000 Bothi 24 24 00879100 Chulkot 81 31 50 56 17 39 00879200 Ringu 29 I 28 28 28



VILLA.GE PRIMA.RY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households """":'P:-e-rs-on-s--"-'''':M~al;;;';es=--;FO:-e-m~al;-es- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00879400 Khata 54.88 3 12 8 4 1 00879500 Gaila Malla 95.92 20 105 53 52 23 13 10 00879600 Sanu Sara 17.00 17 91 43 48 26 13 13 00879700 Bhatkura 63.00 32 156 75 81 26 17 9 00879800 Madkot 171.00 241 961 477 484 170 87 83 00879900 Dobari Narki 78.00 II 63 33 30 10 9 I 00880000 Baiga 78.00 14 65 33 32 II 5 6 00880100 Gaita Tala 63.10 21 107 53 54 23 13 10 00880200 Pattharkot 100.87 18 110 59 51 31 19 12 00880300 Rapti 80.84 43 213 97 116 42 15 27 00880400 Ropar 11.90 13 67 29 38 15 6 9 00880500 Burthi Tarali 61.00 ------Un-inhabited------00880600 Walthi 471.85 197 855 385 470 130 57 73 00880700 Dolma 85.87 19 87 39 48 12 9 3 I 00880800 Upadada 109.10 II 60 30 30 8 4 4 00880900 Nirtoli 215.05 35 160 88 72 34 19 15 00881000 Bata 198.16 34 168 75 93 23 12 II 00881200 Dhunamani 469.00 77 375 172 203 71 34 37 00881300 Pyangti 139.00 8 39 16 23 3 2 00881400 Dhapa 242.00 86 376 181 195 47 24 23 00881500 Kultham 196.00 34 160 82 78 34 20 14 00881700 Dheelam 134.00 30 164 84 80 38 17 21 00881800 Ugarali 109.00 3 12 7 5 I I 00881900 DumarTalla 85.00 62 265 120 145 39 19 20 00882000 Sainar 153.00 22 101 ' 43 58 24 13 II 00882100 Ladigwar 33.00 2 00882200 Ja1ath 159.00 68 251 127 124 30 13 17 00882300 Dumar Malia 36.00 41 160 74 86 21 8 13 00882400 Darkot 98.00 87 340 155 185 50 27 23 00882500 Phalyati 174.00 24 123 67 56 20 10 10 00882600 Suring 243.00 79 339 150 189 35 9 26 00882800 Shankh Dhura 88.00 20 96 55 41 9 6 3 00882900 Bunga 126.36 349 1,287 664 623 174 83 91 00883000 Sannoli 122.00 163 702 341 361 87 40 47 00883 I 00 J aiti 82.12 117 589 284 305 59 26 33 00883200 Namjala 624.72 5 34 18 16 6 4 2 00883300 Rathi 35.00 10 38 12 26 5 4 00883400 Damti 153.52 64 265 128 137 27 II 16 00883500 Gopal Bara 747.98 35 145 72 73 20 16 4 00883600 Nagariya Bara 1,756.51 5 25 12 13 4 2 2 00883700 Dadabisa 21.96 11 64 29 35 12 4 8 00883800 Diya Walla 15.00 4 10 7 3 4 4 00883900 Diya Palla 3,572.12 2 7 2 5 3 1 2 00884000 MinaI Gaon 402.91 9 33 16 17 2 2 00884100 Ghorpatta Malia 172.00 268 1,155 686 469 136 78 58 00884200 Jaduk 39.06 3 12 5 7 00884300 Bamiya Gaon 2,020.62 44 198 97 101 33 18 15 00884400 Kawa Dhar 72.34 15 75 41 34 16 10 6 00884500 Dhami Kura 9.02 20 88 39 49 1.7 9 8 00884600 Khasiya Bara 7.66 31 143 73 70 13 8 5 00884700 Telkot 13.00 2 12 6 6 4 3



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 8 7 Khata 56 31 25 GailaMalla 39 24 15 Sanu Sara 7 4 3 93 53 40 Bhatkura 129 67 62 237 119 118 652 367 285 Madkot 39 23 16 Dobari Narki 34 18 16 40 28 12 Baiga 47 29 18 Gaila Tala 9 5 4 47 32 15 Pattharkot 75 35 40 119 71 48 Rapti 31 19 12 Ropar ------Un-inhabited------Burthi Tarali 168 75 93 20 II 9 539 291 248 Walthi 15 7 8 42 20 22 Dolma 40 25 15 Upadada 6 4 2 88 66 22 Nirtoli 7 4 3 99 54 45 Bata 6 4 2 179 113 66 Dhunamani 21 13 8 Pyangti 27 17 10 247 116 131 241 134 107 Dhapa 24 12 12 71 48 23 Kultham 2 2 7 3 4 75 55 20 Dheelam 8 6 .2 Ugarali 135 60 75 106 43 63 185 95 90 DumarTalla 25 12 13 34 13 21 47 22 25 Sainar Ladigwar 104 55 49 III 51 60 168 99 69 Jalath 32 15 17 59 22 37 108 62 46 DumarMalla 96 47 49 197 86 III 233 119 114 Darkot 69 47 22 Phalyati 19 11 8 248 102 146 239 121 118 Suring 6 4 2 28 18 10 68 45 23 Shankh Dhura 491 242 249 469 217 252 964 557 407 Bunga 37 21 16 581 277 304 481 259 222 Sannoli 249 122 127 284 133 151 434 236 198 Jaiti 23 14 9 Namjala 3 2 I 30 10 20 23 9 14 Rathi 131 62 69 88 39 49 174 101 73 Darati 4 2 2 64 32 32 113 52 61 Gopal Bara 19 9 10 Nagariya Bara 36 21 IS Dadabisa 4 2 2 Diya Walla 3 I 2 Diya Palla 24 II 13 9 S 4 22 12 10 Minai Gaon 334 199 135 407 244 163 859 575 284 Ghorpatta Malla II 5 6 Jaduk 122 58 64 76 39 37 94 66 28 BamiyaGaon 34 25 9 KawaDhar 3 '2 64 2S - 39 56 27 29 Dhami Kura 107 60 47 Khasiya 'Bara 6 2 4 Telkot



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVi\lage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons. Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00879400 Khata 4 . 3 6 3 3 3 3 00879500 Gaila Malia 49 22 27 47 21 26 25 19 6 00879600 Sanu Sara 52 19 33 42 21 21 10 9 00879700 Bhatkura 63 22 41 24 24 1 1 00879800 Madkot 309 110 199 385 210 175 277 178 99 00879900 Dobari Narki 24 10 14 35 16 19 2 2 00880000 Baiga 25 5 20 30 13 17 2 1 ' 00880100 Gaila Tala 60 24 36 50 21 29 36 21 15 00880200 Pattharkot 63 27 36 57 ,28 29 57 28 29 00880300 Rapti 94 26 68 68 38 30 59 29 30 00880400 Ropar 36 10 26 34 14 20 12 8 4 00880500 Burthi Tarali ------Un-inhabited------00880600 Walthi 316 94 222 416 173 243 103 70 33 I 00880700 Dolma 45 19 26 30 17 13 28 15 13 00880800 Upadada 20 5 15 36 15 21 25 14 11 00880900 Nirtoli 72 22 50 88 40 48 36 28 8 00881000 Bata 69 21 48 85 34 51 73 30 43 00881200 Dhunamani 196 59 137 231 98 133 137 81 56 00881300 Pyangti 18 3 15 22 9 13 15 8 7 00881400 Dhapa 135 47 88 185 86 99 145 63 82 00881500 Kultham 89 34 55 85 39 46 32 32 00881700 Dheelam 89 29 60 80 39 41 35 35 00881800 Ugarali 4 3 7 4 3 7 4. 3 00881900 DumarTalla 80 25 55 131 63 68 126 59 67 00882000 Sainar 54 21 33 41 17 24 28 16 12 00882100 Ladigwar 2 1 I I 00882200 lalath 83 28 55 132 62 70 80 34 46 00882300 Dumar Malia 52 12 40 75 32 43 62 24 38 00882400 Darkot 107 36 71 153 67 86 126 58 68 00882500 Phalyati 54 20 34 61 31 30 60 30 30 00882600 Suring 100 29 71 145 66 79 132 58 74 00882800 Shankh Dhura 28 10 18 40 25 15 23 17 6 00882900 Bunga 323 107 216 333 273 60 276 218 58 . 00883000 Sarmoli 221 82 139 295 120 175 98 74 24 00883100 Jaiti 155 48 107 223 102 121 81 60 21 00883200 Namjala 11 4 7 19 6 13 3 3 00883300 Rathi 15 3 12 15 4 II 2 00883400 Darati 91 27 64 128 59 69 71 30 41 00883500 Gopal Bara 32 20 12 63 29 34 32 20 12 00883600 Nagariya Bara 6 3 3 10 4 6 3 3 00883700 Dadabisa 28 8 20 26 15 II 26 15 11 00883800 Diya Walla 6 5 4 2 2 2 2 008839·00 Diya Palla 4 I 3 3 2 1 00884000 Minai Gaon 11 4 7 20 6 14 8 5 3 00884100 Ghorpatta Malia 296 111 185 362 244 118 297 231 66 00884200 laduk I 1 8 4 4 7 4 3 00884300 Bamiya Gaon 104 31 73 47 41 6 12 10 2 00884400 Kawa Dhar 41 16 25 32 15 17 26 15 II 00884500 Dhami Kura 32 12 20 37 15 22 33 13 20 00884600 Khasiya Bara 36 13 23 82 40 42 58 30 28 00884700 Telkot 6 4 2 4 2 2 2 2


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari Industrial cate!!Z0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators A~iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 3 3 Khata 20 16 4 5 3 2 GailaMalla 4 4 3 2 3 3 Sanu Sara 1 1 Bhatkura 74 22 52 47 9 38 155 146 9 Madkot, 2 2 Dobari Narki Baiga 34 19 15 2 2 Gaila Tala 57 28 29 Pattharkot 44 16 28 5 3 2 10 10 Rapti 7 3 4 5 5 Ropar ------Un-inhabited------Burthi Tarali 61 33 28 5 2 3 37 35 2 Walthi 25 12 13 3 3 Dolma 16 5 11 9 9 Upadada 32 24 8 4 4 Nirtoli 71 28 43 2 2 Bata 115 59 56 3 3 19 19 Dhunamani 6 3 3 3 3 6 5 Pyangti 43 13 30 58 7 51 43 43 Dhapa 21 21 II II Kultham 29 29 6 6 Dheelam 4 2 2 3 2 Ugarali 7 4 ! 3 77 15 62 42 40 2 DumarTalla 12 4 8 2 2 14 12 2 Sainar Ladigwar 21 5 16 32 6 26 27 23 4 lalath 23 9 14 30 8 22 9 7 2 Dumar Malla 10 5 5 3 2 61 4 57 52 47 5 Darkot 51 25 26 2 2 2 I 5 4 Phalyati .2 1 112 41 71 18 16 2 Suring 7 3 4 2 2 14 14 Shankh Dhura 9 4 5 37 14 23 229 199 30 Bunga 9 7 2 13 3 10 76 64 12 Sarmoli 5 2 3 28 12 16 48 46 2 Jaiti 2 \2 Namjala 1 I 1 Rathi 11 5 6 9 8 40 10 30 11 7 4 Darati 10 7 3 13 6 7 9 7 2 Gopal Bara 1 2 2 Nagariya Bara 23 12 11 3 3 Dadabisa 1 1 1 Diya Walla DiyaPalla 5 4 3 2 Minai Gaon 8 4 4 2 2 45 9 36 242 216 26 Ghorpatta Malia 7 4 3 Jaduk 6 4 2 6 6 Barniya Gaon 22 12 10 4 3 KawaDhar 10 7 3 '1'7 17 5 5 Dhami Kura 49 21 28 9 9 Khasiya Bara 1 Telkot


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Industrial catego!J: Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Al[icultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 00879400 Khata 3 3 3 3 00879500 Gaila Malia 22 2 20 22 2 20 00879600 Sanu Sara 32 12 20 27 7 20 00879700 Bhatkura 23 23 3 3 00879800 Madkot 108 32 76 26 4 22 8 3 5 00879900 Dobari Narki 33 14 19 33 14 19 00880000 Baiga 28 12 16 28 12 16 00880100 Gaila Tala 14 14 14 14 00880200 Pattharkot 00880300 Rapti 9 9 00880400 Ropar 22 6 16 21 S 16 00880500' Burthi Tarali ------Un-inhabited------00880600 Walthi 313 103 210 264 S6 208 00880700 Do1ma 2 2 00880800 Upadada 11 I 10 II 1 10 00880900 Nirtoli S2 12 40 52 12 40 00881000 Bata 12 4 8 8 2 6 00881200 Dhunamani 94 17 77 94 17 77 00881300 Pyangti 7 6 6 6 00881400 Dhapa 40 23 17 9 5 4 00881500 Ku1tham 53 7 46 S3 7 46 0088 I 700 Dhee1am 45 4 41 45 4 41 00881800 Ugarali 00881900 Dumar Talla S 4 1 00882000 Sainar 13 1 12 7 7 00882100 Ladigwar 1 00882200 lalath 52 28 24 5 5 00882300 Dumar MalIa 13 8 5 6 5 00882400 Darkot 27 9 18 4 4 00882500 Phalyati 1 00882600 Suring 13 8 5 00882800 Shankh Dhura 17 8 9 00882900 Bunga 57 55 2 00883000 Sarmoli 197 46 lSI 24 9 15 00883100 Jaiti 142 42 100 2 5 5 00883200 Namjala 16 3 13 13 12 1 00883300 Rathi 13 3 10 3 3 00883400 Darati 57 29 28 9 5 4 19 6 13 00883500 Gopal Bara . 31 9 22 21 7 14 00883600 Nagariya Bara 7 6 7 6 00883700 Dadabisa 00883800 Diya Walla 2 2 2 2 00883900 Diya Palla 2 2 2 2 00884000 MinaI Gaon 12 I 11 10 10 00884100 Ghorpatta Malia 65 13 52 1 00884200 laduk 1 I 00884300 Barniya Gaon 35 31 4 7 4 3 00884400 Kawa Dhar 6 6 6 6 00884500 Dhami Kura 4 2 2 00884600 Khasiya Bara 24 10 14 21 8 13 00884700 Telkot 2 2 2 2


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari of marginal workers Location Household indus!!! workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 6 5 Khata 00879400 58 32 26 Gaila Malia 00879500 5 5 49 22 27 Sanu Sara 00879600 20 20 132 51 81 Bhatkura 00879700 53 4 49 21 21 576 267 309 M.adkot 00879800 28 17 II Dobari Narki 00879900 35 20 IS Baiga 00880000 57 32 25 Gaila Tala 00880100 53 31 22 Pattharkot 00880200 8 8 145 59 86 Rapti 00880300 33 15 18 Ropar 00880400 ------Un-inhab ited------Burthi Tarali 00880500 4 3 1 45 44 I 439 212 227 Walthi 00880600 2 2 57 22 3S Dolma 00880700 24 15 9 Upadada 00880800 72 48 24 Nirtoli 00880900 2 2 83 41 42 Bata 00881000 144 74 70 Dhunamani 00881200 I r 17 7 10 Pyangti 00881300 26 13 13 5 5 191 95 96 Dhapa 00881400 75 43 32 Kultham 00881500 84 45 39 Dheelam 00881700 5 3 2 Ugarali 00881800 3 2 1 2 2 134 57 77 DuinarTalla 00881900 4 4 I I 60 26 34 Sainar 00882000 I I I 1 Ladigwar 00882100 20 2 18 27 26 119 65 54 Jalath 00882200 7 3 4 85 42 43 Dumar Malia 00882300 15 14 8 8 187 88 99 Darkot 00882400 I I 62 36 26 Phalyati 00882500 8 3 5 5 5 194 84 110 Suring 00882600 16 8 8 56 30 26 Shankh Dhura 00882800 15 13 2 41 41 954 391 563 Bunga 00882900 143 11 132 30 26 4 407 221 186 Sarmoli 00883000 110 18 92 25 23 2 366 182 184 Jaiti 00883100 I I 15 12 3 Namjala 00883200 10 3 7 23 8 J5 Rathi 00883300 29 18 II 137 69 68 Darati 00883400 10 2 8 82 43 39 Gopal Bara 00883500 IS 8 7 Nagariya Bara 00883600 - 38 14 24 Dadabisa 00883700 6 5 I Diya Walla 00883800 4 I 3 Diya Palla 00883900 I I 13 10 3 Minai Gaon 00884000 57 6 51 7 7 793 442 351 Ghorpatta Malia 00884100 4 I 3 Jaduk 00884200 27 26 151 56 95 Bamiya Gaon 00884300 43 26 17 Kawa Dhar 00884400 2 51 24 27 Dhami Kura 00884500 2 2 61 33 28 Khasiya Bara 00884600 8 4 4 Telkot 00884700


VILLAGE PRIMARY CDBlock- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation~ age-aroul! 0-6 number Name of Viii aile hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00884800 Teli 690.56 6 21 10 II 3 2 00884900 AkIloriya 189.72 1 4 3 1 00885000 Sela 146.37 8 37 14 23 2 I 00885100 Cheti Chimla 18.57 18 90 43 47 10 5 5 00885200 Kaiti 43.00 9 61 21 40 8 1 7 00885300 Sera Surai Dhar 199.12 24 144 70 74 27 13 14 00885400 SelaChital 10.94 to 48 19 29 8 4 4 00885500 Kirkhet 8.63 ------Un-inhabited------()()8856()O Sella MaUa 39.45 13 54 23 :n 2 00885700 Charkham 497.93 51 238 117 121 41 17 24 00885800 Ghor Patta Talla 74.98 62 227 103 124 33 17 16 00885900 Sebila 26.24 23 96 38 58 19 II 8 00886000 Papri 380.24 99 446 218 228 77 36 41 00886100 Mana Chulankar 404.94 3 12 6 6 00886200 Matena 182.38 ].6 131 56 75 21 11 10 00886300 Matyali 20.00 4 23 13 10 4 3 00886400 Harkot 4,685.89 58 276 121 155 46 22 24 00886500 Malupati 4,700.38 27 124 60 64 21 9 12 00886600 Bhadeli 3,664.86 26 123 54 69 23 8 15 00886700 Chauna 3,859.68 75 324 139 185 63 29 34 00886800 Kholi ,12,00 12 56 :31 25 8 8 00886900 Morpatta 194.20 4 17 9 8 3 2 00887000 Ghatdhar 334.58 15 73 33 40 17 10 7 00887100 Ritha 1,079.16 5 21 8 13 6 3 3 00887200 Imala 239.00 40 168 79 89 30 13 17 00887300 Kotal Gaon 139.00 52 236, 107 129 48 22 26 00887400 Kanalka 25.00 8 37 20 17 4 3 I 00887500 losha 511.00 181 830 431 449 171 80 91 00887600 Namik 484.00 101 497 247 250 126 61 65 00887800 Kaithi 107.00 2 4 3 1 00887900 Bhurting 282.00 71 357 171 186 56 30 26 00888000 Bhandari Gaon 66.00 35 149 81 68 . 20 10 10 00888100 Girgaon 589.00 100 475 222 253 74 44 30 00888200 Payya Pinari 32.00 21 100 47 53 12 5 7 00888300 Purdam 31.00 13 60 31 29 11 4 7 00888400 Birthi 82.00 17 95 48 47 19 7 12 00888500 Madalkiya 35.00 40 164 81 83 22 12 10 00888600 Dafa 161.00 37 185 93 92 32 13 19 00888700 Magar 74.00 67 291 138 153 44 25 19 00888800 Laa 47.00 24 111 51 60 18 9 9 00888900 umali 10.00 15 79 40 39 19 13 6 00889000 Ginni 202.00 98 490 254 236 93 54 39 00889100 Sirtola 46.00 11 45 21 24 4 4 00889200 C)1achana 29.00 25 141 70 71 22 9 13 00889300 Dor 176.00 109 546 269 277 97 48 49 00889400 Rui Sapata 298.00 29 146 63 83 16 8 8 00889500 Nakari 37.00 3 15 7 8 5 2 3 00889600 C)1harti Airari 35.00 10 54 26 28 8 4 4 00889700 Majkot 24.00 27 137 66 71 20 l3 7 00889800 Tarakot 70.00 3 10 6 4 3 3 00889900 Jogura 211.00 2 2



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 15 8 7 Teli 4 3 I Akhoriya 22 8 14 21 12 9 Sela 4 3 2 2 51 33 18 Cheti Chimla 10 5 5 35 11 18 Kaiti 100 54 46 Sera Surai Dhar 16 6 10 21 13 14 Sela Chital ------~------Un-inhabited------Kirkhet 24 1 11 25 14 II 31 18 19 Sella Malia 181 94 81 44 18 26 121 19 48 Charkham 61 29 32 109 49 60 153 82 71 Ghor Palta Talla 64 27 31 Sebila 13 32 41 149 74 15 261 149 112 Papri 4 2 2 II 6 5 Mana Chulankar 58 21 31 14 5 9 63 32 31 Matena 14 7 7 Matyali 118 52 66 III 46 65 144 84 60 Harkot 20 8 12 . 50 30 20 Malupati 2 I I 5 2 3 74 41 33 Bhadeli 8 5 3 22 11 II 183 101 82 Chauna 9 4 5 31 21 10 Kholi 5 4 1 10 7 . 3 Morpatta 28 18 10 Ghatdhar -' 6 4 2 Ritha 19 10 9 130 61 69 81 53 34 1mala 78 40 38 53 23 30 116 65 51 Kotal Gaon 23 13 10 23 16 7 Kanalka 423 223 200 137 58 79 434 279 155 Josha 183 84 99 85 46 39 201 160 41 Namik 2 3 3 Kaithi 1 214 131 83 Bhurting 48 27 21 37 21 16 60 45 15 Bhandari Gaon 1 4 3 61 26 35 216 135 81 Girgaon 21 11 10 64 38 26 Payya Pinari 30 15 15 23 17 \ 6 Purdam 46 30 16 Birthi 75 46 29 Madalkiya 40 22 18 85 55 30 Dara 87 44 43 84 38 46 111 95 76 Magar 56 33 23 Laa 79 40 39 20 14 6 Umali 87 43 44 194 148 46 Ginni 13 II 2 Sirtola 77 52 25 Chachana 225 117 108 287 186 101 Dor 4 2 f 76 44 32 RuiSapata IS 7 8 6 5 I Nakari 54 26 28 27 19 8 Chharti Airari 4 2 2 90 49 41 Majkot 4 2 2 Tarakot Jogura



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Ma[es Females Persons Ma[es Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00884800 Teli 6 2 4 10 4 6 3 3 00884900 Akhoriya 2 2 1 00885000 Seta 16 2 14 20 8 12 11 8 3 00885100 Cheti Chimla 39 10 29 39 13 26 33 11 22 00885200 Kaiti 26 4 22 26 9 17 10 8 2 00885300 Sera Surai Dhar 44 16 28 72 32 40 23 15 8 00885400 Sela Chital 21 6 15 22 8 14 15 7 8 00885500 Kirkhet ------Un-inhabited------00885600 Sella Malia 17 5 12 29 12 17 21 8 13 00885700 Charkham 111 38 73 117 58 59 33 29 4 00885800 Ghor Patta Talla 74 21 53 57 42 15 45 39 6 00885900 Sebila 32 11 21 36 14 22 8 7 1 00886000 Papri 185 69 116 194 117 77 122 106 16 00886100 Mana Chulankar I I 8 5 3 3 3 00886200 Matena 68 24 44 81 32 49 53 22 31 00886300 Matyali 9 6 3 8 4 4 ,4 4 00886400 Harkot 132 37 95 155 64 91 121 52 69 00886500 Malupati 74 30 44 74 37 37 56 29 27 00886600 Bhadeli 49 [3 36 80 34 46 42 19 23 00886700 Chauna 141 38 103 188 70 118 123 56 67 00886800 Kholi 25 10 15 17 12 5 4 4 00886900 Morpatta 7 2 5 12 6 6 7 3 4 00887000 Ghatdhar 45 15 30 38 16 22 ,35 13 22 00887100 Ritha 15 4 11 9 3 6 7 3 4 00887200 Imala 81 26 55 106 48 58 79 32 47 00887300 Kotal Gaon 120 42 78 161 74 87 52 44 8 00887400 Kanalka 14 4 10 23 10 13 16 7 9 00887500 Josha 446 152 294 552 269 283 443 201 242 00887600 Namik 296 87 209 273 ,128 145 211 113 98 00887800 Kaithi I 4 3 I 3 3 00887900 Bhurting 143 40 103 190 84 106 67 60 7 00888000 Bhandari Gaon 89 36 53 67 33 34 35 26 9 00888100 Girgaon 259 87 172 207 79 128 193 66 127 00888200 Payya Pinari 36 9 27 33 18 15 13 9 4 00888300 Purdam 37 14 23 36 20 16 36 20 16 00888400 Birthi 49 18 31 5[ 25 26 21 21 00888500 Madalkiya 89 35 54 113 53 60 96 47 49 00888600 Dafa 100 38 62 96 48 48 92 44 48 00888700 Magar 120 43 77 181 79 102 127 61 66 00888800 Laa 55 18 37 59 23 36 59 23 36 00888900 Umali 59 26 33 42 20 22 42 20 22 00889000 Ginni 296 106 190 27[ 121 150 89 88 00889100 Sirtola 32 10 22 27 11 16 25 9 16 00889200 Chachana 64 18 46 69 32 37 59 27 32 00889300 Dor 259 83 176 352 160 192 273 116 157 00889400 Rui Sapata 70 [9 51 76 29 47 70 25 45 00889500 Nakari 9 2 7 6 3 3 6 3 3 00889600 Chharti Airari 27 7 20 33 13 20 26 9 17 00889700 Majkot 47 17 30 57 26 31 39 10 29 00889800 Tarakot 6 4 2 7 3 4 7 3 4 00889900 Jogura 2 2 2 2


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari Industrial cateS0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators AS!:iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 2 2 Teli I I Akhoriya 6 3 3 5 5 Sela 25 5 20 8 6 2 Chetiqimla 8 6 2 2 2 Kaiti 20 12 8 3 3 Sera Surai Dhar 5 2 3 6 5 4 4 Sela Chital ------Un-inhabited------Kirkhet 3 3 13 13 5 5 Sella Malia I 1 2 2 6 3 3 24 23 I Charkham 11 7 4 34 32 2 Ghor Patta Talla 8 7 1 Sebila 50 40 10 7 6 65 60 5 Papri 3 3 Mana Chulankar 47 17 30 3 2 1 3 3 Matena 3 3 Matyali 72 31 41 2 2 42 16 26 5 5 Harkot 50 23 27 5 5 Malupati 31 8 23 II II Bhadeli 110 44 66 2 2 11 10 Chauna 2 2 2 2 Kholi 6 2 4 1 I Morpatta 25 4 21 3 3 7 6 Ghatdhar 5 2 3 2 Ritha 60 26 34 13 2 II 6 4 2 Imala 31 23 8 16 16 4 4 Kotal Gaon 16 7 9 Kanalka 346 109 237 77 73 4 20 19 Josha 116 48 68 14 II 3 81 54 27 Namik I I 2 2 Kaithi 36 34 2 I I 29 24 5 Bhurting 16 8 8 .- 9 8 10 10 Bhandari Gaon 123 31 92 35 3 32 35 32 3 Girgaon 6 3 3 I 6 5 I Payya Pinari 34 18 16 \ 1 Purdam 16 16 5 5 Birthi 87 38 49 9 9 Madalkiya . 92 44 48 Dafa 48 20 28 49 17 32 30 24 6 Magar 57 21 36 2 2 Laa 42 20 22 .Umali 76 76 13 12 1 Ginni 24 8 16 Sirtola 49 17 32 10 10 Chachana 231 81 150 41 35 6 Dor 65 20 45 5 5 Rui Sapala 4 I 3 2 2 Nakari 19 2 17 7 7 Chharti Airari 32 4 28 6 6 Majkot 7 3 4 Tarakot Jogura


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- IndustrIal cate!1!0!,)! Location code Maq~jnal workers Cultivators A6!:iculturallabourers number Name ofVil1a~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 008848QO Teli 7 6 7 6 00884900 Akhoriya 00885000 Sela 9 9 8 8 00885100 Cheti Chimla 6 2 4 6 2 4 00885200 Kaiti 16 I 15 15 15 00885300 Sera Surai Dhar 49 17 32 49 17 32 00885400 Sela Chital 7 1 6 4 4 00885500 Kirkhet ··_····_-···-Un·inhabited---·-··_-_·· 00885600 Sella Malia 8 4 4 00885700 Charkham 84 29 55 17 3 14 36 12 24 00885800 Ghor Patta Talla 12 3 9 3 3 00885900 Sebila 28 7 21 23 2 21 00886000 Papri 72 11 61 56 10 46 00886100 Mana Chulankar 5 2 3 3 3 00886200 Matena 28 10 18 28 10 18 00886300 Matyali 4 4 4 4 00886400 Harkot 34 12 22 1 32 11 21 00886500 Malupati 18 8 10 18 8 10 00886600 BhadeJi 38 15 23 37 15 22 00886700 Chauna 65 14 51 65 14 51 00886800 Kholi 13 8 5 5 3 2 00886900 Morpatta 5 3 2 5 3 2 00887000 Ghatdhar 3 3 3 3 00887100 Ritha 2 2 2 2 00887200 Imala 27 16 11 24 16 8 00887300 Kotal Gaon 109 30 79 108 29 79 00887400 Kanalka 7 3 4 4 3 I 00887500 losha 109 68 41 t09 68 41 00887600 Namik 62 15 47 55 14 41 00887800 Kaithi I I I I 00887900 Bhurting 123 24 99 119 22 97 2 00888000 Bhandari Gaon 32 7 25 16 15 00888100 Girgaon 14 13 1 I 1 2 I 00888200 Payya Pinari 20 9 11 to 3 7 2 2 00888300 Purdam 008&8400 Birthi 30 4 26 30 4 26 00888500 Madalkiya 17 6 II 17 6 t I 00888600 Dafa 4 4 4 4 00888700 Magar 54 18 36 24 8 16 00888800 Laa 00888900 Umalj 00889000 Ginni 182 33 149 180 33 147 2 2 00889100 Sirtola 2 2 2 2 00889200 Chachana 10 5 5 6 3 3 4 2 2 00889300 Dar 79 44 35 77 44 33 00889400 Rui Sapata 6 4 2 6 4 2 00889500 Nakari 00889600 Chharti Airari 7 4 3 3 3 00889700 Majkot 18 16 2 6 4 2 00889800 Tarakot 00889900 Jogura


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari of mar sinal workers Location . Household indus!!X workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViIlase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 II 6 5 Teli 00884800 2 2 Akhoriya 00884900 17 6 II Se1a 00885000 51 30 21 Cheti Chimla 00885100 35 12 23 Kaiti 00885200 72 38 34 Sera Surai Dhar 00885300 2 2 26 11 15 Sela Chital 00885400 ·········.·--Un·inhabited----·····--··· Kirkhet 00885500 5 I 4 3 3 25 II 14 Sella Malia 00885600 22 6 16 9 8 121 59 62 Charkham 00885700 7 6 2 2 170 61 109 Ghor Patta TaIla 00885800 4 4 60 24 36 Sebila 00885900 15 1 14 252 101 151 Papri 00886000 2 2 4 3 Mana Chulankar . 00886100 50· 24 26 Matena 00886200 15 9 6 Matyali 00886300 121 57 64 Harkot 00886400 50 23 27 Malupati 00886500 43 20 23 Bhadeli 00886600 136 69 67 Chauna 00886700 7 5 2 39 19 20 Kholi 00886800 5 3 2 Morpatta 00886900 35 17 18 Ghatdhar 00887000 12 .5 7 Ritha 00887100 3 3 62 31 31 Imala 00887200 I 75 33 42 Kotal Gaon 00887300 3 3 14 IO 4 Kanalka 00887400 328 162 166 losha 00887500 3 2 4, 4 224 119 105 Namik 00887600 Kaithi 00887800 I 167 87 80 Bhurting 00887900 II 10 5 .5 82 48 34 Bhandari Gaon 00888000 11 II 268 143 125 Girgaon 00888100 8 4 4 67 29 38 Payya Pinari 00888200 24 II 13 Purdam 00888300 44 23 21 Birthi 00888400 51 28 23 Madalkiya 00888500 89 45 44 oafa 00888600 28 8 20 2 2 110 59 51 Magar 00888700 52 28 24 Laa 00888800 37 20 17 Umali 00888900 219 133 86 Ginni 00889000 18 10 8 Sirtola 00889100 72 38 34 Chachana 00889200 2 2 194 109 85 oor 00889300 70 34 36 Rui Sapata 00889400 9 4 5 Nakari 00889500 4 4 21 13 8 Chharti Airari 00889600 12 12 80 40 40 Majko! 00889700 3 3 Tarakot 00889800 Jogura 00889900


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of 2oEulation) ase-l[ou(! 0-6 number Name ofVillase hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00890000 Gola 263.00 50 220 ItO 110 37 18 19 00890100 Rumta 55.00 7 43 27 16 7 5 2 00890200 Hokara 682.00 214 1,098 523 575 226 108 118 00890300 Barapata 164.00 11 52 26 26 8 4 4 00890400 Rumi Dola 129.00 18 87 44 43 25 12 13 00890500 Baidu Mahar 71.00 31 165 75 90 23 11 12 00890600 Jairathi 311.00 41 181 86 95 26 12 14 00890700 Kheta 116.00 2 3 2 I 00890800 Sain Rathi 40.13 67 410 195 215 74 38 36 00890900 Arkhet 127.00 55 318 150 168 54 25 29 00891000 Kimkhet 232.00 48 278 137 141 56 29· 27 00891100 Upadiya 272.00 13 66 28 38 17 7 10 00891200 Khoyam 31 LOO 45 257 135 122 46 19 27 00891300 Rato 347.53 16 105 65 40 6 3 3, 00891400 Rautgaon 23.00 16 79 37 42 15 6 9 00891500 Toli 65.00 12 58 26 32 7 5 2 00891600 Bamangaon 72.00 43 219 104 115 38 14 24 00891700 Saimali 59.00 45 214 102 112 36 22 14 00891800 Sagari 16.00 27 122 59 63 30 16 14 00891900 Dhekuna 728.00 74 385 184 201 66 33 33 00892000 Kwiti 916.00 170 714 351 363 135 70 65 00892100 Moram 72.00 32 178 83 95 42 22 20 00892200 Tejam 228.00 151 543 280 263 61 38 23 00892300 Timtiya 123.00 49 211 91 120 35 14 2L 00892400 Borgaon 324.00 49 244 118 126 45 20 25 00892500 Basari 206.00 20 87 42 45 12 9 3 00892600 Kholi 29.00 6 32 13 19 9 8 00892700 Mall Bhainskot 408.00 115 580 275 305 91 48 43 00892800 Bajaili 36.00 10 56 27 29 4 3 00892900 Kapa 381.00 II 59 25 34 10 5 5 00893000 Dagati 16.00 6 38 17 21 4 3 00893100 Kutim 49.00 11 67 30 37 12 7 5 00893200 Rasia Bagar 465.00 16 63 31 32 6 5 00893300 Charni Bhainskot 334.00 87 392 188 204 53 24 29 00893400 Suwalekh 416.90 17 88 40 48 23 11 12 00893500 Bamangaon Khalsa 278.88 26 138 72 66 22 16 6 00893600 TaUa Bhainskot 385.42 40 202 108 94 33 21 12 00893700 Bathi Gul 175.00 32 174 78 96 27 12 15 00893800 Gadera 78.00 10 48 24 24 8 3 5 00893900 Bhaiskhal 146.00 66 300 135 165 54 26 28 00894000 Ghat Ghorgari 188.00 55 312 148 164 45 25 20 00894100 Nachani 104.00 235 1,038 526 512 145 70 75 00894200 Be1sa Bagar 59.00 31 171 88 83 23 16 7 00894300 Hupuli 278.00 51 228 121 107 37 20 17 0089440() Kotyura 411.00 70 346 140 206 50 18 32 00894500 Bhakunda 271.00 33 137 62 75 30 15 15 00894600 Supaghar 290.00 8 36 15 21 6 3 3 00894700 Dhami Phalyari 210.00 57 281 135 146 36 15 21 00894800 Rigauriiya 259.00 71 349 188 161 52 32 20 00894900 Murti 60.00 25 123 55 68 22 8 14 00895000 Napar 354.00 55 249 98 151 53 22 31



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 2 61 27 34 84 65 19 Gola 19 13 6 Rumta 369 179 190 463 319 144 Hokara 5 2 3 21 14 7 Barapata 34 19 15 20 16 4 RumiDola 73 45 28 Baidu Mahar 88 63 25 Jairathi - Kheta 106 48 58 183 114 69 Sain Rathi 102 51 51 120 78 42 Arkhet 38 23 15 121 80 41 Kimkhet 18 8 10 21 12 9 Upadiya 16 14 2 82 52 30 Khoyam 5 4 I 37 25 12 Rato 51 30 21 Rautgaon 24 14 10 Toli 19 7 12 133 85 48 Bamangaon 19 12 7 126 76 50 Saimali 80 43 37 Sagari 129 66 63 27 14 13 214 128 86 Dhekuna 174 94 80 89 39 50 405 236 169 Kwiti 86 51 35 Moram 184 99 85 116 50 66 362 220 142 Tejam 70 31 39 91 37 S4 145 74 71 Timtiya 137 63 74 148 89 S9 Borgaon 59 31 28 Basari 15 6 9 10 7 3 Kholi 306 154 152 303 182 121 Mall Bhainskot 35 20 15 Bajaili 35 19 16 Kapa 22 15 7 Dagati 40 21 19 Kutim 20 9 11 45 26 19 Rasia Bagar 70 38 32 238 149 89 Chami Bhainskot 73 32 41 31 18 13 Suwalekh 9 5 4 88 53 \ 35 Bamangaon Khalsa 54 32 22 55 30 25 129 78 51 Talla Bhainskot 107 58 49 Balhi Gul 32 21 II Gadera 81 44 37 25 II 14 202 106 96 Bhaiskhal 5 2 3 204 108 96 Ghat Ghorgari 320 159 161 63 33 30 747 434 313 Nachani 125 67 I 58 Belsa Bagar 10 4 6 126 83 43 Hupuli 72 32 40' 202 108 94 Kolyura 2 I 4 2 75 43 32 Bhakunda 4 2 2 22 11 II Supaghar 89 37 52 185 108 77 Dhami Phalyari 32 19 1'3 207 118 89 Rigauniya 59 28 31 67 38 29 Murti 27 13 14 129 63 66 Napar



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00890000 Gola 136 45 91 140 64 76 106 48 58 00890100 Rumta 24 14 10 20 10 10 2 2 00890200 Hokara 635 204 431 553 267 286 207 121 86 00890300 Barapata 31 12 19 34 16 18 32 IS 17 00890400 Rumi Dola 67 28 39 44 24 20 37 20 17 00890500 Baidu Mahar 92 30 62 103 35 68 70 27 43 00890600 lairathi 93 23 70 105 43 62 34 34 00890700 Kheta 3 2 3 2 2 I 00890800 Sain,Rathi 227 81 146 196 91 105 63 63 00890900 Arkhet 198 72 126 169 77 92 154 64 90 00891000 Kimkhet 157 57 100 132 58 74 5 4 I 00891100 Upadiya 45 16 29 37 17 20 34 16 18 00891200 Khoyam 175 83 92 153 88 65 94 48 46 00891300 Rato 68 40 28 74 48 26 54 29 25 00891400 Rautgaon 28 7 21 45 17 28 9 9 00891500 Toli 34 12 22 37 16 21 34 14 20 00891600 Bamangaon 86 19 67 135 58 77 26 26 00891700 Saimali 88 26 62 105 43 62 78 26 52 00891800 Sagari 42 16 26 53 27 26 45 20 25 00891900 Dhekuna 171 56 115 175 71 104 153 59 94 00892000 Kwiti 309 115 194 355 160 195 292 129 163 00892100 Moram 92 32 60 82 34 48 46 4 42 00892200 Tejam 181 60 121 ·296 140 156 192 101 91 00892300 Timtiya 66 17 49 107 48 59 100 45 55 00892400 Borgaon 96 29 67 132 61 71 132 61 71 00892500 Basari 28 11 17 57 23 34 6 6 00892600 Kholi 22 6 16 15 7 8 2 2 00892700 Mall Bhainskot 277 93 184 330 148 182 18 14 4 00892800 Bajaili 21 7 14 38 16 22 3 2 00892900 Kapa 24 6 18 29 6 23 2 2 00893000 Dagati 16 2 14 28 '13 IS 00893100 Kutim 27 9 18 42 17 25 1 I 00893200 Rasia Bagar 18 5 13 31 12 19 9 3 6 00893300 Chami Bhainskot 154 39 115 239 108 131 IS 14 I 00893400 Suwalekh 57 22 35 42 19 23 42 19 23 00893500 Bamangaon Khalsa 50 19 31 74 34 40 74 34 40 00893600 Talla Bhainskot 73 30 43 113 51 62 40 20 20 00893700 Bathi Gul 67 20 47 99 41 58 22 21 00893800 Gadera 16 3 13 27 14 13 10 10 00893900 Bhaiskhal 98 29 69 160 68 92 39 18 21 00894000 Ghat Ghorgari 108 40 68 157 66 91 14 13 1 00894100 Nachani 291 92 199 381 210 171 329 192 137 00894200 Belsa Bagar 46 21 25 101 51 50 42 41 I 00894300 Hupuli 102 38 64 106 40 66 34 20 14 00894400 Kotyura 144 32 112 149 52 97 95 35 60 00894500 Bhakunda 62 19 43 90 40 50 76 37 39 00894600 Supaghar 14 4 10 14 2 12 11 2 9 00894700 Dhami Phalyari 96 27 69 157 75 82 109 38 71 00894800 Rigauniya 142 70 72 191 102 89 71 44 27 00894900 Murti 56 17 39 79 36 43 60 24 36 00895000 Napar 120 35 85 138 49 89 107 38 69


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari Industrial cates0!): of main workers Household industry Cultivators Alliculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 3'4 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 77 23 54 29 25 4 Gola 2 2 Rumta 146 61 85 2 59 59 Hokara 9 3 6 23 12 11 Barapata 19 7 12 18 13 5 RumiDola 55 17 38 2 2 12 8 4 Baidu Mahar 26 26 8 8 lairathi 2 I Kheta 54 54 I 1 8 8 Sain Rathi 135 46 89 9 8 10 10 Arkhet I I 4 4 Kimkhet :n \5 \% 'J?wi:t'A 51 5 46 43 43 Khoyam 30 13 17 24 16 8 Rato 9 9 Rautgaon 34 14 20 Toli 26 26 Bam8:0 gaon 53 3 50 25 23 2 Saimali 27 5 22 17 14 3 Sagari 89 26 63 3 3 44 14 30 17 16 1 Dhekuna 206 63 143 16 5 11 69 61 8 Kwiti 42 42 4 4 Moram 51 \3 39 19 5 24 \\1 83 28 Tejam 20 9 111 74 33 41 6 3 3 Timtiya 128 58 70 3 2 1 I Borgaon 6 6 Basari 2 2 Kholi 5 2 3 3 3 10 9 Mall Bhainskot 3 2 Bajaili 2 2 Kapa Dagati 1 I Kutim 9 3 6 Rasia Bagar 15 14 Chami Bhainskot 41 19 22 Suwalekh 74 34 40 -- ." - \ Bamangaon Khalsa 3 I 2 4 4 29 12 17 4 3 Talla Bhainskot 18 17 4 4 Bathi Gul 9 9 1 1 Gadera 13 3 10 26 15 II Bhaiskhal 3 3 10 10 Ghat Ghorgari 131 38 93 27 14 13 171 140 31 Nachani 25 24 2 2 15 15 Belsa Bagar 24 13 II 10 7 3 Hupuli 88 29 59 7 6 Kotyura 69 30 39 I - 6 6 Bhakunda 11 2 9 Supaghar 63 9 54 46 29 17 Dhami Phalyari 27 27 44 44 Rigauniya 58 22 36 2 2 Murti 99 30 69 2 2 6 6 Napar


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industria) cateso!):: Location code Maf!~inal workers Cultivators AS!icullurallabourers number Name ofVillase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00890000 Gola 34 16 18 3 3 00890100 Rumta 18 10 8 17 9 8 00890200 Hokara 346 146 200 272 87 185 11 3 8 00890300 Barapata 2 1 1 00890400 RumiDola 7 4 3 00890500 Baidu Mahar 33 8 25 3 3 00890600 Iairathi 71 9 62 64 3 61 00890700 Kheta I I I 00890800 Sain Rathi 133 28 105 131 28 103 2 2 00890900 Arkhet 15 13 2 12 10 2 2 2 00891000 Kimkhet 127 54 73 III 38 73 00891100 Upadiya 3 1 2 2 2 00891200 Khoyam 59 40 19 23 8 15 4 4 00891300 Rato 20 19 I 00891400 Rautgaon 36 8 28 8 2 6 00891500 Toli 3 2 3 2 00891600 Bamangaon 109 32 77 62 II 51 00891700 Saimali 27 17 10 25 17 8 00891800 Sagari 8 7 8 7 I 00891900 Dhekuna 22 12 to 8 S 3 2 00892000 Kwiti 63 31 32 54 22 32 00892100 Moram 36 30 6 36 30 6 00892200 Tejam 104 39 65 3 2 1 00892300 Timtiya 7 3 4 3 2 00892400 Borgaon 00892500 Basari 51 17 34 51 17 34 00892600 Kholi 13 5 8 13 5 8 00892700 Mall Bhainskot 312 134 178 256 80 176 00892800 Bajaili 3S 14 21 3S 14 21 00892900 Kapa 27 4 23 27 4 23 00893000 Dagati 28 13 15 28 13 15 09893100 Kutim 41 16 25 41 16 25 00893200 Rasia Bagar 22 9 13 21 9 12 00893300 Chami Bhainskot 224 94 130 224 94 130 00893400 Suwalekh 00893500 Bamangaon Khalsa 00893600 Talla Bhainskot 73 31 42 55 22 33 5 3 2 00893700 Balhi Gul 77 20 57 77 20 57 00893800 Gadera 17 4 13 17 4 13 00893900 Bhaiskhal 121 50 71 114 43 71 00894000 Ghat Ghorgari 143 53 90 141 51 90 00894100 Nachani 52 18 34 18 3 15 2 00894200 Belsa Bagar 59 10 49 5 4 00894300 Hupuli 72 20 52 68 17 51 00894400 Kotyura 54 17 37 54 17 37 00894500 Bhakunda 14 3 II 14 3 II 00894600 Supaghar 3 3 3 3 00894700 Dhami Phalyari 48 37 II 21 16 5 00894800 Rigauniya 120 58 62 93 31 62 00894900 Murti 19 12 7 19 12 7 00895000 Napar 31 11 20 31 11 20


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari of marginal workers Location Household indus!!! workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 31 16 15 80 46 34 Gola 00890000 23 17 6 Rumta 00890100 3 2 60 55 5 545 256 289 Hokara 00890200 I 18 10 8 Barapata 00890300 7 4 3 43 20 23 RumiDola 00890400 29 8 21 62 40 22 Baidu Mahar 00890500 7 6 76 43 33 lairathi 00890600 Kheta 00890700 214 104 110 Sain Rathi 00890800 149 73 76 Arkhet 00890900 16 16 146 79 67 Kimkhet 00891000 1 I 29 II 18 Upadiya 00891100 32 32 104 47 57 Khoyam 00891200 20 19 I 31 17 14 Rato 00891300 28 6 22 34 20 14 Rautgaon 00891400 21 10 11 Toli 00891500 47 21 26 84 46 38 Bamangaon 00891600 2 2 109 59 50 Saimali 00891700 69 32 37 Sagari 00891800 11 5 6 210 113 97 Dhekuna 00891900 9 9 359 191 168 Kwiti 00892000 96 49 47 Moram 00892100 51 6 45 49 30 19 247 140 107 Tejam 00892200 4 2 2 104 43 61 Timtiya 00892300 112 57 55 Borgaon 00892400 30 19 11 Basari 00892500 17 6 II Kholi 00892600 53 53 2 250 127 123 Mall Bhainskot 00892700 18 II 7 Bajaili 00892800 30 19 11 Kapa 00892900 10 4 6 Dagati 00893000 25 13 12 Kutim 00893100 32 19 13 Rasia Bagar 00893200 153 80 73 Chami Bhainskot 00893300 46 21 25 Suwalekh 00893400

" 64 38 26 Bamangaon Khalsa 00893500 13 6 7 89 57 32 Talla Bhainskot 00893600 75 37 38 Bathi Gul 00893700 21 10 11 Gadera 00893800 7 7 140 67 73 Bhaiskhal 00893900 2 2 155 82 73 Ghat Ghorgari 00894000 14 3 11 18 11 7 657 316 341 Nachani 00894100 53 9 44 70 37 33 Be1sa Bagar 00894200 4 3 122 81 41 Hupuli 00894300 \97 88 \09 Kolyura 00894400 47 22 25 Bhakunda 00894500 22 \3 9 Supaghar 00894600 27 21 6 \24 60 64 Dhami Phalyari 00894700 27 27 158 86 72 Rigauniya 00894800 44 \9 25 Murti 00894900 III 49 62 Napar 00895000


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD B1ock- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation) ase-!l!0uE 0-6 number Name ofVillase hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00895100 Khatera 354.00 49 285 154 131 36 20 16 00895200 Raura 52.00 21 105 52 53 18 8 10 00895300 Sini 477.00 52 254 113 141 50 26 24 00895400 Nainthal 24.00 5 20 10 10' 4 3 00895500 Kota 341.00 87 473 226 247 104 56 48 00895600 Load 308.00 58 308 170 138 61 32 29 00895700 Samkot 1,220.00 218 1,083 513 570 247 122 125 00895900 Dungari 242.00 28 159 70 89 27 9 18 00896000 Pandrah Pala 291.00 102 505 224 281 98 41 57 00896100 Madarma 496.00 28 163 81 82 37 16 21 00896200 Dakhim 272.00 47 300 145 155 60 33 27 00896300 Selm,ali 1,031.00 86 457 229 228 68 36 32 00896400 8ajetl\ 388.00 77 374 176 198 71 35 36 00896500 Raya 367.00 63 352 177 175 58 35 23 00896600 Simalthar 49.00 2 12 6 6 2 1 I 00896700 Khet Bharar 253.67 52 249 126 123 36 19 17 00896800 Dhami Gaon 1,040.00 141 738 354 384 139 70 69 00896900 Latkot 26.00 10 53 30 23 10 6 4 00897000 Khetali 48.00 IS 79 38 41 12 6 6 00897100 8asbagar 239.00 52 199 96 103 18 7 11 00897200 8aragaon 602.24 69 350 175 175 46 29 17 00897300 Guthi 454.00 73 400 194 206 76 39 37 00897400 Porthi 313.00 36 206 97 109 46 29 17



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 10 5 5 249 134 . 115 Khatera 67 42 25 Raura 158 81 77 Sini 13 7 6 Nainthal 39 23 16 200 134 66 Kota 224 124 100 158 122 36 Load 30 20 J 10 457 327 130 Samkot 111 61 50 Dungari 46 30 16 242 147 95 Pandrah Pala 62 45 17 Madarma 89 44 45 170 99 71 Dakhim 86 43 43 237 164 73 Selmali 73 38 35 230 135 95 Bajeta 51 26 25 188 112 76 Raya 12 6 6 9 5 4 Simalthar 81 38 43 12 9 3 166 98 68 Khet Sharar 79 35 44 3,88 239 149 DhamiGaon 19 18 I Latkot 54 29 25 38 22 16 Khetali 4 2 2 5 3 2 138 83 55 8asbagar 25 15 10 168 112 56 Baragaon 73 36 37 177 116 61 Guthi 18 10 8 103 60 43 Porthi



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofvi1Ja~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females \ '2. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00895100 Khatera 36 20 16 160 88 72 34 32 2 00895200 Raura 38 10 28 62 28 34 25 I 24 00895300 Sini 96 32 64 205 87 118 123 47 76 00895400 Nainthal 7 3 4 11 7 4 7 4 3 00895500 Kota 273 92 181 196 82 114 195 81 114 00895600 Load 150 48 102 156 78 78 156 78 78 00895700 Samkot 626 186 440 597 264 333 286 137 149 00895900 Dungari 48 9 39 87 38 49 10 7 3 00896000 Pandrah Pala 263 77 186 224 99 125 222 98 124 00896100 Madarma 101 36 65 78 35 43 58 28 30 00896200 Dakhim 130 46 84 116 56 60 115 55 60 00896300 Selmali 220 65 155 281 126 155 231 87 144 00896400 Bajeta 144 41 103 187 86 101 177 76 101 00896500 Raya 164 65 99 215 102 113 16 14 2 00896600 Sima1thar 3 2 4 4 00896700 Khet Bharar 83 28 55 130 61 69 87 47 40 00896800 Dhami Gaon 350 115 235 353 162 191 329 155 174 00896900 Latkot 34 12 22 26 11 15 00897000 Khetali 41 16 25 45 19 26 41 18 23 00897100 Basbagar 61 13 48 80 50 30 32 32 00897200 Baragaon 182 63 119 172 72 100 7 7 ()(Wm:.()() G\I.\.\.\\ '2.'2.:' 7& l4.S '2.:'() % BA 2Q7 89 tl& 00897400 Porthi 103 37 66 110 .44 66 55 36 19 '


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari Industrial categ0!l of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 34 32 2 Khatera I 24 I 23 Raura 114 39 75 9 8 Sini 3 3 4 4 Nainthal 175 68 107 16 II 5 4 2 2 Kota 106 54 52 47 22 25 3 2 Load 231 82 149 55 55 Samkot 2 1 1 8 6 2 Dungari 184 69 115 18 13 5 2 2 18 16 2 Pandrah Pala 56 26 30 2 2 Madarma 94 42 52 21 13 8 Dakhim 220 78 142 II 9 2 Selmali 157 57 100 20 19 Bajeta 6 5 8 7 2 2 Raya Simalthar 27 13 14 5 2 3 55 32 23 Khet Bharar 295 129 166 9 4 5 25 22 3 Dhami Gaon Latkot 33 10 23 g 8 Khetali 2 2 29 29 Basbagar ., 7 7 Baragaon 198 80 118 2 2 7 7 Guthi 41 30 II 14 6 8 Porthi


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Industrial cateson: Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofVilIase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00895100 Khatera 126 56 70 122 53 69 00895200 Raura 37 27 10 27 26 1 00895300 Sini 82 40 42 82 40 42 00895400 Nainthal 4 3 I 4 3 1 00895500 Kota 00895600 Load 00895700 Samkot 311 127 184 308 124 184 00895900 Dungari 77 31 46 77 31 46 00896000 Pandrah Pala 2 I 1 00896100 Madarma 20 7 13 20 7 13 00896200 Dakhim I 00896300 SelmaH 50 39 II 37 28 9 12 10 2 00896400 Bajeta 10 10 4 4 00896500 Raya 199 88 III 180 80 100 18 7 II 00896600 Simalthar 4 4 00896700 Khet Bharar 43 14 29 33 II 22 00896800 Dhami Gaon 24 7 17 9 4 5 00896900 Latko! 26 11 15 26 II 15 00897000 Khetali 4 I 3 4 I 3 00897100 Basbagar 48 18 30 44 14 30 00897200 Baragaon 165 65 100 163 63 100 00897300 Guthi 23 7 16 23 7 16 00897400 Porthi 55 8 47 38 8 30


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munsiari of marginal workers Location Household indust!1 workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 4 3 125 66 59 Khatera 00895100 10 9 43 24 19 Raura 00895200 49 26 23 Sini 00895300 9 3 6 Nainthal 00895400 277 144 133 Kota 00895500 152 92 60 Load 00895600 3 3 486 249 237 Sarnkot 00895700 72 32 40 Dungari 00895900 281 125 156 Pandrah Pala 00896000 85 46 39 Madarma 00896100 184 89 95 Dakhim 00896200 I I 176 103 73 Selmali 00896300 6 6 187 90 97 Bajeta 00896400 137 75 62 Raya 00896500 3 3 8 2 6 Simalthar 00896600 2 2 8 1 7 119 65 54 Khet Bharar 00896700 15 3 12 385 192 193 Dhami Gaon 00896800 27 19 8 Latkot 00896900 34 19 15 Khetali 00897000 2 2 2 2 119 46 73 Basbagar 00897100 2 2 178 103 75 Baragaon 00897200 '- 170 98 72 Guthi 00897300 17 17 96 53 43 Porthi 00897400



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code ViJIage in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households -::P:-e-rs-on-s--<-~M;;';;al~es:;..;;.;.o.-=-Fe-m-a~le-s- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0050 Dharchula (Total) 22,244.30 10,636 54,765 27,635 27,130 9,746 5,064 4,682 0050 Dharchula (Rural) 21,684.30 9,877 51,026 25,734 25,292 9,094 4,717 4,377 0050 Dharchula (Urban) 560.00 759 3,739 1,901 1,838 652 347 305 Dharchula (Rural) 00897500 Sipu 200.00 18 70 39 31 9 5 4 00897600 Khimling 79.12. ------Un-inhabited------00897800 Marchha 137.00 21 90 38 52 15 8 7 00897900 Tidang 414.00 22 115 65 50 9 6 3 00898000 Goe 391.00 38 124 56 68 II 5 6 00898100 Yangsu 289.00 24 66 37 29 10 6 4 00898200 Phi1am 134.00 13 37 22 15 5 4 1 00898400 Dugtu 218.00 48 170 88 82 15 9 6 00898500 Baun 279.00 50 152 79 73 16 9 7 00898600 Baling 218.00 25 83 43 40 18 10 8 00898700 Chal 135.00 27 117 58 59 31 11 20 00898900 Nagling 312.02 21 82 40 42 10 I 9 00899000 Sela 176.00 23 104 53 51 19 8 II 00899100 Kuti 253.00 37 111 57 54 19 6 13 00899200 Navi 242.00 37 95 46 49 10 4 6 00899300 Raung Kong 236.00 63 163 99 64 16 II 5 00899400 Gunji 159.68 36 96 45 51 12 6 6 00899500 Napa1achchu 102.00 21 58 31 27 6 4 2 00899600 Garbyang 572.00 69 210 119 91 29 20 9 00899700 Bundi 246.00 67 285 154 131 48 19 29 00899800 Bung Bung 103.58 76 390 194 196 95 42 53 00900000 Salagar 126.00 45 218 liS 103 37 20 17 00900100 Jipti 106.01 65 392 192 200 61 34 27 00900200 Taku1 164.00 55 289 142 147 63 29 34 00900300 Sirkha 299.00 80 310 159 151 59 34 25 00900400 Himkhola 90.11 45 240 115 125 32 13 19 00900500 Sagri Dhakdhauna 31.00 3 2 00900600 Gumkana 261.12 ------Un-inhabited------00900700 TyongiPangu 146.96 60 224 112 112 36 19 17 00900800 Rung 139.57 76 473 225 248 79 41 38 00900900 PangIa 224.61 162 1,010 494 516 222 '107 115 00901000 Sirdang 290.00 135 667 324 343 125 56 69 0090 II 00 Sosa 411.81 79 301 137 164 50 24 26 00901200 Dhar Pangu 260.39 39 183 95 88 28 15 13 00901300 Tanta Gaon Roto 143.05 26 126 61 65 24 9 15 00901400 Chhalmachhilason 104.58 65 333 179 154 61 29 32 00901500 Punla Bhataka 91.12 4 15 9 6 3 2 00901600 Geemafi (Jaykot) 195.00 137 723 336 387 129 68 61 00901700 Bauling 211.47 26 117 60 57 30 15 15 00901900 Umachiya 225.00 64 344 184 160 61 36 25 00902100 Tejam 111.00 39 136 76 60 26 12 14 00902200 Sobala 209.00 29 155 73 82 43 14 29 00902300 Dar 309.00 102 544 299 245 82 44 38 00902400 Watan 178.00 13 75 43 32 2i 15 7 00902500 New 376.00 SO 231 125 106 52 29 23 00902600 Suwa 335.00 100 648 336 312 117 68 49 00902700 Khet 200.00 153 644 329 315 103 53 50 00902800 Lum 55.34 1 6 3 3 I



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 9,796 4,844 4,952 6,991 3,477 3,514 30,245 19,000 11,245 Dharchula (Total) 8,673 4,282 4,3?1 6,572 3,271 3,301 27,875 17,612 10,263 Dharchula (Rural) 1,123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982 Dharchula (Urban) Dharchula (Rural) 11 6 5 59 33 26 41 30 11 Sipu . ------Un-inhabited------Khimling 10 4 6 80 34 46 51 24 27 Marchha 33 19 14 82 46 36 99 58 41 Tidang 20 11 9 101 44 57 86 45 41 Goe 8 5 3 55 30 25 35 24 II Yangsu 9 5 4 28 17 II 24 17 7 Philam 46 25 21 124 63 61 115 69 46 Dugtu 16 9 7 136 70 66 95 59 36 Baun 6 2 4 48 28 20 47 28 19 Baling 19 9 10 98 49 49 58 39 19 Chal 19 5 14 63 35 28 47 32 IS Nagling 5 3 2 99 50 49 54 35 19 Sela 6 4 2 105 53 52 62 43 19 Kuti 9 4 5 86 42 44 50 32 18 Navi 130 66 64 93 77 16 Raung Kong 96 45 51 47 32 IS Gunji 57 30 27 29 18 II Napalachchu 17 8 9 189 107 82 117 80 37 Garbyang 33 21 12 249 131 118 148 110 38 Bundi 104 48 56 104 54 50 185 125 60 Bung Bung 10 7 3 5 2 3 141 92 49 Salagar 53 22 31 56 26 30 236 130 106 Jipti 41 21 20 7 3 4 120 80 40 Takul 110 58 52 191 95 96 150 95 55 Sirkha 81 38 43 79 40 39 139 82 57 Himkhola 3 2 3 2 Sagri Dhakdhauna ------Un-inhabited------Gumkana 72 35 37 141 68 73 146 89 57 Tyongi Pangu 164 83 81 308 141 167 320 166 154 Rung 38 23 15 547 338\ 209 Pangia 316 164 152 231 107 124 391 229 162 Sirdang 48 19 29 141 60 81 137 80 57 Sosa 95 48 47 88 47 41 96 65 3 1 Dhar Parigu 67 28 39 53 30 23 7i 42 29 Tanta Gaon Roto 320 171 149 11 7 4 212 144 68 Chhalmachhilason 15 9 6 5 4 Punla Bhataka 9 3 6 128 67 61 407 . 242 165 Geemafi (Jaykot) 55 31 24 50 ·36 14 Bauling 5 3 2, 3 3 190 134 56 Umachiya 15 7 8 86 50 36 77 56 21 Tejam 67 27 4Q 48 27 21 59 48 II Sobala 70 36 34 219 131 88 217 164 53 Dar 2 2 45 24 21 28 19 9 Watan 32 19 13 74 43 31 128 83 45 New 25 9 16 20 10 10 330 219 III Suwa 36 17 19 91 40 51 459 258 201 Khet 3 2 I Lum



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0050 Dharchula (Total) 24,520 8,635 15,885 25,157 13,426 11,731 15,190 9,554 5,636 0050 Dharchula (Rural) 23,151 8,122 15,029 23,675 12,508 11,167 14,394 8,910 5,484 0050 Dharchula (Urban) 1,369 513 856 1,482 918 564 796 644 152 Dharchula (Rural) 00897500 Sipu 29 9 20 46 28 18 46 28 18 00897600 Khimling ------Un-inhabited------00897800 Marchha 39 14 25 44 21 23 44 21 23 00897900 Tidang 16 7 9 66 40 26 49 26 23 00898000 Goe 38 11 27 73 33 40 73 33 40 00898100 Yangsu 31 13 18 46 27 19 I I 00898200 Philam 13 5 8 25 13 12 24 13 II 00898400 Dugtu 55 19 36 101 53 48 96 49 47 00898500 Baun 57 20 37 91 51 40 88 49 39 00898600 Baling 36 IS 21 50 23 27 50 23 27 00898700 Chal 59 19 40 73 38 35 65 33 32 00898900 Nagling 35 8 27 47 23 24 47 23 24 00899000 Sela 50 18 32 58 29 29 4 3 1 00899100 Kuti 49 14 35 64 35 29 52 31 21 00899200 Navi 45 14 31 62 33 29 58 32 26 00899300 Raung Kong 70 22· 48 129 82 47 117 77 40 00899400 Gunji 49 13 36 61 30 31 53 26 27 00899500 Napalachchu 29 13 16 44 24 20 44 24 20 00899600 Garbyang 93 39 54 134 81 53 122 77 45 00899700 Bundi 137 44 93 185 101 84 183 100 83 00899800 Bung Bung 205 69 136 190 94 96 132 50 82 00900000 Salagar 77 23 54 75, 49 26 34 32 2 00900100 Jipti 156 62 94 125 71 54 40 36 4 00900200 Takul 169 62 107 132 63 69 49 45 4 00900300 Sirkha 160 64 . 96 209 107 102 12 11 I 00900400 Himkhola 101 33 68 118 58 60 27 25 2 00900500 Sagri Dhakdhauna 3 2 I 2 2 00900600 Gumkana ------Un-inhabited------00900700 Tyongi Pangu 78 23 55 122 63 59 106 56 50 00900800 Rung 153 59 94 152 71 81 21 17 4 00900900 Pangia 463 156 307 477 222 255 191 115 76 00901000 Sirdang 276 95 181 272 143 129 130 86 44 00901100 Sosa 164 57 107 149 68 81 74 48 26 00901200 Dhar Pangu 87 30 57 91 46 45 87 45 42 00901300 Tanta Gaon Rota 55 19 36 54 25 29 14 12 2 00901400 Chhalmachhilason 121 35 86 130 77 53 70 62 8 00901500 Punla Bhataka 10 5 5 9 5 4 2 1 1 00901600 Geemafi (Jaykot) 316 94 222 376 166 210 367 161 206 00901700 Bauling 67 24 43 59 30 29 5 5 00901900 Umac)1iya 154 50 104 186 91 95 186 91 95 00902100 Tejam 59 20 39 56 34 22 23 19 4 00902200 Sobala 96 25 71 84 47 37 72 41 31 00902300 Dar 327 135 192 285 153 132 11 10 00902400 Watan 47 24 23 32 18 14 '32 18 14 00902500 New 103 42 61 100 50 50 73 44 29 00902600 Suwa 318 117 201 389 193 196 180 164 16 00902700 Khet 185 71 114 420 215 205 171 148 23 00902800 LUrn 3 2 3 3 2 2


CENSUS ABSTRACT Dharchula Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 8,141 4,060 4,081 169 119 50 1,090 384 706 5,790 4,991 799 Dharchula' (Total) 7,995 3,953' 4,042 169 119 50 1,030 359 671 5,200 4,479 721 Oharchula (Rural) 146 107 39 60 25 35 590 512 78 Oharcbula (Urban) Oharchula (Rural) 23 23 6 5 17 17 Sipu / ------Un -inhabi ted------Khimling 21 19 2 23 2 21 Marchha 26 26 23 23 Tidang 40 31 9 31 31 2 2 Goe I I Yangsu 21 12 9 2 2 Philam 57 46 11 37 2 35 2 Dugtu 46 46 41 3 38 Baun 21 21 29 2 27 Baling 32 28 4 2 2 28 2 26 3 3 Chal 23 22 24 23 Nagling 4 3 Sela 32 21 11 10 2 8 io 8 2 Kuti 27 26 2 2 25 25 4 4 Navi 67 28 39 50 49 RaungKong 24 24 26 26 3 2 Gunji 23 23 21 20 Napalachchu 91 48 4 4 3 3 24 22 2 Garbyang 107 99 I 1 75 75 Bundi 108 34 17 9 8 7 7 Bung Bung 34 32 2 Salagar 3 2 36 33 3 Jipti 49 45 4 Takul 12 11 Sirkha 6 6 8 6 2 13 13 Himkhola I 1 Sagri Dhakdhauna ------Un-inhabitec.j------Gumkana 50 20 30 24 8 16 2 2 30 26 4 Tyongi Pangu 21 17 4 Rung 76 8 68 1 2' 2 112 10~ 8 PangIa 70 31 39 7 6 1 5 4 48 45\ 3 Sirdang 51 32 19 2 2 21 14 7 Sosa 28 16 12 34 19 15 17 2 IS 8 8 Dhar Pangu 10 9 1 4 3 Tanta Gaon Roto 37 33 4 7 4 3 25 24 Chhalmachhilason 2 I I Punla Bhataka 323 135 188 6 2 4 9 4 5 29 20 9 Geemafi (Jaykot) . 1 2 2 1 I - Bauling 184 89 95 2 2 Umachiya 10 6 4 .2 2 11 11 Tejam 67 36 31 5 5 Sobala 11 10 Dar 31 17 14 I I Watan ·20 19 I 24 4 20 29 21 8 New 135 124 11 6 5 I 38 34 4 Suwa 56 43 13 I 114 104 10 Khet 2 2 Lum


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Industrial cateS0!i: Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators Asriculturallabourers number Name ofVillase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0050 Dharchula (Total) 9,967 3,872 6,095 6,689 2,181 4,508 231 116 115 0050 Dharchula (Rural) 9,281 3,598 5,683 6,474 2,144 4,330 227 115 112 0050 Dharchula (Urban) 686 274 412 215 37 178 4 3 Dharchula (Rural) 00897500 Sipu 008.97600 Khimling ------Un-inhabited------00897800 Marchha 00897900 Tidang 17 14 3 14 14 00898000 Goe 00898100 Yangsu 4S 26 19 32 18 14 5 5 00898200 Philam 00898400 Dugtu S 4 4 4 00898500 Baun 3 2 I 00898600 Baling 00898700 Chal 8 5 3 00898900 Nagling 00899000 Sela 54 26 28 45 19 26 00899100 Kuti 12 4 8 3 2 00899200 Navi 4 I 3 2 I I 2 2 00899300 RaungKong 12 5 7 6 3 3 3 2 00899400 Gunji 8. 4 4 4 4 00899500 Napalachchu 00899600 Garbyang 12 4 8 8 4 4 00899700 Bundi 2 I I 00899800 Bung Bung 58 44 14 5 4 3 2 00900000 Salagar 41 17 24 ·41' 17 24 00900100 ]ipti 85 35 50 48 2 46 00900200 Takul 83 18 65 69 7 62 00900300 Sirkha 197 96 101 152 73 79 00900400 Himkhola 91 33 58 71 13 58 00900500 Sagri Dhakdhauna 00900600 Gumkana ------Un-inhabited------00900700 Tyongi Pangu 16 7 9 15 6 9 00900800 Rung 131 54 77 91 14 77 00900900 PangJa 286 107 179 270 93 177 00901000 Sirdang 142 57 85 96 20 76 10 5 5 00901100 Sosa 75 20 55 29 2 27 4 4 00901200 Dhar Pangu 4 3 00901300 Tanta Gaon Roto 40 13 27 14 12 2 00901400 Chhalmachhilason 60 15 45 12 7 5 6 3 3 00901500 Punla Bhataka 7 4 3 I I 2 2 00901600 Geemafi (Jaykot) 9 5 4 5 2 3 1 1 00901700 Bauling 54 25 29 48 22 26 5 2 3 00901900 Umachiya 00902100 . Tejam 33 15 18 5 4 00902200 Sobala 12 6 6 00902300 Dar 274 143 131 249 121 128 00902400 Watan 00902500 New 27 6 21 2 1 00902600 Suwa 209 29 180 87 28 59 3 3 00902700 Khet 249 67 182 163 43 120 00902800 Lum I


CENSUS ABSTRACT Dharchula of marginal workers Location Household indus!!:X workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1,063 248 815 1,984 1,327 657 29,608 14,209 15,399 Dharchula (Total) 0050 849 232 617 1,731 ],]07 624 27,351 13,226 ]4,125 Dharchula (Rural) 0050 2]4 ]6 ]98 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Dharchula (Urban) 0050 Dharchula (Rural) 24 II 13 Sipu 00897500 ------Un-inhabited------Khimling 00897600 46 17 29 Marchha 00897800 3 3 49 25 24 Tidang 00891900 51 23 28 Goe 00898000 2 6 2 4 20 10 10 Yangsu 00898100 12 9 3 Philam 00898200 69 35 34 Dugtu 00898400 61 28 33 Baun 00898500 33 20 13 Baling 00898600 4 3 3 3 44 20 24 Chal 00898700 35 17 18 Nagling 00898900 5 3 2 4 4 46 24 22 Sela 00899000 7 7 2 2 47 22 25 Kuti 00899100 33 13 20 Navi 00899200 I I 2 34 17 17 RaungKong 00899300 3 3 35 15 20 Gunji 00899400 14 7 7 Napalachchu 008~9500 3 3 76 38 38 Garbyang 00899600 I 100 53 47 Bundi 00899700 21 19 8 23 23 200 100 100 Bung Bung 00899800 143 66 77 Salagar 00900000 36 32 4 267 121 146 Jipti 00900100 14 II 3 151 79 18 Takul 00900200 45 23 22 101 52 49 Sirkha 00900300 20 20 122 51 65 Himkhola 00900400 I Sagri Dhakdhauna 00900500 ------Un-inhabited------Gumkana 00900600 I 1 102 49 53 TyongiPangu 00900100 39 39 321 154 167 Rung 00900800 16 14 '2 533 272 26.1 ·Pangla 00900900 7 7 29 25 4 395 181 214\Sirdang 00901000 16 10 6 26 8 18 152 69 83 Sosa 00901100 3 I 2 92 49 43 Dhar Pangu 00901200 25 25 1 1 72, 36 36 Tanta Gaon Roto 00901300 18 2 16 24 3 21 203 102 101 Chhalmachhilason 00901400 2 2 2 6 4 2 Punla Bhataka 00901500 I 2 I 347 170 177 Geemafi (Jaykot) 00901600 I I 58 30 28 Ba,uling 00901700 158 93 65 Umachiya 00901900 25 8 17 3 3 80 42 38 Tejam 00902100 8 3 5 4 3 71 26 45 Sobala 00902200 23 22 259 146 113 Dar 00902300 43 25 18 Watan 00902400 25 s- 20 131 75 56 New 00902500 47 46 72 72 259 143 116 Suwa 00902600 3 3 83 24 59 224 114 1I0 Khet 00902700 3 3 Lum 00902800


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulationl age-S!:0uE 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00902900 Jambu 215.00 128 730 414 316 121 61 60 00903100 Garguwa 75.86 227 1,163 613 550 221 114 107 00903200 Khela 468.00 382 1,957 942 1,015 352 188 164 00903300 Syankuri 931.00 243 1,384 719 665 254 144 110 00903400 Bangapani 100.00 164 783 383 400 147 75 72 00903500 Jarajibli 604.00 221 1,263 585 678 224 109 liS 00903600 Kanar 331.00 189 1,222 566 656 259 130 129 00903700 Lumati 30.60 78 372 186 186 69 43 26 00903900 Metali 764.00 307 1,685 832 853 347 177 170 00904000 Baram 1,116.00 198 904 490 414 180 99 81 00904100 Toli 542.00 382 1,895 927 968 347 189 158 00904200 Jumma 802.00 597 3,405 1,798 1,607 609 318 291 00904300 Ranthi 1,350.00 807 4,873 2,766 2,107 838 433 405 00904400 Ramtoli 126.00 141 783 397 386 129 70 59 00904500 Galati 776.00 300 1,763 848 915 334 181 153 00904600 Khumati 109)0 187 1,209 601 608 229 116 113 00904700 Kalika 643.00 677 3,538 1,606 1,932 577 289 288 00904800 Chharchhum 121.00 95 481 239 242 75 42 33 00904900 Baluwakot 879.00 1,152 5,707 2,829 2,878 945 476 469 00905000 PayyaPauri 380.00 321 1,743 826 917 355 185 170 00905200 Dhunga Toli 415.79 226 1,086 509 577 210 118 92 00905300 Kimkhola 189.42 78 383 196 187 70 38 32 00905400 Tham 38.00 II 58 26 32 13 5 8 00905500 Duti Bagad 486.79 379 1,614 .848 766 240 136 104 Dharchula (Urban) 40701000 Dharchula Dehat !C!2 560.00 759 3,739 1~901 1,838 652 347 305



Scheduled Castes 2oEuation Scheduled Tribes 202ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla&e H 12 \3 14 15 \6 17 \11, \9 2 200 105 95 16 II 5 436 307 129 Jambu 154 83 71 68 41 27 652 428 224 Garguwa 378 194 184 1,104 640 464 Khela 141 75 66 7 3 4 827 530 297 Syankuri 87 98 145 77 450 181 Barigapani 185 I 68 269 3 2 'I 496 351 145 Jarajibli 39 20 19 598 373 225 Kanar 45 22 23 23 12 II 203 119 84 Lumati 351 164 187 710 490 220 Metali 395 214 181 5 2 3 519 339 180 Baram 623 292 331 18 10 8 1,044 622 422 Toli 470 226 244 1,656 1,224 432 Jumma 542 279 263 274 132. 142 2,566 1,893 673 Ranthi 13 7 6 406 275 131 Ramtoli 251 119 132 14 9 5 760 478 282 Galati 67 33 34 635 391 244 Khumati 620 264 356 515 178 337 2,264 1,173 1,091 Kalika 100 52 48 212 103 109 320 184 136 Chharchhum 1,224 614 610 634 329 305 3,376 2,072 1,304 Baluwakot 189 88 101 3 2 1 987 572 415 Payya 260 117 \ 143 598 329 269 Dhunga Toli 33 11 22 114 63 51 147 83 64 Kimkhola 34 19 15 Tham 327 176 151 451 226 225 942 575 367 Duti Bagad Dharchula (Urban) (123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982 Dharchula Dehat (CD DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: PITHORAGARH


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 '21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00902900 Jambu 294 107 187 416 249 167 377 234 143 00903100 Garguwa 511 185 326 549 322 227 432 251 181 00903200 Khela 853 302 551 921 415 506 855 379 476 00903300 Syankuri 557 189 368 702 353 349 295 275 20 00903400 Bangapani 333 114 219 346 161 185 185 105 80 00903500 Jarajibli 767 234 533 791 354 437 262 152 110 00903600 Kanar 624 193 431 581 240 341 85 60 25 00903700 Lumati 169 67 102 135 64 71 47 35 12 00903900 Metali 975 342 633 1,072 518 554 322 138 184 00904000 Baram 385 lSI 234 373 204 169 225 185 40 00904100 Toli 851 305 546 901 423 478 515 344 171 00904200 Jumma 1,749 574 1,175 1,585 975 610 941 735 206 00904300 Ranthi 2,307 873 1,434 2,331 1,572 759 1,686 1,276 410 00904400 Ramtoli 377 122 255 346 184 162 315 164 151 00904500 Galati 1,003 370 633 907 407 500 809 371 438 00904600 Khumati 574 210 364 269 260 9 232 225 7 00904700 Kalika 1,274 433 841 1,367 643 724 479 298 181 00904800 Chharchhum 161 55 106 195 99 96 93 62 31 00904900 Baluwakot 2,331 757 1,574 2,381 1,199 1,182 2,010 1,042 968 00905000 PayyaPauri 756 254 502 707 311 396 427 214 213 00905200 Dhunga Toli 488 180 308 376 191 185 125 100 25 00905300 Kimkho1a 236 II3 123 90 76 14 3 2 00905400 Tham 24 7 17 37 16 21 4 4 00905500 DutiBagad 672 273 399 600 346 254 341 246 95 Dharchula (Urban) 40701000 Dharchu1a Dehat ~C!2 1,369 513 8S6 1,482 918 564 796 644 152



Industrial cate~0!:X of main workers Household industry Cultivators AS!:icuhurallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla~e 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 188 49 139 6 3 3 2 2 181 180 Jambu 220 51 169 212 200 12 Garguwa 542 213 329 7 4 3 306 162 144 Khela 70 57 13 10 10 215 208 7 Syankuri 118 43 75 4 3 63 59 4 Bangapani 171 63 108 / 9 9 2 2 80 78 2 Jarajibli 8 6 2 8 8 69 46 23 Kanar 17 10 7 6 6 24 19 5 Lumati 267 85 182 7 7 48 46 2 Metali 59 30 29 14 13 152 142 10 Baram 354 204 150 18 18 142 122 20 Toli 394 208 186 19 19 15 13 2 513 495 18 Jumma 706 354 352 2 2 53 II 42 925 909 16 Ranthi 292 143 149 23 21 2 Ramtoli 755 320 435 23 23 6 6 25 22 3 Galati 137 134 3 2 2 7 7 86 82 4 Khumati 258 122 136 4 2 2 9 2 7 208 172 36 Kalika 48 22 26 15 12 3 30 28 2 Chharchhum 1,279 546 733 3 2 231 99 132 497 396 101 Baluwakot 16 14 2 7 5 2 14 II 3 390 184 206 Payya Pauri 60 35 25, 2 2 63 63 DhungaToli 3 2 Kimkhola 4 4 ; Tham 83 37 46 2 2 81 56 25 175 151 24 Duti Bagad Dharchula (Urban) 146 107 39 60 25 35 590 512 78 Dharchula Dehat (CD


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD B1ock- Industrial cate!1,o!1 Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofViIlase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00902900 Jambu 39 is 24 36 13 23 00903100 Garguwa 117 71 46 56 19 37 00903200 Khela 66 36 30 30 10 20 00903300 Syankuri 407 78 329 400 71 329 00903400 Bangapani 161 56 105 6 6 65 19 46 00903500 Jarajibli 529 202 327 500 175 325 12 10 2 00903600 Kanar 496 180 316 294 112 182 00903700 Lumati 88 29 59 65 11 54 00903900 Metali 750 380 370 711 344 367 2 2 00904000 Baram 148 19 129 45 11 34 1 1 00904100 Toli 386 79 307 354 50 304 00904200 Jumma 644 240 404 560 162 398 1 1 00904300 Ranthi 645 296 349 536 195 341 6 6 00904400 Ramtoli 31 20 11 25 15 10 00904500 Galati 98 36 62 94 32 62 00904600 Khumati 37 35 2 4 4 29 28 00904700 Kalika 888 345 543 516 141 375 4 4 00904800 Chharchhum 102 37 65 00904900 Baluwakot 371 157 214 201 79 122 00905000 PayyaPauri 280 97 183 142 42 100 36 18 18 00905200 Dhunga Toli 251 91 160 234 74 160 00905300 Kimkhola 87 74 13 1 1 00905400 Thurn 33 12 21 30 9 21 00905500 Duti 8agad 259 100 159 47 14 33 11 6 5 Dharchula (Urban) 40701000 Dharchula Dehat ~CTl 686 274 412 215 37 178 4 3


CENSUS ABSTRACT Dharchula of mars ina I workers , Location Household indust!1 workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 3 2 314 165 149 Jambu 00902900 61 52 9 614 291 323 Garguwa 00903100 2 2 34 26 8 1,036 527 509 Khela 00903200 1 1 6 6 682 366 316 Syankuri 00903300 I 73 15 58 I 17 16 437 222 215 Bangapani , 00903400 16 16 472 231 241 Jarajibli 00903500 4 3 1 198 65 133 641 326 315 Kanar 00903600 5 5 18 18 237 122 115 Lumati 00903700 2 2 35 34 1 613 314 299 Metali 00903900 15 2 13 87 6 81 531 286 245 Baram 00904000 I 31 28 3 994 504 490 Toli 00904100 13 12 1 70 65 5 1,820 823 997 Jumma 00904200 3 3 100 95 5 2,542 1,194 1,348 Ranthi 00904300 4 4 437 213 224 Ramtoli 00904400 4 4 856 441 415 Galati 00904500 4 3 940 341 599 Khumati 00904600 144 16 128 224 188 36 2,171 963 1,208 Kalika 00904700 85 21 64 17 16 ,I 286 140 146 Chharchhum 00904800 92 31 61 78 47 31 3,326 1,630 1,696 Baluwakot 00904900 57 21 36 45 16 29 1,03.6 515 521 PayyaPauri 00905000 16 16 710 318 392 Dhunga Toli 00905200 85 73 12 293 120 173 Kimkhola 00905300 3 3 21 10 11 Tham 00905400 134 45 89 67 35 32 1,014 502 512 Duti Bagad 00905500 Dharchu1a (Urban) 214 16 198 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Dharchula Dehat ~C!2 40701000



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households ----;P;:-e-rs-o-ns-=M:=::=al~e:;.:s:"'_-;F::""' e-m--:al;"""es- Persons Males Females 2 3 '4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0051 Berinag (Total) 19,896.58 10,729 5MB 24,338 26,075 7,774 4,062 3,712 0051 Berinag (Rural) . )9,896.58 )0,729 50,4)3 24,338 26,075 7,774 4,062 3,7)2 0051 Berinag (Urban) Berinag (Rural) 00905600 Karala Pathak 53.00 24 126 61 65 16 7 9 00905700 Batula Barola 36.34 2 5 1 4 00905800 Jajar Gunth 12.00 15 67 30 37 12 7 5 00906000 Khola Gaon 166.00 91 491 224 267 107 61 46 00906100 Tora Thai 26.00 7 20 7 13 00906200 Haliya Dob 50.00 I 12 4 8 I 00906300 Makhauli 13.00 9 48 22 26 10 6 4 00906400 Kuri 16.00 36 169 79 90 31 13 18 00906500 Martola 77.00 60 315 142 173 63 29 34 00906600 Hirmoli 35.00 ------Un-inhabited------00906700 Karala Mahar 167.00 84 377 179 198 66 32 34 00906800 Nagila Gaon 149.00 97 443 210 233 59 31 28 00906900 Papsyari 74.00 53 236 91 145 46 21 25 00907000 Dwali 4.00 ------Un-inhabited------00907100 Putha Gaon 12.00 2 4 I 3 00907200 Nanet 20.00 ------Un-inhabited------00907300 Basel 87.61 9 29 13 16 5 5 00907400 Bantoli 35.03 24 131 65 66 24 12 12 00907500 Sangor 77.00 67 316 121 195 54 19 35 00907600 Nayal 48.00 8 40 . 20 20 5 3 2 00907700 Syoli 63.00 40 176 73 103 30 IS 15 00907800 Lohathal 227.00 119 537 234 303 71 34 37 00907900 Khandar 83.12 22 133 '57 76 17 7 10 00908000 Odura 68.54 44 251 123 128 57 30 27 00908100 Bogar 79.56 54 262 114 148 36 19 17 00908200 Lachhima 129.35 49 227 87 140 37 '16 21 00908300 Gelthi Udiyar 30.79 6 33 15 18 3 2 I 00908400 Madoli Dantoli 95.00 29 165 89 76 32 18 14 00908600 Uri S irtoli 45.00 26 157 77 80 17 10 7 00908700 Chilkiya 18.00 19 124 62 62 20 12 8 00908800 Ukha Khani 231.20 46 185 85 100 27 14 13 00908900 Dantola 37.38 45 214 104 110 33 16 17 00909000 Garsyari 1.01 ------Un-inhabited------00909100 Pakhu Sera 73.55 91 385 198 187 46 24 22 00909200 Jabuka 8.38 15 55 25 30 5 2 3 00909300 Tana Bairat 11.56 25 107 ~ 50 M 7 7 00909400 Dadal 48.96 42 217 88 129 46 21 25 00909500 Tana Echalet 21.12 26 145 70 75 21 15 6 00909600 Kotgari 129.90 125 636 282 354 lSI 72 79 00909700 Masuriya 61.55 78 363 162 201 80 45 35 00909800 Bokal Katiya 90.56 21 101 48 53 19 9 10 00909900 Gwir Lagga Chausala 9.79 '13 60 29 31 7 3 4 00910000 Chausala 70.45 75 401 185 216 54 30 24 00910100 Leg 82.77 30 139 61 78 18 9 9 00910200 Payra 40.79 I 2 2 00910300 Dasoli 205.84 240 1,144 560 584 198 115 83 00910400 Tusrera 37.71 8 45 24 21 5 3 2 00910500 Siglti . 6.25 8 31 15 16



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 14,587 7,368 7,219 376 182 194 32,301 18,200 14,101 Berinag (Total) ]4,587 7,368 7,2]9 376 182 194 32,301 18,200 14,101 Berinag (Rural) Berinag (Urban) Berinag (Rural) 42 21 21/ 99 53 46 Karala Pathak 3 I 2 Batula Sarola 42 23 19 Jajar Gunth 201 91 110 214 126 88 Khola Gaon 20 7 13 18 6 12 Tora Thai IG 4 6 Ha/iya Dob 18 10 8 22 10 12 Makhauli 62 31 31 94 58 36 Kuri 199 93 106 137 77 60 Martola ------Un-inhabited------Hirmoli 142 74 68 263' 136 127 Karala Mahar 223 105 118 46 23 23 270 149 121 NagilaGaon 33 16 17 149 64 85 Papsyari ------Un-inhabited------Dwali 3 2 PuthaGaon ------Un-inhabited------Nanet 15 7 8 Baset 114 59 55 76 47 29' Bantoli 29 14 15 162 77 85 Sangor 26 16 10 Nayal 89 48 41 Syoli 380 197 183 Lohathal 92 48 44 Khandar 243 119 124 119 77 42 Odura 28 13 15 178 89 89 Bogar 149 65 84 Lachhima 13 6 7 23 12 11 Gelthi Udiyar 68 40 28 91 61 30 MadoH DantoH 88 60 28 Uri Sirtoli '\ 105 53 52 73 47 \ 26 Chilkiya 123 64 59 Ukha Khani . 117 60 57 117 70 47 Dantola ------Un-inhabited------Garsyari 121 61 60 3 2 1 254 153 101 Pakhu Sera 29 21 8 Jabuka 7 6 77 49 28 Tana Bairat 125 64 61 Dadal 1 72 37 35 81 49 32 Tana Echalet 269 119 150 365 188 177 Kotgari 9 6 3 10 3 7 215 113 102 Masuriya 70 34 36 16 7 9 45 29 16 l30kal Katiya 40 25 IS Gwir Lagga Chausala 125 66 59 251 136 115 Chausala 82 48 34 Leg 2 2 Payra 525 275 250 732 380 352 Dasoli 34 21 13 Tusrera 24 14 10 Sjg1ti




Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males. Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0051 Berinag (Total) 18,112 6,138 11,974 24,016 11,134 12,882 13,534 7,538 5,996 0051 Berinag (Rural) 18,112 6,138 11,974 24,016 11,134 12,882 13,534 7,538 5,996 0051 Berinag (Urban) Berinag (Rural) 00905600 Karala Pathak 27 8 19 49 21 28 38 17 21 00905700 Batula Barola 2 2 3 2 3 2 00905800 Jajar Gunth 25 7 18 39 15 '24 8 8 00906000 Khola Gaon 277 98 179 338 138 200 335 137 198 00906100 Tora Thai 2 18 6 12 18 6 12 00906200 Haliya Dob 2 2 5 4 4 3 00906300 Makhauli 26 12 14 25 II 14 10 10 00906400. Kuri 75 21 54 98 47 51 30 28 2 00906500 Martola 178 65 113 148 64 84 128 59 69 00906600 Hirmoli ------Un-inhabited------00906700 Karala Mahar 114 43 71 143 47 96 114 45 69 00906800 Nagila Gaon 173 61 112 198 79 119 192 78 114 00906900 Papsyari 87 27 60 114 37 77 30 28 2 00907000 Dwali ------Un-inhabited------00907100 Putha Gaon 122 00907200 Nanet ------Un-inhabited------00907300 Baset 14 6 8 16 5 II 14 5 9 00907400 Bantoli 55 18 37 52 26 26 25 25 00907500 Sangor 154 44 110 161 46 115 125 36 89 00901600 Naya\ \4 4 \0 \4 4 10 \ \ 00907700 Syoli 87 25 62 69 26 43 62 21 41 00907800 Lohathal 157 37 120 262 189 173 35 23 12 00907900 Khandar 41 9 32 48 20 28 17 17 00908000 Odura 132 46 86 88 43 45 43 42 00908100 Bogar 84 25 59 104 38 66 37 31 6 00908200 Lachhima 78 22 56 113 35 78 110 32 78 00908300 Gelthi Udiyar 10 3 7 10 5 5 5 5 00908400 Madoli Dantoli 74 28 46 98 54 44 64 38 26 00908600 Uri Sirtoli 69 17 52 89 41 48 72 30 42 00908700 Chilkiya 51 15 36 66 27 39 48 20 28 00908800' Ukha Khani 62 21 41 105 41 64 101 37 64 00908900 Dantola 97 34 63 103 44 59 68 38 30 00909000 Garsyari ------Un-inhabited------00909100 Pakhu Sera 131 45 86 149 " 60 88 81 7 00909200 .Iabuka 26 4 22 25 ') 16 16 4 12 00909300 Tana Baira! 30 8 22 54 28 26 42 24 18 00909400 Dadal 92 24 68 87 38 49 42 25 17 00909500 Tana Echalet 64 21 43 62 22 40 34 18 16 00909600 Kotgari 271 94 177 381 161 220 250 108 142 00909700 Masuriya 148 49 99 157 68 89 88 35 53 00909800 Bokal Katiya 56 19 37 78 38 40 78 38 40 00909900 Gwir Lagga Chau~ala 20 4 16 35 14 21 23 , 7 16 00910000 Chausala 150 49 101 229 96 133 108 25 83 00910100 Leg 57 13 44 80 33 47 44 13 31 00910200 Payra 2 2 00910300 Dasoli 412 180 232 576 257 319 519 220 299 00910400 Tusrera II 3 8 16 8 8 8 8 00910500 Siglti 7 6 9 8


CENSUS ABSTRACT Berinag Industrial catego!): of main workers Household industry Cultivators A~iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 8,671 3,226 5,445 59 41 18 423 341 82 4,381 3,930 451 Berinag (Total) 8,671 3,226 5,445 59 41 18 423 341 82 4,381 3,930 451 Berinag (Rural) Berinag (Urban) Berinag (Rural) 30 9 21 /- 2 2 6 6 Karala Pathak 3 I 2 Batula Barola 8 8 Jajar Gunth 307 116 191 12 12 16 9 7 KholaGaon 18 6 12 Tora Thai 3 3 Haliya Dob 9 9 Makhauli 28 26 2 2 2 Kuri 44 4 40 4 4 79 54 25 Martola ------Un-inhabited------Hirmoli 100 33 67 5 5 9 7 2 Karala Mahar 113 22 91 39 18 21 39 37 2 NagilaGaon 23 22 7 6 Papsyari ------Un-inhabited------Dwali PuthaGaon ------Un-inhabited------Nanet 8 7 6 4 2 Baset I 23 23 Bantoli 97 19 78 2 26 16 10 Sangor I Nayal 52 12 40 10 9 I Syoli 7 5 2 4 3 24 15 9 Lohathal 6 6 11 11 Khandar 15 15 2 2 -26 25 I Odura 9 9 5 5 23 17 6 Bogar 105 27 78 4 4 Lachhima 5 5 Gelthi Udiyar 56 30 26 4 4 4 4 Madoli Dantoli 69 28 41 3 2 Uri Sirtoli 41 13 28 7 7 Chilkiya 91 27 64 6 6 4 4 -)" UkhaKhani 31 5 26 35 32 Dantola ------,Un-inhabited------Garsyari 12 12 I I 75 68 7 Pakhu Sera 15 3 12 Jabuka 20 4 16 6 5 16 15 Tana Baira! 21 4 17 4 4 17 17 Dadal 18 3 15 I I 15 14 I ;ran a Echalet 192 54 138 2 9 9 47 44 3 Kotgari 65 15 50 I 22 20 2 'Masuriya 75 35 40 3 3 Bokal Katiya 15 15 8 7 Gwir Lagga Chausala 89 6 83 19 19 Chausala 31 3 28 13 10 3 Leg Payra 412 126 286 6 5 101 89 12 Dasoli 7 7 Tusrera Siglti


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial catello!! Location code Marllinal workers Cultivators A![iculturallabourers number Name ofVillase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 '42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0051 Berinag (Total) 10,482 3,596 6,886 9,388 2,861 6,527 272 130 142 0051 Berinag (Rural) 10,482 3,596 6,886 9,388 2,861 6,527 272 130 142 0051 Berinag (Urban) Berinag (Rural) 00905600 Karala Pathak 11 4 7 11 4 7 00905700 Batula Barola 00905800 Jajar Gunth 31 7 24 31 7 24 00906000 Khola Gaon 3 2 2 00906100 Tora Thai 00906200 Haliya Dob 00906300 MakhaiJli 15 14 15 14 00906400 Kuri 68 19 49 68 19 49 00906500 Martola 20 5 15 18 5 13 2 2 00906600 Hirmoli ------Un.-inhabiled------00906700 Karala Mahar 29 2 27 28 1 27 00906800 Nagila Gaon 6 I 5 5 I 4 00906900 Papsyari 84 9 75 84 9 75 00907000 Dwali ------Un-inhabited------00907100 PuthaGaon 2 2 2 2 00907200 Nanet ------Un-inhabiled------00907300 Basel 2 2 2 2 00907400 Bantoli 27 1 26 26 1 25 00907500 Sangor 36 10 26 34 9 25 1\ 00907600 Nayal 13 3 10 13 3 10 00907700 Syoli 7 5 2 7 5 2 00907800 Lohathal 227 66 161 224 64 160 00907900 Khandar 31 3 28 30 2 28 00908000 Odura 45 1 44 45 44 00908100 Bogar 67 7 60 67 7 60 00908200 Lachhima 3 3 OQ908300 Gelthi Udiyar 5 5 5 5 00908400 Madoli Dantoli 34 16 18 32 14 18 00908600 Uri Sirtoli 17 11 6 15 9 6 00908700 Chilkiya 18 7 11 18 7 11 00908800 UkhaKhani 4 4 00908900 Dantola 35 6 29 34 5 29 00909000 Garsyari ------Un-inhabited------00909100 Pakhu Sera 61 8 53 60 8 52 00909200 labuka 9 5 4 9 5 4 00909300 Tana Sairal 12 4 8 12 4 8 00909400 Dadal 45 13 32 43 12 31 00909500 Tana Echalet 28 4 24 28 4 24 00909600 Kotgari 131 53 78 114 41 73 6 5 00909700 Masuriya 69 33 36 59 28 31 00909800 Bokal Katiya 00909900 Gwir Lagga Chausa1a 12 7 5 9 4 5 00910000 Chausala 121 71 50 86 36 50 00910100 Leg 36 20 16 34 18 16 00910200 Payra 00910300 Dasoli 57 37 20 49 32 17 5 2 3 00910400 Tusrera 8 8 8 8 00910500 Siglti 9 8 9 8



ofmafl~inal workers Location Household indust!I workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 201 84 117 621 521 100 26,397 13,204 13,193 Berinag (Total) 0051 201 84 117 621 521 100 26,397 13,204 13,193 Berinag (Rural) 0051 Berinag (Urban) 0051 Berinag (Rural) 77 40 37 Karala Pathak 00905600 2 2 Batula Barola '00905700 28 15 13 Jajar Gunth 00905800 153 86 67 KholaGaon 00906000 2 I Tora ThaI 00906100 7 3 4 Haliya Dob 00906200 23 II 12 Makhauli 00906300 71 32 39 Kuri 00906400 167 78 89 Martola 00906500 ------Un -inhab ited------Hirmoli 00906600 234 132 102 Karala Mahar 00906700 245 131 114 Nagila Gaon 00906800 122 54 68 Papsyari 00906900 ------Un-inhabited------Dwali 00907000 2 Putha Gaon 00907100 ------Un - inh abited------Nanet 00907200 13 8 5 Baset 00907300 79 39 40 Bantoli 00907400 155 75 80 Sangor 00907500 26 16 10 Naya1 00907600 107 47 60 Syoli 00907700 2 275 145 130 Lohathal 00907800 85 37 48 Khandar 00907900 163 80 83 'Odura 00908000 II 158 76 82 Bogar 00908100 3 3 114 52 62 Lachhima 00908200 23 10 13 Gelthi Udiyar 00908300 2 2 67 35 32 Madoli Dantoli 00908400 2 2 68 36 32 Uri Sirtoli 00908600 58 35 23 Chilkiya 00908700 4 4 80 44 36 U.khaKhani 00908800 111 60 51 Dan.tola 00908900 ------Un-inhabited------Garsyari 00909000 I I 236 109 127 Pakhu Sera 00909100 30 16 14 Jabuka 00909200 53 29 24 Tana Bairat 00909300 130 50 80 Dadal 00909400 83 48 35 Tana Echalet 00909500 10 10 255 121 134 Kotgari 00909600 9 5 4 206 94 112 Masuriya 00909700 23 10 13 Bokal Katiya 00909800 3,. 3 25 15 10 Gwir Lagga Chausala 00909900 34 34 172 89 83 Chausala 00910000 2 2 59 28 31 Leg 00910100 Payra 00910200 2 2 568 303 265 Dasoli 00910300 29 16 13 Tusrera 00910400 22 14 8 Siglti 00910500


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of _~ __.t:;P0::1p:.::u~la::.:tio::::n::.l.)---:=---,-_ age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

00910600 Balyau 102.40 48 230 100 130 33 16 17 00910700 NaIra 39.90 20 83 41 42 10 9 1 00910800 Chaya1 Bagar 104.60 24 125 56 69 26 14 12 00910900 Asyali 482.00 13 65 26 39 13 6 7 00911000 Kasyari 16.21 8 40. 26 14 3 3 00911100 Suneti 29.59 33 178 83 95 17 8 9 00911200 Dugri 15.80 6 36 14 22 11 3 8 00911300 Amthal 16.19 23 99 45 54 15 7 8 00911400 Bhurola 18.70 17 55 27 28 6 5 1 00911500 Darmoli 38.49 39 180 93 87 27 18 9 00911600 Bhati Gaon 357.22 54 254 120 134 40 18 22 00911700 Makrauga 46.82 41 199 101 98 30 22 8 00911800 Ghangho1i 10.95 26 ·126 53 73 25 13 12 ' 00911900 Hippa 51.39 28 149 66 83 25 13 12 4 . 00912000 Sildao 84.17 21 96 44 52 8 4 00912100 Sainar 60.87 48 291 142 149 57 29 28 00912200 Jajoli 64.03 21 96 39 57 21 10 II 00912300 Jalati 64.02 4 20 10 10 3 1 2 00912400 Adholi 40.56 23 104 54 50 18 11 7 00912500 Baret Talla Senigaon 47.83 75 415 217 198 75 41 34 00912600 Nayal Sapoli 138.90 33 196 96 100 37 19 18 00912700 Batroli 52.61 14 97 48 49 24 15 9 00912800 Kapha1ta Birgwali 46.53 23 115· 50 65 25 10 15· 00912900 Thatholi 18.94 8 35 18 17 3 2 00913000 Se1aban 18.75 21 117 57 60 21 13 8 00913100 Bairi Gaon 20.36 23 93 41 52 18 II 7 00913200 Bamret Bhakunda 81.98 26 150 71 79 31 17 14 00913300 Bhaisiya Udiyar 60.66 10 63 28 35 '8 4 4 00913400 Arari 652.90 131 555 243 312 95 39 56 00913600 842.10 78 417 218 199 73 43 30 00913700 Kanda Khet 4.10 6 32 13 19 4 3 00913800 Kalethi 80.23 52 264 123 141 48 24 24 00913900 Dhole Katiya 81.28 II 53 26 27 6 3 3 00914000 Kuter 11.69 3 14 8 6 00914200 Barsayat 63.55 60 314 174 140 45 28 17 00914300 Dudriya Lega lakha 23.96 ------Un-inhabited------00914400 Rithyat 17.89 7 27 13 14 2 1 1 00914500 Gurburani Upadhaya 38.21 10 59 22 37 9 3 6 00914600 Gurgurani Dashauni 39.82 26 115 57 58 15 9 6 00914700 Jakha Rawat 71.04 56 253 120 133 39 19 20 00914800 Manet 21.36 14 64 25 39 13 5 8 00914900 Kande 180.47 104 482 228 254 89 42 47 00915000 Sagri Khet 7.13 ------Un-inhabited------00915100 Kiroli 33.82 31 118 56 62 18 11 7 00915200 Baitholi 162.16 65 275 144 131 35 16 19 00915300 Udiyari 814.60 152 783 351 ~432 133 70 63 00915400 Tun Khola 60.32 19 58 26 32 8 6 2 00915500 Dugri lagthali 1.95 7 28 II 17 8 4 4 00915600 Jagthali 142.90 104 505 249 256 104 52 52 00915700 Laluka 87.19 17 61 35 26 II 10 00915800 Garau 15Q.43 114 519 244 275 84 47 37 00915900 Nayal Saknoli 35.01 21 91 52 39 15 II 4



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 140 80 60 Balyau 49 29 20 NaIra 68 38 30 ehayal Bagar 5 2 3 39 18 21 Asyali 26 19 7 Kasyari 26 16 10 130 68 62 Suneti 19 9 10 Dugri 22 II II 75 32 43 77 37 40 Amthal 9 5 4 36 19 17 Bhurola 7 4 3 127 71 56 Darmoli 185 98 87 Bhati Gaon 3 2 1 -: 134 74 60 Makrauga 116 46 70 78 38 40 Ghangholi 92 48 44 Hippa 64 37 27 Sildao 291 142 149 1:;71 93 78 Sainar 61 28 33 Jajoli 14 9 5 Jalati 63 35 28 Adholi 415 217 198 250 164 86 Baret Talla Senigaon 88 48 40 21 11 10 127 75 52 Nayal Sapoli 94 47 47 56 31 25 Batroli 33 15 18 71 40 31 Kaphalta Birgwali 18 10 8 Thatholi 7 2 5 57 37 20 Selaban 46 25 21 Bairi Gaon . III 54 57 83 49 34 Bamret Bhakunda 33 21 12 Bhaisiya Udiyar 6 4 2 311 172 139 Arari 203 102 101 232 145 87 Chaukori 24 10 14 Kanda Khet 8 5 3 170 94 76 Kalethi 44 23 21 40 23 17 Dhole Katiya 14 8 6 Kuter 164 91 73 223 140 '\ 83 Barsayat ····--·------Un-inhabited------·- \ Dudriya Lega Jakha 19 12 7 Rithyat 41 18 23 Gurburani Upadhaya 6 4 2 82 46 36 Gurgurani Dashauni 174 96 78 Jakha Rawat 41 20 21 Manet 278 126 152 311 168 143 Kande ·-·-·------Un-inhabited------Sagri Khet 21 10 II 85 44 41 Kiroli 114 59 55 195 116 79 Baitholi 146 63 83 f 502 267 235 Udiyari 15 8 7 46 19 27 Tun Khola 16 6 10 Dugri Jagthali 284 145 139 295 170 125 Jagthali I I 41 25 16 Laluka 120 65 55 356 179 177 Garau 60 36 24 57 35 22 Nayal Saknoli



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of ViII age Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00910600 Balyau 90 20 70 127 43 84 73 26 47 00910700 NaIra 34 12 22 44 14 30 2 1 00910800 Chayal Bagar 57 18 39 74 28 46 33 12 21 00910900 Asyali 26 8 18 41 15 26 27 10 17 00911000 Kasyari 14 7 7 20 9 11 20 9 11 00911100 Suneti 48 15 33 79 33 46 79 33 46 0091 1200 Dugri 17 5 12 II 4 7 II 4 7 00911300 Amthal 22 8 14 49 22 27 49 22 27 00911400 Bhurola 19 8 II 30 14 16 30 14 16 00911500 Dannoli 53 22 31 86 31 55 68 24 44 00911600 Bhati Gao!" 69 22 47 138 65 73 116 50 66 00911700 Makrauga 65 27 38 98 40 58 87 29 58 00911800 Ghangholi 48 15 33 45 16 29 44 16 28 00911900 Hippa 57 18 39 70 23 47 64 20 44 00912000 Sildao 32 7 25 50 19 31 42 15 27 00912100 Sainar 120 49 71 141 62 79 132 59 73 00912200 Jajoli 35 11 24 49 18 31 47 18 29 00912300 Jalati 6 I 5 14 7 7 14 7 7 00912400 Adholi 41 19 22 42 15 27 42 15 27 00912500 BaretTalla Senigaon 165 53 112 215 101 114 117 65 52 00912600 Nayal Sapoli 69 21 48 107 49 58 93 43 50 00912700 Batroli 41 17 24 43 17 26 26 10 16 00912800 Kaphalta Birgwali 44 10 34 51 17 34 38 15 23 00912900 Thatholi 17 8 9 17. 7 10 13 5 8 00913000 Selaban 60 20 40 62 25 37 47 20 27 00913100 BairiGaon 47 16 31 50' 21 29 48 19 29 00913200 Bamret Bhakunda 67 22 45 73 32 41 <68 30 38 00913300 Bhaisiya Udiyar 30 7 23 33 12 21 26 9 17 00913400 Arari 244 71 173 271 107 164 52 48 4 00913600 Chaukori 185 73 112 141 89 52 71 67 4 00913700 Kanda Khet 8 3 5 22 8 14 13 4 9 00913800 Kalethi 94 29 65 141 55 86 113 51 62 00913900 Dhole Katiya 13 3 10 30 13 17 30 13 17 00914000 Kuter 6 3 3 6 3 3 00914200 Barsayat 91 34 57 155 77 78 142 72 70 00914300 Dudriya Lega Jakha ------Un-inhabited------00914400 Rithyat 8 1 7 17 8 9 13 7 6 00914500 Gurburani Upadhaya 18 4 14 31 13 18 28 12 16 00914600 Gurgurani Dashauni 33 II 22 66 27 39 59 24 35 00914700 Jakha Rawat 79 24 55 133 53 80 114 43 71 00914800 Manet 23 5 18 33 9 24 25 7 18 00914900 Kande 171 60 III 241 101 140 127 57 70 00915000 Sagri Khet ------Un-inhabited------00915100 Kiroli 33 12 21 62 28 34 61 27 34 00915200 Baitholi 80 28 52 153 82 71 104 62 42 00915300 Udiyari 281 84 197 380 142 238 52 40 12 00915400 Tun Khola 12 7 5 46 18 28 ,19 13 6 00915500 Dugri Jagthali 12 5 7 16 4 12 13 4 9 00915600 Jagthali 210 79 131 355 178 177 136 102 34 00915700 Laluka 20 10 10 41 21 20 33 18 15 00915800 Garau 163 65 98 188 93 95 81 66 15 00915900 Nayal Saknoli 34 17 17 68 39 29 23 19 4


CENSUS ABSTRACT Berinag Industrial cateS0!2: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Al[iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 36 12 24 37 14 23 Balyau 2 1 NaIra 12 I II 21 II 10 Chayal Bagar 13 6 7 13 4 9 Asyali 20 9 II Kasyari 75 31 44 3 2 Suneti 9 2 7 2 2 Dugri 48 22 26 Amthal 28 12 16 Bhurola 57 14 43 .10 9 Darmoli 99 36 63 17 14 3 Bhati Gaon 80 23 57 7 6 Makrauga 43 16 27 -. Ghangholi 62 18 44 2 2 Hippa 38 II 27 4 4 Sildao 121 48 73 10 10 Sainar 45 16 29 Jajoli 14 7 7 Jalati 41 14 27 Adholi 76 24 52 41 41 Baret Talla Senigaon 78 34 44 9 5 4 6 4 2 Nayal Sapoli 20 4 16 6 6 Batroli 29 6 23 ,8 8 Kaphalta Birgwali 12 4 8 1 Thatholi 40 I3 2i 6 6 Selaban 47 18 29 I 1 BaiTi Gaon 60 22 38 7 7 Bamret Bhakunda 25 8 17 1 1 Bhaisiya Udiyar 3 2 I 49 46 3 Arari 7 5 2 4 3 60 59 Chaukori IO 3 7 3 I 2 Kanda Khet 89 27 62 24 24 Kalethi 30 13 17 Dhole Kaliya 6 3 3 Kuter 128 58 70 14 14 Barsayat ------Un-inhabited------, Dudriya Lega Jakha II 5 6 2 2\ Rithyal 19 7 12 9 5 4 Gurburani Upadhaya 44 15 29 5 4 10 8 2 Gurgurani Dashauni 109 40 69 4 3 I Jakha Rawat 24 6 18 1 Manet 88 23 65 6 6 33 28 5 Kande ------Un-inhabited------Sagri Khet I _ 55 21 .34 6 6 Kiroli 63 25 38 41 37 4 Baitholi 25 14 II 7 6 20 20 Udiyari 12 6 6 7 7 Tun Khola 12 3 9 1 I' Dugri Jagthali 116 83 33 19 19 Jagthali 19 7 12 14 II 3 Laluka 19 II 8 2 2 60 53 7 Garau 19 16 3 4 3 Nayal Saknoli


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial catel!zo!): Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators ABEiculturallabourers number Name ofVillase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45' 46 47 48 49 00910600 Salyau 54 17 37 53 17 36 . 00910700 Naira 42 13 29 42 13 29 00910800 Chayal Sagar 41 16 25 41 16 25 00910900 Asyali 14 5 9 14 5 9 00911000 Kasyari 00911100 Suneti 00911200 Dugri 00911300 Amtha1 00911400 Bhurola 00911500 Darmoli 18 7 11 17 6 11 00911600 Shati Gaon 22 15 7 22 15 7 00911700 Makrauga 11 11 II 11 00911800 Ghangholi 1 1 00911900 Hippa 6 3 3 6 3 3 00912000 Sildao 8 4 4 8 4 4 00912100 Sainar 9 3 6 9 3 6 00912200 lajoli 2 2 2 2 00912300 Jalati 00912400 Adholi· 00912500 Baret Talla Senigaon 98 36 62 92 30 62 00912600 Nayal Sapoli 14 6 8 14 6 8 00912700 BatroH 17 7 10 17 7 10 00912800 Kaphalta Birgwali 13 2 II 13 2 II 00912900 Thatholi 4 2 2 4 2 2 00913000 Selaban 15 5 10 15 . 5 10 00913100 Bairi Gaon 2 2 2 2 00913200 Bamret Bhakunda 5 2 3 5 2 3 00913300 Bhaisiya Udiyar 7 3 4 7 3 4 00913400 Arari 219 59 160 214 55 159 00913600 Chaukori 70 22 48 55 11 44 00913700 Kanda Khet 9 4 5 9 4 5 00913800 Kalethi 28 4 24 26 3 23 00913900 Dhole Katiya 00914000 Kuter 00914200 Sarsayat 13 5 8 12 4 8 '- 00914300 Dudriya Lega lakha ------Un-inhabited------00914400 Rithyat 4 3 4 1 3 00914500 Gurburani Upadhaya 3 2 2 I I 00914600 Gurgurani Dashauni 7 3 4 6 3 3 00914700 JakhaRawat 19 10 9 19 10 9 00914800 Manet 8 2 6 8 2 6 00914900 Kande 114 44 70 93 27 66 00915000 Sagri Khet ------Un-inhabited------00915100 Kiroli 1 1 1 00915200 Baitholi 49 20 29 48 19 29 00915300 Udiyari 328 102 226 325 101 224 00915400 Tun Khola 27 5 22 27 5 22 00915500 Dugri lagthali 3 3 2 2 00915600 Jagthali 219 76 143 219 76 143 00915700 Laluka 8 3 5 2 2 00915800 Garau 107 27 80 88 9 79 00915900 Naya\ Saknoli 45 20 25 45 20 25


CENSUS ABSTRACT Berinag ofmarElinal workers Location Household indus!!1 workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 103 57 46 Balyau 00910600 39 27 12 NaIra 00910700 51 28 23 Chayal Bagar 00910800 24 II 13 Asyali 00910900 20 17 3 Kasyari 00911000 99 50 49 Suneti '00911100 25 10 15 Dugri 00911200 50 23 27 Amthal 00911300 25 13 12 Bhurola 00911400 94 62 32 Darmoli 00911500 116 55 61 Bhati Gaon 00911600 101 61 40 Makrauga 00911700 81 37 44 Ghangholi 00911800 79 43 36 Hippa 00911900 46 25 21 Sildao 00912000 150 80 70 Sainar 00912100 47 2'1 26 Jajoli 00912200 6 3 3 Jalati 00912300 62 39 23 Adholi 00912400 5 5 200 116 84 Baret Talla Senigaon 00912500 89 47 42 Nayal Sapoli 009\2600 54 31 23 Batroli 00912700 64 33 31 KaphaJta ~irgwali 00912800 18 11 7 Thatholi 00912900 55 32 23 Selaban 00913000 43 20 23 Bairi Gaon 00913100 77 39 38 Bam ret Bhakunda 00913200 30 16 14 Bhaisiya Udiyar 00913300 5 4 I 284 136 148 Arari 00913400 13 10 3 276 129 147 Chaukori 00913600 10 5 5 Kanda Khet 00913700 2 123 68 55 Kalethi 00913800 23 13 10 Dhole Katiya 00913900 8 5 3 Kuter 00914000 159 97 62 Barsayat 00914200 ------Un-inhabited------Dudr{ya Lega Jakha 00914300 10 5 5 Rithyat 00914400 28 9 19 Gurburani Upadhaya 00914500 49 30 19 Gurgurani Dashauni 00914600 120 67 53 Jakha Rawat 00914700 31 16 15 Manet 00914800 11 7 4 10 10 241 127 114 Kande 00914900 ------Un-inhabited------Sagri K~et 00915000 56 28 28 Kiroli 00915100 122 62 60 Baitholi 00915200 2 403 209 194 Udiyari 00915300 12 8 4 Tun Khola 0()9 I 5400 12 7 5 Dugri Jagthali 00915500 150 71 79 Jagthali 00915600 5 2 3 20 14 6 Laluka 00915700 19 18 331 151 180 Garau 00915800 23 13 10 Nayal Saknoli 00915900


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of ____pt;.;0::..tp:::.u1:,:a;:.:.tio;;;n:.L)---,,--,-_ age-group 0-6 number Name ofVilJage hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00916000 Sahu Garau 55.31 54 2}7 133 144 42 21 21 . 009 J 6 J 00 Chhalori 134.68 41 216 108 108 37 20 17 00916200 Kala Sit 45.86 31 143 74 69 10 6 4 00916300 Kir Moliya 22.47 c------Un-inhabited------~- 00916400 Darmet 49.42 4 17 7 10 2 2 00916500 Puriyag Maphi 37.23 13 60 32 28 4 3 00916600 Birtola 35.41 2 14 5 9 00916700 Hariyat Naghar 108.24 55 264 128 136 30 18 12 00916800 Kamdeena 28.54 53 243 122 121 30 20 10 00916900 Bagdoli 53.85 15 71 33 38 16 9 7 00917000 Sani Khet . 14.96 39 179 99 80 14 7 7 00917100 Bajet 5.91 5 24 11 13 00917200 Pamtola 32.63 12 59 36 23 4 3 00917300 Dugri Barsayat 25.24 ------Un- inhab ited------00917400 Gartir Lagga Birtola 9.65 ------Un-inhabited------00917500 PipaJi 16.93 26 115 58 57 9 7 2 00917600 Tharp 72.00 47 248 127 121 31 20 11 00917700 Baret Baphila 71.23 88 432 210 222 73 41 32 00917800 Baret ChonaJa 25.00 24 140 63 77 25 15 10 00917900 Bhanela Gaon 37.13 11 45 20 25 8 3 5 00918000 GhanghaJ 38.12 9 44 21 23 4 3 1 00918100 Maitoli 28.56 31 163 80 83 13 7 6 00918200 Banera 2.46 33 145 61 84 14 5 9 00918300 Gadera Bist 40.31 17 57 24 33 8 2 6 00918400 Mani Khet 40.05 9 32 14 18 00918500 Sani Khet 17.00 ------;--Un-inhabited------00918600 Baya 95.26 13 60 30 30 3 2 00918700 Dhanoli 31.00 33 170 88 82 20 10 10 009 J8800 Budera 48.00 41 214 110 104 37 19 18 00918900 Baphila 117.14 49 226 105 121 27 lil 13 00919000 Khanat 8.51 23 110 52 58 16 8 8 00919100 Sunyura 9.65 34 167 79 88 29 12 17 00919200 Sakun Kande 75.97 21 83 . 38 45 7 3 4 00919300 Sali Khet 13.00 4 13 7 6 00919400 Digtoli 61.43 10 40 18 22 6 2 4 00919500 Bora Sagar 17.06 11 55 29 26 9 6 3 00919600 Sagar 5I.21 82 357 170 187 43 23 20 00919700 Beri Nag 200.00 822 3,453 2,059 1,394 417 233 184 00919800 BanoH Mantoli 80.05 13 58 27 31 9 3 6 00919900 Dhol Kura 15.34 2 6 3 3 00920000 Garhtir 264.80 116 472 206 266 54 29 25 00920100 Pinari 37.18 21 90 44 46 11 6 5 00920200 Hawlet 36.54 9 45 28 17 4 2 2 00920300 Kaluwa Khan 2.68 13 52 25 27 4 2 2 00920400 Bamr 135.90 42 206 101 105 36 18 18 00920500 Jogyura Thai 48.00 174 789 404 385 113 57 56 00920600 Machhikhet 81.00 45 232 105 127 35 I 15 20 00920700 Hajeti 31.00 26 140 65 75 20 12 8 00920800 Puriyat 33.67 18 69 30 39 2 1 00920900 Pariyal Gaon 15.00 12 49 22 27 4 3 00921000 Likhatar 20.00 3 17 8 9 00921100 Hatwal 47.00 30 126 60 66 17 9



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 .2/ 183 106 77 Sahu Garau 105 48 57 126 72 54 Chhalori 84 44 40 113 63 50 KalaSil ------Un-inhabited------KirMoliya 7 3 4 ! II 7 4 Darmet 33 24 9 Puriyag Maphi 12 5 7 Birtola 5 2 3 178 99 79 Hariyat Naghar 34 20 14 163 92 71 Kamdeena 46 22 24 34 18 16 Bagdoli 179 99 80 116 77 39 Sani Khet 24 II 13 Bajet 43 28 15 46 31 15 Pamtola ------Un-inhabi ted------Dugri Barsayat ------Un-inhabited------Garlir Lagga Birtola 20 12 8 89 49 40 Pipali 129 72 57 155 91 64 Tharp 99 51 48 262 142 120 Baret Baphila 69 34 35 79 43 36 Baret Chonala. 20 13 7 Bhanela Gaon 29 18 11 Ghanghal 43 24 19 119 66 53 Maitoli 25 9 16 104 53 51 Banera 39 20 19 Gadera Bist 28 14 14 ManiKhet ------Un-inhabited------Sani Khet 15 8 7 45 24 21 Baya 140 77 63 Dhanoli 165 85 80 122 72 50 Budera 43 21 22 145 79 66 Baphila 110 52 58 73 41 32 Khanat 163 76 87 107 64 43 Sunyura 42 27 15 Sakun Kande 9 7 2 Sali Khet 4 2 2 "- 31 14 17 19 11 \ 8 Digtoli 29 18 II Bora Sagar 17 9 8 246 136 110 Sagar 803 434 369 59 34 25 2,799 1,744 1,055 Beri Nag 24 9 15 37 22 15 Banoli Mantoli 4 3 Dhol Kura 283 156 127 Garhtir 73 38 3~ Pinari 2 2 35 23 12 Hawlet 6 3 3 44 23 21 Kaluwa Khan 60 30 30 5 3 2 129 79 50 Barar 264 127 137 113 55 58 573 317 256 Jogyura ThaI 124 73 51 Machhikhet 90 48 42 Hajeti 7 4 3 46 24 22 Puriyat 16 9 7 33 17 16 Pariyal Gaon 17 B 9 Likhatar 32 20 12 73 42 31 Hatwal



Location code III iterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00916000 Sahu Garau 94 27 67 207 101 106 70 45 25 ·00916100 Chhalori 90 36 54 92 49 43 43 41 2 00916200 Kala Sil 30 II 19 83 38 45 79 35 44 00916300 Kir Moliya ------Un-inhabited------00916400 Darmet 6 6 13 6 7 13 6 7 00916500 Puriyag Maphi 27 8 19 ,38 23 15 34 19 15 00916600 Birtola 2 2 14 5 9 2 2 00916700 Hariyat Naghar 86 29 57 119 51 68 20 19 00916800 Kamdeena 80 30 50 102 39 63 13 13 00916900 Bagdoli 37 15 22 31 14 17 7 6 1 00917000 Sani Khet 63 22 41 107 51 56 33 31 2 00917100 Bajet 12 5 7 12 5 7 00917200 Pam!ola 13 5 8 31 17 14 30 16 14 00917300 Dugri Barsayat ------Un-inhabited------00917400 Gartir Lagga Birtola ------Un-inhabited------00917500 Pipali 26 9 17 69 32 37 16 13 3 00917600 Tharp 93 36 57 129 67 62 lIS 58 57 00917700 Baret Baphila 170 68 102 180 71 109 24 20 4 00917800 Baret Chonala 61 20 41 50 17 33 50 17 33 00917900 Bhanela Gaon 25 7 18 34 17 17 31 14 17 00918000 Ghanghal 15 3 12 17 9 8 4 4 00918100 Maitoli 44 14 30 77 44 33 55 38 17 00918200 Banera 41 8 33 97 44 53 34 32 2 00918300 Gadera Bist 18 4 14 45 19 26 14 8 6 00918400 Mani Khet 4 4 20 9 11 9 5 4 00918500 Sani Khet ------Un-inhabited------00918600 Baya 15 6 9 33 16 17 13 II 2 00918700 Dhanoli 30 II 19 49 31 18 26 23 3 00918800 Budera 92 38 54 106 52 54 45 41 4 00918900 Baphila 81 26 55 95 46 49 23 20 3 00919000 Khanat 37 II 26 44 21 23 II 8 3 00919100 Sunyura 60 15 45 64 27 37 7 7 00919200 Sakun Kande 41 II 30 34 14 20 6 4 2 00919300 Sali Khet 4 4 13 7 6 4 4 00919400 Digtoli 21 7 14 II 10 8 "8 00919500 Bora Sagar 26 II 15 36 15 21 3 3 00919600 Sagar 111 34 77 213 98 115 53 50 3 00919700 Beri Nag 654 315 339 1,147 1,015 132 1,049 939 110 00919800 Banoli Mantoli 21 5 16 37 17 20 9 9 00919900 Dhol Kura 2 2 I I I 1 00920000 Garhtir 189 50 139 272 109 163 189 56 133 00920100 Pinari 17 6 II 56 23 33 20 14 6 00920200 Hawlet 10 5 5 23 12 1I 12 11 00920300 Kaluwa Khan 8 2 6 15 13 2 12 10 2 00920400 Barar 77 22 55 132 62 70 63 32 31 00920500 Jogyura Thai 216 87 129 319 223 96 254 198 56 00920600 Machhikhet 108 32 76 80 30 50 8q 30 50 00920700 Hajeti 50 17 33 77 33 44 19 16 3 00920800 Puriyat 23 6 17 39 18 21 5 5 00920900 Pariyal Gaon 16 5 II 18 7 II 3 2 00921000 Likhatar 10 4 6 4 4 0092 I 100 Hatwal S3 18 35 57 23 34 54 22 32


CENSUS ABSTRACT Berinag Industrial eatell0!}: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 50 26 24 20 19 Sahu Garau 11 11 32 30 2 Chhalori 67 23 44 11 11 KalaSil ------Un-inhabited------Kir Moliya 13 6 7 Darmet 34 19 15 - / Puriyag Maphi 2 2 Birtola 19 18 Hariyat Naghar 13 13 Kamdeena 3 2 3 3 Bagdoli 17 16 1 2 2 13 12 Sani Khet 8 7 4 4 Bajet 30 16 14 Pamtola ------Un-inhabited------Dugri Barsayat ------Un-inhabited------Oartir Lagga Birtola 1 IS 12 3 Pipali 92 37 55 23 21 2 Tharp I I 2 2 21 18 3 Baret Baphila 44 12 32 6 5 1 Baret Chonala 31. 14 17 Bhanela Gaon 3 3 Ohanghal 25 9 16 30 29 Maitoli 27 25 2 4 4 3 3 Banera 13 7 6 Oadera Bist 9 5 4 Mani Khet ------Un-inhabi ted------Sani Khet 13 11 2 Baya 1 25 23 2 Dhanoli 40 39 2 3 I 2 Budera 1 1 21 19 2 8aphila 4 4 7 4 3 Khanat 7 7 Sunyura 5 3 2 Sakun Kande 4 4 Sali Khet 3 3 5 5 ,,- - Digtoli 3 3 Bora Sagar 6 5 1 47 45 2 Sagar 10 3 7 60 52 8 979 884 "95 Beri Nag 2 2 6 6 Banoli Mantoli Dhol Kura 173 42 131 16 14 2 Garhtir 18 13 5 I: Pinari 6 5 6 6 - i Hawlet 2 2 10 8 2 Kaluwa Khan 34 6 28 29 26 3 Barar 5 , 5 55 21 34 194 172 22 Jogyura-Thal 74 25 49 6 5 Maehhikhet 6 3 3 12 12 Hajeti 5 5 Puriyat 3 2 Pariyal Gaon 3 3 Likhatar 52 20 32 2 2 Hatwal


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Industrial categ0!l: Location code Marginal workers Cultivators A!l!iculturallabourers number Name of Village PersonS Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00916000 Sahu Garau 137 56 81 136 56 80 009\6100 Chhalori 49 8 41 43 5 38 2 2 00916200 KalaSil 4 3 4 3 00916300 KirMoliya ------Un-inhabited------00916400 Darmet 00916500 Puriyag Maphi 4 4 4 4 00916600 Birtola 12 3 9 11 2 9 00916700 Hariyat Naghar 99 32 67 99 32 67 00916800 Kamdeena 89 26 63 88 25 63 00916900 Bagdoli 24 8 16 22 6 16 00917000 San; Khet 74 20 54 64 12 52 2 2 00917100 Bajet 00917200 Pamtola 00917300 Dugri Barsayat ------Un-inhabited------009\7400 Gartir Lagga Birtola ------Un-inhabited------00917500 Pipali 53 19 34 49 \6 33 00917600 Tharp 14 9 5 14 9 5 00917700 Baret Baphila \56 51 105 \54 49 105 00917800 Baret Chonala 00917900 Bhanela Gaon 3 3 3 3 00918000 Ghanghal 13 5 8 13 5 8 00918100 Maitoli 22 6 16 19 3 16 00918200 Banera 63 12 51 26 5 21 3 3 009\8300 Gadera Bist 3\ \1 20 5 2 3 8 5 3 00918400 Mani Khet 11 4 7 2 2 00918500 Sani Khet ------Un- inhab ited------00918600 Baya 20 5 15 \ \ 7 2 5 00918700 Dhanoli 23 8 15 19 4 15 00918800 Budera 61 11 50 9 6 3 5 4 00918900 Baphila 72 26 46 66 21 45 00919000 Khanat 33 13 20 23 4 19 00919100 Sunyura 57 20 37 45 9 36 00919200 Sakun Kande 28 10 18 25 7 18 00919300 Sali Khet 9 3 6 7 2 5 00919400 Digtoli 3 2 I I 00919500 Bora Sagar 33 12 21 31 II 20 00919600 Sagar 160 48 112 140 39 101 00919700 Beri Nag 98 76 22 15 2 13 00919800 Banoli Mantoli 28 8 20 26 6 20 00919900 Dhal Kura 00920000 Garhtir 83 53 30 81 51 30 00920100 Pinari 36 9 27 16 3 13 5 2 3 00920200 Hawlet 11 10 11 10 00920300 KaluwaKhan 3 3 00920400 Barar 69 30 39 52 15 37 10 8 2 00920500 Jagyura Thai 65 25 40 20 3 17 18 12 6 00920600 Machhikhet 00920700 Hajeti .58 17 41 57 16 41 I 1 00920800 Puriyat 34 13 21 30 10 20 4 3 00920900 Pariyal Gaon IS 5 10 15 5 10 0092]000 Likhatar 6 6 6 6 00921100 Hatwal 3 2 3 2


CENSUS ABSTRACf Berinag of marsinal workers

,. Location Household in dust!! workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males females Persons Males females Persons Males females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 70 32 38 Sahu Garau 00916000 4 3 124 59 65 Chha10ri 00916100 60 36 24 KalaSil 00916200 ------Un-inhabited------KirMoliya 00916300 4 3 Darmet 00916400 22 9 13 Puriyag Maphi 00916500 ! Birtola 00916600 145 77 68 Hariyat Naghar 00916700 141 83 58 Kamdeena 00916800 2 2 40 19 21 Bagdoli 00916900 8 6 2 72 48 24 Sani Khet 00917000 12 6 6 Bajet 00917100 28 19 9 Pamtola 00917200 ------Un-inhabited------Dugri Barsayat 00917300 ------Un-inhabited------Gartir Lagga Birtola 00917400 4 3 1 46 26 20 Pipali 00917500 119 ,60 59 Tharp 00917600 252 139 113 Baret Baphila 00917700 90 46 44 Baret Chona1a 00917800 11 3 8 Bhanela Gaon 00917900 27 12 15 Ghanghal 00918000 - 3 3 86 36 50 Maitoli 00918100 28 4 24 6 3 3 48 17 31 Banera 00918200 12 3 9 6 5 12 5 7 Gadera Bist 00918300 8 3 5 I 12 5 7 Mani Khet 00918400 ------Un-inhabited------Sani Khet 00918500 10 9 2 1 1 27 14 13 Baya 00918600 4 4 121 57 64 Dhanoli 00918700 32 3 29 15 1 14 108 58 50 Budera 00918800 6 5 131 59 72 Baphila 00918900 7 7 2 2 66 31 35 Khanat 00919000 7 7 5 4 103 52 51 Sunyura 00919100 3 3 49 24 25 Sakun Kande 00919200 2 Sali Khet 00919300 29 8 21 Digtoli 00919400 2 I 19 14 5 Bora Sagar 00919500 19 8 II 144 72 72 Saga.. 00919600 12 7 5 70 67 3 2,306 1,044 1,262 Beri Nag 00919700 2 2 21 10 II Banoli Mantoli 00919800 5 2 3 Dhol Kura 00919900 2 2 200 97 103 Garhtir 00920000 10 2 8 5 2 3 34 21 13 Pinari 00920100 22 16 6 Hawlet 00920200 3 3 37 12 25 KaluwaKhan 00920300 2 2 5 5 74 39 35 Barar 00920400 15 2 13 12 8 4 470 181 289 Jogyura Thai 00920500 152 75 77 Machhikhet 00920600 63 32 31 Hajeti 00920700 30 12 18 Puriyat 00920800 31 15 16 Pariyal Gaon 00920900 7 4 3 Likhatar 00921000 69· 37 32 Hatwal 00921100


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households ~P~e-rs-o-ns-~M~al~e;;':s-="--:F::""e-m-al:-e-s Persons Males Fema[es 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00921200 Arntar 47.85 21 105 56 49 13 9 4 00921300 Dagi Gaon 1 [9.94 125 608 292 316 102 53 49 0092[400 Mailgari 18.00 16 64 28 36 11 5 6 00921500 Bartunga Sirtoli 58.00 31 144 70 74 19 11 8 00921600 Harari 15.35 6 29 16 13 3 2 00921700 Go[a Gaon 21.91 17 70 34 36 14 8 6 00921800 Lwatar Pathak [5.5[ [ 4 3 1 00921900 Purana Thai 77.74 82 338 159 179 44 21 23 00922000 Punauli 18.31 9 49 15 34 9 2 7 00922 [00 Jajar Maphi 3.13 10 42 18 24 5 2 3 00922200 Jajar Sirtoli 8.82 15 66 23 43 II 6 5 00922300 Jajar Khitoli 8.12 11 50 21 29 11 2 9 00922400 Ruina Thai 42.00 50 260 128 132 40 22 18 00922500 Uprara Pathak 8.88 32 [ [6 58 58 7 3 4 00922600 Sinto[a 50.00 16 78 39 39 9 4 5 00922700 Kamdoli 9.[5 4 [8 8 10 00922800 Mudoli Daboli 25.45 16 70 35 35 13 5 8 00922900 Munsola Punauli 19.10 12 49 20 29 9 3 6 00923000 Gangora 99.77 45 2[8 102 116 31 18 13 00923100 Pipaltar 132.80 94 401 186 215 56 29 27 00923200 Belkot 501.52 155 761 382 379 117 64 53 00923300 Jakhater Sural Gaon 14.24 11 47 16 31 8 3 5 00923400 Bha[yura 16.73 3 [3 5 8 2 2 00923500 Bhandari Bara 21.00 5 26 14 12 5 4 1 00923600 Ukhera 184.82 7 29 , [5 14 4 2 2 00923700 Jha[ara 13.00 6 27 15 12 00923800 Chhana 32.00 [[ 50· , 21 29 4 3 00923900 Dhanga 33.00 16 75 34 41 8 4 4 00924000 Posa 105.00 73 345 157 [88 68 33 35 00924 [ 00 Postala 80.00 45 [82 95 87 30 14 16 00924300 Suk[yari 130.00 86 37[ 17[ 200 54 31 23 00924400 Bhati Gaon 267.00 127 589 289 300 108 56 52 00924500 Khitauli 111.50 115 553 28[ 272 68 36 32 00924600 Pungar Kholi 101.00 47 250 [06 [44 55 3[ 24 00924700 Bora Khet 17.00 8 3[ 18 13 2 2 00924800 Gwir TamoH 65.49 46 283 136 147 50 22 28 00924900 Kwerali 121.00 117 531 246 285 66 35 31 00925000 Patharari 11.00 13 49 27 22 7 4 3 00925100 Bana 338.00 127 602 308 294 69 36 33 00925200 Tata Patauli 353.40 5 30 16 14 5 4 1 00925300 Gwir 97.00 61 307 147 160 46 27 19 00925400 Seli 158.00 27 [52 77 75 24 13 11 00925500 Ligurani 182.00 76 326 147 179 45 18 27 00925600 Chan kana 31.14 57 253 104 149 35 18 17 00925700 Ritha 122.00 43 [96 96 100 34 15 19 00925800 Bhuni Gaon 82.00 26 94 44 50 13 7 6 00925900 Guraina Rajwar 23.00 16 70 29 41 14 8 6 00926000 Kheti Jarauli 65.00 52 203 100 103 27, 18 9 00926100 Asur 131.00 33 ISO 89 91 30 16 14 00926200 Anau[i 16.00 15 S[ 4[ 40 5 4 1 00926300 Raitoli 237.00 59 267 118 149 31 17 14 00926400 Maya[ 119.00 26 [11 47 64 7 2 5



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 63 39 24 Amtar 45 24 21 422 236 186 Dagi Gaon 2 2 44 21 23 Mailgari 87 44 43 99 S5 44 Bartunga Sirtoli 20 12 8 Harari 40 20 20 GolaGaon 4 3 I Lwatar Pathak 4\ 2\ 21) 249 l32 117 Purana Thai 37 13 24 Punauli 26 15 II Jajar Maphi 39 16 23 Jajar Sirtoli 31 17 14 Jajar Khitoli 162 94 68 RuinaThal 54 30 24 80 50 30 Uprara Pathak 64 3S 29 Sintola 17 8 9 Kamdoli 53 25 28 44 29 15 Mudoli Daboli 31 17 14 Munsola Punauli 149 81 68 Gangora 230 liS liS 27S 143 132 Pipaltar 301 17S 126 384 226 158 Belkot 34 12 22 Jakhater Sural Gaon ,8 3 S Bhalyura 19 10 9 Bhandari Bara 20 12 8 Ukhera 26 15 II Jhalara 37 19 18 Chhana 51 27 24 Dhanga 238 III 127 178 97 81 Posa 106 72 34 Postal a 237 124 113 Suklyari 359 190 169 288 168 120 Bhati Gaon 296 154 142 401 224 177 Khitauli 59 30 29 114 5S 59 Pungar Kholi 12 8 4 22 18 4 Bora Khet 283 136 147 177 9S "- 82 GwirTamoli 362 201 \ 161 Kwerali 25 13 12 34 20 14 Patharari 286 154 132 424 250 174 Bana IS 9 6 Tata Patauli 210 101 109 201 107 94 Gwir 32 16 16 89 57 32 Seli 17 11 6 203 120 83 Ligurani 15 7 8 138 73 165 Chankana 34 19 15 120 69 ,51 Ritha SO 31 \9 Bhuni Gaon 45 19 26 Guraina Rajwar 30 16 14 107 63 44 Kheti Jarauli 10 4 6 102 62 40 Asur 60 32 28 Anauli 43 22 21 151 84 67 Raitoli 85 43 42 Mayal



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00921200 Amtar 42 17 25 49 25 24 49 25 24 00<)'2 BOO Dagi Gaon 1&6 S6 ('30 '3 \ \ \39 \12 140 \34 6 00921400 Mailgari 20 7 13 37 15 22 34 14 20 00921500 Bartunga Sirtoli 45 15 39 69 28 41 49 24 25 . 00921600 Harari 9 4 5 16 8 8 7 7 00921700 Go1a Gaon 30 14 16 40 18 22 40 18 22 00921800 Lwatar Pathak 2 I I 2 I 1 00921900 Purana ThaI 89 27 62 193 78 115 145 58 87 00922000 Pun au Ii 12 2 10 26 8 18 22 7 15 00922100 Jajar Maphi 16 3 13 27 12 15 23 9 14 O\)9222\)O lajar Sirtoli 21 1 20 39 II 1% 3% \0 2% 00922300 Jajar Khitoli 19 4 15 21 10 II 21 10 II 00922400 Ruina ThaI 98 34 64 140 65 75 119 50 69 00922500 Uprara Pathak 36 8 28 69 36 33 55 27 28 00922600 Sintola 14 4 10 49 25 24 25 10 15 00922700 Kamdoli I II 4 7 II 4 7 00922800 Mudoli Daboli 26 6 20 52 27 25 36 16 20 00922900 Munsola Punauli 18 3 15 20 9 II II 4 7 00923000 Gangora 69 21 48 119 43 76 103 38 65 00923100 Pipaltar 126 43 83 219 91 128 115 33 82 00923200 Belkot 377 156 221 361 166 195 142 131 11 00923300 Jakhater Sural Gaon 13 4 9 23 8 15 21 6 15 00923400 Bha1yura 5 2 3 8 2 6 8 2 6 00923500 Bhandari Bara 7 4 3 15 7 8 15 7 8 00923600 Ukhera 9 3 6 15 7 8 15 7 8 00923700 Jha1ara 21 11 10 21 II 10 00923800 Chhana 13 2 II 25 10 15 22 10 12 00923900 Dhanga 24 7 17 48 19 29 37 14 23 00924000 Posa 167 60 107 179 79 100 43 43 00924100 Postal a 76 23 53 112 56 56 23 23 00924300 Suklyari 134 47 87 189 75 114 189 75 114 00924400 Bhati Gaon 301 121 180 301 132 169 155 83 72 00924500 Khitauli 152 57 95 220 108 112 133 88 45 00924600 Pungar Kholi 136 51 85 103 36 67 13 12 1 00924700 Bora Khet 9 9 27 16 11 1 I' 00924800 Gwir Tamoli 106 41 65 136 65 71 42 40 2 00924900 Kwerali 169 45 124 276 112 164 176 32 144 00925000 Patharari 15 7 8 25 12 13 25 12 13 00925100 Bana 178 58 120 292 140 152 88 76 12 00925200 Tata Patauli 15 7 8 8 2 6 7 2 5 00925300 Gwir 106 40 66 142 60 82 35 33 2 00925400 Sel; 63 20 43 84 38 46 83 37 46 00925500 Ligurani 123 27 96 195 85 110 12 12 00925600 Chankana 115 31 84 123 40 83 26 24 2 00925700 Ritha 76 27 49 106 47 59 105 46 59 00925800 Bhuni Gaon 44 13 31 77 35 42 2 2 00925900 Guraina Rajwar 25 10 15 30 11 19 23 9 14 00926000 Kheti Jarauli 96 37 59 102 41 61 22 21 00926100 Asur 78 27 51 88 37 51 44 21 23 00926200 Anauli 21 9 12 41 18 23 41 18 23 00926300 Railoli 116 34 82 145 59 86 91 31 60 00926400 Mayal 26 4 22 47 17 30 39 13 26


CENSUS ABSTRACf Berinag Industrial catefi0!X of main workers Household industry Cultivators Al[iculturallabourers workers Other Workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 44 20 24 5 5 Amtar 94 89 5 46 45 Dagi Gaon 22 4 18 12 10 2 Mailgari 32 9 23 5 3 2 12 12 Bartunga Sirtoli 6 6 1 Harari 38 16 22 2 2 GolaGaon 2 I I Lwatar Pathak 103 24 79 10 9 32 25 7 PuranaThal 19 4 15 3 3 Punauli 22 8 14 Jajar Maphi 36 8 28 Jajar Sirtoli 20 9 II Jajar Khitoli 95 26 69 24 24 RuinaThal 38 10 28 12 12 5 5 Uprara Pathak 18 4 14 7 6 Sintola 9 3 6 2 I Kamdoli 26 8 18 2 8 7 Mudoli Daboli 9 2 7 2 2 Munsola Punauli 95 31 64 8 7 Gangora 98 18 80 17 IS 2 Pipaltar 127 118 9 14 12 2 Belkot 20 5 15 Jakhater Sural Gaon 7 6 Bhalyura 12 4 8 2 2 'Bhandari Bara II 4 7 3 2 Ukhera 19 9 10 2 2 Jhalara 20 8 12 2 2 Chhana 36 13 23 Dhanga 42 42 Posa 23 23 Postal a 170 58 112 19 17 2 Suklyari 78 '13 65 8 6 2 4 4 65 60 5 Bhati Gaon 53 16 37 1 19 19 60 53 7 Khitauli I 12 II Pungar Kholi Bora Khet 7 7 35 33 2 GwirTamoli 144 5 139 32 27 \ 5 Kwerali 22 9 13 3 3 Patharari 86 75 II Bana 6 5 I I Tata Patauli 35 33 2 Gwir 76 30 46 . 2 2 5 5 Seli I 11 II Ligurani 26 24 '2 Chankana 95 36 59 10 10 Ritha I I I I Bhuni Gaon 22 8 14 Guraina Rajwar 22 21 Kheti Jarauli 42 20 22 2 1 Asur 40 17 23 I I Anauli 81 23 58 9 7 2 Raitoli 36 II 25 3 2 Mayal



. Industrial cate~0!1 Location code Mar~inal workers Cultivators A~riculturallabourers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00921200 Amtar 00921300 Dagi Gaon 171 5 166 170 4 166 00921400 Mailgari 3 I 2 3 2 00921500 Bartunga Sirtoli 20 4 16 13 2 11 6 5 00921600 Harari 9 I 8 9 8 00921700 Gola Gaon 00921800 Lwatar Pathak 00921900 Purana Thai 48 20 28 43 17 26 2 2 00922000 Punauli 4 1 3 4 3 00922100 JajarMaphi 4 3 3 2 00922200 Jajar Sirtoii 00922300 Jajar Khitoli 00922400 Ruina ThaI 21 15 6 18 12 6 00922500 Uprara Pathak 14 9 5 9 5 4 4 3 00922600 Sintola 24 15 9 24 15 9 00922700 Kamdoli 00922800 Mudoli Daboli 16 II 5 16 11 5 00922900 Munso1a Punauli 9 5 4 7 3 4 00923000 Gangora 16 5 11 16 5 11 00923100 Pipaltar 104 58 46 86 42 44 00923200 Belkot 219 35 184 218 35 183 00923300 lakhater Sural Gaon 2 2 00923400 Bhalyura 00923500 Bhandari Bara 00923600 Ukhera 00923700 Ihalara 00923800 Chhana 3 3 3 3 00923900 Dhanga II 5 6 11 5 6 00924000 Posa 136 36 100 136 36 100 00924100 Postala 89 33 56 89 33 56 00924300 Suklyari 00924400 Bhati Gaon 146 49 97 114 34 80 30 13 17 00924500 Khitauli 87 20 67 81 16 65 2 I 1 00924600 Pungar Kholi 90 24 66 76 18 58 14 . 6 8 00924700 Bora Khet 26 15 11 26 15 II 00924800 GwirTamoli 94 25 69 93 24 69 00924900 Kwerali 100 80 20 83 66 17 00925000 Patharari 00925100 Bana 204 64 140 199 60 139 00925200 Tata Patauli 1 I 00925300 Gwir 107 27 80 107 27 80 00925400 Seli 1 00925500 Ligurani 183 73 110 180 72 108 00925600 Chankana 97 16 81 96 15 81 00925700 Ritha 1 1 00925800 Bhuni Gaon 75 33 42 75 33 42 00925900 Guraina Rajwar 7 2 5 5 4 -' 00926000 Kheti Jarauli 80 20 60 69 17 52 10 2 8 00926100 Asur 44 16 28 43 15 28 00926200 Anauli 00926300 Raitoli 54 28 26 54 28 26 00926400 Maya1 8 4 4 1



ofmar~inal workers Location Household indus!!1 workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 56 31 25 Amtar 00921200 297 153 144 Dagi Gaon 00921300 27 13 14 Mailgari 00921400 75 42 33 Bartunga S irtoli 00921500 13 8 5 Harari 00921600 30 16 14 GolaGaon ' 00921700 2 2 Lwatar Pathak 00921800 3 3 145 81 64 Purana Thai 00921900 23 7 16 Punauli 00922000 15 6 9 JajarMaphi 00922100 27 12 15 Jajar Sirtoli 00922200 29 11 18 Jajar Khitoli 00922300 3 3 120 63 57 Ruina Thai 00922400 47 22 25 Uprara Pathak 00922500 29 14 15 Sintola 00922600 7 4 3 Kamdoli 00922700 18 8 10 Mudoli Daboli 00922800 2 2 29 II 18 Munsola Punauli 00922900 99 59 40 Gangora 00923000 2 2 16 14 2 182 95 87 Pipaltar 00923100 400 216 184 Belkot 00923200 24 8 16 Jakhater Sural Gaon 00923300 5 3 2 Bhalyura. 00923400 11 7 4 Bhandari Bara 00923500 14 8 6 Ukhera 00923600 6 4 2 Jhalara. 00923700 25 11 14 Chhana 00923800 27 15 . 12 Dhanga 00923900 166 78 88 Posa 00924000 70 39 31 Postal a 00924100 182 96 86 Suklyari 00924300 2 2 288 157 131 Bhati Gaon 00924400 4 3 II 333 173 160 Khitauli 00924500 147 70 77 Pun gar Kholi 00924600 4 2 2 Bora Khet 00924700 1 147 71 76 Gw\rTamoli 00924800 16 13 3 .255 134 121 Kwerali 00924900 24 15 9 Patharari 00925000 5 4 310 168 142 Bana 00925100 22 14 8 Tata Patauli 00925200 165 87 78 Gwir 00925300 68 39 29 Seli 00925400 3 2 131 62 69 Ligu~ani 00925500 130 64 66 Chankana 00925600 90 49 41 Ritha 00925700 17 9 8 Bhuni Gaon 00925800 2 40 18 22 Guraina Rajwar 00925900 I loi 59 42 Kheti Jarauli 00926000 92. 52 40 Asur 00926100 40 23 17 Anauli 00926200 122 59 63 Raitoli 00926300 7 4 3 64 30 34 Mayal 00926400


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 7 number Name ofVilJage hectares households --:P::-e-rs-on-s--'~M'7a~le;c;.s-"-""'"':':"Fe-m-a Ie-s - Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00926500 Pilkhi 91.00 32 144 59 85 26 10 16 00926600 Jhaltola 59.00 15 70 34 36 10 8 2 00926700 Pabya 103.00 36 185 90 95 39 22 17 00926800 Dhari 31.00 36 162 76 86 40 18 22 00927000 Kahkot 4.00 18 74 35 39 10 6 4 00927100 Mantoli 3.00 10 42 19 23 5 3 2 00927200 Kheti 3.00 13 50 23 27 00927300 Chacharet 32.00 47 230 104 126 42 21 21 00927400 Malan 32.00 23 95 44 51 9 5 4 00927500 Pasoli 38.96 9 33 14 19 3 3 00927600 Khola Gad 18.88 13 61 30 31 II 6 5 00927700 Hat Bhandar 29.02 34 159 64 95 23 tl \2 00927800 Jamera 6.47 3 I 2 00927900 Tunera 20.25 9 30 16 14 5 4 1 00928000 Kalet 10.43 6 33 18 IS 7 4 3 00928100 Jogyura Kedar 12.57 8 27 II 16 6 2 4 00928200 Koteshwar 52.07 18 85 38 47 10 3 7 00928300 Gursuli 13.49 8 35 17 18 5 4 00928400 Mantoli 5.08 22 III 62 49 22 12 10 00928500 Guraina 7.50 40 217 108 109 33 22 11 00928600 Bhandari Gaon 6.38 186 879 442 437 120 61 59 00928700 Raigarh Syari 146.90 61 381 202 179 53 27 26 00928800 Sulakhet 22.93 8 3 5 I 00928900 Amhat 46.61 45 193 88 lOS 33 IS 18 00929000 Baset 10.16 19 73 35 38 16 12 4 00929100 Silkot 39.01 14 77 34 43 13 4 9 00929200 Bhurari 39.84 32 169 89 80 32 16 16 00929300 Suti Tamta 3.61 9 53 25 28 14 8 6 00929400 Manipur 3.66 28 165 78 87 30 17 13 00929500 Byati 9.55 70 321 148 173 41 22 19 00929600 Syuti Agari 20.37 8 38 22 16 3 I 2 00929700 Kumalta 6.54 ------Un-inhabited------00929800 Batal Gaon 22.84 20 102 50 52 14 6 8 00929900 Pipli 25.41 30 ISO 76 74 15 8 7 00930000 Rawal Gaon 26.78 19 93 40 53 15 9 6 00930100 Nagaur 67.09 112 414 198 216 58 24 34 00930200 Daula Upreli 113.50 66 300 144 156 46 34 12 00930300 Sigauli 11.68 20 III 48 63 14 6 8 00930400 Chaukhuna 29.62 27 122 60 62 15 9 6 00930500 Udiyar 24.22 10 44 19 25 ID 4 6 00930600 Bugyar Bhandari 11.73 7 32 14 18 5 3 2 00930700 Badela Agar 10.12 62 323 162 161 58 26 32 00930800 Jogrura Narsinh 18.05 3 12 5 7 00930900 Chauri 13.86 17 92 46 46 20 13 7 00931000 Bhatijar 12.78 22 90 40 SO 18 6 12 00931100 Mangarh 57.09 51 226 99 127 48 24 24 00931200 Ghatet 6.03 32 189 82 107 34 15 19 00931300 Khantari 25.54 12 66 26 40 IS I . 4 11 00931400 Simtola 44.13 2 5 4 I 00931500 Rotan 49.34 9 48 22 26 8 3 5 00931600 Naini J25.30 42 171 78 93 21 12 9 00931700 Agriya Gara 32.20 40 186 91 95 29 12 17



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 94 45 49 Pilkhi 36 18 18 Jhaltola 36 19 17 104 59 45 Pabya 90 44 46 71 39 32 Dhari 46 27 19 Kahkot 29 16 13 Mantoli 45 23 22 Kheti 124 68 56 Chacharet 55 33 22 Malan 21 13 8 Pasoli 36 22 14 KholaGad 105 48 57 Hat Bhandar I 1 Jamera 17 10 7 Tunera 24 14 10 Kalet 18 9 9 Jogyura Kedar 72, 35 37 Koteshwar 28 12 16 Gursuti 64 46 18 Mantoli 32 17 15 135 76 59 Guraina 232 112 120 574 341 233 Bhandari Gaon 83 51 '.32 292 169 123 Raigarh Syari 6 2 4 Sulakhet 28 14 14 123 66 57 .Amhat 48 23 25 Baset 56 30 26 Silkot 159 83 76 65 46 19 Bhurari 34 17 17 Suti Tamta 89 42 47 \1)3 55 48 Manipur 31 17 14 204 116 88 Byati 19 13 6 29 21 8 Syuti Agari ------Un-inhabited------·------Kumalta 84 44 40 Batal Gaon 133 67 66 Pipli 58 31 27 Rawal Gaon 138 71 67 2 296 159 \ 137 Nagaur 204 104 \ 100 Daula Upreti 76 38 38 Sigauli 122 60 62 83 45 38 Chaukhuna 44 19 25 22 13 9 Udiyar 23 9 14 Bugyar Bhandari 250 123 127 213 132 81 Badela Agar 11 5 6 Jogyura Narsinh 92 46 46 54 32 22 Chauri 86 38 48 28 19 ·9 Bhatijar 29 15 14 118 61 57 Mangarh 183 80 103 105 56 49 Ghatet 39 22 17 Khantari 3 2 Simtola 31 18 13 Rotan 33 15 18 115 62 53 Naini 47 23 24 133 75 58 Agriya Gara



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females, Persons Males FemalCs Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00926500 Pilkhi 50 14 36 56 21 35 51 18 33 00926600 lhaltola 34 16 18 37 17 20 37 17 20 00926700 Pabya 81 31 50 75 31 44 29 18 11 00926800 Dhari 91 37 54 66 27 39 23 20 3 00927000 Kahkot 28 8 20 25 7 18 6 5 00927100 Mantoli 13 3 10 13 6 7 2 2 00927200 Kheti 5 5 16 5 II. 15 5 10 00927300 Chacharet 106 36 70 75 33 42 66 25 4\ 00927400 Malan 40 II 29 22 II II 21 10 II 00927500 PasoH 12 I II II 4 7 11 4 7 00927600 Khola Gad 25 8 17· 17 5 12 15 3 12 00927700 Hat Bhandar 54 16 38 72 32 40 26 15 II 00927800 Jamera 2 2 2 2 00927900 Tunera 13 6 7 13 5 8 12 4 8 00928000 Kalet 9 4 5 16 8 8 6 6 0092& I 00 Jogyura Kedar 9 2 7 15 4 \1 13 3 \() 00928200 Koteshwar J3 3 10 33 9 24 31 9 22 00928300 Gursuti 7 5 2 16 6 10 7 5 2 00928400 Mantoli 47 16 31 56 30 26 34 21 13 0092&500 Guraina 82 32 50 82 38 44 30 2S 5 00928600 Bhandari Gaon 305 101 204 447 239 208 251 159 92 00928700 Raigarh Syari 89 33 56 214 114 100 , 64 63 00928800 Sulakhet 2 1 3 2 3 I 2 00928900 Amhat 70 22 48 81 31 50 76 26 50 00929000 Baset 25 12 13 32 16 16 3 3 00929100 Silkot 21 4 17 28 10 18 28 10 18 00929200 Bhurari 104 43 61 65 38 27 5 5 00929300 Suti Tamta 19 8 II 14 4 10 4 4 00929400 Manipur 62 23 39 51 25 26 34 19 15 00929500 Byati 117 32 85 128 51 77 40 34 6 00929600 Syuti Agari 9 8 12 9 3 12 9 3 00929700 Kumalta ------u n- in hab i ted------00929800 Balal Gaon 18 6 12 53 29 24 12 10 2 00929900 Pipli 17 9 8 87 46 41 1 _ 00930000 Rawal Gaon 35 9 26 24 3 21 4 2· 2 00930100 Nagaur II8 39 79 180 97 83 74 61 13 00930200 Daula Upreti 96 40 56 129 S9 70 103 36 67 00930300 Sigauli 35 10 25 49 23 26 47 21 26 00930400 Chaukhuna 39 15 24 59 26 33 4 4 0093'0500 Udiyar 22 6 16 19 7 12 I I 00930600 Bugyar Bhandari 9 5 4 12 6 6 5 5 00930700 Badela Agar 110 30 80 105 49 56 21 19 2 00930800 Jogyura Narsinh I I 8 3 5 2 2 00930900 Chauri 38 14 24 40 17 23 3 3 00931000 Bhatijar 62 21 41 22 17 5 5 5 00931100 Mangarb 108 38 70 97 32 65 87 22 65 , 00931200 Ghatet 84 26 58 78 35 43 11 8 3 00931300 Khantari 27 4 23 29 12 17 16 6 10 00931400 Simtola 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 0093 1500 Rotan 17 4 13 28 13 15 22 7 15 00931600 Naini 56 16 40 100 42 58 25 11 14 00931700 Agriya Gara 53 16 37 101 48 53 30 7 23


CENSUS ABSTRACT Berinag Industnal cateso!l of main workers Household industry Cultivators AB!:icuhurallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 46 13 33 5 5 Pilkhi 30 10 20 7 7 Jhaltola II 10 18 17 Pabya 4 3 18 18 Dhari 3 2 3 3 Kahkot 2 2 MantoH 10 9 5 4 Kheti 62 22 40 4 3 Chacharet 21 10 11 Malan II 4 7 Pasoli 15 3 12 KholaGad 12 I II 14 14 Hat Bhandar Jamera II 3 8 I Tunera - 5 5 Kalet 13 3 10 Jogyura Kedar 26 6 20 5 3 2 Koteshwar 2 2 5 5 Gursuti 15 3 12 18 17 Mantoli 14 10 4 16 15 Guraina 106 20 86 2 2 24 24 119 113 6 Bhandari Gaon. II 10 53 53 Raigarh Syari 3 2 Sulakhet 61 12 49 4 4 10 10 Amhat 3 3 Baset 26 8 18 2 2 Silkot 4 4 Bhurari 3 3 Suti Tamta 19 5 14 6 6 9 8 Manipur 31 26 5 2 2 7 6 Byati 8 5 3 4 4 Syuti Agari ----•. -•••.• -Un-inhabited.--.~ .••.••. -. Kumalta \ 12 10 2 Batal Gaon , I -. Pipli 2 2 2 2 \. Rawal Gaon 73 60 13 Nagaur 98 31 66 4 3 Daula Upreti 47 21 26 Sigauli I 3 3 Chaukhuna I I Udiyar 3 3 2 2 Bugyar Bhandari 2 19 18 BadelaAgar 2 2 Jogyura Narsinh 2 2 Chauri 5 5 Bhatijar 81 16 65 6 6 Mangarh 3 3 7 7 Ghatet 13 3 10 3 3 Khantari 3 2 Simtola 21 6 15 I I Rotan 18 5 13 7 6 Naini 23 I 22 6 5 AgriyaGara


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial catego!! Location code Mar!!inal workers Cultivators Al[iculturallabourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00926500 Pilkhi 5 3 2 4 3 00926600 Jhaltola 00926700 Pabya 46 13 33 39 7 32 00926800 Dhari 43 7 36 36 36 00927000 Kahkot 19 2 17 18 17 00927100 Mantoli 11 4 7 11 4 7 00927200 Kheti \ 00927300 Chacharet 9 8 3 2 00927400 Malan 00927500 Pasoli 00927600 KholaGad 2 2 00927700 Hat Bhandar 46 17 29 44 15 29 2 2 00927800 Jamera 2 2 00927900 Tunera 1 00928000 Kalet 10 2 8 10 2 8 00928100 Jogyura Kedar 2 2 00928200 Koteshwar 2 2 2 2 00928300 Gursuti 9 8 9 8 00928400 Mantoli 22 9 13 20 7 13 00928500 Guraina 52 13 39 50 11 39 00928600 Bhandari Gaon 196 80 116 177 64 113 00928700 Raigarh Syari ISO 51 99 147 48 99 00928800 Sulakhet 00928900 Amhat 5 5 1 00929000 Baset 29 13 16 27 12 15 00929100 Silkot 00929200 Bhurari 60 33 27 34 7 27 00929300 Suti Tamta 10 10 10 10 00929400 Manipur 17 6 11 15 4 11 00929500 Byati 88 17 71 88 \7 71 00929600 Syuti Agari 00929700 Kumalta ------Un-inhabited------. 00929800 Batal Gaon 41 19 22 40 18 22 00929900 Pipli 86 45 41 86 45 41 00930000 Rawal Gaon 20 1 19 16 I 15 4 4 00930100 Nagaur 106 36 70 82 16 66 00930200 Daula Upreti 26 23 3 00930300 Sigauli 2 2 00930400 Chaukhuna 55 22 33 50 17 33 4 4 00930500 Udiyar 18 6 12 15 3 12 3 3 00930600 Bugyar Bhandari 7 I 6 7 1 6 00930700 BadelaAgar 84 30 54 31 6 25 35 7 28 00930800 Jogyura Narsinh 6 1 5 6 5 00930900 Chaur( 37 14 23 22 3 19 \4 10 4 00931000 Bhatijar 17 17 00931100 Mangarh 10 10 00931200 Ghatet 67 27 40 49 11 38 12 10 2 00931300 Khantari 13 6 7 13 6 7 00931400 Simtola 00931500 Rotan 6 6 6 6 00931600 Naini 75 31 44 64 23 41 11 8 3 00931700 Agriya Gara 71 41 30 56 27 29 7 6 I



ofmar~inal workers Location Household indus!!J: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVil1a~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 88 38 50 Pilkhi 00926500 33 17 16 Jhaltola 00926600 7 6 110 59 51 Pabya 00926700 7 7 96 49 47 Dhari 00926800 49 28 21 Kahko( 00927000 I 29 13 16 Manloli 00927100 34 18 16 Kheti 00927200 6 6 155 71 84 Chacharet 00927300 73 33 40 Malan 00927400 22 10 12 Pasoli 00927500 2 2 44 25 19 KholaGad 00927600 87 32 55 Hat Bhandar 00927700 Jamera 00927800 17 11 6 Tunera 00927900 17 10 7 Kalet 00928000 12 7 ' 5 Jogyura Kedar 00928100 52 29 23 Koteshwar 00928200 19 11 8 Gursuti 00928300 2 2 55 32 23 Mantoli 00928400 2 2 135 70 65 Guraina 00928500 3 2 I , IS 14 432 203 229 Bhandari Gaon 00928600 3 3 167 88 79 Raigarh Syari 00928700 5 2 3 Sulakhet 00928800 4 4 112 57 55 Ambat 00928900 2 41 19 22 Baset 00929000 49 24 25 Silkot 00929100 26 26 104 51 53 Bhurari 00929200 39 21 18 Suti Tamta 00929300 2 2 114 53 61 Manipur 00929400 193 97 96 Byati 00929500 26 13 13 Syuti Agari 00929600 ------Un - inhab ited------Kumalta 00929700 I I 49 21 28 Batal Gaon 00929800 63 30 33 Pipli • 00929900 69 37 32 Rawal Gaon 00930000 23 19 4 234 101 133 Nagaur \ 00930100 25 22 3 171 &5 ,&6 Daula Upreti 00930200 2 2 62 25 37 Sigauli 00930300 63 34 29 Chaukhuna 00930400 25 12 13 Udiyar 00930500 20 8 12 Bugyar Bhandari 00930600 18 17 218 113 105 Badela Aga~ 00930700 4 2 2 Jogyura Na~inh 00930800 52 29 23 Chauri 00930900 16 16 68 23 45 Bhatijar 00931000 10 10 67 62 Mangarh 00931100 I 129 5 5 III 47 64 Ghatet 00931200

- I 37 14 23 Khantari 00931300 2 2 Simtola 00931400 20 9 II Rotan 00931500 -, 71 36 35 Naini 00931600 7 7 85 43 42 Agriya Gara 00931700


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of eoeulation) a~e-~roue 0~6 number Name ofVilIaBe hectares households persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00931900 Jalari 35.22 31 179 90 89 23 10 13 . 00932000 Dugri Pant 57.21 60 247 104 143 29 16 13 00932100 Pahar Gunth 29.20 20 72 35 37 12 6 6 00932200 Sera 16.56 6 21 14 7 00932300 Guthal Gaon 49.65 5 30 II 19 5 2 3 00932400 Bhulki Adhyali 55.30 61 260 122 138 52 26 26 00932500 Sirtola 16.32 7 36 21 15 2 00932600 Panauli 36.54 16 76 35 41 4 2 2 00932700 Ekluwagarh 17.93 5 29 14 15 2 1 00932800 Sera Dudh Khola 60.55 II 60 26 34 9 6 3 00932900 Chama 85:70 48 221 96 125 34 15 19 00933000 Nautas 76.00 32 155 69 86 31 16 15 00933100 SeJipakh 12.64 115 524 248 276 108 60 48 00933200 Simayal 103.65 93 416 194 222 50 26 24 00933300 Ganaura 37.18 38 184 80 104 27 14 13 00933400 Sukunkhet 12.41 8 42 22 20 8 5 3 00933500 Rautera 18.50 4 18 11 7 1 I 00933600 Makar Gaon 348.80 11 44 24 20 5 4 1 00933700 Banauli 30.16 25 110 56 54 12 6 6 00933800 Nani Seetala 155.00 53 253 102 151 52 24 28 00933900 Bhuvneshwar 111.70 140 634 300 334 119 62 57 00934000 Jhultar Barkhet 35.12 6 22 12 10 3 3 00934100 Batgal 102.60 98 500 245 255 70 42 28 00934200 Kimkot 25.45 13 74 38 36 7 3 4 00934300 Bora Agar 62.26 48 277 142 135 64 36 28 00934500 Rawal Khet 353.40 77 343 162 181 65 30 35 00934600 Dauja Wali:z::a 171.00 107 539 256 283 99 56 43



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofYillage 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 21 16 5 123 70 53 Jalari 135 71 64 Dugri Pant 46 27 19 PaharGunth 17 14 3 Sera 18 9 9 Guthal Gaon 172 85 87 . 121 73 48 Bhulki Adhyali 21 12 / 28 20 8 Sirtola 60 31 29 Panauli 18 II 7 Ekluwagarh 38 19 19 Sera Dudh Khola 9 6 3 139 74 65 Chama 88 50 38 Nautas 345 162 183 258 154 104 Selipakh 20 10 10 284 163 121 Simayal 7 4 3 100 57 43 Ganaura 42 22 20 22 16 6 Sukunkhet 17 ' 10 7 Rautera 7 5 2 31 20 II Makar Gaon 79 49 30 Banauli 156 76 80 Nani Seetala 143 71 72 377 220 157 Bhuvneshwar 16 9 7 Jhultar Barkhet 213 102 III 346 198 148 Batgal 59 35 24 "Kimkot 277 142 135 160 95 65 Bora Agar 158 73 85 179 109 70 Rawal Khet 390 196 194 344 191 153 Dauja Waliya



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Villa fie Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00931900 lalari 56 20 36 100 47 53 49 23 26 00932000 Dugri Pant 112 33 79 135 55 80 32 20 12 00932100 PaharGunth 26 8 18 41 21 20 4 4 00932200 Sera 4 4 II 7 4 4 2 2 00932300 Guthal Gaon 12 2 10 19 7 12 5 4 00932400 Bhulki Adhyali 139 49 90 68 34 34 48 16 32 00932500 Sirtola 8 I 7 17 7 10 7 4 3 00932600 Panauli 16 4 12 41 16 25 II II 00932700 Ekluwagarh II 3 8 20 8 12 5 5 00932800 Sera Dudh Khola 22 7 15 32 II 21 II 5 6 00932900 Chama 82 22 60 106 42 64 20 12 8 00933000 Nautas 67 19 48 66 31 35 18 II 7 00933100 Selipakh 266 94 172 263 121 142 6 6 00933200 Simayal 132 31 101 203 79 124 53 53 00933300 Ganaura 84 23 61 78 28 50 8 7 00933400 Sukunkhet 20 6 14 12 II 12 II 00933500 Rautera 5 4 5 4 00933600 Makar Gaon 13 4 9 26 II 15 8 8 00933700 Banauli 31 7 24 50 20 30 12 2 10 00933800 Nani Seetala 97 26 71 99 33 66 28 28 00933900 Bhuvneshwar 257 80 177 376 157 219 205 94 111 00934000 Jhultar Barkhet 6 3 3 12 5 7 6 3 3 00934100 Batgal 154 47 107 116 97 19 116 97 19 00934200 Kimkot IS 3 12 24 16 8 24 16 8 00934300 Bora Agar 117 47 70 llO 61 49 43 34 9 . 00934500 Rawal Khet 164 53 III 145 55 90 31 26 5 00934600 Dauja Walixa 195 65 130 231 89 142 58 57


CENSUS ABSTRACT Berinag Industrial cates0!:X of main workers Household industry Cultivators A~iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 29 4 25 2 18 18 Jalari 21 II 10 10 8 2 Ougri Pant 4 4 Pahar Gunth 4 2 2 Sera 4 3 Guthal Gaon 42 10 32 1- 2 2 4 4 Bhulki Adhyali 4 3 3 3 Sirtola 5 5 6 6 Panauli 3 3 2 2 Ekluwagarh 7 2 5 4 3 Sera Oudh Khola 10 3 7 2 2 8 7 Chama 14 7 7 4 4 Nautas 1 5 5 Selipakh 42 42 3 3 8 8 Simayal 2 2 6 5 Ganaura 6 6 6 5 Sukunkhet 3 2 2 2 Rautera 3 3 5 5 Makar Gaon II I 10 I BanauIi 18 18 10 10 Nani Seetala 165 58 107 21 21 19 15 4 Bhuvneshwar 4 3 2 2 Jhultar Barkhet 62 44 18 54 53 Batgal 12 7 6 12 9 . 3 Kimkot 29 21 8 14 13 Bora Agar 9 4 5 22 22 Rawal Khet 19 19 39 38 Oauja WaIiya


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateS0!1 Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons. Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00931900 Jalari 51 24 27 47 21 26 4 3 00932000 Dugri Pant 103 35 68 101 33 68 00932100 PaharGunth 37 17 20 37 17 20 00932200 Sera 7 5 2 7 5 2 00932300 Guthal Gaon 14 3 II 14 3 11 00932400 Bhulki Adhyali 20 18 2 00932500 Sirtola 10 3 7 10 3 7 00932600 Panauli 30 5 25 30 5 25 00932700 Ekluwagarh 15 3 12 15 3 12 00932800 Sera Dudh Khola 21 6 15 21 6 15 00932900 Chama 86 30 56 86 30 56 00933000 Nautas 48 20 28 48 20 28 00933100 Selipakh 257 115 142 246 III 135 4 2 2 00933200 Simaya1 150 26 124 147 26 121 3 3 00933300 Ganaura 70 21 49 70 21 49 00933400 Sukunkhet 00933500 Rautera 00933600 Makar Gaon 18 3 15 18 3 15 00933700 Banauli 38 18 20 36 16 20 2 2 00933800 Nani Seetala 71 5 66 69 5 64 2 2 00933900 Bhuvneshwar 171 63 108 163 55 108 00934000 Jhuitar Barkhet 6 2 4 6 2 4 00934100 Batga1 00934200 Kimkot 00934300 Bora Agar 67 27 40 64 24 40 00934500 Rawal Khet 114 29 85 114 29 85 00934600 Dauia Wali~a 173 32 141 171 31 140



ofmaq~inal workers Location Household indust!): workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillaSe number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 79 43 36 Jalari 00931900 2 2 112 49 63 Dugri Pant 00932000 31 14 17 Pahar Gunth 00932100 10 7 3 Sera 00932200 II 4 7 Guthal Gaon 00932300 18 16 2 192 88 104 Bhulki Adhyali 00932400 19 14 5 Sirtola 00932500 35 19 16 Panauli 00932600 9 6 3 Ekluwagarh 00932700 28 15 13 Sera Dudh Khola 00932800 115 54 61 Chama 00932900 89 38 51 Nautas 00933000 7 2 5 261 127 134 Selipakh 00933100 213 liS 98 Simayal 00933200 106 52 54 Ganaura 00933300 30 11 19 Sukunkhet 00933400 13 7 6 Rautera 00933500 18 13 5 Makar Gaon 00933600 60 36 24 Banauli 00933700 154 69 85 Nani Seetala 00933800 7 7 258 143 115 Bhuvneshwar 00933900 10 7 3 Jhultar Barkhet 00934000 384 148 236 Batgal 00934100 SO 22 28 Kimkot 00934200 3 3 167 81 86 Bora Agar 00934300 198 107 91 Rawal Khet 00934500 2 308 167 141 Dauja Walixa 00934600



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --::P:-e-rs-on-s--'~M~a~le;;;:s~""'F=-e-m-a""'le-s- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0052 Didihat (Total) 21,718.95 7,422 35,632 17,250 18,382 5,487 2,932 2,555 0052 Didihat (Rural) 21,718.95 7,422 35,632 17,250 18,382 5,487 2,932 2,555 0052 Didihat (Urban) Didihat (Rural) 00934700 Khir Hatigar 9.20 24 128 66 62 13 8 5 00934800 Turgoli 189.50 62 292 148 144 48 29 19 00934900 Basaura 28.01 II 60 27 33 12 5 7 00935000 Mala Jhula 120.90 63 300 140 160 64 36 28 00935100 Dungar Gara 25.69 6 31 18 13 3 3 00935200 Naulia Gaon 38.71 9 50 25 25 13 8 5 00935300 Khinauli 45.01 5 26 16 10 6 5 00935500 Rani Khet 1,057.84 139 685 312 373 133 66 67 00935600 Ghimali 169.60 103 471 237 234 65 36 29 , 00935700 Bagjiwala 106.80 36 175 81 94 30 10 20 00935800 Lamaghar 59.21 23 130 62 68 25 15 10 00935900 Puni Gaon 25.93 2 8 3 5 00936000 Barsayat 68.79 30 140 62 78 21 9 12 00936100 Leparti 24.06 51 250 131 119 49 25 24 00936200 Saukiya ThaI 34.61 33 142 66 76 23 14 9 00936300 Bhanar Kot 15.81 9 61 30 31 9 4 5 00936400 Chami Khet 25.91 10 58 30 28 7 5 2 00936500 Khitoli 10.95 3 14 5 9 3 1 2 00936600 Gadera Pant 37.61 18 79 34 45 18 7 11 ' 00936700 Gol 126.00 144 637 337 300 87 49 38 00936800 Lejam 97.44 64 317 148 169 78 40 38 00936900 Patet 367.30 53 231 97 134 31 14 17 00937000 Topra Dhar 89.16 39 182 89 93 28 17 11 00937100 Karela 28.46 19 98 50 48 8 5 3 00937200 Dyokali 230.90 74 343 152 191 61 26 35 00937300 Sann Khan 48.59 20 95 46 49 12 8 4 00937400 Darmoli 15.57 9 46 25 21 5 2 3 00937500 Kholi Kanuri 139.40 71 331 162 169 49 31 18 00937600 Pamtori 68.92 36 171 76 95 16 10 6 00937700 Chan Kat 27.57 10 49 22 27 5 1 4 00937800 Dauli Kauli 121.76 59 282 121 161 52 24 28 00937900 Raizrait 76.98 80 325 157 168 44 26 18 00938000 Almiya Gaon 212.90 42 227 112 115 34 16 18 00938100 Danauia 14.99 19 96 43 53 17 9 8 00938200 Dungari 29.18 32 168 83 85 32 16 16 00938300 Okhar Gaon 7.44 16 80 45 35 20 14 6 00938400 Aate 4.21 10 40 17 23 5 3 2 00938500 Dhauli 27.96 29 118 56 62 15 9 6 00938600 Satyal Gaon 25.12 103 474 267 207 69 35 34 00938700 Rajret 13.61 2 5 2 3 00938800 Chama 439.00 51 236 109 127 40 23 17 00938900 Ghanghura 13.04 ------Un-inhabited------00939000 Doona Kot 350.10 136 635 285 350 81 39 42 00939100 Bankoo 369.20 45 199 92 107 28 17 11 00939200 Hunera 835.58 88 425 198 227 59 35 24 00939300 Humkapita 230.90 26 126 57 69 26 14 12 00939400 Chupra Khet 282.50 57 241 115 126 39 25 14 00939500 Mahargari 67.80 25 125 53 72 17 8 9



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulatioll Literates Persolls Males Females Persons Males Females· Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage II 12 IJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 , 8,520 4,272 4,248 396 214 182 22,574 12,816 9,758 Didihat (Total) 8,520 4,272 4,248 396 214 182 22;S74 12,816 9,758 Didiha{ (Rural) Didihat (Urban) Didihat (Rural) 49 28 21 22 12 10 89 54 35 Khir Hatigar 97 52 45 174 102 72 Turgoli 28 12 16 37 20 17 Basaura. 26 14 12 162 91 71 Malalhula 25 15 10 DungarGara 28 17 II Naulia Gaon 17 10 7 II 8 3 Khinauli 201 100 101 400 226 174 Rani Khet 172 88 84 238 144 94 Ghimali 16 8 8 95 52 43 Bagjiwala 47 27 20 Lamaghar 6 3 3 Puni Gaon 39 18 21 94 50 44 Barsayat 160 86 74 170 102 68 Lepani 46 23 23 98 49 49 Saukiya ThaI 26 II IS 47 25 22 BhanarKot 41 22 19 Chami Khet 8 4 4 Khitoli 49 22 27 42 21 21 GaderaPant 293 '148 145 55 24 31 445 277 168 Gol 195 93 102 156 87 69 Lejam 77 41 36 29 9 20 162 79 83 Patel 33 18 IS 136 68 68 Topra Dhar 59 29 30 68 40 28 Karela 57 27 30 199 III 88 Dyokali 61 35 26 Sanll Khan 28 16 12 28 19 9 Darmoli 141 73 68 214 117 97 KhoJi Kanuri 6 2 4 117 63 54 Pamlori 38 21 17 Chan Kot 57 26 31 159 83 76 Dauli Kauli 38 18 20 6 4 2 243 , 130 113 Raizrail 146 71 75 172 \ 94 78 AlmiyaGaon 86 39 47 49 25 24 Danaula 94 61 33 Dungari 80 45 35 39 26 13 OkharGaon II 4 7 2 1 32 14 18 Aate 25 14 II 9 5 4 82 39 43 Dhauli 46 25 21 53 31 22 364 223 141 Satyal Gaon 3 ,2 I Rajret 7S 39 39 117 71 46 Chama ------Un-inhabiled------Ghanghura 48 26 22 411 219 192 DoonaKot 28 17 11 113 66 47 Bankoo 39 16 23 219 137 8f Hunera 67 35 32 Humkapita 45 26 19 130 73 57 Chupra Khet 82 41 41 Mahargari



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0052 Didihat (Total) 13,058 4,434 8,624 18,300 8,488 9,812 9,422 5,072 4,350 0052 Didihat (Rural) 13,058 4,434 8,624. 18,300 8,488 9,812 9,422 5,072 4,350 0052 Didihat (Urban) Didihat (Rural) 00934700 Khir Hatigar 39 12 27 72 38 34 70 37 33 00934800 Turgoli 118 46 72 136 60 76 15 15 00934900 Basaura 23 7 16 38 17 21 24 9 15 00935000 Mala Jhula 138 49 89 191 75 116 112 43 69 00935100 Dungar Gara 6 3 3 14 6 8 00935200 Naulia Gaon 22 8 14 27 11 16 17 8 9 00935300 Khinauli 15 8 7 17 9 8 00935500 Rani Khet 285 86 199 313 133 180 14 14 00935600 Ghimali 233 93 140 104 81 23 14 14 00935700 Sagjiwala 80 29 51 59 29 30 29 24 5 00935800 Lamaghar 83 35 48 47 21 26 5 5 00935900 Puni Gaon 2 2 7 2 5 6 2 4 00936000 Barsayat 46 12 34 96 41 55 50 18 32 00936100 Leparti 80 29 51 168 93 75 55 52 3 00936200 Saukiya ThaI 44 17 27 98 43 55 52 17 35 00936300 Shanar Kot 14 5 9 27 14 13 24 12 12 00936400 Chami Khet 17 8 9 30 15 15 29 IS 14 00936500 Khitoli 6 5 8 3 5 8 3 5 00936600 Gadera Pant 37 13 24 54 24 30 25 24 00936700 Gol 192 60 132 422 204 218 257 153 104 00936800 Lejam 161 61 100 198 89 109 99 22 77 00936900 Patet 69 18 51 110 49 61 78 29 49 00937000 Topra Dhar 46 21 25 147 70 77 46 46 00937100 Karela 30 10 20 57 25 32 00937200 Dyokali 144 41 103 179 82 97 24 17 7 00937300 Sann Khan 34 11 23 71 31 40 39 16 23 00937400 Darmoli 18 6 12 36 20 16 2 -2 00937500 Kholi Kanuri 117 45 72 238 113 125 15 15 00937600 Pamtori 54 13 41 88 38 50 88 38 50 00937700 Chan Kot II I 10 25 12 13 25 12 13 00937800 Dauli Kauli 123 38 85 129 53 76 51 it 30 00937900 Raizrait 82 27 55 149 72 77 142 67 75 0093&000 Almiya Gaon S5 \8 37 \35 63 72 50 39 11 00938100 Danaula 47 18 29 56 22 34 10 10 00938200 Dungari 74 22 52 93 43 50 55 23 32 00938300 Okhar Gaon 41 19 22 56 28 28 00938400 Aate 8 3 5 32 14 18 10 8 2 00938500 Dhauli 36 17 19 79 38 41 37 26 II 00938600 Satyal Gaon 110 44 66 294 166 128 162 134 28 00938700 Rajret 2 2 5 2 3 1 1 00938800 Chama 119 38 81 70 28 42 67 26 41 00938900 Ghanghura ------Un-inhabited------00939000 Doona Kot 224 66 158 324 135 189 33 30 3 00939100 Bankoo 86 26 60 132 57 75 132 57 75 00939200 Hunera 206 61 145 155 59 96 28 24 4 00939300 Humkapita 59' 22 37 47 23 24 7 6 00939400 Chupra Khet III 42 69 112 43 69 21 21 00939500 Mahargari 43 12 31 59 20 39 4 2 2


CENSUS ABSTRACT Didihat Industrial catego!): of main workers Household industry Cultivators AB!:iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 6,339 2,336 4,003 48 30 18 250 216 34 2,785 2,490 295 Didihat (Total) 6,339 2,336 4,003 48 30 18 250 216 34 2,785 2,490 295 Didihat (Rural) Didihat (Urban) Didihat (Rural) 62 32 30 1- 8 5 3 Khir Hatigar 2 2 13 13 Turgoli 18 3 15 2 2 4 4 Basaura 91 23 68 19 18 Ma1alhu1a Dungar Gara 15 6 9 2 2 Naulia Gaon Khinauli 14 14 Rani Khet 14 14 Ghimali 2 2 27 24 3 Bagjiwala 5 5 Lamaghar 6 2 4 Puni Gaon 38 6 32 2 2 10 10 Barsayat 55 52 3 Leparti 42 7 35 6 6 4 4 Saukiya Thai 20 8 12 4 4 BhanarKot \ 24 10 14 5 5 Chami Khet 7 2 5 Khitoli 24 23 1 Gadera Pant 145 63 82 9 4 5 16 5 11 87 81 6 Gol 95 18 77 4 4 Lejam 70 22 48 8 7 Patet 44 44 Topra Dhar I Karela 4 3 20 16 4 Dyokali 35 12 23 4 4 Sann Khan 1 Darmoli I 14 14 Kholi Kanuri 88 38 50 Pamtori 24 11 13 1 I Chan Kot 30 1 29 21 "20 1 Dauli Kau1i 106 40 66 1 35 26 9 Raizrait 5 5 12 6 6 32 27 5 Almiya Gaon 2 2 8 8 Danaula 53 21 32 2 2 Dungari OkharGaon 10 8 2 Aate 36 25 II I Dhauli 13 5 8 2 22 16 6 125 112 I 13 Satyal Gaon .. 1 Rajrel 58 17 41 -, 8 8 Chama ------Un-inhabited------Ghanghura 33 30 3 Doona Kot 131 57 74 1 Bankoo 18 16 2 9 7 2 Hunera 7 6 Humkapila 21 21 ChupraKhet -' 4 2 2 Mahargari


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0052 Didihat (Total) 8,878 3,416' 5,462 7,767 2,756 5,011 296 112 184 0052 Didihat (Rural) 8,878 3,416 5,462 ,7,767 2,756 5,011 296 112 184 0052 Didihat (Urban) Didihat (Rural) 00934700 Khir Hatigar 2 00934800 Turgoli 121 45 76 114 40 74 00934900 Basaura 14 8 6 12 6 6 00935000 Mala Jhula 79 32 47 75 28 47 00935100 Dungar Gara 14 6 8 14 6 8 00935200 Naulia Gaon 10 3 7 10 3 7 00935300 Khinauli 17 9 8 17 9 8 00935500 Rani Khet 299 119 180 299 119 180 00935600 Ghimali 90 67 23 21 13 8 8 8 00935700 Bagjiwala 30 5 25 26 2 24 00935800 Lamaghar 42 J6 26 3 3 22 22 00935900 Puni Gaon 1 1 1 00936000 Barsayat 46 23 23 38 16 22 4 3 1 00936 I 00 Leparti 113 41 72 III 41 70 2 2 00936200 Saukiya Thai 46 26 20 42 23 . 19 2 00936300 Bhanar Kot 3 2 00936400 Chami Khet 00936500 Khitoli 00936600 Gadera Pant 29 23 6 13 8 5 00936700 Gol 165 51 \14 67 26 41 40 5 35 00936800 Lejam 99 67 32 64 32 32 00936900 Patet 32 20 12 6 6 6 4 2 00937000 Topra Dhar 101 24 77 101 24 77 00937100 Karela 56 24 32 55 24 31 00937200 Dyokali 155 65 90 155 65 90 00937300 Sann Khan 32 15 17 30 14 16 00937400 Darmoli 34 18 16 31 IS 16 00937500 Kholi Kanuri 223 98 125 219 94 125 00937600 Pamtori 00937700 Chan Kot 00937800 Dauli Kauli 78 32 46 70 24 46 4 4. 00937900 Raizrait 7 5 2 3 2 2 I 00938000 Almiya Gaon 85 24 61 6 2 4 47 9 38 00938100 Danaula 46 12 34 46 12 34 00938200 Dungari 38 20 18 38 20 18 00938300 Okhar Gaon 56 28 28 54 26 28 00938400 Aate 22 6 16 22 6 16 00938500 Dhauli 42 12 30 41 12 29 00938600 Satya! Gaon 132 32 100 33 9 24 12 12 00938700 Rajret 4 3 4 3 00938800 Chama 3 2 2 00938900 Ghanghura ------Un-inhabited------00939000 Doona Kot 291 105 186 283 101 182 2 2 00939100 Bankoo 00939200 Hunera J27 35 92 126 34 92 00939300 Humkapita 40 17 23 40 17 23 00939400 Chupra Khet 91 22 69 85 16 69 00939500 Mahargari 55 18 37 51 14 37


CENSUS ABSTRACT Didihat ofmarBinal workers Location Household indust!l: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villa Be number 50 51 52 53 S4 55 56 57 58 2 I

301 90 211 514 458 56 17,332 8,762 8,570 Didihat (Total) 0052 301 90 2lJ 514 458 56 17,332 8,762 8,570 Didihat (Rural) 0952 Didihat (Urban) 0052 Didihat (Rural) 2 56 28 28 Khir Hatigar 00934700 4 3 2 2 156 88 68 Turgoli 00934800 I I 22 10 12 Basaura 00934900 3 3 109 65 44 Mala Jhula 00935000 17 12 5 DungarGara 00935100 23 14 9 Naulia Gaon 00935200 9 7 2 KhinauJi 00935300 372 179 193 Rani Khet 00935500 2 59 53 6 367 156 211 Ghimali 00935600 4 3 1 116 52 64 Bagjiwala 00935700 17 16 83 41 42 Lamaghar 00935800 I Puni Gaon 00935900 4 4 44 21. 23 Barsayat 00936000 82 38 44 Leparti 00936100 2 2 44 23 21 Saukiya ThaI 00936200 3 2 34 16 18 BhanarKot 00936300 28 15 13 Chami Khet 00936400 6 2 4 Khitoli 00936500 15 15 25 10 15 Gadera Pant 00936600 32 3 29 26 17 9 215 133 82 Gol 00936700 35 35 119 59 60 Lejam 00936800 19 15 4 121 48 73 Patet 00936900 35 19 16 Topra Ohar 00937000 41 25 16 Karel a 00937100 164 70 94 DyokaH 00937200 2 24 15 9 Sann Khan 00937300 3 3 10 5 5 Darmoli 00937400 4 4 93 49 44 Kholi Kanuri 00937500 83 38 45 Pamtori 00937600 24 10 14 Chan Kot 00937700 4 4 153 68 85 Dauli Kauli 00937800 2 2 176 85 91 ·Raizrait 00937900 25 6 19 7 7 92 49 43 Alpliya Gaon 00938000 40 21 19 Oailaula 00938100 75 40 35 Oungari 00938200 2 2 24 17 7 OkharGaon 00938300 8 3 5 Aate - 00938400 39 18 21 Ohauli 00938500 74 14 60 13 9 4 180 101 79 Saiyal Gaon 00938600 Rajret 00938700 166 81 85 Chama 00938800 ----r------Un-inhabited------,--- Ghanghura 00938900 5 3 2 311 150 161 Doona Kot 00939000 67 35 32 Bankoo 00939100 270 139 131 Hunera 00939200 79 34 45 Humkapita 00939300 6 6 129 72 57 ChupraKhet 00939400 4 4 66 33 33 Mahargari 00939500 -


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total popUlation (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --::P,....er-so-n-s--l:.;;,IM~al::.;es=--=F-em-a-:-le-s- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00939600 Bora Gaon 79.61 57 300 144 156 44 29 15 00939700 Raitoli 97.76 38 188 96 92 23 12 11 00939800 Koonia 219.16 58 322 158 164 50 25 25 00940000 Barna Airo 104.70 32 170 87 83 13 9 4 00940 I 00 Khetar Kanyal 681.90 215 1,037 489 548 188 91 97 00940200 Khetar Bhandari 289.80 53 238 110 128 25 15 10 00940300 Kauli Kanyal 554.80 247 1,223 573 650 237 122 115 00940400 Panthati 125.20 32 167 77 90 26 10 16 00940500 Garali 527.68 110 502 241 261 64 32 32 00940600 Baya Gaon 27.40 20 120 57 63 21 8 13 00940700 Dugeti 560.50 61 281 136 145 50 28 22 00940800 Pamsyarj 298.30 81 363 175 188 54 32 22 00940900 Khoja 64.75 27 126 59 67 16 8 8 00941000 Kaindi 140.20 3 15 9 6 009411 00 Dhaniya Khan 202.60 26 143 75 68 29 15 14 00941200 Dhunga 52.22 60 283 135 148 42 25 17 00941300 Pant Gaon 57.52 36 181 80 101 25 16 9 00941400 Chang Khirya Balgari 67.96 29 138 60 78 27 15 12 00941500 Kande 145.40 52 227 114 113 33 20 13 00941600 Sitoli 89.70 61 324 158 166 50 29 21 00941700 Sinquali 115.10 9 40 20 20 5 3 2 00941800 Hat Tharp 447.00 144 656 314 342 86 53 33 00942000 Mirthi Biniya 83.75 20 95 38 57 15 5 1(] 00942100 Garsoli 55.80 I 00942200 Jakh Dholit 78.93 28 123 50 73 15 6 S 00942300 Lohargaon 33.47 28 132 64 68 21 7 14 00942400 Orgaon 35.81 27 120 60 60 21 9 12 00942500 Bhann 286.70 120 560 258 302 94 54 4C 00942700 Nanpayo 177.50 121 537 266 271 82 46 3f 00942800 Ankot 126.50 14 75 34 41 11 5 ~ 00942900 Bhumiyathal 89.74 19 84 35 49 17 7 lC 00943000 Malti Mirthi 115.60 91 722 634 88 23 14 S 00943100 Talli Mirthi 294.50 342 1,394 719 675 252 147 105 00943200 Lathara 169.60 43 241 115 126 31 18 13 00943300 Kasindev 19.47 6 20 7 13 2 2 00943400 Kanda Mansingh 96.35 123 618 383 235 86 48 3~ 00943500 Kanda Jhusiya 58.70 24 94 34 60 16 5 11 00943600 Ogala 254.90 127 615 308 307 78 41 3, 00943700 Baltir 112.20 112 557 244 313 81 43 31 00943800 Kirauli 65.77 ------Un-inhabited------00943900 Bhul Gaon 139.31 26 130 66 64 21 16 00944000 Sata 169.20 32 163 75 88 17 10 00944100 • Atkwali 102.97 18 80 36 44 16 5 11 00944200 Tunera 39.40 5 15 5 10 00944300 Kumal Gaon 109.00 58 280 124 156 48 22 2( 00944400 Chalmori 49.74 30 181 82 99 19 7 I: 00944500 Kukrauli 56.37 94 456 196 260 123 70 5: 00944600 Bijkot 92.07 30 149 73 76 22 13 00944700 Bhar Gaon 117.05 73 327 141 186 43 22 2 00944800 Malli Bhaisuri 129.30 43 200 95 105 31 21 ]( 00944900 Gadera Deopa 38.55 10 58 29 29 7 3 00945000 Senra 32.26 8 42 21 21 5 5



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 153 72 81 188 100 88 Bora Gaon 65 33 32 129 76 53 Raitoli 90 45 45 176 109 67 Koonia 38 24 14 124 74 50 BarnaAiro 354 165 189 133 68 65 512 288 224 Khetar Kanyal 54 26 28 157 86 71 Khetal' Bhandari 459 220 239 684 390 294 Kauli Kanyal 7 3 4 102 61 41 Panthali 223 119 104 312 178 134 Garali 4 2 2 77 48 29 BayaGaon 151 69 82 136 81 55 Dugeti 41 15 26 245 138 107 Pamsyari 79 48 31 Khoja II 8 3 Kaindi 104 59 45 81 52 29 Dhaniya Khan 39 19 20 165 97 68 Dhunga 121 58 63 Pant Gaon 10 5 5 86 39 47 Chang Khirya Balgari 66 35 31 154 86 68 Kande 8 3 5 230 123 107 Sitoli 24 15 9 Sinquali 144 68 76 499 253 246 Hat Tharp 10 4 6 52 29 23 Mirthi Biniya Garsoli 87 44 43 Jakh Dholit 132 64 68 78 50 28 Lohargaon 120 60 60 66 43 23 Orgaon 149 74 75 319 175 144 Bhann 88 51 37 318 187 131 Nanpayo 50 27 23 Ankot 48 25 23 Bhumiyathal 49 49 20 20 642 602 40 Malli Mirthi 144 81 63 28 14 14 978 545 433 Talli Mirthi 45 22 23 149 84 65 Lathara 13 7 6 Kasindev 171 101 70 29 21 8 477 152 Kanda Mansingh 30 11 19 61 3~ 33 Kanda Jhusiya 69 37 32 434 254 180 Ogala 332 148 184 ~63 180 183 Baltir ------Un - inh abi ted------Kirauli 41 24 17 90 46 44 Bhul Gaon 119 61 58 Sata 47 28 I 19 Atkwali 10 4 6 Tunera 79 38 41 158 83 75 Kumal Gaon 137 72 65 Chalmori 198 91 107 Kukrauli 35 20 15 77 46 31 Bijkot 201 105 96 Bhar Gaon 38 20 18 110 59 51 Malli Bhaisuri 23 11 12 41 26 15 Gadera Deopa 30 16 14 Senra



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

00939600 Bora Gaon 112 44 68 125 54 71 13 II 2 00939700 Railoli 59 20 39 74 34 40 3 3 00939800 Koonia 146 49 97 127 55 72 122 52 70 00940000 Barna Airo 46 13 33 86 38 48 18 18 00940100 Khetar Kanyal 525 201 324 585 272 313 464 204 260 00940200 Khetar Bhandari 81 24 57 163 64 99 162 64 98 00940300 Kauli Kanyal 539 183 356 548 238 310 104 103 00940400 Panthali 65 16 49 74 33 41 6 5 00940500 Garali 190 63 127 104 64 40 14 14 00940600 Baya Gaon 43 9 34 49 20 29 5 5 00940700 Dugeti 145 55 90 140 61 79 23 14 9 00940800 Pamsylll'i 118 37 81 49 30 19 30 22 8 00940900 Khoja 47 11 36 16 12 4 10 10 00941000 Kaindi 4 3 2 2 009411 00 Dhaniya Khan 62 23 39 65 29 36 62 28 34 00941200 Dhunga 118 38 80 152 65 87 48 27 21 00941300 Pant Gaon 60 22 38 72 27 45 16 15 1 00941400 Chang Khirya Balgari 52 21 31 60 3) 29 45 22 23 00941500 Kande 73 28 45 134 63 71 41 18 23 00941600 Sitoli 94 35 59 177 71 106 51 22 29 00941700 SinquaJi 16 5 11 17 8 9 4 3 00941800 Hat Tharp 157 61 96 334 145 189 332 144 188 . 00942000 Mirthi Biniya 43 9 34 53 19 34 53 19 34 00942100 Garsoli 00942200 Jakh Dholit 36 6 30 50. 16 34 44 13 31 00942300 Lohargaon 54 . 14 40 80 35 45 6 5 00942400 Orgaon 54 17 37 54 28 26 49 25 24 00942500 Bhann 241 83 158 278 116 162 55 46 9 00942700 Nanpayo 219 79 140 289 136 153 194 109 85 00942800 Ankot 25 7 18 34 14 20 8 8 00942900 Bhumiyathal 36 10 26 33 13 20 7 7 00943000 Malli Mirthi 80 32 48 644 590 54 644 590 54 00943100 Talli Mirthi 416 174 242 568 307 261 562 304 258 00943200 Lathara 92 31 61 112 47 65 111 47 64 00943300 Kasindev 7 7 17 7 10 17 . 7 10 00943400 Kanda Mansingh 141 58 83 335 228 107 190 181 9 00943500 Kanda Jhusiya 33 6 27 43 16 27 4 3 00943600 Ogala 181 54 127 263 108 155 263 108 ISS 00943700 Baltir 194 64 130 311 128 183 102 70 32 00943800 Kirauli ------Un-inhabited------00943900 Bhul Gaon 40 20 20 102 47 55 12 11 00944000 Sala 44 14 30 84 31 53 84 31 53 00944100 Atkwali 33 8 25 46 20 26 16 14 2 00944200 Tunera 5 4 15 5 to 00944300 Kumal Gaon 122 41 81 190 86 104 63 33 30 00944400 Chalmori 44 10 34 135 60 75 10 9 00944500 Kukrauli 258 105 153 320 118 202 6 5 1 00944600 Bijkot 72 27 45 72 29 43 ,46 23 23 00944700 Bhar Gaon 126 36 90 162 65 97 128 45 83 00944800 Malli Bhaisuri 90 36 54 91 36 55 60 22 38 00944900 Gadera Deopa 17 3 14 26 10 16 24 8 16 00945000 Senra 12 5 7 34 13 21 12 5 7


CENSUS ABSTRACT Didihat Industrial cates0!X of main workers Household industry Cultivators Asriculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilIase 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 12 10 2 Bora Gaon 3 3 Raitoli . 110 43 67 2 2 10 7 3 Koonia 6 6 12 12 BamaAiro 420 172 248 9 8 3 3 32 28 4 Khetar Kanyal 161 63 98 Khetar Bhandari 19 19 20 20 65 64 Kauli Kanyal 6 5 Panthali 3 3 11 11 Garali 5 5 BayaGaon 4 4 19 10 9 Dugeti 30 22 8 Pamsyari 2 2 8 8 Khoja Kaindi 35 34 27 27 Dhaniya Khan 47 26 21 Dhunga 5 5 II 10 I Pant Gaon 37 14 23 7 7 Chang Khirya Balgari 18 18 23 18 5 Kande 31 6 25 20 16 4 Sitoli 3 3 Sinquali 288 105 183 2 2 42 37 5 Hal Tharp 48 IS 33 5 4 Mirthi Biniya Garsoli 31 30 13 12 Jakh Dholit 5 4 Lohargaon 24 2 22 25 23 ~ Orgaon 24 17 7 2 2 29 27 2 Shann 152 71 81 2 II II 29 26 3 Nanpayo 7 7 Ankot 7 7 Bhumiyalhal 98 44 54 I 545 545 Malli Mirthi 251 97 154 4 3 307 206 101 Talli Mirthi 102 38 64 9 9 Lathara 16 6 10 1 Kasindev 3 3 186 177 9 Kanda Mansingh '_ 3 Kanda Jhusiya 202 50 152 2 26 25 33 '3~ 1 Ogala 73 50 23 4 4 25 16 9 Baltir ------Un-inhabited------Kirauli 2 2 10 9 Bhul Gaon 83 30 53 Sala 15 13 2 Atkwali Tunera 44 19 25 , 5 3 2 14 Ii 3 Kumal Gaon 4 4 6 5 Chalmori 5 4 Kukrauli 27 4 23 6 6 4 4 9 9 Bijkot 120 37 83 1 7 7 Bhar Gaon 46 9 37 12 11 Malli Bhaisuri 23 7 16 Gadera Deopa 12 5 7 Senra



Industrial catego~ Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00939600 Bora Gaon 112 '43 69 85 16 69 00939700 Raitoli 71 31 40 61 21 40 00939800 Koonia 5 3 2 4 2 2 00940000 BarnaAiro 68 20 48 68 20 48 00940100 Khetar Kanyal 121 68 53 85 42 43 7 6 00940200 Khetar Bhandari 1 1 00940300 Kauli Kauyal 444 135 309 390 96 294 46 32 14 00940400 Panthali 68 28 40 63 23 40 00940500 Garali 90 50 40 78 38 40 00940600 BayaGaon 44 15 29 41 12 29 00940700 Dugeti 117 47 70 117 47 70 00940800 Pamsyari . 19 8 11 2 2 00940900 Khoja 6 2. 4 00941000 Kaindi 2 2 00941100 Dhaniya Khan 3 1 2 3 2 00941200 Dhunga 104 38 66 102 37 65 00941300 Pant Gaon 56 12 44 56 12 44 00941400 Chang Khirya Balgari 15 9 6 II 6 5 00941500 Kande 93 45 48 49 13 36 3 3 00941600 Sitoli 126 49 77 108 31 77 00941700 Sinquali 13 5 8 3 2 6 5 00941800 Hat Tharp 2 2 00942000 Mirthi Biniya 00942100 Garsoli 1 00942200 Jakh Dholit 6 3 3 6 3 3 00942300 Lohargaon 74 30 44 47 3 44 00942400 Orgaon 5 3 2 2 I 1 00942500 Bhann 223 70 153 222 69 153 00942700 Nanpayo 95 27 68 90 23 67 3 2 00942800 Ankot 26 6 20 25 5 20 00942900 Bhumiyathal 26 6 20 26 6 20 00943000 Malli Mirthi 00943100 Talli Mirthi 6 3 3 5 3 2 00943200 Lathara 00943300 Kasindev 00943400 Kanda Mansingh 145 47 98 20 11 9 24 12 12 00943500 Kanda Jhusiya 39 13 26 27 4 23 5 4 00943600 Ogala 00943700 Baltir 209 58 151 208 58 150 00943800 Kirauli ------Un-inhabited------00943900 Bhul Gaon 90 36 54 90 36 54 00944000 Sata 00944100 Atkwali 30 6 24 30 6 24 00944200 Tunera 15 5 10 15 5 10 00944300 Kumal Gaon 127 53 74 127 53 74 00944400 Chalmori 125 51 74 124 51 73 00944500 Kukrauli 314 113 201 314 113 201 00944600 Bijkol 26 6 20 23 6 17 3 3 00944700 BharGaon 34 20 14 33 19 14 00944800 Malli Bhaisuri 31 14 17 31 14 17 00944900 Gadera Deopa 2 2 2 2 00945000 Senra 22 8 14 22 8 14


CENSUS ABSTRACT Didihat of marginal workers Location Household indust!1 workers Other workers Non-workers Code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 27 27 175 90 85 Bora Gaon 00939600 I 10 10 114 62 52 Raitoli -- 00939700 195 103 92 Koonia 00939800 84 49 35 Barna Airo 00940000 23 20 3 6 5 452 217 235 Khetar Kanyal 00940100 75 46 29 Khetar Bhandari 00940200 7 7 675 335 340 Kauli Kanyal ' 00940300 5 5 93 44 49 Panthali 00940400 12 12 398 177 221 Garali 00940500 3 3 71 37 34 BayaGaon 00940600 141 75 66 Dugeti 00940700 7 6 10 5 5 314 145 169 Pamsyari 00940800 I 4 2 2 110 47 63 Khoja 00940900 2 2 13 7 6 Kaindi 00941000 78 46 32 Dhaniya Khan 00941100 2 131 70 61 Dhunga 00941200 109 53 56 Pant Gaon 00941300 4 3 78 29 49 Chang Khirya Balgari 00941400 2 2 39' 30 9 93 51 42 Kande 00941500 18 18 147 87 60 Sitoli 00941600 3 2 23 12 II Sinquali 00941700 322 169 153 Hat Tharp 00941800 42 19 23 Mirthi Biniya 00942000 Garsoli 00942100 73 34 39 Jakh Dholit 00942200 27 27 52 29 23 Lohargaon 00942300 3 2 66 32 34 Orgaon 00942400 282 142 140 Bhann 00942500 2 2 248 130 118 Nanpayo 00942700 41 20 21 Ankot 00942800 51 22 29 Bhumiyathal 00942900 78 44 34 Malli Mirthi 00943000 826 412 414 Talli Mirthi 00943100 129 68 61 Lathara 00943200 3 3 Kasindev 00943300 89 13 76 12 11 283 155 128, Kanda Mansingh 00943400 4 2 2 3 3 51 18 33 ltanda Jhusiya 00943500 352 200 152 Ogala 00943600 246 116 130 Baltir 00943700 ------Un-inhabited------Kirauli 00943800 28 19 9 Bhul Gaon 00943900 79 44 35 Sata 00944000 34 16 18 Atkwali 00944100 Tunera 00944200 90 38 52 Kumal Gaon 00944300 46 22 24 Chalmori 00944400 136 78 58 Kukrauli 00944500 77 44 33 Bijkot 00944600 165 76 89 Bhar Gaon 00944700 109 59 50 Malli Bhaisuri 00944800 32 19 13 Gadera Deopa 00944900 8 8 Seora 00945000


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (Including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --:P:-e-rs-on-s--t~M7'a7Ie~s""';':_-F:::-e-m-a-:-le-s- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

00945100 Dhami Gaon 14.80 55 215 118 97 31 18 13 00945200 Masmoli 155.60 49 204 106 98 29 13 16 00945300 Talli Bhaisuri 80.85 31 164 82 82 29 17 12 00945400 Atal Gaon 115.20 48 250 116 134 37 16 21 00945500 Kheeri 147.64 49 210 98 112 32 14 18 00945600 Rakarthal 18.08 5 28 II 17 2 I 1 00945700 Dhola Ghar 109.00 10 53 26 27 10 6 4 00945800 Bhakunda 43.96 22 110 47 63 20 10 10 00945900 Tari Gaon 61.44 30 148 61 87 27 13 14 00946000 Chaupara 27.56 14 78 34 44 8 4 4 ·00946100 Simar 43.77 23 115 44 71 19 8 11 00946200 Chiliya Gaon 69.54 II 48 23 25 7 6 1 00946300 Baram Bachkuri 324.50 55 291 135 156 48 24 24 00946400 Batyuli 108.50 33 148 73 75 15 10 5 00946500 Dhartoli 34.89 15 64 31 33 11 7 4 00946600 Digauti 107.10 47 209 100 109 19 13 6 00946700 Dhigtar 129.60 47 269 119 150 28 15 13 00946800 Gadera Joshi 58.64 23 101 38 63 20 5 15 00946900 Binayak 133.60 56 252 121 131 37 20 17 00947000 Phatori 36.45 5 32 17 15 8 3 5 00947100 Marh 116.50 21 98 55 43 6 6 00947200 Nali Bisral 30.98 8 36 14 22 3 3 . 00947300 Nali Deupa 77.90 23 101 53 48 8 4 4 00947400 Bhalu Udiyar 110.40 33 161 75 86 19 9 10 00947500 Jubra 41.54 15 63 24 39 5 4 1 00947600 Khitola Majhera 55.68 II 64 25 39 16 8 8 00947700 Kandera Pokhari 10.50 ------Un-inhabited------00947800 Nayal 90.32 9 48 19 29 11 5 6 00948000 Baret 97.33 24 125 64 61 18 10 8 00948100 Chhalori 59.77 16 68 28 40 4 2 2 00948200 Dubtar 36.70 4 16 8 8 -1 00948300 Bora Bunga 341.80 105 503 239 264 92 52 40 00948400 Tilari 96.89 59 192 106 86 25 16 9 00948500 Syalbey 102.40 50 248 112 136 35 15 20 00948600 Kholta 8.22 4 16 5 11 2 '1 00948700 Chamoli 29.25 7 31 16 15 3 3 00948800 Gairar 34.25 9 47 23 24 10 6 4 00948900 Dhamrauli 33.44 21 106 53 53 29 16 13 00949000 Saugaon 183.10 32 163 63 100 25 11 14 00949100 Mel Kura 25.63 16 62 25 37 15 7 8 00949200 Lakhati Gaon 205.90 90 401 174 227 61 31 30 00949300 Sera Saunali 27.67 41 230 110 120 38 25 13 00949400 Para Kote 32.51 13 40 19 21 6 4 2 00949500 Nakholi 77.68 22 127 60 67 25 14 11 00949600 Leema Bhat 244.20 78 421 185 236 73 37 36 00949700 Pari Sera 27.31 ------Un-inhabited------00949800 Chitgal Gaon 69.71 51 238 121 117 40 20 20 00949900 Gobrari 146.50 79 366 173 193 39 23 16 00950000 Tarkhet 24.1 I 30 123 62 61 16 10 6 00950100 Kanda Talla 22.68 29 134 64 70 16 8 8 00950200 Kanda Malia 31.51 27 123 59 64 20 13 7 00950300 Bania 15.49 2



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 26 15 11 171 97 74 Dhami Gaon 44 21 23 120 80 40 Masmoli 43 21 22 94 53 41 Talli Bhaisuri 134 64 70 138 81 57 Atal Gaon 41 21 20 2 2 133 73 60 Kheeri - i 18 9 9 Rakarthal 29 16 13 DholaGhar 65 33 32 Bhakunda 11 5 6 96 45 51 Tari Gaon 10 6 4 60 28 32 Chaupara 75 35 40 Simar 19 II 8 31 12 19 Chiliya Gaon 127 58 69 179 97 82 Baram Bachkuri 21 8 13 105 59 46 Batyuli 13 6 7 42 24 18 Dhartoli 12 8 4 158 85 73 Digauti 38 20 18 193 96 97 Dhigtar 40 19 21 43 20 23 Gadera Joshi 114 59 55 156 85 71 Binayak 21 14 7 Phatori 83 49 34 Marh 24 10 14 Nali Bisral 73 43 30 Nali Deupa 9 4 5 90 48 .42 Bhalu Udiyar 47 20 27 Jubra 32 16 16 Khitola Majhera ------Un-inhabited------Kandera Pokhari 33 14 19 Nayal 7 3 4 83 50 33 Baret 47 20 27 Chhalori 10 6 4 Dubtar 155 78 77 306 181 125 Bora Bunga 29 15 14 130 84 46 Tilari 4 2 2 137 78 59 Sya1bey 11 4 7 Kholta 8 4 4 .21 14 7 Chamoli 22 11 II 30 17\ 13 Gairar 7 3 4 61 33 28 Dhamrauli 98 46 52 Saugaon 39 18 21 Mel Kura 233 112 121 276 133 143 Lakhati Gaon 89 46 43 167 81 86 Sera Saunali 25 14 11 Para Kote 73 44 29 Nakholi 141 63 78' 254 134 120 LeemaBhat . ------Un-inhabited------Pari Sera 159 80 79 135 85 50 Chitgal Gaon 190 100 90 238 127 III Gobrari 38 21 17 74 42 32 Tarkhet 4 I 3 92 52 40 Kanda Talla 84 45 39 Kanda Malia 1 BanIa



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofViJlage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00945100 Dhami Gaon 44 21 23 103 70 33 60 54 6 - 00945200 Masmoli 84 26 58 153 83 70 13 10 3 00945300 Talli Bhaisuri 70 29 41 77 30 47 53 24 29 00945400 Atal Gaon Il2 3S 77 130- 56 74 - 106 42 64 00945500 Kheeri 77 25 52 100 56 44 85 45 40 00945600 Rakarthlll 10 2 8 14 4 10 II {3 8 00945700 Dhola Ghar 24 \0 14 23 \\ 15 17 4 13 00945800 Bhakunda 45 14 31 58 20 38 48 10 38 00945900 Tari Gaon 52 16 36 80 25 55 51 14 37 00946000 Chaupara 18 6 12 38 14 24 26 7 \9 00946100 Simar 40 9 31 78 31 47 20 6 14 00946200 Chiliya Gaon 17 11 6 38 14 24 3 3 00946300 Baram Bachkuri 112 38 74 154 72 82 148 68 80 00946400 Batyuli 43 14 29 83 31 52 59 15 44 00946500 Dhartoli 22 7 15 18 8 10 17 8 9 00946600 Digauti 51 15 36 66 26 40 54 20 34 00946700 Dhigtar 76 23 53 208 91 117 15 15 00946800 Gadera Joshi 58 18 40 48 18 30 33 IO 23 00946900 Binayak 96 36 60 103 38 65 63 15 48 00947000 Phatori II 3 8 13 6 7 13 6 7 00947100 Marh IS 6 9 62 32 30 62 32 30 00947200 Nali Bisral \2 4 \\ 22 9 \3 9 9 . 00947300 Nali Deupa 28 IO 18 56 25 31 25 25 00947400 Bhalu Udiyar 71 27 44 80 29 51 70 23 47 00947500 Jubra 16 4 12 30 11 19 29 11 18 00947600 Khitola Majhera 32 9 23 30 11 19 25 9 16 00947700 Kandera Pokhari ------Un-!nhabited------00947800 Nayal 15 5 10 22 9 13 22 9 13 00948000 Baret 42 14 28 76 36 40 76 36 40 00948100 Chhalori 21 8 13 36 15 21 12 12 00948200 Dubtar 6 2 4 II 3 8 6 5 00948300 Bora Bunga 197 58 139 300 133 167 36 34 2 00948400 Tilari 62 22 40 94 54 40 83 49 34 00948500 Syalbey III 34 77 125 51 74 73 20 53 00948600 Kholta 5 I 4 10 3 7 4 4 00948700 Chamoli 10 2 8 20 9 II 9 "4 5 00948800 Gaimr 17 6 II 27 12 15 27 12 15 00948900 Dhamrauli 45 20 25 49 23 26 49 23 26 00949000 Saugaon 65 17 48 99 32 67 58 18 40 00949100 Mel Kura 23 7 16 29 9 20 28 8 20 00949200 Lakhati Gaon 125 41 84 181 72 109 14 14 00949300 Sera Saunali 63 29 34 102 44 58 92 - 34 58 00949400 Para Kote 15 5 10 21 9 12 1 00949500 Nakholi 54 16 38 66 26 40 6 6 00949600 Leema Bhat 167 51 116 208 79 129 33 32 00949700 Pari Sera ------Un-inhabited------00949800 Chitgal Gaon 103 36 67 125 64 61 5 5 00949900 Gobrari 128 46 82 197 83 114 197 83 114 00950000 Tarkhet 49 20 29 74 29 45 74 29 45 00950100 Kanda Talla 42 12 30 75 28 47 75 28 47 00950200 Kanda Malia 39 14 25 69 28 41 69 28 41 00950300 Bania 2 1


CENSUS ABSTRACT Didihat Industrial cateS0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators AS!:iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 5 4 55 50 5 Dhami Gaon 4 4 9 6 3 Masmoli 41 12 29 7 7 5 5 Talli Bhaisuri 101 37 64 5 5 Atal Gaon 58 21 37 4 4 23 20 3 Kheeri 8 I 7 -II 2 2 Rakarthal 17 4 13 Dhola Ghar 46 9 37 2 Bhakunda 48 II 37 3 3 Tari Gaon 24 5 19 2 2 Chaupara 20 6 14 Simar I I I Chiliya Gaon 138 60 78 3 2 7 6 Baram Bachkuri 48 5 43 10 9 Batyuli 13 4 9 4 4 Dhartoli 44 II 33 10 9 Digauti 15 15 Dhigtar 30 7 23 3 3 Gadera Joshi 55 7 48 3 3 5 5 Binayak 12 5 7 Phatori 58 28 30 4 4 Marh 9 9 Nali Bisral 21 21 4 4 Nali Deupa 67 21 4{\ 3 2 .1 Bhalu Udiyar 28 10 18 I Jubra 22 6 16 2 2 Khitola Majhera ------Un-inhabited------Kandera Pokhari 19 7 12 3 2 Nayal 73 33 40 3 3 Baret 12 12 Chhalori 6 5 Dubtar 2 2 7 7 27 25 2 Bora Bunga 47 15 32 6 6 30 28 2 Tilari 64 II 53 9 9 Syalbey 4 4 '- Kholta 6 5 3 '.3 Chamoli 24 9 15 3 3\ Gairar 45 19 26 4 4 Dhamrauli 53 13 40 5 5 Saugaon 27 7 20 I I Mel Kura 2 2 3 3 2 2 7 7 Lakhati Gaon 87 29 58 4 4 Sera Saunali I Para Kote 5 5 Nakholi 4 4 29 28 LeemaBhat ------Un-inhabited------Pari Sera 5 5 Chitgal Gaon 182 69 113 I 14 13 Gobrari 64 21 43 7 6 3 2 Tarkhet 74 27 47 I Kanda Tall a 62 21 41 2 2 5 5 Kanda Malia Bania


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateso!! Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00945100 DhamiGaon 43 16 27 38 14 24 00945200 Masmoli 140 73 67 124 57 67 00945300 Talli Bhaisuri 24 6 18 23 5 18 00945400 Atal Gaon 24 14 10 24 14 10 00945500 Kheeri 15 11 4 14 10 4 00945600 Rakarthal 3 I 2 3 2 00945700 DholaGhar 6 4 2 6 4 2 00945800 Bhakunda 10 10 10 10 00945900 Tari Gaon 29 II 18 29 II 18 00946000 Chaupara 12 7 5 12 7 5 00946100 Simar 58 25 33 58 25 33 00946200 Chiliya Gaon 35 11 24 35 II 24 00946300 Baram Bachkuri 6 4 2 6 4 2 00946400 Batyuli 24 16 8 24 16 8 00946500 Dhartoli I I 00946600 Digauti 12 6 6 5 1 4 3 3 00946700 Dhigtar 193 76 117 192 76 116 00946800 Gadera Joshi 15 8 7 15 8 7 00946900 Binayak 40 23 17 23 9 14 14 13 00947000 Phatori 00947100 Marh 00947200 Nali Bisral 13 13 13 13 ,00947300 Nali Deupa 31 31 31 31 00947400 Bhalu Udiyar 10 6 4 10 ' 6 4 00947500 Jubra I 00947600 Khitola Majhera 5 2 3 5 2 3 00947700 Kandera Pokhari ------Un'-inhabited------00947800 Nayal 00948000 Baret 00948100 Chhalori 24 3 21 24 3 21 00948200 Dubtar 5 2 3 5 2 3 00948300 Bora Bunga 264 99 165 263 99 164 00948400 Tilari II 5 6 9 3 6 00948500 Syalbey 52 31 21 52 31 21 00948600 Kholta 6 3 3 5 2 3 00948700 . Chamoli II 5 6 10 4 6 00948800 Gairar 00948900 Dhamrauli 00949000 Saugaon 41 14 27 40 13 27 00949100 Mel Kura 1 1 00949200 Lakhati Gaon 167 58 109 149 46 103 15 10 00949300 Sc;ra Sauna1i 10 10 2 2 00949400 Para Kote 20 8 12 20 8 .12 00949500 Nakholi 60 20 40 60 20 40 00949600 Leema Bhat 175 47 128 175 47 128 00949700 Pari Sera ------Un-inhabited------00949800 Chitgal Gaon 120 59 61 120 59 61 00949900 Gobrari 00950000 Tarkhet 00950100 Kanda Talla 00950200 Kanda Malia 00950300 BanIa 2 2


CENSUS ABSTRACT Didihat of marginal workers Lqcation Household indus!!}: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 5 2 3 112 48 64 Dhami Gaon 00945100 I I 14 14 51 23 28 Masmoli 00945200 87 52 35 Talli Bhaisuri 00945300 120 60 60 Atal Gaon 00945400 110 42 68 Kheeri 00945500 14 7 7 Rakarthal 00945600 30 18 12 Dhola Ghar 00945700 52 27 25 Bhakunda 00945800 68 36 32 Tari Gaon 00945900 40 20 20 Chaupara 00946000 37 13 24 Simar 00946100 10 9 Chiliya Gaon 00946200 137 63 74 Baram Bachkuri 00946300 65 42 23 Batyuli 00946400 46 23 23 Dhartoli 00946500 2 2 2 2 143 74 69 Digauti 00946600 61 28 33 Dhigtar 00946700 53 20 33 Gadera Joshi 00946800 2 149 83 66 Binayak 00946900 19 II 8 Phatori 00947000 36 23 13 Marh 00947100 14 5 9 Nali Bisral 00947200 45 28 17 Nali Deupa 00947300 81 46 35 Bhalu Udiyar 00947400 33 13 20 Jubra 00947500 34 14 20 Khitola Majhera 00947600 ------Un-inhabited------Kandera Pokhari 00947700 26 10 16 Nayal 00947800 49 28 21 Baret 00948000 32 13 19 Chhalori 00948100 5 5 Dubtar 00948200 203 106 97 Bora Bunga 00948300 2 2 98 52 46 Tilari 00948400 123 61 62 Syalbey 00948500 6 2 4 Kholta 00948600 II 7 4'~hamoli 00948700 20 II 9 airar 00948800 57 30 27 Dhamrauli 00948900 64 31 33 Saugaon 00949000 33 16 17 Mel Kura 00949100 2' 220 102 118 Lakhati Gaon 00949200 7 7 128 66 62 Sera Saunali 00949300 19 10 9 Para Kote 00949400 61 34 27 N8kholi 00949500 213 106 107 LeemaBhat 00949600 -cc------Un-inhabited------Pari Sera 00949700 113 57 56 Chitgal Gaon 00949800 169 90 79 Gobrari 00949900 49 33 16 Tarkhet 00950000 59 36 23 Kanda Talla 00950100 54 31 23 Kanda Malia 00950200 Bania 00950300


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of in~titutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of . EOEulation} aBe-BrouE 0-6 number Name of Villa Be hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

00950500 Jamtar 197.40 50 324 153 171 49 21 28 00950600 Dhula Gaon 147.89 28 151 69 82 27 17 10 00950700 Nankuri 220.39 66 381 185 196 43 18 25 00950800 Mahat Gaon 134.40 26 144 72 72 26 16 10 00950900 JamajyaJi Gaon 164.49 18 101 47 54 14 7 7 00951000 Kholi 149.01 45 228 101 127 41 23 18 00951100 Durlekh 241.90 136 624 283 341 99 51 48 00951200 Bajani 167.53 78 394 184 210 55 26 29 00951300 Ajera 368.00 76 368 158 210 47 23 24 00951400 Ajera Madye Bharpatta 10.31 6 13 7 6 2 00951500 Hachita 324.30 101 470 225 245 66 34 32 00951600 BandarLima 128.90 31 184 83 101 38 24 14 00951700 Toli Chural 225.40 49 215 98 117 45 25 20 00951800 Sapya 73.95 4 26 12 14 5 4 00951900 Harkhola 201.00 32 152 70 82 27 16 11



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 34 IS 19 205 117 88 Jamtar 23 12 11 90 45 45 DhulaGaon 208 96 112 272 160 112 Nankuri 29 14 IS 90 53 37 MahatGaon 18 10 8 78 40 38 Jamajyali Gaon 20 10 1,0 131 68 63 Kholi 70 35 35 382 207 175 Durlekh 55 28 27 268 147 121 8ajani 100 49 51 243 122 121 Ajera 2 I 6 5 Ajera Madye Bharpatta 72 37 35 302 180 122 Hachila 116 57 59 BandarLima 128 68 60 Toli Chufal 15 10 5' Sapya 90 48 42 Harkhola



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00950500 Jamtar 119 36 83 186 85 101 186 85 101 00950600 Dhula Gaon 61 24 37 68 26 42 68 26 42 00950700 Nankuri 109 25 84 202 99 103 202 99 103 00950800 MahatGaon 54 19 35 75 28 47 75 28 47 00950900 Jamajyali Gaon 23 7 16 34 18 16 34 18 16 0095\000 Kholi 97 33 64 11.7 31 55 71 2\ 5\ 00951100 Durlekh 242 76 166 270 122 148 26 21 5 00951200 Bajani 126 37 89 188 72 116 4 4 00951300 Ajera 125 36 89 169 62 107 30 28 2 00951400 Ajera Madye Bharpatta 7 2 5 8 4 4 6 3 3 00951500 Hachila 168 45 123 252 102 150 48 30 18 00951600 BandarLima 68 26 42 87 36 51 10 9 00951700 Toli Chufal 87 30 57 103 36 67 80 24 56 00951800 Sapya 11 2 9 12 5 7 00951900 Harkhola 62 22 40 77 33 44 41 15 26


CENSUS ABSTRACf Didihat Industrial catel!!O!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of ViIIaf?ie 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 160 61 99 26 24 2 Jamtar 65 23 42 3 3 Dhula Gaon 159 58 101 6 6 37 35 2 Nankuri 68 21 47 7 7 Mahat Gaon 23 7 16 5 5 6 6 Jamajyali Gaon 63 12 51 1 1 7 7 Kholi i· 26 21 5 Durlekh 4 4 Bajani 9 9 3 3 18 16 2 Ajera 3 I 2 3 2 Ajera Madye Bharpatta 24 6 18 24 24 Hachila 9 9 Bandar Lima 71 18 53 9 6 3 Toli Chufal Sapya 31 5 26 10 10 Harkhola


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industnal category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00950500 Jamtar 00950600 Dhula Gaon 00950700 Nankuri 00950800 MahatGaon 00950900 Jamajyali Gaon 00951000 Kholi 15 11 4 12 8 4 00951100 Durlekh 244 101 143 210 68 142 00951200 Bajani 184 68 116 184 68 116 00951300 Ajera 139 34 105 138 33 105 00951400 Ajera Madye Bharpatta 2 00951500 Hachita 204 72 132 196 64 132 00951600 Bandar Lima 77 27 50 77 27 50 00951700 Toli Chufal 23 12 II 22 11 11 00951800 Sapya 12 5 7 12 5 7 00951900 Harkhola 36 18 18 36 18 18


CENSUS ABSTRACT Didihat ofmarginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 138 68 70 Jamtar : 00950500 83 43 40 Dhula Gaon 00950600 179 86 93 Nankuri 00950700 69 44 25 MahatGaon 00950800 67 29 38 Jamajyali Gaon 00950900 I 3 3 141 69 72 Kholi 00951000 34 33 354 161 193 Durlekh 00951100 206 112 94 8ajani 00951200 199 96 103 Ajera 00951300 2 I 5 3 2 Ajera Madye Bharpatta 00951400 8 8 218 123 95 Hachila 00951500 97 47 50 BandarLima 00951600 112 62 50 Toli Chufal 00951700 14 7 7 Sapya 00951800 7S 37 38 Harkhola 00951900



VILLAGE PRIMAR.Y CD Blotk- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of E02ulation) age-grou!! 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0053 KanaJi Chhina (Total) 23,229.12 9,863 45,162 21,416 23,746 6,478 3,407 3,071 0053 Kanali Chhina (Rural) 23,229.12 9,863 45,162 21,416 23,746 6,478 3,407 3,071 0053 Kanali Chhina (Urban) Kanali Chhina (Rural) 00952000 Mugrauli 74.08 33 126 54 72 13 7 6 00952100 Digara 196.70 328 1,450 704 746 238 125 113 00952300 Surauli 179.10 60 273 130 143 34 19 15 00952400 KamlolipuTWa 210.10 94 442 213 229 61 37 24 00952500 Dhurauli 135.44 51 245 112 113 40 23 17 00952600 Chamu Khet 147.40 62 247 116 131 26 14 12 00952700 Bhandari Gaon Rajwar 725.63 271 1.260 577 683 205 104 101 00952800 Sil Kakarmanya 10.93 4 27 13 14 6 3 3 00952900 Mauk M8II 119.90 21 105 SO 55 12 7 5 00953000 Taragun 85.20 19 83 38 45 10 3 7 00953100 Bhakunda 239.00 50 209 104 105 22 12 10 00953200 Kholasan 40.42 10 45 19 26 5 2 3 00953300 Bandal Chamu 114.40 29 152 69 83 31 13 18 00953400 Aganya 133.96 98 395 197 198 59 32 27 00953500 Badra 10.93 10 55 25 30 10 4 6 00953600 Sil 25.50 42 173 79 94 19 10 9 00953700 Goth8IIa 91.46 35 181 90 91 16 11 5 00953800 Kachana 10.00 60 263 121 142 33 17 16 00953900 Toli Binayak 15.00 3 22 9 13 \ 00954000 Panda 2.00 9 51 25 26 10 6 4 00954100 Petk110la 24.69 10 44 , 23 21 5 4 00954200 Bora Gaon 5.00 4 20 13 7 7 5 2 00954300 Moosgaon 20.00 36 179 79 100 18 10 8 00954400 Nakhnoli 81.34 63 285 . 142 143 36 20 16 00954500 Myoli 112.91 43 161 71 90 24 15 9 00954600 Basor 170.60 96 475 211 264 73 38 35 00954700 Gaudi 11.60 9 56 23 33 10 3 7 00954800 Khainali 60.35 8 44 20 24 9 5 4 00954900 Markoli 22.00 16 73 29 44 15 5 10 00955000 Dantoli 108.60 23 III 48 63 19 8 II 00955100 Bhaisuri 100.10 53 236 114 122 23 9 14 00955200 Dhoon Khola 44.92 I J I 2 00955300 Oligaon 6.07 II 48 26 22 5 3 2 00955400 Nagrauda 99.96 62 250 103 147 41 18 23 00955500 Mosgal 31.40 23 96 40 S6 14 6 8 00955600 Khan Pilar 97.83 47 202 105 97 21 13 8 00955700 Kusaila 310.80 71 355 lSI 204 58 29 29 00955800 Bhadrika 75.93 41 190 83 107 24 12 12 00955900 Gubrauli 40.20 10 40 21 19 7 5 2 00956000 Batula 237.99 59 270 118 152 49 25 24 00956100 .Pathrauli 75.00 51 197 91 106 13 7 6 00956200 Joshi Gaon 21.85 17 87 40 47 20 10 10 00956300 Harali 32.78 49 234 113 121 34 22 12 00956400 Modi 155.89 54 231 t 14 117 23 13 10 00956500 Mahat Gaon 161.80 35 152 77 75 24 13 II 00956600 Pagrauli 20.00 53 290 137 153 61 30 31 00956700 Bamdoli 244.10 107 521 231 290 98 51 47 00956800 Kari Gaon 14.05 13 62 25 37 7 3 4 00956900 Barna Gaon 1.25 35 173 86 87 25 11 14



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 11,426 5,661 5,765 98 51 47 30,395 16,674 13,721 Kanali Chhina (Total) 11,426 5,661 5,765 98 51 47 30,395 16,674 13,721 Kanali Chhina (Rural) Kanali Chhina (Urban) Kanali Chhina (Rural) 7 3 4 89 45 44 Mugrauli 387 179 208 1,025 545 480 Digara 25 14 ' II 196 110 86 Surauli 10 4 6 316 171 145 Kamtolipurwa 10 5 5 .152 80 72 Dhurauli 71 37 34 176 95 81 Chamu Khet 400 195 205 815 441 374 Bhandari Gaon Rajwar I 21 10 II Sil Kakarmanya 69 41 28 MaukMan 5 4 67 34 33 Taragun 81 46 35 136 76 60 Bhakunda 37 17 20 Kho1asan 107 48 59 92 50 42 Bandal Chamu 194 94 100 269 156 113 Aganya 9 6 3 40 21 19 Badra 41 18 23 125 64 61 Sil 104 54 50 146 77 69 Gothana 21 12 9 208 103 105 Kachana 9 3 6 Toli Binayak 32 17 15 Panda 44 23, 21 29 18 II Petkhola i 20 13 7 6 6 Bora Gaon 8 4 4 147 68 79 Moosgaon 29 15 14 207 114 93 Nakhnoli 115 55 60 Myoli 198 92 106 297 157 140 Basor 42 20 22 Gaudi 24 11 13 Khainali 38 19 19 Markoli 25 II 14 69 38 31 Dantoli 38 22 16 ,- 180 101 79 Bhaisuri 3 I 2 2 2 Dhoon Khola 36 23 13 Oligaon 35 15 20 164 81 \ 83 Nagrauda 64 33 31 Mosgal 37 17 20 147 88 59 Khan Phar 33 16 i7 218 114 104 Kusai1a 59 33 26 119 65 54 Bhadrika 26 16 10 Gubrauli 11 7 4 180 87 93 Batu1a 16 5 II 144 79 65 Pathrauli 15 8 7 53 29 24 Joshi Gaon 125 63 62 153 79 74 Harali 51 26 't5 164 96 68 Modi 95 55 40 Mahat Gaon 202 102 100 163 97 66 Pagrauli 199 96 103 314 169 145 Bamdoli 45 22 23 Kari Gaon 119 74 45 BamaGaon



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Villaae Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0053 Kanali Chhina (Total) 14,767 4,742 10,025 18,089 8,323 9,766 8,592 4,909 3,683 0053 Kanali Chhina (Rural) 14,767 4,742 10,025 18,089 8,323 9,766 8,592 4,909 3,683 0053 Kanali Chhina (Urban) Kanali Chhina (Rural) 0095200.0 Mugrauli 37 ·9 28 52 17 35 12 8 4 00952100 Digara 425 159 266 565 275 290 176 156 20 0.095230.0 Surauli 77 20 57 84 27 57 79 27 52 00952400 Kamtolilmrwa 126 42 84 137 44 93 27 25 2 00952500. Dhurauli 93 32 61 155 65 90. 155 65 90 0095260.0. Chamu Khet 71 21 50. 87 34 53 87 34 53 00952700 Bhandari Gaon Rajwar 445 136 309 579 233 346 52 43 9 00952800 Sil Kakarmanya 6 3 3 II 5 6 11 5 6 0.0.95290.0 Mauk Man 36 9 27 30 9 21 2 2 00953000 Taragun 16 4 12 27 7 20 27 7 20 00953100 Bhakunda 73 28 45 136 69 67 136 69 67 00953200 Kholasan 8 2 6 16 4 12 16 4 12 0095330.0 Bandal Chamu 60 19 41 80 34 46 80 34 46 00953400 Aganya 126 41 85 80 58 22 63 52 \\ 00953500 Badra 15 4 II 6 5 I 3 3 00953600 Sil 48 15 33 87 36 51 87 36 51 00953700 Gothana 35 13 22 65 21 44 5 5 00953800 Kachana 55 18 37 95 39 56 74 38 36 00953900 Toli Binayak 13 6 7 6 3 3 1 _\ 00954000 Panda 19 8 11 24 10 14 13 4 9 00954100 Petkhola 15 5 10. 22 10 12 00954200 Bora Gaon 14 7 7 6 4 2 4 4 00954300. Moosgaon 32 II 21 84 37 47 23 21 2 00954400 Nakhnoli 78 28 50 159 76 83 51 37 14 00954500 Myoli 46 16 30 89 35 54 12 11 I 00954600 Basor 178 54 124 272 119 153 15 13 2 00954700 Gaudi 14 3 II 35 14 21 00954800 Khainali 20 9 II 25 II 14 14 5 9 Q0954900 Markoli 35 10 25 38 14 24 16 3 13 00955000 Dantoli 42 10 32 66 23 43 2 2 00955100 Bhaisuri 56 13 43 133 66 67 41 38 3 00955200 Dhoon Khola I 2 I 00955300 Oligaon 12 3 9 29 13 16 7 7 00955400 Nagrauda 86 22 64 138 53 85 20 20 00955500 Mosgal 32 7 25 53 23 30 13 13 0.0955600 Khan Phar 55 17 38 129 63 66 18 17 00955700 Kusaila 137 37 100 218 85 133 37 35 2 00955800 Bhadrika 71 18 53 93 32 61 49 19 30 00955900 Gubrauli 14 5 9 19 10 9 6 5 00956000 Batula 90. 31 59 129 53 76 26 22 4 00956100 Pathrauli 53 12 4\ 82 32 50 18 18 00956200 Joshi GaoR 34 II 23 40 17 23 35 12 23 00956300 Harali 81 34 47 34 23 11 23 19 4 00956400 Modi 67 18 49 111 51 60 25 21 4 00956500 Mahat Gaon 57 22 35 90 42 48 50 19 31 00956600 Pagrau1i 127 40 87 145 66 79 10 7 3 00956700 Bamdoli 207 62 145 283 100 183 182 66 116 0.0956800 Kari Gaon 17 3 14 24 8 16 21 5 16 00956900 BamaGaon 54 12 42 87 36 51 72 24 48


CENSUS ABSTRACT Kanali Chhina Industrial cateB0!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 11 7 2,820 295 Kanali Chhina (Total) 5,292 1,926 3,366 4 174 156 18 3,115 , f 5,292 1,926 3,366 11 7 4 174 156 18 3,115 2,820 295 Kanali Chhina (Rural) Kanali Chhina (Urban) Kanali Chhina (Rural) 7 4 3 5 4 1 Mugrauli 16 13 3 15 15 145 128 17 Digara 72 20 52 7 7 Surauli 27 25 2 Kamtolipurwa 147 57 90 8 8 Dhurauli 86 33 53 I I Chamu Khet 6 3 3 46 40 6 Bhandari Gaon Rajwar 10 4 6 Sil Kakarmanya 2 2 MaukMan 24 5 19 3 2 Taragun 124 57 67 11 11 Bhakunda 13 1 12 3 3 Kholasan 76 31 45 4 3 Bandal Chamu 14 7 7 49 45 4 Aganya 3 3 Badra 76 27 49 II 9 2 Sil 3 3 2 2 Gothana 48 16 32 26 22 4 Kachana I Toli Binayak 11 2 9 2 2 Panda Petkhola 4 4 Bora Gaon 9 9 I 13 II 2 Moosgaon 26 18 8 3 2 1 3 3 19 17 2 Nakhnoli 12 1 Myoli 2 2 13 "11 2 Basor .- Gaudi II 2 9 3 3 Khainali 16 3 13 Markoli 2 2 Dantoli 9 9 4 4 28 25 3 Bhaisuri - Dhoon Khola 4 4 3 . 3 Oligaon 1 19 i'9 Nagrauda 6 6 7 7 Mosga\ 17 17 Khan Phar 20 20 4 4 13 II 2 Kusaila 38 8 30 II II Bhadrika 5 4 Gubrauli 22 19 3 4 3 Batula 18 18 I Pathrauli 27 5 22 -' 8 7 1 Joshi Gaon 8 6 2 15 13 2 Harali 7 4 3 ," 2 2 16 15 Modi 48 17 31 2 2 MahatGaon 2 7 5 2 Pagrauli 138 23 115 43 42 Bamdoli 20 4 16 I Kari Gaon 62 14 48 10 10 Barna Gaon


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industnal catello!! Location code Marllinal workers Cultivators Allriculturallabourers number Name of Viii aile Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males. Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0053 Kanali Chhina (Total) 9,497 3,414 6,083 8,641 2,762 5,879 80 34 46 0053 Kanali Chhina (Rural) 9,497 3,414 6,083 8,641 2,762 5,879 80 34 46 0053 Kanali Chhina (Urban) Kanali Chhina (Rural) 00952000 Mugrauli 40 9 31 40 9 31 00952100 Digara 389 Jl9 270 353 87 266 2 2 00952300 Surauli 5 5 5 5 00952400 Kamtolipurwa 110 19 9\ 95 5 90 00952500 Dhurauli 00952600 Chamu Khet 00952700 Bhandari Gaon Rajwar 527 190 337 509 176 333 3 3 00952800 Sil Kakarmanya 00952900 Mauk Man 28 7 21 27 6 21 00953000 Taragun 00953100 Bhakunda 00953200 Kho1asan 00953300 Bandal Chamu 00953400 Aganya 17 6 II 12 J1 00953500 Badra 3 2 I 00953600 Sil 00953700 Gothana 60 16 44 58 14 44 00953800 Kachana 21 20 21 20 00953900 Toli Binayak 5 2 3 3 3 00954000 Panda II 6 5 11 6 5 00954100 Petkhola 22 10 12 22 10 12 00954200 Bora Gaon 2 2 2 2 00954300 Moosgaon 61 16 45 58 13 45 00954400 Nakhnoli 108 39 69 94 34 60 9 3 6 00954500 Myoli 77 24 53 77 24 53 00954600 Basor 257 106 151 257 106 lSI 00954700 Gaudi 3S 14 21 34 14 20 00954800 Khainali II 6 5 II 6 5 00954900 Markoli 22 II II 21 10 II 00955000 Danloli 64 21 43 64 21 43 00955100 Bhaisuri 92 28 64 92 28 64 00955200 Oboon Khola 2 1 I 2 I 1 00955300 Oligaon 22 6 16 22 6 16 00955400 Nagrauda 118 33 85 117 33 84, 00955500 Mosgal 40 '10 30 40 10 30 00955600 Khan Phar III 46 6S HI 46 65 00955700 Kusaila 181 50 131 181 50 131 00955800 Bhadrika 44 13 31 42 II 31 00955900 Gubrauli 13 5 8 12 4 8 00956000 Batula 103 31 72 102 30 72 00956100 Palhrauli 64 14 50 64 14 50 00956200 Joshi Gaon 5 5 5 5 00956300 Harali II 4 7 9 3 6 00956400 Modi 86 30 56 84 28 56 00956500 MahatGaon 40 23 17 40 23 17 00956600 Pagrauli 135 59 76 124 48 76 00956700 Bamdoli 10[ 34 67 99 32 67 2 2 00956800 Kari Gaon 3 3 2 2 00956900 Barna Gaon 15 12 3 15 12 3


CENSUS ABSTRACT Kanali Chhina of marginal worke11l Location Household indus!!! workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Pe11lons Males Females Name ofVilla8e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 150 95 55 626 523 103 27,073 13,093 13,980 Kanali Chhina (Total) 0053 150 95 55 626 523 103 27,073 13,093 13,980 Kanali Chhina (Rural) 0053 Kanali Chhina (Urban) 0053 Kanali Chhina (Rural) 74 37 37 Mugrauli 00952000 4 4 30 28 2 885 429 456 Digara 00952100 189 103 86 Surauli 00952300 15 14 305 169 136 Kamtolipurwa 00952400 90 47 43 Dhurauli 00952500 160 82 78 Chamu Khet 00952600 14 13 681 344 337 Bhandari Gaon Rajwar 00952700 16 8 8 Sil Kakarmanya 00952800 75 41 34 MaukMan 00952900 56 31 25 Taragun 00953000 73 35 38 Bhakunda 00953100 29 15 14 Kholasan 00953200 72 35 37 Bandal Chamu 00953300 4 4 315 139 176 Aganya 00953400 2 2 49 20 29 Badra 00953500 86 43 43 Sil 00953600 2 2 116 69 47 Gothana 00953700 168 82 86 Kachana 00953800 2 2 16 6 10 Toli Binayak 00953900 27 15 12 Panda 00954000 22 13 9 Petkhola 00954100 14 9 5 Bora Gaon 00954200 3 3 95 42' 53 Moosgaon 00954300 3 3 2 2 126 66 60 Nakhnoli 00954400 72 36 36 Myoli 00954500 203 92 III Basor 00954600 21 9 12 Gaudi 00954700 19 9 10 Khainali 00954800 35 15 20 Markoli 00954900 45 25 20 Dantoli 00955000 103 48 55 Bhaisuri 00955100 1 I Dhoon Khola 00955200 19 13 ~ Oligaon 00955300 112 50 62 Nagrauda 00955400 43 17 26. Mosgal 00955500 73 42 31 Khan Phar 00955600 137 66 71 Kusaila 00955700 2 2 97 51 46 Bhadrika 00955800 21 II 10 Gubrauli 00955900 141 65 76 Batula 00956000 115 59 56 Pathrauli 00956100 47 23 24 Joshi Gaon 00956200 2 I 200 90 110 Harali 00956300 2 2 120 63 57 Modi 00956400 62 35 27 MahatGaon 00956500 II - 11 145 71 74 Pagrauli 00956600 238 131 107 Bamdoli 00956700 38 17 21 Kari Gaon 00956800 86 50 36 BamaGaon 00956900


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (inclu3ing Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation) a~e-~rouE 0-6 number Name ofViIlaE,e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00957000 Melkhet 0.84 8 28 10 18 3 2 00957100 Thai Gaon 2.56 65 290 136 154 50 23 27 00957200 Shaugaon 2.05 38 165 71 94 19 12 7 00957300 Urai 314.30 159 764 355 409 134 83 51 00957400 Chipchipa 140.40 12 47 24 23 6 4 2 00957500 Kapari Gaon 52.03 53 223 93 130 28 18 10 00957600 Lohakot 54.36 . 127 535 240 295 69 37 32 00957700 Chaukha 0.56 27 138 61 77 26 15 11 00957800 Bhandari Gaon 34.94 33 124 59 65 16 8 8 00957900 Oligair 51.57 ------Un-inhabited------00958000 Chaupata 178.50 58 250 127 123 20 6 14 00958100 Lamtari 0.32 28 148 69 79 23 9 14 00958200. lingal Gaon 74.49 50 210 105 105 27 17 10 00958300 Naini 81.61 5 19 8 II 2 2 00958400 Khawatari 397.40 100 482 224 258 75 39 36 00958500 Siroli 319.08 213 959 516 443 131 64 67 00958600 Bajet 43.73 22 107 50 57 10 5 5 00958700 Chhatri Gaon 38.00 12 62 27 35 9 4 5 00958800 Banigaon 0.85 35 156 70 86 26 16 10 00958900 Pukhrora 7.98 59 256 111 145 39 18 21 00959000 Usail 212.41 148 599 307 292 63 26 37 00959100 Bichul 8.00 74 367 167 200 62 29 33 00959200 Ritha 25.00 39 199 103 96 22 13 9 00959300 Surur 262.80 95 375 167 208 51 26 25 00959400 Lwethi 47.93 45 201 100 101 33 17 16 00959500 Baseri 68.00 16 60 33 27 4 3 I 00959600 Satgarh 637.50 235 975 458 517 134 78 56 00959700 Gudauli 210.00 110 538 277 261 80 47 33 00959800 Mitra Purmura 65.00 28 102 48 54 14 4 10 00959900 Tyari Gaon 1.00 2 II 5 6 2 2 00960000 Sethi Gaon 22.17 10 54 24 30 7 4 3 00960 I 00 Gaidali Channa 25.00 7 41 18 23 7 5 2 00960200 Amali 21.00 19 89 44 45 II 8 3 00960300 Mahat Gaon 51.00 53 264 116 148 50 23 . 27 , 00960400 Kaneti 13.00 14 70 36 34 JO 6 4 00960500 Bagna UrfShakitpur 10.00 20 86 42 44 17 8 9 00960600 Amkote 97.00 27 108 47 61 15 7 8 00960700 Sitoli 10.50 19 82 35 47 9 3 6 00960800 Khwa Kote 52.00 97 459 217 242 72 38 34 00960900 Kaisali 26,00 21 105 48 57 23 9 14 00961000 KotaH 44.00 34 158 67 91 18 8 10 00961100 Thali 12.00 13 68 34 34 4 1 3 00961200 Lweta 25.00 14 63 .29 34 II 6 5 00961300 Daula 44.00 21 99 47 52 12 6 6 00961!100 Anragaon 46.00 63 287 149 138 30 16 14 00961500 Malan Charma 38.00 27 96 49 47 7 4 3 00961600 Naini 25.48 17 80 34 46 14 9 5 00961700 Lamara 106.10 29 125 63 62 18 II 7 00961800 Balyani Chaura 39.65 16 74 33 41 9 4 5 00961900 Chauki 53.00 58 265 129 136 32 14 18 00962000 Pataligaon 51.00 37 150 70 80 23 12 11 00962100 Toligaon 12.42 17 77 38 39 9 7 2 00962200 Umari 31.00 15 69 36 33 10 6 4



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 23 8 15 Melkhet 176 82 94 181 105 76 Thai Gaon 15 7 8 119 57 62 Shaugaon 297 152 145 466 250 216 Urai 37 20 17 Chipchipa 27 12 15 172 74 98 Kapari Gaon 216 99 , 117 374 189 185 Lohakot 63 26 37 89 42 47 Chaukha 27 11 16 87 47 40 Bhandari Gaon ------Un-inhabited------·----- Oligair 32 16 16 203 tiS 88 Chaupata 58 29 29 114 60 54 Lamtari 12 7 5 156 88 68 Jingal Gaon 6 3 3 12 8 4 Naini 199 100 99 331 173 158 Khawatari 287 161 126 9 5 4 699 427 272 Siroli 89 45 44 Bajet . 41 22 19 Chhatri Gaon 8 6 2 til 53 58 Banigaon 18 6 12 165 90 75 Pukhrora 1I0 56 54 451 262 189 Usail 227 106 121 228 130 98 Bichu1 123 65 58 146 87 59 Ritha 75 35 40 254 138 116 Surur 128 63 65 145 82 63 Lwethi 8 4 4 46 28 18 Baseri 20 11 9 667 362 305 Satgarh 112 62 50 387 205 182 Gudauli 27 12 15 64 42 22 Mitra Purmura 6 3 3 Tyari Gaon 31 19 12 Sethi Gaon 24 12 12 Gaidali Charma 51 27 24 Amali 60 26 34 156 83 73 MahatGaon 56 30 26 Kaneti 53 26 27 45 28 17 Bagna UrfShakitpu~ 8 4 4 71 38 33 Amkote 54 '32 22 SitoJi 198 101 97 290 163 127 KhwaKote 57 36 21 Kaisali 110 54 56 KotaH 51 28 23 Thali 34- 20 14 Lweta 9 3 6 65 40 25 Daula 67 32 35 196 121, 69 Anragaon 3 I 2 13 44. 29 Malan Charma !. 50 24 26 Naini .- 86 45 41 Lamara 55 29 26 8alyani Chaura 58 31 27 . 190 108 82 Chauki 37 24 13 85 52 33 Pataligaon 56 29 27 Toligaon 45 26 19 Umari



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 .20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00957000 Melkhet 5 2 3 6 2 4 6 2 4 00957100 ThaI Gaon 109 31 78 III 52 59 100 41 59 00957200 Shaugaon 46 14 32 84 32 52 69 20 49 00957300 Urai 298 105 193 265 103 162 212 60 152 00957400 Chipchipa 10 4 6 20 7 13 17 4 13 00957500 Kapari Gaon 51 19 32 113 33 80 109 29 80 00957600 Lohakot 161 51 110 199 78 121 149 43 106 00957700 Chaukha 49 19 30 62 24 38 55 17 38 00957800 Bhandari Gaon 37 12 25 47 21 26 41 19 22 00957900 Oligair •• · •• •••• ··.·Un·inhabited·······.···_·· 00958000 Chaupata 47 12 35 104 56 48 95 52 43 00958100 Lamtari 34 9 25 73 28 45 73 28 45 00958200 Jingal Gaon 54 17 37 100 37 63 91 29 62 00958300 Naini 7 7 9 3 6 8 2 6 0095840(} Khawatari lSI 51 100 \94 70 \24 40 33 7 . 00958500 Siroli 260 89 171 307 221 86 199 179 20 00958600 Bajet 18 5 13 48 16 32 48 16 32 00958700 Chhatri Gaon 21 5 16 32 12 20 29 9 20 00958800 Banigaon 45 17 28 70 25 45 68 24 44 00958900 Pukhrora 91 21 70 141 65 76 18 17 00959000 Usail 148 45 103 165 112 53 129 106 23 00959100 Bichul 139 37 102 164 92 72 18 18 00959200 Rilha 53 16 37 66 39 27 51 31 20 00959300 Surur 121 29 92 113 53 60 49 31 18 00959400 Lwethi 56 18 38 95 50 45 85 49 36 00959500 Baseri 14 5 9 31 18 13 I I 00959600 Satgarh 308 96 212 376 217 159 134 127 7 00959700 Gudauli 151 72 79 283 140 143 183 107 76 00959800 Mitra Purmurs 38 6 32 54 24 30 36 16 20 00959900 Tyari Gaon 5 2 3 5 5 1 1 00960000 Sethi Gaon 23 5 18 16 7 9 I 00960100 Gaidali Channa 17 6 11 16 6 10 4 4 00960200 Amali 38 17 21 37 17 20 I 1 00960300 Mahat Gaon 108 33 75 81 44 37 55 36 19 00960400 Kaneti 14 6 8 30 13 17 22 9 13 00960500 Sagoa UrfShakilpur 41 14 27 43 16 27 16 8 8 00960600 Amkote 37 9 28 62 21 41 42 16 26 00960700 Sitoli 28 3 25 45 18 27 28 13 15 00960800 Khwa Kote 169 54 115 204 82 122 26 24 2 00960900 Kaisali 48 12 36 38 21 17 25 17 8 00961000 Kotali 48 13 35 53 27 26 36 24 12 00961100 Thali 17 6 11 25 13 12 3 2 00961200 Lweta 29 9 20 23 7 16 00961300 Daula 34 7 27 46 20 26 34 15 19 0096 i400 Anragaon 91 22 69 140 58 82 95 45 5Q 00961500 Malan Charma 23 5 18 69 31 38 54 24 " 30 00961600 Naini 30 10 20 41 16 25 28 10 18 00961700 Lamara 39 18 21 68 31 37 ' 38 8 30 00961800 Balyani Chaura 19 4 15 35 17 18 7 5 2 00~61900 Chauki 75 21 54 138 59 79 93 24 69 00962000 Pataligaon 65 18 47 41 16 25 7 6 1 00962100 Toligaon 21 9 12 44 17 27 27 II 16 00962200 Umari 24 10 14 35 13 22 21 6 15


CENSUS ABSTRACf Kanali Chhina Industrial categ0!:X of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 2 2 4 2 2 Melkhet 84 28 56 16 13 3 Thai Gaon 65 16 49 4 4 Shaugaon 188 38 ISO 23 21 2 Urai 17 4 \3 Chipchipa 97 19 78 12 10 2 Kapari ,Gaon 122 19 103 27 24 3 Lohakot 43 6 37 12 II I Chaukha 32 10 22 9 9 Bhandari Gaon ------Un-inhabited------;----- Oligair 75 33 42 1 I I 18 18 Chaupata 66 23 43 4 4 3 2 Lamtari 78 17 61 2 2 11 10 Jingal Gaon 6 6 2 2 Naini 12 7 5 28 26 2 Khawatari 15 10 5 3 3 181 166 15 Siroli 43 II 32 5 5 BaJet 27 8 19 I Chhatri Gaon 55 13 42 12 10 2 Banigaon 17 16 1 Pukhrora 19 5 14 JIO 101 9 Usail 18 18 Bichul 29 II 18 2 2 20 18 2 Ritha IS I 14 2 32 29 3 Surur 67 32 t 35 18 17 I Lwethi I Baseri 32 31 5 5 97 91 6 Satgarh 86 20 66 5 3 2 92 84 8 Gudauli 27 7 20 1 1 8 8 Mitra Purmura Tyari Gaon Sethi Gaon 4 4 GaidaH Charma AmaH 27 9 18 27 26 Mahat Gaon 20 7 13 2 2 Kaneti 10 2 8 6 6 Bagna UrfShakitpur 39 15 24 3 \ I 2 Amkote 19 4 15 9 9 Sitoli 7 7 19 17 2 KhwaKote 14 7 7 II 10 1 Kaisali 16 8 8 20 16 4 Kotali 3 2 Thali - Lweta 29 10 19 5 ,5 Daula 66 18 48 3 2 26 25 Anragaon 43 13 30 II 11 Malan Channa 22 4 18 6 6 Naini 37 7 30 I I Lamara I I 6 4 2 Balyani Chaura 83 14 69 10 10 Chauki 7 6 Palaligaon 22 6 16 5 5 Toligaon ;20 5 15 Umari



Industrial catego~ Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00957000 Melkhet 00957100 Thai Gaon 00957200 Shaugaon "15 "12 3 15 12 3 00957300 Urai 53 43 10 27 17 10 00957400· Chipchipa 3 3 3 3 00957500 Kapari Gaon 4 4 4 4 00957600 Lohakot 50 35 15 32 18 14 00957700 Chaukha 7 7 6 6 00957800 Bhandari Gaon 6 2 4 5 4 00957900 Oligair ------Un-inhabited------00958000 Chaupata 9 4 5 9 4 5 00958100 Lamtari 00958200 Jingal Gaon 9 8 8 7 00958300 Naini 00958400 Khawatari 154 37 117 154 37 117 00958500 Siroli 108 42 66 88 27 61 00958600 Bajel 00958700 Chhatri Gaon 3 3 3 3 00958800 Banigaon 2 I I 00958900 Pukhrora 123 48 75 120 47 73 00959000 Usa;1 36 6 30 32 3 29 00959100 Bichul 146 74 72 103 41 62 00959200 Ritha 15 8 7 9 3 6 00959300 Surur 64 22 42 7 6 00959400 Lwelhi 10 1 9, 1 00959500 Baseri 30 17 13 29 17 12 00959600 Satgarh 242 90 152 235 85 150 00959700 Gudauli 100 33 67 89 22 67 00959800 Mitra Purmura 18 8 10 18 8 10 00959900 Tyari Gaon 4 .. 4 4 4 00960000 Sethi Gaon 15 6 9 14 5 9 00960100 Gaidali Charma 12 2 10 11 10 00960200 Amali 36 16 20 32 12 20 00960300 Mahat Gaon 26 8 18 21 3 18 00960400 Kaneli 8 4 4 8 4 4 00960500 Bagna UrfShakilpur 27 8 19 23 5 18 00960600 Amkote 20 5 15 20 5 15 00960700 SitoH 17 5 12 16 4 12 00960800 KhwaKote 178 58 120 164 45 119 00960900 Kaisali 13 4 9 \2 3 9 00961000 KOlali 17 3 14 \3 I 12 00961100 Thali 22 11 11 17 6 II 00961200 Lwela 23 7 16 20 4 16 00961300 Daula 12 5 7 12 5 7 00961400 Anragaon 45 13 32 45 13 32 00961500 Malan Charma 15 7 8 15 7 8 00961600 Naini 13 6 7 13 6 7 00961700 Lamara 30 23 7 30 23 7 00961800 Balyani Chaura 28 12 16 28 12 16 00961900 Chauki 45 35 10 44 34 10 00962000 Palaligaon 34 10 24 30 7 23 00962100 Toligaon 17 6 11 16 5 11 00962200 Umari 14 1 7 14 7 7


CENSUS ABSTRACf Kanall Chhina of mars ina1 workers Location Household indus!!): workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 22 8 14 Melkhet 00957000 II 11 179 84 95 Thai Gaon 00957100 81 39 42 Shaugaon 00957200 26 26 499 2:;2 247 Urai 00957300 27 17 10 Chipchipa 00957400 110 60 50 Kapari Gaon 00957500 2 2 ,- IS IS 336 162 174 Lohakot 00957600 I 1 76 37 39 Chaukha 00957700 1 1 77 38 39 Bhandari Gaon 00957800 -.-·······.·.Un.inhabited·.·.... • .•. ••• Oligair 00957900 146 71 75 Chaupata 00958000 75 41 34 Lamtari 00958100 110' 68 42 JingaI Gaon 00958200 10 5 5 Naini 00958300 288 154 134 'Khawatari 00958400 4 3 16 14 2 652 295 357 Siroli 00958500 59 34 25 Bajet ,00958600 30 ' 15 15 Chhatri Gaon 00958700 86 45 41 Banigaon 00958800 2 2 I 115 46 69 Pukhrora 00958900 I I 3 3 434 195 239 Usail 00959000 38 28 10 5 5 203 75 128 Bichul 00959lQO 1 4 3 133 64 69 Ritha 00959200 56 20 36 262 114 148 Surur 00959300 9 9 106 50 56 Lwethi 00959400 • < I I 29 15 14 Baseri 00959500 6 5 I 599 241 358 Satgarh 00959600 2 2 9 9 255 137 118 Gudauli 00959700 48 24 24 Mitra Punnura 00959800 6 5 Tyari Gaon 00959900 38 17 21 Sethi Gaon 00960000 I 25 12 13 Gaidali Charma 00960100 4 4 52 27 25 Amali 00960200 5 5 183 72 III Mahat Gaon 00960300 40 23 17 Kaneti 00960400 2 2 43 26 17 Bagna UrfShakitpur 00960500 46 26 '20 Amkote 00960600 37 17 21>_ Sitoli 00960700 2 2 12 II 255 135 120 Khwa Kote 00960800 67 27 40 Kaisali 00960900 4 2 2 105 40 65 Kotali 00961000 5 5 43 21 22 Thali 00961100 3 3 40 22 18 Lweta 00961200 53 27 26 Daula 0096130~ 147 91 56 Anragaon 00961400 27 18 9 Malan Charm a 00961500 39 18 21 Naini 00961600 57 32 25 Lamara 00961700 39 16 23 Balyani Chaura 00961800 127 70 57 Chauki 00961900 2 2 2 I· 109 54 55 Pataligaon 00962000 33 21 12 To1igaon 00962100 34 23 II Umari 00962200


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Tota[ population (inc[uding Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of--;~_--Ip:.::o~pu=7l~at::.:io:.:.:n::...)-;:;-=:"::;-:-::_ age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00962300 Gudar 12.90 7 25 12 13 8 6 2 00962400 Sameti 93.57 21 89 33 56 17 9 8 00962500 Kandali 36.11 59 225 124 101 30 16 14 00962600 Raitoli 31.93 26 107 50 57 10 8 2 00962700 Sanna 34.90 41 173 87 86 15 12 3 00962800 Mitari Gaon 117.60 39 190 98 92 31 24 7 00962900 Dundu 202.90 51 189 97 92 19 13 6 00963000 Chami Nadu 57.42 21 107 50 57 14 5 9 00963100 Sangari Malti 34.86 15 73 34 39 7 4 3 00963200 Lima Tora 64.00 60 311 159 152 42 23 19 00963300 Sangari Talli 44.92 26 120 59 61 11 8 3 00963400 Dungri 129.40 55 223 93 130 37 19 18 00963500 Pali [24.20 51 214 95 119 26 11 15 00963700 Sinkholi 47.00 17 84 30 54 14 8 6 00963800 Bichhata 13.00 16 95 49 46 10 8 2 00963900 Bhaitari 115.00 99 496 229 267 78 42 36 00964000 Basaur 114.00 22 106 58 48 15 10 5 00964100 Sirtoli 98.68 26 95 37 58 20 9 11 00964200 Kuta 123.00 57 257 109 148 50 25 25 00964300 Jamtari 141.00 87 397 196 201 72 38 34 00964400 Darti 49.00 29 143 62 81 22 12 10 00964500 Khariyani 5.00 8 36 19 17 6 4 2 00964600 Chhabbisa 69.00 15 87 38 49 26 14 \ 12 00964700 Nankote 29.00 22 112 51 61 9 7 2 00964800 Legamkanda 24.00 32 153' 75 78 14 6 8 00964900 Kholia Gaon 264.89 62 311. 143 168 53 29 24 00965000 Dewal 1,947.36 332 1,493 784 709 203 110 93 00965100 Hinkote 105.80 109 '414 217 197 65 39 26 00965200 Barigaon 62.96 21 99 49 50 12 8 4 00965300 Cham[ekh 98.42 36 194 96 98 20 10 10 00965400 Gachuli 13.90 9 35 12 23 5 2 3 00965500 Garjiya 175.10 72 351 158 193 73 29 44 00965600 Jogyura 132.50 51 211 100 III 27 13 14 00965700 Sera 9.59 3 18 7 II I 00965800 Bheliya 204.41 36 195 128 67 20 15 S 00965900 Uchakote 56.88 24 136 57 79 18 5 13 00966000 Rasgari 27.06 32 137 63 74 16 8 8 00966100 Bijauri 12.88 3 21 9 .12 5 2 3 00966200 Gadali 77.99 17 82 ·34 48 8 5 3 00966300 Bazar 141.50 48 222 99 123 35 16 19 00966400 Dhaulkot 196.55 32 213 151 62 13 7 6 00966500 Helpiya 173.30 15 66 31 35 11 3 8 00966600 Ojhagoan Malia 223.88 63 294 152 142 40 23 17 00966700 Ghatyuri 93.54 8 36 13 23 7 6 00966800 Namukh 2.44 ------Un-inhabited------00966900 Baira 20.56 14 68 32 36 4 1 3 00967000 Khitkari 10.46 9 34 17 17 3 2 00967100 Toonikhola 8.06 I 3 2 00967200 Chami Garkha 10.28 ------Un-inhabited------00967300 Sawali Sera 139.44 37 153 70 83 27 17 10 00967400 Bagadi Hat 61.46 98 451 208 243 5S 27 28 00967500 Chami Rautela 7.94 3 II 6 5 2 2 00967600 Dokana 63.72 39 162 70 92 17 10 7



Scheduled Castes ~o~uation Scheduled Tribes ~o~ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillnge 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 15 6 9 Gudar 53 22 31 Sameti 40 21 19 174 104 70 Knndali 83 42 41 Raitoli 54 29 25 126 71 55 Sanna 67 38 29 136 72 64 Mitari Gaon 24 16 8 139 81 58 Dundu 66 43 23 ChamiNadu 51 29 22 Sangari Malli 285 145 140 230 134 96 Lima Tora 49 26 23 89 50 39 Sangari Talli 6 4 2 137 68 69 Dungri 9 5 4 155 81 74 Pali 58 22 36 Sinkholi 76 41 35 Bichhata 63 31 32 335 172 163 Bhaitari 27 16 11 72 47 25 Basaur 25 9 16 56 25 31 Sirtoli 23 9 14 164 75 89 Kuta 144 82 62 74 39 35 217 131 86 Jamtari 14 7 7 94 48 46 Darti 10 7 3 22 14 8 Khariyani 15 8 7 32 19 13 Chhabbisa 7 3 4 78 40 . 38 Nankote 66 57 Legamkanda 14 ~ 6 123 97 50 47 208 102 106 KholiaGaon 385 195 190 2 2 1,121 642 479 Dewal 96 51 45 4 3 I 312 169 143 Hinkote 66 36 30 Barigaon 136 81 55 Chamlekh 26 9 17 Gachuli 86 38 48 7 3 4 196 115 81 Garjiya 81 37 44 135 74 61 Jogyura 15 6 9 Sera 132 97 35 Bheliya 31 14 17 98 49, 49 Uchakote 97 55 \ 42 Rasgari 12 6 6 Bijauri 55. 25 30 Gadali 146 72 74 137 76 61 Bazar 140 104 36 Dhaulkot 12 6 6 45 24 21 Helpiya 148 71 77 197 118 79 Ojhagoan Malia 17 8 9 Ghatyuri ------Un-inhabited------Namukh 56 30 26 Baira 28 15 13 Khitkari Toonikhola ------Un-inhabited------Chami Garkha 48 23 25 100 53 47 Sawali Sera 277 126 151 292 166 126 Bagadi Hat 7 4 3 Chami Rautela 39 17 22 105 52 53 Dokana



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 00962300 Gudar 10 6 4 6 6 3 3 00962400 Sameti 36 11 25 49 13 36 1 1 00962500 Kandali 51 20 31 65 47 18 55 46 9 00962600 Raitoli 24 8 16 47 20 27 8 7 1 00962700 Sanna 47 16 31 64 30 34 42 14 28 00962800 Milari Gaon 54 26 28 45 35 10 31 28 3 00962900 Dundu 50 16 34 106 53 53 53 35 18 00963000 Chami Nadu 41 7 34 S9 24 35 37 17 20 00963100 Sangari Malli 22 5 17 II 9 2 II 9 2 00963200 Lima Tora 81 25 56 72 62 10 33 27 6 00963300 Sangari Talli 31 9 22 57 28 29 44 24 20 00963400 Dungri 86 25 61 121 38 83 6 4 2 00963500 Pa1i 59 14 45 115 44 71 1 00963700 Sinkholi 26 8 18 1 I 1 1 00963800 Bichhata 19 8 11 45 18 27 2 2 00963900 Bhaitari 161 57 104 59 31 28 21 23 4 00964000 Basaur 34 II 23 49 23 26 9 9 00964100 Sirtoli 39 12 27 32 10 22 2 2 00964200 Kuta 93 34 59 46 44 2 37 36 I 00964300 Jamtari 180 65 115 151 68 83 6 5 1 00964400 Darti 49 14 35 62 24 38 20 15 5 00964500 Khariyani 14 S 9 17 & 9 8 6 2 19 20 13 \1 00964600 Chhabbisa 55 36 32 12 , 00964700 Nankote 34 II 23 42 13 29 5 5 - 00964S00 Legamkanda 30 9 2\ 33 20 13 \9 \3 6 00964900 Kholia Gaon 103 41 62 ISO 16 74 28 24 4 00965000 Dewal 372 142 230 471 298 173 240 196 44 00965100 Hinkote 102 48 54 108 72 36 88 65 23 00965200 Barigaon 33 13 20 46 20 26 12 9 3 00965300 Chamlekh 58 15 43 95 43 52 44 32 12 00965400 Gachuli 9 3 6 15 6 9 00965500 Garjiya 155 43 112 156 69 87 75 62 13 00965600 Jogyura 76 26 50 76 32 44 18 13 5 00965700 Sera 3 I 2 10 2 8 I I 00965800 Bheliya 63 31 32 88 77 II 51 57 00965900 Uchakotc 38 8 30 45 22 23 10 10 00966000 Rasgari 40 8 32 66 24 42 18 18 00966100 Bija\lri 9 3 6 10 5 5 5 5 00966200 Gadali 27 9 18 39 11 28 12 8 4 00966300 Bazar 85 23 62 48 45 3 35 35 00966400 Dhau1kot 73 47 26 141 105 36 101 101 00966500 He1piya 2\ 1 \4 32 17 15 11 11 00966600 Ojhagoan MaIL 97 34 63 134 66 68 42 39 3 00966700 Ghatyuri 19 5 14 14 6 8 00966800 Namukh -----·------Un-inhabited------00966900" Haifa 12 2 10 31 13 18 IS 11 4 00967000 Khitkari 6 2 4 21 8 13 5 5 00967100 Toonikhola 2 I I 2 I I 00967200 Chami Garkha ------Un-inhabited------00967300 Sawali Sera . 53 17 36 69 23 46 15 15 00967400 Bagadi Hat 159 41 \\7 113 71 136 66 S5 II 00967500 Chami Rautela 4 2 2 4 4 00967600 Dokana 57 18 39 57 18 39 54 18 36


CENSUS ABSTRACT Kanali Chhina Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 2 2 Gudar 1 I Sameti 5 4 49 41 8 Kandali 8 7 I Raitoli 22 4 18 20 10 10 Sanna 1 1 2 2 28 25 3 Mitari Gaon 27 tl 16 3 3 23 21 2 Dundu 36 16 20 I I ChamiNadu 3 2 1 8 7 1 Sangari Malli 5 3 2 8 7 20 17 3 Lima Tora 32 13 19 3 3 9 8 Sangari Talli 6 4 2 Dungri Pali 1 Sinkholi 2 2 Bichhata 2 1 2 2 22 19 3 Bhaitari 4 4 5 5 Basaur 2 2 Sirtoli 27 26 10 10 Kuta 1 5 4 Jamtari 16 12 4 4 3 Darti 6 4 2 2 2 Khariyani 7 7 6 S Chhabbisa 1 4 4 Nankote II 6 5 8 7 Legamkanda 27 23 4 Kholia Gaon 46 22 24 5 3 2 189 171 18 Dewal 9 9 79 6S 14 Hinkote 6 3 3 6 6 Barigaon 26 14 12 18 18 Chamlekh Gachuli 53 40 13 22 22 Garjiya 18 13 5 Jogyura I Sera 57 Bheliya 10 Uchakote 9 9 8 Rasgari 1 I 4 Bijauri 12 8 4 Gadali 17 17 18 18 Bazar 9 9 92 92 Dhaulkot I to 10 Helpiya 4 4 2 2 36 33 3 Ojhagoan Malia Ghatyuri ------Un-inhabited------Namukh 10 7 3 I I 4 3 Baira 5 5 Khitkari Toonikhola ------Un-inhabited------Chami Garkha to 10 2 2 3 3 Sawali Sera 46 40 6 2 2 16 13 3 Bagadi Hat Chami Rautela 50 15 .3S 4 3 Dokana


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00962300 Gudar 3 3 00962400 Sameti 48 13 35 48 13 35 00962500 Kandali 10 9 4 3 00962600 Raitoli 39 13 26 39 13 26 00962700 Sanna 22 16 6 5 5 3 3 00962800 Mitari Gaon 14 7 7 3 2 00962900 Dundu 53 18 35 52 18 34 00963000 Chami Nadu 22 7 15 21 6 15 00963100 Sangari Malli 00963200 Lima Tora 39 35 4 22 18 4 00963300 Sangari Talli 13 4 9 II 2 9 00963400 Dungri 115 34 81 115 34 81 00963500 Pali 114 43 71 113 43 70 00963700 Sinkholi 00963800 Bichhata 43 16 27 43 16 27 00963900 Bhaitari 32 8 24 5 1 4 00964000 Basaur 40 14 26 38 12 26 00964100 Sirtoli 30 8 22 27 5 22 00964200 Kuta 9 8 I 8 7 I 00964300 Jamtari 145 63 82 99 23 76 6 6 00964400 Darti 42 9 33 42 9 33 00964500 Khariyani 9 2 7 9 2 7 00964600 Chhabbisa 19 19 19 19 00964700 Nankote 37 8 29 29 29 00964800 Legamkanda 14 7 7 .11 5 6 00964900 Kholia Gaon 122 52 70 117 50 67 00965000 Dewal 231 102 129 201 75 126 00965100 Hinkote 20 7 13 13 13 00965200 Barigaon 34 II 23 34 11 23 00965300 Chamlekh 51 11 40 51 II 40 00965400 Gachuli 15 6 9 15 6 9 00965500 Garjiya 81 7 74 81 7 74 00965600 Jogyura 58 19 39 58 19 39 ,00965700 Sera 9 I 8 8 1 7 00965800 Bheliya 31 20 11 30 19 11 00965900 Uchakote 35 12 23 34 11 23 00966000 Rasgari 48 6 42 48 6 42 00966100 Bijauri 5 5 5 5 00966200 Gadali 27 3 24 27 3 24 00966300 Bazar 13 10 3 12 9 3 00966400 Dhaulkot 40 4 36 39 3 36 00966500 Helpiya 21 6 15 21 6 15 00966600 Ojhagoan Malia 92 27 65 87 2S 62 3 00966700 Ghatyuri 13 5 8 13 5 8 00966800 Namukh ------Un-inhabited------00966900 Baira 16 2 14 16 2 14 00967000 Khitkari 16 3 13 16 3 13 00967100 Toonik!Jola 2 I 2 I I 00967200 Chami Garkha ------Un-inhabited------~- 00967300 Sawali Sera 54 8 46 53 8 45 00967400 Bagadi Hat 147 22 125 143 18 125 00967500 Chami Rautela 4 4 4 4 00967600 Dokana 3 3 3 3


CENSUS ABSTRACT Kanali Chhina of marginal workers Location Household indus!!:X workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 3 3 19 6 13 Gudar 00962300 40 20 20 Sameti 00962400 6 6 160 77 83 Kandali 00962500 60 30 30 Raitoli 00962600 14 13 1 109 57 52 Sanna 00962700 2 2 9 6 3 145 63 82 Mitari Gaon 00962800 . 1 83 44 39 Dundu 00962900 48 26 22 CbamiNadu 00963000 62 25 37 Sangari Malli 00963100 8 8 9 9 239 97 142 Lima Tora 00963200 2 2 63 31 32 Sangari Talli 00963300 102 55 47 Dungri 00963400 99 51 48 Pali 00963500 83 29 54 Sinkboli 00963700 50 31 19 Bichhata 00963800 25 5 20 437 198 239 Bhaitari 00963900 2 2 57 35 22 Basaur 00964000 3 3 63 27 36 Sirtoli 00964100 1 211 65 146 Kula 00964200 40 40 246 128 118 Jamtari 00964300 81 38 43 Darti 00964400 19 II 8 Khariyani 00964500 55 26 29 Chhabbisa 00964600 8 8 70 38 32 Nankote 00964700 2 120 55 65 Legainkanda 00964800 4 2 2 161 67 94 Kholia Gaon 00964900 29 27 2 1,022 486 536 Dewal 00965000 7 7 306 145 161 Hinkote 00965100 53 29 24 Barigaon 00965200 99 53 46 Chamlekb 00965300 20 6 14 Gachuli 00965400 195 89 106 Garjiya 00965500 135 68 67 Jogyura 00965600 8 5 3 Sera 00965700 107 51 56 Bheliya 00965800 91 35 56 Uchakote 00965900 71 39 3~ Rasgari 00966000 11 4 7\Bijauri 00966100 43 23 20 Gadali 00966200 174 54 120 Bazar 00966300 72 46 26 Dhaulkot 00966400 34 14 20 Helpiya 00966500 I - 160 86 74 Ojhagoan Malia 00966600 22 7 15 Ghatyuri 00966700 ------Un-inhabited------Namukb 00966800 37 19 18 Baira 00966900 13 9 4 Kbitkari 00967000 Toonikbola 00967100 ------Un-inhabited-----:------Chami Garkba 00967200 84 47 37 Sawali Sera 00967300 4 4 238 131 107 Bagadi Hat 00967400 7 6 I Chami Rautela 00967500 105 52 53 Dokana 00967600


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Total populatIOn (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of eoeulation) ase-srouE 0-6 number Name ofViIlase hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males females I 2 3· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00967700 Pasama 157.50 36 133 63 70 11 6 5 00967800 Kajera 15.06 I 4 2 2 00967900 Naret 38.96 46 217 95 122 26 6 20 00968000 Dugal Gaon 19.95 II 50 25 25 7 5 2 00968100 Ojhagoan Talla 128.61 36 148 71 77 II 9 2 00968200 Siroli 89.86 10 55 26 29 10 5 5 00968300 Jethi Gaon 111.66 81 385 183 202 58 35 23 00968400 Majholi 6.59 4 19 to 9 2 2 00968500 Ganai 65.41 39 194 92 102 25 17 8 00968600 Pant Gaon 33.34 20 85 39 46 10 6 4 00968700 Majhera 206.40 49 180 84 96 15 9 6 00968800 Dangati 113.74 . 147 564 261 303 79 36 43 00968900 Dungra 16.53 95 421 181 240 71 41 30 00969000 Chausal 134.64 Jl9 530 239 291 66 33 33 00969100 Barakot 163.30 76 357 170 187 44 27 17 00969200 Soonakot 47.38 111 548 272 276 82 47 35 00969300 Tal 13.03 12 58 31 27 5 2 3 00969400 Nag 16.62 17 83 41 42 19 12 7 00969500 Patharoli 39.63 23 110 50 60 10 4 6 00969600 Bastari 637.32 76 318 151 167 30 22 8 00969700 Urma 541.24 67 312 137 175 53 23 30 00969800 Digra 103.20 31 120 53 67 20 10 10 00969900 Pattharkot Talla 302.34 18 89 45 44 7 4 \ 3 00970000 Pattharkot Malia 51.64 16 76 38 38 4 3 00970100 THad 75.03 89 435 202 233 60 29 31 00970200 Chamtoli 101.20 12 49 27 22 4 3 00970300 Sailoni 375.65 99 446 187 259 72 36 36 00970400 Partari 28.71 2 12 7 5 3 3 00970500 Oltari 231.70 69 377 182 195 67 32 35 00970600 Gbigharani 271.70 55 304 144 160 61 33 28 00970700 Dwali Sera 181.80 124 614 305 309 86 40 46 00970800 Bachakot 78.54 39 175 85 90 17 9 8 00970900 Syuwan 78.54 53 246 117 129 50 26 24 00971000 Daulani 100.10 18 57 23 34 3 3 00971100 Chamdugri 100.10 32 146 67 79 14 6 8 00971200 Kanadhar 148.00 42 201 79 122 23 1J . 12 00971300 Malan Nadu 89.04 28 126 57 69 11 6 5 00971400 Lothara 61.78 13 47 20 27 8 6 2 00971500 Dyogara 110.40 75 320 153 167 36 17 19 00971600 Garjiri 138.00 43 246 116 130 36 23 13 00971700 Tatkhola 253.50 129 598 290 308 80 42 38 00971800 Gaidali Nadu 251.60 69 398 185 213 55 28 27 00971900 Chanauli 165.50 32 141 63 78 15 6 9 00972000 Nwali 195.20 98 410 226 244 86 47 39 00972100 Pant Sera 153.60 76 316 181 195 69 34 35 00972200 Sunkholi 21.63 33 153 79 74 21 13 8 00972300 Runra 204.00 36 166 79 87 26 10 16 00972400 Barmau 191.50 100 490 215 275 68 33 35 00972500 Dyora 350.[0 [20 584 272 312 100 46 54 00972600 Bathauli 501.20 1[2 591 281 3[0 92 46 46 00972700 Munawa 56.00 34 169 66 103 26 12 14 00972800 Ranuwa [45.20 29 143 74 69 26 13 13 00972900 Amatari 215.90 52 26[ 117 144 46 22 24



Scheduled Castes I10Euation Scheduled Tribes I10Eulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 7 4 3 107 55 52 Pasama 4 2 2 2 I Kajera 92 42 50 171 85 86 Naret 4 3 I 37 19 18 Dugal Gaon 70 35 35 93 56 37 Ojhagoan Talla . I 34 19 15 Siroli 81 42 39 242 142 100 Jethi Gaon 13 6 7 Majholi 115 67 48 Ganai 14 7 7 66 33 33 Pant Gaon 33 13 20 154 75 79 Majhera 114 54 60 388 208 180 Dangati 98 44 54 271 128 143 Dungra 122 64 58 363 191 172 Chausal 12 6 6 259 135 124 Barakot 299 152 147 357 206 151 Soonakot • 37 24 13 Tal 50 27 23 Nag 80 46 34 Patharoli 28 18 10 218 114 104 Bastari 65 34 31 176 91 85 Urma 30 17 13 64 33 31 Digra 56 35 21 Pattharkot Talla 58 33 .25 Pattharkot Malia 200 99 f 101 274 151 123 Titari 15 9 6 30 19 11 Chamtoli 97 43 54 287 136 151 Sailoni 7 4 '. 3 Partari 231 108 123 216 124 92 Oltari 185 87 98 183 102 81 Ghigharani 411 212 199 307 202 105 Dwali Sera 17 40 37 127 73 54 Bachakot 125 61 64 139 82 57 Syuwan 3 2 37 20 17 Daulani 112 59 53 Chamdugri 57 26 31 147 64 83 Kanadhar 48 24 24 93 50" \ 43 Malan Nadu 24 12 12 Lothara 45 20 25 251, 130 121 Dyogara 3 3 17], 90 83 Garjiri 426 214 212 413 231 182 Tatkhola 94 41 53 270 149 121 Gaidali Nadu 23 8 15 90 54 36 Chanauli 258 129 129 277 156 121 Nwali 57 27 30 235 138 97 Pant Sera 105 64 41 Sunkholi , 107 61 46 Runra 17 II 6 315 165 150 Barmau 125 60 65 380 212 168 Dyora 10 5 5 364 220 144 Bathauli 105 51 54 Munawa 50 24 26 ·90 55 35 Ranuwa 89 43 46 137 75 62 Amatari



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00967700 Pasama 26 8 18 24 17 7 2 2 00967800 Kajera 2 I I 00967900 Naret 46 10 36 30 , 28 2 4 4 00968000 Dugal Gaon 13 6 7 22 9 13 6 6 00968100 Ojhagoan Talla 55 15 40 60 24 36 20 18 2 00968200 SiroH 21 7 14 9 8 I 8 8 00968300 Jethi Gaon 143 41 102 63 43 20 48 29 19 00968400 Majholi 6 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 00968500 Oanai 79 2S S4 67 14 53 6 5 00968600 Pant Gaon 19 6 13 37 17 20 10 9 I 00968700 Majhera 26 9 17 29 2S 4 18 17 I 00968800 Dangati 176 S3 123 139 93 46 118 72 46 00968900 Dungra 150 53 97 160 62 98 28 25 3 00969000 Chausal 167 48 119 229 77 152 18 15 3 00969100 Barakot 98 35 63 129 47 82 J09 33 76 00969200 Soonakot 191 66 125 240 99 141 51 48 3 00969300 Tal 21 7 14 27 14 13 5 5 00969400 Nag 33 14 19 41 16 25 7 7 00969500 Patharoli 30 4 26 38 13 25 3 3 00969600 Bastari 100 37 63 79 53 26 49 45 4 00969700 Urma 136 46 90 147 64 83 100 49 51 00969800 Digra 56 20 36 56 26 30 8 8 00969900 Pattharkot Talla 33 10 23 46 18 28 40 18 22 00970000 Pattharkot Malia 18 5 13 33 13 20 7 7 00970100 Titari 161 51 110 213 84 129 117 49 128 00970200 Chamtoli 19 8 II 3 3 1 00970300 Sailoni 159 51 108 170 54 116 18 14 4 00970400 Partari 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 00970500 Ollan 161 58 103 12 10 2 12 10 2 00970600 Ohigharani 121 42 79 8 7 I 6 5 00970700 Dwali Sera 307 103 204 320 155 165 8 8 00970800 Bachakot 48 12 36 89 39 50 16 12 4 00970900 Syuwan 107 3S 72 118 50 68 19 19 00971000 Daulani 20 3 17 9 4 5 3 . 3 00971100 Chamdugri 34 8 26 7 5 2 5 5 00971200 Kanadhar 54 15 39 8 7 8 7 00971300 Malan Nadu 33 7 26 63 28 35 28 17 II 00971400 Lothara 23 8 15 26 8 18 18 4 14 00971500 Dyogara 69 23 46 ISS 84 71 46 42 4 00971600 Garjiri 73 26 47 65 36 29 52 35 17 00971700 Tatkhola 185 59 126 271 124 147 181 89 92 00971800 Gaidali Nadu 128 36 92 182 81 101 17 14 3 009719QO Chanauli 51 9 42 81 35 46 57 18 39 00972000 Nwali 193 70 123 140 67 73 104 37 67 00972100 Pant Sera 141 43 98 61 51 10 38 36 2 00972200 Sunkholi 48 15 33 67 28 39 67 28 39 00972300 Runra 59 18 41 51 20 31 39 II 28 00972400 Barmau 175 SO 125 219 7S 144 90 45 45 00972500 Dyora 204 60 144 273 109 164 273 109 164 00972600 Bathauli 227 61 166 331 137 194 283 122 161 00972700 Munawa 64 15 49 82 25 57 54 15 39 00972800 Ranuwa 53 19 34 79 35 44 77 33 44 00972900 Amatari 124 42 82 124 49 75 124 49 7S


CENSUS ABSTRACT Kanali Chhina Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 2 2 Pasama Kajera 4 4 Naret 5 5 Dugal Gaon II 10 2 2 7 6 Ojhagoan Talla 6 6 2 2 Siroli 38 19 19 9 9 1ethi Gaon 4 2 2 Majholi I 1 5 4 Ganai 10 9 Pant Gaon 18 17 Majhera 46 10 36 72 62 10 Dangati 2 I 1 26 24 2 Dungra 1 17 14 3 Chausal 90 17 73 4 2 2 15 14 I Barakot 5 4 I 3 3 43 41 2 Soonakot 1 4 4 Tal I 6 6 Nag 2 2 1 Patharoli 6 4 2 2 2 41 39 2 Bastari 67 19 48 4 4 28 25 3 Urma 6 6 2 2 Digra 36 14 22 4 4 Pattharkot Talla 3 3 3 3 Pattharkot Malia 160 36 124 17 13 4 Titari I Chamtoli 2 2 2 2 14 10 4 Sailoni 2 2 Partari 4 4 7 6 Oltari 2 2 2 2 2 Ghigharani 8 8 Dwali Sera 3 2 13 10 3 Bachakot 2 2 8 8 9 9 Syuwan 3 3 Daulani 5 5 Chamdugri 8 7 Kanadhar 19 8 II 2 2 7 'l, Malan Nadu 18 4 14 Lothara 9 8 37 34 3 Dyogara 35 20 15 17 15 2 Garjiri 129 45 84 7 7 45 37 8 Tatkhola .5 5 12 9 3 Gaidali Nadu 50 11 39 7 7 Chanauli 96 30 66 7 7 Nwali 19 18 I 19 18 Pant Sera 64 26 38 3 2 Sunkholi 39 II 28 -f Runra 73 30 43 .J 4 3 13 12 I Barmau 255 94 161 18 15 3 Dyora 273 112 161 4· 4 6 6 Bathauli 49 10 39 5 5 Munawa 66 27 39 II 6 5 Ranuwa 120 45 75 4 4 Amatari


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial categ0!1 Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofVilIaSe Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00967700 Pasama 22 15 7 10 9 00967800 Kajera 00967900 Naret 26 24 2 3 3 2 00968000 Dugal Gaon 16 3 13 16 3 13 00968\00 Ojhagoan Talla 40 6 34 40 6 34 00968200 Siroli 1 1 00968300 Jethi Gaon 15 14 00968400 Majholi 00968500 Ganai 61 9 52 61 9 52 00968600 Pant Gaon 27 8 19 17 1 16 5 2 3 00968700 Majhera II 8 3 I 00968800 Dangati 21 21 5 5 00968900 Dungra 132 37 95 120 28 92 12 9 3 00969000 Chausal 211 62 149 189 41 148 00969100 Barakot 20 14 6 20 14 6 00969200 Soonakot 189 51 138 183 48 135 3 3 00969300 Tal 22 9 13 22 9 13 00969400 Nag 34 9 25 31 7 24 00969500 Patharoli 35 10 25 35 10 25 00969600 Bastari 30 8 22 29 7 22 00969700 Urma 47 15 32 37 10 27 00969800 Digra 48 18 30 48 18 30 00969900 Pattharkot Talla 6 6 3 3 00970000 Pattharkot Malia 26 6 20 26 6 20 00970100 Titari 36 35 00970200 Chamtoli 2 2 2 2 00970300 Sailoni 152 40 112 149 39 llO 3 2 00970400 Partari 00970500 Oltari 00970600 Ghigharani 2 2 00970700 Dwali Sera 312 147 165 300 138 162 00970800 Bachakot 73 27 46 71 25 46 00970900 Syuwan 99 31 68 90 22 68 00971000 Daulani 6 5 6 5 00971100 Chamdugri 2 2 2 2 00971200 Kanadhar 00971300 Malan Nadu 35 II 24 30 8 22 00971400 Lothara 8 4 4 8 4 4 00971500 Dyogara 109 42 67 102 37 65 4 3 00971600 Garjiri 13 12 13 I 12 00971700 Tatkhola 90 35 55 81 27 54 00971800 Gaidali Nadu 165 67 98 164 66 98 00971900 Chanauli 24 17 7 23 16 7 00972000 .Nwali 36 30 6 36 30 6 00972100 Pant Sera 23 15 8 20 13 7 00972200 Sunkholi 00972300 Runra 12 9 3 12 9 3 00972400 Barmau 129 30 99 121 27 94 J • 00972500 Dyora 00972600 Bathau1i 48 15 33 45 14 31 00972700 Munawa 28 10 18 27 10 17 00972800 Ranuwa 2 2 00972900 Amatari


CENSUS ABSTRACT Kanali Chhina of marginal workers Location Household indus!!! workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 12 6 6 109 46 63 Pasama 00967700 4 2 2 Kajera 00967800 21 20 187 67 120 Naret 00967900 28 16 12 Dugal Gaon 00968000 88 47 41 Ojhagoan Talla 00968100 46 18 28 Siroli 00968200 14 13 322 140 182 Jethi Gaon 00968300 15 8 7 Majholi 00968400 127 78 49 Ganai 00968500 5 5 48 22 26 Pant Gaon 00968600 9 7 2 151 59 92 Majhera 00968700 16 16 425 168 257 Dangati 00968800 261 119 142 Dungra 00968900 7 7 15 14 301 162 139 Chausal 00969000 228 123 105 Barakot 00969100 3 3 308 173 135 Soonakot 00969200 31 ,17 14 Tal 00969300 2 2 42 25 17 Nag 00969400 72 37 35 Patharoli 00969500 239 98 141 Bastari 00969600 9 4 5 165 73 92 Urma 00969700 64 27 37 Digra 00969800 3 3 43 27 16 Pattharkot Talla 00969900 43 25 18 Pattharkot MaJla 00970000 36 35 222 118 104 Titari 00970100 46 24 22 Chamtoli 00970200 276 133 143 Sailoni 00970300 10 5 5 Partari 00970400 365 172 193 Oltari 00970500 2 2 296 137 159 Ghigharani 00970600 5 3 2 6 6 294 150 144 Dwali Sera 00970700 I I 86 46 40 Bachakot 00970800 7 7 128 67 61 Syuwan 00970900 48 19 29 Daulani 00971000 139 62 77 Chamdugri 00971100 193 72 121 Kanadhar 00971200 4 2 2 63 29 34 M~lan Nadu 00971300 21 12 9 Lo hara 00971400 3 2 165 69 96 Dyogara 00971500 181 80 101 Garjiri 00971600 9 8 327 166 161 Tatkhola 00971700 21q 104 112 Gaidali Nadu 00971800 60 28 32 Chanauli 00971900 330 159 171 Nwali 00972000 2 315 130 185 Pant Sera 00972100 86 51 35 Sunkholi 00972200 115 59 56 Runra 00972300 5 4 3 2 271 140 131 Barmau 00972400 311 163 14& Dyora 00972500 3 2 260 144 116 Bathauli 00972600 I 87 41 46 Munawa 00972700 2 2 64 39 25 Ranuwa 00972800 137 68 69 Amatari 00972900



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age·group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --;P~e-rs-on-s--"~M~a~le:";s ;;.;..t--;F~e-m"al:-e-s Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0054 Gangolihat (Total) 33,994.24 14,636 70,364 33,502 36,862 12,067 6,243 5,824 0054 Gangolihat (Rural) 33,994.24 14,636 70,364 33,502 36,862 12,067 6,243 5,824 0054 Gangolihat (Urban) Gangolihat (Rural) 00973000 Batgeri 219.00 114 510 234 276 90 43 47 00973100 Siroli 31.00 31 lSI 65 86 23 II 12 00973200 Jatari 32.00 48 227 104 123 31 13 18 00973300 Bankot 169.57 117 537 262 275 63 29 34 00973400 Basikhet(Lagga Dhanora) 105.00 83 373 159 214 61 25 36 00973500 Dhanoli Sera 15.00 5 20 II 9 5 3 2 00973700 Bajarh 104.00 50 226 112 114 33 18 15 00973800 Simaleti 92.00 23 106 50 56 15 7 8 00973900 Syunari 54.00 35 158 80 78 19 8 11 00974000 Kotbi 52.00 52 227 87 140 35 14 21 00974100 Chake Bhati Gaon 14.00 21 104 49 55 9 6 3 00974200 Bharkot 59.34 40 195 93 102 25 15 10 00974300 Paltori 59.00 51 228 108 120 30 13 17 00974400 Sirsoli 79.00 44 222 106 116 54 31 23 00974600 Tunai 32.00 4 27 10 17 8 5 3 00974700 Rote 108.00 8 48 25 23 10 5 5 00974800 Bhanmati 185.50 5 23 10 13 4 3 00974900 Matiyal 39.00 3 20 6 14 3 2 00975000 Iamtola Madhye Tal 36.00 II 58 28 30 12 6 6 00975100 Jamtola Madhye Jakh 1,304.77 2 6 1 5 3 2 00975200 lamtola 47.00 43 217 99 118 28 16 12 00975300 Dhari Dhumala Kote 136.00 81 405 \ 199 206 89 52 37 00975400 Badyura 50.00 51 237 112 125 36 20 16 00975500 Dewrari Pant 489.73 19 112 51 61 22 8 14 00975600 Basikhet 89.00 105 501 208 293 93 37 56 00975700 Thadoli 40.00 4 22 13 9 I 00975800 lakhera Bhajna 23.00 18 102 44 58 14 8 6 00975900 Pasdeo Ghunth 54.00 33 141 66 75 18 9 9 00976000 Khuriya Gaon 14.00 3 14 8 6 2 00976100 Daren 40.20 28 142 60 82 26 14 12 00976200 Oliya Gaon 81.00 74 292 124 168 54 24 30 00916300 Chamtola 52.00 24 91 47 44 11 8 3 00976400 Dhari Dhumka 18.00 12 41 12 29 9 3 6 00916500 Singaroli 11.00 ·············Un-inhabited------··-·--·· 00976600 Bhanyari 46.00 53 220 110 110 47 31 16 00976700 Pokhri 109.00 130 580 260 320 97 52 45 00976800 Bhardwari 6.00 7 26 7 19 00976900 Gaul 40.00 20 97 39 58 18 9 9 00971000 Sanarkhola Gunth 27.00 8 33 16 17 4 4 00971100 Bhingari 82.00 78 370 169 201 72 38 34 00977200 Raitoli 92.00 22 79 28 51 10 7 3 00971300 Patan 45.00 40 209 92 117 46 23 23 00977400 Bhayun 39.00 33 139 69 70 13 7 6 00977500 Simsimani 27.00 14 57 19 38 9 3 6 00977600 Bans 96.00 59 259 112 147 43 16 27 00977700 Khairoli 23.00 16 54 28 26 5 2 3 00977800 Baisali 112.00 134 593 299 294 107 57 50 00977900 Ghorasil 124.00 69 340 156 184 56 31 25



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulatio'n Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20,431 10,277 10,154 13 6 7 40,237 23,613 16,624 Gangolihat (Total) 20,431 10,277 10,154 13 6 7 40,237 23,613 16,624 Gangolihat (Rural) Gangolihat (Urban) Gangolihat (Rural) 165 83 82 324 177 147 Batgeri 8 6 2 94 49 45 Siroli 68 38 30 150 88 62 Jatari 88 47 41 471 232 239 Bankot 218 116 102 Basikhet(Lagga Dhanora) 12 8 4' Dhanoli Sera 5 3 2 133 79 54 Bajarh 70 41 29 Simaleti 100 65 35 Syunari 13 7 6 4 3 150 68 82 Kotbi 72 42 30 Chake Bhati Gaon 19 10 9 125 72 53 Bharkot 52 25 27 171 92 79 Paltori 222 106 116 95 59 36 Sirsoli 10 5 5 Tunai 30 17 13 24 15 9 Rote 7 3 4 13 6 7 Bhanmati 13 5 8 Matiyal 58 28 30 28 17 11 Jamtola Madhye Tal Jamtola Madhye Jakh 134 74 60 lamtola 200 102 98 209 129 80 Dhari Dhumala Kote 237 112 125 134 80 54 Badyura 84 37 ' 47 68 38 30 Dewrari Pant 74 30 44 307 164 143 Basikhet 16 12 4 Thadoli 6 3 3 77 36 41 Jakhera Bhajna 80 50 30 Pasdeo Ghunth 12 7 5 7 6 I Khuriya Gaon 132 55 77 78 40 38 Daren 130 75 " 55 Oliya Gaon 8 3 5 53 33 \ 20 Chamtola 15 7 8 Dhari Dhumka --"------Un-inhabited------Singaroli 52 32 20 75 \ 51 24 Bhanyari 35 15 20 272 169 103 Pokhri 17 7 10 Bhardwari 57 28 29 Gaul 19 10 9 Sanarkhola Gunth 268 124 144' 208 112 96 Bhingari

- I 43 17 26 Raitoli 45 23 22 141 65 76 Patan 116 62 54 Bhayun 39 15 24 Simsimani 168 86 82 Bans 3 3 41 26 15 Khairoli 329 169 160 327 209 118 Baisali 77 42 35 194 107 87 Ghorasil



Location code III iterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons ,Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0054 Gangolihat (Total) 30,127 9,889 20,238 31,738 13,779 17,959 19,978 9,811 10,167 0054 Gangolihat (Rural) 30,127 9,889 20,238 31,738 13,779 17,959 19,978 9,811 10,167 0054 Gangolihat (Urban) Gangolihat (Rural) 00973000 Batgeri 186 57 129 268 118 150 268 118 150 00973100 Siroli 57 16 41 76 29 47 76 29 47 00973200 Jatari 77 16 61 94 40 54 94 40 54 00973300 Bankot 66 30 36 292 133 159 279 133 146 00973400 Basikhet(Lagga Dhanora) 155 43 112 213 90 123 206 84 122 00973500 Dhanoli Sera 8 3 5 11 7 4 8 4 4 00973700 Bajarh 93 33 60 140 66 74 115 51 64 00973800 Simaleti 36 9 27 54 20 34 54 20 34 00973900 Syunari 58 15 43 90 41 49 89 41 48 00974000 Kotbi 77 19 58 84 35 49 83 34 49 00974100 Chake Bhati Gaon 32 7 25 35 9 26 35 9 26 00974200 Bharkot 70 21 49 67 27, 40 65 25 40 00974300 Paltori 57 16 41 80 36 44 13 13 00974400 Sirsoli 127 47 80 J08 47 61 108 47 61 00974600 Tunai 17 5 12 12· 4 8 12 4 8 00974700 Rote 24 10 14 26 13 13 26 13 13 00974800 Bhanmati 10 4 6 10 5 5 10 5 5 . 00974900 Matiyal 7 6 13 3 10 13 3 10 00975000 lamtola Madhye Tal 30 11 19 75 10 15 20 8 12 00975100 lamtola Madhye Jakh 6 5 3 3 2 2 00975200 lamtola 83 25 58 108 44 64 86 34 52 00975300 Dhari Dhumala Kote 196 70 126 227 98 129 207 81 126 00975400 Badyuni 103 32 71 101 40 61 101 40 61 00975500 Dewrari Pant 44 13 31 54 29 25 53 28 25 00975600 Basikhet 194 44 150 217 79 138 31 21 10 00975700 Thadoli 6 5 II 4 7 4 4 00975800 Jakhera Bhajna 25 8 17 44 19 25 43 19 24 00975900 Pasdeo Ghunth 61 16 45 63 29 34 55 29 26 00976000 Khuriya Gaon 7 2 5 7 4 3 3 3 . 00976100 Daren 64 20 44 65 28 37 64 28 36 00976200 Oliya Gaon 162 49 113 154 59 95 53 49 4 00976300 Chamtola 38 14 24 40 17 23 40 17 23 00976400 Dhari Dhumka 26 5 21 13 3 10 13 3 10 00976500 Singaroli ------Un-inhabited------00976600 Bhanyari 145 59 86 131 51 80 119 48 71 00976700 Pokhri 308 91 217 313 123 190 307 117 190 00976800 Bhardwari 9 9 16 5 11 16 5 11 00976900 Gaul 40 11 29 60 19 41 49 16 33 00977000 Sanarkhola Gunth 14 6 8 20 7 13 20 7 13 00977100 Bhingari 162 57 105 145 48 97 136 44 92 0097nOO Raitoli 36 11 25 35 8 27 35 8 27 . 00977300 Patan 6'8 27 41 90 33 57 4 3 1 00977400 Bhayun 23 7 16 59 24 35 4 1 3 00977500 Simsimani 18 4 14 26 8 . 18 2 2 00977600 Bans 91 26 65 110 44 66 10 8 2 00977700 Khairoli 13 2 II 24 16 8 9 8 1 00977800 Baisali 266 90 176 323 151 172 301 135 166 00977900 Ghorasil 146 49 97 137 68 69 134 66 68


CENSUS ABSTRACT Gangolihat Industrial categ0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 16,146 6,373 9,773 40 34 6 294 268 26 3,498 3,136 362 Gangolihat (Total) 16,146 6,373 9,773 40 34 6 294 268 26 3,498 3,136 362 Gangolihat (Rural) - Gangolihat (Urban) Gangolihat (Rural) 264 114 150 3 3 Batgeri 76 29 47 Siroli 86 33 53 8 7 Jatari 261 118 143 17 15 2 Bankot 204 83 121 2 Basikhet(Lagga Dhanora) 8 4 4 Dhanoli Sera 100 37 63 5 4 10 10 Bajarh 54 20 34 Simaleti 86 39 47 3 2 Syunari 64 17 47 18 16 2 Kotbi 31 5 26 4 4 Chake Bhati Gaon 60 20 40 5 5 Bharkot 13 13 Paltori 107 46 61 I Sirsoli 12 4 8 Tunai 26 13 13 Rote 10 5 \5 Bhanmati II I 10 2 2 Matiyal 14 2 12 6 6 Jamtola Madhye Tal 2 I 2 Jamtola Madhye Jakh 75 23 52 11 11 lamtola 194 69 125 13 12 Dhari Dhumala Kote 96 35 61 5 5 Badyura 28 15 13 23 II 12 2 2 Dewrari Pant 19 10 9 12 11 Basikhet 2 2 2 2 Thadoli 40 16 24 3 3 lakhera Bhajna 53 27 26 2 2 Pasdeo Ghunth 3 3 Khuriya Gaon 61 25 36 .- 3 3 Daren 52 48 4 '. I OliyaGaon 39 16 23 \1 Chamtola 13 3 10 Dhari Dhumka ------~--Un·inhabited------··-· Singaroli 115 44 71 4 4 Bhanyari 299 113 186 8 4 4 Pokhri 16 5 II Bhardwari 46 13 33 3 3 Gaul 19 6 13 I Sanarkhola Gunth 126 34 92 ,- 10 10. Bhingari 32 5 27 3 3 Raitoli 4 3 1 Patan 4 3 Bhayun 2 2 Simsimani 10 8 2 Bans 1 8 7 Khairoli 293 127 166 7 7 Baisali 106 41 65 14 13 14 12 2 Ghorasil


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industnal cateEo!! Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofViIlae;e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0054 Gangolihat (Total) 11,760 3,968 7,792 10,262 2,825 7,437 122 68 S4 0054 Gangolihat (Rural) 11,760 3,968 7,792 10,262 2,825 7,437 122 68 S4 0054 Gangolihat (Urban) Gangolibat (Rural) 00973000 Batgeri 00973 I 00 Siroli 00973200 Jatari 00973300 Bankot 13 13 13 13 00973400 Basikhet(Lagga Dhanora) 7 6 7 6 I 00973500 Dhanoli Sera 3 3 3 3 00973700 Bajarh 25 15 10 16 10 6 8 4 4 00973800 Simaleti 00973900 Syunari 00974000 Kotbi 00974100 Chake Bhati Gaon 00974200 Bharkot 2 2 2 2 00974300 Paltori 67 23 44 64 21 43 3 2 00974400 Sirsoli 00974600 Tunai 00974700 Rote 00974800 Bhanmati 00974900 Matiyal 00975000 lamtola Madhye Tal 5 2 3 5 2 3 · 00975100 Jamtola Madhye Jakh 1 1 - 00975200 lamtola 22 10 12 21 9 12 00975300 Dhari Dhumala Kote 20 17 3 20·' 17 3 00975400 Badyura 00975500 Dewrari Pant 00975600 Basikhet 186 58 )28 171 44 127 00975700 Thadoli 7 7 7 7 ·00975800 Jakhera Bhajna I I I 00975900 Pasdeo Ghunth 8 8 8 8 00976000 Khuriya Gllon 4 3 4 3 · 00976100 Daren 1 00976200 Oliya Gaon 101 10 91 101 10 91 · 00976300 Chllmtola 00976400 Dhari Dhumka 00976500 Singaroli ------Un-inhabit~d------00976600 Bhanyari 12 3 9 II 2 9 00976700 Pokhri 6 6 5 5 00976800 Bhardwari 00976900 Gaul II 3 8 11 3 8 00977000 Sanarkhola Gunth 00977100 Bhing'ari 9 4 5 9 4 5 00977200 Raitoli 00977300 Patan 86 30 56 83 27 56 . 00977400 Bhayun 55 23 32 51 19 32 00977500 Simsimani 24 6 18 23 5 18 00977600 Bans 100 36 64 92 31 61 3 3 00977700 Khairoli 15 8 7 12 5 7 00977800 Baisali 22 16 6 21 16 5 00977900 Ghorasil 3 2



ofmaq~inal workers ~ocation Household indus~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 73 54 19 1,303 1,021 282 38,626 19,723 18,903 Gangolihat (Total) 0054 73 54 19 1,303 J,02J 282 38,626 J9,723 18,903 Gangolihat (Rural) 0054 Gangolihat (Urban) 0054 Gangolihat (Rural) 242 116 126 Batgeri 00973000 75 36 39 Siroli 00973100 / 133 64 69 Jatari 00973200 245 129 116 Bankot 00973300 160 69 91 Basikhet(Lagga Dhanora) 00973400 9 4 5 Dhanoli Sera 00973500 86 46 40 Bajarh 00973700 52 30 22 Simaleti 00973800 68 39 29 Syunari 00973900 143 52 91 Kotbi 00974000 69 40 29 Chake Bhati Gaon 00974100 . 128 66 62 Bharkot 00974200 148 72 76 Paltori 00974300 114 59 55 Sirsoli 00974400 15 6 9 Tunai 00974600 22 12 10 Rote 00974700 13 5 8 Bhanmati 00974800 7 3 4 Matiyal 00974900 33 18 15 Jamtola Madhye Tal 00975000 3 I 2 Jamtola Madhye Jakh 00975100 109 55 54 Jamtoia 00975200 178 101 77 Dhari Dhumala Kote 00975300 136 72 64 Badyura 00975400 . 58 22 36 Dewrari Pant 00975500 15 14 284 129 155 Basikhet 00975600 II 9 2 Thadoli 00975700 58 25 33 Jakhera Bhajna 00975800 78 37 41 Pasdeo Ghunth 00975900 7 4 3 Khuriya Gaon 00976000 77 32 45 Daren 00976100 138 65 73 Oliya Gaon 00976200 51 30 21 Cliamtola 00976300 28 9 19 Dhar';. Dhumka 00976400 -----.···----Un-inhabited------·------Singaroli 00976500 89 59 30 Bhanyari 00976600 267 137 130 Pokhri 00976700 10 2 8 Bhardwari 00976800 37 20 17 Gaul 00976900 13 9 4 Sanarkhola Gunth 00977000 225 121 104 Bhingarl 00977100 .. 44 20 24 Railo/i' 00977200 3 3 119 59 60 Patan 00977300 4 4 80 45 35 Bhayun 00977400 I I 31 II 20 Simsimani 00977500 3 3 2 2 149 68 81 Bans 00977600 3 3 30 12 18 Khairoli 00977700 . 270 148 122 Baisali 00977800 2 2 203 88 115 Ghorasil 00977900


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --::P::-e-rs-on-s_.l;.~M~al;;':;es=-:::-Fe-m-a7'le-s- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00978000 Gaon Khet 51.00 18 93 50 43 16 10 6 00978100 lakheri Chak Dondiya Dhar 30.00 8 3 5 00978200 lakheri 51.00 88 387 190 197 58 31 27 00978300 Simalta 42.00 46 203 96 107 38 21 17 00978400 Guna Kitan 152.00 94 451 222 229 55 28 27 00978500 Naikara 67.00 58 252 124 128 54 25 29 00978600 Sauni 14.00 2 8 5 3 00978700 Dasila Khet 20.00 35 185 84 101 32 12 20 00978800 Gaurh 45.00 6 18 6 12 2 1 00978900 lautha 10.00 25 101 60 41 21 15 6 00979100 Khatali 29.00 9 42 23 19 8 5 3 00979200 Kolu Mair 67.83 9 48 19 29 9 4 5 00979300 Gwari Malli 90.00 86 415 189 226 60 27 33 00979400 Tuprauli 32.00 35 183 82 101 21 12 9· 00979500 Rugari 137.00 101 524 227 297 127 54 73 00979600 lantha 74.00 2 9 4 5 I 1 00979700 Dhidhar Kholi 28.38 21 109 42 67 24 10 14 00979800 Chimari 26.75 5 22 10 12 5 4 00979900 Lakhtoli 15.66 19 135 73 62 26 19 7 00980000 Gwari Talli 25.00 10 59 30 29 10 6 4 00980 I 00 Naghar 51.00 8 46 23 23 10 5 5 00980200 Simali 26.00 39 189 95 94 27 17 10 00980300 Bhed Kuri 15.00 ------Un-inhabited------\ 00980400 Nainwal Gaon 20.00 19 81 40' 41 5 3 2 00980500 Dhingal Laga Kirola 8.00 --.!------Un-inhabited------00980600 Bhatgara 10.00 24 139 77 62 20 II 9 00980700 Bhunera 48.00 16 105 49 56 27 II 16 00980800 Dhingal Gaon 33.00 17 69 38 31 5 4 00980900 Kuna 36.00 54 223 132 91 34 18 16 00981000 Gonai 370.02 96 409 237 172 46 31 15 00981100 Silkote 63.00 10 52 24 28 9 5 4 00981200 Devrari Tora 10.00 24 114 61 53 25 14 11 00981300 Kakara 60.00 21 117 57 60 32 20 If 00981400 Kunlta 80.16 70 330 166 164 50 32 . 00981500 Chauki 62.00 61 297 144 153 37 24 13 00981600 Kunlta Chak Saintoli 24.00 ------Un-inhabited------00981700 Nyoliya Khet 87.00 32 204 102 102 43 24 19 00981800 Nayal 65.00 81 392 182 210 59 26 33 00981900 NaruwaDhol 3.00 4 20 9 11 3 3 00982000 Kandari Gunth 33.93 13 88 35 53 13 7 6 00982100 Kalon 700.15 4 25 II 14 9 4 5 00982200 Dubkari 54.00 6 34 18 16 5 2 3 00982300 Chauna Patal 59.00 6 31 19 12 I 00982400 Phadiyali 37.00 61 338 169 169 40 25 15 00982500 Bhandoli Sara 59.00 46 181 88 93 20 11 9 00982600 Pabhya 114.00 46 202 91 III 21 14 7 00982700 Naili 92.27 12 75 39 36 13 8 5 00982800 Sera UrfBadoli 182.00 109 568 271 297 94 43 51 00982900 Badoli Sera Gunth 60.00 19 71 26 45 6 3 3 00983000 Naini 113.00 123 665 348 317 94 48 46 00983100 Dhapna 34.00 21 113 49 64 21 10 11 00983200 Khar Chaura 28.00 13 54 28 26 6 2 4



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 57 30 27 53 38 15 Gaon Khet, 6 3 3 Jakheri ChaJ( Dondiya Dhar 103 57 46 260 150 110 Jakheri 3 2 118 67 51 Simalta 183 95 88 304 174 130 Guna Kitan 92 45 ,47 157 94 63 Naikara / 6 5 I Sauni 170 76 94 101 57 44 DasiiaKhet 9 4 5 Gaurh 68 38 30 6S 40 25 Jautha 27 18 9 Khatali 3S 15 20 KoluMair 9 4 5 288 157 131 GwariMalli 183 82 101 99 53 46 Tuprauli 191 88 103 293 158 135 Rugari 9 4 5 4 3 I Jantha 59 30 29 Dhidhar Kholi 5 3 2 13 9 4 Chimari 7 3 4 92 54 38 Lakhtoli 4S 23 22 Gwari Talli 21 11 10 21 14 7 Naghar 41 19 22 109 74 35 Simali ------Un-inhabited------Bhed Kuri 13 8 5 49 30 I-9 Nainwal Gaon ------Un-inhabited------Dhingal Laga Kirola 139 77 62 94 61 33 Bhatgara 8 6 2 66 37 29 Bhunera 4 3 43 30 13 Dhingal Gaon 62 36 26 164 107 57 Kuna 123 72 51 333 195 138 Gonai 52 24 28 40 19 21 Silkote 13 6 7 56 42 14 Devrari Tora 78 37 41 Kakara 226 118 108 198 112 86 Kunlta 8 3 5 208 114 94 Chauki ------Un-inhabited------'- Kunlta Chak Saintoli 182 .90 92 122 69 \ 53 Nyoliya Khet 107 56 51 245 147 98 Nayal 5 2 3 16 6 10 NaruwaDhol 58 28 30 Kandari Gunth 3 2 12 6 6 Kalon 23 16 7 Dubkari 23 18 5 Chauna Patal 338 169 169 206 126 I 80 Phadiyali 44 24 20, 127 72 55 Bhandoli Sara 145 74 71 Pabhya 44 20' 47 31 16 Naili 24 I 147 80 67 317 197 120 Sera UrfBadoli 56 21 35 Badoli Sera Gunth 664 347 317 367 236 131 Naini 16 7 9 70 3S 35 Dhapna 38 25 13 KharChaura



Location code III iterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00978000 Gaon Khet 40 12 28 42 22 20 4 4 00978100 Jakheri Chak Dondiya Dhar 2 2 2 2 . 00978200 Jakheri 127 40 87 180 80 100 18 16 2 00978300 Simalta 85 29 56 76 37 39 74 35 39 00978400 Guna Kitan 147 48 99 175 83 92 47 45 2 00978500 Naikara 95 30 65 125 69 56 107 55 52 00978600 Sauni 2 2 5 2 3 I 00978700 DasHa Khet 84 27 57 76 29 47 76 29 47 00978800 Gaurh 9 2 7 12 3 9 12 3 9 .. 00978900 Jautha 36 20 16 44 20 24 30 19 11 00979100 Khatali 15 5 10 20 8 12 II 3 8 00979200 Kolu Mair 13 . 4 9 27 9 18 9 8 I 00979300 Gwari MalH 127 32 9S 250 106 144 68 65 3 00979400 Tuprauli 84 29 5S 77 32 45 74 29 45 00979500 Rugari 231 69 162 247 106 141 247 106 141 00979600 Jantha 5 4 7 3 4 6 2 4 00979700 Dhidhar Kholi 50 12 38 50 18 32 48 16 32 00979800 Chimari 9 I 8 II 5 6 II 5 6 00979900 Lakhtoli 43 19 24 57 23 34 56 22 34 00980000 Gwari Talli 14 7 7 31 14 17 9 9 00980100 Naghar 25 9 16 19 9 10 8 8 00980200 Simali 80 21 59 99 40 59 12 12 00980300 Bhed Kuri ------.--.--Un- inhab ited-·-·-···------00980400 Nainwal Gaon 32 10 22 33 II 22 2 00980500 Dhingal Laga Kirola ------·--Un-'inhabited------00980600 Bhatgara 45 16 29 54 25 29 14 13 I 00980700 Bhunera 39 12 27 38 19 19 21 15 6 00980800 Dhingal Gaon 26 8 18 43 22 21 3 2 I 00980900 Kuna 59 25 34 94 51 43 71 50 21 00981000 Gonai 76 42 34 196 110 86 118 81 37 00981100 Silkote 12 5 7 20 6 14 8 6 2 00981200 Devrari Tora 58 19 39 58 27 31 7 6 I 00981300, Kakara 39 20 19 61 24 37 24 19 5 00981400 "Kunlta 132 54 78 153 67 86 103 20. 83 00981500 Chauki 89 30 59 133 52 81 31 27 4 00981600 Kunlta Chak Saintoli ------Un-inhabited------00981700 Nyoliya Khet 82 33 49 79 38 41 8 7 00981800 Nayal 147 35 112 211 88 123 188 74 114 00981900 Naruwa Dhol 4 3 9 4 5 9 4 5 00982000 Kandari Gunth 30 7 23 46 17 29 40 11 29 00982100 Kalon 13 5 8 12 5 7 12 5 7 00982200 Dubkari II 2 9 20 II .9 15 6 9 00982300 Chauna Patal 8 7 12 6 6 00982400 Phadiyali 132 43 89 160 73 87 123 52 71 00982500 Bhandoli Sara 54 16 38 82 37 45 SO 34 16 00982600 Pabhya 57 17 40 93 27 66 80 26 54 00982700 Naili 28 8 20 35 \5 20 33) 13 20 00982800 Sera UrfBadoli 251 74 177 253 106 147 20 20 00982900 Badoli Sera Gunth 15 5 \0 :n 8 23 3 3 00983000 Naini 298 112 186 272 119 153 169 106 63 00983100 Dhapna 43 14 29 49 22 27 19 18 1 00983200 Khar Chaura 16 3 13 29 13 16 11 11


CENSUS ABSTRACT Gangolihat Industrial category of main workerS Household industry Cultivators Agricultursllabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 4 4 Gaon Khet Jakheri Chak Dondiya Dhar 17 \5 1 3akheri 60 21 39 14 14 Simalta 1 2 2 44 42 2 GunaKitan 73 25 48 4 3 30 27 3 Naikara I I I Sauni 76 29 47 DasilaKhet 12 3 9 Gaurh 5 5 3 2 22 17 5 Jautha 8 2 6 3 I 2 Khatali 4 4 5 4 I KoluMair 62 61 6 4 2 GwariMalli 68 24 44 6 5 Tuprauli 210 71 139 6 6 31 29 2 Rugari 6 2 4 Jantha , 1 46 14 32 Dhidbar Kholi 9 3 6 2 2 Chimari 54 21 33 2 I Lakhloli 9 9 Gwari Talli 8 8 Naghar 9 9 3 3 Simali ------Un-inhabited------Bhed Kuri 2 Nainwal Gaon ------U n- inhabi ted------~------Dhinga1 Lags Kirola 8 7 I 6 6 Bhatgara 11 6 5 10 9 1 Bhunera 3 2 1 Dhingal Gaon 23 4 19 47 45 2 Kuna 30 7 23 5 5 83 69 14 Gonai 1 1 7 5 2 Silkote 3 3 4 3 1 Devrari Tora 17 12 5 , - 7 7 Kakara 94 15 79 9 5 4 Kunlta 31 27 4 Chauki , , ------Un-inhabited------,-,--- Kunlta Chak Saintol 8 7 \ Nyoliya Khet 179 66 113 8 7 Nayal 7 3 4 2 NaruwaDhol 39 10 29 Kandari Gunth 12 5 7 Kalon 10 9 5 5 Dubkari ,Chauna Patal 103 35 68 9 6 3 II II Phadiyali 18 5 13 5 5 27 24 3 Bhandoli Sara 73 19 54 7 7 Pabhya 30 II 19 3 2 Naili 19 19 Sera Urf Badoli , - 3 3 Badoli Sera Gunth 135 74 61 2 32 31 Naini 13 13 6 5 Dhapna 9 9 2 2 Khar Chaura


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 ' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00978000 Gaon Khet 38 18 20 38 18 20 00978100 Jakheri Chak Dondiya Dhar 2 2 2 2 00978200 Jakheri 162 64 98 161 64 97 00978300 Sima1ta 2 2 00978400 Guna Kitan 128 38 90 122 32 90 00978500 Naikara 18 14 4 _00978600 Sauni 4 3 4 3 00978700 Dasila Khet 00978800 Gaurh 00978900 Jautha 14 13 8 8 00979100 Khatali 9 5 4 8 4 4 00979200 Kolu Mair 18 17 18 17 00979300 Gwari Malli 182 41 141 182 41 141 00979400 Tuprauli 3 3 00979500 Rugari 00979600 Jantha I I 1 00979700 Dhidhar Kholi 2 2 2 2 00979800 Chimari 00979900 Lakhtoli 00980000 Gwari Talli 22 5 17 22 5 17 00980100 Naghar 11 10 II 10 00980200 Simali 87 28 59 87 28 59 00980300 Bhed Kuri ------Un-inhabited------00980400 Nainwal Gaon 31 10 21 28 10 18 00980500 Dhingal Laga Kirola ------Un-inhabited------00980600 Bhatgara 40 12 28 00980700 Bhunera 17 4 13 00980800 Dhingal Gaon 40 20 20 37 20 17 00980900 Kuna 23 I 22 13 13 00981000 Gonai 78 29 49 9 5 4 00981100 Si1kote 12 12 12 12 00981,200 Devrari Tora 51 21 30 48 21 27 00981300 Kakara 37 5 32 00981400 Kunlta 50 47 3 47 44 3 00981500 Chauki 102 25 77 99 23 76 00981600 Kunlta Chak Saintoli ------Un -inhab ited------00981700 Nyoliya Khet 71 31 40 71 31 40 00981800 Naya1 23 14 9 23 14 9 00981900 Naruwa Dhol 00982000 Kandari Gunth 6 6 6 6 00982100 Kalon 00982200 Dubkari 5 5 5 5 00982300 Chauna Patal 12 6 6 12 6 6 00982400 Phadiyali 37 21 16 36 20 16 00982500 Bhandoli Sara 32 3 29 30 3 27 00982600 Pabhya 13 1 12 13 12 00982700 Naili 2 2 2 2 '- 00982800 Sera UrfBadoli 233 86 147 228 81 147 00982900 Badoli Sera Gunth 28 5 23 28 5 23 00983000 Naini 103 13 90 103 13 90 00983100 Dhapna 30 4 26 29 3 26 00983200 Khar Chaura 18 2 16 18 2 16



ofmafl~inal workers Location j Household indus~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

51 28 23 Gaon Khet , I 00978000 6 3 3 Jakheri Chak Dondiya Dhar '00978100 207 110 97 Jakheri 00978200 2 2 127 59 68 Simalta 00978300 5 5 276 139 137 GunaKitan 00978400 15 II 4 3 3 127 55 72 Naikara 00978500 3 3 Sauni 00978600 109 55 54 Dasila Khet 00978700 6 3 3 Gaurh 00978800 5 5 57 40 17 Jautha 00978900 22 IS 7 Khatali 00979100 21 10 11 Kolu Mair 00979200 165 83 82 GwariMalli 00979300 3 3 106 50 56 Tuprauli 00979400 277 121 156 Rugari 00979500 2 I I lantha 00979600 59 24. 35 Dhidhar Kholi 00979700 II 5 6 Chimari 00979800 78 50 28 Lakhtoli 00979900 28 16 12 Gwari Talli 00980000 27 14 13 Naghar 00980100 90 55 35 Simali 00980200 ------Uil-inhabited------Bhed Kuri 009803.00 3 48 29 19 Nainwal Gaon 00980400 i 3 ------Un-inhabited------Dhingal Laga Kirola 00980500 39 II 28 85 52 33 Bhatgara 00980600 17 4 13 ,67 30 37 Bhunera 00980700 3 3 26 16 10 Dhingal Gaon 00980800 10 9 129 81 48 Kuna 00980900 8 6 2 61 18 43 213 127 86 Gonai 00981000 32 18 14 Silkote 00981100 3 3 56 34 22 Devrari Tora 00981200 36 5 31·. 56 33 23 Kakara 00981300 3 3 177 99 78 Kun1ta 00981400 3 2 164 92 72 Chauki 00981500 ------.--Un - inhabi ted------Kimlta Chak Saintoli 00981600 125 64 61 Nyoliya Khet 00981700 181 94 87 Naya! 00981800 II 5 6 NaruwaDhol 00981900 42 18 24 Kandari Gunth 00982000 13 6 7 Kalon 00982100 14 7 7 Dubkari 00982200 19 13 6 Chaumi Patal 00982300 178 96 82 Phadiyali 00982400 2 2 99 51 48 Bhandoli Sara 00982500 109 64 45 Pabhya 00982600 j - 40 24 16 Naili 00982700 4 4 315 165 150 Sera Urf Badoli 00982800 40 18 22 Badoli Sera Gunth 00982900 393 229 164 Naini 00983000 64 27 . 37 Dhapna 00983100 25 15 10 KharChaura 00983200


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00983300 Phalraw 8A3 14 57 26 31 9 2 7 00983400 Anoti 76.33 44 241 III 130 45 21 24 00983500 Gwasi Kot 167,00 144 788 411 377 121 71 50 00983600 Sartola 175,00 51 230 105 125 49 28 21 00983700 Kalve Farsola 219,00 II 49 24 25 10 7 3 00983800 Pilkhi 175,00 83 493 251 242 77 38 39 00983900 Bhainsat 30,00 14 66 34 32 4 2 2 00984000 Kharki 75,00 48 259 113 146 51 31 20 00984100 Bhagtaut 24,00 5 '25 13 12 7 4 3 00984200 Lwesar 29,00 24 105 48 57 15 11 4 00984300 Barura' 37.00 II 77 46 31 17 12 5 00984400 Matoti ' 49,00 34 155 65 90 16 7 9 00984500 lumarlakh 35,00 26 108 48 60 14 7 7 00984600 Nainoli 429,00 128 680 317 363 115 61 54 00984700 Siloni 11.00 22 114 60 54 10 7 3 00984800 Badyura 28,00 46 222 111 111 28 15 13 00984900 Podhara Dhargari 19,00 8 43 18 25 5 2 3 00985000 Syunura 124,00 104 547 249 298 121 64 57 00985100 lwal 64.00 46 216 97 119 25 12 13 00985200 Rithayat 790.00 143 756 381 375 133 68 65 00985300 Kheti Gaon 73.00 45 246 114 132 31 14 17 00985400 Nakote 19.00 70 368 174 194 47 22 25 00985500 Salabhuti 114.00 ------Un-inhabited------00985600 Naikhuna 119.00 )6 179 86 93 38 18 20 00985700 Kandara 9.00 20 88 48 40 6 5 I 00985800 Agar 149.00 35 160 71 89 28 17 II 00985900 !tana 74.00 53 245 117 128 31 17 14 00986000 Tunda Chauri 129.00 70 351 173 178 51 34 17 00986100 Bore Khatve 155.00 13 62 30 32 13 6 7 00986200 Jakhani 119.50 4 12 4 8 2 I I 00986300 Man Khola 67.00 31 136 62 74 35 19 16 00986400 Dube Kanyuri 32.00 19 III 53 58 27 14 13 00986500 Busail 284.22 95 462 202 260 90 52 38 00986600 Chaura 69.00 56 256 124 132 40 19 21 00986700 Golthi 107.00 81 373 171 202 63 28 35 00986900 Godi Gar 31.00 12 52 24 28 10 4 6 00987000 Banari 53.00 23 101 45 56 15 4 11 00987100 Sukana 54.00 46 223 103 120 47 26 21 00987200 Dharmoti 39.30 25 113 55 58 25 15 10 00987300 Ratgariya 4.83 4 24 10 14 8 3 5 00987400 Tunkhoti 9.00 6 28 12 16 5 I 4 00987500 Paintoli 41.00 12 56 27 29 14 7 7 00987600 Dhanghat 52.00 42 174 74 100 25 12 13 00987700 Sirari 82.17 22 89 46 43 16 13 3 00987800 Saltola 556.00 105 422 211 211 49 26 23 00988000 Chakhbora 362.00 254 1,113 528 585 182 98 84 00988100 Chauna 83.00 56 243 94 149 45 17 28 00988200 Dotari 42.00 19 91 38 53 14 8 6 00988300 Dadholi 82.00 29 113 46 67 19 11 8 00988400 Chapar 45.00 45 190 84 106 32 15 17 00988500 Pulai 26.00 25 101 36 65 29 13 16 00988600 Gobar Gara 46.00 44 196 81 115 30 13 17



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 35 23 12 Phalraw 95 52 43 Anoli 785 409 376 411 251 160 Gwasi Kot 120 70 50 Sartola 24 13 II Kalve Farsola 335 175 169 276 186 90 Pilkhi 66 34 32 41 26 15 Bhainsat 85 36 49 124 70 54 Kharki 12 9 3 Bhagtaut 9 4 5 60 32 28 Lwesar 48 28 20 41 26 15 Barura 118 57 61 Matoli 22 12 10 72 38 34 Jumarlakh 7 2 5 408 233 175 Nainoli 114 60 54 59 43 16 Siloni 99 51 48 103 66 37 Badyura 17 10 7 28 14 14 Podhara Dhargari 63 35 28 322 175 147 Syunura 5 2 3 149 81 68 Jwal 292 163 129 445 272 173 Rithayat 44 20 24 172 94 78 Kheti Gaon 253 124 129 189 112 77 Nakote ------Un-inhabited------Salabhuti 9 6 3 100 62 3~ Naikhuna 26 16 10 58 37 21 Kandara 106 51 55 Agar 151 90 61 Han a 10 7 3 207 130 77 Tunda Chauri II 6 5 25 16 9 Bore Khatve 5 3 2 lakhani 8 2 6 68 38 30 Man Khola 75 36 39 49 30 19 Dilbe Kanyuri 134 65 69 223 128 95 Busai1 131 64 67 137 87 50 Chaura 188 113 75 Go1thi 27 14 \ 13 Godi Gar 59 27 32 56 31 \ 25 Banari 67 41 26 Sukana 49 29 20 Dharmoli 10 5 5 Ratgariya 15 8 7 Tunkholi 20 10 10 23 14 9 Paintoli 4 I 3 73 41 32 Dhanghat 36 21 I 15 Sirari 41 25 16· 289 169 120 Saltola 436 223 213 595 362 233 Chakhbora 97 51 46 Chauna 56 25 31 Dotari 40 23 17 Dadholi 79 45 34 Chap!ir 31 17 14 Pulai 77 39 38 GobarGara



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00983300 Phalraw 22 3 19 31 13 18 11 1\ 00983400 Anoli 146 59 87 110 38 72 110 38 72 00983500 Gwasi Kot 377 160 217 341 149 192 339 149 190 00983600 Sartola 110 35 75 114 47 67 5 4 00983700 Kalve Farsola 25 11 14 23 8 15 1 00983800 Pilkhi 217 65 152 255 124 131 255 124 131 00983900 Bhainsat 25 8 17 32 14 18 32 14 18 00984000 Kharki 135 43 92 98 32 66 98 32 66 00984100 Bhagtaut 13 4 9 15 8 7 15 8 7 00984200 Lwesar 45 16 29 55 22 33 41 9 32 00984300 Barnra 36 20 16 29 13 16 29 13 16 00984400 Matoli 37 8 29 68 26 42 68 26 42 00984500 Jumarlakh 36 10 26 44 18 26 44 18 26 00984600 Nainoli 272 84 188 318 133 185 262 100 162 00984700 Siloni 55 17 38 54 23 31 54 23 31 00984800 Badyura 119 45 74 112 54 58 112 54 58 00984900 Podhara Dhargari 15 4 11 17 7 10 17 7 10 00985000 Syunura 225 74 151 256 100 156 181 33 148 00985100 Jwal 67 16 51 82 33 49 82 33 49 00985200 Rithayat 311 109 202 317 143 174 317 143 174 00985300 Kheti Gaon 74 20 54 114 47 67 114 47· 67 00985400 Nakote 179 62 117 135 51 84 130 50 80 00985500 Salabhuti ------Un -inhab ited------00985600 Naikhuna 79 24 55 67 27 40 66 26 40 00985700 Kandara 30 11 19 34' 19 15 34 19 15 00985800 Agar . 54 20 34 73, 27 46 73 27 46 00985900 Hana 94 27 67 123 51 72 123 51 72 00986000 Tunda Chauri 144 43 101 161 75 86 161 75 86 00986100 Bore Khatve 37 14 23 29 12 17 29 12 17 00986200 Jakhani 7 I 6 8 3 5 8 3 5 00986300 Man Khola 68 24 44 66 26 40 65 25 40 00986400 Dube Kanyuri 62 23 39 49 21 28 49 21 28 009865QO Busail 239 74 165 196 72 124 121 70 51 00986600 Chaura 119 37 82 75 39 36 58 ~I 27 00986700 Golthi 185 58 127 88 50 38 82 46 36 00986900 Godi Gar 25 10 15 23 12 11 00987000 Banad 45 14 31 46 20 26 46 20 26 00987100 Sukana 156 62 94 104 44 60 3 3 00987200 Dharmoli 64 26 38 62 27 35 62 27 35 00987300 Ratgariya 14 5 9 16 7 9 3 3 00987400 Tunkholi 13 4 9 12 5 7 12 5 7 00987500 Paintoli 33 13 20 32 13 19 32 13 19 00987600 Dhanghat 101 33 68 89 32 57 2 2 00987700 Sirari 53 25 28 60 25 35 1 1 00987800· Saltola 133 42 91 175 72 103 171 72 99 00988000 Chakhbora 518 166 352 509 202 307 459 180 279 00988100 Chauna 146 43 103 134 48 86 115 40 75 00988200 Dotari 35 13 22 68 26 42 6 5 1 00988300 Dadholi 73 23 50 76 28 48 1 I 00988400 Chapar ill 39 72 98 36 62 2 2 00988500 Pulai 70 19 51 44' 9 35 00988600 Gobar Gara 119 42 77 84 28 56 36 10 26



Industrial cate~0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators AB!iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 7 7 4 4 Phalraw 107 35 72 3 3 Anoli 318 130 188 2 2 19 17 2 Gwasi Kot 1 4 3 1 Sartola Kalve Farsola 247 118 129 - i 8 6 2 Pilkhi 25 9 \6 ., 5 2 Bhainsat 90 24 66 8 8 Kharki 15 8 7 Bhagtaut 37 5 32 4 4 Lwesar 28 12 16 Barura 68 26 42 Matoli 43 18 25 I Jumarlakh 245 88 157 16 II 5, Nainoli 54 23 31 SiiODi 112 54 58 Badyura 17 7 10 Podhara Dhargari 162 15 147 19 18 Syunura 75 28 47 2 5 4 1 Jwal 299 128 171 18 15 3 Rithayat 112 45 67 2 2 Kheti Gaon 123 45 78 7 5 2 Nakote ------Un-inhabited------Salabhuti 61 23 38 5 3 2 Naikhuna 21 7 14 4 4 9 8 Kandara 70 24 46 3 3 Agar 122 50 72 1 1 Hana 148 64 84 12 10 2 Tunda Chauri. 29 12 17 Bore Khatve 8 3 5 Jakhani 61 21 40 3 3 Man Khola 43 16 27 2 4 4 Dube Kanyuri III 62 49 3 2 6 5 Busail 51 25 26 7 6 Chaura 72' 36 36 10 10 Golthi '\ '\ Godi Gar 34 8 26 II II I, Banari 3 3 Sukana 62 27 35 Dharmoli 3 3 Ratgariya 12 5 7 Tunkholi 32 13 19 Paintoli I 1 Dhanghat Sirari 143 47 96 9 9 19 16 3 Saltola 429 155 274 5 5 25 20 5 Chakhbora 107 35 72 I - 8 5 3 Chauna 6 5 Dotari I Dadholi 2 2 Chapar 1 1 Pulai 30 5 25 6 5 GobarGara


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateS0!I Location code MarBinal workers Cultivators ABriculturallabourers number Name ofVillaBe Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00983300 Phalraw 20 2 18 20 2 18 00983400 AnoH 00983500 Gwasi Kot 2 2 2 2 00983600 Sarto1a 109 43 66 109 43 66 00983700 Kalve Farsola 22 7 15 2~ 7 15 00983800 Pilkhi 00983900 Bhainsat 00984000 Kharki 00984100 Bhagtaut 00984200 Lwesar 14 13 4 3 00984300_ Barura 00984400 Matoli 00984500 Jumarlakh 00984600 Nainoli 56 33 23 55 32 23 00984700 Siloni 00984800 Badyura 00984900 Podhara Dhargari 00985000 Syunura 75 67 8 22 14 8 00985100 Jwal 00985200 Rithayat 00985300 Kheti Gaon 00985400 Nakote 5 4 4 4 00985500 Salabhuti ------Un-inhabited------00985600 Naikhuna 00985700 Kandara 00985800 Agar 00985900 Itana 00986000 Tunda Chauri 00986100 Bore Khatve 00986200 jakhani 00986300 Man Khola 00986400 Dube Kanyuri 00986500 Busail 75 2 73 74 2 72 00986600 Chaura 17 8 9 13 4 9 00986700 Golthi 6 4 2 2 2 00986900 Godi Gar 23 12 II 23 12 11 00987000 Banari 00987100 Sukana \0\ 4\ 60 98 40 58 2 00987200 Dharmoli 00987300 Ratgariya 13 4 9 13 4 9 00987400 Tunkholi 00987500 Paintoli 00987600 Dhanghat 87 30 57 86 30 56 00987700 Sirari 59 24 35 S9 24 35 00987S00 Saltola 4 4 4 4 00988000 Chakhbora 50 22 28 50 22 28 00988100 Chauna 19 8 11 17 6 Ii ,- 00988200 Dotari 62 21 41 62 21 41 00988300 Dadholi 75 27 48 75 27 48 00988400 Chapar 96 34 62 92 34 58 4 4 00988500 Pulai 43 8 35 42 8 34 00988600 Gobar Gara 48 18 30 48 18 30


CENSUS ABSTRACT Gangolihat of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

26 13 13 Phalraw 00983300 131 73 , 58 Anoli 00983400 447 262 185 Gwasi Kot 00983500 116 58 58 Sartola 00983600 26 16 10 Kalve Farsola 00983700 238 127 111 Pilkhi 00983800 34 20 14 Bhainsat 00983900 161 81 80 Kharki 00984000 10 5 5 Bhagtaut 00984100 10 10 50 26 24 Lwesar 00984200 48 33 15 BaTUra 00984300 87 39 48 Matoli 00984400 64 30 34 Jumarlakh 00984500 362 184 178 Nainoli 00984600 60 37 23 Silon'i 00984700 110 57 53 Badyura 00984800 26 ,11 15 Podhara Dhargari 00984900 53 53 291 '149 142 Syunura 00985000 134 64 70 Jwal 00985100 439 238 20 I Rithayat 00985200 132 67 65 Kheti Gaon 00985300 233 123 110 Nakote 00985400 ------~-Un-inhabited------Salabhuti 00985500 1 I 112 59 53 Naikhul]a 00985600 54 29 25 Kandara 00985700 87 44 43 Agar 00985800 122 66 56 !tana 00985900 190 98 92 Tunda Chauri 00986000 33 18 15 Bore Khatve 00986100 4 I 3 Jakhani 00986200 70 36 34 Man Khola 00986300 62 32 30 Dube Kanyuri 00986400 266 130 136 Busail 00986500 4 4 181 85 96 Chaura 00986600 4 4 285 121 164 Golthi 00986700 29 12 17 Godi Gar 00986900 55 25 30 f3tlnari 00987000 119 59 60 Sukana 00987100 51 28 23 Dharmoli 00987200 8 3 5 Ratgariya 00987300 16 7 9 Tunkholi 00987400 24 14 10 Paintoli 00987500 85 42 43 Dhanghat 00987600 29 21 8 Sirari 00987700 247 139 108 Saltola 00987800 604 326' 278 Chakhbora 00988000 2 2 109 46 63 Chauna 00988100 23 12 11 Dotari 00988200 37 18 19 Dadholi 00988300 92 48 44 Chapar 00988400 57 27 30 Pulai 00988500 112 53 59 Gobar Gara 00988600


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of___,, __--t.p0:::lp;.;;u.::la::,:tio;;.:n:.t..)--,.. ___ age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00988700 Kunve 7.17 --····-·-·---Un·inhabited-·····-·-·-·-- 00988800 Gwa\ \45.00 63 , 314 \43' \8\ 67 36 31 00988900 Biroli 119.00 8& 394 182 212 69 36 33 00989000 Kote Kandara 80.91 30 137 53 84 26 9 17 00989100 Bujyar Bora 116.00 4& 174 72 102 36 13 23 00989200 Khitoli 33.00 38 146 . 63 83 28 13 15 00989300 Dyotung 28.00 15 55 25 30 7 3 4 00989400 Kimta 92.00 38 179 87 92 41 24 17 00989500 Surkhal 250.00 43 227 103 124 50 22 28 00989600 Nag 47.00 46 237 129 108 38 21 17 00989700 Janoli \78.00 74 317 140 177 48 19 29 00989800 Gartir. 36.00 31 108 48 60 8 8 00989900 Bhunar 43.00 11 51 27 24 4 4 00990000 Dobal Khet 43.52 21 81 38 43 13 7 6 00990100 Kamad 37.00 18 87 40 47 6 4 2 00990200 Hitari 10.00 6 33 13 20 6 2 4 00990300 Basai Talli 50.00 24 109 49 60 19 8 11 00990400 Futsil 203.00 135 627 285 342 101 43 58 00990500 Sunauli 57.15 14 76 39 37 14 6 8 00990600 Piplet 12.00 13 59 20 39 5 2 3 00990700 Kharik 31.04 4 21 10 11 2 1 00990800 Jantoo 85.03 29 176 82 94 32 16 16 00990900 Uprara 258.24 170 803 412 391 105 63 42 00991000 Jogyura 39.00 10 37' 18 19 5 3 2 00991100 Basai Malli 25.00 20 102 , 48 54 14 5 9 00991200 Ghatsuri 7.00 12 49 .21 28 12 5 7 00991300 Siroli 31.00 39 217 101 116 56 23 33 00991400 Kaseri 46.00 25 125 156 69 24 11 13 00991500 Rakar 46.00 9 47 23 24 8 4 4 0099 I 600 Kaptar 85.00 ····-·-··-···Un·inhabited·-·--·-···-··- 0099 I 700 Hanera Lagga Rol 203.00 21 121 60 61 34 i9 15 00991800 Badhar 69.00 22 117 50 67 15 2 13 00991990 Gopil 92.00 14 84 43 41 15 II 4 00992000 Hat Lagga Pantkhet 34.00 ···----····-·Un.inhabited···----·-·--·- 00992100 Sutar Gaon 84.00 13 68 31 37 13 7 6 00992200 Balatari 112.00 36 175 80 95 23 9 14 00992300 Bhandari Gaon 9.00 . 14 74 33 41 16 8 8 00992400 Kaflari . 14.00 16 78 39 39 18 8 10 00992500 Takauti 28.00 4 15 10 S 00992600 Gothani 9.84 2 12 6 6 3 2 00992100 Suzi Bisodi 85.00 -.'-'-.• -.-•• Un· inhabi ted···-·-·······­ 00992800 Tunar Bagar 6.00 ··--·-··-····Un·inhabited·---·· •• -·-.-. 00992900 Lali 49.00 36 197 85 112 35 16 19 00993000 Khiitera 26.00 20 79 32 47 14 4 10 00993100 Lwechata Bhangra Khet 59.00 8 44 19 25 9 4 5 00993200 Lwechatta Son 94.00 16 73 34 39 14 11 3

00993300 Markhanuei 27.00 32 137 62 75 27 I 10 17 00993400 Hat 230.00 693 2,875 1,577 1,298 418 242 176 00993500 Madhye Purana Dak Bangia 0.35 -.-"-.'.--.-Un· inhabi ted··--·-·-·--·-· 00993600 Mancote lOA I ···-·-····-·-Un·inltabited··--·-·-··-·-· 00993700 Rawal Gaon Ghunth 72.00 58 287 133 154 40 18 22 00993800 Tunar Suzi Bisodi 28.85 6 30 16 14 6 4 2



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 --•• -•••. -•• -Un· inhabi ted·-··-···-_ ••.. Kunve 173 93 80 Gwal 83 34 49 201 116 85 Biroli 61 37 24 Kote Kandara 78 47 31 BujyarBora 53 32 21 Khitoli 19 10 9 ! 39 19 20 Dyotung 167 80 87 94 53 41 Kimta 98 48 50 148 75 73 Surkhal 182 100 82 124 77 47 Nag 35 18 17 194 108 86 Janoli 85 39 46 Gartir 41 23 18 Bhunar 52 29 23 Dobal Khet 63 36 27 Kamad 3 2 25 II 14 Hitari 59 34 25 Basai Talli 157 82 75 433 231 202 Futsil 59 30 29 45 31 14 Sunauli 24 9 15 41 17 24 Piplet 17 9 8 Kharik 123 60 63 95 58 37 Jantoo 243 129 114 585 319 266 Uprara 26 14 12 Jpgyura 51 26 25 72 38 34 Basai Malli 28 10 18 27 15 12 Ghatsuri 217 101 116 95 59 36 SiroH 74 40 34 Kaseri 29 18 II Rakar .-•••• ----•• ·Un-inhabited--·------.---. Kaptar 64 33 31 36 23 13 Hanera Lagga Rol 73 46 27 Badhar 44 28 16 Gopil .-•••• ---.---U,n·inhabited-····--•• ----. Hat Lagga Pantkhet .: 47 24 23 Sutar Gaon 18 10 8 114 68 ... 46 Balatari 74 33 41 28 16 \12 Bhandari Gaon 78 39 39 28 20 8 Kaflari 12 10 2 Takauti 12 6 6 4 2 2, Gothani ·_.··· ____ •__ Un_inhabited ______Suzi Bisodi --·------Un-inhabited------Tunar Bagar 129 65 64 Lali 17 5 12 42 25 17 Khatera '13 10 3 Lwechata Bhangra Khet 38 21 17 Lwechatta Son 75 51 24 Markhanuei 885 472 413 4 2 2 2,151 1,246 905 Hat ------Un-inhabited------.----- Madhye Purana Oak BangIa -.-----·-.···Un-inhabited---·------"--- Mancote 210 109 101 Rawal Gaon Ghunth 15 10 5 Tunar Suzi Bisodi



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofViUage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

00988700 Kunve ----··-······Un·inhabited·-···-··---·-- 00988800 Gwa1 15\ 50 101 179 69 \ 10 17 17 00988900 Biroli 193 66 127 225 91 134 22 22 00989000 Kote Kandara 76 16 60 73 24 49 68 22 46 00989100 Bujyar Bora 96 25 71 101 38 63 3 2 00989200 Khitoli 93 31 62 98 39 59 7 7 00989300 Dyotung 16 6 10 27 13 14 5 5 00989400 Kimta 85 34 51 81 34 47 4 4 00989500 Surkhal 79 28 51 88 37 51 4 4 00989600 Nag 113 52 61 92 46 46 17 16 00989700 Janoli 123 32 91 146 57 89 141 52 89 00989800 Gartir 23 9 14 61 19 42 6 6 00989900 Bhunar .10 4 6 23 12 11 7 6 00990000 Doba1 Khet 29 9 20 38 16 22 14 9 5 00990 I 00 Kamad 24 4 20 44 17 27 6 6 00990200 Hitari 8 2 6 14 6 8 2 2 00990300 Basai Talli 50 15 35 42 17 25 11 10 1 00990400 Futsil 194 54 140 345 151 194 200 81 119 00990500 Sunauli 31 8 23 23 16 7 II II 00990600 Pip1et 18 3 15 16 5 11 4 4 00990700 Kharik 4 1 3 11 5 6 5 5 00990800 1antoo 81 24 57 70 33 37 11 10 00990900 Uprara 218 93 125 249 170 79 123 112 11 00991000 10gyura II 4 7 18 10 8 17 10 7 00991100 Basai Malli 30 10 20 42 20 22 21 16 5 00991200 Ghatsuri 22 6 16 20 6 14 5 4 1 00991300 Siroli 122 42 80 81 37 44 7 6 00991400 Kaseri 51 16 35 41 13 28 6 5 00991500 Rakar 18 5 13 17 6 11 17 6 11 00991600 Kaptar ········-····Un·inhabited·--·-·------00991700 Hanera Lagga Ro1 85 37 48 62 29 33 35 17 18 00991800 Badhar 44 4 40 45 18 27 44 18 26 00991990 Gopil 40 15 25 44 18 26 33 12 21 00992000 Hat Lagga Pantkhet ····---·----·Un-inhabited-----·------00992100 Sutar Gaon 21 7 14 32 12 20 30 II 19 00992200 Balatari 61 12 49 68 28 40 10 9 1 00992300 Bhandari Gaon 46 17 29 36 19 17 36 19 17 00992400 Kaflari 50 19 31 40 19 21 40 19 21 00992500 Takauti 3 3 10 5 5 5 3 2 00992600 Gothani 8 4 442 2 4 2 2 00992700 Suzi Bisodi ..-:------. Un· inhabi ted-----·_------­ 00992800 Tunar Sagar -·-···--·--·Un·inhabited------·------00992900 La!i 68 20 48 86 32 54 68 26 42 00993000 Khatera 37 7 30 38 15 23 32 12 20 00993100 Lwechata Bhangra Khet 31 9 22 25 10 15 25 10 15 00993200 Lwechatta Son 35 13 22 33 12 21 33 12 21 00993300 Markhanuei 62 11 51 54 23 31 ?4 23 31 00993400 Hat 724 331 393 1,090 731 359 532 458 74 00993500 Madhye Purana Dak Bangia -··------·Un-inhabited----·------00993600 Mancote ------·-·Un-inhabited------00993700 Rawal Gaon Ghunth 77 24 53 117 S4 63 I1S 53 62 00993800 Tunar Suzi Bisodi 15 6 9 15 7 . 8 2 2


CENSUS ABSTRACT Gangolihat Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers ' wotkers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 ------Un-inhabited------Kunve 17 17 Gwal 7 7 15 15 Biroli 58 16 42 10 6 4 Kote Kandara 2 1 1 I I Bujyar Bora 7 7 Khitoli 3 3 Dyotung 4 4 Kimta 4 4 Surkhal I I 8 8 8 7 Nag 120 32 88 21 20 Janoli 2 2 4 4 Gartir 3 2 4 4 Bhunar 14 9 5 Dobal Khet 1 1 3 3 2 2 Kamad 2 2 Hitari II 10 Basai Talli 97 23 74 6, 5 97 53 44 Futsil 1 1 10 10 Sunauli 4 4 Piplet 2 2 3 3 Kharik 2 2 8 7 Jantoo 6 6 13 12 104 94 10 Uprara 5 5 1 I 11 9 2 Jpgyura 1 4 4 16 11 5 Basai Malli 4 3 Ghatsuri 7 6 Sir91i 6 5 Kaseri 16 5 11 Rakar ------Un-inhabited------Kaptar 23 5 18 1 1 11. 11 Hanera Lagga Rol 33 7 26 If 11 Badhar 27 6 21 6 6 GopiJ ------Un-inhabited-----"------Hat Lagga Pantkhet 28 9 19 2 2 Sutar Gaon 10 9 -, I Balatari 17 J7 18 18 \- Bhandari Gaon 22 2 20 2 2 16 15 Kaflari 1 1 4 3 Takauti 3 2 Gothani ------Un-inhabited------­ Suzi Bisodi "----"------Un-inhabited------Tunar Bagar 48 6 42 20 20 Lali 24 4 20 3 3 5 5 - I Khatera 2.5 10 15 Lwechata Bhangra Khet 33 12 2.1 Lwechatta Son 52 22 30 2 1 Markhanuei 10 3 7 2 520 454 66 Hat ,------Un- irthab ited'------Madhye Purana Dak BangIa ------Un-irthabited------Mancote 86 25 61 29 28 Rawal Gaon Ghunth 2 2 Tunar Suzi Bisodi


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

00988700 Kunve ------Un-inhabited------00988800 Gwal 162 52 110 160 5 I 109 2 00988900 Biroli 203 69 , 134 198 66 132 00989000 Kote Kandara 5 2 3 3 2 00989100 Bujyar Bora 98 36 62 95 33 62 00989200 Khitoli 91 32 59 91 32 59 00989300 Dyotung 22 8 14 22 8 14 00989400 Kimta 77 30 47 58 13 45 4 4 00989500 Surkhal 84 33 51 58 8 50 6 6 00989600 Nag 75 30 45 52 7 45 4 4 00989700 Janoli 5 5 5 5 00989800 Gartir 55 13 42 55 13 42 00989900 Bhunar 16 6 10 16 6 10 00990000 Dobal Khet 24 7 17 24 7 17 00990 I 00 Kamad 38 11 27 38 11 27 00990200 Hitari 12 4 8 12 4 8 00990300 Basai TaIli 31 7 24 30 6 24 00990400 Futsil 145 70 75 4 3 00990500 Sunauli 12 5 7 7 7 00990600 Pip let 12 11 11 11 00990700 Kharik 6 6 6 6 00990800 Jantoo 59 23 36 40 5 35 00990900 Uprara 126 58 68 117 49 68 00991000 Jogyura I 1 00991100 Basai Malti 21 4 17 16 16 00991200 Ghatsuri 15 2 13 15 2 13 00991300 Siroli 74 31 43 60 18 42 00991400 Kaseri 35 8 27 35 8 27 00991500 Rakar 00991600 Kaptar ------Un-inhabited------00991700 Hanera Lagga Rol 27 12 IS 16 6 10 00991800 Badhar 1 1 I 1 00991900 Gopil II 6 5 11 6 5 00992000 Hat Lagga Pantkhet ------"------Un-inhabited------00992100 Sutar Gaon 2 I I I 00992200 Balatari 58 19 39 53 14 39 00992300 Bhandari Gaon 00992400 Katlari 00992500 Takauti 5 2 3 00992600 Gothani 00992700 Suzi Bisodi ------Un-inhabited------00992800 Tunar Bagar ------Un-inhabited------00992900 LaB 18 6 12 16 4 12 00993000 Khatera 6 3 3 6 3 3 00993100 Lwechata Bhangra Khet 00993200 Lwechatta Son 00993300 Markhanuei 00993400 Hat 558 273 285 273 5 268 ,I 00993500 Madhye Purana Oak BangIa ------Un -inhab ited------00993600 Mancote ------Un-inhabited------00993700 Rawal Gaon Ghunth 2 I I 00993800 Tunar Suzi Bisodi 13 5 8 13 5 8


CENSUS ABSTRACT Gangolihat ofmar&inal workers . Location Household in dust!! workers Other workers Non-workers . code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillaille number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I ------Un-inhabited------Kunve 00988700 145 74 71 Gwal 00988800 3 2 169 91 78 Biroli 00988900 2 64 29 35 Kote Kandara 00989000 2 2 73 34 39 BujyarBora 00989100 48 24 24 Khitoli 00989200 / 28 12 16 Dyotung 00989300 15 13 2 98 53 45 Kimta 00989400 19 19 139 66 73 Surkhal 00989500 18 18 145 83 62 Nag 00989600 171 83 88 Janoli 00989700 47 29 18 Gartir 00989&00 28 15 13 Bhunar 00989900 43 22 21 Doba1 Khet 00990000 43 23 20 Kamad 00990100 19 7 12 Hitari 00990200 67 32 3S Basai Talli 00990300 141 69 72 282 134 148 Futsil 00990400 S 5 53 ·,23 30 Sunauli 00990500 43 IS 28 Piplet 00990600 10 5 5 Kharik 00990700 18 18 106 49 57 Jantoo 00990800 8 8 554 242 312 Uprara 00990900 19 8 11 Jogyura 00991000 3 3 60 28 32 Basai Malli 00991100 29 15 14 Ghatsuri 00991200 14 13 136 64 72 Siroli 00991300 84 43 41 Kaseri 00991400 30 17 13 Rakar 00991500 ------Un-.inhabited------Kaptar 00991600 10 5 5 59 31 28 Hanera Lagga Rol 00991700 72 32 40 Badhar 00991800 40 25 15 Gopil 00991900 ------Un-inhabited------Hat Lagga Pantkhet 00992000 I I 36 19 17 Sutar Gaon 00992100 5 5 107 52 55 Balatari 00992200 38 14 24 Bhandari Gaon 00992300 38 20 18 Kafl~ri 00992400 5 2 3 5 5 Takauti 00992500 8 4 4 Gothani 00992600 ------Un-inhabited------Suzi Bisodi 00992700 ------"-Un-inhabi ted ------Tunar Bagar 00992800 2 2 III 53 58 Lali 00992900 41 17 24 Khatera 00993000 19 9 10 Lwech~ta Bhangra Khet 00993100 40 22 18 Lwechatta Son 00993200 83 39 44 Markhanuei 00993300

I 283 267 16 1,785 846 939 Hat 00993400 ------·---"Un-inhabited------··-­ Madhye Purana Dak Bangia 00993500 ··---;--·----Un-inhabited~----·------· Mancote 00993600 2 I 1 170 79 91 Rawa1 Gaon Ghunth 00993700 15 9 6 Tunar Suzi Bisodi 00993800


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --:::P-er-so-n-s -="i-M~a~le;';'s~-;;F-em-a-;-le-s- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

00993900 Chitgal 257.00 169 851 429 422 142 79 63 00994000 Jiwal 228.00 96 436 202 234 55 25 30 00994100 Malia Garkhe 205.00 180 843 390 453 136 60 76 00994200 Birgoli 106.00 76 343 147 196 46 31 15 00994300 Nargwari 56.00 14 59 24 35 8 3 5 00994400 Bahalkote 82.00 15 68 22 46 12 6 6 00994500 Garali 268.00 26 149 78 71 17 8 9 .00994600 Lwairat Joshi 48.00 27 110 54 56 17 10 7 00994700 Saun Gaon 16.22 6 34 20 14 10 7 3 00994800 Choli 35.00 35 134 62 72 18 IO 8 00994900 Chahali 23.69 7 39 16 23 10 3 7 00995000 Agron 262.00 79 388 225 163 55 30 25 00995100 Kani Khet' 15.02 2 11 4 7 5 2 3 00995200 Aam Tana 13.00 I 9 5 4 I 1 00995300 Hardiya 10.00 8 41 22 19 5 3 2 00995400 Gula GaOl! 72.00 15 72 41 31 12 8 4 00995500 Sali Khet Sarhu 4.00 ------Un-inhabited------00995600 Jamar Kote 5.00 27 147 72 75 21 12 9 00995700 Simtola 5.00 5 3 2 00995800 Pali 86.00 142 730 348 382 119 57 62 00995900 Pokhari 188.00 109 461 237 224 67 35 32 00996000 Son Ki Hat 13.00 23 126 62 64 17 12 5 00996100 Haliya Maliya 3.00 ------Un-inhabited------00996200 Singari 6.00 10 66 ,36 30 IO 7 3 00996300 Wayal 63.28 8 42 21 21 10 5 5 00996400 Khulet 39.00 54 276 115 161 59 25 34 00996600 Byal Katiya 31.00 48 198 92 106 28 14 14 00996700 Kotali Lagga Birgoli 35.00 ------Un-inhabited------00996800 Dhajari 147.00 ------Un-inhabited------00996900 Ghat Patthar 14.00 ------Un-inhabited------·00997000 Naithniya 4.15 ------Un-inhabited------00997100 lyoturi 39.14 8 37 18 19 13 10 3 00997200 Suwal 36.46 26 118 50 68 19 11 8 00997300 Sakar 44.49 17 80 34 46 II 4 7 00997400 Sauli 35.00 14 61 26 35 7 2 5 00997500 Anwala Talla Malia Sugar 72.00 36 164 80 84 43 28 15 00997600 Chaniya Gaon 20.00 2 II 4 7 2 00997700 Hatwal Bomel 17.00 ------Un -inhab ited------00997800 Boyel 111.22 95 460 204 256 75 41 34 00997900 Baligaon 34.00 38 226 108 118 58 26 32 00998000 Chaudhari 29.00 5 24 13 11 6 5 1 00998100 Hanera 49.00 149 719 357 362 116 66 50 . 00998200 Nau'!huga 10.00 23 121 55 66 17 6 11 00998300 -Ran Kote Upreti 60.09 86 436 221 215 76 45 31 00998400 Punauli 69.00 94 467 240 227 85 50 35 00998500 Chaudiyar 87.00 63 293 145 148 27 14 13 00998600 Koon Upreti 91.00 127 583 290 293 73 I 44 29 00998700 Jarh Kutera 64.00 19 101 42 59 18 7 11 00998800 Beluri ·17.17 12 52 20 32 13 2 11 00998900 Suraj J7.48. II 42 18 24 6 6 00999000 Simal Kote 62.76 56 275 129 146 51 21 30 00999100 Kuthera 270.80 157 801 384 417 136 79 57



Scheduled Castes eOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates , Persons Males Females Persons Males F~males Persons Males Females Name ofViIlafrze II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 568 283 285 439 258 181 Chitgal 45 20 25 269 161 108 Jiwal 248 (18 130 535 298 237 MaJlaGarkhe 231 112 119 Birgoli 38 19 19 Nargwari 37 14 23 Bahalkote ( 103 62 41 Garali 91 40 51 69 39 30 LWllirat Joshi 19 12 7 12 8 4 Saun Gaon 7 4 3 93 52 41 Choli 39 16 23 13 9 4 Chahali 213 117 96 233 135 98 Agron S 2 3 Kani Khet 9 5 4 5 3 2 AamTana 41 22 19 21 13 8 Hardiya 72 41 31 27 17 10 Gula Gaon ------Un-inhabited------c----- Sali Khet Sarhu 35 16 19 65 46 19 JamarKote 5 3 2 2 2 Simtola 388 188 200 371 219 152 Pali 202 119 83 - 311 177 134 Pokhari ,- - 96 49 47 Son Ki Hat ------Un-inhabited------HaJiyaMaliya 66 36 30 29 20 9 S.ingari 24 15 9 Wayal 148 66 82 145 78 67 Khulet I 1 119 73 46 Byal Katiya ------Un-inhabited------Kotali Lagga Birgoli ------~Un-inhabited------Dhajari ------Un-inhabited------Ghat patthar ------Un-inhabited-"------Naithniya 15 8 7 Jyoturi 69 36 33 Suwal 50 26 24 Sakar 44 22 22 Sauli 19 Anwala Talla Malia Sugar 30 15 15 61 42 \ 7 3 \ 4 Chaniya Gaon ------Un-inhabited------Hatwal Bomel 50 25 25 268 146 122 Boyel 222 107 115 89 63 26 Baligaon II 8 3 Chaudhari 134 68 66 456 272 184 Hanera 91 47 44 Naudhuga 436 221 215 224 141 83 Ran Kote Upreti 459 235 224 284 172 112' Punauli 6 4 2 225 129 96 Chaudiyar 8 5 3 436 235 201 Koon Upreti 56 34 22 Jarh Kutera 33 18 15 Beluri 30 18 12 Suraj 100 43 57, lSI 87 64 Simal Kote 434 211 223 534 288 246 Kuthera



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVillafje Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00993900 Chitgal 412 171 241 359 193 166 116 79 37 00994000 Jiwal 167 41 126 202 68 134 100 44 56 00994100 Malia Garkhe 308 92 216 292 120 172 182 79 103 00994200 Birgoli 112 35 77 162 63 99 9 6 3 00994300 Nargwari 21 5 16 24 9 15 1 1 00994400 Bahalkote 31 8 23 36 11 25 00994500 Garali 46 16 30 76 43 33 1 00994600 Lwairat Joshi 41 15 26 45 26 19 11 11 00994700 Saun Gaon 22 12 10 15 6 9 1 1 00994800 Choli 41 10 31 53 19 34 14 12 2 00994900 Chahali 26 7 19 6 6 6 6 00995000 Agron 155 90 65 206 131 75 70 67 3 00995100 Kani Khet 6 2 4 3 1 2 3 1 2 00995200 Aam Tana 4 2 2 3 1 2 3 2\ 00995300 Hardiya 20 9 11 18 9 9 12 5 7 00995400 Gula Gaon 45 24 21 30 17 13 16 7 9 00995500 Sali Khet Sarhu ------Un-inhabited------00995600 Jamar Kate 82 26 56 78 38 40 71 34 37 00995700 Simtola 3 2 2 1 00995800 Pali 359 129 230 374 178 196 74 71 3 00995900 Pokhari 150 60 90 123 70 53 107 56 51 00996000 Son Ki Hat 30 13 17 26 25 26 25 1 00996100 Haliya MaJiya ------Un-inhabited------00996200 Singari 37 16 21 8 7 1 8 7 00996300 Wayal 18 6 12 -6 5 1 6 5 1 00996400 Khulet 131 37 94 130 43 87 23 12 11 I 00996600 Bya1 Katiya 79 19 60 88 30 58 3 3 00996700 Kotali Lagga Birgoli ------\-Un-inhabited------00996800 Dhajari ------·-----Un-inhabited------·····-· 00996900 Ghat Patthar ---··------Un-inhabited------00997000 Naithniya ------Un-inhabited------00997100 Jyoturi 22 10 12 19 6 13 18 5 13 009~7200 Suwal 49 14 35 50 20 30 12 12 00997300 Sakar 30 8 22 32 13 19 9 9 00997400 Sauli 17 4 13 36 17 19 2 2 00997500 Anwa1a Talla Malia Sugar 103 38 65 67 33 34 19 19 00997600 Chaniya Gaon 4 1 3 6 2 4 00997700 Hatwa1 Bomel -·------Un-inhabited------00997800 Boyel 192 58 134 246 104 142 200 91 109 00997900 Ba1igaon 137 45 92 III 48 63 110 47 63 00998000 Chaudhari 13 5 8 10 6 4 10 6 4 00998100 Hanera 263 85 178 321 132 189 284 108 176 00998200 Naudhuga 30 8 22 44 23 21 44 23 21 00998300 RaIt Kate Upreti 212 80 132 241 107 134 55 47 8 00998400 Punauli 183 68 115 178 93 85 81 78 3 00998500 Chaudiyar 68 16 52 127 65 62 117 59 58 00998600 Koon Upreti 147 55 92 211 98 113 134 90 44 00998700 Jarh Kutera 45 8 37 44 16 28 8 8 00998800 Beluri 19 2 17 25 10 15 24 9 15 00998900 Suraj 12 12 16 6 10 16 6 10 00999000 Simal Kate 124 42 82 117 51 66 40 39 1· 00999100 Kuthera 267 96 171 319 127 192 141 112 29


CENSUS ABSTRACT Gangolihat Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

41 9 32 2 2 72 67 5 Chitgal 73 19 54 27 25 2 Jiwal 133 39 94 4 4 44 35 9 Malia Garkhe 3 I 2 6 5 I Birgoli Nargwari -/ Bahalkote - Garali 11 11 Lwairat Joshi I 1 Saun Gaon 3 2 10 10 Choli 6 6 Chahali 70 67 3 Agron 3 2 Kani Khet 3 2 Aam Tana 12 5 7 '-' Hardiya 16 7 9 GulaGaon ---~------Un-inhabited------Sali Khet Sarhu 70 33 37 Jamar Kote Simtola 43 41 2 2 2 4 4 25 24 Pali 76 30 46 30 25 5 Pokhari 12 12 14 13 Son Ki Hat ------Un-inhabited------Haliya Maliya 6 5 2 2 - . Singari 6 5 ,i Wayal 10 2 8 12 9 3 Khulet 3 3 Byal Katiya ------Un-inhabited------Kotali Lagga Birgoli ------"---Un-inhabited------Dhajari ------"----Un-inhabited------Ghat Patthar ------Un-inhabited------Naithniya 17 4 13 Jyoturi II 11 Suwal 8 8 Sakar 2 2 Sauli 17 17 2 2, Anwala Talla Malia Sugar 1 \ - Chaniya Gaon ------Un-inhabited------Hatwal Bomel 190 83 107 1 1 2 2 7 5 2 Boyel 90 27 63 20 20 Baligaon 9 5 4 ChauC:hari 221 51 170 10 10 53 47 6 Hanera 31 12 19 13 II 2 Naudhuga 31 25 6 23 21 I 2 Ran Kote Upreti I I 80 77 3 Punauli 66 II 55 51 48 3 Chaudiyar 36 36 98 90 8 .Koon Upreti 7 7 Jarh Kutera 20 5 15 4 4 Beluri 14 4 10 2 2 Suraj 8 8 8 8 24 23 Simal Kote 57 35 22 10 10 74 67 7 Kuthera


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial catego!), Location code Mar8inal workers Cultivators A8ricuhurallabourers number Name ofVilla8e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00993900 Chitgal 243 114 129 155 27 128 00994000 Jiwal 102 24 78 102 24 78 00994100 Malia Garkhe 110 41 69 66 II 55 26 13 13 00994200 Birgoli 153 57 96 152 56 96 00994300 Nargwari 23 8 15 23 8 15 00994400 Bahalkote 36 II 25 36 II 25 00994500 Garali 75 42 33 55 22 33 00994600 Lwairat Joshi 34 15 19 24 6 18 00994700 Saun Gaon 14 5 9 9 9 00994800 Choli 39 7 32 37 5 32 00994900 Chahali 00995000 Agron 136 64 72 114 42 72 00995100 Kani Khet 00995200 Aam Tana - \ 00995300 Hardiya 6 4 2 3 2 00995400 Gula Gaon 14 10 4 7 3 4 00995500 Sali Khet Sarhu ------Un-inhabited------00995600 Jamar K{)te '1 4 3 6 3 3 00995700 Simtola 2 I I 1 I 00995800 Pali 300 107 193 283 93 190 2 2 00995900 Pokhari 16 14 2 2 1 00996000 Son Ki Hat 00996100 Haliya Maliya ------U n- inhab ited ------00996200 Singari 00996300 Wayal 00996400 Khulet 107 31 76 94 18 76 00996600 Byal Katiya 85 27 58 ' 85 27 58 00996700 Kotali Lagga Birgoli ------Un-inhabited------00996800 Dhajari ------Un-inhabited------00996900 Ghat Patthar . ------Un-inhabited------00997000 Naithniya ------····.·Un·inhabited···-·········· 00997100 Jyoturi 1 1 I 00997200 Suwal 38 8 30 38 8 30 00997300 Sakar 23 4 19 23 4 19 00997400 Sauli 34 15 19 34 15 19 00997500 Anwala Talla Malia Sugar 48 14 34 48 14 34 00997600 Chaniya Gaon 5 4 5 4 00997700 Hatwal Bomel --.------Un - inhabi ted ----.-----••• - 00997800 Boyel 46 13 33 45 12 33 00997900 Baligaon 00998000 Chaudhari 00998100 Hanera 37 24 13 25 19 6 00998200 Naudhuga 00998300 • ~an Kote Upreti 186 60 126 163 37 126 00998400 Punauli 97 15 82 87 5 82 00998500 Chaudiyar 10 6 4 10 6 4 00998600 Koon Upreti 77 8 69 51 51 00998700 Jarh Kutera 36 8 28 36 8 28 00998800 Beluri 00998900 Suraj 00999000 Simal Kote 77 12 65 74 9 65 00999100 Kuthera 178 15 163 158 3 155


CENSUS ABSTRACf Gangolihat ofmarl!linal workers Location Household indus!!}: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 87 86 492 236 256 Chitgal 00993900 234 134 100 Jiwal 00994000 2 2 16 15 551 270 281 Malia Garkhe 00994100 181 84 97 BirgoH 00994200 35 15 20 Nargwari 00994300 32 11 21 Bahalkote 00994400 / 20 20 73 35 38 Garali 00994500 4 4 6 5 65 28 37 Lwairat Joshi 00994600 5 5 19 14 5 Saun Gaon 00994700 1 I 81 43 38 Choli 00994800 33 10 23 Chahali 00994900 11 22 \81 94 &8 Agron 00995000 8 3 5 Kani Khet 00995100 6 4 2 AamTana 00995200 3 3 23 13 10 Hardiya 00995300 7 7 42 24 18 GulaGaon 00995400 ------····-··Un-inhabited·--.··--······ Sali Khet Sarhu 00995500 1 I 69 34 35 Jamar Kote 00995600 3 1 Simtola 00995700 15 14 356 170 186 Pali 00995800 14 13 338 167 171 Pokhari 00995900 100 37 63 Son Ki Hat 00996000 ---.---.,-.--Un-inhabited ••• --•• -•••• -- Haliya Maliya 00996100 58 19 29 Singari . 00996200 36 16 20 Wayal 00996300 13 13 146 72 74 Khulet 00996400 110 62 48 Byal Katiya 00996600 ·············Un·inhabited·············- Kotali Lagga Birgoli 00996700 ·-····-···--·Un-inhabited-··-·---·--··· Dhajari 00996800 ·········---·Un-inhabited···-·····-···- Ghat Patthar 00996900 ·········-·-·Un-inhabited-··-·-···--··- Naithniya 00997000 18 12 6 Jyoturi 00997100 68 30 38 Suwal 00997200 48 21 27 Sakar 00997300 25 9 16 Sauli 00997400 97 47 SO '~nwala Talla Malia Sugar 00997500 5 2 3 Cl\aniya Gaon 00997600 ··-·-··--·.,..·Un-inhabited·········-···· Hatwal Bomel 00997700 214 100 114 Boyel 00997800 115 60 55 Baligaon 00997900 14 7 7 Chaudhari 00998000 II 4 7 398 225 173 Hanera 00998100 77 32 45 Naudhuga 00998200 23 23 195 114 81 Ran Kote Upreli 00998300 10 10 289 147 142 Punauli 00998400 166 80 86 Chaudiyar 00998500 26 8 18 372 192 180 Koon Upreli 00998600 57 26 31 Jarh Kutera 00998700 27 10 \7 Beluri 00998800 26 12 14 Suraj 00998900 3 3 158 78 80 Simal Kote 00999000 9 8 11 11 482 257 225 Kulhera 00999100


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including· Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of---::~_--L.po~p~u;.;.;:la~ti.;;.;on.;.:)---=_-::--_ age-group 0-6 number Name ofVillal1,e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00999200 Kheti Gara 71.89 23 100 53 47 20 9 11 00999300 Bhandari Gaon 64.50 86 358 163 195 67 31 36 00999400 Golai 22.57 6 34 17 17 6 4 2 00999500 Bursum Bari 183.20 138 698 373 325 124 60 64 00999600 Quinar 26.79 8 48 23 25 9 6 3 00999700 Nisi Gaon 32.77 12 54 29 25 7 5 2 00999800 JarmalGaon 262.00 78 404 195 209 96 47 49 .00999900 Khetigaon 87.00 23 116 48 68 18 7 11 01000000 Denkhola 12.60 I 4 2 2 01000100 Jagari 12.70 3 24 12 12 5 2 3 01000200 Jakhani Upreti 192.00 69 332 150 182 43 14 29 01000300 Churiya Gair 18.14 4 ,20 10 10 I I 01000400 Bharak Nali 18.14 40 227 114 113 47 19 28 01000500 Dantoli 17.05 7 26 13 13 2 01000600 Jara lakhani 40.49 7 34 14 20 7 4 3 () I 000700 Kanara Gunth 81.19 50 301 148 153 72 33 39 () I 000800 Bhuli Gaon 131.20 70 312 146 166 42· 23 19 01000900 San 7.03 2 13 9 4 2 2 01001000 Rauliya Gaon 11.60 ------Un-inhabited------01001100 Khet 106.70 4 21 10 II 6 3 3 01001200 Oligaon 125.60 56 319 162 157 44 24 20 01001300 Bala Kuncha 34.00 33 210 109 101 52 29 23 01001400 Pabhen 288.20 31 122 53 69 23 12 11 01001500 Kaliya Patal 84.88 14 60 29 31 13 9 4 01001600 Kanda 111.80 44 228 97 131 51 27 24 01001700 Bataka Toli 70.72 36 205 86 119 39 20 19 0\00\800 Sokata 238.50 117 534 272 262 92 53 39 01001900 Upna Mafi 74.80 28 161 80 81 30 18 12 01002000 Dandadhar 38.34 2 1 01002100 Damde Or 171.30 176 833 404 429 166 99 67 01002200 Tudil 66.00 9 53 28 25 \5 7 8 01002300 Sera Ghara 41.09 28 106 54 52 19 II 8 01002400 Deoyrala 74.50 50 309 149 160 78 49 29 01002500 Matiyala 20.14 30 138 59 79 28 15 13 01002600 Baisali 14.76 4 34 17 17 7 5 2 01002700 Rangal 33.91 28 194 89 105 42 21 21 01002800 Kuntola 434.08 188 977 424 553 197 86 III 01002900 Dharari Nainoli 308.01 74 404 192 212 85 45 40 01003000 Raitoli 121.93 47 223 106 117 27 13 14 01003100 Nainoli Kainra 321.21 108 445 230 215 70 43 27 01003300 Ganura 717.90 179 839 378 461 166 91 75 01003400 Chamlekh 87.02 38 201 77 124 48 23 25 01003500 Sibana 312.80 13 71 27 44 14 7 7 01003600 Sugari 753.26 112 595 269 326 110 51 59 01003700 Surkhal Sahu 107.10 11 53 27 26 9 6 3 01003800 Dandali 104.10 15 84 36 48 13 8 5 01003900 Bhama 228.00 74 327 137 190 7~ 37 39 01004000 Surkhal Pathak 24.51 20 110 43 67 26 11 15 01004100 Surkhal Shugara . 16.34 11 55 23 32 11 6 5 01004200 Banela Gaon 148.60 61 283 124 159 51 31 20 01004300 Poli Paliyal 653.50 60 270 117 153 37 17 20 01004400 Sunkhola 27.44 87 400 174 226 79 36 43



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 100 53 47 43 36 7 Kheti Gara 98 44 54 203 118 85 Bhandari Gaon 23 13 10 Golai 201 107 94 334 240 94 Bursum Bari 25 14 II Quinar 23 12 II j 27 16 II Nisi Gaon 200 139 61 Jarmal Gaon II 4 7 72 38 34 Khetigaon 3 2 I Denkhola 13 IO 3 Jagari 214 126 88 Jakhani Upreti 17 9 8 Churiya Gair 133 68 65 122 75 47 Bharak Nali 19 12 7 Dantoli 20 10 10 Jara Jakhani 152 102 50 Kanara Gunth 2 180 113 67 Bhuli Gaon 13 9 4 7 6 1 San ------Un-inhabited--.------Rauliya Gaon 6 2 .4 II 7 4 Khet 197 104 93 187 117 70 Oligaon 210 109 101 110 67 43 Bala Kuncha 57 35 22 Pabhen 32 18 14 Kaliya Patal 82 52 30 Kanda 84 47 37 Bataka Toli 162 90 72 285 188 97 Bokata 4 3 1 97 53 44 UpnaMafi Dandadhar 617 300 317 377 233 144 DamdeOr 53 28 25 15 11 4 Tudil 61 35 26 Sera Ghara 3 2 ." '309 . 149 160 76 56 20 Deoyrala 54 34 20 Matiyala 17 17 12 7 5 Baisali 34 , 194 89 105 75 53 22 Rangal 318 148 170 506 298 \208 Kuntola 284 135 149 184 III 73 Dharari Nainoli 37 20 17 144 89 55 Raitoli 110 65 45 302 180 122 Nainoli Kainra 11 4 7 443 262 181 Ganura 64 37 27 Chamlekh 53 20 33 Sibana 32 18 14 321 188 133 Sugari 27 17 -10 Surkhal Sahu 37 18 19 Dandali 123 83 40 Bhama 56 30 26 Surkhal Pathak 30 16 14 Surkhal Shugara 99 70 29 Banela Gaon 158 93 65 Poli Paliyal 214 127 87 Sunkhola



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVillaac Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00999200 Kheti Gara 57 17 40 50 28 22 48 26 22 00999300 Bhandari Gaon ISS 45 110 178 74 104 76 61 15 00999400 Golai II 4 7 15 6 9 15 6 9 00999500 Bursum Bari 364 133 231 292 134 158 238 134 104 00999600 Quinar 23 9 14 19 S \\ 7 7 00999700 Nisi Gaon 27 13 14 30 13 17 30 13 17 00999800 JarrnalGaon 204 56 148 215 89 126 214 88 126 00999900 Khetigaon 44 10 34 48 24 24 18 13 5 01000000 Denkhola I I .3 2 01000100 Jagari II 2 9 7 3 4 2 2 01000200 lakhani Upreti 118 24 94 133 45 88 41 36 5 01000300 Churiya Gair 3 1 2 8 3 5 6 2 4 01000400 Bharak,Nali 105 39 66 120 70 50 113 64 49 01000500 DantoH 7 6 7 6 2 t' 01000600 Jara lakhani 14 4 10 12 3 9 5 2 3 01000700 Kanara Gunth 149 46 103 129 57 72 53 53 01000800 Bhuli Gaon 132 33 99 145 59 86 145 59 86 01000900 San 6 3 3 5 2 3 5 2 3 0100 I 000 Rauliya Gaon ------Un-inhabited------01001100 Khet 10 3 7 11 6 5 \\ 6 ; 01001200 Oligaon 132 45 87 78 56 22 65 44 21 01001300 Bala Kuncha 100 42 58 76 36 40 34 33 I 01001400 Pabhen 65 18 47 55 14 41 55 14 41\ 01001500 Kaliya Patal 28 11 17 31 12 19 28 9 19 01001600 Kanda 146 45 101 ,78 29 49 29 29 01001700 Bataka Toli 121 39 82 82 32 50 82 32 50 01001800 Bokata 249 84 165 .157 62 95 142 50 92 01001900 Upna Mafi 64 27 37 66 33 33 29 29 01002000 Dandadhar 1 I 1 1 01002100 Damde Or 456 171 285 350 123 227 255 75 180 01002200 Tudil 38 17 21 21 10 11 10 10 of, 01002300 Sera Ghara 45 19 26 62 30 32 58 30 28 01002400 Deoyrala 233 93 140 142 5 I 91 142 51 91 01002500 Matiyala 84 25 S9 78 28 50 78 28 50 01002600 Baisali 22 10 12 16 6 10 15 6 9 01002700 Rangal 119 36 83 96 35 61 96 35 61 01002800 Kuntola 471 126 345 448 157 291 289 150 139 01()02900 Dharari Nainoli 220 81 139 215 97 118 215 97 118 01003000 Raitoli 79 17 62 142 61 81 12 12 01003100 NainoliKainra 143 50 93 220 102 118 86 83 3 01003300 Ganura 396 116 280 405 136 269 14 13 I 01003400 Chamlekh 137 40 97 88 21 67 58 13 45 01003500 Sibana 18 7 II 32 9 23 3 3 01003600 Sugari 274 81 193 234 84 150 230 83 147 01003700 SurkhalSahu 26 10 16 28 12 16 28 12 16 01003800 Dandali 47 18 29 44 14 30 44 14 30 01003900 Bhama 204 54 ISO 131 44 87 38 19 19 01004000 Surkhal Pathak 54 13 41 52 21 31 52 21 31 () I 004 \ 00 Surkhal Shugara 25 i 18 26 9 17 26 9 17 01004200 Banela Gaon 184 54 130 159 58 101 104 33 71 01004300 Poli Paliyal 112 24 88 62 36 26 27 20 7 01004400 Sunkhola 186 47 139 173 60 113 126 37 89


CENSUS ABSTRACf Gangolihat Industrial catego!! of main workers Household industry Cultivators Alliculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillagc 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 34 12 22 11 11 3 3 Kheti GIIfl! 56 42 14 2 2 18 17 Bhandari Gnon 15 6 9 Golai 230 128 102 7 5 2 Bursum Bari 6 6 I I Quinar 25 8 17 5 5 Nisi Gaon 205 79 126 9 9 Jarmal GaOl\ 10 6 4 2 2 6 5 Khetigaon I Denkhola 2 2 Jagari 36 31 5 4 4 Jakhani Upreti 5 4 Churiya Gair 93 44 49 19 19 BharakNali I I I Dantoli 3 3 2 2 Jara Jakhani 43 43 10 10 Kanara Gunth 136 50 86 9 9 Bhuli Gaon 5 2 3 San ------Un -inhab ited------Rauliya Gaon II 6 5 Khet 58 38 20 6 5 Oligaon 12 II. 7 7 15 15 Bala Kuncha 55 14 41' Pabhen 26 7 19 2 2 Kaliya Patal 28 28 Kanda 82 32 SO Bataka Toli 114 23 91 3 3 25 24 Bokata 21 21 8 8 Upna Mali Dandadhar ·237 60 177 18 IS 3 Damde Or 10 10 Tudil 57 29 28 Sera Ghara 142 51 91 Deoyrala 78 28 50 Matiyala 15 6 9 Baisali 96 35 61 Rangal 230 92 138 15 14 5 5 39 39\ Kuntola 213 96 117 2 I Dharari Nainoli 2 2 10 10 Railoli 53 51 2 7 7 26 25 Nainoli Kainra 1 1 13 13 Ganura 52 8 44 5 5 Chamlekh 3 3 Sibana

213 68 145 8 6 2 9 9 I - Sugari 27 11 16 Surkhal Sahu 43 13 30 I I Dandali 36 17 19 2 2 Bhama

52 21 31 - I Surkhal Pathak 26 9 17 Surkhal Shugara 98 28 70 6 5 Banela Gaon 23 16 7 2 2 2 2 Poli PaJiyal 113 24 89 13 13 Sunkhola



CENSUS ABSTRACf Gangolihat of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 50 25 25 Kheti Gara 00999200 3 2 6 5 180 89 91 Bhandari Gaon 00999300 19 II 8 Golai 00999400 406 239 167 Bursum Bari 00999500 29 15 14 Quinar 00999600 24 16 8 Nisi Gaon 00999700 I I 189 106 83 Jarmal Gaon 00999800 6 6 68 24 44 Khetigaon 00999900 I I Denkhola 01000000 17 9 8 Jagari 01000100 2 2 3 3 199 lOS 94 Jakhani Upreti 01000200 12 7 5 Churiya Gair 01000300 107 44 63 BharakNali 01000400 19 12 7 Dantoli 01000500 22 11 11 Jara Jakhani 01000600 172 91 81 Kanara Gunth 01000700 167 87 80 Bhuli Gaon 01000800 8 7 San 01000900 ------Un-inhabited------Rauliya Gaon 01001000 10 4 6 Khet 01001100 241 106 135 OIigaon 01001200 134 73 61 Bala Kuncha 01001300 67 39 28 Pabhen 01001400 29 17 12 Kali~ Patal 01001500 150 68 82 Kanda 01001600 123 54 69 Bataka Toli 01001700 3 3 9 9 377 210 167 Bokata 01001800 95 47 48 UpnaMafi 01001900 I I Dandadhar 01002000 35 33 2 483 281 202 Damde Or 01002100 32 18 14 Tudil 01002200 44 24 20 Sera Ghara 01002300 167 98 69 Deoyrala 01002400 60 31 29 Matiyala 01002500 18 II 7 Baisali 01002600 98 54 44 Rangal 01002700 2 529 267 26i\'Kuntola 01002800 189 95 94 Dharari Nainoli 01002900 - 8\ 45 36 Raitoli 01003000 3 3 225 128 97 NainoIi Kainra 01003100 3 3 434 242 192 Ganura 0\003300 113 56 57 Chamlekh 01003400 39 18 21 Sibana 01003500 2 361 185 176 Sugari 01003600 25 15 10 Surkhal Sahu 01003700 40 22 18 Dandali 01003800 196 93 103 Bhama 01003900 58 22 36 Surkhal Pathak 01004000 29 14 15 Surkhal Shugara 01004100 124 66 58 Banela Gaon 01004200 208 81 127 Poli PaHyal 01004300 227 114 113 Sunkhola 01004400


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of ~o~ulation} a8e-8rou~ 0-6 number Name ofViIla8e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 01004500 Sarkande 205.00 4 23 12 11 3 1 2 01004600 Khati Gaon 157.60 98 448 224 224 60 33 27 01004700 Badena Gunth 348.10 22 108 49 59 18 7 II 01004800 Bungli Gunth 422.30 260 1,332 612 720 271 143 128 01004900 Badena 205.00 103 516 253 263 115 68 47 01005000 Khailari 16.32 8 41 23 18 9 7 2 01005100 Kaltir 28.63 7 44 18 26 5 4 I 01005200 Ling 98.26 7 J 4 01005300 Chahaj 281.60 III 483 235 248 76 36 40 01005400 Chaura 333.50 103 524 241 283 90 46 44 01005500 Duni 680.06 229 1,085 527 558 233 121 112 01005600 Nali 286.60 151 754 359 395 126 63 63 01005700 Tulakhand 233.00 46 261 124 137 54 31 23 1 01005900 Askora 301.30 52 290 132 158 47 20 27 01006000 Pipali NigaUi 85.39 69 370 178 192 63 39 24 01006100 Dyulahara Kote 128.20 73 361 159 202 72 34 38 01006200 Nani 282.50 24 136 64 72 37 17 20 01006300 Rautora 340.30 89 432 179 253 69 26 43 01006400 Rasyun 70.78 52 266 126 140 42 27 15 01006500 Kharkoli 160.00 49 285 142 143 54 25 29 01006600 Sinoli Bhawalta 58.18 8 40 20 20 5 3 2 01006700 Cham Dungara Timta 438.70 217 1,102 548 554 225 108 117 01006800 lartola 153.90 32 146 65 81 36 15 2,1 01006900 Duboia Bitola 103.60 60 234 120 114 42 19 23



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViJlage 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 13 9 4 Sarkande 39 23 16 233 154 79 Khati Gaon 45 32 13 Badena Gunth 125 58 67 613 400 213 Bungli Gunth 26 13 13 262 167 95 Badena 27 15 12 Khailari 32 13 19 Ka1tir 4 3 I Ling 33 12 21 322 193 129 Chahaj 152 76 76 298 182 116 Chaura 342 161 181 529 351 178 Duni 79 37 42 442 269 173 Nali 111 62 49 Tu1akband 142 92 50 Askora 218 133 85 Pipali Nigalti 197 91 106 177 95 82 Dyuhihara Kote 34 16 18 '50 32 18 Nani 225 134 91 Rautora 132 73 59 Rasyun 141 105 36 Kharkoli 26 16 10 Sinoli Bhawalta 652 326 326 517 353 164 Cham Dungara Timta 19 7 12 65 41 24 lartola 15 7 8 144 91 ·53 Dubola Bitola



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVilIase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

01004500 Sarkande 10 3 7 8 3 5 8 3 5 01004600 Khati Gaon 215 70 145 184 74 110 183 73 110 01004700 Badena Gunth 63 17 46 47 20 27 20 20 01004800 Bungli Gunth 719 212 507 590 235 355 163 119 44 01004900 Badena 254 86 168 213 88 125 57 56 I 01005000 Khailari 14 8 6 23 11 12 23 II 12 01005100 Kaltir 12 5 7 25 8 17 22 8 14 01005200 Ling 3 3 5 2 3 4 2 2 01005300 Chahaj 161 42 119 242 102 140 196 89 107 01005400 Chaura 226 59 167 240 94 146 240 94 146 01005500 Duni 556 176 380 528 226 302 393 166 227 01005600 Nali 312 90 222 422 187 235 385 151 234 01005700 Tulakhand 150 62 88 120 42 78 110 40 79 01005900 Askora 148 40 108 141 54 87 141 54 87 01006000 Pipali Nigalti 152 45 107 178 70 108 122 46 76 01006100 Dyulahara Kote 184 64 120 17S 66 109 76 S3 23 01006200 Nani 86 32 54 59 30 29 58 29 29 01006300 Rautora 207 4S 162 199 80 119 184 65 119 01006400 Rasyun 134 S3 81 101 50 51 30 30 01006500 Kharkoli 144 37 107 136 67 69 131 67 64 01006600 Sinoli Bhawalta 14 4 10 23 II 12 23 II 12 01006700 Cham Dungara Timta 585 195 390 547 252 295 78 75 3 01006800 Jartala 81 24 57 74 32 42 6 6 -\ 01006900 Dubola Bitola 90 29 61 . 111 62 49 5S 47 8


CENSUS ABSTRACf Gangolihat Industrial cate!!zo!;i of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricul tural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 3\ 32 33 34 35 36 37 3% 39 40 2 8 3 5 Sarkande 172 62 110 11 II Khati Gaon' 18 18 2 2 Badena Gunth 134 91 43 6 6 23 22 Bungli Gunth 41 40 1 9 9 7 7 Badena 22 10 12 Khailari 20 6 14 2 2 Kaltir 4 2 2 Ling 157 52 105 38 36 2 Chahaj 237 91 146 2 2 Chaura 330 104 226 63 62 Duni 372 143 229 12 7 5 Nali 102 32 70 5 5 3 3 Tulakhand 141 54 87 Askora 100 27 73 22 19 3 Pipali Nigalti 72 49 23 4 4 Dyulahara Kote 58 29 29 Nani 181 62 119 3 3 Rautora 6 6 24 24 Rasyun 121 57 64 10 10 Kharkoli 22 10 12 1 1 Sinoli Bhawalta 13 13 4 4 61 58 3 Cham Dungara Timta 6 6 Jartola 18 13 5 36 33 . 3 Dubola Bitola


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block. Industrial cateS0!X Location code Maq~inal workers Cultivlltors A~riculturallabou(ers number Name ofViUa~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01004500 Sarkande 01004600 Khati Gaon I 1 01004700 Badena Gunth 27 27 27 27 01004800 Bungli Gunth 427 116 311 419 109 310 01004900 Badena 156 32 124 145 21 124 01005000 Khailari 01005100 Kaltir 3 3 3 3 01005200 Ling I I I 01005300 Chahaj 46 13 33 37 4 33 01005400 Chaura 01005500 Duni 135 60 75 132 57 75 2 2 01005600 Nali 37 36 1 5 4 I 01005700 Tulakhand 10 2 8 10 2 8 - \ 01005900 Askora 01006000 Pipali Nigalti 56 24 32 56 24 32 01006100 Dyulahara Kote 99 13 86 98 12 86 t· 01006200 Nani I 01006300 Rautora 15 15 15 15 01006400 Rasyun 71 20 51 71 20 51 01006500 KharkoH 5 5 5 5 01006600 Sinoli Bhawalta 01006700 Cham Dungara Timta 469 177 292 466 175 291 2 I 01006800 Jartola 68 26 42 66 26 40 2 2 01006900 DubolaBitola 56 15 41 52 1"2 40


CENSUS ABSTRACT Gangolihat of mars ina I workers Location Household induSIa:: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 15 9 6 Sarkande 01004500 264 150 114 Khati Gaon 01004600 61 29 32 Badena Gunth 01004700 4 4 3 3 742 377 365 Bungli Gunth 01004800 10 10 303 165 138 Badena 01004900 18 12 6 Khailari 01005000 19 10 9 Kaltir 01005100 2 I Ling 01005200 9 9 241 133 108 Chahaj 01005300 284 147 137 Chaura 01005400 I 557 301 256 Duni 01005500 32 32 332 172 . 160 Nali 01005600 141 82 59 Tulakhand 01005700 149 78 71 Askora 01005900 192 108 84 Pipali Nigalti 01006000 186 93 93 Dyulahara Kote 01006100 77 34 43 Nani 01006200 233 99 134 Rautora 01006300 165 76 89 Rasyun 01006400 149 ~5 74 Kharkoli 01006500 17 9 8 SinoH Bhawalta 01006600 555 296 259 Cham Dungara Timta 01006700 72 33 39 Jartola 01006800 4 3 )23 58 65 Dubola·Bitola 01006900



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation) ase-srouE 0-6 number Name of Villa Be hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0055 Pithoragarh (Total) 19,558.72 12,361 57,216 28,020 29,196 8,802 4,782 4,020 0055 Pithoragarh (Rural) 19,558.72 12,361 57,216 28,020 29,196 8,802 4,782 4,020 0055 Pithoragarh (Urban) Pithoragarh (Rural) 01007000 Malli Seem 65.00 33 164 80 84 18 13 5 01007100 Jhunkoli 21.00 19 112 46 66 17 7 10 01007200 Bangwari Tingarh 65.00 6 17 8 9 5 3 2 01007300 Bichkot (Bhanar) 51.00 12 59 21 38 8 3 5 01007400 Diyuri 70.00 24 115 55 60 23 II 12 01007500 Jamtari \3.49 II 6S 28 37 IS 7 8 01007600 Naini 147.00 83 389 190 199 60 33 27 01007700 Talli Seem 45.00 22 100 52 48 II 3 8 01007800 Digtoli 111.00 65 311 158 153 58 29 29 01007900 Naukiria Nayak 97.00 33 155 74 81 36 23 13 01008000 Naukina Fulara Bakraktia 23.00 23 100 SO 50 8 5 3 01008100 Bhurmuni 215.00 207 895 421 474 110 60 50 01008200 Sankatiya 67.00 2 17 12 '5 3 3 01008400 Dumet 9.00 9 61 31 30 12 4 8 01008500 Sinchaura 39.00 57 239 117 122 33 20 13 01008600 Bans Maitoli 475.00 308 1,398 682 716 185 98 87 01008700 Jaglar 105.00 64 328 156 172 52 26 26 01008800 Sintoli 63.00 30 146 71 75 23 14 9 01008900 Budali 42.00 40 212 108 104 41 24 17 01009000 Jhuni 347.00 120 553 261 292 74 34 40 01009100 Malan 66.00 47 210 103 107 27 12 15 01009200 Suwalekh 161.00 19 )00 46 54 10 4 6 01009300 Ukhri Seri 116.00 47 251 112 139 39 18 21

01009400 Papala 52.00 16 63 \ 33 30 II 5 6 01009500 Rodi Madhye Simarkhal 21.00 2 10 4 6 I 01009600 Hateri (Dugri) 26.00 8 25 12 13 2 1 1 01009700 Satgal 145.00 87 398 190 208 70 40 30 01009800 Agar 173.00 100 432 200 232 67 42 25 01009900 Naikina Pandey 21.81 19 98 48 50 18 6 12 010 I 0000 Patal Gaon 30.00 25 108 53 55 10 6 4. 01010100 Rori 95.00 49. 234 114 120 31 J3 18 01010200 Nargoli 23.14 9 44 27 17 9 .5 4 01010300 Pali 88.00 108 468 216 252 62 31 31 01010400 Dungari Pandey 33.00 17 67 24 43 8 3 5 010 I 0500 Khitoli 41.44 30 132 62 70 22 9 13 01010600 Syala 17.30 34 143 61 82 24 13 11 010 I0700 Bareu 36.00 10 36 13 23 4 2 2 01010800 Bhandari Gaon 38.00 10 55 30· 25 7 3 4 01010900 Til Garh 125.00 20 106 55 51 16 12 4 01011000, Chhera 88.00 110 520 250 270 70 36 34 01011100 Dhari Gaon 16.78 42 205 90 115 33 18 15 01011200 Halpati 106.00 41 212 112 100 29 21 8 01011300 Chhana Pandey 200.00 117 491 234 257 60 36 24 01011400 Gurura 33.00 43 183 70 113 ,21 10 II 01011500 Kante 18.00 12 66 33 33 13 10 3 01011600 Dhunga Bhool 98.00 87 398 214 184 86 51 35 01011700 Dhara Pani 35.00 12 50 25 25 2 1 01011800 Bagaur 16.00 4 4



Scheduled Castes 20Euation Scheduled Tribes 20Eulation Literates Persons Males ·Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 ]4,495. 7,282 7,2]3 200 106 94 38,719 2],609 ]7,110 Pithorag.arh (Total) 14,495 7,282 7,213 200 106 94 38,719 21,609 17,110 Pithoragarh (Rural) Pithoragarh (Urban) Pithoragarh (Rural) 129 66 63 Malli Seem 78 38 40 Jhunkoli 9 5 4 Bangwari Tingarh 13 5 8 36 15 21 Bichkot (Bhanar) 65 40 25 Diyuri 29 17 12 Jamtari 229 143 86 Naini 41 19 22 63 45 18 Talli Seem 239 124 115 182 115 67 Digtoli 95 47 48 Naukina Nayak 83 45 38 Naukina Fulara Bakraktia 183 88 95 652 350 302 Bhurmuni , 13 9 4 Sankatiya 43 27 16 Dumet 178 94 84 Sinchaura 324 174 150 1,018 565 453 Bans Maitoli 222 97 125 227 118 109 Jagtar 4 2 2 109 56 53 Sintoli 69 35 34 145 81 64 Budali 122 64 58 407 221 l86 Jhuni 57 30 27 143 84 59 Malan 75 42 33 Suwalekh 112 49 63 162 88 74 Ukhri Seri 29 16 13 36 25 11 Papala 6 3 3 Rodi Madhye Simarkhal 19 11 8 Hateri (Dugri) 161 82 79 238 136 102 8atgal 140 65 75 262 135 127 Agar II 8 3 63 39 24 Naikina Pandey 88 47 41 Patal Gaon 159 78 81 161 94 67 Rori 31 19 12 30 2l". 9 Nargoli 185 92 93 315 170 145 Pali 45 21 24 Dungari Pandey 81 50 31 Khitoli 94 46 48 Syala 29 11 18 Bareu 19 10 9 36 24 12 Bhandari Gaon 4 2 2 86 43 43 Til Garh 175 89 86 386 206 180 Chhera 37 19 18 148 ·71 77 Dhari Gaon 156 90 66 Halpati 245 125 120 ' 342 186 156 Chhana Pandey 135 58 77 Gurura 48 23 25 Kante 156 91 65 6 2 4 249 149 100 Dhunga Bhool 43 24 19 Dhara Pani 4 4 . Bagaur



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0055 Pithoragarh (Total) 18,497 6,411 12,086 22,637 11,014 11,623 13,544 7,277 6,267 0055 Pithoragarh (Rural) 'JlI,497 6,411 ]2,086 22,637 ] ],0]4 ] ],623 13,544 7,277 6,267 0055 Pithoragarh (Urban) iJ! - Pithoragarh (Rural) 01007000 Malli Seem 35 14 21 89 36 53 6 5 01007100 Jhunkoli 34 8 26 60 23 37 01007200 Bangwari Tingarh 8 3 5 8 3 5 01007300 Bichkot (Bhanar) 23 6 17 35 14 21 2 2 01007400 Diyuri 50 15 35 78 39 39 2 2 010()7500 lamlari 36 II 25 41 17 24 01007600 Naini 160 47 113 208 95 113 26 23 3 01007700 Talli Seem 37 7 JO 63 31 32 01007800 Digtoli 129 43 86 158 81 77 63 61 2 01007900 Naukina Nayak 60 27 33 71 28 43 26 22 , 4 01008000 Naukina Fulara Bakraktia 17 5 12 38 19 19 11 10 I 01008100 Bhurmuni 243 71 172 338 135 203 219 93 126 01008200 Sankatiya 4 3 4 3 4 3 01008400 Dumet 18 4 14 II 10 I 10 9 I 01008500 Sinchaura 61 23 38 67 39 28 34 27 7 01008600 Bans Maitoli 380 117 263 495 228 267 316 179 137 01008700 Jagtar 101 38 63 110 57 53 104 54 50 01008800 Sintoli 37 15 22 50 23 27 40 22 18 01008900 Budali 67 27 40 64 29 35 57 26 31 01009000 Jhuni 146 40 106 249 107 142 41 40 01009100 Malan 67 19 48 89 41 48 7S 35 40 01009200 Suwalekh 25 4 21 45 19 26 40 16 24 01009300 Ukhri Seri 89 24 65 90 39 51 71 31 40 01009400 Papal a 27 8 19 36 17 19 5 5 01009500 Rodi Madhye Simarkhal 4 3 4 2 2 01009600 Hateri (Dugri) 6 5 17 8 9 '7 3 4 01009700 Satgal 160 54 106 191 78 113 16 14 2 01009800 Agar 170 65 105 122 73 49 6 5 01009900 Naikina Pandey 35 9 26 42 16 26 4 4 '01010000 Patal Gaon 20 6 14 39 15 24 2 2 01010100 Rori 73 20 53 93 40 53 20 13 7 01010200 Nargoli 14 6 8 20 II 9 I 1 01010300 Pali 153 46 107 177 68 109 II 10 01010400 Dungari Pandey 22 3 19 2S II 14 3 3 01010500 Khitoli 51 12 39 40 13 27 1 1 01010600 Syala 49 15 34 , 59 21 38 7 7 01010700 Bareu 7 2 5 22 7 15 5 t 4 01010800 Bhandari Gaon 19 6 13 34 17 17 24 15 9 01010900 Til Garh 20 12 8 38 16 22 30 14 16 01011000 Chhera 134 44 90 196 80 116 44 39 5 010 II 100 Dhar; Gaon 57 19 38 82 38 44 16 16 01011200 Halpati 56 22 34 79 33 46 9 8 01011300 Chhana Pandey 149 48 101 199 83 116 141 27 114 01011400 Gurura 4& 12 36 67 26 41 54 13 41 01011500 Kante 18 10 8 25 10 15 14 6 8 01011600 Dhunga Bhool 149 65 84 173 82 91 87 37 50 01011700 Ohara Pani 7 1 6 24 11 13 10 7 3 01011800 Bagaur 4 4


CENSUS ABSTRACT Pithoragarh Industrial categ0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultlirallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 8,384 2,718 5,666 61 32 29 290 252 38 4,809 4,275 534 PithQragarh (Total) 8,384 2,718 5,666 61 32 29 290 252 38 4,809 4,275 5J4 Pithoragarh (Rural) Pithoragarh (Urban) Pithoragarh (Rural) 6 5 Malli Seem Jhunkoli. Bangwari Tingarh 2 2 Bichkot.(Bhanar) 2 2 Diyuri I Jamtari 26 23 3 Naini Talli Seem 30 30 32 30 2 Digtoli 21 17 4 5 5 Naukina Nayak 11 10 Naukina Fulara Bakraktia 158 37 121 6 5 55 51 4 ,Bhurmuni 3 2 I Sankatiya 4 3 I 6 6 Dumet 5 3 2 29 24 5 Sinchaura 189 60 129 3 3 124 116 8 Bans Maitoli 92 45 47 12 .9 3 Jagtar 31 14 17 8 7 I Sintoli 44 15 29 12 10 2 Budali 1 40 39 Jhuni 51 12 39 22 22 Malan 35 II 24 5 5 Suwalekh 48 12 36 3 2 7 7 13 II 2 Ukhri Seri 5 5 Papala Rodi Madhye Simarkhal 5 2 3 2 Hateri (Dugri) 4 3 12 II Satgal 6 5 Agar 4 4 Naikina Pandey 2 2 Patal Gaon 10 4 6 8 7 Rori I I Nargoli II \10 Pali 3 3 Dungari Pandey I I Khitoli 7 7 Syala 3 2 2 2 Bareu 22 13 9 2 2 Bhandari Gaon 25 10 15 5 4 Til Garh I 2 I I 42 38 4. Chhera IS IS Dhari Gaon , - 8 8 Halpati 122 9 113 19 18 Chhana Pandey 49 8 41 5 5 Gurura 8 8 6 6 Kante 47 9 38 4 2 2 36 26 10 Dhunga Bhool 2 2 8 7 I Dhara Pani Bagaur



CENSUS ABSTRACT Pithoragarh of marsinal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 5) 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 122 80 42 1,438 1,317 121 34,579 17,006 17,573 Pithoragarh (Total) 0055 122 80 42 1,438 1,317 121 34,579 17,006 17,573 Pithoragarh (Rural) 0055 Pithoragarh (Urban) 0055 Pithoragarh (Rural) 75 44 31 Malli Seem 01007000 52 23 29 Jhunkoli 0)007100 / 9 5 4 Bangwari Tingarh 01007200 24 7 17 Bichkot (Bhanar) 01007300 37 16 21 Diyuri 01007400 24 II 13 Jamtari 01007500 181 95 86 Naini 01007600 37 21 16 Talli Seem 01007700 3 3 153 77 76 Digtoli 01007800 84 46 38 Naukina Nayak 01007900 10 9 62 31 31 Naukina Fulara Bakraktia 01008000 30 30 557 286 271 Bhurmuni 01008100 13 9 4 Sankatiya 01008200 SO 2\. 29 Dumet 01008400 20 II 9 172 78 94 Sinchaura 01008500 5 5 19 18 903 454 449 Bans Maitoli 01008600 I I 218 99 119 Jagtar 01008700 96 48 48 Sintoli 01008800 148 79 69 Budali 01008900 2 2 304 154 150 Jhimi 01009000 121 62 59 Malan 01009100 I 55 27 28 Suwalekh 01009200 I 5 4 161 73 88 Ukhri Seri 01009300 2 2 1 27 16 II Papala 01009400 6 2 4 Rodi Madhye Simarkhal 01009500 8 4 4 Hateri (Dugri) 01009600 3 3 207 112 95 Satgal 01009700 2 2 28 28 310 127 183 Agar 01009800 I I 56 32 24 Naikina Pandey 01009900 3 3 69 38 31 Patal Gaon 01010000 2 2 2 2 141 74 67 Rori 01010100 24 16 ,~ Nargoli 01010200 33 32 291 148 I 43\Pali 01010300 42 13 29 Dungari Pandey 01010400 2 2 92 49 43 Khitoli 01010500 2 2 84 49 44 Syala 01010600 14 6 8 Bareu 01010700 21 13 8 Bhandari Gaon 01010800 68 39 29 Til Garh 01010900 39· 38 324 170 154 Chhera 01011000 3 3 123 52 71 Dhari Gaon 01011100 133 79 54 Halpati 01011200 58 56 2 292 151 141 Chhana Pandey 01011300 13 13 116 44 72 Gurura 01011400 2 2 3 3 41 23 18 Kante 01011500 3 3 25 24 225 132 93 Dhunga Bhool 01011600 2 2 26 14 12 Dhara Pani 01011700 Bagaur 01011800


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households ---::P:-er-so-n-s-"-'~M:":"':al;';';es;'="-:F;::-e-m-a;-Ie-s Persons Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

01011900 Ratwali 28.00 81 365 171 194 43 27 16 01012000 Majhera (Samola) 60.00 57 265 114 151 51 22 29 01012200 Nakote 27.00 45 219 105 114 38 17 21 01012300 Vission Chandak 35.00 24 57 33 24 5 4 01012400 Bajeti (Chanak) 161.00 46 212 107 105 23 12 11 01012500 Gaithana 29.00 132 597 291 306 109 59 50 01012600 Panda 66.00 136 578 277 301 85 43 42 01012700 Seli 58.00 16 66 33 33 7 6 1 01012800 Khuni 28.00 53 271 126 145 38 23 15 01012900 Sujai 188.00 170 721 366 355 119 65 54 01013000 Devkatiya 35.00 18 84 39 45 15 6 9 01013100 Dhanaura 37.00 236 974 497 477 187 108 79 01013200 Nera 18.62 119 473 238 235 78 49 29 01013300 Bastey 39.00 131 576 294 282 76 43 33 01013400 Odmatha 94.00 61 271 140 131 30 17 13 01013500 Naini-Saini 195.00 183 825 365 460 127 69 58 01013600 Kanari 312.00 75 310 149 161 49 27 22 01013700 Pabhai 193.00 87 367 179 188 46 28 18 01013800 Madhnayabad 45.0(} 12 31 14 17 3 2 01013900 Naghar 202.00 101 481 214 267 77 37 40 01014000 Nagdhar 34.00 10 34 14 20 2 2 01014100 DevatpurChaura 127.00 115 510 248 262 62 35 27 \ 01014200 Kusauli Nayabad 10.00 ------Un-inhabited------01014300 Kusauli 113.00 244 978 480 498 127 76 51 01014400 Sori 153.00 93 467 215 252 48 23 25 01014500 Lelu 554.00 581 2,591 1,221 1,370 420 225 195 01014600 Suwakote 179.00 421 2,147 1,280 867 238 139 99 01014700 Digrani 33.14 ------Un -inhab ited------01014800 Tari Gaon 105.00 90 460 233 227 44 29 15 01014900 Silauli 68.00 75 357 179 178 44 28 16 01015000 Silpata 41.00 57 275 145 130 38 19 19 0.1 0 151 00 Puneri Mahar 85.00 90 468 240 228 73 41 32 01015200 Devlalgaon 19.00 62 310 197 113 45 26 19 01015300 Jaurasi 10.00 ------Un-inhabited------01015400 Makholya Gaon 29.00 46 281 146 135 55 29 26 01015500 Dola 75.00 238 1,082 556 526 136 77 59 01015700 Kasani 174.00 293 1,193 610 583 179 100 79 01015800 Badlani 20.30 ------~-Un-inhabited------01015900 Chaisar 129.00 201 1,008 508 500 157 85 72 01016000 Maithana 65.00 18 86 41 45 8 3 5 01016100 Kunj Chamaliya 66.00 25 122 58 64 20 9 11 01016200 Sarara Madhy Bisar 23.00 ------Un-inhabited------0101630b Papdeu 240.00 113 464 235 229 42 26 16 01016400 Hureti 53.00 88 487 237 250 68 38 30 01016500 Paun 536.00 186 851 423 428 114 65 49 01016600 Banauli Bhat(Badoli) 81.00 48 239 120 119 32 21 '11 01016700 Rawal Gaon 210.00 67 309 151 158 61 37 24 01016800 Bisar 112.00 117 515 256 259 63 34 29 01016900 Hund Khola 42.00 30 137 73 64 32 18 14 01017000 Gankot 97.00 93 443 232 211 77 38 39 01017100 Machhina Kholi 77.00 20 106 49 57 18 12 6 01017200 Paganna 55.00 29 136 56 80 23 11 12



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 2 51 26 25 276 139 137 Ratwali 103 47 56 172 85 87 Majhera (Samola) 103 48 55 143 85 58 Nakote 7 5 2 45 28 17 Vission Chandak 4 2 2 11 5 6 165 95 70 Bajeli (C~anak) 172 80 92 437 230 207 Gaithana 182 77 105 28 12 16 420 217 203 Panda 2 46 26 20 Seli 95 45 50 200 100 100 Khuni 162 84 78 515 285 230 Sujai 22 11 11 51 29 22 Devkatiya 44 26 18 28 15 13 687 371 316 Dhanaura 3 2 9 5 4 381 189 192 Nera 7 4 3 20 8 12 445 229 216 Bastey 49 27 22 .213 121 92 Odmatha 105 56 49 , 554 274 280 Naini-Saini 74 37 37 222 118 104 Kanari 24 II ' 13 260 147 113 Pabhai 24 10 14 Madhnayabad 68 26 42 333 174 159 Naghar 25 14 II Nagdhar 100 53 47 379 209 170 Devatpur Chaura ------Un-inhabited------Kusauli Nayabad 41 24 17 751 392 359 Kusauli 10 5 5 366 188 178 Sori 785 380 405 54 25 29 1,794 941 853 Lelu 472 248 224 9 9 1,717 1,100 617 Suwakote ------Un-in habi ted------Digrani 77 40 37 347 196 151 Tari Gaon 287 149 138 Silauli 18 12 6 214 124 90 Silpata 112 56 56 330 187 143 Puneri Mahar 10 10 15 12 3 189 118 71 Devlalgaon ------Un-inhabiled------Jaurasi 5 5 159 '93 66 Makholya Gaon 23 15 8 5 4 860 45~ 402 Dola 123 78 45 936 499 437 Kasani ------Un-inhabited------Badlani 298 160 138 4 2 2 733 399 334 Chaisar 62 37 25 Maithana 18 7 II 79 46 33 Kunj Chamaliya ------Un-inhabited------Sarara Madhy Bisar 75 42 33 358 193 165 Papdeu 178 88 90 379 194 185 Hureti 226 107 119 646 351 295 Paun -, 173 95 78 Banauli Bhat(Badoli) 95 48 47 ,198 105 93 Rawal Gaon 235 120 115 393 209 184 Bisar 74 43 31 85 53 32 Hund Khola 342 182 160 309 189 120 Gankot 23 12 11 77 37 40 Machhina Kholi 98 42 56 Paganna



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23' 24 25 . 26 27 28

01011900 Ratwali 89 32 57 158 66 92 144 59 85 01012000 Majhera (Sarnoia) 93 29 64 98 46 52 73 28 45 01012200 Nakote 76 20 56 84 41 43 43 15 28 01012300 Vission Chandak 12 5 7 21 17 4 21 17 4 01012400, Bajeti (Chanak) 47 12 35 91 45 46 28 24 4 01012500 Gaithana 160 61 99 236 109 127 225 103 122 01012600 Panda 158 60 98 174 94 80 155 77 78 01012700 SeH 20 7 13 22 7 15 21 6 15 01012800 Khuni 71 '26 45 120 57 63 120 57 63 01012900 Sujai 206 81 125 219 124 95 203 1\3 90 01013009 Devkatiya 33 10 23 33 15 18 24 9 15 01013100 Dhanaura 287 126 161 207 151 56 184 144 40. 01013200 Nera 92 49 43 92 73 19 82 63 , 19 01013300 Bastey 131 65 66 118 111 7 J18 III 7 01013400 Odmatha 58 19 39 30 29 1 20 20 01013500 Naini-Saini 271 91 180 324 132 192 228 54 174 01013600 Kanari 88 31 57 57 49 8 39 36 3 01013700 Pabhai 107 32 75 150 69 81 72 66 6 01013800 Madhnayabad 7 4 3 17 4 13 11 2 9 01013900 Naghar 148 40 108 212 73 139 78 34 44 01014000 Nagdhar 9 9 01014100 DevatpurChaura 131 39 92 9 3 6 8 2 6 01014200 Kusauli Nayabad ------··Un·inhabited·--·--·--·--·- 01014300 Kusauli 227 88 139 110 57 53 101 53 48 01014400 Sori 101 27 74 )92 57 135 146 49 97 01014500 Lelu 797 280 517 657 376 281 429 249 180 01014600 Suwakote 430 180 250 893 710 183 684 623 61 01014700 Digrani -···----·--·-Un-inhabited-·--····-----· 01014800 Tari Gaon 113 37 76 152 65 87 99 43 56 01014900 Silauli 70 30 40 107 37 70 107. 37 70 01015000 Silpata 61 21 40 81 38 43 80 37 43 01015100 Puneri Mahar 138 53 85 284 141 143 210 124 86 01015200 Devlalgaon 121 79 42 176 127 49 125 87 38, 01015300 Jaurasi ·-·------·-Un-inhabited----·--·--·--· 01015400 Makholya Gaon 122 53 69 148 83 65 132 71 61 01015500 Dola 222 98 124 206 173 33 176 149 27 01015700 Kasani 257 III 146 320 199 121 237 IS8 79 OiOl5800 Badlani --··------Un-inhabited----·--·--·-·· 01015900 Chaisar 275 109 166 266 156 J 10 112 83 29 01016000 Maithana 24 4 20 23 15 8 17 9 8 01016100 Kunj ChamaJiya 43 12 31 ~ ~ ~ 54 25 29 01016200 Sarara Madhy Bisar -·------Un-inhabited--·------.-· 01016300 Papdeu 106 42 64 218 112 106 91 68 23 01016400 Hureti 108 43 65 228 115 113 138 69 69 01016500 Paun 205 72 133 425 212 213 221 113 108 01016600 Banauli Bhat(Badoli) 66 25 41 92 35 57 92 35 57 01016700 Rawal Gaon 111 46 65 143 57 86 125 42 83 01016800 Bisar 122 47 75 245 118 127 64 56 8 01016900 Hund Khola 52 20 32 59 31 28 3 3 01017000 Gankot 134 43 91 186 93 93 43 40 3 01017100 Machhina Kholi 29 12 17 49 21 28 23 8 15 01017200 Paganna 38 14 24 81 35 46 37 14 23


CENSUS ABSTRACf Pithoragarh Industrial categ0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other Workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 93 14 7fJ 51 45 6 Ratwaii 44 4 40 29 24 5 Majhera (Samola) 25 25 18 15 3 Nakote 21 17 4 Vission Chandak 28 24 4 Bajeti (Chanak) 145 38 107 7 6 73 59 14 Gaithana 80 12 68 2 2 3 2 70 63 7 Panda 20 5 15 SeH 96 33 63 24 24 Khuni 107 26 81 96 87 9 Sujai 16 15 I 7 7 Devkatiya 13 2 11 7 6 164 "136 28 Dhanaura 12 2 10 4 4 66 57 9 Nera 4 4 114 107 7 Bastey 6 6 13 13 Odmatha 177 11 166 3 2 48 41 7 Naini-Saini 14 14 25 22 3 Kanari 32 28 4 9 8 31 30 Pabhai 9 9 2 2 Madhnayabad 48 7 41 29 26 3 Naghar Nagdhar 2 5 5 Oevatpur Chaura ------Un-inhabited------Kusauli N'ayabad 36 36 65 53 12 Kusauli 124 28 96 22 21 Sori 201 42 159 4 4 4 4 220 199 21 Lelu 7 I 6 3 2 29 26 3 645 594 51 Suwakote ------Un-inhabited------Digrani 69 17 52 3 3 27 26 Tari Gaon 76 8 68 I I 30 29 Silauli 42 3 39 I 36 33 3 Silpata 135 52 83 II II 64 61 3 Puneri Mahar 32 32 92 86 6 Oevlalgaon ------Un-inhabited------Jaurasi 39 2 37 93 ' 69 24 Makholya Gaon 36 25 11 13 13 127 11,1 16 Oola 68 3 65 5 5 164 150 14 Kasani ------Un-inhabited------Badlani 22 10 12 2 ,2 7 6 81 65 16 Chaisar 11 4 7 2 2 4 3 Maithana 40 14 26 6 3 3 8 8 Kunj ChamaHya ------Un - inhabi ted------Sarara Madhy Bisar 12 I 11 2 2 1 76 67 I 9 Papdeu 93 30 63 45 39, 6 Hureti 120 21 99 101 92 9 Paun 74 17 57 18 18 Banauli Bhat(Badoli) 98 16 82 '2 4 4 21 21 Rawal Gaon 63 55 8 Bisar 3 3 Hund Khola 2 2 41 38 3 Gankot 23 8 15 Machhina Kholi 37 14 23 Paganna



Industrial cateso~ Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofVillase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01011900 Ratwali 14 7 7 6 6 01012000 Majhera (Samola) 25 18 7 2 01012200 Nakote 41 26 IS 18 4 14 01012300 Vission Chandak 01012400 Bajeti (Chanak) 63 21 42 38 38 01012500 Gaithana II 6 5 01012600 Panda 19 17 2 2 01012700 Seli 1 I 01012800 Khuni 01012900 Sujai 16 II 5 I 1 01013000 Oevkatiya 9 6 3 5 2 3 01013100 Ohanill!ra 23 7 16 17 3 14 01013200 Nera 10 10 01013300 Basley 01013400 Odmatha 10 9 6 6 3 3 01013500 Naini-Saini 96 78 18 54 37 17 01013600 Kanari 18 13 5 9 5 4 8 7 I 01013700 Pabhai 78 3 75 68 1 67 10 2 8 01013800 Madhnayabad 6 2 4 5 I 4 01013900 Naghar 134 39 95 125 34 91 4 4 01014000 Nagdhar 01014100 Oevatpur Chaura 01014200 Kusauli Nayabad ------Un-inhabited------01014300 Kusauli 9 4 5 I 01014400 Sori 46 8 38 35 35 4 3 01014500 Lelu 228 127 101 91 15 76 27 14 13 01014600 Suwakote 209 87 122 157 52 105 40 24 16 01014700 Oigrani ------Un-inhabited------01014800 Tari Gaon 53 22 31 30 30 01014900 Silauli 01015000 Silpata 01015100 Puneri Mahar 74 17 57 74 17 57 01015200 Oevlalgaon 51 40 II 10 3 7 01015300 Jaurasi --·····-····-Un·inhabited·-············ 01015400 Makholya Gaon 16 12 4 7 4 3 01015500 Oola 30 24 6 5 3 2 2 2 01015700 Kasani 83 41 42 46 11 35 I 01015800 Badlani ---·-·-···-··Un-inhabited--·-··-·----·· 01015900 Chaisar 154 73 81 99 26 73 8 6 2 01016000 Maithana 6 6 01016100 Kunj Chamaliya 01016200 Sarara Madhy Bisar -·--·--·-----Un-inhabited-·--·-··-·-··· 01016300 Papdeu 127 44 83 80 11 69 f.. 10 2 8 01016400 Hureti 90 46 44 84 42 42 01016500 Paun 204 99 105 146 59 87 2 2 01016600 Banauli Bhat(Badoli) 01016700 Rawal Gaon 18 IS 3 7 4 3 01016800 Bisar 181 62 119 140 22 118 01016900 Hund Khola 56 28 28 53 26 27 01017000 Gankot 143 53 90 113 42 71 22 3 19 01017100 Machhina Kholi 26 13 13 20 8 12 01017200 Paganna 44 21 23 44 21 23


CENSUS ABSTRACT Pithoragarh of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 8 7 207 105 102 Ratwali 01011900 3 3 19 17 2 167 68 99 Majhera (Samola) 01012000 23 22 I 135 64 71 Nakote 01012200 36 16 20 Vission Chandak 01012300 25 21 4 121 62 59 Bajeti (Chanak) 01012400 ; 10 6 4 361 182 179 Gaithana 01012500 17 16 404 183 221 Panda 01012600 44 26 18 Seli 01012700 151 69 82 Khuni 01012800 15 11 4 502 242 260 Sujai 01012900 4 4 51 24 27 Devkatiya 01013000 2 2 4 4 767 346 421 Dhanaura 01013100 9 9 3&1 165 216 Nera 01013200 458 183 275 Bastey 01013300 241 111 130 Odmatha 01013400 41 41 501 233 268 Naini-Saini 01013500 I I 253 100 153 Kanari 01013600 217 110 107 Pabhai 01013700 14 10 4 Madhnayabad 01013800 4 4 269 141 12& Naghar 01013900 34 14 20 Nagdhar 01014000 501 245 256 Devatpur Chaura 01014100 ------Un-inhabited------Kusauli Nayabad 01014200 3 2 5 3 2 868 423 445 Kusauli 01014300 7 7 275 158 111 Sori 01014400 II 5 6 99 93 6 1,934 845 1,089 Lelu 01014500 I I 11 11 1,254 570 684 Suwakote 01014600 ------Un - in h ab ited------Digrani 01014700 23 22 1 308 168 140 Tari Gaon 01014800 250 142 108 SHauli 01014900 194 107 &7 Silpata 01015000 184 99 85 Puneri Mahar 01015100 40 36 4 134 70 64 Devlalgaon 01015200 ------c----Un-inhabited------Jaurasi 01015300 9 & I 133 63 70 Makholya Gaon 01015400 1 22 1& 4 &76 383 493\ Dola 01015500 7 6 29 24 5 873 41\ 462 Kasani 01015700 ------c-----Un-.inhabited------Badlani 01015800 4 3 43 38 5 742 352 390 Chaisar 01015900 6 6 63 26 37 Maithana 01016000 68 33 35 Kunj Chamaliya 01016100 ----"------Un-inhabited------. Sarara Madhy Bisar 01016200 2 2 35 31 4 246 123 123 Papdeu 01016300 6 4 2 259 122 137 Hureti 01016400 6 5 50 35 15 426 211 215 Paun 01016500 147 85 62 Banauli Bhat(Badoli) 01016600 II II 166 94 72 Rawal Gaon 01016700 41 40 I. 270 138 132 Bisar 01016800 1 1 2 1 1 78 42 36 Hund Khola 01016900 3 3 5 5 257 139 118 Gankot 01017000 6 5 57 28 29 Machhina Kholi 01017100 55 21 34 Paganna 01017200


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of ViII age hectares households """"":P:-er-s-on-s_s;.;;,tM::::=:al~es;.:;L.""F~e-m-a:-le-s Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 01017300 Takari 9LOO· 80 350 166 184 45 27 18 01017400 Darim Khola(Anshik) 61.00 65 329 166 163 54 26 28 01017500 Aicholi 120.00 181 864 441 423 122 67 55 01017600 Kiri Gaon 24.00 25 1I4 53 61 22 6 16 01017700 Sanghar 100.00 90 377 177 200 36 22 14 01017800 Bagsil 135.80 41 207 102 lOS 25 17 8 01017900 JajuraJi 51.00 142 644 302 342 92 53 39 01018000 Sainkanla 122.00 ------Un-inhabited------01018200 Khati Gaon 99.00 164 683 328 355 124 64 60 01018300 Tallisar 48.00 94 445 213 232 84 44 40 01018400 Bastey 338.00 197 902 421 481 151 76 75 01018500 Selmira 58.00 11 56 30 26 14 9 5 01018600 Kunchyu Rani 51.00 18 90 48 42 14 9 5 01018700 Pabhai 327.00 73 351 174 177 53 37 16 i 01018800 Dungari 111.00 43 181 87 94 23 14 9 01018900 Himpani 62.00 28 118 57 61 12 8 4 01019000 Dhari Joshi 206.00 43 176 86 90 24 12 12 01019100 Dungara 145.00 92 390 185 205 64 32 32 01019200 ThamKund 60.00 10 40 18 22 6 3 3 01019300 Kujgar 153.00 5 25 14 II 4 2 2 01019400 Chaumusirodiya 66.00 41 182 85 97 21 9 12 01019500 Chamali 252.00 119 542 253 289 78 47 31 01019600 Dungari Rawal 121.00 119 563 283 280 119 61 58 01019700 Barwa Lekh 76.00 28 153 56 97 30 10 20 01019800 Rora Gaon 66.84 31 149 74. 75 24 15 9 01019900 Doomana 45.00 8 29 15 14 3 I 2 01020000 Kucha 210.00 53 236 114 122 24 16 8 01020100 Mansau 137.50 37 212 103 109 27 17 10 01020200 Ghighar Kholi 71.56 19 73 34 39 13 7 6 01020300 Maspati 34.08 42 198 87 III 34 19 15 01020400 Maryura 67.93 109 513 258 255 124 68 56 01020500 Dhari Dhamaura 31.81 75 333 162 171 47 32 15 01020600 Balakot 150.40 134 591 282 309 100 56 44 01020700 Tala 24.00 34 166 84 82 25 14 11 01020800 Jakb 296.00 155 682 320 362 97 51 46 01020900 Seri Barakot 143.00 65 324 143 181 54 33 21 01021000 Puran 387.20 165 752 346 406 134 70 64 01021100 Rawal Gaon 136.00 65 301 140 161 32 19 13 01021200 Mail Dungari 582.00 194 924 449 475 123 72 51 01021300 Thala 139.00 18 83 44 39 17 13 4 0102f400 Matiyal 61.00 22 131 64 67 28 16 12 01021500 Dharasi Chamela 167.90 21 113 54 59 24 10 14 01021600 Kafar Katiya 78.00 17 92 45 47 18 12 6 01021700 Upertola 224.00 57 303 134 169 72 32 40 01021800 Mallha 59.00 34 211 89 122 37 23 14 01021900 Melku 110.00 20 107 54 53 24 15 9 01022000 Kharku Bhalya 186.00 38 205 82 123 43 18 25 01022100 Sailgwale 266.00 21 84 44 40 1'1 7 4 01022200 Rari Khunli 65.32 30 147 67 80 27 17 10 01022300 Gurana 160.50 III 540 257 283 73 29 44 01022400 Igyar 134.00 125 541 276 265 85 53 32 01022500 Tharkot 288.10 224 1,095 591 504 147 84 63



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 67 35 32 268 138 130 Takari 86 49 37 233 130 103 Darim Kho1a(Anshik) 122 67 55 651 366 285 Aicholi 56 30 26 74 44 30 Kiri Gaon 49 24 25 -_.:\' 287 154 133 Sanghar 88 48 40 -~t· 141 79 62 Bagsil 198 100 98 285 221 64 JajuraJi ------Un-inhabited------Sainkanla 258 116 142 271 173 98 Khati Gaon 115 51 64 162 106 56 Tallisar 261 132 129 350 240 110 Bastey 19 6 13 Selmira -.1 38 26 12 Kunchyu Rani 209 106 103 168 128 40 Pabhai 30 17 13 84 67 17 Dungari 53 42 II Himpani 57 34 23 ,77 58 19 Dhari Joshi 136 72 64 260 149 III Dungara 25 13 12 Tham Kund 17 12 5 Kujgar 119 71 48 Chaumusirodiya 18 7 II 321 183 138 Chamali 446 224 222 248 161 87 Dungari Rawal 5 3 2 97 43 .54 BarwaLekh 14 7 7 116 58 58 Rora Gaon 24 14 10 Doomana 28 17 II 196 97 99 Kucha 159 83 76 Mansau . ' 47 25 22 Ghighar Kholi 23 9 14 126 60 66 Maspati 330 168 162 248 149 99 Maryura 53 25 28 237 121 116 Dhari Dhamaura 206 106 100 397 216 181 Balakot '118 55 63 123 66 57 Tala 101 42 59 4 3 475 260 215 Jakh 121 52 69 183 99 84 Seri Barakot 3i9 157 162 529 273\ 256 Puran 222 lIS 107 Rawal Gaon 467 234 233 703 370 333 Mail Dungari 5 4 I 53 30 23 Thala 131 64 67 37 26 II Matiyal 88 44 44 71 40 31 Dharasi Chamela 92 45 47 55 33 22 Kafar Kaliya 303 134 169 84 59 I 25 Upertola 211 89 122 70 39 31 Maltha 107 54 53 58 35 23 Melku 35 17 1,8 106 64 42 Kharku Bhalya 52 31 21 Sailgwale 3 2 I 87 46 41 Rari Khunti 90 41 49 390 219 171 Gurana 169 97 72 378 219 159 Igyar 346 190 156 783 467 316 Tharkot



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 ..20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01017300 Takari 82 28 54 179 71 t08 165 57 108 01017400 Darim Khola(Anshik) 96 36 60 177 83 94 141 51 90 01017500 Aicholi 213 75 138 291 164 127 157 135 22 01017600 Kiri Gaon 40 9 31 32 19 13 22 17 5 01017700 Sanghar 90 23 67 146 49 97 84 48 36 01017800 Bagsi1 66 23 43 80 30 50 50 27 23 01017900 JajuraJi 359 81 278 514 228 286 279 108 171 ,0 I 0 I 8000 Sainkanla ------Un-inhabited------01018200 Khati Gaon 412 155 257 352 152 200 68 65 3 01018300 Tallisar 283 107 176 241 96 145 62 61 I 01018400 Basley 552 181 371 392 155 237 330 123 207 01018500 Selmira 37 24 13 30 12 18 30 12 18 01018600 Kunchyu Rani 52 22 30 56 27 29 55 26 29 01018700 Pabhai 183 46 137 184 76 108 184 76 108 01018800 Dungari 97 20 77 89 35 54 89 35 54 0\0\8900 Himpani 65 \5 50 4& 14 34 4& 14 34 01019000 Dhari Joshi 99 28 71 47 35 12 40 33 7 01019100 Dungara 130 36 94 149 82 67 111 71 40 01019200 Tham Kund 15 5 10 13 5 8 4 4 01019300 Kujgar 8 2 6 12 6 6 7 5 2 01019400 Chaumusirodiya 63 14 49 68 28 40 33 28 5 01019500 Chamali 221 70 151 146 95 51 53 36 17 01019600 Dungari Rawal 315 122 193 246 111 135 81 46 35 01019700 Barwa Lekh 56 13 43 78 31 47 36 10 26 01019800 Rora Gaon 33 16 17 107 49 58 S5 20 35 01 0 19900 Doomana 5 1 4 15' 5 10 12 5 7 01020000 Kucha 40 17 23 117 46 71 54 38 16 01020100 Mansau 53 20 33 116 52 64 34 29 5 01020200 Ghighar Kholi 26 9 17 10 8 2 6 5 1 01020300 Maspati 72 27 45 59 25 34 13 _ 7 6 01020400 Maryura 265 109 156 229 115 \14 45 35 10 01020500 Dhari Dbamaura 96 41 55 165 83 82 54 50 4 01020600 Ba1akot 194 66 128 334 142 192 43 42 I 01020700 Tala 43 18 25 134 67 67 66 20 46 01020800 Jakh 207 60 147 193 86 107 45 40 5 01020900 Seri Barakot 141 44 97 121 67 54 45 38 7 01021000 Puran 223 73 150 345 143 202 166 59 107 01021100 Rawal Gaon 39 25 54 114 35 79 18 13 5 01021200 Mail Dungari 221 79 142 398 148 250 389 140 249 01021300 Thala 30 14 16 43 20 23 35 15 20 01021400 Matiya1 94 38 56 52 21 31 52 21 31 01021500 Dharasi Chame1a 42 14 28 52 24 28 40 17 23 01021600 Kafar Katiya 37 12 25 47 20 27 29 11 18 01021700 Uperto1a 219 75 144 130 46 84 118 38 80 0102 I 800 Maltha 141 50 91 94 32 62 87 26 61 01021900 Melku 49 19 30 47 18 29 39 18 21 01022000 Kharku Bha1ya 99 18 81 118 45 73 84 26 58 01022100 Sailgwale 32 13 19 46 20 26 14 12 2 01022200 Rari Khunti 60 21 39 97 41 56 65 20 45 01022300 Ourana 150 38 112 141 94 47 138 91 47 01022400 Igyar 163 57 106 198 84 114 24 19 5 01022500 Tharkot 312 124 188 563 286 277 466 205 261



Industrial cate~0!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Al[iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 144 41 103 2 2 19 14 5 Takari 125 36 89 2 2 14 13 Darim Khola(Anshik) 3 2 7 7 147 127 20 Aicholi I I I I 20 16 4 Kiri Gaon 59 26 33 8 7 17 15 2 Sanghar 42 19 23 8 8 Bagsil 241 77 164 10 9 27 22 5 Jajurali ------Un-inhabited------Sainkanla I I I I 66 63 3 Khati Gaon 56 56 I I 5 4 I Tallisar 314 108 206 15 14 Bastey 30 12 18 Selmira 53 24 29 2 2 Kunchyu Rani 177 73 104 7 3 4 Pabhai 84 30 54 5 5 Dungari 48 14 34 Himpani 32 27 5 7 6 Dhari Joshi 101 63 38 3 3 7 5 2 Dungara 4 4 lllamKund 6 4 2 Kujgar 28· 24 4 5 4 Chaumusirodiya 47 30 17 5 5 Chamali 71 36 35 2 2 8 8 Dungari Rawal 31 6 25 5 4 J Barwa Lekh 54 19 35 I I Rora Gaon 12 5 7 Doomana 50 35 15 3 2 Kucha 34 29 5 Mansau 4 4 Ghighar Kholi 2 4 4 I I 6 5 Maspati 6 6 39 29 10 Maryura 15 14 39 36 3 Dhari Dhamaura 3 2 40 40 Balakot 65 19 46 I Tala 2 2 4 4 39 34 5 Jakh 29 22 7 2 2 14 14; Seri Barakot 126 22 104 39 36\ 3 Puran 4 4 14 9 5 Rawal Gaon 345 102 243 7 2 5 15 15 22 21 I Mail Dungari 35 15 20 Thala 47 17 30 5 4 Matiyal 37 14 23 3 3 Dharasi Charnel a 26 10 16 2 2 Kafar Katiya 113 34 79 5 4 Upertola 84 23 61 3 3 Maltha 38 17 21 Melku I' 77 20 57 I 6 6 Kharku Bhalya 2 2 12 12 Sailgwale 63 18 45 2 2 Rari Khunti 84 42 42 4 4 50 45 5 Gurana 2 I I ,- 22 18 4 Igyar 395 140 255 4 2 2 66 63 3 Tharkot


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateE0!l Location code Maq~inal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44, 4S 46 47 48 49 n017300 Takari 14 14 13 13 nOl7400 Darim KhoJa(Anshik) 36 32 4 7 6 I 29 26 3 )}017500 Aicholi 134 29 105 123 22 101 I ))017600 Kiri Gaon 10 2 8 9 1 8 )1017700 Sanghar 62 1 61 59 59 )1017800 Bagsil 30 3 27 27 27 )1017900 JajuraJi 235 120 115 230 117 113 [)1018000 Sainkanla ------Un-inhabited------DI018200 Khati Gaon . 284 87 197 267 70 197 01018300 Tallisar 179 35 144 179 35 144 01018400 Bastey 62 32 30 20 3 17 01018500 Selmira 01018600 Kunchyu Rani 01018700 Pabhai 01018800 Dungari 01018900 Himpani 01019000 Dhari Joshi 7 2 5 7 2 5 01019100 Dungara 38 11 27 38 11 27 01019200 Tham Kund 9 8 9 8 01019300 Kujgar 5 4 4 4 01019400 Chaumusirodiya 35 35 34 34 01019500 Chamali 93 59 34 87 55 32 5 4 01019600 Dungari Rawal 16S 65 100 157 57 100 01019700 Barwa Lekh 42 21 21 42 21 21 , 01019800 Rora Gaon 52 29 23 52 29 23 01019900 Doomana 3 3 1 I 01020000 Kucha 63 8 SS 62 7 55 01020100 Mansau 82 23 59 72 14 58 2 01020200 Ghighar Kholi 4 3 2 1 1 01020300 Maspati 46 18 28 II 3 8 21 4 17 01020400 Maryura 184 80 104 25 25 85 10 75 01020500 Dhari Dhamaura III 33 78 64 5 59 16 3 13 01020600 Balakot 291 100 191 291 100 191 01020700 Tala 68 47 21 66 46 20 01020800 Jakh 148 46 102 113 13 100 01020900 Seri Barakot 76 29 47 75 29 46 1 01021000 Puran 179 84 95 \33 40 93 15 13 2 01021100 Rawal Gaon 96 22 74 83 11 n 2 2 01021200 Mail Dungari 9 8 I 5 4 I 4 4 01021300 Thala 8 5 3 8 5 3 01021400 Matiyal 01021500 Dharasi Chamela 12 7 5 12 7 S 01021600 Kafar Kaliya 18 9 9 18 9 9 01021700. Upertola 12 8 4 II 8 3 01021800 'Maltha 7 6 I 7 6 I 01021900 Melku 8 8 8 8 01022000 Kharku Bhalya 34 19 15 31 16 15 01022100 Sailgwale 32 8 24 29 5 24 01022200 Rari Khunti 32 21 II 23 12 II 01022300 Gurana 3 3 I I 01022400 Igyar 174 65 109 108 2 106 m022S00 lharkot 97 81 16 24 12 12


CENSUS ABSTRACT Pithoragarh of mars ina 1 workers Location Household industry worKers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 171 95 76 Takari 01017300 152 83 69 Darim Khola(Anshik) 01017400 10 7 3 573 277 296 Aicholi 01017500 1 82 34 48 Kiri Gaon 01017600 2 2 1 1 231 128 103 Sanghar 01017700 • I 3 3 127 72 55 Bagsil 01017800 4 3 130 74 56 Jajurali 01017900 ------Un-inhabited------Sainkanla 01018000 16 16 331 176 155 Khati Gaon 01018200 204 117 87 Tallisar 01018300 4 2 2 38 27 11 510 266 244 Bastey 01018400 26 18 8 Se1mira 01018500 34 21 13 Kunchyu Rani 01018600 167 98 69 Pabhai 01018700 92 52 40 Dungari 01018800 70 43 27 Himpani 01018900 129 5J 78 Dhari Joshi 01019000 241 103 138 Dungara 01019100 27 13 14 Tham Kund 01019200 13 8 5 Kujgar 01019300 114 57 57 Chaumusirodiya 01019400 1 396 158 238 Chamali 01019500 8 8 317 172 145 Dungari Rawa1 01019600 75 25 50 Bar-wa Lekh 01019700 42 25 17 Rora Gaon 01019800 2 2 14 10 4 Doomana 01019900 1 119 68 51 Kucha 01020000 4 4 4 4 96 51 45 Mansau 01020100 63 26 37 Ghighar Kholi 01020200 14 11 3 139 62 77 Maspati 01020300 4 3 70 69 1 284 143 141 Maryura 01020400 5 4 26 24 2 168 79 89 Dhari Dhamaura 01020500 257 140 117 Ba1akot 01020600 I 32 17 15 Tala 01020700 3 2 31 30 489 234 255 Jakb 01020800 203 76 12~ Seri Barakot 01020900 5 5 26 26 407 203 204, Puran 01021000 3 3 8 8 187 105 82 Rawal Gaon 01021100 526 301 225 lyfail Dungari 01021200 40 ,24 16 Thala 01021300 79 '43 36 Matiyal 01021400 61 30 31 Dharasi Chamela 01021500 45 25 20 ,Karar Katiya 01021600 173 88 85 ,Uperto1a 01021700 117 57 60 Maltha 01021800 60 36 24 Melku 01021900 2 2 87 37 50 Kharku Bhalya 0lO2200C 2 2 38' 24 14 Sailgwalc 0102210C 8 8 50 26 24 Rari Khunti 0102220C 2 2 399 163 236 Gurana 0102230( 4 3 62 60 2 343 192 lSI Igyar 0102240( 73 69 4 532 305 227 Tharkot 0102250(


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation) . a8e-8rouE 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01022600 Toli Fagali 154.70 137 646 306 340 109 56 53 01022700 Bhelolat 52.00 47 181 71 110 34 16 18 01022800 Sthuni 75.33 103 493 242 251 72 34 38 01022900 Sirpoli 45.00 13 47 22 25 7 4 3 01023100 Kante 43.00 49 248 102 146 38 17 21 01023200 Bamanthal 55.00 17 78 40 38 18 II 7 01023300 Seri 152.40 84 421 196 225 76 40 36 01023400 Suntara Pokhari 109.80 17 104 49 55 25 14 11 01023500 Bera 18.43 129 580 275 305 104 56 48 01023600 Khitoli 256.00 70 349 162 187 83 35 48 01023800 Gogana 1,084.00 307 1,551 783 768 312 167 145 01023900 Jamrarl 650.90 114 '644 307 337 128 62 66 01024000 Nisani . 206.20 118 613 297 316 136 63 73



Scheduled Castes 202uation Scheduled Tribes 20Eulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 186 86 100 443 242 201 Toli Fagali I I 124 54 70 Bhelolat 201 103 98 366 199 167 Sthuni II 6 5 36 18 18 Sirpoli 56 30 26 182 83 99 Kante _t 50 28 22 Bamanthal' 156 78 78 272 145 127 Seri 25 II 14 54 31 23 Suntara Pokhari 199 101 98 357 210 147 Bera 121 54 67 209 124 85 Khitoli 417 215 202 910 550 360 Gogana 116 58 58 362 235 127 Jamrari 97 46 51 294 198 96 Nisani



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVillaae Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01022600 Toli Fagali 203 64 139 364 167 197 362 167 195 01022700 Bhelolat 57 17 40 108 39 69 3 3 01022800 Sthuni 127 43 84 226 103 123 220 97 123 01022900 Sirpoli 11 4 7 6 5 2 2 01023100 Kante 66 19 47 85 37 48 14 12 2 01023200 Bamantha1 28 12 16 25 12 13 2 1 1 01023300 Seri 149 51 98 186 73 113 156 47 109 01023400 Suntara Pokhari 50 18 32 50 19 31 42 12 30 01023500 Bera 223 65 158 316 145 111 230 74 156 01023600 Khitoli 140 38 102 118 74 104 108 36 72 01023800 Gogana 641 233 408 759 361 398 387 225 162 01023900 Jamrari 282 72 210 336 144 192 336 144 192 01024000 Nisani 319 99 220 207 110 97 207 110 97


CENSUS ABSTRACT Pithoragarh Industrial categ0!X of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 301 117 184 2 2 59 48 II Toli Fagali 3 3 Bhelolat 184 70 114 7 3 4 29 24 5 Sthuni Sirpoli 1 12 11 K'ante 2 Bamanthal 139 32 107 17 15 2 Sed 41 12 29 Suntara Pokhari 186 33 153 5 5 39 36 3 Bera 95 25 70 I 12 10 2 Khitoli 216 65 151 36 28 8 134 132 2 Gogana 331 139 192 1 4 4 Jamrari 180 83 97 27 27 Nisani


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateso!}: Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators Asricultural labourers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01022600 Toli Fagali 2 2 I 01022700 Bhelolat lOS 36 69 94 26 68 01022800 Sthuni 6 6 3 3 01022900 Sirpoli 4 3 I 01023100 Kante 71 25 46 67 21 46 01023200 Bamanthal 23 II 12 23 11 12 01023300 Seri 30 26 4 14 10 4 01023400 Suntara Pokhari 8 7 I 5 4 01023500 Bera 86 71 15 78 66 12 01023600 Khitoli 70 38 32 51 20 31 01023800 Gogana 372 136 236 334 102 232 7 5 2 01023900 Jamrari 01024000 Nisani


CENSUS ABSTRACT Pithoragarh of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillal?ze number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 282 139 143 Toli Fagali 01022600 II 10 73 32 41 Bhelolat 01022700 I I 267 139 128 Sthuni 01022800 2 2 41 17 24 Sirpoli 01022900 2 2 163 65 98 Kante 01023100 53 28 25 Bamanthal 01023200 16 16 235 123 112 Seri 01023300 2 2 54 30 24 Suntarll Pokhari 01023400 4 I 3 4 4 264 130 134 Bera 01023500 3 3 15 14 171 88 83 Khitoli 01023600 2 I 29 28 792 422 370 Goganll 01023800 308 163 145 Jamrari 01023900 406 187 219 Nisani 01024000



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation) age-grouE 0-6 number Name ofViIlase hectares households Persons Males females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )0 0056 Munakot (Total) 30,458.25 9,936 46,030 21,781 24,249 7,101 3,735 3,366 0056 Munalmt (Rural) 30,458.25 9,936 46,030 21,781 24,249 7,101 3,735 3,366 0056 Munakot (Urban) Munakot (Rural) 01024100 Bhauri 302.80 38 206 90 116 29 16 13 01024200 Lama Khet 17.38 38 170 80 90 38 23 15 0)024300 Timalpata 84.49 I 5 1 4 01024400 Pachaura 41.22 19 103 46 57 21 11 10 01024500 Chama 26.40 32 152 73 79 18 8 10 01024600 Paikatiya 32.76 8 52 26 26 13 8 5 0) 024700 Supokbara 37.57 26 140 67 73 23 11 12 01024800 Bisa Bajer 118.90 112 501 224 277 79 45 34 01024900 Syunsi 22.69 15 63 26 37 7 3 4 01025000 Gargaon Lagga Maichali 154.00 II 70 33 37 16 12 4 01025100 Dhari Gat 7.34 8 49 24 25 8 5 3 01025200 Bipul 178.10 10 46 25 21 3 2 01025300 Baset 5.20 I 5 2 3 01025400 Satsiling 114.50 98 427 205 222 60 24 36 01025500 Ghunsera Gaon 139.40 62 325 160 )65 48 31 17 01025600 Dungari Joshi 46.72 27 134 68 66 16 7 9 01025700 Marh 616.00 268 1,210 591 619 187 102 85 01025800 Jivi(May Gooth) 86.62 59 300 )38 162 33 19 14 01025900 Urga 28.14 62 279 )28 151 27 10 17 01026000 Salmora 42.01 51 231 111 120 39 23 16 01026100 WaH Gaon 32.74 45 183 96 87 26 16 10 01026200 MulaGarh 92.76 21 92 48 44 8 6 2 01026400 Garhan 111.40 7 33 18 15 2 2 01026500 Harari 44.40 12 48 , 21 27 3 2 I 01026600 Bheta Dhanik 49.60 16 68 26 42 12 8 4 01026700 Chokyal Gaon 40.00 II 47 24 23 4 4 01026800 Gangaseri 116.40 39 151 65 86 Jl 3 8 01026900 Meta Sera Mahar 25.60 20 110 48 62 18 7 11 01027000 Matar 47.20 7 23 12 II 3 2 I 01027100 Sinkholi 47.20 30 131 63 68 23 10 13 01027200 Sarpeta Kela Gaon 44.00 II 39 15 24 5 3 2 01027300 Pankholi 199.20 54 225 110 115 38 21 17 01027400 Khati Gaon 98.00 38 166 74 92 22 12 10 01027500 Majhera 52.00 31 128 63 65 18 7 11 01027600 Oholi Birkatiya 92.40 10 43 22 21 7 4 3 01027700 Bhul Gaon 41.20 23 100 49 51 19 It 8 01027800 Dhooraijar 17.60 6 18 S 13 01027900 Khoona 116.40 48 233 123 110 21 II 10 01028000 Arali 38.40 13 57 30 27 6 2 4 01028100 Kumalta 10.80 5 18 6 12 2 1 I 01028200 Naghar 57.33 24 93 36 57 12 9 3 01028300 Swaguli 137.19 24 96 46 50 13 7 6 01028400 Patal Pokhari 61.20 9 34 18 16 4 3 I 01028500 Naini Patal 159.00 25 III 43 68 14 3 11 01028600 Nainiyabad 32.00 9 34 9 25 4 I 3 01028700 Sirrha 179.60 25 122 63 59 16 10 6 01028800 Oagarh 85.70 ------Un-inhabited------01028900 Rocbhera 124.80 33 157 7S 82 15 10 5



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillal!!e 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 10,676 5,297 5,379 11 9 2 30,749 16,999 13,750 Munakot (Total) 10,676 5,297 5,379 11 9 2 30,749 16,999 13,750 Munakot (Rural) Munakot (Urban) Munakot (Rural) 148 70 78 Bhauri 103 54 49 Lama Khef 4 I 3 Timalpata 44 21 23 63 33 30 Pachaura 56 32 24 108 62 46 Chama 52 26 26 25 15 10 Paikatiya 96 56 40 Supokhara 134 69 65 335 171 164 Bisa Sajer 17 10 7 44 21 23 Syunsi 33 17 16 41 18 23 Gargaon Lagga Maichali 38 18 20 Dhari Gar II 6 5 40 24 16 Sipul '4 2 2 Baset 152 78 74 314 178 136 Satsiling 60 30 30 229 124 105 Ghunsera Gaon 40 21 19 88 55 33 Dungari Joshi 282 153 129 856 469 387 Marh 129 64 65 225 116 109 Jivi(May Gooth) 114 58 56 219 117 102 Urga 107 46 61 174 86 88 Salmora 147 77 70 121 71 50 Wali Gaon 76 41 35 Mula Garh 26 17 9 Garhan 3 2 I 40 18 22 Harari 25 9 16 36 17 19 Bheta Dhanik 36 20 16 Chokyal Gaon 35 18 17 110 57 53 Gangaseri 82 37 45 Mera Sera Mahar 17 10 7 Matar 90 52 38 Sinkholi 25 12 13 Sarpeta Kela Gaon 8 4 4 142 84 58 Pankholi lOS 59 46 Khati Gaon 18 8 10 82 54 28 Majhera - 30 17 13 Dholi Birkatiya 65 37 28 Shul Gaon 12 5 7 Dhooraijar 112 69 43 164 107 57 Khoona 13 7 6 42 27 IS Arali 10 4 6 Kumalta 66 27 39 Naghar 63 37 26 Swaguli 20 13 7 Patal Pokhari 78 38 40 Naini Patal 26 8 18 Nainiyabad 92 53 39 Sirrha ------Un-inhabited------Dagarh . 58 28 30 114 57 57 Rochhera



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0056 Munakot (Total) 15,281 4,782 10,499 19,241 8,116 11,125 14,973 6,263 8,710 0056 Munakot (Rural) 15,281 4,782 10,499 19,241 8,116 11,125 14,973 6,263 8,710 0056 Munakot (Urban) Munakot (Rural) 01024100 Bhauri 58 20 38 95 39 56 81 27 54 01024200 Lama Khet 67 26 41 97 39 58 85 28 57 01024300 Timalpata I I I 01024400 Pachaura 40 13 27 33 15 18 01024500 Chama 44 II 33 44 18 26 10 10 01024600 Paikatiya 27 II 16 2 2 I 01024700 Supokhara 44 II 33 48 21 27 25 17 8 01024800 Bisa Bajer 166 53 113 182 74 108 168 71 97 01024900 Syunsi 19 5 14 1 1 1 01025000 Gargaon Lagga Maichali 29 15 14 5 5 4 4 01025100 Dhari Gar 11 6 5 4 4 4 4 01025200 Bipul 6 5 19 7. 12 17 5 12 01025300 Baset I I 3 I 2 3 I 2 01025400 Satsiling 113 27 86 151 54 97 130 36 94 01025500 Ghunsera Gaon 96 36 60 163 76 87 93 43 50 01025600 Dungari Joshi 46 13 33 54 25 29 33 18 IS 01025700 Marh 354 122 232 522 244 278 271 162 109 01025800 Jivi(May Gooth) 75 22 53 101 38 63 81 28 53 01025900 Urga 60 11 49 101 52 49 71 28 43. 01026000 Salmora 57 25 32 9S 39 56 83 28 55 01026100 Wali Gaon 62 25 37 , 67 30 37 66 30 36 01026200 Mula Garh 16 7 9 . 32 16 16 28 13 15 01026400 Garhan 7 I 6 12 9 II \ 3 3 8 01026500 Harari 8 '3 5 32 13 19 31 13 18 01026600 Bheta Dhanik 32 9 23 37 10 27 37 10 27 01026700 Chokyal Gaon 11 4 7 26 11 15 26 11 15 01026800 Gangaseri 41 8 33 73 32 41 73 32 41 01026900 Mera Sera Mahar 28 11 17 49 22 27 48 21 27 01027000, Matar 6 2 4 14 6 8 14 6 8 01027100 Sinkholi 41 11 30 85 37 48 62 22 40 01027200 Slirpeta Kela Gaon 14 3 II 20 8 12 13 4 9 01027300 Pllnkholi 83 26 57 124 61 63 105 47 58 01027400 Khati Gaon 61 15, 46 94 40 54 84 32 52 01027500 Majhera 46 9 37 69 28 41 60 22 38 01027600 Dholi Birkatiya 13 5 8 25 13 12 25 13 12 01027700 Bhul Gaon 35 12 23 48 21 27 48 21 27 01027800 Dhooraijar 6 6 9 2 7 9 2 7 01027900 Khoona 69 16 53 III 50 61 91 41 50 01028000 Arali 15 3 12 30 15 15 26 14 12 01028100' Kumalta 8 2 6 8 2 6 7 2 5 01028200 Naghar 27 9 18 34 7 27 34 7 27 01028300 Swaguli 33 9 24 30 12 18 30 12 18 01028400 Patal Pokhari 14 5 9 18 7 II 17 6 11 01028500 Naini Pata1 33 5 28 70 24 46 44 12 32 01028600 Nainiyabad 8 1 7 18 3 15 14 2 12 01028700 Sirrha 30 10 20 82 38 44 54 17 37 01028800 Dagarh ------Un-inhabited------01028900 Rochhera 43 18 25 38 33 5 7 6


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munakot Industrial cateso!:X of main workers Household industry Cultivators Asriculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 12,038 3,651- 8,387 54 23 JI JOJ 259 44 2,578 2,330 248 Munakot {Total) 12,038 3,651 8,387 54 23 31 303 259 44 2,578 2,330 248 Munakot (Rural) Munakot (Urban) Munakot (Rural) 62 15 47 19 12 7 Bhauri 63 10 53 22 18 4 Lama Khet Timalpata Pachaura 10 10 Chama I I Paikatiya 18 10 8 7 7 Supokhara 137 42 95 31 29 2 Bisa Bajer 1 1 Syunsi 4 4 Gargaon Lagga Maichali 4 4 Dhari Gar 14 2 12 3 3 Bipul 3 I 2 Baset 94 3 91 36 33 3 Satsiling 71 22 49 21 21 Ghunsera Gaon 28 13 15 5 5 Dungari Joshi 177 73 104 14 12 2 80 77 3 Marh 56 7 49 25 21 4 Jivi(May Gooth) 39 1 38 32 27 5 Urga 62 8 54 21 20 I Salmora 38 3 35 28 27 I Wali Gaon 22 7 !5 6 6 Mula Garh 9 I 8 2 2 Garhan 29 11 18 2 2 Harari 35 8 27 2 2 Bheta Dhanik 26 II 15 Chokyal Gaon 70 29 41 3 3 Gangaseri 40 13 27 8 8 Mera Sera Mahar II 3 8 3 3 Matar 57 18 39 5 4 Sinkholi 13 4 9 Sarpeta Kela Gaon 46 '33 13 Pankholi 58 13 45 \ 53 8 45 31 24 7 Khati Gaon 57 20 37 2 2 Majhera 21 9 12 4 4 Dholi Birkatiya 37 1\ 26 1I 10 Bhul Gaon 7 7 2 2 Dhooraijar 68 20 48 i 2 2 2 19 19 Khoona 21 10 11 I 1 4 4 Arali 7 2 5 Kumalta 34 7 27 Naghar 24 6 18 6 6 Swaguli 12 2 10 .! 5 4 Patal PQkhari 39 7 32 5 5 Naini Patal 13 I 12 I Nainiyabad 43 6 37 II II Sirrha ------Un-inhabited------Dagarh 4 3 3 3 Rochhera


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBIock- Industrial cateso!1 Location code Marl:!iinal workers Cultivators A8riculturallabourers number Name ofVillal:!ie Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0056 Munakot (Total) 4,268 1,853 2,415 3,215 1,150 2,065 283 102 181 0056 Munakot (Rural) 4,268 1,853 2,415 3,215 1,150 2,065 283 102 181 0056 Munakot (Urban) Munakot (Rural) 01024100 Bhauri 14 12 2 13 12 01024200 Lama Khet 12 II II 10 01024300 Timalpata I 01024400 Pachaura 32 14 18 26 9 17 01024500 Chama 34 8 26 34 8 26 01024600 Paikatiya 1 1 01024700 Supokhara 23 4 19 23 4 19 01024800 Bisa Bajer 14 3 11 13 2 11 01024900 Syunsi 01025000 Gargaon Lagga Maichali 01025100 Dhari Gar 01025200 Bipul 2 2 01025300 Baset 01025400 Satsiling 21 18 3 2 I 1 2 2 01025500 Ghunsera Gaon 70 33 37 64 27 37 01025600 Dungari Joshi 21 7 14 17 3 14 01025700 Marh 251 82 169 204 45 159 01025800 Jivi(May Gooth) 20 10 10 11 1 10 01025900 Urga 30 24 6 - \ 01026000 Salmora 12 II I 01026100 Wali Gaon 1 01026200 Mula Garh 4 . 3 01026400 Garhan 01026500 Harari -\ 01026600 Bheta Dhanik 01026700 Chokyal Gaon . 01026800 Gangaseri 01026900 Mera Sera Mahar 01027000 Matar 01027100 Sinkholi 23 15 8 22 15 7 01027200 Sarpeta Kela Gaon 7 4 3 7 4 3 01027300 Pankholi 19 14 5 14 II 3 01027400 Khati Gaon 10 8 2 7 6 01027500 Majhera 9 6 3 9 6 3 01027600 Dholi Birkatiya - 01027700 Bhu1 Gaon 01027800 Dhooraijar 01027900 Khoona 20 9 II 16 6 10 01028000 Arali 4 3 3 2 01028100 Kumalta I I I 1 01028200 Naghar 01028300 Swaguli 01028400 Patal Pokhari 1 01028500 Naini Patal 26 12 14 22 8 14 01028600 Nainiyabad 4 1 3 4 1 3 01028700 Sirrha 28 21 7 28 21 7 01028800 Oagarh ------Un-inhabited------01028900 Rochhera 31 27 4 31 27 4



of mar~inal workers Location Household indus!!! workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 118 74 44 652 527 125 26,789 13,665 13,124 Munakot (Total) 0056 118 74 44 652 527 125 26,789 13,665 13,124 Munakot (Rural) 0056 Munakot (Urban) 0056 Munakot (Rural) 111 51 60 Bhauri 01024100 73 41 32 Lama Khet 01024200 I I 4 1 3 Timalpata 01024300 6 5 70 31 39 Pachaura 01024400 108 55 53 Chama 01024500 50 24 26 Paikatiya 01024600 92 46 46 Supokhara 01024700 319 150 169 Bisa Bajer 01024800 62 25 37 Syunsi 01024900 65 28 37 Oargaon Lagga Maichali 01025000 45 20 25 Dhari Gar 01025100 2 2 27 18 9 Bipul 01025200 2 I I Baset 01025300 17 17 276 t'SI 125 Satsiling 01025400 6 6 162 84 78 Ghunsera Gaon 01025500 4 4 80 43 37 Dungari Joshi 01025600 47 37 10 688 347 341 Marh 01025700 9 9 199 100 99 Jivi(May Oooth) 01025800 30 24 6 178 76 102 Urga 01025900 10 10 136 72 64 Salmora 01026000 I 116 66 SO Wali Oabn 01026100 3 3 60 32 28 Mula Garh 01026200 I 21 IS 6 Garhan 01026400 16 8 8 Harari 01026500 31 16 IS Bheta Dhanik 01026600 21 13 8 Chokyal Gaon 01026700 78 33 45 Gangaseri 01026800 61 26 35 Mera Sera Mahar 01026900 9 6 3 Matar 01027000 -, 46 26 20 Sinkholi 01027100 19 7 12 Sarpeta Kela Gaon 01027200 5 3 2 101 49 52 Pankholi 01027300 3 2 I 72 34 38\Khali Gaon 01027400 59 35 24 Majhera 01027500 18 9, 9 Dholi Birkatiya 01027600 52 28' 24 Bhul Gaon 01027700 9 3 6 Dhooraijar 01027800 3 3 122 73 49 Khoona 01027900 27 15 12 Arali 01028000 10 4 6 Kumalta 01028100 59 29 30 Nagbar 01028200 66 34 32 Swaguli 01028300 1 I 16 II 5 Patal Pokhari 01028400 4 4 41 19 22 Naini Patal 01028500 16 6 10 Nainiyabad 01028600 40 25 15 Sirrha 01028700 ------U n -inhabi ted------Dagarh 01028800 119 42 77 Rochhera 01028900


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of ,population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --:P:-e-rs-on-s--'~M;;';'a;;';'le;';;s;.;..t_-:F;:-e-m-a[:-es- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01029000 Bansdhar 0.40 2 12 5 7 4 2 2 01029100 Akhuli 347.00 149 738 339 399 118 65 53 01029200 Dhurchu Nayabad 13.96 50 253 127 126 35 18 17 01029300 Kunkatiya 11.80 78 346 174 172 52 31 21 01029400 Gaunchh 171.20 38 202 93 109 32 17 15 01029500 Ghurchoo 13.96 58 251 117 134 38 15 23 01029600 Galant 677.80 86 384 176 208 64 38 26 01029700 Khark Dholi 224.00 76 361 164 197 62 30 32 01029800 Garh Gaon 22.41 51 211 94 117 27 15 12 01029900 Saurh Lekh 23.10 31 143 86 57 25 15 10 01030000 Chirali 300.20 36 155 78 77 26 16 10 01030100 Dholi Kholi 51.73 7 22 7 15 4 3 01030200 Kuchala Bhadwari 11.60 24 104 45 59 22 8 14 01030300 Dhaun Dhura 89.50 25 136 69 67 21 8 13 01030400 Gaunch Nayawad 134.00 47 233 119 114 30 17 13 01030500 Marhmanley 500,00 132 670 305 365 93 54 39 01030600 Dhaul Kanda 43.44 98 469 228 241 71 4i 29 01030700 Dobans 111.00 157 765 359 406 127 58 69 01030800 Katiyani 782.40 147 694 322 372 103 59 44 01030900 Dholi Kholi 290.10 13 70 43 27 7 6 1 01031000 Maun Kate 268.80 50 260 130 130 41 21 20 010311 00 Kuwa Pani 72.80 42 185 100 85 28 16 12 01031200 Julpata 380.00 24 124 56 68 32 13 19 01031300 Geti Gada 273.20 64 317 149 168 52 32 20 01031400 Materi 636.00 283 1,265 571 ' 694 232 118 114 01031500 Majirkanda 752.80 533 2,371 1,221, 1,150 310 146 164 01031600 Jamir Pani 24.40 22 104 48 56 17 10 7 01031700 Chaurh j 480.80 70 332 157 175 60 33 27 01031800 Sirkuch 133.90 74 339 179 160 43 27 16 01031900 Dholi 172.40 93 436 211 225 74 30 44 01032000 Gaina 114.00 53 257 113 144 47 26 21 01032100 Bagar Toli 736.00 30 137 65 72 27 16 11 01032200 Bish Kholi 580.00 114 476 203 273 77 46 31 01032300 Baltari 132.80 88 404 , 185 219 66 39 27 01032400 Dholi Dunga 128.80 ------Un-inhabited------01032500 Gaurihat 510.80 197 8~ 4M 60 lU 62 64 01032600 Rajyoura 121.60 44 210 106 104 41 22 19 01032700 Kanari 61.20 66 296 138 158 29 13 16 01032800 Jakh Pat 383.60 123 576 277 299 83 34 49 01032900 Barthiya Kote Mahar 61.64 44 200 89 111 26 15 11 01033000 Barthiya Kote Nayak 46.52 32 113 50 63 IO 3 7 01033100 Baralu 414.80 196 874 409 465 132 71 61 01033200 Kilat Deopa 106.80 36 153 66 87 14 9 5 01033300 Muna KQte 462.80 156 714 336 378 116 64 52 01033400 Manthala 9.20 I 01033500 Riyasi Malli 115.00 169 772 360 412 96 51 45 01033600 Langari 54.00 40 167 81 86 15 9 6 01033700 Aru Kholi 58.46 2 11 3 8 ) 01033800 Kanda Punetha 20.13 5 17 8 9 I 1 01033900 Kain Khola 37.81 15 57 19 38 13 5 8 01034000 Salam Gaon 29.83 29 122 53 69 20 8 12 01034100 Susera 12.96 7 25 17 8 3 3



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViJlage II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 )9 2 7 3 4 Bansdhar 93 43 50 494 262 232 Akhuli 144 98 46 Dhurchu Nayabad 145 72 73 211 130 81 Kunkatiya 39 19 20 143 69 74 Gaunchh I 1 155 86 69 Ghurchoo 102 53 49 252 135 117 Galant 57 29 28 245 129 116 Khark Dholi 53 26 27 152 78 74 Garh Gaon 143 86 57 85 63 22 Saurh Lekh 34 17 17 106 61 45 Chirali 13 6 7 Dholi Kholi 54 31 23 Kuchala Bhadwari 51 23 28 88 58 30 Dhaun Dhura 25 17 8 152 93 59 Gaunch N~yawad 95 54 41 464 249 215 Marhmanley 14 9 5 323 179 144 Dhaul Kanda 241 115 126 517 283 234 Dobans 16 8 8 457 249 208 Katiyani 28 17 11 52 36 16 Dholi Kholi 94 43 51 162 103 59 Maun Kote 101 56 45 122 79 43 KuwaPani 6 4 2 72 42 .30 Julpata 131 56 75 207 110 97 Geti Gada 361 180 181 782 413 369 Materi 386 196 190 11 9 2 1,714 1,026 688 Majirkanda 51 23 28 6S 34 31 Jamir Pani 31 12 19 212 117 95 Chaurhi 63 36 27 239 145 94 Sirkuch 95 44 51 305 174 131 Dholi 134 61 73 158 81 77 Gaina 23 12 1\ 94 47 47 BBgarToli 49 24 25 310 148 162 Bish Kholi 76 39 37 258 139 119 Baltari ------Un-inhabited------Dholi Dunga 191 89 102 611 332 \ 279 Gaurihat 48 23 25 120 78 \42 Rajyoura 109 53 56 198 115 83 KBnari 203 96 107 406 239 167 Jakh Pat 22 11 11 150 71 79 Barthiya Kote Mahar 90 46 44 Barthiya Kote Nayak 223 105 118 635 330 305 Baralu 19 8 II 120 56 64 KilatDeopa 168 85 83 495 262 23;J Muna Kote Manthala 210 96 114 578 298 280 Riyasi Malli 133 71 62 Langari 11 3 8 10 3 7 Aru Kholi 12 8 4 Kanda Punetha 37 14 23 Kain Khola 83 45 38 Salam Gaon 17 12 5 19 13 6 Susera



Location ! code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01029000 Bansdhar 5 2 3 2 2 01029100 Akhuli 244 77 167 203 92 111 74 48 26 01029200 Dhurchu Nayabad 109 29 ,80 69 43 26 69 43 26 01029300 Kunkatiya 135 44 91 96 75 21 96 75 21 01029400 Gaunchh 59 24 35 49 29 20 44 25 19 01029500 Ghurchoo 96 31 65 66 49 17 66 49 17 01029600 Galant 132 41 91 107 42 65 32 22 10 01029700 Khark Dhol i 116 35 81 138 52 86 32 30 2 01029800 Garh Gaon 59 16 43 80 20 60 19 15 4 01029900 Saurh Lekh 58 23 35 59 34 25 9 9 01030000 Chirali 49 17 32 80 36 44 18 14 4 01030 I00 Dholi Kholi 9 I 8 5 I 4 5 I 4 01030200 Kuchala Bhadw8ri 50 14 36 48 20 28 34 10 24 01030300 Dhaun Dhura 48 11 37 17 15 2 5 4 1 01030400 Gaunch Nayawad 81 26 55 64 42 22 40 36 4 01030500 Marhmanley 206 56 150 340 139 201 339 139 200 01030600 Dhaul Kanda 146 49 97 261 108 153 174 59 115 01030700 Dobans 248 76 172 352 144 208 275 108 167 01030800 Katiyani 237 73 164 431 179 252 224 47 177 01030900 Dholi Kholi 18 7 II 48 27 21 45 24 21 01031000 Maun Kote 98 27 71 131 59 72 118 46 72 01031100 KuwaPani 63 21 42 88 36 52 64 12 52 01031200 Julpata 52 14 .38 55 21 34 45 15 30 01031300 Geti Gada 110 39 71 155 66 89 48 40 8 01031400 Materi 483 158 325 513 184 329 501 178 323 01031500 Majirkanda 657 195 462 714 ' SIS 199 632 490 \42 01031600 Jamir Pani 39 14 25 38 18 20 37 17 20 01031700 Chaurhi 120 40 80 116 55 61 108 47 61 01031800 Sirkuch 100 34 66 140 57 83 120 42 78 01031900 Dholi 131 37 94 216 105 111 195 87 108 01032000 Gaina 99 32 67 99 39 60 83 24 59 01032100 BagarToli 43 18 25 60 21 39 53 14 39 01032200 Bish Kholi 166 55 III 176 50 126 175 49 126 01032300 Baltari 146 46 100 153 64 89 137 62 75 01032400 Dholi Dunga ------Un-inhabited------01032500 Gaurihat 284 73 211 332 117 215 308 94 214 01032600 Rajyoura 90 28 62 126 61 65 126 61 65 01032700 Kanari 98 23 75 101 44 57 85 33 52 01032800 Jakh Pat 170 38 132 279 121 158 227 83 144 01032900 Barthiya Kote Mahar 50 18 32 83 23 60 83 23 60 01033000 Barthiya Kate Nayak 23 4 \9 5\ \6 35 51 16 35 01033100 Baralu 239 79 160 372 145 227 153 98 55 01033200 Kilat Deopa 33 10 23 55 24 31 44 20 24 01033300 Muna Kote 219 74 145 289 III 178 89 84 5 01033400 Manthala 1 1 , 01033500 Riyasi'Malli 194 62 132 277 104 173 196 63 133 01033600 Langari 34 10 24 61 25 36 9 9 01033700 Am Kholi 1 I 2 2 1 1 01033800 Kanda Punetha 5 5 6 4 2 2 2 01033900 Kain Khola 20 5 15 25 9 16 25 9 16 01034000 Salam Gaon 39 8 31 57 17 40 57 17 40 01034100 Susera 6 4 2 9 4 5 9 4 5



Industrial eate~0!X of main workers Household industry Cultivators Asricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 Bansdhar 49 23 26 15 15 10 10 Akhuli 68 43 25 Dhurchu Nayabad 87 66 21 8 8 Kunkatiya 39 20 19 5 5 Gaunehh 65 48 17 I I Ghurchoo 23 IS 8 2 2 7 5 2 Galant 13 12 2 2 \7 16 I Khark Dholi 8 7 II 8 3 Garh Gaon 2 2 7 7 Saurh Lekh 4 3 I 13 10 3 Chirali 4 4 I Dholi Kholi 31 7 24 3 3 Kuehala Bhadwari S 4 \ Dhaun Dhura 7 7 2 2 31 27 4 Gaunch Nayawad 310 113 197 29 26 3 Marhmanley 162 48 114 12 II Dhaul Kanda 247 80 167 2 2 26 26 Dobans 203 27 176 \ 20 19 Katiyani 45 -24 21 Dholi Kholi 112 41 71 6 5 Maun Kote S4 2 52 9 9 KuwaPani 43 13 30 2 2 Julpata 3S 30 5 5 2 3 I 7 7 Geti Gada 153 134 319 5 5 43 39 4 Materi 187 S6 131 6 S 439 429 10 Majirkanda 31 II 20 6 6 JamirPani 92 31 61 \ \ 15 15 Chaurhi 91 15 76 10 8 2 19 19 Sirkuch 150 49 101 4 4 41 34 7 Dholi 60 5 55 23 19 4 Gaina 40 39 13 13 BagarToli 143 21 122 - \ 32 28 4 Sish Kholi 68 32 36 6 4 2 8' 8 55 18 37 Baltari ------Un-inhabited------Dholi Dunga 227 22 205 1 I 3 3 77 69 " 8 Gaurihat 96 34 62 3 2 14 12 2 13 13 \ Rajyoura 68 18 50 17 15 2 Kanari 199 57 142 2 26 25 Jakh Pat 66 7 59 17 16 Barthiya Kote Mahar 43 9 34 8 7 I Barthiya Kote Nayak 86 40 46 II II 56 47 9 Baralu 28 6 22 16 14 2 KilatDeopa 32 31 I 16 16 41 37 '4 Muna Kote Manthala 160 34 126 2 2 6 5 28 24 4 Riyasi Malli I - I 8 8 Langari I I Aru Kholi 2 2 Kanda Punetha 22 6 16 3 3 Kain Khola 46 6 40 II II Salam Gaon 5 5 4 4 Susera


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD B1ock- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Culti vators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01029000 Bansdhar 2 2 2 2 01029100 Akhuli 129 44 85 128 43 85 01029200 Dhurchu Nayabad 01029300 Kunkatiya 01029400 Gaunchh 5 4 5 4 01029500 Ghurchoo 01029600 Galant 75 20 55 68 14 54 01029700 Khark Dholi 106 22 84 lOS 21 84 01029800 Garh Gaon 61 5 56 61 5 56 01029900 Saurh Lekh 50 25 25 3 1 2 44 22 22 01030000 Chirali 62 22 40 32 4 28 17 8 9 01030100 Dholi Kholi 01030200 Kuchala Bhadwari 14 10 4· 14 10 4 01030300 Dhaun Dhura 12 II 1 01030400 Gaunch Nayawad 24 6 18 19 6 13 01030500 Marhmanley I I 01030600 Dhaul Kanda 87 49 38 87 49 38 01030700 Dobans 77 36 41 66 25 41 01030800 Katiyani 207 132 75 205 130 75 01030900 Dholi Kholi 3 3 3 3 01031000 Maun Kote 13 13 12 12 01031100 Kuwa Pani 24 24 01031200 Julpata 10 6 4 3 3 01031300 Geti Gada 107 26 81 18 18 85 6 79' 01031400 Mateei 12 6 6 12 6 6 01031500 Majirkanda 82 25 57 58 3 55 01031600 JamirPani I 1 I 1 0103 1700 Chaurhi 8 8 6 6 01031800 Sirkuch 20 15 5 17 12 5 01031900 Dholi 21 18 3 01032000 Gaina 16 15 01032100 BagarToli 7 7 3 3 01032200 Bish Kholi I 1 01032300 Bahari 16 2 14 12 11 3 2 01032400 Dholi Dunga -·-·---·-· ..-Un-inhabited------01032500 Gaurihat 24 23 1 I 1 01032600 Rajyoura 01032700 Kanari 16 11 5 3 I 2 01032800 Jakh Pat 52 38 14 49 35 14 01032900 Batthiya Kote Mahar 01033000 Batthiya Kote Nayak 01033100 Baralu 219 47 172 207 36 171 01033200 Kitat Deopa II 4 7 9 2 7 01033300 Muna Kote 200 27 173 196 23 173 01033400 M.anthala 01033500 Riyasi Malli 81 41 40 47 13 34 3 2 01 033600 Langari 52 16 36 32 2 30 01033700 Aru Kholi 1 1 01033800 Kanda Punetha 4 2 2 3 2 01033900 Kain Khola 01034000 Salam Gaon 01034100 Susera


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munakot ofmarilinal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females NameofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 10 3 7 Bansdhar 01029000 535 247 288 Akhuli 01029100 184 84 100 Dhurchu Nayabad 01029200 250 99 lSI Kunkatiya 01029300 153 64 89 Gaunehh 01029400 185 68 117 Ghurchoo 01029500 7 6 277 134 143 Galant 01029600 I 223 112 III Khark DhoJi 01029700 131 74 57 Garh Gaon 01029800 I I 2 2 84 52 32 SaurlrLekh 01029900 7 5 2 6 5 75 42 33 Chirali 01030000 17 6 II Dholi Kholi 01030100 56 25 31 Kuehala Bhadwari 01030200 II 10 119 54 65 Dhaun Dhura 01030300 5 5 169 77 92 Gaunch Nayawad 01030400 330 166 164 Marhmanley 01030500 208 , 120 88 Dhaul Kanda 01030600 9 9 413 215 198 Dobans 01030700 263 143 120 Katiyani 01030800 22 16 6 Dholi Kholi 01030900 I 129 71 58 Maun Kote 01031000 2 2 22 22 97 64 33 Kuwa Pani 01031100 3 2 1 4 4 69 35 34 Julpata 01031200 3 2 1 162 83 79 Geti Gada 01031300 752 387 365 Materi 01031400 24 22 2 1,657 706 951 Majirkanda 01031500 66 30 36 Jamir Pani 01031600 2 2 216 102 114 Chaurhi 01031700 1 1 2 2 199 122 77 Sirkueh 01031800 7 6 14 12 2 220 106 114 Dhoti 01031900 3 2 13 13 158 74 84 Gaina 01032000 4 4 77 44 33 BagarToli 01032100 1 1 300 153 147 Bish Kholi 01032200 1 251 121 130 Baltari 01032300 ------Un-inhabited------Dholi Dunga 01032400 21 21 563 288 275., Gaurihat 01032500 84 45 39 ~ajyoura 01032600 13 10 3 195 94 101 Kanari 01032700 3 3 297 156 141 Jakh Pat 01032800 117 66 51 Barthiya Kote Mahar 01032900 62 34 28 Barthiya Kote Nayak 01033000 11 11 502 264 238 Baralu 01033100 2 2 98 42 56 KilatDeopa 01033200 4 4 425 225 200 Muna Kote 01033300 1 Manthala 01033400 9 8 I 22 19 3 495 256 239 Riyasi Malti 01033500 7 4 3 13 10 3 106 56 50 Langari 01033600 9 8 Am Kholi 01033700 II 4 7 Kanda Punetha 01033800 32 10 22 Kain Khola 01033900 65 36 29 Salam Gaon 01034000 16 13 3 Susera 01034100


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households --=P:""'"e-rs-on-s---"-'-':-M';';';a""le;";"s-"-""'::F"""e-m-'al:-es- Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

01034200 Badari 78.84 47 196 94 102 31 20 11 01034300 Ginda Gaon 52:00 ------Un-inhabited-··--·-·····-· 01034400 Korpari (Kuleri) 315.90 41 193 93 100 28 21 7 01034500 Naugaon 28.47 28 130 69 61 15 13 2 01034600 Khatera 29.90 25 104 47 57 IJ 5 8 01034700 Budalgaon 127.00 50 223 97 126 38 23 15 01034800 Silauni 310.00 87 397 198 199 49 23 26 01034900 Kali Pokhari 12.40 2 5 3 2 01035000 Khar Kini 932.50 36 162 85 77 19 II 8 01035100 Gaina 1,380.00 33 161 86 75 10 5 5 01035200 Kurma 67.60 IS 59 30 29 4 3 1 01035300 Rikhai 107.60 43 184 88 96 28 17 II 01035400 Bharkatiya Joshi 29.00 170 732 387 345 138 78 60 01035500 KotaH Paneru 51.77 58 280 137 143 44 26 18 01035600 Rudna 58.74 86 382 182 200 34 20 14 01035700 Digas Kathayat 102.30 58 263 127 136 39 22 17 01035800 Simalkote 247.10 116 528 245 283 58 29 29 01035900 Anu 7.20 28 112 53 59 10 7 3 01036000 Udya Bunga Thalkedar 34.40 I 10 6 4 3 2 01036100 Deodar 251.60 115 509 228 281 88 46 42 01036200 Marsoli Bhat 495.20 418 1,800 824 976 252 130 122 01036300 Chitgaliya 19.16 ----.---.--.• Un -inhabited·---··-·------01036500 Khatera 130.00 78 333 155 178 44 21 23 01036600 Load Garh 289.60 56 276 124 152 41 21 20 01036700 Baraway 909.60 335 1,586 805 781 214 124 90 01036800 Toli 19.96 42 224 ' '104 120 35 17 18 01036900 Silgiya 39&.&4 78 408 204 204 80 37 43 01037000 Jajar Chingad 54.4& 115 666 312 354 148 79 69 01037100 Himtara 291.60 84 387 170 217 76 40 36 01037200 Pali Pachaura 27.48 47 245 117 128 48 24 24 01037300 Salla 967.10 229 1,129 520 609 191 92 99 01037400 Sail 600.40 179 1,010 475 535 215 104 III 01037500 Pathar Khani 102.90 42 175 66 109 23 11 12 01037600 Bilai 392.30 140 742 377 365 107 54 53 01037700 Saungaon 308.40 72 330 161 169 65 34 31 01037800 Bhatgaon 526.00 60 283 138 145 42 22 20 01037900 Dhari Air 198.80 82 391 156 235 66 30 36 01038000 Beltari 173.00 28 106 48 58 12 6 6 01038100 Rauliya Gaon 123.60 8 18 8 10 1 01038200 Digara 90.95 3 II 3 8 1 1 01038300 Kawarban 456.20 81 450 200 250 90 43 47 01038~00 Tameriya 56.82 92 491 211 286 123 57 66 01038500 Pura Sthiti UrfPundakhet 127.10 21 81 39 42 12 9 3 01038600 Kante Borgaon 58.00 40 161 82 79 25 16 9 01038700 Basaur Mainan 192.00 43 197 91 106 35 17 18 01038800 Agar 44.00 42 172 77 95 37 19 18 01038900 Digara 4.40 63 296 137 159 40 25 IS 01039000 Bich Kholi 33.00 24 93 43 50 7, 1 6 01039100 Jayal 85.20 32 141 70 71 19 10 9 01039200 Gyal Pipali 177.60 23 99 45 54 18 8 10 01039300 Tarigaon 153.60 40 169 65 104 25 10 15 01039400 Baun Kote 52.80 16 85 39 46 15 7 8



Scheduled Castes eoeuation Scheduled Tribes Eoeulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla~e II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 6 4 2 134 70 64 Badari ------Un-inhabited------GindaGlion 142 70 72 Korpari (Kuleri) 4 2 2 102 55 47 Naugaon 26 IS II 71 41 30 Khatera 14 8 6 158 74 84 Budalga,on 152 74 78 272 165 107 Silauni 4 3 1 Kali Pokhari 130 73 57 KharKini 36 20 16 138 80 58 Gaina 6 4 2 54 27 27 Kurma 33 13 20 136 70 66 Rikhai 211 126 85 525 291 234 Bharkatiya Joshi 45 24 21 205 107 98 Kotali Paneru 47 23 24 291 151 140 Rudna 96 49 47 194 102 92 Digas Kathayat 99 54 45 422 213 209 Simalkote 97 46 51 Anu 6 4 2 Udya Bunga Thalkedar 129 61 68 346 176 170 Deodar 388 192 196 1,315 670 645 Marsoli Bhat ------Un-inhabited------Chitgaliya 228 129 99 Khatera 16 6 10 204 102 .102 Load Garh 387 204 183 1,172 664 508 Baraway 21 10 11 149 80 69 Toli 263 130 133 164 124 40 Silgiya 339 163 176 323 193 130 Jajar Chingari 80 32 48 206 124 82 Himtara 144 88 56 Pali Pachaura 309 136 173 621 375 246 Salla 342 152 190 S20 324 196 Sail .- 114 52 62 Pathar Khani 290 149 141 S32 315 217 Bilai 30 17 13 208 118 90 Saungaon 58 31 27 169 104 65 Bhatgaon 101 43 58 241 116 \ 125 Dhari Air 23 12 II 70 40 30 Behari 13' 7 6 Rauliya Gaon 7 2 5 Digara 167 75 92 242 138 104 Kawarban 142 58 84 230 133 97 Tameriya 57 30 27 Pura Sthiti UrfPundakhet 35 15 20 102 61 41 Kante Borgaon 61 31 30 III 67 44 Basaur Mainan 110 58 52 Agar 71 37 34 207 109 98 Digara 23 II l2: 67 37 30 Bich Kholi 8 4 4 100 57 43 Jayal 37 19 18 S3 32 21 Gyal Pipali 27 8 19 102 S4 48 Tarigaon 59 26 33 S4 30 24 Baun Kote



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01034200 Badari 62 24 38 78 26 52 78 26 52 01034300 Ginda Gaon ------Un-inhabited------01034400 Korpari (Kuleri) 51 23 28 74 24 50. 74 24 50 01034500 Naugaon 28 14 14 56 23 33 52 20 32 01034600 Khatera 33 6 27 44 14 30 43 13 30 01034700 Buda1gaon 65 23 42 100 31 69 96 28 68 01034800 Silauni 125 33 92 191 91 100 125 30 95 01034900 Kali Pokhari 1 I 1 I 1 01035000 Khar Kini 32 12 20 38 33 5 38 33 5 01035100 Oaina 23 6 17 48 33 15 48 33 15 01035200 Kunna 5 3 2 33 16 17 33 16 17 01035300 Rikhai 48 18 30 111 41 70 III 41 70 01035400 Bharkatiya Joshi 207 96 111 208 159 49 183 135 48 01035500 Kotali Paneru 75 30 45 94 41 53 83 40 43 01035600 Rudna 91 31 60 81 39 42 77 38 39 01035700 Digas Kathayat 69 25 44 89 23 66 84 23 61 01035800 Simalkote 106 32 74 242 75 167 242 75 167 01035900 Anu 15 7 8 54 16 38 54 16 38 01036000 Udya Bunga Thalkedar 4 2 2 6 3 3 6 3 3 01036100 Deodar 163 52 III 271 104 167 202 42 160 01036200 Marsoli Bhat 485 154 331 816 311 505 537 194 343 01036300 Chitgaliya ------Un-inhabited------01036500 Khatera 105 26 79 163 63 100 119 30 89 01036600 Load Garh 72 22 50 115 40 75 115 40 75 01036700 Baraway 414 141 273 745 314 431 714 300 414 01036800 Toli 75 24 51 ,107 42 65 100 41 59 01036900 Silgiya 244 80 164 181 82 99 177 82 95 01037000 Jajar Chingari 343 119 224 286 106 180 262 104 158 01037100 Himtara 181 46 135 167 52 115 167 52 115 01037200 Pali Pachaura 101 29 72 117 39 78 103 39 64 01037300 Salla 508 145 363 520 228 292 296 166 130 01037400 Sail 490 151 339 470 180 290 344 124 220 01037500 Pathar Khani 61 14 47 55 II 44 55 II 44 01037600 Bilai 210 62 148 314 147 167 222 112 110 01037700 Saungaon 122 43 79 160 68 92 144 60 84 01037800 Bhatgaon 114 34 80 162 66 96 154 62 92 01037900 Dhari Air 150 40 110 193 71 122 158 44 114 01038000 Beltad 36 8 28 64 30 34 52 21 31 01038100 Rauliya Gaon 5 4 15 7 8 15 7 8 01038200 Digara 4 1 3 10 3 7 10 3 7 01038300 Kawarban 208 62 146 173 48 125 12 11 1 01038400 Tameriya 267 78 189 250 84 166 197 61 136 01038500 Pura Sthiti UrfPundakhet 24 9 15 47 18 29 44 15 29 01038600 Kante Borgaon 59 21 38 81 37 44 79 35 44 01038700 Basaur Mainan 86 24 62 81 34 47 81 34 47 01038800 -Agar 62 19 43 77 31 46 76 30 46 01038900 Digara 89 28 61 118 47 71 114 43 71 01039000 Bich Kholi 26 6 20 36 18 18 31 14 17 01039100 Jayal 41 13 28 51 16 35 49 14 35 01039200 Gyal Pipali 46 13 33 46 18 28 43 IS 28 01039300 Tarigaon 67 II 56 78 32 46 16 13 3 01039400 Baun Kate 31 9 22 41 18 23 IS 15



Industrial cate~0!1 of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 64 12 52 14 14 Badari .-•• -••••••• -Un-inhabited------.-·.-- GindaGaon 68 19 49 6 5 Korpari (Kuleri) 44 12 32 8 8 Naugaon 39 9 30 3 3 I I Khatera 88 22 66 3 2 5 5 Budalgaon 122 28 94 1 I 1 1 Silauni' I I Kali Pokhari 12 8 4 26 25 KharKini 29 15 14 19 18 Gaina 30 13 17 3 3 Kurma 106 36 70 5 5 Rikhai 37 37 145 134 II Bharkatiya Joshi 49 8 41 4 3 4 4 26 25 Kotali Panem 44 7 37 3 3 30 28 2 Rudna 65 12 53 8 2 6 11 9 2 Digas Kathayat 233 66 167 9 9 Simalkote 49 11 38 5 5 Anu 5 2 3 I Udya Bunga Thalkedar 195 40 155 2 2 5 2 3 Deodar 382 76 306 2 10 8 2 143 109 34 Marsoli Bhat ------Un-inhabited------Chitgaliya 106 17 89 13 13 Khatera III 36 75 2 2 2 2 Load Garh 633 228 405 18 12 6 63 60 3 Baraway 95 36 59 I 1 4 4 Toli 169 74 95 3 3 5 5 Silgiya 242 84 158 I I 19 19 Jajar Chingari 157 42 115 5 5 5 5 Himtara 100 37 63 3 2 Pali Pachaura 269 140 129 1 25 24 Salla 319 102 217 13 10 3 12 12 Sail 53 9 44 2 2 Pathar Khani 205 97 108 15 14 Bilai 143 59 84 1 Saungaon 153 61 92 I Bhatgaon 143 29 114 II II 4 ' 4 Dhari Air 40 II 29 2 6 5 I 4 \ Beltari 8 3 5 6 3 3 I Raul iya Gaon 10 3 7 Digara I I 5 5 6 5 Kawarban 176 41 135 14 13 7 7 Tameriya 33 4 29 II PUTa Sthiti UrfPundakhet 72 28 44 I "6 6 Kante Borgaon 72 25 47 7 7 2 2' Basaur Mainan 71 26 45 -, I 4 4 Agar 89 21 68 6 6 19 16 3 Digara 26 II 15 2 I 3 2 Bich Kholi 46 II 35 I 2 2 Jayal 39 14 25 2 2 I I Gyal Pipali 6 6 3 3 7 4 3 Tarigaon 13 13 2 2 Baun Kote



Industrial cate~0!I Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 . 45 46 .47 48 49 01034200 Badari 01034300 Ginda Gaon ------Un-inhabited------01034400 Korpari (Kuleri) 01034500 Naugaon 4 3 4 3 . 1 01034600 Khatera I 1 I I 01034700 Budalgaon 4 3 I 3 2 01034800 Silauni 66 61 5 38 33 5 01034900 Kali Pokhari

'. 01035000 Khar Kini 01035100 Gaina 01035200 Kurrna 01035300 Rikhai 01035400 Bharkatiya Joshi 25 24 I 1 01035500 KotaH Paneru 11 1 10 9 9 2 01035600 Rudna 4 3 2 2 01035700 Digas Kathayat 5 5 3 3 01035800 Simalkote 01035900 Anu 01036000 Udya Bunga Thalkedar 01036100 Deodar 69 62 7 1 1 5 3 2 01036200 Marsoli Bhat 279 117 162 126 53 73 43 23 20 01036300 Chitgaliya ------Un-inhabited------01036500 Khatera 44 33 11 40 29 11 01036600 Load Garh 01036700 Baraway 31 14 17 28 12 16 2 01036800 Toli 7 I 6 7 I 6 01036900 Silgiya 4 4 4 4 01037000 Jajar Chingari 24 2 22 ., 24 2 22 01037100 Himtara 01037200 Pali Pachaura 14 14 12 12 01037300 Salla 224 62 162 207 52 155 5 . 5 01037400 Sail 126 56 70 126 56 70 01037500 Pathar Khani 01037600 Bilai 92 35 57 83 33 50 01037700 Saungaon 16 8 8 01037800 Bhatgaon 8 4 4 01037900 Dhari Air 35 27 8 32 24 8 01038000 Beltari 12 9 3 11 8 3 01038100 Rauliya Gaon 01038200 Digara 01038300 Kawarban 161 37 124 158 3S 123 2 01038400 Tameriya 53 23 30 53 23 30 01038500 Pura Sthiti UrfPundakhet 3 3 01038600 Kante Borgaon 2 2 2 2 01038700 . Basaur Mainan 01038800 Agar I 01038900 Digara 4 4 01039000 Bich Kholi 5 4 2 01039100 Jayal 2 2 01039200 Gyal Pipali 3 3 01039300 Tarigaon 62 19 43 57 17 40 01039400 Baun Kote 26 3 23 25 3 22


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munakot of marS Ina I workers Location Household indus!!! workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilIase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 118 68 50 Badad 01034200 ------Un-inhabited------GindaGaon 01034300 119 69 50 Korpari (Kuleri) 01034400 74 46 28 Naugaon 01034500 60 33 27 Khatera 01034600 123 66 57 Budalgaon 01034700 27 27 206 107 99 Silauni 01034800 4 3 Kali Pokhari 01034900 124 52 72 KharKini 01035000 113 53 60 Gaina 01035100 26 14 12 Kurma 01035200 73 47 26 Rikhai 01035300 24 24 524 228 296 Bharkatiya Joshi 01035400 186 96 90 Kotali Paneru 01035500 301 143 158 Rudna 01035600 174 104 70 Digas Kathayat 01035700 286 170 116 Simalkote 01035800 58 37 21 Anu 01035900 4 3 1 Udya Bunga Thalkedar 01036000 2 2 61 56 5 238 124 114 Deodar 01036100 10 9 100 32 68 984 513 471 Marsoli Bhat 01036200 ------Un-inhabited------Chitgaliya 01036300 4 4 170 92 78 Khatera 01036500 161 84 77 Load Garh 01036600 841 491 350 Baraway 01036700 117 62 55 Toli 01036800 227 122 105 Silgiya 01036900 380 206 174 Jajar Chingari 01037000 220 118 102 Himtara 01037100 ,2 2 128 78 50 Pali Pachaura 01037200 11 4 7 609 292 317 Sal1a 01037300 540 295 245 Sail 01037400 120 55 65 Pathar Khani 01037500 7 6 2 428 230 198 Bilai 01037600 15 8 7 170 93 77 Saungaon 01037700 8 4 4 - 121 72 49 Bhatgaon 01037800 1 1 2 2 198 85 113\" Dhari Air 01037900 '1 42 18 24 Beltari 01038000 3 2 Rauliya Gaon 01038100 1 1 Digara 01038200 277 152 125 Kawarban 01038300 247 127 120 Tameriya 01038400 3 3 34 21 13 Pura Sthiti UrfPundakhet 01038500 80 45 35 K,ante Borgaon 01038600 116 57 59 Basaur Mainan 01038700 95 46 49 Agar 01038800 3 3 178 90 88 Digara 01038900 2 2 1 1 57 25 32 Bich Kholi 01039000 2 2 90 54 36 Jayal 01039100 2 2 I 1 53 27 26 Gyal Pipali 01039200 1 1 4 I 3 91 33 58 Tarigaon 01039300 44 21 23 Baun Kote 01039400


VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation) a8e-8roUE 0-6 number Name ofVilla8e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01039500 lalturi 189.00 64 299 141 158 37 20 17 01039600 Dubida 75.00 ------Un-inhabited------01039700 Kutheri UrfKuseri 40.00 ------Un-inhabited------01039800 Dhyarh 113.20 32 160 71 89 29 10 19 0\039900 Mankatiya 596.40 203 893 413 480 \42 83 59 01040000 Bani 102.00 14 59 24 35 10 5 5 01040100 Salam 768.30 88 425 193 232 67 36 31 01040200 Chimtoli Talli 90.80 20 83 39 44 9 4 5 0\040300 Chimtoli Malli 26.40 5 25 9 16 1 01040400 Majhera 50.40 14 77 33 44 13 7 6 01040500 Jilfora 40.11 24 99 55 44 18 13 5 01040600 Gurang Toli 27.93 17 .68 37 31 13 7 6 01040700 Kwitarh liS. \0 106 417 195 222 55 31 24 01040800 Bhaisdhunga 16.00 1 9 3 6 1 1 01040900 KuteGaon 58.00 36 162 84 78 25 14 11 01041000 Gyal Bhat 52.00 ------Un-inhabited------01041100 lamtari 103.30 30 170 78 92 26 13 13 01041200 Chaurha 70.19 4 13 7 6 1 01041300 Kweyrali 124.60 4 28 13 15 9 6 3 01041400 Kalaban 118.00 ------Un-inhabited------01041500 Haldu~Soniya2 427.30 73 395 183 212 105 55 SO



Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 101 54 47 202 110 92 lalturi ------Un-inhabited------Dubida ------Un-inhabited------Kutheri UrfKuseri 32 16 16 108 58 50 Dhyarh 169 86 83 601 308 293 Mankatiya 41 18 23 Bani 69 31 38 241 140 101 Salam 10 5 5 54 32 22 Chimtoli Talli 19 8 II Chimtoli Malli 16 8 8 44 22 22 Majhera 99 55 44 44 29 15 Jilfora 42 24 18 35 25 10 GurangToli 81 42 39 253 140 113 Kwitarh 5 2 3 Bhaisdhunga 73 39 34 98 67 31 KuteGaon ------Un -inhab ited------Gyal Bhat 47 24 23 108 62 46 Jamtari 3 2 7 5 2 Chaurha 28 13 15 II 4 7 Kweyrali ------Un-inhabited------Kalaban 116 51 65 181 112 69 Haldu(Soniya)



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons " Male"s Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01039500 Jalturi 97 31 66 138 52 86 85 28 57 01039600 Dubida ------Un-inhabited------01039700 Kutheri UrfKuseri ,------Un-inhabited------01039800 Dhyarh 52 13 39 67 29 38 67 29 38 01039900 Mankatiya 292 105 187 . 362 124 238 330 117 213 01040000 Bani 18 6 12 26 8 18 24 7 17 01040100 Salam 184 53 131 173 55 118. 136 37 99 01040200 Chimtoli Talli 29 7 22 34 9 25 34 9 25 01040300 Chimtoli Malli 6 5 7 2 5 7 2 5 01(}4(}400 Majhera 33 II 22 32 9 23 26 7 19 01040500 Jilfora 55 26 29 42 18 24 35 12 23 01040600 Gurang Toli 33 12 21 32 IS 17 19 4 15, I 01040700 Kwitarh 164 55 109 148 40 108 138 31 107 01040800 Bhaisdhunga 4 I 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 01040900 Kute Gaon 64 17 47 75 31 44 68 24 44 01041000 Gyal Bhat ------Un-inhabited------01041100 Jamtari 62 16 46 73 25 48 73 25 48 01041200 Chaurha 6 2 4 9 3 6 9 3 6 01041300 Kweyrali 17 9 8 13 6 7 13 6 7 01041400 Kalaban ------Un-inhabited------01 041500 Haldu~Sonixa} 214 71 143 180 72 108 169 61 108


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munakot Industrial categ0!1 of main workers . Household industry Cultivators A![iculturallabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 79 24 55 2 2 4 4 Jalturi ------U n -inhabi ted------Dubida ------·-Un-inhabited------·-· Kutheri UrfKuseri 63 26 37 3 2 I 1 Dhyarh 280 71 209 2 I 48 4S 3 Mankatiya 23 6 17 I I Bani 129 32 97 6 5 Sakun 30 5 25 3 3 I I Chimtoli Talli 5 5 I Chimtoli Malli 23 4 19 3 3 Majhera 27 4 23 7 7 Jilfora 19 4 15 Gurang Toli 119 15 104 2 2 16 13 3 Kwitarh 1 1 Bhaisdhunga 64 20 44 4 4 KuteGaon ------Un-inhabited------Gyal Bhat 73 25 48 Jamtari 7 2 5 Chaurha 13 6 7 Kweyrali ------Un-inhabited------Kalaban 155 49 106 4 2 2 5 5 5 5 Haldu(Soniya)


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females' 2 41 42 43 44 . 45 46 47 48 49 01039500 Jalturi 53 24 29 2 51 23 28 01039600 Dubida ------Un-inhabited------·------01039700 Kutheri UrfKuseri --·------Un-inhabiled-----·-·------01039800 Dhyarh 01039900 Mankaliya 32 7 25 24 23 01040000 Bani 2 1 1 2 1 1 01040100 Sakun 37 18 19 28 10 18 01040200 Chimtoli Talli 01040300 Chimtoli Malli 01040400 Majhera 6 2 4 5 2 3 01040500 Jilfora 7 6 3 2 I 01040600 Gurang Toli 13 II 2 5 3 2 01040700 Kwitarh 10 9 1 01040800 Bhaisdhunga 01040900 Kute Gaon 7 7 5 5 01041000 Gyal Bhal ------Un-inhabited------··.····· 01041100 jamtari 01041200 Chaurha 01041300 Kweyrali 01041400 Kalaban ------Un-inhabited------01041500 Haldu(Soniya) II II 10 10


CENSUS ABSTRACT Munakot of marginal workers Location Household indus!!:X workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 161 89 72 Jalturi 01039500 ·············Un-inhabited--··-···--·-·- Dubida 01039600 -••• ---•• -•• -Un.inhabited----.-.-.-·--- Kutheri UrfKuseri 01039700 93 42 51 Dhyarh 01039800 7 6 531 289 242 Mankatiya 01039900 33 16 17 Bani 01040000 8 7 252 138 114 Sakun 01040100 49 30 19 Chimtoli Talli 01040200 18 -7 II Chimtoli Malli 01040300 45 24 21 Majhera 01040400 4 4 57 37 20 Jilfora 01040500 8 8 36 22 14 GurangToli 01040600 9 8 269 155 114 Kwitarh 01040700 7 2 5 Bhaisdhunga 01040800 2 2 87 53 34 Kute Gaon 01040900 -•••• ---•••• -Un· inhabi ted--·····--····- Gyal Bhat 01041000 97 53 44 Jamtari 01041100 4 4 Chaurha 01041200 15 7 8 Kweyrali 01041300 ···---·----·-Un-inhabited··---·~---·-·- Kalaban 0}041400 215 III 104 Haldu~Soni:ta~ 01041500



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of Number of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in household ~oEulation) age-grouE 0-6 number Name of Village hectares s Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8888 Forest Villages (Total) 27,997.43 32 68 50 18 7 6 8888 Forest Villages (Rural) 27,997.43 32 68 50 18 7 6 1 8888 Forest Villages (Urban) Forest Villages (Rural) 00876800 Gal fa ------Un-inhabited------00877500 Hoom ------U n -i n hab i ted------00879300 Mandkani ------Un -inhabi ted------00881100 Alam ------Un-inhabited------00881600 Athasi ------Un-inhabited------00882700 Khaliya ------Un-inhabited------(}(}SST1(}0 Nabhik ------Un-inhabited------00895800 Majia Ka Dana 3,963.40 I 00897700 Sobala R.F. (P-2) ------·-Un-inhabited------·- 00898300 Heera Gumari R.F. (P-l) ------Un-inhabited------00898800 Heera 'Gumari RF. 3,411.10 ------Un-inhabited------00899900 Rungling R.F. -·------·----Un-inhabited-········-··-· 00901800 Juntigar R.F. ------U n -inhab i ted------00902000 Sobala RF. ------Un-inhabited------00903000 Dug R.F. --·------·---Un-inhabited·------·---·-- 00903800 Thalda/Dhafiya Dhura RF. ------Un-inhabited------00905100 MajthamlPayya RF. ------Un-inhab i ted------00905900 Pankhu (Dhasauli)R.F. 490.90 5 9 7 2 2 2 00908500 Kalinag R.F. 2,297.80 00913500 Berinag ------Un-inhabited------00914100 Khamlekh RF. 1,796.72 5 9 8 1 1 00924200 Chaukori R.F. 682.30 7 19 15 4 00926900 Uttari Koteshwar RF. 1,666.99 3 3 00931800 Chodmanya R. F. --~~------Un-inhabited------00934400 Dakshini Koteshwarr.F. ------Un-inhabited------00935400 Jadapani R.F. ------Un-inhab i ted------00939900 Dhandhura R.F. 6,026.10 I 00941900 Sirtham R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00942600 Bhaisyudi Sandev R.F. ------U n-i nhab ited------00947900 Haniya R.F. ------Un-inhabited------0095,0400 ,Jorasi(Lodi) RF. ------Un-inhabited------00952200 Kamtoli R.F. 635.50 I 00963600 Dhwaj R.F. 308.80 I 00973600 Vasukinag RF. 1,552.40 I I I 00974500 Vankot Sore R.F. 781.80 3 15 5 10 4 3 00979000 Goura Devi R.F. 314.00 3 4 3 00986800 Ja\li RF. 488.52 00987900 Lamkeshwar R.F. 944.60 ------Un-inhabited------00996500 Voyal R.F. 844.10 ------Un-inhabited------01003200 Paudhar'R.F. 870.60 ------·-Un-inhabited------01005800 Dhura R.F. 416.40 2 2 01008300 Kalpanigarh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01012100 Chandak R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01015600 ChandakR.F.(P-2) ------Un-inhabited------01018100 Bansnakote R.F. 505.40 ------Un-inhabited------~ 01023000 Bamandoun R.F. ------Un -inhabi ted------01023700 Gurana R.F. ------Un-inhabited------· 01026300 Sourlekh RF. ------Un-inhabited------01036400 Thalkedar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males . Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 23 10 13 52 42 JO Forest Villages (Total) 23 10 13 52 42 JO Forest V·iIIages (Rural) Forest Villages (Urban) Forest Villages (Rural) ------Un-inhabited------Golfa ------Un-inhabited------Hoom ------Un-inhabited------Mandkani' ------Un-inhabited------Alam ------Un-inhabited------Athasi ------Un-inhabited------Khaliya ------Un-inhabited------Nabhik Majia Ka Dana ------Un-inhabited------Sobala R.F. (P-2) ------Un- inhab ited------Heera Gumari RF. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------Heera Gumari RF. ------Un-inhabited------Rungling RF. ------Un-inhabited--~------Juntigar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------SobalaR.F. ------Un-inhabited------DugR.F. ------Un-inhabited------ThaklalDhafiya Dhura R.F. ------Un-inhabited------MajthamlPayya R.F. 5 3 2 7 5 2 Pankhu (Dhasauli)R.F. 1 Kalinag R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Berinag 8 7 KhamlekhRF. 19 15 4 Chaukori R.F. 3 3 Uttari Koteshwar RF. ------Un -inhabi ted------Chodmanya R.F. ------Un - inhabi ted------Dakshini Koteshwarr.F. ------Un-inhabited------Jadapani R.F. Dhandhura RF. ------Un-inhabited------Sirtham R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Bhaisyudi Sandev R.F. ---~------Un-inhabited------HaniyaRF. ------Un-inhabited------Ogla,Jorasi(Lodi) RF. t t KamioH R.F. . I f· Dhwaj R.F . 1: 1 \ Vasukinag R.F. 15 5 10 5. 2 3 Vankol Sore RF. 2 1 J 3 3 Goura Devi R.F. JaJli R.F. ------~Un-inhabited------Lamkeshwar R.F. ------..----Un-inhabited·------VoyaJ·R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Paudhar R.F. 2 2 DhuraR.F. ------Un-inhabited------Kalpanigarh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Chandak R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Chandak R.F. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------Bansnakote R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Bamandoun RF. ------Un-inhabited------Gurana R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Sourlekh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Thalkedar R.F.



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8888 Forest Villages (Total) 16 8 8 34 28 6 26 26 8888 Forest Villages (Rural) 16 8 8 34 28 6 26 26 8888 Forest Villages (Urban) Forest Villages (Rural) 00876800 Golfa ------Un-inhabited------00877500 Hoom ------Un-inhabited------00879300 Mandkani ------Un-inhabited------00881100 Alam ------Un-inhabited------00881600 Athasi ------Un-inhabited------c----- 00882700 Khaliya ------Un -inhab ited ------00887700 Nabhik ------Un-inhabited------00895800 Majia Ka Dana 00897700 Sobala R.F. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------00898300 Heera Gumari RF. (P-2) ------Un-inh ab ited------00898800 Heera Gumari RF. ------Un-inhabited------00899900 Rungling R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00901800 Juntigar RF. ------Un-inhabited------00902000 Sobala R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00903000 DugR.F. ------Un-inhabited------00903800 ThaklaIDhafiya Dhura R.F. ------U·n-inhabited------00905100 Majtham/Payya R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00905900 Pankhu (Dhasauli)RF. 2 2 5 5 5 5 00908500 Kalinag R.F. 1 00913500 Berinag ------Un-inhabited------00914100 Khamlekh RF. 5 5 5 5 00924200 Chaukori RF. 7 7 7 7 00926900 Uttari Koteshwar R.F. 00931800 Chodmanya R.F. ------Un - inhab ited------00934400 Dakshini Koteshwarr.F. ------Un-inhabited------00935400 Jadapani R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00939900 Dhandhura RF. I 1 00941900 Sirtham R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00942600 Bhaisyudi Sandev R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00947900 Haniya R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00950400 Ogla,Jorasi(Lodi) R.F. ------Vn-inhabited------00952200 KamtoH RF. 00963600 Dhwaj R.F. 00973600 Vasukinag R.F. 00974500 Vankot Sore RF .• 10 3 7 8 2 6 00979000 Goura Devi RF. 3 3 3 3 00986800 Jalli R.F. 00987900 Lamkeshwar RF. ------Un-inhabited------00996500 Voyal R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01003200 Paudhar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01005800 Dhura R.F. 2 2 2 2 01008300 Kalpanigarh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01012100 Chandak RF. ------Un -inh abi ted ------01015600 Chandak R.F. (P-2) ------Un-inhllbited------I 01018100 Bansnakote RF. ------Un-inhab ited ------01023000 Bamandoun R.F. ------Un-inhabited-----~------01023700 Gurana R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01026300 Sourlekh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01036400 Thalkedar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------


CENSUS ABSTRACT Forest Villages Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 25 25 Forest Villages (Total) 25 25 Forest Villllges (Rural) Forest Villages (U rban) Forest Villages (Rural) ------Un-inhabited------Golfa ------Un-inhabited------Hoom ------Un-inhabited------Mandkani· ------Un-inhabited------Alam ------Un-inhabited------Athasi ------Un-inhabited------Khaliya ------Un-inhabited------Nabhik Majia Ka Dana ------Un-inhabited------Sobala R.F. (P-2) ------Un -inhab ited------Heera Gumari RF. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------Heera Gumari R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Rungling R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Juntigar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Sobala RF. ------Un-inhabited------Dug R.F. ------Un-inhabited------ThaklalDhafiya Dhura R.F. ------Un-inhabited------MajthamlPayya R.F. 5 5 Pankhu (Dhasauli)R.F. Kalinag R.F. ------Un-in h abi ted------Berinag 5 5 Khamlekh RF. 7 7 Chaukori R.F. 1 1 Uttari Koteshwar R.F. ----"------Un- inhab ited------Chodmanya R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Dakshini Koteshwarr.F. ···-····-----Un-inhabited------·------Jadapani R.F. Dhandhura R.F. ·------Un-inhabited------­ Sirtham R.F. ------Un-inhabited----·------Bhaisyudi Sandev R.F. ------Un-inhabited·--~------HaniyaR.F. ------·---Un-inhabited------.-- Ogla.lorasi(Lodi) R.F. Kamtoli R.F. '.- Dhwaj R.F. _\ Vasukinag R.F. Vankot Sore R.F. 3 3 Goura Devi RF. Jalli R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Lamkeshwar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Voyal R.F. -----·------·Un-inhabited---·------·-- Paudhar R.F. 2 Dhura R.F. ······---·--·Un·inhabited-·-----·--·--· Kalpanigarh R.F. ----·-----·--Un·inhabited-·--·--·····-· Chandak R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Chandak RF. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------Bansnakote RF. ------Un -inhab ited-"------Bamandoun R.F. ------Un - inhab ited------Gurana R.F. ------Un-inhab ited------Sourlekh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------Thalkedar R.F.


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 8888 Forest Villages (Total) 8 2 6 8 2 6 8888 Forest Villages (Rural) 8 2 6 8 2 6 8888 Forest Villages (Urban) Forest Villages (Rurill) 00876800 Golfa ------un-inhabited------00877500 Hoom ------Un-inhabited------00879300 Mandkani ------Un-inhabited------00881100 Alam ------Un-inhabited------00881600 Athasi ------Un-inhabited------00882700 Khaliya ------Un-inhabited------00887700 Nabhik ------·---Un-inhabited·------00895800 Majia Ka Dana 00897700 Sobala R.F. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------00898300 Heera Gumari R.F. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------00898800 Heera Gumari R.F. ---·------Un-inhabited------00899900 Rungling R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00901800 Juntigar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00902000 Sobala R.F. ------·----Un-inhabited-·------00903000 Dug R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00903800 ThakIa/Dhafiya Dhura R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00905100 Majtham/Payya R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00905900 Pankhu (Dhasauli)R.F. 00908500 Kalinag R.F. 00913500 Berinag ------Un-inhabited------00914100 Khamlekh R.F. 00924200 Chaukori R.F. 00926900 Uttari Koteshwar R.F. 00931800 Chodmanya R.F. ------~---- Un-inhabited------00934400 Dakshini Koteshwarr.F. ------~---Un-inhabjted------00935400 Jadapani R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00939900 Dhandhura R.F. 00941900 Sirtham R.F. ------Un -inhab ited------00942600 Bhaisyudi Sandev R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00947900 HaniyaR.F. ------Un-inhabited------00~50400 Ogla,1orasi(Lodi) R.F. ------Un-inhabited------·----- 00952200 KamtoH R.F. 00963600 Dhwaj R.F. 00973600 Vasukinag R.F. 00974500 Vankot Sore R.F. 8 2 6 8 2 6 00979000 Goura Devi R.F. 00986800 JalliR.F. 00987900 Lamkeshwar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------00996500 Voyal R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01003200 Paudhar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01005800 DhuraR.F. 01008300 Kalpanigarh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01012100 Chandak R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01015600 Chandak R.F. (P-2) ------Un-inhabited------01018100 Bansnakote R.F. ------Un -in hab ited ------01023000 Bamandoun R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01023700 Gurana R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01026300 Sourlekh R.F. ------Un-inhabited------01036400 Thalkedar R.F. ------Un-inhabited------


CENSUS ABSTRACT Forest Villages of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 34 22 J2 Forest Villages (Total) 8888 34 22 12 Forest Villages (Rural) 8888 Forest Villages (Urban) 8888 Forest Villages (Rural) ------Un-inhabited------Golfa 00876800 ------Un-inhabited------Hoom 00877500 ------Un-inhabited------Mandkani 00879300 ------Un -in habi ted ------Alam 00881100 ·····-···-···Un-inhabited··--·-·--··-·· Athasi 00881600 ------Un-inhabited------Khaliya 00882700 ------Un-inhabited------Nabhik 00887700 Majia Ka Dana 00895800 ------Un-inhabited------Sobala R.F. (P-2) 00897700 ------Un-inhabited------Heera Gumari R.F. (P-2) , 00898300 ------Un-inhabited------Heera Gumari R.F. 00898800 ------Un- inhabi ted------Rungling R.F. 00899900 ----••••• ---. Un-in hab ited--·-·-··_---·- JUlltigar R.F. 00901800 ------Un-inhabited------Sobala R.F. 00902000 ------Un·inhabited------DugR.F. 00903000 ------Un-inhabited------ThaklalDhafiya Dhura R.F. 00903800 ------·----Un-inhabited---e----·----- Majtham/Payya R.F. 00905100 4 2 2 Pankhu (Dhasauli)R.F. 00905900 Kalinag R.F. 00908500 ·------·--Un-inhabited------Berinag 00913500 4 3 Khamlekh R.F. 00914100 12 8 4 Chaukori R.F. 00924200 2 2 Uttarl Koteshwar R.F. 00926900 ---·-·------Un-inhabited------Chodmanya R.F. 00931800 ------Un-inhabited------Dakshini Koteshwarr.F. 00934400. ---.-.------. Un-inhab ited------.- Jadapani R.F. 00935400 Dhandhura R.F. 00939900 -----··------Un-inhabited-·------·----- Sirtham R.F. 00941900 -----.------Un - in habi ted ------.-.----- Bhaisyudi Sandev R.F. 00942600 ---.-.------Un - inh ab ited------·------Haniya R.F. 00947900 ------Un-inhabited----~~------Ogla,Jorasi(Lodi) R. F. 00950400 KamtoH R.F. 00952200 - \ Dhwaj R.F. 00963600 I ',




Area of Location Name of Town! Ward Town! Ward Number of Total population (including Population in the code in square households institutional and hous

0001 Ward No. I 759 3,739 1,901 1,838 652 347 305

40702000 Dharchula (NP) 15.2 1,544 6,324 3,399 2,925 833 460 373 0001 Ward No. 1 NA 202 849 494 355 87 54 33 0002 Ward No. 2 NA 156 607 337 270 71 44 27 0003 Ward No. 3 NA 186 761 426 335 77 42 35 0004 Ward No. 4 NA 172 749 389 360 III 61 50 0005 Ward No. 5 NA 177 665 367 298 97 46 51 0006 Ward No.6 NA 143 510 255 255 62 29 33 0007 Ward No. 7 NA 118 582 306 276 102 54 48 0008 Ward No. 8 NA 142 550 281 269 65 35 30 0009 Ward No. 9 NA 101 451 229 222 72 38 < 34 0010 Ward No. 10 NA 147 600 315 285 89 57 32

40703000 Didihat (NP) 4.0 1,256 4,806 2,637 2,169 618 336 282 0001 Ward No. 1 NA 91 337 186 151 41 26 15 0002 Ward No. 2 NA 86 281 173 108 16 5 \I 0003 Ward No. 3 NA 190 708 400 308 96 54 42 0004 Ward No. 4 NA 141 517 277 240 67 38 29 0005 Ward No. 5 NA 168 721 406 315 95 57 38 0006 Ward No.6 NA 174 660 354 306 90 46 44 0007 Ward No. 7 NA 95 364 202 162 40 25 , 15 0008 Ward No. 8 NA 183 732 384 348 114 54 60 0009 Ward No. 9 NA 83 324 173 151 37 18 19 0010 Ward No. 10 NA 45 162 82 80 22 13 9

40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) 9.0 10,194 44,964 24,868 20,096 5.292 2,910 2,382 0001 Ward No. 1 NA 484 2,388 1,419 969 369 203 166 0002 Ward No. 2 NA 291 1,481 829 652 170 91 79 0003 Ward No. 3 NA 283 1,495 851 644 148 89 59 0004 Ward No. 4 NA 659 2,847 1,554 1,293 309 174 135 0005 Ward No. 5 NA 537 2,372 1,273 1,099 287 170 II7 0006 Ward No. 6 NA 384 1,675 922 753 200 110 90 0007 Ward No. 7 NA 308 1,395 750 645 176 92 84 0008 Ward No. 8 NA 354 1,412 777 635 142 85 57 0009 Ward No. 9 NA 374 1,469 814 655 170 106 64 DOlO Ward No. 10 NA 495 2,413 1,424 989 239 126 1\3 0011 Ward No. II NA 414 1,757 917 840 187 99 88 0012 Ward No. 12 NA 301 1,354 699 655 168 87 81 0013 Ward No. 13 NA 619 2,592 1,422 1,170 300 158 142 0014 Ward No. 14 NA 470 1,888 1,060 828 201 116 85 0015 Ward No. 15 NA 188 883 496 387 103 48 55 0016 Ward No. 16 NA 227 1,049 610 439 120 75 45 0017 Ward No. 17 NA 487 1,819 969 850 270 149 121 0018 Ward No. 18 NA 369 1,451 770 681 201 102 99 0019 Ward No. 19 NA 483 2,068 l,057 1,01l 2\4 123 91 0020 Ward No. 20 NA 545 2,318 1,179 1,139 290 147 143 0021 Ward No. 21 NA 301 1,443 779 664 141 72 69 0022 Ward No. 22 NA 578 2,812 1,689 1,123 361 194 167 0023 Ward No. 23 NA 432 1,979 1,225 754 206 106 100 0024 Ward No. 24 NA 181 768 427 34\ 90 57 33 0025 Ward No. 25 NA 430 1,836 956 880 230 131 99



Name ofToWnI Ward Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons ,Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1,123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982 Dbarcbula Debat (CT)

1,123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982 Ward No. 1

873 459 414 2,204 1,OS2 1,152 4,657 2,719 1,938 Dbarchula (NP) 178 97 81 106 54 52 643 403 240 Ward No. 1 146 83 63 152 73 79 486 284 202 Ward No.2 92 49 43 199 97 102 616 369 247 Ward No.3 56 27 29 349 166 183. 525 290 235 Ward No.4 124 67 57 178 85 93 487 300 187 Ward No.5 43 23 20 223 101 122 345 199 146 Ward No.6 152 73 79 136 66 70 355 213 142 Ward No.7 38 19 19 283 131 152 429 235 194 Ward No.8 10 3 7 165 71 94 305 175 130 Ward No.9 34 18 16 413 208 205 466 251 215 Ward No. 10

939 507 432 655 308 347 3,805 2,206 1,599 Didihat (NP) 45 27 18 53 26 27 279 157 122 Ward No.1 40 23 17 12 6 6 257 168 89 Ward No. 2 136 77 59 129 61 68 540 325 215 Ward No.3 96 56 40 134 60 74 408 230 178 Ward No.4 221 112 109 139 76 63 556 332 224 Ward No.5 70 39 31 63 17 36 526 295 231 Ward No.6 63 35 28 22 10 12 298 173 125 Ward No.7 170 87 83 75 30 45 545 310 . 235 Ward No.8 63 35 28 28 12 16, 268 150 118 Ward No.9 35 16 19 128 66 62 Ward No. 10

5,447 2,855 2,592 1,067 515 552 36,463 21,102 15,361 Pithoragarh (NPP) 428 223 205 38 21 17 1,821 1,162 659 Ward No. I 759 378 381 69 36 33 1,134 717 417 Ward No.2 323 165 158 14 7 7 1,215 717 498 Ward No.3 189 104 85 72 33 39 2,396 1,351 1,045 Ward No.4 393 213 180 57 26 31 1,894 1,061 833 Ward No.5 222 121 101 57 30 27 1,253 746 507 Ward NO.6 192 107 85 120 56, 64 1,107 626 481 Ward No.7 209 122 87 31 15 16 1,222 680 542 Ward NO.8 187 98 89 22 12 10 1,202 68(} 522 Ward No.9 218 104 114 55 28 27 2,034 1,279 755 Ward No. 10 147 83 64 125 62 63 1,435 783 652 Ward No. 11 248 103 145 31 5 26 1,075 598 477 Ward No. 12 103 66 37 1 2,072 1,193 879 Ward No. 13 533 282 251 44 25 19 1,593 924 669 Ward No. 14 164 88 76 5 2 3 658 387 271 Ward No. 15 59 35 24 II 5 6 839 512 I 327 Ward No. 16 104 59 45 96 38 58 1,445 804 641 Ward No. 17 38 19 19 7 5 2 1,172 653 519 Ward No. 18 112 49 63 24 11 13 1,759 924 835 Ward No. 19 294 150 (44 88 48 40 1,869 988 881 Ward No. 20 72 37 35 13 6 7 1,239 692 547 Ward No. 21 61 34 27 18 10 8 2,338 1,458 880 Ward No. 22 262 144 118 14 7 7 1,589 1,033 556 Ward No. 23 107 58 49 19 9 10 605 339 266 Ward No. 24 23 13 10 36 17 19 1497 795 702 Ward No. 25



Location Name ofTownl Ward code III iterates Total workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 1,369 513 856 1,482 918 564 796 644 152

0001 Ward No. 1 1,369 513 856 1,482 918 564 796 644 152

40702000 Dharchula (NP) 1,667 680 987 " 2,118 1,537 581 1,630 1,318 312· 0001 Ward No. I 206 91 115 249 203 46 237 201 36 0002 Ward No.2 121 53 68 178 138 40 141 109 32 0003 Ward No.3 145 57 88 271 237 34 248 220 28 0004 Ward No.4 224 99 125 194 138 56 153 127 26 0005 Ward No.5 178 67 111 245 192 53 230 184 46 0006 Ward No.6 165 56 109 132 115 17 131 114 17 0007 Ward No.7 227 93 134 209 143 66 102 93 9 0008 Ward No.8 121 46 75 213 119 94 212 118 94 0009 Ward NO.9 146 54 92 121 104 17 III 101 10 0010 Ward No. 10 134 64 70 306 148 158 65 51 14

40703000 Didihat (NP) 1,001 431 570 1,401 1,109 292 1,177 1,004 173 0001 Ward No. I 58 29 29 86 71 15 77 64 13 0002 Ward No.2 24 5 19 87 81 6 87 81 6 0003 Ward No.3 168 75 93 242 181 61 174 157 17 0004 Ward No.4 109 47 62 157 112 45 137 105 32 0005 Ward No.5 165 74 91 193 153 40 180 150 30 0006 Ward No.6 134 59 75 203 167 36 191 161 30 0007 Ward No.7 66 29 31 III 99 12 105 97 8 0008 Ward No.8 187 74 113 207 151 56 163 136 27 0009 Ward No.9 56 23 33 82 65 17 33 27 6 0010 Ward No. 10 34 16 18 33 29 4 30 26 4

40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) 8,501 3,766 4,735 12,895 10,941 1,954 11,858 10,289 1,569 000 I Ward No. I 567 257 310 912 825 87 868 801 67 0002 Ward No.2 347 112 235 461 359 102 340 308 32 0003 Ward No.3 280 134 146 516 450 66 509 443 66 0004 Ward NO.4 451 203 248 601. 474 127 578 461 117 0005 Ward No.5 478 212 266 496 421 75 492 419 73. 0006 Ward No.6 422 176 246 619 441 178 353 324 29 0007 Ward No.7 288 124 164 392 316 76 328 273 5S 0008 Ward No.8 190 97 93 372 317 55 369 315 54 0009 Ward No.9 267 134 133 416 371 45 380 336 44 0010 Ward No. 10 379 145 234 836 759 77 821 746 75 0011 Ward No. II 322 134 188 470 382 88 463 377 86 0012 Ward No. 12 279 101 178 446 318 128 400 276 124 0013 Ward No. 13 520 229 291 667 546 121 560 SOl 59 0014 Ward No. 14 295 136 159 459 396 63 406 349 57 0015 Ward No. 15 225 109 116 264 238 26 227 204 23 0016 Ward No. 16 210 98 112 304 275 29 262 236 26 0017 Ward No. 17 374 165 209 350 304 46 320 285 35 0018 Ward No. 18 279 117 162 394 332 62 372 312 60 0019 Ward No. 19 309 133 116 457 366 91 453 363 90 0020 Ward No. 20 449 191 258 564 452 112 476 372 104 0021 Ward No. 21 204 87 117 442 396 46 441 396 45 0022 Ward No. 22 474 231 243 918 859 59 914 857 57 0023 Ward No. 23 390 192 198 789 734 55 784 731 S3 0024 Ward No. 24 163 88 75 244 197 47 239 194 45 0025 Ward No. 25 339 161 178 506 413 93 503 410 93



Industrial category of main workers Name ofTownl Ward Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 146 107 39 60 25 35 590 512 78 Dharchula Dehat (CT)

146 101 39 60 25 35 590 512 78 Ward No: I

18 11 7 2 2 129 26 103 1,481 1,279 202 Dharchula (NP) II II 224 199 25 Ward No. I II 6 5 130 103 27 Ward NC!. 2 6 2 4 242 218 24 Ward No. 3 2 2 4 3 1 146 121 2S Ward No. 4 5 1 3 \7 1 \5 208 180 28 Ward No. 5 I I 10 7 3 120 106 14 Ward NO.,6 4 3 3 3 95 87 8 Ward No.7 I 63 2 61 148 116 32 Ward No.8 3 2 2 I 106 98 8 Ward No.9 2 2 62 51 11 Ward No. 10

2 2 1 1 55 21 34 1,118 980 138 Didihat (NP) 77 64 13 Ward No. I 87 81 6 Ward No.2 4 3 I 170 154 16 Ward No.3 2 14 5 9 121 99 22 Ward No. 4 9 9 171 ISO 21 Ward No. 5 9 6 3 182 ISS 27 Ward No. 6 105 . 97 8 Ward No. 7 2 2 19 7 12 142 127 15 Ward No. 8 33 27 6 Ward No.9 30 26 4 Ward No. 10

197 61 136 15 10 5 124 98 26 11,522 10,120 1,402 Pithoragarh (NPP) 9 5 4 I . I 15 13 2 843 782 61 Ward No.1 2 1 1 -, 13 '12 1 325 295 30 Ward No. 2 I I 507 441 66 Ward No. 3 11 4 7 3 I 2 564 456 108 Ward No.4 10 2 8 9 3 6 472 414 58 Ward No.5 10 9 1 I I 341 313 28 Ward No. 6 3 2 I, 32 28 4 292 242 SO Ward No. 7 2 2 367 315 52 Ward No. 8 I 5 5 374 ~31 43 Ward No. 9 16 15 4 4 801 745 56 Ward No. 10 3 3 460 374 86 Ward No. 11 109 23 86 6 5 285 248 37 Ward No. 12 3 2 7 6 550 494 56 Ward No. 13 405 348 57 Ward No. 14 227 204 23 Ward No. 15 261 235 26 Ward No. 16 320 285 35 Ward No. 17 4 4 3 3 365 305 60 Ward No. 18 10 6 4 6 4 2 437 353 84 Ward No. 19 7 6 469 371 98 Ward No. 20 441 396 45 Ward No. 21 4 2 2 910 855 55 Ward No. 22 5 5 7 7 772 719 53 Ward No. 23 3 2 235 192 43 Ward No. 24 3 2 499 407 92 Ward No. 25



Industrial cate~0!J: Location Name ofTownl Ward code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 40701000 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 686 274 412 215 37 178 4 1 3

0001 Ward No. 1 686 274 412 215 37 178 4 3

40702000 Dharchula (NP) 488 219 269 23 6 17 4 3 0001 Ward No. 1 12 2 10 0002 Ward No. 2 37 29 8 0003 Ward No. 3 23 17 6 0004 Ward No. 4 41 II 30 0005 Ward No. 5 15 8 7 0006 Ward No.6 I I 0007 Ward No. 7 107 50 57 20 4 16 0008 Ward No. 8 1 1 I 0009 Ward No. 9 10 3 7 2 0010 Ward No. 10 241 97 144 I

40703000 Didihat (NP) 224 105 119 1 0001 Ward No. I 9 7 2 0002 Ward No. 2 0003 WllrdNo.3 68 24 44 0004 Ward No. 4 20 7 13 0005 Ward No. 5 13 3 10 0006 Ward No. 6 12 6 6 0007 Ward No. 7 6 2 4 0008 Ward No. 8 44 15 29 0009 Ward No.9 49 38 II 0010 Ward No. 10 3 3

40704000 Pithoragarh (NPP) 1,037 652 385 \ 271 58 213 20 8 12 0001 Ward No. I 44 24 20 10 3 7 7 3 4 0002 Ward No. 2 121 51 70 40 39 4 1 3 0003 Ward No. 3 7 7 0004 Ward No. 4 23 13 10 6 3 3 3 2 0005 Ward No. 5 4 2 2 0006 Ward No. 6 266 117 149 125 17 108 2 1 0007 Ward No. 7 64 43 21 2 1 0008 Ward No. 8 3 2 0009 Ward No. 9 36 35 1 0010 Ward No. 10 15 13 2 5 4 0011 Ward No. II 7 5 2 0012 Ward No. 12 46 42 4 3 2 0013 Ward No. 13 107 45 62 81 28 53 0014 Ward No. 14 53 47 6 0015 Ward No. 15 37 34 3 0016 Ward No. 16 42 39 3 0017 Ward No. 17 30 19 II 0018 Ward.No.18 22 20 2 0019 Ward No. 19 4 3 I 0020 Ward No. 20 88 80 8 0021 Ward No. 21 0022 Ward No. 22 4 2 2 0023 Ward No. 23 5 3 2 0024 Ward No. 24 5 3 2 0025 Ward No. 25 3 3


CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Name ofTownl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 214 16 198 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 40701000

214 16 198 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Ward No.1 0001

238 32 206 223 180 43 4,206 1,862 2,344 Dharchu1a (NP) 40702000 8 8 4 2 2 600 291 309 Ward No. 1 0001 8 6 2 28 23 5 429 199 230 Ward No.2 0002 7 3 4 16 14 2 490 189 301 Ward No.3 0003 32 6 26 8 4 4 555 251 304 Ward No.4 0004 6 6 9 8 1 420 175 245 Ward No.5 0005 378 140 238 Ward No.6 0006 27 26 60 45 15 373 163 210 Ward No.7 0007 337 162 175 Ward No.8 0008 2 1 1 6 I 5 330 125 205 Ward No.9 0009 148 15 133 91 82 9 294 167 127 Ward No. 10 0010

105 11 94 118 94 24 3,405 1,528 1,877 Didihat (NP) 40703000 3 1 2 6 6 251 115 136 Ward No. I 0001 194 92 102 Ward No.2 0002 46 3 43 22 21 466 219 247 Ward No.3 0003 13 13 7 7 360 165 195 Ward No.4 0004 12 2 10 I I 528 253 275 Ward NO.5 0005 3 3 9 6 3 457 187 270 Ward No.6 0006 2 2 4 2 2 253 103 150 Ward No.7 0007 26 5 21 17 10 7 525 233 292 Ward No.8 0008 49 38 II 242 108 134 Ward No.9 0009 3 3 129 53 76 Ward No. 10 0010

96 45 51 650 541 109 32,069 13,927 18,142 Pithoragarh (NPP) 40704000 27 18 9 1,476 594 882 Ward No. I 0001 10 3 7 67 46 21 1,020 470 550 Ward No.2 0002 7 7 979 401 578 Ward No.3 0003 I 13 9 4 2,246 1,080 1,166 Ward No.4 0004 3 2 I I 1,876 852 1,024 Ward No.5 0005 16 2 14 123 97 26 1,056 481 575 Ward No.6 0006 42 27 15 20 15 5 1,003 434 569 Ward No. 7 0007 2 I I I I 1,040 460 580 Ward No.8 0008 36 35 1. .1,053 443 61(h Ward No.9 0009 10 9 I 1,577 665 912 Ward No. 10 0010 7 5 2 1,287 535 752 Ward No. 11 0011 43 . 40 3 908 381 527 Ward No. 12 0012 4 4 22 13 9 1,925 876 1,049 Ward No. 13 0013 2 50 45 5 1,429 664 765 Wilrd No. 14 0014 36 34 2 619 258 361 Ward No. 15 0015 41 38 3 . 745 335 410 Ward No. 16 0016 4 4 25 19 6 1,469 665 804 Ward No. 17 0017 21 20 1,057 438 619 Ward No. 18 0018 . 4 3 1,611 691 920 Ward No. 19 0019 5 4 83 76 7 1,754 727 1,027 Ward No. 20 0020 1,001 383 618 Ward No. 21 0021 2 2 I I' 1,894 830 1,064 Ward No. 22 0022 2 2 3 3 1,190 491 699 Ward No. 23 0023 1 4 3 524 230 294 Ward No. 24 0024 3 3 1330 543 787 Ward No. 25 0025


ANNrEXURES ~ 10 V~~~



Not provided for this district.

ANNEXURE-II FERTILITY AND MORTALITY 1991 CENSUS The three factors affecting the population size of the district was part of Uttar Pradesh, which in north the district are fertility, mortality and migration. These -central India, is still the country's most populous state concepts are explained in detail under the caption even after carving out ofUtiaranchal in year 2000. The Census and Non- Census Concepts and Definitions in population of the UP state was 139 million atthe 1991 the Analytical Note portiol1. The fertility is defined by Census, which accounted for 16 % of India's total various measures offertility and mean- age at marriage population. It grew by 25% between 1981 and 1991 and also by marital status of population. One major largely as a result of high fertility, the highest of any aspect of consideration under mortality is infant and Indian state. child mortality. Migration may be perceived as The child mortal ity indicators at the 1991 Census percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth and/or place of last residence. At the 1991 Census in the district and the State was as following:

Child Mortality Indicators in the State and the District Indicator Persons/Males/Females UP Pithoragarh qi Persons 99 76 Males 98 79 Females 104 72 q2 Persons 117 91 Males 117 100 Females \\8 83 q5 Persons 134 99 Males 135 114 Females 132 9t

'" Undivided Uttar Pradesh at 1991 Census. The child mortality by ages 1, 2 and 5 years, as suggests that the chil8ren upto 5 years of age in the shown by the indicators q 1; q2 and q5, respectively, district were in the improved condition as compared was lower in the district as against the State, which tQ the State.


ANNEXURE ,. III Various Measures of Fertility and Mean age at Marriage - 1991

1 CBR 37.2 31.7 2 TFR 5.6 4.1 3 TMFR 6.3 5.1 4 GFR 172 133 5 GMFR 200 165

6 Mean age at Marriage (1981-91) 17.3 17.2

Number of Children ever born per ever married woman 7 4.6 42 aged 45-49 year. 8 Child woman ratio 0-4 631 527 5-9 752 638 " ------_.. __ ._------Source: (i) Estimates of Fertility Indicators Uttar Pradesh 1981 & 1991 Table No. 2.23 (ii) District Profile Uttar Pradesh 1991.

The above annexure reveals that the Crude Birth had been 17.3 years for the state whereas it was 17.2 Rate (CBR) which is the ratio of the number of live years for the district. Similar trend was observed in births in a year to the mid year population was lower the number of children ever born per ever married i.e. 31.7 per cent to the state of Uttar Pradesh ratio of wome!'! aged 45-49, the state and district figures were 37.2. In respect of Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Total 4_6 and 4.2 respectively. Number of children in the Marital Fertility Rate (TMFR), General Fertility Rate age group of 0-4 and 5-9 years per one thousand (GFR) and General Marital Fertility Rate (GMFR) in women had been calculated to 527 and 638 for the the district presents all along a lower rate than the district while in case of state the corresponding figures 'state. The conclusion that has been drawn is lower were 631 and 752. All the different fertility measures fertility rate for the district as compared to the state. indicate that fertility level in the district lies below to The mean age at marriage during the period 1981-91 the state average.

842 ANNEXURE ANNEXURE - IV The annexure~IV shows percentage distribution and the other part is related to in-migrants by place of of migrants as per 1991 (Annexure IV (a» and 2001 last residence (in which a person is enumerated dur­ Census (Annexure IV (b» among total migrants in ing the Census in place other than the place of his the state and district. For both the Censuses, the dis­ immediate last residence). Since the state of trict figures are presented in comparison to state fig­ Uttaranchal was created in 2000, the state figures for ures. The table is given in two parts. One is in-mi­ 1991 are given for Uttar Pradesh, whereas the state grants by place of birth (in which a person is enumer­ figures of Uttaranchal are given for 200 I. ated during the Census in other than the place ofbirth)

ANNEXURE -IV (a) Percentage distribution of Migrants 2001 Census In-migrants by Place of Birth

Total Migrants From other districts of the From other States I urs From other Countries ' Statel District state -=Pe-r-so-ns--CMa~I-es--::Fe:--m-al:-e-s -=P-er-s-on-s--:M";"a-;-le"""s--;:Fe:-m-a-'le-s-CP~e-rs-o-ns-~Ma=le--s-;::Fe:-::m:::-:a::7le:-::s""";P;;-e-rs-o-=ns"--;Ma;-;-";le=-=s:--'::Fe:-::m=-=a::7le=s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 1,500,683 677,707 822,976 531,581 227,586 303,995 866,894 390,547 476,347 102,208 59,574 42,634 Uttaranchal (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (35.4) (33.6) (36.9) (57.8) (57.6) (57.9) (6.8) (8.8) (5.2) 32,556 15,007 17,549 17,949 6,394 11,555 10,012 6,385 3,627 4,595 2,228 2,367 Pithoragarh (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (55.1) (42.6) (65.8) (30.8) (42.5) (20.7) (14.1) (14.8) (13.5) In-mIgrants by Place of Last resIdence with duration of Residence 0-9 years From other districts of the Total Migrants from other States I urs From other Countries Statel District state ~------Persons Males__ ----~------c=~-=--~~----~:--~--c:--=---~~~~~ Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 586,118 289,508 296,610 204,484 93,868 110,616 352,496 175,187 177,309 29,138 20,453 8,685 Uttaranchal (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (34.9) (32.4) (37.3) (60.1) (60.5) (59.8) (5.0) (7.1) (2.9) 15,903 8,9B2 6,921 7,257 3,325 3,932 6,532 4,319 2,213 2,114 1,338 776 Pithoragarh (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (45.6) (37.0) (56.8) (41.1) (48.1) (32.0) (13.3) (14.9) (11.2) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets.

MN:X~ -IV (b) Percentage distribution c:i Mgrants 1991 Census In-migrants by Place c:i Brth Statel Total Mgrants From other dIstricts c:i the state From other States I urs From Qher Coontries (]strict Persons Miles Females Persons Miles Females Persons Miles Females Persons Miles Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 *lltar 11,~0~: 2'~2= 9,2~7~~0~ 9,41~~~~ 1'73;;~~ 7,~~~ 1,87~;~~ 49~~~ 1,37~;!:~ 292,740 132,240 160,500 Pradesh (2.5) (5.6) (1.7) 32,835 13,068 1,9,767 23,906 8,949 14,957 3,430 1,630 1,800 5,499 2,489 3,010 Pithoragarh (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (72.8) (68.5) (75.7) (10.5) (12.5) (9.1) (16.7) (19.1) (15.2) lM11igrants by place c:i last residmce with duration of residence 0-9 years Statel Total Mgrants From Qher districts of the state From other States I urs From other Chmtries . [lstrict Persons Males Females Persons Miles Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 *Utar 3,862,338 1,074,934 .2,787,404 3,075,049 798,639 2,276,410 728,329 249,463 478,866 58,960 26,832 32,128 Pradesh (100.0) (100.0) ; (100.0) (79.6) (74.3) (81.7) (18.9) (23.2) (17.2) (1.5) (2.5) (1.2) 19,348 11,218 8,130 13,669 7,219 6,450 3,220 2,270 950 2,459 1,729 730 I Pithoragarh (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (70.6) (64.3) (79.3) (16.6) (20.2) (11.7) (12.7) (15.4) (9.0) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets. * Undivided Uttar Pradesh at 199 J Census.

843 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: PITHORAGARH Regarding in-migration by place of birth, it is are much lower for the state ofUttaranchal (34.9 per .. evident from the tables that percentage of in-migrants cent) in 2001 against 79.6 per cent for the state of from other districts of the state was much lower for Uttar Pradesh during 1991. Comparatively, the figures the state of Uttaranchal (35.4 per cent) in Census for the district in Census 2001 recorded as 45.6 per 2001 as compared to state of Uttar Pradesh (81.3 per cent while it was 70.6 per cent in 1991 Census. The cent) during 1991. For the district Pithoragarh, the volume of migration from other states was 18.9 per percentages declined in 2001 (55.1 per cent) as cent in 1991 Census at the state level, which increased compared to 1991 Census (72.8 per cent). The and recorded 60.1 per cent in 2001 Census. Figures \ proportion ofin-migration from other states increased for the district worked out to be 16.6 per cent in 1991 and recorded 57.8 per cent which was 16.2 per cent and 41.1 per cent in 2001 Census. The movement of during 1991 Census at state level. Similar trends are population from other countries to the district was 12.7 'visible at district level where a figure for 2001 is 30.8 per cent in the district, whereas the figure for the state per cent which was 10,5 per cent during 1991. 1n­ Uttar Pradesh was 1.5 per cent during 1991. The migrants from other countries in the district were 16.7 corresponding figures recorded for the state per cent during 1991 which is 14.1 per cent in 2001. Uttaranchal and district Pithoragarh, during 200 1 are • Regarding in-migration by place oflast residence 5.0 per cent and 13.3 per cent, respectively. for in-migration from other districts, again the figures

844 .. ANNEXURE ANNEXURE-V Annexure - V presents the distribution of basic ons have been presented in the column titled 'other cultural characteristic ofthe population "Religion" at religions'. Distribution for 2001 and 1991 Censuses state, district and tahsil level. Six major religions have are presented in Annexure V (a) and Annexure V (b), been dealt with separately. These are Buddhist, Chris­ respectively. . tian, Hindu, Jain, Muslim and Sikh. Rest of the religi-

ANNEXURE - V (a) Briefaccount of main religions in the State! Distt.l Tahsil as per 2001 Census Religion (Percent to total population) • Total State/DlSttiTah PI' Other Religion not opu ahon Buddhist Christian Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh Religions Stated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Uttaranchal 8,489,349 12,434 27,116 7,212,260 9,249 1,012,141 212,025 770 3,354 State (100.0) (0.1) (0.3) (85.0) (0.1) ( 11.9) (2.5) (0.0) . (0.0) Pithoragarh 462,289 206 1,215 456,277 17 4,031 437 8 98 District (100.0) (0.0) (OJ) (98.7) (0.0) (0.9) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.0) 46,546 1 7 46,402 0 106 10 3 17 Munsiari Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (99.7) (0.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Dharchula 61,089 37 80 60,111 4 769 60 3 25 Tahsil (100.0) (0.1) (0.1) (98.4) (0.0) (1.3) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) 136,057 63 259 135,027 1 595 94 2 16 Didihat Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.2) (99.2) (0.0) (0.4) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) Gangolihat 70,387 1 31 70,206 1 119 20 0 9 Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (99.7) (0.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Pithoragarh 148,210 104 838 144,531 II 2,442 253 0 31 Tahsil (100.0) (0.1) (0.6) (97.5) (0.0) (1.6) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets.

ANNEXURE - V (b) BRIEF ACCOUNT OF MAIN RELIGION IN THE STATEIDISTRICTITAHSIL AS PER 1991 CENSUS StatefDistt.l Total Religion Tah. Population (Percent to total population) Buddhist Christian Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh Other Religion Religion not Stated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 139,112,287 221,433 199,575 113,712,829 176,259 24,109,684 675,775 8,392 8,340 ·Uttar Pradesh (100.0) (0.2) (0.1 ) (81.7) (0.1) (17.;3) (0.5) (0.0) (0.0) Pithoragarh 566.408 206 1070 561797 12 2826\ 316 181 0.0 Distt. (100.0) (0.0) (0.2) (99.2) (0.0) (0.5) (0.1) (0.0) Munsiari 43,118 0 1 43,074 0 41 2 0.0 0.0 Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (99.9) (0.1) (0.0) Dharchula 53,246 164 84 52,491 1 448 58 0 0.0 Tahsil (100.0) (0,3) (0.2) (98.6) (0.0) (0.8) (0.1) 127,4B6 25 235 126,765 3 346 53 59 0.0 Didlhat Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.2) (99.4) (0.0) (0.3) (0.1) (0.1 ) Gangolihat 65.586 0 21 65,526 0 39 0 0 0.0 Tahsil (100.0) (0.1) (99.9) (0.1) , Pithoragarh 127,211 4 620 125,006 6 1,398 115 62 0.0 Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.5) (98.3) (0.0) (1.1 ) . (0.1) (0.1 ) Champawat 149,761 13 109 148,935 2 554 88 60 0.0 Tahsil (100.0) (0.1) (0.1) (99.5) (0.0) (0.4) (0.1) (0.1) Source: Religion table (C-9) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets. • Undivided Uttar Pradesh at 1991 Census. 845 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: PITHORAGARH A brief account of the main religions as stated in are very low i.e. only 0.9 per cent. The population is the Annexure-V (a) for2001 reveals that 85.0 percent almost negligible under the remaining religions . population is Hindu in the state followed by 11.9 including the categogory "Religion not stated" . percent population of Muslims while the followers of Almost similar trend is observed from Annexure other religions are negligible. At district level, the V(b) based on 1991 Census. pattern is almost same, but the followers of Muslim

846 ANNEXURE ANNEXURE - VI Annexure-VI presents the classification of divorced and separated and unspecified status. For population according to marital status of different age comparative study, the figures of 2001 and 1991 groups for the state and district. Marital status has Census have been shown in Annexure VI(a) and been classified as never married, married, widowed, VI(b), respectively.

ANNEXURE - VI (a) Marital Status Of Different Age Groups Of Population As Per 2001 Census Uttranchal Marital Status Age Total Population Divorced & Unspecified Never Married Married Widowed Group Separated . Status P M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .All 8.489,349 4,325,9~4 4,163.4252,506,7432,009,1661,726,022 1,851,283 87,757 293,331 5,402 ,g,645 0 0 ages (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (57.9) (48.3) (39.9) (44.5) (2.0) (7.0) (0.1) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) 1,993,446 1,041,157 952,289 1,041,157 952,289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-9 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 1,093,530 566,264 527,266 563,706 520,593 2,1~7 6,009 173 470 188 194 0 0 10-14 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (99.5) (98.7) (OA) (1.1 ) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (OJ) 929,859 485,918 443,941 475,057 384.857 10,540 58,289 142 508 179 287 0 0 15-19 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (97.8) (86.7) (2.2) (13.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) 742,540 371,700 370,840 273,118 114,131 97,576 253,800 622 1,888 384 1,021 0 0 20-24 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (73.5) (30.8) (26.3) (68A) (0.2) (0.5) (0.1 ) (0.3) (0.0) (0.0) 625,834 302,807 323,027 91,908 17,477 208,925 300,293 1,359 3,959 615 1,298 0 0 25-29 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (30A) (5A) (69.0) (93.0) (OA) (1.2) (0.2) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) 267,320 279,853 21,380 3,923 243,028 267,272 2,196 7,211 716 1,447 0 0 30-34 5~7,173 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (8.0) (1A) (90.9) (95.5) (0.8) (2.6) (0.3) (0.5) (0,0) (0.0) 527,314 260,250 267,064 8,642 2,110 247,535 251,428 3,272 12,183 801 1,343 0 0 35-39 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (3.3) (0.8) (95.1) (94.1 ) (1.3) (4.6) (0.3) (0.5) (0.0) (0.0) 434,970 224,267 210,703 5,700 1,530 213,813 191,537 4,151 1.6,504 603 1,132 0 0 40-44 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.5) (0.7) (95.3) (90.9) (1.9) (7.8) (0.3) (0.5) (0.0) (0.0) 375,690 189,277 186,413 3,896 1,059 179,638 163,171 5,192 21,382 551 801 0 0 , 45-49 r (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.1) (0.6) (94.9) (87.5) (2.7) (11.5) (0.3) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) 309,198 162,143 147,055 ~,215 811 151,271 116,578 7,227 29,009 430 657 0 0 50-54 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.0) (0.6) (93.3) (79.3) (4.5) (19.7) (0.3) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) 237,669 118,279 119,390 2,209 580 108,117 90,942 7,702 27,475 251 393 0 0 55-59 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (1.9) (0.5) (91.4) (76.2) (6.5) (23.0) (0.2) (0.3) (0.0) (0.0) 229,519 113,902 115,617 2,747 981 98,979 66,675 11,900 47,496 276 465 0 0 60-64 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.4) , (0.8) (86.9) (57.7) (10.4) (41.1 ) (0.2) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) 166,863 80,695 86,168 2,198 \ 914 67,058 14,356 11,274 40,602 165 296 0 0 65-69 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.7) , (1.1) (83.1) (51.5) (14.0) (47.1) (0.2) (0.3) (0.0) (0.0) 257,974 132,118 125,856 4,489 2,263 94,997 38,932 32;397 84,359 235 302 0 0 70+ (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (3.4) (1.8) (71.9) (30.9) (24E) (67.0) (0.2) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) /'>ge not 17,770 9,827 7,943 7,321 5,648 2,~8 2,001 150 285 8 9 0 0 stated (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (74.5) (71 .. 1) (23.9) (25.2) (1.5) (3.6) (0.1 ) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) Pithoragarh Marital Status Age Total Population Divorced & Unspecified Never Married Married Widowed Group Sel:!arated Status P M . F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 ' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 All ages 462,289 227,615 234,674 128,050 103,531 94,561 109,750 4,762 20,695 242 .698 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (56.3) (44.1) (41.5) (46.8) (2.1) (8.B) (0,1) (0.3) (0.0) (0.0) 0-9 105,732 55,028 50,704 55,028 50,704 0 0 0 0 0 0 O. 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0,0) (0.0) (0.0) (0,0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 10-14 57,443 29,502 27,941 29,400 27,628 93 280 4 24 5 9 a 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100,0) (99.7) (98,9) (0.3) (1.0) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)


Marital Status Age Total Population Divorced & Unspecified Never Married Married Widowed Group Separated Status P M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-19 48,994 25,274 23,720 24,653 18,861 600 4,811 12 36 9 12 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (97.5) (79.5) (2.4) (20.3) (0.0) (0~2) (0.0) (p.1) (0.0) (0.0) 20-24 37,609 17,353 20,256 12;455 4,585 4,861 15,439 24 159 13 73 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (71.8) (22.6) (28.0) (76.2) (0.1) (0.8) (0.1) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) 25-29 33,007 14,486 18,521 4,017 795 10,386 17,346 53 307 30 73 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (27.7) (4.3) (71.7) (93.7) (0.4) (1.7) (0.2) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) 30-34 28,983 13,409 15,574 976 218 12,316 14,681 86 577 31 98 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (7.3) (1.4) (91.8) (94.3) (0.6) (3.7) (0.2) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) 35-39 28,727 12,985 15,742 338 120 12,478 14,628 137 906 32 88 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.6) . (0.8) (96.1) (92.9) (1.1) (5.8) (0.2) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) 40-44 23,983 11,871 12,112 201 108 11,468 10,828 175 1,099 27 77 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (1.7) (0.9) (96.6) (89.4) (1.5) (9.1) (0.2) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) 45-49 21,443 10,174 11,269 174 75 9,709 9,644 263 1,481 28 69 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (1.7) (0.7) (95.4) (85.6) (2.6) (13.1 ) (0.3) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) 50-54 18,561 9,315 9,246 118 57 8,828 7,208 346 1,918 23 63 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (1.3) (0.6) (94.8) (78.0) (3.7) (20.7) (0.2) (0.7) (0.0) (0.0) 55-59 15,314 7,603 7,711 88 56 7,034 5,616 465 2,007 16 32 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (1.2) (0.7) (92.5) (72.8) (6.1) (26.0) (0.2) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) 60-64 14,~25 7,014 7,411 143 57 6,216 4,104 650 3,214 5 36 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.0) (0.8) (88.6) (55.4) (9.3) (43.4) (0.1) (0.5) (0.0) (0.0) 65-69 10,709 5,051 5,658 112 56 4,264 2,682 665 2,888 10 32 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.2) (1.0) (84.4) (47.4) (13.2) (51.0) (0.2) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) 70+ 16,949 8,312 8,637 176 115 6,246 2,421 1,878 6,066 12 35 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.1) (1.3) (75.1) (28.0) (22.6) (70.2) (0.1) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) Age not 410 238 172 171 96 62 62 4 13 1 1 0 0 staled (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (71.8) (55.B) (26.1) (36.0) (1.7) (7.6) (0.4) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets.

At\t£XLRE - VI (b) Marital Status Of Iliferent />fp G"~ Of Population k3 Per 1991 Census Utar Pradesli· Iv'arital Salus Age Tdal FbpuIation Dvcrced& lbspecified !'ever Iv'arried Iv'arr~ l/I1I:JoNed grOlp Separaled Salus Fersons M:Iies Ferreles IIitlIes Ferrales IIitlIes Fermles MlIes Ferrales IIitlIes Ferrales IIitlIes FerreIes 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - 12 13 14 All ages 139,112,287 74,033,957 65,075,330 40,272,592 29,883,043 31,400,421 32,150,734 2,222,537 2,008,952 87,697 53,278 53,710 19,323 . (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (54.4) (45.9) (424) (49.4) (3.0) (4.6) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) 39,135,485 20,393,831 18,742,654 20,393,831 18,742,654 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-9 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 16,937,616 9,233,769 7,703,847 8,925,815 7,142,627 291,714 546,980 4,710 5,280 2,990 2,180 8,540 10-14 6,700 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (96.7) (92.7) (3.2) (7.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) (0.1) 12,98.4,323 7,3S1,m, 5,626,551 6,092,526 2,980,513 1,243,736 2,629,188 10,020 9,090 4,480 4,310 7,010 15-19 3,400 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (82.8) (53.0) (16.9) (467) (0.1) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) 11,359,808 5,821,885 5,537,923 2,432,031 400,626 3,333,717 5,050,825 39,327 26,512 11,090 8,800 5,720 20-24 1,16C (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (41.8) (8.1) (57.3) (91.2) (0.7) (0.5) (0.2) (0.2) (0.1) (0.0) 10,250,052 5,252,576 4,997,476 785,349 75,405 4,382,643 4,877,185 67,764 37,806 12,4:D 6,700 25-29 4,390 38C . (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (15.0) (1.5) (83.4) (97.6) (1.3) (0.8) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) 8,971,702 4,563,374 4,408,328 301,950 31,333 4,148,120 4,303,209 97,938 :lO-34 67,096 11,503 6,310 3,860 38C (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (6.6) (0.7) (00.9) (97.6) (2.2) (1.5) (0.3) (0.1) (0.1) (O.q 7,884,912 4,128,962 3,755,950 3,838,233 3,647,988 35-39 163,205 12,230 114,274 90,680 9,670 4,942 3,580 11( (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (4.0) (0.3) (930) (97.1) (2.8) (24) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0·0 6,834,007 3,719,737 3,114,270 '3,384,885 2,927,754 40-44 156,497 20,316 167,440 161,770 8,145 4,220 2,770 21( (100.0) (100~0) (100.0) (4.2) (0.7) (91.0) (94.0) (4.5) (5.2) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0 5,716,733 2,$1,067 2,749,666 111,388 2,678,047 45-49 16,640 2,548,106 169,204 181,747 6,028 3,040 2,400 13: (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (3.8) (0.6) (00.3) (92.7) (5.7) (6.6) (0.2) . (0.1) (0.1) (0.0 848 ANNEXURE

Mlrital Status A~ Total FbpuIalion Ovorced & UlSpecified !'ever Mlrried III8rried WcbNed .grcx.v Separated status --;;Rl;::rs=ons=--Ml~Ies--;:::-Ferra:--'Ies---:MI;-:Ies---;::Ferra:--;-Ies--:IIIb-:-'-Ies--;:Ferra;--;-les--::IIIb:-:-les--:Ferra:---:-les--::1IIb:-:-1es--=FerraI:--:-es---:"IIIbIes-:-:----:FerraI:---:-es- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5,116,617 2,003,928 2,149,689 105,514 12,530 2,582,701 1,781,009 269,983 353,009 6,490 2,881. 2,240 170 50-54 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (3.6) (0.6) (87.1) (82.9) (9.1) (16.4) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) 3,398,345 1,694,107 1,704,238 51,765 3,451 1,457,146 1,466,080 181,216 Z32,937 2,930 1,710 1,050 60 ,I 55-59 (1oo.0) (100.0) (100.0) (3.1) (0.2) (00.0) (00.0) (10.7) (13.7) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) , 3,003,925 2,181,123 1,682,002 74,102 11,740 1,700,on 1,000,469 344,814 611,728 4,130 2.715 1,400 9J . 60-64 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (3.4) (0.7) (00.5) (62.8) (15.8) (36.4) (0.2) (0.2) (0.1) (0.0) 2,079,659 1,100,721 978,938 32,5

group ______~ ______Separated~ ______Status _

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Fe~les Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 All 566,408 285,297 281,111 155,938 125,947 122,119 131,280 6,960 23,094 230 790 50 0 ages (IOO.O) (100.0) (100.0) (54.7) (44.S) (42.S) (46.7) (2.4) (S.2) (0.1) (0.3) (0.0) (0.0) 147,738 75,371 72,367 75,371 72,367 0 o o o 0 0 o 0 0-9 (100.0) (l00.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (O.O) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) . (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 10-14 67,378 34,298 33,OSO 34,028 32,440 270 620 o 20 000 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (99.2) (9S.I) (0.8) ,(1.9) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 15-19 54,741 28,441 26,300 27,291 17,120 1,110 9,050 20 80 20 50 o o (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (96.0) (65.1) (3.9) (34.4 ) (0.1 ) (0.3) (0.1) . (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) 20-24 43,993 20,216 23,777 10,968 2,350 9,158 21,077 60 22 20 130 10 o (IOO.O) (IOO.O) (100.0) (54.3) (9.9) (45.3) (S8.6) (0.3) (O.I ) (0.1) (0.5) (O.O) (0.0) 25-29 42,577. 20,179 22,398 3,340 380 16,689 21,538 130 340 20 140 o 0 (I00.0) (100.0) (100.0) (16.6) (1.7) (&2.7) (96.2) (0.6) (1.5) (0.1) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) 30-34 35,686 17,455 18,231 920 90 16,265 17,551 230 550 40 40 o 0 (l00.0) (100.0) (I 00.0) (5.3 ) (0.5) (93.2) (96.3) (1.3) (3.,.0) (0.2) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0). . 35-39 35,865 18,040 17,825 510 70 17,280 16,695 250 970 o 90 o 0 (100.0) (I 00.0) (100.0) (2.&) (OA) (95.8) (93.7) (1.4) (504) (O.O) (0.5) (0.0) (0.0) 40-44 27,345 13,486 13,859 840 90 12,276 12,307 350 1,382 20 80 o 0 (IOO.O) (100.0) (IOO.O) . (6.2) (0.6) (91.0) (88.8) (2.6) (10.0) (O.I) (0.6) (0.0) (O.O) 45-49 26,128 13,268 12,860 800 30 11,938 11,080 500 1,68? 30 70 o o (100.0) {I 00.0) (100.0) (6.0) (0.2) (90.0) (&6.2) (3.8) (13.!) (0.2) (0.5) (O.O) (0.0) 50-54 22,586 I 1,660 10,926 380 50 10,460 8,360 760 2,456 50 60 10 o (IOO.O) (100.0) (I.OO.O) (3.3) (O.S) (89.7) (76.5) (6.5) (22.5) (0.4) (0.5) (O.I ) (0.0) 17,750 9,580 8,170 280 30 8,520 5,460 780 2,670 0 10 55-59 o o (100.0) (100.0) {I 00,0) (2.9) (004) (&8.9) (66.8) (8.1 ) (32.7) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.0) 16,721 8,863 7,858 100 20 4,420 2,350 810 2,780 10 50 60-64 o o (100.0) (100.0) (IOO.O) (1.1 ) (0.3) (49.9) (29.9) (9.1) (35.4) (0.1) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) 849 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: PITHORAGARH

Marital Status Total Population Divorced & Unspecified Age Never Married Married Widowed Separated Status group Persons rvtales Females Males Females rvtales Females Males Females rvtales Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10,540 5,340 5,200 100 20 4,420 2,350 810 2,780 10 50 0 0 65-69 (l00.0) (100.0) (l00.0) ( 1.9) (004) (~2.8) (45.2) ( 15.2) (53.5) (0.2) ( 1.0) (0.0) (0.0) 15,510 8,.120 7,390 100 60 6,020 1,480 1,990 5,810 0 40 10 0 70+ (I00.0) (100.0) (IOO.O) ( I.f) (0.8) (74.1) (20.0) (24.S) (78.6) (0.0) (O.S) (O.I ) (O.O) Age not 1,850 980 870 910 '840 50 30 0 0 0 0 20 0 stated (100.0) (1,00.0) (100.0) (92.9) (96.6) (5.1 ) (3.4 ) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (2.0) (0.0) Source: Part - lV (a) table No. - C (1) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets . . * Undivided Uttar Pradesh at 199/ Census.

On perusal ofAnnexure VI (a)~ it is observed that population is the highest in age group of70 years and male population in the category of never married is above (22.6 per cent for males and 70.2 per cent for 57.9 per cent for the state and 56.3 per cent for the females). Almost similar trend can be seen for the district Pithoragarh, while female popUlation in the state. category of never married constitutes 48.3 per cent It is observed on perusal of Annexure VI (b) that for the state and 44.1 per cent for the district in 2001 the scenario has not changed much since 1991 as far Census. Married population in the district is 41.S per as the district figures are concerned. Percentages of cent for males and 46.8 per cent for females as against never married in 1991 was 54.7 per cent for males ·39.9 per cent for males and 44.5 per cent for females and 44.8 per cent for females. Similarly, married in the state. Widowed population is 2.1 per cent for population constituted 42.8 per cent for males and 46.7 males and 8.8 percent for females at district level as per cent for females in 1991. Widowed popUlation was against 2.0 percent males and 7.0 females at state 2.4 per cent in case of males and 8.3 per cent in ,case level. Population of Divorced, Separated and of females. No person was reported in the category Unspecified status are negligible at state level as well "Unspecified Status" in the state as well as in the as at district level. Age group wise study of marital district in 2001. However, during 1991, some persons status reveals that population and percentage of never were reported under this category. State figures of married decreases with the increase in popUlation 199 I Census reveals identical trend with slight while pyramidal shape is observed for married variation in percentage although state figures of 1991 population. In the district, percentage of married Census covered undivided Uttar Pradesh which population is highest (96.6 per cent) for males in the included present state of Uttaranchal. age-group 40A4 years and 95.3 per cent for females in the age~group 30-34 years, while widowed

B50 ANNEXURE ANNEXURE - VII Age and sex wise educatio~ in the state and presented in the Annexure - VII (a) and (b), district for 2001 and 1991 censuses have been respectively. ANNEXURE-VII (a) Age,Sex and Education In the state/district 2001 Census Population and Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education

Percentage of I. illite rate .to total Literate without Matriculation and Total Population population educational level Primary Middle above Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 11 12 13 14 Utaranchal An 8,489,349 4,325,924 4,163,425 1,317,049 2,066,518 60,951 48,481 696,187 579,314 613,423 364,470 1,011,689 573,105 ages (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (30.4) (49.6) (1.4) (1.2) (16.1) (13.9) (14.2) (8.8) (23.4) (13.8) 1,360,032 712,949 647,083 712,949 647,083 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6 (100.0) (100.0) .(100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 1,726,944 894,472 832,472 94,392 129,198 5,317 5,198 264,882 225,163 65,951 56,321 0 0 7-14 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (10.6) (15.5) (0.6) (0.6) (29.6) (27.0) (7.4) (6.8) (0.0) (0.0) 929,859 485,918 443,941 41,779 75,897 4,183 4,565 85,329 82,332 183,432 125,976 149,531 134,508 15-19 (100.0) (100.0) , (100,0) (8.6) (17.1) (0.9) (1.0) (17.6) (18.5) (37.7) (28.4) (30.8) (30.3) 742,540 371,700 370,640 43,225 102,459 5,391 5,304 41,900 46,989 79,499 52,816 187,912 150,868 20-24 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (11.6) (27.6) (1.5) (1.4) (11.3) (12.7) (21.4) (14.2) (SO.6) (40.7) 625,834 302,807 323,027 44,123 123,955 5,570 5,360 37,185 46,776 58,951 38,463 144,708 94,999 25-29 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (14.6) (38.4) (1.8) (1.7) (12.3) (14.5) (19.5) (11.9) (47.8) (29.4) 2,432,014 1,221,536 1,210,478 254,897 705,876 26,711 20,468 203,498 160,724 193,290 84,324 471,737 182,332 30-59 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (20.9) (58.3) (2.2) (1.7) . (16.7) (13.3) (15.8) (7.0) (38.6) (15.1) 654,356 326,715 327,641 123,023 278,585 9,2n 4,567 62,806 16,927 31,859 6,356 56,734 9,956 60+ (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (37.7) (85.0) (2.8) (1.4) (19.2) (5.2) (9.8) (1.9) (17.4) (3.0) Age not 17,770 9,827 7,943 2,661 3,465 4,S07 3,019 587 403 441 214 1,067 442 stated (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (27.1) (43.6) (45.9) (38.0) (6.0) (5.1) (4.5) (2.7) (10.9) (5.6) Pithoragarh ARages 462,289 227,615 234,674 56,743 109,164 1,879 2,042 42,273 40,252 42,201 23,612 50,038 26,024 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (24.9) (46.5) (0.8) (0.9) (18.6) (17.2) (18.5) (10.1) (22.0) (11.1) 0-6 72,080 37,892 34,188 37,892 34,188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 7-14 91,095 46,638 44,457 3,160 4,797 94 64 15,519 13,1-75 3,797 2,876 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (6.8) (10.8) (0.2) (0.1) (33.3) (29.6) (8.1) (6.5) (0.0) (0.0) 15-19 48,994 25,274 23,720 620 2,216 77 88 4,270 5,591 11,755 7,878 7,923 6,880 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (2.5) (9.3) (0.3) (0.4) (16.9) (23.6) (46.5) (33.2) (31.3) (29.0) 20-24 37,609 17,353 20,256 688 3,682 119 185 1,571 3,607 5,479 4,204 9,049 7,673 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (4.0) (18.2) (0.7) (0.9) (9.1) (17.8) (31.6) (20.8) (52.1) (37.9) 25-29 33,007 14,486 18,521 749 5,428 172 252 1,785 3,944 3,878 2,961 7,327 4,797 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (5.2) (29.3) (1.2) (1.4) (12.3) (21.3) (26.8) (16.0) (50.6) (25.9) 30-59 137,011 65,357 71,654 7,372 39,513 892 1,143 14,300 13,092 14,566 5,504 23,259 6,498 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (11.3) (55.1) (1.4) (1.6) (21.9) (18.3) (22.3) (7.7) (35.6) (9.1)' 60+ 42,083 20,377 21,706 6,185 19,274 457 273 4,804 83Ch 2,701 178 2,448 163 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (30.4) (88.8) (2.2) (1.3) (23.6) (3.8) (13.3) (0.8) (12.0) (0.8) Age not 410 238 172 77 86 68 37 24 13 25 11 32 13 stated (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (32.4) (50.0) (28.6) (21.5) (10.'1) (7.6) (10.5) (6.4) (13.4) (7.6)

ANNEXURE - Vll(b) AGE, SEX AND EDUCATION IN THESTATFJDISTRICT 1991 CENSUS. lJttar Pradesh" Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education % of illiterate to------Age Total Population total population Literate without Primary Middle Matriculation Group . educational level and above Persons Males Females Males Females Male Females Males Females Male Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 J3 14 AII~s 139,112,287 74,036,957 65,075,330 55.3 80.0 2.0 0.7 10.7 6.0 9.7 3.7 13.5 4.4 0·6 28,199,623 14,627,899 13,571,724 100 100 7-14 27,874,478 14,999,701 12,874,777 39.0 61.8 3.1 1.5 20.5 12.4 7.6 4.6 0.7 0.5 851 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: PITHORAGARH

% of illiterate Percentage distribution of literates b:,- different level of education Total Population to total Literate without Matriculation Age Group Primary Middle population educat ionallevel and above Persons Males Females Males Females Male Females Males Females Male Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-19 12,984,323 7,357,772 5,626,551 31.7 61.4 1.6 0.7 12.9 9.7 24.4 11.5 25.2 14.0 20-24 11,359,808 5,821,885 5,537,923 35.9 72.8 1.8 0.6 10,4 7.2 16.2 6.0 32.3 11.5 25-29 10,250,052 5,252,576 4,997,476 40.0 76.6 1.9 0.6 10.6 6.8 15.5 5.0 28.5 9.1 30-44 23,690,621 12,412,073 11 ,278,548 46.1 81.9 2.1 0.6 10.9 6.0 12.2 3.7 24.8 6.2 45-59 14,231,695 7,628,102 6,603,593 58.0 89.9 2.5 0.5 10.7 3.7 8.4 1.9 15.5 2.5 60+ 9,546,943 5,342,268 4,204,675 69.3 93.9 3.0 0.5 9,4 2.3 5.9 1.0 6.3 0.9 Age not stated 974,744 594,681 380,063 13.5 22.7 10.3 10.2 12.3 10.7 6.4 3.9 10.0 5.3 Pithoragarh % of illiterate Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education Total Population to total Literate without Matriculation Primary Middle Age Group population educational level and above .

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 All ages 566,408 285,297 281,111 35.3 68.6 0.9 0.8 19.2 11.5 16.3 5.5 15.5 4.1 0-6 103,538 52,711 50,827 100 100 7-14 111,578 56,958 54,620 16.8 36.7 2.3 2 29.3 19.8 9.1 4.7 0.3 0.3 15-19 54,741 28,441 26,300 6 35.6 0.5 0.6 19.9 23.3 44.5 22.2 25.3 13.4 20-24 43,993 20,216 23,777 10.7 52.3 0.6 0.7 23.9 17.7 24.9 11.4 35,4 13.1 25-29 42,577 20,179 22,398 12.5 63.6 0.6 0.2 20.7 16.9 36.1 7.1 25.7 8.4

30-44 98,896 48,981 49,915 18.4 75.2 0.5 0.5 20.7 ILl 19 4.7 ~5.1 4.9 45-59 66,464 34,508 31,956 32.5 90.9 1.1 0.3 24.2 4.4 15.3 I 17.9 0.9 60+ 42,771 22,323 20,448 51.8 96.3 0.8 0.1 20.7 1.6 7.2 0.4 5 0.2 Age not stated 1,850 980 870 5.1 3.5 23.4 18.3 10.2 4.6 7.1 6.9 4 6 Note:- Educational status below primary is excluded. Source:- Social & Cultural Table PI IV A (Table # C-2) * Undivided Uttar Pradesh at J99 J Censlls. Above annexures show that percentage of In 1991,35.3 percent males and 68.6 per cent females . illiterates has declined from 55.3 per cent for males were recorded as illiterates in the district, which and 80.0 per cent for females in 1991 to 30.4 per cent declined to 24.9 per cent males and 46.5 per cent for males and 49.6 per cent for females in 2001, females in 2001. Primary level education was 19.2 respectively at the state level. Consequently, per cent in case of males and 11.5 per cent in case of percentage of literates has increased in all educational females in 1991, which is 18.6 per cent for males and levels. Percentage ofliterates without educational level 17.2 percent in case of females in 2001. Middle level was 2.0 percent among males and 0.7 per cent among educated males and females were 16.3 per cent and females in 1991 at state level, which is 1.4 per cent 5.5 per cent, respectively in 1991 while 18.5 per cent and 1.2 per cent in case of males and females, males and 10.1 per cent females were recorded in respectively in 2001. Similarly, primary level education this category in 2001. Matriculation and above level was 10.7 per cent for males and 6.0 per cent for of education was achieved by 15.5 per cent of males . females in 1991 which rose to 16.1 and 13.9 for males and 4.1 per cent females in 1991 which is observed and females, respectively in 2001. Middle level 22.0 per cent for males and 11.1 per cent for females education was 9.7 per cent in case of males and 3.7 in 200 I. Primary level of education is found highest in per cent in case of females in 1991 which increased theage-groupof7-14 years in 2001, while middle level to 14.2 per cent for males and 8.8 per cent for females education was the highest in age group 15-19 year!. in 2001. Matriculation and above level was 13.5 and the age group that had highest percentage of percent for males and 4.4 percent for females in 1991 matriculation and above level of education was 20-24 which rose to 23.4 per cent for males and 13.8 per years in respect of both the sexes. cent for females in 200 I. Similar trend can be observed in the district also. 852 ANNEXURE ANNEXURE - VIII Distribution of different mother tongues accord- Pithoragarh has been depicted through Annexure-VIII ing to population with percentage as returned in 2001 (a) and (b), respectively. and 1991 for the state of Uttaranchal and district ANNEXURE - VIII (a) Distribution of different mother tongues returned In 2001 Census UUaranchal Total Garhwall Kumaunl Urdu Punjabi Bengali Jaunsarl Nepali Bhojpurl Population 1 2 3 4 5 S 7 8 9 10 8,489,349 3,183,092 2,106,142 1,948,142 497,068 240,578 123,172 113,268 91,032 67,898 (100.0) (37.5) (24.8) (22.9) (5.9) (2.8) (1.5) (1.3) (1.1) (D.8) Pahari Tibetan Bhotla Sindhl Dogrl Kashmir Gujari Oriya Malayaiam Haryanvl 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7,897 6,460 5,887 5.p81 4,415 3,950 2,926 2,805 t,732 2,625 (0.1) (0.1) (0.1 ) (0.1 ) (0:1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Marathl Raja th I Bundell/Bund- Tamil Awadhi Gujaratl Kharl Boli Telugu Malthlil Bangni s an elkhandl 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2,405 2,402 1,936 1,799 1,724 ·1,681 1,563 1,504 1,093 892 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Khortha/ Gujraol Multani Balti Chhattlsgarhl English Marwarl Kangrl Assamese Santali Khotta Gujrau 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 840 759 745 669 581 516 438 '434 365 325 (O.O) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Arable/ Sadan/ Kurukh/ Mewarl Kannada Reang Punchhi Klnnaurl Mundarl Arbl Sadri Oraon 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 303 303 300 266 259 254 240 221 181 143 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) .(0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Total Of Other Nagpurla Mother Tongues 51 52 128 48,910 (00) (06) I Pithoragarh Total Population Kumauni Hindi Ne pali Garhwall Urdu Bhojpuri Bhatia Paharl Punjabl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ., 8 9 10 462,269 417,848 28,715 3,858 2,259 1,361 1,078\ 1,029 892 566 (100.0) (90.4) (6.2) (0.8) (0.5) (0.3) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.1)

Malayal- Chhattls- Bundell/Bu Bengali Reang Dogrl Haryanvl am Marathl garhi Oriya ndelkhandl Tamil 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 298 266 235 171 140 127 123 114 102 98 (O.1) (0.1) (0.1) (O.O) (0.0) (0:0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (O.O) Total Of Rajasthani Awadhl Other Mother Tongues

21 22 23 84 72 2.853 (O.O) (0.0) (0.6) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets.

853 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: PITHORAGARH ANNEXURE - vm (b) DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFERENT MOTHER TONGUES RETURNED IN 1991 CENSUS Uttar Pradesh* Total Hindi Urdu Bhojpuri Carhwali Kumauni Punjabi Awadhi Bengali Population I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 139,112,287 114,240,698 12,492,619 6,806,047 1,829,530 1,701,845 646,085 470,180 165,299 (100.0) (82.1) (9.0) , (5.0) (1.3) ( 1.2) (0.5) (0.3) (0.1) Bundel- Braj Nepali Jaunsari Sindhi S anslcrit Marathi Malayalam Tamil khandi Bhasha 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 114,727 99,855 96,932 52,167 44,847 19,834 17,500 15,606 15,533 (0.1 ) (0.1 ) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Total of Other Oriya Cujarati Telugu Tibetan Rajasthani Bhotia Reang Kashmiri Dogri Mother Tongue 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14,613 11,258 10,549 8,379 7,391 7,331 6,935 5,213 4,933 206,381 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.2) Pithoragarh Total Reang Kumauni Hindi Nepali Bhotia Urdu Garhwali Bhoj'puri Po~ulation , (Tri~uri) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 566,408 520,619 27,807 6,931 4,457 1,961 1,315 881 645 (100.0) (91.9) (4.9) (1.2) (0.8) (0.4) (0.2) (0.2) (0.1)

Total of Other Punjabi Tibetan Bengali Tamil MalaYlllam Telugu 'Awadhi Marathi Mother Ton lies 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 347 139 102 102 91 64 59 42 876 (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.2) Note: - Percentages are given in brackets. * Ur.divided Ut/ar Pradesh at 1991 Census. It shows from Annexure-VIII (a) that mother Sindhi etc. mother tongues are of less than one percenl tongue for largest population in the district is Kumauni Since state of Uttaranchal was not separated fron with 90.4 per cent which is 22.9 per cent for the state Uttar Pradesh in 1991, distribution of mother tongue in 2001. Annexure VIII (b) shows that during 1991 is entirely different in comparison to 2001, wher, also, Kumauni was the mother tongue spoken by the dominant mother tongue was Hindi with 82.1 per cen largest portion (91.9 pet cent) of the district. Hindi as population followed by Urdu with 9.0 per cent, Bhojplll mother tongue is reported by just 6.2 per cent 5.0 per cent, GarhwaIi 1.3 per cent and Kumauni J.: populatjon in the district in 2001 Census. Other mother per cent. However, district Pithoragarh had almos~{lm languages such as Bengali, Pahari, Punjabi, Bhotia, percentages of mother tongue as reported during .i\\(\ BhojpiJd, Urdu, etc., a~,~poken by less than one with sl,ight variation. percent each in the district.On the ,other hand, at the state level during 2001 besides Hindi and Garhwali, other important languages adopted as mother tongue are' Kum1lJllli (22~9 per cent), Urdl} (5.9 per cent), Punjabi (2:8 per cent), Bengali (l.5 per cent), Jaunsari (1.3 per ~ent) and Nepali (I. ) per cent). Rests of the ianguages such as Bhojpuri, Pahari, Tibetan, Bhotia, 854