Into the Reverie: Exploration of the Dream Market
Into the Reverie: Exploration of the Dream Market Theo Carr1, Jun Zhuang2, Dwight Sablan3, Emma LaRue4, Yubao Wu5, Mohammad Al Hasan2, and George Mohler2 1Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 2Department of Computer & Information Science, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN 3Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Guam, Guam 4Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, AK 5Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA,,,,,,, Abstract—Since the emergence of the Silk Road market in Onymous" in 2014, a worldwide action taken by law enforce- the early 2010s, dark web ‘cryptomarkets’ have proliferated and ment and judicial agencies aimed to put a kibosh on these offered people an online platform to buy and sell illicit drugs, illicit behaviors [5]. Law enforcement interventions such as relying on cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin for anonymous trans- actions. However, recent studies have highlighted the potential for Onymous, along with exit scams and hacks, have successfully de-anonymization of bitcoin transactions, bringing into question shut down numerous cryptomarkets, including AlphaBay, Silk the level of anonymity afforded by cryptomarkets. We examine a Road, Dream, and more recently, Wall Street [6]. Despite these set of over 100,000 product reviews from several cryptomarkets interruptions, new markets have continued to proliferate. The collected in 2018 and 2019 and conduct a comprehensive analysis authors of [7] note that there appears to be a consistent daily of the markets, including an examination of the distribution of drug sales and revenue among vendors, and a comparison demand of about $500,000 for illicit products on the dark web, of incidences of opioid sales to overdose deaths in a US city.
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