FRESNO CITY COLLEGE vol. xxxll, NO. 14 Fresno, Ca. iDec. 1, 192

New ideos TY system plonned for FCC

Staff and student input will be members to fill out a question- seen other csmpus television utilized in designing a eampus- naire on possible uses of the systems that range from l'very wide television system, thus system. Ed Huber, a television small to complete TV stations Editor to speok to assuring that the system will be consultant hired by the district, that broadcast over the air." represbntative of instructional will show various systems and answer questions as part Step needs here at FCC. of The new buildings on campus - The Learning Resources Cen- 3. Step 4 calls for a presentatiou were all designed with ihe news stoffs, closses ter Advisory Committee has to interested staff of two or three proper conduit for cable different systems their TV or initiated Step 1 of a plan to for radio frequeney. "There's been a Newspaper Rampage and RÀM magazine develop a television system for consideration. need all along (for better editor Marvin purposes. a Sosna will visit Fresno City staffs, and mass media ólasses. instructional A-ceord- system), but our first goal was to ing to Alfred Herrera, associate The proposed system College and CSUF as part of an He will be at FCC all day will then g_et the LRC running smoothly," Editor-in-Residence program Wednesday and on Thursday dean of learning resources, the be designed by Herrera, Huber, Herrera explained.- "Now. ive sponsored Western afternoon. Thursday morning four-part plan is intended'to and a television technieian, Dave want to offer students all we by the "decide Newspaper Foundation. and Friday he will be at CSUF. how the system is going Kroeker. @n." to be used before we buy a lot of hardware." Student input will come Sosna is the editor of the News The system urill be decided indirectly in the form of in-class ou He "The object is to provide a Part 1 includes a glossary of "hopefully by Chronicle in Thousand Oaks. feedback to instructors. the end of the will visit the schools' journalism little professional interchange for television terms and a paeket school year," he concluded. "îÌ¡e students," said Lang. "We showing garious departments Dec. ?-9.Rampage the types of equip- the system could consist of big factor in control will be hope get some ideas for our ment available. funding. T[¡e adviser Peter Lang and'Ronald to this will aid staff portable monitors, builtin moni- c¿n design the best Kenney, chai¡man of the EIR journalism proglams and exPect memb the system ever, but there has to be benefit from tors, video recorders, or ¿ program, arranged the visit. our students will t,ermi ent Herrera, money to make it a reality." this." when combination. Said Sosna will speak to the for "There are so many vari¿bles to the system. Step a television system. The more the cost of the project cannot 2 will require staff input we get from instructors- be estimated until a system is decided on. Once the decision is made, Herrera estimated the system could be finished in approximately two years.

Chorges ogqinst Cable TV--alternative viewing...... 4 Musical potpourrf ...4 evqngelis[ dismissed Charges against Redge Peifer plaza. Peifer was repeatedly Cagers and rnatmen open season. of disturbing the peace and asked to leave by school ....6 failu¡e to leave campus whe¡ authorities and Campus Police instructed to do so have been Chief Keu Shrum. Cornrnent: doctors kill babies?...... 8 dismissed. The charges were dropped by Peifer, a minister wbo claims Judge Armando Rodriguez, in to have been ordained by God, the interest of justice with the was a¡rested Oct. 12. provision that Peifer is not to The charges stemmed from a speak on campus unless he three-hour speech in the fount¿in obtains proper permission. 2 Thurcday, Dec. 1,1977

JIllÍIORS---l.lIgSES ACTIVITIES CALENDAR SIZES 5 to ZO mnP$ f;ASUALS Clubs Music Kingeton Trio & The Li¡nelitere, Dec. 1, 926 F¿.Êt Ol.ivc lower District- . Chriedian Fcllowehip, luesday, Senate acroas fron lauck(s Bakery Quarters, 12 noon Las Vegas Room, Fresno Sheraton Inn, Ch¡ieti¡û Fellowehip, Thursday, Senate 7:30 & 10 p.m. Quarters,'12 noon Alou, Tribute to Elvie hesley, Dec. 11, Vegas DISTINCIIVE STTLES AND PRICES MECHA, Thursday, Comm. Rm. B, 12 Las Room, Fresno Sheraton Inn, 7 1þ FIl ALL 'rd0Mtr{ noon & 9 p.m. Blue Oyeter Cult & Bl¡ck Oak, Dec. 6, Selland Arena, 8 p.m. E¡rth, W¡nd & Fire, Deniece lVilliame & 10É Discount with F.C.C. ÀSB Card Pockete, Dec. 13, Selland Arena, 8 p.m. Speciol Events Rod Stew¡rt,, Dec. 18, Selland Arena, 8 p.m. Studeût Sen¡te, Tuesday, Senate Quar- Mueic & Philoeophy heeentation, Dec. 4, ters, I p.m. FCC Theater, 7:30 p.m. \ nd B[^e\fuìder- "$fill VÏq¡king," Dance Concert, Dec. 7, G-101, 8 p.m. I (Thurs) . Brana Band ?.". George Neubert, Dec. 6, FCC Theatre, 8 . .¿.. . .(25ç draft) p.m. Sporls Dec. 2,3 (Fri.,Sat. ). Branä Band 'Juliet of the SpÍrits," a film, Dec. 2, FCC Forum Hall A, 7:30 p.m. San Luis Opispo) W¡ter Polo, Northern 'L¡ Strad¿', a film, Dec. 9, FCC Forum Cal State Finals, >r Sunda-y evening jaùz wlIL return to Hall A, 7:p0 p.m. Dec. 2, TBA, Atl Day Treaeu¡e lel¡nd, Fresno Community lV¿ter Polo; Northern Cal State,Finals, the WiId Blue Yonder Dec. 4. Dec. Theater Children's Theater Production, 3, TBA, All Day . . Tues. ,'Wed. , Thurs. $1.50 Saturdays, 10:30 a.m., I & 3 p.m., Volteybell, State Championships, Dec. 3, f'ri. , Sat. $2.00 Sundays, 1&3p.m. TBA. 9 a.m. Conterbury T¡lee, Roek Musical, Theatre Baeketbell, FCC vs. College of San Mateo, Dec. 3, FCC LI¡+5 t{" Fulton ln the Tower Dlstrlct 3 Production, Dec. l-Jan. 21, Fridays & Gym, 7:30 p.m. Saturdays, Fulton St., 8:30 p.m. lVreetling, Southwestern Tournament, 8 p.t. Beer, Wlner' Coffee years) .18M Dec. _(Zt "The Tempest', Wawona Junior High 3, Chula Vista, 9 a.m. B¡sketbEll, f or fIlght, inforrnátl on 2ó8-1379 students, Dec. 1-2, School Auditorium, FCC vs. West Hills College, 4524 N. Thorne Ave., 7 p.m. Dec. 6, Selland Arena, 6:15 p.m.


A new book with specific atraleg¡os, techniques, and "t¡ps" for masler¡ng tests and soor¡ng higher.

by Rhoderick J. Elin, Ph.D.

Like it or not, fests are a b¡g part ol your life. The dillerence betwee¡r leqrn o o . lailure or success in a c/ass, going to the college ol your choice or not . How lo ¡ncrease your score by al leasl 20cc orì go¡ng a¡ ell, getting a job promotion T - F lpsts. Unclossifieds or stay¡ng where you are, being . accepted into graduate school and a How to get mor€ points on sssay lesls. prolession job", Addreesere lVented IMME. or "iust gening a . I "T¡ps" lor answering Multiple Choice queslions- etc. can all hinge on how well you DIATELY! lVork at home-no perform . exþerience necessary-excellent on tesfs. The one greatest reason lor lailing lests. pay. The lragedy is, test-taking a lVrite American Service, - . sess¡ons. &350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas modertday survival skill has 8 "Tips" lor stay¡ng calm in lesling - TX ?5231. largely been ignored as a subject to . Which multiple choice answer choices will give you be learned. you No one really taught at least a frlly percenl or belter chance ol getting the "how" to tests. lake And every answer correct even if you don'l know the answer. time-you take a test, you're - Helen's Typing Service--"You name it, will Phone perlorming at a disadvantage; lor . Whal queslions to be leary of in all lypes I type it" lypes ol 237-3238. test-tak¡ng, like " gamesmansh ip ", ol lesls. can be learned. lt involves strateg,þs . 5 keys to answering inlerprelive r€ading queslions ancl techniques for "winning" iust as garnes do. Learning these . The problems tvilh essay lyp€ tesls, why they ar€ LOST-Brown leather jacket techniques and strateg¡es can make diflicult, and how to improve your score al least from Cafeteria. If found, please a dilîerence in your fesl scores, your 10 to 20% or more. leave at Enablers Office. S5. ab¡lity to master test4aking. Rcward. . How to stay "cool" in testing sessions.

. quest¡ons. 5 "Tips" lor answering Matching CASH--Paid for Braeyer plastic . Plus specilic techniques lor getting lhe odds r¡ore horses. If willing to se[, e¿ll in your lavor on complelion questions, shorl answer Karen, 439-5173, ãfter 6 p.m. tesls, and chronological order questions. . Elln is Director of Educatlonal Servlces at The Learning (COMPLETE COUPON ANO MAIL) HELP WANTED--Cooks and and Counsellng Conter ln Stockton, Cashiers, parttime, day and To: LEARI{|]{G CE]{TER evening. Apply in persoú at Long Gallfornla. He has taught ln both 1EO8 Country Club Blvd. Stockton, Callfornlå 95ãX publlc and prlvate schools, been an John Silver's, 3004 N. Black- admlnlstrator and speclallst ln Plea!€ !6nd cQpl€! ol HOW 10 TAKE ÎE8TS e stone,2to4p.m. SCORE llloll el ¡4.95 oæh, plus 55a portago and handlhg. leárnlng dlsabl I ltle6, ¡Yrltten (Calllornla r.!ld€nt! edd 096 ltat€ !sl€! tex.) numerous artìcl€o on learnlng and ¡ Check encloled (allow 10 dayr to clo¡r porænel chcck¡.) JOB AVAILABLE--Personal well as two books on care. Flexible hours. Excellent tr Money order €ncloc€d sp€€ch and rsadlng. He ls a fellow parttime job.. Male or female. ln the Academy of Educatlonal' Nam6 (pleale prlnt) Call 431-9Í103 Dlaolpllneo, a member of Phl Eþlta .Kappa End named an "Outstandlng Leader ln Amerlcan Educatlon" ln clty state-ztp- (Àt,E--1970 1976 ln addltlon to'belng llstôd ln FOR Illustang fast- All books are sent fourth ctars råto. For taltof C€llvofy add: The back, *,:w paint, new tires. Compendlum, ?ersgns ol 8Oi Sp. Del. tr $2.25 U.S. Alr Mail tr ¡¡1.25 Fgn. Alr Emlnenæ ln Speclal Educatlon, Excellent ôondition. $1,500 or best offer. Call 2122-0740. Thursdry, Dec. l, lgtT


Scr¡bblers turn dülbblers

t \-/ l-¡ Ll LJ After hurling the gauntlet, the workshop and the study of the Reel World series. This :-:'-^it llll n.rut m. ASB Senate has agreed to have keeping healthy. Fellini classic will be screened oFI- its collective face dribbled into The topics will include birth Friday, December 2 at 7:80 p.m. fir¡r¡,¡rlllrnil the court by the Rampage staff in ôontrol, social diseases (VD), in Forum Hall'4." Admission is *¡hliriU Lll¡ntmllul a game of basketball. The suntanning, ance, sleep-rest, $l for the public, and free to FCC Rampage staff thanks the stu- exercise, hair and diet. students with an ASB card. The br;rilfi¡l 28t.2tll dents for their loyal support, and Those wishing to sig¡a up must series is cosponsored by the- hopes the student body will join call the Youth Commission office Office of Community Services in observing a Rampage victory to reserve a space at 488-1468 or and the ASB. "La Strada" is at 12:30 p.m. in the Gym, Friday, 4&L479, Monday through Fri- slated for Dec. 9. Free subtitles December 9. Rampaþe staff day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ttris at both films. 'members will be on hand to sign workshop is sponsored by the autographs. Fresno City Youth Commission, CUT STUDY TIME IN }IAIF! with the coordination of the Valley Regional îÏainlng Center. Groduoting? Leorn-o skill thot will lost o lifetime Úobs Register now Attention prospective gradu- Students who need permanent ates: Have you petitioned for an Incrêaae your memory lþwer--come parttime work may contact the Only ll more days of school evaluation for your assoeiate þ the wo¡ksbop on Dec. 3 at 9:30 AM Placement office in the upstairs until final exams. Then Christ- degree? If you.have not yet lobby of the Student Service mas and the start of the spnng received your evaluation, you Building from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. semester. Do you have your apply PICADILLY INN (line must now in the Student Jobs now open are office work, registration appointment Services building, ground floor, card) for Spring 1918 registra- *4.'If stock and warehouse, delivery, Counter you have already 30010 improvement is guarBnteed: sales, food service and station tion? If not, act now. Registra- received your evaluation, you attendants. tion begins Wednesday, Jan. 4. need not apply again. The have Goet: $35 for FCC Studento The office has been receiving Over 9,000 line cards deadline for the Fall L977 num¿.rous temporary jobs that already been issued, so don't graduation is December 23. If last from several hours to several delay. you are unsure of your evalua- I.o¡ information and rese¡vatioa call 226-2762. days, for persons who need tion, check with the Student or pay at the door at AM "quick dollars." Skilled clerical Evaluations Office, Student 9 põrsonnel for fulltime jobs Return books Services building. continue to be in demand and For your convenienc:e, a new salaries range from $400 to $600 drive-up book return box has a month to start. been installed at the rear of the library, near the entrance üo staff More iobs Sales parking lot "8." It will now be possible to.return books without Students who wish to work as Tronsferring? leaving your car. Avoid those registration assistants for the htdentnl Stella Moya from the Eduea: overdue fines by dropping your Spring Semester should see Al tional Opportunity Center will be books offon your way in or out of Gerard, Registration Officer, in Excellent Caree¡ 0pportunities on campus Mondays and Tuesday the parking lot. the Student Services Building, For llien and Women Sales SS-f09. There are limited in and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the persons a All are reminded that number of positions available. Eales Management If You Can ùualify Supportive Services Center, the library due date for this ss-101. semester is December 14. Avoid We are looking for a you Moya will assist students the Christmas rush by returning very special individual. may be the wishing to transfer to any college your books early. one. or university. Students can get lf you have a strong desire to make a lot of money . . . lf information on entrance require- Free reoding you have the willingness to work hard . . . lf you are ments, admission, financial aid Art sqle Author Douglas Robbins will looking for a career that offers challenge inspires applications and assist¿nce in and dedication . . . We want to talk you. completing these forms. A student art sale featuring to ceramics, paintings, etchings, The Prudential lnsurance Company can give,you the sculptures and drawings will be opportuníty to build your own business career without held at FCC in the Gallery, .! Art having to invest your own money. Sales or insurance AH-101, from December 5 rype your own will be accompanied by Lynn expenence are not necessary if you have the personal through 7. Students enrolled in qualities we are looking for. art classes will have their work Graham. Admiision is free, änd Four manual typewriters are the performance now displayed and for sale, with a is open to the We administer a complete and professional three-year available in SC-229 for ASB public. members' use. Student Senate reception planned for December training program that is unequalled in the insurance has appropriated funds for the 5 from 7-10 p.m. The hours of the industry. Management Potent¡al and Career Growth are upkeep of the machines, making art sale are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and ? unlimiled. Outstanding Employee Benefits. possible for ASB members to 10 p.m. the sale is,opeu to the it to Arrange for a confidential interview with us right now. use them without charle. It will public. Scholorships be necessary for you to show your ASB card. Information is the Dcrn Felh üfæ22?2_3tiiìt Adult closses Finaneial Aid office, SS-20f, regarding An Equâl Oppo.tun¡tv Employer M/W Opportunities for adults in the scholarships by the American classroom at FCC and CSUF will Indian Nurões Aãsocia- 'be program. at tion, NROTC, Resina Baur discussed at a Frankenburg Heqlth needs McLane High School on Decem- Scholar-ship Fur¡d, The program will featuie and the National Hi3toricall A workshop on public health, ber 6. Society. .. persons years information on admission re- . I open to 15 to 20 old quirements procedures, will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10 and assistance, counseling from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on 717 N. financial and programs offered. Orchard. Admission is free and services Join the peopbfronr program from closses refreshments will be served. The witl be held Ski p.m. rnultipufpose The workshop is being held to 7-10 in the Because of the late snow and I.RESNO admission clarify basic health needs and room. There is no early semester, field trips for the procedures, to answer questions charge. beginning snow ski claåses have who"ve ioined the Airnv's regarding Public Health issues delq/ed entry program i and to define youth's role in I Reel I World I pieventive medicine. Astrid Enlist now and like your fr¡ends Johnson, health educator for "Juliet of the Spirits" will be I Fresno Counly will conduct the the first December elassic lilm in in school, report for active duty after graduat¡on or even later - up to 365 days.

Your training and iob will be reserued for you under the Army's iron-clad (oñftcoupoN w9RrH guarantee. EDOI/:Ír- EL See or call your Army Recruiter now NOT TOR OFF ON ANY GIANÏ P'ZZA. SSG ED\ATARD (rAX tNCtUDED) L. \4IARRINGTON, JR. IAì(É OUT 264-53L8 AT .1NY ME-N-ED'S PIZZA PARIOTS FRÊsNO -SANGER-TUIARê I.OS BANQg Z?ZO TUT.ARE ST Thurcdry, Dec.1,1977

ftqû€óf everylhinu? By Roger Luìio Coble TY offers viewers Yor¡ety How c A new sour'ce of entertainment and communie¿tion that inúer- ests and attracts large numbers of television viewgrs in Fresno is wqste Cable TV. "I like to get Cabte TV where I live on Dakõt¿ Avenue. I. used to watcl it,in San Francisco where Brad Summers--"I Dave don't. tfe viewing is better," said work full time and I'm earrying, St. Andr¡ws, phys!'al education full load." major. "There's a lot of varietY of movies and cartoons. I like to ryatch'Animal World,"Nova' and it's better than just wafching.the loc¿l ststions.'q He adds,"I don't mi¡d paying for more channels." \l¡hat is Cable TV? Cable TV is designed to bring you better recqption, more channeló, and in some systems, tbe option. of _viewing movies .uncut and edited. "The reason the industry is growing is because it evolves and serves &reas that can receive TV si.,Tnals. Thiough the technology, wc cnn receive signals from long dist.rnces lrom San Francisco Iìrr ¿, O¡rkland and Saeramento are¿s " explirined .lim Fellh¿ruer, Roger Lucio waits for a cue to set the prograrÌ in rnotion. Ifresno Cablc 'l'V local regional Photo by Kiu Smith offictr and markoting manager. "r)able Il'V starùed as a scrvir:r.r is availahle. "'lhose who adtlilional r¡utlclò $2 each. Rates cassette tapes and are scheduled homelown t.ype oI business, ricsirc l,hc scnvir:o, wc h

,ttr''':.'. .,-r..'üt

o¡- jtner mrÉic. Severly Marks, ,op"nno. ô"dì ast of Durbrow, guitar and , and Bill Durbrow, and record- er, srill offer an evening of I¡termedi¿te and ¿dvancéd for Dec. 5 at E p.m. in the Recital ehamber musie on Dec. 7 at 8 Hall. Music instruetors Alex p.m. in the Recital Hall. The Molnar and Dr. LeGrand Ander- three will also perform at noon. A bit of Christmas caroling will sen will play a four hand piano be heard on Dec. 10, courtesy of composition by Rachmaninoff. A chamber singers concert will the FCC ehoir. the choir eoneert perform, Olga will perform be held on the Deena Wsits will along Quercia 8th in the Recital is seheduled in the Library at 8 Schum¿nn's "Papillon." Hall,8 p.m., under with Charleg Torres, Kereñ the direetion p.m. Andersen rvill direct, and and Andersen. Davidian, Laura Simpson, Eiji Maruko, clarinet, of Musical sqlections the seleetions rrill ¡lso include Molnar, piano, join guest will -range Richard Stn¡ha¡, Lel¿nd Van der will from Mozart to jazz pieees by Mozart, Bach, Kirk and p€rfofmer Shirley cello, preces. Poel and Sharon Von Flue. Douty, others. t4 play Brahms Trio op' 114' rte students will plai duets On the 9th, the Fí']C Commu- the festival will finish big on nity Symphony {.rÌchestra will Dec. 1rl. A jazz band eoncert, present their fall music concert. under fhe direction of Rodriguez, Molnar is directing the program, will begin at I p.m. in the with instructor Chris Moad Theatre. narrating. the soloist is Michael Civiello, who has an extensive All events included in the music background and has Midwinter Festival of the Arts performed at other concerts in are free and public. So'ul , iazz gttütp r I you By Fondo Kuboto the rest of the night at the brought us closer together, like þble. Accor

"Let Me Be The One," "Sassafras Pleasure opened the evening for The Brothers Johnson, Lewis "Tune "Dance To The Girl," In," (left), and George. ' Photos bv Curtis Cox Music," and many more that kept the audience movin'and groovin'

David lVebster--"I like to , party, and watch îV. tre all good ways to waste

Students prcpare for the upcomir¡g petforr¡ance. PhoûoüyKcoEnloe study in the I read and 'Still warking' features stude nt dancers 'Imeger ¡nd P¡t atr¿kie,

expanded and ref¡ed for presentation in a spring concert. Thursday, Dec.1,1977

Behind-¿n offense that broke ' Also lending a helping nand to reeords like they were panes of the R¿m attack was the offensive line. Coach Jack Mattox said of their efforts, "as a unit this is the best line I've ever coached." He also added "The only time end. the football seasoD. that the public notices the A small but voc¿l Ratcliffe offensive line is when someo¡e is St¿dium crówd n'atched enthu- breaking rushing records or siastically as Danny Priest broke when the quarterb4ck is getting two se¿son rushing records, sacked. All of our linemen took' Bermrd Wade broke a single pride in the records set tl¡is game rushing record and the seasig¡," Rams set a one-game total The defense had its ups and offense record. downs. Though they shut off the' Priest .is now FCC's single Beaver's running game, they season rushing leader with 1,173 allowed 305 yards passing. yards. He brole the lO-game Speedy AR receiver.Ken Bowles record of Riqhard Phillips (1,111) provided most of the Rams' and 'the 12-þme mark .of Vic ' defensive problems, catching Lamaw¿z¿i (LJnl. four passes for 147 yards and touchdowns of 62 and 74 yards. ADGdq R¡!!r Fmo .The Rams jumped out to a Ffust dowß 7 24 seemingly secure 38-8 lead Yudsrushing 62 476 through three quarters. But tYa¡ds loct 43 l5 American River eame back to jNet yuds rudring t9 46r score-three times'in six minutes, I Passcs{oñplotion¡ 38-13 2ùtt to cut the lead to 38-28 with nine Parring yardagc 305 202 minutes to play. Total net yardr 324 663 ' The Ram defense rose to the Interceptions þ 0 I Fumbleelost 34 3.3 occasion. Behind the play of John , Penalties:vards Jõ) 8.99 ,Emerzian, Tòm Glenn, Mike I P,rntr-"".i"0. 1132 4-30 Silva, John Diaz, Tom Jones and Ron Chatrnan and his Ram teanmates are still winless after Tim Washington, they held off Merced beat thern 97 -BL last niqht in the Merced gyrm. rffade broke the single game' the Beavers' charge. record of 217 yards "We came up with some gocid rushing when had said which Priest had set the week defense we ùo," Rowe. Slaughter Sports briefs bêfore. Wade iushed Lor 277 Coach Randy "We were able keep our yards in 25 camies. added to poise why we won." The Ram offense chewed up 3nd that's 'Ihe Rams put the game on ice Cogers open seoson 662 yards oftotal offense to crack yet another record. Jeff DemP- when Rayford scampered 14 sey, John Rayford, Mark yards to score with 2:,05 rcmaining in the game. poir Gouveia and Richard Kaia were w¡th of losses all contributing factors- If college basketball games record and a 15-6 overall record. of them were high and three Coach Pat McClurg said of hit' Amcricon Rivcr 0 8 o 2028 were only 39 minutes, the Rams Dougherty said about the season, the posts."' Gouveia and Kaia "They played Fr.sno C¡ty 14 l0 t4 145 / would own a 2-0 record. The "We've improved considerably At the end of regulation time the best games of their careers." games, 40 F- Gouvci¿ 63 y.¡d p.s frm Dcmpsy (Moblcy kick) however, are minirtes over last year thanks to and two overtimes, the game was With his squad finishing 6-4 lVadc yÙd (lloblcy F- 3 run kick) and FCC is licking its wounds assistance by Mike Soli, Luis knotted at l-all. Each team then overall and 5-2 in conference, F- Moblcy 37 yrd lÈæld goel pair' minute A- DuBe 78 yrd ps frcn Jcnncr (Jcnncr after a of last Delgado and Javier Veliz. We chose players Head Coach Clare Slaughter ru) five to take a F- Rryfcd 24 yrrd run (Moblêy kick) defeats. played strong, steady, and penalty shot. FCC made three "This best 6-4 F- Wrdc I yrd u (Moòlcy kick) remarked is the The Rams dropped a 76-75 united. I'm proud and pleased and we F- K¡i¡ 3l y¡rd pN from Dcmpæy (Moblcy kick) Merced made four. Scoring team I've ever seen. I think ys.d (pâ$ decision Bakersfield Bwle! 74 pú fron Popc failcd) ùo in over- with our third place finish." for FCC in regulation tine waõ played as well as anyone in the ^-A- Eowþ3 62 yûd pN fron Dubi. (Poind.xter kick) [ime at home Friday night and A- Du8æ 5 y¿rd pas! from Jenn.r (Poindextcr k¡ck) Steve Minnick. Kirk Nelson. state during the last, month.of the lost to Cuesta 60-57 on the road F- Rayford 14 yard run (Mobley k¡ck) Mark Magdaleno and Greg season.'r. Saturday. The Rams will .be Thompson scored on penalty home tomorrow against Merced shots. gym. at 7:30 in the FCC "It was a good season and we near-perfect Motmen After playing a hope to have an even better one half against Bakersfield, the t. next year. There are some good Rams led 42-36. But the powerful drop f\ to soccer players in the area who Renegades came back to take a can help us out," mentioned Neal. Rom Report 71-70 lead with 58 seconds left. "If injuries don't catch up with Greg Pyrvis' free throw tied us we'll do fine." said coach Bill haVe With nothing better to do on a Saturday night in Bakersfield, the game at 71-all and sent it into Musick. Well injuries .Horriers I decided to go to Memorial Stadium and check out the Pota(o overtirne. The Renegades out- already caught up with F'CC's wrestling team were Bowl. scored the Rams 5-4 to win the as they close defeated Bakersfield 13-32 seoson For the second year in a rorv, FCC didn't play in it. But gam9. by and by Mt. San Antonio 15-33 in "This has to be group Pasadena Colleþe and Valley Conference champ COS did and I Purvis led all scorers with 24 the best their season opener. men and women runners figured it wor¡ld be. interesting. points, while Danny Adams of It proved to be everything I expected and a lot more.' added 16 and John Meyer "IVe'll be a good team if we can assembled for FCC in a long get our wrestlers healthy and time,"'stated cross country coach Pasadena won the game24-2L to earn a trip tothe Junior Rose chipped in 13 for FCC. wrestling same time," Bobby Fries Bowl. For COS, it was wait until next year again. Last year Against Cuesta, the Rams at the after his runners Musick. wrestlers returned they lost to Bakersfield. again led going into the final stated Injured from the State Meet. are Paul Bolanos (118 pounds), Jose Renteria, COS seemed to have the game in control leading 21-13 late in minute of play, but Cuesta rallied the only male Bob Grimes (177) and John Diaz FCC runner qualifying the fourth quarter. But with the ball on the Pasadena seven lo win 60-57. Purvis scored 13 for the (H\ry). meet, placed 24th in the time of yard line and a fourth down and three situation the Giants made points for the losers. Winners for 20:07. The a big mistake. the Rams in the City College u¡omen duel meet were Neil Freeman at led Instead of kicking an almost sure field goal that would have by Connie Hester's ninth 142,'Don Johnston at 16?, Marlin place finish, placed eighth with put them up by 11 points, COS got greedy and went for the Royal 150 and Mazmanian 169 points. Hester's got touchdown. V'Bollers John finish at 190. the first three won twice. her on the All-State They were stopped on the ten for a three yard loss and team. Musick thinks "Modesto, The winners of the two races Pasadena drove down the field to scbre a touchdown and a eliminqted Delta, COS and ourselves" are were Tim Holmes Modesto two-point converstion to tie the game. of and the teams to beaù in the Valley Ann Weatherspoon West Pasadena running back Jackie Adams wasn't used until that of from tourney Conference. City College's league Valley. The teams that won were drive, but.he made up for lost time by gaining 48 yards on just opener is Dec. 15 at Reedley. Grossmont in men's and three carries. He scored the touchdown and tied the game by, was from the the FCC eliminated Starting time is 7¡30. The next DeAnza in the women's race. scoring the two-point conversion. Valley Conference Shaughnessy match will be in the South- About next year's team Fries On their uext possession COS fumbled deep in their own Volleyball Tournament when it western Tournament at Chula said, "both teams will be good. teritory to set up a field goal by Pasadena's Mike Lansford. was Reedley, ?-15, defeated by Vista. We have some reti¡rnees on the Lansford's kick won the game and hewas named the game's and 10-15. girls would 2-15 The men's team and I think we'll outstanding player. in have have needed three victories the whole women's team return- This writer was ohe of the voters for that award .as well as the tournament which included Kickers lose ing. If we get some good people the ones for best. defensive and offensive players. Pasadena's Reedley, COS and Mòdesto. from the surrounding area we'll Alonzo Brooks was named defensive player while Mark o top "Neither of the teams played ro be great." Sevick of COS was the top offensive player. to their potential. They were rn ovenrme Speaking of Sevick, he stole the show from teammate Darryl down but we were even worse," Alter two ôveriimes and llve Minor, Minor went into the ganle as the top rusher and total stated coach Sara Dougherty. penalty kicks for both sides, City Turkey Trot offense leader in the country. Earlier in the week the spikers College was defeated hy Merced Thirty-four persons partici- But Minor could only gain 68 yards in 32 carries. Meanwhile, were defeated twice, once by 5-4 in a soccer plryoff to pated in the 6th annual Turkey Sevick rushed for 91 yards and two touchdowns on 16 carries. Reedley ãnd once by COS. The determine who was to represent Trot, November 23, on campus. Pretty good night for someone who was supposed to be a FCC-Reedley score was 14-16, the Valley Conference in the The winners in each division blocking back. 10-15 and 3-15. The FCC-COS State Cup Playoffs. Both teams received turkeys and intramuraì COS quarterback Bob Daniels also had a good night. Daniels score was 15-10, 14-16, l-li and had 7-3-2 league records. t-shirts. The winners were: completed 18 of 29 passes for 245 yards, But even though thé 13-15. "In both games we played "It was á tough game. Both Carlos Fuentes, Mens';. Vickie Gi¿nts had all the impressive statistics they couldn't win the well. We just had a short teams had a number of char,-es Fuentes, Womens'; Danny Her- game. let-down in each game which cost to score in regulation play but nandez, Wheelchair; Victor Sala- The game ended on a controversial note as offsetting us," commented Dougherty. the two teams' defenses were zar, Mens' T¡rculty; Celia Gomez, penalties were called on the final play. The officials ran off the "Both games were tough." outstanding," said coach Bill Womens' l'rr r'r¡lly' Jose Renteria, field before explaining how the game could end on a penalty. This year's team ended up in Neal. "We had five di¡ect shots Mens'Cross Country, and Connie cOS had the ball on,Pasadena's 20 yard line. third place with a 3-5 league that we should have made. Two Hester, Womens' Cross Country. Thursday, Dec. 1, 1977 7


Cstifom¡s Penal Codä Section 18? defines murder as¡ The url¡iwful killi¡g of ¿_ human being or fetus, r¡'ith uialice

abortions are p inth month ofpregnancy, One methoä e child from the womb (very similar-t n birth).-The ônly. thing diffeiing from is the infant receives no e¿re a¡td is left ot dead from neglect it is then strangled, drovûned, or suffocated and finally discarded' Ken Maddy, a local assemblyman, recently authored a bill which requires doctors to treat any infant born alive, even the 'result of án abortion, ùo be treqted as a premature infant. îhe bill is now a law. The mother assumes no financial responsibility for the live infant if she was having an abortion. Therefore, the hospitals must assume the cost of these babics. Doctors rallying to meet the outcries of the financially sore hospitals have developed a loophole. A miracle drug. This so-called miracle drug is Prostaglandin, or Prostin-9. It is given to the mother anytime during her nine month pregnancy. The drug induces labor. -Chances are fairly high these infants would be born alive. Unfortunately, ühe doctors involved have erased any possible chance for these infants to live. You wonder how? Simply by inserting l,heir forccps into the womb and crushing the infant's . AIBUM REVIEW skull. These are not lifeless forms, these are humans with fully developed nervous systcms feeling each blow to their tiny füellow Tull heads. After t,hc infants can no longer survive the Srutal beating they are taken to a pathology lab. The results of the final ordeal are ugl¡, bruises covering the enl,ire he¿d and bright red welts for loyol fons and bumps covering the rest of the lil,tle body. . Eighteen days after conception the t,iny human has an audible heartbeaù. By 12 weeks the fet,us has everything it will ever use Jethro Tull standouts on electric guitar and throughout it's entire life. .SONGS FROM THE WOOD" lute played by Babies have been born as early as twenty weeks and along with great bass playing by survived and grown to be normal. John Glæcock At the bliginning, I quoted the seetion on homicide. It seems clear to me doctors who perlorm these operttions are nothing By Roger Lucio Another outstanding cut and short of "hit men" hired by womê4 to rid themselves of any p-robably the most promising is inconvenient pregnancy. The t¿lented and the popular companions have created tune, "The f)octors trke ¡¡n oath to save lives, nol, take them. I think its his Whistler." Here Anderson takes about tinre' l.hey returned to practicing medicine instead of more of their typical music with latest rêlease entitled, nd ¡rla-ving God. their on --Karen Fries "Songs From The Wood."

Although Jethro Tull has a Other cuts on the album distinct style of music, this LP include "Pibroch (Cap in Hand)," ,llcnthcr ol'the can be regarded as "typical Tull" "Fire At Midnight," "Cup of <ì55()CtATeO because most of the music Wonder," "Hunting Gi¡I," and couecrare resembles other recent record- "Ring.Out, Solstice ." enessf, ings. If you ever listen to it; you'll probably agree.

_ Jethro Tull has mellowed out compared'to previous releases, Ian Anderson really gets off on "Songs From The Wood" is Þl¡tor Lori Eiclm¡¡n the medie,al sound, "Minstrel In listenable. Peak periods for the Fe¡ture Erlitor Fondd Kubot¡ The Gallery" and the rest of it. group were when "Aqualung" 'and Sports Editor D¡ve Couleon Too much of it may bore you. The "Thiek As A Brick" were out. Photo F¡litor Kip Smith sound has taken the group up to St¡ff Randy Aiepuro' now. "Songs From The Wood" Karen Friea, M¡rk Hern¡ndez, was not an overwhelming com- "Songs From The lVood" is Roger Lucic mercial success for Tull. splendid if you're into the sounds Morio Rile5 of Jethro Tull. If you're not, take Photoþaphere Curtis Cox, Ken Enloe The LP consists of many nice a chance, Adviser ' Peterlong melodies, including mellow tunes such as "Velvet Green" and All songs were written and lhe Ranpage i "Jack In The Green." On "Jack In produced by lan Anderson. by Freeno City The Green," Anderson plays all Jethro Tull is lan Anderson. the insiruments. Martin Barre, John Evans, The Ranpage ofñce is ¡D SC-211. Phone 44il-46{X) The title track, "Songs From , John ext.E%2,110f E. Univereity Ave., Fre6no, CA 93741 The Wood," is a fine cut with Glascock and David Palmer.

ln tbe tim'e it takes [o drive responsible for killing young people lf you trave an your friend home, yóu could save are most often othçr young people. BOX his life. Take ten minutes. Or twenty. ";;-*r*;;l'---l2345 ROCKVILLE. MARYL.q,ND 20852 opinion, write Ifyour friend's been drinking Or an hour. Drive your friend too much, he shouldn't be driving.. home. That's all. If you can't do I want to save a friend's life. Tell me what etse I can do. the Rarnpage The automobile crash is the that, call a cab. Or lêt him sleep on number one cause of death of your couch. My name is people your age. And the íronic I,Ve're not asking yoû to be Address thing is that the drunk drivers a doctor or a cop. Just a friend. t'ï_-_l The fi.ompge welcomes comments from its reoders. Letîers Ltj:t_"1-__ should'be typewritten oni double spced. Letters must'be you siped by the author, alüough pen twmes moy be used at the tf 1¡¡ArRtEilD DRrvE DRuilt(,vodiË iö';äiö# editor's discretion. AII letters will be corret'ted 1o Rampoge styIe.

U S DEP RIMtNrOFB\SÞRI^TION.NAllOrA! HICHWAY nAFFICS^fETYADttN|SBÌON Submit moteriol to SC-21I no løter thu;: the Mondøy before iniended publication.