FRESNO CITY COLLEGE vol. xxxll, NO. 14 Fresno, Ca. iDec. 1, 192 New ideos TY system plonned for FCC Staff and student input will be members to fill out a question- seen other csmpus television utilized in designing a eampus- naire on possible uses of the systems that range from l'very wide television system, thus system. Ed Huber, a television small to complete TV stations Editor to speok to assuring that the system will be consultant hired by the district, that broadcast over the air." represbntative of instructional will show various systems and answer questions as part Step needs here at FCC. of The new buildings on campus - The Learning Resources Cen- 3. Step 4 calls for a presentatiou were all designed with ihe news stoffs, closses ter Advisory Committee has to interested staff of two or three proper conduit for cable different systems their TV or initiated Step 1 of a plan to for radio frequeney. "There's been a Newspaper Rampage and RÀM magazine develop a television system for consideration. need all along (for better editor Marvin purposes. a Sosna will visit Fresno City staffs, and mass media ólasses. instructional A-ceord- system), but our first goal was to ing to Alfred Herrera, associate The proposed system College and CSUF as part of an He will be at FCC all day will then g_et the LRC running smoothly," Editor-in-Residence program Wednesday and on Thursday dean of learning resources, the be designed by Herrera, Huber, Herrera explained.- "Now. ive sponsored Western afternoon. Thursday morning four-part plan is intended'to and a television technieian, Dave want to offer students all we by the "decide Newspaper Foundation. and Friday he will be at CSUF. how the system is going Kroeker. @n." to be used before we buy a lot of hardware." Student input will come Sosna is the editor of the News The system urill be decided indirectly in the form of in-class ou He "The object is to provide a Part 1 includes a glossary of "hopefully by Chronicle in Thousand Oaks. feedback to instructors. the end of the will visit the schools' journalism little professional interchange for television terms and a paeket school year," he concluded. "îÌ¡e students," said Lang. "We showing garious departments Dec. ?-9.Rampage the types of equip- the system could consist of big factor in control will be hope get some ideas for our ment available. funding. T[¡e adviser Peter Lang and'Ronald to this will aid staff portable monitors, builtin moni- c¿n design the best Kenney, chai¡man of the EIR journalism proglams and exPect memb the system ever, but there has to be benefit from tors, video recorders, or ¿ program, arranged the visit. our students will t,ermi ent Herrera, money to make it a reality." this." when combination. Said Sosna will speak to the for "There are so many vari¿bles to the system. Step a television system. The more the cost of the project cannot 2 will require staff input we get from instructors- be estimated until a system is decided on. Once the decision is made, Herrera estimated the system could be finished in approximately two years. Chorges ogqinst Cable TV--alternative viewing. ......4 Musical potpourrf ...4 evqngelis[ dismissed Charges against Redge Peifer plaza. Peifer was repeatedly Cagers and rnatmen open season. of disturbing the peace and asked to leave by school ....6 failu¡e to leave campus whe¡ authorities and Campus Police instructed to do so have been Chief Keu Shrum. Cornrnent: doctors kill babies?... ..... ...8 dismissed. The charges were dropped by Peifer, a minister wbo claims Judge Armando Rodriguez, in to have been ordained by God, the interest of justice with the was a¡rested Oct. 12. provision that Peifer is not to The charges stemmed from a speak on campus unless he three-hour speech in the fount¿in obtains proper permission. 2 Thurcday, Dec. 1,1977 JIllÍIORS---l.lIgSES ACTIVITIES CALENDAR SIZES 5 to ZO mnP$ f;ASUALS Clubs Music Kingeton Trio & The Li¡nelitere, Dec. 1, 926 F¿.Êt Ol.ivc lower District- . Chriedian Fcllowehip, luesday, Senate acroas fron lauck(s Bakery Quarters, 12 noon Las Vegas Room, Fresno Sheraton Inn, Ch¡ieti¡û Fellowehip, Thursday, Senate 7:30 & 10 p.m. Quarters,'12 noon Alou, Tribute to Elvie hesley, Dec. 11, Vegas DISTINCIIVE STTLES AND PRICES MECHA, Thursday, Comm. Rm. B, 12 Las Room, Fresno Sheraton Inn, 7 1þ FIl ALL 'rd0Mtr{ noon & 9 p.m. Blue Oyeter Cult & Bl¡ck Oak, Dec. 6, Selland Arena, 8 p.m. E¡rth, W¡nd & Fire, Deniece lVilliame & 10É Discount with F.C.C. ÀSB Card Pockete, Dec. 13, Selland Arena, 8 p.m. Speciol Events Rod Stew¡rt,, Dec. 18, Selland Arena, 8 p.m. Studeût Sen¡te, Tuesday, Senate Quar- Mueic & Philoeophy heeentation, Dec. 4, ters, I p.m. FCC Theater, 7:30 p.m. \ nd B[^e\fuìder- "$fill VÏq¡king," Dance Concert, Dec. 7, G-101, 8 p.m. I (Thurs) . Brana Band ?.". George Neubert, Dec. 6, FCC Theatre, 8 . .¿.. .(25ç draft) p.m. Sporls Dec. 2,3 (Fri.,Sat. ). Branä Band 'Juliet of the SpÍrits," a film, Dec. 2, FCC Forum Hall A, 7:30 p.m. San Luis Opispo) W¡ter Polo, Northern 'L¡ Strad¿', a film, Dec. 9, FCC Forum Cal State Finals, >r Sunda-y evening jaùz wlIL return to Hall A, 7:p0 p.m. Dec. 2, TBA, Atl Day Treaeu¡e lel¡nd, Fresno Community lV¿ter Polo; Northern Cal State,Finals, the WiId Blue Yonder Dec. 4. Dec. Theater Children's Theater Production, 3, TBA, All Day . Tues. ,'Wed. , Thurs. $1.50 Saturdays, 10:30 a.m., I & 3 p.m., Volteybell, State Championships, Dec. 3, f'ri. , Sat. $2.00 Sundays, 1&3p.m. TBA. 9 a.m. Conterbury T¡lee, Roek Musical, Theatre Baeketbell, FCC vs. College of San Mateo, Dec. 3, FCC LI¡+5 t{" Fulton ln the Tower Dlstrlct 3 Production, Dec. l-Jan. 21, Fridays & Gym, 7:30 p.m. Saturdays, Fulton St., 8:30 p.m. lVreetling, Southwestern Tournament, 8 p.t. Beer, Wlner' Coffee years) .18M Dec. _(Zt "The Tempest', Wawona Junior High 3, Chula Vista, 9 a.m. B¡sketbEll, f or fIlght, inforrnátl on 2ó8-1379 students, Dec. 1-2, School Auditorium, FCC vs. West Hills College, 4524 N. Thorne Ave., 7 p.m. Dec. 6, Selland Arena, 6:15 p.m. FOR STU.DENTS, BUSINESS PEOPLE, PROFESSIONALS . ANYONE WHO TAKES TESTS A new book with specific atraleg¡os, techniques, and "t¡ps" for masler¡ng tests and soor¡ng higher. by Rhoderick J. Elin, Ph.D. Like it or not, fests are a b¡g part ol your life. The dillerence betwee¡r leqrn o o . lailure or success in a c/ass, going to the college ol your choice or not . How lo ¡ncrease your score by al leasl 20cc orì go¡ng a¡ ell, getting a job promotion T - F lpsts. Unclossifieds or stay¡ng where you are, being . accepted into graduate school and a How to get mor€ points on sssay lesls. prolession job", Addreesere lVented IMME. or "iust gening a . I "T¡ps" lor answering Multiple Choice queslions- etc. can all hinge on how well you DIATELY! lVork at home-no perform . exþerience necessary-excellent on tesfs. The one greatest reason lor lailing lests. pay. The lragedy is, test-taking a lVrite American Service, - . sess¡ons. &350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas modertday survival skill has 8 "Tips" lor stay¡ng calm in lesling - TX ?5231. largely been ignored as a subject to . Which multiple choice answer choices will give you be learned. you No one really taught at least a frlly percenl or belter chance ol getting the "how" to tests. lake And every answer correct even if you don'l know the answer. time-you take a test, you're - Helen's Typing Service--"You name it, will Phone perlorming at a disadvantage; lor . Whal queslions to be leary of in all lypes I type it" lypes ol 237-3238. test-tak¡ng, like " gamesmansh ip ", ol lesls. can be learned. lt involves strateg,þs . 5 keys to answering inlerprelive r€ading queslions ancl techniques for "winning" iust as garnes do. Learning these . The problems tvilh essay lyp€ tesls, why they ar€ LOST-Brown leather jacket techniques and strateg¡es can make diflicult, and how to improve your score al least from Cafeteria. If found, please a dilîerence in your fesl scores, your 10 to 20% or more. leave at Enablers Office. S5. ab¡lity to master test4aking. Rcward. How to stay "cool" in testing sessions. quest¡ons. 5 "Tips" lor answering Matching CASH--Paid for Braeyer plastic . Plus specilic techniques lor getting lhe odds r¡ore horses. If willing to se[, e¿ll in your lavor on complelion questions, shorl answer Karen, 439-5173, ãfter 6 p.m. tesls, and chronological order questions. Elln is Director of Educatlonal Servlces at The Learning (COMPLETE COUPON ANO MAIL) HELP WANTED--Cooks and and Counsellng Conter ln Stockton, Cashiers, parttime, day and To: LEARI{|]{G CE]{TER evening. Apply in persoú at Long Gallfornla. He has taught ln both 1EO8 Country Club Blvd. Stockton, Callfornlå 95ãX publlc and prlvate schools, been an John Silver's, 3004 N. Black- admlnlstrator and speclallst ln Plea!€ !6nd cQpl€! ol HOW 10 TAKE ÎE8TS e stone,2to4p.m. SCORE llloll el ¡4.95 oæh, plus 55a portago and handlhg. leárnlng dlsabl I ltle6, ¡Yrltten (Calllornla r.!ld€nt! edd 096 ltat€ !sl€! tex.) numerous artìcl€o on learnlng and ¡ Check encloled (allow 10 dayr to clo¡r porænel chcck¡.) JOB AVAILABLE--Personal behavlor.ae well as two books on care.
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