Annual Minute Book.Indd

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Annual Minute Book.Indd 2015 South Union Mount Zion Association of Southern Baptists Foundation Faithh Future 1815 - 2015 AAnnualnnual MMinuteinute BBook.inddook.indd 1 111/11/20151/11/2015 44:06:14:06:14 PPMM The association exists for the churches and works with them to expand God’s kingdom, to bring glory to His Name. Christ wants the churches to advance, to impact our world with the gospel, and we exist to help them do that. One wise baseball philosopher said: “A runner will never advance to 2nd base by keeping his foot on fi rst.” Every church – and our association – must be moving forward, gaining ground. We may not be satisfi ed to rest upon the victories of yesterday or be paralyzed by any uncertainties of today! The eternal God is all-suffi cient! Advancing requires of us these things: 1) the proper mindset, to think outside our boxes, venture outside our buildings, advance outside our comfort zones, lay aside our prejudices and preconceived notions; 2) courage, to face challenges with faith, boldness and determination; 3) use of technology to make us visible, accessible and eff ective in communicating God´s truth in today’s world, and to keep ourselves informed and in touch as an association; 4) effi ciency, to streamline and work strategically, eliminate redundancy and use time wisely; 5) excellence in every undertaking, doing everything as unto the Lord Himself, for He deserves nothing less than our absolute best allegiance and eff ort; 6) vision, to make a bee line from where we are to where we need to be, proactively taking the proper steps to get there; 7) unity, taking all steps in unison – in partnership and fellowship, for no house divided against itself can stand – and will certainly not glorify God; 8) urgency, for organizations and legislation that directly defy God and muzzle His people have gained such a foothold that we can no longer stand by passively without speaking up. Now is the time. Time is of the essence. The world has changed and our own vital signs are not good. We have no choice but to be fully engaged and on the job, obedient to God. Let us pray fervently, listen actively, love unconditionally, serve willingly, give generously and challenge boldly for Christ´s sake. For the churches, with the churches! - Steven Jett, DOM AAnnualnnual MMinuteinute BBook.inddook.indd 2 111/11/20151/11/2015 44:11:27:11:27 PPMM 2015 Annual of the SOUTH UNION MOUNT ZION ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN BAPTISTS CHURCHES Twenty-seventh Semi-Annual Session Oak Grove Baptist Church, Corbin, Kentucky March 10, 2015 Two Hundredth Annual Session Main Street Baptist Church Williamsburg, Kentucky September 8, 2015 AAnnualnnual MMinuteinute BBook.inddook.indd 3 111/11/20151/11/2015 44:11:27:11:27 PPMM Brother & Mrs. Lowrie’s Final Report October 1, 2014 found us serving as your Interim Director and Secretary. A year has come and gone so very quickly. But, now the association is ready to move ahead in a new chapter under the capable leadership of Dr. Steven and Susan Jett. We wish to express appreciation to the churches, pastors, executive board members, committees, trustees and people in the churches for making this a memorable experience for us. To these, we say “thank you,” and to God we give glory and honor. Th e DOM Search Committee was a group of faithful, dedicated, and praying men. Th ey sought the will of God diligently and found it. Th e 200th Anniversary Celebration Committee worked long and hard in putting together a Historical Annual Meeting that will long be remembered. Every South Union – Mt. Zion Baptist has the right to be proud of what God has done these past 200 years through His people. We must say a special “thank you” to former DOM and wife, David and Wanda Aker, for coming to our rescue on many occasions. October 1, 2015 Steven and Susan Jett became only the fourth associational missionary in the past 80 years of our history. We believe the future is promising under God’s leadership through these dedicated servants. In closing, Arvilla and I, “THANK YOU” for the fl owers you sent to my mother’s funeral, the Christmas gift , and the beautiful quilt presented to us at the annual meeting. Your good will, support, cooperation, prayers, and encouragement will not be forgotten. Pray for us! Pray that we will fi nish well, whatever and wherever His assignment may next lead us. AAnnualnnual MMinuteinute BBook.inddook.indd 4 111/11/20151/11/2015 44:11:27:11:27 PPMM TABLE OF CONTENTS Annual Meeting Minutes ......................................................8 BREAK ............................................................................. 18 Budget– Expenses 2015-16 ............................................... 25 Budget for 2015-16 .......................................................... 24 Budget—Off erings and Income ..........................................26 Cedaridge ........................................................................ 19 Christians by Choice ......................................................... 20 Digest of Church Letters ................................................... 22 Director of Missions Letter ..................................................2 Disaster Relief .................................................................. 19 Emergency Church Ministries ............................................. 20 Executive Board Members ................................................. 15 Executive Board Members ................................................. 15 Family Foundation ............................................................ 20 First Priority ..................................................................... 18 Historical Events of Churches ............................................ 16 Laurel Lake Camp ............................................................. 18 Memorials ........................................................................ 16 Messengers to the Association ........................................... 12 Ministers Ordained ........................................................... 13 Mission Outreach .............................................................. 21 Mountain Outreach ........................................................... 19 Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes .............................................6 South Union Mt. Zion Events ............................................. 17 SUMZA Teams .................................................................. 14 Team Alex ........................................................................ 21 AAnnualnnual MMinuteinute BBook.inddook.indd 5 111/11/20151/11/2015 44:11:28:11:28 PPMM South Union Mount Zion Pastor-Laity Fellowship & Executive Board Meeting Faith Baptist Church March 10, 2015 Session I Meeting Opening Pastor Michael Floyd extended a warm welcome to everyone in attendance. Prayer Host pastor Bennie Bush off ered a warm welcome and led in the opening prayer. Introductions and Recognitions Interim DOM Jerry Lowrie welcomed everyone and recognized the Mack family (Main Street Baptist Church) for singing, Coff ee cups were provided to everyone in attendance with literature by Rick Fleenor from the University of the Cumberlands. Dr. Lowrie also encouraged everyone to register for the semi-annual meeting, so we could record everyone that is in attendance. Dr. Lowrie asked if we had any new pastors or new staff members in attendance for recognition. He recognized Lucas Day, Greenland Baptist Church and Tanner Williams, Interim Pastor at Canadatown Mission. He also asked if there were any messengers or guests from the following churches so they could receive their materials: Bethlehem, Gray, Meadow Creek, Park Hill, Patterson Creek, Pine Knot, Southside, and 20th street Baptist Church. It was noted that if anyone would like to purchase a copy of the minutes they are $3.25 each. Dr. Lowrie also asked that we request all business in this meeting so we can be free of business during our annual meeting on September 8th, 2015. Dr. Lowrie also gave an overview of the program and schedule for the evening. In conclusion, it was shared that Billy Howell, West Corbin was supposed to be closing our service, but his brother in law drowned and he was enroute to family and will not be here. Seating of Messengers Clerk Randy Love made a motion that all the duly elected messengers of the twenty- seventh semi-annual meeting of the South Union Mt. Zion Baptist Association be seated. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Congregational Hymns OLD BUSINESS Report of the 200th Anniversary Celebration Committee Interim DOM Dr. Jerry Lowrie reported on behalf of the 200th Anniversary Celebration Committee made up of members: Doll Rogers, Peggy Ballow, Dennis The committee has met 3 times, and worked hard planning for the annual meeting on September 8th. The meeting will be held at Main Street Baptist Church. There will be two sessions beginning at 4 p.m. with dinner in between at 6 p.m. Dr. Paul Chitwood, KBC, will speak in the fi rst session. Bruce Patrick, Crestview BC, will be the closing speaker. We would like to have a speaker from the Univ. of the Cumberlands. Peggy Ballou, Jerry Lowrie, and David Aker are members of the program committee. The committee plans on using music that has been used in churches over the last 200 years. A committee will be contacting each church for food items that the committee would like them to provide for the associational meeting. There will be displays of the diff erent ministries fostered by the association led by Peggy Ballou. Paul Steely, Main Street, will oversee parking
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