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United States Patent [19] [11] 4,918,677 Hofmann [45] ‘ Dec. 6, 1983 [54] ALTERNATOR FOR IGNITION SYSTEM 4,111,174 9/ 1978 Fitzner et al. ..................... .. 123/602 AND AUXILIARY POWER 4,160,435 7/1979 Sloder . .. 123/599 _ 4,213,436 7/1980 Burson . _ . .. 123/599 [75] Inventor: Gloris R. Hofmann, Fond du Lac, 4,259,938 4/1981 1011111185011 ......................... .. 123/599 Wis. _ ‘ _ Sk k_ In FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [73] Ass‘gneez Brunswlck corporatmn’ 0 1e’ ' 732888 11/1933 United Kingdom .............. .. 123/599 [21] Appl. No.: 317,827 . _ Primary Examiner—Raymond A. Nelli [22] Flled: Nov‘ 3' 1981 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-O. T. Sessions [51] Int. c1.3 ......................... .. F02P 1/02; F02P 5/04; F021, 3/06 [57] ABSTRACT [52] US. Cl. .................................. .. 123/599; 123/602; The invention provides an alternator driven by an en 123/ 605 gine crankshaft (11). A stator mounted on the engine [58] Field of Search ............. .. 123/599, 602, 418, 655, (10) includes circumferentially spaced power coils (19) 123/ 149 D, 605; 310/741 70 lying in the plane of and radially inward of the power [56] References Cited magnets (20) mounted on the engine flywheel (12). Ignition coils (18) are mounted circumferentially spaced U'S‘ PATENT DOCUMENTS from the power magnets (20), but axially offset there 3,465,739 9/1969 Burson .............................. .. 123/599 from to couple with the fringe flux of the power mag €:1mlerm?"n ct al~ ---------- ~ nets, thus allowing a high output from the power coils 3,955,550, , 5/1976 Carlssonat ey, r. ..................... .. 123/599 (19) wlthout- overloadlng~ the igmtlon1 - - coils- (18).
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