Volume 48, Number 3, May–June 2011 The birth of nuclear physics Measuring Rutherford’s impact on science Is Einstein still right? New cosmological tests of General Relativity )*)& -+.," /-+)"/"-.*! +)&*"! )* +*#+ (30+-". "* ".1./"). /+)& +- "& -+. +,". **&*$0**"(&*$& -+. +,". )* .1./"). *+)& -+. ("*./-0)"*/"!*!"*//&+* *+)& -+) -+ -/ %.1./"). ((,&*+*&.'&$%"),"-/0-"*+ 00)-&+(+$1.1./"). * *!* **+,-/& ("!",+.&/&+* .1./"). ((" /+)& 1"-",+.&/&+* /%&*4() !",+.&/&+*.1./"). +* +*/ //%&*4())".0-")"*/+# +,/& ( +/&*$. *)/+ 2) Integrate Agilent’s proven analog-to-digital technology into your design. Seamlessly design-in Agilent’s high-speed Explore the range of high-speed digitizers technology to fulfill your product requirements, while maintaining your in-house technical 500 MSa/s to 8 GSa/s on one or more channels know-how and intellectual property. Reuse and Resolution of 8, 10, 12 or 14 bits upgradability of both hardware and software Bandwidths of up to 3 GHz reduces your risk, protects your investment and gets your products to market faster. Flexible acquisition memory Be First — with Agilent Fast throughput with on-board real-time processing Select and compare the digitizer that best fits your need. Discover the Alternatives … ... AAgilent Modular Products www.agilent.com/find/embedded-digitizers © 2011 Agilent Technologies, Inc. CONTENTS 68 Editorial Our honorary Aussie Ernie A Publication of the Australian Institute of Physics 69 President’s Column Promoting the role of physics in research, education, industry and the community. Marc Duldig on a recent case of unethical EDITOR advertising Peter Robertson
[email protected] 70 News & Comment ASSISTANT EDITOR Dr Akin Budi Not so FASTS: Science &
[email protected] Technology Australia Big step towards the Square BOOK REVIEWS EDITOR Kilometre Array Dr John Macfarlane Cover
[email protected] Decadal Plan for Australian A portrait of Ernest Rutherford by the astronomy SAMPLINGS EDITOR Belgium artist Jozef Janssens.