Prisoners in .LUDGATE, in the City of London. First Notice. Second Notice. Prisoners in the Compter in GILTSPUR
[ 742 ] Anthony Haiti-sy. ->late of the Parilh of Halifax, in the Thomas Stockton Hatfield, of Red-Cioss Square, Ciippt-i- Townlbip of Warlsj**, in the Comity of York, Taylor. g?.te, in the Parisli aforesaid, late of Aylefoury-Street, hi James Horsefall, late of the Parilh of Halifax, in the Town the Parish of St. James, Clerkenwei'L, Tobacconist. ship of Longfield, in the County of York, Fustian-Maker, Henry Chapman, of thc Rainbow, Cannon-Street, Saint Jonas Nicholason, late of Halifax, in the Pariih of Halifax.. Georges in the East, and late of the George, George-Yard, in the County of York, Book-Binder, Bookseller, and in the Parilh of Saint Sepulchre, Ward of Farringdoa Stationer. Without, Victualler. Joseph Nciiulason/late of Halifax, in the Parish of Halifax, in the County of York, Book-Binder, Bookseller, aud Prisoners in the Compter in GILTSPUR- Stationer. Rohert Powell, late of Halifax, in the Parisli of Halifax, in STREET, in thc City of London. the County of York, Balkct-Makor and Ghs, Dealer. William Sadler, late of the Parisli of Dewsbury, in the Town First Notice. ship oF Dewsbury, in the County of Yoik, Cooper. Henry Hey worth, late of Leeds, in the County of York, John'Waddington, late of the Parilh o'i Halifax, in tlie Merchant. Townlhip os Midgley, in the County of York, Stuff- Jane Kill, late of No. I, Cunier's-Row, and formerly of Maker. No. 3, Ave-Maria-Lanc. Joseph Wilson, late of the Parish of Dewsbury, in the.Town- Ann Ramsay, late of No.
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