José María Aznar Article

Article in The Wall Street Journal, June 6th 2014: King Juan Carlos, Thank You

“By means of a brief communiqué of barely four lines, His Majesty the King of , , informed the Spanish prime minister on June 2 of his decision to abdicate from the Spanish throne. In accordance with constitutional practice and following parliamentary formalities, his son, the of Don Felipe de Borbón, a well‐qualified young man who is loved and respected by all Spaniards, will succeed Juan Carlos.

The brevity and discretion of the king’s communiqué contrasts with and enhances the magnitude of the substantial political legacy that he has bequeathed us. King Juan Carlos is one of the most important political figures of recent times.

His abdication comes not long after the death of Adolfo Suárez, who, alongside the king in his capacity as prime minister from 1976 to 1981, played the leading role in the Spanish transition to democracy, which culminated with the passing of the Constitution of 1978, undoubtedly the best and most beneficial constitution in Spain’s history.

In his message to the Spanish nation after announcing his abdication, Juan Carlos declared that he felt both proud and grateful: proud of Spain’s many fine achievements over the past 40 years, and grateful for the support that Spaniards have given him, making his reign a long period of peace, freedom, stability and progress. By expressing himself in these terms, Juan Carlos sought to attribute to the country as a whole the leading role in this story of national success.

However, this is only partly true. At the beginning of this long road, King Juan Carlos played an indispensable role, and now is the right time to highlight this fact. Under his reign, Spain has enjoyed the period of greatest social progress, greatest political freedom and greatest institutional stability in its contemporary history, among other reasons because the king himself was able to show us the path to follow.

All Spaniards know this very well and we shall not forget it. We shall not forget his statesman’s vision, his generosity and his personal commitment to ensuring our freedom. We shall not forget that he, before anyone else, came up with the idea of being the king of a country of free citizens rather than meek subjects. We shall not forget that the desire for harmony was encouraged and sustained by the monarchy, a bastion against all who opposed such a longing.

The king has always been aware that, under democracy, the realms of power and responsibility are closely linked. The idea of responsibility was one he referred to when explaining one of the most important decisions in his life. Upon reaching age 76, Juan Carlos considered that it was in Spain’s best interests for him to cede his position to someone with the experience and impetus necessary to ensure the institutional stability that the nation requires to face a new period in its history. I have no doubt that this will be the case.

José María Aznar Article

King Juan Carlos’s political legacy is a collection of ideas that are fundamental to any society, especially when facing moments of crisis: harmony, consensus, institutional respect, stability and solidarity. And we must not forget the idea of Spain as a nation, whose continuity is guaranteed by the . The constitutional normality that Juan Carlos helped to establish is precisely what is going to enable us to progress with a sure footing in the new period.

If institutions are characterized by what makes them recognizable, the Spanish Monarchy has been universally identified with the figure of King Juan Carlos. It is also identified with the figure of Her Majesty Queen Sofía, whose qualities and exemplary dedication form an essential part of the fruitful legacy of the Spanish Crown.

I would like to offer Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía my most sincere expression of gratitude”.