Proposed Rules Federal Register Vol
40460 Proposed Rules Federal Register Vol. 83, No. 158 Wednesday, August 15, 2018 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER including your address, phone number, exchanges and gifts from other nations. contains notices to the public of the proposed email address, or other personal It includes a combination of formally issuance of rules and regulations. The identifying information in your designed areas, such as the Mall and the purpose of these notices is to give interested comment, you should be aware that grounds of the Washington Monument, persons an opportunity to participate in the your entire comment including your as well as natural areas, such as the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules. personal identifying information may be Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park. made publicly available at any time. The National Mall also contains While you can ask us in your comment monuments, memorials, statues, and DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR to withhold your personal identifying other commemorative works that honor information, we cannot guarantee that important persons, historical events, National Park Service we will be able to do so. To view and the ideals of democracy. The comments received through the Federal monuments, memorials, and sites in the 36 CFR Part 7 eRulemaking portal, go to http:// National Mall and Memorial Parks [NPS–NCR–25928; PPNCNAMAS0, and enter 1024– connect visitors directly with American PPMPSPD1Z.YM0000] AE45 in the search box. history and values, cultural heritage, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: and the sacrifices of so many, RIN 1024–AE45 Brian D. Joyner, Chief of Staff, National supporting our national identity as well as individual connections to the larger Special Regulations, Areas of the Park Service, National Mall and national and international experience.
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