CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 8171 · Chant, 'Robert J., 04017134. Morn, Charles P; Shamblee, ·eurtts G. Commission, term of 5 years expiring June Eng, Charles, 04023791. Morris, Eddie L. Sharp, Benjamin F., 19, 1959. Farris, John T., 04013959. Muhlherr, Joseph J. Jr. IN THE ARMY Mullin, Leo R. Shiraishi, James T. Francis, John K., 04004054. The following-named ofiicers f~r appoint­ Hodges, James R., 04023363: Nidever, Richard L. Simmons, Eugene F., Nolan, John D. Jr. ment .under the provisions of section 11, Na­ King, Charles R. tional Defense Act, as amended, and section Lopes, John F.,~ Jr., 04014586. Nunziato, John A. Skinner,. ·James E., Okazaki, Kenneth T. 01928117 513 of the 01ficer Personnel Act of 1947, as McEachin, Daniel A., 04023805. Assistant to the Chief of Engineers, United Mooney, Robert, 04013926. Okita, Harold K., Jr. · Skladal, George w. Oldniixon, Ralph E. Sleppy, Alan E. States Army, and a~;~ brigadier general in the Riley, John F. Regular Army of the United States: Scott, Charles G., 04012280. Parkinson, William H. Smith, Charles W. Stewart, John K., 04013929. R., Jr. Smith, E. Vernon, Jr. Col. Louis Jacob Rumaggi, 014900, United Watkins, James E., 04013713. Perry, John W. Snyder, James E. States Army. Weeks, Frederick H., 04015937. Pitts, George E. Spruill, Joseph L. Col; Howard Ker, 015518, United States Whitaker, Malvern R., 04009306• . Plumbley, William R. :Tanimoto, Robert H. Arrrzy. Williams, Patrick M., 04019318. Rackley, iJerry D. Terry, · Richard .. T., •• ..... •• Wilson, Robert E., 04023615. Ray, Howard 04020572 The following-named distinguished mm­ Reemsnyder, Harold S. Thayer, James H. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tary students for· appointment in the Regu­ Reniker, Gene B. Thrash, Melvin C. lar Army of the United States, in t.he grade Rimbach, Douglas 0., Tigh, Leland F., Jr. 01938635 · Van Vranken, Robert MoNDAY, JuNE 14,1954 of second lieutena_nt, unc;ler tpe p~ovisions of section 506 of the Ofiicer Personnel Act Robertson, Jerry G. L., 01929892 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. of 1947 (Public Law 381, 80th Cong.): Robinson, George R. Vaught, Ra:lph R. · Rome, William D. Vought, Donald B. Decker, Robert J. Rorke, Donald M. Wagner, Rudy J. Knight, Bobby M. Ross, Vaughn C. Waite, Hugh G., DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Paristeris, George, 01928749. Rowan, George R., Jr. 04019476 TEMPORE The following-named distinguished mili­ Rowley, Jack H., Walker, Ronald 0. tary students for appointment in the Medi­ 04019750 White; Marion F. The SPEAKER pro tempore <Mr. cal Service Corps, Regular Army of the United Russell, Dean F. Whiteside, George W., HALLECK) laid before the House the fol· States, effective June 15, 1954, in the grade Sager, Robert A. Jr. · lowing communication, which was read: of second lieutenant, under the provisions Sauer, George E., Jr. Wilkie, James B., III JUNE 14, 1954. of section 506 of the 01ficer Personnel Act of Schwarz, Henry E. Willemse, Cornelius I hereby designate the Honorable CHARLES 1947 (Public Law 381, 80th Cong.) : Sconiers, William L. W., m A. HALLECK to act as Speaker pro tempore Albertson, John N., Jr.Hill, Clifford L. Scott, Charles H. Williams, Norman H. today and tomorrow. Bufiington, James .A. Miller, Vandy L. Scott, William T. Willis, William JOSEPH W. MARTIN, Jr., Elmer, John D. Rutkoski, Jerome w. Seigler, Herbert N. Witek, James E. Speaker. Fletcher, Ronald D. The following-named distinguished mill­ tary students for appointment in the Regular CONFIRMATIONS PRAYER Army of the United States, effective June 15, Rev. Walter A. Mitchell, pastor, Foun­ 1954, in the grade of second lieutenant, Executive nominations confirmed · by tain Memorial Baptist Church, Wash­ under the provisions of section 506 of the the Senate June-14 (legislative day of ington, D. C., o:trered the following Ofiicer Personnel Act of 1947 (Public Law 381, June 11), 1954: · prayer: BOth Cong.): DIPLOMATIC AND FoREIGN SERVICE OF THE Anderson, Gary D. Friberg, William G. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Our loving Heavenly Father, we praise Atkins, James c. 04019110 Thee for all the wonderful memories of Ayers, Lawrence F., Jr. Fry, Dudley L., Jr. ~PPOINTMEN'l' what this Flag Day stands for in the life Azzolin, Robert A. Fukumoto, Richard L Lampton Berry as a Foreign Service ofiicer of our country. May the flag of our Bartos, Robert E. Fust, John W., Jr. of class 1, a consul general, and a secretary· in great Nation continue to wave as an em­ Beil, Genn N. Gillard, Robert W. the diplomatic service. Bell, James F. Gosney, Durward D. blem of freedom, democracy, and Chris­ Bender, Rogers A. Graf, John A., Jr. To be Foreign Service officers of class 3, con­ tian principles upon which our beloved Berney, Robert E. 01930143 suls, ana secretaries in the diplomatic Nation has been founded. Beyer, Robert J. Graham, Joseph E. service Our gracious Father, let these days be Bittl, Frederick E. Graves, James R. days when all Members of this House Bolton, John W. Greco, Gerard F. John Crawford BrooksJohn Hay Jack M. Fleischer Richard N. Meyer shall personally dedicate their very best Bonner, Robert W. Green, Charles F. to the tremendous task to which they Booras, Danny Greene, Henry ·E., Jr. To be Foreign Service officers of class 4, con­ have been called. And let this be a time Boyd, Sidney H. Greer, Jeptha V., Jr. suls, ana secretaries in the diplomatic Bragalone, Raymond Grider, Roy C. service when, on the right hand and on the left, men and women shall honestly and sin­ A. Grummt, Otto C. Stephen J. Campbell Brainard, Alfred P. Hamel, Robert L. Rupert Prohme cerely seek to know and to do the will Brizee, Harry A. Hayward, Arnold C. Albert A. Rabida of God in every responsibility. Brown, Billy A. Hee, Howard Y. K. Teach us the courage of patience, the Brown, Dallas C., Jr. Hornsby, Jesse S., To be Foreign Service officers of class 6, vice consuls of career, ana secretaries in the strength of endurance, and the real Brown, Dwight K. 04013113 power of self restraint as is admonished Burton, James · Howden, Charles I., Jr. diplomatic service in the Scriptures: Cantrell, Jack R. Humes, Richard M. James E. Akins Joe Lill Carney, Zach T. Jones, Robert A., George M. Barbis Alan W. Lukens Let us lay aside every weight and the Caudill, James M., Jr. · 04000442 Robert T. Burns Miss Ruth A. Mc- sin which doth so easily beset us and let Caylor, Oscar C. Karl, Victor A. Roy 0. Carlson Lendon us run with patience the race that is set Cecil, William I. Kennedy, Donald R. Joseph H. Cunning-Julian F. MacDonald, be/ore us, looking unto Jesus the author Chitwood, Thomas E., Kimsey, Earnest R. ham Jr. Jr. Lauf, Robert c. Harold L. Davey H. Freeman Matthews, and finisher of our faith. Clair, Melvin W. Lawrence, Billy G. John L. De Ornellas Jr. In whose name we pray. Amen. Crowell, Howard G., Linger, Albert F. John T. Dreyfuss Philip C. Narten . The Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ Jr. Manzoni, Christian James D. Farrell Joseph B. Norbury, Jr. Culbreth, Joe A. J., 04019241 Samuel R. GammonFrank V. Ortiz, Jr. day, June 11, 1954, was read and ap­ Dart, Frederick R. Martin, James E. III Raymond L. Perkins, proved. Dockler, Gordon s. McClain, Richard A. H. Kent Goodspeed Jr. Domenicucci, Louis McCoqle, Delos A. Chadwick Johnson Birney A. Stokes MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Dorsey, Valentine J. McCusker, George E. C. Dirck Keyser Richard D. Vine Eisenberg, Hermans. McDowell, Billy J. Miss Paulina C. Kreger William Marshall Sundry messages in writing from the Ellis, Alvin C. McKinney, Ralph V., P. Wesley Kriebel Wright President of the United States were com­ Ellison, Henry L. Jr. Samuel W. Lewis Charles T. York municated to the House by Mr. Tribbe, Farr, Robert A. Mellish, James R. NATIONAL SECURITY 'I'R.AINYNG COMMISSION one of his secretaries, who also informed Ferguson, Robert L. Mendoza, Joseph A., the House that on the following dates Flournoy, Walter T. Jr. Warren Atherton, o-r California, to be a. Fraser, Donald c. Mollerus, F'red J., Jr. ~p.ember o! the National Security Training the President approved and signed bills 8172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 14 and a joint resolution of the House of The SPEAKER. Is there objection 6452 was based upon disagreement with the following titles: to the request of the gentleman from the determination of the Veterans' Ad­ On June 8, 1954: Oklahoma? ministration and a belief that the mili­ . H. R. 683. An act for the relief .of George There was no objection. tary department's determination is en­ P. Smyrniotis; Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker, I titled to greater wefght and should be H. R. 2512. An act to amend the act en­ wish that every Member of Congress had controlling. The basic issue in this case titled "An act to provide for the purchase been at my side at 10 this morning, involves the adjudicative function of of public lands for home and other sites," evaluation of .evidence to determine approved June 1, 1938 (52 Stat. 609), as when the sirens sounded for the Wash­ amended; ington area's A-raid drill in the schools. whether the soldier's death was in line of H. R. 2974. An act to extend the time for I was in one of the fine schools of duty and not due to his own misconduct enrollment of the Indians of California, and Maryland, where two of my boys are en­ for purposes of death compensation. for other purposes; rolled, when the drill began. At the The statutory duty of making such de­ H. R. 3704. An act to provide for the in­ principal's request, I walked the halls of terminations is the sole responsibility of corporation, regulation, merger, consolida­ the school to inspect the safety measures the Veterans' Administration.
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