IEEE CHILECON 2019 IEEE Contribution in COP 25 year “Suitable Technology Transfer for a Sustainable Development”

Valparaíso, octubre 29-31, 2019. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile


Valparaíso, Chile, October 29-31, 2019


IEEE Consejo Cono Sur IEEE Consejo Chile Asociación Chilena de Control Automático ACCA IEEE Chilean Chapter on Control Systems IEEE Chilean Chapter on SMC Escuela de Ingeniería Informática Facultad de Ingeniería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile (PUCV)

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Welcome by Gastón Lefranc, IEEE Cono Sur President, IEEE Chile Council Prersident, and IEEE 3 IEEE Chilecon2019 Co-Chair

Welcome by Dr. José Ceroni, Decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería PUCV, IEEE Chilecon2019 Co- 4 Chair

Preface of Dr. Claudio Cubillos, Escuela Informática PUCV, IEEE Chilecon2019 Co-Chair 5 Honorary President of IEEE Chilecon 2017: Dr. René Nóbile, Premio IEEE AIE Ingeniero 6 Sobresaliente 2018: Samir Kuoro Premio IEEE Ingeniero Eminente de Latinoamerica 2019: Dr. Pablo Estévez 7

IEEE IEEE Chilecon2019 Organization, IEEE Chile Section, IEEE Chilean Chapters, Asociación 8 Chilena de Control automático ACCA. Sponsorships

IPC Chairs Reviewers 9

Program by Tracks IEEE Chilecon2019 Tracks 10

IEEE Chilecon2019 8 General Program Tuesday 29 11

IEEE Chilecon2019 8 General Program Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 12

Keynote 1: Pablo Estévez Keynote 2: Samir Kuoro 54

Keynote 3: Marcos Díaz Keynote 4: Pamela Guevara

Keynote 5: Mario Peña Keynote 6: Fernando Passold

Keynote 7: Luis Kun Keynote 8: Fernando Guarín

Keynote 9: Rafael Sotelo Keynote 10: Gustavo Gianastassio

Keynote11: Juan Perdomo Keynote 12: Critian Edouard Rusu

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Welcome by IEEE Chilecon2019 Co-Chair


IEEE Chilecon2019

This Conference is organized by Consejo Cono Sur, IEEE Consejo Chile with its two sections: IEEE Chile Centro and Chile Sur and it is aligned with the Climate Change Conference, COP25, which will be held in Chile during November 2019. For that reason, our event has a lema: “Suitable Technology Transfer for a Sustainable Development” This Conference is for exchanging knowledge, research results, new ideas and projects, applications in industries, and above all, for getting to know each other, to explore and for beginning cooperation and collaboration, strengthen professional connections and friendship ties. Here, one comes to present what one has done, to expose a constructive criticism and to learn from one of each other. The alliance that exists between Asociación Chilena de Control Automático ACCA), the IEEE Chile Section and its IEEE CS, SMC Chilean Chapters is a long-standing one: since 1987, to carry out joint technical activities such as the IEEE Chilecon Conference and ACCA Congress united to IEEE ICA (International Conference on Automatic). These activities are supported by Universities, in this opportunity is the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, with some sponsorship important institutions and companies. I want to do a tribute to two people who have been crucial in this successful model of Conferences because they have managed how to attract a growing number of people. One of them is Dr. Mario Fernández, from the University of Talca for his ideas for the Congress, his enthusiasm, responsibility and effort. He is Vice President of ACCA. The other is my brother Etienne Lefranc, who anonymously contributed from the University where he worked, all his experience in directing company (general manager in France and in Chile of Software companies.) Between the three of us we have created a model of Conferences that encourages participate, economically sustainable and of high quality, added trust, an atmosphere of adequate camaraderie, a good call, an incentive to present better jobs and the contribution of universities, such as Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso in this case, that add more value to these events. I must mention the works of Dr. Claudio Cubillos, organizer of this Conference IEEE Chilecon2019, for their capacities, efforts and to solve all obstacles in successes way. I invite you to listen, to dialogue, to agree and disagree with our guests in their Talks, in the Discussion Panels, and especially in the technical sessions. This year we have a 10 Keynote Speakers and Discussion Panel about Technology Transfer for a Sustainable Development, in order to produce a synergy of development in our country and Latin Americans, and give some ideas to COP25, to be held in a few days, All of you that participating in this Conference, you are the most important actor to realize all the expectations that our society expects from us, the engineers, in order to produce jobs and innovations that allow to achieve a better quality of life and of opportunity to work in our countries in latin america. Gastón Lefranc, IEEE Cono Sur President, IEEE Chile Council President, and IEEE IEEE Chilecon2019 Co-Chair

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A message from Prof. José Ceroni,

Chilecon2019 Co-President

Dear IEEE Chilecon2019 Conference attendants, As Dean of the School of Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso I wholeheartedly welcome each one of you to the IEEE Chilecon2019 Conference. What you are about to experience is the dedicated and thorough work and planning by colleagues from the School of Information Engineering, IEEE and the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ACCA). As the core of the Conference, technical sessions will introduce participants research accomplishments as well as advancements in teaching and technical assistance to the community by leading representatives of both academia and business with focus in Latin American experiences. I would like to extend a friendly welcome to colleagues and friends from the 24 countries represented in the Conference attendance. We at the Conference organization are encouraged by the many ideas in the Conference submissions that would most certainly inspire the COP25 meeting, dedicated to the analysis and search for solutions to climate change and the well being of humanity. I would like to congratulate the Conference organizers, especially the Chilean Chapters of IEEE and ACCA for this initiative that transcends our university, region and country. I wish you all and enjoyable and productive week in our beloved city of Valparaíso!

José Ceroni, Ph.D. IEEE Chilecon2019 Co- President Past Chair of IEEE Chilean Chapter on SMC Dean of Engineering Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 4 Welcome by Claudio Cubillos

President of this Conference

IPC Chair

IEEE Chilecon2019 Conference includes all areas of automation, computer engineering, biomedical engineering, power engineering, communications, computer scienes, industrial engineering, and many others. The Conference has 18 tracks. This Conference accepts on research, technology development, engineering applications, and innovations in education, so that authors can discuss new ideas, and share their works with their colleagues in the technical sessions. IEEE Chilecon2019 and IEEE Chile Centro and Chile Sur are aligned with the Climate Change Conference, COP25, which will be held in Chile during November 2019. The Conference includes Technical Sessions, Plenary Talks of Keynote Speakers, Tutorials, and Discussion Panel on some relevant topics. In addition, professionals from industry will show new developments through lectures and exhibition of hardware and software. The Conference objectives are to: Disseminate recent local research and development related with automation applied in the areas of electrical engineering, electronics, computer engineering, biomedical engineering, process engineering and industrial engineering. Promote the advancement and exchange of knowledge and experiences in the areas of these disciplines among academics, professionals and students. Encourage the formation and consolidation of networks of friendship and cooperation among professionals, academics and students. To produce a synergy of development in our country and the Latin American countries, creating a bridge between the academy with the industries and companies, more suppliers, that together with the participants of this Conference, make a joint and fruitful work come true. To recommend some ideas to cop25. The idea is that attendees are motivated to create companies or improve their environment with innovations and actions that generate jobs and also allow to achieve a better quality of life and opportunity to work. We thank ACCA, IEEE and its Chapters, the Chilean Association of Engineers and AIE (Chilean Association of Electric and Electronic Industries), and especially Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. This Conference is official in IEEE. 272 works were received, of which the IPC International Program Committee only selected 239, which will be presented at the Technical Sessions. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore and the best papers, as is tradition since 2004, will be published in Journals of ISI Web os Science. We also have ten Keynotes Speakers anc Discussion Panel about Technology Transfer for a Sustainable Development, in order to produce a synergy of development in our country and Latin Americans, and give some ideas to COP25. Thanks to all of them. I invite you to enjoy this Conference, learn and share.

Claudio Cubillos Co-President of IEEE Chilecon2019 Conference Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Professor

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IEEE Chilecon2019 Honorary Preside

Renés Nóbile (Q.E.P.D.), ------René Nóbile Aguilera fue un destacado Profesor e Investigador del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad d e Chile, donde comenzó 3n 1969. Junto a Alan Capel y Nicolás Beltrán, crearon el Laboratorio de Microelectrónica de la Universidad de Chile en 1971, la base para la Empresa Nacional de Electrónica, estatal chilena, que llegó a fabricar transistores y sistemas integrados en baja escala. Nació en 1947, estudio en el Colegio San Ignacio de Santiago (Alonso Ovalle), y luego en la Universidad de Chile donde obtuvo, paralelamente los títulos de Ingeniro Eléctrico y de Licenciado en Física. Posteriormente, obtiene su Doctorado en Ingeniería especializado en Inteligencia Artificial y Robótica, en 1980, en Rennes, Francia. Tuvo varios proyectos Fondecyt y numerosas publicaciones en Congresos y Journals. Trabajo un tiempo en Tecnos Chile. Fue presidente de la sección Chile del IEEE en 1983 y miembro del Directorio por varios años. ------EEE Prize Ingeniero Sobresaliente IEEE AIE 2018

Samir Kuoro ------Dr. Samir Kouro received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (UTFSM), Valparaíso, Chile, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. Since 2007 he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering 2007, where he currently serves as Associate Professor. From 2009 to 2011 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. His re search interests include power electronics, renewable energy conversion systems, and electro-mobility. Dr. Kouro is founding member and Principal Investigator of the Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AC3E) and of the Research Center (SERC-Chile), both recognized as research centers of excellence in Chile. He has coauthored one book, 7 book chapters and over 170 refereed journal and conference papers. He has served as Guest Editor of Special Sections in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Dr. Kouro is Chair of the Chile Section Chapter of the IEEE Power Electronics Society, and member of the Board of Directors of the Solar Energy and Energy Innovation Committee of CORFO. Dr. Kouro received the 2018 IEEE-AIE Outstanding Engineer Award, the 2016 IEEE Industrial Electronics Bimal K. Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applications in Energy Systems, the 2015 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society J. David Irwin Early Career Award, the 2012 IEEE Power Electronics Society Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award, the 2012 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 1st prize paper award, the 2011 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Best Paper Award, and the 2008 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Best Paper Award. Dr Kouro has been included in the 2018 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher List.

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IEEE Prize Ingeniero Eminente de Latinoamérica 2019

PhD. Pablo A. Estevez Pablo A. Estévez received his professional title in electrical engineering (EE) from Universidad de Chile, in 1981, and the M.Sc. and Dr.Eng. degrees from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He is a Full Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Chile, and former Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department in the period 2006-2010. Prof. Estévez is one of the founders of the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), Chile, which was created in January 2014. He is currently leading the Astroinformatics/Astrostatistics group at MAS. He has been an Invited Researcher with the NTT Communication Science Laboratory, Kyoto, Japan; the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France, and a Visiting Professor at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris, France, and the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Prof. Estévez is an IEEE Fellow. He served as President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) for the term 2016-2017, Vice-president of Members Activities (2011-2014), CIS ADCOM Member-at-Large (2008- 2010), CIS Distinguished Lecturer (2006-2011) and as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (2007-2012). Prof. Estévez served as conference chair of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), held in July 2016, in Vancouver, Canada, and general co-chair of the 2018 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE WCCI 2018, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2018. He is the recipient of the 2019 IEEE CIS Meritorious Service Award. Prof. Estévez has co-authored more than 150 articles in journals and conferences, including a recent paper published in Nature Astronomy. His current research interests include big data, deep learning, neural networks, self-organizing maps, data visualization, feature selection, information theoretic-learning, time series analysis, and advanced signal and image processing. One of his main topics of research is the application of machine learning and computational intelligence techniques to frontier research in astrophysics and biomedical engineering.

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Dr. René Nóbile Aguilera (Q.E.P.D), Professor Universidad de Chile, Past President of IEEE Chile Section

General Chairs, Conference Co- Presidents: José Ceroni, Claudio Cubillos, Gastón Lefranc H. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. IEEE Chile / ACCA Email: [email protected], [email protected] Email: [email protected]

International program Committee Chairs IPC:

Claudio Cubillos, PUCV, Mario Fernández F. U. de Talca, ACCA, Gastón Lefranc H., PUCV, IEEE, ACCA Cristián Durán, U. Bío-Bío, Carlos Muñoz, U. de la Frontera, Ernesto Rubio, U. Bío-Bío

Patrocinadores de IEEE Chilecon2019

Asociación Chilena de Control Automático ACCA President: Mario Fernández IEEE Consejo Cono Sur, IEEE Consejo Chile: Gastón Lefranc IEEE Chilean Chapter on Control Systems Chair: Gastón Lefranc IEEE Chilean Chapter on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: José Ceroni

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 8 International program Committee Members IPC:

Cristhian A. Aguilera Claudio Cubillos Gaston Lefranc Marco E Rivera Abarca Héctor Allende-Cid Felipe Diaz José Isaac Lemus Romani Ernesto Rubio Ignacio Araya Cristian Duran-Faundez Rodrigo Martinez Ernesto Rubio Ignacio Araya Cristian Duran-Faundez Rafael Mellado Ernesto Rubio Gino Astorga Antonio Faúndez-Ugalde Rafael Mellado Agustin Salas-Fernández Karina Barbosa Mario Fernandez Jenny Morales Gustavo Scaglia Camila Bascur Mario Fernandez Mauricio Moyano Castillo Gustavo Scaglia Miguel Bustamante Cristian Galleguillos Carlos O Munoz Poblete Ismael Soto Guillermo Cabrera Alvaro Gomez Olivares Ordenes Alvaro Torres Guillermo Cabrera Victor Grimblatt Román Osorio Katherine Valencia Carlos Cárdenas M. Franco Guidi-Polanco Leslie Perez Emanuel Vega Mena NicolÁs Caselli Maicholl Gutiérrez Ricardo Perez Rodolfo Villarroel José Ceroni Díaz Pamela Hermosilla Daniela Quiñones Eliana Vivas Hector Cornide Diego Herrera Daniela Quiñones Pat Wheeler Claudio Cubillos Adrian Jaramillo Andres Ramos Claudio Cubillos Hector Kaschel Antonio Rienzo Renato


Adrian Carrillo Alan Cuevas M Aranda Diego Benitez Diego Hugo David Calderon Vilca Hernández Luis Ramon Pamela Guevara Paola Leon Alberto Duran Alberto Sanchez Burgos-Pineda Diego Morales Hugo Garcés Hugo Muñoz Ícaro Merchan Villalba Luis Togo Patricio A. Mendoza Araya Alcides Chavez Alejandro Diego Palacios Diego Rojas Araújo Ismael Lopez-Juarez Arredondo Luzmila Liza Patricio Gaisse Patricio Maass Alejandro Rojas Alex Diego Sanchez Douglas Pereira Ismael López-Juárez Ismael Neciosup Maira Santacruz Galdames Patricio Mendoza Navas Fonseca Alexandra Dias E. P. Leiva-Lobos Edgar Soto Ismael Soto Gomez Ivan Magno Ayala Silva Malena Araya Patricio Mendoza-Araya Celeste Zegarra Soto Alexi De Jesus Vazquez Edgar Iraola-Real Jack F. Bravo- Loza Manuel Gonçalves Da Patricio Varas Paúl Díaz Paul Delgado Alexis Derlis Gregor Maqueda Edson Rodrigo Torres Jaime Molina Jaime Silva Neto Manuel Navarro Diaz Zuñiga Paúl E. Vintimilla- Diomedi Alfredo Renault Lopez Fernandez C Eduardo Adrian Rohten James Arredondo Marcela Jamett Marcelo Cortes- Tapia Paula Garcia Paulo Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi Aline Ortigoza M Eduardo Costoya Mamani Javier Muñoz Javier Carmona Marco Briceño-León Guerra-Terán Pedro Escárate Neves Allison Jessica Brenis Eduardo Espinosa Edward Pereda Javier Rebolledo Javier Marco Fernández Marco Rivera Pedro Gabriel Rotta Saavedra García Alonso Rodríguez Ana Andrés González Ríos Efraín Torres Javiera Meneses-Silva Marco Toledo Marcos Pedro Melin Rafael Álvarez Aguilera Faraco Ana Sabrina Ibaceta Elizabeth Vidal Enrique Javiera Munizaga Jean-Michel Espindola Maria Camila Rafael Mellado Rafael Nilson NiÑo Ruge Andrea del Pozo Buzarquis Enrique Espina Clairand Jesus Martinez Patiño Ceballos Ruiz Maria Coronel Rodrigues Rafael Orellana Andrea Vázquez Andres Alonso Enrique San Juan Erick Blanco Jesús Martínez Patiño Jimmy Maria Esther Roncal Moscol Rafael Orellana Prato Ramzi Andrés Peters Andressa Martins Erick Sierra Ernesto Rubio Esau Andres Zamora Borquez Jimmy Maria Eusebia Guerrero Haraty Raúl Amarilla Raul Oliveira Antonia Murillo Figueroa Escoto Esteban Gutierrez-Bahamondes João Sanchez María José Castilla Carrasco Raul Gregor Raul Antônio Medeiros Antonio Cristaldo Estela Riveros Ever Marcelino Pacheco Neto Johny Maira Santacruz Maria Paz Haro-Baez Renato Milhomem Rienzo Antonio-Marco Pantaleo Diaz Ever Diaz Cristaldo F. A. Montaña Jonathan Matías Palma Dominguez Mariana Guimarães Oliveira Rene Carrera Ricardo Ariel Guerrero Ariel Villalon Morales Fabio Bertequini Leão Olate Jordan Salgado Jorge Mario Arzamendia Mario Albornoz Ricardo Alfredo Cajo Arturo Curiel Arturo González Fabricio Salgado Fabricio Alvarez Jorge Gomez Jorge Fernandez-Fernandez Mario Diaz Ricardo Enrique Pérez Arturo Rodriguez Ashraf W Yepez Federico Peralta Felipe Mendoza Baeza Jorge Molina Fernández-Fernández Mario G. Guzmán Ricardo Francisco Khir Belen Hirmas Billy Mark Arancibia Carrasco Felipe Jorge Molina Jorge Molina Borja Borja Mario Navarrete Alonso C Ricardo Leite Ricardo Peralta Marquez Bruno Riccelli Besoain Felipe Sarmiento- Jorge Portilla Jose Alejandro Mario Peña Mario Peña-Cabrera Lizana Ricardo Lizana F Dos Santos Silva Camila Rojas Delgado Félix Fernández Felix Jimenez Segura Jose Andrés Mario Ruiz Matias Diaz Matías Ricardo Ñanculef Ricardo Betancourt Carlos Álvarez Rojas Félix Rojas Fernanda Chaves Osorio Jose Dario Díaz Matias Malhue Matías Oliveira Ricardo Sá Ricardo Carlos Árias Carlos Baier Carlos Kitano Fernando Fuentes- Calderon Ortiz José Mardones Urrutia Ortiz Matíaz Díaz Santos Richard Quevedo Benavides Carlos Cerda Carlos Peñailillo Fernando Herrera Jose Merced Lozano García José Mauricio Montanares Mauricio Richard Ríos Roberto Cardenas Loza Carlos Mariscal Carlos Fernando Jurado Pérez Ponce Ramírez José Rodríguez Muñoz Mauricio Osses Mauro Roberto Tovar Robin De Keyser Montiel Carlos Muñoz-Poblete Fernando Lino Fernando José Rojas José Troncoso Rivadeneira Mayerli Montes- Rodney Damian Fariña Carlos R. Baier Carlos Valle Morales Fernando Palacios Joselyne Andramuño Joshua Parra Mayra Milagros Gamarra Martínez Rodolfo Anibal Lobo Carolina Zambrano Cecília F. Francisco Fidel Macias Aguilera Triana Juan Aguero Juan Lázaro Merlin Majano Miguel Rodolfo Canelon Rodolfo Lobo Morais Cesar Azurdia Meza Francisco Pedreros Francisco Bernardo Gómez Mendoza Juan Bustamante Miguel Suárez Rodrigo Aliaga Rodrigo César Echeverría César Silva Vargas Franco Rivera-Pino C. Agüero Juan Carlos Acosta Milton Gonzales-Macavilca Carvajal Rodrigo dos Passos Cinthia Itiki Claudia Durán Fredi Palominos Gabriel A. Juan Carlos Aguero Juan Carlos Milton Román-Cañizares Roger Schurch Roman Lara Claudio Carvallo Claudio León-Paredes Gabriel Diaz Agüero Juan Carlos Soto Narciso López-López Nathalie Roman Osorio-Camparan Cubillos Claudio Gutierrez-Soto Gabriel Droguett Gabriel Bohorquez Juan García Risso Nelson Aros Nelson Roman Osorio-Comparan Claudio Valencia Clauirton Salazar Gabriela Álvarez Hernández Juan Gordillo Sierra Cisneros Nelson Sepúlveda Roman Osorio-Comparán Siebra Constantijn Langedijk Ganesh Kumar S Ganesh Kumar Juan Manuel Jr. Calle Gómez Nicolas A. Barriga Nicolas Rosalba Guerrero Aslla Rubén Cristhian Quezada Viñanzaca Srinivasan Gaston Lefranc Juan Sebastian Gonzalez S Julio Cornejo Nicolas Esquivel Alarcón Rudel Huancas Sam Cristian Ahumada Cristian Gerardo Blanco German Pacher Karen Moposita Karina Nicolas Hernandez Nicolás Jeong Samuel Montejo-Sanchez David Bedoya R. Cristian Arevalo Gilberto De Melo A. Barbosa Keyla Virginia López Nicolas Rebolledo Santiago Cristobal Perez Pineda Cristóbal Andrade Junior Glen Farivar Gonzalo Checa Roman Kevin Cikel Nicolás Soto-Muñoz Nino Vega Sebastián Llano Sergio Cordero Cristóbal Garrido Daniel Carvajal Gonzalo Nápoles Kineret Serebrinsky Kleber Noel Perez Norelys Aguila Sergio Toledo Sophia Sánchez Aquino Carvallo Daniel Guilherme Alencar Guillermo Silva Krzysztof Herman Larissa Camacho Orietta Nicolis Tiago Honorato Tomás Lara Cardenas Daniel Eduardo Andres Jimenez E Guillermo Peres Leonardo Carvalho Orlando Philco Orlando Urquijo Tomas Sepulveda Tomislav Sánchez Daniel Flores V. Daniel Escrivá-Escrivá Guillermo Leonardo Comparatore Oscar Briones Otavio Noura Roje Godoy Valeska Galvez Fontte-Jalil Daniel Icaza Daniel Gajardo-Miranda Guillermo Leonardo Santiago Benitez P Teixeira Pablo Adasme Pablo Víctor Pizarro-Céspedes Montecinos Daniel Narvaez Jiménez Estévez Guillermo Leonardo Santiago Benitez S Alarcon-Sandoval Pablo Bravo Victorio Oxilia Vijayaraja L Daniel Rivera Dante Elias Darío Jiménez-Estévez Guillermo Letícia Oliveira Liliana Melissa Pablo Chandía Pablo Inzunza Viviana Silva Washington Valdés Darwin Aguilar Davi Ramirez A. Guillermo Ramírez Guerra Pizango Liz Eda Pablo José Prieto Entenza Pablo Fernandez William Ipanaqué Bibiano Brito David Zabala A. Gustavo Bittner Gustavo Delgado Alcaraz Lorenzo Palacios Pablo Parra Pablo William Ipanaque Alama David Zabala-Blanco Deyvid Gatica Gustavo Schleyer H. R. Reyes-Chamorro Loreto Prieto Pablo Roncagliolo Pablo Winícius Latrônico Tôrres Silva Dhanasekar Ravikumar Ponce Hector Chavez Hector Gonzalez Luis Aravena-Muñoz Sánchez Razo Pablo Xavier Noboa-López Diego Altamirano Hernandez Kaschel Higinio Alberto Luis Cid Luis Córdova Luis Valenzuela-Toledo Pablo Yamisleydi Salgueiro Sicilia Diego Aracena Pizarro Diego Facchini Huber Nieto-Chaupis Eduardo Palomino Luis Valeria-Aguirre Pablo Venegas Yuzo Iano

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 9 GENERAL PROGRAM TRACKS IEEE Chilecon2019

Track # Track name Papers

1 Aerospace remote sensors GRSS 37, 47, 208, 268

2 Agrofoods 8, 105, 120, 152, 190

3 Automatic Control, Process Control 99, 132, 135, 135, 199, 200, 266

14, 15, 64, 78, 83, 89, 97, 101, 122, 126, 141, 159, 162, 163, 164, 170, 171, 207, 4 Biomedical Engineering 221, 227, 258

5 Computer Networks 21, 49, 53, 142

5, 18, 23, 31, 95, 146, 151, 154, 165, 168, 176, 178, 198, 205, 211, 230, 243, 247, 6 Computer Science, Software, Informatics 256, 257

40, 57, 65, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 85, 88, 93, 96, 110, 121, 129, 143, 150, 179, 181, 7 Control Theory and Applications 195, 220

6, 20, 22, 24, 25, 36, 38, 43, 50, 51, 56, 62, 71, 87, 94, 111, 112, 114, 123, 137, 8 Energy and Power Systems 138, 144, 145, 161, 186, 189, 191, 192, 194, 204, 209, 210, 214, 229, 232, 239, 252, 260, 261

9 Engineering Education 4, 67, 68, 92, 113, 115, 116, 148, 167, 173, 180, 206, 225, 237, 241, 246

10 Industry 4.0 Automation. FMS 28, 185, 259

Information Technologies and Communication 11 9, 12, 19, 27, 30, 72, 91, 102, 213 Systems

Internet of things IoT 11, 48, 55, 157, 196, 202, 231

13 Other topics 100, 107, 117, 128, 149, 155, 156, 218, 255, 267

1, 2, 3, 7, 42, 54, 60, 61, 70, 103, 106, 108, 109, 125, 139, 147, 172, 174, 184, 14 Power Electronics 188, 203, 219, 234, 236, 240, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 262, 263

15 Production and Industry 215, 119, 182

16 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Vision 13, 39, 41, 52, 59, 98, 130, 131, 140, 166, 216, 222, 223, 224, 233, 238, 245

17 Signal and Image Processing 16, 33, 45, 58, 183, 201, 264, 265

18 Humanitarian Technology 80, 81, 82, 28, 153, 193, 269

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 10


IEEE Chilecon 2019 Tue 29 Oct Hora Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Ministro de Ciencia y 9:00 Inauguración Rector, Decano, IEEE Tecnología 9:30 Plenaria 1: Ministro de Ciencia y Tecnología, Andrés Couve 10:00 Café Keynote Keynote speaker 5: speaker 7: Keynote Fernando Passold. Keynote speaker 4: speaker 6: Keynote speaker 3: Deep Leaning: what Cristian Rusu Keynote speaker 1 Luis Kun : Social Samir Kuoro. Marcos Díaz. Gustavo Giannattasio. The is it, types, Computational implications of the Technology 2 Challenges, SUCHAI space 10:30 challenges of Internet of challenges and what Studies of Fernando Guarín; Technologycal Opportunities and trends program: things, security and to expect. An Gravitational Transfer in photovoltaic energy potentialities Blockchain overview from the conversion systems of nano- Lenses point of view of the satellites Observatory robotics area of Japan

11;30 Mesa redonda: Luis Kun, Fernando Guaría, Víctor Grimblatt. Tecnología y el cambio Global

12:30 Lunch Session 5 T 6 Session 6 T16 Session 4 T7 Control Computer Robotics, Session 1 Track 8 Energy and Power Session 2 Track 14 Power Session 3 T 4 14:00 Theory and Science, Artificial Systems Electronics Biomedical Engineering Applications Software, Intelligence Informatics and Vision 178, 31, 146, 159, 164, 171, 207, 78, 96, 65, 75, 129, 85, 130, 98, 131, 145, 87, 214, 38, 71, 204, 210 253, 109, 1, 54, 249, 250, 60 18, 243, 95, 170, 227 220, 76 140, 13, 52 168 16:00 Coffee Break Session 11 T6 Session 12 Session 10 T7 Computer T16 Robotics, Session 7 Track 8 Energy and Power Session 8 Track 14 Power Session 9 T 4 16:30 Control Theory and Science, Artificial Systems Electronics Biomedical Engineering Applications Software, Intelligence Informatics and Vision 5, 205, 151, 245, 41, 59, 262, 147, 70, 106, 236, 184, 14, 15, 126, 163, 162, 73, 179, 88, 77, 110, 239, 36, 186, 252, 260, 261, 112 230, 257, 165, 238, 224, 223, 240 258, 101 143, 57 23 166

18:30 Fin 18:45 Cocktail Inauguración

Conference Opening Decano José Ceroni, PUCV, Keynote speaker 3: Gustavo Giannattasio Co-President Claudio Cubillos, Co-Presidente del Keynote speaker 4: Samir Kuoro. Congreso: Gastón Lefranc, IEEE Consejo Cono Keynote speaker 5: Fernando Passold. Sur, Co-Pres. Presidente de ACCA: Mario Keynote speaker 6: Marcos Díaz. Fernández Plenary talk: Ministro Andrés Couve Keynote speaker 7: Mario Peña Keynote speaker 8: Pamela Guevara. Keynote 1: Dr. Luis Kun President IEEE EDS Keynote speaker 9: Pablo Estevez Keynote 2: Dr. Fernando Guarín, Keynote speaker 10: Rafael Sotelo. Discussion Panel: Tecnología y el clima (COP25) Keynote Speakers 11: Juan Perdomo, Keynote Speakers 12: Cristián Edouard Rusu

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 11


Hora Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6

S17 T9 9:00 S13 T8 Energy and Power S14 T14 Power S15 T13 S18 T18 Signal and S16 T2 Agrofoods Engineering Systems Electronics OthersTopics Image Processing Education 137, 51, 189, 194, 111 3, 61, 251, 254, 188 267, 149, 255, 117, 128 190, 8, 120, 105, 152, 167, 67, 241, 148,225 183, 16, 33, 58 10:30 Café

Keynote speaker 9: Keynote speaker 10: Keynote Speakers 12: Keynote speaker 8: Mario Keynote speaker 11: Pamela Guevara. Pablo Estevez. Big Data Juan Perdomo, Peña. Towards to a Society of Rafael Sotelo. 11:00 Methods for the study Challenges and Deep Silicon Industry: day 4.0 and its technological Quantum Computing: of brain connective Learning Applications to day life of a layout partners Why, Home, What based on diffussio MR1 to Astronomy design

12:30 Almuerzo S24 T11 Information S21 T3 Automatic S22 T18 S19 T8 Energy and Power S20 T14 Power S23 T9 Engineering Technologies and 14:00 Control, Process Humanitarian Systems Electronics Education Communication Control Technology Systems 103, 108, 125, 174, 2, 266, 132, 99, 200, 199, 68, 246, 206, 115, 136, 29, 90, 63, 213, 114,144,22,56,94,138 153, 80, 82, 81, 193 139 135 237, 180 102, 12 16:00 Café S30 T11 Information S28 T6 Computer S25 T8 Energy and Power S26 T4 Biomedical S27 T7 Control Theory S29 T12 Internet of Technologies and 16:30 Science, Software, Systems Engineering and Applications things IoT Communication Informatics Systems 141, 122, 221, 89, 64, 121, 195, 79, 40, 150, 154, 176, 247, 256, 196, 202, 48, 55, 11, 6, 123, 43, 62, 20, 191, 24 30, 9, 72, 19, 27, 91 97, 83 93, 181 211, 198 157, 231, 18:30 Fin Reunión Consejo Cono Sur Reunión Ramas IEEE Cono Sur 19:00 Banquete Premación


IEEE Chilecon 2019 Hora Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 S36 T16 Robotics, S33 T15 Production and S34 T13 Others Artificial 9:00 S31 T8 Energy and Industry Topics S35 T9 Engineering Intelligence and Power Systems S32 T14 Power Electronics Education Vision 107, 156, 155, 218, 39, 216, 233, 222 50, 161, 25, 232 203, 219, 263, 234 259, 185, 28 100 92, 116, 4, 113, 173 11:00 Café S41 T1 Aerospace S39 T10 Industry 4.0 11:30 S37 T8 Energy and S40 T17 Signal and remote sensors S42 T5 Computer Automation. FMS Power Systems S38 T14 Power Electronics Image Processing GRSS Networks 209, 229, 192 42, 7, 172, 125 215, 119, 182 265, 201, 264, 45 47, 268, 37, 208, 142, 21, 49,

12:50 CLAUSURA 13:30 Turismo Visita a Viña en Casablanca

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 12 PROGRAM BY TRACKS

TRACK 1 Session 41

S41 T1 Thu 31 Oct S41 T1 Aerospace remote sensors GRSS Room 5 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Johny Montaña, Jorge Ardila, Roger Schurch and Alejandro Angulo. THUNDERSTORM DAYS OVER 11:30 47 Chile CHILEAN TERRITORY BASED ON WWLLN DATA Abstract: Based on World Wide Lightning Location Network for 2012-2017 data, we describe the spatial and temporal distribution of lightning activity over Chilean territory. The thunderstorm days per year was computed using a threshold value of the human observation of 17.5 km based on the analysis of meteorological stations in Argentina and Poland. The maximum thunderstorm days were found in northeastern Chile in the Arica region, and specific behavior for Western Patagonia was evidenced. The analysis of lightning activity for every season of the year and the distribution of lightning during the day were computed and presented. Alan Cuevas M, Ever Diaz and Jaime Molina. SIMULATION OF BACKGROUND PRODUCED BY 268 GALACTIC PROTONS COLLIDING WITH THE SATTELLITE USED IN THE DARKNESS Paraguay EXPERIMENT Abstract: This work will determine the feasibility of the observation of the 3.5 KeV X-Ray line attributed to the sterile neutrino as a candidate for dark matter. This will be done by simulating the effects produced by the impact of galactic protons on CCD detectors located on the satellite corresponding to the experiment DarkNESS to be launched in 2021. The Geant4 toolkit was used for the simulation using as input the proton energy spectrum obtained from the CREME-96 phenomenological model. Francisco Granda, Diego Benitez and Fabricio Yepez. On the Analysis of Strong Earthquake Seismic Signals 37 Ecuador Using Variational-Mode Decomposition Abstract: In this paper, the use of Variational-mode decomposition (VMD) is proposed as an alternative technique for the analysis of the seismic accelerogram signals related to strong earthquake events. The proposed method was tested using several accelerogram signals recorded at different stations during the Mw

7.8 Pedernales earthquake, Ecuador in April 2016. Signal decomposition analysis allowed to create heat maps for better visualization and interpretation of the earthquake’s travelling wave and the attenuation frequency phenomena. The results obtained agree with seismic studies about the Pedernales earthquake. Marco Fernández and Claudio Valencia. BOTDA sensor simulation for the Measurement Stress and 208 Chile Temperatures Abstract: This paper presents the simulation of a Brillouin optical sensor distributed for the measurement of stresses and temperatures, considering that currently there is no simulation tool that allows evaluating the performance of these types of sensors when some techniques aimed at increasing its detection range are

applied. The Brillouin Optical Analysis in the Time domain (BOTDA) allows analyze the effects of Pre- Amplification, First Order Raman Amplification and Optical Coding of the pumping signal in a common simulation scenario. The simulation shows that the best results, in terms of the probe signal power (range),

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TRACK 2 Session 16

S16 T2 Wed 30 Oct S16 T2 Agrofoods Session Chair: Jean-Michel Clairand Room 4 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Raul Carrasco. El mimbre, un material fascinante y sustentable para establecer una colaboración dual exitosa entre 9:00 190 Chile artesano y diseñador Abstract: This research tries to give a general look at the current context of the wicker industry and to show the excellent properties that this plant possesses, without detracting from its direct competitors such as rattan, bamboo and other fibers, as a sustainable material for the manufacture of products. for the home or to provide solutions to design needs, whether in decoration, such as the search for functional products for the home, in Chile today. It is

also importantly how these advantages can be used to establish a collaborative relationship between the craftsman, who has in his hands the natural talent inherited from generation to generation to manufacture and mold this fiber as he wishes, and the designer, an experienced professional who manages the current techniques of creation, design and ergonomics, as well as the needs and segments of potential consumers in the current market. Juan Maza and Daniel Icaza. Wireless system for the Control and Real Time monitoring of Agricultural Areas of 8 Arenillas Canton in Ecuador Ecuador Abstract: This document describes the design and implementation of a wireless sensor network applied in the conventional agriculture of Arenillas Canton, Province of El Oro-Ecuador; this monitoring and control system is capable of measuring and transmitting the collected values of temperature, soil moisture , wind speed, radiation and detection of pests, will also be coupled an automatic sprinkler irrigation system, where its operation is based mainly on the comparison of the data obtained by each of the sensors that are located throughout the crop obtaining

greater efficiency and less waste of water and supplies. The topology and the communication architecture between the coordinating nodes, router nodes and sensor nodes is based on the ZigBee standard, with this system to be implemented, it will allow us to efficiently use the natural resources that surround us such as the earth, water, sun, wind and rain that combined with inputs (fertilizers) would help us improve the reliability, sustainability, intensification, green growth and sustainable development of agricultural production. Karen Moposita, Xavier Noboa-López, Jean-Michel Clairand, Marco Briceño-León, Guillermo Escrivá-Escrivá 120 and Antonio-Marco Pantaleo. Design of a Monitoring System of a Farm for Energy Efficiency Purposes Ecuador Abstract: The monitoring of industry processes can optimize the use of resources and improve its efficiency. In dairy farms, several parameters from the processes must be monitored. This paper proposes the design of a monitoring system for a farm that produces dairy products and jams. Several similar studies are analysed. Based on this, and on the farm characteristics, a novel design is developed. The principal benefits of the system are also exposed. Keyla Virginia Checa Roman, Mayra Milagros Gamarra Lázaro ,Juan Carlos Soto Bohorquez ,William Ipanaque 105 Alama,Gerson La Rosa Lama. Preliminary study of the relation between the content of cadmium and the hyperspectral signature of organic cocoa beans. Perú Abstract: The contamination of soils by heavy metals is a current problem for agricultural production. Rapid access and reliability to heavy metal concentration such as cadmium is crucial for international trade. In the present study, visible and near infrared (VIS-NIR) spectroscopy, combined with linear and statistical methods, were used to predict the cadmium concentration of organic cocoa bean samples. Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) were implemented to estimate the content of this heavy metal from hyperspectral imaging and chemical analysis. Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Sampling Method (CARS) and Jackknife method were used for selecting optimal wavelength. The SVR model performed satisfactorily with the use of 45 resulting wavelengths from optimization using CARS and the Jackknife method, with an adjusted coefficient for the test of 0. 9401 and an RMSEP of 0.2594. Based on the results, it was concluded that VIS-NIR spectroscopy combined with CARS-Jackknife methods seems to be a fast and effective alternative to classical methods for predicting the concentration of cadmium in organic cocoa beans. Fernando Fuentes-Peñailillo, Samuel Ortega-Farias, Daniel de la Fuente-Sáiz and Marco Rivera. Digital count of 152 Sunflower plants at emergence from very low altitude using UAV images Chile Abstract: Currently, the implementation of new technologies for agriculture has gained relevance in the agricultural sector. In this sense, during the last decade, the use of aerial images has allowed to study the different factors related to production with a high level of detail, unlike traditional monitoring techniques, since these allow large areas to be analyzed in a short time. Aerial images are commonly obtained from satellite platforms because they have a low cost, but low spatial and temporal resolution limit their use in agricultural applications. For this reason, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles has played a leading role in the study of the agronomic variables of interest, because it allows obtaining information at any time and at a higher resolution. However, these images can offer more information that must be explored through a set of analysis techniques. An application that has been little explored corresponds to the population count, a factor that is determinant to obtain production estimates, but the difficulty to properly segment the rest of the information in the images has posed a challenge. For this reason, the following work presents a methodology based on spectral indexes and digital image analysis.

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TRACK 3 Session 21

S21 T3 Wed 30 Oct S21 T3 Automatic Control, Process Control Session Chair: Room 3 Hora Paper Authors, title Country 16:30 266 Maria Eusebia Guerrero Sanchez. Robust Control for a Quadrotor Transporting a Payload Mexico Abstract: This paper presents the control of a quadrotor [5] develops a nested saturation control law capable of with a cable-suspended payload. The proposed control structure is a hierarchical scheme consisting of an EnergyBased Control (EBC) to stabilize the vehicle translational dynamics and to attenuate the payload oscillation together with a PD controller to control the quadrotor rotational dynamics. The payload swing control is based on an energy

approach and the passivity properties of the system translational dynamics. The main advantage of the proposed EBC strategy is that it does not require excessive computations and complex Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) for implementing the control law. Stability proofs based on the Lyapunov theory for the controller design are presented. Numerical simulations demonstrating the effectiveness of the controller are provided. Kineret Serebrinsky, Belen Hirmas, Javiera Munizaga and Francisco Pedreros. Model structures for batch and fed- 132 Chile batch ethanol fermentations Abstract: Parameter estimation is one of the most challenging steps while modelling a biological process, due to the inherent complexity of this type of processes and the difficulty in obtaining reliable experimental data. A common modelling practice in this area is to use a batch culture to estimate model parameters and then use these values to simulate and optimize a fed-batch culture. Most of the times this approach is inadequate, resulting in unreliable model predictions. In this study, we analyse and reparameterized batch and fed-batch kinetic models taken from the literature. A sensitivity analysis applied to the original models showed that most estimated parameters, using data

at different temperatures, were unidentifiable, unsensitive and not significant. Applying HIPPO, an automatized iterative reparameterization procedure coded in MATLAB, we searched for model structures, for both batch and fed-batch cultures, with identifiable, sensitive and significant estimated parameters. After the analysis of the models, we found a single model structure, suitable for both type of cultures, with two estimable parameters that showed a good fit at all temperatures. Nevertheless, a residual analysis showed that the parameters are positively correlated, indicating that apparently the model needs another degree of freedom. Juan Carlos Soto Bohorquez, William Ipanaqué Alama, Miguel Angel Delgado Saavedra, Edson Ayrton Effio 99 Velasco and Ney Margarita Farfán Marchán. Determination of Moisture Content in Concrete Aggregates using Perú Machine Learning algorithms and Hyperspectral Imaging Abstract: The determination of moisture content in various economic areas and in different industrial processes, has been a parameter of analysis and study over many years because it serves to estimate the quality, durability and other parameters important commercially and environmentally important. The objective of this work is the measurement of moisture in real time, in order to obtain a higher quality product for the import and export of concrete. Edson Rodrigo Fernandez Cornejo, William Ipanaqué, Ricardo Alfredo Cajo Diaz and Robin De Keyser. Classical 200 Peru and Advanced Control Methods Applied to an Anaerobic Digestion Reactor Model Abstract: In this work, advanced method of process control as Extended Prediction Self-Adaptive Control (EPSAC) and Non-linear Extended Prediction Self-Adaptive Control (NEPSAC) are implemented and compared with the

traditional PID controller tuned by a novel KC autotuning method and a classical FRtool method. The controllers are designed based on a linear and non-linear reactor model of the Anaerobic digestion pilot plant located in Peru. Rubén Alarcón, Oscar Briones, Nelson Cisneros, Miguel Suárez and Alejandro Rojas. Micro velocimeter for open 199 Chile channel a simple, robust and economical alternative Abstract: Research related to hydraulic engineering, particularly related to river infrastructure, have the need to carry out micro-scale experiments in order to replicate various phenomena, such as river floods, inside an experimental laboratory micro-channel, under dynamic conditions (flow and level variations) in different sections. The motivation for the development of this paper is the need to have more than one speed sensor, in such a way of control specific sections inside the micro-channel, however, the acquisition of high-end speed sensors implies high economic costs, therefore, carrying out the aforementioned or another studies would be difficult to carry out. As a solution, it is proposed the design and implementation of a micro-velocimeter (MSV) whose operation principle is based on the operation of a small D.C. motor in generator mode, which its shaft is turned by a small propeller, which rotates according to the flow inside the micro-channel. The prototype was designed using AUTOCAD software, simulated by SolidWorks software and built by 3D printing. For the implementation, the MSV was calibrated with respect to an available Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeter (ADV). The voltage signal measured was synchronized and adjusted by linear regression, in this way, it is guaranteed that the use of the MSV allows the realization of studies for purposes with required characteristics. Norelys Aguila Camacho and Javier Gallegos. Switched Fractional Order Model Reference Adaptive Control for 135 Chile first order plants Abstract: This paper presents a model reference adaptive controller for first order plants with unknown parameters. The adaptive laws used to estimate the controller parameters are based on fractional differential equations, whose orders are switched among a fractional value in the interval $\left(0,1\right)$ and $1$ at a certain time instant $T$. Boundedness of the signals in the resulting controlled system is proved using recent results. A simulation study is provided to show how the proposed control strategy can improve the behavior of the controlled system and decrease the control energy used, compared to the classic model reference adaptive controllers and fractional order model reference adaptive controllers with non-switched adaptive laws.

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TRACK 4 Session 3 S3 T4 Tue 29 Oct Session 3 T 4 Biomedical Engineering Session Chair: Camila Rojas Room 3 Hora Paper Authors, title Country 14:00 159 Camila Rojas Betancourt. Neural Network Embedding for RS-fMRI ghraps and phenotype annotations Chile Abstract: In this work, a computational intelligence method is developed to represent brain connectivity networks of patients with autism spectrum disorders through the use of resting magnetic resonance imaging. A neural embedding network is proposed that allows vectorial representation of connectivity networks by fusion of data from two sources, images and annotations of phenotypes. The ABIDE II database is used for embedding network training. The performance of the proposed model is presented by quantifying the ability of the vectors generated to discriminate between subjects with disorder and those without. Huber Nieto-Chaupis. Feynman-Theory-Based Algorithm for an Efficient Detaining of Worldwide Outbreak of 164 Peru AH1N1 Virus Abstract: Aggressive bacteria do not cause complications in humans but also is highly contagious through the mechanism of spreading as the one given by the airlines in their international flights. So that it constitutes a potential cause to produce either continental or intercontinental spreading of virus or bacteria. Because this transportation

involve clearly time and space, in this paper we apply the formalism of Feynman to model the dynamics of virus propagation but emphasizing the rapidity of propagation that to some extent would fit to the Feynman theory and might yields noteworthy inputs for public health operators. Huber Nieto-Chaupis. The Monte Carlo and Mitchell Criteria Conjunction to Simulate Engineered Nanorobots to 171 Perú Counteract Virus Colonization Abstract: We present a computational simulation based on the Mitchell criteria and Monte Carlo by which an engineered nano robot would play the role of leukocytes with defined capabilities to detain in a consistent manner

any progress of colonization of bacteria. Thus, a theory based on the equation of diffusion and random motility, is implemented in a machine algorithm in order to test the effectiveness to defeat concrete objectives. Narciso López-López, Andrea Vázquez, Cyril Poupon, Jean-François Mangin and Pamela Guevara. CORTICAL 207 Chile SURFACE PARCELLATION BASED ON INTRA-SUBJECT WHITE MATTER FIBER CLUSTERING Abstract: We present a hybrid method that performs the complete parcellation of the cerebral cortex of an individual, based on the connectivity information of the white matter fibers from a whole-brain tractography dataset. The fibers are grouped into compact clusters and subsequently automatically labeled, aligned and filtered. The method uses

connectivity information of each fiber cluster and solves the overlapping conflicts among cortex sub-parcels efficiently. The output is the complete labeling of cortical mesh vertices, representing the different cortex sub- parcels, with strong connections to other sub-parcels. Malena Loza, Ashraf W Khir and Alberto Sanchez. Measuring Regional Wave Speed using a Low Cost Portable 78 Chile Device Abstract: This paper presents the development of a portable Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) measurement device using a low cost embedded platform. The device employs the second derivative technique to implement the foot-to-foot method to calculate the time taken for the pressure wave to travel from one sensor to the other. The device allowed to conclude that when an artery exhibits a high level of stiffness the wave speed is also high when compared to an artery with low stiffness Huber Nieto-Chaupis. Electrodynamics-Based Nanosensor to Identify and Detain Angiogenesis in the Very 170 Perú Beginning of Cancer Abstract: We propose the usage of nano devices to identify and detain the progress of angiogenesis in the very beginning phase of cancer. Essentially, these advanced devices might to recognize anomalous electric fields and exert electric forces fact that would accommodate those ions by which the electric interaction with the devices would

change the electrodynamics of the charged compounds in the new vessels thereby producing the discontinuation of the progress of angiogenesis. In this manner we expect that the formation of new vessels becomes truncated by electrodynamics among ions minimizing the probability of a sustainable tumor growth. Miguel Bustamante, Antonio Rienzo, Roman Osorio-Comparán, Ismael Lopez-Juarez, Mario Peña, Francisca Araya 227 Chile and Gaston Lefranc. Evaluation of Brest Cancer Detection Algorithm Abstract: In this paper is presented the evaluation of an algorithm for detection of microcalcifications in breast images, allowing us early breast cancer prevention. The Crème Filter is an algorithm with only one parameter “n” that permits to observe the texture dependence when the parameter is changed. The evaluation is done by a cancer expert medical doctor. This algorithm is a new tool for better detecting microcalcifications characteristic of breast cancer

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TRACK 4 Session 9 S9 T4 Tue 29 Oct Session 9 T4 Biomedical Engineering Session Chair: Hector Kaschel Room 3 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Malena Loza and Diego Benitez. On the Three-dimensional Finite Element Modeling of the Fingertip 16:30 14 Ecuador Compression During the Use ofTouch Screens Abstract: Finite element (FE) analysis has become an important instrument that engineers and ergonomic designers use to develop handle tools with the aim to reduce fatigue and improve comfort for the operators. The inadequate use of tools, in this case, a touch screen, may lead to many occupational related disorders in the hand and arm. This paper shows a 3D FE modeling of a fingertip which is composed of bone, soft-tissue,

dermis, epidermis and nail. The model was built using linearlyelastic mechanical characteristics for all the components. Thefingertip is in contact with a touch screen represented by a layerof glass. Stresses produced over the layers of the skin are reported at different inclination angles as well as deformations produced by the contact between the fingertip and the screen. Ivan Zamora, Diego Benitez and Manuel Navarro. On the Use of the EMOTIV Cortex API to Control a 15 Ecuador Robotic Arm Using Raw EEG Signals Acquired from the Insight NeuroHeadset Abstract: This paper explores the feasibility of using the Emotiv Cortex Application Programming Interface (API) service to obtain raw sensor signals from the Emotiv Insight NeuroHeadset for the control of a robotic arm. A data acquisition software based on Python was developed to use the service through data streaming in a Websocket. Raw EEG and motion sensor signals from the headset were processed for event detection. 126 Cristian Ahumada, Hector Kaschel, Roman Osorio-Camparan and Gaston Lefranc. Design of Microstrip Patch Chile Antenna with quarter wave trasformer for 2.4 GHz applied a WBAN Abstract: This paper presents a design of microstrip patch antenna with quarter wave trasformer for 2.4 GHz applied a WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network). The antenna is designed over the operating frequency is 2.4 GHz using the substrate material as FR-4 which has the dielectric constant of 4.3. The designed antenna can be used for ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) band and UWB applications. The designed antenna has

low profile, low cost, easy fabrication and good isolation. The antenna is designed by using CST simulation software and designed antenna provides return loss less then -10 dB. The proposed antenna is designed with the purpose of obtaining a low SAR models of the human body, considering both the electromagnetic effect and the shell model in human tissues. Huber Nieto-Chaupis. Prospective End-to-End Internet of Bio-Nano-Things Network Based in a Machine 163 Peru Learning Algorithm To Restore the Flux of Insuline in Prediabetic Patients Abstract: Normally prediabetic patiens need the intake of antidiabetic pharmacology as well as to modify their lifestyle substantially to reach the normal values of glucose. With the apparition of Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) some functionalities of the human organs might be under an unstoppable surveillance to avoid and anticipate the apparition of diseases such as the type-2 diabetes. In this paper we propose a Machine Learning algorithm that regulates the flux of granules of insulin inside the pancreatic beta cells. This algorithm

is aimed to run a IoBNT network that store data in the cloud in order to be downloaded by the endocrinologist whom carries out the task of controlling a nanodevice whose end is to dose the entrance of Calcium 2+ to the beta cells action that would guarantee the release the granules of insulin. Thus the Machine Learning algorithm tries to optimize the functionality of the nanodevice to envisage those undesired pile up events that would have adverse effects on the islets of Langerhans. Simulations are presented. 162 Sophia Sánchez and Merlin Majano. Low cost Pulse Oximeter using Arduino El Salvador Abstract: This work presents the design and construction of a prototype of a pulse oximeter, simple, low cost and easy to use. Which is able to measure heart rate and plethysmography wave for SPO2, continuously and

non-invasively. This article presents in detail the development process, detailing some basic concepts, the budget, the design of the circuit and the chassis. Daniel Narvaez and Dante Elias. Design of a 3-DOF prosthetic wrist for low-cost transradial myoelectric upper 258 Peru limb prosthesis Abstract: This paper presents the design of a 3-DOF prosthetic wrist for transradial myoelectric upper limb prosthesis that allows the orientation of a prosthetic hand to reduce compensatory movements that cause musculoskeletal problems mainly in the back and shoulder. The device is capable of perform passively abduction-adduction movements and actively flexion-extension and pronation-supination movements. The

system has a DC motor that transmits power to the active movements and a solenoid for the choice of the type of movement to be performed. In order to validate the design of the components of the device, calculations and simulations were carried out by finite elements method to determine deformations, mechanical resistance and fatigue to define the critical components and maintenance periods. Valeska Galvez and Luis Togo Arredondo. Development of a Vestible System for the Early Detection and 101 Chile Remote Monitoring of Respiratory Pathologies Abstract: The early detection of respiratory pathologies can help to an opportune treatment, reducing the number of hospitalizations for more serious respiratory pathologies. As well as remote monitoring of these pathologies allows avoid the unnecessary exposition of chronic patients to highly infections environments, such as hospital waiting rooms. Within this framework, the following work presents part of the design and construction of a wearable system capable of measuring physiological variables and displaying them on a mobile device through its own application.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 17 TRACK 4 Session 26 S26 T4 Wed 30 Oct S26 T4 Biomedical Engineering Session Chair: Antonio Rienzo Room 2 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Antonio Rienzo and Claudio Cubillos. Investigation of Gamification Techniques and their Application in 16:30 141 Chile Digital Games for Older Adults. Abstract: The concept of gamification has increased its importance in the field of research; and its main focus was in the area of education. However, these studies have not been conclusive in that the performance and productivity of the students can be improved. For this reason, it was considered opportune to investigate the gamification techniques in an increasingly relevant sector, such as the elderly (whose number is growing); and where they can offer possibilities to improve the quality of life of these people, in terms of physical well- being, social inclusion and cognitive improvement. The article summarizes research on gamification and its potential application in digital games, and how these techniques can impact on the different life activities of older adults. It includes a systematic review of literature, which reveals trends and gaps in studies and proposals, on how gamified digital games, increase learning, promote socialization and exercise, and improve their cognitive and psychomotor skills; all within a context of active and healthy aging. The work developed can be subject to deeper evaluation and analysis, serving as a basis for further research work in the subject. Hector Kaschel and Cristian Ahumada. Security Mechanism to Protect the Privacy and Security of Patients 122 Who have cardiovascular Diseases (ECG) Chile Abstract: This paper presents a security mechanism to protect the privacy and security of patients who have cardiovascular diseases (ECG). New technologies must provide proactive management of well-being and focus on early detection and disease prevention. Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices (WIMD) have been widely used in the health sector for purposes of monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, such as the electrocardiogram (ECG), pacemaker to treat arrhythmias and neurostimulators for epilepsy. Several research works in the field of computer security have identified serious security and privacy risks in the WIMD that could compromise the implant and even the health of the patient transporting it. This article analyzes the most relevant protection mechanisms proposed up to now and examines the main mechanisms of patient safety. Antonio Rienzo and Nicolas Cornejo. Design and Construction of a Prototype Device, for Measurement of 221 Chile Environmental Variables in a Unit of Critical Patients, in Health Institutions. Abstract: The article makes an analysis of how environ-mental conditions have been studied, and how they affect patients in Critical Patient Units (UPC), in order to determine the importance of these physical variables in health care. A general device model is established as the basis for choosing suitable sensors for the system

to be created. And the device for measuring environmental conditions for UPC rooms with the chosen sensors is developed; which contemplates an interface using the Android platform with Bluetooth protocol. For tests, the UPC environment is simulated in a Laboratory to carry out the measurements. Sebastián Llano, Viviana Silva and Pablo Roncagliolo. Development and implementation of a surgical 89 Colombia scheduling system at the Dr. Eduardo Pereira Ramírez Hospital Abstract: Previously, the Eduardo Pereira Hospital surgical scheduling was registered digitally, but it was printed on paper for its distribution between the staff members. Its design was unattractive and did not show visual information about the indicators of self-management associated, which were studied with a month of lag based on the analysis of subsequent statistics.This experience aimed to modify the subprocess of "Elaboration of the surgical scheduling" of the hospital, through the development of a software that can register and visualize the daily surgical scheduling in a fast and automatic way, allowing the timely control of the mentioned indicators. In the organizational context, a methodology based on the concept of Change Management was applied. While the technological side of the proposal was covered with the iterative and incremental software development methodology, using the Google Apps Script development platform, whose effectiveness had already been proven with the implementation of a tool dedicated to monitor hospitalization indicators at the same institution. Mariana Guimarães, Antônio Medeiros, Letícia Oliveira and Ricardo Sá. Metodologia de Criticidade nas 64 Brazil Manutenções em Equipamentos Médicos de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Abstract: O presente artigo aborda conhecimentos teóricos relacionando pontos cruciais da priorização da

manutenção em equipamentos médicos hospitalares focando da nas unidades de terapia intensiva. Andrea del Pozo. Development of a Preliminary Implementation Guide for a statistical data visualization 97 Colombia platform in support of hospital bed management by means of the FHIR standard Abstract: In the Chilean health system there are problems to implement health-oriented computer systems under international interoperability standards, the problem is found in three important concepts which are "technology, culture and a business model", which could be visualized by studying the particular case within the HEP with which it was analyzed how to develop a statistical analysis platform to support the management of hospital beds focused on its implementation guide and requirements through the FHIR standard, ensuring interoperability on the Internet highlighted as the main tool available to both health services and users. Gabriela Álvarez, César Galindo. UV, Juan José Ortega. MINSAL, Alejandra Lozano. Design of a medical 83 Chile device coding model for the generation of a Chilean nomenclature using SNOMED CT and GMDN. Abstract: This work focuses on the development of a model for the taxonomic categorization of medical devices, which facilitates the establishment of a codification for the use of the associated ecosystem in health. The use of terminology produces improvements in the identification of medical devices, increasing the flow of information between manufacturers and throughout the value chain related

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TRACK 5 Session 42 S42 T5 Thu 31 Oct S42 T5 Computer Networks Session Chair: Bruno Riccelli Dos Santos Silva Room 3 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Bruno Riccelli Dos Santos Silva, Manuel Gonçalves Da Silva Neto, Danielo Gonçalves Gomes and Paulo 11:30 142 Brazil Cesar Cortez. Design of Network Intrusion Detection Systems with under-sampled datasets Abstract: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are responsible for monitoring and detecting anomalies in computer networks. Currently, machine learning techniques have been employed in the development of IDs and the classifiers performance evaluation in intrusion detection systems is a critical task. Designers should evaluate a variety of classifiers in a timely manner and thus an approach that leverage the evaluation process and maintains performance and generalization capability is required. In this work, we use a data-driven approach based on an under-sampling technique to evaluate the performance of classifiers in the detection

of network intrusion. We applied an under-sampling technique in two IDS datasets and evaluated the performance of 5 (five) classifiers in a 5% dataset portion followed by a validation step in a 2% portion of the same dataset without overlaps or repetitions. The results indicate that the use of a stratified train/test into under-sampled datasets show stability in the results in relation to the validation subsampling. The use of this approach allows us to evaluate the classifiers in reduced time, including those considered computationally costly. Pablo Adasme, Enrique San Juan, Ismael Soto and Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi. Integer Programming Models 21 Chile for Wireless Networks with Star Backbone Topology Abstract: In this paper, we propose two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models for wireless networks (WNs) under star backbone topology configuration. For this purpose, let the graph G(V,E) represent a WN with set of nodes V and edge set E. Set V represents all nodes (wireless devices) which can be part or not of the star backbone whereas set E represents the connection links between all pairs of nodes. Additionally, we consider a set K of users. Only, a subset of nodes from V should be active to form the star

backbone and each user should be connected to a unique terminal (leaf) node. This problem represents a more general variant of a previous work reported in the literature where only a fixed number of nodes from V is required to be active. Our first model corresponds to a novel Miller-Tucker-Zemlin constrained version whilst the second one is a novel flow based formulation. Then, we further propose an iterative greedy algorithm that allows to obtain feasible solutions for the problem. Higinio Alberto Facchini, Santiago Cristobal Perez, Adrián Cárdenas and Mauricio Muñoz. Differentiated 49 Argentina behavior of video traffic in IPv6 multicast networks for IEEE 802.11ac wireless clients Abstract: The growing number of multimedia users involves an exponential increase in bandwidth requirements on networks. Consumers are increasingly demanding in terms of quality and performance of products based on video. Understand the structure of the datagrams of video and the requirements imposed on the network, will help network administrators to improve traffic in the same. This paper proposes an experiment of multicast video traffic in a network of a real laboratory as test bed, with a topology in wired and wireless networks with wireless clients working in the IEEE 802.11ac standard, using IPv4, the Server and Client Software FFmpeg and the traffic analyzer WireShark. The videos were encoded in H.264, H.265,

VP8 and Theora, to assess and understand the impact of different codecs on network traffic. And the experiments were carried out using a trailer of the movie Star Trek, and alternately for contrast, a video of a videoconference using Adobe Connect, of the same duration. This work is a continuation of experience made on wired networks for video traffic with codecs H261, H263 and H264. The conclusions of the work will help to determine the configurations to be taken into account for the adequate management of similar networks and efficient use of resources available, without compromising the performance and QoS expected.

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TRACK 6 Session 5 S5 T6 Tue 29 Oct Session 5 T6 Computer Science, Software, Informaticss Room 5 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Liza Jego, Ismael Gallardo and Felipe Besoain. Developing a Virtual Reality experience with game elements for 16:30 178 Chile tourism: Kayak simulator Abstract: Several advances have been made in Virtual Reality (VR) technologies allowing users to enjoy different applications and experiences through this immersive technology. In this work, we use the design and creation methodology to develop a VR Kayak simulator with the aim to represent a local tourist attraction in a virtual world.

This experience is enhanced with information related to activities to highlight the local area, inviting the user to visit as a tourist. To test the VR experience, we performed usability tests with 70 random volunteers in order to evaluate the usability and user experience. David Zabala-Blanco, Cesar A. Azurdia-Meza, Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi and Pablo Palacios Jativa. All-optical 31 Chile Routers Modeled through the Matrix Method with NVidia CUDA Development Framework Abstract: Optical packet switching (OPS) is a promising technology in order to satisfy the ever-increasing need for bandwidth. With this technology, data packets, which consist of a header and a payload, are assembled and transmitted over a wavelength division multiplexing network. Headers are processed electronically in the routers that comprise the network. This processing must be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to avoid packet loss. On the other hand, parallel computing has recently been extended and popularized thanks to the NVidia compute unified device architecture (CUDA) development framework. In this programming paradigm, several threads run the same code simultaneously in order to reduce the overall processing time. This work shows that an optical routing algorithm for OPS can perform better under parallel execution, depending on the amount of data to be processed. A routing method based on simple matrices is presented, and the computation time between a traditional sequential programming languages (C++), and CUDA C is presented. Claudio Gutierrez-Soto, Arturo Curiel and Patricio Galdames. Exploiting the Use of Similar Past Search Results 146 Chile Through a Dynamic Cache Abstract: Search engines are prone to the computation of redundant queries. Without any optimization this can be a costly procedure; limited processing power is used to compute new responses for queries that have already been answered. Despite the latter, little work exists on leveraging similar past queries to reduce the engine’s workload while improving its precision. This paper describes a dynamic cache based on an on-line algorithm, which takes advan- tage of similar past queries to reduce the engine’s response times, while simultaneously improving precision. Roughly, the algorithm uses a priority queue to build a dynamic index of past queries, alongside their responses, where each query’s priority is linked to its overall popularity (the top-K queries along with their results): similar queries that have appeared multiple times are indexed with a high priority value. This ensures that their results will be easily recov- erable from the queue without recomputation Karam Al Kontar, Joumana Naji, Freddy Demaine, Salma Sobeh and Ramzi Haraty. A Survey on Mutation Testing 18 Lebanon Approaches Abstract: Mutation testing is a fault based testing technique which examines the adequacy of test cases by generating faulty programs, called mutants, to be run against them. However, one of the pitfalls of mutation testing is its high computational cost, rendering it impractical for industry use. In this survey, we study mutation generation techniques, cost reduction methods and test-data generation approaches found in the literature, before presenting some tools and applications for mutation testing. Hugo David Calderon Vilca, Esau Grover Ocrospoma Callupe, Flor Cagniy Cárdenas-Mariño and Edwin Fredy 243 Calderon Vilca. Architecture and mobile application with augmented reality, visualizing videos and 3d objects in Peru museums Abstract: This research presents an architecture and a mobile application with augmented reality (MAR), called MARHN, solving the problem of lack of information in a museum, since objects can be visualized both in videos and in three-dimensional objects. We report the development process and the functionality of the application, to find that the application is clear and easy to use. A field study of Natural History Museum of Lima visitors (n = 45) shows that the MARHN application generates satisfaction and ease to learn more about museum objects. Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo, Carlos Cares and Mauricio Diéguez. Search Based Risk Reduction Supporting the 95 Brazil Intelligent Components Selection Process Abstract: The problem of selecting software components involve several risk factors. 0ur goal is to formulate a technique to minimize the risk in the intelligent component selection process. To achieve this goal, first, we review

the literature. Second, we formulate problem as a search based optimization problem. And Third, we illustrate our proposal by presenting an example in the context of an air pollution forecasting component. Huber Nieto-Chaupis. The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm To Simulate Fluxes of Bitcoins Volumes in Developing 168 Peru Countries: Are you the winner or lost? Abstract: Once bitcoins are standardized as unit of official currency in any country, people might opt a different perception about the worth of buy any product since the usage of bitcoin is seen as a bit different of the case of traditional money. It might be interesting in all those business models that would adjust their products in the ones

that are of enormous attraction to people that have decided to expend their volumes of bitcoins. We applied the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to extract information on users belonging to a developing country. Our results would indicate the electronics market are strongly a choice of customers.

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TRACK 6 Session 11 S11 T14 Tue 29 Oct Session 11 T 6 Computer Science, Software, Informatics Room 5 Hora Paper Authors, title Country E. P. Leiva-Lobos, H. R. Ponce and F. A. Morales. Effects of Visual and Text-Based Forum Graphical 16:30 5 Chile Interfaces on Participants’ Situation Awareness Abstract: The present study experimentally tested whether participating in dialogues using a visual-based forum application increases participants’ situation awareness compared with using a text-based forum. The text-based forum used in the study was a well-known open-source application called Discourse meanwhile the visual-based forum was an application specially developed for this study that we called VisualMail. This tool

was designed based on a theory of dialogue and included functionalities to visualize the threads of the argumentation. A total of 42 participants interacted with the two applications in a within-subject design. Situation awareness was assessed with an instrument called SAGAT (Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique) that measures perception of the environment, comprehension. Liza Jego, Camila Aliaga and Felipe Besoain. A framework for digitizing historical pieces for the development 205 Chile of interactive software Abstract: The digitalization of museum collections allows to expand the access to cultural heritage through multiple devices and ubiquitously. This paper proposes a framework for the digitalization of heritage collections so they can be used in an interactive software. Through the method of short-range photogrammetry

and the optimization of 3D models, the products obtained may ensure the correct visualization of the pieces in a wide range of devices, opening the possibilities in diffusion, attraction and entertainment of the Museums and institutions that manage cultural heritage. Two software were developed to test the 3D models generated. Ignacio Gajardo, Felipe Besoain and Nicolas A. Barriga. Introduction to Behavior Algorithms for Fighting 151 Chile Games Abstract: The quality of opponent AI in fighting videogames is crucial. Some other game genres can rely on their story or visuals, but fighting games are all about the adversarial experience. In this paper, we will introduce standard behavior algorithms in videogames, such as Finite-State Machines and Behavior Trees, as well as more recent developments, such as Monte-Carlo Tree Search. We will also discuss the existing and potential combinations of these algorithms, and how they might be used in fighting games. Since we are at the financial peak of fighting games, both for casual players and in tournaments, it is important to build and expand on fighting game AI, as it is one of the pillars of this growing market. 230 Mario Navarrete, Rudel Huancas, Paúl Díaz and Mauro Rivadeneira. Blockchain electronic vote system Ecuador Abstract: One of the most critical applications in terms of data security and integrity is the electronic voting process, since it is a system that must be transparent and reliable, as well as safeguarding the identity of voters. This paper proposes a voting system based on Blockchain technology for data security, which allows verifying transactions in real time, ensuring high availability of the service without the need for a centralized and secure database thanks to its cryptographic keys or Hash and smart contracts. The Agile Scrum methodology is used for the development of the application, this allows to make unforeseen changes after each sprint, which allows obtaining optimal results in terms of software quality. 257 Alexi Delgado. Improving logistic management in a mass consumption distributor by web system design Peru Abstract: This work shows the prototype design and implementation of a web system to improve shipping management, optimizing the process of distribution and supply of beverages in a mass consumption distributor. The main solution to the problem of the distributor is sought; to solve the delay in the deliveries to the clients and to optimize this process. The system would receive the purchase orders, generate a detailed

report on the order, filling forms of the load vehicles and finish to complete pursuit of each delivery order. For the achievement of the proposed objectives, the RUP software development methodology was used. In the system development, various technologies were used, such as the PHP programming language and the MySQL database manager. 165 Huber Nieto-Chaupis. Blockchain for Cryptocurrency Based in Quantum Mechanics Algorithms Peru Abstract: One of the crucial cornestone in cryptocurrency is the ability to generate random sequences and aleatory numbers with a null chance that any eavesdropper could extract information about the one-to-one transactions. Under the assumption that the Quantum Mechanics transition probability is perceived as a fully

blockchain operation, random sequences are generated as a tool to protect transactions entirely based on Bitcoins. We test the algorithm with integer-order Bessel functions inside of a full blockchain-based algorithm. Simulations have demonstrated the reliability of a simple model of blockchain in the order of 75%. Pablo Venegas, Noel Perez, Diego Benitez, Roman Lara and Mario Ruiz. Building Machine Learning Models 23 Ecuador for Long-Period and Volcano-Tectonic Event Classification Abstract: This paper proposed a comprehensive algorithm for building machine learning models to classify seismic events based on the suitable combination of five machine learning classifiers that provide the highest performance over the area under receiver operating characteristic curve. The proposed method was validated on an experimental dataset, containing 587 long-period and 81 volcano-tectonic seismic events recorded from the Cotopaxi Volcano in Ecuador. The random forest classifier with 100 tree based predictors demonstrated to be the best classification model. According to the Wilcoxon Statistical test, the proposed method was effective in providing competitive models for the classification of volcano seismic events.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 21 TRACK 6 Session 28 S28 T6 Wed 30 Oct S28 T6 Computer Science, Software, Informatics Session Chair: Rodolfo Canelon Room 4 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Leonardo Santiago Benitez Pereira and Rafael Nilson Rodrigues. Machine Learning aplicado à eficiência 16:30 154 Brazil energética de consumidores de grande porte Abstract: The use of electric energy is rapidly increasing, so it is essential that users improve their understanding of electric consumption, thus reducing waste and improper use. The present work uses Machine Learning techniques (specifically Linear Regression and Random Forest) to model the relationship between electricity consumption and climatic conditions within the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina (IFSC) and the Ministries Esplanade (headquarters of the Brazilian Executive, in Brasilia). Historical data of active power, ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure obtained from the database of the project PGEN. Gabriel K. Sepulveda, Felipe Besoain and Nicolas A. Barriga. Introduction to Dynamic Difficulty 176 Chile Adjustment in Videogames Abstract: Videogames are most entertaining when the difficulty level is a good match for the player’s skill, increasing the player engagement. However, not all players are equally proficient, so some kind of difficulty selection is required. In this paper, we will present the problem of Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA), a

recently arising research topic, which aims to develop an automated difficulty selection mechanism that keeps the player engaged and properly challenged, neither bored nor overwhelmed. We will present some recent research addressing this issue, as well as point towards some open problems in the field. Rodolfo Canelon. InDoCaS: a process for domain engineering in software production lines with a quality 247 Venezuela approach Abstract: In this paper, it has been proposed a process for domain engineering based on software quality for the dynamic production lines of software called InDoCaS. The final objective is to obtain a basic architecture for a family of autonomous applications in dynamic and changing environments. The main disciplines of this process are the analysis, design and implementation of the domain. The process proposed is a process for domain engineering that can be used in the development approach of static and dynamic production lines of software. This process can be instantiated for a specific domain and the produced software assets can be reused to generate a product from a particular domain family 256 Alexi Delgado. System of business intelligence in a health organization using the kimball methodology Peru This work proposes the design of an intelligence system for a health organization, as there is a need to generate indicators for the improvement of processes and decision making at all levels of the organization. Therefore, the objective of this study is to implement a system that allows us to exploit the information and to generate new business opportunities in the various areas of interest to the company. In addition, the processes can be automated and optimized by the visualization and understanding of the indicators, facilitating the availability of information and add value to the new decisions within the organization. For this reason, the proposed design simulates a web environment designed with QlikView business intelligence software, which consists of a connection to a SQL server database that has been developed using SQL server data tools under the dimensional design methodology of Kimball. Dagoberto Rubilar Donoso and Ana Aguilera Faraco. Sistema de Recomendación de Minutas Nutricionales 211 Chile Automatizadas Enfocadas en Nutrición Clínica This paper proposes the implementation of a web application with the integration of knowledge on nutrition modeled in a knowledge base, which is the pillar of operation of the recommended one. This serves as a tool to support the nutritionist expediting their work effectively when generating the nutritional minutes considering multiple factors in decision making. Methodologies of systems development and knowledge engineering were used. The system is implemented and unit tests of integration and acceptance have been successfully executed. 198 Paul Diaz Zuñiga and Rene Carrera. IoT components for floriculture automation Ecuador Abstract: The use of IoT (Internet of things), is achieving very encouraging results regarding costing, predictions, situations that reduce crops’ productivity and profitability. In Ecuador, growers are limited about the use of technological means, often by the lack of automated tools. Harvest cut rose correlates with variables such as temperature, humidity, light, PAR radiation, air quality, among other climatic factors

related to the physiology of plant growth. The use of specialized sensors and its implementation on the fields that monitor climate variables allow growers, to anticipate possible problems by predicting crops, presence of pests, seasons with lack of light, reducing cost implementation and understanding the physiology of the rose and the effective management of greenhouse of roses.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 22 TRACK 7 Session 4 S4 T7 Tue 29 Oct Session 4 T7 Control Theory and Applications Session Chair: Rafael Orellana Room 4 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Juan Carlos Soto Bohorquez, Pedro Gabriel Rotta Saavedra, Jose Jose Manrique Silupu, Gaby Patricia Ruiz Petrozzi, 14:00 96 Chile William Ipanaque Alama and Franco Abanto Mayta. A review of current methods for moisture content measurement Abstract: The determination of moisture content in various economic areas and different industrial processes has been a parameter of analysis and study over many years because it serves to estimate the quality, durability and other important parameters at commercial and environmental level. This article shows a summary of the technological advances that have been obtained in recent years in moisture measurement. A current classification has been made of the most representative methods and of greater mention in research and scientific articles. The applications and uses of traditional direct techniques such as the Karl Fischer Titration or the Thermogravimetric method are mentioned, as well as the investigations carried out with systems that use NIR image processing, neural networks, microwaves, among others. There is also talk about environmental applications such as soil moisture measurement using radiometry and prediction algorithms. It is also explained how the most outstanding methods in the industry are carried out, their advantages and disadvantages, the most relevant applications and the challenges in which they should be investigated. Daniel Eduardo Sánchez, Jonathan Matías Palma Olate, Rodolfo Anibal Lobo, João Meyer, Cecília F. Morais, 65 Alejandro Rojas-Palma and Ricardo Oliveira. Modeling and Stability Analysis of Salmon Mortality due to Chile Microalgae Bloom using Linear Parameter-Varying Structure Abstract: This paper investigates a non-autonomous system that describes a biomathematical model in a salmon farming context. More precisely, we consider two coupled nonlinear differential equations that model the dynamic behavior among aquatic pollution, salmon and microalgae populations. In this maritime habitat, we represent a harmful algal bloom (HAB) due to the climate event called El Niño. This phenomenon produces an ecological

problem increasing the water temperature that starts a HAB, increasing the salmon mortality due to microalgae toxins and, consequently, incorporating additional aquatic pollution. In this work, we provide some stability and error analysis techniques based on a linear parameter-varying system modeling. Finally, we present numerical results and computational simulations in order to illustrate the applicability to model real ecological problems. Rafael Orellana Prato, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan C. Agüero. Empirical Bayes estimation utilizing finite Gaussian 75 Chile Mixture Models Abstract: In this paper we develop an identification algorithm to obtain an estimation of the prior distribution in the classical problem of Bayesian inference. We consider the Empirical Bayes approach to obtain the prior distribution approximation by a finite Gaussian mixture. An Expectation-Maximization based algorithm is used to obtain an estimate of the Gaussian mixture parameters. Our approach shows a good approximation of the prior distribution when the number of experiments is increased. Jimmy Andres Zamora Borquez, Francisco Vargas and Alejandro Maass. Equivalencia entre sistemas de control con 129 Chile canales con ruido multiplicativo correlacionado y canales con ruido aditivo Abstract: In this work, feedback control systems are considered, within which there are communication channels modeled through multiplicative noise with spatial correlation, or through additive noises with constant gain. We will restrict ourselves to the study of systems of multiple inputs and multiple outputs, discrete time, linear and invariant in time. The interest is in establishing conditions so that the first and second moments of the stochastic processes of the system, when the multiplicative channel is used, are equal to the moments obtained when the additive channel is used 85 Leonardo Carvalho, Jonathan Matías Palma Olate and Oswaldo L V Costa. $\mathcal{H}_\infty$/$\mathcal{H}_{- Peru }$ Residual Generator for Markovian Jump Linear Systems Abstract: The present manuscript provides the design of a residual generator using the Markov Jump Linear System framework as a base. During the residual generator design process, the $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ norm and the index $\mathcal{H}_-$ consider, with the intention of improving the residual generator performance. This improvement

is achieved as the $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ increases the residual generator robustness and the $\mathcal{H}_{-}$ index increment the system for a specific signal, which is a desirable trait depending on the task where the residual generator is implemented. A numerical example is also provided to illustrate the proposed approach. Antonia Murillo, Francisco Vargas and Andrés Peters. Effects of speed saturation in a vehicle platoon with 220 Chile predecessor following Abstract: In this paper we perform a numerical study of the effect of speed saturation in a platoon of autonomous vehicles. In particular, the work is centered around studying the string stability of the platoon considering said speed limit. For this we will consider that each vehicle has the same dynamical description and that the desired inter- vehicle spacing depends on the speed of each agent. The analysis is donde in discrete time and, besides the saturations, we assume that that the dynamics of the local control loops are linear time invariant. Nicolás Soto-Muñoz, Constantijn Langedijk, Pedro Escárate, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan C. Agüero. Identification 76 Chile and control of an experimental Adaptive Optics setup Abstract: Adaptive optics have become the standard technique to compensate disturbances for ground based astronomy. Due to the demanding features of next generation telescopes, improved identification and control methods are required. In this paper we present the identification and control of an experimental adaptive optics

system. The identification of the system’s Tip and Tilt dynamics is performed using the Prediction Error Method. An spectral factorisation approach is used to identify the continuous time disturbance model for mechanical vibrations.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 23 TRACK 7 Session 10 S10 T7 Tue 29 Oct Session 10 T7 Control Theory and Applications Session Chair: Nelson Aros Room 1 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Gustavo Bittner, Rafael Orellana, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan C. Agüero. Maximum Likelihood identification 16:30 73 Chile for Linear Dynamic Systems with finite Gaussian mixture noise distribution Abstract: This paper considers the identification of a linear dynamical system driven by a non-Gaussian noise distribution. The noise is approximated by a finite Gaussian mixture, whilst the parameters of the system and the parameters that approximate the noise distribution are simultaneously estimated using the principle of Maximum Likelihood. To this end, a global optimization algorithm is utilized to solve the resulting non-

convex optimization problem. It is shown that our approach improves the accuracy of the estimates, when compared with classic estimation techniques such as the Prediction Error Method (PEM), in terms of covariance of the estimation error, while also obtaining an approximation of the noise distribution. The benefits of the proposed technique are illustrated by numerical simulations. 179 Fernando Salazar and Nelson Aros. Implementación del Algoritmo del Sistema Adaptivo del Modelo de Chile Referencia en Arduino Abstract: This paper describes a study and experimental verification on the implementation of algorithm Adaptive Reference Model System in the Arduino/DUE platform. The chosen algorithm allows to estimate both the angular velocity and the electrical torque of an induction squirrel cage motor which allows adapting an adjustable model to the reference model, where both models have as input the voltages and power currents of an induction machine and outputs of the models the vector of the rotor flow. The adjustment process requires a PID family controller to obtain null error in product point of the outputs of said models. The system is tested via simulation on the Matlab/Simulink platform to verify the operation of the algorithm. 88 Ricardo Albornoz, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan C. Agüero. A Novel Bayesian Filtering Method for Systems Chile with Quantized Output Data Abstract: In this paper we develop a novel scheme for state estimation of discrete-time linear time-invariant systems with quantized output data. We take a Bayesian approach, therefore, we describe the behavior of the a posteriori probability density function of the state. The difficulty of this problem lies in the probability function of the measurable output given the state, which we approach through an approximation by a Gaussian sum, that naturally leads to a Gaussian sum for the a posteriori density function. Maria Coronel, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan Carlos Agüero. Identification of Continuous-Time Deterministic 77 Chile System utilizing Orthonormal Basis Functions and Sample Data Abstract: In this paper we address the identification problem for continuous-time deterministic system. We consider that the continuous-time system can be modeling utilizing the orthonormal continuous basis function of Laguerre. We assume that only discrete-time measurements are available, we obtain the orthonormal basis function of Laguerre equivalent discrete-time in terms of the continuous-time model parameter of Laguerre basis, the sample time and the Euler-Frobenius polynomials. Patricio Varas, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan Carlos Aguero. State Estimation for SAG Mills utilizing a 110 Chile simplified model with an alternative measurement Abstract: The semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill is one of the main devices utilized for grinding solid materials in mining activities. SAG mills exhibit a non-linear behaviour, whilst the variables of interest (states) are not readily available (non-observavble). Tipically, the estimation of SAG mill states is carried out utilizing

the Extended Kalman Filter, albeit with system ouputs that are not available in practice. In this paper, we propose to estimate the states utilizing the Unscented Kalman filter with a simplified model of the mill. We also propose the utilization of a system output that is available in practice, but not tipically used. Jonathan Palma, Cecília Morais and Ricardo Oliveira. H-2 gain-scheduled design subject to inexact 143 Brazil measurements: performance comparison of two models for the additive uncertainty Abstract: This paper investigates the problem of H-2 gain-scheduled design (control and filtering) for LPV systems where the scheduling parameters are affected by additive noises. The purpose is to analyze the impact on the H-2 performance of two models commonly used to model the additive uncertainty, one considering that

the bounds for the noise parameters are dependent of the values of the scheduling parameters (the saturation effect is taken into account) and the other not. In this sense, a control design example is presented to illustrate that if the saturation effect is considered, a finite and smaller upper bound to the H-2 norm. Tiago Figueiredo Vieira, Davi Bibiano Brito, Márcio Ribeiro and Ícaro Araújo. An IoT Based Smart Utility 57 Brazil Pole and Street Lighting System Abstract: This paper presents the design and analysis of an integrated solution for sustainable smart cities ecosystems. The system is comprised of three major components: a smart utility pole, street-lighting and an off-grid photovoltaic systems for powering the solution. Cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) applications receive, analyze and manage data in real time for controlling and supervising. The system is installed in the Institute of Computing building at the Federal University of Alagoas in the city of Macei\'o - Brazil

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S27 T7 Wed 30 Oct S27 T7 Control Theory and Applications Session Chair: José Rojas, Ernesto Rubio Room 2

Hora Paper authors, title Country Pablo José Prieto Entenza, Ernesto Rubio and Eduardo Izaguirre. Proxy-based sliding mode control on a 16:30 121 Mexico pneumatic robot Abstract: Ryo Kikuuwe and Hideo Fujimoto introduce the Proxy-based sliding mode control (PSMC), which is a control algorithm intended for position control of robotic systems. This paper implements PSMC at the Cartesian space of a movable platform of 2 degree of freedom (2-DOF). Numerical co-simulations in Matlab/Simulink and the MSC-ADAMS framework demonstrate the good performance of the system in motion control application by taking advantages of computer-aided design (CAD). 195 Mauricio Montanares and Loreto Gonzalez. Heating up Antarctic Plants - Preliminary Results of a Thermal Chile Actuator for Antarctic Bioindicators in a Context of the Climate Change Abstract: Colobanthus Quitensis and Deschampsia Antartica are the only native vascular species of plants in the Antarctic region and are a source of interest in the climate change studies. These plants have been studied for decades and recognized as bioindicators of the climate change. The article presents preliminary studies and results of a thermal actuator, which is going to be applied in a climate change studies. The elaborated, far infrared actuator together with a control system maintains the temperature of the Antarctic plant certain delta above the ambient temperature. Since the heat transfer is based on infrared radiation a thermal model is introduced, where the parameters of the model are determined empirically approximating it using a 1-st order dynamical system. Once determined, the sytem model paremeters help to design the control strategies: Control On-Off (1) and Control PID (proportional–integral–derivative) (2). As a result we obtain that the control PID maintains the objects temperature with major stability than On-Off, what makes it preferable in the final application. The future works involve modeling ambiental perturbation, which affects the system and determination thermal parameters of the Antarctic plants. José Rojas, Juan Aguero, Rodrigo Carvajal and César Silva. An Alternative Optimization Approach for MPC 79 Chile Control of PV plants with Energy Storage Abstract: This work shows an alternative approach for the optimization of an economic cost functional associated with the predictive control problem of a plant with an energy storage system. A continuous approach is used to make the formulation of such cost explicit, and the benefits of this approach are discussed. Through simulations, it is shown that the flexibility of the approach to incorporate more complex models of the plant's battery, and thus increase the economic benefit of the operators.. Micaela Jara, Ariel Guerrero and Mario Arzamendia. Study and implementation of autonomous navigation 40 Paraguay algorithm for a scale electric car Abstract: This research describes the study of the autonomous navigation algorithm named Pure Pursuit. First, simulations were carried out to evaluate its performance and then it was implemented in the embedded system of a scale electric vehicle called Aguarai. It was possible to establish the values of anticipated distance so the navigation errors do not exceed a pre- defined thresholds. For example in a path for bicyclist at the city of Hernandarias for a velocity of 2.5 m/s the anticipated distance was about 1.8 m. Ernesto Rubio, Pablo Prieto, Luis Hernández and Orlando Urquijo. Comparison between three control strategy 150 Chile applied to an electro-pneumatic 3-DOF platform Abstract: In this paper are shown and compared three control strategies applied to a parallel robot of three degree of freedom drive by electro-pneumatic actuators with proportional flow valves. A robust control is implemented with a classical PI control with a second order compensator filter; this is a good position and tracking controller but is not a safety control in terms of human interaction. A sliding mode control is implemented for the third order transfer function of electro-pneumatic system; this could be a safety control but present the chattering problem. Finally, a proxy-based sliding mode control is implemented combining the advantages of sliding mode control and proportional integral derivative control. All the results are obtaining in co-simulation between Adams and Matlab and in a real platform. Felipe Arancibia Carrasco, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan C. Agüero. Parameter estimation over wired networks 93 Ecuador with time delay and packet collision. Abstract: In this paper, we address the problem of parameter estimation of a dynamic system using an OE model, in which the output signal is transmitted through wired networks. We consider that the wired network may causes unknown delays and collision packet in data. To estimate the time delay caused by wired network, we use the Akaike information criterion. On the other hand, due to the packet loss caused by wired network, we use of the EM algorithm to estimate the parameters of the dynamic system. Finally, we test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm with numerical examples. 181 José Painen and Nelson Aros. Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of an Induction Machine with Predictive Control Chile Abstract: Predictive control is a control method which is based on a mathematical model of the machine induction and of the state variables that it has, the unknown that arises after the study of predictive control is related to the variability of the parameters that they are obtained by the physical effects of the machine induction This is why the study is focused on Parametric sensitivity analysis of the machine induction and observe the effects it has on the control predictive The purpose of the study is to perform the analysis of parametric variability of the machine, via simulation on the MATLAB / SIMULINK platform, with its system of predictive torque control to determine which are the effects of parametric variability on the system predictive control

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TRACK 8 Session 1 S1 T8 Tue 29 Oct Session 1 Track 8 Energy and Power Systems Room 1 Hora Paper authors, title Country Roger Schurch, Nicolas Pinto, Alejandro Angulo, Jorge Ardila-Rey and Johny Montana. Simulation of Reverse Electrical Trees using 14:00 145 Chile Cellular Automata Abstract: Many models have been formulated for electrical tree propagation along many simulation techniques. In these models, electrical trees commonly grow from the needle electrode towards the plane-grounded electrode. Empirical evidence has shown that under certain conditions, ‘reverse trees’ initiate and grow from the plane electrode towards the needle. This phenomenon has not been

simulated yet. This paper explores the hypothesis that reverse trees are caused by irregularities of the planar surface of the sample, and when the forward tree is near to the plane electrode, a sufficiently high electric field can be generated and be able to initiate a reverse tree from the plane. Cellular automata modelling technique was used to simulate two-dimensional tree growth. Mayerli Montes-Parra, Juan García Hernández, Juan Gordillo Sierra, Guillermo Jiménez-Estévez and Patricio Mendoza-Araya. 87 Chile Microgrid Energy Management System Optimization using Game Theory Abstract: This paper presents an interactive algorithm based on game theory for optimizing an energy management system (EMS) of a microgrid. As agents in game, load, storage and energy resources adopt an individual strategy and through a potential game, they are able to reach a Nash Equilibrium. Results show energy dispatch for four different agents conditions, including exclusion of one of the energy sources to emulate plug and play behavior. Availability and ease to change parameters for agents in proposed algorithm allows users tune it for several different conditions, achieving a useful tool for energy management in a microgrid. Esau Figueroa Escoto and Fabio Bertequini Leão. A Binary Integer Linear Programming Model for Fault Section Estimation in 214 Brazil Electric Power Systems Abstract: A new method, based on binary integer programming, to solve the problem of fault section estimation in power systems is developed in this work.This optimization model is formulated based on a set of minimum covers, subject to logical protection constraints applied by electric power companies. Constraints of this formulation, compares protection relay alarms reported from the SCADA system with the expected states of the protection relay functions allocated in power system. Naturally, the proposed problem is a complex binary integer nonlinear programming model. In order to apply classical optimization techniques, this model is recast as binary integer linear programming model. Numerical results show the effectiveness, applicability and robustness of the presented strategy by using a 7-bus test system. 38 Guilherme Alencar, Ricardo Santos and Aline Neves. Fault Location Using Wavelet Transform and Independent Component Analysis Brazil Abstract: In this paper, will be discussed Wavelet Transform and Independent Component Analysis methods on fault location in transmission lines. Traveling methods techniques based on two terminals were used in measuring data signals. It was also showed a

fault detection and classification algorithm for the pre-location step. The results were satisfactory in the three steps. In fault location step the results of the two methods were compared and the errors fall below 1%. Daniel Rivera, José Ponce Ramírez, Claudio Carvallo, Patricio Mendoza Araya and Guillermo Jiménez Estévez. Communication- 71 Chile Based Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration for Microgrids Abstract: The traditional power system protection scheme is obsolete when it comes to microgrids, since they generate bidirectional power flows due to the presence of different sources of distributed generation. In case of failure, these sources contribute to short-circuit currents. It is for this reason that there are different fields of research around fault location methodologies. In this paper we present a communication-based fault location methodology, which uses directional fault passage indicators (FPIs) communicated with a control center. Through the information received by the FPIs, the location of faults and the isolation of the affected areas are carried out. In addition, it performs the restoration of service in healthy lines, if possible, by means of a reconfiguration of the topology of the microgrid through sectionalizers. Fernanda Kitano, Larissa Peres, Tiago Honorato and Kleber Silva. Transformer Protection Evaluation Following Brazil’s National 204 Brazil System Operator Recommendations Abstract: This paper presents the evaluation of transformer protection functions that have been typically employed by the Agents, according to the report ONS RE 3/200/2012 [1], as well as others that have been made available by the manufacturers but are not reported in [1], such as the negative sequence and REF elements. Therefore, this paper compares the performance of the recommended functions by ONS with the negative sequence and REF functions, in order to demonstrate if there is any sensitivity and reliability gain. In order to do so, the following protection functions were implemented: phase (87T) and negative-sequence differential (87Q) as well as restricted earth fault differential protection (87REF); overcurrent protection (50/51) and restricted earth fault directional protection (67REF). 210 Pablo Inzunza and Karina A. Barbosa. Control Algorithm for a Dynamic Pricing Management of Electrical Energy Chile

Abstract: This article presents the design of a control algorithm for the management of the purchase/sale of electrical energy by generators distributed in a distribution system with dynamic energy charging. In particular, an algorithm based on dynamic programming is implemented to maximize the income of each user daily, considering a pricing model proposed earlier in the literature.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 26 TRACK 8 Session 7

S7 T8 Tue 29 Oct Session 7 Track 8 Energy and Power Systems Session Chair: Marcelo Cortés Room 1 Hora Paper authors, title Country Juan Carlos Acosta and Marcelo Cortes-Carmona. Multi-objective Generation Expansion Planning Considering Environmental 239 Chile 16:30 Criteria Abstract: The following paper refers to the problem of long-term generation expansion planning in the Great North Interconnected System considering environmental criteria. Therefore, a multi-objective optimization model is developed, which according to technical, economic and environmental requirements, allows determining the configuration of the long-term generator park in the electrical system and it also allows assessing the impact on the emissions of greenhouse gases. The analysis of alternative expansion of the generator park allows determining, for each different scenario, the annual operation hours of each generating technology, the investment and operation costs along with the level of CO2 emissions. The assessment horizon of this study was established by the year 2030. Erick Sierra, Carlos Benavides and Marcelo Matus. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Small Distributed Generation in the National 36 Chile Electric System Abstract: In this work, we estimate and identify a set of benefits and costs that Small Distributed Generation (PMG/PMGD) has for the National Electric System (SEN). Using Unit-Commitment and Hidrothermal Coordination optimization models, we ran simulations of an alternate scenario where PMG/PMGD were never installed, and a Base Scenario with SEN capacity as it is in

reality. The results indicate that PMG/PMGD allow to diminish coal-based generation, operational costs and GHG emissions. On the other hand, the main costs identified were: increment of both secondary reserve requirement and start-up and shutdown costs. Also, a theoretical maximum for the Stabilized Price Mechanism cost was 9.5 million US$. Marcelo Cortes-Carmona, Franco Rivera-Pino, Marcelo Cortes-Olivares and Jessica Guevara-Cedeño. Effect of Hourly Demand 186 Chile Modeling on Generation Planning with Large-Scale Integration of Photovoltaic Plants Abstract: The increase in variable generation technologies in electric power systems, imposes great challenges and changes in the methodologies used for planning and operation of these, due to the variability and uncertainty of these resources. One of the challenges is to make maximum use of resources when they are available, this forces the remaining technologies to adapt to these requirements which may imply; production reduction, technical minimum operation or detention. The purpose of this work

is to develop a mathematical model that allows planning the expansion of generators with high integration of photovoltaic plants. The problem is solved by transforming the traditional park planning model with a demand duration curve into one that uses hourly demand profiles that also include solar and wind energy hourly profiles. The proposed model is validated through case studies in a small-scale system Matias Garbarino, Rodrigo Morales, Jaime Rohten, Marcos Andreu, Jose Silva and Ernesto Rubio. New Simplified Proposal for 252 Chile PV Cells Parameter Identification Abstract: Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) methods have been widely discussed in many researches to improve the efficiency of the energy extraction from solar cells. On the other hand, to control process the most common way is to find a model, where the parameters are adjusted in order to achieve similarity between the model and the real plant. Solar cells have been modeled by nonlinear equations that allow to approximate the static behavior. However, the parameters evolved in these equations depend upon the construction and the type of solar cells. Thus, this paper proposes a parameter identification with a new simplified method to identify the parameters n, Rs and I0, by studying and analyzing the equations of the PV model and the information provided by the datasheets of the best-selling commercial PV panels in the world. Pablo Valeria-Aguirre, Pablo Alarcon-Sandoval, Daniel Fontte-Jalil, Nathalie Risso and Fabricio Salgado. A simple validation 260 Chile methodology for Photovoltaic Systems efficacy in Agriculture applications Abstract: Climate change along with the lack of availability of electricity in agricultural lands have led to increased production costs for farmers. These factors are leading farmers to incorporate the use of new technologies in search of more sustainable solutions for production. In this context, the use of renewable energy, in particular, photovoltaic systems to provide of f-grid solutions for agriculture applications has gained relevance. Currently, several programs impulsed by the Chilean government are in place to incentive the use of solar energy for farming applications; However, some of these initiatives lack tools that may allow farmers to validate and assess the efficacy of the proposed solutions. This work is focused on the development of a simple

validation method suitable to be used by nonexperts to assess the efficacy of solar energy -based solutions for farming applications. The proposed methodology considers taking advantage currently available tools along with collecting and analyzing simple measures over the installed generation system, in order to provide a reasonable assessment of system performance. The proposed method is illustrated on a real installation used to supply power to a watering system for berries. Based on the obtained results, the developed tools seem suitable to be used by non-experts to assess performance and to implement seasonal performance improvements Guillermo Gajardo-Miranda, Walter Puchi, Jan Luis Venegas, Nathalie Risso and Fabricio Salgado. A sustainability-based 261 Chile comparison between and Concentrating Solar Power in Chile Abstract: The projected increase in energy demand in Chile, along with the need of more sustainable energy solutions are increasing the use of renewable energies in Chile. Among currently used renewables, solar power represents one of the most promising options, given the high irradiance levels available in the Atacama desert. Solar power can be implemented as photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) systems, being the first alternative the most popular nowadays. In order

for CSP to become a sustainable alternativa for power generation in Chile, economic and environmental impacts need to be considered. This work presents a comparative analysis between the economic and environmental impacts of CSP and PV systems in Chile. The study employs the levelized cost of energy and life-cycle analysis to evaluate hypothetical systems, under conditions currently available in the north of Chile. Jorge Torres C., Hans Cabrera M., Anibal S. Morales and Guillermo Ramírez A.. Performance Evaluation of a On-Grid Solar 112 Chile PV Installation in the Rural Foothill of Central Chile – Case Study Abstract: — In this paper, the performance of a solar on-grid installation is detailed analyzed considering challenging elements given by natural conditions present in the environment, comparing the historical operational data and the projections obtained

by simulation. The effects of shadow losses, power limit and excess on the energy production are widely analyzed to finally be integrated in the economical evaluation

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 27 TRACK 8 Session 13 S13 T8 Wed 30 Oct S13 T8 Energy and Power Systems Session Chair: Hector Chavez Room 1 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Victor Nuñez, Carlos Fuentes, Hector Chavez and Augusto Lismayes. Virtual Inertia from Distributed PV 9:00 137 Converters Chile Abstract: The integration of distributed PV has fostered various concerns on the operation of power systems. One important concern in the lack of frequency response of the PV converters, given the absence of rotating mases of such converters. Although virtual inertia schemes are being proposed, most approaches consider large-scale PV inverters. This work analyses the impact of virtual inertia from distributed PV converters. A simulation with an empirically-validated power system model is considered Douglas Pereira Dias, Winícius Latrônico Tôrres and Rafael Nilson Rodrigues. Self-Healing in Medium Voltage 51 Brazil Distribution Networks Abstract: This work presents a methodology for the implementation of a computational algorithm that performs a step of the automatic reconfiguration system of the electric distribution network. To determine the maneuvers performed in the self-healing system, linear optimization techniques based on the Simplex method were used. The system of automatic recovery, or self-healing system, has as purpose the restoration of a portion of the power system in case of faults. In this application two feeders were considered. 189 Carlos Fuentes, Victor Nunez and Hector Chavez. Towards Frequency-Responsive Solid-State Transformers Chile Abstract: The integration of variable generation has deteriorated the capability of power system to maintain power balance through frequency control. It is possible to find diverse strategies, such as virtual and synthetic inertia to improve frequency response. This study explores the possibility of using solid-state transformers to manage power

flow in distribution feeders. Various studies show the dependence of distribution power flow on voltage, and solid- state transformers can regulate distribution voltage in response to power system frequency. Various simulations are presented using an ERCOT system model. Rodrigo Morales, Matias Garbarino, Jaime Rohten, Ernesto Rubio, Javier Muñoz and Valdimir Esparza. 194 Maximum Power Point Tracking AlgorithmsComparison for Three-Phase Power Converter Chile Abstract: Solar energy is an interesting alternative to supply the growing energy requirements from industries and homes. In fact, many researchers have put effort to maximize the solar system efficiency. This paper, make a comparison between three alternatives of MPPT algorithms to inject the maximum power to the grid. The proposal includes only a three-phase inverter avoiding the DC-DC converter and therefore the control is performed

throughout the DC link voltage reference. The comparison includes the total time to compute every algorithm where the TMS320F28335 DSP based board is employed. On the other hand, the three-phase power converter is controlled through nonlinear based control which decouples and linearizes the current response. The results give key lines to decide the proper MTTP algorithm considering the processing time and the desired performance. Tomislav Roje Godoy, Alex Navas Fonseca, Matías Urrutia Ortiz, Patricio Mendoza Araya and Guillermo 111 Chile Jiménez Estévez. Advanced lead-acid battery models for the state-of-charge estimation in an isolated microgrid Abstract: Unlike non-renewable electricity generators, microgrids require a complex control system. Since generators based on renewable resources are not always dispatchable, it is essential to have a battery energy storage system (BESS) responsible for compensating load variations and generation deficits within the microgrid. In an effort to compare and improve BESS models, this work simulates the Coppeti, Coulomb counting, and Thevenin based models of the State of Charge (SoC) for the lead-acid batteries typically used for load dispatch in an isolated microgrid with an Energy Management System (EMS). The Coulomb counting, Coppeti and Thevenin BESS

models are incorporated into an extended Kalman filter (EKF). Finally, we implement a multi-model estimator that merges and exploits the benefits of each individual model. Comparative results of SoC employing real data from the Huatacondo microgrid operation are shown applying the EMS with a Rolling horizon (EMS-RH) strategy. The operating costs of the microgrid could be reduced as much as 50\% when the multi-model estimator is used, demonstrating the direct impact of accurately estimating the SoC on a BESS in the economical operation of a microgrid.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 28 TRACK 8 Session 19 S19 T8 Wed 30 Oct S19 T8 Energy and Power Systems Session Chair: Hector Chavez, Enrique López Room 1 Hora Paper authors, title Country Diego Altamirano Hernandez and Jorge Mendoza Baeza. Methodology for Short Term Forecasting for Demand 14:00 114 Chile Prediction and Renewable Energy in Electrical Distribution Systems Abstract: The main objective of this work is the development of a short-term prediction methodology based on time series, for electricity demand and renewable generation (solar photovoltaic and wind) in Electrical Distribution Systems, using the Holt-Winters prediction technique for make the forecasts. The methodology developed was applied to a test system, obtaining good results both for electricity demand and for renewable generation, which makes it a technique applicable to real systems, with varied applications such as service restoration processes. Rafael Nilson Rodrigues, Leonardo Santiago Benitez Pereira, Rafael Gustavo Nagel and Ismael Soto Gomez. 144 Brazil Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de unidade de medição fasorial aplicado aos sistemas elétricos brasileiro e chileno Abstract: A reliable and efficient electric distribution network depends on a real-time acquisition system and data transmission. Monitoring the dynamic performance of large areas of the transmission systems is based on Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). The advantage of using PMUs is a high data acquisition rate and the synchronization of measurements using Global Positioning System (GPS). This paper presents the development of a low-cost PMU prototype, based on IEEE C37.118 standards, using Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Adrian Carrillo, Fabian Flores-Bazán and Enrique López. An Analytical Approach to the Environmental/Economic 22 Chile Dispatch Problem Abstract: In this paper an analytical approach is proposed to solving the Environmental/Economic Dispatch problem (EED). The EED is a multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) that has as objectives to minimize the emissions of pollutants and the total fuel cost of meeting the energy requirements of an electrical power network system. The Weighted Sum Method is used for the scalarization of the MOP and therefore to find the whole Pareto front. To

solve the obtained quadratic programming problem, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions were used, based on a condition that allowed to obtain solutions by solving a system of lineal equations. This strategy was tested on 2 systems with different number of generators and characteristics. The obtained results were compared with other previously reported, showing some evident advantages of the proposed approach. Jesus Martinez Patiño, Jose Merced Lozano García, Ivan Abel Hernández Robles, Pablo Sanchez Razo and 56 Mexico Francisco Fidel Macias Aguilera. Cost for Decorative Lighting in Homes, Case of Study: Seasonal Lighting Abstract: Seasonal decorative lighting directly affects the total cost of billing for the concept of energy. It is necessary to know the quantitative impact of this concept (seasonal lighting) and to know the factors that inside directly; for example: type of energy, duration of use, type of electricity tariff, among others. Through this article,

we analyze multiple factors and characteristics in the use of decorative lighting, focused on the Christmas season with a specific case in Mexico, in order to consider costs closer to reality. The results help to know an approximate range with a minimum or maximum economic. Cristian David Bedoya Rodriguez, Jose Alejandro Jimenez Segura, Maria Camila Ceballos Ruiz, Patricio A. 94 Mendoza Araya and Guillermo Andres Jimenez Estevez. EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF A V2G SCHEME ON Ecuador THE DEMAND CURVE Abstract: This paper evaluates how the use of V2G technology has an important impact on the characteristic of the demand curve. Therefore, a study case is developed based on the characteristic of Bogota’s (Colombia) demand curve and the statement of different scenarios of V2G participation. In order to determine when the EV battery is charging or injecting, 3 parameters were considered: Availability, State of Charge (SOC) and a TOU tariff. In addition, 4 behavior profiles were proposed for different types of vehicle owners with the objective of analyzing the sensibility of the demand curve in terms of number of owners with certain daily behavior. Finally, the results were contrasted by the load factor in each case, where it was shown that the impact on the demand curve depends mainly on the number of vehicles incorporated to the V2G scheme, demonstrating an improvement until a maximum number of vehicles Javiera Guajardo, Hector Chavez and Manuel Acevedo. BESS for Energy Arbitrage and Ancillary Services: The 138 Chile Case of Chile Abstract: The contribution of BESS to power system operation is currently widely accepted. Aspects such as fast response has an important impact on system adequacy. However, it is not clear if BESS are economically sustainable, given the high investment costs and the various regulatory frameworks in different countries. This work presents a detailed analysis on the particular case of Chile to understand BESS economic opportunities. In particular, energy arbitrage and ancillary services are considered.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 29 TRACK 8 Session 25 S25 T8 Wed 30 Oct S25 T8 Energy and Power Systems Sesion Chair: Karina Barbosa Room 1 Hora Paper authors, title Country Richard Quevedo and Alberto Sanchez. Computer-Aided Electromagnetic Analysis of a Multi-Winding 16:30 6 Ecuador Transformer for SST Applications Abstract: This paper reports on the simulation and analysis of a high frequency multi-winding four port power transformer using Finite Element Electromagnetic Analysis software. The model consider a two dimensional

geometric configuration. The model allows for the analysis of electromagnetic loss mechanisms within the device. Simulation result allow to verify the design specifications and estimate the losses in the windings. Cristhian Quezada Viñanzaca, Jaime Torres Arias and Flavio Quizphi Palomeque. Location of Capacitor 123 Ecuador Banks in Distribution Networks: Optimal Localization by Implementing Heuristic Methods Abstract: Determining the location of capacitor banks in an urban or rural distribution network represents benefits for the distribution company by providing improvements in the power factor, the reduction of reagents in the network and the decrease in voltage drops. A two-phase heuristic method has been used to carry out the study in a distribution feeder of the urban-rural type, and thus to finding the most optimal location of the fixed and variable capacitor banks with very favorable results for the system. Mario G. Borja Borja, Sergio Lescano and Jaime E. Luyo. Analysis of the dynamic behavior of the self- 43 Peru excited three-phase induction generator during the generation of electricity from variable energy sources Abstract: This paper presents the analysis of the dynamic behavior of the self-excited three-phase induction generator (SEIG) during the generation of electricity from variable energy sources such as . The work focuses especially on determining how the voltage, current, flow and power generated during the variation of the speed applied to the rotor behaves in a wide range from a variable energy source, allowing to determine which are the best conditions to generate the maximum active power. Simulation results are presented, explaining in detail the dynamic behavior in a wide range of variation of the speed applied to the rotor from a variable energy source. 62 Barbara Blanco-Contreras, Javiera Meneses-Silva, Patricio Mendoza-Araya and Guillermo Jiménez-Estévez. Chile Effect of constant power load models on the stability of isolated Microgrids Abstract: The loads that can be found in microgrids have been changing over the years and the problems they cause have grown in complexity. For example, some of the loads present in this type of networks behave like Constant Power Loads (CPL), among which are the tightly regulated electronic converters, which have a quick response and a low output fluctuation. The problem with this type of load is its negative incremental impedance characteristic, that may cause instabilities in the power network with multiple power electronics converters. This paper studies the influence of these types of loads in an isolated microgrid, making use of both a dynamic and a static CPL. In order to achieve this, the DIgSILENT Power Factory software is used to simulate the Huatacondo microgrid located in northern Chile. The results show that, when the load is modeled as constant power, both the voltage and frequency response to disturbances is worsened with respect to the use of constant-impedance type loads. We conclude that electronic type loads, which have CPL behavior, could bring stability issues in isolated microgrids. Ricardo Alonso, Guillermo Alonso and Alcides Chavez. Estabilidad de Tensión en Redes de Distribución 20 Paraguay Radial Abstract: Voltage stability is a matter adressed mainly in transmission network. In distribution network the focus must consider a few variations with the traditional model, specially the well known issues of unbalance and the R/X relation that causes the jacobian matrix bad condition. The length of the feeder is another matter among pecualiarities of the system. This study case refers to a feeder of 23000 V and 120 km of trunk. During

summer of 2016-2017 some phenomena with typical voltage instability symptoms were observed: sostained low voltage periods, rise of reactive power, trip of protection relays and inability of voltage regulators to keep a suitable voltage level. The manifestation of this phenomena took place near to the peak system demand. This paper presents the Direct-Inverse Sweep as an alternative method to resolve those peculiarities. Franco Contreras, Hector Chavez and Karina Barbosa. Limitations on Primary Frequency Control Adequacy 191 Constraints in the Economic Dispatch Chile Abstract: The integration of renewable energy has reduced the ability of power systems to maintain primary control adequacy, leading to formulations that represent such an adequacy in the economy dispatch. It can be seen that the various approaches rely on sufficient condition to guarantee adequacy, while sufficient and necessary condition are not yet proposed. It is not then clear if the sufficient conditions are far from being

necessary, or if they represent a significant impact on the economic decision. This work explores different conditions to understand the impacts sufficient but not necessary condition of Frequency Control Adequacy Constraints on the Economic dispatch, by simulating both the dynamics of frequency control and the optimization problem behind economic dispatch. An illustrative case is presented. Marco Toledo, Carlos Álvarez, Diego Morales and Carlos Árias. Errors in the measurement systems with the 24 Ecuador inclusion of single-phase loads at 220V in three-phase distribution networks Abstract—This research analyzes the problems presented by the measurement systems in one Phase three wires electrical distribution networks when single-phase loads are connected to 220V and proposes to replace the equation to eliminate the error that occurs in the energy meter. This case of study was given Ecuador due to the massive inclusion of induction cookers through the change of the energy matrix promoted by the state since this account with more than 90 of hydroelectric energy to meet their electric demand.

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TRACK 8 Session 31 S31 T8 Thu 32 Oct S31 T8 Energy and Power Systems Session Chair: Room 1 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Ignacio Ligueros, Johny Montaña, Jorge Ardila and Rodrigo Castro. Development of a computational program 9:00 50 that allow the analysis of different alternatives for the correct insulation coordination inside high voltage Chile substations Abstract: The increase of the transmission lines, in addition with the updated values of the storm days, has made it necessary to verify that the application guide to elaborate the insulation coordination study granted by IEC 60071-2 represents coherent parameters, according to the actual reality. For this, a model is made through Matlab®

that will apply improvements in the electrical system, specifically in the shielding schemes of the guard cables and the efficient choice of the surge arresters, this will increase safety margins of the protected installations, with the objective to get a better operation of the electrical network, in the ambit of security and supply continuity Felipe Sarmiento-Delgado, Jean-Michel Clairand, Paulo Guerra-Terán and Guillermo Escrivá-Escrivá. Electric 161 Ecuador Vehicle Charging Load Prediction for Private Cars and Taxis Based on Vehicle Usage Data Abstract: Electric Vehicles (EVs) are growing attention for their higher efficiency and less-polluting specifications. However, a massive introduction of EVs could lead to several issues in power systems. Several authors have proposed various smart charging approaches. But, these approaches could not be appropriately implemented without knowing the charging behavior of the EV customers. Thus, this paper proposes an EV charging load prediction for the particular case of Quito, Ecuador. This forecasting is performed based on data obtained from a GPS system and on statistical methods. Daniel Aquino Carvallo and Diego Sanchez. Comercialización de energía eléctrica sobrante de Paraguay en el 25 Paraguay Mercado Eléctrico Brasilero de Corto Plazo bajo incertidumbre: modelado predictivo y calculo de rentabilidad Abstract: El presente trabajo propone un modelo para orientar la comercialización de energía eléctrica sobrante, correspondiente por Tratado al derecho de Paraguay, en el Mercado Eléctrico Brasilero de corto plazo bajo incertidumbre. Se plantea el uso de una Red Neuronal Artificial (RNA) para modelar y pronosticar la Potencia Hidroenergética Generada por la Central Hidroeléctrica ITAIPÚ (CHI) y el Análisis Espectral (AE) para modelar y pronosticar el comportamiento de la potencia retirada por parte de ANDE en la CHI, estas proyecciones serán

para el año 2019. Se analizan dos casos: i) el sobrante de energía de contrato y, ii) el uso de la energía asociada a la potencia excedente de la CHI que le corresponde a Paraguay. Una vez realizadas las proyecciones, se realiza el calculo de la energia sobrante de los casos analizados para finalmente evaluar en términos económicos la comercialización de estas energías sobrantes en el Mercado Eléctrico Brasilero de corto plazo valorizándolo al Precio de Liquidación de Diferencias (PLD). Félix Fernández, Raúl Amarilla, Estela Riveros and Enrique Buzarquis. Paraguay Energy Analysis. Current 232 Paraguay Situation and Energy Prospection of the Expansion of Electricity Generation Abstract: Paraguay is a country with very particular characteristics in terms of its electrical development and its relations with socioeconomic development. It has a competitive and comparative advantage: abundance of renewable electricity (hydropower). Its electrical system has a generation that is almost exclusively hydroelectric. In that sense, in 2016 the Energy Policy of the Republic of Paraguay was promulgated, which seeks to “Address the energy needs of the population and all productive sectors, with criteria of quality, socio-environmental responsibility and efficiency; energy becoming a factor of economic growth, industrial development and social progress, within the framework of regional integration”. In this work, the main results of the Energy Prospective project for the Republic of Paraguay between 2013-2040 are presented, focused on the expansion of electricity generation, which was developed on the LEAP platform. From this, an energy analysis of Paraguay was carried out by means of long-term projections of the demand, and of the corresponding supply before the alternative of socioeconomic scenarios (Tendency and Alternative) and of their respective energy scenarios. Two scenarios were considered, one called Reference which projects an evolution of the recent past, and another called Alternative that incorporates the proposed changes in Paraguay's energy policy. The formulation of the Alternative Scenario follows the guidelines of the National Development Plan Paraguay 2030. For its part, the Alternative Scenario, takes as basic inputs the guidelines and goals of the Energy Policy of Paraguay, both being duly coordinated by the Vice Ministry of Mines and Energy of Paraguay. The participation of various actors linked to the energy sector in Paraguay has been part of the work methodology. As a main result, this paper presents the future generation expansion based on demand growth, maintaining a minimum reserve margin where the installation of new power plants is expected.

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TRACK 8 Session 37

S37 T8 Thu 31 Oct S37 T8 Energy and Power Systems Session Chair: Room 1 Hora Paper authors, title Country Carlos Gonzalez and Hector Chavez. The Andean Regional Electricity Market: Energy Trade Opportunities 11:30 209 Chile in the South Cone Abstract: In 2018, the Andean Community of Nations created The Andean Regional Electricity Market, in order for the countries within the community to trade electricity in a regulated and agreed manner. This work describes the details of the new regulatory framework for energy trade, and presents an illustrative example to model the expected electricity flows in various scenarios. Arturo González, José Rodríguez, Félix Fernández and Gerardo Blanco. Multi-criteria Analysis of the 229 Paraguay Expansion Plan of the Transmission System of Paraguay Abstract: The Master Plan of the electric company of Paraguay ANDE 2016-2025, it exposes a series of generation, transmission and distribution expansion plans required by the National Interconnected System (SIN), to meet the requirements of the demand, expand the system and promote the economic development of the country. The Master Plan contains a large number of works and therefore requires a large economic investment for its execution. However, this doesn't mean which works are the priority for the performance of the electrical system. In this sense, the present research seeks to identify which works of transmission lines (220 and 500 kV) are the most priority for the electrical system according to the selected evaluation criteria that determine the attributes of each work for the SIN. Therefore, for this prioritization analysis, it is proposed to use a multi-criteria decision making process called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). This method allows to evaluate decision making considering several alternatives and meeting the needs of multiple criteria. This paper presents a hierarchy of decision within the framework of the problem approach and the alternatives considered the most priority for the system, obtaining as a result the transmission lines (LT), whose execution must be prioritized, according to the criteria selected for each year, for the period of analysis from 2019 to 2025. Finally, this research aims to provide a multi-criteria decision making tool, in this case in particular for the decision makers of the ANDE electricity company. Ignacio Rebolledo, Rodrigo Acuna, Hector Chavez and Marco Rivera. Towards Distribution Revenue 192 Chile Adequacy in Chile: Lessons Learned from Australia Abstract: The integration of distributed PV has fostered various concerns on the distribution financial adequacy. As Chile has regulated distribution tariffs, most distribution customers have traditional meters that only measure energy. This way, one portion of tariff collection is meant to finance energy generation and other finance distribution infrastructure. When PV integration occurs at the distribution level, the energy consumption of distribution customers decreases, so both energy and infrastructure collection decrease as

well. While energy collection reduction only affects energy contracts at the generation level, the reduction of distribution infrastructure collection is not related with a reduction in investment nor operational costs of distribution systems. Thus, a financial imbalance may happen, which may discourage PV integration from a public policy perspective. This work describes the financial problem of PV integration and distribution financial adequacy and examines the experience of Australia on the matter

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 32 TRACK 9 Session 17 S17 T9 Wed 30 Oct S17 T9 Engineering Education Session Chair: Huber Nieto-Chaupis Room 5 Hora Paper Authors, title Country 9:00 167 Huber Nieto-Chaupis. Interpretation of Scimago Ranking in Terms of Success Probabilities Peru Abstract: We derive various probabilistic expressions about the capabilities of certain social groups to complete a scientific article with prospective indexation in the database Scopus. Guided by the latest Scimago ranking, we carried out estimations about the produced scientific papers by taking into account different factors that might be

crucial for a optimal production of papers. We illustrate the case of Peru where the proposed model is applied resulting in that 1 of 10 trained professionals might be erroneously accounted in the Scimago ranking of the total number of published Scopus documents. Milton Gonzales-Macavilca, Lizeth Nolberto-Quispe and Ivan Iraola-Real. Determining Factors for Getting Good 67 Peru Grades in Engineering Careers. The Case of a Public University in Lima (Peru) Abstract: This article aims to establish how decisive are the factors anxiety, academic self-efficacy and engagement to get good grades in the engineering careers of a public university in Lima (Perú). The sample consisted of 53 university students aged between 17 and 25 years old (M = 20.0, S = 2.0). The results showed that, of the four components of academic engagement (cognitive, emotional, behavioral and agentic), only the first three are determinants for a good grade; also, that low anxiety has a positive impact on self-efficacy and this, in turn, promotes a good rating. Finally, a linear regression analysis was performed, according to which the cognitive component of engagement and academic self-efficacy favorably predicts obtaining good grades. 241 Elizabeth Vidal. Improving Writing and Oral Communication for Engineering Students – the Conference paper Chile and poster format experience Abstract: The objective of this paper was to share our experience in developing writing and oral communication thought a new course that follows a conference paper and poster format. We believe that this format shows students in an active learning format how to communicate specific ideas according to specific standards like IEEE conference paper forma, and also the poster experience gives the a real experience with industry to present their ideas. Our experience showed that this format give the students the basis to keep on working by them self and send their projects to real conferences. We believe that this experience and the design of our course could be replicated to different Engineering Careers. Rafael Mellado, Maria Teresa Blanco, Claudio Cubillos, Hanns De La Fuente and Antonio Faúndez. Learning of 148 Chile Information Technologies in Administration Sciences through gamification techniques Abstract: The present research addresses the difficulty in learning the information technologies of university students in the business area, through the inclusion of learning support tools that make use of gamification as a potential differentiator. The gamification techniques have multiple advantages especially when applied in educational processes, whether in engineering, health, among others. For the experimentation was made with a universe of 78 undergraduate students of the career Auditor Accountant of a Chilean university. The sample was

divided into 40 students for one experimental group and 38 students for the control group, where those from the experimental group used learning tools that included gamification and the control group applied tools that did not include the gamification component. The results obtained showed that those students belonging to the experimental group were significantly better than the control group, thus generating a contribution to their learning process. Cristóbal Andrade, Cristóbal Garrido, Andrés Peters and Francisco Vargas. A low cost experimental platform for 225 Chile the study of scalability issues in multi-agent systems Abstract: This paper describes the design and implementation of a low cost experimental testbed for the study of formation control of autonomous vehicles. The purpose of the platform is to serve as an aide for the teaching of control theory, embedded systems and networked multi-agent systems at a higher education level. Simultaneously, the platform has the capability to replicate recent theoretical results for 1 dimensional platooning of unmanned autonomous vehicles and it is flexible enough to motivate new lines of research in the same area. The platform consists of several model trains powered by a 9V DC motor. Each train is equipped with a low cost microcontroller unit (MCU) with WiFi capabilities, sensors, a battery and circuitry that allow its automation. All of the parts are

mounted on a 3D printed chassis. Each MCU has access to the instantaneous velocity of its train, the distance to its immediate predecessor, and some measurements of other trains through the use of the Meassage Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. Using simple Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers and a highly decentralized networking scheme, the MCUs power the DC motors in order to reach a consensus velocity and a desired formation where the vehicles maintain fixed spacings, whenever possible. The wireless capabilities of the MCU allow for supervision of the agents, data acquisition and on the fly parameter configuration. The capabilities of the testbed are showcased through experimental results.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 33 TRACK 9 Session 23 S23 T9 Wed 30 Oct S23 T9 Engineering Education Session Chair: Mario Fernández Room 5 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Ivan Iraola-Real and Milton Gonzales-Macavilca. Support the Realistic Mathematics and its Influence in the 14:00 68 Peru Mathematical Self-Efficacy in Aspirants to Engineering Abstract: The evaluations of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) demonstrate that Peru has serious shortcomings in mathematics, result that is harmful to the formation of future engineers. For it before this problems the Institute of Sciences and Humanities (ICH) promotes the Realistic Mathematical Education (RME) in

the pre university education. And before the need to evaluate some achievements of the ICH, the present studies takes as a finality to identify relation between the application of the principles of the RME and the mathematical self-efficacy in a sample of 60 pre university students candidates to the engineering careers. 246 Carolina Zambrano. Continuous Improvement Model to Systematize Curricular Processes in Engineering Education Chile Abstract: The continuous improvement model of the engineering program is presented, which is composed of two levels: The first level corresponds to the process of continuous improvement associated with the curriculum and the second level corresponds to the process of continuous improvement related to the measurement of learning outcomes in each of the subjects and its purpose is to establish the plan for annual improvement of teaching and the systematization of the processes of measurement and evaluation of student learning outcomes. Rodolfo Lobo, Jonathan Matías Palma Olate, Cecília F. Morais, Leonardo Carvalho, Marcos Eduardo Valle and 206 Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira. A Brief Tutorial on Quadratic Stability of Linear Parameter-Varying Model for Brazil Biomathematical Systems Abstract: Many biological phenomena are investigated using models formulated in terms on nonlinear differential equations and, in general, the global stability is assured point-to-point by Lyapunov's theory. However, many times the stability analysis becomes a hard task due to the complex interactions between variables and parameters. Furthermore, when some parameters vary over time, it is not possible to employ the conventional methods of

stability analysis regarding linear time-invariant (LTI) theory. However, several of those nonlinear models can be rewritten as linear systems with time-varying parameters lying inside bounded and known intervals for which there exist in the control theory literature convex optimization procedures based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) conditions to test the asymptotic stability. Carlos Muñoz-Poblete, Mario Fernandez-Fernandez and María José Castilla. Pole Placement applied to drive a 115 Chile Truck and Trailer in backward. A didactic view Abstract: Driving a Truck and Trailer in backward is a challenging problem to address the control teaching of non-linearunstable systems. The paper shows techniques to formulate defeedback control problem, to find the equilibrium state and tolinearize the system and to design the state feedback controllerswith Luenberger observers tuned with pole placement techniques.Results show that the state feedback controller can stabilize thetruck and trailer, moreover, the controlled system has goodbehaviour in following sinusoidal trajectories when driving inbackward. optimization procedures based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) conditions to test the asymptotic stability. 237 Nicolas Hernandez, Javier Rebolledo, Javier Torres, Gonzalo Carvajal and Francisco Vargas. Diseño de una Chile plataforma experimental para la automatización del arquero de una mesa de fútbol Abstract: This article presents the design and development of an experimental platform prototype aimed at automating an archer of a football table. The development of this platform requires the integration of different stages and disciplines, including computer vision techniques for the detection and monitoring of the ball and players, motor control for the mechanical movement of the bar, algorithms for the prediction of the trajectory of the ball, and the mechanical design of the platform that allows the integration of all the elements. The pre-implementation stages also consider the choice of hardware and software suitable for proper communication, storage, and real-time data processing. The main purpose of this platform points to its use in teaching and research activities in the context of modern cyber-physical systems, including the experimental evaluation of sophisticated sensing and control algorithms, and the integration of specialized computing platforms to accelerate processes. Given its nature, and the ability to interact with people in a human-machine-type challenge game, this platform also has significant potential to disseminate issues related to science and technology. Víctor Pizarro-Céspedes, Mario Fernández-Fernández and Carlos Muñoz-Poblete. An approach to State Space 180 Chile Control Teaching Abstract: In the process of learning control techniques, the control by state feedback is a highly studied method, due to the associated benefits: it only implies a feedback by amplification of the states (it has no associated dynamics) and the extension of the SISO to MIMO systems is almost trivial. The most common techniques allow to control a system around an operation point, based on the disposition of a linearized model of the system around said point. In general, good results can be achieved when the system is closed (in the vicinity) of the operation point. This paper shows a proposal for an Advanced Control course based on this technique, which allows the student to progress gradually in the way to perform the control, the solutions that can be given to the most common problems, to end up undertaking the why apply non-linear control techniques when the system requirements should be extended to conditions far from the point of operation.

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TRACK 9 Session 35

S35 T9 Thu 31 Oct S35 T9 Engineering Education Session Chair: Liz Delgado Room 5 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Andressa Martins Oliveira, José Carlos Pinheiro Filho, Glauber Arruda Braga, Eduardo M. de Muranda 9:00 92 Vasconcellos, Luis Felipe Vieira Silva, Ícaro Araújo and Davi Bibiano Brito. Development and calibration of a Chile low-cost didactic thermal plant Abstract: This paper presents the development and construction of a low cost didactic thermal plant. The use of didactic systems in engineering courses is crucial for the teaching of systems identification, control, and instrumentation techniques. The prototype described in this article uses a Peltier effect pellet. For data acquisition, an Arduino prototyping kit is used. The system described in this work presents a low cost of production when compared to other systems described in the literature. Rodney Damian Fariña Martínez, Liz Eda Delgado Alcaraz, Ricardo Francisco Alonso Cardozo and Antonio 116 Paraguay Carlos Zambroni de Souza. POWER SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE USING VOLTAGE STABILITY TOOLS Abstract: This paper deals with studies of voltage stability on the part of a power system (subsystem South of Paraguay) of 16 bus, using information obtained through the curve Q-V and P-V when are included reactive compensation and distributed generation. The results are validated through the current literature. Juan Sebastian Gonzalez Sanabria, Alexander Castro Romero, Carlos Goméz-Pradilla and Diego Burgos- 4 Colombia Pineda. Behavior of the References Cited by the Colombian Engineering Scientific Journals Abstract: The continuous work of scientific journals leads to evaluate different aspects that allow establishing a quality seal and, therefore, recognition of researchers, and thus drawing attention of international researchers to publish in these journals. One of the factors most taken into account by the authors is the quotation level of a given journal, which is a point of wide discussion especially in the Latin American region or even in the

Spanish-speaking one, as the publishers argue that the works in the region publications are important mostly for the region itself. Therefore, an analysis was made in order to evaluate the behavior of the references cited in the articles published in the Colombian engineering journals to determine if they “use” or not the works of their peers in the region. Rodrigo dos Passos, Luis Eduardo Palomino and Ana Sabrina NiÑo Ruge. Energy Consumption and 113 Brazil Luminescence Analysis of T8 Fluorescent Lamps, LED-M and LED-B Using DIALux 3D Abstract: This work presents a comparison between T8 fluorescent lamps and LEDs within a laboratory environment for technological development. Two presentations of T8 LED lamps are used, with matte tubing or LED-M and bright LEDB. Voltage measurements and electrical installation currents determine efficiency when compared to lumens measured at different points in the laboratory area. The comparison of results with DIALux allows to analyze the results in 3D to determine both, the performance and the return in an eventual financial study, extrapolating the results to a case of real application in the Universidade do Contestado, Canoinhas campus, in Brazil. Osvaldo Amestica, Pedro Melin, Cristian Duran-Faundez and Gabriel Lagos. An Experimental Comparison of 173 Arduino IDE Compatible Plattaforms for Digital Control and Data Acquisition Applications Chile Abstract: This work compares different digital embedded platforms which can be programmed using Arduino IDE software and which can be used for digital control and data acquisition applications. Specifically three kind of Arduino Board (Arduino UNO, Arduino Mega y Arduino Due) and two ESP based board (ESP8266 and ESP32) are studied and compared. The comparison is based on the execution time of mathematical operations and a function required for data acquisition or digital control and includes (i) digital ports writing, (ii) analog signal acquisition, (iii) execution of mathematic operation in integer and float format, and (iv) the execution of

the data processing code. The execution time is measured by using a methodology which is simple to implement for any other digital device. Because of each platform uses its own Arduino DUE library to generate the assembly code for each microcontroller, the instructions adopted for both generating the actions to measure and generating the testing signals are written using Arduino IDE commands and using instructions that any entry- level user may adopt. In conclusion, from the experimental results it is observed the high difference in the execution time of the different platforms.

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TRACK 10 Session 33

S33 T10 Thu 31 Oct S33 T10 Industry 4.0 Automation. FMS Session Chair: Enrique San Juan Room 3 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Nathalie Risso, Junhyeok Park, Jack O. A. Lundin, Pedro Melin and Cristian Duran-Faundez. A Path- United 11 :30 259 planning strategy for an Autonomous dozer States Abstract: In hard rock mine operation, the gravitational segregation of ore particles within a stockpile creates a high variation of particle size. This issue hampers productivity in the comminution process and has a direct effect on the daily output of produced minerals from the mine. Dozer operation can be facilitated to mix the stockpile materials for maintaining a more homogeneous particle size distribution, however this can lead to potentially hazardous situations for the machine and operator due to the dynamic nature of the stockpile. The autonomous bulldozer is a new trend for mine equipment operation, improving the safety of dozer operators working in the stockpile by removing them from the machine altogether. This paper describes path-planning strategy for autonomous dozers to operate over a stockpile within a defined safe region. The proposed strategy employs feedback from 3D level sensors, to associate a level zone with an expected particle size and direct the dozer based on current SAG mill feed rate. Simulation results predict acceptable behavior, provided that sensor accuracy meets certain specified constrains. 185 Ismael Soto, Pablo Adasme, Enrique San-Juan, Claudio Valencia and Cesar Azurdia-Meza. New triangular Chile VLC cell plus protocol to uplink the data in VSAT/GPS format Abstract: The purpose of this document is to present a new triangular VLC cell and a new protocol to upload the data in GPS format to a remote control station, for the supervision of a person or device in an

underground tunnel. Trilateration and calibration studies of a VSAT satellite signal are carried out. In addition, the performance studies of the solution are presented. 28 Joselyne Andramuño, Nino Vega and Pablo Parra. Industry 4.0 Embedded Systems Network Ecuador Abstract: Nowadays, Industry 4.0 is based on integrated systems for the control of its processes, that is why in this research work, we describe the implementation of a network between Raspberry and Arduino for the control of a level plant. The plant has two different controllers designed specifically for level and flow control, one is an adaptive control and the other is a cascade control, for which we previously found

the mathematical model and the optimal operating ranges. To control the input / output signals, we created an HMI to visualize them in a better way and to obtain the data in real time a code was designed in C ++ language in Arduino. Finally, the results and conclusions that we obtained are that in spite of the disturbances that are made manually, they are minimally reflected in the output.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 36

TRACK 11 Session 24 S24 T11 Wed 30 Oct S24 T11 Information Technologies and Communication Systems Session Chair: Eduardo Costoya Room 6 Hora Paper authors, title Country Hector Kaschel, Sergio Cordero and Eduardo Costoya. Analysis and Evaluation of Radio Mobile program on Line 14:00 136 Chile of Sight paths, with SRTM and ASTER DTEDs and its v11.6.6 / v9.1.6 versions Abstract: This document, as a continuation of a paper presented by the authors in IEEE-ACCA.- Concepción 2018, addresses an unexpected outcome on the propagation simulations on 24 Line of Sight TV links in Santiago, performed with last version of the freeware Radio Mobile and SRTM1 elevation data. Most of those links behave as having a high reflection level not consistent with the characteristic of the profiles involved. On a search for an answer, links and terrain parameters were deeply analyzed but still not explaining the discrepancies. Further analysis and simulations were performed involving ASTER, another compatible digital elevation data and later with a previous propagation model of Radio Mobile.. Gabriel Salazar, Raul Haro-Baez and Diego Benitez. On the Design of Single and Dual Band Wilkinson Power 29 Dividers for C-band Applications using Microstrip Technology Ecuador Abstract: In this paper, the design and analysis of three single-band Wilkinson power dividers that work at 4 GHz, and a double-band Wilkinson that works on the C-band uplink and downlink, 6 GHz and 4 GHz respectively, are presented. The structure of the power dividers and the formulas used to determine the design parameters have been given. Two designs for the single-band Wilkinson divider are presented, the first design consists of an internal section with electrical length lambda/4 and Zo=70.71 Ohms, meanwhile the second design consists of three sections with impedance calculated using Chebyshev approximation. The dual-band Wilkinson power divider have a T-structure composed of two impedance in series and one stub. Gabriel A. León-Paredes, Wilson F. Palomeque-León, Pablo L. Gallegos-Segovia, Liliana I. Barbosa-Santillán, 90 María M. Paredes-Pinos, Paúl E. Vintimilla-Tapia and Jack F. Bravo-Torres. Presumptive Detection of Cyberbullying on Twitter through Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning in the Spanish Language Chile Abstract: Nowadays, the constant development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has changed the interpersonal interaction, allowing to transfer real experiences to a virtualized medium such as Internet. In this sense, although the space-time barriers of traditional communication are broken and social relationships are strengthened, problems related to adverse behaviors may arise. Bullying, defined as an act that threatens a person's holistic well-being, becomes cyberbullying when it is done over Internet, causing anxiety problems, depression and even suicide attempts. For this reason, it is essential to detect this type of behaviour in time. This research deploys a Spanish cyberbullying prevention system (SPC), which relies on Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods and different machine learning techniques (Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression), using Twitter as the basis for the extraction of knowledge bases or corpus. Pablo Palacios, Cesar Azurdia Meza, Milton Román-Cañizares, David Zabala and Ismael Soto. BER Performance 63 Chile of OFDM-Based Visible Light Communication Systems Ecuador Abstract: In this paper, OFDM techniques designed for Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection (IM/DD) modulation applied to Visible Light Communications (VLC) systems are evaluated. These are Asymmetrically Clipped Optical OFDM (ACO-OFDM), DC Biased Optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM) and Asymmetrically Clipped DC Biased Optical OFDM (ADO-OFDM). These techniques are evaluated and compared for different types of M- QAM modulation, in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER). It is shown that ACO-OFDM, Tomás Lara, Oscar Cartagena, Sandra Céspedes and Doris Sáez. Robust Model Based Predictive Control for a 213 Cooperative Cycling Cyber-physical System Chile Abstract: Thanks to the massive adoption of bicycles in many countries, congestion issues over the cycling infrastructure are becoming common. When the congestion occurs, the natural formation of platoons brings benefits in terms of efficient use of cycling roads; however, it also brings concerns in terms of security of cyclists due to a lack of explicit coordination. In this context, group cycling supported by a platoon-based cyber-physical system has been previously proposed but the system encountered problems in terms of spacing control, in particular

for large group sizes or highly variable group leader speeds. In this work, we propose a Robust Predictive Control with fuzzy intervals models strategy for the coordination of a cyber-physical system for bicycle platoons, in order to maintain a constant space policy under human-related physical limitations and human misinterpretation of the system acceleration signals. From the analysis made using simulations, it is observed the better performance of RMPC based control mechanism in comparison with the existing sliding surface control method. 102 Daniel Cardenas and German Arevalo. Flag Based All Digital Timing Recovery Ecuador Abstract: We implemented an all-digital timing recovery i.e. without a VCO, that works in case the receiver is faster or slower than the transmitter and with no need of decimation, unlike other implementations. This system takes advantage of and is suitable for parallel structures. Omar A. Sepúlveda-Cordón, Jhon Alexander Vega-Martínez and Juan Sebastian Gonzalez Sanabria. Algorithm 12 for volumetric projection in PostgreSQL and Oracle DBMS Colombia Abstract:: This article presents the implementation of a algorithm to calculate the volume and size of a database, wheredifferent ways to perform the mathematical operations that predict such size are shown in the Database Management SystemPostgreSQL and Oracle. In order to optimize this process, software is built that contributes to the decrease of the time used inthe realization of calculations and manages to generate, in the usea vision that helps in the analysis and making the right decisionthat allow selecting the Hardware that must be implemented in thmachine where the database is located. With the implementation othe algorithm can give a broader view of each of the tables, growthin size and volume of the database in real time.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 37 TRACK 11 Session 30 S30 T11 Wed 30 Oct S30 T11 Information Technologies and Communication Systems Session Chair: Darwin Aguilar Room 6 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Darwin Aguilar, Jorge Alvarez, Paola Leon and Sergio Carranza. Energy Efficiency in routing protocols 16:30 30 Ecuador maintaining the quality service applied to the wireless sensor network Abstract: This research project has the analysis of energy efficiency in a network of wireless sensors (WSN), the research is composed of three parts, the first focuses on the study of wireless sensor networks, presenting different approaches topologies, protocols Routing focused on the quality of service (QoS), the second part

covers the deployment of different networks in different topologies, with three routing protocols varying the powers of transmission of the used specks and the third part has the measurement of the intensity of current in order to analyze the energy efficiency of the different wireless sensor networks implemented. Daniel Icaza. Telecommunication System for the Monitoring of Tourist Hotels Type Airplane and Heritage 9 Ecuador Monuments Supplied by Solar Energy. Abstract: The objective of this article is to present the general design of the monitoring system of tourist hotels type airplane and heritage monuments in the Austral zone of Ecuador, with the purpose of keeping controlled these spaces that are recovering in the case of heritage monuments and in the case of tourist housing is beginning with its implementation. It is important to keep controlled since being in rural areas are prone to anomalies at some point by national or foreign visitors. For this purpose, dome-type surveillance cameras are used, and in some specific spaces, fixed cameras that, according to the existing infrastructure, must be permanently monitored from a zonal center ECU 911 in the City of Cuenca as well as in the City of Azogues. Hans Cabrera M., Britam Gomez A., Jorge Torres C., Anibal S. Morales and Guillermo Ramirez A.. Integration 72 of Industrial Power Quality Analyzer and Open Source Hardware and Software Solution for Microgrids Chile Monitoring Abstract: This paper presents a wireless, multi-platform, cost-effective solution for monitoring end-user electric power distribution systems. The solution is based on Raspberry Pi open source hardware and software integrated to commercial power quality analyzers using Modbus TCP/IP industrial communication protocol. The application layer is implemented using Python programming environment. Finally, the proposed system architecture is validated monitoring a 40 [kWp] solar photovoltaic microgrid. Washington Fernandez, Krzysztof Herman and Arturo Rodriguez. Results preliminary of the Performance of 19 Chile Non-Binary Quasi Perfect Code for Noise Channel Class A Abstract: In this article are designed non-binary quasi perfect codes that can correct errors of burst of dimension: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The performance on a channel with noise class A is studied. According to the results

obtained, these codes are optimal for transmission channels that have noise of class A, because they lower in a very significant way the probability of error symbol on the receiver. Jorge Gomez, Yesica Beltran Gomez, Manuel Perez, Rafael Linero-Ramos and Luis Leonardo Camargo Ariza. 27 Colombia Ray-Tracing Algorithm for Wireless Channel Modeling in Indoor Environments Abstract: This work proposes a simulation algorithm for modeling a wireless channel in indoor environments, based on the two-dimensional ray tracing method that considers the effects of channel dispersion. The algorithm implemented in Matlab, allows to simulate scenarios of rectangular plants of different dimensions and with different types of walls into a building. The proposed algorithm was validated with analytical models and commercial software (Wireless Insite). To carry out the modeling, the dispersers, the dielectric characteristics of the materials, the frequency and the distance, among others, are taken into account; The effects of reflection, refraction and diffraction phenomena are also included to increase the accuracy of the prediction. The presented work proposes an algorithm to estimate the power received in a wireless channel for interiors that seek to perform the channel estimation. A simulation of a real scenario is obtained Cinthya M. Cevallos-Ludeña, Jack F. Bravo-Torres, Paúl E. Vintimilla-Tapia, Gabriel A. León-Paredes, Pablo 91 Chile L. Gallegos-Segovia and Esteban F. Ordóñez-Morales. Ecuadorian mass media on Twitter during the 30-S Abstract: Internet and the massive deployment of mobile and wireless communication systems and devices are generating new digital environments that are drastically changing the way in which social ideas and debates are produced, accessed and disseminated. Online social networks are becoming the virtual public spheres by which the social and political events of this network society are being debated. Given this new digital and technological context, many researchers are questioning the processes of dissemination of the information generated into these virtual social structures and the validity of the traditional models of media influence in these environments. In this paper, we present the results of an empirical analysis of the dissemination of information on Twitter produced by two large Ecuadorian newspapers: ``El Universo'' (private newspaper) and ``El Telégrafo'' (public newspaper) during events of police insubordination on 30th September 2010.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 38 TRACK 12 Session 29 S29 T12 Wed 30 Oct S29 T12 Internet of things IoT Session Chairs: Víctor Grimblatt, Jose´Mardones Room 5 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Nicolás López, Cesar Azurdia-Meza, Claudio Valencia and Samuel Montejo-Sanchez. On the performance 16:30 196 Chile of 6LoWPAN using TSCH/Orchestra mode against a jamming attack Abstract: The active jamming for disrupting legitimate transmissions is currently one of the most used techniques by attackers. These attacks are difficult to detect and have been little addressed in low power and lossy networks (LLN), for instance there are few simulations of scenarios that consider the presence of an attacker in LLNs. In this work it is simulated the presence of an attacker in an LLN with IPv6 over the Time- slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) mode of IEEE 802.15.4e and over the most recent Orchestra mode. The results show remarkable variations, in terms of Packet Data Rate (PDR) and energy efficiency, on the simulated scenarios when a malicious node is present, despite the Medium Access Control (MAC) mode used. For instance, the PDR shows a variation of 20% and the energy consumption 20% in the jamming scenario. Krzysztof Herman, Patricia Saez, Washington Fernandez, Leon Bravo and Carolina Sanhueza. Distributed 202 Chile Sensor Actuator Network for Antarctic Plants Studies Abstract: This paper describes some problems related to design and implementation of a custom sensor actuator network, which is going be applied in the Antarctic studies. The article draws an extensive biological context, describes the details of a biological experiment to be taken and addresses issues related with the environmental and logistics condition in the Antarctic area. The rest of the article describes the design process under certain constrains that originates form the specific methodology and specific place. The case study terminates with a detailed description of a prototype of a generic scalable sensor actuator network based on CAN protocol and results of temperature and humidity data acquisition using contact and contactless sensors. Fernando Palacios, Orlando Philco and Luis Córdova. ANALYZING AND IMPROVING QUALITY OF 48 Ecuador SENSING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK Abstract: Based on critical analysis, this paper presents an efficient Four Tier (4Tier) method which is comprised with following four phases: (i) clustering phase, (ii) sleep scheduling phase, (iii) coverage enhancement phase, and (iv) routing phase. In clustering phase, Neuro-Fuzzy based Affinity Propagation (NFAP) algorithm is involved to cluster sensor nodes in the network. Energy Efficient Sleep/Listen Scheduling (ESLS) algorithm is employed in sleep scheduling phase which results in enhanced energy efficiency. To overcome coverage problem in WSN, Hybrid Analytical Hierarchy Process (HAHP) is involved in third phase. Ricardo Pérez-Guzmán, Yamisleydi Salgueiro-Sicilia and Marco Rivera. Microgrid Power Sharing 55 Controller based on OFDM with QPSK and 64 QAM Chile Abstract: In recent years, the concept of a microgrid cluster has gained popularity and importance, due to increasing need off a complex, secure and efficient electrical network. Thise increase in complexity demands control strategies in real time, to ensure the proper functioning of the electrical system. In this research a new communication system is proposed for power sharing in a microgrid cluster. To this, two modulation technologies are used on OFDM and the results compared. The communications channel has been designed according to the characteristics of dispersion, attenuation and noise, which are found on the applied environment. The study is accomplished from a simulation model implemented in MATLAB. Rafael Nilson Rodrigues, Leonardo Santiago Benitez Pereira and Gabriel Antonio Massuyama. Protótipo de 11 Brazil Portal de Gerenciamento Energético (PGEN) para Instituições Públicas Abstract: This paper proposes the development of a low-cost prototype for monitoring the consumption of electricity in real-time based on ISO 50001 (Energy Management Systems) using communication with electronic meters of power distribution companies. Global energy consumption has risen drastically. In Brazil, although economic growth in recent years has been underwhelming, the growth rate of energy consumption has steadily risen. At the beginning of 2015 important adjustments were made to the energy tax. Within the state of Santa Catarinathe National Agency of Electrical Energy of Brazil (ANEEL) approved a readjustment of 43% on the bills of industrial customers of electricity. José Mardones, Lorenzo Reyes-Chamorro and Pablo Chandía. Smart City Ecosystem: model and preliminary 157 Chile results of its real-scale implementation Abstract: The Smart City concept considers the collaborative use of information among several actors of a city, such that quality of life of its inhabitants is improved. Several authors have defined a smart city proposing a systematization of actors, focus areas and interactions among them. In this paper, we first present

a review of the most commonly-used definitions of smart city. These visions are the base of the main proposal of this paper, a Smart City Ecosystem that, focused on the Chilean case, concretely defines layers of infrastructure, organization and coordination, services and entertaining. Luis Aravena-Muñoz and Diego Aracena Pizarro. Environmental monitoring and warning system at strategic 231 Chile points in the city. At present, air quality is a subject of worldwide studies, for this reason the design and implementation of an environmental monitoring and alert system is proposed, which collects information from the area in charge automatically and distributes it to a system which is responsible for carrying out the storage of the information, as well as activating alerts if necessary. The data capture nodes communicate through the ZigBee wireless network allowing information to flow to the MQTT server brokers, where the Application receives this information and data can be captured from the sensors that are on the nodes and study the scenario under control. For system calibration, system tests are performed, comparing it with a manual air quality prediction application. IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 39

TRACK 13 Session 15

S15 T13 Wed 30 Oct S15 T13 Others Topics Room 3

Hora Paper authors, title Country

Ever Diaz Cristaldo and Jorge Molina. Description of the data obtained with the CCD detectors of the 9:00 267 Paraguay CONNIE experiment (Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Interaction Experiment) Abstract: This paper describes the energy spectrum measured by the CCD (Charge-Coupled devices) detectors of the CONNIE experiment that looks for the Coherent Elastic Scattering process between Antineutrinos coming from a nuclear reactor and silicon nuclei. The background registered by the CCDs were studied with the GEANT4 toolkit, through the simulation of atmospheric muons and beta particles coming out from the lead used to shield the detectors. The amount of both contributions were estimated from data, with the result that the contribution of Beta particles is negligible in this case. 149 Yamisleydi Salgueiro Sicilia, Marco Rivera and Gonzalo Nápoles. Multiobjective Metaheuristics to the Chile Optimization of Microgrids Planning and Management Abstract: Microgrids are essentially an aggregation concept in low-voltage grids with a high penetration of renewable energy sources. During the last years, we observed a rise in the use of multi-objective metaheuristics in the optimization of microgrids' planning and operation. In this paper, we survey the technical elements of multi-objective metaheuristics, essential for the construction of robust solutions and often ignored by researchers. We identified the main problems of the multiobjective metaheuristics applications in the microgrids' planning and management, and provide explanatory comments and recommendations based on experimental studies and previous works. Additionally, we provide recommendations for comparisons between multi-objective metaheuristics. This work serves as a guide for researchers in the area and will allow obtaining increasingly robust solutions. 255 Alexi Delgado. An approach to analyse social development in South America by Shannon entropy theory Peru Abstract: In the world, the level of social development in a country is an important factor since it guarantees the improvement in the quality of life in its population. In our study, we will measure social development using both quantitative and qualitative variables to estimate the level of development of the countries in South America for the year of 2016, considering the variables of impact in this part of the region. The entropy-weight method, which is based on the Shannon entropy theory, was applied to obtain a ranking that shows the level of social development in the analyzed countries. The entropy-weight method was applied to calculate the weight of the criteria, and then the countries studied were classified according to the results of a weighted sum. In addition, in this work, an informative map of social development in the mentioned countries is presented, which varies in a scale of colors with the ranking data. The results of this study could help to governments to make the best decision on social developed of their countries. 117 Juan Manuel Jr. Calle Gómez. MECHANICAL SYSTEM FOR BRAILLE READING Peru Abstract: Blind people face several problems when it comes to access information. Their only way to do this is by using Braille script, which consists of an alphabet being represented by combination of six pierced dots. This makes learning process very difficult for people with visual disabilities, and that is why different Braille electronic devices have been created in order to support them, but the problem lies in the extremely high price they have, making it impossible for most of the population to acquire it. For this reason, in this paper will be explained the elaboration and operation of an electro mechanic refreshable Braille cell that will facilitate learning at a low cost. The operation of this prototype is based on sending clear information through a computer, which will activate the solenoids; these being the actuators of the system, will allow to activate some vertical pins that blind people can feel with their fingers and understand letters to read what is being transmitted. All this controlled by a simple Arduino code. Raul Carrasco. Climate change and sustainable life: Analysis of the negative environmental impact generated 128 Chile by organizations in Chile Abstract: This paper addresses the environmental impact generated by organizations in Chile and how companies collaborate with climate change and sustainable life. Under this context, the Government of Chile, through the National Council of Clean Production, and other government entities, have proposed the Clean Production Agreement as a solution to the generation of waste, instilling culture and awareness regarding the environment and its care. Exposing, how Chile has been in a constant commitment to society and the world.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 40 TRACK 13 Session 34 S34 T13 Thu 31 Oct S34 T13 Others Topics Session Chair: Rafael Álvarez Nuila Room 4 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Rafael Álvarez, César Echeverría, Marvín Fortín and Erick Blanco. Design of Device IoT Parameter Collector at El 9:00 107 Photovoltaic Panels Salvador Abstract: This paper describes the design and functioning by stages that compose the environmental and electric parameter recollecting device for research Purposes, energetic efficiency, that take place in the production of electric energy using a photovoltaic panel. The device has a local storage through an uSD memory card and remote cloud storage. The device is classified as an IoT device. The information can be accessed through a mobile app. It has temperature, UV rays, light, current, voltage and power sensors. A prototype of the device has been constructed and the results of this prototype are shown in a display and the electric variables were compared using a calibrated multimeter.

Leonardo Santiago Benitez Pereira and Rafael Nilson Rodrigues. Machine Learning aplicado à eficiência El 156 energética de consumidores de grande porte Salvador

Abstract: The use of electric energy is rapidly increasing, so it is essential that users improve their understanding of electric consumption, thus reducing waste and improper use. The present work uses Machine Learning techniques (specifically Linear Regression and Random Forest) to model the relationship between electricity consumption and climatic conditions within the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina (IFSC) and the Ministries Esplanade (headquarters of the Brazilian Executive, in Brasilia). Historical data of active power, ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure obtained from the database of the project PGEN. The results show that the model allows predicting the instantaneous energy consumption of the localities with an average error of 22.75% KW. The building of the Ministries Esplanade obtained the lower errors, and the campus Florianópolis obtained the bigger erros.

155 Leonardo Santiago Benitez Santiago and Rafael Nilson Rodrigues. Aplicação de Clustering na indústria Brazil mineradora: um estudo de caso

Abstract: The volume of data collected in the industry has grown rapidly in recent years, transforming into a challenge the task of analyzing this data. To identify patterns and improve industrial processes, several Artificial Intelligence techniques can be used, especially clustering methods. This work applies the technique of clustering in a mining process, performing a case study in a public database about a flotation process in an iron mining. The K-means algorithm was used, and it was able to identify a clear pattern about some of the input variables. Eduardo Adrian Ortigoza Moreno, Marco Quintana, Matías Ramírez, Richard Ríos, Victorio Oxilia and Gerardo 218 Blanco. Use of electric vehicles to achieve sustainable development goals in countries with surpluses of Paraguay : case of Paraguay Abstract: The motivation of the work is to explore a sustainable alternative of consumption of hydrocarbons in transport and analyze the impact of the insertion of electric vehicles in the national energy matrix, specifically private vehicles. This analysis was carried out by developing an integrated bottom-up energy model using the LEAP © (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System) software, focused on the particular transport sector. The measure adopted is based on the inclusion of electric vehicles in the Paraguayan automotive fleet, in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption by 20% in the private transport sector, thus helping to meet some of the objectives of the National Development Plan Paraguay 2030. Jimmy Gutierrez-Bahamondes, Yamisleydi Salgueiro Sicilia, Daniel Mora Melia, Marco A. Alsina Corvalan, 100 Sergio A. Silva and Pedro L. Iglesias-Rey. Evaluation of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Pump Chile Scheduling Problems Abstract: The shortage of drinking water is one of the biggest problems facing humanity today. The solution to this problem necessarily involves making optimal use of this resource starting from the pumping. Determine the water pumping regime that allows minimizing energy costs and maintenance to meet the demands of a city is a complicated optimization problem. One of the steps to solve this problem is to determine the multi-objective optimizer has better performance. The objective of this work is to provide a tool that allows the comparison of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) through the combination of the \emph{Epatoolkit} library of Epanet and the jMetal framework. For this, we develop the link between both tools. In this work, the use of tools in the comparison of the MOEAs NSGA-II, SPEA2, and SMPSO are validated to optimize the pumping regime in the Vanzyl, Baghmalek, and Anytown water distribution networks. The experimental results show that the combination of jMetal and \emph{Epanetolkit} from Epanet provide the ideal environment to perform these comparisons effectively. Allowing through the quality indicators Spread, Epsilon, and Hypervolume statistically validate the superiority/competitivity of one method. This new combination is of high potential for researchers in the area because it allows made decisions based on the problem studied characteristics.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 41 TRACK 14 Session 2 S2 T14 Tue 29 Oct Session 2 Track 14 Power Electronics Session Chair: Glen Farivar Room 2 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Alfredo Renault Lopez, Magno Ayala Silva, Julio Pacher, Leonardo Comparatore, Raul Gregor and Marco 14 :00 253 Paraguay Rivera. Analysis of H-Bridge STATCOM with Fault Phase Controlled by Modulated Predictive Current Control Abstract: This paper presents the model-based predictive current control (MPC) applied to a four-wire three- phase STATCOM based on the three-level H-Bridge converter. The main advantages of MPC are its simplicity, easy inclusion of restrictions and fast dynamic response. However, MPC uses a variable switching frequency and this causes a lot of current ripple and a high total harmonic distortion (THD). This article proposes a modulation

strategy, at a fixed switching frequency, in order to mitigate the propagation of the THD of the current injected in the point of common coupling (PCC). It is considered a critical operation of the STATCOM operating with a fault on one of the phases of the electrical network. Theoretical results based on simulations are provided to show the performance of the proposed control. Glen Farivar, Ezequiel Rodriguez, Hossein Dehghani Tafti, Christopher Townsend and Josep Pou. Modular 109 Singapore Switched Capacitor Application in Low Capacitance Static Compensator Abstract: A low capacitance cascaded H-bridge static compensator (StatCom) with additional switches on the dc- side is presented in this paper. The switching capability of the dc capacitors provides opportunities for choosing optimal semiconductor technology by distributing the losses between the dc-side switches and the main H-bridge

switches. Having additional switches on the dc-side helps to easily modularize the capacitors to control the ripple on the capacitors voltages. Simulation study on a 8.5 MVA StatCom system is used to confirm the viability of using modular switched capacitors in the low capacitance cascaded H-bridge StatCom systems. Sergio Toledo, Marco Rivera, Tomislav Dragicevic, Pat Wheeler, Raúl Gregor and David Caballero. Predictive 1 Chile Voltage Control of the Direct Matrix Converter applied to Grid Current Injection Abstract: Predictive control applied to direct matrix converter provide a feasible option to control the output voltage of a generation system with good performance. In this work a predictive voltage control strategy is proposed as the inner loop control of an outer PR current control strategy to inject controlled power to the main distribution grid from an AC generation system. The proposal shows good performance in terms of THD and desired current traking. Jose Luis Elizondo and Marco Rivera. Wind Energy Development and Technology in the World: A Brief 54 Chile Overview Abstract: A brief overview of wind energy 2018 market status with short- and long-term projections will be presented, as well as the wind turbine technologies and market share. Furthermore, clean energy goals from the governments of Denmark, Mexico and Chile will be mentioned, highlighting the world’s ongoing transition to a low emissions society. Alberto Duran, Matias Diaz, Efrain Ibaceta, Felix Rojas and Pat Wheeler. Direct Power Control of Modular 249 Chile Multilevel Matrix Converter for Flexible AC Transmission System Applications Abstract: The Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter (M3C) is an AC-AC converter suitable for high-power applications due to its characteristics such as modularity, redundancy, control flexibility and high power quality. However, complex control systems are needed when its ports operate at equal frequencies. Therefore, the application of the M3C in equal frequencies applications, such as Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), can be restricted. This paper presents a direct power control of an M3C for FACTS applications, including an enhanced control system to regulate the floating capacitor voltages, whereas the converter provides functions of FACTS. The effectiveness of the proposed control system is validated through simulations implemented in PLECS software. Efraín Ibaceta, Matíaz Díaz, Alberto Durán, Felix Rojas, Mauricio Espinoza and Andrés Mora. Vector Control of 250 Chile a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Variable-Speed Drive Applications Abstract: The Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter (M3C) has been proposed as an appropriate alternative for high-power machines due to characteristics such as modularity, medium-voltage operation, high power quality, reliability. Nevertheless, the control of M3C is complicated, especially in variable-speed applications, because large voltage oscillations can be produced in the floating capacitors. Therefore, this paper presents a vector control system that allows decoupled regulation of the floating capacitors of the M3C, whereas Field Oriented Control (FOC) is applied to regulate an induction machine. The proposed control strategy considers an enhanced start-up of the machine for different load conditions. Hugo Muñoz, Apparao Dekka and Ricardo Lizana. Voltage Balancing of 5 Level Modular Flying Capacitor 60 Chile Converter With a Carrier-Based Modulation Scheme Abstract: The 5-Level Modular Flying Capacitor (5L-MFC) converter is realized by connecting two three-level Flying Capacitor modules in series. In this paper, a simple voltage-balancing approach based on the carrier-based modulation scheme is proposed to achieve the internal capacitor voltage balance. The proposed approach uses the

redundancy switching states along with the current direction and the instantaneous value of the dc-bus capacitor voltage to achieve the voltage balancing in the 5L-MFC topology. The dynamic performance of the 5LMFC topology with the proposed voltage-balancing approach is presented.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 42

TRACK 14 Session 8 S8 T14 Tue 29 Oct Session 8 Track 14 Power Electronics Session Chair: Marco Rivera Room 2 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Ricardo Enrique Pérez Guzmán and Marco Rivera. Weighting Factor Design in Model Predictive Control for 16:30 262 Chile Power Converters Abstract: This research shows different alternatives to improve the cost function in model-based predictive control (MPC) in power converters. For this purpose, the procedure for adjusting the weight factors in the cost functions, all relevant elements and some application examples that demonstrate the influence of each term in the equation is presented. In addition, the cost functions are characterized and simulated to verify the effectiveness of the working method and the claims made in this investigation. Felipe Rojas, Carlos Baier, Roberto O. Ramirez, Manuel A. Diaz and Pedro Melin. Aplicación del Sistema 147 Chile Zynq 7000 en el Control de un Convertidor Boost Abstract: This work shows the implementation of a non-linear control and the modulation to regulate the voltage in a Boost converter, using a Chip System (SoC), specifically in the Zynq-7000 chip. The main objective of this work is to define a procedure for the implementation of control and modulation in converters

using the Zedboard development card. This card based on the Zynq-7000, consists of a processing system (PS) and a programmable logic system (PL), which allows the operation of a digital signal processor (DSP) next to an array of programmable doors ( FPGA) in a single integrated. Nicolas Rebolledo and Ricardo Lizana F. Extension Topologies for Modular Multilevel Series/Parallel 70 Chile Converter With Switched-Inductor Energy Transfer Between Modules Abstract: This paper presents three extension topologies for the modular multilevel series/parallel converter (MMSPC) with intermodule switched-inductor power transfer. The switched inductor voltage conversion feature allows controllable and efficient transfer of energy between modules with nonnegligible voltage difference, providing both step-down and step-up functionalities. Thus, this converter can accurately control

and rapidly adjust the voltage of each module to generate an ac output voltage waveform with a controllable number of levels, increasing the quality of the output. In this paper, is presented three novel configurations, in order to increase the flexibility and number of output voltage levels to the standard MMSPC with intermodule switched-inductor power transfer topology. Luis Ramon Merchan Villalba, Jose Merced Lozano García, Alejandro Pizano Martínez, Xiomara Gonzáles 106 Ramírez, Hector Javier Estrada García and Enrique Arnoldo Zamora Cárdenas. Static Synchronous Mexico Compensator based on the Matrix Converter Abstract: In this paper, a Static Synchronous Compensator based on the direct Matrix Converter (MC- STATCOM) is proposed for reactive power compensation. The MC-STATCOM allows to eliminate the energy storage device utilized in conventional STATCOM topologies, besides improving some of its operational characteristics. This device is controlled through a linear control strategy in order to ensure its stability and dynamic response. Jordan Salgado, Félix Rojas, Javier Pereda, Matías Díaz and Gustavo Gatica. Control lineal aplicado a un 236 Chile convertidor DC/DC bidireccional no aislado con técnica Interleave alimentado por fuentes variables Abstract: Currently managing large power flows in DC has become a fundamental issue, in this area the DC / DC converters play a very important role, so techniques such as Interleave have taken relevance as they allow to increase the power that They manipulate these converters by connecting multiple sub-converters in parallel. However, for this technique to be applied, a control system that is capable of balancing the currents by sub- converters is necessary. In addition, when these converters operate with DC links that are variable over time,

such as electric batteries, using linear control techniques becomes complex because the transfer functions, or plants, that describe the dynamics of the converter change. In this article, a linear control strategy is presented, applied to a Synchronous Buck converter, which allows N converters to operate in parallel, operating in Interleave mode, balancing the currents in each of the sub-converters and maintaining its dynamic response invariant over a wide range of operation, even when your DC links vary. 184 Sebastian Rojas and Marco Rivera. Control Techniques for a Single-Phase Matrix Converter Chile Abstract: The direct single-phase matrix converter (SPMC) is a topology composed only of switches. This feature makes it extremely important to have complete control of the six bidirectional switches that make up it. This is why this article presents a comparison between two control techniques. A classic, composed of a

pulse width modulator (PWM) that together with proportional-integral-derivative control module (PID) make up the closed loop linear controller. Then, a modern technique known as Finite State Predictive Control (FCS- MPC) is presented, which is based on the composite circuit model between the load and the converter

240 Jorge Saavedra-Pinto, Carlos R. Baier, Manuel Diaz-Bustos, Eduardo Espinosa and Pedro Melin. Control Chile Predictivo de un Convertidor Monofásico Fuente Trans-Z Abstract: This work proposes a direct predictive control applied to a single-phase Trans - Z source converter or SP-TZSI for its acronym in English. The characteristics of this impedance source topology based on a magnetic coupling on the DC side, makes it an attractive alternative mainly in renewable energy applications. One of the advantages of this topology is its reduced impedance network, capable of working with a lower voltage stress on the H-bridge compared to its predecessor topologies.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 43

TRACK 14 Session 14

S14 T14 Wed 30 Oct S14 T14 Power Electronics Session Chair: Fabian Diaz Room 2 Hora Paper Authors, title Country 9 :00 3 Ricardo Pérez-Guzmán and Marco Rivera. Predictive Control Strategies in Power Converters Chile Abstract: Model-based predictive control (MPC) is an attractive solution for controlling power converters. In this article the most recent investigations related to predictive control are addressed and the solutions proposed by the researchers are shown, illustrating also the effectiveness and flexibility of this control technique. In addition,

the classification of the most important types of predictive control is introduced and each of them is explained, including some application examples. Predictive control has several advantages that make it suitable for the control of power converters and drives.

61 Fabián Díaz, Marco Rivera and Héctor Chávez. Present and Future of the Chilean Electrical Grid Chile

Abstract: Nowadays, the electric sector in Chile demands new technological advancements. This paper presents a description of the current reality of the Chilean electricity sector and its future. The vision and its advancements in Chile are matter of observation to develop a clearer picture for maintaining and increasing the penetration of renewables towards global decarbonification and climate change mitigation. Matias Malhue, Matias Diaz, Felix Rojas, Enrique Espina and Roberto Cardenas. A Parallel Fast Delayed Signal 251 Chile Cancellation PLL for Unbalanced and Distorted Grid Applications Abstract: Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) are a recognised alternative to detect grid frequency and phase angle, which allow grid synchronisation of distributed generation units. Nevertheless, frequency and phase angle estimation becomes complex in microgrid applications where unbalanced and distorted voltages are frequent. In this context, this paper presents a novel PLL structure for unbalanced and distorted grids. The proposed PLL is

based on a parallel Fast Delayed Signal Cancellation (FDSC) structure. Several FDSC are connected in parallel to identify and eliminate different harmonics, allowing a fast and efficient fundamental frequency and phase angle estimation. Simulations results are presented to test the performance of the proposed PLL under severe imbalances and harmonics

254 Fabian Diaz and Marco Rivera. Architectures for Microgrids Interconnection Chile

Abstract: This paper presents a description of the current technologies for microgrids interconnection, with a global review of the actual topologies and the last control strategies for the interconnection. The relevance of

high-voltage direct current (HVDC) electric power transmission on microgrids interconnection and some examples of this area in the electrical market are also analysed. Rodrigo Aliaga, Javier Muñoz, Diego Rojas, Ariel Villalon, José Troncoso and Patricio Gaisse. Predictive 188 Chile Control of a Buck Converter for Photovoltaic Energy : An Experimental Implementation Abstract: Predictive control has emerged as a feasible alternative for the control of power converters for photovoltaic applications. In this work, a predictive control scheme is proposed to control a Buck converter that works attached to a and to a energy storage system. The predictive control is used to control the current using the reference from the perturb and observe algorithm to assure the photovoltaic system is

working on the maximum power point. To prove the proposed control scheme, simulation and experimental results are obtained. The results show clearly that the predictive control scheme applied to the buck converter is able to track the reference current coming from the pertub and observe algorithm in order to make the photovoltaic system work efficiently.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 44 ATRACK 14 Session 20

S20 T14 Wed 30 Oct S20 T14 Power Electronics Session Chair: Eduardo Espinosa Room 2 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Dhanasekar Ravikumar, Ganesh Kumar Srinivasan and Marco Rivera. Improved Speed Control of BLDC Motor 14:00 103 using Luo converter By Sliding Mode Control India Abstract: The classical buck converter for BLDC motor applications do not meet the load requirement containing more ripples on the output voltage and parasitic effects. In order to overcome this effect, the additional filter elements are added in the Luo-converter to eliminate the output ripples and effectively enhance the output voltage level. The output stage of the Luo converter is comprised of an inductor and capacitor so it naturally acts as filter.

The output stage stores and delivers energy to the load and smoothens the output voltage to produce a constant output voltage. The Luo Converter acts as both buck and boost converter by varying the duty cycle. Thus this Luo Converter is used for the proposed BLDC Motor Drive. The Sliding Mode Controller is used to make the speed of the System constant in a small amount of time. Vijayaraja L, Ganesh Kumar S, Ganesh B, Murugan N, Nallaswamy M, Rajkumar K and M Rivera. Implementation 108 India of Twenty seven level and Fifty one level Inverter using constant voltage sources Abstract: A inverter to produce more output voltage levels using constant voltage sources fed to a resistive-inductive load is presented. Cascaded multilevel inverter structure is modeled and studied for various levels of voltages by implementing proper turn on and turn off states. Simulation for fifty one level inverter design structure is carried out using MATrix LABoratory and percentage of harmonic content in the load voltage is examined. Further, real time development of twenty seven level cascaded inverter structures is implemented and the results are obtained using digital storage oscilloscope. A 15V, 500mA transformers are used to step down the voltage from 230V to 15V and further rectifiers are used to convert AC to DC voltage and used as source for multilevel inverter structure and field programmable gated array. Rodrigo Aliaga, Diego Rojas, Javier Muñoz and Ariel Villalon. Modified dq Transform Control for Three Single- 125 Chile Phase Inverters under Unbalanced Conditions. Abstract: Unbalanced conditions are widely present in the power systems and microgrids. Inverters are essential to convert DC current into AC current. These power converters, to work properly, have to be controlled, even under these unbalanced conditions. In this paper a new control strategy is proposed for three single-phase inverters connected to a RL load under unbalanced conditions. The proposed strategy takes the classical strategy and add constants to the Park transform. Thus, it is possible to control the currents to obtain proper waveforms for the currents. The proposed technique is proved using simulations and obtaining experimental results implementing experimental setups. 174 Ramon Gutierrez and Marco Rivera. The Voltage Source Inverter Chile Abstract: As to answer the need to convert DC power into AC to inject it into the grid, inverters are commonly used. Among all their types, this document discloses the Voltage Source Inverter. On this paper it will be discussed its topology, mathematical model, switching states and the characteristic curves of the inverter. Moreover, the authors will analyze the concept of dead time, aiming to understand how to correctly start a VSI without damaging its components. 2 Ricardo Perez, Marco Rivera and Nicolas Vicencio. Model Predictive Control in Three-Phase Inverters Chile Abstract: Model-based predictive control (MPC) is a recent alternative to improve the quality of the output in power converters. In this research, predictive current control is implemented in a voltage source inverter, operating at a variable switching frequency and at fixed switching frequency. Experimental results allowed to verify the effectiveness of the predictive controller, as well as the advantages of the commutation strategies at variable frequency and to fixed frequency. Values such as the percentage of total harmonic distortion (THD) and the absolute error of current allow to demonstrate the superiority of the strategies at fixed frequency in comparison with the classical control. 139 Eduardo Espinosa, Pedro Melin, Jose Espinoza, Carlos Baier, Javier Muñoz, Marco Rivera, Galina Mirzaeva and Chile Raul Gregor. FCS – MPC and Feedback Quantizer applied to a Multi-Cell AFE Rectifier Abstract: Finite Control Set – Model Predictive is a control scheme widely used in power converters. The advantages of this control are (i) the nonlinearities and constraints of the operation of the converter, (ii) the natural discrete operation of power converters, and (iii) rapid response to changes in references or disturbances. On the other hand, one drawback in the Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control is: non-fixed switching frequency,

which results in a dispersed harmonic spectrum, generating resonance or saturation in transformers. In this paper, the Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control is complemented with Feedback Quantizer, to improve the harmonic spectrum of input current and PWM voltage of the power cell in a Multi-Cell AFE Rectifier. Simulation results confirm the validity of the proposal.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 45 TRACK 14 Session 32

S32 T14 Thu 31 Oct S32 T14 Power Electronics Session Chair: Marco Rivera Room 2 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Marcos Andreu, Diego Zuñiga, Jaime Rohten, Ernesto Rubio, Fernando Pereira and Manuel Oviedo. Nonlinear 9 :00 203 Feedback Control in a Back-to-Back Topology under Distorted Grid Voltage Chile Abstract: Control of power converter is being widely studied to properly manage the variables and convert the energy to reach the settled goals. Particularly, the insertion of renewable energies on the ac mains have focused the attention of researchers to applied suitable control methods to inject power to the grid. In this document, a nonlinear control strategy for a power converter is presented. The back-to-back topology allows decoupling grids by using a dc link between them. The energy transference and the power quality have to be controlled. Thus, primary controllers have to design to meet certain values. Loads sensitive to voltage variations need to be handled correctly. The proposal is tested by simulation, and the results validate the proposal. Fernando Herrera, Javier Pereda and Pablo Bravo. Wave Energy Conversion: Overview and Control of a 219 Chile Permanent Magnet Linear Generator Abstract: Renewable energies are growing fastly worldwide, especially solar and wind generation. However, the diversification of power sources is key to have more stable and resilient power systems. Marine energy has one of the highest potentials and most of the world population is near the sea. Wave energy is one of the most promising forms of marine energy, which is achieving commercial viability with bigger projects and more mature designs. However, the environment hostility and difficult access are still one of the main limitations of this technology. This paper presents the state-of-the-art of wave energy conversion (WEC), the power to take off (PTO) devices, and the specific challenges of the converters and generator drives. Finally, a field oriented control (FOC) with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is proposed for a linear permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The simulation results show the proper control and the specific characteristics of these types of generation. Edgar Maqueda, Sergio Toledo, David Caballero, Federico Gavilán, C Romero, Raúl Gregor and Marco Rivera. 263 Paraguay An Assessment of Parallel connected Silicon Carbide based Electronic Switches Abstract: For the purpose of detecting any problems of parallel operation of SiC-MOSFET, the switching waveforms of current of each device and the sum of each were observed in detail. The board of the SiC-MOSFET bidirectional switch was utilized by changing the connection from series to parallel of the two SiC-MOSFETs. Source current of the parallel SiC-MOSFET with separate gate driver, drain current of that with separate gate

driver, and drain current of that with single gate driver were examined. Even though two heat sinks were separated and switching frequency was 156 kHz, the temperature of the two SiC-MOSFET was 36°C in ambient temperature of 25°C exhibiting excellent thermal stability. Switching waveforms of drain current of the parallel SiC-MOSFET with single gate driver gave the best results. Carlos Cerda, Félix Rojas, Cristian Pineda, Javier Pereda, Matías Díaz, Jordan Salgado, Gabriel Droguett, Darío 234 Chile Valdés and Gustavo Gatica. Inductor design for a High performance DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter Abstract: Lately, high-power DC/DC converters have been reported to directly transform DC to DC voltage at the high and medium voltage range, such as Modular Multilevel DC/DC converters and Dual Active Bridges (DABs). However, one of its main limitations for a proper performance and high efficiency are passive elements, especially inductors. A high-frequency inductor for high power applications, is a key element to achieve high efficiency and high performance in such type of converters. In this paper, a simple method for the design of a high-frequency and high-power inductor is presented. The theoretical design of the inductor is compared with an experimental prototype, which is then implemented in a high-power DC/DC converter. Experimental results validate the accuracy of the theoretical design and the improvements on the efficiency on the overall DC/DC high power converter.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 46

TRACK 14 Session 38

S38 T14 Thu 31 Oct S38 T14 Power Electronics Session Chair: Ricardo Pérez Guzmán Room 2 Hora Paper Authors, title Country James Arredondo Mamani. Bidirectional Series Resonant DC – DC for Aplications of Energy Solar 11:30 42 Photovoltaic Non Isolated Peru Abstract: This paper, analyze a DC DC resonant series converter, composed of two complete bridges. This type of converters, has a variety of applications, especially in renewable energy sources, this for its high efficiency and low loss in switching. Therefore, an analysis of its equivalent circuit of the converter is made

using the analysis of the Fourier series, with which using the concept of average current, it is shown that the current flow depends only on the phase difference between these bridge bridges. The circuit is then dimensioned for a power of 500 W and the converter circuit is simulated in PSIM Ricardo Pérez-Guzmán, Marco Rivera, Felipe Herrera and Jose Riveros. Implementation of Predictive 7 Chile Control in a Three-Phase Neutral Point Clamped Inverter Abstract: In recent years, multilevel converters have established themselves as an efficient technology for the conversion of medium and high power. This research presents a NPC multilevel inverter topology, using two control strategies: classical predictive control and fixed frequency predictive control. Huber Nieto-Chaupis. Fourier-Bessel Shapes in Output Photocurrents and Frequency Chirping Effects from 172 Peru Laser Fields Abstract: We derive in concrete the electric field through the usage of the Fourier-Bessel series that appear from the complex exponential in the most fundamental representation of an electric field emitted by an optical source and resulting in the explicit apparition of modes that encompasses the field dynamics in a vertical cavity. This artificial mathematical methodology has as an advantage the explicit exhibition of harmonics that is perceived as an inherent effect of the shirp phenomenon. Power spectrum encompasses to some extent the morphology of the one measured in lab. Rodrigo Aliaga, Diego Rojas, Javier Muñoz and Ariel Villalon. Modified dq Transform Control for Three 125 Chile Single-Phase Inverters under Unbalanced Conditions. Abstract: Unbalanced conditions are widely present in the power systems and microgrids. Inverters are essential to convert DC current into AC current. These power converters, to work properly, have to be controlled, even under these unbalanced conditions. In this paper a new control strategy is proposed for three single-phase inverters connected to a RL load under unbalanced conditions. The proposed strategy takes the classical strategy and add constants to the Park transform. Thus, it is possible to control the currents to obtain proper waveforms for the currents. The proposed technique is proved using simulations and obtaining experimental results implementing experimental setups.

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TRACK 15 Session 39

S39 T15 Thu 31 Oct S39 T15 Production and Industry Session Chair: Claudia Durán Room 3 Hora Paper Authors, title Country 9:00 215 Raul Carrasco. Identificación de factores críticos de estrés hídrico que impactan la gran minería Chile Abstract: Planning water resources given the climatic conditions of recent years requires complex decisions, with the existing water shortage, alternatives that allow it to continue to be produced in the industry and the consumption of urban and rural drinking water are limited. Seawater desalination is a high investment technology option that can be used in agricultural crops, mining and other companies. In the investigation, water consumption in the regions of Chile is studied and the case of the mining industry is presented. Claudia Durán, María Carolina Parodi, Felisa Córdova and Fredi Palominos. Comparison of models and tools for 119 Chile the prediction of trace metals of farming soils Abstract: Having soils that meet international standards, where fertilizers have an adequate concentration of copper that do not degrade the soil, is very important for farming. In this context, reliable and quality information is needed to support decision-making on environmental risk issues, such as land use change, reduced fertilizer use time, the choice of those with fewer trace elements such as copper etc. For this reason, in very important software simulation

that allows to estimate the effect of fertilizers on the concentration of traces in the future. Currently, it is possible to use Hydrus 1-D, which is a free access and internationally used software, which however is difficult to handle data and of high mathematical complexity. This research proposes to alternatively use a model implemented in Matlab, which performs functions equivalent to Hydrus 1-D, but with a soil database with a single screen input. Rosalba Guerrero Aslla, Jose Dario Calderon Ortiz and Maria Esther Roncal Moscol. Identification of iron 182 sulphides in gray iron produced in cubicle furnaces and their impact on mechanical properties Peru Abstract: The purpose of this work is to verify the presence of iron sulfides in gray laminar castings manufactured in a cubicle furnace using high sulfur anthracite as fuel, and to evaluate their impact on mechanical properties. In this work, 04 samples of foundries, 03 of high sulphur -above the standard for these materials- and one of low sulphur have been evaluated. The microstructural examination and analysis by scanning electron microscopy and EDAX microprobe, indicated abundant presence of inclusions of manganese sulphides, associated with these, iron, and mixed sulphides, of iron and manganese, in all samples, including low sulphur.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 48 TRACK 16 Session 6 S6 T16 Tue 29 Oct Session 6 T16 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Vision Session Chair : Gustavo Schleyer Room 6 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Roman Osorio-Comparan, Edgar De Jesus Vazquez, Ismael Lopez-Juarez, Gaston Lefranc, Mario Peña-Cabrera, 16:30 130 Mexico Roberto Tovar, Hector Kaschel and Cristian Ahumada. Vision System for a Kuka KR-5 Industrial Manipulator Abstract: In this article, we present the design of a vision system to take objects without previous knowledge. It is considered that these objects do not have a certain position. The manipulation will be carried out by an industrial robot Kuka KR 5, which does not have a vision system, so a Microsoft Kinect camera is used, as well as the PCA

(Principal Component Analysis) algorithm to estimate the position and orientation of the objects within the robot’s workspace. Among the tasks to be developed is the communication between the camera and the manipulator, the integration of additional components such as; ROS (Robot Operating System), Open CV, Solidworks and Matab Gustavo Schleyer and Andrew Russell. Classification of Exogenous Anomalies and Self-Diagnosis in Autonomous 98 Robots Chile Abstract: This paper presents methods for the autonomous identification and classification of disturbances that have negative effects on a robot’s performance. The proposed methods have been implemented in a walking hexapod robot provided with a number of sensors. Both, the robot’s sensorial information and a quantitative measure of the robot’s performance are obtained. This information is used for detecting, identifying and classifying obstructive

conditions that have a strong impact on the robot’s performance. Once the cause of a lack of progress in the robot’s mission has been identified, suitable compensatory actions are found, executed and recorded. Then, when previously experienced detrimental situations arise, the associated compensatory measures are immediately taken without involving a searching process. Carlos Mariscal, Roman Osorio-Comparán, Ismael López-Juárez and Gaston Lefranc. Architecture of a Rover and 131 Mexico its Navigation System Based on Artificial Vision Abstract: Purpose of this work is to present the design of a Rover and its autonomous navigation system based in the Stereo-LSD SLAM algorithm for reconstruction of 3D environments using solely artificial vision and its implementation in the rover type mobile robot for lunar surface exploration named Dereumbot. Other objectives of this work are to describe the systems architecture of such rover and its performance in significant tests, such as NASA competitions and analogue simulations. Edward Andrés González Ríos, Jose Andrés Chaves Osorio and Juan Bernardo Gómez Mendoza. Two GBFS 13 Colombia working cooperatively to get a shortest path Abstract: Abstract— This paper is carried out in order to verify if the mplementation of the concept of cooperative work between two gents, that use path planners A* to obtain the shortest path (previous work of the authors) is also valid when the cooperation trategy is applied using another path planner such as the socalled GBFS (Greedy Best First Search). In this sense, this paper hows a path planning strategy that combines the capabilities of two Agents each one with its own path planner GBFS (slightly different from each other) in order to obtain the shortest path. The comparisons between paths are made by analyzing the behavior and results obtained from the Agents operating in different forms: (1) Working Individually; (2) Working as a team (cooperating and exchanging information). The results show that n all analyzed situations are obtained shortest traveled distances hen the path planners work as a cooperative team. Mario Peña, Luis Amezquita, Victor Lomas, Roman Osorio and Gaston Lefranc. Visión Artificial en Sistema 140 Mexico Embebido para Reconocimiento de Piezas Rígidas Abstract: in a research area and technological development known as “Robotics hardware and driving software. " The article shows how it can be implemented a novel method based on the integration of an algorithm of recognition and location for rigid forms based on the methodology of the “Boundary Object Function BOF” [Peña 2005] in an embedded electronic device of the RaspBerry Pi 3.En type the method used, the electronic system acquires the image, the condition and process to be converted to binary image used by the BOF algorithm implemented in hardware. Experimental results within a cell area of manufacturing were made with the implementation of method.The result of the integration of algorithms of recognition and location of rigid manufacturing parts in embedded electronic systems, shows the possibility of use them in manufacturing applications with requirements of processing speed and concurrent processes of this way, a robot learns online and identifies objects that are relatives in their tasks. The technological proposal presented for invariant object recognition based on the algorithm BOF implemented in an embedded system calculates the contour of rigid parts Federico Peralta, Mario Arzamendia, Derlis Gregor, Kevin Cikel and Maira Santacruz. Development of a Simulator 52 Paraguay for the Study of Path Planning of An Autonomous Surface Vehicle in Lake Environments Abstract: . This work presents the development of a simulator for an autonomous surface vehicle after evaluating two possible frameworks that could act as a base platform, the Robotarium and the Matlab robotics toolbox with the robotics operating system.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 49 TRACK 16 Session 12 S12 T14 Tue 29 Oct Session 12 T16 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Vision Session Chair : Román Osorio Room 6 Hora Paper Authors, title Country Daniel Flores V., Ricardo Ñanculef, Carlos Valle, Maria Paz Dominguez and Mauricio Osses. Forecasting 16:30 245 Chile Ozone Pollution using Recurrent Neural Nets and Multiple Quantile Regression Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the use of deep recurrent neural nets to forecast ground-level ozone concentrations at Santiago (Chile), one of the most polluted cities in South America. We found that the accuracy of these models at predicting peaks of the ozone concentration is often lower than expected, which limits their practical usage as tools to anticipate critical pollution events. To address this issue, we propose a multitask learning criterion in which the model is not only trained to predict the expected value at next time step but multiple quantiles of the response distribution. Experiments on real data illustrate the advantages and drawbacks of the proposed approach. Joshua Triana, Alexander Redondo and Victor Bucheli. Analysis of Complex Networks in Optimization 41 Colombia Algorithms Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the relationship between complex networks and optimization algorithms. We investigate the genetic algorithms focus on the relationship of the individuals in each iteration

and how the network emerge. We model how the complex network connected component property seems to have relationship with fitness quality in the Imperialist competitive algorithm. Erid Pacheco, Ariel Guerrero and Mario Arzamendia. Sensor fusion to estimate the orientation of an scale 59 Paraguay autonomous vehicle using the Kalman filter Abstract: The fusion of sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer) was carried out in order to obtain accurate estimates of the orientation for the correct navigation of the an scale electric vehicle which was used in a competition. Calibration methods were implemented (for the accelerometer and gyroscope) with a practical approach, so that it can be implemented before the start of the race in real time. The Kalman filter was simulated to determine the influence of the variation of the parameters that intervene in the Kalman filter equations. The response of the instrumentation to the disturbances was improved, which leads to an adequate estimation of the orientation. Gabriel Diaz, Daniel Montecinos, Orietta Nicolis and Billy Mark Peralta Marquez. Predicción de la Velocidad 238 Chile de Vehículos de Carga utilizando Redes Neuronales Recurrentes en Zonas Densas de Santiago de Chile Abstract: The prediction of loading vehicle speeds is a growing and important task since in an ideal transport system drivers could make optimal decisions about the route to follow. An alternative to effect predicting vehicle speeds is using self-regressive models or statistical models, on the other hand, given the widespread success of modern neural networks, we believe it is feasible to have high prediction quality using this type of model. In this work, we propose the use of recurrent deep neural networks adapted to multiple inputs of a

temporary nature for the prediction of speeds, in particular, three models of neural networks are proposed for the prediction of speeds in dense areas of the city of Santiago de Chile In addition, multiple metrics are reported to assess the quality of the models. Experiments show that one of the models proposed under a configuration of consistent inputs and using the information from the previous 7 days obtains consistent improvements over the other two models proposed. Nicolas Esquivel, Billy Mark Peralta Marquez and Orietta Nicolis. Predicción del Nivel de Crimen usando 224 Chile Mapas Acoplados con Redes Neuronales Autocodificadoras Convolucionales Abstract: In this paper, an analysis of data by means of PCA, visualization of correlations and finally the application of the proposed model for the prediction of crime within the city of Chicago is reported, reporting multiple metrics to evaluate the quality of the proposed network. Chicago is called one of the most dangerous cities in the United States and the data stored by the police is released on its page, this information being free

to use to analyze and predict crime, within the prediction of crime statistical spatial models have been used and analysis with criminology. The use of deep neural networks we believe that it is feasible to use these types of models to make a high quality prediction. We propose a convolutional deep neural network autocoding adapted to multiple inputs of a temporary nature for the prediction of crime on a particular day. João Marcelino Pacheco Neto and Otavio Noura Teixeira. Recognition Of Patterns In Images Of Triatomyne 223 Brazil (Vectors Of Chagas Disease) Using Aritical Neural Networks With Algorithm Backpropagation Abstract: Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis is one of the consequences of the human infection caused by the flagellate protozoan called Trypanosoma cruzi transmitted by triatomines. In the Lower Tocantins region of the state of Pará three genera of barbers transmitting the disease are found. This work aimed to implement a Model of Recognition and Classification of Images of barbers found in the Lower Tocantins region in order to recognize the genus of the insect through the use of Artificial Neural Networks Perceptron Multi-layered and performing training with Backpropagation algorithm, helping to identify the transmitters. In the middle of this recognition, the Digital Image Processing is performed to extract important Huber Nieto-Chaupis. Improving Signal Efficiencies with the Mitchell’s Criterion at Future Colliders in the 166 Searching of New Particles Peru Abstract: In this paper we present one application of the Mitchell’s criteria to extract efficiently beyond Standard Model signal events yielding an error of order of 1.22%. The searching and identification of new particles, requires to reach highest efficiencies and purities as well. It demands to apply a chain of cuts that reject the background substantially. In most cases the processes to extract signal from the background is carried out by hand with some assistance of well designed and intelligent codes.

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TRACK 16 Session 36 S36 T16 Thu 31 Oct S36 12 T16 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Vision Session Chair: Marcela Jamett Room 6 Hora Paper authors, title Country Diego Palacios, Derlis Gregor, Mario Arzamendia, Kevin Cikel and Maira Santacruz. Determination of a 9 :00 39 computational parameter of quantitative production of crops in hydroponic greenhouses through digital image Paraguay processing Abstract: The objective of this paper is to determine a computational parameter of hydroponics production through digital image processing and neural networks. A series of computational processes are performed in order to calculate the total pixel area of the tomatoes displayed, and to obtain a quantitative indicator of hydroponic crop production. It was possible to identify, at the pixel level, objectives belonging to hydroponic tomatoes with an error rate of 1.07%, and based on that, an indicator of quantitative production was obtained through computational vision.

Fernando Morales and Marcela Jamett. Explosive detection system based on Leddar sensor and Self-Organizing 216 Maps in mining environments Chile

Abstract: An explosives detection / identification system is presented to be used by a humanoid robot that must manipulate them, using a Leddar sensor and a SOM (Self-Organizing Map) network as data acquisition and processing tools, respectively. By creating a sensor / PC interface, a database with 16 distance measurements is created for each sample.These samples were of 2 kinds: explosives (object of detection, cylindrical) and a test object (rectangular).In total, the SOM network was trained with 100 vectors of 16 distances, achieving the separation of the 2 clusters, which is evidenced in the validation where 100\% of the samples of the “explosive” pattern are grouped to the upper right side of the neurons output.

Alonso Rodríguez, Alexis Diomedi, Jorge Portilla, Hugo Garcés and Gonzalo Carvajal. Clasificacion del Estado 233 Brazil de Emisión de Hollín de una Llama Mediante Metodos de Aprendizaje de Máquinas

Abstract: This paper presents the results of an approach based on machine learning techniques for determining the status of a flame with respect to its smoke point, which corresponds to the critical point of fuel intake at which it begins to emit soot from its combustion incomplete The use of Support Vector Machine, combined with dimensionality reduction techniques (Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis), as well as the use of Convolutional Neural Networks are evaluated. The classifiers described in this work were constructed

in reference to data labeled based on Line-Of-Sight Attenuation (LOSA) measurements that represent a ground- thruth. In addition, data augmentation techniques are applied to the original data to increase the degree of generalization of the classifiers to new examples, obtaining results comparable to those existing in the literature. Additionally, the inference time characterization is performed for each of the proposed models, with encouraging results for future work of implementing real-time classification systems.

Tomas Sepulveda, Orietta Nicolis and Billy Mark Peralta Marquez. Prediccion de Contaminacion y Eventos 222 Chile Criticos en Santiago de Chile basada en Concentracion PM2.5 usando Redes Neuronales Recurrentes

Abstract: Currently in society, air pollution is a matter of high importance because of its harmful effects on human health and the environment. Among the various air pollutants present in Santiago, Chile, PM2.5 particulate material is relevant because in high concentrations it can damage the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the human body, which can trigger respiratory, vascular or even lung cancer problems in the people. Currently studies on the prediction of concentration of this material are typically based on statistical methods or classical neural networks. We propose to carry out the concentration and critical events PM2.5 in Santiago de Chile through the use of recurring LSTM and GRU networks comparing the performance of each network using different data sets and

evaluation metrics considering the prediction of pollution level by hours . This document describes the experiments carried out in addition to emphasizing the preprocessing of the data, which is key to obtaining significant results. The experimental results for this investigation show that the performance of the GRU network exceeds is positioned slightly higher compared to the LSTM network, reaching a coefficient of determination greater than 0.95 in an independent set of tests, while the threshold prediction in Both networks exceed 0.99 in the same test set. As future work, we propose the use of neural networks based on attention as well as extending this work to continuous prediction throughout Santiago.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 51 TRACK 17 Session 18 S18 T17 Wed 30 Oct S18 T17 Signal and Image Processing Session Chair: Room 6 Hora Paper Authors, title Country 9:00 183 Carlos Loza. Robust Variants of Dictionary Learning Exploiting M-Estimators Ecuador Abstract: We propose a robust alternative the well known dictionary learning technique K-SVD. Specifically, we exploit the theory behind M-Estimators to incorporate robustness into the sparse coding stage of K-SVD, and hence, decrease the estimation bias that might be introduced when outliers are present. Five different M- Estimators are introduced alongside their optimal hyperparameters in order to avoid parameter tuning by the user.

In this way, the proposed framework has the same number of free parameters as K-SVD with the added feature of robustness and improved performance in non–Gaussian environments. We thoroughly demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithms via recovery of generating dictionaries for synthetic data and image denoising under two types of non–homogenous noise—salt and pepper noise, and impulsive noise. Enrique San Juan, Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi, Pablo Adasme, Ismael Soto and Lucio Cañete. Spanish Syllables 16 Chile Recognition by Wavelet and Cross Covariance

Abstract: This paper shows the recognition of syllables through the using of Wavelet Transform and statistical tools such as cross covariance and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The considered syllables in this work are Consonant-Vowel (CV) and Vowel-Consonant (VC) given that they constitute 60% of those present in the Spanish language. The signals of the syllables are processed through a focused analysis with the application of

time windows (segmentation the syllables in their respective phonemes) to later perform a multi-resolution analysis using the Wavelet Transform. For the recognition of the CV or VC structure, the cross covariance and the Pearson correlation coefficient are used. The results shows the performance of proposed method in comparison with other methods.

33 Sam Jeong, Paula Garcia and Cinthia Itiki. On the Effects of Feature Selection in Atrial Fibrillation Detection Brazil

Abstract: Atrial fibrillation is the most prevalent cardiac arrhythmia, and its automatic detection is an important task. In this research, segments that presented atrial fibrillation were separated from segments with normal sinus rhythm. Dozens of parameters were computed from RR intervals, and each one of them was separately used as input to linear classifiers. Then, the ten parameters that provided the highest accuracies—maximum over minimum ratio; median of the absolute deviation; sum of the magnitude of spectral components divided by the mean RR interval; mean value of the absolute angles and mean value of the sines in Poincaré plots; standard deviation of the differences between consecutive RR intervals; sample, fuzzy and Shannon entropies; and coefficient of sample entropy—were standardized and presented as inputs to a support vector machine. Accuracy rates of up to 99.81% were attained. Fernando Estrada, Johny Montaña and Roger Schurch. Design and construction of a lightning counter for metallic 58 Chile structures to register the maximum value of the current

Abstract: The aim of this study is to measure the current peak value of a lightning that impact metallic structures. In this paper, the design and construction of a lightning counter is described using Rogowski coil for current measure and Arduinos. The design of the device consisted of three parts: a Rogowski coil as sensor, two Arduinos for storage and a PCB for the combination between the sensor and the Arduino. The geometrical parameters of the Rogowski coil are the base from which the electrical parameters are calculated; those were used to obtain the frequency response of the sensor and the sensibility. The Arduinos were coded to analyze, store and show the measurements. Both Arduinos worked independently from each other, using one to collect the data from the sensor, calculate the data obtained and send the maximum current value of a lightning to the other Arduino, which stores the data and shows them in a LCD display. The PCB is designed to reduce and filter the signals from the Rogowski coil. The lightning counter was tested using reduced lightning impulses to test the precision and the sample speed of the device.

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TRACK 17 Session 40

S40 T17 Thu 31 Oct S40 T17 Signal and Image Processing Session Chair: Diego Aranda Room 4 Hora Paper authors, title Country Diego Aranda, Carlos Montiel, Esteban Cristaldo and Jorge Molina. Design of a Signal Conditioning System 11:30 265 for Silicon Photomultiplier Sensors Using the Charge Integrator Topology for the DUNE Photon Detection Paraguay System Abstract: This paper is about the design of the three stages for the conditioning signal system of silicon photo multiplier sensors for the DUNE photon detection system. These proposed stages are the pre amplification, addition and final amplification for 48 sensors connected in parallel. In the pre amplification stage a charge integrator circuit is proposed, in the addition, a simple adder circuit and, in the final stage, a low pass Sallen Key filter. It has been done a circuit analysis of the stages, taking into account the different noise sources, obtaining their respective tranfer functions to be able to simulate the behavior of system using the MATLAB software. Finally, with a iteration of component values of the first stage, a series of values which the Marcos Espindola, Fernando Lino, Ricardo Leite and Yuzo Iano. Detecção de arritmias cardíacas usando 201 rede neural artificial simples Brazil Abstract: Cardiopathy, a heart disease or inadequate functioning of the heart, is the third largest “cause mortis” in Brazil and worldwide. Detect and diagnose cardiac arrhythmias, promptly and properly, can drastically reduce rates of premature death. Some arrhythmias, when detected, must be resolved in a timely manner because they are lethal to the heart. The objective of this work is to develop a system of acquisition, storage and visualization of 4 cardiac rhythms: normal rhythm, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and atrial fibrillation. For this, we first collected several electrocardiograms (ECG) samples obtained from a simulator. The output of this simulator will produce a database that is used as input in a Hamming window to produce the necessary frequencies that can represent the 4 cardiac rhythms. The output of this windowing is passed to a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm, resulting in a frequency spectrum for each one of the cardiac rhythms. Using a neural network, having as input the mass of data for all the 4 rhythms, it will be possible to classify them. Carlos Montiel, Diego Aranda, Esteban Cristaldo and Jorge Molina Jorge Molina. Comparison between 264 Transimpedance and Charge Integrator Amplification Topologies for Conditioning Signals Obtained from Paraguay SiPM Sensors for the DUNE Experiment Abstract: Abstract— In this paper we simulate the output of signal amplifiers for photon detection system with SiPM. The Corsi model was used to determine the loads provided by the sensors, and analyze different electronic preamplifier topologies for data reading and noise filtering. The amplification of the signals

obtained from 48 SiPM was carried out in three stages in order to obtain the output through a single channel. Two configurations were considered for the simulation: Transimpedance and Charge Integrator, which will be compared to meet the experiment requirements. Mario G. Borja Borja, Roger Huauya and Cristian Lazo. A brief survey on deep learning methods for lung 45 Peru cancer detection using computerized tomography scans Abstract: In the last years, deep learning has been developed tremendously to solve multiple tasks such as classification, localization, segmentation and so on of different objects. In medical image classification, it has been shown that deep learning can achieve good results. One of the most remarkable application of deep learning in medical images is in lung cancer detection on computerized tomography scans. This survey paper is oriented to give the reader the cutting edge algorithms to solve this challenge. It has been reviewed over 20 papers related to this topic to cover the best methods to approach this problem. This paper ends with a summary of the current state-of-the-art methods and considerations to solve the lung cancer classification task

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 53 TRACK 18 Session 22

S22 T18 Wed 30 Oct S22 T18 Humanitarian Technology Session Chair: Room 4 Hora Paper authors, title Country Fernando Fuentes-Peñailillo, Cesar Acevedo-Opazo, Samuel Ortega-Farias, Marco Rivera, Jorge Moyano and 14:00 153 Chile Carla Gonzalez. Semiautomatic system of intrapredial water management for small farmers

Abstract: At present, the reduction in rainfall because of climate change becomes a challenge that the agricultural industry must face to mitigate its negative effects in crop production. To achieve this, it is necessary to implement monitoring techniques that allow decision-making based on quantitative parameters. In Chile, large agricultural companies have automatic systems for the monitoring and management of water resources. However, small farmers do not have the possibility of accessing efficient water management technologies because they have narrower profit margins. In addition to this, the low level of technological literacy increases the gap in the adoption of new technologies. For this reason, the following research proposes the development of a semiautomatic water management system for small producers based on low cost sensors integrated in a system that has an automati c decision rule for activating a pump. The results indicate that it is possible to develop a system that integrates low cost sensors for irrigation management, given that they showed a high correlation with traditional ones (Decagon EC-5), therefore, they would allow to efficiently manage intrapredial irrigation of small producers. Ivan Iraola-Real, Luzmila Liza Neciosup, Alexandra Celeste Zegarra Soto, Liliana Melissa Guerra Pizango and 80 Allison Jessica Brenis García. Level Appearance of Schizophrenic Features In Student of the Engineering Faculty Chile of two Private Universities of Peru Abstract: According to Manual Diagnostic Statistic V the schizophrenia is a psychological disorder that affects many persons; between them to university students who show symptoms as the (antisocial) social isolation, lack of motivation, apathy, and hallucinations. For this motive, the present study possesses like target to analyze the schizophrenic features in students of the Career of engineering of a university deprived of Lima - Peru. The sample was of 135 career of engineering students (94 men (69.1 %) and 41 women (30.1 %) between 16 to 26 years of age (Mage = 18.41, SD =2.71) of Lima – Peru. The results demonstrated that the students males and women possess medians low in the depressive symptom, in the antisocial behavior, in the symptom of the apathy and in the hallucinations. Also, atypical cases of students were identified with medians raised in several symptoms and some that coincided with two symptoms, being necessary the pertinent psychological support Ivan Iraola-Real, Luzmila Liza Neciosup, Liliana Melissa Guerra Pizango and Alexandra Celeste Zegarra Soto. 82 Paraguay Negative Effects of the Consumption of the Energy Drinks in University students of The Engineer's faculty of Peru Abstract: The consumption of energy drinks is very frequent in adolescents and young people who ignore the negative consequences at cardiovascular level, endocrino and in the index of corporal mass. That's why, the present study tries to analyze the negative effects of the consumption of the energy drinks in students of the careers of engineering of universities deprived of Lima – Peru. The sample was of 150 career of engineering students (97 men (64.7 %) and 53 women (35.3 %) between 16 to 29 years of age (M = 19.50, SD =2.48) of Lima – Peru. One

concludes that 70 % between the 17 to 22 years consumes energy drinks and of similar form in males and women. 54.3 % consumes them because they want to feel with more energy and because they have to study in the nights. Finally it was identified that the consumption frequency is related to a less quantity of hours of sleep, and mixing the drinks with other substances was related at the level of knowledge of the negative effects and also with the least tendency to do sports. Ivan Iraola-Real, Liliana Melissa Guerra Pizango, Luzmila Liza Neciosup and Alexandra Celeste Zegarra Soto. 81 Ecuador Familiar Factors in the Activation of Schizophrenic Symptoms: A Study in a Students' Engineering Sample Abstract: The present investigation takes as a target to analyze the influential familiar factors in the activation of schizophrenic symptoms in a students' sample of the career of engineering of universities deprived of Lima – Peru. The sample was of 136 career of engineering students (94 men (69.1 %) and 42 women (30.1 %) between 16 to 26 years of age (M = 18.41, SD =2.71) of Lima – Peru. In the results of the analysis of multiple linear retrogressions

one managed to identify the discussions and screams predict the antisocial behavior, the lack of motivation, the depression, the apathy and the hallucinations. Then, the use of the physical punishment predicts the lack of motivation, the emotional instability, the apathy and the hallucinations. And finally, the satisfaction with the life predicts negatively the antisocial conduct, the emotional imbalance and the depression Gilberto De Melo Junior, Sanderson Macedo, Renato Milhomem Oliveira and Silvio Vieira. Clustering with 193 Chile Farthest First: Obesity Index case study Abstract: Many behavioral factors lead to obesity in the individual, but with so many variables the task of separating which groups of behaviors are most prevalent in the obesity development factor is complex. The fact that the individual feeds heavily does not necessarily mean that he will become obese, but rather a set of demographics, socioeconomic and biological factors. In this work, machine learning techniques were used to group people with demographic, socioeconomic, biotype and recurrent behavior information that were obtained through an on-line questionnaire. It used Farthest First algorithm that analyzed the data and created five clusters of individuals automatically, aiming to be a reference base for the classification and identification of new users with behaviors that tend to obesity. As a result, it obtained the 5 clusters intended, and it was possible to analyze each of these groups, thus helping nutritionists and physicians in the task of identifying groups tendentious to obesity.

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TALK 1 Embedded Water Quality Sensors to Enable Fast Critical Public Health Decisions

Tuesday 29.10:30 AM ROOM 1

Fernando Guarín, President de Electron Device Society EDS de IEEE

Abstract: Contaminated drinking water is still one of the major causes of waterborne diseases particularly in children, such as acute diarrheal disease. Colombian rural hospitals report thousands of cases of acute watery diarrea with some of them developing in fatal cases. Fast water contamination detection and rapid response are essential to enable timely public health decisions. Although conventional approaches for water quality control can detect hazardous biological and chemical agents, manual sampling followed by city-based-laboratory analysis is a process still not efficient enough to make critical decisions on time. We are proposing here a holistic approach to build an embedded sensor capable of detecting possible water contamination to trigger public alerts that will reduce the spread of waterborne diseases. This alert may trigger a further analysis by conventional approaches and prompt action. Our approach to building water quality detectors have two key differentiators: 1) A 4th- generation RISC-V -based system-on-a-chip developed to fulfill the data converter requirements and algorithmic sensor computing capability with low-power requirement; 2) a proposed algorithm employing data from low-cost and off-the-shelf sensors based upon water quality standards according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

BioSketch: Dr. Fernando Guarín is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Global Foundries in East Fishkill New York where he leads the reliability team responsible for the qualification of 5G technologies. He retired from IBM’s SRDC after 27 years as Senior Member of Technical Staff. He earned his BSEE from the “Pontificia Universidad Javeriana”, in Bogotá, Colombia, the M.S.E.E. degree from the University of Arizona, and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, NY He has been actively working in microelectronic reliability for over 35 years. From 1980 until 1988 he worked in the Military and Aerospace Operations division of National Semiconductor Corporation. In 1988 he joined IBM’s microelectronics division where he worked in the reliability physics and modeling of Advanced Bipolar, CMOS and Silicon Germanium BiCMOS technologies. He is currently leading the team qualifying GlobalFoundries RF 5G technology offerings. Dr. Guarín is an IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Electron Device Society EDS, where he has served in many capacities including; member of the IEEE’s EDS Board of governors, chair of the EDS Education Committee, Secretary for EDS. He is the EDS President 2018-2019.

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TALK 2 “Social Implications of Technology" - Impact of Science, Technology and Climate Change in the Global Village”.

Tuesday 29.11:40 AM ROOM 1

PhD LUIS KUN, Consultant Engineer, USA Washington, DC USA, [email protected]

Abstract: We live on a planet where two very different realities coexist. On the one hand, a world moved by internet, mobile phones, computers, blackberries, i-Phones, i-Tunes, i-Pads, i-Pods, high-definition television, global economy, on-demand medications for depression, the cholesterol or hypertension. The other reality, however, shows us a world where 2 out of 3 people do not have access to clean water, where more than 80% of the world's population lives on less than 10 dollars a day and where 29,000 children died daily during 2005 before reaching 5 years of age. In this other reality there are thousands of daily deaths from tuberculosis, AIDS, or malaria. Most of these deaths due to hunger or infectious diseases can be prevented. In the 90s of the last century, it was revealed the existence of a social problem called the "digital divide" (digital divide) to draw attention to the great social inequalities that are established between individuals based on the possibility or not of have access to the internet and communication technologies. Dr. Kun will address different aspects of these two realities, such as the growth of the global population, the interdependence between this growth, the sustainability of the people (water, food, energy, etc.) in the global economy and th e contribution to everything This is due to the significant increase in the number of natural and industrial disasters, many of them a direct consequence of climate change. Dr. Kun will propose a change of attitude and the need to apply new formulas to face all these challenges. In his opinion, the wars and conflicts of the future will be for water, food, energy, and medicines, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between peoples and particularly the need for education.

Biography Dr. Luis Kun was a Professor of National Security Affairs at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (2011 -2015) at the National Defense University. He is Editor in Chief of Springer's Journal of Health and Technology. He graduated from the Merchant Marine Academy in Uruguay and holds a BSEE; MSEE and Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering all from UCLA. He spent 14 years at IBM, where he developed the first six clinical applications for the IBM PC. He was also the technical manager of the Nursing Point of Care System at IBM. Dr. Kun was developed the first Teleradiology system and the first Picture Archival and Communications Systems to run on an IBM platform. Later he was Director of Medical Systems Technology and Strategic Planning at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in LA. He co-authored the Reports to the Congress on Telemedicine (1997) and on HIPAA Security. In July of 1997, he was invited speaker to the White House. He was largely responsible for the Telemedicine portion of the bill that became part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. As a Distinguished Fellow at the CDC (1999-2001) he was the Senior Computer Scientist for the Health Alert Network for Bioterrorism and later the Acting Chief Information Technology Officer for the National Immunization Program (NIP) where he formulated their IT vision on 10/2000. Luis Kun is the founding chair of the IEEE-USA Electronic Health Record and HighPerformance Computers and Communications WG; and the Bioterrorism / Homeland Security WG, and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee. A Fellow of the IEEE and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Kun received AIMBE's first-ever Fellow Advocate Award in 2009. His IEEE-USA Citation of Honor Award. He sits in many professional and journal Boards including the IFMBE where he chairs the Global Citizen Safety and Security WG. Universidad Favaloro from Buenos Aires, Argentina named him "Profesor Honoris Causa" on December 2009. In 2011 he received the Golden Core Member Award by the IEEE Computer Society. He was named "Visitante Distinguido" by the City of Puebla, Mexico.

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TALK 3 “The challenges of Internet of things, security and Blockchain”.

Tuesday 29.11:00 AM ROOM 2

Ing Gustavo Giannattasio MBA, PMP, Consultor de Arnaldo C. Castro S.A.

Abstract: The main models of IoT architectures are presented, their comparison, benefits and opportunities in both open and proprietary systems. Then, the main platforms that respond to various IoT models, their structure and functional architecture are analysed. Firmware and Digital Enabler Technologies and applications based on open systems, leaders are presented. Finally, the Security in IoT is presented with recommendations and solutions for the security of IoT, Blochchain for IoT, and 5G particularities for IoT

Biosketch Gustavo Giannattasio is Telecom Engineer at UDELAR University Uruguay, Post degree in Digital design EDE at Eindhoven Philips Holland, MBA with honours at UCUDAL University , Project Manager Certified by PMI , Director of IEEE Latin-American region 2012-2013, Member of the IEEE MGA and BOD Boards 2012-2013, Member at large of the IEEE Engineering Management council BOD 2013-2014, President of Montevideo Chapter of the International Computer Room Experts Association ICREA 2014-2015, President of the Uruguayan Chapter of the IEEE Communications Society 2014-2015, Consultant in Data Center Technologies, Speaker of international conferences on Smart Cities and IoT in Montevideo, Colombia, Mexico, Director of Programs at the Montevideo Chapter of PMI 2014.

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KEYNOTES SPEAKERS TALK 4 “Challenges, Opportunities and trends in photovoltaic energy conversion


Tuesday 29.10:30 AM ROOM 3

Dr. Samir Kouro Department suitable of Electronic Engineering, UTFSM, Chile Abstract: Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy has experienced an explosive growth over the last decade, motivated mainly by cost reduction, technology development, incentives and environmental awareness. Power electronics plays a fundamental role in enabling photovoltaic energy conversion to be efficient, reliable and grid-friendly. One of the main advantages of PV energy is that it is inherently modular, and unlike other energy sources, it allows the implementation of small-, medium- and large-scale generation systems, ranging from pocket calculators and rooftop systems to large multi-megawatt PV farms. However, system requirements, performance specifications, regulations and even the economics behind the different power scales impose very different design constraints and requirements from a power electronics perspective, leading to very distinct PV power converter classes and technology. This talk will cover some of the trends, new paradigms and drivers in current PV converter R&D status, and discuss which are the opportunities and challenges being faced by academia and industry. Some of the ongoing research projects on this topic carried out at the Chilean Solar Energy Research Center (SERC Chile) and the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) will be addressed.

Bio Sketch Dr. Samir Kouro received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (UTFSM), Valparaíso, Chile, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. Since 2007 he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering 2007, where he currently serves as Associate Professor. From 2009 to 2011 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. His research interests include power electronics, renewable energy conversion systems, and electro-mobility. Dr. Kouro is founding member and Principal Investigator of the Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AC3E) and of the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile), both recognized as research centers of excellence in Chile. He has coauthored one book, 7 book chapters and over 170 refereed journal and conference papers. He has served as Guest Editor of Special Sections in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Dr. Kouro is Chair of the Chile Section Chapter of the IEEE Power Electronics Society, and member of the Board of Directors of the Solar Energy and Energy Innovation Committee of CORFO. Dr. Kouro received the 2018 IEEE-AIE Outstanding Engineer Award, the 2016 IEEE Industrial Electronics Bimal K. Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applications in Energy Systems, the 2015 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society J. David Irwin Early Career Award, the 2012 IEEE Power Electronics Society Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award, the 2012 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 1st prize paper award, the 2011 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Best Paper Award, and the 2008 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Best Paper Award. Dr Kouro has been included in the 2018 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher List.

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TALK 5 “Deep Leaning: what is it, types, challenges and what to expect. An overview from the point of view of the robotics area”.

Tuesday 29.11:00 AM ROOM 4

Dr. Fernando Passold Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEAR), UPF (Passo Fundo University, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Abstract: This lecture aims to make a brief overview of the area of Deep Learning since the 1990s when artificial neural networks were already common but not so large or enhanced by data preprocessing routines. Until the 1990s, artificial neural networks, biologically inspired were already common and the first applications were emerging. At this time, large public data repositories were not common, which made the training of networks difficult. Nor was computing power as advanced or economically accessible. With the proliferation of public databases and the introduction of new data preprocessing techniques, this area has emerged again since the 2000s. In 2006 the first large deep network of Geoffrey Hinton and collaborators made it possible to achieve a degree of 98% of accuracy for the recognition of handwritten digits. And more specifically, in 2014, with more utility for mobile robotics and computer vision, ImageNet has emerged as a new proposal of Kritzhevsky and collaborators, also to recognize handwritten digits but the y achieved a recognition level similar of a human being. They proposed the new Convolutional Neural Networks, which began to be widely used in robotics for feature recognition in images, even semantic recognition of items in images. And the promising re sults obtained were further improved using the new dept image sensors and GPUs to accelerate both network feedforward and training. As Tesla Motors autonomous cars do today. But these were not the only new and deep (large) networks that emerged from the 2000s. Specific networks have emerged to process, identify and predict sequences of events or tasks, such as Recurrent Neural Nets without or with Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells. Autoencoders nets has arisen as an option for codding data without supervision (i.e., the training set is unlabeled) and have become a very interesting and promising option for natural language processing. Also came the Generative Adversarial Nets currently used for generative learning, or in other words, a type of network that even lets the c omputer “create”. Some of these new network arrangements and advances in learning algorithms have been made possible not only by the popularization of public databases, but also by the emergence of different code library repositories aimed at facilitating th e exploration of new networks, testing of new learning algorithms or procedures. Initially in the form of libraries specific to the Python programming language as the libraries: NumPi, Pandas, Matplotlib. Evolving into increasingly powerful libraries like Scikit -Learn, TensorFlow and Keras. But nothing in the field of machine learning is as simple and old challenges still remain as creating good training data set(s), properly filtered to avoid "bias" cases for supervised-trained networks. And new learning algorithms emerged because of the high amount of parameters to be "tuned" (trained). This article attempts to present the most notable advances in this area, specifically geared towards computational or robotic vision, clarifying network types, distinguishing supervised from unsupervised training, data set care, most common deep network types (and applications best suited for each network), learning algorithms and optimizations that have emerged, and hardware resources needed to implement deep networks for both their use (execution) and their train ing.

Bio Sketch Fernando Passold received the B.A.Sc. degree in electrical engineering, in 1989, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering (Bioengineering) in 1995, the PhD degree in electrical engineering (Dept. of Automatization of Systems) in 2003, all of them from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. His M.Sc. dissertation was titled “Hybrid Anesthesiology Expert System for Critical/Problematic Patients” and mixed the use of an expert system kernel with MLP neural networks. His Phd thesis was titled: “Position and Force Neural Control in Robotic Manipulators” and involved a real Scara robot equipped with force sensor, MLP and RBF neural networks with online training. He is currently a full time Professor at the University of Passo Fundo, Brazil. But from August 2008 to February 2010 he worked as a full time associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), Chile. Since March 2010 he has returned to the University of Passo Fundo (Brazil). His main research interests include: mobile robotics, computer vision, artificial neural networks and deep learning.

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TALK 6 “SUCHAI space program: potentialities of nano-satellites”.

Tuesday 29.11:00 AM ROOM 5

Dr. Marcos Díaz Quezada Electrical Engineering Department at University of Chile

Abstract: Nano-satellites are tiny spacecrafts with masses between 1 kg to 10 kg, where the Cubesat standard should be highlighted as the most relevant type of this miniaturized vehicles. The Cubesat was introduced to the field as an educational tool. The main features of the standard are the low cost (comparatively speaking) and the fast development cycle. Approaching the 20 years from its conception the platform has started to gain momentum also due to a more dynamic environment in the space sector, which is making more accessible the space for these type of vehicles. Sophisticated scientific missions are being proposed and developed in many space agencies around the world. The private sector is also taking advantage of the standard to proposed new applications from space. For instance, the private company Planet Labs maintains a constellation of over 150 Cubesats of 3 liters each for earth observation in the visible band. Space X is proposing a massive constellation (thousand of satellites) for internet from space, although based on micro-satellites (10 kg up to 100 kg) or mini-satellites (100 kg up to 400 kg) instead of nano-satellites. In this presentation is discussed the current limitations and trends of this technology, the path followed in Chile by the SUCHAI program at the beginning, how the team in the Space and Planetary Exploration Laboratory at the University of Chile has been using the platform for space science and how these missions are developing knowledge toward the production, operation, maintenance and disposal of mega-constellations for different applications.

Bio Sketch Marcos Díaz is currently assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. He received his Electrical Engineering degree in 2001 from University of Chile, his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2004 and 2009, respectively from Boston University, USA. His research interests are related to the study of ionospheric turbulent plasma, incoherent scatter radar techniques, low-frequency-radio-astronomy/space instrumentation and nano-satellite technologies. Previously he has served as research assistant at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, MIT Haystack Observatory and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boston University. He is the responsible of the Space and Planetary Exploration Laboratory, a multidisciplinary Laboratory located in the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at University of Chile, where the University´s nanosatellite-based space program is being developed.

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Wednesday 30, 11:00 AM ROOM 1


Abstract: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as industry 4.0, is changing the way of businesses operate and society performs, in the environments in which they are forced to compete, the convergence between the automation of industrial processes and d aily tasks with information technologies they allow improving operations, reducing costs, improving the quality of life and improving the quality of processes. The connection of industrial and domestic devices to the network makes it possible to extract data in real time and control it in real time, turning Big Data, artificial intelligence, ICT and robotic operating machines into great allies and pillars of society 4.0, allowing the analysis and management of the data to lead to the optimization of the different industrial, domestic and energy processes. In the talk two cases of importance in society 4.0 are presented, robots in intelligent manufacturing and service robots. The applications of these cases have expanded by leaps and bounds. Today there are factories of manipulative robots manufactured by other robots and manufacturing plants operated by robots that can learn processes and with reconfigurable capacity. An intelligent robot is a machine capable of extracting information from its environment and using its k nowledge of the world to move safely in a meaningful and deliberate manner. Society 4.0 is also a society with an accelerated aging index so there is a boom in using robots as au xiliaries in domestic activities, emerging the area called Service Robotics in which there are major technological challenges. Years ago, the idea of having a robot capable of helping with household chores was only conceived thanks to science fiction; Today is a total realit y. However, the area of service robotics and assistance robots includes a wide range of problems and this talk addresses several of the techniques and methodologies used in its construction.

Bio sketch: Dr. Mario Peña-Cabrera, born in San Juan del Río, Querétaro, Mexico, in 1977, completed his studies in Mechanical- Electrical Engineer specializing in the area of Control, Communications and Electronics at the Faculty of Engineering of the UNAM. In 1981 he obtained a Master's degree in Electronic Engineering from the Division of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of E ngineering of the UNAM and in 1983 the Master of Engineering degree from McMaster University in Ontario CANADA, where he taught courses as an assistant to Dr. Reuven Kitai, president of the IEEE instrumentation area in Canada from 1980 to 1983. He has a PhD in Science and Technology from the Inter-Institutional Postgraduate of Science and Technology (PICyT) of SEP-CONACYT-MEXICO based in CIATEQ AC (Centro de Tecnología Avanzada) and is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) level I and level PRIDE “D” of the UNAM. Until 1996, he taught at the UNAM School of Engineering at the bachelor's level and since 1998 at the UNAM engineering graduate. He also taught courses from 1992 to 2002 at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) on the Mexico City campus and is currently a tutor in the Master's Degree and Doctorate of Electrical Engineering of the UNAM graduating master's and doctoral students. He has participated since 1988 as an advisor for the productive sector in the design and maintenance of data acquisition equipment for biotic and environmental monitoring, and in the design and operational management of meteorological sensors and integration of environmental monitoring networks. He has also participated in projects for the design of microclimatic environments for applications of crops in automated greenhouses and computerized process automation at UNAM, being a pioneer in the implementation of the Environmental Monitoring Network of Mexico City. He is a member of the academic staff of the Research Institute in Applied Mathematics and Systems of the UNAM, since 1977 and in which he continues to develop research projects in Vision for Robots, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Environmental Monitoring and Computational Systems. He currently belongs to the Department of Computational Systems and Automation of IIMAS-UNAM and from 2001 to 2005, he collaborated with the Research Group on Mechatronics and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems of CIATEQ, AC, Advanced Technology Center in the state of Querétaro, Mexico in where his research was published as an emerging technology in 2006 by the SMA association. Dr. Mario Peña has presented his research in countries such as Canada, United States, Korea, China, Mexico, Cuba, Chile, Argentina, Fra nce, Germany, Portugal and Spain, has more than one hundred and eighty publications in the area of its specialty in arbitrated international journals, dissemination journals, technical reports and memoirs of international and national congresses and book chapters. It has several copyright records in computer programs. Dr. Peña's areas of interest are: Artificial Vision in Robotized Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation, Environmental Control and Computer Systems applications. He is a member of the Mexican Society of Artificial Intelligence and the Mexican Society of Instrumentation.

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TALK 8 “Methods for the study of brain connectivity based on Diffusion MRI”.

Wednesday 30.11:00 AM ROOM 2

Pamela Guevara Department of Electrical Enginnering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Abstract: Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is an in-vivo and non-invasive technique that estimates the structure of white matter (WM) through the measurement of water molecules diffusion. From dMRI images, the main trajectories of WM can be reconstructed using tractography algorithms applied to diffusion local model information. The generated datasets consist of a 3D representation of the main WM fiber tracts. Due to last advances in MRI equipment and models, new tractography datasets are highly complex and require specific methods for the extraction of useful information. Several methods have been proposed for the analysis of tractography datasets to study brain connectivity. Fiber clustering algorithms allow the exploration of the main white matter structure, while tractography segmentation algorithms identify known white matter bundles. Most of them combine diffusion and anatomical information. The developments include the creation of white matter bundle atlases, for long known fascicles and also short association bundles. This talk will focus on some of these methods, for the exploration and study of structural brain connectivity, in individuals, and across subjects

Bio Sketch Pamela Guevara has a Master degree in Medical Imaging and a PhD degree in Physics, both from the Université Paris-Sud, France. She developed her Master and PhD theses in the brain neuroimaging center Neurospin, Saclay, France. She is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Concepción. She teaches different undergraduate and graduate courses of Computer Programming and Digital Image Processing. She also leads a Medical Image Analysis group with main focus of the study of brain connectivity. She has participated as researcher in several Chilean R&D projects, like FONDECYT, FONDEF, ANILLO and since 2018 she is researcher of the Chilean Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E). Since 2018 she is member of the IEEE SPS Bio Imaging and Signal Processing (BISP) Technical Committee.

IEEE Chilecon2019 Program pág. 62 KEYNOTES SPEAKERS TALK 9 “Big Data Challenges and Deep Learning Applications to


Wednesday 30.11:00 AM ROOM 3

PhD. Pablo A. Estevez, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Chile, and Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, Chile

Astronomy is facing a paradigm shift caused by the exponential growth of the sample size, data complexity and data generation rates of new sky surveys. To cope with a change of paradigm to data -driven science new computational intelligence, machine learning and statistical approaches are needed. In this ta lk I will introduce the general context and the big data challenges that astronomy is facing. I will present two applications using deep learning. The first application is the automated real-time detection of supernovae in astronomical images. We developed a convolutional neural net to discriminate between true transients and bogus events. We introduced rotational invariance and used a visualization approach to interpret the results of the convolutional neural network. The sec ond application is to classify different classes of astronomical objects based on a recurrent convolutional neural n etwork, which uses directly sequences of images in an online fashion. To train the classifier we simulated sequences of images using realistic observational conditions. To test the results we used real data from the HiTS survey. The fact that our classifier works well on real images having been trained on simulated ones, encourages us to use the proposed method to train classifiers for the very large telescopes u nder construction such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope even before getting the first light.

Bio sketch Pablo A. Estévez received his professional title in electrical engineering (EE) from Universidad de Chile, in 1981, and the M.Sc. and Dr.Eng. degrees from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He is a Full Professo r with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Chile, and former Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department in the p eriod 2006-2010. Prof. Estévez is one of the founders of the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), Chile, which wa s created in January 2014. He is currently leading the Astroinformatics/Astrostatistics group at MAS. He has been an Invited Researcher with the NTT Communication Science Laboratory, Kyoto, Japan; the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France, and a Visiting Professor at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris, France, and the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Prof. Estévez is an IEEE Fellow. He served as President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) for the term 2016 -2017, Vice-president of Members Activities (2011-2014), CIS ADCOM Member-at-Large (2008-2010), CIS Distinguished Lecturer (2006-2011) and as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (2007-2012). Prof. Estévez served as conference chair of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), held in July 2016, in Vancouver, Canada, and general co -chair of the 2018 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE WCCI 2018, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2018. He is the recipient of the 2019 IEEE CIS Meritorious Service Award. Prof. Estévez has co-authored more than 150 articles in journals and conferences, including a recent paper published in Nature Astronomy. His current research interests include big data, deep learning, neural networks, self-organizing maps, data visualization, feature selection, information theoretic-learning, time series analysis, and advanced signal and image processing. One of his main topics of research is the application of machine learning and computational intelligence techniques to frontier research in astrophysics and biomedical engineering.

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TALK 10 “Quantum Computing: What, Why, Who”.

Wednesday 30.11:00 AM ROOM 4

Rafael Sotelo Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay

Abstract: A quantum computer is presented as a wholly different order of mechanism than anything the human species has ever constructed. Today, there are working machines that perform some small part of what a full quantum computer may eventually do. The goal of quantum computing research is to discover a means of expediting the execution of long waves of instructions. Such a means would exploit an observed phenomenon of quantum mechanics that, when you write it down on paper, doesn't appear to make sense. If this goal is achieved, if everything that physicists are certain works theoretically, ends up working in the real world, then mathematical problems that require days' worth of calculation even on today's supercomputers, and some that are not solvable even now, may be solved instantaneously. Climate change models, estimates of the likelihood of Earth-type planets in the observable galaxy, models of the immune system's capability to destroy cancer cells -- the most difficult and challenging problems we face today may suddenly yield results within no longer than an hour after launching the program.

BioSketch Rafael Sotelo is Electrical Engineer option Telecommunications by the University of the Republic. Master in Business Administration from IEEM. Doctor in Telematic Engineering from the University of Vigo. Director of the Department of Information Technology and Communications of the University of Montevideo. Coordinator of Telematic Engineering and Computer Engineering of the University of Montevideo. Adjunct Professor, Grade 3, of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of the Republic. He worked for eighteen years in Canal 10 of Montevideo and associated companies, where he held the position of Engineering Manager. Member of the National System of Researchers of the ANII. Telecommunications and IT consultant. Thesis: "Audiovisual Content Recommendation Services for groups of individuals" First Place Award from the National Academy of Engineering to Postgraduate Thesis, 2010. Abstract: A quantum computer is presented as a wholly different order of mechanism than anything the human species has ever constructed. Today, there are working machines that perform some small part of what a full quantum computer may eventually do.

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TALK 11 “Silicon Industry: day to day life of a layout design”.

Wednesday 30.11:00 AM ROOM 5

Juan Manuel Perdomo Section Head, Layout Engineer en Allegro MicroSystems, LLC, Argentina

Abstract: Integrated circuit are the backbone of all the electronic industry. They are small almost “magical” items that let us build devices that improve our lives. But how are this things created? What is the process behind them?

Any IC systems has an idea behind it. And idea with works in abstract world where the System Designer build the specification of what a product should do and should no do. This is taken by the Analog Designer to make an electronic diagram that can fulfill the specification. Which put the abstract idea closed to the real world.. But what fills the gap between this abstract world and the material world? That is where the Layout Designer but in..

To do Layout, is to materialize an idea to a diagram that can be manufacture. Is to follow the rules of the fabrication process.. To understand the manufacture uncertainty that the IC production has and work around to magnify the number of able parts that can be produced. It is to see the possible faults that the abstraction can not see..Is to collaborate between many seccion.. It is to be one step ahead in order to achieve a goal. To do layout is to be creative.. To be technical.. And maybe.. A little of Black Magic.

Bio Sketch Juan Manuel Perdomo primary works as Section Head, Layout Engineer in Allegro MicroSystems, LLC, Argentina. He has 5 years of experience in the layout design of the physical layer of integrated circuit using the Virtuosus design suit from Cadence.

He is also a faculty professor in the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentin. Where he dictates the Subject Representation systems which covers the fundamentals of the graphic representation of technical systems focusing on the drawing tools used for PCB Electronic Design. In addition he is the Assistant professor of the subject Electronic Measures 1 at the same University, where he covers the uncertainty of electronic measurements.

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TALK 12 “Computational Studies of Gravitational Lenses”.

Wednesday 30.11:00 AM ROOM 5

Cristian Eduard Rusu Subaru Telescope Project Research Fellow at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)

Abstract: Gravitational lensing is the phenomenon of the bending of light from distance sources, as they pass through the vicinity of massive objects. It is a topic of increasing attention in modern astrophysics, with various applications such as in the discovery of exoplanets, the study of dark matter in galaxies, and the expansion of the universe. After a basic mathematical introduction to gravitational lensing, in this lecture I will give conceptual explanations of these applications, while highlighting current relevant computational techniques, from model fitting to image reconstruction to machine learning.

Biosketch: Cristian Eduard Rusu is a Subaru Telescope Project Research Fellow at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). As a graduate student, he was awarded the Japanese Monbukagakusho Scholarship and the Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He has obtained his PhD in 2014 from the University of Tokyo, after which he has worked as a postdoc at the University of California, Davis and the Subaru Telescope, Hawaii. His research activities are focused on the observational and computational study of gravitational lenses, and their application in galaxy evolution and cosmology. He is author of 39 peer-reviewed papers and gave 24 conference presentations, seminars and invited lectures.

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