2021 Operations Manual
2021 OPERATIONS MANUAL OF THE SUNSHINE COAST JUNIOR RUGBY LEAGUE INC. (Central Region) To be read and applied in conjunction with the Queensland Rugby Football League Limited Constitution, QRL Rules and Policies and Central Region Rules and Policies and National Rugby League Policies CONTENTS FOREWARD, INTRODUCTION, DEFINITIONS, AND INTERPRETATION 3 1. COMPETITION FORMAT 4 2. COMPETITION ADMIN 8 3. FINES, BONDS AND PENALTIES 13 4. FACILITIES 14 5. HOST CLUB GAME DAY RESPONSIBILITIES 15 6. LAWS OF THE GAME 16 7. GAME PROCEDURES 16 8. REGISTRATION OF PLAYERS, COACHES AND VOLUNTEERS 20 9. FINALS SERIES 23 10. BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT 26 11. MISCELLANEOUS 28 APPENDIX 1 – INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOWNLOADING RELEVANT POLICIES 29 APPENDIX 2 – PLAYER GRADING NOMINATION FORM 30 APPENDIX 3 – 18 MONTH REGISTRATION FORM 31 1 FOREWARD This Operations Manual supersedes all previous versions of the SCJRL Club Handbook. This Operations Manual is a reference for all persons involved in the day-to-day management, administration, coaching, playing and officiating of all Junior Rugby League clubs affiliated with the Sunshine Coast Junior Rugby League. This includes the Management Committees, Development Staff, Team Coaches, Managers, Referees, Sports Trainers and League Safe Officers, Duty Officials, Players, Parents and Spectators. The Executive Committee of the SCJRL Inc. is the only body that can amend this document. All amendments will be issued under a covering Memo from the QRL Area Manager, Sunshine Coast. The rules detailed in this document will be operative and enforced for all rulings and proceedings from the date of issue. INTRODUCTION The Rules of the Queensland Rugby Football League Limited (QRL Rules), as amended from time to time, provide the framework under which all Rugby League is administered within the State of Queensland, and can be found at www.qrl.com.au.
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