School Transport Registration 2019 / 2020

Registration Form ______

To be completed by a parent, sponsor or a guardian, on behalf of:

Last Name: ...... First Name: ...... Class: ...... Date of Birth: ...... Address: ...... Postal Code: ...... City: ...... Phone Number: ...... Office Phone Number: ...... Arrival/ Return, if different from home address:

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Contact information of the person authorized to receive the child upon return:

Last Name: ...... First Name: ...... Phone Number: ......

£ Parent £ Friend £ Neighbor £ Other: ......

Only this person will be informed in case of problems directly related to the tour (delays for example).

Please confirm the registrations for all relevant days:

Arrival Arrival Departure Class Start Class Start From ENSR

Monday ¨ 8h15 ¨ 9h00 ¨ 16h25 Tuesday ¨ 8h15 ¨ 9h00 ¨ 16h25 Wednesday ¨ 8h15 ¨ 9h00 ¨ 12h40 Thursday ¨ 8h15 ¨ 9h00 ¨ 16h25 Friday ¨ 8h15 ¨ 9h00 ¨ 16h25

Registration is minimum for one trimester and will be automatically renewed, unless resignation is received in writing.

! ! ! Please read the information on school fares and registration carefully before completing this form. Should there be any emergencies when the road network is not available (due to weather conditions) we reserve the right to cancel the service for safety reasons, no refunds apply. School bus will operate from Monday 02.09.2019 to Friday 19.06.2020.

Date, place: ...... Signature: ......

The number of spaces is limited, registrations will be taken on the first come, first served basis. After the 08.07.2019 the seat availability cannot be guaranteed.

Conditions and information concerning the applied rates ______The bus service is a personalized service, during which the enrolled student is cared for during the journey from home to school and back under optimal supervision conditions.

The "standard fare" is applied to students signed up for all round trips of the week (10 trips), or for either all arrivals (5 trips) or all returns (5 trips) of the week.

The normal price of the trip will be adjusted according to the scale below for parents wishing to opt for an à la carte booking system.

Mark-up scale for an à la carte reservation (percentage of the price of the full week):

5 trips and/or 5 returns per week 100% 4 trips and/or 4 returns per week 90% 3 trips and/or 3 returns per week 75% 2 trips and/or 2 returns per week 60% 1 trip and/or 1 return per week 45%

Example: If you live in Denens and your child takes the bus 5 mornings and 3 afternoons, the calculation is as follows:

mornings: (5 x 13.70) = 68.50 afternoons: (5 x 13.70) x 75% = 51.40 total of CHF 119.90 per week

For destinations outside the usual route, a "special rate" is to be requested before enrollment. Charges are applied accordingly to the number of students involved and the marginal costs of selected destinations.

The registration is minimum for one trimester and will be automatically renewed, unless resignation is received in writing before Christmas and Easter holidays. v Each change, such as the place of care or the contact person, must be received in writing.

! ! ! The information on school fares and registration carefully before completing this form. Should there be any emergencies when the road network is not available (due to weather conditions) we reserve the right to cancel the transport for safety reasons, no refunds apply. School bus will operate from Monday 02.09.2019 to Friday 19.06.2020.

School Transport 2019 / 2020

Rates (per single run) 7.7% VAT included ______

Aclens CHF 13.70 La Sarraz CHF 27.80 Apples CHF 20.00 La Tour-de-Peilz CHF 19.85 Aubonne CHF 16.70 Lausanne CHF 8.35 Belmont-sur-Lausanne CHF 9.20 Lavigny CHF 14.40 Bioley-Orjulaz CHF 13.70 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne CHF 10.70 Blonay CHF 19.85 L’Isle CHF 27.80 Bottens CHF 13.70 Lonay CHF 12.20 Boussens CHF 13.70 Lully CHF 13.70 Bremblens CHF 13.70 Lussy-sur- CHF 13.70 Bretigny-sur-Morrens CHF 12.75 Lutry CHF 10.70 Buchillon CHF 14.40 Mex CHF 13.70 Bussigny CHF 12.20 Mézières CHF 20.00 Bussy-Chardonney CHF 13.70 Mollie-Margot CHF 16.75 Chalet-à-Gobet CHF 12.20 Monnaz CHF 13.70 Chardonne CHF 16.85 Mont-la-Ville CHF 31.55 Châtillens CHF 19.60 Morges CHF 13.70 Chavannes CHF 12.20 Morrens CHF 12.20 Chavannes-le-Veyron CHF 22.85 Paudex CHF 10.70 Cheseaux CHF 13.70 Penthalaz CHF 14.40 Chexbres CHF 15.20 Penthaz CHF 13.70 Clarens CHF 19.85 Perroy CHF 22.85 Cossonay CHF 14.40 Poliez-le-Grand CHF 14.40 Cottens CHF 20.00 Préverenges CHF 12.20 Crissier CHF 12.20 Prilly CHF 10.70 Cugy CHF 12.20 Puidoux CHF 13.70 Cully CHF 12.20 Pully CHF 9.20 Daillens CHF 14.40 Renens CHF 10.70 Denens CHF 13.70 Rivaz CHF 13.70 Denges CHF 12.20 Romanel CHF 12.20 Echallens CHF 14.40 Saint-Prex CHF 13.70 Echandens CHF 12.20 Saint-Saphorin-sur-Morges CHF 13.70 CHF 13.70 Saint-Sulpice CHF 12.20 Ecublens CHF 12.20 Savigny CHF 12.75 Epalinges CHF 9.20 Savuit CHF 10.70 Epesses CHF 13.70 Sullens CHF 13.70 Etoy CHF 14.40 Vaux-sur-Morges CHF 14.15 Forel CHF 14.40 Vers-chez-les-Blancs CHF 12.20 Froideville CHF 13.30 Vevey CHF 19.85 Grancy CHF 21.50 Villars-sur-Yens CHF 14.40 Grandvaux CHF 12.20 Villette CHF 10.70 Jouxtens-Mézery CHF 10.70 Vuarrens CHF 27.80 La Chaux CHF 22.85 Vufflens-la-Ville CHF 13.70 La Conversion CHF 10.70 Vufflens-le-Château CHF 13.70 La Croix-sur-Lutry CHF 10.70 Yens CHF 14.40