Village Okays Annexati~N
:::Jout.bweat V.dc rof'ilm Co, 2601 E. Yandell ~?X 10054 " . "' 2Sc:; PER COPY \,, ~.!, .·a::IJ. Tx, 7 ·;~q9-1 The ·J ! N0.351NOUR36TH YEAR RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXtC08B345 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1981 DEVEL"PMENT TRAa CONTAINS 276 ACRES Village okays. ... ~- --······--··········· ----~.annexati~n -~----- ---~-" ----- -- . -- ---- . -- .. ------- .... The Ruidoso trustees Tuesday evening White then made a motion to reject the ditional parking lot would probably solve issuance of beer and wine licenses to approved the annexation of _276.148 acres, annexation of the White Mountain most of the. problems. restaurants. All precincts will vote at the containing 174 residential lots, requested Development Company tract that died for In other business, the trustees: Ruidoso Public Library, with the polls by White Mountain Development Com· lack of a second. · ~ Accepted the low bid of $41,500, by · open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. pany. The trustees asked · administrative McCormick Construction of Er Paso, - Were !idVised by Hine that the assistant Frank Potter for a report on Texas, for a booster pump station near Department· of Finance and The annexed tract· is nortll of MoWltain wells drilled. Potter said that six have Water Plant One in the Upper Canyon. The Adfflinistration has approved the village's View Estates and east of the First been completed; but that . only the plant is scheduled for rehabilitation, budget for fiscal19Bl-1982. Christian Church, from whence the land Hollywood Well can be used. during which time it will be out of service. - Accepted the resignation of Jim Wills extends west to Juniper Hills and North Trustees present, White, Benny Coulston - Accepted the bids of Sierra Blanca as water superintendent effective Sep- Heights Park, then north and east toward and Frank Sayner, with Mayor Lloyd L.
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