Village Okays Annexati~N
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:::Jout.bweat V.dc rof'ilm Co, 2601 E. Yandell ~?X 10054 " . "' 2Sc:; PER COPY \,, ~.!, .·a::IJ. Tx, 7 ·;~q9-1 The ·J ! N0.351NOUR36TH YEAR RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXtC08B345 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1981 DEVEL"PMENT TRAa CONTAINS 276 ACRES Village okays. ... ~- --······--··········· ----~.annexati~n -~----- ---~-" ----- -- . -- ---- . -- .. ------- .... The Ruidoso trustees Tuesday evening White then made a motion to reject the ditional parking lot would probably solve issuance of beer and wine licenses to approved the annexation of _276.148 acres, annexation of the White Mountain most of the. problems. restaurants. All precincts will vote at the containing 174 residential lots, requested Development Company tract that died for In other business, the trustees: Ruidoso Public Library, with the polls by White Mountain Development Com· lack of a second. · ~ Accepted the low bid of $41,500, by · open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. pany. The trustees asked · administrative McCormick Construction of Er Paso, - Were !idVised by Hine that the assistant Frank Potter for a report on Texas, for a booster pump station near Department· of Finance and The annexed tract· is nortll of MoWltain wells drilled. Potter said that six have Water Plant One in the Upper Canyon. The Adfflinistration has approved the village's View Estates and east of the First been completed; but that . only the plant is scheduled for rehabilitation, budget for fiscal19Bl-1982. Christian Church, from whence the land Hollywood Well can be used. during which time it will be out of service. - Accepted the resignation of Jim Wills extends west to Juniper Hills and North Trustees present, White, Benny Coulston - Accepted the bids of Sierra Blanca as water superintendent effective Sep- Heights Park, then north and east toward and Frank Sayner, with Mayor Lloyd L. Motors, the only one received, for a four tember30. · GavilanSubdivision. Davis Jr., registering an "in favor" vote, door Oldsmobile sedan for village - Rejected a request from the Rotary Developer Bill McCarty advised the directed village manager Jim Hine to manager Hine in the amount of $9,372 and Club to consider changing the date for the trustees that the project will take "from. proceed . with action, through the State the bid of $11 ,390 for a four wheel drive scheduled October 'l7 meeting, due to the five to 10 years," to complete. Engineer, to secure the right to pump the Wagoneer for Planning and Zoning eo- club's enchilada dinner to be served on At the beginning of tbe meeting trustee wells that have been drilled this year in forcement officerJolm Cu_pj). _ ........ that date. GeQrge White regiStered a written ob- eluding three along HullRoad and Gav11an ·- Autliodied Hiiie to advertise for ---.=AccePted referrals from Planning and jection to the aiUlexation, requesting that Canyon and one at Bog Springs. applicants for tile position of Fire Zoning including a replat of Lot 2, Block 8, his statement be incorporated with the Mildred POIJOVics registered a complaint Prevention Officer, with Herb Brunell of Cree Meadows Country Club Subdivision minutesofthemeeting. on parking facilities .at Jerry Dale's, the Committee for rnsuring Ruidoso's from Jerry Shaw; The statement included the following stating that the loss of trees and ex Environment and Volunteer Fire The final plat of Vista Del Sol for Sam A FIRST PLACE TROPHY won by the Ruidoso High School remarks: ''Myconcernisthelackofwater cavation had formed "a dust bowl," and Department members to assist in Moore; marching band at Roswell Tuesday is showrtoff by drum major and our inability to see much in1- that the operation is "definitely considered preparation of job specifications for the Condominium Project on Lot 31, Block 3, Pam Stone, right, and band director Danny Flores, left. provement in the next several years ... I a nuisance." She alsa threatened to "file a )XlSt. White Mountain Estates Unit 4 for C. C. mUllt inform you at this point unless we suit against Jerry Dale's if the problems ..,. Amended Ordinance Bl-16, pertaining Collie; curtail our real estate development I shall are not solved." to municipal · mortgages for low cost Master Plan and Phase I of Carrizo have to campaign actively against any and- She also objec~ to Jerry Dale's housing, in concert witb Roswell and Lodge Tract, including a commitment to all bond issues to pay for water or sewer acquiring additional parking space for Artesia, to comply with requirements for provide the development witb sewer extensions." cll9tomers, to eliminate the problem of on the sale of bonds to finance the project. services; Warrior band · · White also said he would' 'back up on one street parking. - Named Mary Wooldridge as judge, Replat of Lot 1, Block 4, Cree Meadows condition, that {future annexatiOhs and Mayor Davis, with the trustees in with Helen- Brown, Ruth Wimberly and Heights First Addition for Mike developments) bring tlleir own water or agreement, advised Popovics that the CeCe Sudderth as clerks, and Marilyn Mulholland; and, water rights with them, as .water is my village would install more No Parking Bloodworth and Margie Hine as alternates Replat of Lot 145, hmsbrook Village for wins marching -onlyi)bjection,"totheprojec:ts. · signs, and also su~ested Ulal an ad- for tbeSeptember22 vtllage election on the Dorado Development Company. School opens with 1,442 enrollment competition . Enrollment for the Ruidoso Public Albuquerque for the State Fair. So we'll driver; Willa McPherson, bus driver; dicapped; Ubby Sears, half·t!me aide, Josie Montes Parra, aide, bus for han· . Special Education "C" program. The Ruidoso High Schoal marching High School has almost completed the Schools this fall is 1,442, the Board of probably have a fair increase in late band, under the baton of director Danny transition from traditional to Corps, Education (BOEl announced at its regular September, and then the number will Flores, won the first place trophy in AA Flores said. meeting Tuesday night. decrease again around New Year's," he said. Third bank planned here band competition Tuesday in Roswell, as ~This Is a movement that got started the Eastern New Mexico State Fair got about ten years ago. Bands started using That figure includes kindergarten A thlrd bank is being planned in Ruidoso, Ralph Petty, fonner president of the underway with a street parade. pinwheels and started from the sidelines to through 12th grade, and is accurate as of In other business, theBOE: StaLe Financial Institutions Director A. M. Bank of Santa Fe. is president of Bank face their audience instead of just mar· September B. At the same time last year Swarthout, Santa Fe, announced Tuesday. Holding Company of Santa Fe, owners of "The bigger schools have been prac- ching up and down the field," Flores said 1,4~9 students were enrolled. - Approved funds for next summer's Ralph Petty Jr., Santa Fe, is the agent 86 percent of the stock of the Bank of Santa . tictngthelrlCJds most ofthesununer, while "I feel that If we're going to be competitive basketball camp, provided that director for the new bank proposed in Ruidoso. Fe. we only started In mid-August," said a with the major schools, we'll eventually Superintendent Pat Valliant said that Weldon Drew is present. Organizers indude Petty, his brother; The notice of intention for the new bank, highly pleased Flores. "Some of the have to go completely to Corps. But the the number would probably inc:rease later - Approved the hiring of the following .John D. Petty or Albuquerque, Nancy Swarthout said, has been filed, giving the schools like Roswell looked real good, so I equipment it takes to make the transition this month. "The figure doesn't Include personnel: Acie Houston, cusiodian, high canning of Eden, Texas, John A. canning organizers 180 days In whJc:h to submH was real happy to see from the judges' is very expensive." students whose parents are involved in school; Nonna Reed, housekeeper, White of Roswell and Robert D. Custer of formal application for a state bank decision that we seem to have come along When asked what she thought of the horse racing and have gone to Mountain Schools; Nancy Chavez, bus Albuquerque. charter. quickly. Corps style, drum major Pam Stone, a "This will give us a big morale boost foe senior, said "I love it. It gives you a lot going into Aspencade and tile Parade of more flexibility." Champions at New Mexico State Accorcina; to Stone, the style of Corps University in October. used by the bigger sch!>OU:i is something Lodgers nix general ski package "I think the biggest advantage of this akin to a three-ring circus - with kind of tiling is tllat it gives tile kids a something different going at each part of At Tuesday's luncheon meeting of the combination offer in which Lodgers of be their own and none of the members Ruidoso Dawns Race Track. Association chance to look over bands from other the field. Ruidoso Lodgers Association members fered discount rates, tied in with discounts suggested that there be any effort to offer members agreed to support the races, with schools. We were the last band in the "You pay the same whether you're present agreed that individual members from ski shops and restaurants. packages as have been ln the pasl · lodgers setting the amount to be donated. parade, so they were able to absorb a lot of sitting on the 50 or tile 20 yard line, so you could establish "ski packages," but that Members present supporting a ski Ed Hyman, president of the Ruidoso The Association also approved other styles." ought to be able to see the band just as the Association would not support a package.