Zach Seyko 3/21/2016 Media Analysis Weimer

“Neo-Aristotelian/Traditional Analysis of Madden NFL 13’s Introduction Video (2012)”

Since I was seven-years-old, I have been playing one of most popular football video games ever invented, Madden NFL Football. I love the game of football; I enjoy watching, explaining, analyzing and playing virtual versions of the sport. Madden 13 was one of my editions of the game, part of which was due to the introduction video. It stuck with me for four years because it was inspirational. (NFL) great and future Hall of

Famer ’s words were magnificently organized in a speech that would give any listener shivers. It was jaw dropping the first time I watched it seeing the various graphics and allusions on my television screen. The memory of the video resonated in my mind heavily when the class was deciding on topics to research and write about.

Madden NFL Football is a created and developed by that has been in existence since 1984 when Trip Hawkins and legendary NFL head coach John Madden teamed up to produce a game that accurately depicts 22 players on a field trying to score and prevent touchdowns (Gaudiosi, CNN Money). The first Madden game I purchased was their

2004 edition that featured former Atlanta Falcons’ quarterback on the cover. I have watched the video game evolve over the course of 11 years and have enjoyed each copy.

Lewis was a former middle linebacker who played 17 years in the NFL, spending all of them in

Baltimore as a member of the Ravens organization (Bio, Lewis). Subsequently, Lewis retired after earning his second Super Bowl victory, the same season Madden NFL 13 was released. It almost seemed like Electronic Arts predicted that Lewis and his Raven’s team would win the championship because he was placed in higher prestige than any other player and coach involved in the NFL during the sport’s fiscal year. Madden’s message was clear and concise in communicating that the video game was going to be defensive oriented. By using Lewis as a spokesperson and including images of tough, brutal tackles made on defense, Madden gives the same feeling of playing football in reality and demonstrates that it takes determination and hard work to be good at the video game, similarly to real life. Madden NFL 13 effectively conveyed their message to multiple audiences while simultaneously overcoming constraints of their rhetorical situation by using the rhetorical strategies ethos, pathos, and logos within the invention canon of rhetoric, as well as organization, and delivery.

In summary, the rhetorical situation is the first part of the Neo-Aristotelian Approach that includes multiple points of analysis: discussing the details of the rhetor, explaining the significance of the exigence, describing the audience, analyzing the occasion, detailing the medium, and identifying important constraints that the rhetor overcame through their message through these different points of emphasis (Weimer, handout). In the analysis of the rhetor, background must be provided in order to understand the overall decisions that they are making.

“Look for information about the rhetor to discover links between the rhetor’s history, experience, and character and that person’s efforts to persuade” (Weimer, handout). The next subject to discuss is the exigence, the purpose that the message was called into being. Following the exigence is the occasion, or purpose of the rhetor’s message. Then, the audience that the rhetor is communicating must be detailed. Within the audience, the target audience must be identified, as well as other potential audiences, and must describe what the audience knows and does not know about the rhetor (Weimer, handout). Finally, the medium must be explained and why the rhetor chose the specific outlet for their message. All these aspects of analysis include constraints, which are also limitations and opportunities. Through the rhetorical situation, the rhetor experiences limitations through their personal background information, the content of the artifact, the audiences, their purpose behind the message, and the medium. The limits bring a host of opportunities that help the rhetor communicate their message effectively.

First, the rhetor of the video is Madden NFL, a company that is a product of Electronic

Arts Inc. Specifically, Madden NFL is developed each year in Orlando, Florida by the Tiburon team of EA Sports (EA Sports Careers) who are the rhetors of the designed message. In each game produced, EA Sports presents its logo and its tagline, “EA Sports, it’s in the game.”

Madden NFL has also established a contract with the National Football League that permits the franchise exclusive rights to anything the league owns. EA presently holds the license and continually renews it to limit competition from other businesses with the desire to market a football video game. Some have argued that Madden’s unfair domination of the market hinders them from producing a better video game (Florio, NBC Sports). This is a constraint of the rhetor because some believe that Madden does not produce a quality video game. It reflects poorly of the inartistic ethos, the knowledge of the rhetor’s character/credibility that the audiences already possesses, of the company because they have eliminated other gaming companies from using the items of the NFL that are copyrighted and players. Madden is the only video game that is released every year that has access players, team names, logos, stadiums, etc. While this is a limitation of the business, it also provides Madden an opportunity to corner the market. Even though Madden is criticized for this, it is a way to persuade die-hard football fans to purchase the only playable football video game for next generation consoles that is on the market. Another constraint of Madden NFL was their drop in approval and popularity ratings over a four-year period. After the 2010 edition, fans and gamers felt that Madden took a step backwards in the development of their video game. This second point of inartistic ethos presented a spectacular opportunity for Madden to improve their image as a declining video game by focusing on where they seemed to go wrong with changes they made to the game in prior years.

Correspondingly, Madden NFL’s introduction video was called into being because the company wanted to emphasize defense in its newest edition in 2012. Madden tended to favor offensive gameplay and strategies, making substantial changes to the gameplay’s offensive features and neglecting the advancement of the defensive controls. In previous games, players were easily capable of scoring lots of points against their friends, online opponents, and the CPU because defense was not challenging. Users could pass the football all over the virtual field with no contest from opposing defenses. Typically, NFL games have 60 minutes of allotted game time for teams to try and score, but Madden games are roughly 20 minutes long and players were able to score close to 100 points combined between each other in a single match. Madden took an initiative to improve the defensive aspects of the game and make it more entertaining for the fans and game players by revolutionizing the game (Taormina, Game Rant). To symbolize the video game’s focus on the defensive side of the ball, Madden developed an introduction video with one of the most feared, respected and admired defensive players to make their way into the NFL that was Number 52, Lewis. One constraint within the exigence of Madden NFL’s introduction video is Madden’s admiration for a defensive oriented video game became a hindrance??? to their introduction message because it led to the use of Lewis as a spokesperson. Is this risk not an opportunity and limitation? Their decision was bold and different because Madden had not focused on specific players in previous opening scenes for their games. Past clips included narration by individual players, but they were not seen talking and footage from the clip consisted of teams and action from around the league. This decision gave Madden the opportunity to create and develop a different type of introduction behind the motivational speech the Lewis presents.

Madden NFL has been mass-producing their video game since 1988 (EA Sports, Museum

Exhibit). The occasion is the time and place when a speaker presents their message. Every year,

EA Sports is expected to release the newest edition of Madden when August rolls around. The

National Football League, which the game is entirely based around, begins their regular season shortly after the release of the game. The game corresponds with the NFL’s schedule and gives football fans and individuals who enjoy Madden an early start before the actual season starts.

The constraint of the NFL’s scheduling is a limitation because Madden video games are only relevant during football season. It would not make sense for the company to release their newest game during the start of baseball season. Although, their timing is opportunity because anxious football fans are starving for a new game that puts the NFL in their hands. In addition, Madden’s timing alleviates them from other competition; other well-known franchises do not release their games until other parts of the year, therefore the attention is all on Madden.

As I mentioned before, Madden is the only company eligible to produce a video game representing the NFL. Therefore, it is the company’s duty to develop and release a newer version of the game each August to meet the demands of their audiences. Madden NFL always sets its release date for mid to late August, leaving most fans deprived of their favorite game, which means a delay in viewing the introduction clip. Although, as EA Sports and Madden did over the summer, they could continue to tease the opening video with brief clips and reminders leading up to the release date to cause more excitement and anticipation amongst their followers.

While Madden has some options, their primary media are the Playstation 3, 360,

PC, television and the Internet in 2012. The medium or media is how a rhetor proceeds to communicate their message. These were the outlets for Madden because the annual game was released for the specific consoles. The introduction could be viewed across all of the different electronic devices. It did not limit buyers to one platform as it gave fans flexibility to own a device they liked to play the game they were interested in. The Internet is also a medium for EA

Sports’ creation because individuals have the ability to capture the clip from the game and post it to various social media outlets as well as YouTube. Electronic Arts launched what could be considered a rough of their intro at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, an annual convention that is held for video game companies to share with the public what they are in the process of making for the future (Lada, Technology Tell). At E3, Madden previewed a different, shorter version of the introduction video, but it included parts of Lewis’s speech and brief screen shots of the upcoming gameplay. The trailer presented at the convention was also posted to

YouTube by EA Sports’ account. With new technological advances for Madden draw constraints. Madden’s limitation through their new enhancements creates a prototypical and inaugural version of their changes. Potentially, gameplay might not be polished and could be a step in the wrong direction like previous years if the bugs are not worked out quickly. But,

Madden seized an opportunity to create a more realistic video game with their new technology.

Player resemblance and live action could look and feel like an actual football game is being played right there on the gaming console. Furthermore, another constraint that the medium brings is the ability to skip the introduction. Madden allows gamers to override the intro just by pressing a single button on their electronic unit’s controller. Someone could go a full year of playing the game without watching the entirety of Lewis’s speech. The opportunity that it provides is that the game also forces the player to come across it each time they proceed to load the game. The player is bound to at least watch the speech once out of the intrusive nature of the loading design Madden has set up, or out of the curiosity because they must view the first few seconds of it before choosing to skip to the start screen.

- Audience(s):

Madden had to appeal to multiple audiences when communicating their message. The video game’s target audience is the group of individuals that are diehard Madden fans. They have both high interest and high knowledge of the game and are the majority of the market and are the most likely to purchase a copy of the video game. Most of the Madden fans happen to be

NFL fans, or else they would not pick up a game that is solely based on professional . This becomes an opportunity for the rhetor because fans will be excited to take the game they know and love and control it the way they desire to, possibly leading towards positive reviews for Madden. Secondary audiences that Madden must appeal to are on opposite ends of their respective spectrum. One audience is the group of people who are content with Madden and does not see the need for major changes, while the other group includes gamers who believe that

Madden should go under a transformation and be like a completely different video game (Lee,

Huffington Post). Madden also has to respect the age, gender and race variations. Although their largest demographic audience is 30-year-old males (Lee, Huffington Post), the corporation must be concerned with teenagers, as well as females, even though they are the minority of the football video game market. Moreover, a limitation that the audience might present to Madden is the lack of knowledge about Lewis and other legends referred to in the video, as well as the game of football. Some of the younger audiences and less experienced users will not know who

Lewis is and the legacy that he carries with him, in addition to the ins and outs of the sport he played. But, this is a great opportunity for EA Sports to educate new generations of Madden players. Individuals can learn that Lewis played for the Ravens, the duration of his career, what position he played and his leadership role on the team. For audience members who do not fully under the concepts of football, Madden is educating them on the passion, hard work and schemes that are part of America’s most popular sport. The second limitation that is present in potential audience members is that they may own a negative view of Lewis. Lewis is not well received by everyone because of his arrogant being and the belief that he should be in prison for the alleged double homicide in Atlanta in 1999 (Lewis biography). It is difficult to accept a possible murderer being the face of any corporation, causing fans to potentially question Madden’s character and why they made their decision to select him as the spokesperson. Even though

Lewis’s negative perception towards some people is a tough constraint to overcome, Madden has the opportunity to put Lewis in a better light and show the audiences that there is more to him than meets the eye by forming a proper artistic ethos, an appeal to character and creditability that the rhetor creates. No one can deny that Lewis was passionate leader on the field, played his heart for himself and his teammates and was a powerful speaker. Lewis’s speech successfully displays how inspirational and strong-willed to doubters within the audience. Madden possesses several audiences who create limitations and opportunities when constructing their message.

They had to find something that combats their constraints, while simultaneously gaining opportunities.

After examining the rhetorical situation, which highlighted the content of the rhetor’s message, as well as the limitations and opportunities, the Traditional Approach transitions to the textual analysis, which examines how the rhetor was effective or ineffective at communicating a message and overcoming the constraints.

The second half of the Traditional Approach is the textual analysis, which uses the five canons of rhetoric to discover how the rhetor’s message was successful (Weimer, handout). The five canons of rhetoric are invention, organization, style, delivery, and memoria. First, invention is how the rhetor creates their message using the three rhetorical appeals, ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is an audience’s “psychological appeal” (Weimer, handout) to the rhetor’s character and credibility, pathos is an audience’s appeal to emotion, and logos is the audience’s appeal to logical reasoning (Weimer, handout). The following canon of organization is how the rhetor precisely constructs their message in a specific way (Weimer, handout). The third part to the textual analysis is the style in which the rhetor communicates their message. “Style is the personal or unique verbal and non-verbal choices” (Weimer, handout) that a rhetor makes. After that is the delivery step, which is how the rhetor communicates its message to different audiences. Lastly, memoria is the part that explains how all the rhetorical strategies work together to make the message complete (Weimer, handout). As stated before, the goal of the textual analysis is to prove how the rhetor was successful or unsuccessful with their message through its content.

One of Madden’s strongest rhetorical strategies was the use of the invention canon.

Madden NFL 13 effectively utilizes the three rhetorical appeals to communicate its message during the invention process to generate and structure context for the message (Weimer, handout). Madden conveys an appeal to ethos by using Lewis as their spokesperson and making references to legendary head coach Vince Lombardi (Sequence 27), Hall of Famers Walter

Payton and Jerry Rice (Sequences 6-10, 12) and Super Bowl winning quarterback

(Sequence 33). All of these selected players are credible figures; they are some of the most notable faces in the NFL. Because of their accomplishments, Lewis, Lombardi, Payton, Rice and

Brady are discussed as the greatest people to ever do their jobs. Madden’s message would not take the same effect if they had chosen players who had never achieved greatness in the NFL such a back up players and fired coaches. The individuals that are remember are those who pushed through adversity and became winners. You must address the issue of using Lewis here and his controversial inartistic ethos or reputation. Was the rhetorical choice effective artistically? Does Lewis in the video portray intelligence character and good will

The next rhetorical appeal Madden NFL uses to its advantage is pathos. “Pathos, an artistic proof, is the psychological response of the audience to the rhetor’s emotional response”

(Weimer, handout). The emotional appeal occurs as soon as the clip starts with the crowd cheering in the early sequences. Gamers can feel a brief sense of accomplishment because they can equate cheering to success. Lewis begins to speak saying, “I’ve always been told I’m too small. I’m not big enough. I don’t have what it takes,” (Sequences 2-4) and looks directly at the viewers. Lewis’s emotions could have sparked two emotions amongst gamers, pity and anger.

Pity is an emotion felt when someone sees another individual receiving unwarranted suffering

(Aristotle rhetoric, Weimer handout). They would feel this because Lewis did not deserve the criticism for his smaller stature that typical NFL players have. He received harsh reviews of his long term playing ability coming out of college when entering the professional football draft. It was not fair and it ultimately lowered his place of selection, where the Ravens were lucky to snatch him up (McGinn, Journal Sentinel). However, since inartistic date suggests he is usually arrogant—this artistic ethos would make the strategy effective for the primary audience. Lewis appears passionate and genuine in his words, showing fans that he cares about more than just the fame. Anger is the other emotion that gamers might have related to easily. Anger is “the belief that we have been unjustifiably treated badly by some person” (Aristotle rhetoric, Weimer handout). Some, but not all, Madden gamers are current or past football players. The reason

Lewis’s words would resonate so much with them is because they know what it feels like to be ridiculed and doubted. They have endured criticism like any athlete has before, and used it for motivation. Zack this is an excellent discussion but I think you should combine ethos and pathos

The final rhetorical appeal used during the invention step in Aristotle’s canons of rhetoric is logos. Logos is “the line of reasoning or the argument of the rhetor” (Weimer handout).

Madden’s introduction video uses inductive reasoning, the process of using multiple, “specific examples to draw a general conclusion” (Weimer, handout) through a series of enthymemes.

Enthymemes appear frequently in commercials, advertisements, television shows, movies, music and humor. According to The Neo-Aristotelian/Traditional Approach handout from Message

Analysis, an enthymeme is defined as “a rhetorical syllogism, a logical deduction where one or more of the parts of the syllogism is missing and must be supplied by the audience (Weimer, handout). For example; all men are mortal, Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal

(Weimer, handout). Rhetors are not required to state all parts to an argument as previously stated because the audience is capable of filling in the missing pieces and fully understanding the rhetor’s message (Weimer, handout). Particularly, there are enthymemes in the Madden NFL 13 introduction video that are identifiable, both visual and verbal that the rhetor successfully communicates to its audiences.

There are quite a few enthymemes within video featuring the former Ravens linebacker.

One example of an enthymeme that exists in my artifact is a verbal model. Midway through his speech, Lewis says, “…and now our biggest prize bares his name” (Sequence 31, Line 19).

Lewis is referring to the coveted Lombardi Trophy, which is sought by 32 NFL franchises each season. The award is presented to the winner of the Super Bowl. Lewis does not specify what the prize is for; he could have been talking about the most valuable player award or the coach of the year award, but all football fans are aware and could complete the enthymeme that the “biggest prize” is in fact the Lombardi Trophy. Madden successfully uses its introduction video to inform users about the beloved game of football.

The following example of an enthymeme in the Madden intro is a visual case. While

Lewis is well known by most individuals who follow the sport and play Madden, it is not stated what position he actually plays, and if he is an offensive or defensive player. Any person watching Madden’s video must be familiar with the game of football or Lewis’s playing career to understand that he is a defensive, middle linebacker. The video shows Lewis commanding the defense (Sequence 20), tackling players carrying the football (Sequence 24), wearing his iconic number 52 (Sequence 5) and lining up in defensive positions (Sequence 22), all of which are characteristics of typical middle linebackers in the NFL. It is the audience’s responsibility to make the connection as to what position Lewis takes part in. These enthymemes effectively assist the rhetor Madden in their persuasion. The constraints of audience and purpose are met as the audience becomes involved.

The next strategy that Madden carefully uses is organization, the second canon of rhetoric. Organization is the way content is arranged by the rhetor in unique patterns (Weimer, handout). Madden strategically chose what camera angles to view Lewis, what setting he would be placed in, what images would appear as he spoke and the background music that would be played while he spoke. EA Sports & Madden selected a developmental approach of organization, which is commonly used in sports. In doing meet the constraints of ….The artifact is arranged so that most of the attention is on Lewis. He is the only person communicating verbally to the audiences in the clip. As stated previously, Lewis begins the speech with his story of being underestimated as a football player and ended with the phrase, “Leave… Your… Mark…”

(Sequences 63-65, Lines 36-38) before standing up off the bench as the locker room is broken down. The organizational strategy by Madden is effective because they begin by saying people doubted Lewis, but now one must find a way to be recognized like him. Each work of the final phrase is accompanied by aggressive hits by virtual Lewis to reinforce that Madden is more than just a video game; it is similar to football in reality. Once the gamer is in control, they are making the hits just like Lewis would in real life, with the virtual character that is portrayed accurately as Number 52.

The final rhetorical strategy that Madden used nicely was the delivery canon of rhetoric.

Delivery involves what media the rhetor used to communicate their intended message (Weimer, handout). The forms of media that were used by Madden were television, gaming consoles, computers and the Internet. As previously recognized, Madden released a teaser trailer at the E3 convention to give fans a preview of what was to come in the future for Madden NFL 13. The E3 convention was televised on Spike TV and Xbox Live for those who could not attend the event in person (Lada, Technology Tell). After the trailer was seen and received respectable reviews,

EA Sports posted it onto YouTube to be watched and shared. While their E3 trailer was not the exact same video used in the final version of Madden NFL 13, it was strategic and successful because it got the word out. Fans began talking about the new Madden game and it became highly anticipated. The other media that Madden selected were a result of the gaming company releasing their product on PlayStation’s, Xbox’s and PC’s. I believe that their choice to give spectators a preview of the introduction video was ingenious. Imagine if Madden neglected to use parts of Lewis and the speech and decided to solely introduce gameplay and new features.

Madden wants to transcend the title of just being a video game and connect with gamers on a personal level, which would not have been the same if they displayed previews of virtual characters running around a virtual field. To conclude, Madden NFL 13 effectively conveyed their message to multiple audiences while simultaneously overcoming constraints of their rhetorical situation by using the rhetorical strategies ethos, pathos, and logos within the invention canon of rhetoric, as well as organization, and delivery. By using the three rhetorical appeals and the canons of rhetorical, Madden successfully demonstrated their message that the 24th edition of

Madden was going to be defensive oriented and that it takes hard work and determination to achieve what is considered greatness in the National Football League through the representation of some of the league’s past and present most respected individuals. Madden’s inspirational opening clip instills a desire in gamers to play the game and work hard to be the best at it.

Through the use of enthymemes involving well-known football players and coaches, the organization of the message to make Madden seem synonymous with real life football, the word choice in Lewis’s speech and the media selected to show the video in, Madden NFL 13’s overall message of how to be successful in a defensive-minded video game that goes beyond virtual reality. If Madden had failed to include just one of the canons, its message would have failed or not have had the same, resounding effect that it achieved. Through the analysis of the rhetorical situation and the analysis of the artifact, it was discovered how Madden overcame a specific set of constraints among the rhetor itself, the exigence, the purpose, the audience, and the medium.

After reviewing the artifact through the textual analysis, it is clear that Madden effectively communicated their message.

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Ray Lewis’s Speech Script in Madden NFL 13

#1: Ive always been told that #2: I’m too small, #3: I’m not big enough #4: I’m not fast enough, #5: I don’t have what it takes. #6: To be the best and stay there, #7: sweat is necessary. #8: Walter and Jerry had their hills, #9: never being comfortable, #10: with just good enough. #11: (It’s right now or never,) #12: (its right now or never) #13: I prepare so no one can take what is mine, #14: no one can replace my mind, #15: (come on defense) #16: my heart. #17: Lombardi inspired me, #18: and now our biggest prize, #19: bares his name. #20: I’m older, #21: of course I’m older, #22: that’s the beauty of it. #23: 16 years plus, #24: different level of wisdom, #25: different level of understanding, #26: different level of punishment. #27: I wanna live LOOONG after my records have fallen, #28: long after my rings have tarnished. #29: And whatever you got to do, #30: to make sure you chase your legacy, #31: every second of your life. #32: Will you be remembered? #33: How would you be remembered? #34: Why wouldn’t you fight, #35: for the greatest achievement ever? #36: Leave… #37: Your… #38: Mark…