Recreational Vessels As Vectors for Non-Native Marine Species in California 2012

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Recreational Vessels As Vectors for Non-Native Marine Species in California 2012 Aquatic Invasive Species Vector Risk Assessments: Recreational vessels as vectors for non-native marine species in California Final Report July 2012 Submitted to the California Ocean Science Trust Funded by the California Ocean Protection Council By: The Aquatic Bioinvasion Research & Policy Institute A Partnership between Portland State University & the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Gail Ashton, Chela Zabin, Ian Davidson & Greg Ruiz TableofContents 1.ExecutiveSummary.............................................................................................................2 2.Introduction........................................................................................................................5 2.1.TheRecreationalVesselVector...................................................................................6 2.2.HistoryoftheVector....................................................................................................8 3.Aims....................................................................................................................................8 4.Methods..............................................................................................................................9 4.1.InvasionHistory...........................................................................................................9 4.2.ContemporaryVectorOperationinCalifornia..........................................................12 5.Results...............................................................................................................................14 5.1.InvasionHistory.........................................................................................................14 InvasionHistoryKeyFindings................................................................................24 5.2.ContemporaryVectorOperationinCalifornia..........................................................25 ContemporaryVectorKeyFindings......................................................................40 6.Discussion..........................................................................................................................41 6.1.InvasionHistory&Impacts........................................................................................41 6.2.CurrentPatternsandProcessesofVectorOperations..............................................42 6.3.ManagementReviewandRecommendations..........................................................43 6.4.Criticaldatagaps.......................................................................................................52 6.5.KeyManagementRecommendationsforCalifornia.................................................52 7.Acknowledgements...........................................................................................................53 8.References.........................................................................................................................54 1 1.ExecutiveSummary Background TheintroductionofnonͲindigenousspecies(NIS)isrecognizedaroundtheworldasathreatto biodiversity,ecosystemservicesandhumanhealth.Californiaisahotspotfortheintroductionof marineNISinNorthAmericaaswellasglobally.Thenumberofnewmarineinvasionsdetectedper decadehasincreaseddramaticallyoverthepastcenturyinCaliforniaandalsoinotherregions.In response,managementofthevectorsofintroductionhasbeenadvancingasthemosteffectiveand efficientmechanismtocurtailthisincrease.Todate,mostvectormanagementhasfocusedon commercialvessels,whichareimportantandactivevectorsofmarineNIStransfers.Inthisregard, Californiahasbeenagloballeaderindevelopingandimplementingmanagementactionstocurbboth ballastwaterandhullfoulingmodesofintroductionbycommercialshipping.Despitethisprogress, othervectorsalsoexist,creatingadditionalopportunityfortheintroductionandspreadofmarineNIS. Thestateisnowseekingfurtherinformationaboutthesevectors,includinghowthevectorsoperate, thelikelihoodofpastandfutureintroductions,andidentificationofopportunitiesforsuccessful interventions.Here,wecharacterizethecurrentstateofknowledgeaboutrecreationalboatingasa vectorinCalifornia,includingadditionalinformationfromotherregions. Aim TocharacterizetheoperationandpotentialimportanceofrecreationalvesselsasvectorsforNIS introductionandcoastwisespreadinCalifornia. Approach WeusedhistoricalrecordsofNISintroductionsinCalifornia,alongwithrecordsofbiofoulingorganisms associatedwiththehullsandunderwatersurfacesofrecreationalboatsfromglobalstudies,toassess thestateofknowledgeandhistoricimportanceofrecreationalvesselhullfouling.Further,wecollected realͲtimedataonvesselbehaviorandfoulingcommunitiestoassessthecontemporaryandlikelyfuture roleofrecreationalvesselsinthespreadofNISinCalifornia.Finally,wereviewedbrieflysomepotential managementactionsthatcouldreducetheroleofrecreationalvesselsasvectorsofNIS. Findings Availabledataindicatethatrecreationalvesselshavebeenanimportantandpotentvectorforthe spreadofNISinCalifornia,aswellasotherregionsaroundtheworld,andthiscontinuestobethecase today.Theopportunitiesforspreadresultfromthelargenumberofvesselsinthestate,their movementsamongbays,andalsothebiofouling(nonindigenous)organismsassociatedwiththe underwatersurfacesofvessels.Approximately800,000900,000recreationalboatswereregisteredin Californiainrecentyears(2008Ͳ2010).Questionnaireresponsesduringthepresentstudy,andresults frompreviousstudies,indicatethat20Ͳ50%ofthesevesselstraveloutsideoftheirhomeportorbay 2 (dependingonstudyandhomebay).AmongtransientvesselsexaminedbyinͲwaterfieldsurveysduring thisstudy(n=49),86%hadfoulingspeciespresentontheirhulls,26%hadhundredsofindividualfouling organisms,andanother25%hadmorethanathousandindividualsorganismspresent.Onaverage,16 specieswereidentifiedfromtransientvesselfoulingcommunities;29%ofthespeciesidentifiedwere considerednonͲnativeinCalifornia;including3speciesthathavenotbeenrecordedfromCalifornia(or theWestCoast). ThereisaglobalshortageofstudiesontheimpactofmarineNISwhichlimitsunderstandingofthetrue extentofecologicalandeconomicconsequencesofinvasionsduetohullfouling(aswellasother vectors).Ofthefewstudiesthatwereavailable,mostdemonstratedasignificantimpact.Further researchonimpactsiswarrantedandcriticalinsettingprioritiesformanagementresponse(eradication orcontrol),inordertofocussucheffortsonhighͲimpactspeciesofconcern. Overall,whenconsideringthenumberofrecreationalvesselmovementsandassociatedbiofouling organismsdocumentedontransientvesselsinCalifornia,itisevidentthatrecreationalboats(a)transfer alargenumberofnonͲnativeorganismsthroughoutCaliforniaand(b)contributetothespreadofNIS intoandthroughthestate.GiventhatmanyoftheseNISmaycauseimpactsintheintroducedhabitat, thepotentialconsequencesofcontinuedintroductionandspreadareextensive. Whereascommercialvessels(andothervectors)mayoftenbeasourceofinitialintroductionsintothe state,recreationalvesselsarelikelytobeespeciallyimportantinfacilitatingcoastwisespreadof invasions.Californiareceivesapproximately5,000Ͳ6,000commercialvesselarrivalseachyearto commercialports,arrivingmostlyfromoverseasandoutsidethestate.Incontrast,weestimatearrivals ofrecreationalvesselsareatleasttwoordersofmagnitudegreater,mostlyfromwithinthestate, providingahighlevelofconnectivity. Importantly,smallvesselscanaccessharbors,bays,estuariesandcoastlinesthatareinaccessibleto commercialvessels,includingremoteareaswhereothervectors(aquaculture,andthetradein ornamentalspecies,livebaitandliveseafood)canberare.Itisoftennotpossibletopartitionthe sourceofbiofoulinginvasionsamongrecreational,commercial,andfishingvessels.However,the invasionofsmallbays(withoutcommercialvesseltraffic)underscoresthelikelyoverallimportanceof nonͲcommercialvesseltransferstomarineinvasionsinthestate;critically,theabsolutenumberof speciestransfersbyrecreationalvesselsisexpectedtobegreaterinlargebays,wheremorerecreational vesselsarrive,eveniftheexactroleofcommercialversusrecreationalvesselsforparticularinvasionsis notclear. Recommendations TherearecurrentlynoguidelinesorregulationsinCaliforniathataimtomanage(reduce)theriskof marinespeciestransfersassociatedwithrecreationalvessels.Inaddition,thereisonlylimited informationonmovementpatternsandassociatedbiotaforthesevesselsinthestate.Thecurrent approachtomanaginginvasionrisksforrecreationalvessels,whichconsistssolelyofeffortstoeducate boatersbyagenciessuchasCaliforniaSeaGrant,andthemultiͲagencyCleanMarinasprogram,which 3 focusesmostlyonreducingchemicalpollution,isinsharpcontrasttothatforcommercialships.This disparityexistsatboththestateandnationallevels. Werecommendaleadagencybegiventheauthorityandresourcestoevaluate,advance,andassess efficacyofmanagementstrategiestoreducespeciestransfersbyrecreationalvesselsoperatingin Californiawaters.Thiscouldincludevoluntarymanagementpractices,educationandoutreach campaigns,andincentiveprograms.Inadditiontoattemptstoincreasevoluntaryefforts,regulations targetinghighͲriskvesselsatkeycontrolpointsmightbeconsidered,followingtheHazardAnalysisand CriticalControlPoint(HACCP)approach.Thismaybeespeciallyeffectiveforforeignarrivals,asa reportingandinspectionmechanismalreadyexiststhroughCustomsandBorderProtection.Examples ofsimilarprogramsfromAustraliaandNewZealandmayprovideusefulmodelsforCalifornia. 4 2.Introduction TheintroductionofnonͲindigenousspecies(NIS)isrecognizedgloballyasathreattobiodiversity, ecosystemservicesandhumanhealth(Macketal.2000,Carlton2001,MillenniumEcosystem Assessment2005,Charles&Dukes2007).CaliforniaisahotspotfortheintroductionofNIS(Cohen& Carlton1998;Ruizetal.2011b)onthewestcoastofNorthAmerica,nationally,andglobally.Thehigh
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    APPENDIX C - INVERTEBRATE POPULATION ATTRIBUTES C1. Taxonomic list of megabenthic invertebrate species collected C2. Percent area of megabenthic invertebrate species by subpopulation C3. Abundance of megabenthic invertebrate species by subpopulation C4. Biomass of megabenthic invertebrate species by subpopulation C- 1 C1. Taxonomic list of megabenthic invertebrate species collected on the southern California shelf and upper slope at depths of 2-476m, July-October 2003. Taxon/Species Author Common Name PORIFERA CALCEREA --SCYCETTIDA Amphoriscidae Leucilla nuttingi (Urban 1902) urn sponge HEXACTINELLIDA --HEXACTINOSA Aphrocallistidae Aphrocallistes vastus Schulze 1887 cloud sponge DEMOSPONGIAE Porifera sp SD2 "sponge" Porifera sp SD4 "sponge" Porifera sp SD5 "sponge" Porifera sp SD15 "sponge" Porifera sp SD16 "sponge" --SPIROPHORIDA Tetillidae Tetilla arb de Laubenfels 1930 gray puffball sponge --HADROMERIDA Suberitidae Suberites suberea (Johnson 1842) hermitcrab sponge Tethyidae Tethya californiana (= aurantium ) de Laubenfels 1932 orange ball sponge CNIDARIA HYDROZOA --ATHECATAE Tubulariidae Tubularia crocea (L. Agassiz 1862) pink-mouth hydroid --THECATAE Aglaopheniidae Aglaophenia sp "hydroid" Plumulariidae Plumularia sp "seabristle" Sertulariidae Abietinaria sp "hydroid" --SIPHONOPHORA Rhodaliidae Dromalia alexandri Bigelow 1911 sea dandelion ANTHOZOA --ALCYONACEA Clavulariidae Telesto californica Kükenthal 1913 "soft coral" Telesto nuttingi Kükenthal 1913 "anemone" Gorgoniidae Adelogorgia phyllosclera Bayer 1958 orange gorgonian Eugorgia
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