4 “√∫—≠ Contents “√®“° æ.µ.∑. ∑—°…‘≥ ™‘π«—µ√ 𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ Message from Prime Minister ...... 6 “√®“°π“¬ ÿ«—®πå ≈‘ªµæ—≈≈¿ √Õß𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√®—¥ß“π§√∫√Õ∫ 1 ªï ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘¿—¬ ÷π“¡‘ Message from Deputy Prime Minister Suwat Liptapanlop, Chairman of the çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié Committee ...... 8 ÷π“¡‘§◊ÕÕ–‰√ What Is a Tsunami? ...... 12 Õ—π¥“¡—π..Õ—π¥“¡—π Andaman - The Region and Its People ...... 14 26 ∏—𫓧¡ 2547 §≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å∂≈à¡Õ—π¥“¡—π...«—π·Ààߧ«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ 26 December 2004: The Tsunami Devastates the Andaman Region - A Day of Great Loss ...... 16 Õ“≈—¬§ÿ≥æÿà¡ ‡®π‡´àπ In Memory of Khun Poom Jensen ...... 20 æ≈—ߧ≈◊ËππÈ”„® The Power of Kindness - From the Heart ...... 22 .πÈ”æ√–∑—¬...æ√–∫√¡«ß»“πÿ«ß»å Kindness of Thai Royalty .§«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ...®“°√—∞∫“≈ ŸàºŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ Government Aid to Tsunami Victims .æ≈—ßπÈ”„®§π‰∑¬ The Kindness of the Thai People .πÈ”„®∑’ˉ√âæ√¡·¥π Mercy without Borders æ≈‘°øóôπÕ—π¥“¡—π Ÿà§«“¡¬—Ë߬◊π Rehabilitation of Andaman to Sustainability ...... 44 «—µ∂ÿª√– ߧå„π°“√®—¥ß“π ç«—π√”≈÷° 1ªï ÷π“¡‘é Objectives of the çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié Ceremony ...... 58 §≥–°√√¡°“√®—¥ß“π§√∫√Õ∫ 1 ªï ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘¿—¬ ÷π“¡‘ çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié Committee À¡“¬‡≈¢‚∑√»—æ∑å ∂“π∑’Ë ”§—≠ Emergency Telephone Numbers ¿“§ºπ«° ª√–¡«≈¿“æ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∑—ÈßÀ¡¥ Appendices

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æ—πµ”√«®‚∑ (∑—°…‘≥ ™‘π«—µ√) 𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’

6 Message from His Excellency Thaksin Shinawatra Prime Minister of on the Occasion of the ùOne Year in Memory of Tsunamiû Ceremony 26 December 2005 It has been a year since the deadly tsunami devastated many countries in the Indian Ocean area on 26 December 2004. What remains today is the deeply painful memory of the disaster. Both Thais and others across the world are unable to forget the havoc wreaked by the tsunami, which left thousands dead and is considered to be one of the global tragedies with the highest death toll. The deepest pain felt by Thais is over the death of Khun Poom Jensen, son of Princess Ubol Ratana. However, amid the great loss and sorrow, the Thai people have been generous and kind to tsunami victims. Aid flowed from all corners of the country and Thai peopleûs humanity and generosity were witnessed by the whole world. This has helped Thailand successfully to pass through the difficult times. Over the past year, the Thai government has been working hard at helping the victims of this disaster in the six tsunami-hit provinces by both channeling financial aid and restoring the land. One important step was the establishment of the National Disaster Warning Center to boost the confidence of residents and tourists. Moreover, the Thai government organized the çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié Ceremony during 25 - 27 December 2005 to remember those who lost their lives and were injured in this disaster as well as to thank the world for the sympathy and generosity Thailand received in the disasterûs aftermath. The Thai government also issued an international invitation to tsunami survivors and the victimsû next-of-kin to attend this ceremony free of charge in an effort to restore the confidence of traveling to Thailand. I would like to take this opportunity to commiserate with those who lost their loved ones in this disaster. I would also like to thank all those who gave their time and donated goods and money to help cushion the impact of the disaster. The effort made by all parties has fortified the country, enabling us to forge ahead with the task of developing our country towards greater prosperity.

(Thaksin Shinawatra) Prime Minister

7 “√ 𓬠ÿ«—®πå ≈‘ªµæ—≈≈¿ √Õß𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√®—¥ß“π§√∫√Õ∫ Ò ªï ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘¿—¬ ÷π“¡‘ „π‚Õ°“ ®—¥ß“π ç§√∫√Õ∫ Ò ªï ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘¿—¬ ÷π“¡‘é «—π∑’Ë Úˆ ∏—𫓧¡ ÚıÙ¯ √—∞∫“≈‰¥â®—¥ß“π ç«—π√”≈÷° Ò ªï ÷π“¡‘é (One Year in Memory of Tsunami) ¢÷Èπ ‡æ◊ËÕ√”≈÷°∂÷ß ‡Àµ°“√≥ÿ ∏√≥å æ’ ∫‘ µ— ¿‘ ¬ — π“¡÷ ∑‘ ‡°Ë’ ¥¢‘ π‡¡È÷ Õ«Ë◊ π∑— Ë’ Úˆ ∏𫓧¡— ÚıÙ˜ ‚¥¬¡æ’ ∏‘ √”≈’ °·≈–‰«÷ Õ“≈â ¬·¥— ºà ‡ ⟠¬™’ «’ µ‘ æ√âÕ¡∑—È߉¥â‡™‘≠≠“µ‘·≈–ºŸâ∫“¥‡®Á∫§π‰∑¬·≈–µà“ߪ√–‡∑»¡“√à«¡ß“π ‡æ◊ËÕ· ¥ß∂÷ߧ«“¡¡’πÈ”„®µàÕºŸâ∑’Ë ‰¥â„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ§π‰∑¬·≈–π—°∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«„π™à«ß∑’ˇ°‘¥‡Àµÿ°“√≥å √«¡∑—È߇ªìπ°“√‡º¬·æ√à¿“ææ®πå ∑’Ë¥’ß“¡¢Õߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬ „πÕ—π∑’Ë®– √â“ߧ«“¡‡¢â“„®∑’Ë∂Ÿ°µâÕßµàÕ ∂“π°“√≥击√…∞°‘®·≈–Õÿµ “À°√√¡ °“√∑Õ߇∑à ¬«„πæË’ π∑È◊ ∑Ë’ ª√– ∫¿Ë’ ¬— ´ßµ≈Õ¥√–¬–‡«≈“Ë÷ Ò ª ï ∑ºË’ “π¡“πà È’ √∞∫“≈‰¥— ¡â ¡“µ√°“√„π°“√ª’ Õß°Ñ π¿— ¬— ™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬·≈–∫Ÿ√≥–øóôπøŸ ¿“æ·«¥≈âÕ¡¥â“π°“√∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ« 𑇫»«‘∑¬“ °“√øóôπøŸ ¿“殑µ„®¢ÕߺŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ √«¡∑—Èß°“√ à߇ √‘¡°“√∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«Õ¬à“߬—Ë߬◊π„πæ◊Èπ∑’ËÕ—π¥“¡—π „π∞“π–ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√®—¥ß“π œ º¡À«—߇ªìπÕ¬à“߬‘Ëß«à“°“√®—¥ß“π§√—Èßπ’È®–∫—߇°‘¥ª√–‚¬™πå·°à ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬·≈–æ’ËπâÕߧπ‰∑¬ ¡µ“¡§«“¡¡ÿàßÀ¡“¬∑ÿ°ª√–°“√ Õ’°∑—È߬—ߺ≈„À⺟â∑’ˇ¥‘π∑“ß¡“√à«¡ß“π ‰¡«à “®–‡ªà π∫ì §§≈ ”§ÿ ≠®“°ª√–‡∑»µ— “ßÊà ≠“µº‘ ‡ ⟠¬™’ «’ µ‘ º∫“¥‡®âŸ ∫Á º‡ ⟠¬À“¬’ µ≈Õ¥®πÕ“ “ ¡§√µ— “ßÊà ∑’ˇ§¬‡¢â“¡“™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ„π√–À«à“߇Àµÿ°“√≥å∑’Ë√—∞∫“≈‰¥â¢Õ‡™‘≠¡“√à«¡ß“π„π§√—Èßπ’È ¡’§«“¡‡™◊ËÕ¡—Ë𠧫“¡ª√–∑—∫„® ·≈–®¥®”„𧫓¡¡’πÈ”„®‰¡µ√’®“°æ’ËπâÕߧπ‰∑¬µ≈Õ¥‰ª

(𓬠ÿ«—®πå ≈‘ªµæ—≈≈¿) √Õß𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’

8 Message from H.E. Suwat Liptapanlop, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Chairman of the çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié Committee The Royal Thai Government is holding the çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié ceremony on 26 December 2005 to both commemorate those who lost their lives in the Asian Tsunami tragedy and to express sincere thanks to everyone who offered assistance to Thailand in the aftermath of the disaster. Relatives of the deceased and people still missing as well as those who sustained injuries as a result of the tsunami have been invited to attend an interfaith memorial service and to participate in the laying of the Tsunami Memorial foundation stone. The event will also opportunely express our heartfelt gratitude for the compassion and humanity of the rescue workers who poured into the devastated area after the disaster struck in December last year, so unstintingly providing aid to Thai nationals and tourists alike. Last but not least, the ceremony will also help to restore Thailandûs image overseas and portray an accurate picture of the current state of the economy and hospitality industry in the six provinces affected by the tsunami. Over the past twelve months, the Thai government has responded in full to the tsunami by implementing a range of measures to prevent further natural disasters; assisting victims, including through psychological counseling; rebuilding tourism and repairing the damage to the coastal ecology; and promoting the Andaman region as a holiday destination. As Chairman of the çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié Committee, I hope most sincerely that this ceremony will be of benefit and an inspiration to Thailand and her people. It is also my fervent wish that it will make a deep impression on the guests of honour, the victimsû relatives, the survivors and the selfless international volunteers, restoring their confidence in the country. Above all, I pray that it will leave all the participants with a lasting memory of the warmth and generosity of Thailand and her people.

(Suwat Liptapanlop) Deputy Prime Minister

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11 ÷π“¡÷π“¡‘§‘§◊ÕÕ–‰√◊ÕÕ–‰√ WhatWhat IsIs aa Tsunami?Tsunami?

12 ç√”≈÷° 1 ªï ÷π“¡‘é ∫∑‡√’¬π·ÀàßÕ—π¥“¡—𠧫“¡∑√ß®”...§≈◊ËππÈ”„® ÷π“¡‘§◊ÕÕ–‰√ ÷π“¡‘ ¡“®“°¿“…“≠’˪ÿÉπ À¡“¬∂÷ß §≈◊Ëπ„πÕà“« ( ÷-Õà“«, π“¡‘-§≈◊Ëπ) ™“«ª√–¡ß≠’˪ÿÉπ√Ÿâ®—°°—∫ª√“°Ø°“√≥å§≈◊Ëπ ÷π“¡‘ À≈—ß°≈—∫®“°À“ª≈“·≈â«æ∫«à“ À¡Ÿà∫â“π√‘¡Ωíò߉¥â∂Ÿ° §≈◊Ëπ°«“¥√“∫∑—ÈßÕà“« ‚¥¬‰¡à¡’«’Ë·««¢Õߧ≈◊Ëπ≈¡æ“¬ÿ„π∑–‡≈ ÷π“¡‘‡ªìπ§≈◊Ëπ∑’ˇ°‘¥‰¥â®“°À≈“¬ “‡Àµÿ ∑—Èß®“°°“√ —Ëπ –‡∑◊Õπ¢Õß¿Ÿ‡¢“‰ø√–‡∫‘¥„µâπÈ” ·≈–∫π∫° ∫√‘‡«≥™“¬Ωíòß ‡°‘¥®“°·ºàπ¥‘π‰À«„µâ∑–‡≈ Õÿ°°“∫“µµ°„π∑–‡≈ √«¡∑—ÈßÕ“®‡°‘¥®“°°“√°√–∑”¢Õß ¡πÿ…¬å∑’Ë √â“ߧ«“¡·ª√ª√«πµàÕ ¿“æ¿Ÿ¡‘»“ µ√å ¿Ÿ¡‘Õ“°“» ∫√√¬“°“»¢Õß‚≈° ‡™àπ ®“°°“√ √–‡∫‘¥„µâ¥‘π ∑’˺à“π¡“ “‡Àµÿ à«π„À≠à¡—°‡°‘¥®“°°“√‡°‘¥·ºàπ¥‘π‰À«„µâπÈ”∑’Ë¡’√–¥—∫§«“¡√ÿπ·√ßµ—Èß·µà 7 √‘°‡µÕ√å ¢÷Èπ‰ª ´÷Ëß∑”„À⇰‘¥ª√“°Ø°“√≥å„π°“√·∑π∑’ËπȔլà“ß√ÿπ·√ß ¡«≈¢ÕßπÈ”®÷߇§≈◊ËÕπ∑’˥⫬§«“¡‡√Á« Ÿß „π≈—°…≥–‡¥’¬«°—∫°“√‚¬π°âÕπÀ‘π≈ßπÈ” ·≈⫇°‘¥√–≈Õ°§≈◊Ëπ·ºà°√–®“¬ÕÕ°¡“®“°®ÿ¥∑’Ë°âÕπÀ‘πµ° 26 ∏—𫓧¡ 2547 ÷π“¡‘‰¥â°«“¥ 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥™“¬Ωíòß∑–‡≈Õ—π¥“¡—πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ·≈–Õ’°À≈“¬ª√–‡∑»„π ‡Õ‡™’¬µ–«—πÕÕ°‡©’¬ß„µâ·≈–‡Õ‡™’¬„µâ ‡ªìπº≈¡“®“°°“√‡°‘¥·ºàπ¥‘π‰À«„πæ◊Èπ∑’Ë¡À“ ¡ÿ∑√Õ‘π‡¥’¬ πÕ°™“¬ΩíòߢÕ߇°“– ÿ¡“µ√“ª√–‡∑»Õ‘π‚¥π’‡´’¬ ª√–¡“≥ 330 °‘‚≈‡¡µ√ çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié A Lesson for the Andaman Memory and...Waves of Kindness What Is a Tsunami? The word tsunami is composed of the Japanese words çtsué (which means harbor) and çnamié (which means wave). The term was created by fishermen who returned to port surprised to find their harbors devastated although there had been no evidence of waves or storms on the open water. Tsunamis can be generated by several factors: submarine or coastal volcano eruptions, submarine earthquakes, large meteorite impacts in the ocean, and man - made activities (such as underground explosions) that cause imbalances in global geography, climate, and atmosphere. To date, most tsunamis have been triggered by undersea earthquakes measuring over seven on the Richter scale. An undersea earthquake with such strength causes rapid water displacement on a massive scale. Waves are formed as the displaced water mass radiates across the ocean at an enormous speed - like giant ripples on a pond disturbed by a tossed stone. On 26 December 2004, the undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean 330 km off the island of Sumatra in Indonesia generated tsunamis which devastated 6 provinces along Thailandûs Andaman coast and coastal areas in other Southeast Asian and South Asian countries.

13 ÕÕ—π¥“¡—π¥“¡—π...Õ—π...Õ—π¥“¡—π¥“¡—π—π AndamanAndaman -- TheThe RegionRegion andand ItsIts PeoplePeople

14 Õ—π¥“¡—π...Õ—π¥“¡—π Õ—π¥“¡—π (Andaman) ‡ªìπ™◊ËÕ‡√’¬°™“¬Ωíòß∑–‡≈¥â“πµ–«—πµ°¢Õߧ“∫ ¡ÿ∑√¿“§„µâª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ µ”π“πÕ¬à“߬àπ¬àÕ √ÿª‰¥â«à“™◊ËÕ çÕ—π¥“¡—πé ª√“°Ø„πÀπ—ß ◊Õ¿Ÿ¡‘»“ µ√å¢Õߧ≈Õ‡¥’¬ ª‚µ‡≈¡’ π—°¿Ÿ¡‘»“ µ√噓«°√’° ·µàߢ÷Èπ√–À«à“ß æ.». 670 - 680 ·≈–„π∫—π∑÷°À≈«ß®’πÕ’È®‘ß „𻵫√√…∑’Ë 11 à«π„πÕ‘π‡¥’¬ ¡’µ”π“π‡∑ⓧ«“¡∂÷ß¡À“°“æ¬å√“¡“¬≥–∑’Ë·µàß√“« æ.». 100 - 200 ¥—ß∑’Ë ¡‡¥Á® æ√–‡∑æ√—µπ√“™ ÿ¥“œ ¬“¡∫√¡√“™°ÿ¡“√’ æ√–√“™π‘æπ∏å„πÀπ—ß ◊Õ¡À—»®√√¬å∑ÿ°«—π«à“ Õ—π¥“¡—π (Andaman) ¡“®“°™◊ËÕÀπÿ¡“π (Handuman or Hanuman) ¡’‡√◊ËÕ߇≈à“«à“ æ√–√“¡‡§¬¡’ æ√–√“™¥”√‘®–„™â∑’Ëπ’ˇªìπ∞“π∑—æ °àÕπ∑’Ë®–‰ª°√ÿß≈ß°“·µà‰¡à„™â ‡ª≈’Ë¬π‰ª„™â∑’Ë∏πÿ…∫ÿ√’ ·∂«Ê∑¡‘Ãπ“¥Ÿ *∑’Ë¡“ : Àπ—ß ◊Õ§πÕ—π¥“¡—π§◊Õ§π√—°∑–‡≈ ™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π‡ªìπ∑’ËÕ¬Ÿà¢Õß™“«πÈ” ™“«‡≈ ¡’∂‘Ëπ∑’ËÕ¬Ÿàµ“¡·π«™“¬Ωíòß∑–‡≈ À√◊ÕÕà“«À√◊Õ‡°“– 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥™“¬Ωíòß∑–‡≈Õ—π¥“¡—π¢Õ߉∑¬ ®“°√–πÕß æ—ßß“ ¿Ÿ‡°Áµ °√–∫’Ë µ√—ß ·≈– µŸ≈ µ—ÈßÕ¬Ÿà∫π ∑’Ë√“∫™“¬Ωíòß·§∫Ê ∑’ˇ°‘¥®“°°“√¬ÿ∫µ—«¢Õß·π«‡∑◊Õ°‡¢“À‘πªŸπ À√◊Õ∑’ˇ√’¬°«à“™“¬Ωíò߬ÿ∫®¡ ¡’≈—°…≥– ‡«â“·À«à߇ªìπ·À≈¡ ·≈–¿ŸÀ‘πªŸπ≈Ÿ°‚¥¥¡“°¡“¬ À√◊Õ∑’ˇ√’¬°«à“ ç∑–‡≈πÕ°é ·≈–∫“ßæ◊Èπ∑’Ë∑’ËÕ¬Ÿà√“¬√Õ∫ ‡¢“·≈–‡°“–‡°¥°“√¬‘ ∫µÿ«‡ª— π∑ì √“∫‡√Ë’ ¬°«’ “à ç∑–‡≈„πé ‡ªπÕì “«πà ”µÈ π¢π“¥„À≠È◊ À√à Õ≈“°◊ πŸ ‡™πÕà “«æà ßß“— Õ“«°√–∫à Ë’ «π‡°“–·°à ß∑à µË’ ߇√È— ¬ß√“¬Õ¬’ „πÕàŸ “«à §Õ¿◊ ‡¢“ÀŸ 𪑠π∑Ÿ ‚º≈Ë’ æà πºâ «π‘ ”È ‡™πà ‡°“–ªπÀ¬í ’ ‡°“–ææ’ ’ ‡ªπµì πâ *∑’Ë¡“ : Àπ—ß ◊Õ§πÕ—π¥“¡—π§◊Õ§π√—°∑–‡≈ ¥«¬§«“¡À≈“°À≈“¬∑“ß¿â ¡Ÿ π‘ ‡«»¢Õß™“¬Ω‘ ß∑–‡≈Õòí π¥“¡— ππ— ‡ÕßË’ ®ß‡ª÷ π «√√§ì ”À√å ∫π— °∑— Õ߇∑à ¬«∑Ë’ ßÈ— ™“«‰∑¬·≈–™“«µà“ߪ√–‡∑»À≈—Ë߉À≈‡¢â“¡“®”π«π¡“° Andaman...The Region and Its People The western coast of Thailandûs southern peninsula is commonly referred to as the Andaman region and is composed of six provinces: Ranong, Phang - nga, Phuket, Krabi, Trang and Satun. The area was traditionally largely inhabited by seafaring peoples, or çSea Gypsiesé who live along the coast or on islands stretching along Thailandûs western coastline. The name çAndamané first appeared in a geography book written between 127 - 137 A.D. by Cladius Ptolemaeus, a Greek geographer popularly known as Ptolemy. It is mentioned again in the journals of Yi Jing in the 11th century. Citing an Indian legend originated by the Ramayana epic, written between 443 - 343 B.C., Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn writes in her book Everyday Miracles that the word Andaman derives from the name of Handuman or Hanuman. It is said that King Rama contemplated using what is now the Andaman region as a military base before going to Lanka, but he later changed the location to Danusburi or Tamil Nadu.* With its diverse topographical ecology, the Andaman coastline is a paradise for both Thai and foreign tourists. The narrow coastal plain features many dramatic crags or hillocks formed by erosion of coastal limestone. Areas where limestone has eroded completely are referred to as çopen seaé. In some areas the hillocks partially subsided, forming flat areas called çinland seasé. These inland seas form large shallow basins or lagoons, like those seen at Phang - nga Bay and Krabi Bay. Islets and islands in the bays, such as Pan - yee and Phi Phi Islands, are tips of limestone mounts.* *Source: Andamanese Are Sea Lovers

15 26 ∏—𫓧¡ 2547 §≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å∂≈à¡Õ—π¥“¡—π...«—π·Ààߧ«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ 26 December 2004 The Tsunami Devastates the Andaman Region - A Day of Great Loss

16 26 ∏—𫓧¡ 2547 §≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å∂≈à¡Õ—π¥“¡—π...«—π·Ààߧ«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ ®“° ÿ¡“µ√“∂÷ßÕ—π¥“¡—π.... 07.59 π. ‡°¥‡Àµ‘ ·ºÿπ¥à π‰À«„πæ‘ π∑È◊ ¡À“ ¡Ë’ ∑√Õÿ π‡¥‘ ¬’ À“ß®“°™“¬Ωà ßÕòí π¥“¡— πª√–¡“≥— 580 °‚≈‡¡µ√‘ 08.04 π.¡’°“√·®â߇µ◊Õπ°“√‡°‘¥·ºàπ¥‘π‰À«∑’ËÕ‘π‚¥π’‡´’¬ ·≈–√Ÿâ ÷°‰¥â„π‰∑¬À≈“¬·Ààß 08.13 π. §≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å‡√‘Ë¡∂≈à¡™“¬ΩíòßÕ‘π‚¥π’‡´’¬ 08.30 π. ™“¬Ωíòߥâ“πµ–«—πµ°‡©’¬ß‡Àπ◊Õ‡°“– ÿ¡“µ√“ ∫√‘‡«≥ ®.∫—π¥“ Õ“‡®–Àå ‡°‘¥§≈◊Ëπ Ÿß°«à“ 10 ‡¡µ√ æ—¥∂≈à¡™“¬Ωíòß ‰≈à√«¡‰ª∂÷ßÀ¡Ÿà‡°“–∑“ßµÕπ‡Àπ◊Õ¢ÕßÕ‘π‡¥’¬ ‡™àπ ‡°“–𑂧∫“√å 09.20 π. ∫√‘‡«≥æ◊Èπ∑’Ë™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π ‡°‘¥ª√“°Ø°“√≥åπÈ”∑–‡≈™“¬À“¥≈¥≈߉ª„π∑–‡≈ ‡ªìπ√–¬– §«“¡¬“« 100 - 500 ‡¡µ√ 09.30 π. §≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å‚∂¡‡¢â“„ à™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π ∫√‘‡«≥®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ æ—ßß“ √–πÕß °√–∫’Ë µ√—ß ·≈– µŸ≈ §√à“™’«‘µºŸâ§ππ—∫æ—π ·≈–∑”≈“¬∑√—æ¬å ‘ππ—∫À¡◊Ëπ≈â“π∫“∑„π™—Ë«æ√‘∫µ“ ‚¥¬§≈◊Ëπ ≈Ÿ°„À≠à∑’Ë ÿ¥¡’§«“¡ Ÿß 10 ‡¡µ√ 10.00 π. Õ∏‘∫¥’°√¡Õÿµÿπ‘¬¡«‘∑¬“ª√–°“»«à“·ºàπ¥‘π‰À«∑’ˇ°‘¥¢÷Èπ„π‰∑¬ «—¥‰¥â∑’Ë√–¥—∫ 8.0 √‘°‡µÕ√å ·≈–‡°‘¥§≈◊Ëπ¬—°…嵓¡¡“Õ’°À≈“¬√–≈Õ° 26 December 2004 The Tsunami Devastates the Andaman Region A Day of Great Loss From Sumatra to Andaman... 07:59 hrs. An undersea earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean approximately 580 kilometers off the Andaman Coast. 08:04 hrs. The earthquake alert warning is issued in Indonesia. The tremor is felt in many areas of Thailand. 08:13 hrs. The resulting tsunami hits the shores of Indonesia. 08:30 hrs. A 10-plus-meter-high tsunami stricks Bunda Aceh on the northwestern shoreline of Sumatra as well as Indiaûs Nicobar Islands located 189 kilometers to the northwest. 09:20 hrs. On the Andaman coast, the sea recedes from shore by distances ranging from 100 to as much as 500 meters. 09:30 hrs. The tsunami hits the Andaman coast in Phuket, Phang - nga, Ranong, Krabi, Trang and Satun. The largest wave is reportedly 10 meters high. Thousands are killed immediately. Damage to properly exceeds 10 billion baht. 10:00 hrs. Meteorological Department Director - General reports an earthquake in Thailand measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale. Several more tsunamis hit the shores.

17 12.30 π. °√–∑√«ß “∏“√≥ ÿ¢√–¥¡∑’¡·æ∑¬å ∑’¡°Ÿâ™’«‘µ æ√âÕ¡√∂欓∫“≈©ÿ°‡©‘π®”π«π°«à“ 100 ∑’¡ ®“° ÿ√“…Æ√å∏“π’ ™ÿ¡æ√ √–πÕß π§√»√’∏√√¡√“™ µ√—ß æ—∑≈ÿß ‡¢â“™à«¬‡À≈◊Õª√–™“™π·≈–π—°∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«∑’ˉ¥â√—∫∫“¥‡®Á∫ 15.05 π. æ.µ.∑. ∑—°…‘≥ ™‘π«—µ√ 𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ —Ëß°“√„À⇧≈◊ËÕπ¬â“¬∑’¡‡§≈◊ËÕπ∑’ˇ√Á« ‡æ◊ËÕ∫√√‡∑“ “∏“√≥¿—¬ ∑—Èß ∑À“√ µ”√«® æ≈‡√◊Õπ Àπ૬°Ÿâ¿—¬∑“ß∑–‡≈ ·≈–‡®â“Àπâ“∑’Ë “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ≈ß„πæ◊Èπ∑’Ë √ÿª§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬®“°∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘§≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å ÷π“¡‘ ¢Õ¡â ≈®“°»Ÿ π¬Ÿ Õ”π«¬°“√™å «¬‡À≈à Õº◊ ª√– ∫¿âŸ ¬®“°·º— π¥à π‰À«·≈–§≈‘ π´Ë◊ ¥™“¬Ω— ßÕòí π¥“¡— π— °ÕßÕ”π«¬ °“√ªÑÕß°—π¿—¬ΩÉ“¬æ≈‡√◊Õπ √ÿª¬Õ¥ ºŸâ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ ·≈– Ÿ≠À“¬ ¥—ßπ’È ºŸâ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ√«¡ 5,395 §π §π‰∑¬ 1,925 §π µà“ߪ√–‡∑» 1,953 §π ‰¡à “¡“√∂ √ÿª‰¥â«à“‡ªìπ§π‰∑¬À√◊Õµà“ߪ√–‡∑» 1,517 §π ∫“¥‡®Á∫√«¡ 8,457 §π §π‰∑¬ 6,065 §π µà“ߪ√–‡∑» 2,392 §π Ÿ≠À“¬√«¡ 2,940 §π §π‰∑¬ 2,023 §π µà“ߪ√–‡∑» 917 §π

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18 12:30 hrs. Public Health Ministry mobilizes over 100 teams of medical officers and rescue workers with ambulances from Surat Thani, Chumporn, Ranong, Nakhon Sithammarat, Trang and Pattalung to provide medical aid to the injured. 15:05 hrs. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra orders fast - moving disaster relief teams consisting of military and police officers, civilians, marine rescue workers and public health officers to go the devastated areas. Damages Caused by the Tsunami Disaster The Andaman Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Victim Assistance Administration Center, a division of the Department of Public Disaster Prevention and Relief, reported the death toll and damage statistics as follows: 5,395 deaths 1.925 Thais 1,953 foreigners 1,517 unidentified 8,457 injured 6,065 Thais 2,392 foreigners 2,940 missing 2,023 Thais 917 foreigners

Damages caused by the tsunami spanned six provinces, including 24 districts and sub-districts, 78 tambons, and 292 villages. Phang-nga was the most affected. Affected people in all six provinces totaled 54,672 or 12,068 families, 6,799 houses and properties were devastated. The value of damages to agricultural areas, large and small fishing boats, fish and shellfish baskets, and fish stakes was estimated as 17,438.15 million baht (exclusive of the value of damaged residences). The six Andaman coastal provinces, especially Phuket with its annual revenue from tourism worth 150 billion baht, are a major source of the countryûs revenue. The Bank of Thailand (BOT) forecast a 40 billion baht (US$ 1.1 billion) fall in income from tourism. This translates to a drop of only 0.3% in the countryûs gross domestic product.

19 Õ“≈Õ“≈—¬§—¬§ÿ≥æÿ≥æÿà¡ÿà¡ InIn MemoryMemory ofof KhunKhun PoomPoom JensenJensen

20 Õ“≈—¬§ÿ≥æÿà¡ ‡®π‡´àπ §ÿ≥æÿà¡ ‡®π‡´àπ ‚Õ√ „π∑Ÿ≈°√–À¡àÕ¡À≠‘ßÕÿ∫≈√—µπ√“™°—≠≠“ ‘√‘«—≤π“æ√√≥«¥’ ∂÷ß·°àÕπ‘®°√√¡ ®“°‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘ ¢≥–‰ªæ—°ºàÕπ∑’Ë‚√ß·√¡≈“ø≈Õ√à“ ∫â“π‡¢“À≈—° µ.§÷°§—° Õ.µ–°—Ë«ªÉ“ ®.æ—ßß“ ¬—ߧ«“¡‚»°‡»√â“·°àª√–™“™π™“«‰∑¬¥â«¬§«“¡Õ“≈—¬√—° In Memory of Khun Poom Jensen Khun Poom Jensen, son of Princess Ubol Ratana, was killed in this disaster while on vacation at La Flora Hotel in Ban Khao Lak, Tambon Kukkak, Takuapa district, Phang - nga. All Thais mourned the loss.

21 æ≈æ≈—ߧ≈—ߧ≈◊Ëππ◊ËππÈ”„®È”„® TheThe PowerPower ofof KindnessKindness -- FromFrom thethe HeartHeart

22 æ≈—ߧ≈◊ËππÈ”„® §«“¡ –‡∑◊Õπ„®®“°§«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ ®“°‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘ 26 ∏—𫓧¡ 2547 ‰¥âπ”¡“ Ÿà çæ≈—ß°“√„Àâé ‡ªìπ§≈◊Ëπæ≈—ßπÈ”„® ∑’ˬ‘Ëß„À≠à∑’Ë ÿ¥„πª√–«—µ‘»“ µ√å ®“°ºŸâ§π∑’ËÀ≈“°À≈“¬ ∂“π¿“æ À≈“°À≈“¬Õ“™’æ çπÈ”„®é ∑’ËÀ≈—Ë߉À≈¡“™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ‡°◊ÈÕ°Ÿ≈„π∑ÿ°√Ÿª·∫∫ ·°àºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ ∑—Èߧπ‰∑¬·≈– ™“«µà“ß™“µ‘ ‰¡à‡æ’¬ß √“ßæ≈â ß·À— ߧ«“¡Õ∫Õà πàÿ ·≈–§«“¡À«ß„À— ºâ ⟠≠‡ Ÿ ¬’ ·µ‡ªà πì çæ≈ßπ— ”„®éÈ ∑ √Ë’ “ßâ §«“¡ª√–∑∫„®‰ª∑— «‚≈°Ë— *πÈ”æ√–∑—¬...æ√–∫√¡«ß»“πÿ«ß»å ºàÕπ§≈“¬∑ÿ°¢å...‡ªìπ ÿ¢„® *®“°√—∞∫“≈ ŸàºŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ ‚Õ∫Õÿâ¡ øóôπ¢«—≠...°”≈—ß„® *æ≈—ߧ≈◊ËππÈ”„® ª√–∑—∫‰«â„𧫓¡∑√ß®” The Power of Kindness - From the Heart The tremendous grief over the loss of life resulting from the 26 December 2004 disaster brought forth one of the greatest outpourings of charitable giving in history. Individuals from all corners of the globe and all walks of life volunteered time, money and expertise to aid in relief efforts. The kindness shown to tsunami victims not only expressed warmth and gave hope to those directly affected, it also demonstrated a degree of generosity and kindness that made a profoundly positive global impression. *Kindness of Thai Royalty relieves suffering...spreads happiness *Aid from the Government to the Affected supporting and salvaging morale and willpower *Power of Kind Hearts a kindness that will be remembered

23 ç...æ√–√“™¥”√— ‡π— ◊ËÕß„π«◊Ë —πª— ï„À¡ï„À¡à à æ√–Õߧå∑√ßµ√å — «— à“à ∑√ߪ≈◊È¡„®§π‰∑¬∑◊È ’Ë„À’Ë„À⧫“¡™â ૬‡À≈à ◊Õ∑◊ ÿ°§π ‰¡‰¡à√à —ß‡°— ’¬®«’ à“‡ªà ìπ§π™π™“µì ‘‰Àπ...鑉Àπ...é çIn His Majestyûs New Year speech, thethe KingKing saidsaid thatthat hehe waswas pleasedpleased toto seesee thatthat Thai people had been helping all tsunami victims without regard to their nationality.é

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25 ¡‡¥Á®æ√–‡®â“≈Ÿ°‡∏Õ ‡®â“øÑ“®ÿÓ¿√≥«≈—¬≈—°…≥å Õ—§√√“™°ÿ¡“√’ ‡ ¥Á®‡¬’ˬ¡ºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬∑’Ë∫â“ππÈ”‡§Á¡ æ√âÕ¡ª√–∑“π§Õ¡æ‘«‡µÕ√å·°à‚√߇√’¬π∑’˪√– ∫¿—¬ ¡‡¥Á®æ√–‡®â“æ’Ëπ“߇∏Õ ‡®â“øÑ“°—≈¬“≥‘«—≤π“ °√¡À≈«ßπ√“∏‘«“ √“™π§√‘π∑√å ª√–∑“π∑√—æ¬å „ππ“¡°Õß∑ÿπ ¡‡¥Á®¬à“ 1 ≈â“π∫“∑ ·≈–°Õß∑ÿπ°“√°ÿ»≈ °.«. 1 ≈â“π∫“∑ ‡æ◊ËÕ𔉪™à«¬ºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ ºà“π¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘ªÉÕ‡µÁ°µ÷Íß æ√–‡®â“À≈“π‡∏Õ æ√–Õߧ凮â“æ—™√°‘µ‘¬“¿“ Õߧåª√–∏“π¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘Õ“ “‡æ◊ËÕπæ÷Ëß (¿“) ¬“¡¬“° ¿“°“™“¥‰∑¬ ‡ ¥®‡ªÁ ¥À¡î ∫àŸ “πµâ π·∫∫‡æâ ÕπæË◊ ßË÷ (¿“) ¬“¡¬“°∑‚√߇√Ë’ ¬π∫’ “ππâ ”‡§È ¡Á Õ.µ–°«ªË— “É ®.æßß“— ∑’Ë¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘ √â“ߢ÷Èπ‡æ◊ËÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ æ√–‡®â“À≈“π‡∏Õ æ√–Õߧ凮ⓠ‘√‘¿“®ÿ±“¿√≥å ‡ ¥Á®≈ßæ◊Èπ∑’˪√– ∫¿—¬ ·≈–¡’§«“¡‡ªìπÀà«ßºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ Õ¬à“ß¡“° ‚¥¬ µ—Èß»Ÿπ¬åªØ‘∫—µ‘°“√∫‘πÕ“ “Õπÿ√—°…å·≈–°Ÿâ¿—¬ ‘√‘¿“®ÿ±“¿√≥å ‡æ◊ËÕ π—∫ πÿπÀπ૬ߓπ√—∞ „π°“√Õπÿ√—°…å øóôπøŸ∏√√¡™“µ‘ ·≈–™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ ∑≈°√–À¡Ÿ Õ¡À≠à ßÕ‘ ∫≈√ÿ µπ√“™°— ≠≠“— √‘ «‘ ≤π“æ√√≥«¥— ’ °Õµà ßÈ— ç¡≈πŸ ∏‘ §‘ ≥æÿ¡éàÿ ‡æÕ Ë◊ ߇ √à ¡ π‘ ∫ π— πÿ °“√æ—≤π“»—°¬¿“懥Á°·≈–‡¬“«™πºŸâ¥âÕ¬‚Õ°“ „À⇪ìπ§π¥’§π‡°àß¡’§ÿ≥∏√√¡ æ√âÕ¡ ߇§√“–Àå ºŸâ∫°æ√àÕß·≈–¡’§«“¡µâÕß°“√®”‡ªìπ摇»… √«¡∑—Èß√≥√ߧåªÑÕß°—π·≈–·°âªí≠À“¬“‡ 浑¥ µ≈Õ¥®π ™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘µà“ßÊ ‚¥¬‡©æ“–ºŸâª√– ∫∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘ ç ÷π“¡‘é §ÿ≥æ≈Õ¬‰æ≈‘𠇮π‡´àπ ∏‘¥“„π∑Ÿ≈°√–À¡àÕ¡À≠‘ßÕÿ∫≈√—µπ√“™°—≠≠“ ‘√‘«—≤π“æ√√≥«¥’ ‰¥â‡¢’¬π ®¥À¡“¬ –∑âÕ𧫓¡√Ÿâ ÷° ∑’Ë Ÿ≠‡ ’¬πâÕß™“¬‡æ’¬ß§π‡¥’¬«§◊Õ ç§ÿ≥æÿà¡ ‡®π‡´àπé √«¡∑—Èߧ«“¡√Ÿâ ÷° µàÕ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å§≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å∂≈à¡ 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥ ‚¥¬‡√’¬°√âÕß„Àâ∑ÿ°§π™à«¬°—π∫√‘®“§„À⺟âª√– ∫¿—¬

26 appropriated 20 million baht from the Foundation to give to the Rajaprajanigroh Foundation, under the Royal Patronage. Her Royal Highness also visited local inhabitants, students and teachers and distributed necessities to the victims in different areas. Her Royal Highness donated 10 respirators and the services of special integrated mobile medical teams to help the tsunami victims. Various college faculties, joined by nine US psychiatric experts, worked together to oversee reconstruction of five school libraries in the affected areas. Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn visited the victims at Baan Nam Kem and gave computers to devastated schools. Princess Galyani Vadhana Krom Luang Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra donated through Por Tek Tung Foundation one million baht on behalf of Somdetyaûs Charity Fund and another one million baht from K. W. Charity Fund. Her Royal Highness Princess Patchara Kitiyapa, President of the Princess Pa Foundation of the Thai Red Cross Society, opened the Princess Pa prototype village at Baan Nam Kem, Takuapa district, Phang-nga, which was built by the Foundation for the victims. Her Royal Highness Princess Siribha Chudhabhorn visited the affected areas and, very concerned about the victims, set up Siribha Chudhabhorn Conservation and Rescue Flying Volunteer Center to support governmental agencies in conserving and salvaging nature as well as helping the victims. Princess Ubol Ratana set up çKhun Poom Foundationé to help develop underprivileged children and youths, to support the incapacitated, to start a campaign to prevent and solve drug problems, and to help disaster victims, especially those affected by the tsunami. Khun Ploypailin Jensen, Princess Ubol Ratanaûs daughter, wrote a message expressing her feelings about losing her only brother, Khun Poom Jensen, and about the devastation of the six provinces. As part of her message, she appealed for donations to aid tsunami victims.

27 28 §«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ...®“°√—∞∫“≈ ŸàºŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ ®Õ√å® ∫ÿ™ ·≈– ∫‘≈ §≈‘πµ—π Õ¥’µª√–∏“π“∏‘∫¥’ À√—∞ °≈à“«√à«¡°—π ‡¡◊ËÕ§√—È߇¥‘π∑“ß¡“µ√«® ‡¬’ˬ¡æ◊Èπ∑’˪√– ∫¿—¬«à“ ç™◊Ëπ™¡√—∞∫“≈‰∑¬∑’Ë “¡“√∂√—∫¡◊Õ ∂“π°“√≥剥âÕ¬à“ß¡’ µ‘ À√—∞¬‘π¥’™à«¬ ‡À≈◊Õ„π∞“π–æ—π∏¡‘µ√‡°à“·°à°—∫‰∑¬é π‡ªË’ π§”æì ¥ÀπŸ ßË÷ ∑ –∑Ë’ Õπ„Àâ ‡Àâ π°“√√Á ∫¡— Õµ◊ Õ¿“«–«à °ƒµ„π ∂“π°“√≥‘ ©å °‡©ÿπ¢Õß√‘ ∞∫“≈‰∑¬‰¥— ‡ªâ πÕ¬ì “ß¥à ’ ·¡â‡ªìπ‡Àµÿ°“√≥姫“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬§√—Èß∑’ˬ‘Ëß„À≠à∑’Ë ÿ¥„πª√–«—µ‘»“ µ√å ·≈–‰¡à‡§¬‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ„π‰∑¬°Áµ“¡ À“°≈”¥—∫°“√√—∫¡◊Õ°—∫ ∂“π°“√≥å∑’ˇ°‘¥¢÷Èπ ∑—π∑’∑’ˇ°‘¥‡Àµÿ°“√≥å§≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å∂≈à¡™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π æ.µ.∑. ∑—°…‘≥ ™‘π«—µ√ 𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’‰¥â —Ëß°“√Õ¬à“߇√àߥà«π „Àâ√–¥¡‡®â“Àπâ“∑’ËÀπ૬ “∏“√≥¿—¬ ‡¢â“‰ª„πæ◊Èπ∑’Ë ∑—ÈßÀπà«¬ß“π¿“§√—∞·≈–¿“§‡Õ°™π ·≈–„ÀâÕ”π«¬§«“¡ –¥«°·°à™“«µà“ß™“µ‘ ∑’ËÕ¬“° °≈—∫ª√–‡∑»¢Õßµπ ‚¥¬‰¡à π„®«à“®–¡’µ—Ϋ‡§√◊ËÕß∫‘πÀ√◊Õ‰¡à à«π‰Àπ∑’ˉ¡à¡’§π¥Ÿ·≈ √—∞∫“≈‡ªìπºŸâ®—¥°“√ ∑—È߬—ß„Àâ ”π—°ß“π‡≈¢“∏‘°“√ªÑÕß°—π¿—¬ΩÉ“¬æ≈‡√◊Õπ ®—¥µ—Èß»Ÿπ¬åÕ”π«¬°“√√à«¡™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ ¿“§„µâ ‡æ◊ËÕ‡ªìπ»Ÿπ¬å°≈“ߙ૬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬∑ÿ°®—ßÀ«—¥ µ—Èß·µà«—π∑’Ë 28 - 30 ∏—𫓧¡ 2547 √—∞∫“≈ª√–°“»≈¥∏ߧ√÷Ë߇ “ ·≈–ª√–°“»„ÀâÀπ૬ߓπ √“™°“√ߥ®—¥ß“π√◊Ëπ‡√‘ß„π™à«ßªï„À¡à ·≈–¢Õ§«“¡√à«¡¡◊Õ„Àâª√–™“™π·µàß™ÿ¥¥” ‡æ◊ËÕ‰«âÕ“≈—¬ºŸâ‡ ’¬ ™’«‘µ®“°‡Àµÿ°“√≥å ·≈–¢Õ§«“¡√à«¡¡◊Õ„Àâ∑ÿ°»“ π ∂“π∫”‡æÁ≠°ÿ»≈Õÿ∑‘»„À⺟⇠’¬™’«‘µ Government Aid to Tsunami Victims Former US Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton during their visit to the affected areas issued a joint statement expressing their admiration of the ability of the Thai government to deal calmly and effectively with the enormous crisis despite its unprecedented scale. In their statement they referred to Thailand as an old ally to which they were glad to offer support. As soon as the tsunami hit the Andaman coast, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra ordered the mobilization of public and private rescue workers to devastated areas. Traveling procedures for foreigners were streamlined and those who wished to return to their countries, even those without air tickets, were provided transportation. The Office of the Public Disaster Prevention and Relief Secretariat General set up the Southern Disaster Victim Assistance Center to aid those in need. The Thai government ordered national flag lowered at half-mast from 28 to 30 December, cancelled New Year parties, requested that people wear black to mourn those killed in the catastrophe. In addition the government appealed for cooperation from religious institutions to organize merit - making ceremonies and to offer appropriate services for the deceased.

29 °“√ —Ëß°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕÕ¬à“߇ªìπ√–∫∫·≈–µàÕ‡π◊ËÕߢÕß√—∞∫“≈ ‰¥âµ—Èߧ≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√ 13 ™ÿ¥ ‡æ◊Ëՙ૬ ‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ ‰¥â·°à 1. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õπ—°∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«™“«µà“ߪ√–‡∑» 2. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ 3. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬Õ“™’晓«ª√–¡ß 4. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ·°àºŸâ«à“ßß“π 5. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√æ‘®“√≥“„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√–°Õ∫°“√√“¬¬àÕ¬ 6. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√æ‘®“√≥“„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√–°Õ∫°“√√“¬„À≠à 7. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√®—¥À“∑’Ëæ—°Õ“»—¬·°àºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ 8. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√„Àâ°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ‡¥Á°π—°‡√’¬π∑’ˉ¥â√—∫º≈°√–∑∫ 9. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√„Àâ°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ à«π√“™°“√∑’ˉ¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬ 10. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√æ‘®“√≥“™¥‡™¬§à“„™â®à“¬¢ÕßÀπ૬ߓπ ”√Õß®à“¬‰ª·≈â« 11. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√æ‘®“√≥“ ‘∑∏‘ª√–‚¬™πåµÕ∫·∑π¢â“√“™°“√ 12. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√®—¥∑”∞“π¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈‡°’ˬ«°—∫°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ·≈–·°â‰¢ªí≠À“®“°∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘„π 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥¿“§„µâ 13. §≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√∫Ÿ√≥–øóôπøŸ‚§√ß √â“ßæ◊Èπ∞“π·≈–‚¬∏“ 28 ∏𫓧¡— 2547 §≥–√∞¡πµ√— Õπ’ ¡ÿµ— ß∫ª√–¡“≥‘ 30,000 ≈“π∫“∑⠴߇ªË÷ πß∫ª√–¡“≥°≈“ß©ì °‡©ÿπ‘ „π‡∫◊ÈÕßµâπ‡æ◊Ëՙ૬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ æ√Õ¡°â ππ— πÈ— §≥–√∞¡πµ√— ¬’ ß¡— ¡µ’ ‡À‘ π™Õ∫¡“µ√°“√™Á «¬‡À≈à Õº◊ ª√– ∫¿âŸ ¬„π— 6 ®ßÀ«— ¥¿“§„µ— â ‚¥¬°”Àπ¥ 4 ¡“µ√°“√‡√àߥà«π ”§—≠ Õ“∑‘ ¡“µ√°“√¿“…’Õ“°√·≈–§à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡ ¡“µ√°“√„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ ¥“π°“√‡ßâ π¢Õß∏𓧓√·À‘ ߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬à ¡“µ√°“√‡æ¡§«“¡§≈Ë‘ Õßµà «„π°“√‡∫— °®‘ “¬‡ßà π∑¥√Õß√“™°“√‘ À“°√«¡ß∫ª√–¡“≥ºà“π™àÕß∑“ßµà“ßÊ ∑’Ë√—∞∫“≈„ à‡ß‘π≈߉ªøóôπøŸ 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥Õ—π¥“¡—π¡’¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡π—∫ · π≈â“π∫“∑ Õ“∑‘ °“√®—¥ √√‡ß‘π°ŸâÕ—µ√“¥Õ°‡∫’ȬºàÕπª√π °“√µ—Èß°Õß∑ÿπøóôπøŸºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬·≈– °Õß∑ÿπ√à«¡≈ß∑ÿπ ‡æ◊ËÕ‡¢â“√à«¡≈ß∑ÿπ°—∫ºŸâª√–°Õ∫°“√∑’ˉ¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬ œ≈œ πÕ°®“°π„π È’ «π¢Õß°√–∑√«ßµà “ßÊà ¬ß√–¥¡∫— §≈“°√„π°“√≈ßæÿ π∑È◊ „ÀË’ §«“¡™â «¬‡À≈à Õº◊ ª√– ∫¿âŸ ¬„π™— «ßà «‘°ƒµ·≈–„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ®πªí®®ÿ∫—π ‰¡à«à“°“√ √â“ß∫â“πæ—°∂“«√ °“√µ—Èß»Ÿπ¬åøóôπøŸ®‘µ„® °“√®—¥ µ—Èß»Ÿπ¬å™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ™“«µà“ß™“µ‘∑’˪√– ∫¿—¬ °“√≈ßæ◊Èπ∑’ˇæ◊ËÕ √â“ß™ÿ¡™π‡¢â¡·¢Áß °√–∑—Ëß°“√ÕÕ° ¡“µ√°“√‡æ◊ËÕ°√–µÿâ𧫓¡‡™◊ËÕ¡—Ëπ¢Õßπ—°∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«

As part of its systematic and continuing relief operation, the Thai Government set up the following 13 sub-committees to aid victims and coordinate relief: 1. Sub-committee to Give Help to Foreign Tourists 2. Sub-committee to Give Help to Victims 3. Sub-committee to Give Help to Affected Fishermen 4. Sub-committee to Give Help to the Unemployed 5. Sub-committee to Give Help to Small Enterprises 6. Sub-committee to Give Help to Large Enterprises 7. Sub-committee to Provide Shelter to the Affected 8. Sub-committee to Give Help to Affected Students

30 9. Sub-committee to Give Help to Affected Governmental Units 10. Sub-committee to Consider Refunds to Governmental Agencies that Had Made Advance Payments 11. Sub-committee to Consider Fringe Benefits for Government Employees 12. Sub-committee to Prepare Database on Relief Efforts and Problem Solutions in the 6 Southern Provinces 13. Sub-committee to Reconstruct the Infrastructure and Public Works On 28 December 2004, the Cabinet approved a preliminary emergency budget of 30 billion baht to help the victims. It also passed emergency relief measures related to taxation and fees, provision of financial aid from the Bank of Thailand and flexibility of governmental advance payment requisitions. A total of 100 billion baht has been allocated through various government channels. Low interest loans, disaster victim rehabilitation funds, and funds for joint investment in devasted business enterprises have all been become available to aid in the reconstruction of the six Andaman provinces. Various government ministries continue to offer aid and the expertise of staff members to assist in the process of rebuilding and revitalizing affected areas. Permanent residences have been built, a mental health rehabilitation facility has been established, a foreign victim assistance center has been set up and campaigns have been launched to promote tourism. Other important work has focused on reinforcing the capabilities of affected communities to rebuild and prosper.

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32 In Times of Sorrow, Expressions of Love Surround Us The following is part of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatraûs speech which was delivered during his PM Thaksin Talk to Public program on Radio Thailand. It was originally broadcast at 08:00 hrs on 1 January 2005. çGood morning my dear fellow countrymen. Last night you may have listened to His Majesty the Kingûs New Year speech. We should be happy that the King was pleased with the way we united to help each other in time of suffering. The incident in the 6 southern provinces has shown our great unity. His Majesty the King was very pleased with what we have done. çI would like to tell you about what happened during the past week. We called it our countryûs devastating natural disaster and it resulted in a record - high death and casualty toll. Khun Poom Jensen, Princess Ubol Ratanaûs son, was also killed, a tragedy for the whole country as he was the Kingûs grandson. The Cabinet would like to ask all Thais to mourn this tragedy. çTo date, we have helped each other considerably and I would like to thank all Thais, including governmental officials, local administration organizations, foundations and individuals in the public and private sector. All the help that has come through does us all proud. I, as the person who takes responsibility to act on your behalf, feel very proud as well. Seeing how devoted our fellow countrymen have been gives strength to those who continue to work hard. Members of our younger generation have volunteered to be interpreters. In times of extreme sorrow, expressions of love surround us. Even westerners said that they had never expected to be so well cared for. Many said that they would definitely come back to Thailand. çThe first thing I ordered was to help take the injured out. Everyone took the injured to the hospital. I ordered that foreign tourists be looked after immediately so that they would know that we cared. Some had only the clothes on their backs. I asked that they be flown to Bangkok and given free hotel accommodation, food, new clothes and tickets home if they didnût have them. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs set up a one-stop service center to provide necessary documents free of charge. We helped the survivors return home and tender to the deceased. çWe now have a force of about 10,000 volunteers from charity organizations as well as military officers with their tools and equipment, border policemen and local policemen. Since the total number is over 20,000, personnel management is a bit tricky, but we will all lend a hand. çThough tired and stressed, we still keep on doing our work because we have to help each other. We are happy to help. Dr. Porntip, for instance, is extremely exhausted as she has the responsibility of managing the identification over 1,000 dead bodies. Doctors on site are from Thai Ministry of Public Health as well as from overseas. çLeaders of foreign nations have expressed their concern and condolences and have offered to send assistance. Some have sent help without our request, some asked what we needed. Even some poorer countries pitched in. The Prime Minister of Bahrain called on Monday. Australian Prime Minister John Howard called on Tuesday, followed by the Prime Ministers of Singapore, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. I have heard from the UN Secretary General, President George Bush, the President of the Philippines and the Prime Ministers of Sweden and New Zealand. France and Sweden have sent their Foreign Affairs Ministers with airplanes to take their people home and to bring in doctors to give us assistance. çMy dear fellow countrymen, it is my wish that these adversities would end with the year 2004 and that the coming year, 2005, will mark a good beginning for us all. I believe that we can create better lives for ourselves. Let us not be victims of fate.é

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35 ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å§√—Èßπ’Ȫؑ‡ ∏‰¡à‰¥â∂÷ßæ≈—ß ∑’ËπÕ°‡Àπ◊Õ®“°°“√∑”ß“πÕ¬à“ß®√‘ß®—ߢÕß¿“§√—∞ Õ“ “ ¡—§√ ‡ªìπ·√ߢ—∫‡§≈◊ËÕ𠔧—≠∑’Ë∑”„Àâ ç°“√„Àâé §«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬∑—Èߧπ‰∑¬·≈–™“«µà“ß™“µ‘ “¡“√∂ºà“πæâπ«‘°ƒµ ∑—ÈßÀ¡¥‡ªìπº≈®“°æ≈—ß·Ààß®‘µÕ“ “ „πÀâ«ßæ≈—ß·Ààß°“√„Àâ ¡’®¥À¡“¬®“°™“«µà“ߪ√–‡∑»®”π«π¡“° àߺà“π¡“¬—ß°Õß∫√√≥“∏‘°“√ Àπ—ß ◊Õæ‘¡æå¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ… 燥Ֆ ‡π™—Ëπé ·≈– ç∫“ß°Õ°‚æ µåé ‡æ◊ËÕ· ¥ß§«“¡¢Õ∫§ÿ≥„π çπÈ”„®é ¢Õߧπ‰∑¬ §√Õ∫§√—« ç∏“‡≈Õ√åé „π∞“π–ºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬∑’ˇ°“–æ’æ’ ®.°√–∫’Ë √–∫ÿ„π®¥À¡“¬«à“ çæ«°‡√“¢Õ¢Õ∫§ÿ≥ ‰ª¬—ß™“«‰∑¬∑’˙૬¥Ÿ·≈æ«°‡√“Õ¬à“ߥ’„π¬“¡∑’ˇ√“≈”∫“°¬‘Ëß ‰¡à√Ÿâ®–¢Õ∫§ÿ≥Õ¬à“߉√¥’ ”À√—∫§π¢—∫ ‡√◊ÕÀ“߬“«∑’˵—Èß µ‘¡—Ëπ ·≈–„™â µ‘ªí≠≠“æ“æ«°‡√“Àπ’À“¬π–‰¥âÕ¬à“ßÀ«ÿ¥À«‘¥...¢Õ∫§ÿ≥Õ¬à“ß¡“°µàÕ ‡®â“Àπâ“∑’ˉ∑¬ Õ“ “ ¡—§√ ·æ∑¬å·≈–欓∫“≈ „π°√–∫’Ë ¿Ÿ‡°Áµ §«“¡ª√“√∂π“¥’·≈–§«“¡°√ÿ≥“¢Õß æ«°‡¢“‡ªìπ ‘Ëß∑’Ëπà“ª√–∑—∫„®¡“°é ·≈–¬—ß¡’π—°∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«®”π«π‰¡àπâÕ¬ ∑’ˇ¡◊ËÕ‡¥‘π∑“ß°≈—∫∂÷ߪ√–‡∑»¢Õßµπ·≈â«„Àâ —¡¿“…≥åºà“π ◊ËÕ µà“ߪ√–‡∑» ∫“ß√“¬‡¥‘π∑“ß°≈—∫¡“¬—ߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬Õ’°§√—È߇æ◊ËÕ· ¥ß§«“¡¢Õ∫§ÿ≥ ¡ ‡æµ√“‘ π¡‚§«“‘ π“ß·∫∫™ππ”™“«‡™È— °Á Àπß„πºË÷ ª√– ∫¿âŸ ¬— ‰¥‡¥â π∑“ß°≈‘ ∫¡“Õ— °§√’ ß„π™È— «ß情¿“§¡à 2548 ‡æ◊ËÕ· ¥ß§«“¡¢Õ∫§ÿ≥µàÕ§≥–·æ∑¬å‚√ß欓∫“≈ ߢ≈“π§√‘π∑√å ∑’ˉ¥â„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ ‡∏Õ‡≈“«à “ à ß∑Ë‘ √Ë’ “ߧ«“¡ª√–∑â ∫„®„À— °â ∫‡∏Õ¡“°— ‰¡‡æà ¬ß§≥–·æ∑¬’ ·≈–欓∫“≈∑å ¥Ë’ ·≈‡ªŸ πÕ¬ì “ß¥à ’ √–À«“ßà ∑’Ë∂Ÿ°π” àß‚√ß欓∫“≈ ‡∏Õ‰¥â‡®ÕºŸâ∫“¥‡®Á∫™“«‰∑¬§πÀπ÷Ëß ¡Õ∫ √âÕ¬æ√âÕ¡æ√–‡æ◊ËÕ§ÿ⡧√Õ߇∏Õ ‰¡à§‘¥«à“®–‰¥â√—∫°“√¥Ÿ·≈¢π“¥π’È ®“°ª√“°Æ°“√≥å°“√„Àâ∑’ˇ°‘¥¢÷Èπ ».πæ.ª√–‡«» «– ’ √“…Æ√Õ“«ÿ‚ °≈à“«∂÷߇√◊ËÕßπ’È«à“ ç‡Àµ°“√≥ÿ ¡À“«å ª‚¬§·À‘ ßÕà π¥“¡— π— ‰¥· ¥ß„Àâ ¡πâ …¬ÿµ√–Àπå °√— «âŸ “æ≈à ßπ— ”„®¡È ‰¥’ ®√â ß...¡π‘ …¬ÿ∑å °§π¡ÿ ‡¡≈’ ¥Á æ—π∏ÿå·Ààߧ«“¡¥’Õ¬Ÿà„πÀ—«„®¢Õßµπ ´÷Ëß “¡“√∂À≈—Ë߉À≈ÕÕ°¡“‡ªìπæ≈—ßπÈ”„®Õ—π¡À“»“≈ ‡ªìπæ≈—ß ¡“π∑’Ë “¡“√∂‡¬’¬«¬“‚≈°∑’ˇ®Á∫ªÉ«¬‰¥âé ‰¡‡æà ¬ßÕ“ “ ¡’ §√∑— ≈߉ª™Ë’ «¬‡À≈à Õº◊ ª√– ∫¿âŸ ¬„πæ— π∑È◊ Ë’ À“°√«∫√«¡‡¡¥‡ßÁ π∫√‘ ®“§‡Àµ‘ °“√≥ÿ §√å ßπÈ— πÈ’ ∫— ‡ªπ°“√®ì ¥ª√–°“¬ÿ ç°“√„Àé¡“°¢â π„π È÷ ߧ¡‰∑¬— ·≈–‡ªπ°“√ √ì “ßª√–«â µ— »“ µ√‘ ·Àå ß°“√„Àà §√â ߬ȗ ß„À≠Ë‘ à ‡©æ“–‡ß‘π∫√‘®“§™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ ¡’¬Õ¥‡ß‘π∫√‘®“§√«¡∑—Èß ‘Èπ 2,000 ≈â“π∫“∑ ‚¥¬§‘¥‡ªìπ¬Õ¥ ‡ß‘π∫√‘®“§ºà“π ”π—°π“¬°√—∞¡πµ√’ 900 ≈â“π∫“∑ ¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘√“™ª√–™“πÿ‡§√“–Àå 490 ≈â“π∫“∑ ¿“°“™“¥‰∑¬ 300 ≈â“π∫“∑ °√–∑√«ß°≈“‚À¡ 25 ≈â“π∫“∑ ·≈–∫√‘®“§ºà“π‡Õ°™π 350 ≈â“π∫“∑ §≈◊ËππÈ”„®∑’ËÀ≈—Ë߉À≈®“°∑ÿ°¿“§ à«π ∑”„Àâ∫“ßæ◊Èπ∑’Ë °“√„Àâ¡’¡“°°°«à“§«“¡µâÕß°“√ ¡“°°«à“π—Èπ °“√∫√‘®“§„π‚§√ß°“√§«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ‰¡à‰¥â≈߇ߑπ·µà‡æ’¬ßÕ¬à“߇¥’¬« ¬—ß„À⧫“¡ ”§—≠‰ª∑’Ë°“√øóôπøŸ «‘∂’™’«‘µ™ÿ¡™π™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π ‡æ◊ËÕæ≈‘°øóôπ™’«‘µ°≈—∫¡“Õ¬à“߬—Ë߬◊πµàÕ‰ª

36 girls helped to turn dead bodies to facilitate autopsies at Bang-muang Center. The smell was so appalling. They demonstrated the truest spirit of volunteerismé The Thai response to this disaster demonstrated not only the earnest efforts of the Thai government, but it highlighted the impressive contribution made by volunteers. The spirit of volunteerism and unselfish giving played a critical role in success of assistance efforts targeting Thais and foreign nationals. Several letters from foreigners were sent to Thai English Language newspapers çThe Nationé and çBangkok Posté to express their gratitude for the kindness shown to them by the Thai people. The Thaler family narrowly escaped when the tsunami hit Phi Phi Island, Krabi. They wrote, çWe thank and express our gratitude to all the people who helped us with such care while we were in disarray. We cannot tell you how much we thank the pilot of our long-tail boat whose composure and wisdom gave us a narrow escape from the waves...Full thanks to Thai officials and volunteers in Krabi, to medical workers in Krabi and Phuket...their goodwill and kindness were really touching.é There are several other tourists who after returning home gave interviews to the foreign media to express their gratitude, while others have returned to Thailand to do it. Czech supermodel Petra Nemcova, one of the injured, returned in May 2005 to thank medical staff at Songkhlanakaring Hospital for their help. She said that she was impressed not only with the medical and nursing staff who took great care of her while she was admitted in hospital, but also with a Thai victim who kindly gave her a Buddhist amulet. Nemcova remarked that she never thought she would be so well cared for. Dr. Praves Vasi, a senior citizen, remarked, çThe Andaman tragedy has shown us that the power of mercy really exists...All human beings have a grain of goodness in their heart which can flow out to be a powerful stream of mercy. It has the power to heal this ailing world.é Apart from the volunteers who aided directly in tsunami relief, the giving spirit within Thai society was further reflected by an historically unprecedented increase in charitable donations earmarked to aid in tsunami relief. Total donations amounted to 2 billion baht: 900 million baht from the Office of the Prime Minister, 490 million baht from the Rajaprajanigroh Foundation, 300 million baht from the Thai Red Cross Society, 25 million baht from the Ministry of Defense and 350 million baht from the private sector. Donations from all sectors exceeded needs in some areas, and donations were not limited to money; they also included resource materials needed to support the sustainable rehabilitation of Andaman coastal communities.

37 38 πÈ”„®∑’ˉ√âæ√¡·¥π Õ“®°≈“«‰¥à «â “à ∫∑‡√¬π∑’ ‰¥Ë’ ®“°«â °ƒµ§√‘ ßπÈ— ‡ªÈ’ π¡ì ¡·Àÿ ߧ«“¡ à ≠‡ Ÿ ¬’ ‡ªπ‚»°π“Ø°√√¡ì ·µ¬à ߧߡ— À≈“¬’ ·ß¡à ¡∑ÿߥߓ¡Ë’ ‰¡‡æà ¬ß°“√· ¥ßæ≈’ ßπ— ”„®ÕÈ π¬— ß„À≠Ë‘ ¢Õß™“«‰∑¬à §«“¡™«¬‡À≈à Õ„π‡Àµ◊ °“√≥ÿ ∏√≥å æ’ ∫‘ µ— ‘ ç ÷π“¡‘é ‰¥â √â“ߧ«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ§√—Èߪ√–«—µ‘»“ µ√å ‡ªì𧫓¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ®“°∑ÿ°¡ÿ¡‚≈°„π¬ÿ§‚≈°“¿‘«—µπå ∑’Ë¡’°“√·¢àߢ—π√ÿπ·√ß·≈–‡¢â¡¢âπ ª√“°Ø°“√≥姫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ„π∑—π∑’À≈—ß®“°‡°‘¥‡Àµÿ°“√≥å °“√ àß∑’¡‡¢â“¡“™à«¬°Ÿâ¿—¬ °“√ àß ∑¡‡®’ “Àπâ “∑⠵˒ “ß™“µà ∑‘ ‡™Ë’ ¬«™“≠¥Ë’ “π°“√æâ ‘ ®πŸ »æå ‚¥¬√«¡°à π∑”ß“π√–À«— “ß∑à ¡®“°’ ª√–‡∑»‡¬Õ√¡π’ Ω√—Ë߇» Õ‘µ“≈’ ‡¥π¡“√å° ·≈–ÕÕ ‡µ√‡≈’¬ ¢≥–∑’Ë À√—∞Õ‡¡√‘°“„™â‰∑¬‡ªìπ»Ÿπ¬å°≈“ߢÕߧ«“¡ ™à«¬‡À≈◊Õª√–‡∑»∑’˪√– ∫«‘°ƒµ ‚¥¬µ—Èß»Ÿπ¬å∫—≠™“°“√∑’Ë π“¡∫‘π՟ൖ‡¿“ π—∫ πÿ𧫓¡∫√√‡∑“∑ÿ°¢å ©°‡©ÿπ„À‘ °â ∫‡À¬— ÕºË◊ ª√– ∫¿âŸ ¬®“°§≈— π„µË◊ πâ ” È π“¡÷ ‘ ∑ß È— ßºà ‡™âŸ ¬«™“≠¥Ë’ “π°“√™â π — µ√·≈–‡®Ÿ “Àπâ “∑⠥˒ “πÕâ πÊË◊ °«à“ 1,000 §π ¢≥–∑’Ë®’π àß°Õß∑—æª≈¥ª≈àÕ¬ª√–™“™π®’π (æ’·Õ≈‡Õ) √à«¡°Ÿâ¿—¬ à«π≠’˪ÿÉπ‰¥â®—¥‡√◊Õ√∫ 3 ≈” ‡¢â“√à«¡ °—∫°Õß∑—æ‡√◊Õ‡æ◊Ëՙ૬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ œ≈œ ”À√—∫¬Õ¥‡ß‘π∫√‘®“§®“°√—∞∫“≈¢Õß™“µ‘µà“ßÊ „π°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ „π 12 ª√–‡∑»‚¥¬¡’ Àª√–™“™“µ‘ ‡ªìπºŸâª√– “πß“ππ—Èπ ¡’¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡°«à“ 2 · π≈â“π∫“∑ ‰¡à√«¡‡Õ°™π®“°µà“ߪ√–‡∑» Õ’°°«à“ 50,000 ≈â“π∫“∑ ∑—È߬—ß¡’·π«∑“ß„Àâ ∂“∫—π°“√‡ß‘πµà“ßÊ ‡¢â“¡“¡’∫∑∫“∑„π°“√ π—∫ πÿπ °“√√–ß—∫Àπ’È°—∫ª√–‡∑»∑’ˉ¥â√—∫º≈°√–∑∫ √«¡∑—Èß·≈°‡ª≈’ˬπª√– ∫°“√≥å√à«¡°—π‡æ◊ËÕ‡æ‘Ë¡¢’¥§«“¡ “¡“√∂¢Õß·µà≈–ª√–‡∑»„π°“√√—∫¡◊Õ°—∫ ç ÷π“¡‘é Mercy without Borders Out of great loss and tragedy, the beauty of the human spirit has been revealed on a global scale. Not only did the kindness of Thais become widely recognized, but joint relief efforts from all corners of the globe were conducted in concert and without regard to national interest. Such cooperation is rare in an age of globalization where competition is high and national rivalries are intense. Assistance came soon after the incident. Foreign autopsy specialists were dispatched from Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, and Australia. The US centered its operations for the entire region in Thailand. US headquarters at U-Tapao airport provided relief aid to tsunami victims throughout the region and served as a gateway for over 1000 specialists from various fields. China sent a Peopleûs Liberation Army (PLA) team to provide rescue assistance. Japan sent three battleships to join the Royal Thai Navy in providing assistance to the victims. The total amount of UN-coordinated donations from international governments to help victims in the 12 affected countries was over US $200 billion, excluding $50 billion in donations from foreign private sector donors. Consultants were brought in from the banking sector to support the proposal to defer debts of the affected countries. Several affected countries exchanged ideas on how to better harness local capacity to deal with the effects of the tsunami.

39 πÕ°®“°°“√„À§«“¡™â «¬‡À≈à ÕÕ¬◊ “߇ªà π∑“ß°“√ì ¬ß¡— §«“¡™’ «¬‡À≈à Õ„π√◊ ª·∫∫ÕŸ πÊË◊ ‰¡«à “®–‡ªà π‡®ì “™“¬â «‘≈‡≈’ˬ¡·≈–‡®â“™“¬·Œ√å√’Ë ·Ààß√“™«ß»åÕ—ß°ƒ… ∑√߇¢â“√à«¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õß“π„πÀπ૬∫√√‡∑“∑ÿ°¢å ¢Õß°“™“¥ “°≈ À√◊Õ°√≥’∑’Ë«—¥·ÀàßÀπ÷Ëß„π·§π“¥“ ª√–°“»¢“¬«—¥„π¡Ÿ≈§à“ 15.9 ≈â“π∫“∑‡æ◊ËÕπ” ‡ß‘π‰ª™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬„πÕ‘π‚¥π’‡´’¬ ‰∑¬·≈–¡“‡≈‡´’¬ ∫√√¥“π°√— Õßâ π°· ¥ß·≈–π— °°— Ó∑’ ¡Ë’ ™’ Õ‡ Ë◊ ¬ß√–¥’ ∫‚≈°— µ“ß· ¥ß§«“¡¡à π’ ”„®µÈ Õ‡Àµà °“√≥ÿ πå լȒ “ߧà ∫§— ßË— ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªìπ ´’≈’𠥑ÕÕπ ∫√‘®“§™à«¬ºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ 1 ≈â“π¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ µ’‡«π ªï≈‡∫‘√å° ∫√‘®“§ 1.5 ≈â“π¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ ·´π¥√â“ ∫≈Ÿ≈ÁÕ§ ∫√‘®“§ 1 ≈â“π¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ √«¡‰ª∂÷ß ≈’‚Õπ“√å‚¥ ¥‘§“ª√‘‚Õ ∫√‘®“§ 1 ≈â“π¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ ¢≥–∑’Ë √‘°°’È ¡“√嵑π ≈ß¡“¬—ßæ◊Èπ∑’˪√– ∫¿—¬„π 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥¿“§„µâ ¥â«¬µ—«‡Õ߇æ◊ËÕ¥Ÿ«à“¬—ߢ“¥‡À≈◊ÕÕ–‰√ „π·«¥«ß°’Ó §“√å≈Õ ‚¡¬à“ π—°‡∑ππ‘ ™“« ‡ªπ ∫√‘®“§‡ß‘π√“ß«—≈ 52,000 ¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ ¡‘™“‡Õ≈ ™Ÿ¡—§‡°Õ√å ·™¡ªá‚≈°øÕ√å¡Ÿ≈“«—π 7 ¡—¬∫√‘®“§ 10 ≈â“π¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ à«π‰∑‡°Õ√å «Ÿâ¥ å π—°°Õ≈åø≈Ÿ°§√÷Ë߉∑¬-Õ‡¡√‘°—π ∫√‘®“§‡ß‘π 100,000 ¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ ‡æ◊Ëՙ૬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬„π‰∑¬ ¥â“π ¡“‡√’¬ ™“√“‚ª«“ ∫√‘®“§‡ß‘π 10,000 ¥Õ≈≈“√å À√—∞ æ√âÕ¡¡Õ∫·√Á°‡°Áµ‡æ◊ËÕ°“√ª√–¡Ÿ≈ ¢≥–∑’Ë «’π— «‘≈‡≈’ˬ¡ °Á¡Õ∫·√Á°‡°Áµ‡æ◊ËÕ°“√ª√–¡Ÿ≈„π°“√π”‡ß‘π™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬¥â«¬‡™àπ°—π π’ˇªìπ‡æ’¬ß∫“ß à«π¢Õßæ≈—ßπÈ”„®...∑’˪√–«—µ‘»“ µ√å‚≈°µâÕß®“√÷°‡ªìπ∫—π∑÷°·Ààߧ«“¡∑√ß®” !!!!

In addition to government aid, assistance was offered via a number of well-known individuals and organizations in the form of cash and other assistance. A Canadian temple put its property on sale 15.9 million baht to raise money for victims in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. British Princes William and Harry joined the International Red Cross rescue and relief units. World-renowned singers, performing artists and professional athletes have shown their kindness as well. Celine Dione, Steven Spielberg and Sandra Bullock each donated US $1.5 million to help relief efforts. Leonardo DiCaprio donated $1 million. Ricky Martin visited personally the 6 devastated southern provinces to see what was still needed. In the sports world, Spanish tennis superstar Carlos Moya donated prize money in the amount of US $52,000. The Seven-Time Formula-One world champion Michael Schumacker donated $10 million. Thai-American golfer Tiger Woods donated $100,000 to help victims in Thailand. Maria Sharapova donated $10,000 with the proceeds from the auction of one of her tennis rackets. Venus Williams also donated one of her tennis rackets for an auction sale to raise money for tsunami relief. These are just a few of the individuals whose combined compassion and generosity will surely be remembered.

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42 One Year since the Tsunami: A Brief Chronology 26 December 2004 The tsunami hits the six Andaman coastal provinces of Phuket, Phang-nga, Ranong, Krabi, Trang and Satun. 28 December 2004 Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra offers his condolences and discusses emergency measures being deployed during a speech on the disaster in published in TV Pool. The Cabinet approves a budget of 30 billion baht to provide preliminary relief assistance to victims. 29 December 2004 His Majesty the King expresses his concerns and asks that Thais be united and help each other. 4 January 2005 U.S. Secretary of State General Colin L. Powell and Florida Governor Jeb Bush meet with Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. praise the Thai governmentûs remarkable handling of the situation. 5 January 2005 16 April 2005 Deputy Prime Minister Suwat Liptapanlop calls for a meeting with Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Crown Princess Mary, relevant government agencies to set up six sub-committees together with Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen to provide assistance to disaster victims. and his wife and families of the deceased, participate in 16 January 2005 a commemorative ceremony in Lamkhaen, Taimuang district, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin visits the devastated areas Phang-nga. and expresses gratitude to the Thai government. 20 - 21 April 2005 16 - 18 January 2005 Thailand invites experts from all regions of the world to link Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson, Norwegian Prime Minister global earthquake and tsunami early warning centers directly Kjell Magne Bondevik and Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatraûs Operations Center via visit Thailand to assess damages and thank the Thai government. a computerized database. 17 - 21 January 2005 29 April 2005 Singaporean President visits Thailand and travels to Phuket Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra chairs the tsunami to attend a commemorative ceremony for the deceased. evacuation drillco-organized by Patong municipality and Phuket province. Witnessing the drill 29 January 2005 are envoys from 20 nations. Representatives from 43 countries participate in the ministerial meeting and jointly issue the Phuket Ministerial Declaration on 5 May 2005 Regional Cooperation on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements. Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, makes a state visit to Thailand to express his gratitude. 17 February 2005 King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia visit disaster 4 - 6 May 2005 victims in Phuket and Phang-nga. Their Majesties thank the Thai World Health Organization hosts a meeting to analyze government for providing assistance to affected tourists. responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. 19 - 20 February 2005 Former US Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton, as U.S. presidentûs special envoys, visit the disaster-devastated areas and

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44 æ≈‘°øóôπÕ—π¥“¡—π Ÿà§«“¡¬—Ë߬◊π §≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å ÷π“¡‘ ‡ªìπ¡À—πµ¿—¬∑’ˇ°‘π°«à“„§√§π„¥§πÀπ÷Ëß Àπ૬ߓπ„¥Àπ૬ߓπÀπ÷Ëß ª√–‡∑»„¥ª√–‡∑» Àπß®–‡¬Ë÷ ¬«¬“‰¥’ â §≈ππË◊ ”„®‰√È æ√¡·¥πÀ≈â ߉À≈¡“լ˗ “߉√à √â ª·∫∫Ÿ ¬ß§«“¡´“∫´— ß°È÷ ∫º— ‰¥âŸ √â ∫·≈–§π√Õ∫¢— “ßâ ¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘§√—Èßπ’ȇªî¥¡‘µ‘„À¡à¢Õߧ«“¡√à«¡¡◊Õ√–À«à“ßÕߧå°√¿“§‡Õ°™π¥â«¬°—π‡Õß √–À«à“ßÕߧå°√ ¿“§√—∞·≈–¿“§‡Õ°™π √–À«à“ßπ—°æ—≤π“¿“§‡Õ°™π°—∫¿“§∏ÿ√°‘®‡Õ°™π ·≈–√–À«à“ßπ—°æ—≤π“¿“§ ‡Õ°™π°—∫¿“§√—∞∫“≈ ·≈–Õ’°À≈“¬Ê à«π®π°≈“¬‡ªìπ‡§√◊Õ¢à“¬∑’Ë√à«¡°—πøóôπøŸæ—≤π“ 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥ ™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π∑’ˬ‘Ëß„À≠à·≈–ª√–¡“≥§à“‰¡à‰¥â °“√√âÕ¬√—¥πÈ”„®∑’ˉÀ≈√‘π‡µ‘¡‡µÁ¡§«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬„π‡∫◊ÈÕßµâ𠵓¡¥â«¬°“√øóôπøŸÕ¬à“߬—Ë߬◊π∑’ˇ¢â“∂÷ß ‡¢â“„®·≈–æ—≤π“æ’ËπâÕß™ÿ¡™π„ÀâÕ¬Ÿà‡¬Áπ‡ªìπ ÿ¢Õ¬à“ß·∑â®√‘ß 1 ªï ÷π“¡‘ ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬‰¥â®—¥°“√ªí≠À“Õ¬à“߇ªìπ√–∫∫¡“°¢÷Èπ À≈—ß®“°§≈◊ËππÈ”„®∑’Ë∂“‚∂¡‡¢â“¡“ ∑à“¡°≈“ߺŸâ√—∫∑’ËÕ¬Ÿà„π¿“«–‰√â∑‘»∑“ß ‡§«âߧ«â“ß ·µà¥â«¬ µ‘ ¥â«¬§«“¡√—° §«“¡ “¡—§§’¢Õß™ÿ¡™π∑’Ë ‡ªìπ∑ÿπ —ߧ¡¥—È߇¥‘¡ “¡“√∂ √â“ߢ«—≠·≈–°”≈—ß„® §«“¡ ¥„ ·≈–√Õ¬¬‘È¡„À¡à¢÷Èπ¡“ ¡“µ√°“√µà“ßÊ ¢Õß¿“§√—∞‚¥¬‡©æ“–°“√·°âªí≠À“‡©æ“–Àπâ“À≈—ß ÷π“¡‘∂≈à¡ ®π™◊ËÕ çª√–‡∑»‰∑¬é ‰¥â√—∫°“√·´à´âÕß°âÕ߉ª∑—Ë«‚≈° ®“°ª“°µàÕª“° ∫Õ°µàÕ∂÷ßπÈ”„®§π‰∑¬ ∑°Àπÿ «¬ß“π∑à ‡°Ë’ ¬«¢Ë’ Õߵ⠓ß≈ßæà π∑È◊ ‡°Ë’ ∫¢Á Õ¡â ≈„ÀŸ ‰¥â ¡“°∑â Ë’ ¥ÿ ‡æÕª√–¡«≈„ÀË◊ §«“¡™â «¬‡À≈à ÕÕ¬◊ “߇√à ß¥à «πà Rehabilitation of Andaman to Sustainability It is beyond the ability of any one agency or nation to remedy the widespread and devastating destruction wrought by the 26 December tsunami. The global outpouring of assistance knew no political or physical boundaries. It was impressive both to the recipients of the help and to those who witnessed it. The tsunami and its aftermath have ushered in a new era of cooperation among non-governmental organizations, the public and private sectors, and amongst private developers and public sector. These valuable and critical linkages have provided the key to the rehabilitation of the six Andaman coastal provinces. Generous assistance first channeled toward immediate needs is now being redirected to the task of providing sustainable rehabilitation based on the understanding and intention to provide communities with the capacity they need to live happily and to function independently. During the year following the tsunami disaster, Thailand has developed more sophisticated systems of disaster management. Relevant agencies went to the affected areas to collect as much data as possible to process for rendering immediate assistance. The compassion shown to communities and individuals who have lost everything, coupled with the determination, love and togetherness already existing in these communities, continues to help to restore morale, strength and well being. In the wake of positive international reaction to emergency measures taken by the government, the name çThailandé has come to be widely praised. The kindness of Thai people in general is given special note.

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*∑’Ë¡“ : §◊Õ§πÕ—π¥“¡—π §◊Õ§π√—°…“∑–≈...Save Andaman Network

46 Frequently Encountered Problems and Specific Needs within Various Communities*

1. Fishing boats and tools : Urgently needed Rationale : Livelihoods are met via small-scale fishing. Individuals within the community will greatly benefit from the dignity of being self-supporting. 2. Housing : Urgently needed Rationale : After the disaster, a great number of families were left homeless. Most are living in temporary shelters and need permanent residences in their home areas. 3. Clean water system : Urgently needed Rationale : Existing fresh water sources were contaminated with ocean water (become brackish) after the tsunami. People need reliable sources of clean water for consumption. 4. Financial needs : Urgently needed Rationale : Money needed to cover daily needs, education of young children and to service existing debts. : Each dead victimûs family received financial assistance of 45,000 baht. : Most financial assistance is in the form of long - term loans, which have the effect of worsening victimsû financial burdens. 5. Rights to land : Medium to long term Rationale : Many affected locals have been living on their land for long periods but have not yet obtained title. 6. Standard of living : Medium to long term Rationale : Farming and animal husbandry 7. Environment : Long term Rationale : Rehabilitation ecology of mangrove forests : Development of coastal resources : Management of saline soils : Restoration of clean water sources

*Source : Save Andaman Network

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48 New Era of Sustainable Rehabilitation As a result of the tsunami relief effort, new institutional linkages and organizational relationships have been formed. New alliances were immediately created involving both Thai and foreign governments, private, and social service sectors and between each of these sectors and members of the public. In the quest to heal and create a stronger society, it is vital that we continue to improve standards within and amongst all agencies, organizations, and communities of private citizens. Under the command of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, responsibility for solving specific and urgent problems is quickly allocated to the major ministries (Finance, Labor and Social Welfare, Natural Resources and Environment, Public Health, Science and Technology, Tourism and Sports, and Foreign Affairs). The result has been a more rapid and coordinated response to urgent issues across all areas. After the tsunami, focus was placed on creation of short, medium and long-term plans for rehabilitation. These included providing housing, financial assistance for daily living, assistance to the business sector, and the rebuilding of community life. Also high on the list of priorities were provision of mental health services, restoration of natural resources and sources of potable water and provision of assistance with land use and town planning. Major infrastructure projects have included reconstruction of roads, schools and religious venues. During the past year, much has been implemented. Housing has been built, working tools provided - especially fishing boats, and compensation has been provided to affected business enterprises and laborers. It can be said that most of the victims now own a house. While some have moved back to their old places of residence, others have moved to new areas far from their former communities. The most devastated area is Phang-nga. Several villages such as Baan Nam Kem, Baan Nan Laem Pakarang and Baan Bang Niang were particularly affected. Lives, houses and possessions were swept away almost completely, leaving very little behind. This tragedy has destroyed the communities and threatened the livelihoods of thousands of people. Many have no choice but to start from ground zero in a new community, among new neighbors and working different jobs in unfamiliar settings. The considerable generosity shown to tsunami victims, although well meaning, has created rifts within some communities where resources have been poorly allocated. Such communities have lodged complaints that assistance has been distributed unfairly. At the opposite end of the spectrum, communities with stronger leadership capacity have been able to fairly allocate resources to address vitally important needs in the areas of mental health counseling, housing and public services. As a result of the disaster, the beauty of human empathy was revealed.

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50 Fishing boats are vitally important to the people living in the six Andaman coastal provinces, most of whom make a living catching fish, crab, squid and shrimp. Agriculture remains and important but secondary source of income. Most of these jobs are associated with the large-scale rubber and palm plantations in the area. Thousands of small, medium and large fishing boats were damaged in the tsunami. Most assistance has thus focused on repairing and replacing them. Thus far, the Department of Fisheries has helped 24,486 fishermen and fish farmers by funding the repair of fishing boats, fishing tools, fish rafting businesses and tourist boats. At present, a total of 5.15 billion baht has been spent. The Department of Fisheries continues to help those who appeal for assistance. For a fisherman, his boat is his life. It serves as a home, a means of earning a living, and a means of transportation. Thus restoration of boat ownership is a critical starting point along the road to the rehabilitation of people of the Andaman. Organizations like Save Andaman Network, with its allies in the private and public sector continue to work together to provide means for communities to rebuild themselves to build independent and self - reliant futures. The Save Andaman Network started its activities by building 34 dockyards in six provinces servicing a total of 122 villages. Together they are equipped to handle the repair and distribution of 1,760 boats and 4,000 sets of fishing tools. So far, repairs of 1,163 boats have been completed. In January of 2005, a community-based funding scheme was set up to offer much needed cash flow to affected areas. At present, several dockyards have finished repairing boats damaged by the tsunami and have begun building new boats from materials donated to tsunami victims. In several areas there are individuals still waiting for delivery of the new boats that will no doubt play a vital role in the rebuilding their lives. The government has assisted tourism enterprises through joint investment, by providing financial assistance, and by adjusting taxes and fees. As damages were enormous, the government opted to decentralize disbursement of funds to local administrative bodies. A budget of 951 million baht was approved to fund a total of 197 rehabilitation and reconstruction projects across the six provinces. Most projects focused on road repairs and compensation to local people affected by the disaster. The Department of Mental Health as part of the Ministry of Public Health, has offered assistance to depressed and suicidal tsunami victims. A large number of psychologists and volunteers have provided help. The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare asked employees who lost their jobs due to permanent business closures to seek aid from the Social Security Office. The temporarily unemployed were directed to seek aid from the Employee Subsistence Fund administered by the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare.

51 52 Regional Trust Fund) æ√Õ¡Õπâ ¡ÿµ— «ß‡ß‘ π‘ 10 ≈“π¥Õ≈≈“√â À√å ∞®“°ß∫°≈“ß‡æ— Õ‡ªË◊ π‡ßì πµ‘ ßµÈ— π°Õß∑â πÿ Õ¬à“߉√°Áµ“¡°“√øóôπøŸ™ÿ¡™πÕ¬à“߬—Ë߬◊π ‡æ◊ËÕ„Àâ™ÿ¡™πæ÷Ëß擵π‡Õ߉¥âπ—Èπ °“√¡’ à«π√à«¡¢Õß™ÿ¡™π‡ªìπ ‡√◊ËÕß ”§—≠ °“√„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ¢Õß¿“§√—∞∫“≈‡ªìπ‡æ’¬ß à«πÀπ÷Ëß„π°“√‡¬’¬«¬“ ‡π◊ËÕß®“°¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘ „π§√—Èßπ’ȉ¥â∑”≈“¬≈â“ß¡«≈¡πÿ…¬™“µ‘∑’Ë„À≠àÀ≈«ß ¿“æ·≈–¢π“¥¢Õߪí≠À“À≈“°À≈“¬ ´—∫´âÕπ ®π ¬“°∑’Ë¿“§√—∞®–¥”‡π‘π°“√‰¥âÕ¬à“ß∫Ÿ√≥“°“√ ·µà°Á‡ªìππ‘¡‘µÀ¡“¬∑’Ë¥’∑’ˇ°‘¥¢÷Èπ∑à“¡°≈“ߧ«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ °“√‡¢â“¡“™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ¢Õ߇§√◊Õ¢à“¬¿“§‡Õ°™π∑’Ë√à«¡¡◊Õ°—π¢÷È𠉥â∑”„Àâ°“√øóôπøŸ™ÿ¡™πÕ¬à“߬—Ë߬◊𥔇π‘π ‰ªÕ¬à“߇ªìπ√–∫∫ ‡ªìπ¡‘µ‘„À¡à¢Õߧ«“¡√à«¡¡◊Õ∑’ˉ√âæ√¡·¥π ‡æ◊ËÕ°“√æ—≤π“ °“√ √â“ߧ«“¡‡¢â¡·¢Áß„Àâ ™ÿ¡™πµà“ßÊ °≈—∫¡“¥”‡π‘π™’«‘µµ“¡«‘∂’¢Õ߇¢“‰¥âÕ’°§√—Èß ¥—ßπ—Èπ°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ‡¬’¬«¬“∑—ÈßÀ≈“¬∑—Èߪ«ßπ’ȇæ◊ËÕ°“√øóôπøŸÕ“™’æ °“√øóôπøŸ«‘∂’™’«‘µ¢Õß™ÿ¡™πµà“ßÊ „π 6 ®—ßÀ«—¥™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π‡æ◊ËÕ„Àâæ÷Ëß擵π‡Õß·≈–°≈—∫‰ª„™â™’«‘µÕ¬à“ß∑’ˇ§¬‡ªìπ¡“·≈– “¡“√∂√—∫¡◊Õ°—∫ ¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘‰¥â In August 2005, the Cabinet approved a sub-budget of 5.97 billion baht to provide assistance and solve problems in the six Andaman coastal provinces. The Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Prime Ministerûs Office coordinated with the Bureau of the Budget to approve requisitions worth 5.74 billion baht to individual agencies and to 13 special government committees. This amount is in addition to the 3.32 billion baht already appropriated. In March 2005, the government set up the Disaster Warning Coordination Center at the Post and Telegraph Department. The Center receives information from all disaster warning centers and forwards vital information via radio, television, community radio, broadcast towers and via SMS messages capable of reaching over 20 million mobile phones. Additional broadcast towers were built in vulnerable areas in the six Andaman coastal provinces and along the shorelines of the Gulf of Thailand. On 6 September 2005, the Cabinet approved the Tsunami Regional Trust Fund originally proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The agreement, referred to as the Multi-Donor Voluntary Trust Fund for Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, was jointly drafted by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the Thai government with US $10 million in seed money approved for the Fund. Assistance from the government is only partially effective in bringing forth a complete recovery from this disaster. Sustainable community rehabilitation relies on active involvement from within the communities themselves. This disaster has had a devastating and widespread reach; problems were so extensive and complicated that the ability of the government to integrate and manage all aspects of the relief effort was stretched. Nonetheless, several good things came from this great loss: vigorous participation of private sectorûs networks have systemized sustainable community rehabilitation efforts. Unprecedented cooperation has emerged amongst and between citizens, the government and the private sector. As a result communities have been strengthened and are on the path to the ways of life enjoyed prior to the disaster. As measures are being taken to prevent and create mechanisms to deal with future disasters, the primary aim of all assistance must be to restore livelihoods and community life in the six Andaman coastal provinces. Ultimately, all citizens must be empowered to return to the self-reliant and economically independent lives they had before this disaster.

53 54 √”≈÷°¢ÕߺŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ ·¡â‡Àµÿ°“√≥å®–≈à«ß‡≈¬¡“ 1 ªï ·µà¿“槫“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬¬—ߧßΩíß≈÷°„𮑵„® çªí≠≠“ À«ß¡“°é ™“«∫â“πºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬´÷ËßÕ¬Ÿà„π‡Àµÿ°“√≥å·∂∫™“¬ΩíòßÕ—π¥“¡—π∑’ˇ°◊Õ∫®–∑‘Èß«‘∂’ª√–¡ß ¥â«¬§«“¡°≈—« ®“°‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∑’ˇ°‘¥¢÷Èπ ç∑ÿ°«—ππ’ȇ¡◊ËÕÀ≈—∫µ“¬—߇ÀÁπ§≈◊Ëπ ‡¡◊ËÕ查∂÷߇Àµÿ°“√≥嬗ߢπ≈ÿ°¬—ß®”«—π‡°‘¥‡Àµÿ‰¥â·¡àπ¬”é À“°°“√„™â™’«‘µ°≈—∫‡√‘Ë¡¡’§«“¡À«—ßÕ’°§√—Èß ®“°§«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ¢Õß¿“§√—∞ „π°“√„Àâ‡ß‘𙥇™¬·°à ºª√– ∫¿âŸ ¬— ·≈–«ππ— ....À≈“¬§π‡√È’ ¡∑¬Õ¬‡¢Ë‘ “ â ∫àŸ “πæâ °„À¡— à Õ°À≈“¬§π‡√’ ¡¡Ë‘ √“¬‰¥’ ¡“®â π‡®ÿÕ§√Õ∫§√◊ «— ·¡®–¬â ߉¡— ¥à ‡∑’ “°à ÕπÀπà “∑â ‡°Ë’ ¥‡Àµ‘ °“√≥ÿ å ·µÕ¬à “ßπà Õ¬∑â Ë’ ¥ÿ ¡“µ√°“√§«“¡™«¬‡À≈à Õ·≈–ø◊ πøôó æŸ π∑È◊ ª√– ∫¿Ë’ ¬— °≈“¬‡ªπæ≈ì ß„®·≈–∑”„À— °“√¥”√ߙ⠫’ µ¢Õß™“«∫‘ “π∑â ª√– ∫¿Ë’ ¬‚¥¬µ√ß— ·≈–°≈¡∑àÿ‰¥Ë’ √â ∫º≈°√–∑∫∑“ßÕ— Õ¡â °”≈—߇¢â“ Ÿà¿“«–ª°µ‘Õ’°§√—Èß ç«à“À“¥ ·¥ß¥“∫é ‚µä–Õ‘À¡à“¡ »Ÿπ¬å√«¡∑“ß®‘µ„®¢Õß™ÿ¡™π¡ÿ ≈‘¡·ÀàßÀπ÷Ëß„π ®.°√–∫’ˇ≈à“«à“ ç°àÕπ‡°‘¥‡Àµÿ°“√≥噓«∫â“π∑’Ëπ’Ë à«π„À≠àª√–°Õ∫Õ“™’æª√–¡ß À≈—ß®“°‚¥π§≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å Õÿª°√≥å∑”¡“ À“°‘π‰¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬√«¡∑—Èß ‘Èπ 2 ≈â“π∫“∑ ‚¥¬‡©æ“–‡√◊Õ∑’ˇ ’¬À“¬¡“°é ç„π™à«ß·√°°Á¡’Õ“À“√¢Õß„™â‡¢â“¡“„Àâ‡√“ ®“°π—Èπ√—∞∫“≈°Á®à“¬‡ß‘𙥇™¬§à“§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬∑—Èß∫â“π ·≈–Õÿª°√≥åÀ“ª≈“ ·¡â®–‰¡à™¥‡™¬∑—ÈßÀ¡¥·µà°ÁµàÕ™’«‘µ„Àâ‡√“‰¥âé ç«—ππ’È™“«∫â“π‡√‘Ë¡ÕÕ°À“ªŸ À“ª≈“µ“¡ª°µ‘ ·≈–°≈—∫¡“„™â™’«‘µ‰¥âÕ’°§√—Èß ¥â«¬§«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ®“° ∑—Èß¿“§√—∞·≈–Õߧå°√‡Õ°™π∑’ˇ¢â“¡“é Reminiscences of the Bereft Though it occurred one year ago, a feeling of loss is still felt deep in the hearts of those who witnessed this tragedy. çEven now when I close my eyes, I can still see the waves. When I talk about the incident, it still gives me the creeps. I can still remember that day well,é said Panya Huangmak. Huangmak, a local fisherman, was so haunted by fear, he considered abandoning his career as a fisherman. Cash compensation from the government generated considerable hope that a return to normal life could be possible. Many people have moved into their new homes. Others have started to earn some income. Though many are not earning as much as before, the relief and rehabilitation efforts have given people the strength and the means to return to their normal lives. Imam Wahad Daengdab, the spiritual leader of a Muslim community in Krabi, said that before the incident, most locals there earned their living by fishing. After the tsunami, their fishing tools were damaged, particularly boats. The total damage was estimated at two million baht. çAt first, food and provisions were given to us. Then, the government gave cash compensation for houses and fishing tools. Though the money didn’t cover all the losses, it kept us going.é çToday locals have started to catch crab and fish like they did before and to live once again with assistance from both the public and private sectors.é

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56 Upon seeing the destruction of what they spent their lifetime building, people became despondent. çPeople stopped fishing for over 4 - 5 months because they were frightened of waves. We were able to escape from big waves like these, but now the fear has dominated their heart. Every time we are at sea, we fear waves. But we have to earn our living.é In one sense it can be considered a positive development that communities have started to appreciate the value of nature and existing resources. çWe didnût pay it much attention when we couldnût catch crabs. Now that the number of crabs is small, we have a project to build pregnant crab baskets to keep them so that the crabs will shed their eggs before we set them free. Today we pay more attention to the environment and natural resources. When they abound, we donût care. When they become scarce, we start to see their value.é Not only have the local attitudes toward the sea been altered by the crisis, but local communities have come to realize the power of kindness and unity. çToday communities are more in harmony since we have seen how helpful people of the same village and outsiders have been in time of crisis.é Both money and moral support gave strength to the affected to start fighting for a new life. Kusol Patdej, an affected fisherman who worked on the Phi Phi Island and who has not yet found the body of his mother, said, çI still hope that I can find my motherûs body so that she could have a proper religious funeral. The Scientific Detection unit has just told me that they have sent out my motherûs fingerprints; I am now hopeful that we will find her body.é Like many others who have lost both their loved ones and possessions and means of economic support, Kusol was discouraged at first. But as time passed, he started to be able to cope with the situation and return to his old life. çI stopped working for 4-5 months. When I got the compensation, I fixed the boat and started working again. çToday the income has started to be like before, but I still am in debt with the boat repair loan. If the fishing remains favorable, I can pay off the debt soon. çI thought about providing tourism services with my long-tail boat but then I thought tourism was not certain. I can fish every day and it is enough. It’s only that fish are getting scarce. We have to go farther into the sea.é A year has passed with images of damage, ruins and despair. With assistance from the government and all sectors of the society, people have returned to their work and started living again.

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58 Objectives of the çOne Year in Memory of Tsunamié Ceremony The objectives of One Year in Memory of Tsunami Ceremony are to commemorate the incident and to mourn the deceased. It is also hoped that a more thorough accounting of the events that have taken place during the previous year will foster confidence in and accentuate the positive aspects of the tourism industry in the six affected provinces. It is also our hope that the kindness and generosity demonstrated by Thais towards tourists will serve as an incentive for people to return to the Andaman provinces. One Year in Memory of Tsunami Committee On 24 August 2005, the Cabinet agreed to set up a committee to organize the One Year in Memory of Tsunami Ceremony to be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Suwat Liptapanlop. To ensure smooth operations, the chairman set up the following nine sub - committees. 1. Sub-committee on Ceremonial Events, chaired by Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Assoc. Prof. Tongthong Chandransu 2. Sub-committee on Foundation Stone-Laying Ceremony, chaired by Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Khunying Dhipavadee Meksawan 3. Sub-committee on Invitations and Receptions, chaired by Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Sub Lieutenant Prapas Limpabandhu 4. Sub-committee on Andaman Refresh Activities, chaired by Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister Chaipak Siriwat 5. Sub-committee on Public Relations and Image Building, chaired by Minister Attached to the Prime Ministerûs Office Suranand Vejjajiva 6. Sub-committee on Monitoring of the Readiness of the Infrastructure, Warning Alerts and Facilities, chaired by Vice Minister of Environment and Natural Resource, Plodprasob Surassawadi 7. Sub-committee on Security and Traffic, chaired by Commissioner-General, Royal Thai Police, Pol.Gen. Kovit Wattana 8. Sub-committee on Expenditure and Budget, chaired by Budget Bureau Deputy Director Somnuk Pimolsathien 9. Sub-committee on Administration and Coordination, chaired by Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister Political Affairs Somchai Chatphatthanasiri

59 °‘®°√√¡ß“π ç«—π√”≈÷° 1 ªï ÷π“¡‘é (One Year in Memory of Tsunami) «—π®—π∑√å∑’Ë 26 ∏—𫓧¡ 2548 ®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ æ—ßß“ °√–∫’Ë ·≈–µ√—ß Date: Monday, 26 December 2005 Venue: Tsunami-affected areas in Phuket, Phang-nga, Krabi and Trang æ‘∏’‰«âÕ“≈—¬ºŸâª√– ∫¿—¬ ÷π“¡‘ (√–À«à“߇«≈“ 09.00 - 10.30 π.) Tentative Program 09.00 π. .ºŸâ√à«¡ß“π‡¥‘π∑“ß∂÷ß ∂“π∑’Ë®—¥æ‘∏’√”≈÷° Tsunami Victims Memorial Service: (09.00 - 10.30 hrs) ∂“π∑’Ë 09.00 hrs .Arrival of guests at the 7 venues as follows: .®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ: À“¥ªÉ“µÕß À“¥°¡≈“ ·≈– ÿ “π‰¡â¢“« Phuket-Patong Beach, Kamala Beach and Mai Khao .®ßÀ«— ¥æ— ßß“:— ∫“ππâ ”‡§È ¡Á À“¥∫“߇π¬ß’ (∫√‡«≥‡√‘ Õµ”√«®π◊ ”)È Memorial Wall/ Phang-nga-Ban Namkem and Bang .®—ßÀ«—¥°√–∫’Ë: ‡°“–æ’æ’ Niang Beach/ Krabi-Phi Phi Islands / Trang - Chao .®—ßÀ«—¥µ√—ß: À“¥®â“«‰À¡ Mai Beach 10.00 π. .æ‘∏’°√°≈à“«‡™‘≠·¢° VIP ·≈–ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡æ‘∏’π—Ëß„πª–√”æ‘∏’ 10.00 hrs .Arrival of VIPs ∫√‘‡«≥‚¥¬√Õ∫ 10.05 hrs .Speech by Deputy Prime Ministers or 10.05 π. .√Õß𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ À√◊ÕºŸâ·∑π√—∞∫“≈ °≈à“« ÿπ∑√æ®πå representative of the Thai Government ‡æ◊ËÕ· ¥ß°“√‰«âÕ“≈—¬·°àºŸâ∑’ˇ ’¬™’«‘µ®“°‡Àµÿ°“√≥å 10.10 hrs .Laying of flowers by Deputy Prime Ministers and VIPs 10.10 π. .√Õß𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’π”¥Õ°‰¡â‰ª«“߉«âÕ“≈—¬ æ√âÕ¡·¢° VIP 10.30 hrs .Minute of silence 10.30 π. .∑ÿ°§π¬◊π ß∫π‘Ë߉«âÕ“≈—¬·°àºŸâ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ 1 π“∑’ 10.31 hrs .Announcement of afternoon arrangements (æ√âÕ¡°—π∑ÿ°®ÿ¥) 10.35 hrs .Laying of flowers by relatives of victims and general 10.31 π. .æ‘∏’°√ √ÿª·≈–‡™‘≠™«π√à«¡ß“πæ‘∏’∑“ß»“ π“„π™à«ß§Ë”∑’Ë participants À“¥∫“߇π’¬ß ®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ Tsunami Memorial Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony: 10.35 π. .ª√–™“™π·≈–≠“µ‘ºŸâ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ√à«¡«“ߥհ‰¡â· ¥ß‰«âÕ“≈—¬ (14.00 - 17.09 hrs) ·≈–∑¬Õ¬‡¥‘π∑“ß°≈—∫ Venue: Haad Lek Beach, Khao Lak-Lam Roo National Park æ‘∏’«“ß»‘≈“ƒ°…åÕπÿ √≥ ∂“π ÷π“¡‘ (√–À«à“߇«≈“ 14.00 - 17.09 π.) (For VIPs and Tsunami Victimsû Next-of-kin only) 13.00 π. .º‡¢âŸ “√â «¡ß“π≈ß∑–‡∫à ¬π’ √∫∫— µ√∑— πË’ ß√∂∫Ë— ·≈–∫— µ√‡¢— “√â «¡æà ∏‘ ’ 13.00 hrs .Guest registration ≥ À“¥∫“߇π’¬ß ®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ 14.00 hrs .End of guest registration .‡¥π∑“ß‚¥¬√∂∫‘ — ÕàŸ ∑¬“π·Àÿ ß™“µà ‡¢“À≈‘ °-≈”√— àŸ ®ßÀ«— ¥æ— ßß“— 15.30 hrs .Orchestra performance ‚¥¬√—∫Àπ—ß ◊Õ®¥À¡“¬‡Àµÿ·≈– Ÿ®‘∫—µ√∫π√∂ .MC welcomes guests 14.00 π. . ‘Èπ ÿ¥°“√≈ß∑–‡∫’¬π 16.00 hrs .Arrival of VIPs 15.30 π. .°“√∫√√‡≈ߥπµ√’‚¥¬«ß¥ÿ√‘¬“ß§å “°≈ 16.20 hrs Arrival of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra æ‘∏’°√°≈à“«µâÕπ√—∫·¢°ºŸâ¡’‡°’¬√µ‘ . . Official functions: 16.00 π. .§≥–√—∞¡πµ√’ §≥–°√√¡°“√®—¥ß“π ∑Ÿµ“πÿ∑Ÿµ ¢â“√“™°“√ .Presentation of Tsunami Memorial Foundation Stone, ·≈–·¢°ºŸâ¡’‡°’¬√µ‘ ∑—Èß™“«‰∑¬·≈–µà“ߪ√–‡∑» æ√âÕ¡°—π carried by Royal Thai Navy soldiers ∫√‘‡«≥æ‘∏’π—Ëß∑’Ë®—¥‡µ√’¬¡‰«â .Buddhist ceremony presided over by the Prime .æ√– ߶凥‘π∑“ß∂÷ß∫√‘‡«≥æ‘∏’ Minister 16.20 π. .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ ª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’‡¥‘π∑“ß∂÷ß∫√‘‡«≥æ‘∏’ .Speech by Deputy Prime Minister Suwat Liptapanlop, ≈”¥—∫æ‘∏’ Chairman of the ùOne Year in Memory of .‡√Õ¢Õß°Õß∑◊ æ‡√— Õ‡¢◊ “®Õ¥‡∑â ¬∫∑’ “∫√à ‡«≥À“¥‡≈‘ °Á ∑À“√‡√Õ◊ Tsunamiû Committee 4 𓬠‡™‘≠»‘≈“ƒ°…宓√÷°™◊ËÕª√–‡∑»ºŸâ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ„π‡Àµÿ°“√≥å .Presentation of Five Selected ùTsunamiû Sculptures ∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘¿—¬ ÷π“¡‘√«¡ 38 ª√–‡∑»

60 .¥πµ√’∫√√‡≈߇æ≈ß .Speech by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra .ª√–∏“π®ÿ¥∏Ÿª‡∑’¬π∫Ÿ™“æ√–√—µπµ√—¬ (¥πµ√’∫√√‡≈ß .Brahmin ceremony ‡æ≈ß “∏ÿ°“√) 16.39 hrs .Tsunami Memorial Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony .‡®â“Àπâ“∑’Ë°√¡°“√»“ π“Õ“√“∏π“»’≈ by the Prime Minister .ª√–∏“π ߶å„Àâ»’≈ Official functions: .ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√®—¥ß“πœ (√Õß𓬰√∞¡πµ√— ’ .Laying of Tsunami Memorial Foundation Stone by the 𓬠«ÿ®π— å ≈ªµæ‘ ≈≈¿)— °≈“«√“¬ß“πµà àÕª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’ Prime Minister .°“√𔇠πÕºŸâÕÕ°·∫∫·π«§‘¥Õπÿ √≥ ∂“π ÷π“¡‘ .Buddhist ceremony ∑’ˉ¥â√—∫°“√§—¥‡≈◊Õ° ®”π«π 5 ·∫∫ (ª√–¡“≥ 7 π“∑’) .Brahmin ceremony .ª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’°≈à“« ÿπ∑√æ®πå .Saxophone performance .‚À√æ√“À¡≥å ≈—Ëπ¶âÕß™—¬ ‡ªÉ“ —ß¢å ·°«àß∫—≥‡±“–«å Poetry reading by foreign children (¥πµ√’∫√√‡≈߇æ≈ß¡À“ƒ°…å) . .Thai flute performance .À«Àπ— “‚À√æ√“À¡≥â å ”π°æ√–√“™«— ß— ª√–°Õ∫æ∏‘ ∫«ß √«ß’ ‡∑«¥“ ∫Ÿ™“ƒ°…å .Poetry reading by Thai children .ª√–∏“π¬◊πª√–π¡¡◊Õøíß‚Õß°“√ 17.09 hrs .Memorial Ceremony for public .ª√–∏“π„πæ∏‘ æ√’ Õ¡§≥–¡“¬â ß·∑— π«“ß»à ≈“ƒ°…‘ å ‡®¡·º‘ πÕà ∞∑Õß‘ Visit of exhibition by the Prime Minister 𓧠‡ß‘π ·ºàπ»‘≈“ƒ°…å Interfaith memorial services: (17.00 - 19.35 hrs) .ª√–∏“πª√–æ√¡πÈ”‡∑æ¡πµå Venue: Bang Niang Beach, Phang-nga 16.39 π. .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ª√–°Õ∫æ‘∏’«“ß»‘≈“ƒ°…å 18.30 hrs .Arrival of the Prime Minister ≈”¥—∫æ‘∏’ 19.00 hrs .Arrival of Princess Ubol Ratana .ª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’«“ߥհ‰¡â¡ß§≈ ·ºàπÕ‘∞∑Õß π“§ ‡ß‘π 19.05 hrs .Inter-faith memorial services, approximately ·ºàπ»‘≈“ƒ°…å æ≈Õ¬‡°â“ ’ ·≈–‚ª√¬¢â“«µÕ°¥Õ°‰¡â 5 minutes for each religion [Buddhism, Christianity .æ√– ߶凮√‘≠™—¬¡ß§≈§“∂“ ‚À√æ√“À¡≥å≈—Ëπ¶âÕß™—¬ (Roman Catholic and Protestant), Islam, Sikhism ‡ªÉ“ —ß¢å ·°«àß∫—≥‡±“–«å (¥πµ√’∫√√‡≈߇æ≈ß¡À“ƒ°…å) and Hinduism) .§≥–°√√¡°“√®—¥ß“πœ ‚ª√¬¢â“«µÕ°¥Õ°‰¡â 19.30 hrs .Video presentation of ceremonies in the morning and .ª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’∂«“¬‰∑¬∏√√¡·¥àæ√– ߶å afternoon .æ√– ߶åÕπÿ‚¡∑π“ 19.35 hrs .Speech by the Prime Minister .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’°√«¥πÈ” √—∫æ√ 19.40 hrs .Speech by Princess Ubol Ratana .ª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’°√“∫≈“æ√–æÿ∑∏√Ÿª∑’ˇ§√◊ËÕß∫Ÿ™“ ≈“æ√– ߶å on behalf of tsunami victimsû next-of-kin .æ√– ߶凥‘π∑“ß°≈—∫ 19.45 hrs .Poem reading by children .°“√∫√√‡≈߇¥’ˬ«·´°‚´‚øπ 19.50 hrs .Minute of silence .°“√Õà“π∫∑°«’‚¥¬‡¬“«™πµà“ߪ√–‡∑» 19.51 hrs .Lighting of candles by Princess Ubol Ratana .°“√∫√√‡≈߇¥’ˬ«¢≈ÿଠ‚¥¬π“¬∏π‘ √å »√’°≈‘Ëπ¥’ .Lighting of candles by the Prime Minister .°“√Õà“π∫∑°«’‚¥¬‡¬“«™π‰∑¬ and participants 17.09 π. .‡ √Á®æ‘∏’ 20.00 hrs .Lighting of floating lanterns .ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡ß“π‚ª√¬¢â“«µÕ°¥Õ°‰¡â ≥ ∫√‘‡«≥·∑àπ»‘≈“ƒ°…å .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’·≈–§≥–‡¬’ˬ¡™¡π‘∑√√»°“√ .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’‡¥‘π∑“ß°≈—∫ Remarks: Program is subject to change as necessary

61 æ‘∏’√”≈÷° (√–À«à“߇«≈“ 17.00 - 19.35 π.) ∂“π∑’Ë À“¥∫“߇π’¬ß ®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ 18.30 π. .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’‡¥‘π∑“ß∂÷ß ∂“π∑’Ë®—¥ß“π 19.00 π. .∑Ÿ≈°√–À¡àÕ¡À≠‘ßÕÿ∫≈√—µπ√“™°—≠≠“ ‘√‘«—≤π“æ√√≥«¥’ Õߧåª√–∏“π ‡ ¥Á®∂÷ß·≈–ª√–∑—∫∑’˪–√”æ‘∏’ (√Õ‚ª√¥‡°≈â“) .∫ÿ§§≈ ”§—≠ ·≈–ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡ß“π‡¢â“ Ÿàª–√”æ‘∏’ 19.05 π. .°“√ª√–°Õ∫æ‘∏’∑“ß»“ π“ »“ π“≈–ª√–¡“≥ 5 π“∑’ µ“¡≈”¥—∫ ‰¥â·°à .æÿ∑∏: «¥∫—ß ÿ°ÿ≈ .Õ‘ ≈“¡: «¥Õ—≈´“π æ‘∏’≈–À¡“¥ π” «¥°“√Õà“π°ÿ√Õà“π .§√‘ µå: ‚ª√‡µ ·µπµå »“ π“®“√¬å°≈à“«√–≈÷°∂÷ߺŸâ®“°‰ª ·≈– Õ∏‘…∞“π‡ªî¥ß“πæ√–«—®π– √âÕ߇æ≈ßÕ∏‘…∞“π ‚√¡—π§“∑Õ≈‘° ¡‘ ´“ ∫‘™ÕªÀ√◊Õ∫“∑À≈«ß°≈à“«√–≈÷°∂÷ߺŸâ®“°‰ª Õà“π∫∑ §—¡¿’√å ‰∫‡∫‘≈ æ√–«—®π– æ‘∏’°√√¡∫∑‡∑»πå ¿“«π“ Õ∏‘…∞“π ∫Ÿ™“¢Õ∫§ÿ≥æ√–»“ ¥“ .´‘°¢å: «¥¢Õæ√ √√‡ √‘≠§ÿ≥æ√–‡ªìπ‡®â“ «¥Õ∏‘…∞“π¢Õæ√ ®“°æ√–¡À“§¡¿— √’ å .Œ‘π¥Ÿ: æ‘∏’°√√¡∑“ß»“ π“‚¥¬æ√“À¡≥å 19.30 π. .©“¬«’¥‘∑—»πå°“√®—¥æ‘∏’√”≈÷°„πæ◊Èπ∑’˪√– ∫¿—¬™à«ß‡™â“ ·≈–æ‘∏’«“ß»‘≈“ƒ°…å„π™à«ß∫à“¬ 19.35 π. .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’°≈à“« ÿπ∑√æ®πå¿“…“‰∑¬ ·≈–¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ… 19.40 π. .∑Ÿ≈°√–À¡àÕ¡À≠‘ßÕÿ∫≈√—µπ√“™°—≠≠“ ‘√‘«—≤π“æ√√≥«¥’ ¡’æ√–¥”√— 19.45 π. .‡¬“«™π™“¬·≈–À≠‘ß Õà“π∫∑°«’√”≈÷°¿“…“‰∑¬·≈– ¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ… 19.50 π. .ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡ß“π¬◊π ß∫π‘Ë߉«âÕ“≈—¬·°àºŸâ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ 1 π“∑’ 19.51 π. .∑Ÿ≈°√–À¡àÕ¡À≠‘ßÕÿ∫≈√—µπ√“™°—≠≠“ ‘√‘«—≤π“æ√√≥«¥’ π”®ÿ¥‡∑’¬π√”≈÷° .𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ ·≈–ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡ß“π ®ÿ¥‡∑’¬π√”≈÷° 20.00 π. .°“√ª≈àÕ¬‚§¡≈Õ¬®”π«π 5,000 ‚§¡ ¢÷Èπ Ÿà∑âÕßøÑ“ 20.05 π. .‡ √Á®æ‘∏’ .·¢° VIP ·≈–·¢°¢Õß√—∞∫“≈∑¬Õ¬‡¥‘π∑“߉ª¬—ß ∞“π∑æ‡√— Õ∑◊ ∫≈–¡— ÿ®ßÀ«— ¥æ— ßß“— ‡æÕ√Ë◊ «¡ß“π∂«“¬æ√–°√–¬“À“√§à ”Ë .ª√–™“™π·≈–ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡ß“π‡¥‘π∑“ß°≈—∫

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62 À¡“¬‡≈¢‚∑√»—æ∑å ∂“π∑’Ë ”§—≠ Important Telephone Numbers

®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ Phuket Province »Ÿπ¬å ◊ËÕ¡«≈™π (press center) Press center at Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa: ...... 0-7624-655 ‚√ß·√¡¿Ÿ‡°Áµ‡°√´·≈π¥å √’ Õ√å∑·Õπ¥å ª“ ...... 0-7624-6555 (open from 16 - 27 December 2005) (‡ªî¥∫√‘°“√ 16 - 27 ∏—𫓧¡ 2548) Phuket Province City Hall: ...... 0-7622-8886 »“≈“°≈“ß®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ...... 0-7622-8886 Phuket Provincial Police: ...... 0-7621-2046 ”π—°ß“πµ”√«®¿Ÿ∏√ ®.¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ...... 0-7621-2046 Phuket airport: ...... 0-7632-7230-7 π“¡∫‘ππ“π“™“µ‘¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ...... 0-7632-7230-7 Office of the Tourism Authority of Thailand ”π—°ß“π°“√∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«·Ààߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬¿“§„µâ Region 4: ...... 0-7624-4820-3 ‡¢µ 4 ...... 0-7624-4820-3 Bangkok - Phuket Hospital: ...... 0-7625-4421-9 ‚√ß欓∫“≈°√߇∑æ-¿ÿ ‡°Ÿ µÁ ...... 0-7625-4421-9 Vachira Hospital - Phuket: ...... 0-7621-1114 ‚√ß欓∫“≈«™‘√–¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ...... 0-7621-1114 Mission Hospital - Phuket: ...... 0-7623-7220-9 ‚√ß欓∫“≈¡™™‘ π¿Ë— ‡°Ÿ µÁ ...... 0-7623-7220-9 Patong Hospital: ...... 0-7634-0444 ‚√ß欓∫“≈ªÉ“µÕß ...... 0-7634-0444 Phang-nga Province ®ßÀ«— ¥æ— ßß“— Press center at Khao Lak Merlin Resort: ...... 0-7643-0333 »Ÿπ¬å ◊ËÕ¡«≈™π (press center) (open from 25 - 27 December 2005) ‚√ß·√¡‡¢“À≈—°‡¡Õ√å≈‘π √’ Õ√å∑ ...... 0-7643-0333 Phang-nga Province City Hall: ...... 0-7641-2071 (‡ªî¥∫√‘°“√ 25 - 27 ∏—𫓧¡ 2548) Phang-nga Provincial Police: ...... 0-7641-2075 »“≈“°≈“ß®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ ...... 0-7641-2071 Phang-nga Hospital: ...... 0-7641-2032 ”π—°ß“πµ”√«®¿Ÿ∏√ ®.æ—ßß“ ...... 0-7641-2075 Takuapa Hospital: ...... 1669 ‚√ß欓∫“≈æ—ßß“ ...... 0-7641-2032 ‚√ß欓∫“≈µ–°—Ë«ªÉ“ ...... 1669 Krabi Province ®ßÀ«— ¥°√–∫— Ë’ Krabi Provincial Office: ...... 0-7561-1381 Provincial Police: ...... 0-7561-1222 ”π°ß“π®— ßÀ«— ¥°√–∫— Ë’ ...... 0-7561-1381 ∂“π’µ”√«®¿Ÿ∏√ ...... 0-7561-1222 Bus Terminal: ...... 0-7561-1804 ∂“π’¢π àß ...... 0-7561-1804 Krabi Hospital: ...... 0-751-1227 ‚√ß欓∫“≈°√–∫’Ë ...... 0-7561-1227 Karbi airport: ...... 0-7563-6541-50 π“¡∫‘π°√–∫’Ë ...... 0-7563-6541-50 ∑’Ë¡“¿“æ: §ÿ≥™“§√‘µ æ‘™≠“ß°Ÿ√ ”π—°¢à“«‡Õæ’ ”π—°¢à“«√Õ¬‡µÕ√å Tsunami photo courtesy of Chakrit Pichyangkul, AP, Reuters, AFP, ”π—°¢à“«‡Õ‡Õøæ’ Àπ—ß ◊Õæ‘¡æ塵‘™π Àπ—ß ◊Õæ‘¡æåª√–™“™“µ‘∏ÿ√°‘® Matichon Newspaper and Prachachart Turakij Newspaper

63 64 65 ç¢Õ‰«âÕ“≈—¬·¥àºŸâ®“°‰ª ‡ ’¬„®°—∫ºŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬ ·≈–¢Õ∫§ÿ≥ „ππÈ”„®∑’ËÀ≈—Ë߉À≈®“°∑ÿ°¡ÿ¡‚≈°é çIn memory and honor of victims and in gratitude of true humanity and generosity flowed from all over the world.é