ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

Failed Forensics: ANNUAL REVIEWS Further Click here for quick links to Annual Reviews content online, How including: • Other articles in this volume Lost Its Way and How • Top cited articles • Top downloaded articles • Our comprehensive search It Might Yet Find It

Michael J. Saks1 and David L. Faigman2

1College of Law and Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287; email: [email protected] 2Hastings College of the Law, University of California, San Francisco, California 94102; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci. 2008. 4:149–71 Key Words First published online as a Review in Advance on courts, Daubert, science, scientific evidence July 8, 2008

The Annual Review of Law and Social Science is Abstract online at A group of nonscience forensic sciences has developed over the past cen- This article’s doi: tury. These are fields within the broader forensic sciences that have little 10.1146/annurev.lawsocsci.4.110707.172303 or no basis in actual science. They are not applications of established 1550-3585/08/1201-0149$20.00 basic sciences, they have not systematically tested their own hypothe- ses, and they make unsupported assumptions and exaggerated claims. This review explains the nature and origins of those nonscience forensic fields, which include the forensic individualization sciences and certain other areas, such as fire and arson investigation. We explore the role of the courts in maintaining the underdeveloped state of these fields and consider suggestions for improving this state of affairs (addressing the potential role that could be played by these fields themselves, by the courts, and by normal sciences).

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INTRODUCTION produced such time-tested technologies as bloodletting and phrenology. Surprisingly little of what most people think The fields that most resemble those ancient they know about major aspects of the foren- nonscience sciences are the forensic identifi- sic sciences is as they imagine it to be. This cation sciences, as well as certain other spe- review focuses on what a recent report of the cialties within forensic science. By identifi- National Institute of Justice (2007) refers to cation sciences we those subfields that as the soft forensic sciences, or what might be often are referred to as criminalistics and that more accurately described as the nonscience involve pattern in an effort to as- forensic sciences. The public appears to con- sociate a mark or object with its sider the various forensic sciences as one whole, source. These subfields include the compar- believing them all to be flawless applications of ison of fingerprints, handwriting, bitemarks, sound basic science to problems of law. Courts voiceprints, toolmarks, firearms, tire prints, generally share this view. As a Utah Court of shoe prints, and so on. Their goal is to link a Appeals judge commented in regard to finger- latent fingerprint, a writing, a bitemark, a bul- print expert testimony: “In essence, we have let, or similar objects to the one and only fin- adopted a cultural assumption that a govern- ger, writer, teeth, gun, or other specific object ment representative’s assertion that a defen- in the world that made the markings. The ul- dant’s fingerprint was found at a crime scene timate objective, and postulated achievement, is an infallible fact, and not merely the exam- of forensic identification science is individual- iner’sopinion” (State v. Quintana 2004, Thorne, ization, “[t]he process of placing an object in J., concurring, p. 171). The belief in fingerprint a category which consists of a single, solitary technology may be the most extreme example, unit. Individualization implies uniqueness ...” but it is by no the only. The trust that (Thornton & Peterson 2008, p. 71). “Crim- is laid upon the forensic sciences generally falls inalistics is the science of individualization” somewhere between uncritical faith and manu- (Osterburg 1969, p. 97). For example, a firearms factured myth. examiner testifying in a federal court claimed to The nonscience forensic sciences, as the be able to identify the unknown weapon “to the paradoxical phrase suggests, are those fields exclusion of every other firearm in the world” within forensic science that have little or no ( 2005, p. 107). basis in actual science. They neither borrow U.S. v. Green Beyond the identification sciences are cer- from established science nor systematically test tain other subfields of forensic science that as- their hypotheses. Their primary claims for va- sert knowledge that was neither borrowed from lidity rest on anecdotal experience and procla- extant basic science nor rigorously tested by mations of success over time. Hypothesis and forensic experts before being offered to courts. supposition are typically considered sufficient. These fields include the areas of fire, arson and Whereas in most scientific fields experience and explosives, gunshot residue, comparative bullet observation are designated as the first steps of lead analysis, and aspects of . the scientific method, for many forensic fields These areas of claimed expertise share with the they constitute the final stages of confirma- forensic identification sciences the irrational tion. Indeed, in a way, many practitioners of the reliance on unspecified, unsystematic “experi- forensic arts have turned the scientific method ence” coupled with plausible-sounding argu- on its head. So long as their hypotheses and ments as the nearly exclusive bases for their suppositions have not been tested, they are as- hypotheses. sumed true. Hypotheses that endure over time, The nonscience forensic sciences have failed rather than actually being tested, are deemed on several levels. They are scientific failures proven. This model was once pervasive in in the sense that science (either in substance applied settings, especially in medicine, and or in methodology) played little more than a

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rhetorical part in the development of these ences might be made scientific and what such a fields (Saks 2007). The word and the ac- world might look like. coutrements of science were exploited to sell these fields to courts and to the public (Cole 2001), but they did not trouble themselves to SCIENTIFIC FAILURES build upon a foundation of substantive scien- Although science is not monolithic, the many tific knowledge or to employ the methods of forms science assumes share certain character- science to self-critically evaluate their wares. istics. Perhaps foremost, good science has a They are also technological failures. The spe- strong element of formality associated with it. cific techniques that have been developed and This formality permits what might be the key deployed in these fields make unknown num- attribute of the scientific method: reproducibil- bers of errors—both false negatives (failing to ity. Although postmodern sensibilities are wont detect what they sought to detect, or to identify to stress objectivity as a keystone of science, vir- what they sought to identify) and false positives tually all science strives toward what Sir Karl (seeming to detect something that did not exist, Popper (1949) called intersubjective testability. mistakenly identifying an innocent person or In a nutshell, this means that the essential char- object as having been connected to the crime acteristics of any scientific test can be under- under investigation). Yet despite these core stood well enough to be replicated by another failures, the nonscience forensic sciences have group of researchers. Researchers must specify been extraordinarily “successful” as measured all the details employed in testing the hypoth- by their admission into trial courts and their esis of interest so that outsiders can know just apparent acceptance by the public. The reasons what was done. This requires clear statements for acclaim in the public domain is a subject be- of operational definitions, full exposition of re- yond the scope of this review, although promi- search methods employed and used, nence on nightly television programs and in and strict limits on the degree of subjectiveness feature-length movies must constitute part of relied upon in reaching judgments or conclu- any explanation. Acceptance among courts and sions. The scientific method, therefore, is not lawyers, however, is somewhat easier to docu- merely a way of testing hypotheses; it permits ment, though possibly as difficult to explain. outsiders to know how the tests were conducted In this review, we focus on the nonscience and allows other researchers to repeat and con- forensic sciences and consider the quandary of firm them. how such profoundly flawed disciplines could From the law’s perspective, as a consumer of achieve such worldly success. In examining this scientific opinion, knowing what methods were puzzle, we explore three fundamental concerns. used to support various theories or hypothe- The first section considers the basic scientific ses should be an imperative. Without knowing failure of these disciplines. This consideration in detail how (and whether) a field tested its includes a brief survey of their historical origins hypotheses, it is impossible for courts to know and a detailed analysis of their compositions, how valuable, if valuable at all, expert opinions in an effort to identify how they came to be are that come from that field. Although anec- and to understand how they persist. The second dotal experience sometimes produces valuable section considers the law’s role in perpetuating knowledge, without verifiable tests it is impos- these disciplines. Although courts provide the sible to know when it does so. primary markets for the experts coming from Ostensibly scientific expert opinion, there- these fields, they have done virtually nothing to fore, must be evaluated on the basis of fun- evaluate critically the bases for the opinions that damental principles of good hypothesis test- representatives from these fields offer into ev- ing. Unfortunately, as this section describes, idence. Finally, the third section looks forward much of forensic science fails this basic test. and asks how these nonscientific forensic sci- The nonscience forensic sciences have largely • Failed Forensics 151 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

developed outside of mainstream science and ture as it was to be found inside it. This was are not premised on the basic sciences. More- particularly true in the United States, where over, their essential hypotheses have been sub- the university itself was not fully formed until jected to few if any serious tests, and indeed, the twentieth century (Rudolph 1990 [1962], their primary hypothesis of individualization Thelin 2004). It was not unusual for serious may be inherently impossible to test. Absent science to be explored by wealthy amateurs. real testing that can be replicated by other re- Benjamin Franklin and Charles Darwin are par- searchers and independently verified by courts, ticularly well-known exemplars of this model. forensic identification science is not really But, over time, science became increasingly in- science at all. stitutionally based, and by the mid-twentieth century most science was done by professionals associated with universities. These departments No Basic-Science Origins housed communities of scientists, set standards Although forensic science is routinely defined of acceptable practice, and educated succeed- as “the application of science to problems of ing generations of researchers. Perhaps most law,” this description does not fit the subfields importantly, these departments embodied and of forensic science that are concerned with in- promoted a culture of scientific curiosity and dividualization. Although knowledge from or- adventure. In the best science departments, this ganic chemistry can be brought to bear in combined a commitment to well-demonstrated identifying what drugs, poisons, or medica- methodological and statistical practices and en- tions might be discovered in a corpse found couraged innovation and creativity in hypoth- at a crime scene, what knowledge from con- esis formation. Although science departments ventional sciences like biology or chemistry or achieved such cultural ideals imperfectly and physics support the notion of individualization? not invariably, the incredible success of the Towhat university science department does one academic model in the twentieth century is go, what course does one take, to learn the basic undeniable. scientific research that undergirds the notion Most of the forensic identification sciences, that no two firearms impart indistinguishably however, missed the school bus. They never similar markings or that reveals how one knows joined the university system. Although hardly when a questioned writing was made by one surprising, but worse still, they instead became writer rather than another? an integrated component of the police appa- Even a cursory review of major university ratus. They became an instrument of law en- course catalogs quickly reveals that nothing forcement, largely controlled by police tech- could supply a knowledge base for the foren- nicians and their superiors. Innovation, such sic identification sciences. Only a relative hand- as it existed, was done by nonscientifically ful of schools nationally have forensic science trained, albeit mostly well-meaning, bureau- departments, and most of those are devoted crats. As novel technologies came into being, to teaching the technologies of the past rather a bureaucratic mindset controlled their appli- than testing the limits of these technologies or cation. They were not subjected to system- developing their scientific foundations. More atic empirical testing before being offered as telling, and more troubling, forensic issues are testimony—or, as Cole (2007) puts it, they rarely taken up by academic scientists of any followed a testify-first-validate-later approach kind. have generally ignored the (see also Cooley 2004, Pyrek 2007). Whereas subject, although they regularly investigate par- the scientific ideal promotes constant ques- allel problems, such as signal-detection theory tioning, the bureaucratic inclination is the re- (Swets 1973, Phillips et al. 2001). verse. Forensic identification science embraced In the nineteenth century, science was as the bureaucratic ideal of perpetuating the sta- likely to be found outside the university struc- tus quo (Wilson 1989). Substantial questioning,

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testing, rethinking, and innovation in hand- (Morange 2000). The value of this discovery writing or toolmark identification, for instance, for law enforcement was obvious. If everyone would not only mean that those trained in the has virtually unique DNA, and a copy of ev- old ways would be in danger of becoming obso- ery person’s DNA is contained in every cell of lete; it also would mean that much of what they his or her body, then a technology that can had testified to in the past, on which courts had profile DNA found in material left at crime relied, might come under a cloud of doubt. scenes should be a boon to law enforcement. This unfortunate state of affairs was com- Once DNA technologies permitted individual pounded by the realities of judicial practice and identifications, both scientists and lawyers im- reasoning, in two basic respects. First, the legal mediately appreciated its power. In just over a culture itself is inconsistent with the scientific decade, DNA technology progressed through perspective. In law, stare decisis operates as the several iterations and various advances, includ- core working premise, a view in fundamental ing RFLP (restriction fragment length poly- tension with the idea of scientific progress. The morphism) techniques, PCR (polymerase chain habit of judges to defer to prior decisions disin- reaction) testing, and mitochondrial DNA anal- clines appellate courts to revisit possible (or ac- ysis. Today, although academic scientists con- tual) errors by trial courts in any given case, and tinue to monitor and refine DNA forensics, the it leads trial judges to admit species of evidence technology is largely mechanical and operated that appellate courts had approved in the past, by technicians who have little understanding of regardless of how flawed that type of evidence the scientific or statistical bases underlying the can be shown to be with current knowledge. protocols they follow. The history of forensic Second, lawyers had, and continue to have, little DNA is almost a paradigm of how basic science training in the basic methods of science. They can contribute systematically and systemically do not know how to think about validation of to forensics. science claims or how to frame an assessment If forensic individualization science had of such claims. In particular, most lawyers have emerged from normal science, its approach and little or no training in statistics, a key element of its techniques probably would resemble DNA the applied sciences of which forensics should typing, with its measurement of attributes, sam- have been a part. Many lawyers simply could pling of variation in populations, and statistical not distinguish between real science and pre- bases. Error rates, levels, confidence tensions to science. Lawyers—on both sides— intervals, and so on would be natural parts of who did (and do) know the difference often what developed. The elements of subjectivity were too overwhelmed by resource limitations in forensic examination would themselves be and caseload pressures to be able to mount a topics of research, to understand both their op- meaningful challenge to the evidence. More- eration and how to tame them. over, scientifically naive courts were sometimes The nonscience forensic sciences, however, romanced by the claim that they were being followed a separate path. They were not incor- presented with science by scientists—terms ap- porated into university science departments and propriated by police forensic personnel even ever since have remained orphaned. They be- though much of what they do would be de- came instruments of police and prosecutors. In scribed in more conventional scientific work- this capacity, they have always been evaluated places as the work of technicians. At the same by their success in court. By this measure, they time, other courts were complicit in what they have been a sensation. But their success as sci- realized was a parody of science but that they, ence, measured by such pedestrian concepts as too, saw as useful in achieving convictions. reliability and validity, is considerably less cer- DNA profiling is the exception that proves tain. It is uncertain because it is unknown. Their the rule. DNA was discovered in 1953 by scien- basic hypotheses have not been tested in any tists working in academic science departments rigorous or systematic way. By any reasonable • Failed Forensics 153 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

measure of science, then, these forensic fields completely ignore the evidence of falsification are failures. or seek ways to explain away the falsifications in order to keep insisting there are none. In fact, it appears that “[i]ndividualization Impossibility of Individualization is unique to forensic science” (DeForest et al. Possibly the most fundamental error made by 1983, p. 7). Conventional science has noth- the identification branches of the nonscience ing to say about individualization. Individual- forensic sciences is the statement of the basic ization was invented by police investigators to hypothesis of their fields. They repeatedly claim meet a criminal justice system need, namely, the ability to individualize. In other words, a to try to discover who had committed a crime basic operating premise of their expertise, they (Thornton 1975) and to secure a conviction. claim, is the ability to say that some trace ev- In seeking to establish pinpoint linkages be- idence (e.g., a latent fingerprint, markings on tween crime scene evidence and known exem- a bullet, or a shoe imprint) was made by a plars, the forensic identification sciences sought particular source (e.g., finger, gun, or shoe) to to do what no other field had ever tried to do and the exclusion of all other possible sources in about which no other field has developed any the world. This is a form of Sir Karl Pop- basic science knowledge. Although individual- per’s white swan problem (Saks 1998), which ization is the centerpiece of numerous forensic he used to demonstrate the limits of the in- science subfields, a recent review argues that no ductive method (i.e., expertise based on sim- theoretical or empirical basis for individualiza- ple experience or observation). Popper (1959) tion exists, and none is likely to come into be- asked his readers to consider the hypothesis that ing in the foreseeable future (Saks & Koehler “all swans are white.” This hypothesis might 2008). Interestingly, numerous forensic scien- be tested by the experience of observing 1000 tists recognize that a scientific basis for such swans, all of which are white. But no matter how identification does not exist and that practition- many swans are observed, the possibility always ers are making a leap of faith when they offer remains of finding a nonwhite swan. Upon find- individualization testimony in court (Inman & ing, say, a black swan, a researcher would have Rudin 2001; Stoney 2001, 1991; Bowers 2008; to modify his hypothesis, perhaps positing that and others). “99.9% of swans are white,” a hypothesis sim- Forensic individualization begins with the ilarly susceptible to rigorous test but immune recognition that the fine physical features of to certain proof. Popper concluded that even objects and the marks they leave (bitemarks or though hypotheses could not be conclusively toolmarks, for example) vary. But rather than proven true, they could be rigorously tested— measuring that variability and carefully assess- that is, scientists could attempt to falsify them. ing the degree to which it reduces the pool Most working scientists would recognize this of objects that could have been the source of Popperian model as representing the essence the questioned evidence, systematically and rig- of what they do on a day-to-day basis (as a orously taking into account the quality and community, though not necessarily as individ- amount of the questioned markings, all but one uals). The assertion of the ability to individu- or two of the forensic identification sciences alize not only was not tested; the very framing (those one or two being DNA typing and micro- of the hypothesis is highly vulnerable to falsifi- scopic hair comparison) quickly adopted a belief cation. When falsification inevitably occurs in in uniqueness: that no two objects could leave each nonscience forensic science subfield—by indistinguishably similar residua or markings. “different” being mistaken as the “same” or the Much rides on this belief. If true, it eliminates “same” being mistaken as “different”—rather the need to collect systematic to assess vari- than revise the core hypothesis to a more plau- ability. It leads to the belief that if two marks sible and probabilistic one, practitioners either are indistinguishable they must have originated

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from the same object “to the exclusion of all say how often is symptomatic of the larger prob- others in the world.” And, by a more obscure lem. No one knows how often errors occur or route, it has led many forensic examiners to be- what factors promote or prevent errors. That lieve that the possibility of error is (or borders is because systematic empirical research on the on) zero. foundations of handwriting identification, on The notion of uniqueness originated in the its performance in practice, or on what should nineteenth century with Quetelet,´ who hypoth- constitute best practices had been all but nonex- esized that “nature never repeats,” offering the istent for a century. Research showing founda- product rule of probability theory to suggest tional claims to be untrue or unprovable was great odds against such repetition (Cole 2001). simply ignored by the field (see, e.g., Cole 2005, Bertillon, a police records clerk in Paris, ap- Cummins & Midlo 1943 [1961]). Research sug- plied the idea to the classification of prison- gesting improved practices was disregarded in ers and invented anthropometry. Though never favor of traditional practices (Risinger et al. proven empirically and impossible to prove sta- 2002). When the first Daubert challenge was tistically, several generations of forensic scien- posed to asserted fingerprint expertise, propo- tists have repeated the mantra. The founders nents found themselves with so little research of each forensic identification subfield invoked or any other real evidence to offer in support the product rule (see Saks & Koehler 2008). of their claims that in an effort to close the Thus, forensic identification science has taken knowledge gap they launched two studies in a fundamental insight (variability produced by mid-pretrial of that first challenge. This is a re- random effects) and exaggerated it into an un- markable situation for a field to find itself in founded but strongly held faith in uniqueness after a century of admission to courts. and (virtual) freedom from error. For example, The absence of knowledge has been filled Cummins & Midlo (1943 [1961]) undertook with assertions supported by little more than an extensive effort to prove that no two fin- intuition, anecdote, and ipse dixit. In the place gerprints could be indistinguishably alike, but of systematic research, the field developed a set in the end conceded failure: “[I]t is impossi- of faith-based beliefs that are more akin to a ble to offer decisive proof that no two finger- religion or an ideology than to a science but prints bear identical patterns.” Speaking of the that have largely succeeded in making all possi- futility of relying on probability theory, they ble difficulties disappear, at least in the eyes of wrote, “It is unfortunate that this approach courts, fact finders, and the public. These un- carries the implication that a complete corre- proved (and sometimes unprovable) assertions spondence of two patterns might occur. ...” include such notions as that the error rate of fin- More recently, Stoney (1991) constructed an gerprint identification is zero; that the theory article around the question, “What made us and the technique are flawless; that errors that ever think we could individualize using statis- do come to light always result from misapplica- tics?” In the field of handwriting identification, tion of the technique, not from the technique; Harris (1958) showed that many people with that no two people have fingerprints that are the same name sign their names indistinguish- indistinguishably alike (or confusable one for ably similarly, a vitally important disconfirma- another); and so on. tion of a core assumption that has been al- These beliefs sidestep the real issues that ex- most completely ignored by forensic document aminers and courts need to be concerned about. examiners. The claim of uniqueness—be it true or false, Let us be clear: Efforts to identify the per- provable or unprovable—is largely irrelevant. son who is the source of a latent fingerprint By analogy, assuming all faces are unique does deposited at a crime scene will likely be suc- not mean that one is never mistaken for another. cessful much of the time, most of the time, or The real problems are that latent prints are typ- nearly all of the time. That it is impossible to ically partial (a fraction of a fingerprint) and/or • Failed Forensics 155 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

of varying quality (smudged, distorted, overlaid iner forms an opinion regarding individualiza- with other marks). They are compared by ex- tion, though, as noted above, this is not guided aminers who work with no objective guidelines by any formal standards or statistical criteria. and who must use their judgment to reach a Finally, the last stage involves the reexamina- conclusion that is required to be of absolute tion by a second examiner of the trace and subjective certainty (if a conclusion is reached). reputed source material to verify the match, Like DNA typing, the problem facing finger- though that person almost always knows the print examiners is actually to estimate the pop- first examiner’s conclusion (Stoney 2008). Just ulation of the attributes observed in about everything that is wrong with today’s the latent print and the known print and to es- forensics can be found embedded somewhere timate how many equally good matches exist within the ACE-V system. Each step calls for in the population. The likelihood of mistakes a subjective impression guided by no objective (almost certainly) depends on numerous fac- standards. tors that have not been systematically studied Latent fingerprint identification is a prob- and that are dealt with haphazardly in practice lem that should be readily amenable to testing, (Budowle 2006). Research to answer the ques- considering the amount of time and attention tions implied in this paragraph would bring us given to it, not to mention the availability of closer to knowing how well examiners perform digital databases of fingerprints. Latent prints the task for which they are testifying or, as typically are partial fingerprints found at the Daubert and Kumho Tire conceive the inquiry, scene of the crime (or other place of interest) the task at hand in the case before the court. and can vary greatly in general quality as well For now, courts and the public will hear only as in the quantity of detail available for analy- the exaggerated, faith-based answers. sis. For the analysis step of the ACE-V method, What we have just said about fingerprints however, there has yet to be any systematic at- can be multiplied across all the conventional tempt to determine the frequency of the finger- forensic identification sciences. The good news print minutiae (e.g., ridge characteristics) that is that research has begun, in fits and starts, are analyzed and subsequently used for com- more in some fields than in others. Some fields parison. Suppose an examiner finds five minu- might be found to be so weak that they must tiae that “match” between the latent print and be limited to no more than an investigatory a known print. The meaning of that degree of role, not courtroom testimony. (This seems to similarity depends entirely on the frequency of have been the fate, for example, of voiceprints occurrence in the population for each of the five and compositional bullet lead analysis.) Others characteristics and, further, whether they are might be found to be more solid than they are statistically independent of one another. With- currently regarded by informed commentators out more, the probability of randomly finding (e.g., Thornton & Peterson 2008). Some day five characteristics that match is somewhere be- better answers will be known. But not yet. tween 0.0001 and 0.9999. Nothing in the ACE- Consider the so-called ACE-V technique, V method permits fingerprint examiners to say claimed primarily by fingerprint examiners, what the likelihood of finding a match is. In- though starting to be picked up by other identi- deed, fingerprint examiners refuse to estimate fication sciences. The acronym stands for Anal- ; they merely insist that their sub- ysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification. jective judgments amount to certainties. The analysis step has the examiner look at the This discussion is not meant to suggest that quality and quantity of detail that is present, of- the kinds of information criminalists bring to ten aided by magnification of some sort. The the crime-solving process are useless. They can comparison step usually calls upon the exam- be of enormous help in narrowing the pool of iner to compare the to a candi- suspect persons or objects. But everyday exam- date source. At the evaluation step, the exam- iners have ignored their fields’ own cautionary

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literature, and the claims of the fields have As Giannelli & Imwinkelried (2000) have been woefully underresearched and oversold to noted, in each area of the nonscience foren- courts and to the public. sic sciences, “little rigorous, systematic research has been done to validate the discipline’s ba- sic premises and techniques, and in each area Absence of Empirical Testing there is no evident reason why such research Even though most of the nonscience forensic would be infeasible.” For example, until fairly sciences had no basic science to build upon, as recently, the field of fire and arson investigation self-proclaimed sciences they might have con- relied on intuition and imagination to develop a ducted their own empirical research to test the set of what came to be accepted as indicators of beliefs on which their work and their con- arson. They came to believe that crazed glass, clusions relied. But they did virtually no such spalled concrete, certain types of burn patterns, research. and so on indicated fires that had been deliber- As one example, after reviewing the liter- ately set. Untold numbers of cases, both crim- ature in their own field of forensic odontol- inal and civil, were decided on the strength of ogy in search of the basis for the field’s be- such experts applying those beliefs and opining liefs that it can individualize bitemarks, Pretty on whether they thought a particular fire was ar- & Sweet (2001) concluded, “Despite the con- son or accident. Eventually, those beliefs were tinued acceptance of bitemark evidence in put to empirical tests in which buildings were European, Oceanic and North American set afire in ways that simulated either arson fires Courts, the fundamental scientific basis for or accidental fires. By comparing the effects of bitemark analysis has never been established.” the arson versus accidental fires on windows, Risinger et al. (1989) scoured the handwrit- walls, burn patterns, and so on, these concep- ing identification literature and found essen- tually simple revealed that many tially no research testing whether such asserted of the accepted indicators of arson did not, in experts could do what they purported to be fact, distinguish arson from accidental fires. In able to do. In the area of firearms identifica- light of the research findings, the field began tion, some firearms and toolmark examiners to abandon those incorrect beliefs and adopt have been working to place their judgments more accurate beliefs based on systematic em- on more systematic empirical footing (Biasotti pirical testing (Lentini 2008). Of course, some et al. 2008). This program, while admirable, re- investigators learn of or come to accept the new mains some distance from completion and has discoveries more slowly than others. And an un- not been embraced by most firearms examiners. addressed concern is all of the past verdicts of For a critical review of the field, see Schwartz criminal and civil liability or denial of insurance (2005). claims that were made in error, relying on the There are no systematic, rigorous, empiri- expert opinions that relied on untested beliefs cal research bases on which the great majority that now are recognized to be false. of beliefs in the nonscience forensic sciences are built. (For detailed discussion of various foren- sic sciences, see relevant chapters of Faigman Little Use of Scientific Methods et al. 2008.) If called upon to prove their claims, Scientists have a way of using the scientific they have little or no data to marshal in their method in much of what they do. For exam- field’s defense. Instead, they generally point to a ple, in trying to determine what testing proce- guild of mutually self-reassuring examiners who dures produce the most accurate results, they have come to believe in the truth of their claims, might try out different ones and compare the often sounding more like a faith-based religion results obtained. The ones that consistently fa- than a data-based science (see, e.g., Moenssens cilitate more accurate results would be adopted 1998). as the standard procedure, the state of the art. • Failed Forensics 157 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

Similarly, systematic experiments can be con- Oregon lawyer who had no connection at all ducted on different training procedures to de- to the bombing, has been attributed partly to termine which work best and which enable context effects (Stacey 2004). (For descriptions trainees to acquire the most effective skills most of other cases of fingerprint identification er- efficiently. Those are then adopted. These sorts rors, see Cole 2005.) Such research results and of efforts are largely absent from the nonscience incidents suggest that criminalists should em- forensic sciences, and in their place are commit- ploy the same kind of blind examination pro- ted beliefs in the validity of the unproven. cedures that are used widely in other fields. To Most immediately serious and troubling, date, however, forensic scientists continue with whereas conventional scientists design studies business as usual. and procedures to maximize the contribution of the phenomenon under scrutiny and mini- mize the contribution of expectations and bi- Error Management ases (in particular, using blind or masked tests Normal scientists do not deny error. Quite so as not to be misled into seeing what they want the contrary: They have been obsessed with or hope or expect to see), forensic scientists— the measurement and reporting of error at alone among those who regard themselves as least since the Greek astronomers. Today, most scientists—do not employ such procedures and scientists have made statistics—the study of insist that they are not affected by such con- uncertainty—an integral part of how they think text effects (Risinger et al. 2002). Most scientists and what they do, and they work closely with would suspect that knowing other inculpatory statisticians. Research studies report probabil- evidence in a case could distort the conclusions ity levels, specify confidence intervals, present of someone judging and interpreting other ev- error bars on graphs, and so on. They not only idence in a case, but forensic scientists have in- measure and report error, scientists study error, sisted that they can will themselves not to be explore its sources, and work to manage it. In vulnerable to this phenomenon. striking contrast, most forensic scientists, espe- However, recent research by Dror and col- cially criminalists, pretend that error does not leagues no longer permits such denials. For in- exist in their work. This is most plain in the stance, Dror et al. (2006) found that four out of work of fingerprint examiners, who insist that five fingerprint experts who had several years their error rate is zero and who declare the re- earlier identified two prints as a match later porting of a qualified identification (meaning reached different conclusions on their second an identification accompanied by a probability encounter with those same prints, when each statement of less than 100% certainty) to be an examiner was told that others had declared the unethical act. prints to be from different persons. Although The forensic expert’scrabbed understanding context effects are usually found to be small but of error is well illustrated in the case of U.S. v. persistent (usually leading to error rates of a few Allen (2002), in which the issue was the admis- percent at most), 80% of Dror et al.’s finger- sibility of footwear identification techniques. print examiners changed their opinions when The court observed as follows: presented with misleading contextual informa- tion. (See also Dror & Charlton 2006.) A recent With respect to the rate of error in the ACE-V meta-analysis of these data found an [i.e., analysis, comparison, evaluation, and ver- of r = 0.40, which is quite large for context ification] process, [the expert] testified that the effects (Dror & Rosenthal 2008). A famous fin- error rate of the process itself is zero, meaning gerprint error by the FBI, in which several of that based upon the science, the shoe either their most senior examiners one after another did or did not make the impression. Any error erroneously identified a latent print in a ter- that does occur, according to [the expert] is rorist bombing in Madrid as belonging to an caused by examiner error in the application of

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the process or by examiner error in reaching a analysis of probability and error. But for sev- particular conclusion (p. 862). eral reasons it should not be surprising. When one has no objective measurements, the calcula- A theoretical error rate of zero should be re- tion of error and probabilities is more difficult. assuring to no one. No technology has a zero Moreover, this scientifically odd behavior likely error rate or failure rate in practice, whether is a product of the adversary system. Forensic the fault lies with the method, the operator, or scientists are trapped in the crossfire of pros- most likely both. To say that the suspect shoe ecutors who want evidence to be as airtight as either did or did not make the impression is a it can be and defense attorneys who will look metaphysical statement that addresses neither for any daylight that might be seeping through the real concerns about the ability to associate the government’s case. It has been suggested any given shoe with such a mark nor the various that over the decades forensic examiners have risks of error associated with any inference re- been pressured to make statements as extreme lated to whether it did or did not. Courts, after as they can get—100% certainty, zero error all, operate in the real world, not the world of rates, identification to the exclusion of all oth- metaphysical imaginings. To even suggest that ers in the world—not because such statements footwear identification techniques have a zero grow out of their science, but because they serve error rate, based on some theoretical belief that the needs of those who use their work (Saks every shoeprint is unique, is simply rhetoric, not 1998). science. Prominent forensic science thinkers have Claims of zero error rates are particularly questioned these implausible conventions. ironic given that all individualization sciences Thornton & Peterson (2008) have observed: (with the exception of DNA typing) rely ex- “[T]hough individualization is clearly the goal clusively on each examiner’s subjective judg- toward which forensic science strives, it can ment to assess the commonness or rarity of be achieved only in a probabilistic sense, of features (of fingerprints, toolmarks, etc.), be- reducing uncertainty to the smallest possible cause no efforts have been made to determine amount ...” (p. 7). “Behind every opinion ren- the population frequency of those features (ex- dered by a forensic scientist there is a statistical cept of DNA). Indeed, DNA evidence, the gold basis. We may not know what that basis is, and standard in forensic identification, is itself sus- we may have no feasible means of developing ceptible to an assortment of potential sources an understanding of that basis, but it is futile to of error. These include, among others, errors deny that one exists” (p. 22). Champod & Evett in collecting biological material, mislabeling (2001) have argued that “there is, at present, a of evidence, accidental contamination of sam- major contradiction between the scientific sta- ples, and, sometimes, intentional fraud. All the tus that is claimed and the operational paradigm potential sources of error that plague DNA to which its practitioners subscribe. This con- identification also threaten other kinds of tradiction is exemplified by a recent statement forensic evidence. But with the latter, we have by ...SWGFAST [Scientific Working Group little or no idea of the random match probabil- on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technol- ities. As Stoney (2008) has pointed out, “The ogy]: ‘Friction ridge identifications are absolute criteria for absolute identification in fingerprint conclusions. Probable, possible, or likely iden- work are subjective and ill-defined. They are tification are outside the acceptable limits of the the product of probabilistic intuitions widely science of friction ridge identification’” (p. 432). shared among fingerprint examiners, not of sci- Champod & Evett pose these challenging ques- entific research” (p. 360). It may seem para- tions: “Is a statement of an ‘absolute conclusion’ doxical that a field whose work is so lacking compatible with scientific reasoning? Is the de- in objective measurement, and whose decisions nial of probabilistic reasoning compatible with turn on subjective judgment, would eschew the a scientific pursuit?” • Failed Forensics 159 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

Moreover, claims of no error and no possi- more thorough discussion, see Thompson & bility of error fly in the face of studies reveal- Cole 2006.) ing errors in casework (Cole 2005), in profi- Both risks are significantly underresearched. ciency testing (see Thornton & Peterson 2008), As to the first step, existing standards and proce- and in other studies (e.g., Dror et al. 2006, dures do not provide sufficient protection from Dror & Charlton 2006, Kam et al. 1997). (For erroneous conclusions that two marks are in- more extensive reviews, see Volumes 4 and 5 of distinguishably alike—that is, that they match Faigman et al. 2008.) The irony may be that when in fact they differ. Few, if any, criminal- by denying the possibility of error, forensic sci- istics subfields have objective standards for de- entists have denied themselves the opportunity ciding whether two patterns match. That de- to understand better the sources of error and termination is left to the subjective judgment of to manage error better. Lest one think that er- each examiner. For example, consider Stoney’s rors hurt only defendants, bear in mind that by (2001) discussion of fingerprint examination setting a decision threshold so high that one de- standards: clares an identification only when one is “100% How much correspondence between two fin- sure,” the incidence of false negative errors is gerprints is sufficient to conclude that they increased (Phillips et al. 2001, Haber & Haber [are the same pattern] ...? An adequate an- 2003). swer not currently available. The best an- Surprisingly, forensic science expert evi- swer at present that this is up to the in- dence appears to be one of the leading causes of dividual expert fingerprint examiner to deter- erroneous convictions, second only to eyewit- mine, based on that examiner’s training, skill, ness testimony (see Figure 1). and experience. Thus, we have an ill-defined, As discussed in regard to the ACE-V method flexible, and explicitly subjective criterion for above, forensic individualization science in- establishing fingerprint identification. ...Any volves two fundamental steps. The first step unbiased, intelligent assessment of fingerprint is to compare a questioned item of evidence identification practices today reveals that there to an exemplar from a known source and to are, in reality, no standards (p. 329). judge whether they appear so alike that they can be said to match. The second step is to assess The lack of objective standards helps ex- the meaning of that reported match: What is the plain some disturbing findings from the small probability that the questioned and the known body of research on pattern matching by originated from one and the same source? Dif- forensic scientists that has been conducted to ferent risks of error are present at each step. The date. In some tests, examiners disagreed with risk of error in the first step is that a reported one another about whether various images match between a questioned and known sam- matched (see proficiency studies summarized in ple might not really match. Even if the method Faigman et al. 2008). In other tests, examin- used to compare questioned and known samples ers who agreed that two patterns matched dis- were flawless, an error could occur if, for ex- agreed (sometimes dramatically) on what con- ample, one of the samples had been mislabeled stituted the match (Evett & Williams 1996). or mixed up with a different sample. The risk Examiners differ not only in their ability to per- of error associated with the second step is that ceive pattern similarity and differences, but also the reported match may be accurate but arose in their thresholds for calling matches. through coincidence (the random match prob- As to certainty of forensic identifications, lem) rather than because the samples share a FBI forensic scientist Bunch (2000) has noted: common source. The risks of error at both steps “[I]t must be observed that there is no ra- affect the ultimate inferences that can be drawn tional or scientific ground for making claims about the identification evidence in a case. (For of absolute certainty in any of the traditional

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identification sciences, which include finger- that because nonscience forensic science is not print, document, firearms, toolmark, and shoe scientific, there are few defense experts avail- and tire-tread analysis.” able to testify. Most scientific fields are highly dynamic and often hotbeds of debate and dis- agreement about the meaning of their research ILLUSORY JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT and the content and reach of their theories. Real The courts, and the legal profession more science teaches doubt. Good faith disagreement generally, have been remarkably ineffective in among scientists spills over into the courtroom policing forensic science. With only a few no- and provides fodder for the adversarial process. table exceptions, courts have not closely eval- Although the courtroom is an imperfect forum uated the scientific bases for forensic iden- for resolving scientific disagreement, this di- tification and have not been responsible for alectic at least produces considerable informa- exposing the flaws in any of the forensic science tion for courts to ponder. Nonscience foren- fields that have, over time, been abandoned ow- sic science creates no similar content in large ing to their lack of validity. For reasons that will part because group consensus substitutes for become clear in this section, the failures of the science. courts are intimately connected to the failures These systemic challenges might combine of the forensic sciences. to help make judicial ignorance of the meth- The reasons for the courts’ empirical inef- ods of science seem easy to understand. Yet it fectuality are likely manifold. Three systemic still remains quite puzzling. Although law is a factors, in particular, appear to explain much distinct institution with its own goals and objec- regarding the courts’ failures in this area. The tives, it constantly interacts with the world and first, and most basic, is the cultural divide that institutions around it. The law receives input separates law and science. Outside of legal con- from a variety of sources, digests it through the tent areas such as intellectual property, patents, legal process, and applies the output with the ex- and the environment, lawyers have little train- pectation of effecting some result. These steps ing in the basic precepts of research method- require judges to have extraordinarily broad un- ology and statistics. Although law school could derstanding of an assortment of professional be described as a glorified liberal arts educa- disciplines. For instance, judges routinely rely tion, it generally does not include courses in re- on historical sources, particularly in constitu- search methods and statistics. Even where such tional cases, and it would be remarkable if they courses are available, they are taken by a small either eschewed responsibility for understand- percentage of students. The second factor in- ing it critically or employed it in plainly igno- evitably affecting the law’s insouciance is the rant ways. Yet when it comes to science, and standard by which courts judge the probative particularly statistics, judges pause and sput- value of expert evidence. During most of the ter, wondering whether it is truly part of their twentieth century the courts used admissibility responsibility to know the details of scientific tests that were either explicitly deferential to the methods. On occasions when judges are re- professional fields that supplied the expertise or quired to think in a critically scientific way, the operated deferentially as a practical matter. Al- results can be inane. though modern admissibility standards appear A particularly trenchant example of this to mandate a less indolent review of proffered inanity can be found in the case of U.S. v. expertise, little has changed on the criminal Havvard (2000). The Havvard court attempted side of courts’ dockets. This may be a function to justify its decision to admit fingerprint ex- either of courts’ inclination to grandfather in pert testimony in a written opinion that inad- expertise traditionally admitted or of some pre- vertently does just the opposite. The court em- disposition that favors evidence offered by pros- ployed the admissibility standard set forth in ecutors. The third factor is the ironic situation the Federal Rules of Evidence and famously • Failed Forensics 161 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

explicated in the case of Daubert v. Merrill Thus, in U.S. v. Havvard (2000), the court Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (1993). Daubert,as substituted courtroom debate for scientific re- discussed further below, establishes a scientific search in an effort to justify admission. Fol- threshold for the admission of ostensibly sci- lowing this strange exercise, the judge declared entifically based expert evidence. In particu- this expert evidence to be “the very archetype lar, the Daubert court instructed trial courts to of reliable expert testimony under [Daubert]” consider, among other things, whether the ba- (p. 855). sis for scientific expert opinion had been ad- In another fingerprint case, U.S. v. Llera- equately tested and whether the testing had Plaza II (2002), the court acknowledged the been methodologically sound (with help in that gaping absence of empirical research testing the evaluation coming from peer review and pub- claims of fingerprint examiners, but it searched lication), had acceptable error rates, and was for some reason, any reason, to admit the ex- generally accepted in the pertinent field. Re- pertise. The judge in U.S. v. Cline (2002) took markably, the Havvard court took these indica- the view that the Supreme Court could not tors of good science and converted them into have wanted the nonscience forensic sciences, crime investigation and litigation markers. On such as asserted fingerprint identification, to the issues of falsification and whether the tech- be excluded, and therefore, notwithstanding niques are testable or have been tested, the Daubert’s apparent commands, soundness (va- court wrote that “[t]hey have been tested in ad- lidity, reliability) of the evidence could not be versarial proceedings with the highest possible the touchstone of admission. Consequently, in stakes,” as if the stakes and not the research de- the Cline court’s view, given the serious short- sign, methods, and analysis are the key to sound comings in the scientific foundations of finger- empirical research. On the issue of “peer re- print expert evidence, alternative, less rigorous, view and publication,” the court confused the criteria would have to be employed in order to process of fundamental knowledge building in facilitate admission. Put differently: If the stu- a science with the practice of examiners check- dent cannot pass the test, the test has to be made ing each other’s everyday casework. The court as easy as it needs to be to ensure that the stu- stated that “the methods of identification are dent can pass it. A review of the many cases in subject to peer review. [A]nother qualified ex- which courts wrestled with challenges to finger- aminer can compare the objective information print expert testimony summed up those courts’ upon which the opinion is based and may render opinions (in which they could not find bases a different opinion if warranted. In fact, peer re- for admission that comported with the require- view is the standard operating procedure among ments of Daubert and Kumho Tire, but never- latent print examiners.” Although there was no theless found various ways to rule the testimony research to review, there still was peer review, admissible) as amounting to “a catalog of eva- the court suggested. The court excused the ab- sions” (Faigman et al. 2008, chapter 32, § 32:3). sence of published research by saying again that These cases, and the many others that might “latent fingerprint identification has been sub- be cited (see, generally, Faigman et al. 2008), ject to adversarial testing for roughly 100 years, well illustrate courts’ limited understanding of again in cases with the highest stakes possi- the basics of science. These limitations, how- ble.” On the issue of error rates, the court was ever, were little on display until fairly recently. told that fingerprint examiners never make er- As noted above, in 1993 the Supreme Court rors. Although it disbelieved the government’s changed the fundamental orientation federal “breathtaking” claim that “the error rate for the judges use for evaluating the admissibility of method is zero,” the court made what it consid- expert evidence. Prior to Daubert, courts that ered a “reasonable concession” that occasional used any articulated test at all used one that was mistakes “can of course” occur. It admitted the deferential to the professionals from the perti- evidence. nent field, a test most famously associated with

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the case of Frye v. U.S. (1923). The Frye test the basis for proffered expertise be demonstra- queried whether the knowledge or technique bly sound, valid, and reliable. Thus, Daubert on which the scientific opinion depended was ought more readily to admit expert testimony “generally accepted in the particular field” from that has a sound basis even if it has not yet which it came. (For a detailed review of Frye gained general acceptance, whereas Frye would and its comparison with Daubert, see Saks & more readily admit expert testimony that had Faigman 2005.) Frye and similar tests seemed to come to be generally accepted even though it require no special scientific acumen. Daubert,in has no demonstrably sound basis. No family of contrast, changed the primary focus from what asserted expertises falls more clearly into the was accepted by those who practiced in the field category of simultaneously being generally ac- to whether the methodology and principles un- cepted (at least within their own orbit) and yet derlying the expert opinion were reliable and lacking any demonstrably sound basis than the valid. The Daubert analysis, which was subse- nonscience forensic sciences. Thus, logically, quently codified in amendments to the Federal these fields ought to have been more readily Rules of Evidence in 2000, requires a fair de- admitted by Frye and more readily excluded gree of scientific sophistication to be conducted by Daubert. On the plane of judicial behav- well. Courts lacking such sophistication, how- ior, however, although the switch from Frye to ever, have turned the test into something of a Daubert led to more intense scrutiny and more caricature. frequent exclusion of expert testimony in civil When Daubert was first decided (see Saks cases, something quite different occurred on the & Faigman 2005), no consensus existed among criminal side. courts or commentators about whether the new Judges have, in general, bent over backwards test loosened or tightened the judicial filtering to evade the application of Daubert when con- of such testimony. It is probably fair to say that, scientious application would lead to the ex- initially, most observers believed the test was clusion of any of the nonscience forensic sci- less stringent. But as courts applied the test, it ences. For example, upon realizing that asserted turned out to be more stringent because many handwriting identification expertise (FDE, or expert opinions that had been routinely admit- forensic document examination) had no sound ted turned out, upon inspection, to have little scientific basis, the court in U.S. v. Starzecpyzel data and poor research methods behind them. (1995) declared: As applied, therefore, Daubert seemed to raise the threshold for scientific evidence. Courts, Were the Court to apply Daubert to the however, made an exception for the nonscience proffered FDE testimony, it would have to forensic sciences, for which the test has usually be excluded. This conclusion derives from been applied so as to make it as undemanding a straightforward analysis of the suggested as necessary to facilitate admission. Daubert factors—testability and known error This strange mosaic can be understood only rate, peer review and publication, and general by considering two major planes, each of which acceptance—in light of the evidence adduced is itself somewhat paradoxical: what Daubert at the Daubert hearing (p. 1036). does (rather than what it says) and what judges do when they apply that law (something that Seeing where Daubert led, the court looked legal realists conceived as the law on the books for a way to get off of Daubert’s path. In the end, versus the law in action). (For a more thor- the court reasoned that FDE lacked scientific ough review and analysis of these issues, see validity; because it lacked scientific validity, it Saks & Faigman 2005; Faigman et al. 2008, was not subject to Daubert review; and because chapter 1.) On the plane of law, Frye required it was not subject to Daubert, it was admissible. that a proffered expertise be generally accepted Were it a sound science, it would have been within its field, whereas Daubert requires that admissible; because it was not a sound science, • Failed Forensics 163 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

it was admissible. This solution was followed relevant data of any kind in the record before by numerous federal courts until it was implic- it, the proffered expertise could not meet any itly overruled by the Supreme Court’s decision of the Daubert criteria—except perhaps general in Kumho Tire v. Carmichael (1999), holding acceptance. But the court also could find no ev- that all fields of asserted expertise, whether la- idence of general acceptance, and so it relied on beled science or anything else, had to meet seri- its own past cases from decades earlier for the ous and appropriate criteria of soundness or be conclusion that microscopic hair identification excluded. examination passes general acceptance muster. One would have expected that after nearly It turns out, however, that those earlier cases a century of admission as evidence in courts, said nothing about general acceptance. The when finally called upon to defend the scien- Kentucky Supreme Court acknowledged this tific foundations of their claims in court, fin- fact but reasoned that those courts “must have” gerprint examiners would be able to roll wheel- implicitly found general acceptance or they barrows filled with studies and data into court would not have admitted the hair identification to prove the bases for their claims. But they evidence. The flaw in this reasoning was that had nothing. Their expert testimony had been Kentucky had not adopted Frye or any other presented in American courts since early in the version of general acceptance until after those twentieth century, having been admitted first cases had been decided. Through this sleight by courts that applied no real test of validity, of hand—forming grounds for admission out and then by courts that relied on those earlier of thin air—the Kentucky Supreme Court held courts as precedent of a sort (Saks 1998). Af- that microscopic hair identification satisfied ter the Supreme Court’s decisions in Daubert Daubert. (1993) and Kumho Tire (1999), challenges began In another state case, involving asserted ex- to be laid (see Saks & Faigman 2005). Amaz- pertise in voiceprint identification, Alaska v. ingly, the first empirical studies subjecting the Coon (1999)—the very case by which the Alaska basic claims of fingerprint examiners to empir- Supreme Court adopted Daubert as its test of ical testing did not occur until the midst of the admission—the court remanded the case to the pretrial phase of the first of those post-Daubert trial court to take additional evidence in antic- challenges, U.S. v. Mitchell (2000). The judge in ipation of adopting and applying Daubert, but that case simply ruled, without a written opin- no court involved in the case at any level built ion, that fingerprints were admissible. The first its holding on any relevant research studies or court to use the record developed for Mitchell in other data. Undaunted, in another magical ju- a formal opinion ruled fingerprint expert opin- dicial opinion, the Alaska court conjured the ions on individual identity to be inadmissible bases for admission out of nothing. (U.S. v. Llera-Plaza I 2002). The same court re- The problem has not merely been judges versed itself several months later, admitting the who cannot bring themselves to follow the law testimony, though it continued to find that vir- to its logical conclusion if doing so will re- tually no research existed supporting the claims sult in an outcome that makes them nervous. of fingerprint experts (U.S. v. Llera-Plaza II Judges in criminal cases are not likely to have 2002). the opportunity to hear many challenges be- State courts have been similarly wide-eyed cause lawyers in criminal cases are much less in their assessments of the nonscience forensic likely than lawyers in civil cases to mount chal- sciences. In a case involving a challenge to the lenges to the other side’s scientific expert ev- admission of expert testimony on microscopic idence (Risinger 2000). This is a reflection of hair comparison, for example, the Kentucky the familiar sociological and institutional dif- Supreme Court, in Commonwealth v. Johnson ferences between civil and criminal cases. (1999), purported to apply a Daubert analysis Some courts have accepted the command of to admissibility. Because the court had no federal or state versions of Daubert and ruled as

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required by those tests. This was true especially to be true. In admitting the testimony, albeit in regard to asserted handwriting identification only partially, the court wrote: expertise. Following Kumho Tire, most federal courts that thoughtfully examined this evidence I reluctantly [admit the proffered expert tes- timony] because of my confidence that any followed the path of U.S. v. Hines (1999), which held that experts could not testify regarding the other decision will be rejected by appellate identity of the author of a questioned docu- courts, in light of precedents across the coun- ment. These courts limited the expert to “show- try, regardless of the findings I have made. and-tell” descriptive statements regarding sim- While I recognize that the Daubert-Kumho ilarities and differences between the known standard does not require the illusory perfec- and unknown exemplars. Indeed, in some cir- tion of a television show (CSI, this wasn’t), cumstances, courts excluded the testimony of when liberty hangs in the balance—and, in the case of the defendants facing the death penalty, forensic document examiners entirely (U.S. v. life itself—the standards should be higher than Saelee 2001, U.S. v. Fujii 2000; for a more com- plete discussion, see Faigman et al. 2008, chap- were met in this case, and than have been im- ter 33). Several courts ruled that fingerprint posed across the country. The more courts identification expert opinions on identity are admit this type of toolmark evidence without requiring documentation, proficiency testing, mostly inadmissible (U.S. v. Llera Plaza I 2002) (though later reversed) or completely excluded or evidence of reliability, the more sloppy practices will endure; we should require more (Maryland v. Rose 2007). But at the end of the day, these cases are (p. 109). small islands of inadmissibility surrounded by a Indeed, we should. sea of admission. As one commentator summed up this seascape: “It seems that the only stan- dard the courts are requiring of forensic science WHAT IS TO BE DONE is that it be incriminating to the defendant” In Hans Christian Andersen’s famous tale, “the (Frisbie & Garrett, 1998, p. 56, quoting John Emperor walked in the procession under the Marshall Law School Professor Melvin B. lovely canopy, while all the crowds in the street Lewis). In essence, the nonscience forensic and all the people at their windows said, ‘Heav- sciences are granted exemption from serious ens, How marvelous the Emperor’s new clothes scrutiny. Despite the hopes of the framers of our look!’” The crowd, in fact, saw that the emperor Constitution, the decisions of individual judges had no clothes, but feared saying so: “No one are not made in a vacuum insulated from pres- wanted it thought that he could not see any- sures of various kinds. This is not to say that the thing, as that would make him somebody who pressures are improper or illegal. The spotlight was either very stupid or badly fitted for his po- focused by the news media on an unusual (even sition.” A little child, however, spoke up: “‘But if unusually correct) decision, or the shrillness he has nothing on!’” The crowd realized that of pleas from the government when it loses, or the child was right and all began to shout: “‘He considerations internal to the judicial branch has nothing on!’” The emperor realized it, too. can impel judges to decide in ways other than He “cringed inside himself, for it seemed to him what they believe to be correct. For a notewor- that they were right, but he thought like this: ‘I thy example, consider the opinion of the judge shall have to go through with the procession’” in U.S. v. Green (2005), a case involving firearms (Andersen 1959, pp. 30–32). identification, where the proffered expert in- Many nonscience forensic scientists are in sisted he could identify the suspect weapon “to the same situation as the emperor. They have the exclusion of all others in the world” despite “nothing on.” At this point in time, of course, being unable to offer any basis for believing that they continue in the procession as testifying • Failed Forensics 165 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

experts because, like the emperor, they cannot Largely explicit in the decision, the Court con- admit the reality. To stop would reveal them to templated that judges were charged with the re- be “either very stupid or badly fitted for [their] sponsibility to understand science well enough position.” Change, if it is to occur, must come to measure the scientific validity (i.e., “eviden- from outside the nonscience forensic sciences. tiary reliability”) of proffered expert opinion. There are two courses of action that might This responsibility led Chief Justice Rehnquist lead to wholesale reform in the practice of to complain that Daubert would require federal forensic science: First, the courts need to be- judges “to become amateur scientists” (Daubert, come better consumers of expert testimony and p. 601). And indeed they must (Faigman 2006). demand better methods than so far have been Science is such a pervasive force in modern forthcoming; second, mainstream academic sci- society that judges are essentially failing their entists must join the effort to test forensic hy- obligations if they persist in their scientific ig- potheses. Although many other reforms might norance. This task, in fact, is not profoundly accompany these two, both are essential to any difficult, at least in the forensics area. In most true changes. Otherwise, these naked experts cases, recognizing the weaknesses of nonscience will continue to march on, with their “chamber- forensic science is not rocket science. Much lains ...behind [them] carrying the train that of the expert opinion propounded in court has was not there at all.” not been tested beyond mere anecdotal experi- ence and is not supported by adequate research designs or basic statistical testing. Moreover, Gatekeeping Courts texts and treatises are available that detail the In some respects, the problems endemic in the numerous and profound failings of these non- forensic sciences must be understood in terms sciences (see Faigman et al. 2008, Giannelli & of market failure (Faigman 1999). The manu- Imwinkelried 2007). facturers of forensic knowledge produce infe- Just why the courts have so utterly failed rior products, and the buyers (largely courts) to carry out their gatekeeping duties is diffi- continue to purchase them. Reform, therefore, cult to say. We can only speculate about possi- can be imagined in regard to both the sup- ble reasons for this dereliction. The two main ply and the demand of the forensic product. possibilities are lack of knowledge or lack of Although it probably does not matter greatly will. We believe the latter is more likely, for which factor is revolutionized first, true change several reasons. First, as noted, the failures of cannot take place unless the practices of both the nonscience forensic sciences are so pro- sellers and buyers change. We begin with the found and so elementary that they are just not buyers. that difficult to understand. Second, the same To a large extent, the revolution has al- judges who demur from their gatekeeping obli- ready occurred in the law, but many of the gations when prosecutors proffer bad forensics revolutionaries still do not realize how perva- are vigorous gatekeepers when considering bad sive the reforms have been, at least in princi- expertise proffered by plaintiffs in civil cases. ple. Daubert largely put in place the procedural It is hard to believe that judges who minutely framework that would permit courts to see non- criticize plaintiffs’ epidemiological proof can- science forensic science for what it is. The key not understand that prosecutors’ latent finger- paradigm shift wrought by Daubert was to re- print evidence lacks scientific validation. Fi- quire courts to consider the methods and prin- nally, so many of the judicial opinions dealing ciples that supported expert evidence, not sim- with forensic evidence employ such tortured ply inquire about its general acceptance among logic that it is impossible to believe that courts some insular group of true believers (Faigman are blind to the empirical realities of this evi- 2000, Saks & Koehler 2005). The gatekeeping dence. It appears, therefore, that lack of will is metaphor was first described in Daubert itself. a better explanation than plain ignorance.

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There are, of course, many credible reasons not likely to have the time, resources, or incli- why courts should lack courage in this context. nation to vigorously test the technology they Foremost, perhaps, they fear that excluding employ daily. Such an effort would certainly ap- any forensic expertise that lacks a scientific ba- pear to them as a waste of time and money. Why sis will result in wholesale exclusion of substan- test what already works, at least insofar as “what tial portions of prosecutors’ cases. This could works” is measured by its acceptance in court? lead to the disruption of large numbers of More problematic still, today’s forensic scien- cases and lead prosecutors not to pursue other tists are generally not trained as researchers; cases. Moreover, it would potentially throw into they are technicians. A study of crime labora- doubt hundreds, if not thousands, of past cases, tory personnel found that fewer than 1% had possibly setting off a firestorm of habeas peti- PhD-level research degrees and that only about tions seeking to overturn convictions based on 3% had earned a master’s degree (Furton et al. now-excluded forensic evidence. In individual 1999). The overwhelming majority of forensic cases, where courts are convinced from other professionals simply do not have the statistical evidence that a defendant is guilty, they will or methodological training to do original re- see no need to scrutinize the forensic evidence search. Hence, if good science is to be brought closely because (if it too inculpates) they will to bear on forensic hypotheses, mainstream aca- assume it is correct. Evaluating science, for its demic scientists will have to take the laboring own sake, is not the purpose of judicial proceed- oar. ings. Finally, courts legitimately see no present At least two ingredients are necessary to in- alternative to this proof. Whatever its weak- terest academic scientists in the study of foren- nesses, courts probably think it has to be ad- sic issues: money and relevance. The first is rel- mitted until something better comes along. atively easily explained, if not readily obtained. From the perspective of courts, therefore, Research, quite simply, follows the money. the current state of the art of forensic science Historically, little government financing has cannot be jettisoned until a new state of the art is been available for basic forensic science re- available. Yet,it also appears that without courts search. Agencies such as the National Sci- raising serious doubts about current practices, ence Foundation and the National Institutes of there is little pressure for the forensics field to Health do not include forensics as part of their change course. As a consequence, the status quo mission statements. Probably the single agency will persist until something intervenes. If nei- most devoted to funding forensic research is the ther the courts nor the forensic experts are likely National Institute of Justice (NIJ), an arm of the to change things, the only group left is the main- Justice Department. Thus far, NIJ has not been stream scientific community. It is there that real successful in funding cutting-edge research. reform in forensics can take place. Finally, because academic scientists have not considered forensics to be within their baili- wick, they have not asked for money to do Scientific Gate-Makers this kind of research. Clearly, before academic In light of the prevailing practice in forensic scientists can be expected to reform forensic sci- science, there is little reason to believe that the ence, they must be convinced that the subject is field will soon begin a comprehensive and rigor- relevant and important to their day jobs. ous research program. Indeed, even if the field Although the question of the relevance of generally recognized the need for such a pro- forensics to various mainstream scientific com- gram, it is not at all clear that it has the where- munities is too large to canvass fully here, just withal to even begin this work. Most profes- brief contemplation on the subject provides a sional forensic experts are employed by state clear answer. Forensics provides a treasure trove or private laboratories that apply forensic tech- of research possibilities. Statisticians, in partic- nology, not produce it. Existing laboratories are ular, would find a surplus of hypotheses to test in • Failed Forensics 167 ANRV359-LS04-08 ARI 15 October 2008 14:37

areas such as latent fingerprints, firearms iden- fore, what might it look like if in the future tification, and handwriting analysis. Indeed, it could be set on a path toward that world, conventional statistical subjects such as pattern- whether by its own initiative, under the incen- recognition and signal detection theory could tives of courts conscientiously applying Daubert be tested and applied to forensic problems. and its progeny, by the restructuring of the way Moreover, many scientists would find foren- forensic services are organized (Koppl 2005), or sics to be a fertile area to test general theories by normal scientists becoming seriously inter- from their disciplines. The work of Dror and ested in the subject? colleagues—psychologists interested in study- The underlying assumptions of forensic ing cognitive biases—is a particularly good il- identification would be subjected to intense lustration of this. The list matching forensic questioning and empirical testing. In the course subjects to established academic departments is of this work, researchers would report what limited only by one’s scientific imagination. they tested, how they tested it, and what they In the short term, mainstream science has found. Their results—whether good, bad, or the potential to reform forensic science through indifferent—would be reported with equal can- the efforts of individual scientists (e.g., Zabell dor. Because many of these areas (handwriting, 2005) and the contributions of select scien- firearms, tiremarks, etc.) had no basic science tific organizations. In particular, the National from which to draw, these researchers would Research Council of the National Academies of be building the science that would be the foun- Science has played, and could continue to play, a dation of forensic science. pivotal role in both evaluating the state of the art The individualization techniques that of forensic science and in making recommen- emerged would probably resemble DNA dations for the future (e.g., National Research typing, with its measurement of attributes, Council 1992, 1996). In the long term, how- of variation in populations, and ever, only with substantial funding and the con- statistical bases. Error rates, probability levels, certed efforts of dedicated individuals will the confidence intervals, and so on would be nonscience forensic sciences become scientific. natural parts of what developed. The elements Perhaps one day forensic science will become of subjectivity in forensic examination would another subject in the vast scientific curriculum themselves be topics of research, the better of major research universities. to understand their operation and how to tame them. These scientists, like most, would recognize problems of experimenter and CONCLUSION observer effects; their own research would use We have explored the state of nonscience procedures designed to prevent such effects, as forensic science—the absence of basic-science would the procedures they designed for use in origins, unsupported assumptions, exaggerated crime labs. claims, lack of empirical testing, little use of Those doing this research would be doc- scientific method, pretermission of error. And toral scientists and their graduate students, as- we have discussed the interplay of nonscience sisted by novices, some of whom would become forensic science with illusory judicial oversight, the scientists and technicians who would later as well as the indifference of normal science to- staff the crime labs applying the techniques be- ward forensic science. ing developed. Incompetence, error, and fraud Let us conclude by imagining what foren- would be minimized by the various cultural and sic science would look like if it had grown up organizational features of the scientific enter- in the world of conventional basic and applied prise that have evolved, though sometimes such science, as typically found in the departments problems would still arise. Deliberate fraud is a and laboratories of universities and industry career-ending act. At the end of the day, errors and many government agencies. And, there- (whatever their cause) are revealed by the failure

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of findings to replicate. All this work would pro- new findings, and an alertness to problems in vide the science for forensic science. need of further basic and applied research. Be- As the knowledge became ready for “prime cause much of the knowledge probably will have time” (and as newer knowledge and devel- been grown in universities, there would be more opments improved upon older), it would be college courses in these subjects (indeed, there adopted for casework in crime labs. It is any- would be a larger body of scientific knowledge one’s guess how crime labs would be organized to teach, more than techniques and assump- in such a world, but they likely would inherit tions). Personnel would arrive at crime labs with some of the culture of the conventional sci- more and better education in relevant subjects. entific world along with the knowledge base A more highly trained doctoral- and master’s- drawn from that world. This might include level cadre of lab directors and managers would an ethos of candor, a dedication to data above come into being and would more readily move all else, and therefore a hostility toward in- between the worlds of research and casework. competence or fudging or fraud. It might also These labs and their personnel would be both include closer and more reciprocal relation- more welcoming of oversight, review, accredi- ships with basic researchers, attentiveness to tation, and certification and less in need of it.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Some might wonder whether the fact that the authors occasionally testify in hearings where the admissibility of some particular forensic science is at issue creates a bias. In fact, however, their research and publications have led to requests that they testify about that scholarship, just as it has led to invitations to speak to audiences of academics, judges, forensic scientists, and governmental and quasi-governmental bodies, as well as invitations to contribute papers to legal, social science, and forensic science publications.

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Figure 1 Postmortem analysis of causes of wrongful conviction in cases of DNA exonerations. ● Failed Forensics C-1 AR359-FM ARI 26 September 2008 20:18

Annual Review of Law and Social Science Contents Volume 4, 2008

Home Away from Home: Collaborative Research Networks and Interdisciplinary Socio-Legal Scholarship Stuart A. Scheingold ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1 Conditionality: Forms, Function, and History Sarah L. Babb and Bruce G. Carruthers ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp13 Organizations, Regulation, and Economic Behavior: Regulatory Dynamics and Forms from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century Marc Schneiberg and Tim Bartley pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp31 The Political Economy of American Indian Gaming Stephen Cornell pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp63 After Inclusion Devon Carbado, Catherine Fisk, and Mitu Gulati pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp83 Divergent Paths: Conflicting Conceptions of Employment Discrimination in Law and the Social Sciences Robert L. Nelson, Ellen C. Berrey, and Laura Beth Nielsen pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp103 Providing Expert Knowledge in an Adversarial Context: Social Cognitive Science in Employment Discrimination Cases Susan T. Fiske and Eugene Borgida pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp123 Failed Forensics: How Forensic Science Lost Its Way and How It Might Yet Find It Michael J. Saks and David L. Faigman ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp149 Convicting the Innocent Samuel R. Gross ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp173 The Psychology of Confessions Saul M. Kassin pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp193 Forecasting Methods in Crime and Justice Richard Berk ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp219

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Undercover Policing and the Shifting Terms of Scholarly Debate: The United States and Europe in Counterpoint Jacqueline E. Ross ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp239 Jury Systems Around the World Valerie P. Hans pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp275 Women in the Legal Profession Fiona Kay and Elizabeth Gorman pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp299 The Reform of Legal Education in East Asia Setsuo Miyazawa, Kay-Wah Chan, and Ilhyung Lee ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp333 The Countermajoritarian Difficulty: From Courts to Congress to Constitutional Order Mark A. Graber ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp361 Toward a New Sociology of Rights: A Genealogy of “Buried Bodies” of Citizenship and Human Rights Margaret R. Somers and Christopher N.J. Roberts ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp385


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 1–4 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp427 Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 1–4 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp429


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vi Contents