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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume CVII Issue 5 September 3, 2020 xaviernewswire.com

Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Theology announces new minor Spirituality and Solidarity courses promote personal and scholarly growth BY ANNA VERDERBER Guest Writer edge and skills that will enable them to further the common The theology department good in the face of serious is now offering the new Spir- social divisions and economic ituality and Solidarity minor inequalities,” Madges said. as an option for students this Madges went on to say that fall semester. with the new minor, the de- The minor has been in the partment seeks to invite stu- works 2017 and is now offi- dents to more closely study cially being offered to Xavier the intersection of faith, spir- students, even to those whose ituality and social-ecological intended major does not relate responsibility. to the theology department. The theology department According to theology de- also seems to emphasize both partment chair Dr. William the personal and global issues Madges, the Spirituality and surrounding spirituality and Solidarity minor aims to be a solidarity. gateway for students to think According to the depart- deeply about their own indi- ment website, students are vidual beliefs, as well as to invited to reflect on their own reflect on the changes going experiences, integrate spiritu- on around them. He also en- ality and solidarity into their courages students to pursue lives and imagine what it will this minor if they seek to have take to advance inclusive soli- a better understanding of the darity in the world. world around them. Other learning objectives “Xavier students should include understanding what it Photo courtesy of xavier.edu be interested in the minor if means to live in solidarity with Dr. Marcus Mescher, who was integral to the creation of the Spirituality and Solidarity theology minor, is they wish to learn how Chris- people who are marginalized, photographed above with students who traveled to El Salvador as part of a theology immersion course. tian and non-Christian (e.g., examining the root causes of The minor consists of 15 about spirituality, as well as junior theology major Maggie Buddhist, Sufi, etc.) spiritual- social divisions and articulat- total credits. Students who what others believe. (It) will Hohlefelder reflected on an ity can deepen their sense of ing how spirituality and soli- wish to study the minor need also prepare students to bet- apparent need for solidarity what it means to be human and darity fit into students’ own to take the foundational sem- ter empathize and understand after spending time studying want to gain essential knowl- vocational aspirations. inar, a course in spirituali- others across a number of human rights issues in Gua- ty (Christian, Buddhist, or religious and spiritual tradi- temala. another tradition), a course tions.” She noted how it is partic- focusing on social and/or According to Mescher, tak- ularly difficult to achieve sol- ecological issues (such as pov- ing the Spirituality and Soli- idarity when we are physical- erty, hunger, violence, immi- darity minor is a good way for ly separated from so many in gration, gender, race, climate students to start their spiritu- need. change, etc.), as well as two al growth. “With the people in Central theology electives. “There is so much social America, (solidarity) is a lot Dr. Mescher, who teaches fragility and fracture in our harder cause we’re so separat- the foundational seminar be- social context — racial in- ed,” said Hohlefelder. “We’re hind this minor, expressed his justice, political polarization in Ohio and way over there so passion for this minor and cit- and echo chambers online,” it’s all about reading their sto- ed social problems as a reason Mescher said. ries and trying to empathise why students should be inter- “By studying solidarity, our with them.” ested in taking the new minor. students will explore the root This need for reaching “The social problems we causes of these social divisions across borders and forming see in our world — despair, and unjust inequalities as well a global community is at the distrust and division — are as learn more about what it heart of this minor. spiritual problems,” Mescher takes to be bridge-builders in Students interested in de- said. an increasingly diverse and claring the Spirituality and “This minor will equip and interdependent moment in Solidarity minor can visit the Photo courtesy of xavier.edu empower students to better history.” theology department website Students attend a hybrid theology course both remotely and in-person. understand what they believe In describing this minor, or reach out to Mescher. In this issue... Campus News, Page 2 World News, Page 5 Opinions, Page 7 A&E, Page 10 &KHFNRXWUHYLHZVRQ The trinity of Norwood Our Editor-in-Chief 6WXGHQWVUHÀHFWRQ the new restaurants bars — Lateral, Stones shares thoughts on SDVVLQJRI&KDGZLFN RQFDPSXV)XLML6DQ DQG'DQD¶V²UHÀHFW &29,'SROLFLHV %RVHPDQDFWRURI and Burger 513. on COVID-19. while quarantined. Black Panther. 2 September 3, 2020 Campus News xaviernewswire.com New XU dining options feel fresh Newswire breaks down the best places to put your meal plan to good use LaRosa’s. tempo. a bite to eat. In all honesty, the FujiSan was my introduc- It also has breakfast op- food here isn’t the best, but it tion to bubble tea. I’ve never tions which are fairly simple. doesn’t have to be. had boba before, but I liked The chicken biscuit is o.k., but There are enough options what I had, which was the it takes more time to prepare on campus for those who don’t honey green milk tea and the than something in the caf like or are allergic to a certain mango green tea. would take. food item. It’s also great for some- There are still a ton of Overall, the campus food is thing different than what most options for those who don’t good for what it is, and that’s of the caf and Burger 513 want to leave campus to grab easy and tasty. have to offer. I’ve yet to finish everything on the menu, but I August 31 enjoy what I’ve had so far. FujiSan’s rolls are tasty, Student Government even if you aren’t like me and know how to use chopsticks Association Meeting Recap without fumbling. I’d suggest Newswire photo by Desmond Fischer the tempura rolls or shrimp COURTESY OF CHLOE SALVESON Burger 513, the rebranded version of Blue Blob’s Diner, offers classic tempura. American comfort food including burgers, fries, chicken and milkshakes. FujiSan is worth a try if ‡ Kate Lawson, Title IX and interpersonal vio- counter is a good rotation of you’ve never had sushi or boba lence response coordinator, discussed the nar- BY ALEX KELLY a bunch of different foods. A before, and it has a variety of Guest Writer rowing of the standard of evidence that must couple of my favorite choices other options if those aren’t be provided to determine what constitutes This year there are a va- from there include it’s chicken your style. I am excited to try sex discrimation regarding the Office of Civil riety of on-campus dining or omelets in the morning. out the different options they Rights within the Department of Education. options such as the caf and- The deli also has some sim- have to serve. Burger 513 and FujiSan at ple options if you aren’t a fan Burger 513 is new on cam- ‡ President Thomas Wehby introduced the Gallagher Student Center. of what homestyle favorites pus, and it’s pretty much your beginnings of an XUPD and SGA relations Now from what I’ve heard, has to offer for the day, such as general burger place. committee. This committee would be a space the caf is operating a bit dif- sandwiches or quesadillas. The curly fries are to die for Xavier students to actively work with ferently this year. I’m a first- There’s also the grill that for, and the chicken tenders the XUPD. year, so I don’t know what in serves burgers, fries and hot aren’t half bad either. particular is different. dogs. It’s comfort food to eat It’s burgers are highly cus- ‡ Inspired by the success of the socially distant There’s the salad bar, every once in a while. tomizable for picky eater such Manresa activity, Glenn Arnold, assistant di- which is good for grabbing a The pizza counter has as myself, with tons of op- rector of intramural sports, will explore the meal when you have to get to choices such as cheese, pep- tions for toppings. It also has possibility of a disc golf course installation class quickly. peroni and a rotation of other chicken, grilled cheese or veg- near the HUB. The homestyle favorites toppings. It’s ok, but it’s no an burgers if that’s more your A snapshot of September: Find more info on EngageXU

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ursday Friday Saturday

3 4 5 CDI: e Living Study abroad in XU gaming Smash Room — Racial Chile information Ultimate bias at XU session tournament 3-5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5:30 p.m.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GDST: Black Lives CDI: Queeries CIE: International CIE: Semester Rec sports: Matter teach-in 6 p.m. Coee Hour abroad info session Vinyasa yoga 4 p.m. GSC 3 & 4 p.m. HUB 3:30 p.m. 5 p.m.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Group Fitness: CIE: International French Club: Spirit Celebration CIE: Study GetAway rst-year Power yoga Coee Hour September meeting abroad fair retreat HUB No classes GSC 7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Xavier University Blood Drive

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CFJ: Rosh Hasha- CIE: Gilman schol- CDI: Articulating CIE: Application Rec sports: nah creek walk and arship Information Queeries, CDI your value and skill and scholarship Vinyasa yoga Shofar Session 6 p.m. workshop Q&A HUB 4 p.m. 1 & 2 p.m. 12 p.m. 3 p.m. 5:00 p.m. @xaviernewswire Campus News September 3, 2020 3 GSC managers adapt to COVID-19 Building managers keep things running smoothly during unique semester

BY JOSEPHINE PYLES ed spot.” Guest Writer All building managers are trained to work on every floor GSC doesn’t run so in the building, helping to smoothly on accident. maintain many aspects of the A team of dedicated em- building’s logistical needs. ployees maintains a safe and “The first day of training enjoyable environment for all I got a tour of the building guests, especially with the lat- and learned how to run the est COVID-19 safety guide- welcome desk,” Colbert said. lines. “The second day I learned Fourth-year nursing major how to take reservations and Madison Colbert has been a how to set up for events.” building manager at the GSC As an experienced build- for two years now and has a ing manager, Colbert has seen great deal of experience help- many social and club-based ing the building run smoothly. gatherings in the GSC before “If this goes off, I’ll have to the pandemic, many of which run,” Colbert said in reference have taken up entire floors. to her walkie talkie. “It’s a lit- But she can’t help but notice tle bit of back and forth, but how different things have a lot of the time is actually looked during the first week spent at the desk… greeting of school this year. people and answering ques- “My favorite part of the job tions.” is probably getting to work There are several building with the different depart- managers who work at the ments on campus and seeing GSC. Together, they work the events come to life,” Col- throughout the week to make bert said. “But we’ve restrict- sure events are scheduled, fur- ed the amount of people who niture is in order and that the can be in a space, so our events book store and restaurants are definitely look and feel a lot Newswire photo by Joseph Cotton running smoothly. smaller.” As new challenges make their jobs harder, Gallagher building managers are ensuring everything runs smoothly. “Normally when I clock in, Because of the emphasis on “Every few hours we wipe still adapting to the feeling that way.” I’ll do a ‘round’ of the build- following Xavier’s COVID-19 down everything in the build- of being socially distant from The Gallagher Student ing first, then another one ev- protocols, the managers have ing to keep everyone as safe as each other and their guests. Center is open from 6a.m.-10 ery hour or so after that,” Col- been maintaining these pre- possible. We also make sure “It’s kind of weird having p.m., Monday through Satur- bert stated. “I usually check cautions since the first day it that people are wearing their this screen up when people day, and its staff is prepared to make sure everything is in reopened. masks and staying separated.” come to the desk,” Colbert to greet guests and answer place, including ensuring that “Yes, we do a lot more However, Colbert and said. “I’m definitely still get- any of your questions from a every table is on its designat- cleaning now,” Colbert said. many other employees are ting used to greeting people safe distance. — Paid Advertisement — 4 September 3, 2020 U.S. & World News xaviernewswire.com Trump, Pence speak at hybrid RNC Anti-abortion, protecting families and COVID-19 focused on by key speakers


‡ +XUULFDQH /DXUD PRQNH\ UHVHUYHµ DQG FDU 6HSW     GHVWUR\HGD&RQIHG- RWKHU SROLF\ FKDQJ-  HUDWH PRQXPHQW LQ HV LQGXVWU\ DQG DF- ‡ $ FDVNHW FRQWDLQ- /RXLVLDQD SURPSW- DGHPLD DUH KDYLQJ LQJWKHKHDUWRI WKH LQJ 7ZLWWHU WR GLIILFXOW\ DFTXLULQJ IRUPHU PD\RU RI  WKDQNWKHKXUULFDQH PRQNH\V IRU PHGLFDO D %HOJLDQ FLW\ ZDV IRULWVDQWLUDFLVWHI- WHVWLQJ $XJ  GLVFRYHUHG LQVLGH D IRUWV $XJ  IRXQWDLQ+LVWRULDQV ‡ 7KH %LGHQ+DUULV GDWHLWEDFNWR   ‡ $ 7KDL ]RR FDPH FDPSDLJQ WHDP KDV 6HSW  XQGHU ILUH DIWHU D RIILFLDOO\ UHOHDVHG ‡ $XJ   DP³ ‡ ;83' UHVSRQGHG WR WRXULVW SRVWHG D YLUWXDO \DUG VLJQV ‡ &DUROH %DVNLQ WKH ;83'ZDVGLVSDWFKHGWR ILYH PHGLFDO HPHUJHQFLHV SKRWR RI  KHUVHOI  WKDW SOD\HUV RI  $Q- ELJ FDW HQWKXVLDVW .XKOPDQ+DOOGRUPIRUD LQ WRWDO WKURXJKRXW WKH VTXHH]LQJ D WLJHU·V LPDO &URVVLQJ 1HZ DQG DFWLYLVW ZKR UHSRUW RI  ZDWHU OHDNLQJ ZHHN WHVWLFOHV 7KRXJK +RUL]RQV FDQ SXW RQ EHFDPH IDPRXV IRU LQWRDURRPIURPWKHFHLO- ]RR RIILFLDOV KDG WKHLULVODQGV 6HSW  KHUUROHLQ1HWIOL[·V LQJ ‡ ;83' KDV SDUWQHUHG FRQVHQWHG WR KHU Tiger King GRFX- ZLWKWKHFLW\RI &LQFLQQD- HQWHULQJ WKH WLJHU ‡ 8EHU FXVWRPHUV ZKR PHQWDU\ KDV DQ- ‡ $XJ   DP ³ WLDQG6KRWVSRWWHUDQDSS FDJH WKH\ KDYH DQ- DWWHPSWWRHQWHUDYH- QRXQFHG WKDW VKH ;83' EXVWHG D SDUW\ ZKLFK XWLOL]HV KLJKSRZ- QRXQFHG WKDW YLVL- KLFOHZLWKRXWDPDVN ZLOO EH IHDWXUHG LQ RQ:D\ODQG$YHQXHZLWK HU PLFURSKRQHV DFURVV WRUV ZLOO QR ORQJHU ZLOOVRRQKDYHWRWDNH WKH 6HSW  FDVW DQ HVWLPDWHG  SHR- WKHFLW\WRWULDQJXODWHDQG EHDEOHWRWRXFKWKH D ´PDVNVHOILHµ HYHU\ RI  Dancing With the SOH JDWKHULQJ 7KH KRVWV ORFDWHWKHVRXQGRI JXQ- DQLPDO·V JHQLWDOV WLPHWKH\HQWHUDQHZ Stars 6HSW  RI  WKH JDWKHULQJ ZKR ILUH$6KRWVSRWWHUWRZHU $XJ  EURNH;DYLHU8QLYHUVLW\·V ZDV SODFHG DW WKH FRUQHU &29,' JXLGHOLQHV RI  &OHQHD\ $YHQXH DQG ‡ $ PDQ LQ %ULWDLQ ZHUHUHIHUUHGWRWKH&RGH 0RQWJRPHU\5RDG JUHZ WKH FRXQWU\·V RI &RQGXFW ODUJHVWHYHU WRPDWR ;83' XVLQJ VKHHU SDQW- ‡ $XJ   DP ³ 1RQ(PHUJHQF\ \KRVH WR VXSSRUW ;83' UHVSRQGHG WR D 3KRQH1XPEHU WKH JLJDQWLF IUXLW·V SRVVLEOH JDV OHDN DW WKH   YLQHV $XJ   'DQD $YHQXH VWX- GHQW DSDUWPHQWV &LQFLQ- ;83' ‡ 7KH86LVIDFLQJD QDWL)LUHDQG'XNH(QHU- (PHUJHQF\ PRQNH\ VKRUWDJH J\ZHUHFDOOHGWRIXUWKHU 3KRQH1XPEHU 7KRXJK VFLHQWLVWV LQYHVWLJDWHWKHUHSRUW   KDYHSUHYLRXVO\VXJ- Photo courtesy of bigcatrescue.org JHVWHG D ´VWUDWHJLF Carole Baskin, best known for Tiger King , will soon dance competitively. @xaviernewswire U.S. & World News September 3, 2020 5 Trump, Pence speak at hybrid RNC XU student bars cope with pandemic orders Stones Lanes, Dana Gardens and The Lateral Sports Bar struggle with virus BY MARIETTE 50% (capacity),” Terry said nus Ryan Lawson said. WATERHOUSE of the recent Cincinnati re- Sophomore Philosophy, Guest Writer striction, which only allows Politics and the Public major From March Madness to businesses to sell alcohol un- Wyatt Schline noted that he post-season sadness, Xavi- til 10 p.m. believes attending bars right er students have flocked to “If you take August, for now is extremely irrespon- Stones Lanes, Dana Gardens example, where we run sible given the amount of and The Lateral Sports Bar through an average of 25 contact a student would have to celebrate, mourn and build or so student organizations with others. community. from both X and UC, when “Going to a bar forces you Stones, Dana’s and Lat- those organizations are not to Uber with someone who eral, as they’re informally allowed to gather because of is in contact with people all known, have all had business campus guidelines, it directly day. Then you show up and dwindle due to COVID-19 affects us,” Terry added. are cramped into a tiny dark restrictions. Other business owners bar where it isn’t possible to Stones general manager noted that the mandated last Newswire Photo by Desmond Fischer be six inches from someone, Matt Terry noted that the call has been particularly %DUV W\SLFDOO\ SRSXODWHG E\ ;DYLHU VWXGHQWV KDYH QRWHG D VLJQLÀFDQW let alone six feet,” Schline bowling alley has struggled strenuous on profits. Trey decrease in attendance while Ohio guidelines have further stymied said of the contact involved to retain attendance in past Hardin, owner of The Later- “You know that when we ever been, citing cautionary in even getting to a bar. months. al Sports bar, said it has been call it, the kids are just go- measures that the bowling “And you can’t expect “Sales are down 38% since a killer for his business. ing to go to another house alley is taking to protect someone to wear a mask at a we opened June 1,” Terry “We’re open from 7 p.m. party right after with no reg- its workers and customers. place meant for drinking… I said. “We try to keep the fa- till 2 a.m.. With the state’s ulations at all,” Hardin com- Some Xavier students, how- don’t think it’s safe,” Schline cilities as clean as we can, ad- regulation, we’re open for plained. ever, have still expressed hes- added. hering to the guidelines put two or three hours before we Hardin claimed that Xavi- itation about attending bars, BJ Hayley, co-owner of in by the state that are crip- have to put out a last call,” er students make up a major- clubs and other businesses Dana Gardens, stated that pling local businesses.” Hardin said. ity of attendees to those bars at which social distancing he believes the onus is on Terry noted that the Hardin’s frustrations are surrounding Xavier. might be difficult during the students to make responsi- guidelines for small business- less about having to follow “Our customer base is pandemic. ble decisions surrounding es put in place by the Ohio the regulations and more made up of around 50-60% “I feel like Xavier students COVID-19. Department of Health have about how unfair it is that of Xavier students. When have a responsibility to keep “It’s really up to them. made business increasingly they’re having to close early the school closed in March, themselves and their fellow The more that they follow difficult. when the people coming to we had to shut down shortly students safe and by exten- the rules of social distancing, “Including 10 p.m. last call their businesses won’t neces- after,” he said. sion, that means don’t go to the easier it’s going to be for (and) limited capacity, it’s sarily follow the regulations Terry noted that Stones places that have the potential everybody,” Hayley said of hard to make a living off of at all. Lanes is cleaner than it has to be hotspots,” Xavier alum- Xavier students. COVID-19 update: XU, Cincy, Ohio and the U.S. BY OLIVIA BIGHAM Guest Writer OHIO COVID-19 XU COVID-19 Cases U.S. COVID-19 Cases Cumulative Cases Ohio’s cumulative case count, 28 Student Cases Total U.S. Cases or total number of coronavi- 28 students are currently The United States’ cumula- rus cases, is 125,767. Of those isolated for positive tive case count is 6,047,692 cases, 11,356 were by citizens COVID-19 tests according according to the Center for of Hamilton County, which to the most recent data from Disease Control (CDC). Cases houses Xavier University and Xavier’s COVID-19 Dashboard have been reported to the the city of Cincinnati. CDC since Jan. 2020. as of Sept. 1. 24 students are Cumulative Cases currently isolated off campus Total U.S. Deaths and 4 students are isolated on The United States’ cumula- with Hospitalizations Ohio’s cumulative hospital- campus. tive death count is 184,083, ization count, or total number according to the CDC. The of people hospitalized by the number of deaths per 100,000 2 Employee Cases COVID-19, is 13,574. Of those Two employees are cases is 56. cases, 1,062 were by citizens currently testing positive Cases in the Past of Hamilton County. according to Xavier’s Seven Days Cumulative Deaths COVID-19 Tracker data from The U.S. has seen 295,039 new Ohio’s cumulative death Sep. 1. The website does cases in the last seven days. count, or total number of- not give information about The highest numbers of new COVID-19 deaths, is 4,176. Of whether the employee was cases were in California, Texas the fatalities, 287 were citizens faculty or staff. and Florida respectively. of Hamilton County. Cases per 100,000 Presumed Recovery Total Numbers On Sept. 1, Xavier had its The CDC is reporting 1,845 The presumed recovery count highest number of active cases of COVID-19 per every shows the number of people cases yet: 28 students and two 100,000 people. Louisiana, who contracted the COVID-19 employees. Xavier entered the with the highest rate of infec- and are not deceased 21 fall semester on August 18 with tion, is reporting 3,210 cases days later. 105,065 people are one active case. per 100,000 people. presumed to be recovered. 6 September 3, 2020 Opinions & Editorials xaviernewswire.com Should we even be here? I want to make this very nity doing enough to make See, these schools make back. But would I say they willing to change your way clear to you before you start you feel safe outside of your an absolutely massive brought us here because it of living at an instant. reading: I am not a medical room? amount of money by us was the safest option? No, If Xavier decides to expert. I’m like you, just a For me, the short answer just being on campus. and I don’t think I’m in the change a certain policy student in our little com- is yes, I do feel like Xavier I calculated out the cost wrong for saying that ei- and you don’t like it, too munity. is doing a good job counter- of living at every on-cam- ther. damn bad! If you want any I would put a lot of mon- ing COVID-19. pus option here at Xavier. Another very import- chance at all at finishing ey on the fact that this ques- The long answer to that The average cost to live ant number is campus this semester on campus, tion has also rattled in your question is I’m nervous. on campus came out to COVID-19 results. Xavier follow the rules, wear your mind and trust me, you are I’m nervous about what $4,288.50 per student. tells us that there are 23 ac- mask and try to keep your- not alone. happens if things do get U.S. News estimates that tive cases as of Aug., 27 but self in situations where you I’m a transfer junior, and too bad. I’m nervous that about 3,566 students live on we did jump from four to 23 can socially distance. I spent my first two years at COVID-19 cases getting Xavier’s campus. If these cases in just two days. The best mindset to have a local school where I grew out of control on campus two figures are true, Xavi- My personal rule of in this situation is “we can up in upstate New York so is a when and not an if. I’m er University made around thumb is always to assume do this,” and I do believe I not only waited longer just overall nervous about $15.3 million just by us the number is actually a lit- we can, even if it’s difficult. than most to get the taste all of this, but we can only coming to live here this fall, tle higher. Again, I am no Stay safe, and let’s try to do of the “real college experi- do our best, and so far I and that’s without me even medical expert and I am a the seemingly impossible. ence,” but I also only have think things are going OK. factoring in a meal plan or bit of a cynic, but it is prob- half the time to experience Beyond the question of the cost of credit hours. ably logical to assume that it. So when I say that I want safety is the moral one: Why I want to make this point we are missing some posi- to be here more than any- were we brought back? The explicitly clear: Any school tives in these results. thing else on the planet, I four largest schools in Ohio that brought their students If you are like me, you mean that sh*t. — Ohio State, the Univer- back to campus did it be- want to be here too, but I won’t waste your time sity of Cincinnati, Ohio cause they wanted the mon- there is a responsibility in on the obvious; you already University and Kent State ey. I’m not saying Xavier that. know a college campus is University — all reopened doesn’t care if you’re safe You absolutely cannot vi- Bryce Olds is a junior far from an ideal place to be their doors this semester or not or that Xavier didn’t olate the gatherings policy, communications major. when a highly contagious just like we did here. Why want its students back. as badly as you may want He is a guest writer for virus is hitting the country. though? The main reason, They do care and want to. Please try your best to the Newswire from Ilion, What I want to ask you is at least in my eyes, is the fi- us to be safe, and I think adhere to what is being pre- N . Y. this: Is the Xavier commu- nancial incentive. they absolutely wanted us sented to you, and remain Missing movie misery COVID-19 has seemed of my favorite activities: theaters. to Fortune.com, the box as we know it? to abruptly grab hold of going to the movies. Some of the films I’ve office could quite possibly What’s for sure is that the lives of all functioning Ever since the world been looking forward to face a significant loss of Hollywood is currently humans within the past received word of the up- the most, including The income nearing $17 bil- experiencing one of its year. coming quarantine, I have Batman, have only pre- lion. most difficult changes in Whether you find your- longed for the signature miered their trailers on However, the aforemen- history, and while the fu- self in the heart of a bus- overpriced buckets of pop- YouTube. This was fol- tioned streaming services ture of film may not be tling city as an essential corn, the sight of some- lowed by unclear release have gained a significant- as clear as a camera lens, worker or in the comfort one’s blazing phone screen dates, such as The Batman’s ly large audience. For ex- I’m confident that we can of your own home in in a blackened theater and trailer displaying “?0?0” ample, according to Mar- catch the upcoming wave quarantine (if you haven’t all other discomforts that where “2020” should have ketWatch.com, Netflix of movie premieres soon- killed at least one of your may ensue during one’s been (although my friend has reported double the er than later. loved ones yet), I’m sure viewing experience. recently pointed out that subscribers it expected to Let’s hope that the next you have felt the forceful All seem like they would it was a reference to The gain since the beginning Academy Awards don’t hand of the virus in sever- bring me a sense of com- Riddler’s character, I see it of quarantine. involve actors donning al aspects of your life. fort and familiarity during as a COVID-19 allusion). This increase begs designer masks and that It has proven to be quite this trying time, even Some other highly an- the following questions: COVID isn’t the be-all- detrimental to our every- though I once took them ticipated films, such as Could the future of the- end-all for the future of day routines, previously for granted. Christopher Nolan’s Tenet aters be transformed from film. important plans like grad- I’ve also grown to wor- have begun to premiere in the big screen to the com- uations and the beloved ry about the future of the- select theaters throughout puter screen? hobbies that you used to aters and film as a whole larger urban areas of the Are we unconsciously feel could be a way of cop- industry. U.S., including Cincinnati, becoming more comfort- ing with this mess of a Despite this, I feel that which recently reopened able with entertainment in year. there is still some hope for most movie theaters under our own homes than the I can say that I have the industry, as individu- social distancing guide- purchasing of tickets and grown increasingly tired al production companies lines. Other studios have the leisurely theater-go- of COVID-19 for a pletho- seem to be adapting by re- been halting both produc- ing experience? Nina Benich is a first year ra of reasons, but one that leasing their films on pop- tion and release dates in Could theaters go the exploratory major. She has been in the back of my ular streaming platforms an attempt to wait until way of shopping malls, mind since the beginning where viewers can pay to COVID-19 finally con- where the internet (name- is a guest writer for the of quarantine is the sud- rent films that would have cludes. ly Jeff Bezos) seems to be Newswire from Indianap- den disappearance of one otherwise premiered in Additionally, according taking over the industry olis, Ind.

Arts & Entertainment Online Editor Mission Statement For Your Information THE STAFF Editor Mya Priester The Xavier Newswire is com- The Xavier Newswire is pub- Editor-in-Chief Kate Ferrell mitted to reporting the news lished weekly throughout the Heather Gast Multimedia Manager DV ZHOO DV H[SODLQ LWV VLJQLÀ- school year, except during Back Page Editor Hunter Ellis cance to readers. In addition, YDFDWLRQV DQG ÀQDO H[DPV Managing Editor Aidan Callahan through publishing opposing by the students of Xavier Alex Budzynski Multimedia Editor viewpoints and opinions, the University, 3800 Victory Copy Editors Will Pembroke Newswire hope to foster a Parkway, Cincinnati, OH Campus News Editors Nina Benich, Tess Brewer, dialogue on campus, among 45207. Joseph Cotton Alex Kelly, Will Rippey, Chloe Photography Editor students, faculty and staff. The Newswire also releases Mo Juenger Salveson, Maggie Schroeder, Desmond Fischer online articles and a news- Ben Thompson Advertising letter on Monday mornings Opinions & Editorials Distribution Manager All inquiries should be di- and works with XUFM to pro- Editor Staff Writers Joseph Cotton rected to the Editor-in-Chief, duce a weekly radio show, Charlie Gstalder Jake Geiger, Gus Nations Heather Gast, at 513-745- Xavier Newswire Live. Adviser 3561, by email at newswire@ Sports Editor Cartoonist John Stowell xavier.edu or at www.xavier- Joe Clark Evana Dias newswire.com @xaviernewswire Opinions & Editorials September, 3, 2020 7 My demands from quarantine my primary care provider. would give them “peace of Dayton, who have over 500 ly less safe as someone with e writer’s views are As I combed through mind” concerning the dead- and 700 active cases, re- an underlying condition on their own. is piece is provider’s websites to set ly virus that spreads rapid- spectively, but this is a false this campus knowing that not representative of the up an appointment without ly in college settings, the sense of security. Colleges administrators aren’t even views of the paper or sta. a referral, each location was HUB was trying to limit like Miami or University of trying to manage asymp- booked out for days, some- the number of tests they Dayton have soaring cas- tomatic carriers. send so there can be a quick es when they’re the ones Dear Xavier, times weeks, or only had We can have videos of turnaround for lab results. testing Father I sit here, quarantined, as times available during my As we start this new while It’s absolutely insulting that Graham I wait for COVID-19 test classes. Having to devote month, there is no stan- we’re I cannot feel safe in the com- asking us results, appalled by our uni- hours to finding a provid- dard for the hundreds of walking munity I’ve devoted three years not to par- versity. er and appointment is a universities across the na- blind. of my life to over. ty or wear As the Editor-in-Chief hassle, but I can’t imagine what this would be like for tion who have opened their May- our masks of the student paper, I am arms back up to students. I be I was all we want. one of the most-informed a first-year who is new to Cincinnati, still adjusting understand that these are misinformed during my vis- But when it comes down students regarding Xavi- unprecedented times. it, but this information and to it, the university must er’s COVID-19 policies. to their new life on cam- But there are studies by Xavier’s rationale should be adapt. It’s absolutely insult- The university has touted pus or for any student who public health experts and readily available. Generally, ing that I cannot feel safe in the “Testing, Treatment, doesn’t have a car. epidemiologists encour- students shouldn’t have to the community I’ve devoted Tracing” contact tracing I called the Health Unit- aging even up to twice a scroll through pages-long three years of my life to. approach that they created ed Building (the HUB) as week testing for any stu- emails or have to download Just like everyone else, with the help of TriHealth, a last ditch attempt before dents, staff or faculty who Instagram to be informed I’m scared. Communication but there is a key betrayal in looking for tests outside are regularly on campus. about protections against a and transparency has been their method: The universi- of Cincinnati. The HUB Per reporting by Pro- debilitating virus. It’s ludi- Xavier’s Achilles’ heel since ty does not provide any ac- would only see me or pro- Publica, more than 40% of crous that people first hear I stepped foot onto campus. cess to COVID-19 tests for vide testing because of my COVID-19 carriers could about it from the student But with my lungs on the the potential hundreds of underlying health condi- be asymptomatic, and this newspaper. line, I can’t accept this any asymptomatic carriers in tion. number only goes up in Having spoken to many longer. our community. When the contact trac- er, a volunteer Xavier staff populations of young peo- members of the adminis- With love, After experiencing some ple. tration and faculty on this admittedly slight symp- member, came in to ensure I ~Heather Gast The statistics displayed front, they are working toms of COVID-19, I be- would be able to quarantine on Xavier’s COVID-19 around the clock to keep us gan looking for places and address any concerns, Dashboard is guaranteed safe. You can’t come away to get a COVID-19 test I was told to actively dis- to be only a fraction of how from a conversation from around Cincinnati. I have a courage any students who many active cases there are someone on the COVID-19 chronic underlying condi- wanted to get a COVID-19 in the Task force without sensing tion affecting my lungs so test at the com- the love they have for Xavi- I am understandably jumpy HUB if ...I was told to actively dis- muni- er. They truly want to have about the virus. they hadn’t courage any students who want- ty. us together as a communi- Right off the bat, most knowing- ed to get a COVID-19 test at the W e ty and their tireless efforts testing sites in the area re- ly been in HUB... Heather Gast is the Edi- c a n since March must have quire a referral. I still have contact tor-in-Chief of the News- look aged them a few years. to buy textbooks this se- with some- wire. She is a Philosophy, at the mere 28 active cas- But this sense of safe- mester, so I looked for any one who tested positive for Politics and the Public ma- es listed and give a sigh of ty — this willful ignorance way to avoid a copay for a the virus or weren’t expe- jor from Cincinnati, Ohio. relief that we’re not Miami — favors only the “healthy” screening and referral from riencing symptoms. That even if having the test University or University of among us. I feel significant- A better way to talk about privilege “Me? Privileged?” lege recruiters outside of means that, though I am vitriol. Telling someone es that society would rath- I bristled at the thought. Ohio would pass over my anxious about paying off to check their privilege er silence. I’m a woman, who went high school in favor of the student loans and adhere seems dismissive, imply- Telling someone to to a public school right- fancier, private ones 45 to a strict budget, I’ve ing that if you are of a check their privilege with- smack-in-the-middle of minutes away. We weren’t never had to worry about particular gender, race, out explaining why, in that the rust belt. given opportunities — we paying for a meal. class or ability, your prob- context, their privilege I’ve dealt with sex- had to fight for them, or Being able-bodied lems don’t matter. matters, does nothing to ism as long as I can re- be ignored. We all worked means that I’ve never had The truth is, they do. educate them about issues member, from the science tenaciously to achieve our to worry But of injustice. “Cancelling” teacher who told the class goals, but often, our hard about ac- Telling someone to check their it is someone due to an insen- that “girls shouldn’t do work wasn’t enough. cessibili- privilege seems dismissive, implying also sitive, privileged remark science,” to the ex-boy- The feeling of being ty, or that that if you are of a particular gen- true does nothing to help fos- friend who informed me overlooked and under- my health der, race, class or ability, your prob- that ter education and dialogue that “women’s brains ar- valued made me reluc- would pre- lems don’t matter. The truth is, they suf- on the issue. en’t suited to politics.” My tant to acknowledge my clude me do. fer- Conversely, “calling town was constantly over- own privilege. Certainly, from doing ing out” ignorance and ex- looked and marginalized. I have faced setbacks due the activi- in- plaining its inaccuracy not This meant that my to my gender and where I ties I enjoy. justice due to something only educates the ignorant peers and I often underes- am from. But being white, I have the choice of you cannot control — es- individual, it may also in- timated our abilities. Col- middle class and able-bod- considering these things, pecially when these in- spire others uneducated ied means that there are but my circumstances justices combine to create on the issue to learn more. many more setbacks with have never forced me to intersectional problems Let’s have frank dis- which I will never have to confront them. — is something uniquely cussions about privi- cross paths. Still, being privileged oppressive. lege—discussions that Being white means that doesn’t mean you have Instead of using priv- encourage dialogue with- there are conversations, things handed to you. It ilege as an accusation or out minimizing anyone’s fears and truths that I will doesn’t mean that your a put-down, perhaps we experience. Instead of never be forced to con- life will be easy. Instead it could use it to start a con- “checking” our privilege, Sophie Boulter is a junior front — my observance means that certain obsta- versation, coming from a we could utilize our privi- Philosophy, Politics and the of the realities of institu- cles will always be out of place of empathy. By hon- lege to help build a society Public and Political Science tional racism will never be your way. estly acknowledging the in which recognition and double major. She is a guest from a first-person point I’m not surprised that ways that our privilege equality is afforded to all, writer for the Newswire from of view. phrases like “check your aids us in our life, we could regardless of race, gender, Wadsworth, Ohio. Being middle class privilege” inspire such use it to help amplify voic- class or ability. 8 September 3, 2020 Sports @NewswireSports College Football season to start Big Ten, Pac 12 start date has yet to be determined for the upcoming season teams from those conferences BY JAKE GEIGER include Clemson, Alabama, 6WDৼ:ULWHU Georgia, Oklahoma and the The wait is finally over. defending National Champi- College football is set to be- ons LSU. gin this upcoming weekend. With COVID-19 playing Not too many major games a factor, these conferences are this weekend, as most had to cancel their non-con- major conference teams will ference games and just play start playing next week. But, conference games. there is still turmoil sur- After careful consider- rounding the sport because ation in the restructuring of of the COVID-19 pandemic. the conference-only sched- The big questions are how ules, presidents from these the season will flow and if conferences decided that one the Big Ten and Pac-12, the non-conference game would two Power Five conferences be safe. Most teams have currently not set to play, will found an opponent, but oth- begin at some point this fall. ers have an open spot for the The Big Ten Conference time being. has received plenty of heat The biggest question that from the college football remains is if the Big Ten and world because of its decision Pac 12 decide to play, will to postpone play in the fall. they be included in the Col- Coaches, players, parents lege Football Playoff ? and boosters have been call- Teams like Ohio State, ing and questioning the Big Penn State and Oregon all Ten board since they made had great odds to advance to this decision in August. the playoff. With the pressure at an The AP Top 25 came out all-time high, rumors are Photo Courtesy of CBS Sports with their preseason rankings Alabama and Clemson, two perennial favorites to make the College Football Playoff, will look to do so again, swirling that the Big Ten will this time with potentially less competition as the Big Ten and Pac 12 have no plans to play football in the fall. and included schools from the be playing in the fall. Big Ten and Pac 12. The cur- However, a start date is not are possible starting points. volved. Rumors have also the Pac-12 not to follow suit. rent top 25 has Clemson as set and no one has any sense A lot of uncertainty lies swirled that the Pac 12 also The three major confer- the No. 1 team in the coun- of when it will start. Reports within the Big Ten, but with might play this upcoming fall. ences set to play this season try, followed by Ohio State at claim Thanksgiving, Christ- this comes insurmountable If the Big Ten were to re- are the ACC, Big 12, and No. 2 and Alabama at No. 3. mas Eve and New Years’ Eve adversity for all people in- sume, it would be foolish for SEC. Notable top-ranked Georgia was ranked no. 4 NHL Playo s heating up, Golden Knights favorites The recent expansion team is the No. 1 seed in the Western Conference series deficit. Vegas will be a BY JAKE GEIGER tough out, however, as they 6WDৼ:ULWHU have two starting-caliber With the NHL conference goaltenders. finals approaching, the in- Heading into the confer- tensity and angst to win has ence finals, what teams are reached an all-time high. hot at the right time? Who The NHL did take a short has the best odds to win the break from play because of Stanley Cup? the racial injustice boycot- Las Vegas sportsbooks ting that happened across all currently have the Knights sports leagues last week, but with the best odds followed it resumed play on Saturday, by the Dallas Stars and the and teams are now fighting to New York Islanders. be one step closer to the Stan- Frankly, hockey is unlike ley Cup. any other sport in which the On Aug. 31, the Tampa most talented teams will most Bay Lightning defeated the likely win the championship. Boston Bruins 3-2 in double In football and basketball overtime after Victor Hed- for example, the favorite wins man’s game-winning goal. more often than not even if Hedman’s goal gave the the underdog team is play- Lightning a 4-1 series win ing extraordinary at the time. to advance Tampa Bay to the Yet, hockey defies those odds. Eastern Conference Finals. A recent example would be This is the fourth time in the St. Louis Blues winning six years the Lightning has the Stanley Cup last season. advanced to the Eastern Con- Midseason, they were the ference Finals. worst team record-wise, but The Colorado Avalanche they fought their way into the also kept its playoff hopes playoffs as the eight seed and alive on Monday by defeat- stayed hot throughout the ing the Dallas Stars 6-3. The postseason to win the Stanley Avalanche held a 5-0 lead af- Cup. ter the first period and never The Los Angeles Kings looked back. Being down 3-2 Photo Courtesy of NHL won the Stanley Cup as an in the series, Colorado will 9LFWRU+HGPDQ·VRYHUWLPHJRDOLQ*DPHRIWKH/LJKWQLQJ·V(DVWHUQ&RQIHUHQFH6HPLÀQDOVHULHVDJDLQVWWKH eight seed in 2012, becoming now have to win two games Boston Bruins helped the Lightning clinch their fourth trip to the Eastern Conference Finals in just six years. the first eight seed in the big in a row to advance to the ers need one more win to Knights have a firm 3-2 series this series is an accomplish- four professional sports to Western Conference Finals. defeat the Philadelphia Fly- lead against the Vancouver ment in itself. win the title. The other two semifinal ers, who were the top seed in Canucks. The Canucks are It would be even more sur- There are numerous other matchups both hold as 3-2 the Eastern Conference. In the lowest seed in the West- prising if they could come examples of teams like this in leads. The New York Island- the West, the Vegas Golden ern Conference, so being in back from what was a 3-1 the NHL. @xaviernewswire Sports September 3, 2020 9 NBA players agree to continue season after strike

BY WILL PEMBROKE right away. Associate Multimedia Editor Jordan played the role of a This past week, the NBA mediator between the players made history by boycotting and the owners, seeking to playoff games in favor of create common ground which standing up to systemic rac- would accomplish both creat- ism and police brutality. ing meaningful change, and Following the hostile police allow the players to feel good encounter which occurred in enough to restart the playoffs. Kenosha, Wis., protests once After three days of work again spiked all over the coun- stoppage, the league agreed try in support of Jacob Blake on three agenda items to pur- who was shot seven times by sue moving forward. Kenosha police. The first item was to estab- Amidst the wave of unrest, lish a social justice coalition to the Milwaukee Bucks were tackle issues of systemic rac- scheduled to play their fifth ism and police brutality. playoff game against the Or- Second, owners agreed lando Magic on Aug 26th. to work with city officials to There had been rumors convert all 30 NBA arenas from the night before that into voting sites for citizens players from both the Boston on election day. Celtics and the Toronto Rap- Photo courtesy of CBS Sports Finally, the league prom- tors were looking to sit out Lakers superstar LeBron James was one of the loudest voices calling for the NBA to cancel their season ised to hold advertisements their game the next day. after they went on strike due to the Jacob Blake shooting. The players still decided to restart the season. during games to help raise Those rumors quickly people both praising the play- continue the season. Matter movement and create awareness for voting access turned into reality when the ers for doing what was right All but two teams, the Los meaningful change. and opportunity in local com- Bucks decided not to suit up, in that moment and bringing Angeles Lakers and Clippers, Following the NBAPA’s munities. opting to remain in the locker awareness to an ongoing cri- voted to continue, citing the meeting, the NBA Board of Now that the NBA has re- room to contact the Wiscon- sis. Others expressed their effectiveness of the social jus- Governors, also known as the sumed its playoffs, it will be sin attorney general, among confusion as to the reasoning tice messages which were able owners, met to discuss what interesting to see how this other top-ranking officials, to for this boycott, which at first to be shared while games were was going on. situation develops both for try to create change. seemed to not have much di- played. Charlotte Hornets majori- the players, who may not be Shortly after the Bucks for- rection. Lakers forward and NBA ty owner Michael Jordan, the not feeling content with the feited the NBA postponed the Following the postpone- superstar LeBron James was only Black majority owner in state of the country, and for rest of the games that night ment of games that evening, a reported to be sternly op- the NBA, was reported to be owners who are running low and began searching for the number of different meetings posed to continuing the sea- the voice of reason among the on patience as the league loses answer to the question to fol- ensued. The NBA Players As- son. His frustration stemmed owners, encouraging them to money on a daily basis due to low: what now? sociation (NBPA) held a mas- from what he felt was a lack let the players express them- he money they’re paying for The mainstream news me- sive gathering to determine of action by NBA governors selves instead of jumping in the bubble. This situation may dia went into a frenzy with whether players wanted to to forward the Black Lives to try and force them to play evolve further. Advice for your fantasy football draft Sports Why to wait on a quarterback and reach for a running back this year in Stefon Diggs. BY JOE CLARK Banter Brady’s been a disappoint- Sports Editor ing fantasy quarterback the The NFL season starts just last few seasons, but that Padres Acquire Clevinger one week from today, which should change this year given means this weekend and up he’s throwing the ball to Mike The San Diego Padres and until kickoff next Thursday, Evans and Chris Godwin in- Cleveland Indians struck there will be a lot of fantasy stead of Philip Dorsett. the biggest deal of Mon- football drafts. To help you In addition, the point dif- day’s MLB Trade Deadline, prepare for draft night, here’s ferential between a good sending Indians ace Mike a guide that will at least en- quarterback and an average Clevinger along with out- sure you avoid your league’s quarterback likely won’t be fielder Greg Allen to the last place punishment. higher than a point differen- Padres for a six-player return tial between a good running that included Padres’ outfield- Don’t wait for a running back or wide receiver and an er Josh Naylor. back average one. This may seem obvious, Quarterbacks have to per- Past his prime but this year taking a running form every game, so you’re back early will be especially going to get points from the On Tuesday, President important. position. Donald Trump tweeted that Running back depth this Running backs and wide he had a call with Big Ten year is lacking to say the least, receivers are a lot streakier, Commisioner Kevin Warren so making sure you have two especially worse ones, so you about the Big Ten playing good starters will be import- won’t get as much value from football this fall. It was tweet- ant this year. your draft if you take a quar- ed out by the New York Post If you’re picking at the terback too soon. with the headline, “President top of the draft, Chris- Photo courtesy of USA Today Trump spoke to Big Ten tian McCaffery and Saquon Josh Allen is an underrated fantasy football quarterback option this year Institute a last place pun- commissioner about play- due to his rushing ability. He also has a new top receiver in Stefon Diggs. Barkley are easy picks, but ishment ing football season,” which led user @Nedsfeed to quip, there’s talent in the back of or seventh rounds, or if you This is more a suggestion “Doubt they’ll let him due to the first round/early second Wait on a quarterback wait even longer you could for whoever your league com- his age.” round with Josh Jacobs, Aar- Unless Patrick Mahomes get Josh Allen, Tom Brady or missioner is, but every league

on Jones, Austin Ekeler and falls to you past the second Drew Brees. should have a good punish- Rest in Peace Big John Nick Chubb. If I have the No. round or you’re in a league Allen is a very solid quar- ment for whichever poor soul Legendary former 10 pick or later I would tar- with fewer than ten teams, I terback option this year in finishes in last place. Geogetown Men’s Basketball get two running backs to take wouldn’t take a quarterback my opinion because he gives It’ll keep teams that fall coach John Thompson passed with my first two picks. until you have both running you a lot of production in the out of contention motivated away on Sunday. Thompson If you wait until the late back and receiver spots filled ground game (17 total rush- all year, because no one wants took over Georgetown in third round for a running up. ing touchdowns in two sea- the humiliation of singing 1972, where he became the back, you’re gonna have a You can end up with a quar- sons, which in most leagues Third Eye Blind karaoke in a first Black coach to win a very questionable list of guys terback like Russell Wilson or give you two more points than bar or being forced to wear a national title and made three who all have legitimate injury Deshaun Watson in the sixth passing touchdowns). He also male romper to a Buffalo Wild Final Fours. or playing time concerns. has a legitimate No. 1 receiver Wings. 10 September 3, 2020 Arts & Entertainment xaviernewswire.com Black is King is art before music role as a socially relevant and BY GUS NATIONS IV important piece of art. By 6WDৼ:ULWHU teaming up with Disney, Be- yoncé knew that her album Beyoncé’s most recent al- would reach more people, in- bum gained a different look cluding a younger audience. as she took to Disney to pro- The tribal themes of the vide her fans with new music music added to the majesty in the form of a visual album. of the album as a whole. The Little needs to be said about portrayal of the characters in the quality of a Disney pro- traditional African garb juxta- duction. posed with scenes of normal Visually the album was life in the city for Africans stunning, with rich colors and was a welcome look at a cul- extravagant outfits; Beyoncé ture whose beauty is too often provides a show to accompany overlooked. the solid music we have come If this album did one thing to expect from her after so for me, it made me realize that many years. not only is there a place for While some songs seemed African culture in mainstream slightly underproduced and media, but there is a place for reliant on visuals to tell the every culture. story, the music is the least Overall, I very much en- important aspect of the al- joyed this album; if not for the bum (yes, I went there). music, then for its place in the In such a socially polarized culture. era, Beyoncé provided pos- While the music itself sibly the most important art was a little underwhelming, piece of the year. this visual album was a much While the music itself is needed breath of fresh air in undoubtedly important, Black the social climate of the coun- is King is a celebration of Af- try and even the world. Be- Photo courtesy of Commons.wikimedia.org rican culture in the purest yoncé has done it again and Beyonce’s newest album, Black is King, is a moving and unique release that not only celebrates African culture sense. The narrative, inter- but also provides a captivating visual story. Her album was released on Disney+ in the middle of the summer. will undoubtedly continue to twined and inspired by The provide us with socially rele- Lion King, provides a look prince cast aside by the world to the opinion of African cul- consume it in a way that en- vant art for years to come. into the beauty of African as a baby and his journey to- ture. sures awe. culture and the place it has in ward the realization that he Beyoncé seeks to create a This album was always in- Total score: virtually every aspect of our is capable and beautiful in work of art that idolizes and tended to be less of a musical media today. his own right. This character puts Black culture on a ped- vignette and more of a genre- The story follows a young provides an obvious parallel estal, allowing for people to defining epic that knows its Photo Op: Remembering Chadwick Boseman

BY STELLA DEMARCO AND “Because he was a caretak- JOE CLARK er, a leader and a man of faith, Guest Writer and Sports dignity and pride, he shield- Editor ed his collaborators from his suffering. He lived a beautiful Actor Chadwick Boseman life,” Coogler said passed away Thursday, Aug. Boseman’s role as Black 28, at the age of 43 after a Panther, the first black su- four-year battle with colon perhero to come to the main cancer. Boseman kept the di- screen, was especially import- agnosis private and continued ant because it helped provide “We will mourn him as we to work and make films while representation to Black people “He was a role model to “I de nitely feel like he helped watch these movies that we battling cancer. across the world. many people, and he was people of color, and they were love, but he le his mark by While best known for play- His Black Panther co-star always so humble and loyal able to look up to him, which making it a part of his career ing T’Challa in Black Pan- Danai Gurira was one of to not only his fans, but his you see in the media with to tell Black stories and cheer ther, Boseman has also played many who took to Instagram friends and family, from what Disney princesses and this Black people on. He was au- James Brown in Get on Up and to pay tribute to Boseman, I have seen so far. It sucks that was the rst time we really thentically himself and a lot of Jackie Robinson in 42. writing that Boseman was we lost such a great person.” us felt like we knew him. He He also appeared as “A true class act. And so per- saw that in superhero movies, Mark Cuison especially live action ones.” will be missed.” T’Challa in Captain America: fectly equipped to take on the Senior nursing major Civil War, Avengers: Infinity responsibility of leading the Maria Fulhorst Emilie Ivy War and Avengers: Endgame. franchise that changed every- First-year political science First-year communication His other film credits include thing for Black representa- major Studies major Da 5 Bloods, Draft Day, Mar- tion.” shall and 21 Bridges. Here is what some Xavi- Black Panther director Ryan er students had to say about Coogler released a statement Bozeman, his death and his on Sunday. legacy.

“He was able to be such a national and international hero while he was ghting “It was a huge shock because “It’s tough. 2020 has been a and nobody knew. I think he I wasn’t aware of the situa- year to forget, honestly. I am really became a role model for tion... He really put himself just praying for a better year. a lot of little kids for the future out there, and he broke down For me, it’s not so much his for them to look up to. I think so many barriers in the lm roles, but his social activism that is a really amazing thing.” i n du s t r y.” was very important.” Sierra Tamalonis Kate Ortega Michael Williams Junior history and interna- First-year criminal justice Junior sports management

Photo courtesy of Commons.wikimedia.org tional studies major major major @xaviernewswire Arts & Entertainment September 3, 2020 11 Reminisce with these D.C.O.M.s Princess Protection Program BY GRIFFIN BRAMMER Rating: 3.5/5 Guest Writer I never would have thought Disney would be able to write such a strangely complex story about a military coup that the average middle schooler could understand. Lovato and Selena Gomez’s performances are pretty spot on, and while their chemistry isn’t immediately fantastic, it quickly evolves throughout the movie. Gomez’s character, Carter, and her relationship with her un- requited love, Donny, feels underrealized, and other over the top characters sometimes made it hard to watch. at, mixed with the movie having an overall genre identity crisis, makes it just shy of being truly great. Photo courtesy of Pikist.com 2 Rating: 5/5 2, 1, 3… at’s the correct order. ere is absolutely nothing Photo courtesy of Pikrepo.com wrong with this movie. Sharpay is at her best and the sexual ten- Radio Rebel sion between Ryan and Chad in “I Don’t Dance” is immeasur- Rating: 1.5/5 able. We’ve all seen the TikTok: the hair ip, the smirk, Debby Ry- Every dance number is lively and perfectly over the top. e an’s... questionable acting choices you may have thought “Radio songs are immensely catchy, too. Rebel can’t be THAT bad, right?” e only bad thing I could even say about this movie is how It is. Our titular character, Tara, played by , does quickly Troy turns on his best friends… but “Humuhumunuku- not understand subtlety. For a character who is ‘shy and bash- nukuapua’a” completely makes up for that in a split second. ful,’ Ryan portrays Tara as an “awko taco uwu” caricature that bop bop bops its way to the top (and embodies the teary eyed, two index ngers pushed together yes, I know that song was from the rst movie, but come on, it’s a pretty good pun). emojis (you know the ones). Her line delivery also suers and Photo courtesy of Commons.wikimedia.org the strange pauses and enunciation make her sound like she’s Lemonade Mouth constipated. Rating: 4.5/5 Every other character is tragically copy and pasted from any You’d think with a name like Lemonade Mouth you’d be le other movie: the b*tchy popular girl, the ‘not like other boys’ with a sour taste in your mouth. However, I’m pleased to an- love interest, the strict no-fun principal and more. nounce that this movie is just as good as we remember, if not e themes of this movie suer as well. ey really thought better. the overarching theme of “be yourself” was new, fresh and First o, every song is straight bars. If the doctor told me I only groundbreaking. had 40 and a half minutes le to live, you better believe it’s ded- at isn’t to say there aren’t redeeming qualities. e ending is icated to the Lemonade Mouth original soundtrack and I would genuinely sweet, and I approve of a positive step-parent/step- die happy. child dynamic. Everything else, however, is just like the TikToks: I’m pretty sure just about any high school student could nd fun for the rst ve seconds, then immediately insuerable. All some degree of relatability to one of the band members’ stories in all, I did not vibe with it. and nd a positive role model. From rst generation American students to children of divorce, this movie covers some fresh top- Photo courtesy of Commons.wikimedia.org ics in a thoughful and eective way. Sky High Rating: 4/5 is movie surprised me. Needless to say, I nd it pretty... su- per. e performances were spot on and I found myself cackling at most of the jokes… maybe sometimes unintentionally, but nonetheless. e movie had some pretty fun usage of superpowers and sub- verted some of the usual comic book cliches, not to mention there is a surprisingly good twist towards the end of the lm. As the cherry on top, the entire Sky High universe felt well Photo courtesy of Pickpic.com thought out and eshed out to its entirety. My only other crit- Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior icism is that, while they tried to spring a message of inclusivity Rating: 4/5 between heroes and sidekicks, some of Will’s sidekick friends are Photo courtesy of Commons.wikimedia.org I would like to start o this review by saying I am so glad this admittedly useless (looking at you, Zach and Magenta). movie isn’t nearly as racist as the title would have you believe. Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure In fact, the movie pays a lot of respect to Chinese tradition and Rating: 4/5 culture (granted, the ‘Chinese legends’ of this movie are all made Move over, Regina George. Make way for the queen, the drama up, but it’s still nice to see them not make a complete mockery of mama herself, Sharpay Evans. You know from the very rst song Chinese Buddhism). that everything about this movie will be bigger and better and In fact, a main theme for not just Wendy, but her entire fam- best. First o, and this might sound cruel, but it’s kind of nice to ily, is embracing and being proud of the culture you come from. see Sharpay fail in a substantial way. ts the role as Wendy awlessly, as her previous In High School Musical, everything was handed to her on a role as London Tipton on Suite Life of Zach and Cody really helps silver platter, so it’s fun and engaging to see her enter the real cement her character as the ‘dumb popular girl.’ world and grow for once. Now, I will be the rst to admit that this Mix that with some surprisingly good ght choreography and movie isn’t perfect- the entire movie could be summarized by the a couple references to Jackie Chan and Wang Chung, and you Photo courtesy of Teenidols4you.com term ‘campy’-but goddamnit if it isn’t a guilty pleasure. have a pretty solid movie that kicks some serious butt. Freaky Friday Rating: 3.5/5 is movie is simply fantastic. Not perfect in any way shape or form, but great nonetheless. Whether she’s playing a stressed out mom or an angst lled teen, Jaime Lee Curtis does a fantastic job portraying Tess AND Anna. Lohan, on the other Lo-hand, in my opinion fails to deliver, specically as Tess trapped in Anna’s body. e ending almost legitimately sent me into tears, which is not an easy task. However, I do have to take away some points for the oentimes on-the-brink-of-being-racist depiction of Chinese characters Pei-Pei and her mother. Also, the fact that the bad boy senior love interest, Jake, is creepily obsessed with not only Lo- han, who is just 15, but also her mom, a woman almost 30 years Photo courtesy of Pinterest.com Photo courtesy of Commons.wikimedia.org older than him that is about to be married, is a bit of a yikes. : e Movie Rating: 4.5/5 Rating: 2.5/5 is movie holds up as being one of the best continuations of a As much as I love both Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers, TV show to ever hit the lm industry. Simply put, this lm hits this movie is painfully average. If you asked me to recall one sin- all the marks. It’s full of humor and eortlessly swaps to drama gle plotpoint of this movie, I don’t think I could. Keep in mind when necessary. that I’m writing this a solid 10 minutes aer nishing the lm. Do y’all remember Archie? e street magician who was in Other than that, for a movie about a literal summer camp for love with his evil parrot? Love that man. Notably, because this future rockstars, every music number is bland and not much to is a movie, the tone and mood is much darker and less silly than write home about. I remember everyone’s acting being passable, the show. However, the growing bond between Justin and Alex with extra points going to Maria Canals-Barrera who does a stel- makes up for some of those nitpicks, and I literally cheer every- lar job as Mitchie’s mom. Photo courtesy of Flickr.com time Alex wins the family powers. 12 September 3, 2020 The Back Page xaviernewswire.com Aries: Drop that course you’re struggling in. If you want to be hopelessly confused for two and half hours, just go watch Tenet.

Taurus: No matter how stupid you Dear Mom and Dad, are, remember there will always be My first two weeks at Xavier have been great. My classes have been going someone stupider. A not-insignifi- cant number of people asked if the well, I’ve joined a few clubs and I’ve even made a few friends. But to be perfectly “socially-distant fight club” from last week’s DoorDash article was honest, some of the people here and the things they do are kind of weird. real. For starters, everyone seems to be doing some sort of half-assed doctor Gemini: Stop recommending your weird music to everyone. No one cosplay. I know that nursing is a popular major at Xavier, but it’s a little ridic- wants to listen to your underground experimental psychedelic horror pop. ulous. Every single person wears a mask! I was even given some when I got here. The lounge in my dorm hall looks like the extras’ Cancer: Do something crazy during your Zoom class so you can dressing room for “Scrubs.” Dress for the job you want, I end up on BarstoolXU, the dream of every Xavier student. guess. I also remember you warning me about avoiding drugs and alcohol, but it looks like the main vice on campus is hand sanitizer. Leo: You may think you’re in a rough situation, but imagine being These people are completely addicted. They’ve created slang for it, like “germ the person who gets paired with Carol Baskin on the next season of juice,” “Satan’s sani” and “Purell-a de Vil.” I’ve even heard rumors that they’ve Dancing with the Stars. Dude’s gonna mess up a jazz square and get fed to filled the swimming pool in the HUB with hand sanitizer instead of water. tigers. What is with these people? Virgo: Y’all need Jesus. Watch VeggieTales this week, but only the The people here also have reverse personal space issues. Instead of ones with actual Bible stories. Not just the fun ones where Larry is a getting too close, they stay really far away. They’re like deer; one small superhero. movement, and they all go running. I reached out to shake the hand

Libra: Be a poll worker this year! of a person I met in my English class and he took a step back and just Andrew Yang wants you to do it, and that man deserves way more stared at me. His cold, blue eyes peering over the top of his mask screamed at me, than what was given to him. questioning what I had done: How could I have done it? Did I not understand the

Scorpio: Go to King’s Island this magnitude of my action? It was kind of weird. weekend! It’s a great chance to catch COVID-19 while standing in And finally, they all love this thing called Zoom. It’s basically Skype, a two hour line to go on The Great Pumpkin coaster. and I have a bunch of my classes through it. I think the reason everyone loves it

Sagittarius: If you ever feel use- so much is that we can all pretend to be in class when we’re actually watching less, just remember that there was a superhero in Sky High whose power “Avatar: The Last Airbender” in another tab. I haven’t learned a dang word of was to turn into a guinea pig. Spanish, but I have learned how to air bend, so that’s something. Xavier has some weird traditions, but I’ll get used to them. I knew that Capricorn: Become a LEGO guy. There’s a sick new Diagon Alley college would be a big adjustment, even if this hasn’t been exactly set, and it’s only $400!!! what I expected. The one thing that concerns me is that if this is Aquarius: Go out to The Lateral this weekend! That’s right, I just what Xavier students are like in August, they must get really called it The Lateral. I’m not a bum who shortens it to “Lateral” for the weird during basketball games. sake of one syllable. Love, Pisces: Be kind this week. When your edgy art friend makes a weird Your second favorite child zine, at least try to pretend it’s good. (Seth Ellis)

By Evana Dias