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Volume CVII Issue 5 September 3, 2020 xaviernewswire.com Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Theology announces new minor Spirituality and Solidarity courses promote personal and scholarly growth BY ANNA VERDERBER Guest Writer edge and skills that will enable them to further the common The theology department good in the face of serious is now offering the new Spir- social divisions and economic ituality and Solidarity minor inequalities,” Madges said. as an option for students this Madges went on to say that fall semester. with the new minor, the de- The minor has been in the partment seeks to invite stu- works 2017 and is now offi- dents to more closely study cially being offered to Xavier the intersection of faith, spir- students, even to those whose ituality and social-ecological intended major does not relate responsibility. to the theology department. The theology department According to theology de- also seems to emphasize both partment chair Dr. William the personal and global issues Madges, the Spirituality and surrounding spirituality and Solidarity minor aims to be a solidarity. gateway for students to think According to the depart- deeply about their own indi- ment website, students are vidual beliefs, as well as to invited to reflect on their own reflect on the changes going experiences, integrate spiritu- on around them. He also en- ality and solidarity into their courages students to pursue lives and imagine what it will this minor if they seek to have take to advance inclusive soli- a better understanding of the darity in the world. world around them. Other learning objectives “Xavier students should include understanding what it Photo courtesy of xavier.edu be interested in the minor if means to live in solidarity with Dr. Marcus Mescher, who was integral to the creation of the Spirituality and Solidarity theology minor, is they wish to learn how Chris- people who are marginalized, photographed above with students who traveled to El Salvador as part of a theology immersion course. tian and non-Christian (e.g., examining the root causes of The minor consists of 15 about spirituality, as well as junior theology major Maggie Buddhist, Sufi, etc.) spiritual- social divisions and articulat- total credits. Students who what others believe. (It) will Hohlefelder reflected on an ity can deepen their sense of ing how spirituality and soli- wish to study the minor need also prepare students to bet- apparent need for solidarity what it means to be human and darity fit into students’ own to take the foundational sem- ter empathize and understand after spending time studying want to gain essential knowl- vocational aspirations. inar, a course in spirituali- others across a number of human rights issues in Gua- ty (Christian, Buddhist, or religious and spiritual tradi- temala. another tradition), a course tions.” She noted how it is partic- focusing on social and/or According to Mescher, tak- ularly difficult to achieve sol- ecological issues (such as pov- ing the Spirituality and Soli- idarity when we are physical- erty, hunger, violence, immi- darity minor is a good way for ly separated from so many in gration, gender, race, climate students to start their spiritu- need. change, etc.), as well as two al growth. “With the people in Central theology electives. “There is so much social America, (solidarity) is a lot Dr. Mescher, who teaches fragility and fracture in our harder cause we’re so separat- the foundational seminar be- social context — racial in- ed,” said Hohlefelder. “We’re hind this minor, expressed his justice, political polarization in Ohio and way over there so passion for this minor and cit- and echo chambers online,” it’s all about reading their sto- ed social problems as a reason Mescher said. ries and trying to empathise why students should be inter- “By studying solidarity, our with them.” ested in taking the new minor. students will explore the root This need for reaching “The social problems we causes of these social divisions across borders and forming see in our world — despair, and unjust inequalities as well a global community is at the distrust and division — are as learn more about what it heart of this minor. spiritual problems,” Mescher takes to be bridge-builders in Students interested in de- said. an increasingly diverse and claring the Spirituality and “This minor will equip and interdependent moment in Solidarity minor can visit the Photo courtesy of xavier.edu empower students to better history.” theology department website Students attend a hybrid theology course both remotely and in-person. understand what they believe In describing this minor, or reach out to Mescher. In this issue... Campus News, Page 2 World News, Page 5 Opinions, Page 7 A&E, Page 10 &KHFNRXWUHYLHZVRQ The trinity of Norwood Our Editor-in-Chief 6WXGHQWVUHÀHFWRQ the new restaurants bars — Lateral, Stones shares thoughts on SDVVLQJRI&KDGZLFN RQFDPSXV)XLML6DQ DQG'DQD¶V²UHÀHFW &29,'SROLFLHV %RVHPDQDFWRURI and Burger 513. on COVID-19. while quarantined. Black Panther. 2 September 3, 2020 Campus News xaviernewswire.com New XU dining options feel fresh Newswire breaks down the best places to put your meal plan to good use LaRosa’s. tempo. a bite to eat. In all honesty, the FujiSan was my introduc- It also has breakfast op- food here isn’t the best, but it tion to bubble tea. I’ve never tions which are fairly simple. doesn’t have to be. had boba before, but I liked The chicken biscuit is o.k., but There are enough options what I had, which was the it takes more time to prepare on campus for those who don’t honey green milk tea and the than something in the caf like or are allergic to a certain mango green tea. would take. food item. It’s also great for some- There are still a ton of Overall, the campus food is thing different than what most options for those who don’t good for what it is, and that’s of the caf and Burger 513 want to leave campus to grab easy and tasty. have to offer. I’ve yet to finish everything on the menu, but I August 31 enjoy what I’ve had so far. FujiSan’s rolls are tasty, Student Government even if you aren’t like me and know how to use chopsticks Association Meeting Recap without fumbling. I’d suggest Newswire photo by Desmond Fischer the tempura rolls or shrimp COURTESY OF CHLOE SALVESON Burger 513, the rebranded version of Blue Blob’s Diner, offers classic tempura. American comfort food including burgers, fries, chicken and milkshakes. FujiSan is worth a try if Kate Lawson, Title IX and interpersonal vio- counter is a good rotation of you’ve never had sushi or boba lence response coordinator, discussed the nar- BY ALEX KELLY a bunch of different foods. A before, and it has a variety of Guest Writer rowing of the standard of evidence that must couple of my favorite choices other options if those aren’t be provided to determine what constitutes This year there are a va- from there include it’s chicken your style. I am excited to try sex discrimation regarding the Office of Civil riety of on-campus dining or omelets in the morning. out the different options they Rights within the Department of Education. options such as the caf and- The deli also has some sim- have to serve. Burger 513 and FujiSan at ple options if you aren’t a fan Burger 513 is new on cam- President Thomas Wehby introduced the Gallagher Student Center. of what homestyle favorites pus, and it’s pretty much your beginnings of an XUPD and SGA relations Now from what I’ve heard, has to offer for the day, such as general burger place. committee. This committee would be a space the caf is operating a bit dif- sandwiches or quesadillas. The curly fries are to die for Xavier students to actively work with ferently this year. I’m a first- There’s also the grill that for, and the chicken tenders the XUPD. year, so I don’t know what in serves burgers, fries and hot aren’t half bad either. particular is different. dogs. It’s comfort food to eat It’s burgers are highly cus- Inspired by the success of the socially distant There’s the salad bar, every once in a while. tomizable for picky eater such Manresa activity, Glenn Arnold, assistant di- which is good for grabbing a The pizza counter has as myself, with tons of op- rector of intramural sports, will explore the meal when you have to get to choices such as cheese, pep- tions for toppings. It also has possibility of a disc golf course installation class quickly. peroni and a rotation of other chicken, grilled cheese or veg- near the HUB. The homestyle favorites toppings. It’s ok, but it’s no an burgers if that’s more your A snapshot of September: Find more info on EngageXU Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ursday Friday Saturday 3 4 5 CDI: e Living Study abroad in XU gaming Smash Room — Racial Chile information Ultimate bias at XU session tournament 3-5 p.m.
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