Asia China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia Collectors’ List No. 173, 2014 Josef Lebovic Gallery 103a Anzac Parade (cnr Duke Street) Kensington (Sydney) NSW Ph: (02) 9663 4848; Mob: 0411 755 887 Email:
[email protected] Web: JOSEF LEBOVIC GALLERY China Established 1977 1. Fête Donnée Aux Viellards Par Address: 103a Anzac Parade, Kensington, (Sydney) NSW L’Em pereur Kien-Long, Le 14 Fevrier 1785 (Feast For Elders Given By Emperor Postal: PO Box 93, Kensington NSW 2033, Australia Kien-Long), 1788. Pair of engravings, text Ph: (02) 9663 4848 • Mobile: 0411 7550887 • Intl: (+61-2) including engraver, date, title and caption in plate above and below image, 30.8 x 43.3cm Email:
[email protected] • Web: (approx. each). Minor soiling overall, slight Open: Wed. to Fri 1-6pm, Sat. 12-5pm, or by appointment • ABN 15 800 737 094 stains and repaired tears to margins, one with trimmed lower margin. Member of • Association of International Photography Art Dealers Inc. The pair $6,900 International Fine Print Dealers Assoc. • Australian Art & Antique Dealers Assoc. Text includes “XXI. Helman, Sculp. 1788. Cette anecdote est tirée du 12me Volume des Mémoires concernent les Chinois, qui vient d’etre publié. A Paris chez l’Auteur Graveur de Madame, rue St Honoré vis- à-vis l’Hotel de Noailles no. 315, et chez M. Ponce, Graveur de M’gr COLLECTORS’ LIST No. 173, 2014 Comte d’Artois, rue St Hyacinthe no. 19.” Caption describes the joyous and lavish festivities for old men from various regions throughout the Chinese empire, which was also attended by five European Asia missionaries.