Newsmac Spring 2020
NewsMAC Spring 2020 NewsMAC Newsletter of the New Mexico Archeological Council P.O. Box 25691 Albuquerque, NM 87125 NewsMAC Spring 2020 (2020-1) Contents PRESIDENT’S WELCOME 1 EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION 2 PROGRESS UPDATE: ANCESTRAL PUEBLO AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPES PROJECT 3 Kaitlyn E. Davis, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Colorado, Boulder RADIOCARBON DATING OF A THERMAL FEATURE AT A TIPI RING SITE AT THE 4 DEHAVEN RANCH AND PRESERVE Emily J. Brown, Aspen CRM Consulting – NMAC Grant Recipient INVESTIGATIONS ON THE BOX CANYON VILLAGE SITE (LA 4980), AN ANIMAS PHASE VILLAGE IN HIDALGO COUNTY, NM 11 Thatcher A. Rogers, University of New Mexico – NMAC Grant Recipient THE AZOTEA PEAK RING MIDDEN SURVEY: A CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF SUBSISTENCE AND FEASTING AROUND THE AZOTEA MESA, EDDY COUNTY, NM 16 Ryan Scott Hechler, Statistical Research, Inc. DATA RECOVERY AT SEVEN SITES SOUTH OF SANTA FE FOR NM GAS CO. Kye Miller, PaleoWest 20 SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST: ARCHAEOLOGICAL DICHOTOMIES, ORTHODOXIES, AND 21 HETERODOXIES IN THE MOGOLLON OR WERE THOSE MIGRANTS PROPERLY DOCUMENTED? Marc Thompson 28 REPORT ON 2019 NMAC FALL CONFERENCE: COLLABORATIVE ARCHAEOLOGY, INDIGENOUS ARCHAEOLOGY, AND TRIBAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION IN THE SOUTHWESTERN UNITED STATES Michael Spears NMAC CONTACTS 30 NewsMAC Spring 2020 President’s Welcome Greetings all and welcome to this pandemic issue of NewsMAC. I want to say thank you to Tamara Jager Stewart for volunteering to fill our newsletter editor vacancy this year, and working with our NMAC Past President Kye Miller to get this issue out to the membership during this busy and stressful time for all of us. I hope everyone is healthy and safe, and dealing well with the challenges of teleworking, videoconferencing, and Zoom-meeting fatigue—or the even greater challenges of safely conducting fieldwork during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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