Annual Report for the Town of Duxbury For
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THE ANNUAL REPORT RECEIPTS AND EXPElNDITUllES TOWN OF DUXBURY, FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 18, 1863. BOSTON: J. E. FARWELL & COMPANY, PRINTERS, No. 37 CONGKESS Street. 1 8 63. REPORT. In accordance with a vote of the Town, the Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor submit their Annual Report of Receipts and Expenditures of the Town of Duxbury, for the year ending February 18th, 1863. Statement of School Money. Bank Divi- Amount No. of Balance Assessment dend and of Balance Prudential Total. Committee. School Orders District. from 1861. 1862. Fund. drawn. due. 1 $30 95 $ 219 54 $ 14 46 $264 95 $ 119 60 $ 145 35 2 Seth C. Gushing 122 39 192 44 11 75 326 58 228 00 98 58 3 121 45 210 51 13 56 345 52 203 78 141 74 4 George Chandler 199 95 192 44 11 75 404 14 262 62 141 52 5 Artemas Ingles 72 26 165 35 9 04 246 65 205 14 41 51 6 James Southworth . 19 40 126 97 5 20 151 57 91 75 59 82 7 128 63 194 70 11 98 335 31 237 25 98 06 8 106 57 174 38 9 95 290 90 288 79 2 11 9 Harrison W^eston 62 59 111 16 3 62 177 37 161 55 15 82 10 90 16 129 23 5 43 224 82 145 75 79 07 11 Nehemiah Peterson. 88 55 167 60 9 26 265 41 173 88 91 53 12 Lewis B. Barstow . 75 09 115 68 4 07 194 84 191 47 3 37 $ 1,117 99 $ 2,000 00 $ 110 07 $ 3,228 06 $ 2,309 58 $ 918 48 Incidental Expenses. Paid balance of Selectmen's bill for 1861, $ 93 45 Selectmen and Assessors' bill for 1862, 323 40 Taxes remitted, 116 20 Digging snow, 184 27 Overwork on highways, 228 65 Repairing road and bridge near David Walker's, 138 85 Damrell & Welch, printing Selectmen's Report, 45 00 School Committee's Report, 28 00 School Committee, 62 50 Book agent, 15 00 Amoun t carried forward, $ 1,235 32 .4 Amount brought forward, $ 1,235 32 Paid fortifications at the Gurnet, 68 85 School Committee book tax, 44 00 Charles H. Chandler, Constable's fees, 7 17 William J. Alden, u 12 83 Augustus Weston, " 8 85 Interest for money hired, 6 95 Kemoving the body of H. B. Paulding, 130 00 Enginemen, 44 00 Sheep killed by dogs, 15 00 Kepairing engine, 6 98 Dr. James AVilde, examining sixty recruits, 30 00 James M. Weston, returning deaths, 4 30 Aaron Simmons << 1 80 Josiah Peterson, clerk fees, recording births, deaths, &c., 23 50 " express, postage, stationery, 2 80 Eufus Holmes, rent of land for engine house, 3 00 Eden S. Sampson, treasurer and collector of fees, 241 75 Overdrawn from volunteers' fund, 52 45 1,939 55 By balance to new account, 261 22 Contra Credit, $ 2,200 77 By Balance from 1861, $ 470 91 Assessment, incidental, 1862, 700 00 digging snow, 1862, 175 00 new road, " ' 175 00 Deficiency of highway and book tax, 114 41 Overlays on taxes, 487 34 Omitted taxes, 6 00 Balance of engine money, 2 91 Eeceived of School Committee, 1 65 " for license on dogs, 64 30 " G. B. Wetson, on account H. B. Paulding, 1 25 " James M. Weston, for use of Town House, 2 00 $ 2,200 77 5 Bounty Paid to Volunteers. Paid thirty-two three-years' men one hundred dollars each, $ 3,200 00 Fifty-five nine-months' men " 5,500 00 8,700 00 Less, four men transferred to Boston, 400 00 $ 8,300 00 Money Hired to pay Volunteers. Hired from citizens of Duxbury, $ 1,000 00 Plymouth Bank, 2,200 00 Waltham " 5,000 00 Keceived from sale of ten shares Merchants Bank, 897 00 9,097 00 Less, received on account of interest, 388 00 8,709 00 Deposited Plymouth Bank $ 400, Treasurer's hands, $ 9, 409 00 $8,300 00 Settlement with Liquor Agent. By Liquor purchased, $ 233 47 United States license, 20 00 Agent's salary one year, 40 00 $ 293 47 Liquor sold, including barrels, $ 269 05 Amount of liquor on hand over last settlement, 10 00 $ 279 05 Balance against the town, 14 42 $ 293 47 We have examined the accounts of Eden S. Sampson, Esq., Treasurer for 1862, and find them as follows : — Dr. Foot of tax bills, $ 9,372 84 Eeceived of Josiah Peterson, license on dogs, 64 30 Amount carried forward, $9,437 14 6 Amount brought forward, % 9,437 14 Bank dividend, 25 00 Massachusetts School Fund, 85 07 Omitted taxes, (5 00 Balance of engine money, 2 91 Eeceived of School Committee, 1 65 G. B. Weston, on account of H. B. Paulding, 1 25 Received of James M. Weston, use of Town House, 2 00 Uncollected taxes, 1861, 262 98 Cash in hands of Treasurer, 1861, 998 19 Received of Harvey Soule, Treasurer, 1860, 35 00 % 10,857 19 Cr. Paid State tax, $ 2,484 00 County tax, 1,336 84 Selectmen's orders, 4,249 64 Overseers of the Poor orders, 2,141 81 Uncollected taxes, 1862. 348 39 Cash on hand, 296 51 $ 10,857 19 Outstanding Debts of the Town. Due the several school districts, $ 918 48 Overdrawn on Overseers of the Poor account, 235 87 $ 1,154 35 Available Means to Pay the Same. Cash in hands of Treasurer, $ 296 51 Uncollected taxes, 1862, 348 39 1860, 51 10 " 1859, 80 54 Leaving a deficiency, 377 81 $1,154 35 7 The Selectmen woulij recommend the following sums to defray the expenses of the town the ensuing year, viz : — Schools, $ 2,000 00 Highways, 1,000 00 Support of poor, 2,400 00 Contingent expenses, * 700 00 Deficiency of last year, 300 00 $ 6,400 00 AH of which is most respectfully submitted. ELBKIDGE CHANDLER, ") Selectmen SAMUEL AT WELL, [ of JOHN HOLMES, ) Duxbury. REPORT OF THE OVERSEERS OE THE POOR. • Expenses of the Almshouse for the year ending Eebruary 18, 1863. Paid Rufus Sampson, two months' service Superintendent, $ 50 00 Nath'l Bosworth, ten " " " 187 50 For moving Wm, Sherburne's goods and family to house, 11 00 John Sampson, goods, 67 27 R. B. Chandler, wood, 9 00 J. F. Wadsworth, wood, 14 00 John W. Cushman, wood, 8 50 Jesse Chandler, wood, 5 00 Ebcnezer Chandler, wood, 7 00 Levi Chandler, wood, 2 75 Eden Wadsworth, wood, 5 00 Charles Delano, wood, 6 75 William Myrick, wood, 3 00 Nathan Chandler, wood, 5 00 George Winslow, coal, , 44 53 Harvey Soule, goods, 41 04 Augustus Weston, corn fodder, 1 00 Martin Freeman, coffin for Mrs. Gardner, 6 75 " " repairing windows, &c., 1 73 Nathaniel Ford &l Sons, goods, 201 93 Moving Hannah Thomas and Abigail Gardner to house, 3 50 Amount carried forward. $ 683 15 8 Amount brought forward, ^ $ 683 15 Paid Allen Prior, grain and flour, 262 15 Otis Weston, shoemaking, 7 45 Peleg Wadsworth, goods, 20 46 Sylvanus Prior, teaming, 15 43 Daniel L. Soule, fish, . 77 Lewis Simmons, Jr., moving, &c., Charles Witherill and family to house, 8 00 Martin Freeman, coffins for H. Oldham and C. Witherill, 16 00 Oersham Witherill, stove-pipe, 5 69 E. H. Chandler, repairing furnace, 1 50 George Bradford, meat, 28 67 James M. Weston, sexton bill, 5 00 " Old Colony Memorial," advertising Almshouse keeper. 75 " Plymouth Kock," " " 1 00 Dr. J. Wilde, medical attendance for house, 1 2 00 Samuel H. Gurdy, meat, 14 22 Samuel Atwell, alcohol, house, 2 00 Elbridge Chandler, keeping books, express, and postage, 6 82 $1,091 06 Expenses for Support of Poor out of Almshouse. Paid Alfred Simmons and family's support $ 3 50 AVidow Cyrus Churchill " " ' 55 50 Town of Abington, Eebecca Stetson's support, 15 00 Miss Joanna Keen's support, 28 50 Thomas L. Soule's - 36 00 Nathaniel Glass's " 96 00 Georgianna Lewis's " 36 00 Lucy Soule and family's support, ' 29 56 William Sherburn's funeral expenses, physician's bill, and family's support, 89 85 G. B. Weston, post and rails, Southworth Place, 1 93 State Lunatic Hospital, Taunton, 358 39 Widow Eebecca Higgins's support, 9 65 Samuel Stickney's support, 6 13 Charles Estus, coffin, &c., for Artemus Simmons, 9 25 Amount carried forward, $ 775 26 9 Amount brought forward, $ 775 26 Paid Seth Jones, coffins for Geo. P. Peterson's wife and Widow Keen, 13 75 James Burgess and family's support, 6 00 Charles Witherill - - 16 50 Widow Anderson, wood, 4 67 Interest paid, 6 49 Town of Plymouth, J. Batson family's support, 57 15 Widow Barton's support, 5 00 Ichabod W. Chandler family's support, 2 00 Widow lieed's support, 3 00 Widow Betsy Peterson's support, 8 57 Henry Wadsworth, moving Lemuel Cobb to State Almshouse, 5 00 William J. Alden, - - - - 3 75 City of Cambridge, Sarah H. Sprague's support, 38 75 Town of Marshfield, Hannah Thomas's " 2 00 City of Boston, Elisha Wadsworth and Lucy E. Weston's support, 16 50 Town of Abington, Widow Winslow and Wm. Sherburn ^ family's support, 18 00 E. B. Chandler, wood for Thomas Soule, 5 50 Widow Stephen Weston, 2, 75 Estate Nathan C. Brewster, undertaker, 9 00 Town of Holden, physician's bill, nursing, funeral ex- penses of Jerusha S. Waterman, 20 25 City of Boston, George E. Stetson's support, 7 86 Edward G. Hunt family's support, 6 00 Peleg Wadsworth, wood for Joseph Prior, 5 00 Town of Plymouth, coffin and funeral expenses of Edward Southworth, 12 00 $ 1,050 75 Available Means for Support of Poor, 1862.