June 30, 2014 Price $6.99
PRICE $6.99 JUNE 30, 2014 JUNE 30, 2014 7 GOINGS ON ABOUT TOWN 19 THE TALK OF THE TOWN Dexter Filkins on Obama and Iraq; diving at the World Cup; Jane Gardam; cockroach genome; urban planning: the musical. john cOlapinto 24 SHY AND MIGHTY What’s next for the xx? david sedaris 30 STEPPING OUT Living the Fitbit life. jeffrey toobin 34 THE ABSOLUTIST Don’t underestimate Ted Cruz. nathan heller 46 MOMENT TO MOMENT Time and Richard Linklater. FICTION rebecca Curtis 56 “THE PINK HOUSE” THE CRITICS THE THEATRE Hilton Als 66 “When We Were Young and Unafraid,” “Much Ado About Nothing.” BOOKS Caleb Crain 70 A new biography of Stephen Crane. 75 Briefly Noted THE CURRENT CINEMA Anthony lane 76 “Jersey Boys,” “Venus in Fur.” POEMS timothy donnelly 38 “Malamute” jean gallagher 60 “To Noah, from Wife” bruce M cCall COVER “Cap’n Ahab’s” DRAWINGS Zachary Kanin, Edward Steed, Farley Katz, Joe Dator, William Haefeli, Tom Cheney, Ken Krimstein, Danny Shanahan, Christopher Weyant, Frank Cotham, Paul Noth, Robert Mankoff, Drew Dernavich, P. C. Vey SPOTS Tibor Kárpáti 2 THE NEW YORKER, JUNE 30, 2014 CONTRIBUTORS dexter FIlkins (comment, p. 19) , the author of “The Forever War,” has reported from Iraq since 2003. He joined the magazine as a sta' writer in 2011. ELIzabeth kolbert (the talk of the town, p. 22) is the author of, most re- cently, “The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History.” john colapinto (“shy and mighty,” p. 24) , a sta' writer, will publish “An Up- right Man,” his second novel, early next year.
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