Whatcom Middle School MUSIC Expires in 2011

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Whatcom Middle School MUSIC Expires in 2011 THE GRISTLE, P.6 /# "'* .+xFREE WILL, P.28 cascadia REPORTING FROM THE HEART OF CASCADIA WHATCOM*SKAGIT*ISLAND*LOWER B.C. 12.z.09 :: #52, v.04 :: !- - .*'0/$*). MAKE ‘EM, DON’T BREAK ‘EM, P.13 ) 2 "$))$)". BELLINGHAM CHILDREN’S THEATRE, P.15 -0(*-#.$/ IT WAS A YEAR, P.18 ./2009&2*-./ 30 30 FOOD cascadia !'0/$./ % !!- 4*#) 25 25 WILL MAKE MUSIC DURING THE CAS- CADE EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL’S “LOUIS XIV’S BASSOON” CONCERT JAN. 3 AT CLASSIFIEDS A glance at what’s happening this week ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 22 22 FILM FILM 2 ) .4[12.z.09] 18 DANCE NYE Crash Course: 7pm, Blue Moon Ballroom MUSIC MUSIC Cole Anderson: 7:30pm, Lairmont Manor 16 ART ART GET OUT Epic Run: 7pm, Fairhaven Runners 15 /#0-.4[12.zx.09] STAGE STAGE $!4*0- ON STAGE Vampire Hearts: 7pm, RiverBelle Dinner # .)*/ Theatre, Mount Vernon 14 The Cody Rivers Show: 8pm, iDiOM Theater +*0)$)" New Year’s Eve Shows: 9pm and 11pm, Up- FROM AN OVERABUNDANCE GET OUT front Theatre OF END-OF-THE-YEAR DANCE CHAMPAGNE, STRIP DOWN 13 NYE Contra Dance: 8pm-1am, Norway Hall TO YOUR SWIMSUIT ON NEW MUSIC WORDS No-Fi Soul Rebellion: Boundary Bay Brewery YEAR’S DAY AND START 2010 Flowmotion, Acorn Project: 9pm, Wild Buffalo OFF WITH EITHER A “POLAR 8 Yogoman Burning Band, the Dt’s: Nightlight Lounge PLUNGE” IN BIRCH BAY OR THE ANNUAL “PADDEN COMMUNITY CURRENTS CURRENTS Labyrinth Walk: 3-5pm, Bellingham First POLAR DIP” Congregational Church 6 Labyrinth Walk: 4-9pm, Leopold Crystal Ballroom VIEWS VIEWS First Night Bellingham: 9pm-2am, Best West- ern Lakeway Inn 4 GET OUT MAIL MAIL Get Movin’ Kickoff: 6-9pm, Bellingham Sportsplex 2 Ring of Fire: 7pm, Birch Bay waterfront DO IT IT DO DO IT 2 VISUAL ARTS ./0-4[01.y.10] VISUAL ARTS pretive Center, Rockport Make.Shift Art Show Closing: 9pm, Casa Que Guy Anderson, Ann Morris Opening: 5-7pm, 09 09 Pasa ON STAGE Lucia Douglas Gallery .30. Vampire Hearts: 7pm, RiverBelle Dinner (*)4[01.{.10] 12 Theatre, Mount Vernon !-$4[01.x.10] Games Galore: 8pm, Upfront Theatre .0)4[01.z.10] ON STAGE .04 The Cody Rivers Show: 8pm, iDiOM Theater Radium Girls Auditions: 7pm, Claire vg Thomas 52 ON STAGE Director’s Cut: 10pm, Upfront Theatre ON STAGE Theatre, Mount Vernon # Vampire Hearts: 7pm, RiverBelle Dinner Comedy Night: 8pm, Fairhaven Pub Theatre, Mount Vernon MUSIC WORDS Games Galore: 8pm, Upfront Theatre Thomas Harris Quintet: 2-5pm, VFW Hall Poetrynight: 8pm, Anker Café The Cody Rivers Show: 8pm, iDiOM Theater MUSIC Director’s Cut: 10pm, Upfront Theatre COMMUNITY Cascade Early Music Festival: 4pm, St. Paul’s Resolutions: 11am-4pm, Village Books Episcopal Church /0 .4[01.|.10] GET OUT CASCADIA WEEKLY New Year’s Day Ride: 10:15am, Fairhaven Park GET OUT COMMUNITY ON STAGE Resolution Run: 11am, Lake Padden Birding the Beaches of Semiahmoo: 9am-12pm, Community Breakfast: 8am-1pm, Rome Grange Radium Girls Auditions: 7pm, Claire vg Thomas 2 Polar Plunge: 12pm, Birch Bay Drive Semiahmoo Park Museum Laughter Club: 4pm, Co-op Connections Building Theatre, Mount Vernon Padden Polar Dip: 12pm, Lake Padden Eagle Watching: 10am-4pm, Skagit River Inter- Eagle Tour: 1:30-4pm, with the Whatcom Land pretive Center, Rockport GET OUT GET OUT Trust Eagle Watching: 10am-4pm, Skagit River Inter- Ski and Snowboard Tuning 101: 6pm, REI 30 30 YOUR LOCAL PLACE FOR FUN FOOD EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! 25 CLASSIFIEDS 22 22 FILM FILM 18 MUSIC 16 ART ART (YHU\)ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\QLJKWVWDUWLQJ 15 RQ-DQXDU\ZLQDFKDQFHWREXU\\RXU RSSRQHQWLQVQRZDQGZLQFROG STAGE KDUGFDVK6HH:LQQHUV&OXEIRUGHWDLOV 14 GET OUT 3 13 WORDS Sports Bar 8 Games Pull Tabs CURRENTS Pool Tables 6 Darts VIEWS 4 Dance Floor MAIL 2 Music 2 DO IT IT DO DO IT Live Entertainment! 09 09 .30. January’s Club 542 Pizza & Beer Deal 12 7KLV -DQXDU\ RQO\ LQ &OXE ² EX\V \RX D LQFKWRSSLQJSL]]D SLWFKHURIGRPHVWLFEHHU² .04 52 DOOGD\HYHU\GD\ # See works from the late Guy Anderson—one of the Every Week in January: Plus Live Entertainment: “mystic painters of the Northwest”—at an opening Wednesdays: Karaoke January 9th Live music featuring Silver City reception Jan. 2 at the Lucia Douglas Gallery. New Thursdays: .+(0/".," &(.*! +2 +2 January 16th Live music featuring The Tropics works from Lummi Island sculptor Ann Morris will also be on display Fridays: +2 +2*! * &*$ CASCADIA WEEKLY TO GET YOUR EVENTS LISTED, 3 SEND DETAILS TO CALENDAR@ CASCADIAWEEKLY.COM WWW.NOOKSACKCASINOS.COM 4 877.777.9847 4 5048 MOUNT BAKER HIGHWAY 4 DEMING WA MAIL Contact Cascadia Weekly: THIS ISSUE E 360.647.8200 30 30 Perennial bad Editorial FOOD boy Charlie Sheen allegedly spent Editor & Publisher: Christmas Day in Tim Johnson 25 25 Aspen wielding a E ext 260 mail knife at his wife, ô editor@ Brooke Mueller, cascadiaweekly.com CONTENTS CREDITS LETTERS and threatening to Arts & Entertainment CLASSIFIEDS kill her if she told Editor: Amy Kepferle anybody. Mueller Eext 203 says Sheen became ô calendar@ 22 22 enraged when cascadiaweekly.com she told him she FILM FILM Music & Film Editor: wanted a divorce. Carey Ross Happy holidays, Eext 204 indeed. 18 ô music@ cascadiaweekly.com MUSIC Production Art Director: Jesse Kinsman 16 VIEWS & NEWS ô graphics@ ART ART 4: Mailbag cascadiaweekly.com 6: Keeping Whatcom united Graphic Artists: Kimberly Baldridge 15 8: The year in news ô kim@ 11: Horseplay and hijinks kinsmancreative.com STAGE STAGE Stefan Hansen ô stefan@ ARTS & LIFE cascadiaweekly.com 14 13: Resolving resolutions Send All Advertising Materials To [email protected] 14: Pedal pushers GET OUT 15: BCT is back on track Advertising Advertising Director: 16: Worth the wait Nicki Oldham 13 18: Globetrotters E360-647-8200 x 202 ô nicki@ cascadiaweekly.com WORDS 20: Clubs 22: Crazy Cage Account Executives: 8 Marisa Papetti E360-647-8200 x 252 REAR END ô marisa@ stimulates our local economy golden orb now sits in some- 25: Services, Troubletown cascadiaweekly.com and the and the principle to one’s home as a trophy to their CURRENTS CURRENTS KEEP THE HOLIDAY 26: Advice Goddess, Sudoku Frank Tabbita SPIRIT “buy local,” which makes Bell- lack of community interest. E360-739-2388 6 27: Wellness ô frank@ When I picked up a copy of ingham such a unique, special Please bring it back and cascadiaweekly.com the Dec. 23 Weekly, the front place to live. leave it after hours at the 28: Free Will Astrology VIEWS VIEWS Holley Gardoski page evoked joyful child- —Nancy Steele, Bellingham back door of Village Books. 29: Crossword, comics E360-421-2513 hood memories of Christmas’s The good folks there will get it 4 4 30: Spicing things up ô holley@ past: Waiting for Santa to fly into the proper hands to be re- cascadiaweekly.com VILLAGE GREEN MAIL MAIL MAIL over our home in his sleigh VANDALISM installed on the kiosk. There Distribution and pop down the chimney to Fairhaven Village Green has will be no questions asked. If 2 JW Land & Associates lay gifts under the Yule tree. been a well-used and treasured you did not take it, but know cascadia Christian Clark DO IT IT DO Disappointingly, the bottom gift to our community. Half of who did, please urge them to ô distro@ right-hand corner of the cover its expense, its artwork and return it; our community is di- ©2009 CASCADIA WEEKLY (ISSN 1931-3292) is published each Wednesday by cascadiaweekly.com Cascadia Newspaper Company LLC. Direct all correspondence to: Cascadia Weekly 09 09 page depicts a black-and- all of its adornments—such minished by its absence. PO Box 2833 Bellingham WA 98227-2833 | Phone/Fax: 360.647.8200 [email protected] white drawing of a figure lift- as the pergola, the steel fence —Village Green Committee .30. Though Cascadia Weekly is distributed free, please take just one copy. Cascadia 12 Weekly may be distributed only by authorized distributors. Any person removing Letters ing up the corner of the page and the benches and the pav- papers in bulk from our distribution points risks prosecution Send letters to letters@ to peer at a barcode. Yes, ers—were paid for with the ZOMBIE NATION SUBMISSIONS: Cascadia Weekly welcomes freelance submissions. Send material cascadiaweekly.com. .04 to either the News Editor or A&E Editor. Manuscripts will be returned of you there is decidedly a great de- donations of committed indi- The really sick thing about 52 include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. To be considered for calendar list- # THE GRISTLE, P.6 /# "'* .+xFREE WILL, P.28 ings, notice of events must be received in writing no later than noon Wednesday cascadia gree of commercialism tied viduals and businesses. There our zombie-market economy REPORTING FROM THE HEART OF CASCADIA the week prior to publication. Photographs should be clearly labeled and will be WHATCOM*SKAGIT*ISLAND*LOWER B.C. 12.z.09 :: #52, v.04 :: !- in with Christmas. The media has been virtually no vandal- of consumer exploiting hype returned if accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. - .*'0/$*). MAKE ‘EM, DON’T BREAK ‘EM, P.13 LETTERS POLICY: Cascadia Weekly reserves the right to edit letters for length and ) 2 "$))$)". BELLINGHAM CHILDREN’S THEATRE, P.15 bombards us with it, and we’re ism to the park until now. is the degree it is addicted -0(*-#.$/ content. When apprised of them, we correct errors of fact promptly and courteously. IT WAS A YEAR, P.18 In the interests of fostering dialog and a community forum, Cascadia Weekly does led to believe we’d best spend Some unthinking person to bubble inflation as a sub- not publish letters that personally disparage other letter writers.
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